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SISSY by Sissy Property of: __________________ (part 6) I did not stay at the farm very long. In fact it was only one night. That night I was stripped and hosed down. After I was collared, I was then caged for the night. The next morning I was auctioned off again. It went almost 100% like the last time. Just my chain sisters were different. When the bidding had finished, I was led from the auction block and taken to the shipping room, where I was readied for shipment. My ride to my new home was a large shipping crate in which I was enclosed. I had no idea where I was until I was released from the crate several days later. It was then I saw my new Mistress and new home for the first time. My new Mistress was like my previous Mistresses and yet very different. Mistress Sonja was 5 feet 8 inches tall with blonde hair over Her shoulders. Full figured with a 37" hips, 22 inch waist and 38C chest, She weighed in at 125 pounds. With Her long legs, She was a fashion model, a very famous and highly paid model. She was 23 years old so She was much younger than my previous Mistresses. Also while She was also rich, She was the only one who worked for Her money. And She worked hard. My new home was in New York City when my Mistress worked as a model. The house was a midtown Manhattan townhouse. It was a three story house with the first floor was strictly for public entertainment and business. Mistress had her office there and entertained business associates and guests in the living room. The second floor was set for everyday living. A den at the front, a kitchen in the rear and a dining room off the kitchen. Upstairs on the third floor were Mistress Sonja's bedroom, a guest bedroom, two bathrooms and dressing rooms and off Mistress's bedroom my little bedroom. My room was not more than a small closet and contained my small, hard bed and built-in drawers. And not much more. The house was situated on a side street so it was much quieter that one imagines New York to be. The duties were as before with Mistress Beverly. Except I was almost never used sexually. Mistress Sonja had several lovers so She only used me when She was frustrated or to reward me (almost never). When Mistress was out of town for the weekend or on assignment, She loaned me to her lovers. These men took delight in their use of me. Both domestic and sexual. For almost a year i served Mistress Sonja when my life was changed again. I was cleaning Mistress's bathroom when i heard glass breaking downstairs. When i investigated i saw three people in jeans and leather jackets going through Mistress's desk. As i turned to call the police, i was caught by another biker. She was the largest woman i ever saw. At 6'4", she weighted every bit of 200 pounds and all of it muscle. She was also the dirtiest, smelliest, cruelest and meanest woman i ever met. "What have we here? Our host has a maid/slave. This is the most valuable thing here." With that i was hogtied and blindfolded. Something, i think it was a blanket, was thrown over me and i was carried out of the house. Placing me in what i believe was a van with what little they took from Mistress, they closed the doors with a bang and the vehicle started to move. Sometime later it slowed down and then stopped. The doors were opened and i was removed from the van and the blanket was removed. My blindfold was removed and my mouth was gagged with a couple pairs of Mistress's finest panties jammed into my mouth. I was surprised to see my captures were a women's motorcycle gang, a lesbian biker gang. They all were dressed in jeans and leather, greasy, dirty and smelly. My legs were cut free and my outer clothes were ripped from my body. I was then thrown over a nearby bike and my legs were spread and tied. While i watched, they put on latex panties that had built-in dildos, both in and outer. My panties were ripped off and they expressed surprise at my additional equipment. It did little to slow them down and soon they were taking turns raping my ass with their hard rubber dicks. I would lose consciousness and they would use a bucket of water on me and they would continue. It continued until i could see the morning sunlight on the floor. Later i was released and locked in a metal cabinet. For the next several days, when i wasn't being used by the bikers i was locked in the cabinet. I was never allowed to clean up or be alone. The use included not only sex but beatings, humiliation, service, etc. Early one night, the leader pulled me into her lap and fondling my tits told me what they were going to do to me. "cunt, the papers said the robbers had inside help from the maid, you. So you are now a wanted criminal. You have a choice, you can leave, but in your present state you will be picked up very shortly or you can stay with us. If you stay you will work. Your ass will be on the street working. We will protect, feed, clothe and shelter you. You will have value. Make your choice. NOW" What could I do? I stayed. That night i was dressed in a tight sheath dress in red and heels and was out working the lower Manhattan street. I was required to earn a minimum amount of money. It was different every night. More on weekends and convention nights. I also had a minimum number of clients. Every evening I was dropped off on a street corner by one of the bikers and every morning I was picked up by one. Before I could go to bed in my cabinet, I had to turn over all my money to the leader. I had to account for all my clients, how much they paid, my much in tips and how much i stole. If i was short of the minimums or lied (they had me watched) i was punished. It varied. for a minor offense i was pissed on. For more serious offenses, i was not allowed to eat all day. That was hurt me more than anything else because of my small waist and no body fat. For the most serious offenses, i was whipped with care taken not to damage me. Every night was much the same. All my clients were men. Since i made it clear i was only into blowjobs, i was not found out. It also gave me a very active cliental as most men were looking for blowjobs. Most of them were lower and middle class white but there were some rich men and blacks. I did my job in by the hour rooms, in cars, alleys and once at the curb. The other girls on the street dressed alike. Most of them did not do blowjobs, so there was little competition as a matter of fact they refereed men to me. There were black ones, whites, oriental, small, big, fat, blonde, red head, etc. In short a cross section of womanhood. You ask what about the cops? They were there. They did not bother us much as long as we didn't roll our clients or did anything in public. But there was a payback. The cops would pick up a hooker or two and take them to a cop party where the hooker were the party favors. The vice cops were different. At the parties they would use us like any other cop, but on the street that didn't cut any ice. One night a dude in a caddy convertible stops at my corner and negotiates an agreement for services. At the motel room, I was arrested for prostitution and take downtown for booking. I was one of several girls taken in this sting. New York's mayor was one a law and order kick. It was an election year and the liberals were crying for law and order. At the station, I was id'ed as the maid wanted in Mistress Sonja's robbery and I was booked for the robbery as well as prostitution. After the booking, I was turned over to the jail matrons and taken to a back room. There I was strip searched and my body cavity was searched. The matrons were not too surprised at my sexual orientation. The matrons were no beauty queens by a long shot. They both were in their thirties and at least 50 pounds overweight. Their uniforms were sloppy and did not fit well, they did not give the image of dominance. When one of the matron went to get me a uniform, the other one pushed me to my knees and pulled my head between her legs. I had been there enough to know what she wanted from me. The lack of panties on her part only confirmed it. Her crotch smelled and was very hairy. The other matron returned before I was finished and the two switched places. When finished, I was allowed to dress. The uniform was nothing more than a medium length sleeveless shift, made of cotton and washed out blue in color. They allowed me no undergarments and no shoes. I was then taken to a cell. Instead of putting me with the other hookers, I was put in a large cell with several other women who I was told were there for violent crimes, murder, assault, robbery, etc. The matron escorted me to my bunk. As soon as the cell door closed several women surrounded my bunk and held me down. As I tried to cal out another woman sat on my mouth. My dress was pulled up. Until Breakfast time, several hours later, I was used by everyone in the cell, until they were satisfied. After we were fed, we were taken to a shower room and allowed to clean up. More liberties were taken with me by both the prisoners and the matrons. Mid morning, I was given underwear and shoes and taken to the courthouse. I was questioned by the police and the DA where I told my story. After several questions from the police, the robbery detail left and Mistress Sonja entered. As the door closed behind the DA, She slapped me several times, yelled at me and called me a ungrateful little whore. I wrapped myself around her legs crying and begging Her forgiveness. Soon She settled down and started comforting me. "I heard your whole story and I understand you didn't have a lot of choice. The police have found the bikers and enough of my property to arrest them. They'll be in jail for awhile." The DA reentered with a matron and I was taken to the court room. Standing before the judge I wasn't afraid as the DA read the charges. All was right in my world because Mistress Sonja had forgiven me. The trial was very short. The DA dropped the robbery charges and allowed that the prostitution charges were my first offense and I was forced to do it. The judge was an older gentleman. He had me taken to his chambers to question me himself. There he sat down in his office chair and had me kneel before him. "You know what to do girl. Do a good job and you'll get a light sentence. A bad job and you'll spend a year in the cell you spent last night in. I want to show you pity, but you must give me a reason to." What else could I do? Thirty minutes later, we left the judge's chambers and he pronounced my sentence. Time served and one year probation. Taken back to jail, my uniform was taken from me and I dressed in the clothing I was arrested in. But not before these two matrons played with me for awhile. Mistress Sonja was waiting for me at the front door and She took me home. That night I spent the night in Her bed serving Her and tell Mistress all that happened. Soon all was back to normal, although Mistress seemed to treat me a little more coldly. Or so I thought. One evening a large white man who was well dressed came to the door. Mistress Sonja greeted him and took him into Her office and closed the door. I didn't get to concerned and thought he was a client of Mistress. Sometime later when they left the office I was called to them. As I knelt before them my heart almost stopped when Mistress Sonja coldly told the man, "Take her the slut's all yours." He dragged me kicking and crying to his limo. When we arrived at his home, I was taken upstairs and placed in a sparsely furnished bedroom and locked in. Later that evening, my new owner, Master James, entered the room. I was pulled over His knee and spanked for embarrassing him outside Mistress Sonja's. While still over His knee I was informed about my new position. "Slut, I now own you. I run a high class string of girl. Yes I'm a pimp. But I only run very high class call girls. And I do mean high class exclusive and very expensive. While most of my girls are employees, a few are like you, slaves. While I do not pay them, I feed, cloth, and shelter them. When they are not humping, they work here, doing jobs like cleaning, phones, office work, etc. You are not allowed to contact Mistress Sonja. She has leased you to me for a long term. She was very upset with you." For the next month, I worked in the house. Mostly cleaning and cooking, but I also worked in the office and answered the phones. Answering the phones, got me into trouble. One slow night, I called Mistress Sonja and talked with Her for several minutes begging Her to take me back and promising to be very good, etc. Within the hour, Master James pulls me from the office and downstairs into the cellar. For the next two days I was whipped with rubber whips, starved and otherwise punished. Mistress Sonja had called Master James and informed Him of my disobedience. Soon I was working at my new profession as a high class call girl. I was kept at the house until a client called and then I was taken to the caller by chauffeur driven limo. I was always well dressed. Always expensive, classy, conservative and very tight. My fee was $1000 a pop, all night was more. I was expected to be very good, in more ways than one. The chauffeur was a tall, well built and very dark black man. His muscles were there for a purpose, to protect Master James's investment. The limo was a long white caddy with very dark windows. He always waited for me and treated me, in public, with the respect one would expect. Privately not so nice. My clients were the rich and famous, both domestic and international. After all this is New York City. They were both men and women. Their only similarity was that they were all very kinky. They were into she- males, bondage, discipline, water sports and other fun things. My services were sold to some very surprising people. Like the television preacher who is into have a tv maid clean his room and then raping her. Or the television heart throb who took me on a date to a very nice Italian restaurant and had me give him a blowjob under the table. My hours were 24 hours a day seven days a week. Late morning to early afternoon were the quietest. More so during the weekdays. Master James's house was a detached house in upper Manhattan. The neighborhood was very exclusive. Read very expensive. Upstairs, the bedrooms were broken into many small rooms. There was only two small beds and two chest of drawers in each room. Two girls were assigned to each room. No sexual interaction was allowed. For two reasons. One we were almost always too tired. Master James doesn't make money if we aren't on our backs. Second, the punishment was not pleasant. A steel chastity belt was locked on for a week the first time. Even when working. So one didn't get too many thumbs ups. When we aren't on our backs, we do other duties. Cleaning, mending and cooking. We clean everything. Laundry, dishes, dusting, bathrooms, bedrooms and even do windows. Every night Master James selects a girl to serve Him for the night. From experience, I can tell you she gets a very through workout. She works harder in His bed than all night with the clients. Master James will use any hole big enough to fit, even ears and nose if they were big enough. One night Master James got a call from a new client for several girls to entertain at a company party. Only the best would do, price was no object. When we got there, several well dressed men were present. They started dancing with us then took us one by one into a smaller off room. When each of us got into the room, we then found out we were arrested for prostitution. They had several video cameras in each room so they had us dead to rights. Each of us were cuffed, frisked (by male officers who got off on it), marandized and taken down stairs. At the front door, our coach, a paddy wagon, awaited us. On the way to the downtown jail, several police officers, both male and female, had their way with us. Two officers had me service their night sticks at both ends. God they were big. At a stop light they rotated guards. Two K-9 officers used my mouth to suck off their dogs. Downtown, we were booked and allowed our one telephone call. We would spend the night in jail, because we were not able to get into night court. The jail was one of the oldest public buildings still in use. The older architecture was cold and forbidding, like it was foretelling its use. I was thrown into a large dark cell that was full of prisoners. Before they left, the two guards raped me, using me for their lust and entertainment. When they were gone, the dykes took over so I spent the remainder of the night satisfying their lusts. After a sleepless night, I was taken with the rest of the girls to the showers. While we washed up for court, the male guards got their jollies watching us. Plus copping free feels. Following that we dressed and prepared for court. We were lined up and marched into a large police van. We were not fed breakfast. And off we went to court.

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Do you enjoy getting fucking freaky? Almost as much as watching others get freaky? Now what about watching the hottest black people getting their fuck on and making you wish that you could slide into the middle of the action? You know, like a fucking piece of salami inside of blackened catfish sandwich?If that sounds awesome to you, then I urge you to fucking follow No, you won’t find a particular porn star or model that is behind this Twitter account. Instead, it’s...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Becoming Josie Part 2

I put my head down on Mr. John's knee, thinking about what he was asking of me. 'Did I want to stop? Was I ready to go home and for this magical evening to end? What more could I feel tonight?'He gently stroked my hair as everyone patiently awaited my decision. This was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I leaned back on my heels, wiping my tears away. "Sir, if you will still show me tonight I want to continue. I want to feel that amazing feeling again."Mr. John smiled at me, "Are you...

First Time
1 year ago
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Boarding School Sex TrainingCh 9

A limousine picked up Rachel at school. Michael had told Rachel that she must obey all commands. Not just from Stephen, but all of his friends and employees. The driver looked at her as she began to get into the car, a stretch limousine big enough to hold at least eight people. He was young, about 23, not particularly handsome, rather tall and skinny. As she bent over to get in, she felt hands on her hips. She turned her head and saw the chauffeur, his hands holding her tightly. “Stephen says I...

2 years ago
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mom was designed for brutal rape part 1

next week we started shopping and getting all ready for bangkok. mom bought too many one piece n stylish bras for beach while i kept suggesting her the most sexy ones as if i wud tear them myself n fuck her crazy. while we wer on the plane she slept on my shoulders and i was controlling my hands from reaching out to caress her sweet smelling hair. finally i did it and she dint mind. after sometime she strainghtened up and i went straight to the toilet to jerk off. Once we reached there we...

2 years ago
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A Weekend by Design

Chapter 1 Abigail Pinot-Detrick stood at the kitchen sink washing some dishes while gazing out a near-by window. It was dusk, the rain was falling and she looked below at the reflection of the kitchen light in the puddles on the concrete driveway. It was Friday and the week felt twice as long as it had been. Although a stay-at-home mom, she was also a freelance Interior Designer. With appointments every night this past week she had only seen her husband during the kid's bath-time. He had to...

3 years ago
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My Problem

Moving from Oklahoma to be with my widowed father was difficult. On the one hand I was unhappy to leave four close friends behind. On the other, because of my divorce it was not that difficult, particularly when I learned dozens of friends and acquaintances had known about Wyatt’s affairs. What hurt even more was that one of those four friends not only knew but had helped her sister hide the affair from Tammy’s husband. The fourteen months after first moving to Oak Hill were filled with...

3 years ago
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Anna Meets Old Men in the PubChapter 3

My eyes almost popped out of my head, the dog up my arse was fucking me like a bloody jack hammer. The other dog which was knotted up my fanny seemed to get excited that his mate was fucking my arse, even though he been knotted for about half an hour, during which time it felt like he’d pumped gallons of spunk up me, I could feel his knot getting even fucking bigger! I couldn’t help myself but cum, my legs were trembling as wave after wave of orgasm overtook me. I looked at the four blokes,...

2 years ago
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It Happened in the Night Ch 0102

This is an entry in the Halloween story contest. Thanks to Mistresslynn for her editing and help throughout writing this story. This story is the first two chapters of a very long tale that will encompass many different categories on lit. Not all chapters will contain sex. CHAPTER 1: TIES THAT BIND It happened in the night. At least it was nighttime in the small southern Ontario town where Brian Johnson lived. For others it happened in an instant, exposed to the stark light of day....

4 years ago
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Screams of Joy Part III

“Do you like watching them baby?” he whispers in my ear, making me blush but still I nod my head. “Then enjoy it.” as his fingers move back to my ass pressing inside as I stroke his cock faster making it harder in my hands with every stroke. …. “And man had I enjoyed it” I think as our black cab whips its way around central London’s busy street while Craig’s hand cups my inner thigh, facing Lauren who’s pressed into Chris side kissing his lips at random moments as they chat. “Do her lips...

3 years ago
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Another Welcome GuestChapter 2

Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus, Goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. Zeus - King of the Greek gods Ares - Son of Zeus and Hera, god of war Ephus - the Godling man with an unusual power. Dr. Quinn - human wife of Ephus Egyptian Goddesses and...

4 years ago
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Car washing cunt

The ?car wash girls? were just another type of working girls in the current society. They were there in the parking lots of offices and shopping malls. The shopping malls offered free car washes during evenings and weekends to entice shoppers to come in and hired a few dozen girls to clean the cars of the shoppers. In the offices, the executives were offered daily car washes as an incentive. It was easy to offer these services as dozens of these girls were available cheaply. Sometimes senior...

1 year ago
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Batgirl Returns Part One

It was a slow night for Roland. He hated the late shift, especially patrolling the adult toy factory. His girlfriend had left him several weeks ago and seeing all the sex toys made him wish he had someone to play with. But he didn't really have time for a relationship right now. But he needed to get laid though. As he walked the factory he heard a noise and he pointed his flashlight in the direction. He saw a woman in a skin tight costume. "Hold it right there!" he called...

3 years ago
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Deep dark celebrity secret fantasies

I have been debating whether or not to share this with the community. I have shared this with a few friends here and have gotten positive feedback to where I was encouraged to share it with the rest of you. I am certain some of you may say that the characters in this fantasy are outdated or are "have beens", still I cannot get this scenario out of my mind. Here goes....So my fiancé really has a "thing" for Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez. Not going to lie, I find Britney (Spears) to be...

1 year ago
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I shared my wife with another man

Nancy and I have been married for 10 years, and our sex life is fantastic. We are open and adventurous, but had never brought anyone else into our bed. Sometimes we would watch porn, and while watching, I would ask her about what she had done with other guys she had before me. Nancy was not what I would call loose, but she has been around the block a few times, and I enjoyed hearing how she satisfied other men. Sometimes I would ask her if she had a desire to enjoy another cock, and she always...

2 years ago
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Chav Slut

It was a Friday night in November last year, I had planned to meet the lads down town for a few beers but my plans changed when I got to the bus stop. When I walked up to the bust stop I could see two chav girls sat there drinking some kind of alcopop. I immediately didn't like them, I thought why are they wasting their life freezing their asses off drinking in a bus stop? The first girl was a brunette. Her hair was slicked back tight into a ponytail, she had large hooped earrings in and too...

3 years ago
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SuperSister 7 Claire Ross Alias SuperBride

Super-Sister #7: Claire Ross, Alias Super-Bride! By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" From the...

1 year ago
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Submissived Lola Chanel Kink In Her Pink

Lola has always been a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey, but her one complaint was that it was not hardcore enough. She likes the kinky foreplay and the bondage, but she wants to see it all. You know, some P in the V action! So, when she gets the chance to get kinky with our stud, she takes it. She leaves a sign on the dresser that begs him to slam her pussy with his hard cock. He walks into her room and finds her ass up in the air with arrows pointing to her pussy hole, showing him exactly where...

2 years ago
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Felix Felicis

The small vial sat in front of me, its golden contents seeming to shine brightly although I was in a dark room. For the last time, I looked around – the dormitory was still deserted, as it had been the last five times I'd checked. With trembling fingers, I picked up the vial, and uncorked it. For a moment, I just sat, appreciating the beautiful scent that rose from the vial. Then I gripped it tightly by the neck, and took a small sip. I didn't want to use all of the Liquid Luck I'd won in...

1 year ago
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Growing up3

I guess that my hormones started working quite early. At 9, the little pink dots that had been on my chest changed into little cranberries, by 10 they had grown to rose buds and by 11, I was wearing an A cup and had begun my periods. I became sexually active at 13 and my bust was 32B. One of my cousins, Janice, 15, used to come over and spend the weekends off and on. This particular weekend was different. Janice came over, after dinner and a couple of hours of TV, we...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Savannah Sixx Whatever My Step Sister Wants

Savannah Sixx knows that she can do whatever she wants to her stepbrother, Tyler Nixon, and her stepbrother’s dad, Chris Valiant, will blame Tyler. She takes advantage every chance she gets. First, she decides to wash the windows in a pair of tiny shorts and a white shirt that gets see through when she dump water on herself. Tyler is unable to look away from the sight of Savannah’s tits. Once she’s certain that Tyler’s got a hardon, Savannah comes inside to try to touch...

3 years ago
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Couples Sharing in the FaithChapter 13

Breakfast at the Hargreaves house became lunch that day. Once Alice sent Penny to awaken Paul and after she checked at the door to confirm that incestual coupling was going on her visit to John in Penny’s bedroom became a marathon affair. So that she didn’t disturb the two in the master bedroom she showered in Penny’s bathroom but made enough noise to stir John, not wake him. Then she went to the kitchen in her robe and started getting the ingredients together to make breakfast. Traditionally...

2 years ago
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The Life of an Army WifeChapter 3

I was getting ready for work the next morning, Tuesday, when I got another phone call from Ted. "Shave your pussy before you come in, slave." It seemed pretty unnecessary to me. All I had was just a little V of hair over my slit. But it wasn't up to me. After all, it was Ted's pussy to use as he wished. I didn't have time to take another shower so I went into the bathroom and soaped up a wash cloth and used it to lather my pubic hair. I shaved myself bare and rinsed off. Looking in the...

3 years ago
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Tha Man Who Would Be Queen Ch9

The Man Who Would Be Queen Chapter Nine "A Simple Complication" "Settle down Dexter, it's okay. This is the sexual reassignment clinic. Males who want to become females come in here all the time in different forms of female attire and feminine appearances. Most of the guys transitioning wear dresses when they come here," Angela said trying to calm him from being so self conscious as they pulled up in front of the building. "What...

1 year ago
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Life is weird Part 2

Life is weird (Part 2) Almost an hour later, 4 doctors entered in the room. They asked my family to leave the room to make a final examination on my body. Once my family went out, the doctor with gray hair and goat beard introduced himself: "Hi, Carl. I am Doctor Roger Wittman, the head of the doctor group who will carry out the operation." I greeted him and the other doctors. They took blood and spit samples, and they examined my body carefully after opening the bandages. After...

3 years ago
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BodyguardsPart 3

It was still almost a week before the final bids were due to be tallied and I was beginning to feel a little stir-crazy. Going out for anything other than major natural disasters or direct hits on my bedroom by cobalt-clad thermonuclear devices, was, of course, verboten. Mei and Wei, as delightful as they were, could not fill every waking minute of my time, even though they did their best. I was in the best physical shape of my life. I could hit anything within fifty feet, shooting with...

1 year ago
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The Surrogate Chapter Two

The Surrogate By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Becoming Mila Mila slept in a satin nighty and panties that night but she was untucked of course. There was no sign of Peter Randal and she had the apartment to herself. She had practiced her makeup for a while and walking in heels and then after a light dinner she retired. She had tried on her sister's clothes and divided them into two piles, those which fit her and suited her and those that didn't. Peter had left her some...

2 years ago
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Yet Another Worm Turns

YET ANOTHER WORM TURNS I was only nineteen when I married the twenty seven year old Josephine who I absolutely worshipped. She was beautiful, confident and charming, so why she picked me was a mystery. Admittedly I was in awe of the majestic woman and put myself out to please her, but that was my character, I treated all my girlfriends considerately. That's not boasting, or just my opinion, it was the sort of thing they told me whenever I got dumped. They usually gave the reason...

2 years ago
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Trixies Big Case Ch 1 Trixies Debrief

Chapter 1 Trixie’s Debrief Trixie Daniels parked outside the Black New World Order HQ. She adjusted her makeup in the mirror, her lips dark red and lipstick slightly smeared. She laughed when she recalled how her perp barely had the equipment required to even slightly smear her lip liner. “Stupid little white boys” she said to herself with a chuckle. She looked down at her small breasts as she adjusted her too tight tube top. I didnt even have to take these out to get the job done, she...

2 years ago
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Growing Up A MasterChapter 22 The Aftermath

As I awoke on Sunday morning, I realized that Karen was not as talented as Cheri in the blowjob department, but she was trying hard. She must have heard that the way to give a good blowjob is to get as much into your throat as possible, and she kept trying to get it all in. It was her gagging that woke me up. "The secret isn't in how much you can get in," I explained to her. "It's how good it can make me feel." "Don't you like deep throat?" she asked after removing my cock from her...

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