Everything's Alright free porn video

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After all the lectures and talks I’ve been told from my parents and relatives, you’d think I would be at least prepared for what the future holds in store for me – I wasn’t prepared. I didn’t have a fucking clue.

I’ve heard analogies of love, but the only one that best describes love is wind. Wind is invisible to the eye, but you sense it’s presence and you can feel it. Wind can hit you dead in the face abruptly and suddenly. So can love. Love hit me dead in the face and my knee-jerk reaction was to face it head on.

* * *
I was invited to a beach party for some “fun in the sun” time with a group of friends from the private art college I attend. I was surprised because the people I hang out with usually spend their time cooped up in a friend’s room, passing a joint around in a circle of people, and laughing about God know’s what. It was out of the “norm” for them, so, naturally, I was curious. I became even more curious when Phoebe, my roommate, nudged me on the arm with her elbow after a grueling art study with a 50 year-old professor from hell, Mrs. Herald.

“Ouch.” I hissed as I rubbed my forearm. She simply smiled and told me that I was a crybaby. I stuck my tongue out at her and she shook her head while grinning.

“So, you going to that thing?” She kept her head down as we walked to our dorm because she was fidgeting around in her bag looking for something.

“What thing?” I was looking at her rummaging through her bag. She snapped back her head with a smirk holding up a thin square of plastic.

“Gotcha!” She exclaimed turning to me. I gave her a bewildered stare as she grabbed my hand, placed the plastic in it, and sealed the bond by closing up my fingers around it. I opened my hand, my fingers peeling backward to reveal the same square, only this time; I noticed the faint shape of a circle inside of it. After scrutinizing this square for several seconds, I gasped, clamped and shot my hand in my pockets and scowled at my roommate.

She craned her head back and laughed as we walked up the familiar stairs to our dorm room. My feet literally stuck to the ground refusing to move as I watched her walk up the stairs. Noticing that I wasn’t close on her heels, she turned. She looked at me and shrugged.

“What the fuck is this for?”
She looked me up and down and shook her head with the biggest shit-eating grin I’ve ever seen.

“You know what it’s for.”
“No shit, Sherlock. Tell me why you’re giving it to me.”

She was still shaking her head as she walked back down the steps further towards me till she was standing in front of me. She motioned over to the staircase step and we sat down side by side. She rummaged through her bag again and pulled out two cigarettes, lighting both before handing one of the two to me. I slowly took a drag and exhaled harshly.

“Sher, you haven’t been layed in 3 months.” She said nonchalantly while looking out over the parking lot.
It felt like someone pricked me right in the ass – a personal question, eh? I looked puzzled and I involuntarily shifted my thighs bringing them close together and away from Pheobe. She chuckled and placed her hand on my knee. I ignored her and smoked away on my cigarette.

She took one long drag, parted her lips to let the smoke escape them and cleared her throat. “Sher, you really don’t have to hide anything to me. You know that, don’t you?”

I was twirling the cigarette in between my index and middle finger thinking of what next to say. Fortunately, Pheobe hates silence, so she took the initiative.

“Look, if you’re gay just say so. Don’t hide it. I only gave you that condom cause I want you to enjoy yourself at the party nonetheless. Sex with a man… or with a woman.” She turned to me, forcing my eyes to stare at her emerald ones. I was choked up to say the least. I guess a close friend can eye even the less conspicuous of things.

“I…” Could I admit it? Being a lesbian? My heart was yelling it out, practically screaming it. My brain was thinking on the logical scale of things; coming out of the closet during college isn’t the best thing to do, but on the other hand, I go to school with bohemians who are accustomed to the now revolutionized way of “life”. So, why not?

Pheobe was still looking at me intently. Her cigarette was a little lopsided looking because the ash was accumulating on the cherry of it. I took a deep breath, exhaled, took another drag, ashed, exhaled, looked at Pheobe and said it.

“I’m a lesbian.” I whispered looking away as if I were ashamed. Why should I feel or look ashamed? I don’t know. I knew I was a lesbian since the 9th grade, but I just couldn’t detach myself from the “popular” group of friends and risk my rank among the girls who were envied at school.

“Now, was that so hard?” Pheobe said and winked. She gave me a half hug and told me to go up stairs and get ready for tonight. I was still puzzled about my conversation with my roommate while scrubbing my scalp in the shower. Why was she asking me these questions? It wasn’t that out of character for her to do so, but still; I couldn’t help but wonder. I toweled myself off and noticed her on the phone, cupping her hands over the receiver so that I couldn’t read her lips or overhear her muffled conversation. I shrugged, went into the kitchen, leaving water droplets splashing to the floor in my wake. Pheobe sighed harshly and called me out that I would put someone at risk of slipping on the tile and breaking their neck.

“Well, it’s only you and me in here, so no problem now, is there?” I smirked and she rolled her eyes and continued talking on the phone. Pouring myself some Ginger ale, I was constantly reverting my thoughts back to who could be on the phone with Pheobe. She saw my confused look and just kept staring at me, smiling every now and then from what the person on the other end of the receiver was telling her. I mouthed and motioned to her: “Who’s on the phone?” She shook her head and was doubling over with laughter. Whoever was on the other end, she must’ve been more talented than George Carlin at cracking jokes; Pheobe only listens to the good stuff. And, I said she is on the other end because I could clearly make out a feminine voice on the other end.

“So, do I know this person?” I yelled over the laughter. Pheobe was holding onto her stomach practically choking on her laughter-filled sobs. I was getting annoyed at this point. So, what better way to retaliate than annoy back, right? Right. So, I dragged my guitar amp to the kitchen and Pheobe became quiet with suspicion. I had to re-wrap my towel around my self because it started to come undone. I hefted it on the counter and Pheobe kept asking me what I was doing. I took out my iPod and started sifting through the artists with my thumb on the glass screen. After finding what I was looking for, I tapped the screen, hooked up the amp to the jack, and the slow tempo of lazy guitars, echoing drums and lingering guitar solos drifted into the room. I smirked. I love Ska music.

“Ughhh…” Pheobe exacerbated a sigh loudly. The feminine voice on the other end clearly said, “What?” Pheobe gave another rather annoying sigh and she shook her head in a lazy manner.
“Pot-smoker music.” She said loudly as I turned up the knob. I started to giggle because I was finally getting my way. Pheobe yelled at me to turn it down but I simply turned the knob in a clockwise motion, which raised the volume level.
I was swaying my hips and had my arms up above my head, dancing and loving the way the music made me feel: like there was no care in the world, except feeling and being there. Pheobe got up from her seat and was walking over to the amp and I brought my hands out and grabbed her hands and forced her to dance with me. She half-heartedly laughed and was yelling at me to stop and turn the music down and I replied back with bellowing out the lyrics of the song:

“All this time that you think,” Pheobe was struggling in my grip, still laughing and trying to get away. “I would be here for your sake,” She was clawing at my shoulders yelling at me to stop, the feminine voice on the receiver asking something and for a second, I thought I recognized the voice. ”I hope you’ve got a bottle of wine,” Pheobe was impatient now and telling me to stop, but I knew her little tricks. I wanted to dance and she was going to dance with me! She annoyed me, so it’s only fair that I annoy her. “And, if it’s a drinking problem I’ll be laughin’ at the bottom because,” I felt her hands on my towel trying to push me away. I was forcing her to dance with me and I looked like a drunk doing so; this was just too funny. ” ‘because I already finished mineeeeeeeeAh!” Pheobe clawed at the towel and ripped it from my body. I quickly sheathed my hands like swords over my most private places on my body and Pheobe’s face was priceless. The music was blaring still and I was yelling at her why she took my towel in a panic. Pheobe was laughing so hard she fell to the floor, my towel still in her hands.

“You’re butt is as white as Michael Jackson! HA!” She was hugging her sides and the phone was laughing as well. I scowled at her, bending over myself to cover up my boobs and most importantly, my crotch. Pheobe’s eyes were watering up from laughing so hard but after a couple of seconds she got up, wiped her eyes with a big grin on her face and turned down the knob of the amp.

“Alrighty. Yeah, we’ll see you when you get here. Bye, ‘mystery’ person.”
The phone laughed a goodbye as well and Pheobe pushed the END button and turned to me.
“They’re coming here?” I exclaimed, motioning for my towel. Pheobe looked me up and down and wolf whistled. I stuck my tongue out at her and motioned for my towel again. She didn’t let up. So, I was fed up and said to myself inside my head, “fuck it.” Apparently, I must’ve said it out loud because Pheobe’s eye gave me a blank stare when I removed my hands from my body and walked back over to the counter, took a swig of the Ginger ale, walked back over to her, retrieved my towel from her grip and walked out of the kitchen swaying my hips to “throw” it in her face.

* * *
The party was full of life by the time Pheobe and I were exiting her vehicle. We towed our own liquor and beer with us because we knew there were people there at the party with a certain taste for the “classic shit”. As we walked on the cobblestone steps to the patio out back, John poked his head out of the second story window and practically climbed out of it before he managed to air high-five us. We returned the friendly gesture and walked in on the scene unfolding before us:

There were beer bottles everywhere. Everywhere you looked there was a beer bottle. I paused while taking in the view and shook my head wishing my friend Jan were there to enjoy it with me; he loves beer.

I dropped my load off on the bar table and asked the bartender for a Rum and Coke. I nearly lost my balance when I realized it was Janice from the local youth group on campus.

“Preacher by day and drink mixer by night. Sounds like a comic book character I would want to read about.” I said as I smiled to her while watching her hands go to work. Janice smirked and asked me how I was doing with classes. I shrugged and told her the truth.

“It’s going well, I guess. I’m just struggling with my personal life.” I was surprised I was opening myself to Janice after just a sip of alcohol. I guess I keep surprising myself with every minute that passes by in my life.

I finished my drink and averted my gaze to the sound system that a couple of my friends were crowding around, fighting over the iPod plugged into it. I laughed as one of them was pushed into the pool. There were profanities and swim-suit tops flying everywhere and before I knew it, I had Kyle (a friend from the studio) toy-fully playing with the strings of my halter top. I politely padded his hand and removed it from the strings and told him nicely that I just simply wasn’t interested. He shrugged and went in search of another possible target. Just as I was feeling the buzz in the core of my body my favorite Techno song came on. Escape Me flooded the backyard with the echoing beats and raspy tones. I felt my hips rocking back and forth with the familiar tempo and Pheobe came up from behind and started dancing with me. I laughed a hearty laugh and started grinding and swaying my hips left and right when I heard the chorus. I even yelled out the first part, holding my drink in the other hand.

“Black out tendencies! Forrrrrget about the-“ And, then Pheobe joined in, “Futuuurreeeee!”

We laughed together and I felt her leave my body to go and greet another person. I wasn’t paying attention because I was so enthralled in the music. And, it was weird but at that moment, my brain froze on the image of the girl I had been obsessing over for months. I always thought chat sites were cheesy but after roaming around on xHamster for awhile, sooner or later you’re bound to receive a ton of PM’s. And, I couldn’t have asked for a better time to be online when a gorgeous girl started talking to me. It was just small talk for a couple of days and then, gradually, we built up the courage to talk about sex to one another and slowly but surely, the passion kept growing. Like an insatiable fire of lust, and that lust quickly turned to love. I loved this woman who lived hundreds of miles away from me and it would pain me each night to leave that chat site; when would I ever be able to see my beloved girl? The thought kept dangling from a nonexistent thread in my mind as I heard a squeal from Pheobe. My vision was a little blurred but I could make out her figure hugging another girl who seemed petite in form, a couple inches taller than me and dark brunette hair. I immediately thought of the mystery person over the phone and shrugged while taking another sip of Rum and Coke. I reverted my attention back to the beats of the techno song blasting from the speakers and slowly rocked my hips while looking out at the couples holding hands and kissing whilst dancing. I was about to ask Pheobe to drive me home (cause I was pretty tipsy at this point) but then I felt arms around my waist and a pair of lips on my neck. I gasped and wanted to turn around but was pinned to the spot; my feet literally stuck to the floor again. The pair of lips were moving along my neck and humming into it which my head spin, aside from the alcohol coursing through my body. I needed to see who this person was but her grip was much to strong for me.

I knew it was a woman because her hands were slim and slender in front of me. I kept asking who she was but she kept giggling in my neck and every now and then I would feel her teeth on the skin of my exposed neck. I felt like a helpless human being about to be viciously murdered by a Vampire; and I was very surprised to feel the moisture between my legs grow from that violent thought. She kept giggling and I felt her lips trail kisses up my neck, getting closer and closer to my ear. When her lips reached my ear lobe, I gasped as I felt the loose flesh being sucked into her mouth. I was unaware of my surroundings at the moment. The only thing that mattered to me was who this woman was and how amazing the feelings she made me feel were. My eyes were closed as I felt her tongue move into the grooves of my ear, feeling, searching, tasting. I wanted to be defiant, but that feeling was in hiding. My hands had minds of their own as they slowly enveloped over the mysterious woman’s hands, caressing them. I hadn’t had sex for 3 months and I think my hands didn’t have a care in the world who was giving me the attention that was at first unrequited, I was clearly excited.

“Who are you?” I whispered as I felt her lips curve into a smile on my ear.

“You know, I would’ve thought you’d have guessed by now, my little bear.”

I froze. I knew that voice anywhere. I slowly swallowed as I whispered her name slowly, my eyes wide, the blurriness from before dissipating with every passing millisecond. I felt her head nod on my shoulder as I felt my strength return. I pushed with all my might and quickly found myself doing a 180-degree turn in her arms. My face was inches from her when I beheld the love of my life: Her 5’6 height only barely toppled mine as the brown locks on top of her head cascaded down to her shoulders. That wicked smile turned into a devilish grin as my eyes took her in. Her tan skin complimented her fit figure: the small but prominent curves of her breasts beneath her tank top, the exposed lining of her belly and the bones of her hips slightly protruding against her skin. She had my mouth watering by the time my eyes flew back to their original state, staring back at her eyes. I had no control over myself as I stared into her deep brown orbs. They hypnotized me. I felt a hunger in me I had never felt before with anyone and as I contemplated how delicious she looked in front of me, I quickly lost all train of though as her lips crashed onto mine.

I moaned into her mouth as she sucked my bottom lip into hers. It felt as thought she were sucking all of my insecurities out of my mind via my mouth. My tongue moved of it’s own accord as it slid out and lightly tapped her upper lip. She parted hers to take in my offer and both of our tongues were tangling together in a massive dance. I felt her hands on my waist pulling me closer and I responded by sliding my hands through her hair and clenching onto her mane whilst pushing her further into my mouth. She moaned her approval of my behavior and I was unaware that all eyes were on us for about a second or so. I reluctantly detached my lips from hers and looked into the eyes that were capturing the scene I was laying out before them all. It was silent for several seconds and then Pheobe darted up behind us and she bellowed out.

“HELL YEAH! FIRST GIRL ON GIRL MAKE OUT OF THE NIGHT! WOO!” And with that, there claps, yells and whistles of approval coming from all inebriated lips in the vicinity of the backyard of the house. Pheobe laughed as she came around in front of us as the scene of me and my girl kissing gradually was forgotten. I was looking at her, at my girl, then back at her asking for answers with my eyes.

“She contacted me wanting to surprise you and I just couldn’t help it! You looked so cute together so I just had to!” She gave me a huge smile and hugged me. She winked at my girl and said in a nonchalant manner, “Oh, you know. Not like it’s any of my business and that these are the keys to that room (she placed a key in her hand) but um, there’s not supposed to be anyone in that room on the 2nd floor of the house. So, um… you guys should keep watch, capishe?” She looked directly into both of our eyes, bit her lip and walked off. I looked at my girl and was completely capture by her beauty all over again. I giggled as she shook the key in her hand as if she were fumbling with a pair of them about to kiss me goodnight outside her front door. I couldn’t take it anymore so I grabbed her hand and darted into the house with her close on my heels. I felt her hands on my ass on the way up the stairs. I was giggling uncontrollably as she slammed me into the wall and began kissing her way along my neck with passion.

I gasped and could have sworn I saw stars. I couldn’t believe I could possibly reach an orgasm just by having someone suck and kiss my neck. Could it possibly be because the absence of sex? Or was it something more? The thought dwelled in my head as I felt her hands slide further up the back of my thighs until she cupped them in her hands and I was lifted off the ground. I felt my body being tossed over her shoulder and I squealed as she smacked my ass, me hanging over her shoulder as if she were carrying a bag of heavy dog food. I was clenching her ass cheeks through her jeans as they swayed back and forth as she walked us to the top floor’s door that was off limits. I was still giggling as I felt the blood rush to my head from being upside down for a little over a minute. I heard her stop at the door and decided to surprise her as she was starting to shove the key in the door. I raised my hands high above my head, gaining momentum and then in a fast and harsh manner slammed them hard on each of her cheeks of her ass. She gasped and I felt her weight push against the frame of the door.

”Score!” I thought as she quickly regained her balance and growled her disapproval of my act. We were in the room but it was too dark for me to focus my eyes on one thing. I let my hands fly freely in front of me and then it felt like I was performing a summersault. I was rammed onto the bed, my back burning and my head spinning as I moaned incoherently. She snickered her glee from her comeback and went back to the door and closed it. She locked it swiftly and came back over to me. My legs were bent over the foot of the bed, my head swaying from side to side trying to get my bearings. I didn’t know what was happening. I felt lost and found all at once. I knew I was in for it as I felt the buckle of my shorts being practically ripped off. I suddenly regained actual consciousness and yelled, “No!” I felt her stiffen and she was still for about a minute. I licked my lips and whispered it quieter this time.

“You… don’t want to?” She practically whimpered from above me. The window shed some light on her face from the lights outside. Her reaction in her voice was almost as painful as it was to look at her contorted features of her face. She was clearly on the verge of crying. I softly held her hands as I slowly lifted my back off the bed. My head was tucked under her chin and I craned it to her neck and kissed it softly.
“Our first time is not going to be forced.”

Then, I heard her laugh for the first time in a long time. The sound would make even a melody of mermaids singing jealous. I wanted to relish the sound of her sweet joyful chuckles further but at that moment, another familiar song came on. The soft intro to, “Everything’s Alright” drifted through the window and it was the only thing we could hear amongst the soft clatter of beer bottles and cries of laughter downstairs. I got up and reversed our position so that she was laying on the bed and me in front of her. I pushed her on to the bed further, kissed her lips slowly and quickly got up and walked to the foot of the bed. I turned around and let the flannel I was wearing hug my shoulders slightly as my hips began to sway.

I was finally going to do this the way I wanted to do it. When the music took a much more upbeat turn to it, I took my hands grasped the collar and pulled it to one shoulder. She could clearly see my exposed shoulder and I knew she was getting anxious. The music picked up and my hips were rocking back and forth as I unbuttoned the flannel with precision. It was off and hit the floor just as the soft clash of the drums faded into the second verse of the sung. The halter top was coming loose as I playfully pulled the tie and it fell to a heap by my feet. My bare back was visible to her as it began to move to “Wickie” like sounds of the guitar, building up to the slow tempo the song. I turned around and slowly thanked the shadows for hiding my exposed breasts to her. I slowly walked into the light as I felt the music vibrate off my skin. I lifted my arms, swaying them back and forth as my hands went into my hair. My head shook to the left and right as my hips worked their way to their own rhythm. I was making her squirm on the bed as she witnessed by body work to the slow beat of the song.

’Gotta get me high and dry’. The chorus beckoned my sexual arousal as my thumbs curled around the belt loops on my shorts as I tugged. The belt flew off and into a corner as my shorts were becoming looser. I looked directly at her as I slowly unbuttoned my shorts. The guitar riff was making my skin crawl and become loose all at once as I teased her with unzipping my zipper playfully. The shorts were down to my ankles by the time the song was halfway done. I grabbed the shorts, turned around and showed her my tan ass shaking in front of her, clearly visible that I wasn’t wearing any panties.

I turned around to her and I saw that she was practically oozing with lust. Her eyes said it all. I walked slowly to her, my hips and legs still moving slowly to the guitars and drums meshing together and my knees touched the edge of the bed. I lifted one leg onto the bed and began to crawl my way to her. Her legs were sprawled out of the bed and I could clearly see her stomach was exposed to me. I looked further up and took in the sight of her removing her top. Her breasts swayed and jiggled a bit as her arms threw her top to the side of the room. I flashed her a smile and crawled in between her thighs. I was kneeling my head down to her crouch of her pants and smiled as I heard her pout when my face quickly darted away. I began kissing her tan, smooth stomach sending a whirl of emotions through both of our bodies. She was moaning when my tongue licked it’s way around and in her navel. I kissed and explored with my lips further and further up her glorious body until I reached her chest. I kissed the space between her prominent globes and kissed my way to one breasts.

I felt her suck in her breath harshly as my mouth clasped onto her nipple. I was tonguing the areola softly at first and then took the nipple between my lips and sucked it into my mouth. I felt it plop back against her chest and she moaned with ecstatic edge to it. I moved my head around whilst sucking her nipple and noticed that drove her over the edge. I returned the same amount of attention to her other nipple and did so back and forth as she was squirming beneath my touch and licks. I moved my lips up her body as they finally rested back against her mouth. We resumed our passionate kissing as my hands did the talking. I had her pants off in record-breaking timing as I tossed them to the floor. I felt her weight shift underneath me.

She purred her affection for me by licking her way around my neck and then to my full breasts. Her tongue was absolute magic. My hands digging into the pillow above her, I felt her nurse my breasts with so much passion and love… I was at a loss of words. The only thing I could do was live in the moment. I was enjoying my breasts being licked and played with as I felt her hand drift to my sex. I swallowed harshly as I felt her finger slide along my wet opening. I gasped and she moaned onto my breasts. I couldn’t help it; I fell on top of her.

My knees gave into the blissful treatment and before I knew it, I was bucking my hips to her thrusting motions of her fingers. Her two fingers were flying in and out of me as I moaned and met each thrust with as much strength I could muster. I felt her mouth suck my bottom lip and I moaned so loud, I was surprised I didn’t peak the curiosity of horny college boys downstairs. My moans could’ve awakened any hard sleeper. I was gasping for breath as the inevitable build up was beginning to throw me into a continuous cycle of passion. I was fiercely meeting each thrust with my hips and hearing the wet smacking sounds of her hand in my pussy was driving me wild.

Her lips traveled along my jaw and to my ear as she whispered, “Come for me, Sher. Oh come for me, baby. Come for your baby.” And that was all I needed to hear. My back arched and I cried out her name several times as the pleasure built up to an intolerable level within my body. I was convulsing to her fingers jerking motions and heard my pussy making squelching noises, which drove me to another rising orgasm. I clamped a hand firmly to the back of my head and the other to her breast. I was well on my way to a third orgasm rolling past as I screamed out her name this time. And, when I say screamed, I mean SCREAMED. My hips were bucking to her touch as I moaned the last of my rampaging orgasm onto her shoulder, spent. My ragged breathing shocked me. I haven’t ever felt such a powerful, overwhelming feeling of pleasure from anyone’s touch before like that – ever. My body was exhausted but my brain and heart were hungry for more. I slowly turned my head to my love of my life and looked lazily into her eyes. She smiled up at me as she removed her fingers.

I flinched a bit as the walls of my pussy loosened from her departing touch. She brought her fingers to my lips and I opened them without hesitation. I became ravenous as I vigorously sucked and licked her fingers. My juices were just the elixir I needed for the boost of energy to take my girl to ‘The point of no return’. I made of sucking/kissing sound as she replaced her fingers with her tongue and I gladly sucked it into my mouth. Her tongue felt around my mouth and I clashed against it with my own. I was kissing her as if she were Aphrodite the goddess in the flesh! And, then – the shock of that thought shocked me. I quickly shook that thought out of my head. No, I thought to myself as I kissed her with such passion, She is MY Aphrodite. She is MY goddess. MY blessing of this earth. And, with that, I quickly traveled down her body to her moist center. I smelled her before I even tasted her. The sent of her was intoxicating to me. My nostrils flared with heat as I took in another wiff of her tantalizing aroma.

“God, you smell so good, love…” I whispered throatily as I leaned in for the kill. She cooed her delight as I kissed the top of her mound softly. The smacking of my lips on hers was the best sound in the entire world. I was certain that I would soon find myself dreaming every night of that sound whenever she would be away from me. My lips drifted lower. She could feel my hot breath evaporating the dampness off her mound. The feeling of heat and cool were almost too much to take. My hands came together as I ran them up the insides of my lover’s silken inner thighs. They drifted closer and closer to her slit and right as she was taking in a breath to release some of the tension built up in her body, she harshly let it out as my finger found it’s way to her wet entrance. I was exploring the various folds of her pussy with my tongue. I would take her lips and suck them deep into my mouth, which I was rewarded with a bloodcurdling moan. The very tip of my tongue would trace the opening to her pussy, whilst my nose pressed against the flesh of her pearl, pulling the hood up, but never totally exposing her rock hard nub. She was arching her back now to my touch and licks as my finger left her cunt momentarily and was replaced with two fingers sliding in and out with ease. I picked up the pace while I began lapping at her opening wildly. Her hips thrust wildly into my face as I felt her heat bounce off my face. I was coated in her juices with each slide her hips made along my face. I was relishing the scent and taste of her all around me as she began to quicken her movements. I replied with quickening mine as well. How she began to buck when I took two fingers and ran them up the length of her, drawing one on each side of her pearl, slowly stretching the flesh around it and pulling her hood back until that little sensitive piece of flesh was exposed to the tip of that tongue that kept pace with my fingers. I pinched her clit and rolled it back and forth as she was writhing on the bed, crying out my name over and over. I moaned into her pussy again, only this time, it was a begging moan. I begged her to come for me with that moan. I wanted to feel her contract against my face, my fingers, me as a whole.

I saw her body language drastically change as she clawed at the sheet of the bed with one hand and furiously pushed my head further into her pussy. She was about to release. I took her clit in my mouth and sucked deep, working my tongue in a fluid up and down motion as my fingers were curling into her cunt to that one special spot I knew I could reach. Her cries lifted to a higher note as her ass and hips lifted off the bed as well. I put both hands on both cheeks and focused on her pearl only. I was sucking it in my mouth with such poise, such vigor as she convulsed and I hear her scream my named out.

“SHER! OH GOD! OHHHHHhhhhhhh my Sher!” Her hips were flying now. She came hard, thrusting her hips up into my face along with the lapping of my tongue. Wave after wave crashed on top of her as I tried to hold onto her as best I could. I don’t know how many times she came, but the feeling of her quivering body slowly and gradually returning back to earth was enough to send me into spirals of oblivion. Her breathing slowed and returned back to normal as I slid up her body and planted kisses along her length. We kissed for awhile, because her longing for me only increased in intensity as she tasted herself on my lips. She sucked my bottom lip back into her mouth and tugged on it with her teeth. I let up for a second and removed my mouth from hers to catch my breath. I crashed on top of her as our breathing slowed and returned to a regular rhythm.

It was quite for awhile as we listened to the party dying down. I looked over my shoulder and saw that the time showed 2:45 a.m. I yawned and curled up next to her. She turned her body and spooned me from behind, wrapping her arms around me into a warm and loving embrace. I was sealed for life right there – she really is the best cuddler in the world. Her head in the crook of my neck, she was purring softly as our sleepiness caved into our spent bodies. She planted several kissed along my shoulder and neck every now and then. I was slowly drifting off right before I heard her whisper in my ear, “Everything’s Alright, my bear.”

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Summer Camp Chapter One

Dan could not believe his luck. It was a really hot July, and he was on a school camping trip. He had just finished his exams and hoped to go to Uni in September. He had gone on the camping trip to help pass the time. On the first day at the camp he had met Lana, a truly beautiful girl his own age. They clicked and spent a lot of time together, albeit rarely alone. They joined in the events together though and got to spend time together that way.Dan and Lana did snatch some alone time. Like the...

2 years ago
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My date was into girls

My date was into girls. She’s about 5’6”, 120 lbs and great, soft natural tits, size D. She said she knew about a strip club, but had never been there. I told her that the dancers like soft clothes and to leave the bra at home. She was willing, and we walked in with her in a soft orange sweater nicely filled out with her tits and we sat at a table near stage #2. There were easily twenty or more couples as well as all the guys in the club. Her smile was ear to ear as she looked around at all the...

4 years ago
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My English Lesson Taught Nicely

Hi guys, I am Arjun, this is a great site to visit to read nice stories and fantasies. Keep it up and I enjoy reading these stories very much. I am 26 years old from Ahmedabad. I want to introduce this great incident that happened with me when I was in school. I was very athletic and also good in studies so every teacher liked me. But my school was very strict and it used to be much disciplined. This incident happened when I was in my pre degree final year. We had to wear uniform during those...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Encounters Part 8211 2

This is the continuation part of the story “Unexpected encounters “. After the first encounter with pawan. I have avoided going to prajwal’s house. He asked me many times to come home but I have avoided him for one or other reason. In one sunday I and prajwal went for morning show movie. After the movie, we thought to take lunch and go to our places as prajwal had an appointment with a dentist at 2. When we came out of the theater I heard sound calling prajwal’s name. I and prajwal turned back...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Fantasy Becomes Reality With Shabana

Hi, this is Rahul; this happened when I was living alone Hyderabad, One day my neighbor, Shabana, a housewife living alone, since her husband was working in Saudi. Her husband used to visit her once every two years. I was quite friendly with them and helped Shabana time to time, like buying things from the supermarket or moving, shifting stuff in her house. Shabana was about 35 years old, but anyone would have guessed that she was in her late 20’s. She was about five feet two and had dark, jet...

1 year ago
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Dragon bride

Introduction: Princess Maya finds her true destiny! Dragon bride by Droid447 Lord Ethan Nogard was watching engrossed as two women engaged in a delirious sexual encounter a few steps from him. He was secretly celebrating the death of his uncle, the King, in the battlefields of the north. His cousin, the first in line to sit on the throne, had been taken prisoner by the enemy and he most certainly was dead too. Lord Ethans chances to become King increased dramatically. There was only one...

3 years ago
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Lady CharlotteChapter 2

There were no finer women in the county than Lady Charlotte’s twin daughters. Men would have sought out the girls if it hadn’t been for Lord Henry. He was very overprotective of his girls, no man ever having the privilege of even a kiss. The closest the men would come would be a dance, but with the eyes of Lord Henry following them closely they dare not let their hands stray. Jenna and Anna were twins, but their personalities couldn’t have been more different. Anna the prim and proper, Jenna...

1 year ago
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Mellanie Monroe 250 213000

Melanie Monroe was born in Florida on September 14th, 1976. She spent her young adult life working various retail gigs until, in 2009, at the age of thirty-two, Mel was faced with a difficult breakup.From Break-Up to Great FuckMel was living in Miami, Florida, at the time of the breakup, which isn't a bad city to be single in. While recovering and repairing her heart, Mel ran into and became friends with Adriana DeVille.Adriana DeVille worked for both Reality Kings and Bang Bros at the time....

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Melissa Wont Let Go Chapter 5 Melissa

Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -5- MELISSA. Hello knees. I said that a lot, on the train to York - but only inside my head and only every time I looked down and saw my knees bared by that dress. Bared knees didn't really sit within my lexicon of smart, or even smart-casual; which man would wear shorts to something where a smart dress code applied? Though my knees weren't actually bared - in case you disapprove of bare-legged women - they were demurely concealed by the fine...

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The Homeless Guy and I part one

Had been with out sex for some time and was getting bored with the online sex sites, then I remembered the time I served in a soup kitchen for the homeless and the young guys that were there who complained about being on the streets. So I went to a local where there was a soup kitchen sat up for breakfast and watched to see the clientele that went in and out. There was a number of guys that exhibited the flair of gayness and I did not wish to be bothered with the drama that came with them. One...

2 years ago
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Paying What I Owe Pt II

********************************************************************************************************************** Over the next few weeks, things were perfect. In the morning, Grandpa would have a beautiful breakfast waiting for me, followed by a day of shopping and fun, and whatever else I wanted to do. But at some point of every day, I paid for it. Grandpa loved fucking me. And I hated it. But what could I do? He fucked me whenever he got the chance. Whether it was out back in the...

2 years ago
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The Widow Ch 10

Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter ten Brian surprised Fran by showing up at her office just before the end of the business day. He was pleased to see the smile on her face and the way her eyes brightened when she saw him. ‘I hope you don’t mind that I’m a bit early,’ he said. Fran smiled. ‘Hi, Brian,’ she said. ‘I’m not at all upset. I finished early, too. I was just about to call you.’ ‘You know, my dear!’ Brian said, ‘You look fabulous in that outfit!’ Fran felt...

1 year ago
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A Ticket to LustChapter 3

Vicky awoke the following morning wondering if it had all been a dream. However, that thought was crushed when she slipped out of bed and felt the stickiness between her legs. With her head spinning she staggered toward the bathroom. The slickness almost helped sooth the slight pain from the recent stretching of her pussy. Instead of remorse, the feeling inexplicitly brought the memory of Jamal fucking her to uncounted orgasms rushing back. Her body trembled and she reached for the door jam...

2 years ago
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Hot and Bothered

Hot and Bothered By Roy Del Frink Marla Porter was fifty-eight years of age, and felt like she was seventy. Every fashion model's twin enemies, time and gravity had ravaged her once shapely figure. Though she had once been a respectable five foot six, she'd lost a couple inches in height to old age. All her hair had turned brown, then gray, then white. That's what happens to natural blondes. She'd raised three happy children who'd since become successes in life. Poor Marla, on...

1 year ago
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New Neighbours part 4

The following evening, when I got home, Jane was waiting for me and gave me another invite over for the evening. “I’m waiting to feel that lovely cock of yours again Tom,” she said, “Paul will be in with us tonight but Sarah is at Lizzie’s again – she has other things to attract her there and keep her busy.” This left me puzzled about Sarah but confirmed that I had not dreamed about last weeks encounters with these new neighbours of mine, and left me gagging in anticipation of the night...

3 years ago
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Pappu The MrIgnorant

Hi Indian sex stories readers . I thank Indian sex stories for giving me an opportunity to share this joke with you all. The jokes section has been closed and I could not publish this story under jokes section. So I am sharing it over here. This is Aadristh from India.This is my next submission to Indian sex stories and enjoy reading this joke . For feedback and comments I will be reachable at Note : the whole of below story is just a fiction . All the contents are purely for entertainment...

1 year ago
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First wife and three teens

The full moon all village orgy in the meadow of love lasted all night till dawn.Fully satisfied in all her holes from all sides my wife smiled sexy at that lawn.Her eyes looked all time at the three tasty teen village virgins longing to hump.They took turns mounting their naughty nubile mounts at the big ball of my thumb.High time to retire back to the longroom and we walked down the hill holding hands.Held a virgin at each side and first wife grabbed the hand of the teen at my right.The third...

1 year ago
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Lithuanian catholic priest having sex with my wife

I’m 30 years old Lithuanian man. I, together with my 28 years old Hungarian wife Adri live in a small ton in South Lithuania. Few years ago, when my grandmother died, I have inherited her old, wooden house. I with my wife moved in and started renovate the house, to make a cosy home for ourselves. I work as a history teacher at local secondary school and my wife works as a translator, translating various texts online. Our new house is located next to local priest house, who serves in local...

2 years ago
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Alene Ravens New Life Year IChapter 2

Suddenly, she felt a movement in her pants, she removed them. Looking back at her was a small cock. Her hand moved to her mouth to muffle a terrified scream. She couldn’t believe it, a cock? Where is her beautiful pussy? “This must be a dream,” she muttered to herself. She went to the bathroom to wash her face. Hoping, no, wishing this was all a very bad dream. The water she splashed on her face gave the world a better focus. She could see the marble sink and the towels she hung there...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Kira Noir Fuck This Couch

I called my friend Kira Noir and invited her and her boyfriend Lucas Frost over to have sex on my new couch. They’re too loud when they fuck and it always bothers their prude neighbors, so I insisted they go wild. They’re a pretty cute couple and very horny sluts, and could hardly get in the door before someone was getting their ass licked! It was fun to watch and film Kira twerking her oiled up booty at every angle on and off a cock – you know, just to make sure the couch...

3 years ago
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Taboo Orgy 7

Taboo Orgy 7Darren looked at Trevor and said, “Trev, if you fucking tell anyone in the office, I’ll sack you on the spot and make your life a living hell.”Trevor just smiled and told him to chill out. “ As if I would tell anyone about what happens here tonight and who the fuck on this world would believe me anyway.”Kevin could not believe that these two best of mates were going to fuck each other on a promise his mum had made to his dad.Ann was sucking Tanya’s clit and heard the boys talking...

1 year ago
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The Fan ClubChapter 12

Pizza turned out to be the best compromise, so pizza it was. Thankfully, it was only half-past eight at this point, so not terribly late. We all sat around for a little while in the living room in the buff, sipping some sherry that Mum brought with her as some kind of goodwill gesture or housewarming gift or whatever. Gwen proudly showed off her bald nether regions, including her arse, much to my shock. I never asked her to have Dafyd shave that, but it was a rather charming bonus, wasn’t...

1 year ago
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Jiji My Black Maid

I am Anil hailing from Bangalore. I am now in Chennai. I am 40 yrs old living alone. I was looking for a maid who can cook and do all other jobs at my place where I stay alone. One day I got a maid through my friend who is a 28yrs girl. On my friends request I called her to his place. When I saw her first time there was no feeling in me for her. After negotiating the salary she agreed to come with me same day and stay in my place as her house is quite far. She came with her baggage and at that...

4 years ago
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How much longer he wondered, how much longer he would be locked up like a savage animal for a crime he didn’t commit. But the prosecutor made sure to get him out of way, it was just as well he had been in a short unhappy marriage. When he first met Patricia it was all fun and life was good but not too soon after Patricia’s darker side appeared. Jay knew there was something amiss when Patricia slowly withdrew and stopped being intimate with him. The weird phone calls and how it got setup to make...

3 years ago
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A Snowy Encounter

Just five or six miles more thought Angela. The huge snowflakes swirled over the bonnet and hit the windscreen, where it built up outside the area swept by the wipers. Twice before she had stopped to clear the screen as the wiper arc got smaller and smaller. The driver found herself mesmerized by the snow’s movement, having difficulty in seeing beyond it. The speedometer informed her – 10 miles per hour. Face close to the windscreen she peered forward, it was difficult to see beyond the...

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The Big Birthday Surprise

The big day had arrived, my fortieth birthday, I was lying in bed enjoying the thought of not having to go to work, it being Saturday. How could I be so lucky to have it land on a Saturday. I'm Sandra Jennings, My husband of sixteen years, Jimmie Jennings, had just gotten up to go make coffee. I laid there thinking what it was he was going to surprise me with. All he would divulge was, it was going to be a big surprise. Jimmie had turned forty seven his last birthday and after being married...

2 years ago
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AN UNUSUAL CHURCH – TRUE PENANCE, PART ONE:Cycling back to my Volvo with no panties on below my short skirt was exhilarating to say the least. Like most of my close friends, I keep my pussy shaved and almost completely bare and as I rode along the hilly lanes with my mind ablaze at the thoughts of Pastor Rachel, I could feel my slit (very wet) sliding on the saddle, and particularly so going up some of the hills. The extra effort of leaning forward and half standing as I pedaled up the hills...

4 years ago
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March Lady Friends

My wallet so deeply offended my posterior sentiments on the ride from Atlanta, that I am forced to clean it out. Leaving only the most very necessary elements, I discard a 2000 school ID, a Brasilian bus pass, a bank receipt for $400 and a six month old Durex condom in a purple wrapper. Tossing them in the middle of a train station parking lot for vagrants to look and wonder. Good littering contributes to a greater universal weirdness. And Alabama and Mississippi admirably approach an...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Sister Part 1

My sweet virgin sister, Jackie. The light brown curls that draped down to her back smelled like strawberry conditioner. Her eyes were just like green emeralds that blinded you when she starred at you. Jackie's full pink lips made you think "How would those lips taste?" Her small juicy breasts were a tasty B cup. She had beautiful legs and I loved it when she wore shorts. I, somehow, knew that my gorgeous sister was untouched. She was a shy girl, though she was stunning she has avoided...

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I knew he was cheating

Intro: This is a story my boyfriend wrote. Unlike our other stories it's completely fictional, short and in Englisch - duh. When he first read it to me, I thought it was something he had found on the web. It was much later, that I realised he wrote it himself. We are experimenting and opening our relationship more and more ... let's see, where we're heading.---I had suspected that he was cheating for a while now so I bought this mini surveillance camera thingy and planted it in the shelf...

3 years ago
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Oh Marsha episode 10

Their new community consisted of military and civilian families stationed at a US Air Force base in southern Germany. This was a tight group of thirty-something friends that liked to party whenever they had an excuse. They were young, in Europe, with many new experiences ahead of them. Most of the time Saturday night was good enough reason to get together and party. One warm summer evening Hutch and Marsha joined two other couples on a short trip across the German border to France....

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Poolside Massage

The morning was hot. Just before lunch, you come out, and I find myself staring in admiration. In a marvelously revealing black and red two-piece suit, you are quite an eyeful. Your stomach is firm and flat, your breasts quiet curves. When you begin to put on your sunblock, I politely asked if you wanted any help. You accept my offer with a smile, and stretch out, face down on your stomach on one of the padded lounge chairs. I rub the cream into your shoulders and your arms, and the tanned...

3 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 8

A Second Chance - Chapter 8 MONDAY, May 2, 2016 In the bus on Monday morning Rachael walked past her normal seat and sat down in the second last row, politely asking the boy sitting there if she could have the seats for this one day only. He seemed confused by the request, but got up and moved forward, unsure of what had just happened. Rachael said 'hi' to the three girls in the back row, and when they questioned her about the change in seating, she said they should wait until...

1 year ago
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DONNAThe Insurance Man

It had been just over two weeks since I saw the older lads fuck mum, where I learnt what to do, I’d been playing with myself but couldn’t get that FEELING as I just couldn’t manage it on my own I needed someone else. This Saturday I was in on my own, mum was out, and there was a knock on the door.In those days we used to get people come around to houses knocking on the door and trying to sell stuff, this Saturday I opened the door to see a middle-aged man standing there and then he started...

2 years ago
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Training CourseDay Two And Night Two

At breakfast in the hotel dining room the next morning John and Richard were seated at different tables but smiled at each other from time to time. As Richard left his table he looked at John and put a hand to his own buttock.John Williams was a bit mixed up having, until the previous evening, no experience of homosexual activities but he had now not only spanked an older man's arse until the man ejaculated but also had his own erect penis sucked to climax by the just-spanked man. On top of...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Secret Lovers

I still couldn’t believe that I was sitting here with my best friend of so many years talking about the most uncomfortable subject of Sex. I don’t even remember how we got on this topic but it was certainly getting hot and heavy. I'm Katrina, and my friends name is Alison; Ally for short. "He was on top of me, I didn’t know what to do," she said, "but it felt so good. Have you ever had a guy like that Trina?" She then looked at me thoughtfully. What was I supposed to say? "Umm... Sure" I...

3 years ago
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Kloaykas Contraptions

This is intended to be a literary exploration of sexual devices for which I've had ideas but can't afford to prototype. If you want to, write a chapter about how you would use them. If you have ideas for your own devices or want to share how you imagine using them, you can submit your own chapters as well.

2 years ago
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My Sister Karen

I had just turned 14 and like all 14 year old boys, there was only one thing on my mind ... sex! It seemed like everywhere I looked there was something to remind me of what I wasn't getting. TV commercials were full of half naked girls, magazines, school, and worst of all the mall. It was bad enough at school with all the girls running around with their bouncing titties and miniskirts, but at the mall it seems like those same girls were just trying to see who could wear the sexiest clothes, or...

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The Bank Job

This is the first time I’ve written erotica, actually this is the first time written fiction. I did try to find an editor but alas the editors I contacted either didn’t reply or they were too busy. I’ll apologize in advance for the typos I’m sure you’ll find. I’ve read and re-read until I can’t see any more. I wasn’t sure which section to place the story in, eventually I chose nonconsent/reluctance, I’m not sure if it’s the right one but I decided exercising caution was safer than risking...

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Sharing my sister part 3

This part 3 where my education really began.As stated in part 2 the previous few days were taken up by the Easter Holidays so no opportunity offered it’s self. But on the Wednesday morning I was woken up by the front door slamming as my mother left for work, leaving the house free with just myself and my 2 sisters as my dad would have left about an hour earlier. As usual I had woken up with my cock rock hard and aching to cum, I reached down under the duvet and into my pyjama bottoms and gave...

1 year ago
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Meri Biwi Gayi Doctor Ke Paas

Meri biwi ki tabbiyat thik nahi lag rahi thi. Isliye main usko sham ko doctor ke paas le jane wala tha. Jagne ke baad maine usse tayar hone ko kaha. Usne black tight blouse aur saree peheni thi. Shayad usne jo kuch bhi piya tha uska asar shayad abhi bhi tha. Bahar barish shuru thi. Hum doctor ke yaha pahonch gaye. Humara last number tha. Hum dono bhig chuke the. Woh doctor mera dost hi tha. Woh kafi gora tha. Hum pahonche to wahan 2-3 number the. Maine biwi ko bola mera kuch kaam hai main ata...

2 years ago
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Nympho vs Me after study

My fuckbuddy, Xiao(not her real name) had me over at her house to help her study for exams and to destress her. She is a cute and pretty with dyed red hair. Since her parents were out on a business trip together, her 15 year old brother and her cute 16 year old s*s were at their friends for the weekend, we had their 2 stories bungalow all to ourselves. This was heaven for the young nympho Xiao since she could now masturbate and fuck any where any time.Xiao and I started studying with me helping...

3 years ago
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Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement in the doorway as I put on my clothes. He leans against the doorframe, while his green eyes rake over me. Finishing dressing, I pull my khaki shorts over my rounded bottom, covering my pretty pink thong. He walks into the room naked, grazing his fingertips across my stomach as he passes me.I hear the box springs give under his weight on the bed, and look over my shoulder at him.“Come here, princess,” he says patting his fingertips against his lips. I...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Waking Up

Waking UpIt was a wet and cold morning outside my bedroom window I laid there in my bed not wanting to get out of it. As I laid there all I could think about was what I saw last night as I passed my parents' bedroom door. I saw my mom laying there with dad shoving a dildo into her pussy as he was playing with his limp dick. I think they thought I was already in bed but I had been in the garage working on my bike. I went on to my room scared I get caught. Once in my room I laid on my bed and...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 188 We Will Rebuild Her

What else can I do for Paula? Has anyone decided to give me a direction to go now? “You will be helping the robots repair her body from the neck down. There is a lot they can’t see that you can. She has been very fortunate that her ovaries weren’t injured and her uterus was only bruised,” the voice in my head told me. “She will be able to have children. I fear she would have lost all hope should that not be possible.” I made myself see only those places the robots couldn’t or hadn’t been...

1 year ago
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The Shopping Trip

Hi, this piece is true fiction, but I wouldn't be disappointed if it became a reality :)A little background before we begin, my name is Alexis and I'm a 33-year-old transgender male, while in a less than supportive relationship I try to dress as much as possible. But purging and self-doubt have caused me to throw away all my pretty things :( Starting a new, and with no funds, I've explored alternate means to meet my needs, almost like having a habit I can't shake.It all started when I casually...

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NubilesPorn Lindsay Sharon Spying Teen

Angelo Godshack is working out and trying to ignore his raging hardon, but Lindsay Sharon has definitely noticed his physique and his sexual need. The fiery redhead struts into Angelo’s sight and immediately goes to work getting his workout outfit and her clothes off. Soon her soft lips are wrapped around his dick so that she can suck and lick her treat. When Angelo pushes her back onto the couch and returns the favor lapping at Lindsay’s needy twat with his delightful tongue, the...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Alina Lopez My Wifes Sister

Alina Lopez comes back from vacation to be greeted by her sister and her husband, Derrick Pierce. She’ll be staying with them temporarily but Alina can’t linger too long or she’ll be late for work. When the girls leave the room, Derrick spots something popping out of her purse. Curious, he grabs the paper and reads it. When he finds out that his sister-in-law works at a sensual massage parlor, he can’t resist the urge to pay her a visit. Meanwhile, at work, Alina is...

3 years ago
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The Pony Store

Jazzy woke up as if from a dream. She had been in a small helicopter with hertwo male friends circling the densely covered islands they had accidentallyspotted from the air. Taking a quick jaunt to Catalina to bike had been theplan, but Dave had talked non-stop as he flew the company copter. Being theboss's son gave him some clout for weekends off and he easily took his twofriends with him every time. His stories were comical because he literallygrew up knowing most of their co-workers and he...

1 year ago
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Flex Appeal

"I love this drive," said Marisa, staring out at the scenery passing by. "Me too," added her husband, John. "Here's the big bridge. Not much longer." Marisa turned her attention from the blue water and the palm trees towards the famous seven mile bridge in the Florida Keys. Big Pine Key was their destination. It was just on the other side of the bridge. It was quieter then some of the keys, but close enough to Key West, they'd only need a short drive for a good meal, sightseeing,...

3 years ago
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Bigboy Dog and His Bitches

My story begins right after my sister was rewarded a scholarship to go abroad and study under a famous Master Chef. She was having second thoughts about accepting it because she couldn't afford to have her Bullmastiff Bigboy boarded. She couldn't stand the thought of having to give him up. He had been our mother's dog and Bigboy was at her side when she had passed away, true to the last. Mom had asked Cheryl to take good care of him and she had. Cheryl had lived on the farm with mom and had the...

2 years ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 16

Gabriella landed on the floor, along with her stool. She tried controlling herself from screaming and even hoped that the ghost didn't hear anything from this side of the door. Gabriella panicked. Gabriella: (in her thoughts) It's the ghost!! She knows I live here!! Gabriella was so scared that she turned off the TV and crept all the way towards her bedroom, closing the door as silently as she could and locking it. She did not want the ghost to hear her every move. She heard the door...

2 years ago
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Fictional fantasy 5 continued again

Mr. Lowes was friends with my parents and they had no idea that I, their son, was fucking and sucking, their friend. I had been with Mr. Lowes several times at this point. Even though I was much, much younger than him, I believe I was in love with him and he with me. Looking back, maybe it was just lust, but it doesn't matter much. Mr. Lowes had a huge, thick cock with a huge, full ball sack, that I could not get enough of. I had heard the term, "gay" before and my friends would joke about it,...

1 year ago
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Laxmi With Me 8211 Part II

Hi, this is Jagan from Hyderabad now I am here to describe about sex incident with girl near my house named Lux I call her like that my age is just 19.i am the regular visitor of Iss. I don’t know perfect English but I can describe about my incident she was a cute girl of aged just 18.there are 8 houses by maintaining the circular shape one house is visible to other she and me were living in that type of houses. I used to seduce her many times but no use she is very cute with normal...

1 year ago
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Real Family Part 4 Finale

Chapter 14 Logan had been dropped off early and talked with Junior, Ethan, and Neil who all wanted to know how he was doing. Logan was feeling a lot better and was eager to move on and talk about anything else. The four walked around with Logan finally asking about how they got used to so many people. All three quickly shot back, "We are family." Ethan added, "Mom's family had a lot of members so she was used to so many cousins. Not all of them were good like our cousins and some...

1 year ago
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So, I’ve heard you had a thing for cuckold pornography! I can’t lie, it might sound a bit odd to me, but I enjoy all sorts of porn movies. I am also not here to judge your tastes.. So if you like to watch cuckold porn, I am right here to talk about it. Of course, I have a certain website in mind… and that website’s name is Cuckoldest.com. Have you ever heard of it?Cuckoldest.com is a premium porn site focusing on the cuckold fetish. The site really knows how to go wild, and show all sides of...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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Strangers In Bus Lovers In Bed 8211 Part 2

Hi All, I am back with the part2 of my story, Strangers in bus Lovers in bed. If you havent read part 1, let me give you a brief introduction to the lady in the story. Her name is Ishika, who is a sexy young girl with a figure of 36D 30 36. I met her during a bus travel and soon became friends with her and ended up having sex with her. Now coming to the part 2 of the story, well after the first time, we thought of taking things slow and decided that next time we will do it in a more sexy way...

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