Run Ch. 07 free porn video

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This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains heterosexual and lesbian sexual activity.

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The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission.

This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of Springfield, California, so don’t go looking for it on a map. And in my little fictional world, there are no unwanted pregnancies or STD’s, except as plot driving devices. The author encourages the practice of safe-sex.

This is part of an ongoing series. Please check out earlier part(s) for background and character history.

Also, I would like to thank those readers who have stuck with me through the entirety of this story and made writing it worthwhile.

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Gail was worried. She hadn’t talked to Pat since Saturday night, and a lot had happened. She knew that Pat and Keith had engaged in sexual behavior for the first time in Pat’s life, and Pat had also spent her first night at her parent’s house since her brother’s funeral. Gail was so anxious to find out what was going on that her skin was twitching. Keith had been abnormally tight-lipped about his role in proceedings, and Gail needed to find out why.

She saw Pat coming up from the parking lot, a little . . . disappointed . . . that Pat didn’t need a ride to school anymore. It had been fun getting to spend those mornings with her, hanging out with a girl. Of course, now she had Sally to hang out with as well. She and the quiet young woman were still on good terms after they had shared their first girl-on-girl experience. In fact, they were quite comfortable with each other.

‘Pat!’ Gail said, almost ambushing her friend. Pat jumped a little.

‘Hey,’ Pat said, giving Gail a quick and friendly hug. ‘I’ve come a long way,’ she thought after performing such a . . . normal . . . action.

‘Okay, we have fifteen minutes until the bell rings. You are NOT going anywhere until you tell me everything!’ Gail said excitedly. Strangely, Pat didn’t seem to share her enthusiasm.

‘What’s wrong?’ Gail asked. ‘Keith wasn’t an asshole or anything was he?’

‘No!’ Pat said, then blushed a bit. She knew Gail and knew that she wasn’t going to be able to slide by on this. ‘Promise you won’t say anything? On pain of death? Which I can arrange,’ she reminded Gail with a glare.

‘I’m a snoop, but I haven’t ratted you out yet. Well, not on anything important. At least I don’t think . . .’

Pat rolled her eyes and drug Gail away from the beaten path. ‘I . . . it’s so weird. Everything was so perfect leading up to everything,’ Pat said as she started to pace in a circle.

‘He didn’t . . . I mean . . . what happened?’

‘IT happened,’ Pat said unnecessarily. ‘And it was wonderful. He was handsome, the setting was perfect . . . he did everything right . . .’


‘But I still felt something was off. And I could tell that he felt that way too.’

‘Like what?’

Pat bit her bottom lip. ‘Like the fact that even though he’s been so wonderful and so cute and so patient and so . . . whatever I needed him to be . . . I don’t love him,’ Pat said. She was ashamed of the words, but couldn’t deny them. ‘I wanted to call you and talk to you,’ she added, not wanting to offend Keith’s best friend. ‘But stuff at the house is weird. No one knows what to say to anyone. My parents are trying though. Mr. Baker . . . my dad moved Buddy’s trophy case into the foyer and . . . he kept asked what each of the awards for. He’s trying to get to know his son through me,’ she whispered. ‘Mom is trying to overcompensate by smothering me with motherly advice.’ Pat put her hands on her head.

‘Headache?’ Gail asked.

‘Yeah,’ Pat replied. She had barely had any problems with her headaches since moving out of her parent’s house.

Gail sat down on a stone bench and patted next to her.

‘Everything was supposed to get better,’ Pat whispered, sitting down and putting her head on Gail’s shoulder. ‘But it isn’t.’

‘Welcome to being a teenager,’ Gail said. ‘So what are you going to do?’

‘About what?’

‘Keith? Your parents?’

‘I don’t know. Keith . . . I would never forgive myself if I hurt him. I don’t even know what I want though. I don’t want to quit on him,’ she said. ‘My parents . . . that’s just going to take time.’

‘Be honest with Keith,’ Gail pleaded. ‘He’s got a big heart. But you don’t have to break up with him.’

‘How? If I know I don’t love him, how can I be with him?’

Gail shrugged. ‘I don’t love Todd, but we’re going to stay together until the end of the summer.’

Pat stared at her friend. ‘You don’t? Then why . . .’

‘He and I agreed awhile ago that we weren’t going to be permanent. I mean, he’s going away for college and I’m going to UC Springfield. We’re not going to be able to see each other very often if we try the long distance dating thing, and we would rather just enjoy each other for now and then end it on good terms than get all stressed out and lose each other even as friends.’

‘So you’re planning on breaking up?’

‘Yeah. Who knows, though. Somewhere down the road, we might wind up together again. But we’re not going to try to force something when neither of us is all that passionate about it. He’s a great boyfriend and the perfect fuck-buddy. That’s a good start.’ She kissed Pat’s forehead. ‘You’re eighteen years old. Stop looking for the final solution when you haven’t even heard all the problems yet.’

‘You’re wise beyond your years,’ Pat said. She would talk to Keith . . . tell him everything.

‘You hittin’ on my woman?’ came a soft voice from behind them.

Gail smiled as Sally sat down next to them. ‘You gotta admit,’ Gail said, wrapping an arm around Sally and glancing at Pat, ‘she IS kind of hot.’

‘I get that,’ Sally said with a shy grin.

‘Okay, now you two are just creeping me out,’ Pat replied, trying to smile as her headache lingered. She popped a couple of pills from her purse under her friends’ watchful eyes.

———- ————

A little later . . .

———- ————

Keith poked his head into Dr. Martin’s office. The school’s psychiatrist was sitting behind her desk, looking more than just a little bit tired.

‘Got a minute?’ he asked.

‘Hopefully I’ve got longer than a minute,’ Carolyn said with a smile. ‘Seems like I’ve got some guardian angels looking after me.’

Keith sat down. ‘You wouldn’t have been in trouble if it weren’t for us.’

‘I was in trouble because of young Mr. Brazier. You can’t control other people’s evils, young man. I wouldn’t advise stressing it too much.’

‘You gonna be okay?’

‘Yeah,’ Carolyn said, leaning back. ‘I think things will be slow in here for a while until your MTV-short-term-memory-generation forgets about what happens. I’ll get a few students. That’s what bothers me the most. Mr. Brazier’s actions may prevent some people with real problems from coming and talking to me.’

‘How’s Lola?’

‘Concerned, but she’ll struggle through. She just needs to make it a few more months and she won’t be under probation anymore. After that, she’ll have some breathing room. I had to talk her out of quitting and finding a job elsewhere. We came up with this arrangement so we could be together, and I refuse to let some little punk . . . sorry, I shouldn’t be speaking like that. I don’t want to let anyone drive us apart.’

‘For some reason, I don’t think that will happen.’ He paused. ‘How . . . how did you know that you . . . you know, loved her?’

Dr. Martin looked over the rim of her glasses.
This wasn’t really a question about her, but she knew enough to play along. ‘Sometimes, I think it was love at first sight.’ She smiled. ‘The rational part of my mind knows that isn’t possible. Love is complicated and takes work. But I remember seeing her sitting at a table in a prison library, brushing her hair away from her face while trying to understand Edgar Allen Poe . . . Sorry. I tend to wax a bit romantic. First she fascinated me, then . . . I just thought about her all the time.’

‘Is that what it is? Being in love?’

Carolyn looked at Keith. ‘I was a teenager once. Longer ago than I care to think about. I thought I was in love at least once a week, every time a pretty girl looked my way. It’s a lot harder than people think to tell the difference. You have to have experienced both to tell them apart: love and infatuation.’ She leaned forward a bit. ‘Are you having doubts about your relationship with Ms. Baker?’

Keith sat back. ‘Maybe. I mean . . . I still think about her. I . . . this is confidential right?’


He looked around nervously. ‘Something happened this weekend. Things between her and me . . . it got physical. I didn’t take advantage of her or anything,’ he clarified quickly.

‘I don’t think you could,’ Carolyn said with a grin. ‘I’ve seen her fight too.’

‘Yeah. True. Anyway, things seemed . . . not right. Does that make sense? I mean, it felt wonderful and we both wanted it and I still care a lot about her but . . . I could tell. I could tell that there was still something between us.’

Carolyn chose her words carefully. ‘First, I want to remind you that I am in no way officially condoning this type of activity. Sex is a big step and . . .’

‘I don’t need that speech. We both understood the risks. I need your advice. The stuff you would tell me if I was just a friend.’

‘You are a friend,’ Dr. Martin said. ‘Love sometimes needs to be worked at, but it can’t be forced. I know that may sound strange, but it’s true. Sometimes you may not understand it because you’ve never experience something before. But if you have doubts . . . REAL doubts . . . tell her. The last thing Pat needs is to be jerked around. I know you’d never want to do that to her.’

Keith gripped his hands together. ‘I don’t get what happened. She’s so . . . wonderful. She’s everything I should want.’

‘There’s more to love than a check-list. There are intangibles that even I can’t guess at. If I had based my love-life on binary characteristics, I don’t know if I ever would have wound up with Lola. And THAT is a concept that scares my heart.’

Keith stood up. ‘Thanks Dr. Martin.’

‘You’re welcome. And thank you,’ she said earnestly. ‘For standing by me . . . and for standing by Pat. You’re one of the people that make my job worthwhile.’

Keith blushed a little and made his way to class. He had some thinking to do.

———- ————

After school . . .

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This time, it was Pat who found herself waiting for Keith at the front of the school. Things had gone well at lunch, but both had realized that, with all their friends and other students around, it hadn’t been the time or place for a conversation about what had happened.

Keith descended the stairs and, despite everything, took Pat’s hand as they silently walked to her car.

‘So . . .’ he started.

‘So . . .’ she replied. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t call you on Sunday. And don’t say it’s okay.’

‘I wasn’t going to,’ he shot back, then calmed down. ‘I was scared shitless that I did something wrong.’

‘You didn’t. But something WAS wrong,’ Pat said. ‘It had to be me because you’ve done everything right.’

‘I went too fast,’ Keith said. ‘It was too soon.’

‘I wanted it as much as you,’ Pat replied.

Keith sighed. For a second, he had been looking for someone else to blame. Now they were both blaming themselves. ‘What did I do wrong?’

‘You didn’t!’ Pat was pulling at her hair. ‘You were wonderful. You were passionate but still . . . kind. You’re handsome and you’re smart . . . I couldn’t have asked you to do anything better. Maybe I’m just so fucked up that I can’t tell a good thing when I’ve got it.’

‘Bullshit,’ Keith. He didn’t want to have to acknowledge what they both knew. ‘Maybe . . . we’re just not . . . God, I hate saying this. It sounds corny.’ He took another breath. ‘Maybe we’re just not in love . . . or at least the right kind of love. I mean, I still care about you so much and I enjoyed Saturday night like you wouldn’t believe.’

Pat pulled on his hands and looked at them. Then she met his eyes. ‘But something was missing. And it shouldn’t be. I don’t want it to be.’

‘But it’s not something I think we just get to pick.’

Pat smiled warmly and gave Keith a hug. She felt . . . relieved. She wasn’t going insane. Or if she was, Keith was going there with her. ‘Why isn’t this ‘living’ thing getting easier? This is your fault you know. I used to be blissfully unaware of the outside world.’

‘Do you really want to go back to that?’ he asked, lifted her chin up.

‘Not for anything,’ she said. She kissed him. It may not have been love, but it still felt pretty damn good.

‘So what now?’

‘Now . . .’ She pondered the question. ‘You have anyone else you wanna see?’

‘Not especially.’

‘Me neither. Listen, Gail said that she and Todd are together just because they enjoy each other’s company. Maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Maybe things will turn into what we want.’

‘And at least we’ll get to say we tried.’ He felt her rest her head on his shoulder.

Pat smiled. ‘Damn he smells good,’ she thought, kissing his neck.

Keith shivered. ‘Uhm, just how good of friends are we going to be?’

‘Friends with benefits?’ she countered.

‘I could live with that.’ This time, Keith started the kiss, and neither was in much of a hurry to end it.

——— ————–

That evening . . .

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Reginald and Mary Baker were standing near the front door of the house. They were nervous but trying not to LOOK nervous. They didn’t know if Pat was going to come home for a second night or not.

When that new car pulled into the driveway, both of them hurried somewhere else. But Pat noticed the drapes next to the front door flutter and shadows scurry on the other sides of windows. She knew what they were up to. She just didn’t know how to feel about it. She walked in the front door.

‘Honey, is that you?’ came her mother’s voice from the kitchen.

Pat smiled a little. Her mother didn’t even cook anymore, and the only time she was ever in the kitchen was to get a glass of water after playing tennis. She had probably run in there as soon as Pat got home.

‘Yeah, it’s me.’

‘How was . . . how was school today?’ her father said, emerging from the study with his book in hand. Pat wondered if he realized he was holding it upside down.

‘It was okay,’ Pat said. There was a moment of silence. Pat sighed. Maybe she needed to treat this the way she had dealt with Keith. She just needed to talk to them. She looked from her mother to her father. ‘I’m sorry guys. I know you want this to be easier, but I don’t know how to make it like that. The care is nice, but this isn’t about buying me stuff.’

‘I know,’ her father said, as humble as she had ever seen him. ‘I don’t know how else to start.’

‘Maybe . . . maybe we could go to counseling?’ Mary suggested.

Pat chuckled. ‘Mom, I think I’ve had enough counseling for one lifetime. But I have to admit, it helped.’

Mary took her daughter’s hands. ‘You shouldn’t have needed it. You should have been able to talk to us.’

‘I will,’ Pat said. ‘I just don’t even know what to talk about anymore.’

‘How about your headaches?’ Tobias said, emerging from where he had been eavesdro
pping. No wonder he and Gail had hit it off.

‘How long has that been going on?’ Mr. Baker said.

Pat glared at Tobias. ‘A couple of years,’ she sighed. ‘Dr. Martin told me they were probably due to stress and . . . not getting enough sleep or eating enough.’

‘I’m sorry I pushed you so hard,’ Reginald said gloomily. This was new territory for him. He never had to apologize to his soldiers for pushing them. ‘You . . . obviously you don’t have to train anymore or anything you don’t want to.’

‘Don’t just let me off the hook,’ Pat said. ‘If this is going to work, you’ve got to treat me like a real daughter. That means SOME structure . . . just structure with some room to breathe. I WANT to train Dad. I just thought maybe I could just do Hapkido for a while. I like the weapons stuff. And I’ve been exercising, just . . . just not until one o’clock in the morning. Dr. Martin and the guys at the hospital said that the headaches won’t be as much of a problem if I just have some downtime.’

‘Okay,’ Mr. Baker said. ‘I think that sounds fair.’

‘And . . . and I want you to go with me to the Special Olympics event on Sunday,’ she said firmly, looking more at her father. ‘I know you’re trying to understand Buddy, but I can only tell you so much. All those guys that showed up and visited me at the hospital had stories about Buddy,’ she said, her eyes welling up with tears. Just because the hurting was getting less didn’t mean that the hurting was gone.

Mr. Baker nodded. ‘I think that sounds like a good idea,’ he said. Then he cleared his throat. ‘I didn’t want to bring this up, but . . . have you thought about what you want to do in the Fall? Since West Point is out . . .’

‘I don’t know. I’m just getting used to the idea of my life being more . . . mine. I don’t know what I want to do with it.’

Her mother appeared deep in thought. ‘This summer . . . she said slowly. Why don’t you travel? I mean, go see the country or . . . or maybe Europe?’

Pat looked nervous. ‘Would . . . you want to go with me?’

Mr. Baker looked at her and chose his words carefully. ‘We can’t take off for the whole summer,’ he said, ‘but maybe we could start it off with a family vacation, then you could spend some time traveling on your own.’ He grimaced. He may be new to being a ‘regular’ father, but there were some things he hated . . . like trusting his daughter’s boyfriend. ‘You could take that Keith fellow . . . we’d pay for it of course. Or maybe a couple of friends, if you promised to keep expenses within reason.’

‘Dad, I told you, it’s not just about money.’

‘I know,’ he said. ‘But you said you needed to find your own way. How can you do that if you don’t see what’s out there?’

Pat’s eyes shot open. ‘Dad . . . that made . . . sense!’

‘You don’t have to sound SO surprised.’

Pat smiled, and it lightened her parents’ spirits. ‘Let me think about it and ask Keith . . . and the others.’

‘About . . . Keith,’ Reginald Baker grumbled, straightening his spine. ‘I think . . .’

‘Dad, it’s a little too early for you to start telling me who I can and cannot date,’ Pat said. She wasn’t inclined to share information about recent changes in her and Keith’s status.

‘I wasn’t going to,’ her father said defensively. ‘If you can promise that you’re BOTH done with your patriarch bashing ways,’ he added, rubbing his nose, ‘then your mother and I would like you to invite him over for dinner. We’d like to meet him under more civilized circumstances.

Dread welled up in Pat’s brain. Her boyfriend? Meeting her parents? There was some sort of genetic-level reaction that any teenaged girl had at that very thought.

‘And you can invite your other friends as well,’ Mary said. She had been young once. Despite Reginald’s revisionist history of the event, her parents really hadn’t liked him the first time they met him. Or the second. Having other people around might make things go more smoothly.

‘How about Friday?’ her father said. ‘Your uncle has decided to make ANOTHER visit out here and he might like meet everyone . . . like this.’

‘Okay. I think that will be . . . fun.’ Pat gave her father and mother each a hug. It didn’t feel as awkward as she expected, then she started towards the stair. Then she stopped and hugged Tobias before skirting up her room and her bed in her home.

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Introduction: This is my first story and I would love to hear your comments! I was running… all I can do now is run. I hear his footsteps fallowing me. I try to scream but Im too scared. I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back...

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by Sanity's Plight 1. Quick Beginnings "Some days I feel like work follows me home." She smiles, "You don't seem to mind that much." "Hey, that's not fair." She cocks an eyebrow at him. "If I couldn't work, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I am very good at this, and it's what I do." "I didn't mean it like that. I'm happy you like your work." He's not usually this touchy. He's agitated. Maybe he's getting it from her. "Sorry..." A satyric smile, "Come...

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Fair Warning: This story is mostly a tease, but I hope it leaves you wanting the next chapter. Tom Clark slapped his belly as he looked at himself in the mirror. Rather than the flab he gotten used to over the years, his flat hand met real muscle, and like they said on those old cereal commercials, he no longer pinched more than inch on his waist. It was true that at the age of 47, Tom was in the best shape of his life, and it was all thanks to his daughter, Brin. After a scare with his heart -...

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RUNNING by Rebecca Author's Note: There is one graphic sex scene near the end of this story that might be somewhat offensive to the heterosexual Crossdresser. I do not write from experience -- I just wanted to see if I could write such a scene and, also, it seemed to fit the story better than anything else I could come up with. Chapter 1 Jim pulled his coat up tightly around his neck and looked nervously from side to...

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Walking in my front door and setting the bag containing two bottles of Alcohol on the floor, heaving a sigh of relief as I took off my shoes, I need this today. I'd spent the last few hours, before me and my cousin went and got the liquor, cleaning so there were no drunken mishaps. I peered around my living room to make sure everything was in order, confident it didn't have any trip hazards, I picked up the bag and walked through the living room past the coffee table and into the dining room. I...

Group Sex
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“It was just a routine call” Duran said, “nothing to worry about.” But when they landed on the planet they could tell something was wrong. Was it the air or just the way that the sky looked that made the scout team weary. Either way when they reached the colony and it was deserted Sgt. Duran called out. “Ears open eyes up, stay frosty I don’t like the look of this”. “Oh man” L.Cpl. Mendez said, “What can take out a whole colony like this, every building, every house, all gone”. “Cut the...

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The Fair Boss II

The light turned yellow so I slowed to a stop. Longest light in the damn county, I run it every time, but tonight it felt right not to. My hands were shaking, my nerves were shot. I wanted to turn around and bullet home. No harm done right? She didn't get rid of me when she fucked me, so why would she if I didn't show up? A while back I almost got what I wanted. I want Tara. I want inside her. I want to look into her flawless hazel eyes as I make her cum. Instead she fucked me. I loved every...

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An eighteen year old boy was running away from a large red building. He was wearing a bright orange jumpsuit and green goggles on his head. He had blonde, spiky hair and bright blue eyes, with three whisker-like marks on each of his cheeks. His name was Naruto Uzumaki. His dream was to become the Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, but in order to do that, he had to first become a ninja. Unfortunately he had failed his graduation exam, again. He had a large grin, as he ran from the...

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08 TogetherChapter 13

Present – Stacy and Samantha – heading to the cabin I threw my fucking wedding dress specially purchased for Ben in the trash because the last thing I wanted was for it to be a constant reminder of Ben's bogus as fuck wedding. Then I made sure Bill would take extra special care of Patches, Bo and Wojtek. I wanted them all returned to our operations center in Leadville safely. Once I was assured of their safety, my BFF Sam and I boarded the Truth Network corporate jet. I found it amazing...

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Muslim Wife Cheats with American Businessman

Nagwa is a beautiful married Muslim woman and mother from Egypt. She looks younger than her age and has a great set of tits and pale white skin with long black hair. She is your typically conservative Muslim wife, she covers up her beauty and has always been faithful to her husband in their 12 years of marriage. Some would call her prude but she has always enjoyed sex with her husband and does whatever he wants to satisfy him! In fact over the last few years she hasn’t been getting as much sex...

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My SisterInLaws Pictures On the Internet

My Sister-In-Law’s Pictures On the Internet Every night I check out an Internet site that specialized in people posting pictures of their girlfriends, their wives, and voyeur pictures. It was incredible what you could see at beaches, motorcycle rallies, and special doings like Florida’s Fantasy Fest or New Orleans’ Mardi Gras. Then one night I saw my sister-in-law Tommie. She had posted her own pictures asking people for their comments. Her face was not covered so not only did I...

2 years ago
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Surrender Part One

The sound of her high heels clicking across the wooden floor was the first thing to catch Mike's attention. It wasn't the sound itself that was intriguing. Many of the women who frequented this upscale tavern on Friday evening wore high heels. Her stride was different. It spoke to him of power, authority, and self-confidence. He turned to look, curious as to who this might be and was ensnared. Caught like a fly in a spider's web.The vision he beheld was almost too much for his eyesight to...

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"Aurelia" or "Be careful what you wish for" By Sylvia Wechsel Aurelia poured some tepid, aromatized water over her body, using a golden cup. She enjoyed watching the water flowing over her perfect body under candle light of the tepidarium. She had perky, perfectly formed breasts, not so small and not so big, her belly was flat, with almost no sign of extra fat, she had large hips, indication she would be a good mother when the time came and, of course, she had smooth arms and legs,...

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Sarita Ki Choot Ko Chodha

Hi friend mera naam raj hai aur main 26 ka hoon Aur ye meri pehli kahani hai jo main ISS ke writers se impress ho kar likh raha hoon . ye ek sachi kahani hai. Jo mere saath kooch dinon pehle ghati. Mere friend ka ek ladki ke saath affair tha aur usne mujhe bataya aur uski girl frien se baat bhi karaya then I talked to her sister wo usase badi thi Aur use mujhse baat karma acha lagta tha . Aur 27 march ko mera birthday tha aur usne mujhse party mangi. To main ne usase kaha ki main party 6th ko...

3 years ago
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Black New World Order

(Quick Disclaimer: This story will contain a lot of triggering fetishes. Things such as cuckoldry, raceplay, light BDSM, bisexuality, sexual domination, bimbos, racial superiority, and other things of the like. If any of those offend you, this may not be the story for you. Also, I'm not that good of a writer. I just want to get the outline out there for the community to expand upon.) (Announcement: I can't believe that this story hit 300 likes! It seems insane to me that so many people have...

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Vidya My Secret 8211 Part II

I tried to sleep but the image of Vidya sucking my cock, her naked breasts bouncing, and her squirting on my face made it impossible for me to sleep. Outside, the rain was pounding the roof and it looked like a thunderstorm was brewing. Lightning struck somewhere nearby, it caused a loud bang. I heard my sister’s door opening and the door of my room opened. As if on cue, the lightning struck again and I could see her naked body in its blue glow. “What do you want Vidu?” I asked ‘Vidu’ was her...

2 years ago
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Free Scat Porn Tube! Are you looking for a specialized place to visit if you want to look at a fuck ton of poop videos? If so, then you need to take a fucking look at all of the various scat tube sites that are available on a goddamn tube site like Free Scat PornTube. When you need that specialized type of content, you need to know of a proper tube site to visit when you want to see all of that unique fucking shit.So what in the hell are you waiting for? When you want to watch all kinds of...

Scat Porn Sites
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 19

The boats cut through the shallow coastal water, while sea gulls, unhappy at our appearance, marked our progress with angry calls. The marines provided mocking compliments at the pump boats swift nature, since they were accustomed to the slow and heavy dugouts. Last night's weather dream continued to indicate clear skies for the next three days but with slightly lower temperatures. No ships were anywhere near our destination either, so our plan to attack the slavers was not going to be...

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ACDC Concert Fuck

We were going to an AC/DC concert and my wife was so exited. At first we wanted to get seats so we would not be smooshed in the crowd but I told her I liked rubbing all the tits when everyone was bouncing around. She laughed and flashed me her double D 38s and said I thought you loved these. Oh I do as I gave them a squeeze and pulled her close to me. She smelled delicious and my cock started getting hard right there in the kitchen. She gave my cock and pat and said you will just have to wait...

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Hotwife in Public

About 8 or 9 years ago, I answered a Craigslist ad from a couple--back when you could still do that. They were seeking a "Hung Stud to Fuck Hot Milf Wife." The husband was in his early 50s, but the wife was in her late 30s at the time. They'd been married for about eight years, and the husband had had cuckold fantasies the whole time. He was a fairly typical cuckold. He was rich, went to a big college, and he had a smaller than average dick.Well, I traded pics with them for a few weeks, and...

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What IM Going to Do to You

You come to visit me the first time while I am staying in California just after Christmas. I rent us a hotel where can be alone and no one can bother us. I've missed you so much be have been apart so long. You had a short visit with your family for the holidays and I patiently waited for you to visit me. I meet you at the airport and watch as you come out of the terminal. You are so gorgeous and I can't wait for what will happen that night. I take you around the sights showing you the city I...

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SLUT ASHLEY 3“I’m taking the dog for a walk!” Ashley yelled to her mom. The 28-year-old tanned beauty had recently moved back in with her mother while she took a few courses at a nearby college. Her boyfriend, O.J., lived far away, but would be coming to visit in a couple hours. It was almost one now, and she had another man that she wanted to see. Keenum and his cock of over nine inches had been fucking her since Tuesday night…and she was already hooked!It was a sunny day as she took the dog...

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My Perverted Family 3 Jasons Story

My whole family has always seemed to be devoid of the Westermarck Effect, but heavy on the Oedipus complex. We have some relatives that just love sex with whoever is available. We also have our share of gay or bisexual individuals. With that said, let me tell you about my older sister’s ex-husband, my ex-brother-in-law, Jason. Jason’s Story My named is Todd. I am a forty-five years old divorcee, and I love sex. I prefer heterosexual sex, but that’s not to say I would outright reject a...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 67

Saturday morning we had already packed our bags and were getting getting into the limos at our hotel, heading to the Ryman Auditorium for rehearsals when Mom tugged my sleeve, then held her arms out to me when I turned. “Jerry, you get better each time you perform. I love the way you slow those ballads down. I want you to slow them down even more today when you sing them at rehearsal - and tonight too. “Last night at The Mockingbird Lounge, when you did ’I Can’t Stop Loving You’ on the...

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Naked Holiday With My MotherChapter 4

Mum was like a kid who'd been promised a lollipop and I had to admit that the thought of buggering her had got me fully erect, "Does it hurt Anne?" she said as we reached the house, Anne told her that it was just a little bit sore to start with, but then she giggled, "By the time I've finished with you darling, you'll be more than ready believe me" I fetched the drinks from the kitchen and when I returned they'd started without me, mum was sitting on the sofa and Anne was on her...

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LoveHerFeet Luna Lovely Vanessa Vega Girls Gotta Have Fun

Tattooed cutie Luna Lovely originally planned to spend another day lounging around, but her Latina housemate Vanessa Vega urged her to do something else. They gossip for a bit, finding out that Luna hasn’t gotten laid in the past few months– the slender dark blonde beauty hatches a plan. Asking who her roommate is interested in, Vanessa urges her to send Alex Jones a message but ends up doing it herself, much to the brunette’s excitement. Before their guest arrives, she also...

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"Cocktease," he had called her, out of earshot of her husband and his wife.  In retrospect, perhaps she had overdone it a bit from time to time. A flash of lace now and again, a breast resting snugly against his arm as she poured him another glass of wine, a little parting of the lips and quick swish of the tongue as they said goodnight following visits. Truth be told, these had been more for herself than to titillate David. That he may have been frustrated by these events had not really...

Quickie Sex
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So Glad I Caught Her

It was a long day. We got held up in the rain playing our round of golf, stopped to eat, and made the longer than normal ride home. I was hoping my wife was still awake as we pulled into my driveway. I didn’t have my keys or the garage door opener with me. As Barry parked the car, I noticed that it looked like the TV room lights were out. I unloaded my clubs and said good night to the guys. I walked around the back of the house to see if the TV was on. As I walked up the first flight of the...

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Felicity Ch 54

Dan and Patty were in a hotel in the city. They were in bed after the musical show they had attended, Wicked. It was a fun show and his birthday present to her. He had gotten the tickets before he learned she was cheating on him, before he cheated on her in revenge. ‘Should we divorce?’ Patty asked .’Do you want to marry him?’ Dan asked. ‘No, hell no. I admit it was fun but no fucking way. Thank you for not throwing a fit when you found out but I am beginning to think I would have...

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My Wife Is Out Of ControlChapter 8

For a week after our encounter with Todd, our youngest kid's old schoolmate, we worried ourselves' sick. Finally, we resigned ourselves to the philosophy of "what will be will be" and had decided to move on. It was Saturday morning and Ann had just finished her shower and I had just finished my coffee when the doorbell rang. When I answered the door I was stunned to see Todd standing there. "Hi, Mr. Lewis. How you doing" asked Todd. "Come on in," I replied. As I closed the door, he...

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Office fuck

Jo came into the office as usual today, Gary was sat at the desk, Jo said hello and sat on the little sofa opposite waiting for Gary to finish what he was doing. Jo picked a magazine up and began to read it. Gary looked up and could see that Jo had on the skirt that he had fantasies about, it was a very sexy skirt which had buttons on the front. He admired Jo's legs as she sat opposite, he could see a little way up her skirt, but not far. As Jo was reading the magazine she began to move around...

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Collecting GinaChapter 2

A couple of minutes later, Brad staggered out of the house burdened by a half-dozen towels. “Awright, here you go!” He dropped the pile on a lounger. “Can you catch?” he asked Celeste. “Yes, I can catch!” Celeste retorted sarcastically. “Fine.” Brad tossed a towel at her. She was still in the pool, so she shrieked and just managed to keep it above water. “Next!” “Wait! Wait!” Sarah howled, thrashing her way to the ladder. “Fine.” Brad looked around. “Anybody else?” “Don’t toss ‘em in the...

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Mila Becomes a Horse Lover

Mila's new husband, Scott, who was formerly her quiet, attractive older duplex neighbor, had helped her begin her foray into the realm of dog-fucking. She was quite enjoying herself, to say the least! Boomer, the mutt her ex-boyfriend dumped on her, turned out to be an extraordinary sex partner. And with a little help from Scott, Mila had turned into an expert dog fucker. Scott had always fantasized about seeing a woman getting nailed by a huge beast in real life, and after a few...

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My First Gangbang

I didn’t have a lot of close friends when I was 16 in high school. I spent a lot of time with my female cousins and the older men that I dated. I fooled around with some high school guys, but only when I just needed a hard cock. One weekend I went to a football game with some girls I was friendly with from school. The girls found out about a party that night, and asked me to go with them. I really did not get into high school parties, but I didn’t have plans and figured the party would beat...

Group Sex
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Loris and MorgChapter 18

Loris and Morg: The Patrol; 2. Glorious finally reported, "Captain, there have been some falsifications made to a report. The group reported 'No Contact' with any indigenous sentient beings. This was an outright fabrication." The captain felt the muscle in his back get tighter. The vein in his forehead ... the one just above his right eye began to throb. He rubbed it. The skin there was very thin. "You know this?" "Yes, Captain." "Continue, Glorious." "Yes, Sir. The service...

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My sexy cousin and her friend

Hello readers here are Sameer again. With a new story. Let me don’t waste ur time and directly lets come to story. My cousin age was 22 when this story happened. She got married last year in April that is in 2006. She was a beautiful women with a nice face and with a sexy figure. Her face was like Amisha Patel. So let me call her Amisha. Her figure was about 36 26 36. She was having a very nice and big boobs as well as nice and big ass. I was very free with her before the marriage as well as...

2 years ago
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Anne Makes the Grade Chapter 2

Anne woke to the sound of her cell phone ringing. The water was lukewarm now. She must have nodded off right away. She looked at her fingers. Yep, good and pruney. It was time to get out anyway. She pulled the plug to let the water out and stood. Water flowed from her body leaving droplets to bead on her smooth shoulders. She watched rivulets of water course down her belly to disappear in the soft black hair of her pussy. She stepped out of the tub and started drying off. She worked her way...

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Double TimeChapter 59

“The craving to touch her is like an itch I can’t scratch.” —Siobhan Davis, Destiny Rising RILEY PICKED DESI AND ME UP at school promptly at two-thirty. I’d dropped my suitcase off at her house earlier so we swung right out onto I-69 and headed toward Indy. It’s two-and-a-half hours to get to the convention center, but we had to stop in Gas City to use the restroom. By the time we were checked in to the hotel it was six. Riley didn’t waste any time. He wanted us in costume and on the...

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