A Grand Plan 1 free porn video

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A Grand Plan By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part One "Oh that son of a bitch!" yelled Trisha staring at her phone. "What happened?" asked her best friend Maggie, looking over. "He got a 97!" Trisha exclaimed, scrolling through her text message. "Do you believe he fucking won! I thought for sure when I saw my 94 posted earlier, I had beaten his ass! Shit, that means I'm about to be in the skimpiest, sluttiest costume tonight!" "When will you ever learn, Trish!" Maggie shook her head. "Maybe you two should get back together. I mean it's been six months since you and Kenny broke up, and you two are still challenging and betting each other on this crap." "I know, but Grad school plus a full time job is so fucking difficult, and this little bit of competition helps motivate both of us," said Trisha grinning. "It's childish I know, but usually he gets freaking 70s." "Do you still love him?" Maggie asked, giving her a look. "As a friend," replied Trisha, looking at her nastily. "I've moved on and you know I'm with Devin now." "Yeah but does Devin know how much you still talk to your ex-boyfriend?" said Maggie. "And does he know about these silly bets of yours?" "I don't think Devin cares about much, especially other guys," said Trisha opening the door to a restaurant. "The guy is a fucking Adonis." "True. When you're that hot, I guess it really doesn't matter." Maggie sat down to order lunch and she fanned Trisha with her menu teasing her. "I know," said Trisha getting all giddy as she opened her menu. "I'm having a damn salad again of course." "You're too damn image conscious," said Maggie. "Eventually once you settle down, it won't matter as much." "That's your advice for me?" Trisha chuckled as they sipped their sodas. "The girl with the latest Armani suits, with the must have $800 Jimmy Choo shoes, and the trendy hair. Miss fashion plate is giving me advice about image." "Oh go fuck yourself, bitch," laughed Maggie as they both giggled away. "It's just that I'm done with grad school and all I care about is my career right now and not any pain in the ass guys. In expensive suits, i look trendy and I get taken seriously." "And I don't!" Trisha pushed at her big boobs as they laughed uncontrollably. They finally calmed down and chatted as always, having their normal Friday afternoon lunch. They enjoyed their salads and each other's conversations before finally hugging and heading back to their respective jobs. "Ok so I'll see you later tonight," said Maggie hugging Trisha. "Yeah text me, and we'll meet at the door," said Trisha. "Maybe, but it really depends if I can be seen with you?" teased Maggie. "You might be too slutty for me to even be seen with you." "Knowing Kenny, there's no doubt," giggled Trisha. "But maybe we'll team up as sexy vixens and that'll help you get laid! We both know you could use it." "True but you might be dressing to get some, but I'm pretty sure what I've got planned for tonight won't do the trick," giggled Maggie. "But unlike you, my current boyfriend is no problem regardless of what I wear. When I'm done with him, I pull out his batteries and he goes right back in the night stand. See ya later." They both headed back to their jobs, immersing themselves in their work. Finally after work, Trisha got a text to meet Kenny at the costume store at 8pm. She went home, changing from her suit to jeans and a sweater and spent a little time winding down. Finally she left, meeting him at the huge costume store, wondering what he had up his sleeve this time. "Hey Ken," said Trisha, waving a faint hello. "Hey honey," said Kenny, leaning in to kiss her as she immediately turned her cheek, avoiding his lips so his kiss landed in her blush. "So let's get it over with," said Trisha, looking at her watch as he opened the door. "You're going to go easy on me right?" "Well, I've been thinking about that all day," said Kenny grinning. "Ahhhh No." "I figured as much," smirked Trisha. "I don't care. Bring it on! I've been dieting and working out like a fiend, so I can really wear anything in here! Plus I'm sure my current BOYYYY-FRIEND would appreciate me in anything you'd drop me into." "I guess!" sighed Kenny, nodding. "You know me too well. So then, you're not backing out right?" "And let you win!" replied Trisha as they looked around. "No chance jerk. I could use the stress release of partying and feeling sexy anyway." "Ok, good," smirked Kenny, walking over to the counter. "'I'm having a package held for Ken Britano." "Yes, sir," said the clerk, handing it to him. "Here you go!" "And here you go." Kenny handed the bag directly to Trisha. "Go try it on and come out and let me see how it fits. I assume you're still a size 6." "Just give it to me," said Trisha yanking it from his fingers. She headed into the locker room and then within a quick minute, she came out, giving him a curious look. "Fits nice!" said Kenny, nodding as he saw her come in in nothing but a back spaghetti strap black -body suit. "Ok?" said Trisha, curious what he was up to, putting her hands on her hips. "Where's the rest? What am I like getting a cats tail or a witch skirt? Obviously this can't be the whole costume." "Like I'd ruin the surprise?" teased Kenny. "Looks like it fits perfectly, so go change please and we'll continue." Trisha rolled her eyes and went back inside, changing back into her casual clothes. "How was the fit?" said the sales girl as Trisha came back out and the girl took it from her. "Fits good," said Trisha curiously. "Great, then I'll be back for everything after our next stop," said Kenny. "Her shoe size is an eight, and if you could get everything ready and use my card on file, then we'll be all set." "Sounds good," said the sales girl. "See you in a bit." She followed him from the store as he instinctively put his arm around her as they walked a block, turning the corner. "Sorry just an old habit," said Kenny as she pushed it away. "How about we just stick to the bet, ok?" Trisha told him, slightly annoyed. "As you wish," said Kenny, leading her across the street as she looked up, seeing a large salon. "Wait, what's this?" said Trisha as they approached the door. "Hair and makeup are the key to the costume, Trish." Kenny smiled. "You said you're not wussing out, right?" "Aren't we really full of surprises?" said Trisha, giving him a look. "No, definitely not. In fact, when did you ever see me decline an invitation to get my hair done?" "Appointment for Trisha, with Claudette," said Kenny. "Sure, take a seat and she'll be right out to get you," said the receptionist. They sat for a minute or two quietly as Trisha was actually impressed with the upscale, busy salon. "Hi, I'm Claudette," said a thirtyish, stylish woman with a chic multi- tonal long layered cut, extending out her hand. "Hi, I'm Ken and this is Trisha," said Kenny, shaking her hand. "I really enjoyed our conversations, so here we are." "Me too, and nice to meet you in person. You know, I think this will be a fantastic choice for her," said Claudette, lifting Trisha's chin looking at her as she lifted her hair as Trisha stared at her colorful sleeve tattoo. "She's even prettier than you described to me, but definitely this hair could use my help. Follow me this way please." "Thanks, and yeah well I've been kind of busy," said Trisha, looking at Kenny as he got up, following them. "You're coming?" "Just for a little while, and then I'll go back for the costume, as hopefully they'll have it all together by then," said Kenny as they walked and suddenly she gave him a dirty look as they arrived in the back. "Plus, I'm making sure you're not chickening out last minute." "I already told you I'm not," said Trisha, seeing a young girl mixing some chemicals. "And I'm not stupid either. I can see you're up to no good, and I should have known better. You're so damn predictable." "Is there a problem?" said Claudette, wrapping her cape around Trisha. "I was assured you were allowing your boyfriend to decide on this little surprise makeover without issue." "He's not my boyfriend anymore...but yes I'm good with it," replied Trisha, lashing out at him as he sat in the chair next to her. "In fact, I'm looking forward to it. He's been dying for me to change my hair for the longest time, and I guess I could use a fresh look with me neglecting myself with work and grad school. Plus since he's footing the bill, it will feel even better when I'm with my current boyfriend tonight." "Interesting dynamic you two have going on?" said Claudette, brushing Trisha's dark brunette hair back over and over and securing it in a low pony. "You wear it like this in a ponytail a lot then I guess?" "Mostly yes, because I'm always on the run," said Trisha, glancing over at him to her left and then back at Claudette in the reflection. "So just make sure if you're adding some layers that I can still tie it or clip it easily, as I have so little time to get ready, especially during the week." "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that anymore," said Claudette, taking her scissors behind Trisha's head as she heard the brief, quick shearing. "You'll be ready in no time now." Trisha was stunned like a deer in the headlights as she watched Claudette hand Kenny her long dark pony tail. She could barely utter a sound as he stared straight at her, seeing the confusion on her face. "But you hate short hair. You just ripped Maggie to me when she cut her hair in a pixie," cried Trisha, tearing up as Claudette began lifting and trimming behind her neck. "Why would you do this? I thought you were just coloring it and doing something sexy." "I am," said Kenny. "Bullshit you are," said Trisha, upset. "You're just doing this to fuck with Devin aren't you?" "No comment, but trust me you are definitely going to look sexy in your costume tonight," Kenny grinned. "If he is, that will be a huge mistake, honey," said Claudette, creating a part near the left temple and giving Kenny a nasty look. "The moment I lifted your chin and looked at your features, I knew this cut was going to look hot on you or I would never have agreed to it regardless." "Seriously, are you kidding?" said Trisha annoyed, as Claudette now parted her hair at the other temple. "Only the soccer moms have bobs in my office. You know I've always loved some of the trendy bobs, but I'll be the only girl under thirty with one, and I really don't understand what that has to do with a bodysuit I tried on!" "I'd never make you look like a soccer mom, Trisha?" said Claudette, twisting all the hair together atop her head and clamping it down with a large jaw clip. "But the intention is definitely for you to be fresh and trendy." "I'm so confused," cried Trisha, looking at Kenny. "All I tried on was a freaking bodysuit. What the hell am I going as tonight?" "If it makes you feel any better, don't worry because you're about to match your boyfriend perfectly as he's going as a rapper," Kenny told her as Claudette combed through her hair at each side. "What you tried on is just the sample for sizing. The entire costume really is nothing more than a body suit, stockings, and some heels. The hair and makeup is everything. You're getting a rock star makeover, that with your body is definitely going to look incredible. You're going tonight as Miley!" "When Miley bobbed her hair like after Hannah Montana?" sighed Trisha, confused. "I really kind of faintly remember that, but didn't she still look more Disney like than rock star at that point?" "No honey, the sexy one!" giggled Claudette, snapping a metal blade cover over an electric shear as she stepped in front of her, blocking the mirror for just a moment. "But I guess we'll chalk that up as your first blonde moment, even before we begin the processing." She now stretched Trisha's hair on the left above her ear and before she could even comment again, her voice was drowned out by the buzzing sound as Claudette switched it on. Her first reflex was to flinch but it all happened so quickly now as she almost stroked out, seeing a huge clump of her hair slide down her cape before Claudette moved, as she could see straight ahead again. "No way!" Screamed Trisha, looking in the mirror as Claudette stretched the now extremely shortened left side of her hair above her ear, and did a second pass, bussing off another four or five inches with her electric shears. Instinctively Trisha flipped the cape upwards, reaching out her hand, grabbing Claudette's wrist stopping her from sheering again. "It's ok honey. I know it can be a shock at first, but wait until we finish, and in a few days you'll probably be sorry you didn't do something like this sooner," said Claudette, trying to sooth her. "It's such a hot style right now!" "Stop, please," Trisha pleaded, with tears flowing down her face. "The bets off! You went too fucking far Kenny." "Whether he did or didn't ,there's not much turning back sweetie, but if you want me to do something different, I will," said Claudette, going back behind her, stretching the right side. "I mean like do you really want me to leave one side long, and the other short? I think you should let me finish and not give you something that edgy. Let's stick with trendy sweetie, which I'm telling you is going to be very sexy on you when I'm done." "I can't fucking believe you, Kenny," said Trisha as Claudette wiped her tear. "I should have never trusted you with these damn bets since we broke up. Regardless of whatever bullshit you've fed me, we both know you've been jealous of Devin since I met. I expected more from you. I can't believe you'd stoop this low." "Oh please, you've rubbed that asshole in my face and what's the big deal," Kenny rolled his eyes. "We both know you need the makeover, and you're still going to look super hot." "Really? I've got to go to work, and what's my boss going to say when he sees me. I trusted you!" "Relax, and trust me Trisha. I promise you're going to look amazing once I finish!" said Claudette, putting her hands on Trisha shoulders from behind. "Short stuff like pixies and crops are in right now, and they look very professional. Again, I would never have done this if I didn't think it would look amazing on you. And also if I knew you'd react like this, this salon is a business, and I can't have you two fighting like two kids in grammar school." "Sorry," said Kenny, embarrassed, looking at Trisha who was fuming. "It won't happen again, and I apologize I went too far. I'll owe you one, Trish!" "Oh I'll get even!" said Trisha with steam coming out of her ears. "Damn fucking right I will." "So can I proceed then?" asked Claudette, with her hands up. "What choice do I have," said Trisha, putting her hands back under the cape. "I just hope you're right about what you said about it looking good on me, but either way there's not much I can do now can I?" "Please, you can trust me hon, because I know my shit. I'd never send a girl away without looking her best. Now sit back and let's Miley you up!" Claudette switched the sheers back on and stepping back in front. Trisha sat there now, still steaming as she proceeded to step in front of her again, blocking her vision as she took her first pass, buzzing the other side followed by two more as the hair again flowed down her cape. She changed blades a few times, going to a shorter finer blade each time, until finally it didn't take that much longer until she looked straight ahead, seeing nothing but thick dark peach fuzz on each side as she went behind her buzzing the back. She now put the electric shears down and removed the clip from the top as her hair toppled down loosely. She quickly stretched it upward and took her scissors, trimming it straight across as she kept it all a good eight inches in length. Trisha never uttered another word as Claudette took one last pass, buzzing each side carefully and then matched the back, finally satisfied. When she finally placed it back down, she took a small premixed bowl from the counter and then a paint type brush, covering her head in bleach as Kenny could barely wipe the smile from his face as Trisha sat looking miserable. "Ok, this will be a while now Trisha, because even though it's short now, your hair is very dark," said Claudette putting down her brush. "Now sit back, because like Miley, I bet once you get used to this look you'll wish you did it years earlier. Don't stress hon. I'm even more confident now I was right, and it's going to be incredible on you." Trisha still looked ready to kill Kenny as she glanced over at him. "So, I'm going to run out to the costume store and then I'll be back to keep you company," said Kenny, getting up, knowing she could use a break from him. "See you ladies in a bit." "You get comfortable Trisha, and I'll check on you in a half hour," said Claudette. "Can I get you a few magazines or something to keep you busy?" "How about a shotgun to kill Kenny," teased Trisha. "You know what. Maybe just hand me my phone from my purse and I'll check my messages." "Here, and he left his phone here too," said Claudette. "Just hold it so he doesn't forget it again on the vanity." Claudette handed Trisha her purse and she took out her phone. She began reading all the text messages, becoming infuriated as she quickly texted back and forth and then rummaged through her email. She thought a few comments from Devin seemed odd, but dismissed them as she curiously looked down at Kenny's phone. She began reading his text messages and then his email, growing madder and madder at each read, before finally taking his phone and smashing it to the floor. "Trisha?" said Claudette running over. "I'm so sorry Claudette," Trisha sobbed. "What a fucking liar and cheater. We have these stupid bets which he knew he couldn't win, so he cheated. He fucking cheated so he could try to humiliate me and have my boyfriend dump me. This asshole has been planning this for months to get back together with me." "Oh my," said Claudette comforting her. "Are you sure?" "Yes, I shouldn't have, but I just read his text messages and some email," said Trisha. "And stupid me, I never changed my email password, so he's been logging in and reading everything. Even sending email as me, and deleting them before I see them." "How do you know that?" asked Claudette, surprised. "Because he copied them himself and now I saw them all in his email," said Trisha, steaming. "He told Devin I felt I was unstable and depressed. He told him I even felt unsure about our relationship, and unsure of my sexuality. I was questioning myself and he sent him the article about Brittany." "You mean about her having a break down! Hhhuuuuuhhh!" sighed Claudette, covering her mouth stunned. "Yeah, the one where she broke down and buzzed her head!" said Trisha, fully tearing up. "But you're not her, and you didn't shave your head," said Claudette, getting pissed. "You just got liberated like Miley, and you're no one's little princess. You need to make him understand you're a strong woman that doesn't need her high school locks for confidence or to comfort her. You're a modern woman. A professional! A trend setter!" "You're right!" said Trisha, puffing out her chest. "But the worst part is not my haircut or his juvenile pranks. It's actually my boyfriend Devin. All those emails and he didn't seem to give a shit. All he cared about was sex, me looking sexy, and more sex. The more I read his replies, the less sensitive he seemed. In a way, the idiot may have shown me something." "Maybe by accident he did you a favor," said Claudette. "But you're not breaking up with Devin and taking him back are you. He's still a sneak, and what he did was reprehensible." "No, but I'll be watching Devin real close now, and no way will I ever go back to Kenny, of course," said Trisha. "But I'll damn well figure out something to get even." "You know I might be able to help you on that one?" said Claudette. "You know his sizes, right, and I do have his credit card on file here." "He's an adult small, and he's got a 28 inch waist. I bought him clothes for years, so I know everything," said Trisha perking up. "What did you have in mind?" "Oh just a little overtime for me and a few of the ladies here, plus my good friend works over at the costume store. You good with that?" said Claudette, scrolling through her contacts on her phone. "Oh, I love how you think, Claudette," said Trisha, getting excited. "Please tell me what you have in mind. I'm completely intrigued now and thank you!" "You can thank me later. And like I said, you're going to look hot, so I'd rather you thank me for that. This I'm doing because he deserves it," said Claudette, dialling. "Hey Candice, it's Claudette. So listen I've got a friend coming by there to pick up a costume. His name is Ken Britano. Did he get there yet...Perfect then.... Just make him wait there a few more minutes and tell him you'd also like him to bring a package back here for me ok. Any problems call me, but here's what I want. Remember the Ari thing you got in other day when I was there? Yup that's it...I need it in a women's medium, plus I need the hose, boots, and complete undergarments, including a gaff. Here I'm going to put on my friend Trisha, and she'll walk through the sizes with you. Oh and just wrap it up and tell Kenny to bring it to me. Nothing more ok?" "You're kidding," said Trisha, so excited now. "How the hell are you going to get him to do something like this?" "Again you can thank me later, and this will be fun," said Claudette, handing Trisha the phone. "Piece of cake!" Trisha now spent the next few minutes describing sizes over the phone as they went through options. She could barely contain her laughter as Claudette added a little more bleach to her hair as she sat there waiting. "He's here," said Claudette, as he walked over carrying all the bags. "Oh, he is going to freak out," said Trisha, as she watched him come her way. "Probably, so we'll do what we have to so he won't be able to undo it without our help," Claudette smirked. "That'll make it easier for you to control his bullshit." "Perfect!" whispered Trisha, smiling. "Hey ladies," said Kenny, anxious to see Trisha. "So here's the bag they sent for you Claudette, and how's it going? Still not done yet huh?" "It's a slow process," said Trisha. "But I'm fine with it now. I'm actually looking forward to seeing myself blonde." "Cool! I'm curious too," said Kenny. "I'm glad you're calmer now too." "Going from a dark brunette to platinum takes patience, Kenny boy," teased Claudette, rubbing his back with a gorgeous young girl standing next to her. "Now come with me since she's still got considerably more time bleaching, and then we still have to color her hair. It'll be awhile, so take this robe and go change in the back. I had a cancellation, and so how about a free massage while you're waiting, since I've got a few people available. It's on the house hon." Kenny took one look at the pretty young girl and dropped all the bags, heading to the back changing room. He came out dressed in the robe and then followed her to another room with a silver table as she closed the door behind her. "So I'm Tiffany, and don't be shy as you can de-robe here and just wrap your lower half in a towel," said Tiffany turning her back. "Once you're ready, sit on the table and we'll begin." "Sounds great," replied Kenny, quickly hopping on the table and dangling his feet. "Wonderful, Kenny," Tiffany squirted a liquid on a mouthpiece. "Open up for me. We'll just do a little teeth whitening while I work, and this also gives you a little something to bite down on. Now lie back and get comfortable as my partner will join me and we'll begin shortly." She rolled a towel under his neck as he lay back flat on the table, getting comfortable. He was getting very comfortable as she placed a warm towel over his face, covering his vision, then rubbed his left upper thigh with something that felt warm and sticky. "How you doing Kenny," said an familiar voice as she lifted his towel. "Uuuummm good?" sighed Kenny, seeing Trisha looking down at him with her head covered in a plastic cap. "You lost something?" "Huh?" Mouthed Kenny as she stopped him from taking the mouthpiece from his mouth. "Leave it in. The whitening will help with your costume," said Trisha. "No, can't see them," mumbled Kenny, trying to talk with it in. "I'm spiderman. It's a full mask." "Yeah, I saw it in the bag, but you see, you were spiderman," said Trisha, as she leaned in close and whispered in his ear as she leaned back, wiggling his cracked phone. "You're spidey no more, honey. You see I know everything. I read all the email and text messages as you stupidly left your phone here, asshole." "I..I..I just still love you," mouthed Kenny, trying to sit up and spit it out as he now felt a strap crossing his chest. "The sad part is I know you do," said Trisha as he looked over, seeing a large man on one side and Claudette with another woman on the other, as his wrists were being bound to the chair. "But now you see I've won the bet, so I'm making the rules now, understand?" "Yes," Kenny nervously nodded as he was now restrained. "Good, so since there's no turning back on my makeover, there won't be on yours either," said Trisha, dropping the towel back over his head. "Now this restraining is just temporary and for your own good, so you don't hurt yourself or anyone else, squirming. I of course expect full cooperation once they let you out of here. Yes?" Trisha watched the towel over his face nod up and down yes. "Now bite down if it hurts, and it'll help ease the discomfort," said Claudette. "See you in a bit when you're nice and smooth." "Leave nothing down there, Tiffany." Trisha smiled. "Let him experience a little bit of anguish like he put me through!" "You got it ladies," Tiffany ripped off the first section of hair as Kenny let out a muffled scream. "Now don't make a fist again please, so Claire can work on those nails." He thought he was going to pass out, letting out yelp after yelp as the large man lifted his leg while Tiffany expertly waxed it clean while he felt Claire pressing and squeezing his fingers. Before they did the second leg, they removed the towel, rubbing a lotion on his face, adding a warmer towel this time and then returning to waxing the other leg. He couldn't believe he was going through this torture, as finally the other leg was done and she was rubbing him down with a lotion that felt so soothing, as he could feel the nail tips when he wiggled his fingers. The relaxation though was short lived, as he whimpered like a baby as they lifted his limpness and wiped any last strand of hair he had in his pubic area. If that wasn't bad enough, the man lifted and folded his legs to his chest as the worst pain of all streamed through every ounce of his body as they ripped the hair from his butt crack. He was breathing heavily, almost panting as they dropped his legs back to the table as she rubbed a lotion softly at his crack, easing the tenderness as he began feeling the cotton separating his toes. "Almost done if you cooperate," said Tiffany, as they unstrapped his waist and wiped away the small amount of chest hair he had. "And be careful not to kick Claire while she's down there." Again he nodded from under the towel as they waxed his arms clean, and then unstrapped them one at a time as they ripped the hair from his pits. He was no longer putting up any fight, as she actually massaged his arms with some vigour, before pulling the towel from his face. He looked up, seeing her dive in with a hot cream, lathering his face and using a sharp, straight razor, removing the late days stubble and his thin well-kept goatee. "I like a man that keeps himself well groomed," teased Tiffany, looking down at him. "I see you trim your eye brows." "Yes," Kenny nodded. "That's good ,because it'll just make this easier for me then.," Tiffany took a little wax to his brows. "Close please and I won't need to do much." After a few more rips, she tapped him to open his eyes as she smiled, pointing towards the robe as he ever so gingerly got up. He walked over, staring down at his nude, smooth body, sick to his stomach as Claire held it open. "Fold you finger inward so you don't catch your nails," said Tiffany. "They take some getting used to, and let Claire put on your flip flops." Quickly he was in the white silk robe and flip flops, staring down at his trimmed and shaped clear toes separated by cotton as he followed her out the door. They lead him right through the main salon, which was much less crowded now as it was growing late, as he soon found himself in the chair next to Trisha, who was now completely made up as Claudette was finishing her hair. "So tomorrow you know what to do, right?" said Claudette, as she picking at Trisha's hair. "Use a good hair wax and a lot of hairspray just like I showed you, and it'll be easy for you." "I can't even believe it's me," said Trisha, smiling and twisting her face from side to side. "I might not have ever done this on my own, but it is really amazing I must say. You know your shit, Claudette." "Thank you," said Claudette. "You have those gorgeous features to pull this off beautifully. Now once you get into costume, I'll put in the twists." "What do you think, Kenny?" asked Trisha, turning and looking at him. "Woooww," Kenny replied, nodding. Trisha did look classy yet edgy with her new short crop, and for the first time in her life, she was platinum blonde. The sides and back were buzzed down to a thick platinum stubble length, and on top it was spiked up and brushed back in a neat blonde pompadour. She definitely made quite a statement, with her face dramatically made up, as just staring at her got him completely aroused. "Oh save the wow for later sweetie," said Claudette, patting a chair for him to sit in. "Let's see what we can do here now!" "Don't embarrass me too badly please, Trisha," Kenny pleaded as Claudette wrapped her cape around him. "You know I'm going to look foolish in drag, and my body is so tender now." "Embarrass you? Why would I embarrass you?" said Trisha, grinning from ear to ear. "I thought you were trying to make me look incredibly sexy, not embarrass me right?" "Oh stop the whining!" Claudette told him with a chuckle. "I've got a reputation to uphold, and trust me I'm good at making girls look their best. And in just a little while, you too. I'm pretty sure Trisha didn't have them just wax off every nook and cranny on you for you to look like some overdone drag queen." "Exactly," Trisha wiggled her finger like she was thinking. "So I was thinking of him looking let's say, like really sexy when you're done?" "Yup, that's the plan," replied Claudette, spinning his chair away from the mirror. "Now this should be fun!" Kenny gulped, ready to puke as Claudette took a headband, pulling his wavy hair back off his face and began working on his face. She began with a sponge, smoothing his foundation working all the way from his forehead down to his face. She blended and powdered over and over before taking a jet black liquid liner, doing his eyes. She then took a black pencil, carefully holding his eyes open and doing his water lines before crimping his lashes, curling them. He watched as she looked at different lashes from her large kit, and then finally selected some as she blew on the glue when she squirted it to the edges, before adhering them above his own. She had him constantly open and close his eyes while she worked on his shadows, as he could see his toes being painted in red by Claire when she forced his vision downward. He couldn't believe what a long slow process this seemed to be, as she concentrated on extending his liner at his outer creases, and seemed to pluck hair after hair from his brows. She constantly blended at the apple of his cheeks and just beneath his brow line, before finally she seemed satisfied, sharpening a pencil. "Spit and let me see," said Claudette, holding out a towel as he spit out the mouthpiece. "Not bad. Smile as big as you can and hold it." He stretched his mouth wide open as she looked inside, and then took her pencil outlining his lips. Finally she allowed him to close them and then took a brush to his lips. She took her time filling them in, as he could taste the pasty color and then she took a clear substance to just the center. "Ok, I think he should just have enough for what I need," said Claudette, grabbing a thick brush and pulling off his headband. "You can go change Trisha, and I'll be right in to do the twists." "Will do," said Trisha, as she was enjoying how uncomfortable he looked as she stared at him during the entire process. "Can't wait to see how pretty you'll turn out." Claudette giggled as she lifted a spray bottle with a smelly solution, dampening the front of his hair as she began brushing hard away from his face. When it was wet enough for her, she took a comb, pulling every strand from ear to ear as she snapped in a few clips, clamping it down towards the crown area. She stepped back nodding and walked away, rolling over a cart as she returned. She now turned, pulling a curtain surrounding them as she opened a bag, lifting out a few silicon objects as Tiffany and Claire came inside with them. He watched as they spayed them with a substance as Claire took his hand as he stood up from the chair. "Spread your legs, and try to stop quivering," Claudette demanded as they disrobed him and he stood there naked. "Nothing is going to hurt." "I hope not," shivered Kenny nervously. "Ok, you girls should be ok, right?" said Claudette. "I'll go finish Trish's hair and get everything else I need!" "We're fine," said Tiffany, wiping at his hip bone. "Go ahead." It was strange as Tiffany took an odd shaped, fleshy object and pressed it against his left hip bone. It felt cold and fleshy as she pressed at the edges, smoothing it down his upper thigh and then across the indent of his ass cheeks before repeating the other side. "No, no no!" teased Tiffany, holding out a flesh colored looking g- string. "Now's not the time for any excitement honey." "Sorry, it's cold," cried Kenny, getting embarrassed as his manhood came to life. "Let's cinch him first then, and that'll probably fix that little issue," said Claire with a giggle. "Good idea," said Tiffany, now slipping his arms through the shoulder straps and wrapping a tan colored cincher around his waist . "Breath in and hold it until I tell you." Little by little Kenny felt the boning squeeze in his rib cage as Claire stepped behind him, sliding the little metal hooks into their clasps. He looked down, seeing the flat triangular cups across his small chest as finally they had fastened up the back. "Ok exhale, and how's that feel?" asked Claire, yanking on the laces a little. "Pretty tight," said Kenny, relaxing for a moment as she put her hands at his outer abs. "Men are such babies," teased Claire. "Ok suck it in again as far as you can, and this should do it." As Kenny sucked in, Claire wasted no time, really pulling violently on the laces now as Tiffany grabbed both his wrists as she also jerked him from his feet. "Ok one more down low and his shape will be nice. Hold on pretty boy," said Claire as Tiffany held his wrists steady, and the majority of the pressure was now across his stomach. "And exhale." "Way too tight," cried Kenny. "That really freaking hurts." "You'll get used to it," said Claire, tossing the trimmed long laces away. "We all do, and when you see how nice it shapes you, it's worth it." Tiffany tapped his left leg to lift it. "Step in to this gaff while you've reverted to back to a normal state down there. I figured we better do it now in case he gets excited when we stuff him. Now don't mind my fingers please." Kenny gasped a few times as her cold hands yanked him back, pushing his testicles inside his body cavity. He felt so constricted as tight elastic parted his cheeks, as she tugged the elastic tightly into place and attached the strings on each side, under the edge of the cincher, concealing them. He sat and stood over and over at their command now as they rolled a pair of nude hose up his body, tugging the waist band tightly across his stomach each time. He looked down as he could see himself taking shape now as Tiffany now took a few pieces of surgical tape, sliding it inside the right cup as she applied it and stretched it toward the left. She had plenty of room to work, as he could never fill out the cups with his flat chest, and he looked down, seeing how she had pulled his tiny flesh towards each other and concealed the tape under the bustier type cups. She then opened a box, as he saw the two silicon looking fake boobs and she took them out, inserting them in the cups. She tugged at his own flesh a few times, before finally removing them and coating them with some adhesive. Claire joined her now, holding open the left cup as she inserted the silicon boob and again adjusted his flesh. When she was satisfied, she applied some pressure, holding it in place and then they repeated it on the other side. "Good work ladies, now come help me get these in," said Claudette, now placing her cape back around his neck. "Let's just avoid any drama for a few minutes. Sit back down while I work on your hair and no cheating." Kenny glanced over, seeing what looked like a mop of brunette hair on the vanity as Claudette now stepped behind Kenny as she seated him back in her chair, turning his head away from it. She lifted the hair at the back of his neck and inserted in a wide straight clip as she pressed his face forward, as he was looking downward at nothing but his cape. He felt the pressing at the lower nape, as Claudette quickly took both hands, grabbing his face as she stopped him from moving and then he could feel the blow dryer concentrating in that spot for fifteen or twenty seconds. "This part's not that hot honey, but it's a process," said Claudette, as he could hear the glue squirting. "Just cooperate by not moving, and this will go smoothly ok?" "I guess," Kenny replied as they continually pressed at his neck and hit it with the hair dryer. They repeated the process together two more times, as he could feel the tension and weight as Claudette came out in front, inspecting her work. "The coloring is so perfect," said Claudette, staring at him with a scissor in her hand. "Aren't you lucky you didn't need any processing like poor Trisha?" "Oh I'm feeling just so lucky," said Kenny, rolling his eyes as she began stretching and trimming. He could hear nothing but continual clipping and felt the odd stretching as she worked quickly. "The layers look wonderful, Claudette," said Claire, observing from the left. "And I love the cut." "Yeah me too," said Kenny sarcastically as Claire took a thick 2 inch curling iron from her vanity and handed it to Claire as she rolled it in at the back of his head. "I guess I'm luckier than Trisha." "Oh stop! Her hair was so dark so the color took a lot of time, and I think you're quite lucky actually," teased Claudette, flicking her wrist as she removed the clips on top and began brushing and tugging behind his forehead. "Getting two timed by hair dressers. It's a rarity, so enjoy this little pampering." She took a thick round brush, stroking hard at all the hair from temple to temple as she gathered it in her hand near the top back of his head. He could feel her twisting the little stub length of hair he had at his crown, and then winding in an extremely tight band. He watched her fill her hands with a ton of thick gel, gliding it backward through hair and then taking a stiff wire bristled brush, pressing it against his scalp as she brushed hard from front to back. "This is some pretty rough pampering," moaned Kenny, clenching his teeth as she tugged at the little stub atop his head. "Price of beauty, my dear," said Claudette, holding a metallic heated tool in one hand, a clear round plastic disk with a small opening in the middle of it in the other. "Now if you'rr still I can fuse the keratin quickly in this small section and get this done." He looked up now, seeing Claire holding a loose bunch of long brunette strands in her hand before lifting them towards the top of his head, as he saw them move the clear disk from his line of sight as he felt them place it atop his head, wrapping his little stub. Now he watched her pinch open the heated needle nose plier like tool before he could hear a pinch and sizzle as they worked. When she pulled it away, it was strange looking at the next small section of hair move atop his head as with each tug they shifted his head slightly as he knew they were adding more hair, but was confused about the process. Quickly he could feel it hanging against his left cheek, and then as a few more strands were added as he could see it out of the corner of his eyes, streaming down to his shoulder beginning to thicken. "Ok, ready for it Claudette?" said Tiffany, looking at her for permission. "Can I do it while you work?" "Yup, load the studs Tiffany, and once I attach this next strand you can pierce them," said Claudette as he felt her pull his head back by his hair on top at the crown tightly. "Do not even move an inch while I get this in. Your hair is so short on top and I've got a lot more to do. Plus, I have to adhere it perfectly or it'll look like shit." "What was that about piercing?" cried Kenny as Tiffany rubbed at his left lobe. "You must be kidding about that right?" "Ask Trisha if I was I kidding about buzzing," replied Claudette as she was holding him tightly by the hair and he could feel the first sharp pinch as they prevented him from resisting. "One more honey and then just another few sections and we'll give it some body Claire." Claudette released his head for a moment as he could feel the weight and tension as Claire pulled with her iron from behind him continually. He looked up, seeing Tiffany in front of him with a silver gun, jumping to the other side as he could feel his knees knocking as he knew exactly what was coming this time. Claudette needed a few more minutes atop his head, adding continually as he grew sicker by the moment as she continued fussing. When they finally finished, he watched her take a thick long strand of hair with a tiny clip on one side and let it dangle between her fingers as she combed through it right in front of his face. She then pinched open the tiny clip, approaching the top of his head as he felt her snap it in and then began winding the long strand around the top of his head in a circular motion in the area where she had been working. With one hand now, he felt her applying some pressure and then with the other she grabbed a few small bobbi pins as she quickly slid them in. She then took her fingers and a wide plastic tooth brush, softly arranging all the hair behind the gelled areas as she teased, arranged, and sprayed as he could barely breathe from the fumes. "Ok, just stand up and we'll dress you and you're out of here," said Claudette, holding up his cape as they prevented him from seeing his outfit yet. "Aren't ya excited!" "Yeah right," said Kenny standing up. "Chin up for a few touch ups while they dress you ok?" said Claire, lifting his chin and taking a lip brush to his mouth. He stood still as they freshened up his lips, feeling his left leg lifted as he stepped into something. Once Tiffany lifted the right, it was quickly gliding up his body and they dipped his arms, inserting them through the straps. It was only a second before she sat him back in the chair and she dropped to one knee, sliding his feet into some shoes and then he felt them tightening something up the back of his calf and changing the angle at his arches. He was quivering now as she added the other shoe, and then they lifted each arm, adding some jewelry to his wrist and a few fingers. "Oh, this is bizarre, but it is going to be so much fun," said Trisha, now appearing in front of him. "I can't believe it but I'm really starting to like the new me." Kenny looked up, forgetting his own situation for a moment as his eyes almost popped out of his head, seeing Trisha in full costume. She looked outrageous as Miley, in her one piece skin tight Twerkin teddy costume as he could feel himself almost salivate seeing her full image. "Holy shit!" sighed Kenny. "You look hotter than I could have imagined." "Thanks. I guess we'll find out if my boyfriend agrees," said Trisha, striking a pose with her hands on her hips and sticking her tongue from her mouth as she folded it over on one side before swishing it around her lips. He could feel the strain now, as his manhood had no chance of forming an erection, strapped away as he stared at her. The one piece silver and grey bear leotard featured an embroidered teddy bear with its tongue hanging out, fit her body like a second skin. On top, the bear's round pink ears barely contained her ample bust and the high cut of the metallic spandex snugged against her lower lips, living very little to the imagination. The teddy logo had one eye appearing to blink, while the other seemed to stare right back at him. Its long tongue swished to the right, highlighting the provocative look as the outfit's enticing cut showed off her every curve. Claudette's artistry was also as advertised he thought, as she had left out no detail as he stared at Trisha's platinum pixie. The blonde buzz looked ever so sexy, framing the sides and back of her head, and on top the longer puffy section was redone just like Miley's, in two small top knots separated by a middle part. Her makeup was also done flawlessly, with thick lashes and velvet like crimson lips. Her cheeks were extremely rosy and she now had new top cartilage piercings in each ear. Around her neck was a rhinestone choker, and on her feet silver spikey stiletto sandals. Her nails were also now longer than he had ever seen before with pointy French tips. "Oh, let's get this off now," said Trisha, beaming as she touched his neck. "I'm dying to see his full transformation." She unclipped the snaps at the back of his cape and closed her eyes as she stepped back a few feet, yanking it from his body. "Crap!" Kenny looked down at his legs in his outfit. "I'm getting pants right?" "Sure, but just not tonight," giggled Claudette, as she spun chair. "Behold girlfriend." Kenny felt like he was about to pee himself, as his freed hands reached up, touching all his extensions on his shoulder and then went right to his cleavage. "Right to the boobs! Really?" teased Trisha, as she pushed his hands away. "I'd try to remember you're not a typical guy tonight! Are you?" "Guess not," replied Kenny, barely believing his eyes. "Exactly girlfriend," said Trish, racing over and putting her arm around him as they looked in the mirror together as she snapped a quick selfie of them. "We're both pop stars now. You made me a sexy diva, and now I've returned the favor." "Oh, this sucks," Kenny quipped as he looked at their reflections together. "I love Arianna Grande, but I never wanted to be her." "Well you're not her, because we both know you can't sing for shit," teased Trisha. "But you make one fucking sexy bitch! If I'd have known you could look this good and it would make you so uncomfortable, I would have done this to you years ago. Now let's get that pretty little tush up and in motion!" "And easy on those heels honey, because a typical guy is one thing you won't be tonight," said Claudette, helping him from the chair. "But you'll adjust and get used to them fast." "I will?" Kenny wobbled, taking his first step. "Either that or you'll need to be hanging on to some cute guys all night," joked Trisha. "But the choice is yours now." Kenny steadied himself, then took a few more slow steps. It wasn't easy for someone who had never taken a step in heels before, and his first were in rather high ones. He was in black suede, five inch spiky heeled boots that had a hidden inside zipper and turned over just at the knee. Like Trisha, he was in a low cut, form fitting body suit type costume, only his was metallic silver with distinct boning across his midsection, and was accentuated in matching silver sequins, tassels, and bedazzles. It was cut high across the bottom, exposing his faux hip bones which looked so real under the layers of black sheer like tights, and had a small faux peplum skirt type flap which was decorative, covering up nothing. The appearance of such feminine shapely hips and the ornamental outfit also made his waist look even smaller, and certainly made his pushed up, padded cleavage appear quite bodacious. They had undoubtedly done some amazing work with his complexion, as his teeth had never looked so white, as his smile peeked out from under his glossy crimson lips. His cheeks and shadows showed just a hint of expertly blended rouge and taupe glittered shadow, even though he knew she had spent considerable time to make them look perfect. They had left no detail to chance, as this worked so well he stared at how the blush framed his dimples, and batted the extremely thick dark lashes which framed and highlighted his face. Across his shoulders now sat layers and layers of long medium brown locks of hair, which stemmed from the back of his head and were primarily straight, yet contained a bit of body and texture, making them look extremely thick. From temple to temple, his hair was pulled back in a sleek tight style, and secured in top crown pony, as all this new hair matched exactly with his natural color as he quickly got the idea of what his hair would look like if it were actually long. The pony only protruded a few inches upward, and its scrunchie was covered with a twist of matching hair before it was feathered out loosely across the entire back of his head, forming the classic Arianna top half pony style. As he felt it, knowing it was really glued in well, it was quite nauseating knowing that neither the long French nails nor the extensions would be popping right off. He took a deep breath and then looked up again at Trisha, giving a grin as he took two more steps carefully as she could barely stop smiling. "Is Miss Grande finally ready, or is there something else the little diva might need?" teased Trisha. "Oh, I really doubt I need anything else!" smirked Kenny, fanning out his hands. "But did I really deserve this?" "You kidding?" Trisha grinned. "You're lucky I actually like how hot I turned out, or right now you'd be walking through the ghetto looking like that. Right girls? Now did you want to ask me that again, or are we ready to get out of here?" "Ah, no thanks," said Kenny, looking down at the floor nervously. "Good, now let's go have some fun!" said Trisha.

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Grandmas Farm

Grandma Hazel had four siblings; all boys. She was the third child and the only female of the five children. Thomas was the oldest child followed by, George, then Grandma Hazel, later Earl and Walter, the youngest boy. Her brothers were very protective of her and chased off any boyfriend that didn’t meet the high standards they had set for her. Grandma Hazel worked the farm right alongside her brothers and was considered by most as being a tough, but beautiful girl. She could toss a bale of...

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Sugar Cane Plantation

She always felt so much at home when she visited the island. Silly really since she spent almost all of her time elsewhere – working long, tedious hours at the law firm. Still, her vacations always brought her here – to the warm breezes, the smell of the ocean, the lush foliage. So it seemed that each time she was able to visit, she was coming home. This time it would be a little different. In the past she had always stayed at one of the big resorts. The ones with the private beaches, and golf...

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Grandfathers Cock Orgy for Eight

Author's Note: In Grandfather's Cock Was Too Large For His Jock, Kimberly and her BFF Cissy did some girl on girl before Cissy turned Kimmie over to her brother Neil to have her cherry broken. Kimmie goes home to find Grandpa watching a porn flick while he baby sits Kimmie, whose parents were away for the weekend with Cissy and Neil's parents. It turns out that Grandpa was the star of the film, one of many films, and that his leading lady was Kimmie's Mom. Kimmie and Grandpa proceed to fuck...

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The Angry Whore Book 2Chapter 13 A New Plantation

08 January, 1687 Morning After Rauf Denkton had been introduced to John Archdale and he had turned over such papers as was instructed for him to deliver, Archdale shook his hand with gratitude and told him, "I have long yearned for a full train of evidence against Seth Sothel such as this. This evidence being full and particular against him, he and the others will, with out doubt, be found to be guilty." Then he smiled before continuing, "The papers you brought transferring ownership of...

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Briannas MasterChapter 5 The Plantation

Before leading her off the boat, Howard fastened her hands behind her back with some type of handcuffs. Brianna didn’t know why. She wouldn’t try to escape. There was no where that she could go. Then he attached a leash to her collar and led her off the ship drawing several lewd comments from the men complimenting her Master on his property. It was the kind of humiliation that she was starting to get used to. Off the ship, her Master led her to an open wagon that was loaded with the Master’s...

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Organ Transplant

This is a transgender story. It's also part mult-part (But loaded as one file and not finished). Maybe it will go to a conclusion if there is any interest. You should be at least 18 to read this. It involves obviously transgender items, body growth. If any of these offend you please do not read any further. Oh gee, the obvious part, nobody depicted in this story is real, that would be a little hard as its a Sci-Fi Story to begin with! Organ Transplant by...

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Transplant by Chrissy Some of the chapters may have scenes of an adult nature and if you are offended by such things then you are advised to read no further. Part One. Blackness....... Darkness......then light so bright I see nothing else. Then Darkness once again. Murmurs.......mutterings in the dark.......wait....voices....I can make out voices. The blackness fades to grey and then I can make out shadows, no wait its people all around me. My vision is becoming...

4 years ago
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TRANSPLANT By Annie James The sensation was a familiar one for an awakening teenager. Lying on my back with a raging erection sticking straight up under the bedclothes, I tried hard to roll onto my side both to free myself from the pressure of the covers and to conceal my state of arousal from the persons whose voices could be heard talking softly together in the room. Rolling over proved more than I was able to accomplish. It was as if I were tied to the bed. Was I at camp and some...

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All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

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The Beginning:Donna Reynold’s nineteenth birthday had just passed. I-Day was less than a month away. She was rapidly approaching the most important day of her life. I-Day was exactly one year from the date of her graduation. She had to make her decision by then. I-Day was the deadline for her to decide whether or not she would be implanted.It was quite an accomplishment for Donna when she graduated from her Third Level schooling.  Only one-third of the students made it that far. She remembered...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Grandfathers Paradox

GRANDFATHER'S PARADOX ? by: SsiRuuk25 Alex Harrison walked out of the bathroom, in deep meditation. Today was the day he had been waiting for, hoping for, for as long as he could remember. Today he would undergo a genetic replacement treatment, a highly experimental treatment developed by some biotech company he had never heard of. But when he heard what they were offering, he jumped at the chance. There were no guarantees, of any kind about anything, but the chance to be what...

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Grandmas Rocking Chair

She came home with one of those sick headaches that happens once in a while. There was a paleness about her that betrayed how lifeless and drained she was. He never knew just exactly what to do except quiet rest and the medicine. Today as she came in, he just went to her to help her in and she just fell into his arms and he enveloped her with his big bear like hug. He held her gently and with his hand he pressed her head into the soft cushion at the base of his neck. ‘What can I do for you?’...

1 year ago
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Grandmas Secret Sex Life

100% fiction! My parents died in an auto accident when I was young and I was raised by my grandparents. Since I never knew my parents, I thought of my grandparents as my mother and father, though they made it plain to me, early in life, who my parents really were. We had a happy life, really. Then one day even as a boy I realized that something seemed wrong between Grandma and Grandpa. I didn't know what exactly had happened between the two of them; all I knew was that suddenly they stopped...

2 years ago
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Granddads fingers were a welcome Penetratio

Married at eighteen and now, three years later, I hate the sight of him.I should have listened to others, advising me about throwing myself head-long into this relationship, but another saying 'You never know someone until you have lived with them', now rings hollow, as it reverberates in my head.Last week we were at a family reunion and he just got drunk, and began to talk down to me, continually correcting and belittling, honestly if I had a knife, I would have castrated him, but something...

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Growing up on a plantation

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My name is Toby and I grew up on a large cotton plantation in the south of Alabama in the 1840's. We owned over 100 nigger slaves. They were all given American names after Father bought them. More than three quarters of them were bucks. In our family there was my father (we always called him Father), my mother and my sister, Beth who was almost two years older than me, and...

3 years ago
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Growing up on a plantation

Introduction: Before you decide if you want to read this story I want to tell you that it is degrading to blacks and women and the N word and other terms that few use now are used often, as it would have been at the time this story happened. It is just fiction and intended to be fun and interesting porn. If you will be upset by what you will read in it, please do not read it. Before you decide if you want to read this story I want to tell you that it is degrading to blacks and women and the N...

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pain pleasure of plantation

Susan was woken early by all the commotion ? well, it was early for her although most of her slaves had already been toiling for at least four hours in the boiling hot Caribbean sun. She ambled over to the balcony to see if she could find out what was going on; unlike most of the plantations on the island, the land close to the house had been turned over to crop growing rather than ornamental gardens which was the custom. As far as Susan was concerned, it was pointless having plants and flowers...

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The Angry Whore Book 2Chapter 11 The Blanchart Plantation

27 December, 1686 Night As Denkton sat down at the now much more luxurious dinning table, with overhead skylight which Ihon had installed as part of the ships retrofit, he told the others, "Edentown is seated just a stones throw away past this creek on the north side of the Roanoke River. It is the largest town in the area and is and has been the seat of the governors for many years." "The only seat I have any interest in is the broad one making up my uncle's ass and only then...

1 year ago
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Grandpas EducationChapter 5

The house seemed empty after Jerry and Fancy left, and if it hadn't been for my daughter rummaging around in the kitchen, I might have fallen victim to that depression that being alone brings. I was at loose ends while she worked around the house, however, and excused myself to tackle some more of the writing that brought me a sense of purpose. It wasn't long before Angelina was leaning over my shoulder, trying to read the tale I was attempting to weave. "What's the story about, Dad?...

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Grandpas Secret

Wow, What a day, turning 17 sure was fun! I lay back in my bed trying to recall what had just happened.  I came home from school at 5pm to find a note on the table from mum telling me to go round to grandpa's to thank him for my present. So I ran upstairs to change.  As I passed Uncle Toms room I glanced in, the dirty old git was at it again, laying on top of his bed wanking his enormous cock.  I moved back a little so that he did not see me and watched as he pumped his manhood harder and...

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Pussy for Planks

We were taking a fall drive, when we came across aa little place in the country that was selling log slabs which was something we were looking for to redo our kitchen. We pulled over to look, the place was a bar / pizza place where the slabs were. We looked around, and decided we needed to find who ever owned them . Now my wife had on her best push up bra which showed plenty of cleavage ,with a pendant necklace which nestled right between her tits. We just entered the bar when a man came out...

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Granddads Girly Gals 2 Initiate Ingenue Ing

Grandfather GREGORY Goracy-Goral Gives Granddaughters GALA & GINA Great G-spot Groping===========================================================================Gorgeous Gala Gives Great Granddad Greg Her Horny Hot Head Initiating Intimately Ingenue IngaGreedy Gala Goes all the Way Wild Wanton Women Wants Shy Sister See Self Some SLAVE SEXGorgeous Gala Gives Great Seductive Sensual Slow Show So Ingenue Inga Immediately InterestedGreedy Gala Gives Great Hot Head to Energise & Erect...

2 years ago
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World Information Planes

General The planes of existence are different realities with interwoven connections. Except for rare linking points, each plane is effectively its own universe with its own natural laws. The strength of the walls between different planes is different in different locations. But in general the whole world of Myaasia is a place with weak walls, making Magic, transplanar travel and summoning in many instances too easy. Most magic is the application of Elemental planes or emotion planes. There...

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Natalya (Natty to all her friends) is the assistant admissions coordinator at State University and on this particular afternoon she was sitting back in her chair and staring at the pictures of her family that were prominently displayed across the front of her cubicle. In two large decorative frames were pictures her late husband Charles, her daughter Mary and her husband Frank and, of course, the love of her life, her grandson Billy. "Thinking about your grandson again Natty?" Caught...

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Grandpa and Grandma come for a visit and the entire family enjoys an incestuous orgy

“We’re here!” Grandma cried as she and Grandpa came through the front door with their suitcases. “Grandma!” the children shouted as quickly the five of them surrounded their Grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa hugged them all – letting their hands grab the firm young asses of their grandchildren. Grandma took special care to press her massive bosom against their chests feeling her nipples harden as she did. Grandpa’s large pecker had been hard since...

2 years ago
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Black Jamal in a Japanese Soapland

Jamal had just graduated from college and had enjoyed a good four years in at a private New England university where he had a full football ball scholarship and was one of the only black males around. Standing 6’2’’, 200lbs Jamal had enjoyed his time up north, being the big black man on campus and now it had all come to an end unfortunately. However, a benefactor at the school had taken a liking to him and given him a month long all expense paid trip to Japan, to expand his cultural...

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The Masterplan

He sat in his Lair and watched on the Screen. Again some of these Cape-wearing Punks had interrupted in one of his Plans. It was now the seventh big plan that had been ruined by one of the masked crusaders. In the whole World they were active. It was not like Years before were only one or two of the big Boys were able to do world-wide fighting. With the new Watchtower in the Orbit the Hero society was able to dispatch whole Squads of Supers all over the World. Even without their Teleporter they...

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Die Tchter des Plantagenbesitzers

Als Töchter eines der vermögendsten und einflussreichsten Männer im Staate Virginia des Jahres 1864 wachsen Miranda und Rebecca Beauregard liebevoll umsorgt, behütet und – trotz eines möglicherweise kurz bevorstehenden Bürgerkrieges – völlig unbeschwert auf einer der größten Baumwollplantagen des Landes auf. Doch während die knapp neunzehnjährige, schwarzhaarige Miranda bereits eine verwöhnte junge Südstaaten-Prinzessin ist, die sich ihrer außergewöhnlichen Schönheit inzwischen sehr wohl...

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Magic the Gathering A New Planeswalker

I glanced into the darkness of the alleyway. I couldn't see anything, but that didn't mean no one was there. This time of night you had to be careful. I quickly peeked at my watch, I was supposed to be at work already. The alley was a shortcut that could cut fifteen minutes off my route. "Screw it" I jogged into the alley. I had barely stepped into the alley when a big arm grabbed me by my collar and threw me deeper into the darkness. As I staggered back up to my feet, I noticed four men...

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George und Lisa entdecken den Plan

Nach einem aufregenden und verwirrenden Nachmittag mit seiner Freundin Lisa schnaubte George nach Hause. Wie üblich, hatte Georg ein paar Stunden bei Lisas Hause nach der Schule verbracht. Dies war in den letzten Monaten für sie zur Routine geworden. Sie würden von der Tageserlebnisse sprechen; Wer machte was in der Nachbarschaft oder in der Schule. Manchmal saßen sie auf dem Sofa und sahen sich einen Film oder eine Sendung im Fernsehen an. Heute war anders. Heute lag etwas anderes in der Luft....

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Adventures In Planeswalking

Please note that this is based off the card game Magic: The Gathering and I Do not own it. If I did I would be really rich. You are the planeswalker John Doe, and you hail from the 'Master plane' of Earth, and are on a mission to build an empire on any plane.

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Auf dem Echsenplaneten

Marcos wachte auf. Der Absturz mit dem Raumschiff auf dem unbekannten Planeten hatte ihm mehr zugesetzt, als er sich erst gedacht hatte. Er konnte sich errinnern, dass er in der Nähe der Absturzstelle eine Höhle gefunden hatte, in der er sein Lager aufgebaut hatte. Aber das hier sah nicht nach der Höhle aus. Das hatte mehr Ähnlichkeit mit einem Kerker. 'Wie zum Teufel komme ich hier her', dachte der kampferprobte Hühne bei sich. Der Raum mass ca 4 x 4 Meter, und bestand nur aus einer Strohliege...

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