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ARRIVING AND DEPARTING FROM MANILA by Monica Graz 1. ARRIVING IN MANILA PART 1 When I stepped out of the plane I was taken aback by the humid heat and a strong, nearly intoxicating smell, a mixture of tropical flowers and kerosene fuel. For a moment I thought I was back in my Julia days remembering my visit to Central America a couple of years ago when I was researching for my PhD the slave trade at that part of the world in 18th and 19th century. Same feeling of heat, humidity and smells as it was then. But I was brought back to reality when I heard the person next to me addressing me in Tagalog and asking me to start descending the ladder. I instantly was back to my Mollie Apuya role. The fear and uncertainty of the unknown came back to me and I felt a cold shiver in my spine even in that hot weather. I went through passport control without any incident, they practically waved me in, after all I was a Filipina coming back. Soon after I picked from the luggage belt my oversized suitcase and headed for the exit. They stopped me briefly at the customs but when I said that I had no electronic equipment, not even a mobile phone, they let me go. It was chaos and noise as soon as I stepped out of the controlled area. Welcome to your new third world country I said to myself as I started looking for Juanita's placard. As I was looking I suddenly realized that Conchita never mentioned if her sister is aware of my Julia background or simply knows my made-up Filipino/Romanian background. I decided not to say anything relevant until she mentions something. Suddenly I saw my name in a small placard among tens of others. The holder was a Filipino lady who instantly reminded me of a younger version of Conchita, medium height, on the plump side, wearing a fairly elegant summer dress in sharp contrast with the majority of women present dressed very simply either in shorts or cropped trousers and T-shirts. I waved at her as I started approaching pulling with difficulty my oversized suitcase. I already was feeling the humidity and I started getting sweaty with the effort. God I badly needed a shower after such a long trip. Juanita started walking towards me and as we came face to face she said in Tagalog, "You must be Mollie, welcome to Manila!" I smiled warmly and answered in my slow carefully modulated Tagalog, "And you must be Juanita, thank you for coming to pick me up." "Yes I am," she said with a faint smile looking at me with interest. I instantly noticed her immaculate makeup even in that hot climate and her beautiful light brown complexion. I could tell she was an expert in that, after all she was a beautician. But I also noticed as she was looking at me that although she was smiling her eyes were remaining cold and calculating, she simply was assessing me. "I can tell that your Tagalog needs a lot of improvement," she continued, "Conchita explained to me your half Filipino origins and that you started to learn our language with her in Italy. How is your English by the way?" Now I knew, she had no idea about my Julia background; for her I was a poor half Filipino orphan growing up in an obscure country in Europe. Now I knew how to approach her. I answered in my pigeon accented English, "Not that good, but enough to understand the basics." "You have to improve your English as well," she said with that faint smile still in her face, "English is necessary for you when you are back working as a maid in another country. You have to know all the vocabulary needed during your domestic duties, from cleaning, to taking care of babies or even elderly people." Here we go again I thought; the option of going to work in another country resurfaced even before I had the chance to meet Juanita properly. The familiar fear for my unknown future came back to me. "Come on girl! We better head for the house, you must be tired and I can see you need to wash yourself," she said as if she was able to smell me. She also called me 'girl' as if she was my new employer. And then I thought as I started following her, struggling with my bags. But of course she is my new employer. I am here to learn how to be a proper FDW and she is the one who is going to teach me that. Once more I am going to be the last in the pecking order and this time inside a Filipino family. How scary and fascinating at the same time this whole new adventure was for me! We walked fast towards a peculiar vehicle something between an oversized jeep and a bus. She approached the driver and said something fast in Tagalog then she opened the front door and sat next to him and motioned to me to move with my bags in the back. There were a couple of steps and two long wooden bench seats along the sides. I struggled once more with my luggage and carried everything at the end of the bench near the front of the vehicle where I could be in contact with Juanita through a small window. She saw me as I settled down and said half jokingly in English, "This is part of our public transport system in Manila Molly; it is called jeepney and is like a bus. The fare is very cheap and this is what you are going to use in the future when you move around." I nodded in agreement and said in my careful English, "I never saw something so unusual Juanita." She answered with a laugh, "Of course girl, you never have been out of Italy and the country in which you grew up, I forgot its name now." "It is called Rumania, I guess it is not very known in your parts, it is not a rich country but it is cold there and the buses are closed." The jeepney was nearly full now with Filipinos of various ages and styles carrying all sorts of goods, from normal shopping to live animals. All of a sudden the driver started the engine and its deafening noise made us stop talking. Half an hour later and after cruising Manila's suburbs, a mixture of tropical vegetation, small houses and anarchic traffic Juanita motioned to me that we are getting off at the next stop. Murmuring 'patawarin' theTagalog word for 'excuse me' I managed to drag my suitcase through the people sitting in the benches and I followed Juanita who started walking fast towards a small hill with lush vegetation and houses hidden behind. In a few minutes we were inside a wooden house with a large covered verandah surrounded by a medium size garden with fruit trees. PART 2 I looked at my room once more as I changed to fresh clothes after a much needed wash. It was practically a shed at one corner of the garden quite a distance from the main house. Juanita said simply that there was not enough space for me inside the house. There was a smaller shed attached to the larger one used as a very primitive toilet facility, just a toilet bowl and a metal sink with a cold water tap. When I asked about a possibility of hot water Juanita laughed and said, "Don't be absurd Molly, you don't need hot water in Philippines, we are a hot country. In the rare occasions you need it you have to heat it yourself in the kitchen stove." I looked once more at my new room; there was a high window with a broken glass and iron bars outside and a single metal door without a proper key and lock. It could be secured with a bolt from inside and a padlock from outside. Looking around I realized that it was nothing more than an old store room turned hastily to sleeping quarters for my arrival. It really had the feeling of an old fashioned prison cell! There was a single metal bed in one corner, with a very thin and hard mattress on top, a plastic cupboard standing in another corner where I could hang my few belongings and a small table with a single chair. Finally there was a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. I smiled ironically when I thought of my maid's room in Milan. It was like a 5star hotel suite in comparison with this one. Juanita said that I could rest for a while and she was going to call me later for dinner. I lied down in that uncomfortable bed and closed my eyes. I was jetlagged and felt terribly tired but my mind was racing and I couldn't sleep. All I could do was to think about the recent events and the conversation I had with Juanita. She certainly loved the presents her sister sent for her and her children and of course she pocketed the money very happily. Then she asked me to give my passport and my money to her for safekeeping since it would have been very dangerous to keep any valuables in my sleeping quarters, anybody could break in at that shed. And of course she started explaining her plans to me. I still could recall our chat. "I must say Molly you are God sent to me as I am very short handed at the moment and I must thank my half sister Conchita for that great idea and of course your Italian employer who agreed to that." So it was Conchita's idea all along my trip to Manila and Signora Matei went along with it. How cunning of Conchita. And again what was this story of Juanita being a half sister; this was news to me. As if she could read my mind Juanita continued, "I bet Conchita never mentioned to you that we are half sisters, it is a bit painful for her to admit it. You see Conchita is my father's child with our maid at the time. My father did the right thing and recognized her as his legal child but in reality she was never fully accepted in our family. My mother always ignored her. This is the reason Conchita left for Europe and started working as a domestic in Italy." "Wow!" I simply managed to say. "What a story. It is like a soap opera!" She laughed at my remark and said, "Our family goes a long way back in Manila and we have quite a bit of Spanish blood in both sides of the family, even our surname Rodriguez is Spanish." She stopped and looked at me an air of authority in her eyes, "You are not aware of those things Molly since you come from a very different background being an orphan and all that but like in any other country Philippines has a strong class system and our family belongs to what would be called in Europe 'the middle class'. We are educated and professional people never involved in any sort of manual labor. Unfortunately Conchita couldn't escape her mother's class and became a domestic like you." Now everything was clearer to me. Juanita was part of the middle classes in this country and that explains her arrogance and snobbishness towards me from the very beginning. In her eyes I simply was a domestic belonging to the lower classes and I should be treated accordingly. Somehow it reminded me of India and its caste system. I was an 'untouchable' or a 'dalit' for her. "So, let me explain your program as of tomorrow Molly," Juanita continued still speaking slowly in English as if she was addressing an imbecile, "You will be a full time housemaid in this house and of course you will learn a few basics to attend to the garden as well, nothing specialized of course, you are not a gardener after all, just sweeping the dry leaves and keep the verandahs clean and tidy." Her style and arrogance activated my submissive genes and I answered spontaneously in my accented English, "Yes Ma'am, I understand." She clearly liked that because her eyes shined as she continued, "That's the correct way to address me Molly, I am glad I didn't have to tell you myself. Ma'am or Mrs. Rodriguez is the way you will address me from now on." "Yes Mrs. Rodriguez," I said again, this time with a hint of irony in my voice. Juanita didn't pick that, she was too absorbed in her 'mode of grandeur'; instead she continued lecturing me. "Probably Conchita mentioned to you already that you will be working every second day at my beauty salon as a junior assistant, you have to learn how to do nails and shampoo hair. And last but not least I'll send you to attend classes for future nannies. All those are skills that will help you when you apply for a housemaid's job in due course." Again those vague plans for my future, this time from Juanita's lips, and I couldn't resist asking this time, "Excuse me Ma'am, is there some sort of timetable for how long I'll be working for you in Manila and what happens next? It seems that my Italian employer Signora Matei, Conchita and you are in some sort of agreement about my future." She answered me, her voice still slow and clear with a hint of annoyance in it, "There is not such a thing as an agreement as you imply Molly, simply Conchita expressing the wishes of your employer in Italy asked me to coach you how to become a better Filipina and maid and when and only when I judge that you are ready I'll let them know and they will decide what happens to you next. My understanding is that your future is solely in the hands of your Italian employer and you have no personal saying in it. Isn't that correct girl?" I was abruptly deflated once more and simply managed to say, "Yes Ma'am, it is correct, Signora Matei knows what is best for me." She became chirpy again and answered, Very well then, now I can show your room and how you can refresh yourself, then you can have a small rest, I think you need it." As I was coming to the end of my recollection of our chat with Juanita and my eyes were really closing I heard her strong voice from the house calling me, "Molly, wake up, dinner is ready, come and meet my children as well, we are all here now." "Yes Ma'am," I whispered half asleep, but the next moment I was awake and up checking my outfit, a simple t-shirt and shorts. Time to meet her two younger boys and her mystery older son Benito. PART 3 "Pumasok mutsatsa!" I heard Juanita's voice inviting me in as I arrived in front of the kitchen door which was facing the garden. Later I found out that mutsatsa meant something like 'girl-maid' from the Spanish word 'muchacha:girl'. Juanita and two young boys were already sitting around a large kitchen table as a young man in a ponytail wearing a pretty feminine bib apron was doing the serving bringing the food to the table. Juanita pointed to a chair and I sat down as she made the introductions. "Those are my two young boys Mollie, Alphonso who is twelve years old and Ruperto the younger who is 10. Benito with the pretty apron on is my eldest son and my joy and pride at the same time; he is just nineteen and my best assistant both in the house and in the hairdressing salon. Without him I wouldn't be able to cope." I said hello politely but the two young boys simply ignored me, either because they were too hungry or because they were too shy. Benito on the other hand gave me a big smile and said in English with the characteristic Filipino accent, "Hi Mollie, glad to meet you, my mother was eagerly waiting for your arrival. Now I'll be able to work full time at the beauty salon, the house is yours to run." He finished his sentence with an effeminate laugh. Juanita interfered by turning to me saying half jokingly, "Don't make it a habit Mollie, it's the first and last time you are sitting at the table to eat with us. As of tomorrow you are going to do the serving and you will be eating later after you clear the table as a proper maid." Wow! Juanita is setting the rules very fast I thought. I only could answer with a "Yes Ma'am, of course, I understand what you mean." She smiled at me but her eyes were cold, I could see it again, this woman was not a very warm person. She simply said this time, "Come on, let's eat now and after we finish our dinner and before you collapse from jetlag Benito will give you a guided tour of the house and explain to you where everything is. Tomorrow I'll explain a few more things to you.' As we started eating and I must say I was starving by then Juanita added, "This is chicken adobo Mollie one of the most popular Filipino dishes. Needless to say that you have to learn how to cook Filipino food since you are going to take over most of the cooking in this house. Benito and I will show you how to prepare some basic dishes." "Of course Ma'am," I answered as I dug in my plate. The two boys ate very quickly and went back to their room to catch up with their homework. After we all finished I offered to clear the table and Benito very eagerly started guiding me around the kitchen. I soon realized there was not a dishwasher and all dishes and other kitchen utensils were washed by hand. Apart from that the kitchen was quite modern with all the necessary appliances including a very efficient looking cooking stove. I offered to do the dishes but Benito took me by hand and started the guided tour of the house talking all the time in English with his strong Filipino accent. I instantly noticed that the house though well maintained and equipped was quite dirty and messy. There were clothes thrown on the floor in the three bedrooms and wet towels abandoned in the two bathrooms. There were no bath tubs but shower booths and as Benito explained to me there was permanent hot water from a solar heater in the roof. I smiled as I remembered my primitive shower conditions in my shed. Benito took me back to the living room where Juanita was sitting in a comfortable sofa watching TV from a large screen mounted on the opposite wall. She saw us coming muted the screen and smiled in a benign manner, "I guess you saw the mess in the house Mollie, my Benito neglected his cleaning duties during the past few days knowing you were coming and put all his efforts to our beauty shop." "I can see that Mrs. Rodriguez," I answered remembering to address her the way she liked. Benito still wearing his pretty apron turned to his mother saying in his soft rather effeminate voice, "Mama, I'm going to do the dishes now, Mollie will collapse in a minute from her jetlag; her eyes are nearly closing." He was right, my eyes were closing; I was falling asleep standing! Juanita looked at me and said rather abruptly, "Off you go Mollie, go to bed and try to have a good sleep. Tomorrow at seven I expect to see you in the kitchen ready for work." "Thank you Ma'am," I managed to say as I started moving towards the back door. "And Mollie," Juanita's voice stopped me, "Please don't wear shorts tomorrow, just put a dress on and cover it with a full apron; you will find a suitcase under your bed. Inside are Conchita's old clothes, you can air them tonight; they might be a bit musty after all that time." "Yes Mrs. Rodriguez," I said with a half asleep voice. God, I couldn't think properly anymore, all I wanted was to be in bed, any bed, I really was so tired. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll have the chance to organize my room and everything else. I went through the kitchen where Benito was doing the dishes. From the back he looked like a girl, ponytail and apron adding to that. I said good night in Tagalog, "Magandang magi Benito." He answered in English again, 'Good night Mollie, see you in the morning, it is going to be a long and busy day for you." It was about nine o'clock when I went to bed and I instantly collapsed into a dreamless sleep. I woke up at 4.00 in the morning feeling hot and sweaty and completely disoriented. For a moment I panicked feeling that I was in the middle of a bad dream. Where on earth was I? Then everything came back to me, the trip, my arrival in Manila, Juanita's house and my humble dwellings. I was quite awake now. My cotton nightie was soaked from the heat and humidity. I certainly wasn't at all used to those tropical conditions; my body was too 'northern' for that climate. I couldn't stay in bed anymore. I got up, turned the shed's single light on and pulled from under the bed the suitcase that Juanita mentioned before. In a few minutes I had on the bed a display of old and rather stale smelling clothes. There were several house dresses, simple cotton sleeveless dresses in various patterns and styles, dresses that I would find out later were called 'duster dresses' in Philippines, plus a few aprons either half or full with a bib. There were also a couple of maid's dresses, nothing fancy, just short sleeved front buttoned dresses with white piping around the collar, sleeves and front pockets, one was light blue, the other pink with matching half white aprons. There were also some underwear inside the suitcase, just cotton panties and bras all in a white color that wasn't that white anymore, it was rather a light shade of grey by now. I looked at them again and then I looked at my meager belongings in my suitcase, just a few summer items that Conchita let me pack telling me that in Manila I wouldn't need any wintery clothes and her sister would provide clothes for me. I looked again at the old clothes on the bed and a feeling of despair and abandonment overtook me. All of a sudden I realized my desperate situation and tears came up to my eyes. I was in a totally alien country all alone with no money and no passport since Juanita took them away, no proper clothes to wear and a bleak and uncertain future in front of me. With no money and no papers I found myself in a real predicament. I let it all happen pursuing a lifelong fantasy of mine, a fantasy to go down the social ladder and become something like an indentured servant just one step before complete slavery. The mere thought of that brought to me mixed feelings of despair and excitement, fear and expectations for the unknown. I dried my eyes and tried to concentrate on more practical matters. Those were my clothes now, Conchita's hand me downs and I was going to use them. I should ask permission though to wash them all before I started wearing them. Then I remembered Juanita's instructions, I had to wear a dress and apron tomorrow morning and I had not such an item in my suitcase, just T shirts, shorts and jeans. I decided to wear a maid's dress and apron to please Juanita. I picked the blue dress that appeared to be in a better condition and put it in a hanger outside my shed door to air it a bit. I put the rest of the clothes away in a pile and went back to bed to rest for a couple of hours. Juanita wanted me in the house at 7.00 pm and it was only 5.00pm now. I fell asleep again for over an hour and I frantically jumped out of bed when I looked at my cheap wrist watch; it was 6.30am already. It was day light when I went quickly to my toilet shed for a brief cold water wash. I rinsed my nightie in the sink to take away the night's sweat and dressed in my maid's dress that fitted fairly well, in fact it was a bit loose; I must have lost some weight during the past few days. I looked at myself in an old broken mirror in front of the sink. My dark complexion was still there. My eyes without any makeup and eye liner on and my jet black hair kept in the back with a simple elastic band gave me a more European look now, a more Mediterranean rather than Asian look. I smiled at myself as I tied my apron on. Probably it would be more exotic for a Filipino middle class family to employ a European as a live in maid, that would be like a revenge for all those Filipinas who worked as maids all over the world. I looked at my watch again; it was minutes before 7.00am. I walked timidly towards the kitchen door and knocked. I heard Juanita's voice from the inside. "Pumasok mutsatsa!" 2. DEPARTING FROM MANILA PART 1 I heard with trepidation the supervising officer's sharp voice, "Mollie Apuya, in my office this instant." I hastily wiped my hands in my large white working apron as I abandoned my hand washing sink and rushed to the other side of the large 'class room' where the office of Miss Renata Vigo my immediate supervising officer was behind a glass panel. I slightly curtseyed in front of her saying in my trained voice, "Yes Ma'am, you asked for me Ma'am!" "Yes Mollie, I asked for you because I have news," she looked at me as my legs started trembling, what news I started wondering. At this stage in my life any kind of news was scary for me. What next I wondered? "There is a job offer for you from Singapore!' She said that phrase looking at me expectantly. It was well known to all students at Manila's state-run Housemaids Academy that to get a job in Singapore was quite prestigious for a maid. Much better than those harsh Middle Eastern Muslim countries. I looked back at her confused; I wasn't certain if I should be happy or worried. I had no idea what that meant for me. After three months in Manila and a full month at the Academy I was setting quite comfortably in this environment. Now I had to change again. Another foreign country and this time no connection what's so ever with my recent past. Signora Matei in Milan knew all about me and my current employer in Manila was the half sister of Conchita my fellow maid there. But this time I was about to be sent to work as Mollie Apuya a Filipina maid in Singapore. Renata looked at me puzzled this time. "You don't seem very excited girl, aren't you happy that you found a job? They pay well in Singapore and you will be able to support comfortably whatever family you have here or abroad." I looked at her again trying to look excited this time, "Of course I am excited Ma'am, It just came as a surprise to me, Does my employer here Mrs. Rodriguez know?" By that stage my accented elementary English became like a second nature to me. I haven't spoken proper English in months and I started wondering if I still could do it. "Of course Juanita knows, I told her first, you know that she is a close friend of mine and you must always thank her that she convinced me to let you follow classes here, bypassing the rules that apply to most of the girls who come here to learn how to be proper domestics." "Of course Ma'am, and I thank you once more for being so kind to me, I learned quite a lot here; those classes for nannies in particular were quite informative to me, I had no idea about babies before I came here." I answered eagerly thinking at the same time that half of my savings, about 500 US$ were given to Miss Renata as a 'present' from Juanita to facilitate my entrance to the Housemaids Academy bending the rules slightly. "That's good to hear Mollie because the request I have here from the agency is that this family of four in Singapore has requested for a maid and nanny, apparently they have two very young children." Another wave of fear and anxiety went through me like an electric current. A maid and nanny in Singapore? It sounded quite surreal to me, though I should have been used by now to the sudden changes in my life without my consent. I found the courage to ask Renata, "May I ask how I was selected Ma'am?" She looked at me as if I was an ignorant idiot. "The computer of course Mollie, the computer made the match. The domestic agency you are registered with provides CVs for all the future FDWs to Singapore. It seems that your European background and experience made the difference. The family that asked for you has clearly a European background." She stopped and then added sternly, "Of course you are going to be interviewed in a couple of days by the Manila representative of the domestic agency. I'll let you know tomorrow about that. Now run back to whatever you were doing and pay more attention to what you learn here, probably you will be going within a week." "Yes Ma'am," I said curtseying as I turned to run back to my sink to complete my lesson of hand washing delicate items. Later as I was sitting in the jeepney's bench going back to Juanita's house I started thinking about the past three months in Manila. Sitting among all those Filipinos going back home from work, feeling hot and sticky under my uniform dress I realized that I still couldn't get used to the humidity of the tropical climate. Juanita proved to be a very stern and demanding employer and her son Benito though superficially pleasant had a rather difficult side. I soon found out that I had to work under strict rules in the house. I wasn't allowed to use any internal bathroom or toilet and I only was allowed to use the washing machine once a week. I could rest and relax in my shed or 'prison cell' as I started calling it. Occasionally I was allowed to watch some TV programs only when the family was present and that was for the improvement of my Tagalog as Juanita used to tell me. Every second day I spent several hours in Juanita's hairdressing salon where I worked as an apprentice. Under Juanita's guidance I learned how to do manicures and pedicures and how to wash hair. I was quite amused though with Benito who at the salon was acting completely as Benita. Wearing a pink smock and with makeup and lipstick on was acting like a competent female hairdresser. Even his mother and most of the clients were calling him Benita as if this was the most natural thing. I admired Filipinos for this rather unexpected lack of prejudice towards an effeminate lad. And then Juanita announced to me that I had to join the Manila Housemaids Academy to improve my domestic and childcare skills. She had to explain to me that she had to pay her friend Renata some under the table money so I could be accepted as an 'external pupil' for a period of four to six weeks. As the jeepney approached my stop I let a sigh because I knew that I had to rush in, tidy up the house and start dinner fro the family. A maid's work is never done I thought to myself as I stood up from my seat getting ready to get off. PART 2 The Interview happened faster than I expected. As soon as I arrived the next day to the Academy and changed to my working clothes Renata called me in her office where a skinny Chinese looking man was sitting in a chair opposite her office. "Mollie this is Mr. Li Cheng the Manila representative of the Singapore domestic agency. He will ask you a few questions; please answer as truthfully as possible. You have nothing to worry about, Mr. Li has done that hundreds of times before and he can instantly tell how truthful you are." She turned to him as she started departing the room, "Mollie is yours Mr. Li, do let me know when you finish, I have to do my rounds now and check what our pupils are up to, sometimes you can witness things in this place that are out of this world, those country girls as so ignorant some times and manage to do terrible mistakes.' Mr. Li nodded politely and turned to me as I was still standing awkwardly in front of him, dressed in the Academy's morning uniform, short sleeved light blue dress with a white collar covered modestly by a plain bib white apron. He never asked me to sit down, and without any small talk he looked at his laptop screen and started the questions in accented English that was hard to understand. "Your name is Mollie Apuya and you were born in Rumania Europe where you grew up in an orphanage, possibly the illegitimate child of a Filipino father and a Rumanian gipsy mother. Is that correct girl?" I nearly curtseyed to him as I answered, "Yes Sir, I grew up in an orphanage in Rumania and I was told later by my first employer in Milan Italy that my father was Filipino and my mother Rumanian gipsy." "I can tell that your English is passable enough. Are you familiar with the English vocabulary that has to do with housekeeping, cooking and taking care of children Mollie?" "I think so Sir," I answered truthfully, "I can also speak some Italian Sir that I had to learn when I was working in Italy." "Yes, I can see that in your CV, but it will be hardly necessary if you go to Singapore to work. You only need English there." "Of Course sir, I understand Sir" I said with a slight curtsey again. My God I was so in tuned to that movement now; it became a second nature to me like addressing everybody as Sir and Ma'am including occasionally people younger than me. "Now Mollie," Mr Li continued, "Do you know how to cook? Do you know oriental cooking?" "I learned how to cook first in Milan where I was doing more Western dishes and recently here in Manila my current employer Mrs. Juanita Rodriguez taught me how to cook some Filipino dishes Sir." I paused briefly, then added, "I am sorry Sir, but I am not familiar with Chinese cooking Sir." "Ah," Mr. Li said looking at his laptop again. "It won't be necessary girl to know Chinese cooking; your potential employers are interested more for the standard Western cuisine." He looked at me again and suddenly opened a file and game me a single piece of paper telling me at the same time, "Now Mollie, I want to check your reading abilities in English. Read to me please this recipe." I took the paper and looked at it, it was a recipe in English for spaghetti bolognaise! I slightly blushed as I started reading slowly trying to maintain my funny accent, "Ingredients: 1 kilo of ground beef, 1 large onion chopped, 2 garlic cloves crushed, 2 table spoons oil, 2 table spoons..." "That's enough girl," Mr. Li stopped me with his hand; "I can see you manage to read even if you do it slowly." He then passed me another sheet of paper this time blank and a pencil saying at the same time, "Now, I want you to write something for me, come to the desk and I'll dictate a few simple phrases." I approached the desk as he started his dictation, 'My name is Mollie Apuya, I am a Filipina 26 years old and I applied to work as a domestic worker in Singapore.' I am normally left handed but this time I thought of writing with my right hand which was difficult and slow for me, just what was needed for this peculiar test. So I wrote in a childish manner with a few deliberate mistakes, 'My name is Molie Apuya, I am Filipina 26 year old and I aply to work as a domestic worker in singapura.' I gave the piece of paper to Mr. Li who smiled condescendingly saying at the same time, "I guess that's OK Mollie, nobody expects anything more from a nearly illiterate girl like you and after all you are there to work as a maid, not a university professor." "Yes Sir," I answered with a hint of a smile, thinking how surprised he would have been if he knew he was talking to a PhD holder. He looked once more to his laptop and said, "I guess we are done here girl, I'll send an e-mail to Renata and your current employer Mrs. Rodriguez to let them know the details of your employment as a FDW. I'll need your passport of course and you will have to sign certain papers for your work visa. I think that within a week you will be able to travel to |Singapore." My feet were trembling again and my stomach was churning. Finally it was happening, I was about to start my first job as a Filipina maid and nanny for a family I never met before. I managed to answer to Mr. Li though, "Thank you Sir, I'll have to let my employer know, she is the one who has my passport for safekeeping." "And that's very wise girl, you wouldn't want to lose such a serious document. And of course when in Singapore you will give your passport to your new employers; all you need there is a special Work Permit, something like an identity card. Singapore authorities are very strict with foreign domestics and you wouldn't like to cross them." "Of course Sir,' I answered feeling the fear mounting again inside me. "You can go back to your classes or whatever duties you are assigned to and please tell Miss Renata that she can get back to her office, I'll wait here to have another word with her. Bye girl and good luck." "Thank you Sir, good bye Sir," I answered curtseying this time as I turned around to go full of fear and anticipation at the same time. Next stop, Singapore!

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Morgan Trents Curse

Morgan Trent walked down the hall of Mistwood High, with confidence, when you were the queen of the school it just came naturally, her entire life she had been popular, the right people always naturally gravitated toward her and she knew exactly how to use them to her advantage, she never truly considered them her friends merely stepping stones to her success "Suzy my drink," she said with a snap of her finger, Suzy Jones, Morgan's self-proclaimed BFF quickly handed the girl her drink, and...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Date Night Movies at Home

Date Night – Movies at Home My wife and I have been married now for over 15 years, and dated for 2 years before that. So, keeping our sex life lively and exciting can sometimes take a back seat to raising our k**s. My wife, with the best intentions in the world, tends to focus more on the family responsibilities, so I have to take the lead on our sex life, although I must say that when I can get her attention, she is a very talented lover.On this particular Saturday night, I had made...

1 year ago
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Daddy Does Patty Well

"Patty! Come here! You're going to piss me off if you don't answer me." I swallowed the lump in my throat and slowly emerged from my hiding place. Daddy was so mad. I'd never seen him like that before and I was afraid. When he'd caught Roger with his hand up my skirt and his mouth attached to my nipple, the shit had really hit the fan. Daddy had threatened to kill Roger, and to beat me. He was usually a gentle, loving man, and the fury with which he spoke sent terror rushing through...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 77

At work on Monday Laura ran into Yvette, but in place of her usual ardent, even passionate flirtation was a distant coldness that depressed Laura. Yvette would not even stop to talk. She looked at Laura oddly, as if Laura had got some kind of disease. Again Laura saw her during lunch. "What the matter with you?" she whispered. "I haven't caught TB or anything." They were in the cafeteria, where they always took care not to call attention to themselves. Yvette glanced around nervously....

2 years ago
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Babysitting Craig

I had done more with other boys in the neighborhood when I was around Craig's age, but that seemed to stop just before, or shortly after puberty. Some of them began to realize that it was sort gay to do things like comparing the size of our boners, or play games of truth-or-dare that always lead to the removal of clothing. We should have just called the game "dare" because I don't recall any of my little playmates selecting "truth." It was always somthing along the lines of: "I dare...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 647

“Despite our AIs actually doing the flying, I want every pilot to have his or her hands on the controls at all times when we do this for real, and when we practice as well. Ann and I have put together a rough outline. Everything seems to work in the simulation, but we haven’t done it for real yet. There could very well be glaring errors that only show up when actually flying the patterns. Bottom line: be careful and think about what the next step is. Does the current process make sense with...

2 years ago
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Plum Tea Revival

I feel as if my world is coming apart. My life was going so well just a few days ago and now it is crumbling all around me. I seem to have no choice but to look at what is going on inside a car just a few feet away from me. I want to look away, but my body is completely frozen. Actually, that is not true. One part of my body is still working and that would be my tear ducts. Periodic tears are leaking from my eyes because of what is going on inside the car. The macabre show is chipping away at...

1 year ago
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Fate and Destiny Ch 04

*** PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.*** CHAPTER 4-LOVE OR LIFE Noel was shaking with fear and Leon was shaken by the entire incident. Mr. Davis was a very bad man and he was the worst enemy anyone can have. Mr. Davis’ anger was at its highest level and it felt like the volcano would soon erupt. ‘Nathan, tell everyone outside that the party is over and take Jake out of my sight now.’ Mr. Davis ordered his manager. Then he turned towards Mrs. Davis and said-...

4 years ago
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Winning The Gamble

By : Jonesreagent Hi this is Jone here and I am 19 years old good looking male. I had many affairs in school life I had my first girlfriend in 4th ok friend’s I will tell you my true experience which I had in my 12th standard. I and my friends organized a trip to Shimla in our summer vacations of which my cousin was also a part. Her name is Niharika and is so sexy that you can’t resist yourself from touching her here and there. Few days of trip went very smoothly and we all enjoyed a lot! I and...

2 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 52 Various Completions

There was a knock on Mary Nally's bedroom door. Mary levered herself up on the couch, "Come in!" "Hi, Punkin." "Hi, Pop." "Your mother's all proud of herself for her meddling." "Yeah, I know." Mary had stayed upstairs when she detected the roaring fight her parents were having at dinnertime. "How bad is it?" "Bad. I let it all hang out, since she was. Let her know that things weren't peachy and that I wasn't a monk." Arthur settled in the recliner and started polishing...

2 years ago
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The Lotus Room

Duang finishes his dinner early these days. He waits a while then as soon as he can, excuses himself from his elderly parents and climbs up to his room on the second storey of their wooden house. It’s his usual time to check on his harem. It’s cool at this time of the evening, really the best time to be up here. The sun is setting behind the shiny leaves of the mango trees. A squirrel is munching a hole in the half-ripped dark-green fruits dangling on long thin stalks, its last meal for the...

3 years ago
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BetrothedChapter 4

No, it couldn't be. Nick was dead, wasn't he? Allison stared at his face, though the face before her was rugged and very manly, she could see a hint of the boy she used to know, now that she was looking for it. "Nicky?" she said hesitantly. Nick, who was now turning down the covers on the bed, his back to her, snapped to attention immediately. He spun around to face her, and in that moment she knew for sure. This was her Nick. She didn't know how it happened, but it was him. "Oh...

3 years ago
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Angel Ch 02

Several weeks later, Johanna and I were taking in the sites of the harbor. Sitting on the ledge of the semi-circle seating in front of the ferry launch, we ate our fries in the new days afternoon sun. It was a Sunday, and as another of our rules, Johanna and I took Sundays off to unwind from a usually busy week. ‘So,’ I said casually to Jo. ‘My mom called yesterday.’ ‘Oh really? Did she ask about your ‘job’ at the factitious dentist office?’ Jo said as she shoved a fry into her mouth. ‘Yeah....

1 year ago
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Student slut likes to open spread her legs

Whilst I am usually attracted to MILFs, the following story is based on true events of a horny sexual encounter with a cum luving student slut who was a few years younger than myself. This happened during my time studying at Newcastle University in 2006. Cat and I were not studying on the same Uni course but we met up in a bar early in the October semester as various circles of friends were mingling. I was always popular but not loud and neither did I like being the centre of attention, I...

3 years ago
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StockingsChapter 8 Pegging is Fun

MOM AND I were lounging around one afternoon a couple of weeks later after she’d made Danny come when she asked me if I wanted to help her give him and Dad a treat. “What’s that, Mom?” She smiled. “Give them a little taste of how it is for us. Danny knows what it’s like to wear stockings and the rest of it, and this will show him a little more about what it’s like to be a girl.” “How?” “Be right back.” When Mom returned she carried a strappy thing with a cock. I knew what a dildo was,...

2 years ago
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I slid the keycard to the house into the little box and watched the dot turn from RED to GREEN. Just like a hotel. My heart was racing as I waked into the grand living room adorned with dark, deep, red curtains which covered the floor to ceiling windows. A fireplace stood against the far wall, next to a large, comfy looking couch. As I looked around I saw very little decor, but what I did see had a rather dark tone. Against the opposite wall from the fireplace there was a large collection of...

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The day that Lisa loosened her shirt

When Lisa opened her shirt Hopefully you’ll like this story - a true story from just a very few years ago and reposted for your enjoyment …. Please comment as you see appropriate ……… I have known my wife now for the best part of 20 years. She is a school teacher and even now is a very attractive lady. I guess the closest look-a-like I can think of is that she looks very much like an English version of the gorgeous Kim Delaney from NYPD.The thing that attracted me to her at he time we met was a...

Wife Lovers
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Fiona Frost 01022021

OH-MY-GOD! It’s Christmas time and the air it’s filled with the season of giving. Well in keeping with the giving spirit today’s a pretty special gift. A gift from God I’d say, an angel from above, heavens sweetest treat and her name is 20 year-old Fiona Frost. This one’s special. But Steve? You say that about a lot of girls. Yeah, but this time it’s for real. And you’ll hear just why she’s so special in her submission video stating she’s...

2 years ago
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Its All In The Wrist Chapter 2

I stretched luxuriously, my tummy flat on the cool, crisp Egyptian cotton sheets of the king-sized bed, thumbing through a picture book of Idaho that I had found on the desk. You had excused yourself to pick up a few last-minute items to sustain us during our week in the wilderness. It struck me again - I was in Idaho! I was actually going through with this! Was it wrong? Yes, I conceded. And, later, I might regret my actions. But now I didn't care. I was living outside the rules and it tasted...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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VacationChapter 60

Day Sixty - Thursday I woke with my face against Sue's lovely chest. The softness of her breast was just the surface of how firm she was. As soon as I shifted, she opened her eyes and kissed me saying, "I love you." We slid from between our bedmates and began our morning routine. In the shower, I made sure Sue had a full donation of my half of the mixture needed to make the new life she wanted so much. As we were drying, the sleepyheads came into the bathroom, peed, and got into the...

1 year ago
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Wedding Day

Wedding Day Susanna says: - It is every T-girls fantasy to get married in a lovely white wedding dress, to wear those wonderfully sensual white and pearl bodices, the white stockings and the blue garter. The icing on the cake in this story of course is the photographer, what a way to celebrate your first few hours as a married woman, by being fucked by a man! As for me, always the bridesmaid but never the bride, especially when I wore a lovely pink taffeta bridesmaids dress that hugged...

4 years ago
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Crash for a Night Part 1

Here is a little about myself: I am a 30+ year old closeted bisexual. I have had a few encounters with other men (all of them are documented in other stories). But in reality 99% of my sexual encounters have been with women. I live alone in an apt with 1 bed room in NYC. The story starts online...on Facebook. A friend from undergrad reached out to me saying that he had an interview for a job in the city and that he wanted a place to crash. Initially I really didn't want to because I am kind of...

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my step sister

there in my room I felt so alone, with my heart beating hard I was beginning to lose control. across the hall I saw you change, dear little step sister of mine, have I no shame? but I became overwhelmed with my blood rushing quick. so hard, so erect it became to thick.changing your cloths, I could not look away. then for a second you saw me at bay. I could not move, my dick still so big. my eyes would not remove, I just wanted to fuck you like a pig.with my dick throbbing hard, you walked...

3 years ago
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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 7

Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 7 Steve unlocked me from the cage and handed me over to Master. I went to wipe Steve's cum from my face, but was told to leave it. "So Sissy, that's 3 serious demerits you've earned for that little escape attempt. I warned you not to mess with me, but you just couldn't help yourself could you? "No, Master" I said sheepishly. "Right, well get yourself home and learn to follow orders, he said. "I want you to have an early night and watch the videos I...

3 years ago
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Very True Sexual Encounters with Strangers

Friday night meant a night out in town with my girlfriends, and as they all lived in town, it meant a short train ride for me. Being a leggy blond meant short skirts and stocking as an added attraction for men to buy me drinks, all part of the cheap night of fun and perhaps sexual pleasure if the bloke appealed.I got on and sat down in an empty seat, admittedly showing an awful lot of leg, as the hem of my short skirt sat under my bum. Don't get me wrong, that was its sole intention, and I...

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Masters Sissy slave Chapter 2 Understanding

Master's Sissy slave by llatex39 Understanding After the final orgasm I could feel Marcus's hands over my penis and it then being forced back into the constrictive chastity cage, with a turn of the key I was now safely locked away, not that I had any more desire after cumming 6 times over the course of the night. Completely dazed after an incredibly restless night I felt the machine loosen it's bonds on me so I could stand up away from the machine. Marcus then removed the VR...

4 years ago
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Sweet Like Chocolate

Like a lot of women, I love sex and can’t get enough of it. There is nothing better than to have my tits and pussy sucked and to be filled with a hot, pumping cock, in my mouth, cunt or ass. I love it all. But good sex is always hard to find and lately there had been a drought of men that tried and failed to satisfy me in the bedroom.Then I met Ken, my first black guy. I had always fantasized about having a black cock deep in my throat or fucking my ass and pussy till I could take no more. So...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 22

For the next couple of day I stayed home. I did some housework, and I re- stocked the food cupboards and freezer. I spent the days trying to control my need for sex. I especially wanted to stop indulging in "dirty sex". Having it off with strangers was disgusting and rather dangerous, although it was so incredibly exciting. I still got my urges of course, but I managed to satisfy them by masturbation and heavy use of my vibrators and dildos. I did pop in to see Carol to return her double...

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Making My Boss My Fuck Buddy Part 2

Hi guys, hope you all are doing fine. Thank you for reading my previous story and for the likes. Let’s get into the second one. The next day around 8 am, she came to wake me up by giving pecks on my cheeks and lips. Ria: Good morning, baby. Me: Hey, good morning, honey. She kept a brush kit and a cup of tea on the tea table and asked me to get ready. I woke up, got fresh, and wore my dress, and came to the drawing-room. I was looking for Ria, she was in the kitchen. I rushed to the kitchen...

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Vanished Ch 06

I heard voices outside and froze. I strained to hear the conversation as it drifted in. I heard my name mentioned. I could tell there were a number of men, with him. They were laughing and joking. ‘No he won’t bring anyone into this place with me chained here like this, surely not. He would go to jail, he is not so demented.’ I heard at least two maybe three voices plus his deep voice. The door opened and he let three people enter before him. I could have died of the embarrassment, being seen...

3 years ago
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A toy boy story Chapter 3

After our little interlude I try to avoid too much contact with my boss, Mrs Williams. She seems to also avoid contact and when she does it is strictly business. I come to the conclusion that our romp on the fourth floor was a one off. A pity really as I enjoyed making her talk dirty and beg to be fucked. It gave me a sense of power even though she got was she was craving. I guess you could say we BOTH got something out of it. Having gotten through the week both at work and an amount of...

2 years ago
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The Slave in the Shed

"Good morning sleepy head"  Mac announced cheerfully.     He entered the wooden shed behind his house, carrying a half eaten cheeseburger and  a coke.  Inside the heavily reinforced and soundproofed building, it was impossible to tell  wether it was morning, or night, the only windows were narrow horizontal windows almost 7 feet above the floor.   Overhead there was no formal ceiling, just the raw roof and a series of beams running from wall to wall.  Chains, straps and pulleys hung everywhere,...

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Gift in a piligrim guesthouse

I am going to narrate one of my experience. This happened in a guesthouse of a pilgrim center. I had been there to meet a friend. I was staying in a double room of that guest-house. This was supposed to be a part separated from a huge family suite. The door separating the two sections had some tiny holes. In the night when I had put off the lights I could notice streaks of light emanating from the adjacent room. By curiosity I just peeped through those holes and I could see a young couple...

3 years ago
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Community Moving OnChapter 17

Cindy’s turn: I’m about ready to ditch the wheelchair. I can walk short distances now, but crossing campus is still a bit of a stretch. I’m supposed to meet the pTerridactyl at the engineering building. There was a time when we’d be walking together, but since she’s married now, our paths don’t cross as much. I’m waiting on a call from Dana. One of our remote sisters has issues and I’m thinking Dana’s family might be a key to an amenable solution. I find it somewhat amusing that a group as...

4 years ago
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Sex Questions

What’s your favorite place to be kissed? My neck or pussy.What’s your favorite color lingerie?Black or Red.What color panties are you wearing?Pink.What’s your favorite sexual position?Doggie.Do you prefer srawberries with whipped cream or chocolate?Both!Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top?Both.Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off?On, then you can really see how eachother feels.Do you like rough sex or smooth sex?I love rough but smooth is really nice and romantic too.What one...

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Asian mom and latina friend banged by big black co

All characters above 18.Part of real incident modified.Maria is a sexy latina girl with a nice ass. My mom is a beautiful Asian lady. As I arrive at my home, I ring the bell. No response comes from inside. I text my mom to see if she is not home. My good friend Maria is next to me, she taps my shoulder, "Dude, I will check what your mom is up to." She surries through the garden door and returns after a few minutes giggling. She whispers, "Dude, come to my house, your mom is doing stuff that is...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 185 Against the Armstrong Cannon

(Using Sanosuke's punch for an extra boost, Kenshin sails high through the air.) Yahiko: He jumped! Megumi: Ken-san! Kaoru: Kenshin! Hiten Mitsurugi-ryuu Kuzuryuusen! (Kujiranami is knocked back and falls to earth.) Sanosuke: Awright! (Kenshin catches Enishi's eye; he smiles. Kenshin alights on the dojo roof; Kujiranami hits the ground hard.) Gein: First round to him... But as long as he has the arm-mounted cannon, Kujiranami can turn it around with a single shot. Enishi: Somehow,...

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Fun in the hot tub

This is my first story. I’m not really a writer, so gimme a break. Hopefully it’s good enough for some people to get off on. My wife and I always wanted to take a dip in the hot tub in our apartment complex. One cool night in June, we decided that it was time to see if it was any good. My wife slipped into her blue bikini, which showed off her flat stomach and tight ass. My wife is deliciously petite, coming in at 5’1′ and weighing 98 lbs. Her 34A breasts didn’t completely fill out her top,...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 23

It was three twenty-four A.M. when Catherine next opened her eyes. She was temporarily disoriented and it took a moment for her to figure out where she was, and why she was sleeping on her own couch. When she did, I heard her walkie talkie click twice, which caused her to leap up and run for her bedroom, to return with her sidearm drawn and ready for action. She was talking a mile-a-minute to her team outside, and waved me over to stand with her in the little hallway, out of the direct line...

2 years ago
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The Office Mess Part 3

As it neared 4:30 in the afternoon I walked toward my neighbor’s office. Her door was not locked so I gently pushed it open and entered. She was on the phone but motioned for me to come in. As she talked I looked at the awards and photos on her wall. Other than an occasional visit to Facebook I knew little about the social media world. But she had local, state, and national awards hung on her walls. There were also pictures of her with the mayor and governor along with business leaders in the...

Straight Sex
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Hot Porn

Who’s up for some Hot Porn Today? That’s a rhetorical question, obviously, since you probably wouldn’t be here otherwise. Since I started the site nearly a decade ago, ThePornDude has grown to become the most popular and most respected directory of online adult entertainment in the world. I get millions of visits a day from perverts looking to find their preferred style of fap fodder, and my own status as a world-renown pornography scholar has allowed me to expand my empire into related...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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My first cock days later

“How an unexpected night changed my life forever”To fully understand, you have to know how it all came about. I wrote about it earlier. You have to put yourself in my shoes. You have to remember when you were that age, so horny you could mastubate 3 times a day and still drool over every sexy girl, or boy, that walked by. I was at the age when you just start getting your first tastes of freedom and start experimenting with sex.My next shift at the restaurant was days after the Christmas party....

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The ExhibitionistChapter 12

Since my compulsion was gone, I was not sure what our next move should be, so I asked Ann if there was anything that she had in mind. She shrugged her shoulders, so we continued into Ft. Worth. We checked into a hotel and were just finishing our shower prior to finding some supper when we got a call from Lars. "Abe, I need you and Ann right away. Please drop whatever you are doing and return to headquarters." "Shall we get dressed first?" Ann asked. Lars laughed and acknowledged that he...

3 years ago
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The Queen and her Decendant

Running and shouting are heared throughout the forest. A girl and three soldiers all armed with spears and swords run through the forest. "Bandit, bandit!" Is all the soldiers yelled, the girl runs and turns through the endless trees away from them. "Why me, what did i ever do wrong," the girl thought; her life was on long bad event after another, left in an orphanage, tossed out for reasons beyond her control, forced to whore and steel to live, and now she was here soldiers chasing her into a...

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Blacked and Betrayed chapters 1 through 3

Blacked and Betrayed by rat_race * * * * * CHAPTER 1 - My First Cuckold Experience * * * * * "Oh come on. It'll be fun," I insisted, sitting there in that dingy neighborhood bar, in the not-so-nice part of town. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Remember?" "Yeah, but we're not in Vegas, Carl. We're here in Austin, Texas. Our home town. Remember?" my 32-year-old wife, Sally, argued back, and then continued on, "And we also just happen to be pillars of our community. Don't...

4 years ago
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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 8

"Can we look in your bedroom... to make sure, first?" Evelyn countered Ron's statement about wanting to burst in and catch his wife in the act. "I don't know. The windows are kind of high in the bedroom... !" he told her. "But maybe I could get something to stand on..." Walking softly, they stole up to the window, Ron carrying a folding aluminum chais lounge chair, which he placed on the ground and gingerly stood up on to test its stability. The added height brought his eyes up...

1 year ago
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Rachel Crossing the Line VIII

Thanks for all the encouragement. I write for that and have really appreciated all the emails and comments (good and bad). Rachel is a complex girl, hope you enjoy this chapter... Rachel November 21st, 8:10 PM I was nervous, the keycard to open the suite door shook slightly in my hand as I slid it into the lock. I had knocked of course, but no one answered. There was no way I was going back down to the lobby or to mingle with the casino crowd. Hell, I'd...

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Florida Fantasy

Pete and Sandy were standing at the counter of the car rental agency, awaiting their car. They had just arrived in Miami, after a three and half hour flight from Ohio. Both were excited about this trip. They were going to spend a whole week in Key West Florida, and do nothing but lie on the beach and explore the area. Life was good for them now. They were living together, and Sandy’s daughter and her significant other were living in Pete’s old house, right next door to them. Of course,...

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Sid-erella Many years ago, in a small and peaceful kingdom, lived a young man called Sid. Sid was the only child of his parents, who managed a small farm. Sadly, Sid's mother died when Sid was 9 years old. In those days there were no photos to remember people by, and his family had not been wealthy enough to get a portrait done of her. But Sid and his father kept some of her jewellery and clothes in an old trunk, as a reminder of her. Sid used to sometimes open up the trunk, and...

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The RescuedChapter 42 SM03Pi Day 6 continued

Steve returned home, and entered to find all of the new women except Tina engaged in a happy uproar with his wife and daughters. Steve walked up to Anna, pulled her to her feet, and hugged her hard. "I need to talk to you," he whispered in her ear. She looked at his eyes, and made her excuses to their daughters and new roommates. They left for Steve and Anna's room, after Steve gave several of his daughters and a couple of the new women a big hug. Steve told Anna about Raul and Maria's...

3 years ago
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American PaganChapter 5 Beautification

That evening, all four members of the temple staff showed up at Henry's door. Each was holding a box of Ember's personal possessions. Melissa jumped up and down, assuming that this was the start of a party. "You don't have much stuff," said Henry. The red head shrugged. "The life of an acolyte is a simple one." "There is a guest room, second door on the right, upstairs. That will be your room." Livia snorted. "Yeah, right. Like you're not going to be tapping that ass every...

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MoonlightbyPeggyBuxton©John knew his mother was standing the doorway of his bedroom. The night wasn't that dark. He flipped the sheet back making his nocturnal activity even more obvious. "You're so delicious," he moaned softly as his hand slowly traveled the full length of his thick shaft. "Not as hot as my mother. Nothing could be as sweet as her pussy." Julie had been watching as she had for the last few nights. Her hand was under her short nightgown, fingers wet and moving as quietly as...

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Marrying My Nephew Prakash 8211 Part 1

Hi all, My name is Sumitra and am going to narrate the sex story happened 2 years back. I was then a 38-year-old woman having 2 children. One son and one daughter. My son was 19 years old and my daughter was 16 years old. I was married at the age of 18 and gave birth to them immediately after marriage. Go to indiansexstories dot net to read more real-life sexual encounters. My husband was 22 years elder to me. He was 60 then. He had stopped having sex with me after our children were born. It...

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Craving My Life As A Bachelor

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. I’ve been married now for three years. What a nightmare, waking to a gorgeous ‘lump’ next to me every morning. Leaving work knowing I’m returning to a beautiful woman with a sexless life. Her girlfriends, described by a comic who said his girlfriends female companions were “haters”. My wife spends time with her friends as they always...

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In The Beginning Chapter 16

Tina“Ah good, that makes it easy,” said the person at the door. “You’re coming with me,” he said, stepping forward and reaching for me.Luke stepped out of the door and across the front of me so he was in his way, “No she’s not and you need to leave right now.”“You make choices for her now? She your property, huh?”“Look, you’ve been drinking, don’t do anything you’ll regret.”“I’m sober enough. You think you own her? Can tell her what to do?”“I don’t own her, she’s free to do as she will.”“You...

Love Stories
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Second Chances Chapter 14 The Morning After

Saturday, September 27, 1997 My head is throbbing. I can feel sunlight on my eyelids. Where am I? Try to open my eyes, but my eyes are dry and its hard to open. I must still have my contacts in. What happened? I try to remember. The memories are coming back. The party. I was making out with a cheerleader. I was playing beer pong. I punched Amber in the face. I smiled at that last memory. My head is still throbbing though. I managed to open my eyes. They're so dry. Yup....

4 years ago
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In der Falle 3

Mein bisher geilstes Sex-Erlebnis Ben kam noch näher an mich ran, bis sein Kopf neben meinem war. „Ach nein? Dann war das sicher alles ganz ohne Absicht, wie Du Dich immer schön nach vorne gebeugt hast, damit ich Deine Titten sehen konnte. Und rein zufällig immer dann, wenn Sarah nicht hinschaute... Hältst Du mich eigentlich für blöd?"Sarah. Oh Gott, die Erwähnung ihres Namens schreckte mich auf. Wenn sie herein kam und uns so sah. Ich machte mich los und versuchte, den Raum zu verlassen. Aber...

3 years ago
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A Life Changing Experience

I was in a well-settled life, good and steady job, nice family, etc. If at all there was anything I was missing, it was the frequency of sex with my wife. We were in our 50s and after menopause, her interest in sex had somewhat gone down. I accepted that change and tried to get involved in few other activities which will keep me busy and occupied. Then something unimaginable happened which was truly life changing. As part of my duties in office, we had to hold training and orientation programs...

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