Take Your Medicine Honey Chapter 6
- 5 years ago
- 26
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"How do I look, honey?" my wife asked me.
I quickly turned my attention from the television show that I had been watching and focused my gaze on Angela as she stood framed in the lounge-room doorway. My hungry eyes slowly floated over her a couple of times, from eye-line to ankle.
"You look absolutely gorgeous," I finally told her.
And she did. It was 7:00 pm on Friday night, and Angela had just finished dressing in preparation for her night out with the girls. Yes - she had decided to go to the Hen's night.
She was wearing a slinky cream-colored skirt with a hemline that hovered perhaps six or seven inches above her knees. Her torso was encased in what I can best describe as a lacy red top that resembled a glorified sports singlet; it was almost like a snug-fitting corset that had been sewn onto the bottom of a bikini bra, and it hung over her shoulders on spaghetti-thin straps. The neckline wasn't overly deep but it still offered the observer a generous glimpse of cleavage, and the cup of her breasts was amply evident under the swell of the taut, sculpted material. A loose black jacket and black high heels completed the ensemble.
Angela had also outdone herself in the bathroom; she had blow-waved her long blonde tresses into soft undulating waves. She didn't need a lot of make-up at the best of times, but tonight she had enhanced her dazzling green eyes with mascara and eye-shadow, and her lips gleamed moistly with soft red lipstick. Angela had made the most of the recent late-spring sunshine, and her freshly-shaven legs glowed with a modest tan.
Gazing at her, the overall effect of her alluring attire was sophisticated and classy - but absolutely sexy. Seductive was the first word that sprang to mind. She smiled at me and turned a playful pirouette, and I drank in the sight of her tight calf muscles and her curvaceous backside that resembled an inverted cartoon heart. The wicked little carnal buzz began hammering at me yet again.
"Do you like my new top, honey?" she asked when she had completed her pirouette.
"Very nice," I replied truthfully.
"I picked it up yesterday," she informed me. Her eyes flashed. "I don't need to wear a bra under it," she added, almost playfully. "It has one kinda built into it."
I nodded and swallowed involuntarily. My wife sent me a knowing smile and strode over to where I was sitting. She sank down to perch herself on my lap. Her rich perfume enveloped me, and the warmth of her thighs pressed onto mine.
"Are you still okay with this, baby?" she asked softly, sliding her arm around my neck. "You're okay with me going to the Hen's night?"
I slowly nodded. "Yeah, hun - I'm perfectly fine with it. If I seem jumpy, it's just because..." I hesitated.
"Because you're thinking about what I might do tonight, lover?" Angela smoothly added, completing my sentence.
"And you're still perfectly okay with me having a little fun if I get the chance, honey?"
I nodded again. "Yes. Jesus, do you have any idea what the thought is doing to me?"
Angela's lilting smile widened. "Oh, yes, honey. I know it's been a fantasy of yours for a long time, honey - and I know what it's doing to you to think about it possibly becoming real." She paused for a second. "Especially now," she added. I knew she was referring to my inability to get an erection, and I drew a sharp, excited breath.
We had, in fact, discussed her jaunt to the Hen's night on several occasions in the last five days. Angela had wanted to be sure that I was ready for this final leap into unknown territory. She had again made it absolutely clear that if she did do anything tonight, then it was because she loved me and because she wanted to let me experience my fantasy at the ultimate level. She had also told me that she was very pleased and gratified that I had enough faith and confidence in our love to allow her the chance to play outside of our marriage.
She did, however, also admit that the notion of her engaging in some illicit sex was extremely enticing. This admission naturally augmented my own arousal. I had excitedly asked her several more questions about how much the thought of finding a lover turned her on - but she had coyly deflected my queries, apart from teasingly telling me that it had been seven months since she'd had sexual intercourse and that my dream had perhaps been right - she just might need it.
She now squirmed on my lap and her smile became a sexy little leer. "So will you be thinking about me while I'm out tonight, baby?"
"Oh, yeah - constantly!" I answered. My excited tone underscored my reply
"Well, just keep thinking about me until I get home, honey," Angela playfully said. "I'm sure you'll wait up for me," She winked and kissed me softly. She rose to her feet. "Well, I suppose I'd better head off."
I swallowed again and nodded, getting to my feet and following her into the kitchen. She picked up her car keys and leather purse.
"You won't drink too much tonight, will you?" I asked her.
She shook her head. "No, baby - three standard drinks will be my limit tonight. I'm not risking my driver's license."
She started to slide her purse into an inner pocket of her jacket. She paused thoughtfully for a few seconds before drawing it back out, sending me a playful smile.
"I also picked something else up yesterday, too," she said mischievously. She opened the purse and lifted out a small cardboard box. My heart suddenly pounded.
"I thought I'd better get some - just in case," she playfully chirped. I glanced down at the small packet of condoms before she slid them back into her purse.
"Oh my God!" I uttered in a tight voice. The buzz clicked up about ten notches.
Angela giggled. "I thought that might get your attention!" she purred. She tucked her purse into the pocket inside her jacket.
"You know that I'm going to be a fucking wreck when you get home don't you?" I whispered huskily to her. She leaned in and kissed me. Her warm, moist tongue slithered over my lips.
"I'll make sure of it, honey," she replied smoothly. "Well, I'm gonna head off, lover. If I run into any problems, I'll give you a quick call to let you know."
I nodded. My pulse was still racing.
She embraced me and kissed me again. "I should be home at around midnight, or even a little later, okay?"
"I love you, Michael."
"I love you too, Angie."
Her broad grin reappeared. "Have fun tonight, lover."
"I'll try. You have fun, too," I replied tightly.
"Oh, I'll certainly try, honey!" she playfully quipped. She gave me a soft final kiss and strode to the front door. She was halfway out when she turned back to face me. "Oh! By the way? If I do happen to meet a hot little playmate tonight, I'm still going to go through with that little plan I told you about the other night - so I might have a little surprise for you when I get home. See you later tonight, lover!" With a final teasing wink, she was gone. The front door shut with a thud of finality.
As I listened to her high-heels clicking down the front steps, I wondered about her last remark. I had previously tried to find out what her mysterious plan was, but she had teasingly stonewalled me. I listened as her car emitted a muffled bark, and then watched as she reversed down the driveway and drove off - giving my two fruity toots of her car horn in farewell.
I glanced around the lounge-room with my heart still pounding.
It was going to be a long, slow, torturous night.
What does one do when one's spouse is out gallivanting and carousing with the full knowledge that she is perfectly at liberty to commit sexual misconduct? I'll tell you - one goes slowly insane with arousal and desire.
And I can assure you that if you don't even have the means to slake your own lust - as I didn't - then the almost deliciously masochistic anticipation is amplified.
After Angela had been able to stimulate me to climax with a combination of her gentle oral ministrations accompanied by a lascivious narrative a few nights ago, I had surreptitiously tried to repeat the episode myself whilst she was at work. But to my dismay, I found that stimulating myself was not the same as having Angela do it for me. Whether this was due to a mixture of the physical and possibly psychological effects of the medication I was taking, I don't know. I had once read that if you tickle yourself, you couldn't get the same involuntary reaction as if someone else was tickling you - something to do with nerve interactions or some other medical mumbo-jumbo.
It was perhaps the same with my current situation; I found that no matter how much I was able to emulate what Angela had done a few nights ago, I could not make myself climax in my flaccid state. It became apparent that in order to reach orgasm, I needed her to do it and to listen to one of her lewd and incredibly erotic narratives as she did so.
Angela, evincing her shrewd female intuition, had later offhandedly asked me if I had tried to repeat what she had done. I somewhat guiltily admitted that I had, but that I couldn't duplicate what she had been able to achieve. She had been intrigued, but she had also smiled and added that she found it exquisitely delightful that I could climax - but only if she was doing the stimulating. She had actually sent me a teasing leer and said: "Ah! So no cuming for you until I want you to cum, baby! Isn't that bitchy of me?"
I had actually asked her to try doing it again - but she smilingly shook her head and wickedly told me that we should maybe wait until she got home on Friday night before trying it again. Angela was well aware just how much this would wind me up - and she was right. Wind me up it did, and it actually excited me even more; Angela and I had occasionally played with mild tease and denial games in the past, which I found to be a huge turn-on. The way we had played it was for her to deny me intercourse, but for me to keep her happy by performing cunnilingus on her.
But when we had played such games, we had only managed to last three or four days because Angela herself usually became so aroused as I orally pleased her that she would say to hell with the game, and urgently tell me to mount her. Now, however, circumstances were far more conducive to tease and denial play; since Angela couldn't have intercourse with me anyway, she was now far more willing and able to extend the game; she knew just how much it would drive me wild to have to await her pleasure - and so the deliciously wicked carnal circle continued.
So this was my current situation; I was able to climax - but only at a time of Angela's choosing and with her complete co-operation.
And now I was sat alone on a Friday evening, waiting at home as my gorgeous wife was attending a bachelorette party, knowing that she had my full permission to indulge her libido if the chance presented itself. And with her looking as gorgeous as she did, I knew it was a fair bet that a chance would indeed present itself; she would suffer no shortage of appreciative male glances tonight. Was it any wonder I felt like I had overdosed on a very potent aphrodisiac?
I heaved a trembling sigh and sat down to watch the TV - trying to ignore the lascivious little buzz that vibrated through me like a persistent swarm of lecherous bees.
I watched TV for a couple of hours or so. I would often glance up at the clock mounted on the wall, only to find that time seemed to wade through a pool of treacle. I arose and played a few games on the PC for another hour or two. Little flitting images of Angela dancing with some hot young guy kept filtering through my thoughts.
I looked at the clock.
10:37 pm.
I shut down the PC game and absentmindedly started a web browser. I was instantly confronted with Google's search page. I pondered for a few moments, and then - led by some weird masochistic urge - I typed in:
'Hens night sex'.
I hit the enter key, and Google dutifully responded. A list of web sites featuring mainly porn filled the screen. Almost of its own volition, my finger clicked the left mouse button over one of them.
I was taken to a page that was laced with images of women merrily reveling at bachelorette parties and hen's nights. Male strippers flitted amongst the carousing ladies, and this seemed to be eagerly received by members of both genders. The gaudy slogans on the site proclaimed things like:
'Hot, Horny Women Go Wild For Strippers!', and 'Is Your Wife or Girlfriend Inside?', and 'Cradle-Snatching MILFs Crave Big-Cocked Strippers!'
I could usually either take or leave porn and actually, Angela enjoyed it more than I did. But in my current state I sat almost hungrily drinking in the images of fully clothed women gazing lustfully at well-built guys in various states of dress (or, more accurately, undress). Well-oiled torsos seemed to be the order of the day, and the male strippers' lean, shiny bodies seemed to mesmerize many of the ladies, who for the most part displayed expressions varying from delighted shock all the way up to pure lust. In fact, on the next site I visited there were pictures of women actually performing fellatio on some of the strippers, and licking canned whipped cream from their cocks and so forth. My ever-present buzz intensified, and I gazed at the screen with as much rapt attention as a scientist peering down a microscope.
There were also video samples on this site. I couldn't help myself; I downloaded one of them. I was startled by what I saw.
The video footage began by showing what looked to be a dim club bar-room. The camera panned abruptly to the left to show a slim, short-haired woman of about forty years of age. She was bending forward at the waist to lean over the bar and stepping out of her panties as she did so. Behind her, a young male stripper wearing nothing but a g-string reached down and lifted her skirt over her back. The woman parted her legs, leering over her shoulder at the well-oiled hunk behind her. The stripper then proceeded to ease his cock from his g-string and then slid it into her pussy from behind. Loud music pumped in the background, but it wasn't enough to drown out her delighted squeal of pleasure as he entered her. Just beyond the humping couple was another group of about five dancing women, who simply nudged each other and pointed, all of them smiling and laughing as they watched the stripper openly fucking the slim woman. Other female patrons drifted in and out of shot - some of them even ordering drinks at the bar alongside the copulating pair as if a couple screwing in public was all perfectly normal.
I sat stunned. The video did not seem contrived or fabricated, and it had all the hallmarks of being a real bachelorette party. The quality was good but lacked the artificial sharpness and scripting of a staged porn flick. The site had stated that the footage was genuine, and I could believe it.
I downloaded another film. In this episode, the camera panned across a sea of maybe thirty women dancing to the beat of loud music (with the odd male stripper dotted like a well-oiled and practically naked island in their midst). The camera panned further to the right, and it suddenly drifted downwards.
There, on what looked to be a low, sturdy coffee table, was sprawled a buxom brunette, perhaps Angela's age. She was lying on her back with her short dress lifted high above her hips and her shapely legs spread wide. In fact, I could see her white panties dangling from her left ankle like a limp flag. A completely naked male stripper was enthusiastically mounting her in the missionary position. I could also hear the brunette moaning and imploring him to fuck her.
And it wasn't only her voicing encouragement; standing in a ring around the writhing couple were four other fully clothed women - apparently friends of the brunette - and two of them were actually shouting down catcalls and lewd suggestions. The other two ladies clapped and laughed as they watched. The footage also captured other women passing by, clasping drinks in their hands and smiling down at the pair as the stripper's hips rose and fell between the brunette's outstretched thighs. The camera zoomed in to linger on the brunette's hands firmly gripping his tight, pumping buttocks - and my mouth dropped open as I saw the wedding ring on her finger.
Once again, the film bore all the marks of it being a real Hen's night; some of the women, although not very many, moved quickly out of shot or turned their faces away when they saw the camera. Most of them didn't care, however, and many even yelled enthusiastically into the camera as they cheered and pointed to the fucking couple below them.
I realized that I was panting as I sat in front of the monitor. I had known that some Hen's nights could be wild - as Angela had stated - but not this wild. The two copulating women in the videos that I had just watched had shown no abashment or embarrassment as dozens of other women gazed at them openly enjoying this brazen sexual act, and the watchers had likewise expressed neither shock or censure - in fact, most of the women seemed to be relishing the free live porn show.
My thoughts quickly drifted to Angela's current whereabouts. I was almost certain that the function she was attending wouldn't be as debauched and lewd as what I had witnessed on the films - the venue where the risque videos took place was obviously a private party at a male strip club or somewhere similar. But it did perhaps give me an insight into the mindset of a group of frisky women out for a wild night without their men. The ages of the women in the videos had ranged from their early twenties up to their fifties, and I had noted that many of them - in addition to the horny brunette being pounded on the coffee table - wore wedding bands or engagement rings. They'd cheered, hooted and clapped as ardently as those who weren't wearing rings, and possibly more so.
My heart pounded a little harder. I forced myself to leave the web site. In fact, I turned the PC off altogether.
One of the slogans I had seen on the web site - 'Cradle-Snatching MILFs Crave Big-Cocked Strippers!' - lingered in my thoughts. Most of the muscular strippers I had seen in the films were young and seemed more than willing to be cradle-snatched. In fact, the stripper who had fucked the woman leaning down on the bar looked almost young enough to be her son. I suddenly wondered if my sexy thirty-two-year-old wife would be attracted to one of the handsome young strippers. If she elected to snatch his cradle, then I'm sure that he'd be just as eager to conversely cradle her snatch.
I glanced at the clock.
11:49 pm.
Angela had told me she would return home soon after midnight, but I instinctively knew that it might be much later than this. I realized that my hands were now trembling constantly and that the later it got, the more the sensation of almost masochistic carnality slithered through my veins with greater intensity. I wondered if at this very moment my gorgeous wife was panting underneath some muscular stud, telling him how good his hard cock felt inside of her. I wondered if she would carry out her threat to tell her lover that I was unable to satisfy her. I uttered a frustrated groan and tried to watch TV. My cock was the only thing not tingling - the rest of me slowly fermented in a bubbling cauldron of lascivious anticipation. Many cuckolds might have recognized the nervous fluttering in my stomach.
The clock ticked as I watched the TV, my mind hardly taking in what my eyes were seeing. Several times I thought I heard a car pulling into the driveway, and my heart raced. They proved to be false alarms. At one point a wooden beam in the roof must have cooled sufficiently to allow it to settle, and it made a sharp crack! This wasn't unusual - the beam often did this, but I was so wound up that I nearly jumped out of my chair at the sudden but familiar noise.
I looked at the clock again.
Several minutes later my heart leaped up to my throat as I heard the soft purr of Angela's car pull up into the driveway. I was now trembling in earnest, and my mouth went dry. I rose to my feet and breathlessly waited, my heart pounding. A minute later, I heard the muffled click, click, click of Angela's high-heels ascending the front stairway, and a few seconds later the front door opened, and my wife walked in.
Her warm green eyes gazed into mine, and she smiled. "Hiya, baby," she said.
"Hi, hun," I croaked. I cleared my throat as she approached me. She embraced me and kissed me very softly. A waft of her rich perfume enveloped me, and I hungrily inhaled her aroma. Her warm, tender lips sent trills of pleasure through me. The kiss deepened, and we softly kissed for about three minutes.
We finally broke the kiss.
"How was your night?" I asked, forcing myself to keep my voice steady.
Angela smiled. "It was good, baby. Debbie's sister invited about twenty of us, so we all had a good time," Her eyes glittered. "But that's not what you're asking, is it, lover? You're trembling. You want to know if I enjoyed myself, don't you?"
"Yes," I replied shakily.
"Do you want to know if I was a good girl or a bad girl?"
"Then follow me, lover. I have heaps to tell you..."
She sent me her teasing little half-smile, and simply took my hand. She led me into the master bedroom at the front of the house. I followed on legs that shook so much that I'm surprised my knees didn't knock together.
We entered the dark bedroom and reached the side of the bed. Angela tapped one of the bedside touch lamps on, and the room was instantly bathed in soft light. She turned to me. "Why don't you get undressed, baby?" she purred.
I quickly undid my shirt and almost ripped it off. My jeans and briefs followed, and I sat down on the bed to slide them and my socks and sneakers off. Angela had simply kicked her high-heels off and then stood watching me with that exciting half-smile as I disrobed.
"Lay back on the bed, baby," she softly instructed. I did as she asked.
Angela slowly loosened her skirt and eased it down her sexy long legs. I stifled a gasp when I saw that she was once again sans panties. I could see her neatly trimmed pubic mound in the dim light. She was still oddly wearing her black jacket and red top, but completely naked from the waist down.
She giggled at my excited expression. "Yeah - no knickers again, honey. But when did I take them off?"
With that, she swung herself over me on the bed, straddling me. Her warm thighs clasped my hips, but she kept her pelvis raised. I glanced down to see her pussy hovering an inch above my limp cock.
"Now, honey?" she began, "Are you really sure that you meant what you said about me being able to play?"
A carnal ripple of almost staggering proportions tore through me.
"Yes!" I gasped.
"So what if I was to tell you that I did hook-up with a sexy playmate tonight?"
"Oh, God!" I moaned. "Did you?"
Angela's serene smile deepened.
I almost climaxed right then. My whole body shook, and my heart felt like it was going to explode. I moaned aloud and arched my back, wanting to drive my flaccid member upward towards her pussy!
She reached down and wrapped her fingers around my limp cock. She gently lifted it upright and slowly seesawed the soft head between her labia. I could instantly feel how wet and slippery she was, and I excitedly wondered if she was still moist from recent intercourse. When my glans was nestled fully between her pussy-lips, she delicately lowered her warm thighs fully onto mine; the moist, creamy heat of her cunt enveloped my cock like a slick cocoon. I whimpered softly again as she began rocking her hips gently back and forth, softly massaging my glans within her pussy.
"Feel good, honey?" she purred.
"Jesus, yes!" I wailed. "Please tell me, Angie! What happened?"
Angela smiled down at me. "Okay - right from the start. Well, his name was Jason, and he hit on me almost as soon as I walked in the door of the club, lover,"
"Did he?" I panted. My lower stomach and thighs felt tense and hot.
"Mmm, yes he did," my wife replied smoothly. "He was a real cutie, too. About six feet tall, and a really yummy body. He came up to the bar as I was getting my first drink, and he looked at me and said that he thought he'd seen me before. Maybe he had - he might've seen me when I was out making sales, or most likely it was just a bullshit pick-up line. Anyway, he offered to buy me a drink - so I let him."
I panted underneath her. Her hips seesawed, and enveloping pussy moistly clutched at my cock, sending a lascivious message through my loins.
"I had a few dances with him, in between raving and shooting the shit with the other girls at the Hen's party. He told me that I had beautiful eyes, honey. I have to tell you that I flirted with him - that was ok, wasn't it?"
"Yes!" I gasped. Her hips were continuously grinding her molten pussy against my cock.
"Oh!" Angela suddenly exclaimed. "Take a guess how old he was, lover?"
"Jesus, how old?" I asked shakily.
"Twenty-five, honey. Is that young enough for you?" Angela giggled. "Let's see - that's almost fifteen years younger than you, honey! Just like in your kinky little dream!"
All I could do was moan in reply.
"Well - to cut a long story short," Angela continued softly. "I danced with him a few more times, and most of the other girls were all doing their own thing - so I asked him if he wanted to go somewhere a little more private."
"Oh my God!" I blurted. "You asked him?" For some reason, the idea that my wife had initiated any subsequent encounter simply added to the wicked eroticism of what she was telling me.
Angela uttered a sexy chuckle. "Yes, I did, lover. He'd seen my wedding ring, and he asked if I was married. I told him that I was - but that it’s okay because my hubby was in Sydney right now. You don't mind if I told him a little white lie like that, do you, honey?"
"No!" I yelled. I could feel my glans settle a touch deeper between her soft labia as her hips continually undulated and rocked.
"He told me that he was house-sitting for his uncle this month while his uncle was overseas, and we could go back there if I wanted to. Wasn't that handy, honey? That he had a nice, quiet place for us to go to when we left the club?"
"Yes!" I listened to her words with almost a sense of surrealism - as if she was talking about someone else.
"I had to be a little sneaky, honey. I didn't want Debbie and her sister and god knows who else seeing me leave with him - so I told him to meet me outside the club in fifteen minutes."
"And did you?" I quavered.
"Yes - I did. Ten minutes later I went and told Debbie that I was heading home early. Jason was waiting for me outside. He knew I had my car there, and he told me to follow him back to the house. And follow him I did. I pulled into the driveway behind him, and then we went inside."
"Did you kiss him, Angie?" I gasped shrilly
"After we got inside? Yes - I did."
I choked back another long moan.
"He made us a drink," my wife continued, "And we sat on the couch for a bit, just talking - and then we just kissed. He was a good kisser, too, lover."
I could feel a rivulet of her pussy juice trickling warmly down my balls as her pelvis continued to massage my cock inside of her enveloping cunt.
"Jesus, what happened then?" I screeched.
"He asked me if I wanted to go up to the bedroom, honey."
"Did you go?" I gargled.
"Of course I did!"
"Did you let him fuck you?" I almost screamed.
Angela looked down at me, her green eyes sparkling in the low lamplight. "And what if I did let him fuck me? Is that okay, baby?"
"Yes! I want you to!" I blurted
"Then you're in luck - because he did fuck me, baby. He fucked me hard. So, lover? You're now a cuckold - for real - just like you always wanted!"
I let out a long, carnal moan! Little waves of almost perverse pleasure darted back and forth inside of me like little electric shocks. She had done it - she had really cucked me!
I saw Angela reaching into her jacket, and she brought forth her large leather purse; she snapped it open and withdrew the box of condoms. Without another word, she opened it up and pulled out a plastic strip. She smiled down at me and turned it towards me; the rubber rings lay curled snugly next to each other under their see-through coating - except for one empty socket, where the plastic had been roughly torn open.
"See, honey? I told you that I might need them," My wife winked at me.
Another molten wave of almost masochistic pleasure danced through me. I gazed at the packet. "Oh Jesus, Jesus!”I almost wailed.
My wife tossed to packet to the floor, and her eyes glittered. "Do you wanna hear what happened next, baby?"
"Jesus, yes! Please tell me!"
Angela giggled again. "Tell you? Oh, no, honey. I won't tell you..."
She reached into the inside pocket on the other side of her jacket.
"That's my little surprise, honey - my little plan worked. I won't tell you..." Here she paused for an agonizing few seconds. "Instead? You'll hear what happened."
She withdrew her hand from the inside of her jacket, and she held aloft the silver micro-cassette recorder that she sometimes used at work when she wanted to take spoken notes about an order or to record a quick memo to herself. It suddenly struck me what she had done.
She had recorded the sounds of her cuckolding me.
I felt another wave of scintillating, almost perverse pleasure tear along my loins.
Angela flashed her teasing smile and glanced down at me. "Is that okay, baby? I turned the recorder on when I went to use his bathroom, and I just popped it back in my jacket - just before he took me up to the bedroom, lover. I hung my jacket on the handle of the wardrobe beside the bed," She winked down at me. "Do you want to hear him fucking me? I rewound it in the car to the exact moment he's just about to slide his cock into me. Want to listen, lover?
"Oh my God! Yes!" I screamed. My wife's creamy pussy suddenly clenched a little tighter around my glans, and I could feel a building orgasm begin to flutter in my loins.
Angela uttered another soft giggle and placed the little recorder on the bed beside me. I turned my head to see her raise the volume up to full. She quickly slipped off her black jacket and tossed it to the floor, and she then pressed the 'Play' button on the silver recorder.
The tinny hiss of playback leaped forth. The little speaker suddenly rang with a soft feminine sigh. Angela's voice!
"He's just about to put his cock inside me, baby - listen." Her pelvis rocked back and forth like a happy boat in a rough swell. My limp cock nestled into her steamy cunt even deeper.
I listened, shaking and trembling, and then I heard voices.
Angela: Ahh! Oh, Jesus, yeah! Put it in!
Jason: Unggh!
Angela: Oooooh! Yeah! Oh, shit, it's so big!
Jason: God, you're wet!
Angela: Fuck me! Fuck me, Jason!
A thin slapping sound issued from the little speaker - the solid, sharp collision of skin against skin.
"Mmm..." the real Angela softly said. "He's starting to fuck me, honey."
The tinny slapping sped slightly, and I could hear the thin creaking of bedsprings adding to the rhythmic erotic pulse:
Angela: Arrrrgh, that's it, Jason! Give it to me!
Jason: Spread your legs a bit more.
I could hear the wet smacking of lips adding to the rising tumult; they were kissing passionately as they were coupling: Smack!... Crick!... Smack!... Slurp! The bedsprings chipped in at a slightly higher tone: Squeak!... Squeak!... Squeak!... Squeak! Angela's voice rang from the recorder again:
Angela: Fuck me!... Fuck me hard!
Jason: Christ, you're so fuckin' hot, Angie!
Angela: Am I nice and tight for you?
Jason: Fuck yeah! - you're really tight! Christ, you've got a gorgeous body!
Angela: Mmm, thank you! And you have such a big, hard cock!
Angela lifted her hips slightly and took my drenched cock between her fingers. She then started to slide the soft head rapidly back and forth between the lips of her pussy. The sensation literally took my breath away; I glanced up at her beautiful face, and I was stunned to see my own lust reflected in her expression. I realized that not only were her ministrations sending waves of ecstasy through me, but she was also stimulating herself by rubbing my glans against her clit.
The squeaking bedsprings on the tape got even louder and faster, and Angela's cries of passion rose to match. The slap of flesh against flesh became more resonant.
"Listen, lover," Angela huskily whispered down at me. "Can you hear him fucking me? Can you hear his balls slapping against my arse? Can you hear him slamming his big, thick, hard cock inside me?"
"Yes!" I screeched. Angela slid my glans back and forth through her labia with even greater fervor. I could feel the orgasm that had been circling for the last few minutes building inside me. I moaned loudly again and listened to my wife cuckolding me!
Angela's glazed eyes peered down at me again. "Listen, Michael! Very soon, I'm gonna say something very bitchy, and I want you to hear it!"
I listened intently to the tape; sure enough, a few seconds later I heard Angela's encouraging moans and gasps cease as she spoke again:
Angela: Oh my God, Jason! It feels so good! You're so good... So big! You fuck me so much better than my husband!
Jason: Do I, babe?
Angela: Jesus, yeah! Do you like fucking my married pussy?
Jason: Mmm-hmm!
Angela: Give it to me!... Give it to me! Awww, Jesus!... it's been so long since I had a big, hard cock in me!... Please make me cum!
Jason: I'm going to! I'll make you fuckin' cum, alright!
I tilted my head back and screamed. Hearing Angela say this to her young lover was simply the most carnal, erotic and totally lascivious thing I had ever heard! Climax suddenly jumped closer, and a delicious warmth spread up my thighs. The oily friction of Angela's creamy cunt rippled through me as she rubbed the head of my cock against her clit. I even felt a slither of pre-cum leak from me, adding to her own creamy secretions. The sheer carnality of what was happening tore a path through me.
I stared up at my wife's beautiful face. She tilted her head back and emitted a soft moan. Her gaze slid down to me again. "It's so hot to hear what he's doing to me, baby!" she gasped. "He's gonna make me cum!"
My own orgasm rippled and danced even closer as I listened to the grunts and moans and the squeaking bedsprings that issued from the recorder. Tendrils of heat worked their way into my loins as unctuous waves of ecstasy jolted through me like a million needles. Angela's pants and cries of lust pouring from the little speaker filled my mind; I listened to her, silently urging her to cum - I wanted to hear her lustful moans flood the room, to listen to her climax as she cuckolded me!
On the tape. Angela was beseeching her lover:
Angela: Yeah.. Keep going, baby! Ohhh, Jason!... I’m gonna cum!... Please keep fucking me!... Please!
Jason: Jesus, your so fuckin' hot!... Cum for me! Cream my fuckin' cock, Angela! Ohhhh!... Yes!... Yes!... Oh, Jesus, now!... Now!... I’m gonna cum!...
I could feel Angela's hips shaking as she listened to herself climax. My loins went white-hot as the recorded Angela wailed and moaned. I teetered on the brink, the tension in my lower body almost tightening to snapping point! On the tape, I heard a further exchange that pushed me over the edge!
Angela: Ahhhhh!
Jason: Argh, Jesus, I'm gonna blow!
Angela: Do it! Cum for me, baby! Cum!
Jason: Oh, fuck! Here it comes! Here it comes! Arrrrrgh!
I climaxed just as Jason's own orgasmic celebration flooded the room. I could feel my semen trickling out of my soft cock like molten lead, coating Angela's creamy pussy lips and clitoris. I unleashed a moan as I had never done before as climax rippled through me, jerking my body in an uncontrollable convulsion. Angela kept sliding my glans rapidly against her clit, moaning and gasping.
She looked down at me. "Jesus, Michael! I need to cum! Please lick me! Please!"
Even through my orgasmic daze, I realized I had never seen her so excited. Without hesitation, I slid my hands under her thighs and cupped her ass cheeks, and pulled her up towards me. She hurriedly made her way up my body on her knees until her drenched cunt hovered over my face. She lowered her pelvis with a grateful moan, and the pussy I had licked and worshiped and adored for almost five beautiful years - the pussy that just a couple of hours ago had accommodated another man's hard, throbbing cock, making me a true cuckold, the pussy that I had just coated with my own heady release - that pussy sank wetly onto my eager mouth.
She unleashed a sharp moan as I quickly found her clit and sucked it. Angela's warm upper thighs clutched at the sides of my face as she ground her cunt firmly down onto me.
Angela moaned loudly. "Oooh, yeah!... Suck it!... Suck it!... Suck it, suck it, suck it!”
In seconds her thighs gave a violent shudder, and she let out a long howl of ecstasy as her own orgasm pulsed through her loins. I sucked and sucked and sucked. My hands cupped her ass cheeks and pulled her erupting cunt deeper onto me.
My only thought as I began to swallow her rich cream was that after tonight, nothing would ever be the same again.
The stitches were removed from my manhood during my next consultation with Mr. Rogers, and he declared that he was quite happy with how my recovery was proceeding. There was still an angry red scar where the incision had been, but he told me that in time this would hopefully fade almost completely. Always the harbinger of glad tidings, he instructed to keep taking the medication that kept me flaccid so that everything would continue to heal without interference.I spent most of my time just...
CuckoldA week later I was once again confronted with the round countenance of Mr. Rogers as I sat in the consulting room. My previously swollen and bruised member had essentially returned to its pre-accident state - if one was able to ignore the seam of sutures on the underside - and Mr. Rogers told me that he was satisfied with progress.He asked me if there had been any problems - any unusual pain or difficulty urinating, and so forth. I told him that under the circumstances everything seemed to be...
CuckoldMAGIC MEDICINE Christopher Halstead was at the end of his tether. He was only 50 years old but felt deep down in his soul that his useful life had come to an end. To understand why it is necessary to go back some twenty-five years. In 1992 Christopher married his childhood sweetheart Amy. He and Amy had grown up in adjacent houses; attended the same schools; and had had an unspoken 'understanding' from their teens. They only occasion they spent time apart was whilst they were at...
Chapter Two: Dr. Rita's Futa Medicine By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I rolled off my sleeping beauty, both of us breathing so heavily. Already, Nurse Pita was dressing, a big smile on the Hispanic nurse's face. Carly Wright, my sleeping princess, had an equally large smile on her face, though hers was adorned with Pita's tart pussy juices. The hospital room reeked of sex. It was the second time the three of us had sex tonight. The first time was right after I healed my delicious,...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
April 5, 1985, McKinley, Ohio When I got up on Friday morning, I ran, then said my morning prayers, including an additional petition, a very rare one for a very specific thing - ‘For a quiet and blessed Holy Week, Lord have mercy!’. Under normal circumstances, the only changes I made to my petitions were to add anyone who wasn’t on my regular prayer list but who was struggling or suffering, but in this case, given everything else going on, a quiet and peaceful Holy Week was just what the...
I have always hated hospitals. Loathed them, in fact; the clinical aromas, the sterile feel, the gloomy atmosphere, the poker-faced staff. I would have given anything to be miles away from the damned place.As of this moment, however, I had little choice in the matter. I was ensconced in one of the consulting rooms in the labyrinthine hospital complex, lying on an examination table with my genitals exposed like a horizontal flasher. The pale blue hospital gown that I wore - those hideous...
Cuckold‘Gentlemen and ladies. I hold in my hand the greatest elixir ever invented. I call it Doctor Washburn’s Miracle Elixir because Washburn is my name. I must confess that I did not invent it. I discovered it on one of my journeys to the holy land. It’s powers acknowledge no limitations. It’s secret ingredients come to us from the mysterious regions of the far east and then they are mixed with water from Israel. Yea even water from the River Jordan, the same sanctified stream where John the Baptist...
Pa came in from the fields about sun down, walking stiffly, his body bent over at an odd angle. "We got any of the arnica liniment left, Hon? I think I really pulleed something this time "Lie down on the table, Walter, and I'll see what we have left in the medicine chest," Ma told him. She came back in a little bit and said, "There's just this tiny bit left, dear. I'll rub it on." Pa took off his shirt and lay face down across the kitchen table, a long harvest table long enough to...
October 17, 1981, McKinley, Ohio There was a knock at the door just before 6:00pm and I was sure it was the girls so I called out for them to come in. As expected, it was Jeannette and Marie. “Ready for hot meat between buns and slurping creamy white liquid?” Jeannette teased. “My bedroom is right there!” I grinned. “Should we leave you two the room?” Marie smirked. “Dinner first, then dessert!” Jeannette laughed. I took Angie’s hand and the four of us left the dorm and headed for the...
It took a few days for life aboard the Heracles to settle down. Paul and Chelsea spent every night together, reaffirming their new-found love and lust for each other. They also spent all of Chelsea’s off duty time together. Chelsea liked to people watch, so the pair always took their meals together in the mess hall as she called the ship’s galley. One day during lunch, they were interrupted while kissing. “Do you mind if we join you degenerates?” a voice asked. “Joe!” Paul exclaimed...
I rolled off my sleeping beauty, both of us breathing so heavily. Already, Nurse Pita was dressing, a big smile on the Hispanic nurse’s face. Carly Wright, my sleeping princess, had an equally large smile on her face, though hers was adorned with Pita’s tart pussy juices. The hospital room reeked of sex. It was the second time the three of us had sex tonight. The first time was right after I healed my delicious, sleeping beauty with my new, magical futa-cum. Thanks to a wish I made, Leanan...
Its bad enough being in a strange land, but its even worse when you get sick, travelling with all your belongings on your back, and arriving in a new town, with nowhere to go apart from a guesthouse. Well that was the situation; I’d been dropped off by my ride at the front door to a guesthouse, in a strange town on cold wet evening, next to a leaden sea. The door opened to reveal a woman in her mid-forties trim and rather elegant, she smiled and said “Hallo, and welcome won’t you please come...
Erotic.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Honeys After the HoneymoonChapter 6: Bringing in kink, risk, and computersCopyright© 2014 by LughIldanach
Medicine, Part 1 by Sarah Tandomwerk Author's note: I have to admit, I don't know where I initially planned to take this at all, if I even had a plan. But after I finished "Milk, Milk, Lemonade..." I went back through my notes and ideas and this one was so much more written than I thought (I literally thought I only had a line of an idea but it was pretty much all there lol), so I decided to fill in what gaps there were and post it as a first part. Maybe you guys can give me an idea...
Please read chapter 1. Kristin watched her sister, Kellie, come out of the house bouncing toward the car with a huge smile on her face. It was hard to miss the fact that she was bra-less with her small b-cup breasts bouncing with each quick step, and her hard nipples stretching at the fabric of her tight shirt. Her hair was a mess too! She was only gone for 15 minutes… she couldn’t have… Kellie hopped in the car suddenly and chirped happily, “Sorry! …that took longer than I thought!”. Her...
September 14, 1981, McKinley, Ohio On Monday, after lunch, I did as Doctor Orosco had insisted, and met with a counselor from Student Health Services, who, amazingly, was available immediately. The problem was, as I’d argued, that I wasn’t going to repeat what I said, even to another counselor, under any circumstances. I spent ten minutes going around in circles with Doctor Ralph Hart, and made no progress. “I’m not sure what you’re doing here, if you won’t talk to me about what...
September 13, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday morning, Clarissa, Sandy, and I ate breakfast early, then returned to the dorm to dress for our interviews at McKinley Medical School. We met in the lounge, then took the elevator down to the lobby and walked to my car. We got in and ten minutes later we were walking into the main building of the medical school. We found the appropriate elevator and went up to the sixth floor where the interviews would be held, where we were greeted by a trio of...
October 10, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Mike,” Father Nicholas said when I arrived at church on Wednesday evening, “word got to the bishop about your parents not being at your betrothal.” “Wonderful,” I sighed. “What was said?” “He asked if I knew any details, but all I could tell him was that it had something to do with your sister and her fiancé. I told him I believed you were acting out of love. He was concerned, obviously, because for them to boycott your ordination would create a severe...
December 30, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Sunday, after church, Clarissa, Elizaveta and I went to Tasha’s apartment to spend the afternoon with her and Nik. Tasha and Elizaveta prepared dinner together, and had a quiet conversation in Russian, while Nik, Clarissa, and I talked. From their body language, I got the impression that «бабушка» Natalya was giving Matushka Elizaveta advice. My first thought was that I should be very afraid, but that thought was fleeting, and I realized that if there was...
"Alternative Medicine" By: Chiara Hi. My name is Lee. Let me tell you the most amazing story about how I got into shape! I had been in a depression for some time. I am 35. I had been overweight for the last 10 years. I used to be active until about 8 or 10 years ago. I really loved to play soccer or run in those days. I had a nice relationship with Janice back then. All was well. Then it seemed to fall apart.I came into a pretty good inheritance when my parents passed away. I found...
"That's a good boy, come and get it," he said in a lulling voice as he continued to wave his long heavy cock in slow hypnotic circles. My feet were moving u*********sly as I stepped towards him, the cool water running slowly running off my body. My eyes never left his beautiful cock as I got closer and closer until I dropped to my knees between those thick tree-trunk like thighs of his. I could feel myself salivating as he took a couple more leisurely strokes along that gorgeous monster."Is...
Another kind of patent medicine peddler back in those days was the "snake oil salesman," as he was called among other things. The year I was born, 1919, the Volstead Act was passed, making it illegal to buy alcohol as a beverage. And like all other reform movements started by well meaning meddlers who have no true concept of human nature, the Act created more problems than it solved. Bootlegging and rum running became cottage industries. Whole boatloads of whiskey were smuggled into this...
August 20, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio I had just hung up the phone when there was a knock at the door. I went to open it and saw the van Dorn girls standing on the porch. “My sister won’t be home until after lunch,” I said. “She gets off work at 2:00pm.” “Mom said you were really nice,” the younger one said. “So we decided to come say ‘Hi’,” the older one added. “I’m Mike. Which is which?” “I’m Abby,” the younger one said. “And my sister is Becky.” “Welcome to West Monroe. I think you’ll...
August 25, 1981, Columbus, Ohio Jocelyn dozed off for about fifteen minutes, then woke up again. “Are you seeing Emmy tonight?” she asked. “Yes. Are you OK with that?” “Nothing changed in that regard, Mike. Until I get out of here and get better, we won’t have much chance to work on our relationship and figure out where things are going.” “You’re sure, Jos?” “Yes. Remember our plan. We need to stick to it. Nothing important has changed. I’ll just be a Freshman when you’re a Sophomore....
January 20, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I actually think that might be a good idea,” Doctor Mercer said when we spoke on Friday afternoon. “What kind of time limits would you suggest?” “I think I’d like to wait until I see you on the 11th. I’ll see Angie a dozen times by then, and I’ll have a better idea what to tell you.” “How is she?” “I know it might not have seemed like it, but it lifted her spirits and made her very happy.” “That’s good to hear. I take it there were no ill effects from...
August 21, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “When’s your last day?” Grace asked on Tuesday morning. “Tomorrow. I need to participate in checking in Freshmen starting Thursday. Are you working Thursday and Friday?” “Thursday, because it’s check-in. Friday I’ll be at orientation. Do you think we could keep our chess dates?” “Evenings are out because of studying, but Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are completely free, except for my guitar lesson on Thursday right after lunch.” “What about Tuesday...
February 27, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Father, Angie had to withdraw from school for health reasons, and she’s gone home to Cincinnati.” “Lord have mercy! I didn’t realize she was ill! Do you have her home number?” I nodded and handed him a piece of paper, “You might want to speak to her mom first.” He nodded, “I’ll do that. She’s aware of Angela’s intention to be chrismated?” “Yes. They helped her find a church in Loveland to attend last Summer when she was home. They’re supportive, but...
It was early in the afternoon when I rolled up the driveway and parked the dented old rental in front of the garage. Ordinarily I wouldn’t be coming home at this hour, and this time it wasn’t exactly by choice either. Earlier today, while I was on my way to one of my clients, my brand-new 50,000 dollar piece-of-junk car had broken down. I had barely managed to steer my prized possession onto the shoulder of the road before its engine stalled with a big puff of smoke and an alarming number of...
Working nights doesn't really bother you anymore. Sure, it fucks with your sleep schedule, but it also gives you the chance to work on your own little side projects. You are a chemist at Horizon Pharmaceuticals, "Where the limit of modern medicine is found and surpassed!" You always thought the tagline was a bit bulky but who cares when they pay well? Horizon works almost exclusively on next generation shit, extending human life, extreme morphological changes to the human body, turbo charging...
It was early in the afternoon when I rolled up the driveway and parked the dented old rental in front of the garage. Ordinarily I wouldn’t be coming home at this hour, and this time it wasn’t exactly by choice either. Earlier today, while I was on my way to one of my clients, my brand-new 50,000 dollar piece-of-junk car had broken down. I had barely managed to steer my prized possession onto the shoulder of the road before its engine stalled with a big puff of smoke and an alarming number of...
*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter Six A: Sweet Medicine. (Indulge)My heart was racing, beating out of my chest as Maria’s muffled scream echoed through the room. It only took a second, but as Snakebite bit into Maria’s exposed ass, time seemed to slow. The snap vibrating through my hand and up my arm.“Again.” Ona called as she rubbed her growing member. “Again.” Looking into a mirror Ona placed before us I wound my arm back again, Maria began fighting against her...
*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter Six B: Bitter Medicine. (Refrain)I knew I was in trouble the second the whip fell from my fingers. Ona bolted across the room, yanking my head back by my hair and forced me to the ground. In total silence she dragged me beside Maria and began restraining me in the same way as her, my caged cock and plump ass exposed. “Looks like you need to be taught a lesson too Riley.” Her words were cold, but they had an anticipation in them too. Ona...
A Broader Palette Chapter 5: A Little Medicine By Becky * [email protected] * geocities.com/beckymagi Emily cautiously made her way up the stairs and knocked on the door to Lizzy's room. No answer. She wasn't sure what to expect, but she opened the door and sure enough, there was the little dipper on the underside of the top bunk. Lizzy's computer and piles of books covered one desk while several of Emily's possessions covered the other. As she stood there gawking at what...
This is a rewrite of an incomplete story I read here many years ago. I do not know the title, and would appreciate it someone lets me know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My girlfriend dumped me two months ago. It was devastating to say the least. I didn't see it coming. At all. She was a fitness freak. I loved how she looked, and I doubt I'll ever find another woman with a body like that. She had a motor that didn't stop. She...
I wake up with my throat feeling like sandpaper and my head feeling like cotton-candy. You have already awoken and I can hear you pottering around in the kitchen with the smells of coffee and toast wafting up the stairs. I lay there, snuggled up in my duvet, wondering how I am going to swallow toast when all I want is ice-cream. I roll over and look out of the window. It’s snowing again. Flakes brushing the window as they fall like fairies swirling and dancing in the wind. I don’t like snow....
SpankingRevenge Is Sweet Harry Easton sat the bar of the hotel very pleased with himself. He had just finished dinner with an important client and this contract would cause his bonus to increase and his prestige within the company. He smiled at the thought of a luxurious vacation or perhaps even a new car. But he didn't want to wait for his bonus to celebrate: he needed to increase his esteem by emptying his full sac. It had been two days since he last had the opportunity to bed a girl. The...
We all took part in the craft of candle making and made and sold some very beatiful candles. This was really our main money maker, outside of the hat for donations. A couple of the girls knew how to do latigo, the art of making neckties, neckalces, bracelets and more out of strips of leather. We rented sort of a loft apartment from an old gentleman who liked being around younger people and got a kick out of our patent medicine show. He let us have the loft for little more than the...
Please read chapter 1 and 2. Kellie got back home a bit later that afternoon. “Ethan? I’m home!”, she shouted. No response. She listened to see if she could hear any sounds in the house as she made her way towards the master bedroom. Passing through the kitchen she noticed her hastily discarded bra from earlier, the open pill bottle on the counter (good, Ethan had one!), and several (4??) empty bottles of water. Did Ethan have someone over? She got to the master bedroom and heard the shower...
May 24, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio I was up early on Sunday morning to head to Holy Transfiguration. As Head Acolyte, I was responsible for being at the church about ninety minutes before Matins so that I could refill and light all the oil lamps, replace the tapers in the candle box, sift the sand in front of the icon of the Theotokos to remove the candle stubs, and ensure that the nave was in proper order. When I arrived, I unlocked all the doors, adjusted the thermostat to cool the nave,...
June 8, 1981, West Monroe and Rutherford, Ohio “This entire conversation is going to be ‘too much information’, isn’t it?” I said when Liz and I left the house on Monday evening. “Probably. Is there anything you don’t want to hear?” “Anything at all about my little sister’s sex life!” I laughed. “But I guess you want to talk.” “‘Cause you won’t judge me, Mikey. You’ll listen and give me good advice.” I pulled out of the driveway and headed towards Rutherford. The Rutherford Free Clinic...
August 29, 1981, Columbus, Ohio “What are you talking about?” I asked. “Despite spending two days screwing like bunny rabbits,” Jocelyn said with a smile, “I think you’re STILL afraid of sex. May I ask another question?” “I guess,” I sighed. “Why haven’t you and Emmy done it? Because of her? Or because of you?” I could give her the answer that immediately popped into my mind - that Emmy wasn’t sixteen and was under the age of consent. But I knew there was some truth to what Jocelyn said....
October 22, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “Angie? What are you doing here?!” I asked when she sat down next to me in the lab. She smiled, “I talked to Doctor Stanton and asked if I could be your biology lab partner because they were going to move Sally. She’s with my old team which was two girls and one guy. Now I have morning lab instead of afternoon.” “Uh, doesn’t this just create a new problem?” Mark asked warily. Angie shook her head, “No. Mike and I are friends, but that’s it. We study...
December 3, 1981, Rutherford, Ohio “Well that went south pretty quickly,” I said. “They’re playing hardball with you,” Mr. Winston said. “It was always a possibility, but I didn’t think they’d go that route; they didn’t with your dad or sister.” “But they did with my mom?” “Yes, for the same basic reason. I believe they are under heavy pressure from someone to charge you with something; anything. And unless I miss my guess, it’s likely Mrs. Laramy from Family Services. She is certain...
March 15, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “Is it OK if I interrupt?” Clarissa asked on Monday evening. “Sure,” I replied. “What’s up?” “I wanted to check on class schedules for the Fall. I’d like to take the same classes. It’ll help with our study group.” “Sure. Pete, Kurtis, Jason, excuse me for a bit.” Clarissa and I went to my room and sat down with the course catalog. “We need O-Chem, the second semester of cellular biology with lab, a humanities course, and a language course,” I said. “Do...
May 28, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio Later that morning, I stared at the phone, trying to decide exactly what I was going to say to Janey. My problem was, that even asking her to have lunch was fraught with problems. If we were seen together, AND it got back to Tasha, or worse, Deacon Vasily, that would be the end of any possible relationship with Tasha. And the more I thought about it, the more convinced I was that I didn’t want to do that. That said, I didn’t want to have the conversation with...
September 16, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Are you sure, Tasha?” I asked. “I’ve never done that and I’m not sure I know how.” “The book said some people enjoy it while others don’t. Will you try?” “I think I read the same book,” I replied. “The Joy of Sex?” “Yes, that was the book. So you know how it’s supposed to work?” “Mechanically, yes, but Tasha...” “Mishka,” she said gently. “You are my first lover, and the one I want to experience everything with. I’ve told you that for a long...
November 13, 1983, McKinley Ohio Kimiko had spent the night with me on Saturday, and Clarissa joined the two of us to go to church. The previous night, when Clarissa had spoken my thoughts, we’d simply hugged, she’d kissed my cheek, and left, letting Kimiko know I was waiting for her. The previous twenty-four hours had been almost surreal, but also clarifying. But it wasn’t over just yet — I had my date with Tasha, which I felt was going to be equally enlightening. Kimiko hadn’t said...
November 22, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio I’d expected an immediate reaction but for a good thirty seconds, you could have heard a pin drop in the sitting room. The silence quickly grew oppressive and suffocating. I carefully watched Deacon Vasily’s face and specifically his eyes, and waited for the eruption which was bubbling just below the surface, but his wife beat him to it. “Sasha,” she asked softly, a tear running down her cheek, “are you sure?” “Yes, Mom, I’m sure.” “How did this...
January 4, 1984, Rutherford, Ohio “How was New Year’s in Indianapolis?” I asked Dale when we sat down with our food at A&W. “Clara and I broke up,” he replied. “Whoa!” Jocelyn gasped. “What happened?” “It was building for the past few months,” Dale replied. “I’m not ready to be tied down as far as she wanted to tie me down.” “I don’t know,” I smirked, “I hear that can be fun!” Dale nodded, “Oh, it can!” Clarissa and I laughed and Jocelyn rolled her eyes as she had done so often...
February 2, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday, I heard the refrain ‘Happy birthday!’ over and over, including over the phone, with calls from my parents, Liz, Tasha, both sets of grandparents, Jocelyn, and Dale. Both Jocelyn and Dale sent birthday cards, and Tasha had sent a gift. Turning twenty-one really didn’t change much, except that I could legally buy alcohol. Beyond that, my life would continue just as it had the day before. After dinner that evening, just before study group, my...
June 17, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I’m going to break things off with Maggie tomorrow,” I said after Clarissa, Jocelyn, and I arrived at Tasha’s apartment for our usual Sunday dinner. “What?!” Jocelyn exclaimed. “I thought you were going to take the Summer.” “I’ve thought a lot about it, talked with Tasha, talked with Clarissa, and had a short talk with Doctor Blahnik. Basically, I let my promise to Maggie cause me to ignore the reality of the situation.” “Lara?” Jocelyn asked. “It’s...
January 2, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “Well?” Clarissa asked after I returned to the great room. “Wait and see. Angie’s next appointment is a week from tomorrow. I’m hoping Doctor Mercer waits until then to talk to Angie, but I’m afraid she’ll call Angie’s mom and THAT will cause Angie all sorts of heartache and might even set off her condition.” “Wouldn’t Doctor Mercer know that?” “Yes, but the problem is that Angie did something Doctor Mercer thinks is inherently dangerous. She’s almost...
March 28, 1985, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday, after my lesson with Doctor Blahnik, I met with Mark and Alyssa for our final catechism class. We finished reviewing the Nicene Creed, and then went over the baptismal rite to ensure they knew exactly what would happen on Holy Saturday morning. “Seriously?” Mark asked. “A horse trough?” “It’s painted gold with three-bar crosses on each side,” I offered. “The only other options are a river or a lake. We could probably arrange that, if you felt it...
June 6, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “Jos,” I sighed. “It’s not that simple.” “Isn’t it?” “Come on! You know that would end things between Melody and me!” “I believe Melody has been good for you, but is she THE ONE? Wait! Don’t answer. If she was, you wouldn’t be dating Tasha and Katy, and you wouldn’t still be carrying a torch for Angie.” “Angie is just a friend,” I protested. Jocelyn smiled, “I’ll take that wager anytime you want to make it. You can answer my first question now.” I...
August 20, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “Mike Loucks,” I said to the young woman at the desk in the brand-new Rickenbacker dorm. She flipped through the manila envelopes and pulled out the one with my name on it. “Your room key, a sticker for your ID to update it for this year, a new student handbook, and your parking sticker,” she said. “Parking sticker?” “The lots are all numbered now, and you can only park in the lot you’re assigned to. Yours should be next to this dorm.” “What about...
September 14, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “How did your parents fight?” Doctor Hart asked. “They didn’t,” I replied. “Whenever my dad disagreed with my mom, he went to his workshop in the basement.” Doctor Hart smiled, “OK, perhaps I should have phrased that better. How did they resolve conflicts?” “Just as I described.” “And after he hid in his workshop?” “He basically stayed there until he accepted that my mom was right, then went to make up. Do NOT ask me how!” Doctor Hart laughed, “The...