Rachel's Ravishment - Pt II free porn video

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The day after our first encounter together, Maitena turned up for our tutoring session, took one look at me and acted as if she hadn’t ordered me just twenty- four hours before to hump myself on her leg until I came. She drilled me relentlessly on the law of cosines and I began to wonder if my step – mother had tried to poison me at lunch yesterday, and instead of dying, I’d just experienced some kind of mind - blowingly vivid hallucination triggered by my obsession.

For an hour and a half I tried to focus on my text books, answering her questions on Pythagorean Theorem automatically; the whole time furiously wondering what the fuck was going on with her. I’d thought she would turn up and we’d fall on each other, clothes flying, all tits and lips and orgasms. Not reviewing fucking extensions to fucking arbitrary fucking triangles.

When it came time for our customary break, I thumped down the stairs to the kitchen, making sure I was making as much noise as possible to adequately broadcast my level of dissatisfaction.

“Stop that Godforsaken racket, you little tramp.” Elyse hates it when I barge up and down the wooden staircase, because the sound absolutely reverberates through the house and disrupts her ‘meditations’. So of course over the years I’ve perfected the exact pitch for maximum annoyance.

I moodily gathered some cheese and crackers to add to the tray holding our drinks. I knew I was being petulant but I didn’t particularly care. I’d dug out one of the few skirts I owned and a virtually transparent singlet top that my dad had barred me from wearing, and I felt cheated and frustrated by Maitena’s cavalier attitude when I’d been practically pissing my pants over the excitement of seeing her again. I felt like I’d made an effort and she was acting like a prize bitch, as if she didn’t even like me.

As I stood at the fridge, cataloguing its contents for what I felt like eating, I saw a tall slim wine bottle in the door compartment. It’d serve her right if I just took that and fucked her with it, I fumed, spitefully. The unexpected thought made my stomach muscles clench with excitement and I hastily slammed the door shut before grabbing the snack tray and heading for the stairs. “Wow,” I muttered. “That was weird.”

Trying not to dwell on my newly discovered malicious streak, I backed up to my bedroom door and bumped it open with my butt, turning to close it the same way as I went through. I froze.

Approximately two square metres of my gorgeous blue and gold wool carpet was covered with a white sheet – like piece of material. Placed with exacting precision in the centre of that square was my very comfortable desk chair, bought at great expense for me by my father after much belaboured nagging on my part. Only it didn’t look much like my chair anymore, given that it was draped in the same material as my floor. The only areas of it actually recognisable were the armrests, although that was a debatable point at the moment, as they were decorated with a considerable amount of cordage. Maitena stood to one side of the chair, impeccable in a tailored pantsuit, with her arm draped across the headrest of the chair. Still. Watching me.

I got the distinct impression she was carefully gauging my reaction to her little bit of redecorating and I suddenly didn’t feel very sulky anymore. In fact I was completely thrown off base by the scene in front of me and the way she continued to just look at me, and I had an abrupt appreciation for how a deer must feel when the spotlight lands on it.

“Um… what’s going on?”

“Put the tray down.” Neither her face nor voice betrayed emotion. I put the tray on the desk and looked at her. “Stand there,” she pointed to an invisible spot on the carpet in front of the chair.

“Why?” I didn’t particularly care for her tone. It reminded me of my step – mother and, although I’d had some bizarre thoughts about Elyse lately, I didn’t want to be thinking of her in the same vein that I had Maitena.

“Because I said so,” she countered smoothly.

Reasonable enough, I thought, grudgingly moving to stand where she indicated. I spread my arms. “This do?” I asked sarcastically.

She narrowed her eyes at me in assessment. “You lack discipline,” she finally stated. “You act like a spoilt child who sulks when forbidden a favoured toy.”

I opened my mouth in shock. “I am-“

“Do. Not. Speak,” she ordered. My teeth snapped shut and I crossed my arms mutinously. “You have a lot of potential to give pleasure,” she acknowledged as she moved towards me and began to walk a circle around me. “But,” she continued, “you need to be taught how to harness it.” She stopped as she looked me in the eyes for the first time since I’d said goodbye to her yesterday. “I will teach you, but before I do you will agree to remember three things.”

I didn’t feel like agreeing to anything at the moment. She’d basically called me a brat, which stung even if her description of my behaviour was fairly accurate. I considered the idea of telling her to go jump, but there was that chair behind her and my curiosity was kicking me in the arse. “Okay,” I agreed cautiously, “What are these three things.”

She walked back to the chair and replicated the pose she’d been in when I came in. “The first is Obedience. Take off your skirt and underwear.” After a brief pause I pushed them down my legs, kicking them aside when they pooled around my feet. I reached for the hem of my singlet top.

“I said your skirt, not that offensive rag.” I dropped my hand, slightly hurt. It was a pretty expensive top, I remembered. “Come and sit in the chair.” I stepped onto the fabric and discovered it wasn’t cotton like I’d thought, but some sort of thin rubber or latex sheeting. As I sat, I felt the warmth of it against my bottom and back and rubbed a corner of it between my fingers. I began to worry what she had planned that would require the protection that she’d gone to such lengths to provide.

“Maitena,” I swallowed nervously, “you’re not planning on killing me, are you?”

Her face softened as she smiled gently. “No, gorgeous,” she chuckled. “You’re my pet. I only want the best for you. Now, be a good girl and drape your legs over the armrests.”

Taking a deep breath I did as she instructed, the armrests tucking into the crease behind my knees. I closed my eyes, feeling alarmingly exposed and vulnerable as she began to secure the silken cords around both my legs. “Do you have to tie them?” I whispered as she stood back to admire her handiwork. I would have happily sat with my legs spread if that’s what she wanted, but I was overcome by embarrassment and a slight feeling of shame because she’d actually tied me in this position.

“Trust is an integral part of obedience,” she instructed. “By agreeing to obey me you’re also agreeing to trust my judgement. That I can read you and wont do anything to you that you don’t really want me to do. Do you trust me, Rachel?”

“Well, yeah. But it’s just that I feel so...well, you know...” I indicated with one hand to the ropes above my knees while my other hand shielded my exposed core.

“Vulnerable? Helpless? Ashamed?”

“A bit,” I conceded.

“Good,” she purred.

I was starting to feel panicky with confusion. While my body was melting with anticipation, my conscience was valiantly fighting against surrendering. Social conditioning dictated that, although it may be acceptable to have a female lover if I kept it discreet, I would be branded the worst kind of deviant to even consider enjoying what Maitena was doing to me. “I don’t think I want to do this.”

“Move your hand away.” I slowly lifted my hand and put it on my knee. She peered intently at my folds and I felt my pelvic muscles clench under her scrutiny. “Liar,” she accused mildly. “You’re wet. You like it.” I opened my mouth to deny it. “You can lie to anyone you want, Rachel, but not to me.”

“Really, Maitena, I think I’d like to stop now.” My upbringing insisted I retreat from the position I was in, while the part of me that had erupted in Maitena’s arms yesterday was baying for the next orgasm.

“I can see your juices leaking out of your cunt.” I felt the scalding heat of depravity sweep over me and moaned as she reached out to dip her finger in my opening before lifting it to her face. I held my breath, eyes glued to that glistening digit as she inhaled my scent before flicking out her tongue to delicately lick at the pad of her finger.

And with that one action she bound me to her.

I experienced a rush of acute arousal as the intensity of my desire shredded the politically correct blanket that was smothering my primal nature. I wanted her to take away my ability to choose. I wanted her to make my body respond to things I’d been taught were perverted; taboo; unclean. I wanted her to make me submit to every manner of debauched physical act I’d ever heard whispered about. To use me, debase me, command me.

She smiled in satisfaction when I raised my arms to link my fingers behind the headrest, signalling my capitulation. I hissed as she dragged the flat of her palm up over my engorged folds and pulsing clitoris and slipped it under the hem of my top.

“This leads us to the second point,” she said as she trailed her hand backwards and forwards under my breasts, close but not touching the lower swells of them. I wanted to fold my body back on itself just so I could feel that teasing hand on the undersides of my breasts.

“Obscurity,” she lectured, sliding the back of her hand up through my heaving mounds. “A state or quality of being unknown.” Her fingers formed a fist in the fabric of my shirt. “This garment is not obscure,” she quietly accused before pulling her arm back strongly and tearing my top from neck to hem. As I sat gasping at her violent assault on my clothing, my nipples hardening painfully, the muscles in my thighs tight, she casually tossed the remnant in her hand aside.

“Do you know why I ignored you when I arrived?” she asked as she bent to rummage in her bag. I shook my head dazedly. She stood up with a pair of scissors and proceeded to cut away the straps of the now ruined shirt. After a few firm tugs she held it between her fingers at arms length, a look of distain on her fine features. “It was mainly because of this…thing,” she revealed. There was something insanely erotic in being completely naked, strapped to a chair, while she stood there in a relatively conservative suit reading me the riot act in that cool voice.

“Lesson one. Never, I repeat, never again wear something like this in my presence.” She dropped it on the floor with a sneer. “As my pet you will be well dressed, even provocatively so at times, but never again will you reveal your charms like a common whore.”

I was astounded. My step – sister Cybele wore clothes like that all the time and the guys seemed to love it. They certainly flocked to her at parties and Uni. I’d thought that the opaque view of my breasts and nipples through the thin material was provocative but when I really thought about it, Maitena was always well dressed. Her clothes clung to her curves but draped softly around the rest of her, accentuating rather than revealing and I realised I’d spent so much time wondering what she looked like under her tailored suits because she hadn’t flaunted it for the world to see.

I pondered this revelation as she continued to lecture me, removing a bowl, silver thermos and various cloths and articles from her bag and I had the insane thought that I was being held hostage by a sexed up Mary Poppins.

“I can see that you understand what I mean. Whilst the female body is beautiful in all of its varying forms, even the most beautiful woman in the world can cheapen herself with the wrong outfit.” She poured water from the thermos into the bowl, wet her fingertips and squeezed a small amount of paste onto them, rubbing them together to form a creamy lather. A woman can be more alluring because of what she obscures, rather that what she flaunts.” She knelt in front of me and smiled as she looked between my legs. “Having said that however, there are some things that it would be criminal to hide.”

I knew then with crystalline certainty what she was going to do and I honestly thought I was about to pass out. Her hands smeared that creamy concoction up, down, over and between every curve, bump, crevice and fold that made up my pussy until it was thoroughly coated and I was lightheaded.

I heard the water splash before her hands returned to my skin and, with care and skill, she transformed my neatly trimmed feminine landscape into a replica of her own silkily smooth folds. “You will not attempt to do this yourself,” she murmured, pausing in her ministrations to rinse the blade. “You are my responsibility and it pleases me to see to your grooming.” I could only nod. Quite frankly I’d agree to do whatever she wanted if it meant she was touching me.

“A well groomed possession is a reflection upon it’s owner and when you please me you will be rewarded.” I felt the soothing warmth of a cloth wipe over me gently, no doubt removing any vestiges of the cream she’d used. “Even though your earlier behaviour was inappropriate you can be forgiven because you weren’t aware of it. Just remember that a woman who throws herself at the object of her desire ceases to be a prize. After all,” she clarified as she stood, “how can she be savoured for her treasures if she was never won to begin with?” She hitched her eyebrow at me in amusement at her own wit.

In her hand was a mirror which she angled between my quivering thighs so I could admire the refurbished seat of my womanhood. I’d never really considered how it looked until I’d seen Maitena’s, with her elegant adornment and I had spent a sleepless night thinking about how the folds of a rarely thought of body part could become so addictively attractive to me.

“It looks beautiful,” I breathed. I was so inflamed by what she had done to me that I wanted to lick it myself to test if it felt as good as it looked.

“It is beautiful,” she agreed laying aside the mirror. She leaned down to nip at my bottom lip before she briefly swept her tongue into my mouth. My arms dropped and I reached for her breasts, dying to fill my hands with them as I had yesterday but her fingers wrapped around my wrists to stop me and I growled in frustration, my lips clinging to hers as she pulled away. She knelt once again on the floor, manoeuvring my upper arms in firmly beside my breasts and holding them there so my tits were pushed together softly before burying her face between them.

I dissolved into a puddle of molten desire as she rubbed her face back and forth in that shadowed valley, moving to take one of my pebble – hard nipples in her mouth, dragging her teeth over it with excruciatingly precise pressure as she pulled back then releasing it to fall on its twin and do the same to it. Over and over she delivered that shockingly pleasurable pain to my nipples, never touching the aching globes from which they jutted. I was mindless from her onslaught, my body jerking with pleasure as she rasped already inflamed nerve endings with her teeth, almost wailing with frenzied lust as she lashed at my taut buds with her tongue.

I tried to thrust my mons against her body to relieve the pressure building there but with my legs still bound I couldn’t move more than a few inches. The impotent vexation I felt was enough to drive me to tears and I could hear my breath sobbing out of me as I struggled to increase our contact.

Suddenly Maitena reared back and I cried out at the loss of her mouth. Any contact was better than none and I felt bereft without her warm wetness sucking at me, her teeth grazing until the pain made me wanton with animalism. But then she surged back towards me and buried her probing tongue so deeply into the clenching passage of my cunt that I felt invaded.

My newly acquired nakedness served to amplify every brush of her flesh against mine and as she plunged her questing muscle frenziedly into me again and again, I realised how much sensation I had been deprived of before. As the vortex of my desire sucked me down, Maitena initiated a nodding motion that caused her nose to rub over my clitoris and I felt myself spiralling towards a devastating climax, her hand clamped firmly over my mouth to muffle my uncontrollable screams.

My body spasmodically jerked in the aftermath of orgasm while Maitena suckled leisurely at my protruding clit, dipping occasionally to lap at the cream of my passion. As my senses made their languid return, I marvelled at her stamina and control. She must be wildly aroused by what we had shared and yet she made no move to get herself off.

As she was untying the silken bonds, I studied her closely. She appeared to be turned on but her hands were steady and her breathing only slightly elevated. I felt like I’d scaled thirty flights of stairs underwater and then been thrown from the top of a building. How the fuck can she look so calm, I thought.

“I can feel your eyes burning a hole in my temple,” she remarked teasingly. “What is it you want to know?”

“Don’t you want an orgasm too?”

“Of course I do. I’m not dead, am I?” she wryly answered.

No sir, that she was not. “Can I do it?” I was eager to run my tongue over her clit ring and furrow into the grooves created by her folds.

“No.” She started packing away her equipment and I lowered my legs, looking around automatically for a bath robe.

No? No! Why the Hell not? “Why the Hell not?” I exploded. Please, pleeeeaaase, let me touch you.

“Because I have learnt control and because you need to learn patience. In fact,” she decided as she zipped her bag shut, “that can be your homework.”

“I can already play it on the guitar,” I told her proudly, referring to the song I’d been obsessed with at fifteen.

She smiled. “Very clever,” she verbally patted me on the head and I felt inordinately proud of myself. I’d obviously pleased her so according to her I’d get a reward. Preferably in the form of her luscious tit in my mouth.

“But your homework will be to exercise patience, which will require a fair amount of restraint too.”

Well this doesn’t sound fun, I pouted. Her next words were like tank – sized meteorites raining on my little pity parade.

“I will not return until Thursday. Until then you will refrain from touching either your tits or your cunt in any manner or with anything that will cause you to have an orgasm. It’s a hard lesson but a vital one if you are to obtain the stamina required to serve me.” She chastely kissed my parted lips and opened the door. “Don’t worry, kitten,” she reassured, “the time will fly, you’ll see.” She blew another kiss at me and closed the door.

To be continued...

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Rachel And Rons Lunch Together

Rachel graduated from the University of Oregon’s School of Law in May 1979 and, while studying for her bar examination in the fall, accepted a summer internship working for the regional branch of a federal agency housed in the eighteen-story Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building in downtown Portland.  Since her parents lived in nearby Lake Oswego, she could live rent-free while the internship brought in some extra cash to help pay down her student loans.Another benefit of the internship in...

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Rachel and the Nude Beach

One of the young ladies I dated for a couple of years was named Rachel. She was 5’7”, 118 pounds, 34C-20-32. She had very long brown hair that reached the crack of her ass. Her eyes were brown and her face was quite pretty. Rachel looked like a fashion model and I enjoyed the way all of the guys watched her when she walked by. In fact, a number of ladies also watched her. All of this attention made Rachel very self-conscious as she did not like to be the center of attention. She preferred to be...

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Rachel and Caitlin Best Friends0

“You know that one guy Steve is actually not as much of a fuckboy as other guys. I might even like him a bit” Caitlin said to Rachel. “Are you sure Cait? I mean he might just be using you to get that booty” Rachel responded, while going behind Caitlin and quickly slapping her ass. “Don’t smack me! He’s a good guy. We have a lot in common and he seems very genuine. And who says getting fucked is the worst thing in the world” “Wow you are a slut” Caitlin fired back, while thinking in...

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Rachels Visit to The Club

Rachel’s Visit to “The Club”Rachel stood at the check-in desk of ‘Le club des esclaves féminines’ and smiled at the older well dressed man standing behind the ostentatious desk. She looked down at the sign-in list and noticed there were only two other women signed in for the ‘Rope Wednesday’ evening session so far, a Nyasia and a Raina.“Bonjour madame, I am so happy to see you this evening…Miss Rachel. As I am sure many of our members are going to be also.” He smiled knowingly at her.Rachel...

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Rachel and Chris followup for Crissy

Rachel and Chris 3 : a follow up for Crissy, playing the part of Chris. *** Part 3, reader Crissy was the inspiration. “Crissy!” I shouted at you as you peered out of the closet door. “What in the hell are you doing spying on Rachel and me?” I asked. Before you could answer, you saw my hard cock pull out of your sister’s pussy, covered in shiny sweet juice. You knew you wanted it but were embarrassed that you’d been caught spying on us. “Get over here, stay on your knees, and suck you sister’s...

She Males
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Rachel and Fay

Rachel was bone tired as she lay in the hot bath she had just drawn, her whole body aching from the pounding it had taken at this afternoon's practice. Rachel was a starting forward on a women's professional basketball team out of Chicago, and Coach Jim Danvers had worked them to death after last night's embarrassing home loss to Detroit. He had a right be upset! They really had stunk it up and the three hour practice had been an absolute killer. Tomorrow would be a lot easier, however, since...

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RachelChapter 4

Rachel left Mel with me, or should I say, in my company, while she went to shower after dinner, and she re-appeared wearing her tee shirt and panties, and that caused Mel to gasp in shock and blush prettily. Rachel was wearing one of her tees, which of course was shorter than my/her old one, and she had a pair of thin panties on, that really hugged her mons as she walked. As she walked into the living room, I, of course, pretended not to notice, but Mel sure did! Rachel had gone into a...

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My beautiful wife, Rachel, has one major character flaw that recently led to a rather bizarre sexual experience. In spite of her wealthy background, Rachel is a habitual shoplifter, something that I only learned recently when she was caught red handed.We had spent the day at the beach and on the ride home we stopped at a small antique shop, Island Relics. While I checked out a collection of swords and knives, Rachel browsed through the shop. When I heard her arguing with someone I went to...

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RachelChapter 3

As it was a fantastic day, I wanted to go for a walk, and Rachel agreed, and so we got ready, and then we were off, and I showed her the neighbourhood, introduced her to a few of the people I knew, and she had a ball, revelling in her freedom. We ended up at the park, and stood there, watching some kids playing ball, and seeing the few families having a great day. The park was three blocks from my place, and we just stood there, and Rachel took a deep lungful of air, and said it was a...

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Rachel gets smothered unconscious in paradise

Rachel lay back on the fine white sand wearing only a tiny light blue thong she was determined to get an all over suntan on this trip. She let her long legs slide out wards stretching her arms out wide above her head. She hoped this would be an interesting vacation. Christie had been watching Rachel for a few days now, she had worked at this exclusive resort for over five years and it seemed there was no shortage of beautiful women to satisfy her cravings. Her position of assistant manager gave...

4 years ago
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Rachel Fire and Innocence Intro

When Harry picked me up the following Saturday afternoon, he seemed downright jolly, and even more animated than usual. He told me he was excited to have his niece Rachel for the weekend, after not seeing her for two years. I interrupted him at that point to tell him I had permission to sl**p over night at a friend’s house, so he could have me until Sunday night if he wanted. This seemed to please him, and he smiled widely, nodded his head, and winked at me. Harry went on to explain that...

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Rachel Fire and Innocence Intro

When Harry picked me up the following Saturday afternoon, he seemed downright jolly, and even more animated than usual. He told me he was excited to have his niece Rachel for the weekend, after not seeing her for two years. I interrupted him at that point to tell him I had permission to sleep over night at a friend’s house, so he could have me until Sunday night if he wanted. This seemed to please him, and he smiled widely, nodded his head, and winked at me.Harry went on to explain that...

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Rachel Fire and Innocence Part 2 The Fun Begi

Rachel: Fire and Innocence – Part 2 – The Fun Begins When I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused. She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...

2 years ago
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Rachel Fire and Innocence Part 2 The Fun Begi

Rachel: Fire and Innocence - Part 2 – The Fun BeginsWhen I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused.She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...

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Rachel And Milly Training Workout

I was sitting out getting quite a buzz and was on my second beer which I thought I had earned, I saw Rachel through her open patio door and exchanged a few smiles while she cleared up getting ready for her family fitness session when Milly came down the garden path looking rather sweaty in her uniform, “Hi Frank” she said smiling as she crossed the border into my garden, “How did your inspection go this morning?” she continued as she glanced down at my somewhat revealing tatty old silky boxers,...

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Shortly after my wife died, I took an early retirement settlement from my employer, and more or less went into seclusion. After about six months, I’d had enough lying around feeling sorry for myself, so I convinced myself to get away for a few days. I hoped a change of scenery would get me out of the funk I was in.I knew of a nice campground on a lake about two hours away, so I dug out all my camping gear and started packing. After stocking up on supplies, I loaded my car and headed out.I had...

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Rachel Elizabeths KneelDown Blowjob Challenge

Have you ever stayed up late, late, late, well into the morning hours and watched some of those dumb infomertials they have on, selling everything – knives, juice mixers, special mops and vacuums, and almost everything else? Most of them are pretty stupid. This past October, I watched one that definitely got me ordering the product. The item being sold was one of those special mops that uses steam to clean your floors. As with many of these infomertials, there was a guy selling the product, and...

Group Sex
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Rachels Shopping Trip Chapter 2

Here is the follow-up to my story on Rachel's Shopping Trip. Her fun with Kris continues.After a few moments of basking in Kris’ orgasm, Kris stands up and directs Rachael to follow her downstairs and into a beautifully decorated finished basement. Kris starts, “This is my recreation room and it’s no man cave.”Rachel quickly figures out that this is no ordinary room. It is a LOVE Cave. There are erotic pictures on the wall, tantalizing statues on the tables. But what totally caught her eye...

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Rachel grows to love her daddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! When our daughter reached her teens, she started giving us trouble, she would go out and not tell us she was going or where, when she did say, we would tell her what time to be home, but she was nearly always late, by an hour, sometimes even longer, and she didn’t seem to be bothered. We would stop her allowance, ground her, take her computer right’s away, remove the TV from her room, but she slipped back into her ways after a week or two. One Sunday...

2 years ago
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Rachel Crossing the Line V

Authors Note: This is the fifth chapter in the continuing story of Mike Moore, whose life was turned around while returning home from a crossdressing outing in Las Vegas as Rachel. If you have not read the first three chapters 'Rachel - Crossing the Line I / II / III / IV' you may be a bit lost with Rachel's motivations and the story line, a lot has happened to her in the first chapters! No one edited this chapter for me and as much as I was flamed for mentioning the file editing of...

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Rachel was so gorgeous! How was I going to be around her for two weeks and not try to seduce her? Just looking at her made my hormones flow out of control.My wife’s best friend since c***dhood, Pat, was coming to Florida to spend two weeks with us and see the sights like the Space Center, Disney World, and the beautiful sandy beaches.The only problem was that she was bringing her eighteen-year-old daughter, Rachel, the most gorgeous redhead I'd ever seen! Her hair was long and straight with...

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RachelChapter 2

I was jolted out of my fog by Rachel tugging on my shirt, asking me "What are we going to do, Alfie?" Before I could say a word, my stomach rumbled. "Trust your gut," someone once told me, and so I did. I told her, "The first thing we're going to do, young lady, is get some breakfast! You look hungry, and so am I!". Judy wiped the tears from her eyes, and said, "that's a good idea, I'm hungry too! Let's go!" So the three of us went back to my place, and soon the smell of bacon,...

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Rachel Fire Innocence Pt4 An Electric Fa

Rachel – Fire and Innocence – An Electric Farewell The smell of fresh toast and frying bacon aroused me from my deep slumber. I looked over at Rachel, her legs still tangled up with mine under the blankets. If it was possible, she looked even more angelic, as she continued to sl**p. After watching her chest heaving peacefully, it was hard to believe that this vision of perfection was the same insatiable vixen that had just fucked my brains out yesterday. I leaned over and kissed her lightly on...

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Rachel Crossing the Line VI

Hi - another installment. No editing again, long story, hope you'll forgive me. Thanks for all your comments to date. It helps more that you'll ever know. Rachel Rachel - Crossing the Line VI ? by: Rachel M. Moore November 20th 9:38 PM OK Rach, get a grip. Fuck Nick, let that asshole go, he'll get his one- day. I put the glass of water on the counter and went to the living room to see if I could sort out how I was going to deal with my life. It was so damn complicated...

2 years ago
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Rachel Fire Innocence Pt4 An Electric Fa

Rachel – Fire and Innocence – An Electric FarewellThe smell of fresh toast and frying bacon aroused me from my deep slumber. I looked over at Rachel, her legs still tangled up with mine under the blankets. If it was possible, she looked even more angelic, as she continued to sleep. After watching her chest heaving peacefully, it was hard to believe that this vision of perfection was the same insatiable vixen that had just fucked my brains out yesterday. I leaned over and kissed her lightly...

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Rachel Makes the Sale

The kiss made my entire body tingle and that was in addition to the absolute surprise of it. I had walked into the lounge intending to have one, at the most two, drinks to take the edge off of the hard day I'd had, get a football card off of the bartender, fill it out, give him five bucks and then leave. I hadn't even seen her sitting at the bar between the two men until she jumped down off the stool and hurried toward me. The surprise was total when she threw her arms around me and kissed...

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Rachel Crossing the Line VII

Hi - another installment. No editing again (sorry but no editors interested in helping), long story, hope you'll forgive me. Thanks for all your comments to date - emails and feedback left. It helps more that you'll ever know. I am deep into the next chapter and with luck it won't be so long before it's out there. Rachel Rachel - Crossing the Line VII By Rachel M. Moore November 21st 12:10 AM ...I pushed away from Brad and pulled the garbage can to my face just in time...

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Rachel takes on her first three men

After Rachel had sex with Brad all she could talk about was how much fun it was.I myself had a great time and memories I will never forget. It wasn’t just watching them together but also seeing her passed out with her pussy oozing his cum. Rachel would cuddle with me every night after that giving me details on what they did ,and how his cock fit nicely inside her.She would ask me what I thought about watching them . When I told her i enjoyed it she asked could have him over again. She...

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RachelChapter 5

As Rachel got out and explored her new world, she made friends in the neighbourhood, and sometimes, one or three of them would appear on the doorstep, and then they'd disappear down to her room, and they'd have a ball. She weeded out the bad ones, and the troublemakers, choosing girls who were bright, intelligent, and were easy to get along with, and she didn't care about how old they were, either. Rachel was no respecter of persons, meaning she accepted them for who they were, and not for...

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Rachel and Chris

Part 1 : Rachel and the Ring Yesterday was clear with a light but chilling winter wind present to remind all that the bit of warmth in the sun would only last a couple of hours at best. I struggled between sweating and freezing as I worked to remove the winter street grime from my roadster. Top up and windows closed may have some keep the roadster in the garage all winter but not me. Unless it is icy, I want to drive the corner hugging, light and fast two seat roadster in all seasons. The...

She Males
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Rachel and Stephanie part 3 new temptations

My plans with Rachel are frustrated but another temptation arises.StephanieAlthough Rachel was an attractive girl and was pretty sociable she did not have a large group of friends, she tended to socialise with the c***dren of her parent’s friends. Mom and Dad had a wide group of friends most of whom had c***dren in their teens so there were plenty of people her age to be with.She did have one particular friend outside this group and that was Stephanie. She went to Junior High with Rachel...

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Rachel the HighSchool Student

Rachel the High-School Studentby Dark Avenger. Send comments to darkavenger at tokyo.com Part 1 (Mf,nc,finger-fucking,oral) I saw her at the restaurant. She was very pretty, and wasprobably fourteen or fifteen years old. She was with her parents at the next table.Her hair was medium blonde in color, tied back, high, in a ponytail whichreached her shoulders. She had an aristocratic nosewith a prominent bridge, which I could see she inherited from her mother. Sheordered salad for the first...

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Rachel Crossing the Line VIII

Thanks for all the encouragement. I write for that and have really appreciated all the emails and comments (good and bad). Rachel is a complex girl, hope you enjoy this chapter... Rachel November 21st, 8:10 PM I was nervous, the keycard to open the suite door shook slightly in my hand as I slid it into the lock. I had knocked of course, but no one answered. There was no way I was going back down to the lobby or to mingle with the casino crowd. Hell, I'd...

2 years ago
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Rachel Intersecting Lines

Authors Note: I love this character. I love how she came to life for me (though that story is going to get rewritten to make it better (Rachel - Crossing the Line)). What's different about this story is not only do I play the story through Rachel's eyes, but also through another character. Hope you enjoy... Thanks for reading and all the feedback given in the past. Sorry it's been so long since my last release... Rachel July 8th, 2:39 AM "Yeah..." I muttered into the phone while...

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