Coming To An Understanding free porn video

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Coming to an Understanding Author's Note: Keep looking for new stories to tell, or at least a new spin on one. Htrae doesn't seem like it went over that well (I judge by number of comments) so I've returned to a husband/wife story for this one. Hope you enjoy. Bill wandered into the kitchen still stretching after waking up on a Saturday morning. He could smell the bacon cooking and could now hear the sizzle as Carol slid the strips around on the griddle. He smiled as he approached watching her bottom shake the skirt she wore as she worked the stovetop. She had on a sleeveless white blouse and a tan pleated miniskirt which was just perfect for him. He didn't require that she wear skirts all the time but he made it clear that it was his preference. He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her neck below the ponytail she had arranged. His other hand slipped up under her skirt. "Oh, be careful," she warned him. "I don't want to splatter this grease and get either one of us burned. Or burn the breakfast for that matter." "I'm sure you'll do everything just fine," he mumbled against her neck continuing to kiss it. His fingers slipped closer to their intended target beneath her skirt. Carol shrugged a bit pushing him back. "Please, Bill, not right this second. I didn't bother with an apron and I'll ruin these clothes if I get something on them." Bill sighed. "OK, fine." He retreated to the table where the newspaper and a glass of orange juice waited at his regular place. "Don't pout," Carol crooned. "You know I like that, but it was just bad timing. Eat first, then we can play." "Nope," he shook out the paper and glanced at the front page. "I've lost my momentum. I'm going to get started with my day soon as we finish eating." "What are you planning?" Carol asked as she brought two plates to the table. She sat opposite of him out of sight because of the newspaper. "Well, I'm going to take my car up for an oil change, get it washed, and then I need to go by the mall I think." "The mall?" She practically gagged on a piece of toast she was chewing. "You? Shopping? Why didn't you tell me you needed something?" "Well, I need some new underwear and I thought I would get it myself." "OK, I guess." Carol went back to eating. "I've gotten you underwear before." "I know, but last time it wasn't quite right so I thought I ought to do it myself." "Bill, can I ask you something?" She set her fork down. "I think you just did, didn't you?" he answered. "Fine, I'd like to look for a job." She sat up a little straighter attempting to show her determination. The top of the newspaper slowly wilted and Bill's head appeared over the top. "You have a job, right here," he explained. "You keep the house in order, take care of the shopping and do any errands that need to be done. I bring home enough for us to live comfortably. It would just complicate things. Besides, this is how my mother and father did it and they were very happy with the way things worked." "Bill, this is the 21st century. That might have been the way things worked before and frankly I can't understand how happy your mother could have been once you kids got out on your own and she was home alone most days." "She was fine." Bill's voice rose a bit. "Dad took care of both of them, same as I am doing for us." "OK, sorry." Carol shrunk back a bit. "It's just that I get so lonely, and with just the two of us there isn't a lot to do most days." "Well, I'm certain you can find a way to fill the time," the paper snapped back up again. "It works out a lot better this way." Bill and Carol lapsed into an uneasy silence as they finished eating their breakfast and Bill finished with the paper. At last he folded it up and stood up. "I'll be back in a couple hours." He leaned and kissed her briefly. Then he turned and left. Carol sighed. "Maybe I should have tried blowing you before I asked." * - 2 - * Carol heard the garage door slam when Bill returned early that afternoon. She decided it didn't sound good and would just stay where she was reading her book until he decided to come find her. It didn't take long before Bill walked into the den and spotted her curled up in the chair with her book and a throw covering her legs. "I hate shopping," he huffed as he dropped into his chair slightly away from her. "You always have." Carol closed her book and set it aside on the table next to her seat. "That's why I usually do it and why I was so surprised you decided to go on your own today. So what was it this time: rude salesperson, crowds, prices, or all of the above?" Bill just stared for a second. He felt he was being mocked but that could just be because he was already in a bad mood. He took a couple deep breaths and explained, "I went to five different stores and couldn't find what I was looking for. Yeah, the crowds didn't help, I bet it is a lot easier to move around during the week, I should have let you go but you wouldn't have found anything either. I seems like you have to like one of three styles of underwear: boxers, briefs, or those boxer briefs." "I know you like your bikini cut," Carol tried to sooth him. "They are sport cut," Bill snapped back. "Why can't they just keep stocking things people like. I mean the shorts they have for sale now are all too long. I don't like my shorts to reach my knees. I don't want them real short but somewhere in the middle. You women are so lucky. You can get whatever you want whenever you want it. That's why the women's sections are five times bigger than the men's section." "Uh, Bill, you know that isn't true," Carol objected. "I can't get just any style I like any time. I get to liking one shade of lipstick and next time I go they don't stock it any longer. Believe me, I get just as frustrated as you." "Hmph," he grunted in response and sunk further down in the chair. Carol smiled a little. She hated seeing him so upset. For all his gruff and old fashioned ideas she knew he was a gentle man and she loved him for that. "You are right," she purred and rose from her chair. "I can always find whatever style of underwear I want to wear: g-string, thong, bikini, hip hugger, or even granny. Take these for instance," she lifted her skirt as she slowly moved toward him. "Cut high on the hip but covers my butt, well mostly." She turned showing him the white panty that covered most of her rear-end but was see-through. "And the front, well it doesn't pinch my legs at all and the lace keeps me mostly decent if a breeze were to lift my skirt." She was now standing with his legs stretched out between hers. She could see the effect she was having on him and his bad mood was quickly turning to lust. His tongue crept out licking his lips, she knew she had him. He reached out and grabbed her by the hips and leaned forward burying his face in her crotch. She could feel his hot breath through the thin panty she wore. "Oh, yeah, baby," she moaned. "Let's get to feeling better." She pulled away for just a moment, reached down, undid his pants and pulled them down. He was already so excited and she was ready. She slipped her knees onto the cushion on either side of him and reached around and between her legs to position him. Like a well-rehearsed dance he was moving her panty out of the way and slipping his fingers into her to be sure she was ready to take him. She lowered herself onto him and he sighed with delight. As she gently rose and fell he raised her blouse and released her breasts. For the next fifteen minutes they forgot about shopping and jobs. Carol lay with her head beside Bill's, turned away so she could get some air and also so her nose wouldn't be crushed against the back of the chair. Bill had his arms wrapped around her, one hand stroking her ass through the panty still adorning it. "Thank you," Bill whispered, "you sure know how to get me out of a bad mood." "Believe me," Carol purred, "I enjoy it every bit as much as you do. But now I need to get up and get us a towel. You stay put." She slowly extracted herself from him but he stopped her before she could move too far. He raised her skirt and gently slipped his fingers into the edge of her panty and arranged it back in its proper place. Before he let her go he gently traced the lace work that wove up along the transparent fabric. Then he let her skirt drop. "I like those," he smiled at her, "they're sexy and they feel really nice." "Yeah, I like them too, for the same reasons." She grinned and went to find the towel. * - 3 - * Bill came home from work Friday afternoon and went to the bedroom to change out of the slacks, shirt and tie he wore to work. After putting on a pair of denim shorts and a t-shirt he noticed a package on his side of the bed. He picked it up and examined it. It was a 5-pack of bikini cut panties. The picture of the girl on the cover modelled to show how they would fit. He tossed the package over on Carol's side of the bed and went to look for his wife. "HI dear." He found her in a long t-shirt that almost reached the hem of the denim mini-skirt she was wearing. He always got distracted when he saw her sexy legs. "Another week in the books," he continued after a hesitation. Carol turned and went and kissed him hello. He took the opportunity to grope her ass. "I went shopping today," she told him as she finished plating the pork chops beside the mashed potatoes and peas. "I got you something." "Yeah, I think you must have been in a hurry because you tossed your underwear on my side of the bed." "Oh, no." She smiled as she sat down. "I got those for you." "What!" Bill's eyes went wide. "Well, hear me out," Carol proceeded as if what she was proposing were an everyday thing. "I was thinking today about that little romp in the chair and how you said you liked the feel of my underwear, and then I thought why couldn't you wear them? I mean it's underwear, only you and I would see them. They are the style you like and as you pointed out they will always be available." "But they are women's!" he protested. "And they are pink!" "Only one pair is pink, but the other packages were all animal print and I thought for a trial run this would be best. Besides, who would notice?" "Right. You know how your mother always tells you to wear clean underwear because if you get hit by a bus when they take you to the emergency room you don't want to get caught with dirty underwear? Well, I think I might prefer that over getting caught in panties," Bill challenged. "I'll tell you what," Carol pressed, "this weekend, for me, try wearing them. You can always wear your old underwear when you go to work, and have these for the weekends so your old stuff will go further. If it turns out you like them, you can wear them all the time. It will be easy to get more. If you don't, well I guess you can decide which type of men's underwear you want to switch to." Bill sat there for a while arguing within his head. "At least eat your dinner before it gets cold," Carol instructed him. "You don't really need to decide until morning." They ate dinner and Carol talked to him about things that she had heard or seen throughout the day. Bill just grunted in appropriate places to indicate he was listening, though he really wasn't paying any attention. He was still wrestling with the ideas running in head. The next morning Bill stood in the bathroom fresh from the shower eying the package of panties in his hand. He had decided to try them just because he thought it would please Carol. But now he was having second thoughts. What if someone found out? What if, what if, what if? "Ah, they are just underwear." He tore the package open. He selected a pair of blue ones with a light yellow lace trim. The lace was barely visible, not like some of the panties Carol wore. He stirred at the thought and quickly tried to banish the Carol's image from his mind. He slipped them on and liked the way they fit him, a lot like his own preferred underwear. That was where it ended though, he ran his fingers across his ass and felt the cool slickness of the panty instead of the rougher cotton he was used to. Again, he stirred within the panty. He swallowed and went to the closet and retrieved a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He pulled on the pants and they glided easily over his butt. He finished dressing and headed for breakfast Bill was aware of the different sensation as he crossed the house. He felt like he was slipping a little inside his jeans as he walked. He hated to admit it but it wasn't a bad feeling. "Good morning." Bill took his usual seat. He was so distracted he barely noticed the yellow knee-length dress Carol wore beneath the apron she remembered to protect it. "Morning dear." Carol came and placed a stack of pancakes before him. "What are the plans for today?" "Nothing," he shook his head, "just going to try and get some things done around here." "Sounds good to me." She poured some syrup on her own stack. She sensed something was different and wondered, but decided to let him tell her in his own time or she would certainly find out on her own later. They spent the day working on projects around the house. She noticed he often seemed to be feeling his own butt and was certain he had decided to try the panties. To her own surprise this seemed to excite her a little. That evening Carol emerged from the bathroom wearing the normal silk nightshirt she liked to sleep in and saw Bill with his back to her as he dropped his pants. She smiled at the sight of his tush in the shiny blue panty with the delicate yellow trim. "My, my, aren't you looking sexy," she called to him. "Hey, this was your idea," he defended himself. "I just thought I owed it to you to try it." "Oh, dear," she pleaded as she walked around the bed to him, "you misunderstand. I really mean it." She reached around and stroked his bottom, letting her fingers slide along the fabric. "Mmm, I think you might like it a bit too." She stroked his front of the panty that was now struggling to hold its cargo in place. Carol sat on the bed and turned Bill to face her. She examined him through the panty as though she had never seen him before gently tracing the ridges and veins that the panty seemed to mold itself too. She noticed a small spot begin to darken and decided to give him some relief. She slipped her fingers into the top waistband that was standing away from his belly and slipped the panty down a bit, not too far, she still wanted it touching him. She slipped her fingers between his legs and began massaging his balls, still resting in the panty and guided his cock into her mouth. "Ohh," Bill moaned and adjusted his stance to keep from falling. He looked down and watched her slowly bobbing her head. Then he was surprised to see her free hand slip under her nightshirt. He'd never seen her masturbate herself before. The thought of it almost made him lose control but he swallowed and refocused. He wanted this to last, he had been so horny all day from these panties. He reached down and began playing with her nipple through the nightshirt. Carol began moaning, each time her mouth slid down the shaft she gave a squeak, getting a little higher in tone with each stroke, her nightshirt fluttered from the motion of her other hand. Bill made a decision and pushed her back on to the bed. Her mouth let loose with a loud smack as she had lost the object she had been sucking on. Bill flipped up the nightshirt as her hand withdrew, she was wearing no panties and that was fine with Bill. He moved and was into her with all his length in a single stroke. Carol moaned again. Bill took Carol's hand that had recently been providing her pleasure and sucked on her fingers tasting her on them. That was enough to push Carol over the edge. She practically screamed as she wrapped her legs around him. He drove deep again and again and finally erupted, over and over. Spent, Bill gently withdrew and rolled off to the side. "Oh, my God," Carol croaked. "Please tell me you will wear panties again. That was amazing. I've can't believe the effect it had on me. I suddenly just wanted you so badly and I think I know how you felt wearing them all day because I know when I wear my sexy underwear I can't wait to have you." "I've been horny all day," Bill confided. "They feel so different and I just kept trying to ignore it but I'd move and be reminded of what I was wearing. I had a very difficult time going to the bathroom. I wasn't sure what you would say when you saw them on me. I even thought about changing before bed." "Well. I'm glad you didn't," Carol sighed. "I can't wear them when I go to work," Bill spoke. "I can't be walking around the office with an erection all day." Carol giggled. "Well, at least you have them for the weekend, right? You like them?" Bill lay there for several moments. Carol began to think it was going to be a one and done. His old fashioned ideas were going to prevent him from doing it again, and maybe that was ok. Maybe a one-time break in the routine was enough. We'll stash them in the back of the closet and a couple years from now maybe we'll want to play this game again. "Yeah," Bill interrupted her thoughts, "I think I will like wearing them on the weekends." "Or maybe not," Carol thought to herself and smiled. "Stay here," she told Bill and went to the bathroom. She returned with a warm cloth and gently cleaned Bill off. Then she carefully pulled the panty back up in place and made sure nothing was being pinched. "There you go, all ready for bed." "Thank you, honey." Bill held her arm for just a moment. Carol went back to the bathroom and Bill crawled under the covers. When Carol returned she got into bed and curled up against him. She decided she liked the smooth feel of Bill's panty again the bare skin below the edge of her nightshirt. They were asleep in no time. But, sometime while it was still dark, Carol felt a nudge. Without a word she slipped her leg back and over Bill's leg. His hand gripped her breast and she reached down to guide him inside again. She felt the panty wasn't that far down, but that was ok because he wouldn't get that deep from the angle they were in. He came again in moments, and that was okay too. He slipped out and pulled his panty back up and was snoring again in moments. Carol smiled as she drifted back to sleep. She would have to ask him in the morning if he remembered doing that, or if he had never actually woken up at all. * - 4 - * The next couple months rolled by and the weekend sex was still great, though not as powerful as that first weekend. Carol had gone shopping for Bill again, this time not limiting her choices to just the style that was close to Bill's regular underwear. She had gotten lacy boy-shorts, satiny thongs, anything sexy she could find, the only restriction being that there had to be enough material in the front to hold his penis. And Bill was really enjoying it too. Especially because when Carol found something she especially liked for Bill she often got a matching pair for herself. They sometimes coordinated wearing the same style the same day. Bill even started wearing them under his work clothes on occasion, though as the weeks wore on, the occasions became more frequent. The first snowfall of the season covered the ground when they woke up on this particular Saturday. Bill groaned as he realized he would have to go out and shovel the walkway off. He pulled his jeans on over a pair of nylon and lace panties because he now knew the nylon got fairly warm when he was doing things. It would help to keep him toasty while he worked. He put on the rest of his clothes and went out to start the work. He was about half done when he decided he needed a bathroom break and went back into the house. "How's it going out there?" Carol asked, she was dressed in a long dress against the chill in the air. "Rough, it's a wet snow so really heavy." He dropped his boots in the entryway on a mat. "I just came in to go to the bathroom and get some feeling back in my legs. It's really cold out there this morning." Carol nodded and started making a cup of coffee to help Bill warm up. When he returned from the bathroom she handed it to him. "Oh, thanks, sweetie." He wrapped both hands around the cup letting the heat sink into them. "This is just what I needed." "Would you like a pair of tights for your legs?" Carol asked. "They would help to keep you warm." Bill stopped in mid-sip. "What?" "Well, I was thinking that I have some tights that would probably fit you. They keep my legs warm when I need to go out in the cold. You could try them and see if it helps." Bill stood there just looking at her for a moment. "OK." "Come with me then." Carol led him back to the bedroom. Once there she opened a drawer and began sorting through various hosiery holding them up and discarding them. Finally she found some she liked and turned back to Bill. "Well, don't just stand there, take your pants off." Bill set his cup down, pulled his pants off and laid them on the floor; they were still wet in places. "Socks too," Carol instructed smiling as she took in the sight of him in his panties, a sight she never seemed to tire of. He sat on the bed and stripped the socks from his feet. Carol sat beside him and handed him the black lump. "These are fairly plain, really," she explained, "though you will notice they have stripes when you get them on. You know how to put them on?" Bill held them up by the waistband letting the legs dangle down. He was doubtful that he would be able to get his legs into the little legs in front of him. Though Carol wore them and they were close to the same height, he just had more weight on him. "Not really," he admitted. "OK, like this." She demonstrated how to gather them up. "Then stick your toes in here and pull them up your leg to about your knee. Then get the other leg started. And try not to twist them around, if you do you'll find out why later as they will tighten." Bill hesitated for a moment then went to work. When at last he stood up and pulled the waistband up over his hips he was amazed. "They actually fit!" he exclaimed. "Yes, but they are stretched pretty good. They won't last long like that, I'll need to get you a larger size if you decide you like wearing them. Get your pants on and get back to work," she commanded. "Yes, ma'am," he answered and retrieved his pants from the floor. Moments later he was back outside finishing up the job. Another hour later Bill was banging off his boots and coming back in the house. He walked into the den where Carol was reading and leaned back down and gave her a big kiss. "Thank you," he told her. "My legs stayed warm the whole time I was out there. I almost told you no when you suggested it, but I thought after going along with the panty thing, it worked out so well that I would just give this a try. And I am glad I did." "That's wonderful," Carol grinned. "No why don't you get out of those wet clothes and we'll have some lunch. I am going to heat up some soup and make a couple turkey sandwiches to go along with them, okay?" "Sounds wonderful." Bill turned and headed to the bedroom. "I'll be right back if you need any help." Carol stuck the bookmark between the pages and laid the book aside. She pulled the long skirt from between her legs and headed for the kitchen. A few moments later Bill came in dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. He was still wearing the tights. "I guess you like them." Carol smiled as she nodded at his legs. "Yeah," Bill blushed a bit. "They are warm and they feel really nice. You don't mind do you?" "Not at all." She continued to smile. "It was my idea after all. I'll just have to be sure to pick you up some of your own later. Do you think you'll want to wear them under your work clothes?" "Oh, I don't think I could do that," Bill objected. "That is what you said about the panties, too. Now you almost wear nothing but panties," Carol pointed out. "Look, tights are even easier than panties. They look like dress socks that you normally wear, nobody will have any clue. I mean as long as you don't wear anything like fishnet or lace." She saw Bill's face visibly redden at the thought and made a mental note to be sure and pick up some of that very thing because now she knew he would be curious about wanting to try them at least on the weekend. After they ate their lunch they went back to the den and cuddled on the sofa while they watched a movie together. Bill was laying on the couch with Carol laying between his legs leaning back again his chest. She absent mindedly traced the stripes on Bill's legs with her fingers as they watched the movie. It didn't take long before she noticed a growing lump in her back. They didn't see the end of the movie. * - 5 - * It was about two weeks later that Carol walked back into the bathroom on Sunday morning and saw Bill standing in the closet. She could just make out the small red patch of the thong under the black patterned tights he was wearing. The real surprise was the tan skirt that was refusing to be pulled up over his bottom. He should know that her clothes were too small but he was trying anyway. She stood quiet for a moment considering the scene. Surely this was the first time he was trying this or he would be trying something that would have a better chance of fitting, the longer black skirt for instance. It had a fairly loose elastic waist and might fit. "I wonder what I have done to him," she thought to herself as she watched him give up and start slipping the skirt off his legs. "I don't even know why I started this except to try and get him from being so set in his ways and unaccepting of my ideas. Do I like this change? Do I like where this is going?" "Honey." She spoke softly and winced as Bill jumped, clearly acting guilty for being caught in the act. "I think if you try the black skirt to the left it might fit you." "Yes," she thought as she watched him struggle with the decision of giving up or taking her advice to try the other skirt. "I do like this." She watched as Bill carefully rehung the tan skirt and found the black skirt. He stepped into it and after a brief struggle it settled on his hips. It was a loose and flared about his thighs. It was still pretty short. "Yes," she went to him. "You got it on but I think the top is much too tight for you." "I was just curious," he explained. "I just wanted to try it for a moment." "With all I've done I should have expected you would start to wonder about it." She leaned over and kissed him to reassure him it was alright. "So, come out here and take a look. What do you think?" Bill stepped from the closet back into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. "My legs look so long," he commented. "But I hardly feel the skirt. Mostly I just feel the tights." "Yes," Carol agreed and gave the skirt a little tug straightening it up a bit. "That is why I don't wear hose much anymore. Even pantyhose mask that feeling. Stockings on the other hand can be very exciting." Bill caught Carol's eye in the mirror wondering what she was thinking. "But for now what are you going to do?" she asked standing back. "Leave the skirt on or change into your own clothes. I'm afraid that is probably the only thing I have that has a chance of fitting you." "I'm going to change," Bill sighed. "It really is too tight." "OK." She gave his butt a little pat making the skirt bounce just a bit. "Breakfast is ready, I'll go heat it back up." "Thank you," Bill smiled at her and began struggling to get the skirt down. * - 6 - * A week later Bill found himself standing in front of the mirror checking out the fit of a new dress. Carol explained that she had gone and done more shopping and bought him three dresses: a mini, a midi and a maxi. That way he could get a feel for all of them and see if there was a style he liked or disliked. He was in the midi at the moment. It was red with a full skirt and half sleeves. "I like this one," he was telling Carol. "It feels nice." "It looks nice on you too," Carol nodded her approval. "Remember that I just bought a few cheap dresses. I wasn't going to spend a couple hundred dollars on a silk dress for you to try the first time until you decided if you were going to start wanting to wear dresses on occasion." "Babe." Bill turned and put his arms around her. "What about you? What do you feel about all this? Right now I am wondering if you are indulging me because you feel like you started me on this path and don't want to say you don't like how far it's gone. I mean, look here! You've bought me dresses to wear and in the other room I have a drawer full of panties and another full of tights and pantyhose. This isn't what I thought my life would be like. It isn't what my father would have done." "Bill, darling, please stop." Carol laid her hands on Bill's chest. She could feel his heart pounding beneath the polyester. "Relax. It doesn't matter what your father would have done. You aren't your father. You get to decide what makes you happy. Trying to live the way someone else wants you to live will just make you miserable. Yes, we make concessions in a marriage but we still have to be who we are, and if we can't do that then we aren't good for one another." They stood together for a moment. "Are you happy, Carol?" Bill asked quietly, his voice cracked a bit in fear of the answer he would get back. "Yes." She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "Mostly." "Mostly?" he asked. "Why?" "Oh, Bill." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "We've always had a good marriage. And these last several months I have enjoyed doing the shopping buying you these things and I truly have enjoyed seeing you in them. I am actually looking forward to seeing you around the house in these dresses if you decide you like wearing them. Like before I'm sure you'll take the weekend to give it a fair chance and if you decide no, then it is done." "But," Bill prodded. "But-" Carol took a breath. "But I still need more. Bill, I really want to find a job. It isn't about the money, or about whether you are a good provider, which of course you are. It is about me feeling like I am doing something for myself. It doesn't have to be much, maybe part-time to start and see how it goes. I was thinking maybe one of the stores in the mall; I've been in there a lot lately." Carol let the silence stretch out as they stood there together. Bill's dress rubbed against her knees below the hem of her own short skirt. "Do you think you might get an employee discount?" Bill finally asked. Carol barked a laugh, "I think that might be one of the perks!" A tear leaked out the corner of her eye. "I'm hoping that I might even be able to talk you into shopping with me sometimes. I think maybe you would like picking out your own dresses," she leaned back smiled. "I don't know if I could do that." Bill's face radiated with fear. "You'd be with me, and you wouldn't have to try anything on in the store, just tell me what you like and I'll pretend it is for me. But before we get that far, let's just see how you like wearing a dress the next two days. Is that the one you are going to wear today?" "I think I'd at least like to try on the other two." Bill turned back to the mirror. "Then I'll decide on which one today. Maybe I'll wear this one or the short one today, but change into the long dress for dinner, and then whatever I don't wear today, I'll wear tomorrow. What do you think of that?" "I think that is a marvelous idea." Carol wiped a tear from her eye. "And I think I might just put on a nice long dress for dinner tonight with you, how's that?" "I think we are in for a delightful weekend," Bill answered and started pulling the dress off over his head in exchange for the blue mini-dress. * - 6 - * Carol came in through the garage door. "Honey, are you home?" she called out. "I'll get dinner started in a minute. I had to interview a couple new sales girls for the shop before I could leave. Sorry I'm late." "It's ok, dear," he answered. "I've got dinner taken care of. It'll be on the table in just a minute. Carol entered the kitchen and a smile lit up her face. It was obvious that Bill had been busy since he'd gotten home from work. She could see he had set the table with some of the finer dishes they had, a bottle of wine was open on one side. But also, she caught a glimpse of black lace at the top of the stockings he was wearing when he leaned across the table to light the candles. The little black dress he wore was new, and she hadn't bought it for him, this would be something she was definitely interested in asking him. And then there were the stiletto heels. This was shaping up to be quite an evening." Bill was so engrossed in checking over everything he didn't know she was standing there, so she quietly backed out of the kitchen. "I'm going to change clothes real quick," she called once she was out of sight. "OK," he called back. "Everything will be on the table when you come back." Carol hurried to the bedroom and rifled through her lingerie drawer. She wasn't certain what he was up to but she was going to be sure she dressed up for him. She grabbed a white lace-covered bustier with garter, white lace-topped stocking and a very tiny white lace g-string panty. She threw her work clothes into the corner and rushed to get into the outfit. With underwear done she grabbed a sheer white blouse from the closet and a tight black satin knee-length skirt with a slit in the back that was quite daring. A pair of black high heeled sandals and she was done. A quick look in the mirror, fix the hair, touch up the make-up and she was ready for dinner. She walked into the kitchen and the table looked even better than when she saw it before. In the middle of the table was a large bouquet of roses that Bill had been blocking her view of. "How did you know?" Bill asked eying her. "I did catch a peek when I came in and saw you had something special going on. I hope you approve," she turned a little pirouette. "I absolutely approve," Bill answered. "You look fabulous. "Talk about fabulous." Carol took Bill's hand and guided him into his own pirouette. "I haven't seen this dress before and that means you had to have gone shopping on your own." "Yes," Bill admitted, "and it was nerve racking. I almost bailed out on it a couple times. But I wanted tonight to be special." "It certainly is," Carol answered as Bill escorted her to the table. "Would you mind telling me why it is so special?" "Today is the one year anniversary of my first pair of panties." Bill carefully arranged his dress as he sat to avoid wrinkling it as much as possible. He picked up his wine glass. "Here is to the last year, a great year, a year of growth." "I can certainly toast to that." Carol presented her glass and the crystal rang as they touched. "So, you've been Assistant Manager at the store for four months now." Bill began as he sliced into his steak. "When will they make you manager?" "Gee, no pressure," Carol laughed. "I can't believe they gave me that in less than a year. It will all depend on how long Diane wants to stay on as manager I imagine. Unless they open a new store, or another manager leaves and they ask me to transfer." "I'm sorry," Bill sighed. "Sorry?" Carol lowered her utensils. "Sorry for what?" "For being so stubborn and holding you back for so long," he confessed. "I was so foolish." "Don't be sorry, darlin'," she answered. "We get where we need to in the time that we have to. Look at us now! I've never been happier in my life and it is because of you." Bill lifted his glass. "To white lace panties." Carol lifted her own. "I'm pretty sure your first panties were blue." "But it was seeing you in those white ones that made me decide to go along with your idea." "OK, then, to white lace panties," the glasses again rang out. "Wait til you see what I am wearing tonight." "I'm looking forward to it, and I think you'll be pleased by what you find when you look under my dress as well." "You know," Carol set down her fork, "suddenly I'm not really that hungry. Maybe I could just reheat it a little later. But I hate to waste your efforts tonight." "I don't think reheating it will hurt anything." Bill put his own fork down. "Shall we take the wine?" "Absolutely." Carol got up and turned for the bedroom. "Just be careful with it, I'll never get the stain out of this blouse." Bill grabbed his glass and the bottle and quickly followed Carol, the tapping sounds of their heels tracking one another into the bedroom.

Same as Coming to an Understanding Videos

3 years ago
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Actions Have Consequences Vol 6 We are at an Understanding

Actions Have Consequences Vol 6: We are at an Understanding Author's note: I would like to thank everyone who has helped me become a better writer. All the comments and suggestions really mean a lot to me. I know I still have a far way to go, but I will keep on working on bettering my writing. I could not do that without the support of others. "You are such a bitch, Doug, and I love that about you!" Helen exclaimed. Helen could not believe how devious her husband can be. He was a...

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Understanding by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) Bob and Linda had been married for two years and although both would agree that theirs was a great marriage each had a problem understanding the other. Linda felt although Bob was a devoted husband and wonderful lover he just didn't quite understand her needs at times. She often wanted to just be held and cuddled but Bob mistook this for a desire to make love. When they did make love she felt that he never spent enough time...

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Mutual Understanding

Hi to all the readers of ISS this is my very first post, and also the first sexual experience I had other then my wife. To start with let me tell you about myself I am Raghu 35 yr old from Hyderabad, around 5.11’ in height, whitish in colour n slim body. I am happily married and blessed with one kid, my wife is good looking women and we have good understanding with each other, and till now we never had any type of problems in between us. Not to mention I am very reserved kind of a guy who as...

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its late on a wednesday evening and i'm veggitating in front of the tv when my phone rings. its you, saying you're in germany and on your way home. you say you're landing in MA as a diversion for bad weather and, knowing i live in the state, am i close to the base where you're landing? i say 'yeah, it's a few miles away. why? do you need a ride when you land?' you say you dont wanna impose, but yes, you'd like to see me and if it's ok, will i pick you up? 'sure baby, no...

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By Samantha G. At different times in our hurried lives, certain events will happen and shape who we are, as well as what we do. These events help to prepare us for the road ahead, and hopefully a more defined goal. These events can also cut us free from ancient ghosts that haunt us. Ah, the roaring nineties. George Bush was president, and preparing for war. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Gas was one dollar and sixteen cents a gallon. And Janet Jackson’s “Rhythm Nation,” was...

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My girlfriend and I hav been going out for some time. Since our freshman year of high school, but since her parents are strict Catholics we havn't been allowed to officially go on a date. Let me give you some images of my girlfriend and I. Nicole, my girlfriend, is about 5'3", latina but not very dark, muscular legs and a tight ass from playing water polo, a nice flag stomach but not a six pack, and ample breasts, a little under a C cup. My name is Matt and im about 6'2", pretty muscular...

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A little understanding

Our parents are....ignorant, to say the least. My brother and I have desires for our lives that are far beyond what our parents want, and as a result, there's quite a few arguments, and an obvious disconnect between us.I parked in the driveway, and took a look to make sure my baby was looking beautiful before I went in the house. My baby is a '69 SS Camaro, black with an orange rally stripe, and it's my pride and joy. It was a gift from mom and dad when I turned 17 last year.The sounds of an...

2 years ago
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The Search For Understanding

FRIDAY - DISCOVERY At last, a busy and stressful week was over and, as Chris pulled into his driveway, he looked forward to a week away from work spending some quality time with Jane, his wife of 31 years. They'd married young and had children straight away so now, just turned 50, they were enjoying their freedom from their children who now had families of their own. As Chris walked into his house, he called out to his wife but, instead of the usual "In the kitchen, darling," he...

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Homecoming Princess

Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Themes

This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at Go ahead and read that story as well....

2 years ago
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Homecoming week pt 1

After my encounter with Andrea in our local gym, the rest of my weekend was pretty uneventful. Besides me replaying that amazing night in my head over and over, and going on my morning runs, it was a pretty long weekend. The weekend seemed to drag out forever, simply because I was waiting to see Andrea again on Monday. That Monday was the first day I was ever excited to go to school and not just because it was Homecoming. After my first 2 hours were through I could hardly contain my...

2 years ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 06 Coming to an Understanding

Coming to an Understanding Harry stepped out on to the wide balcony and looked out over the hustle and bustle of London. He let the light and sound wash over him as his thoughts turned inward. Despite almost eight years of marriage to Ginny, he was still learning to master those skills of ‘communication’ and ‘empathy’ that seemed to make for happy marriages. Not that he and Ginny weren’t happily married, they were, but there were times when everything just seemed to go to hell in a...

3 years ago
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It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Love and Understanding

Love and Understanding (part 1) by Some Writer "Richard?Smith?" "That's me," said the mechanic, ineffectually wiping grime off his hands. "Hi.You used to know a Louise Minner didn't you?" "Ages ago, yes.Why's that?" "I'm her.. psychiatrist.She is in my care at the moment so I'm trying to research her background in order to better understand her.Anything you can tell me about her and your relationship would help." "Not much to tell, we only lasted a few weeks." "Please, anything.Intimate...

3 years ago
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Masters Sissy slave Chapter 2 Understanding

Master's Sissy slave by llatex39 Understanding After the final orgasm I could feel Marcus's hands over my penis and it then being forced back into the constrictive chastity cage, with a turn of the key I was now safely locked away, not that I had any more desire after cumming 6 times over the course of the night. Completely dazed after an incredibly restless night I felt the machine loosen it's bonds on me so I could stand up away from the machine. Marcus then removed the VR...

3 years ago
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Misunderstanding By Cheryl Lynn Standard disclaimers apply. If you do not enjoy forced feminization and nonconsensual sex do not read. A dark tale without a happy ending. This story may be downloaded for personal use only and all other use is prohibited unless approved by the author. Constructive comments are always welcome at [email protected]. Misunderstanding For crying out loud, it was all a misunderstanding. It was a damn joke. I had no intentions of following...

4 years ago
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Homecoming Part2

HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she would not have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her...

3 years ago
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Unbecoming A Princess

Note, this is technically a Star Wars fan-fic but to avoid any legal issues all characters are unnamed or their true identities are left vague and unclear. It can be considered a prequel of sorts to Return of the Jedi. Unbecoming A Princess I was torn up inside. The love of my life had been taken from me by the most villainous crime lord in the galaxy. My friends and I were plotting a way to break into the 'palace' and rescue him. My friend, a holy knight of a long-dead...

3 years ago
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SRU Understanding

Spells R Us: Understanding by Brad Miller "Jesus do you two have to constantly fight like this?" my girlfriend Sarah screamed. "But Sarah, I wanted to take you to the movies tonight", I whined. "Yeah well I planned to take her to the mall tonight, so you'll have to go to the movies another time", Sarah's best friend Ashley said. "It's true Mike, I did plan already plan to go to the mall with Ashley", Sarah said. "Fine. I'll just go hang out with Sean tonight", I said...

4 years ago
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Miss Understanding

Miss Understanding "197. 198. 199. Ah! 200." "Clank!" The weight room rang as Steven Marcus dropped the weights and wiped his brow completing his daily workout. Grabbing a towel he passed the mirrors outside the showers and admired his well chiseled body. Better than most, he had built up a solid body with massive biceps and triceps and legs that might be mistaken for tree trunks. Tall and muscled, he had his pick of any of the gorgeous women that frequented the gym. His life...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 190 Understanding

I was surprised that it didn't make headlines. There hadn't even been a mention of it in the news until Tuesday. I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been hanging around the break area when the local news writers came in. "Why aren't they giving us more information about this?" "They say it relates to an on-going investigation and that the facts are just too bizarre to report at the moment." "How do you get an accidental suicide?" "Do you think we should put our own...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 08

Homecoming Ch. 08 Edited by Frinkles© 2007 This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Alright, alright…UNCLE! For those of you who are disappointed in Daniel’s actions, believe me so am I. The guy is human. He’s a bit of an idiot at times. He’s letting his little head do the thinking rather than the ‘big’ head. He knows he screwed up which is why he’s in the dang farmhouse praying...

2 years ago
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Homecoming week pt 2

The rest of the week was pretty frustrating as Megan’s and Christie took every chance they could to tease me around school. I managed to survive the week of football practice with Christie and the squad practicing around in short shorts and sports bras. Christie was a huge tease as she would often talk dirty to me during our nightly calls and even email some naughty photos. She told me not to jack off all week because she wanted me to save it for Homecoming. Through it all, I received good...

2 years ago
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Futa Naked In School 08 Naughty Futa Bake Sale 3 Leanns Taboo Futa Understanding

Chapter Three: Leann's Taboo Futa Understanding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Ji-Min's Week, Saturday “And three hundred,” the brunette futa said, counting out the last twenty dollar bill to Reina, who was still manning the cash register and the only member of the student council not naked. It wasn't just Leann, Priscilla, and myself who were naked, but our mothers, too. Before the crowds coming to our college's bake sale, I had not only sex with Leann, the only futa on the student...

3 years ago
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Reaching an Understanding

Communication can be difficult, especially when it's easy. As he stood up from the limousine, the first bellboy pounced. "Welcome, sir. Please follow me. Joseph, help them with the bags." (You look rich. So let Joe do the work, and give me the tip.) The young man introduced himself as he led them across the lobby past the front desk. "I'm Peter. Anything you need, just let me know, sir." (Keep the cash flowing, and I'll suck up just as much as you like.) He provided the essential...

1 year ago
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Memorandum of Understanding

Anil was pumping hard into Sunita’s pussy. Sunita moaning loudly, “please don’t finish now; fuck me more, more, oh no; don’t discharge, oh please…………………..” But after few strokes Sunil jerked off into Sunita’s pussy and laid over her naked body exhausted. Sunita kept silent despite dissatisfied. Anil could never give her a big orgasm. They got married for around one year but Anil is weaker in sex and can’t lust long. Also, he never think of Sunita’s satisfaction. Rather he needs to have sex...

4 years ago
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HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she wouldn't have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her two...

4 years ago
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Homecoming With Kelly

It was early in October of 1977. Kelly and I were high school seniors. Our school celebrated homecoming for an entire week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after school we had crazy contests like tricycle races and stuffing a Volkswagen (for which the puny little freshmen had a built-in advantage). Thursday evening was the parade through downtown followed by a big bonfire at a farm just a mile away from the high school.Kelly looked great that night, as always. She was wearing a pair of short,...

2 years ago
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Homecoming The Worst Week of My Life

Introduction: I fuck with my new boy toy during Homecoming week.. I last left you with telling you how I had found a way to control my jealousy. While at the same time, get some attention, especially when I went along with John when he was making personal appearances somewhere. If you need to know, more read my last story Becoming the Slut. I also told you about Adam the nerdy boy I had befriended at college. I had more or less seduced him at our apartment after school. I enjoyed it even more...

4 years ago
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Best friends Lexie and Samantha, (better known as Sam) were really excited that it was working out perfectly to double date to their prom. Both juniors and best friends since third grade, Sam was dating Josh, a football player, who had recently introduced his buddy Zack to Lexie. They hit it off and all agreed to attend the Homecoming Dance together. The girls were both cheerleaders and so very excited about the Friday night game as well as Saturday's dance. The boys, both seniors playing their...

3 years ago
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Homecoming A small Forward: I know some people are looking forward to more stories with images, I'm sorry that I didn't deliver such a thing. I still may in the future, but right now I'm focusing on a different story that involves elements not typically explored in trans-fiction. The next one will most definitely be illustrated, this one...I originally wanted to, but then I felt the writing spoke for itself enough. If I'm wrong, tell me, and if any one's interested in doing some...

5 years ago
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Homecoming Sex BEST EVER

Here's a story written in first person from a 16 year old me. :) After reading these stories often I finally have built up the courage to write about the craziest, best night of my life. I’m 16 years old, about 5’3” and a little on the thick side but in an athletic way. I have 34 DD tits and a round juicy ass that boys have always loved. At school I usually wear short skirts and low cut shirts that show off my boobs and legs which gets everyone looking. The story that I’m writing about was my...

4 years ago
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Carl McHenry looked up from the textbook spread out on his dorm room desk and out the window at the now dark sky. He had been trying to understand the last economics problem in the review for the last hour and still couldn't get it. Maybe he was just overtired, he told himself. After all, he had been studying non-stop for the last nine hours. Attending the University on a scholarship, Carl needed to maintain at least a B average. It was because he was having problems in a few of his classes...

4 years ago
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An Accidental Misunderstanding

An Accidental MisunderstandingIt's been seven hours since I left the three of them at the cabin. It was planned as a fortieth birthday party for #1, by his wife, #2, and my, well now soon to be ex-wife, #3. I’m #0. What happened? Did I overreact, not trust in my wife or friends? You decide as I already did. Read my recounting of the evening and judge me how you will. oOo We’d known #1 and #2 for about ten years. He’s a nice man, stubborn yet with a somewhat kind touch, if a lumberjack could...

Group Sex
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IncomingChapter 15

Things started with a bang, or, actually a crash. Carol and Stella were cuddled together on one couch, Christine and JJ on another, and Lane was in the kitchen fetching a new bottle of wine. Doug had rolled over to one of the side walls, investigating a painting that seemed to show a civil-war era battle. ‘INCOMING!’ None of them was prepared when one of the huge, floor to ceiling, supposedly unbreakable widows shattered into a million pieces of safety glass. The accompanying explosion was...

3 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 4 Reaching Understanding

Ashley jumped behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders. I reached up with my right hand to stroke her right arm. "Ashley, I don't think that's helping," I said. Ashley's mother glared at me, but quickly turned to concentrate on her daughter. "Ash, why are you hiding behind Mark? You came here to get tested. I'm not going to punish you for your score." "I agreed to have Mark take me," Ashley said. "My score isn't good enough, but his is." "What?" Beatrice squawked....

2 years ago
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Homecoming the Epilogue

It’s been nearly four years since Michelle’s ‘homecoming’, her long Caribbean cruise with Brett. I’ve had a lot of people asking about Michelle’s ‘first time’ with Brett, after her month-long forced abstinence. I haven’t told about it because, well – just because I haven’t. I got involved in other stories, Matt and Adriana, Robert and Karen, and a few little tidbits.I probably wouldn’t be now, except for that e-mail from Alec, Michelle’s first extra-curricular lover, in Kodiak while I was in...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Homecoming 1 Provincial Beginnings

“You never told me you were rich, love” Conor said in his Irish accent, in awe of the beautiful mansion in front of them. The walls were newly painted white, the windows were still the old kind, the ones that open outwards and made of wood—neatly varnished mahogany wood. The ground floor was made of stone, too keep its foundation strong and in front of the house was a fountain of intricate design, dolphins, cherubs, and pots circled the base, squirting water into its small pool as water...

4 years ago
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Homecoming Chapter 4

“What Have You Done?” Mrs. Benson stood on my front porch with a look of contempt that I have never seen before. She looked at me like I was a murderer and I couldn’t think of a single thing to say. “Mr. Snead, what is going on?” she asked, her voice dripping disdain. “I saw Mrs. Swanson go into your room after our team meeting and then I saw you run out to your truck with someone wrapped up in a tarp.” I stuttered and lied by saying that I had been working a sculpture and I moved it...

2 years ago
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Homecoming The Worst Week of My Life

I also told you about Adam the nerdy boy I had befriended at college. I had more or less seduced him at our apartment after school. I enjoyed it even more when I found out that Adam was a virgin. I told him I would show him the wonders of sex as long as we kept it our little secret. It was Homecoming week at our college when I started Adam’s lessons. I had only given him one little lesson on how to hold and kiss a woman. Adam was a fast learner; I had enjoyed myself with him that first...

4 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 06

This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Cheers again to Techsan and the wonderful editing job on this piece. I seem to be making the same editing mistakes over and over again. Hopefully, Techsan will train all of this out of me. Also, thank all of you who have read this story and made comments. It really helps me keep on track. Please continue to leave comments — good and bad....

3 years ago
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Homecoming Present

I don’t know how Jen and I ended up in my living room naked and giggling. I asked her to come over and help me prepare a meal for Pete’s return after being out of town for such a long time. I wanted to prepare something special for him, but my culinary knowledge only reached the easy-to-make varieties.  I should’ve known from the wet, open mouth kiss I received from Jen as soon as I opened the door and the way she slid her talented fingers into my panty and quickly finger fucked my luscious...

4 years ago
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She nibbled her lip, nervous, wondering yet again if she had made the right decision. She checked the mirror one last time to be sure she looked okay. Her green eyes stood out against the black eyeliner and double coat of mascara she had painstakingly applied. Her lips were coated with a burgundy stain covered with a shimmering gloss. She had spent a lot of time working on her hair to give it that "effortless" look. Softly hanging to her shoulders, a deep brown with streaks of blonde added here...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 1

I expected to hear from Michelle right away, maybe even as soon as Monday night, to let me know about her coming home plans. She’d implied that she could be home this coming Friday and I haven’t been so anxious about anything in my life before!Tuesday morning, I was in my office looking at a house plan, going over it so that our office manager could issue the building permit when my office phone rang. I answered it as I always do, “Building Codes, this is Bob, may I help you?”“Hi,” was the...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Homecoming from the Sandbox

Hello there, my name is Brian and I just got back from a 10 month deployment overseas. 10 months is a long time to go without seeing any friends or family let me tell you. It is also a long time to go without fucking. Due to the rules of our deployment zone, there was absolutely no sex allowed. That and the lack of available women made sure that everyone slept alone at night. Of course I am no wuss so I used Skype and phone sex as often as I could. Phone sex, Skype, and even porn were not...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Homecoming Present

I don't know how Jen and I ended up in my living room naked and giggling. I asked her to come over and help me prepare a meal for Pete’s return after being out of town for such a long time. I wanted to prepare something special for him, but my culinary knowledge only reached the easy-to-make varieties.  I should’ve known from the wet, open mouth kiss I received from Jen as soon as I opened the door and the way she slid her talented fingers into my panty and quickly finger fucked my luscious...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Homecoming week pt 3

Coming back to my senses, I watch Christie's firm as sway into my private bathroom with big shower. I hear the shower kick on and see her step in. Surprisingly, my sexual appetite wasn’t satiated by my first fuck. In fact watching her perfect ass and slightly tanned, sweaty body enter the shower, I was harder than ever. Almost as a man possessed, I crept into the bathroom and entered the shower. She was still in her post orgasmic haze as she didn’t hear me come in. My 9 inch cock gently...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Donations

Margaret handed a small paper bag to Brandon and Shelly. “Put anything valuable or that you might lose in here, keys, id, cellphone. And don’t worry, we’re going to return them later. You both have to unlock your cells though. We need to be sure to let your friends know where to find you.” Shelly looked at Brandon, wondering if she should hesitate or hold back anything. He just looked back and shrugged. They were outnumbered. So they both just did as they had been told. “Now what?” Shelly...

4 years ago
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Teresa Scalia Barbara and the Principal Come to an Understanding

A new school year was beginning. Chad Anderson and DJ Scalia were discussing the prospects for their final year at middle school. "I guess we're getting a new principal. Ms. Abercrombie retired." DJ remarked to Chad. "Let's hope she's not some old bag that'll make us have detention for looking cross eyed" said Chad. The boys were right they are getting a new principal but she will prove to be anything but an old bag. Meanwhile, Barbara Anderson is on the phone with her friend...

2 years ago
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A Lack of Understanding

Dede and I were making out on her family's sofa. Nothing unusual about that. I always walked her home after school, and we'd spend at least half an hour making out before her sister, Karen, got home from her classes at the University. Karen at nineteen, was two years older than Dede and me. We'd been going together for almost six months. We'd had sex together five or six times, mostly this was limited by our not having a place where we had the time and the privacy to get ourselves aroused...

2 years ago
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The Naked InheritanceChapter 6 Understanding

Mark still felt a little anger. He answered, "Yes." He felt a smoldering anger at what he felt was a snub toward him as a man. He decided to give the men's clothes a try and hope that might be a part of the answer. "Wait," Cole protested. I'm hungry and I got to go real bad. "You go ahead Mark. We'll join you in the men's shop in a little bit." She gave her son a fond look and pushed him toward the bathroom. Mark nodded and left. The loving look Rachel gave her son touched...

2 years ago
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The Misunderstanding

THE MISUNDERSTANDING My name is Jeff and I'm writing this down because I think I may need to have something to remind me of exactly what has happened. I believe this may come down to legal proceedings and I must be certain of my facts. My best friend is Victor West, more normally Vic (at school he was called Beetle, just look at his initials) and he is married to Christina who everyone knows as Tina. They married a couple of years ago and I was Vic's Best Man. I must admit that I...

3 years ago
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Misunderstanding.    One part only.        Bill and his wife is Sally are pretty much average as couples go. I am in good shape and Sally is 5' 3", 120 lbs, brown hair and green eyes. She is not model gorgeous but she is pretty, well proportioned and has a beautiful ass.        The last few months Bill has been reading about chastity devises and has not only gotten interested has been jacking off every day and fucking his wife as much as he can while dreaming about being locked up. Finally he...

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IncomingChapter 6

INCOMING! He was about ten feet from the van when he saw movement to his right and to his left. Two men, one appearing from around the front of the van and one from around the rear, turned to facing him. They had been strolling calmly, to appear non-threatening, but they sped up and headed right toward him once they saw he spotted them. Instincts and years of training had him reaching for his pistol. The glint of a blade in the hands of one of the men took on a strange gleam, as the world...

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IncomingChapter 8

They were only about a third of the way through the boxes; it was taking longer than it should as they found themselves discussing the pros and cons of each pistol as it was unboxed. Carol was strictly into the autoloaders, and greatly admired his collection of 1911s and Browning Hi Powers. Doug also had a half dozen revolvers, running the gamut from an original cap and ball .44 Russian conversion to a matching set of Taurus snub-nosed .357 magnums. There were amiably arguing the merits of...

4 years ago
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  I am not gay. I don’t get turned on by men, or find them attractive, but I must admit that I do like to suck dick. I don’t go out to try and find other men to suck. I have a close friend for that. SO I figure I am Bi. After all, I am still attracted to women, and enjoy being with them, but the feeling of a cock exploding in my mouth is a huge turn on for me.   How did I find that out? Let me tell you my story, as I recently came to the realization of how it all began.

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Steps to understanding

Lesbian When your partner's tongue is deep in your mouth and yours between her lips and teeth, talking is impossible, though happy moans I'm sure could have been heard. Astride me on a high backed chair, she wriggled forwards to ensure that are breasts were touching. In a moment when we disengaged to breathe she did say "Breast to breast is much the best, is it not?" I could feel her nipples hard against me and could only murmer an "Ooh yes!" I could just see in the mirror her long...

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