Cocooned, Chap. 9 free porn video

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Cocooned, Ch. 9 I took the dick in my hand and lowered it to my face. I opened my mouth and put my lips around the tip. I put my tongue underneath the head and closed my mouth around it then let go. I was expecting it to be warm but it didn't seem any warmer or cooler than the interior of my mouth. Simone moaned in pleasure. She jerked her hips as her whole body trembled with a feeling she'd never felt before. As a guy, I knew what it felt like to have a dick and the artificial dick was a very good approximation, but this was Simone's first time experiencing it. Having now felt a female orgasm, I could tell the difference. I was unprepared for her thrusting when she pushed the dick slightly further in my mouth. It wasn't nearly enough for me to choke, but it was a strange feeling to have something in my mouth that I did not control. To make sure I could manage the situation, I took the shaft of the dick in my hand again. Holding it firmly but gently on the shaft close to the base, I bobbed my head forward and backwards a few inches at a time. I rotated my tongue underneath the head to increase the sensation for Simone. Her moans of pleasure told me it was working. I looked up to see Simone nibbling furiously on one of her nipples. I shook my head side to side, being careful not to touch the dick with my teeth. I thought for a second about how I looked and realized as I felt my head that my hair was a ridiculous mess. Simone had put so much lacquer in it that morning that it would not fall freely at all, and after all of our sexual activity it now felt more like a fright wig. I felt a bit of disappointment that I wasn't at my prettiest for this moment. If there's one lesson I've picked up from this adventure, it's that if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right and when Simone is involved, it's worth going all out. Simone's wails of pleasure continued. It was time for the next step. I took a deep breath, then forced myself forward on the dick as far as I could go until I felt it at the back of my throat, then kept it there. Simone sweet noises told me it has having the desired effect. After a few seconds I took the dick out of my mouth entirely to catch my breath but continued to stroke to the dick with my hand. Manually stroking a dick was something I certainly knew a lot about, albeit from a different angle. I teased Simone, switching from my hand to my mouth for the next minute or two. Even more amazing was how hot and wet I was getting down below. I had begun doing this out of some sense of obligation and curiosity but I never expected to be as turned on as I was. I was squatting on my feet like a baseball catcher, so I started rubbing my mound with my free hand. Simone caught a glimpse of me doing that and smiled one of her big, sexy smiles again, then went back to enjoying my pleasuring of her. Just when I started wondering how Simone was handling the mental control aspect of the dick, I got my answer. I'd gotten into a rhythm of three sucks then three jerks, but just as I'd taken the dick out of my mouth, Simone exploded with cum right my face with no warning other than a "Ohhhhh!" that had come a half second too late. There'd been no sign that she was ready, no pre-cum or anything. There was one thing different when Simone ejaculated from when I had though: Her cum was pomegranate flavored. I'd had her dick in my hand when she came and I suppose I could've aimed it elsewhere, but I was all-in for this experience, so I let it spray on my face and into my mouth. Simone had steadied herself against the bed and was trembling form head to toe. Again, knowing how it felt from her end, I knew what to do next to extend her pleasure. I put the now slimy and softening yet still firm dick back in my mouth to clean it off and suck out any last drops of cum still in the shaft. I felt Simone's hand behind my head, caressing me as I completed my task. When I was done and the dick had completely lost its erection, Simone knelt down and gave me a long, gentle kiss, perhaps the longest kiss she'd given me since I became a woman, and Simone absolutely loved long kisses. "Thank you, Angel," she said sincerely once she'd come up for air. "That was amazing. Now I understand why men try so hard to get women to give them blowjobs. Are you OK? I know that was something you never expected in a million years." "Yes, you're right about that. But there are two reasons I went through with it: First was knowing that it wasn't real, and second, because it was you. There's nobody else I could ever do that for. And I did enjoy it, because it made you feel good. Making you feel good makes me feel good." "Oh, I noticed that," Simone teased, then stuck one of her hands between my legs and discovering I still had some moisture of my own. "Yeah, that kind of happened, didn't it?" I said with a shrug. "Yes, it did. You are becoming such a little slut, aren't you?" "I guess I am. Lucky you." This time I grabbed Simone from behind her head and kissed her, long and deep. With my free hand I reached down between her legs, pushing the dick aside and reaching under her balls. I felt for the tiny nub that would disengage the apparatus from her vagina. Simone offered no resistance as I found it and gave it the little twist that started the detachment process. "Awwwww," Simone moaned. "Is playtime over?" "Yes, we're done. At least I'm done for the night. Between the wine and all this activity, I can't take any more if you want me to be able to function at work tomorrow." The dick took about ten seconds to release itself completely and it fell to the ground when it did. I picked it up and we both stood up. We both looked around and our matching facial expressions confirmed that we both felt that the room was a mess. There were clothes and water bottles strewn about and there were still signs of the struggle from when I'd knocked Dave out and shoved him under the bed. "We'll clean up tomorrow," Simone assured me. "Though these need to be rinsed off now." She reached over for the dick I'd worn earlier and took the one I was holding to the bathroom then ran them under water and placed them on a towel to dry. I pulled the covers back on the bed and realized we probably should change the sheets. Simone came out of the bathroom and seemed to have the same thought. "You strip the bed and I'll get some clean bedding," she said. She did as she said she would and when she returned the sheets and pillow cases were in a lump off to the side of the room. Simone tossed the clean sheets onto the bed for me to start then moved the dirty sheets into the closet. I'd begun spreading the clean sheets out when I noticed the fabric was softer and shinier than the previous ones. "They're satin," Simone said when she noticed me inspecting the sheets. "Wait until you sleep on them, you'll love it! In fact, let's sleep naked tonight." She sounded very excited about that idea. "What, and pass on all of the lovely lingerie you bought? I think the specific term is 'sleepwear', right?" "Trust me. You can wear your frilly little nighty tomorrow night." I didn't bother putting up an argument. We finished getting the sheets on the bed and got ready for bed. We crawled up under the covers facing each other, heads propped up, leaning on our elbows. Both of us still had sly smiles on our face after our long, exhausting sexual session. "So now I know what that feels like," Simone purred. "That really was incredible, building up to an explosion like that. I have nothing to compare it to." "Well, the fake dick actually feels better to me than my real dick did. Of course, I suppose it was engineered to feel good. Plus there's no fatigue. With the real thing, the longer I'd go without cumming I'd start to lose sensation. With this it stays just as hard and strong." "Oh, speaking of sensation, I think I owe you an apology. I read in the directions that the first few times a woman uses the dick it might be hard to control when ejaculation occurs." Simone let her words hang for a moment then shook her head. "I can't believe I'm actually apologizing for premature ejaculation. A few days ago that would have been the most ridiculous thing I would ever have said about myself." "Yeah, I had a hunch it was something like that. Mostly because I couldn't imagine you planned to cum early." "Damn right I wanted to keep going! I was hoping at least to fuck those magnificent tits of yours." "Really? Just my tits?" "No, not just your tits, but I'll hold off going any further until you tell me you're ready." "I appreciate that. But you know what? I think I'll be ready a lot sooner than I thought." I was being completely honest and I was surprising myself. "I thought you might. You seemed to be having quite a good time. Still, I promise, not until you're ready," Simone said coyly. She moved closer to me, reached between my legs and lightly stroked my pussy. "Or maybe I'll just wait until you beg me for it." I'd never admit it but I could see that happening if she kept teasing me like that. "Roll over," she said. I did and she spooned me from behind. She pushed her left arm under me and reached over me with her right then wedged my nipples between her fingers, not pinching or grabbing, more like surrounding them with warmth. That was the position we fell asleep in. ================================= I woke up facing away from Simone, though her hands were no longer cupping my tits. I rolled over and she was right in front of me, her head resting on one elbow-propped arm and that killer smile on her face. I'd never woken feeling so relaxed and content in my life. I took my turn in the bathroom while Simone started some coffee, then she got her turn and finally we hopped into the shower together. It was impossible to resist the erotic charge of washing each other's hair and bodies, rubbing against each other while all soaped up. I ended up on my knees eating her out once again, another great way to start a day. We had another wonderful breakfast before, as Simone put it, it was time to make ourselves "presentable." We went down to the salon so Simone could do my hair. I plopped myself down in the styling chair in her station. "OK, are you ready to have your hair done today?" "You know, I really liked how I looked yesterday. Although I'd kind of like a hairstyle that isn't so stiff. Maybe if it was a little softer and could move. I was afraid to touch it yesterday." "Hmmm, I'll keep that in mind. But you know, it's up to the fates what you're going to look like each day." "What? What do you mean?" "I'll show you," she said, and accented it with a kiss. She reached to the side of the chair and pulled out the digipad, the one on which I'd seen the picture of the stunning Asian model with the half- shaved head. Instead of tapping it, she moved to my side and held it where we could both see it and used voice commands. "Display titles of all hairstyle catalogs from the last three months, North American and European publications only," she instructed. A list of maybe 25 or 30 titles appeared, most with variations on names like "International Hair" and "Coiffure Gallery" appeared. "Close your eyes and pick one," Simone said. I played along and stuck my finger out. I opened my eyes and saw that I'd landed on "Euro Hair Fashion." "OK, now, do you remember those two numbers I'd asked Tiffany for yesterday?" "Ah, I was wondering what that was about. I think it was 345 and 67." "Right, so let's open the catalog and flip to page 345!" she said giddily. "We have a problem. There's only 140 pages. Does that mean I can keep my current hair?" I asked hopefully. "No, that's not a problem. How's your math?" "That depends. There's no calculus involved, is there?" "Ha, no. I'm not that cruel. What's 345 divided by 140?" "Two and a fraction, around two and a half," I said, hoping she didn't want an exact answer. I was confident in the 'two' portion. "Actually, I only want the remainder. So let's see, 140 twice is 280. 345 minus 280 is 65. So turn to page 65!" I was surprised that I understood her logic. I flipped to page 65 and saw a page with a collage of stunning women. The theme of that page was clearly redheads, mostly dark reds, varying from shoulder length to mid- back. "OK, I see where you're going. The next number she gave us was 67 and there are 14 pictures on this page. The remainder of 67 divided by 14 is ummm..." "Eleven," Simone offered. "I'd have gotten it. Eventually..." I said only remotely convincingly. I scanned the page for picture number eleven, which was easy because each style had a tiny number next to it. I fixed on the picture and tapped it to expand it to the entire page. This was another situation where if I still had my dick it would have just burst through my zipper. The woman was gorgeous. She had a giant mass of long, curly, dark chestnut red hair. They were big, wide curls and perfectly defined with no frizz. She had short, straight blonde bangs that contrasted starkly against the curls that exploded from her head in practically every direction. The model had big, full, dark red lipstick and smoky eyes. It was clear she was dressed for an evening out as she was wearing a shimmery dress that showed off her average sized but perfectly attractive breasts. I realized I was going to look like a giant today. I was six feet barefoot, maybe as much as six foot two. The hair was going to add four or five inches to my height, and Simone had already said she wanted me in at least three-inch heels, so the finished product was going to be around six feet and eight inches. With the giant hair and sultry makeup, I was afraid I'd look like a giant drag queen. I adjusted the mental picture of myself in my head to my entire body with the new hair and makeup, naked and with a big, hard dick. That was one sexy image. I looked at Simone to gauge her reaction and her mouth was dangling open. I bet she had the same picture in her head as I did. "Well, this may take a while, so let's get started," she said once she was able to focus again. She opened on of the drawers in her station and started rummaging around. I was surprised when she pulled out electric clippers. Simone handed them to me and said simply "Here, have fun." "Why did you give this to me?" I had absolutely no clue what she had in mind. "Why do you think?" "Because you get off on messing with me?" "Try again." "Really, I have no idea. This hair is much longer than mine so I thought you'd be taking me to that grower machine." I held up my wet blonde strands to illustrate my point. "Yes, you will be going there, but first you have to shave your hair off." "What? Why? You're losing me here." "It has to do with the hair color. Your hair is colored, and when we grow your hair out it'll be a natural black. To get your hair the proper shade of red would mean half of it would start off blonde and half black. Coloring hair that's already been colored works differently than virgin hair, so it's best if it all starts out with the same color. Also, I'll be able to set it to grow your hair out with those perfect curls instead of having to use rollers or giving you a perm." I finally caught on. "Ok, so this way you'll be starting with hair of all one color. I get it now. That's good to know. And you can make hair grow out naturally curly, cool. Is it only the hair that grows out curly in that case or does it continue to grow curly after that?" "That's my girl," she said then hugged me. "That's the kind of thing that every girl just learns at some point and I only think of you as a woman, so I sometimes assume you know these things. I'll try to be more careful about that kind of stuff in the future. And no, the rest of the hair won't grow out curly. Anyway, get started while I go warm up and program the grower. And use a cape." I started feeling fear and regret about shaving off my beautiful hair. Sure, it was a damp, lifeless mess now, and I knew it would be grown right back but there was some strange feeling of vulnerability. This was different from the "cupcake" style I'd had a few days ago, since that wasn't completely shaved, and even that tiny bit of fuzz made a difference. Women who intentionally shaved their entire heads bald were among the most confident women around. Penny certainly counted among that group. It was a hard look to pull off, and I suppose if one didn't have access or means to grow it back, they'd need to be absolutely sure about the decision. Of course, I had absolutely nothing to worry about. But, I was in this adventure come hell or high water, so I put my concerns behind me and got to work. I put the cape on as suggested to avoid getting trimmings over my lacy robe. I stood up, turned the clippers on, grabbed a chunk of hair over my ears and lopped it right off. I kept going until I'd done about five inches above my right ear then repeated it over my left. I grabbed a comb from the counter and separate the hair about six inches from the base of my skull and grabbed a clip to keep all the hair on top together, then shaved everything below that line. There was a lot of stubble left as I hadn't been slow or careful. I adjusted the clippers to the finest setting and went over the stubbly areas again, getting as close to the scalp as I could. I'd probably need a straight-edged blade to do a perfect job, but I figured that some stubble was acceptable, as Simone would likely trim the ends after it was all grown out anyway. Next I undid the clip. I held the hair up high over my head with one hand and cut through it leaving it about four inches long. I took the comb and combed it all to one side. The remaining hair covered a square about six inches on each side at the top of my head, leaving on side completely bald and the other only slightly covered by the hair combed down the side from the top. I looked in the mirror and strangely, I liked what I saw. I tried combing it all backwards, but that wasn't quite as sexy. I parted it down the middle with each side combed down, and that just looked stupid, so I went back to all over one side. I took the cape off and watched a bunch of hair fall to the ground. All the hair bunched up on the floor looked big enough to be a small, honey blond animal. I quietly walked over to the alcove where Simone was working at the grower apparatus. She had her back to me so I snuck up behind her and cupped her breasts over her thin robe, pinching her already protruding nipples. "Hi sexy," I said. "I decided to let you finish the job. Something tells me you'd enjoy that." Simone turned around to face me and inspected the job I'd done. She was clearly pleased as she felt all over my head and run her fingers through what was left of my hair. "Wow, you can wear any hair style, can't you?" Before I could answer, she grabbed my head from behind and started kissing me quite roughly. She was rubbing both hands all over my head and making those sexy moaning noises again. The impromptu makeout session kept going for longer than I expected. Simone finally took one of her hands off my head and used it to take my hand. She lowered my hand to between her legs and guided my fingers beneath her panties and into her dripping pussy. I guess she liked my haircut. It occurred to me that Penny's head was completely shaven and tattooed when she arrived at work the previous day, but Simone didn't see anything or seem to pay any particular attention at the time. I guess it was like when Penny said she couldn't look at Simone in a sexual way because of their previous relationship no matter how stunningly attractive their packaging had become. Without breaking the kiss or letting my hand free from her pussy, Simone walked us backwards until she pushed me into the chair at Tiffany's station, the one closest to the growing machine. I was seated in the chair with my gooey hand pleasuring her, but once I sat the angle made it difficult to continue the kiss. Instead, she loosened her robe and stuck one of her nipples in my mouth. She needed one hand to steady herself against the chair while she just kept playing with my head with the other. Nagging at the back of my mind was that achieving the hairstyle that fate had selected for me was going to take quite a while, and we had to be ready by ten to open the salon. Yet Simone always seemed to be in control of every situation so I assumed she knew what she was doing and that I shouldn't worry, but I knew I should take my job as receptionist/floor manager seriously and not assume anything. Granted, saying anything with Simone's nipple forcibly stuck in my mouth would be difficult. It occurred to me that she'd certainly notice if I stopped fingering her pussy, so that's what I did. Simone moaned a moan of displeasure when she noticed I'd stopped, but I'd accomplished my goal. "Ummm," I said when I finally got to come up for air. "I don't know if we have time for this." "Yes we do. Change of plans. Today's hairstyle will wait until tomorrow. You're sticking with this today, it's too sexy not to. It just needs some coloring and some trimming to give it some shape." "OK," I said, surprised I agreed so quickly. As much as I liked her idea, I was really looking forward to the long curls too. On the bright side, I wouldn't have to worry about my hair getting in the way of anything. "But let's take care of that and get ready to open the shop first. You can ravage me all you want tonight." "Let's compromise," Simone said. "Maybe a quickie at lunch." "Deal!" I replied, and we got to work fixing me up. I knew there was no way we'd find time for anything like that during the day, if yesterday was any yardstick, but if she wanted to she'd find a way. The first step was coloring my hair. Simone decided to go with jet black and told me she'd play up my eyes to match. I sat down at her station and she went to the cabinet to get the hair color when I had a thought. "So," I called out. "You get to change my look any time you want. When do we get to change yours up? We already know you'd look spectacular as a blonde." "I thought you liked this style!" she called back, still out of sight, but with perhaps a tinge of disappointment. "I did it based on your fantasy, remember?" "Of course, and it's beautiful. I just thought it would be fun, that's all. I'd never thought of being able to changing appearances as easily as changing socks. And now with this body, and you, and the toys you've bought, and some of the things I've learned, well, let's just say I've come up with a few new fantasies." I thought about the hairstyle that had initially been intended for me today and pictured it on Simone instead. Then I imagined her on her knees with her arms tied behind her, wearing a tight leather corset with a ball gag in her mouth. Knowing how she had been conditioned to be unable to resist sucking any dick she saw, I would stand in front of her wearing the giant fake dick and keeping it just out of her reach. I would stand in front of her and torment her, stroking her face and tits with the dick. I would jerk off and when I was finally ready to come I would spray it all over her like a firehose, soaking her giant curly red hair and massive tits. Then I'd just walk away and leave her alone for an hour, as her compulsion would go unsatisfied. When I returned I would repeat everything just to drive her even crazier. The third time I'd take the ball gag out and let her suck me off. I knew she'd been unfairly forced to enjoy her predicament and this felt as if I'd be taking advantage of her, but I also got the idea that she'd enjoy the hell out of games like that. Of course, there would be games where she'd be in charge and I'd be helpless, and I was fine with that too. "Hello? Earth to Angel!" Apparently, I'd gotten lost in playing that fantasy out in my head. I had no idea how long Simone had been trying to get my attention until she had to raise her voice like that. I snapped out of it quickly. "Oh, sorry, just thinking about what I'd like to do to you," I said as sexily as I could muster. "Are you going to share?" "Nope. I'm going to keep it a surprise," I teased. "But I might need to buy a few things. Is that OK with you?" "Absolutely, spend whatever you like. I trust you." "OK, maybe I'll run out after dinner one day to keep it a surprise." "Goodie! I can't wait!" she chirped. "You need to let the color set so I'm going to run upstairs and figure out your outfit for today." "Wait, I get to pick your new hairstyle too, right?" "Absolutely. How about we do it Saturday after we close up? Then we can have a romantic evening up on the roof?" "The roof?" "Oh yeah, there's a pool, Jacuzzi, fire pit, dining area. The works, basically." "Sounds great!" I said, though what I had in mind wasn't quite so romantic, but I could probably postpone my erotic plans a night or two. She went off, so to kill the time I grabbed the tablet and called up the layout ideas I'd had the previous day. Everything was modular except for the plumbing fixtures, so the shampoo bowls couldn't move without getting plumbers involved and Simone's office needed to remain where it was because of the staircase leading upwards, but everything else could be rearranged. The thoughts I'd played with moved the racks of shampoos and other products right next to the front desk to encourage purchases at the same time that the services were being paid for. I moved the makeup station next to the shampoo station since it seemed that Penny did most of the customers' makeup. The four remaining stations for Simone, Tiffany, Lilly and Sonja remained a bit secluded. There were partitions that provided privacy but seemed to have no other function. I didn't know if that was the standard for upscale salons, the option being removing them and opening up the room, making it brighter and airier but leaving everyone in clear view of each other. I swiped the floorplan aside and did a quick search for salon interior design images. Unfortunately, I saw some with separators and some without, and both looked fine. I also had no idea whether they wanted the dividers or were just so used to them that they never thought about removing them. I decided I would get rid of them in my plan. While the old Collette, with what seemed like maternal behavior towards the others, might have wanted something a bit more reserved, I got the impression that Simone was behaving more like a peer of the other stylists and would probably want the shop to have a brighter, more upbeat and up-tempo attitude. I also figured I'd only had one day to observe how everyone interacted so perhaps I should spend more time watching then come back to my plans for revision. There was still a little time left before my hair would be ready and Simone would return, so I returned to my fantasy. Simone with her giant tits and giant hair was bound and on her knees, unable to do anything about the cum that was drying on her skin and in her hair. I adjusted my fantasy to picture myself as I was about to look. I was the mistress and Simone was the submissive in this scenario. I had my erect dick out and rubbed it all over her face and tits, driving her crazy because she was still wearing the ball gag and couldn't fight the compulsion to suck me off. Without realizing it my hand had slid between my legs and I was close to bringing myself to orgasm when Simone returned. It certainly met with Simone's approval when she returned, surprising the hell out of me. Simone got to work on my hair. She took me back to the bowl to rinse the color out then it was back to her station. She applied some kind of girly shaving cream all over my head then took out a straight edge razor and used it to get rid of all of the stubble I had left. It was a strange sensation but not that different from when I'd had the "cupcake" style. It didn't take long for her to do a little trimming then blow dry what was left into kind of a brushed back Mohawk. Over to the makeup counter we went and the look Simone created for me would be best described as "fierce." Overall I looked like a punk dominatrix, with heavily lined eyes and blood red lips. Simone reached into the pocket of her robe and took out some earrings that looked like little daggers and put them through the lowest hole in each of my ears then added some small hoops and studs in the others. She inserted a small stud into my left nostril, which felt strange at first but I forgot all about it in no time. Another hoop went into my left eyebrow. "OK, we'll save the tongue stud for the weekend so you can get used to it," Simone said. That was a relief. One of the few girls I'd managed to get past a first date with had a large barbell style stud in her tongue, and while things never progressed to the point where I got to feel it used on me, she'd only recently gotten it and it clearly affected her speech, making her sound rather stupid. I hadn't noticed a small pile of black clothes that Simone had put on the counter when she had come back downstairs. She pulled me out of the styling chair, pointed at the clothes, told me to get dressed and sat down in the chair as I got up with the intention of watching me. The first thing I noticed about the pile of clothing was that it was pretty much all black leather. The second thing was that there wasn't much of it. I almost hesitated to get dressed, but I was at the point where I thought I could roll with anyone Simone threw at me. There was a pair of panties, very small with only a g-string, so I tried them on. Somehow there was enough fabric to cover my vagina but I hated the feeling of a string going up my butt. Simone promised I'd get used to it, and if I didn't I could run upstairs at any time during the day and change. That was a fair compromise, so I continued. There was no bra, just a leather bustier with large cups. Simone stood behind me to help get it on properly. In this case "properly" meant holding my tits up for the world to see and just barely covering my areolas. It wasn't nearly as tight as the corset I wore the previous evening, but I imagined it would get quite uncomfortable wearing it all day. Next was a skirt. Actually, calling it a ten-inch leather tube would be more accurate. If I so much as bent forward or backwards even the slightest, I was going to give everyone in the area quite a show. Of course, that's exactly what Simone wanted. There was perhaps a three-inch gap between the bottom of my top and the top of the skirt, exposing my belly button. Simone produced a navel ring from the same area where she'd gotten my earrings and stuck it into my cute little innie. The next item was what she called a bolero jacket. It was a strange little thing that covered my shoulders, but otherwise looked as if someone had taken a regular jacket and cut off everything below the shoulder blades. It looked a lot cuter on me than it did when I just held it up. Simone took my left hand and slapped a studded leather bracelet on my wrist, and put another on my right. The final items, which I hadn't noticed because they were on the floor, were a pair of strappy leather boots. They were solid leather for the first four inches going up my calves then had two crisscross straps that ended a few inches below my knees. The heels looked to be about four inches high, which at this point were still a little outside my comfort zone. As a guy I'd never paid much attention to women's shoes, but I had to say these might have been the sexist things I'd ever seen that were meant to be worn on someone's feet. I walked over to the mirror and I fell in lust with what I saw. The woman looking back at me was a tall, busty dominatrix. The only things missing were my whip and some tattoos. Simone was back in the chair, admiring her handiwork, practically drooling. I moved over to her quickly and grabbed her by the front of the robe, pulling her to her feet. "Lose the robe," I demanded. She complied and was standing naked next to me. I towered over her in my heels. This time I took her head in my hand and kissed her hard, possibly harder than she'd ever kissed me. With my free hand I grabbed one of her nipples and rolled it between my fingers which made her knees buckle. That only made me start pinching it harder to the point where I could tell she was in discomfort, but I still wouldn't let her out of the kiss. I increased the pressure even more which made Simone struggle to get out of my grip. I let go of her suddenly and pushed her back into the chair. "What's the matter, pussy?" I asked. I was really having fun getting into character. "You don't like that? Then what's this?" I asked as I stuck my fingers between her legs and as I expected, she was dripping wet. I rubbed my wet fingers on her nose and lips. "Looks to me like you liked it, you little bitch. You're just lucky you have to get to work soon or I'd have your face locked between my legs right now." "Yes, ma'am," Simone replied weakly, but with a smile. "Now, get up and go get dressed. You have a job to do," I ordered. "Yes, ma'am," she said again, and got up and headed out. As she was walking away I admired her perfect ass. "Shake that ass for me bitch! Because by tomorrow morning after I'm done with you, you're going to be walking funny!" Simone shook her ass for me and disappeared into her office and I could hear her climbing the steps. I was having fun acting like the dominatrix I resembled, but fun time was over. I looked in the mirror again and thought that Simone had gone a bit overboard. The Mohawk was sexy, but not exactly professional. I needed to be taken seriously in my job, so I looked closer at the mirror. I hated to ruin Simone's work, but I grabbed a brush from her station and brushed my hair all to one side. The hair was still rather stiff from all the gel she'd used to get it to stand up, so when I brushed it, it stayed in place. I was able to arrange it in kind of an angular arc with just a little height in front. I was still mostly bald but I did look like some of the fancy models I'd seen in the hair and fashion magazines. A closer look at myself revealed that I still had too much of an aggressive look. There was no way I was going to try to do anything to take away some of the thick eye makeup, but I could do something about my lips. They were just too dark to be professional, so I managed to wipe much of it off and replace it with a lighter, friendlier shade of red, one that didn't look menacing when I smiled. I realized this was another milestone. Until now Simone had done all of my hair and makeup for me. This was the first time I tried to do either myself. The bracelets came off too. The last thing I did was to take off the bolero jacket. Yes, it was cute, but it felt more like part of a costume than an outfit. When I took it off in the mirror I saw my shoulders and arms were bare, which helped make me look less threatening. I was satisfied that I looked just professional enough for my job, though there were very few jobs that didn't involve sex where I could still say that. There was still half an hour to go until the salon opened, so I went over to my station and looked at the schedule for the day. Everyone was booked solid until closing time, which was good to know in advance. I looked over all of the clients' names and didn't see any I recognized. I straightened up Simone's station and activated the robots that would clean up the floors. Everything else was where I'd left it when we closed up shop yesterday, so there wasn't much else for me to do except wait for Simone to return. I figured I should do something productive, so I called up the latest issues of some salon management magazines and started scanning the headlines to see what the latest trends were. Most of the articles seemed to be touting new products and technological advancements. There were driers that could reduce the time needed for hair color to set by 80%. Another talked about how independent salons had grouped together to negotiate better prices for supplies and materials, but whatever they saved by doing that was lost as the distributors decided if they were only going to take one large order then they'd only deliver to one address, and the salons had to bear the cost of dividing the supplies amongst themselves. I was so engrossed in the reading that I didn't hear Simone return. She was wearing a short, practical, floral dress and had her hair pinned up with minimal makeup, as if she were ready for a picnic. She looked five years younger than she did yesterday. It was quite the contrast to my current style, and perhaps it was intentional. If I was going to be the dominant, she was going to be the innocent. Simone's smile dropped when she saw what I'd done to my hair. The look on her face brightened up again when I explained why. "You're really taking this job seriously, aren't you?" she asked. "Of course," I replied. "Well, for what you're paying me it's only fair that I give you my best effort. You could've hired someone with more experience, hell, any experience, for a lot less money and not told your secret. And I feel like I'm learning something here, actual skills I'll be able to use someday. But most importantly, you've become the most important person in my life and I don't ever want to do anything to disappoint you." Simone did something I certainly didn't expect: She hugged me and held me. There was no kiss, no groping, nothing erotic, just real emotion. I couldn't see her face but I heard a little sniffle. "Thank you," she said softly. The emotion of the moment was lost when Lily and Sonja arrived. "Hi Simone, hi... WOW!" one of them said, I'm not sure which. "Angel, is that you? Look at you!" I'd almost forgotten how radically different I looked compared to yesterday. "Yup it's me. I guess Simone got a little carried away." After some prompting, I turned to model my outfit for them. Tiffany and Penny arrived together. I could see them in a mirror out of the corner of my eye and Penny was clearly checking out Tiffany's ass. I'll say this for Simone's team: They certainly believe in being prompt. I endured the surprise at my appearance again and had to repeat the fashion show as well. Simone explained how the random number Tiffany had given her were used and the girls giggled at that. "Wait a second, Simone is going to change your appearance every day?" Lily asked. 'Yup. She seems to enjoy doing it, I'm kind of enjoying it as well. But maybe I'll be able to get her down to just once a week at some point. If nothing else it'll let us sleep in a little later each morning." "Maybe twice a week... someday, but not now!" Simone interjected. "What about you, Simone?" it was Penny speaking this time. "Since you and Angel seem to be a couple, does she get to change up your look?" "Actually, we talked about that a few minutes ago," I said. "Saturday night, after we close, I get to pick her new style." "Oooh, that sounds like fun. Would you like some help?" Tiffany asked."I've got nothing going on Saturday night." "I'll help too," Lily said. "What a second, how about we all stay after closing and have a makeover party! I've been meaning to do something about this for a while now and just haven't gotten around to it." She was running her hands through her hair as she spoke. "OK, I'm in," Sonja added. "But nothing too drastic for me. Harrison likes my hair this way." I didn't want to say anything since I thought her hair was attractive enough but it on the simple and drab side. "Hell no." This time it was Tiffany piping up. "Sonja, I love you like a sister but you've got to take it up a notch now. Tell you what, remember that customer from yesterday morning, Abby something, who went short? She's supposed to come back this morning and let us know how it went with her husband. If her husband liked it, you get the same thing. Otherwise just a little trim and some color. OK?" "Fine!" Sonja agreed, but only after a lot of pestering. "Ladies, so far it sounds like every other Saturday night to me," Penny interjected. "I already mix it up every week. So how about we make it more interesting and do it all naked?" Apparently, everyone knew about Penny's control issues, so nobody was shocked at her suggestion. They all ignored her and Penny seemed to expect that. "Wait a second, Penny," I said. "You got to see me practically naked yesterday, didn't you?" This was news to the others, of course, but they kept silent to see where I was going with this. "Yes, I did. Thank you for that by the way. I saw you naked again several times in my dreams last night too." She was incorrigible, but since everyone else seemed to roll with it. I figured it was harmless and let it go. "Well, just for that, you're coming to the makeover party Saturday night and I get to pick your style." "OK, that's fair," Penny said after a little hesitation, though there was clearly some fear in her voice. My first thought was to give her the full platinum blonde bimbo treatment like I got the first time Simone got me in her chair. I planned to give it some more thought but I figured Penny would completely hate that idea, which only made me want to do that to her even more. The group disassembled at that point, with everyone heading to their stations to prepare for the day. Much to my relief, the day went perfectly smoothly and was over before I knew it. The highlight was when Abby Dodson came back and told everyone how much her husband loved her new style. After paying and leaving Lily the generous tip she promised, large enough to leave Lily speechless, she mentioned she was headed out shopping for some sexy new outfits to match her new look. "You know, if you're in the mood for an adventure, I can recommend a little shop not far from here called 'Enchanted.' I heard a story about shopping there I couldn't believe." I had to make the story in third person because as Angel, I'd never been there. Ms. Dodson thanked me and said she'd check it out. Just as the previous day, attractive women entered and stunning women left. I had a few moments with each of the stylists to show them my floor plan ideas to get their input and they were all surprisingly receptive. Lily had a few ideas I hadn't considered that I was able to incorporate into the layout without affecting anything else. Tiffany had the best idea of all. She said "Why stop at just moving chairs around? What about the lighting and the d?cor? Collette, well Simone now, was never the type to think small." I hadn't thought about a complete remodel but it certainly was a good idea. Subsequent conversations with everyone except Simone informed me that the salon had looked the same for ten years. It was simple and elegant, but Sonja came up with the word that summed up what was lacking: Vibrancy. So during my spare time I looked through the industry magazines again and got some more ideas, mostly revolving around an electric blue scheme but still keeping things simple and clean. Once I had everything I wanted loaded into the computer, I had it create a 3D model. I was so engrossed in checking it from every angle and ensuring all of the areas would be well-lit with no traffic bottlenecks that I didn't notice one of the clients, Veronica Fallow, was all done and ready to pay. She had arrived with long brown, highlighted hair, but now, thanks to Simone's coaxing and Lily's talent, she was sporting a sexy candy- apple red round bob. She moved next to me and began inspecting the model as well. She looked familiar for some reason but I couldn't quite figure out why. "That's looking nice. Well thought out. Are you planning on remodeling? And which firm did the design?" she asked with a voice like honey. As she asked she moved even closer to me. "Oh, there's no firm involved. I'm just playing around with ideas. Collette left the salon under Simone's care but I don't think remodeling was part of the deal." "Well, you've got some nice talent then. If Simone does decide to do something, here's my card." It read "Fallow Interiors: Residential and Commercial." "Thank you, I'll keep this on hand. I appreciate it." "I did a salon remodel a few weeks ago. I was telling Lily that the owner insisted she let her do my hair, even though I've been a customer here for five years. It was an expensive job, so I figured what the hell, and she just totally botched it. Did you see that boring mess on my head when I got here?" "Well, I don't think it was that bad. But you certainly look spectacular now!" Always compliment the customers. "You think so?" She turned around and ran her hand over her exposed neck. "That Simone can be very persuasive." "Oh I know all about that believe me," I said as I processed her payment. "Here you go, Ms. Fallon," as I held out the finger scanner. She completed the transaction then leaned both elbows on the desk and rested her chin in her hands. "It's Ronnie, please," "OK, Ronnie it is." She really was cute with the new hairstyle. In fact, I liked the hairstyle so much I tried to picture it on Simone and found myself smiling. "You know, Angel, my number is on the card if you'd like to get together to discuss your layout ideas. Or maybe... just have dinner some time?" Ronnie licked her lips slowly to indicate that she was interested in much more than dinner. "Well," I said uncomfortably, "Can I take you up on the design discussion? I don't think my girlfriend would appreciate my going out on what sounds like a date." A strange confusion washed over me. Was Simone my girlfriend? Was she just my lover? Were we really even friends or just two people thrust together by circumstance? "Oh, you're taken. Pity," she replied with disappointment. "But I'd still love to get this salon's business, so feel free to call me for any reason, any time." "I promise," I said. I confirmed her next appointment date and she started to leave. "Wait, please," I said. "Can I ask you a question?" "Sure!" she answered, clearly happy to be able to continue talking to me. "Did something make you think I liked girls or were you just taking your chances?" I really wanted to know if something had given me away. "Well, first off you do look kind of butch with that haircut, though the makeup is still kind of femme. But more than that, I noticed how you check out all of the women. You may think you're being subtle, but I can tell the difference between straight women looking at another woman's outfit and a lesbian checking out another woman's bod." "Thank you, I appreciate that. I'll try to be more careful," I said. Then I had to get creative, since I didn't want to give away my status as a newly created woman. "I know I don't like it when guys scope me out and try to pretend they aren't, and I don't want to be a hypocrite." "Oh, there's one more thing. I know Penny from the club. She told me that you and Simone were a couple. I thought she was bullshitting me because I didn't get a vibe off Simone at all. So I thought I'd take a chance. Sorry if it made you uncomfortable." I wasn't quite sure what to say. "I'm not quite sure what to say," I said. "Say you'll still call me when you're ready to talk about the remodel." "I will, I promise." With that, she finally left and the business day came to a close shortly afterward. As I expected, business was brisk enough that we didn't have time for that afternoon quickie Simone had hoped for. We locked up the shop together after everyone else had left since Simone had the latest-staying client of the day. Simone headed up the stairs but I said I'd be up in a moment. I found some stiff gel at Sonja's station and ran it through my hair, making it stand up as straight as I could get it in just a few seconds. It wasn't quite as neat as when Simone had initially styed it, but it would do. I put the tiny jacket and bracelets back on and headed towards the door. As I climbed the stairs, I took a deep breath and tried to get myself into bitch mode. Simone was going to be my plaything tonight. Fortunately, Simone had dropped hints all day long that she wanted me to take charge that evening, so I was more than happy to comply. When I arrived in the apartment, Simone was in the kitchen by the liquor cabinet. "Can I fix you a drink Angel?" she called out. "Scotch, neat. Just a few drops of water. You can have the same." I had to suppress the urge to add "please." Instead, I added "Quickly!" Simone arrived quickly as I'd demanded, carrying two glasses of scotch. "Hand them both to me," I commanded. As I took the glasses from her hands I poured the contents of one glass into the other and handed the empty one back to her. "I changed my mind: You're not having any," I said without explanation as to why. She scurried into the kitchen to put the glass in the sink and returned quickly. I walked over to the sofa in front of the TV and sat down. I pointed to a spot just in front of the couch and Simone quickly moved there, facing me. I grabbed the remote and turned on a baseball game and still Simone did not move. She couldn't see the TV behind her. I took one of the decorative pillows and put it behind me as I sat down so that I was in reclining position. "On your knees, in front of me," I ordered, and Simone once again did as ordered. She knelt in front of me as I thrust my hips upwards, my short skirt giving her a clear view of my panties. "Closer," I said, and she moved her head to within four or five inches of my already warming and moistening vagina. That's when I got really mean. I closed my knees on either side of her head and just kept them there. I watched the ballgame for half an hour, savoring my scotch, while Simone remained mostly motionless with her face so close to my crotch that she could smell my juices. Every so often, I'd finger myself just to freshen things up for her. I really was surprised that she was staying in character like that. I knew she was forced to enjoy all sorts of kinky stuff, some of which I still feared because I had no idea what else she could possibly have in mind, but at least she enjoyed being both the dominant and submissive, so I liked knowing we could switch roles when we felt like it. I wondered what would ever happen if there was a time when we both wanted to be dominant or submissive. Would we have to bring someone else into our little club? I thought of Penny for a second then remembered that she would not do that with Simone. Ronnie seemed game, but it was probably not a good idea to mix business with pleasure. Then it occurred to me that we could check out the club that both Penny and Ronnie belonged to. As long as we could get Simone there without seeing and men outside (easily solved with a blindfold) and that no men worked there (which I found quite likely), it seemed like a possibility. I pictured the club in my head, with wall-to-wall gorgeous women, some entertainers on stage, maybe some dancers, sexy waitresses walking around and private rooms in the back where almost anything goes. My hand was responding to my imagination. I didn't even realize I was still masturbating myself and even more surprisingly, Simone was still in place, motionless, her eyes fixated on my pussy. Considering her conditioning, that was really quite an accomplishment. I tormented her a little more by occasionally touching her nose with my finger to make her smell my scent. I checked the time and saw that it was nearly 7:30. I'd called ahead to the restaurant earlier in the day and arranged for dinner to be delivered at that exact time, so I expected Barry to be at the door at any moment. I changed the channel on the TV to show the lesbian porn flick Simone had forced me to pick, what now seemed so long ago but was really only three days. I skipped just past the part where the redhead attached the artificial penis. Anyone coming in at this point would not know that it wasn't real and would just think she was a pre-op transsexual. That's when it clicked in my head as to why Ronnie seemed familiar. Simone had convinced her to get the same haircut as the redhead in the movie! Simone had been facing me, well, facing my pussy, the whole time. I ordered her to turn around which took her a little while because her legs had stiffened up. I had her sit on her butt and lean back against the couch. I fixed my panties, straightened out my skirt, then put my legs over her shoulders. I was still wearing my shoes so in our position, my shoes were positioned against Simone's breasts. I didn't have to wait long for the door signal to chime. Simone heard it, and knowing what it was she tried to bolt and leave the room. Instead I tightened the grip I had on her head with my legs which told her without need for words that she wasn't going anywhere. I made sure that my thighs were pressed securely against her ears so she wouldn't hear anything. I authorized the security system to let him in. I could hear him climbing the steps and when he got to the door and knocked, I yelled out that it was open. When he entered the room, what he saw was the back of my head, which looked quite different than it had yesterday, and the movie playing on the giant screen in all of its shemale-on-female glory. He wouldn't be able to see Simone from his vantage point. I craned my neck so I could see him and it took him a second to realize it was still me. The look on Barry's face was priceless as he tried to process my new appearance and the movie. "Hi Barry, sorry, I can't get up right now, but can you please put the food on the dining room table and bring me my purse?" "Yes, ma'am," he replied, polite as always. I couldn't keep my neck in that position so I went back to looking at the movie. "Please, call me Angel." "OK, Angel." I heard him put the bags on the table and remove the containers. "Oh, my purse in on the table by the door." I heard a little thud as he was walking towards the door. I was sure he had bumped into something like a chair or a wall while looking at the screen. The sex on the screen was quite distracting. A moment later Barry was standing by the side of the sofa, quietly surveying the scenario. I had another woman trapped between my legs. That woman was being forced to watch the screen and she was trembling quite noticeably. He handed me the purse. It was actually Simone's purse, but that didn't matter. Barry struggled to find his voice. "You look a lot different than you did yesterday." I noticed he didn't say whether he liked the change or not. "Well, I work in the salon downstairs. I get a makeover every day. It's part of the job description. Do you like it?" I ran my hands over the sides of my head. "I don't think there's anything that could make you unattractive." Barry was getting quite good at maintaining his composure. I noted that he also evaded the question again. "That's sweet of you, but you didn't say if you liked it." I started rummaging through the purse looking for the cash. "Well, my personal taste? I think I preferred you in the style you had yesterday. But this style is quite striking." Ever the diplomat. "Thanks for being honest. I liked yesterday's style better too. But there's just something sensual and erotic about this. Plus my girlfriend here needed to be taught a lesson and there's something about leather and a Mohawk that makes a girl feel powerful." I didn't know if Simone could actually hear me or not, but she started squirming even more. Barry had given me the bill along with my purse. I didn't even look at the bill and just peeled off four hundreds and handed them over. He accepted the money ever so graciously again. I didn't know how much time I had left until Simone finally broke, but I wasn't quite done with Barry yet. "So, Barry, do you like the movie?" "I've never seen anything quite like it." "It's turning you on, isn't it?" "I'd rather not say." "My girlfriend here needs to learn how to satisfy me properly." On the screen, the blonde was deep-throating the redhead's cock. Barry said nothing, not that I expected him to. Was he going to think I had a cock now? "I really do apologize if any of this makes you uncomfortable. We lead kind of a wild lifestyle." "Ma'am, it's your home. You should do whatever makes you happy." "It's Angel, remember? Still, if you'd ever prefer to just leave the food at our door without coming in that's fine." "I wouldn't dream of it, Angel. Especially considering your generosity." "Ok, well, thanks for bringing our dinner. See you again tomorrow night." "Thank you ma'am, ummm, Angel." Barry started to head towards the door. "Wait, Barry, one last question: Have you told anyone about anything you've seen here?" "If I did, who'd believe me?" He closed the door behind him. To be continued... Coming up in Cocooned: How far can Angel take the bitch act? Simone spends a lot of money on something! The salon staff has a makeover party! Simone makes an interesting revelation. And we check in on the evil Dave...

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My name is Rick, and this is my story. I hope you like it, and if so please tell me as this is merely the first installment. I am a 15 year old school student, and I live with my mom, Tanya, who is a hot, sexy 34 year old (let’s face it, stories like this do not have the same effect if they feature fat, ugly, bush pigs do they!) The third player in this story is my 13 year old sister Rebecca, who will not make her entrance until chapter 3 or so.My Dad is no longer around, since mom came home...

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This is the third installment of my story. If you haven’t read the previous two chapters you probably should, as this will detail the events that led to my current predicament. If merely want to read on, my name is Rick and I am a normal 15 year old teenager, who happens to have been fucking his mom senseless for the past two days. I had just finished fucking mom’s ass and had blown a huge load up her shit-hole, when I realized my 13 year old sister Rebecca had arrived home from camp three days...

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My name is Rick, and this is my story. I hope you like it, and if so please tell me as this is merely the first installment. I am a 15 year old school student, and I live with my mom, Tanya, who is a hot, sexy 34 year old (let’s face it, stories like this do not have the same effect if they feature fat, ugly, bush pigs do they!) The third player in this story is my 13 year old sister Rebecca, who will not make her entrance until chapter 3 or so.My Dad is no longer around, since mom came home...

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Whorehouse Chapel

Whorehouse Chapel Copyright Oggbashan October 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started several years ago when Tom, one of our older widowers, found that Maria, the professional lady he visited two or...

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the old chapel

A few days ago, Elayne received orders to patrol a remote part of the county. She arrived and found only empty villages, abandoned a long time ago. Some buildings were burnt to the ground, and she wondered why she was ordered to come here, as there isn't much of anything left at all. There were no villagers, no a****ls. It was all just ruins. Orders are orders, and she must obey them as they came down from a member of High Council.There had been many rumors that dark minions were moving around...

2 years ago
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Eclipse in the Chapel

She had long ago learned not to step on her girlfriends' buzz when they brought up astrology. After all, it's just for fun; nobody actually believes that garbage. Or at least, that's what Adriana hoped. Sometimes their monologues about the placement of the planets would go on long enough that it was hard to tell. But even the most stoic, sensible person would get the creeps in this place. Adriana finished trudging up the hill, and no longer worried about tripping over an inconvenient...

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 3 Leaving the Chapel

***ARAN – One Year Ago*** Aran sat at the long dining table made of that strange dark wood that seemed to be everywhere in this place, idly looking around at the simple furnishings and the several tapestries hanging on the walls between the arched windows that lined the room. The mid-morning sun shone brightly outside, giving the room a warm, homely feel. In fact, the more time he spent in this house, the more he felt like he was indeed at home, as if he belonged. That was something he’d...

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The Little White Chapel

I had met Amanda four days before. We were both in high school and attending a conference at a camp that was owned by a religious organization. Fate had played a hand in us being placed in the same training group throughout the week. We met at lunch on Monday and by the assembly Monday night, we were holding hands. Through the whole conference we were inseparable. The only time we were not together was when we were in our cabins sleeping. I would walk her to her cabin every night, and I...

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The Little White Chapel

I had met Amanda four days before. We were both in high school and attending a conference at a camp that was owned by a religious organization. Fate had played a hand in us being placed in the same training group throughout the week. We met at lunch on Monday and by the assembly Monday night, we were holding hands.Through the whole conference we were inseparable. The only time we were not together was when we were in our cabins sleeping. I would walk her to her cabin every night, and I would be...

2 years ago
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Ski Bunnies and Chaperones

The group of school girls at the lodge were giggling and laughing as I entered the dining room. There were twelve in all, plus the two chaperones. They were booked in for the weekend and had created some chaos on the slopes before being herded into the dining room.I took seat a the bar and watched the young women as they laughed and enjoyed their dinner. The two older women smiled back at me as I glanced towards them. I decided to take a chance and went over to the table."Mind if I join you...

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A Chaperone

You are 29, a handsome man, and single. Your life pretty much sucks. You get calls from your sisters and brother all the time. But one phone call changes your life for good. One day, your sister, Charlene, called up and said that Stacy, your niece, was having a family birthday party. Stacy was turning eighteen and you were asked to chaperone. Charlene and her husband, Jerry, had invited Dale and Charlotte, your brother and other sister, on a cruise. Dale had twin daughters Kelly and Kris, both...

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Changing Channels Chaperone

Changing Channels- Chaperone The ski trip to Tahoe was a reward to the seniors who'd displayed the most 'school spirit' at Levelor High School. There'd been 10 winners, and they'd started out for the mountains on Friday afternoon of spring break in two minivans.? Two teachers, Ms. Alford and Mr. Addison, were the drivers and the chaperones.? Rachel Alford was a history teacher, and Bob Addison was the football coach.? The principal trusted them to make sure that no funny stuff went...

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Cartoon Karma 2 Going to the Chapel

Cartoon Karma 2: Going to the Chapel By Shawna Stimple It was a bright and not so early, when Will Watson awoke to his rooster neighbor, somehow drunk, and crowing at the crack of noon. "Please tell me that it's not morning already." he said, before glancing down at the diamond ring, still stuck on his finger, and groaning. He put on the same Jeans and T-shirt combo that matched every other outfit in his closet, except a certain puffy sleeved dress. After neglecting to shower, he...

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My new wife My new life chapter2

I had been working on damming the stream up and decided to take a break and go to lunch. There was a small diner in town where I haven’t been before so I stopped to have lunch. I was almost done when to my surprise Kathy came in alone and sat down several tables away. At first she didn’t notice me but when she did she smiled,I motioned for her to sit with me and she did. “All alone,” I asked her as she came over. “I was just going to ask you that “she said, sitting down when I said...

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Dee came to visit chapter1

It was Saturday morning when I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t really up for company but after whoever continued to ring it I went and answered it. I was ready to give whoever it was hell until I opened the door, being greeted by a cheerful voice. The arms of my younger sister (Dee)quickly wrapped around my waist and held me tight. A little bit about Dee, she is really my step sister . She is 31;,5’ 1 ,has brown hair and eyes ,She has a thin...

2 years ago
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Chat room slut gets real Chapter2

Jerry also had an idea, coming from a boast that I could still fit into my wedding dress, I had made during our conversations. Jerry always wanted to fuck a white bride and I still had my wedding dress. “You’ll do as my bride, we will collect you at 4 tomorrow afternoon.” And they shipped me home in an Uber, freshly showered, still slightly high, very horny and naked except for shoes, my long blouse and Jerry’s belt. For the Uber driver this was an added benefit as I knelt in the passenger...

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Chat room slut gets real Chapter1

When you have been going into chat rooms from earlier than the age you are allowed, you develop a lust for different and more extreme, so by 29 I would admit online to desires for older men, black guys and rough gang bangs and dogs!. Jerry was black, 64 and had a silky tongue for role plays and sex fantasy chats. Over three months I don’t know how many chats we had and he had got me off (and vis versa). I sent him pictures initially of me clothed and then topless holiday shots and finally...

4 years ago
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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter17

Hailey was meeting the potential guest in a discreet London hotel room which allowed her to undertake a final vetting interview before inviting them down to the cottage to indulge in whatever dog sex fantasy they had. Hailey had already conducted a couple of phone interviews and used the very discrete but very efficient screening service that Julie had introduced her to. Already the company had proved invaluable weening out a couple of attempts by thrill seekers who just wanted to find out...

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Growing Up Chapter3

She sits on the bed and takes me over her knees and gently, with a lot of lube from her nightstand, works her fingers into my butt hole, one and then two. The excitement of being penetrated gets my balls all tingly. Rubbing my crack up and down with lots of slick lubrication she makes sensations zing through my body. I’m grinding into her lap and my dick feels so good through the satin panties I’m wearing added to the silk she’s wearing. “Cindy, do you know where my special drawer is?” ...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter16

***** Deanne had never been to the Sappho club before, but from the moment she had seen the neon sign outside she knew it would be like every other lesbian bar she had ever been to over the years, though perhaps this was a little edgier than normal. The two butch lesbians on the door had looked her up and down and Deanne had to stifle a giggle at their stereotype crewcuts and slicked back hair along with the obligatory boots and braces over checked shirts. “Any weapons or drugs?” the...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter15

***** “So, ladies,” Julie said after introductions had been made and the tea and coffee had been poured. The setting was such that if could have been four women gathered together for afternoon tea and discuss a charity ball, but the next words out of Julie’s mouth dispelled that vision, “let’s get down to business, will you both want to fuck different dogs at the same time or just take turns with one?” Gina who was the younger of the pair, being in her mid-thirties, looked at Donna and...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter14

The two giants suddenly moved like greased lightening to step in front of Craig and held one door open each as he walked into the plush but neutral office. The décor was totally non-de with no personal items anywhere, just a large desk in the corner, with two monitors and a large leather swivel chair with its back to him. The back two corner walls were pure glass and looked out over the evening view of the city and the lights in the distance picked out the various landmarks of London. ...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter10

The last year had been fantastic for Michelle, she enjoyed her job as kennel bitch immensely and made sure that all the dogs were serviced on a regular basis to keep their juices flowing as well as her own. There was a strict rota when the owners weren’t around that was carefully monitored as the agreement was that every dog had its balls emptied at least every other day. At first there had just been the privately-owned dogs which had numbered around 20 which Michelle was able to deal with...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter13

As she got to the cage Hailey paused and poked the panties through the bars to the mastiff who after a couple of sniffs took them between his teeth and started to chew on them to extract the taste. All the cage doors were key code locked and Hailey punched in the code to open the door but the light stayed red instead of turning green. “What the fuck,” growled Hailey and punched the code in more slowly, making sure she had not made a mistake. Still the light remained a steady red and Hailey...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter12

Deepti smiled serenely as she replied, “It will be fine Miss Hailey and it will leave me close to the dogs making it easier for them to fuck me regularly.” On saying the last words her face lit up with the thought of training the 20 intact dogs that had been collected together with a view to training and shipping over to Perro Mundo as community dogs. ***** Craig had waited two days for the chance to be alone and examine the flash drive in more depth. From the evening he had found it after...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter11

Hailey laughed as she reached down to ruffle Sam’s head, who had accompanied her inside and was sniffing around, as she said out loud to the empty room, “sign should have said, beware of the dogs as they will fuck you senseless.” Then still chuckling at her joke Hailey explored the cottage with Sam leading the way. The frantic beeping from the panel by the door prompted Hailey to quickly enter the second set of codes of the note to silence the alarm before it sprang into action alerting...

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A family that cums together stays together Chapter1

It was me, my younger sister Emily and my mum Becky living together in a small 2 bedroom, one bathroom house. Thanks to my mums new found addictions it was on me to be the man of the house, my day normally consisted of getting back from school, making myself and Emily food, watching TV and then taking care of mum when she eventually stumbled back home, if she didn’t find someone to fuck that is. Going from a pretty big house with all the privacy I could ask for to having to share a room with...

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Where Fuck are those God Damn condoms chap3

Diana birthday pool party W/Jackie Now Jackie and I didn’t have to wait very long at all for the our next opportunity to present itself to us. Matter a fact it was only just a few short months. Diana had invited both Jackie and myself to her birthday party and when we heard it was going to be a pool party we both known this may just be the Golden opportunity we had been looking for. We had at least three weeks before the party so we had plenty of time to make our plans. But...

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Birds of a Feather Chapter9

********************************************************************************************************* Birds of a Feather, Chapter 9, (Oh happy day and the surprise of our lives) Friday morning was here and the end of another workweek. We were up early, showering, dressing, eat breakfast and was on our way to work. Kathy was in a very good mood. She was constantly kissing and touching me and it really made me feel great. We were a little early so we detoured by her...

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Death is a beautiful thing chapter1

Death I slowly run the knife across my neck leaving a red trail in its wake. My hand falls down as i feel a stabbing pain from my neck. I move my hand to my neck and feel the sticky liquid that now covers my neck and soon my chest. When i pull my hand away i see a bloody hand. I smile knowing in a few minutes my blood will be all over my chest and soon I’ll be a dead body. laying in my bed. My sheets will soon be covered in the red liquid and look as if they where red and not white. But as...

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Florence My exhibisionism experienceChapter1

Josh was a kind and loving brother who was was two years younger than me. He was also in the canoeing club and was rather athletic. He was good with the computer and helped my dad when an electronic appliance needed repairing. While Ellen had a cheerleader’s body with a tight ass and breast that were firm and pointed straight out from her tight, tanned body. She was also a bitch and likes to boss everybody around as she is the eldest. She was a popular girl in school and god know how many...

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Life and Times of a Pain Whore Chap2

I woke abruptly to Johnny kicking me. "Are you ready for training, whore?" He pushed and prodded me onto my hands and knees and I quickly understood what he wanted and crawled in front of him to the bathroom. He nodded and I lifted the seat of the toilet, then he pushed me with his foot, my head pressed against the rim of the toilet. He stood back looking down at me, "that's it little toilet whore." With his cock thick in his hand, he pointed it down and started to pee, I gagged a...

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Domination of MoniqueChapter1

Fresh out of school 18 yr old Monique was a little nervous as she approached the door to the managers office for the first time.It was a hot day and she had chosen to wear a very pretty,short floral dress together with 4in stilettos that accentuated her attractive tanned legs.She wanted to make a good impression and guarantee herslf the job.She had seen the ad in the local paper for a temp postition and was in desperate need of money and had subconsiously decided to do what ever it takes then...

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My daughter Miriam chap06

Jen was more then ready to put Dave’s plan into action. The next time her parents Barry and Cathy went out and left her alone she made a beeline for the hidden box of dirty movies. She picked out the girl-on-girl movie and started to watch it. Last week when she first saw it she was not that interested in watching it. Now she could not wait to see the action. She was going to put on a show for her parent that would get them very hot. As she watched that movie the action really was getting her...

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My daughter Miriam chap05

Dave woke from a deep sleep and found Jen’s sexy naked body was still there next to him. She was on her side and seems to be watching something very intently. Dave moved closer to her and pressed his body up against her back. Jen was able to feel his cock pressing up against her ass. As Dave looked to over Jen he saw his wife Debbie and daughter Miriam kissing deeply. Debbie was fingering her daughter’s pussy, while Miriam was fingering her mother’s pussy. It was a very hot site to see. Jen...

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At Age 64 Chapter2

Chapter 2 Written by-Draggonfly Originally published on Literotica Published here with Draggonfly’s permission Chapter 2 It’s been a week since my first encounter with Bill and John so I decided to give them a call. I was able to reach John first and asked if we could get together some time soon. He said that he had been thinking about me and that yes we should, then he asked when would be a good time for me as he was always available and that Bill was too. We decided that 1:00...

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I walked over to the bed still eyeing up my 16 year old daughter’s sweet little ass, My cock ached with anticipation of what I was going to do with her, I glanced at the camcorder and tripod in the corner, they would all be watching us downstairs on the television, I would be fucking my daughter in front off an audience of nearly everyone I knew, I sat on the edge of the bed and gently I began running my fingers along the crack of her ass, She turned her head and said “ Please, be gentle!”...

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50 Shades Of Beech Moutain Chapter17

Introduction: Getting started in the BDSM Craft 50 Shades Of Beech Mountain As this story progresses , I will delve into the craft of BDSM. Ill say its not for everyone, but there are too many possibilities out there to ignore this extremely sexual lifestyle. I will include the link below–and Im by no means advertising for the books. It is the best examples of what you may seek in your life. This forty-five minute video simply can explain why so many are moved not only by curiosity, but...

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My Aunt Chapter2

The maid led me up the broad staircase and along an ornate, timber panelled landing until we reached a large oak door with a very heavy looking black iron handle. She opened the door and stood back to allow me inside. ‘This is your room, Miss Victoria,’ she said. I stepped inside and stopped dead in my tracks. The room was huge. There were two large windows in the opposite wall, the top panes of which were stained glass. Between them was the biggest bed I had ever seen. At school I was...

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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

I moaned, squirmed and convulsed as the vibrator tied to my cock suddenly kicked into an even greater speed. It stayed there for about a minute before it came down to a slow pace, slowly tormenting me to madness. After a few minutes it stopped completely and I relaxed. Well, relax is an overstatement. I don’t think anyone suspended from the ceiling of a tiny closet with an anal hook could feel relaxed.But I was grateful for the break from that cruel vibrator. At least I could think clearly now....

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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

I moaned, squirmed and convulsed as the vibrator tied to my cock suddenly kicked into an even greater speed. It stayed there for about a minute before it came down to a slow pace, slowly tormenting me to madness. After a few minutes it stopped completely and I relaxed. Well, relax is an overstatement. I don’t think anyone suspended from the ceiling of a tiny closet with an anal hook could feel relaxed.But I was grateful for the break from that cruel vibrator. At least I could think clearly now....

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A Little Fijian Gang Bang Chap1

This story started as a true story. My wife asked me to write it, she had read some of my other stories and was surprised I had not written about our Fiji holiday. She asked me to make some changes though, so if anyone we knew ever read it, they would not be able to connect it to us. In making these changes, my dirty imagination got the better of me and it turned into a work of fiction. There are a lot true bits still left in it though, you can decide which are true.A few years ago, my wife...

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