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The River Part 3. By Kyorii Pilau Alice has been rescued from an evil religious cult, that had kidnapped her and was headed by Matt Stevenson's nephew Lucas Johns. Joy, Terry and his team have foiled a plot to take over the Stevenson empire and have recovered the data that was stolen from the Toyshop (a secret weapons research arm of the Stevenson Empire). During her rescue Alice suffered a Heroin overdose, was shot and badly injured, Joy was also shot twice whilst carrying Alice back to safety. We start part 3, in Joy's cabin, she is about to regain consciousness following Surgery on a large flesh wound on her hip and a bullet wound to her right shoulder. Chapter 1 The Aftermath. my next real memory was slowly regaining consciousness in my bunk on the Ship, I was covered by a blanket, Terry and Bob were both sitting by my side. "Alice?" I said groggily as I struggled to get out of the bunk, "she's in recovery Joy, would you like to see her?" asked Bob "yes I would", Bob and Terry both assisted me, and with some difficulty I managed to extract myself from the bunk "your probably feeling quite weak Joy, that's just the anaesthetic and the effects of blood loss, your wounds were mostly superficial, you were lucky, you will however need a little physiotherapy on your shoulder though" said Bob as I struggled to pull on a pair of jeans, I enquired from Terry, "did we have any casualties" "a few joy, mostly flesh wounds but nothing life threatening" he replied, I noticed that they were both trying not to look at me and were looking a the floor, "What?" I said Bob spoke "how do you feel Joy?, we're both worried that the compound attack may have adversely affected you" I thought for a second and answered honestly "I would be lying if I said that I felt anything but numb, that place was awful" I then remembered and said "I subdued some children that were being used as human shields, do you know if they are all okay?" "yes, they were all rounded up and reunited with their parents, once they could walk again", said Terry, "I need to contact Matt, his brother and nephew caused this, I think it's our families duty to help these poor people", "we've already spoken to Mr Stevenson and he has arranged for a large medical team to help the victims, he thought that's what you would have wanted" replied Bob, "can we go and see Alice now please?" "yes, just as as soon as you put on a top" said Terry, blushing I found a Bra and a loose fitting blouse and gingerly put them on. I entered Alice's room alone, she lay on a hospital bed and had a tube in her mouth, she had been cleaned up, there was a nurse attending her, the nurse spoke "we have Mrs Stevenson in an induced coma, both doctors didn't want her on painkillers, as they are mostly opium based, hopefully she will be well out of withdrawal when we wake her". Just then Dr Mike entered the room, I went over to him and with my good arm hugged him, "thank you for saving Alice Doc", Doctor Mike looked at me grimly then spoke "Alice is stable but she is still very ill, this morning we have started treating some of her other conditions" I asked, "Dr, exactly, what is physically wrong with Alice and can you cure it?" "take a seat Joy", I sat down "apart from the obvious gunshot wound, Alice was suffering severe dehydration, muscle wastage, and calcium, iron and vitamin D deficiency, in her blood we found heroin, cocaine and traces of crystal Methamphetamine, she also tested positive for Gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydia, the intravenous Antibiotics are currently clearing up those infections, fortunately she tested negative for HIV or any of the hepatitis strains, she will need to have follow up tests in a couple of months". Doctor Mike was getting angrier as he spoke, "then we come to the damage to Alice's body caused by those subhuman animals, Alice has a severe Uterine prolapse and Rectal prolapse, Alice's Anal sphincter muscle has been damaged and her vagina will require remedial Labiaplasty, her skin has many small burn marks and there are also the sores, they should heal and fade with time, Alice's teeth will need professional Dental work also. As a Doctor I shouldn't say this but I hope you made those bastards suffer Joy" Dr mike came over to me as I sat quietly with tears running down my cheeks he passed me a tissue "Joy over the next few weeks Alice will get the best medical treatment that is available and Dr Bob swears that with time he will be able to repair any damage that has been done to Alice's mind" he continued "with time, patience and the love that I know that you will give her she will eventually make a full recovery". "Now if you would like you can sit with her", Dr Mike left the room, I moved my chair to Alice's bed and sat by her side, she didn't smell or even look like my Alice any more I thought to myself, her face was pale she didn't have any eyebrows, her hair had been bleached white it was wiry and looked terrible, I held her hand and noticed the severe bruising on her wrist where she had been cuffed to the bed, her hand was cold. Chapter 2 The Angel. Around lunchtime Alice was removed to go back into theatre to have one of her repair surgery's done, I wandered into the mess area, the room went deathly quiet, several marines stood up, one of Terry's men, Taffy spoke "how is your wife Ma'am?" he enquired, I smiled weakly and said "still poorly Taff, she's just gone back into surgery" "would you like to join us for lunch Ma'am" said Taffy as they all moved to make a place for me to sit, I thanked him and sat down, Taffy actually got back up and brought me my lunch from the galley. We were joined by Terry, I enjoyed my lunch the conversation with Terry's men and I even had a pudding, just as we were finishing Terry said, "I believe that our little trip made the news, who wants to see what's being said?". We all filed into our briefing room, Terry connected his laptop to the large screen monitor, the screen burst into life, it showed an American news channel, it was streaming live pictures of the compound from the air, I could see the rubble from the destroyed Data centre, but what actually made me smile was the caption at the bottom of the screen, it read 'Terror plot foiled by Navy Seals, assisted by British Special Forces', Terry said "typical as usual they appear at the end and then take all the credit", I replied with, "It would have looked a bit odd any other way Terry, We did sort of invade America, they can be a little sniffy about that kind of thing!", he smiled and said "I suppose you're right Joy", it was then I noticed on the screen something I really wasn't expecting, Terry had a huge grin on his face, "Terry?, was that you?" he smiled and said, "yes, turned out quite well I thought, amazing what you can do with a couple of cans of petrol and a match". On the TV screen I could see on the hillside adjacent to the compound two gigantic Angel wings had been burned into the grass, "makes Quite a statement Joy don't you think?", I had to agree. After lunch I took a brisk walk out on the deck of the ship, I noticed that we were moving. Chapter 3 Bob Takes charge. I was soon joined by Bob, "hello Joy keeping up with your exercise I see" I smiled at Bob it was strange to be chatting with someone that only a few days ago I wanted to hurt, "hello Bob, you didn't tell me you were a Doctor?" "sorry Joy it must have slipped my mind, I need to ask for your permission to treat Alice" "why would you need my permission Bob, surely you could ask Alice, when she regains consciousness". "I want you to put her mental care into my hands, she may not be the best person to gauge her own mental fitness, she may even deny that there is a problem and the sooner I can start the sooner I can return your Alice to you" "will you be interviewing her like you did me Bob?" "initially yes it may seem cruel but I will need her to be able to discriminate truth from lies, true history from implanted history but mostly of all she needs to realise how much you love her and exactly to what lengths you went to get her back" "is all of that really necessary Bob?" "yes Joy I'm afraid it is, she needs to feel safe when she is with you and your family, you will be soon be her number one emotional support, at least until she has come to terms with the last few months" "okay Bob you have my permission, but no Drugs" Bob smiled, "sadly Joy I will have to use some medication, she will be very volatile mentally and until she starts to understand and come to terms with the last few months she will be a danger to herself" "okay Bob, just don't turn her into a zombie" "Don't worry I wont and thank you for your trust, I will start as soon as Alice is able to be moved" I then asked Bob "do you know where the ship is going?, are we going back to England?" "no Joy, I believe that apart from supplies and fuel our first stop is due to be Singapore, Dr Mike has a surgeon in mind to do some re constructive surgery on Alice, then some dental work and then possible a leisurely cruise back to the shipyard in Wallsend, of course that may all change, it should however give me lot's of time to unravel Alice's mind". I was walking quietly with Bob along the deck, I wanted to ask him his advice but did not know how to phrase it, "Joy, can we sit down?", we found a couple of deckchairs and he positioned them so that he was looking directly at me, we both sat down, he then said, "come on Joy, spill the beans, what's on your mind", how the hell could he know that, I thought to myself, "it's just, well", I paused so I could join some words together in my head, "when I found Alice, she, she repulsed me, she actually made me feel sick, I had worked so hard to find her and there she was, fucking some fat ugly man, without a care and stoned out of her head" I paused again to wipe away a tear "it took a slap from Terry to bring me back to my senses, I'm so ashamed of myself Bob", Bob was just looking at me, he leaned over and took both of my hands in his and said, "Joy, you wouldn't be human if you didn't feel those emotions towards Alice, yes she did give up, but she would have been forcibly introduced to drugs, she was still handcuffed to her bed, so she wasn't exactly a willing participant" I interrupted, "but she doesn't even look like Alice any more Bob, what's worse she doesn't smell like Alice any more". Bob smiled "Joy everything that makes Alice up is still there, it may have become jumbled in her head and truth's may have become distorted, she may not even recognise you, but Alice is still in there, I will bring her back and I will reorder her mind to return the Alice you love, but I can't do it without your help". Finally I smiled "what do you need me to do?" Bob then let go of my hands "essentially be yourself, I've read your file you have a compassionate nature, so you need to be there for Alice, especially at night when her subconscious mind will be waging war with her conscious mind, just be there for her, no matter how unpleasant or ungrateful she seems", "I promise, Bob". Alice was being kept in a drug induced coma to allow her wounds to heal whilst we slowly crossed the Atlantic. Chapter 4 Slow recovery. Four days before we reached the straits of Gibraltar, Terry received a message from the Admiralty, his squad was required for a business trip and they requested that we stop in Gibraltar to let his remaining men disembark, I could see that this saddened Terry as it meant that he was about to become a civilian again, I decided that to cheer him up I would try and arrange a little surprise for him. My wounds were healing fast and I found myself exercising more, I was also was spending a lot of time by Alice's bedside, slowly the colour was returning to her, the horrid track marks on her arms were starting to fade and there were signs of her eyebrows growing back. Alice still did not look like Alice, she still had ridiculous bleached white hair (although dark roots were starting to show), worst of all were her teeth, they all had signs of decay and some were just brown stumps, Dr mike had arranged for a dental surgeon to meet the ship in Gibraltar hopefully he would be able to restore Alice's teeth to their former beauty. Bob spent a lot of time talking to me, I knew he was analysing me but he was also showing genuine concern for my well being, I just couldn't bring myself to call him Doctor, I just thought that Dr Bob sounded wrong. Terry and his men showed a somewhat sick interest in the news feeds coming from America about the religious cult assault, the media had latched onto rumours circulating about an 'Avenging Angel' and some of the compound's children had talked about a woman that had put them to sleep or temporarily paralysed them, a Senator found tied to a post talked about an Angel in black that had killed his bodyguards, he was claiming he was there on a fact finding trip, a man with blonde hair was found tied to a lamppost outside a police station in New York, he had a full signed confession attached to his body, he also had a wound on one hand and a crude pair of Angel wings drawn on his forehead in Biro. The biggest mystery was the giant Angel wings burned into the hillside, Terry's men thought that this was all rather hilarious, but their mischievous stunts were starting to give people in power ideas. Even the twins asked me one night over the internet link, "are you the 'Angel', Mummy Joy?", I replied "you must not mention that to anyone" I made them promise and asked Matt to make sure that they kept quiet about it outside the house, of course all I could hear in the background whilst I was talking to Matt was the twins singing "mummy's the Angel Ninja, mummy's the Angel Ninja", I really had to speak to Susan about the whole the Ninja thing. Chapter 5 Goodbye to friends. At around 14 days after the compound raid and just as we were approaching the straits of Gibraltar, Dr Mike and Major Simmons started to reduce Alice's sedation and bring her out of the drug induced coma, Bob advised them to restrain her, to prevent Alice from self harming, I knew that this would initially be a necessity but after her being cuffed to her bed in the compound it just felt wrong to me. After several hours Alice's body was starting to try to breath on its own so the breathing tube was removed, after a short while she was breathing naturally, Bob was more interested in Alice's EEG, as she slowly came out of the coma the readings on the EEG started to become a lot more active, "she's starting to dream, and it's a cracker, she is fighting a war in her head" he turned to me "would you like to assist Alice with her battle Joy?" I eagerly agreed, "you already know what to do, so hop up onto the bed and hold her, then gently comfort and talk to her", Bob then instructed everyone else to leave, "Joy doesn't need an audience for this, time to go, out, out" he said to Dr mike, Major Simmons and the nurse, Bob closed the door as he left. I was semi sitting on Alice's bed with her limp body in my arms, I started to talk to her as I watched the EEG trace, nothing, I stroked her dry wiry hair, nothing, "Alice can you hear me? It's Joy", the trace went a little erratic for a moment, "Alice It's Joy, I am here with you, I'm back to protect you again, I'm so sorry it took so long for me to keep my promise Alice, but I've got you now and I'll make sure that no-one will ever hurt you again", I knew Alice was not awake but just for a second I heard her mumble "Joy?", I stayed with her for a couple of hours until Bob reappeared, "she is peaceful now Joy, can you help me restrain her again?" I helped Bob fit the padded cuffs to Alice's arms and legs "we'll be docking in about an hour, that'll give you time for a shower before you and Terry say goodbye to your men", "they are Terry's men Bob" "that's not what they think Joy, they would follow you and Terry to the ends of the earth if asked, they really have a lot of respect for you Joy" as I was leaving Bob said "dress for them Joy, please" I went into my room and showered, once I had finished I noticed a freshly laundered set of fatigues hanging on the door, I quickly dressed and made it up onto the deck, Terry was waiting for me, he smiled and passed me a beret, or more correctly my beret, he helped me put it on my head, soon Terry's men appeared and lined up in front of us, they saluted us, both Terry and I saluted back, I felt really sad that these mischievous, talented, dedicated and slightly weird men would shortly be leaving me and Terry, but also I felt proud that I had been given the privilege of working with them, I really was going to miss them. they broke ranks, Taffy came over to me and Terry, "Terry I speak for everyone when I say it been fantastic to work with you again Sir, keep in touch this time or we may have to pay you a visit" Terry laughed, Taffy turned to me and said "and you Ma'am, I mean Joy I hope your missus gets better soon, I think we are all going to miss 'The Angel' though", I laughed and just before he turned to leave a teddy bear appeared up the boarding ramp carried by another of Terry's men, "it's for your wife, she may need something to hug, Its from all the lads" said Taffy, I was now wiping tears from my eyes. I thanked and hugged all of Terry's (and my) men in turn and just before they disembarked I asked Taffy one more question, "Taff, what's your real name?" with a huge grin he said "Donald" I felt I had to ask "are you even Welsh?" "no, Joy I'm Scottish, I just like being called Taffy", I just shook my head and said to myself, "strange, very strange". Terry's men left the ship and we just stood there for a while looking at the empty deck I turned and said to him, "I'm really going to miss them", "me too" said Terry, It was then I remembered Terry's surprise and said mischievously, "can you just go and check the dock Terry", he looked a little confused but walked over to the boarding ramp and looked down, a large smile appeared on his face and he exited the ship with some speed, I went over to watch the reunion only to find Terry and Aliza arm in arm kissing each other, and a very embarrassed looking Susan standing beside them, looking at her feet. I then ran down the ramp and picked up my beautiful teenage daughter and gave her a massive hug, she hugged me back, "I missed you mummy" she said. Chapter 6 Susan. Watching from the deck and looking rather smug with himself was Bob, he turned and left me to hug Susan. Soon we were back aboard the ship, Susan asked if she could see Alice, I said I would take her after our evening meal, I also warned her that she was still being treated and she didn't look very good but she was slowly improving. I helped Susan unpack, she was in the cabin next to mine "mum everyone back home is so proud of you, Dot cried when she heard that you had found mummy Alice, and so did Grandpa and Grandma, the twins still think your a Ninja though" I smiled at her "Aliza only taught us to defend ourselves Susan, you shouldn't keep telling the twins that I'm a Ninja!", "I know mum, but it doesn't stop me being proud of you" I hugged her again. After unpacking Susan's clothes, and some new ones for me we joined everyone for our evening meal, the ship was starting to feel empty, without Terry's men. After dessert everyone was talking and the subject of Alice was started by Susan, "can I see mummy Alice once we've eaten?", "yes Susan as soon as we've finished here I'll take you down to see her", Dr Mike then Added, "do you think that's wise Joy?", Bob chipped in "your Mum is still recovering Susan so she'll be asleep" "when will Mummy Alice be better?" asked Susan innocently "well after all she's been through it may take some time, Susan", Terry, Bob and major Simmons visibly cringed at Dr Mikes statement, Susan looked at him and asked him angrily, "what has Mummy Alice been through Dr mike?" tears quickly formed in my eyes, I could feel them running down my face, I swiftly excused my self and left the room, bob nodded to Aliza and she followed me up to the main deck to comfort me, meanwhile back in the dining area. Bob took control, "could you all give Susan and me a little space" he asked politely, everyone got up and left the room, Bob turned to Susan and said "how old are you Susan?" "fifteen" "your mum Joy is a very clever and a very brave person but she has done things to get your other mum back that most men couldn't do, what she confronted when she finally found Alice will haunt her for the rest of her life" "your starting to scare me" said Susan, "Susan, do you know the difference between good and evil?" "yes evil people do bad things" "very good Susan, well your mum Alice was kidnapped by bad men and given to truly evil men, and they did things to her over a period of months that are unspeakable, do you understand?" a tear started to run down Susan's cheek, "I think I'm starting too Mr" "good, well your mummy Joy stopped those evil men with the help of some other very brave people" it then dawned on Susan what Bob was talking about. "That place in America, that's been on the News, where All those people were killed" "yes Susan" "they kept women like slaves and they used them as .....oh god I think I'm going to throw up", Bob went over to Susan and comforted her. "your mum Joy rescued your mummy Alice Just in time, another day or two and she may have died, your mummy Joy is an extremely brave girl, but at the moment she needs a lot of love and support, that's why I asked for you to come here, you need to help her" "she's the Angel isn't she?, my mum killed lots of people to get mummy Alice back" "yes Susan she did, but you can never ever tell anyone, do you understand me?", Susan then realised why her mum was so upset, "can I go to my mum now please?, I need to say sorry for my outburst, thank you Mr?" "Bob, yes go and find her and hug the life out of her, your mum needs a lot of love at the moment". Susan left Bob and went in search of Joy. Meanwhile on the deck of the 'Alice'. Aliza sat quietly beside me and comforted me, "Susan did not know all of the facts Joy, her outburst was only natural", I was not in complete control of my emotions, "but when she sees Alice she will know that something really horrible has happened to her" I said "yes and Susan is a very clever girl, she is very much like you, she will understand", I then looked at Aliza and said angrily, "you and Terry have turned me into a monster, I am no better that the people that I have hurt or killed, I even hurt children" Aliza smiled and said "Joy those children would have slowly ripped you apart if you hadn't subdued them, almost all of the people that you hurt were trying to harm you, your men or Alice, the men that you killed were trying to kill you or others, your actions did save the lives of many innocent people in that cult" she paused "so Joy we didn't create a monster, we created a Hero", from behind me I heard a familiar voice, "I agree", I turned around to see Susan standing there "and I am so proud to have a mum that fights Evil" she came over to me and hugged me very tightly, I said "I am just your mum again now Susan, my evil fighting days are over" Aliza stayed very quiet. After a while I took Susan to see her other mum, just outside of Alice's room, I warned her that Alice now looked quite different. As we entered Susan walked over to the bed and gasped, "her hair, what did they do to mum's beautiful hair, and her teeth" she came over to me and hugged me, "is that really mummy Alice?, are you sure it's her" I said to Susan softly, "yes, she actually now looks a lot better than when I found her", Susan started to cry, I comforted her, "the surgeons have repaired a lot of the physical damage to Alice and they are curing the diseases that she had but there is still a lot more work to to do" Susan looked up at me, "what else could be wrong with her, mum?" I held Susan by the shoulders and said, "I will tell you Susan, but you have to promise me that you will never ever tell the twins", Susan looked nervously at me and agreed. I sat Susan down on a chair and I explained to her about how Alice had been abused as a child and how it took several years for her to recover, I told her the complete story of how we had accidentally met and how I ended up becoming a girl, "so you see since she was abused as a little girl your mum has had a quite a fragile mind, it had become a lot stronger over the years but we fear that the last few months might have broken it again, that's why the doctors are repairing her body before they work on her mind", Susan glared at me, there was rage in her eyes, "why didn't you kill all of them, every last one, they all deserved to die", she then lashed out at me in frustration, unfortunately she caught my shoulder I winced in pain, and small amount of blood began to seep through the dressing and onto my blouse, she looked at me in horror, "your hurt mum, I've hurt you" I smiled and reassured her, "no Susan you didn't, I was shot whilst carrying your mum Alice back to safety" "oh mummy, I", Susan then burst into tears, this was becoming a very emotionally charged evening I thought to myself, I helped her up and said, "let's get you to bed young lady, I think you've had enough for one evening". Chapter 7 The Dentists. I took Susan to her room and helped her get ready for bed, I then made my way back to Alice's room and lay with her, I talked to her unconscious body until I fell asleep. I was woken by Bob the next morning, he had a bacon sandwich and a glass of milk for me, "good morning Joy I had a feeling that I would find you here" I yawned and sleepily said, "Alice used to sleep better when I was with her, but I think I just wanted to be close to her", Bob passed me the sandwich "understandable, it seems to have had the desired effect, Alice's trace has been very calm for several hours now", I quietly drank the milk and ate my sandwich as Bob studied the many traces on the EEG. As I finished my breakfast Bob said, "Alice has a couple of visitors today, Dental surgeons, they are under the impression that they are going to give Alice perfect teeth" my response was, "they are bloody not, they are going to restore her teeth to their previous state, no more", Bob smiled "funny, that's exactly what I said you'd say". I met with the Dental Surgeons after I had freshened up, they seemed to think that giving perfect teeth to Alice was the way I should go, I argued that her recovery would be enhanced by familiarity and that having rows of perfect teeth would just confuse her, so after a long and heated discussion we all reached a compromise, they would do it my way, I was happy with this outcome. Along with Alice's medical records I also supplied her dental records (including two casts of her upper and lower teeth) I supplied these records along with several pictures of how Alice used to look. Alice was wheeled into the ships dental surgery and placed into the chair, once the chair was reclined she happily rested, the drip was keeping her blissfully unaware of what was happening to her. Alice had several x-rays taken and a thorough examination, one of the Dental Surgeons then came over to Bob, he was very, very angry, "did you people do this to that woman?" I was confused "do what?" asked Bob the dentist was absolutely livid at this point "someone has drilled holes into perfectly good teeth all the way to expose the nerves, that is barbaric" Bob spoke to the angry Dentist , "I can assure you that it was not us, we rescued her from abusers, and we are trying to repair her body before we wake her, there are very few people in the world that would torture using that method and I can assure you there will soon be one less" Bob paused "now can you tell us if the damage to Alice's teeth can be repaired please" the Dental surgeon started to speak "infection has set in on the gum around three of Her molars, they will have to be removed, I think I can save the others With Crowns, some of her other teeth are little more than stumps now, they will also need to be removed I will start to implant Titanium pegs into the jawbone following extraction in preparation for the replacement teeth". I asked the Dental surgeon if he and his partner would consider staying on-board whilst the work was done, as sort of a bus man's holiday all expenses paid, after a bit of negotiation he and his wife agreed to join us. Chapter 8 Alice slowly returns. Before we left Gibraltar and sailed into the Mediterranean the Dental surgeon removed Alice's rotten teeth and fitted titanium pegs into her jawbone, repaired and ground to shape several others, he also sent the new cast's away to a specialist laboratory to make crowns for her repaired teeth, we would pick up these crowns when we next docked. Susan and I exercised together every day, Aliza and the ship's physiotherapist helped me start to get mobility back into my arm. Bob spent rather a lot of time making phone calls and sending emails he also studied the documents that were provided by Stefan Blake he eventually confided in us, "I have found the person that was employed to condition Alice" I said to Bob, "good when do we go and get him?" "you Don't Joy, your still injured, besides I'm going to need him alive!" Terry spoke, "I will go, I promise I'll get him alive" Aliza then added, "I will assist you Terry, this may be our final mission together, where is he Bob?" "he's in Egypt I have all the data here", Bob passed a small dossier to Terry and Aliza, "we'll leave the ship when we dock near Naples" said Terry. During this time Alice's medication was being further reduced, she slept most of the time but sometimes was almost awake, unfortunately she made very little sense, as she was less sedated she began having more nightmares when she slept, the nursing staff would usually contact me when she was having a nightmare and I would get into bed with her, hug her and talk to her until she calmed, sometimes Susan would assist too, but she found it quite distressing to watch. One night after a particularly unpleasant nightmare Alice said to me, "thank you miss", I replied to her, "it's Joy" "no Joy's dead, I killed her" "no one killed me I'm here I came for you" Alice became agitated "Joy died, she was punished for loving me, I have to repent" "Joy rescued you Alice, she rescued you from those evil men" "no the Angel came to take me, joy is dead" there were tears in Alice's eyes "she's dead, I killed her, repent need to repent" I was becoming increasingly upset and angry as to the extent to which Alice's mind had been muddled, it was at this point that Bob entered he injected something into Alice's drip and after a few seconds she quietened down. I carefully lay Alice back down on the bed and refastened her wrist straps "Religion, why is it always Religion, why can't it be Aliens for once", said Bob. "you will be able to fix her won't you Bob?" "yes I will, but I will need your help Joy, I think we'll start tomorrow" I retired to my bunk and had a few hours sleep. Chapter 9 Alice's therapy (part 1). After my morning exercises and a shower, I met Bob at breakfast, "we dock later today near Naples so we will lose Terry and Aliza for a few days, are you ready to help me with Alice?" I looked at him and said "yes Bob, what do you require of me?" "I would like you to dress in your night combat gear and black your face, exactly as it was the night that you rescued Alice", I shrugged my shoulders, "okay if that's what you want, I'll get changed as soon as I've finished eating", I finished breakfast and went back to my cabin then changed into my night combat gear as Bob had asked. A little later I met Bob in an improvised interview room not far from Alice's room, "great you look great, that is perfect, if you just come in here, and sit there", Bob said whilst pointing at a high backed wooden chair that was against a wall, "are you sure about this Bob?" "yes I am, now I don't want you to move from this seat, you can move your head but do not speak, understood?" "yes Bob" I sat down and waited, after a while an orderly wheeled Alice into the room and moved her to a seat adjacent to where I was sitting he fastened her arms to the padded leather straps on the seat, the orderly did not acknowledge my presence as he left the room. Alice sat quietly in the chair, she was still quite doped up, she looked around the room and over over at me but said nothing, after a few minutes Bob walked in and sat opposite her, he did not acknowledge me either, "hello Alice my name is Bob, can you hear me?" Alice replied, "yes" then after a pause "where am I, am I being punished?" "why do you think you are being punished Alice?" "my repentance has been stopped, why?, have I done something wrong?" "no you have not done anything wrong, do you know who stopped your repentance Alice?", Alice looked at Bob, she was confused, "the Angel stopped it", Alice looked over at me, Bob then asked her, "why would an Angel stop you repenting Alice?" Alice was getting a little upset, "I, I she told me she was saving me" Alice was getting more confused, "what was the Angel saving you from Alice?" "she hurt the man that was saving me" tears were running down her cheeks she didn't know how to answer. Bob's interview lasted several more minutes, he focussed on the man who was having sex with Alice, she was getting increasingly distraught, "was that man saving you or abusing you Alice?" "he was sa... no he hurt me he made me, the Angel saved me", Bob got up out of his chair and moved over to where Alice was sitting, he gently touched her restrained hand and quietly said, "your being very brave Alice, try to think about what we have talked about, now you go and have some rest". The orderlies came back in and put Alice back into her wheelchair and took her away back to her bed, "that went much better than I had hoped, Alice actually has quite a strong mind, that's probably thanks to you Joy" I was trying not to cry "She's really messed up isn't she Bob?" "she's just confused at the moment Joy, Alice can't tell the difference between truth or the lies that she was indoctrinated with, it's our job to let the truth out slowly, and help her to cope as she realises what was done to her, we'll do this again later, next time don't black your face as much". I left Bob and got changed, I went up on deck to meet Terry and Aliza, they were just about to leave the ship when I arrived on deck, I hugged them both and told them to be careful, Terry and Aliza were holding hands as they reached the dock, I smiled and went to get some lunch. I met Susan in the mess room "what have you been up to this morning Susan?" she smiled at me and said, "as I'm on a cruise, I've been sunbathing mum" I laughed, I had completely forgotten that we were currently cruising the Mediterranean, "I may join you later Susan for a little bit of late sunbathing". As we were eating our lunch the husband and wife dental surgeons turned up, "we have just received Alice's crowns from the dental lab, we'll be fitting them this afternoon, she should look a lot better after that Mrs Stevenson" I thanked them. After lunch I went to the gym for a while and then joined Susan for a spot of sight seeing, we watched as our ship left the port and sat back as the Italian countryside and coastline slowly flowed past us. Later that afternoon Bob appeared on deck and said, "Sorry Susan I have to borrow your mum for a while", then he turned to me and said, "time to change again Joy, remember show a little more face this time". I sat quietly in the interview room again, Alice was wheeled in and helped into the chair and fastened in, a couple of minutes later Bob appeared, he sat opposite Alice once again, this time he just sat and looked at Alice, she looked at him and then at me then back to him. "what are you looking for Alice?" he said "why am I fastened to the chair?" "that's to stop you hurting yourself Alice" "but I feel better now can I go back to..." "back where Alice?, the Angel saved you from there" "but I am bad, I killed... she died because of me" a tear appeared and rolled down Alice's cheek, "have you killed someone Alice?" asked Bob, "yes, no I mean she died because I'm evil" "you don't look evil Alice, what did you do?", Alice was becoming quite agitated, "I killed my, she died because of me, because I'm evil, they told me so" "who told you this Alice?" "the men, the man with the scar he told me I had to repent" Alice turned her head and looked at me, "but the Angel saved me, she was sent by Joy". Bob paused and went quiet for a minute or two, "Joy, who's that?" Alice sat motionless for a few seconds she almost smiled, another tear formed in her eye, pooled on her lower lid and started to roll quickly down her cheek as she spoke, "I loved her but she's dead, they told me god was punishing me" "if god was punishing you Alice, why did he send an Angel to save you?" "I, I, but, I don't know, I'm confused" "can you think about something for me Alice?" "I can try, I think" "did Joy ever make you a promise?" Alice thought and smiled "yes she promised to protect me" "do you think she sent the Angel?" Alice's face changed "to protect me, from those men?" "yes Alice, I think she kept her promise" Alice started to cry "an Angel to protect me, to save me, Joy sent an Angel....she kept her promise" "you have a lot more to think about Alice, I'll see you tomorrow morning" Alice was helped out of her restraints and as she left she looked over at me and smiled. "Tomorrow lose the hat Joy, over the next few days I'm going to turn her Angel back into Joy, she needs to realise your not dead, and then she needs to start to come to terms with the evil done to her". I sat there after the session with Bob wondering how I could have been so wrong about him, I had actually hated him during my interrogation but here he was slowly picking out truth from lies and gently helping Alice, I hoped that his method would work and Alice would be returned to me and her loving family. The next morning after breakfast and morning exercises with Susan, I dressed as before I did not wear any blacking on my face or make-up and as Bob had requested I 'lost the hat'. I sat quietly as Alice was led into the room and sat in the chair her wrists were still fastened to the arms of the chair, Alice looked around the room she could see me but somehow her brain was not registering that I was real. Bob entered a few minutes later, he was carrying what appeared to be a bowl of yoghurt, it looked like It had some honey in it, he placed the bowl in front of Alice, "if I undo one of your straps you can eat the yoghurt Alice, would you like that?" she looked up at him and smiled, I could see the dental work that had been performed on Alice, her new crowns had returned some of the beauty to her smile but I could also see lots of gaps, "it's a start" I thought to myself, Bob continued to talk "have you thought much about our conversation last evening Alice?" "yes, but things don't make sense" "what doesn't make sense Alice" "why didn't the Angel punish me, I was committing a sin" "Did you think you were sinning Alice?" "no I was trying to please the elders so I could join Joy in heaven" "do you think that joy would have approved" "no I think that's why she sent the Angel" she looked upset "Alice, why did you think having sex with men would help you find Joy?" "because the men told me if I was good and did everything they said they would let me sleep and I would be able to have more medicine" Alice didn't sound as drugged today I thought as Bob continued. "why did you need medicine Alice?" "to make me forget, it made me forget and feel good, I didn't like it at first but soon I looked forward to it, have you got medicine for me? "no Alice I don't, I want you to remember" Alice started to shake and she became quite upset, "I don't want to remember, I can't, please don't make me" Bob stopped came over to Alice and unfastened one of her straps, he gave her a spoon and held the dish of yoghurt for her, "Alice I have a little treat for you, you have been very brave this morning eat the yoghurt you deserve it", Alice ate the yoghurt as if she hadn't eaten for days. Bob asked Alice "would you like to continue now, or would you like a rest" "are you really trying to help me Sir?" asked Alice "yes Alice I am, I promise" "do you need to hurt me, to help me?" "no Alice, I promise I won't ever hurt you, some of the things I say may make you upset however" "but you won't drill holes or use cigarettes to burn me?", Bob looked her in the eye and said "no Alice, it is not acceptable for anyone to do that, that is called torture", after a brief pause Bob restarted. "Alice how do you feel about men?" "I am there to serve them, without complaint, why?" "that's not what I asked Alice, do you like men" Alice was conflicted she didn't know what to say "Alice you won't be punished, all you have to do is tell the truth to me", I could see frustration and anger in her eyes "I don't like men, they hurt me, they did things to me, they used me, they made do things" she started to cry. "Alice crying is healthy, cry as much as you want" I wanted to comfort her but I had promised to keep seated, Bob waited patiently and passed Alice a tissue, she took it with her free hand "can I ask you a question Alice, it's about Joy?" she looked up at Bob, "yes, if you like" "how did you meet Joy?" Alice smiled she seemed to become happy, "he was sitting next to a river, he looked really cute, my sister and I thought he was a girl, I went to talk to him, when he turned around I saw he was a boy, but he had such a beautiful face and smile, he apologised to me and asked me if I would like to sit with him", "did he make you feel happy Alice?" "I had butterflies in my tummy, and every time he spoke my heart skipped a beat", I was starting to tear up, Bob intervened "I would love to hear more about Joy later, will you come back later and tell me more about her please, Alice?", Alice was smiling when she said "yes". After Alice had been taken from the room, Bob turned to me and said, "are you okay Joy?, she has very fond memories of you" sniffing I said "I have almost the same memories of her, that was possibly the most magical day of my life", he smiled at me and said "we are making good progress, I'm introducing and reinforcing truths, soon she will be able to start to discriminate the implanted lies from actual truths, for later Joy, a little make-up and possibly a blouse I think", he smiled and hummed to himself as he left the room. Later that day, I was once again sitting at my seat in the interview room, I had a light blouse on and a little make-up, Bob came into the room, "I thought I would come in first Joy, if Alice gets really upset during this session I would like you to go behind her and gently touch her shoulders, just enough to show someone is there", I took my seat and sat with by hands in my lap. Alice was helped into the room she shuffled to the seat and sat down, Bob said to the two orderlies, "no need for restraints this time", he looked at Alice "Are you ready to talk Alice?" Alice nodded her head, she briefly looked over at me "you were talking about Joy before we stopped, are you still happy to talk about her now" "yes I am" "you mentioned that Joy was a boy, I thought that you didn't like men", Alice looked slightly miffed "he was a beautiful boy, really polite and good fun, he dressed as a girl for me and he started to become a real girl after.." she started fumbling with her finger, she continued "I upset him, he went out for a walk it started to rain, he became ill, he collapsed into my arms, I thought he was dying" she was furiously rubbing her ring finger "I've lost it. I've lost it again" she said. "what have you lost Alice?", I had already taken the precaution of putting both of my silver rings into my pocket before the interview so Alice would not be able to see them, "the most precious ring in the world, Joy spent her entire fortune on it and I have lost it again.. No it was taken, the man who trained me he took it when I was trained, he's got my ring" "would you believe me if I said that your Angel retrieved the ring and the man who took it is now in prison, he will probably never get out" Alice looked angrily at Bob "why did my Angel not hurt him, he did horrible things to me, made me do horrible things, so I could get more medicine" "Alice the medicines you were given were drugs like heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine, they turned you into a drug addict in order that you service men sexually, good people do not do that, only evil people do that". Alice sat absorbing what Bob had just said "so I am a whore, they turned me into a whore, why was I saved why did Joy send an Angel" she stopped for a second and then said through tears, "my children, oh god my Mum and Daddy their Daughter is now a filthy stinking whore, why didn't she just let me die" Alice started to cry uncontrollably, Bob gestured to me, I got up and silently moved over to Alice and stood behind her, I gently placed my fingertips on her shoulders, Alice initially flinched at my touch but soon accepted it. "you are not a whore Alice, you were tortured and drugged by evil men, you were used and abused by sick and twisted men, Alice you are a victim, do you understand me?, you are a victim". Alice looked up and nodded "I'm a victim, but why me why not someone else" "revenge" said bob "but I've never hurt anyone ever" "your Daddy did" Alice looked confused "Alice can you remember when you were a little girl?" "yes some of it" "someone used to sneak into your room and do things to you" Alice started to shake "y yes, uncle Mark" "your daddy found out what he was doing and stopped him" "yes I remember, I was ill for a long time" "your uncle went to live in America, far away from you" "yes he was sent away" "your Angel found out that his son had kidnapped you and was doing vile things to you, she rescued you from those evil men and delivered you to us, now she is helping you to get better", Alice looked over but could only see an empty chair "the Angel has gone back to heaven now," "no Alice, she is still here and she has a gift for you". I put my hand in my pocket and retrieved Alice's ring and placed it into the flat of my palm, I walked around to her side and offered it to her. Alice looked astounded, she took the ring from my palm and placed it onto her finger she whispered "thank you" to me, I returned to my seat. "Alice, I think that is all for today, will you come and see me tomorrow please?" Alice nodded and thanked Bob "will my Angel be here too" Bob replied with, "she will be with you for as long as you need her" Alice smiled and looked over at me, she looked a little confused, Alice was collected and taken back to her room. "Bob?" "yes Joy" "why does Alice not recognise me?" "that's easy joy, her mind is choosing not to, but she is slowly starting to return to us, I believe it's lasagne for dinner Joy, are you joining us?", I nodded and headed off to find Susan. Several days of interviews followed, Alice was becoming more aware of what had happened to her, Bob's slow progressive interview technique was working. I was called almost every night to Alice as she had nightmares, I held her and talked to her until she settled, she never woke up fully as she was mildly sedated, I always went back to my bunk before she woke. I slowly dressed more and more like myself during each session, today, after breakfast, exercise and a shower, I sat on my bunk and gently pulled on a pair of tights and stepped into one of Alice's favourite sun-dresses, Susan helped me pull the zip up, I stepped into 4" heels, then I put on my make-up and as a final touch I put on the ring that Susan had given me for Christmas, I asked Susan "will I do?" "mum you are looking more like yourself every day, you look very pretty today" we hugged and I went to meet Bob. "wow Joy, you look good today" said Bob, I thanked him and sat on my usual chair, Alice walked into the room and sat down, she gave me more than one glance, "good morning Alice, how are you feeling today?" "I think I'm feeling better, I'm not sure" "can you explain that Alice?" "well I woke up this morning and felt good", bob smiled "how do you feel about your recent past Alice" "do you mean when I was captured?" "yes Alice how do you feel about that?" "Angry, really angry, how dare those people do those things to me" she started to get upset, "Alice how do you feel about me?" "you've been kind to me, but you are still keeping me from my family" "I know Alice but I promise it is for your own good, there are still things that you have not come to terms with and your mind is ignoring, I need to help you readjust to the real world and you are doing really well" "thank you, but when can I return to my family and my children, they must be distraught" "soon Alice, we just have a couple of things to sort out first, it may be painful for you but I want to talk about the person that you loved more than anyone else" she had a pained expression on her face, "do I have to?, can't I just remember her how she was, I was not there for her when she died, I should have been there for her" she was bordering on tears "Alice this session may be very difficult on you but you have been very brave in all the other sessions, but I need to destroy one more lie you were told" Alice sniffed and said "okay I'll try". I could tell that Bob was treading carefully today he seemed unusually hesitant, "Alice can you remember the last time you were with Joy?", Alice smiled "yes she and Susan went to Newcastle airport to see me off, I was going to America" she started to look nervous "it's okay Alice, I'm not going to talk about your captivity" Alice looked relieved, "when you last saw Joy what was she like?" "she was frail, and wore a wig, Joy had trouble walking she smoked a lot and had too much make-up on" "did that upset you Alice?" "I was upset that Joy was dying but I wanted it to be over, I hated to see her suffer, and.." her voice tailed off "and what Alice" Alice frowned "she had stopped being sweet, she had become bitter and resentful, I regret it now but I was looking forward to a few days away from her". My lower lip started to quiver, she was right, if it hadn't been for Susan I would have given up, I would be dead!. Bob picked up a remote control pressed a button and said "before Joy went home, your daughter Susan asked if she could be taken to the spot that you and Joy had met, I believe that this is a picture of the valley" on the screen appeared a picture of the valley, it was not to far away from where we had first met. Alice looked at the picture and recognised it, she smiled "yes it is, it holds happy memories I would like to go back there some day" "well Alice it was here that Joy became convinced that you were in danger and that you needed help" Alice looked confused "Joy decided that she didn't want to die, she and Susan did lot's of research and started to work out a plan to regain her health" Bob pressed the button again. Alice looked quizzically at the screen, "that is a mobile research lab Alice, it was being used by Joy and a team of researchers" Alice looked at the large temporary lab that had been parked at Stevenson towers. The next picture shocked Alice, "this is a picture of Joy following one of her first experimental treatments" Alice looked at a picture of me with a completely bald head, and deathly white complexion lying asleep on our bed, I looked like a skeleton covered with baggy skin. "that picture was taken by your Daughter Susan" "oh god what was Joy putting herself through" said Alice Bob seemed to be dwelling on this picture for a long time, "Joy gained a lot of help over the next few weeks and months Alice, she had only one goal, to find you" Alice was still looking at the picture of my pitiful body lying on our bed, "can you see what she is hugging Alice?" said Bob, her eyes widened, "it's a picture of me, she's hugging a picture of me" "yes Alice Joy never forgot you, she physically punished herself in order to become fit again", the picture went off. "Alice I am about to show you a short clip taken from your hotel, would you like to watch it?" Alice looked unnerved "what does it show?" "it shows you being kidnapped Alice, would you like to see it?" "I, I'm not sure" "if you want me to stop just say stop Alice, shall I press play?" Alice looked nervous and quietly said "yes please", Bob started the video and Alice looked on in horror as she was kidnapped, "why did you show me that, it was horrid?" "I'm sorry but it needed to be shown, I am now going to show you what happened when Joy came to find you" Bob started the video, the picture showed Terry pushing me in my wheelchair to the lift, it then showed Terry being distracted whilst two men took control of the wheelchair and pushed me into the lift, the picture then changed to the lift camera, Alice shouted, "Stop!", Bob pressed pause, Alice was weeping, "why are you showing me this, why are you being so cruel, look at her, Joy looks so frail, is this how she died?" Bob left the picture paused and said, "Alice you have been told lots of lies, I have proved that they were lies, but one thing your mind refuses to acknowledge is the possibility that Joy may be alive, can you tell me why Alice?" Alice looked distraught she was starting to shake, there were tears running down her face, "because I am no longer good enough for her, I'm dirty, unclean my body has been ruined" "stop" said Bob "Alice I am going to press play, I urge you to watch the rest of this video" Bob pressed the play button and Alice looked on in horror as the lift doors closed after the last passengers exited, "I can't watch" said Alice as the men went to subdue their wheelchair bound target. "what on earth" said Alice as the frail looking lady leapt out of the chair and violently subdued her attackers. Alice stared at the screen as the picture was paused, her mouth was open she looked at the person on the screen "is that Joy?", Bob smiled "yes Alice that is Joy, she trained for months endured many many hours of treatment to cure her cancer, she was trained by specialists how to defend herself, how to shoot and how to kill, she did all of this to save you Alice" Bob pressed play again the video showed the woman on the screen looking at the camera directly. Alice looked at the screen and then at me sitting demurely on the hard wooden seat she did this several times, "the person that you thought was an angel sent by Joy was not, I think that your mind is finally realising that your Angel is also the person that you love, Alice do you recognise her yet?" Alice was sitting looking at me her eyes were brimming with tears her lip was trembling and she was starting to shake, there were tears in my eyes also, I smiled at her and said "I would have walked into hell itself and dragged you out Alice" Alice held her arms out and stood up, I rushed over to her and hugged her, "I kept my promise Alice, I kept my promise, you will always be safe with me" I kissed her on the lips and embraced her she cried, we hugged for several minutes. Bob made a little cough, we broke our embrace and just stood looking at him, Alice standing barefoot in her hospital gown and me in heels and a summer dress, "Alice I hope you now realise the love that Joy has for you is very strong, she will stick with you through your recovery, I hope that by the time you return home I will have undone the damage done to your mind" Alice looked at Bob and said sadly "I am not well am I?" Bob smiled at Alice and said "Alice the fact that you realise you are still unwell is a very good sign, if you will allow me too I will help you, but you must let others help you also, Joy has sacrificed a lot to find you, it may not look it but in the coming months she may require help also". Alice thanked Bob and promised that he could help her until she was recovered, "if you would like to find Alice some clothes I think an hour on deck would do you both the world of good" he paused "and I believe that there is a young lady on deck who would love to see both of her mums". Chapter 10 Alice and Joy. For the first time in months I held Alice's hand as I guided her to my room, she was holding on tight, she was very nervous, I assured her that it would be okay, once in my cabin I assisted her off with her gown she wore no bra, so I helped her on with a nice plain cotton one, I asked her if she would like matching panties, Alice nodded she took off her paper panties and then I caught a glimpse of her vagina, gone was the cute little slit that I so loved, it had been replaced with large fleshy darkened lips that hung from her body, I hid my revulsion as I knew that she would soon have the surgeon that had performed my genital reconstruction restore her pussy to normal, I passed Alice a pair of cotton panties and helped her into a light sun dress. I handed her a pair of sandals, I then removed my heels and tights and also put on a pair of sandals, "how do you feel Alice" I asked, "I'm really nervous Joy" "don't worry Alice, here hold my hand", she held out her hand and I took it and we walked up to the main deck. "were at sea?" said Alice she seemed confused "yes Alice, when we rescued you I brought you here to get medical attention, this is our hospital ship, I've just borrowed it for a while, we're currently cruising the Mediterranean" Alice looked overcome I could see she had many questions "Alice shall we go and surprise Susan?" she nervously said "yes" I led Alice around to where Susan was sitting, she appeared to be doing homework. "Susan look who is here" Susan turned around dropped everything and ran towards Alice, "Mummy" she shouted as she fell into Alice and gave her a huge hug "I'm so glad you are back" Alice hugged Susan back, she was crying. "I had lost hope, I thought I'd never see you again" said Alice Susan hugged Alice for what seemed like several minutes, "shall we go and sit in the shade" I suggested, we all moved over to the deck chairs situated on a shady part of the deck, Alice and Susan chatted for a while, it was nice to see her smiling again, Alice did not look good with her missing teeth, wiry bleached hair and virtually no eyebrows but she looked happy. Whilst I was adjusting the height of my chair the top spar caught my shoulder, I winced in pain for a second, Alice noticed "do you have a sore shoulder Joy?" she asked, Susan said "It's where mummy Joy was shot rescuing you, she was shot on the leg as well" Alice looked shocked "you were shot Joy?", I nodded "was my rescue dangerous?" I nodded "Joy how dangerous was it?, please tell me" "I'm really not sure how much I should tell you Alice, I don't want you to become upset" Susan then said, "There's Bob shall we ask him" she waved him over Bob came over and Susan asked "can we tell mummy Alice about her rescue?" bob smiled at Susan then looked at Alice "you will find out the full details in time Alice, but at the moment you should really concentrate on your own recovery," he pulled up a chair and sat down, "I hope you don't mind if I sit with you for a while". Bob sat quietly, sometimes joining in the conversation but I could tell he was observing how Alice was interacting with Susan and I, after a while a female orderly arrived, "I have been asked by the Doctor to collect Alice as her dressing needs changing" Bob said to Susan, "would you like to go with your Mum, and I'll stay here and Keep Joy company?" Susan readily agreed and held her mum's hand as they left. Bob turned to me "Alice still has a long way to go, you do realise that don't you Joy?" "after what she has been through recently I'm surprised that she is coping at all Bob" "she will become more aware of herself and her surroundings as I slowly reduce her medication, but with intensive therapy and the love and support that you and Susan will give her, I think she will cope just fine" "what about her body Bob, her genitals look terrible and her hair and teeth" bob thought about this for a moment "I will speak to Mike later and see if we can get her genital re- sculpting brought forward, also Joy see if you can get Alice's hair re-coloured and conditioned, I think that should lessen the shock, I really don't know about her teeth though" "I'll see if I can find someone to restore Alice's hair today Bob". I left Bob on deck and disappeared into the ship, I used my laptop to locate a hair expert, I made a call using Skype, a very pleasant well spoken lady explained to me how Alice's hair could be restored, she explained that bleaching hair removes all of the pigment (melanin) from hair but can also leave the hair damaged lifeless and brittle, she assured me that she could restore Alice's colour and repair most of the damage. As she was based in Malta I instructed the Captain to land there for a few hours tomorrow morning. Chapter 11 Trouble at mill. I checked my finances online and was shocked to see that my once healthy bank balance was dangerously low, although I was unofficially given help for Alice's rescue, I had to fund almost everything myself including getting the ship completed, sea trails and medical crew, so my once very healthy fortune was almost gone, I also noticed that my salary hadn't been paid for the last two months, I decided to contact Matt for advice. Matt was pleased to hear from me and enquired about Alice's health, I told him that she was making good progress but it would be a while before she was stable enough to come home, he understood completely. I then said to him "I'm really sorry to ask you Matt, but can I have a loan please?" "why do you even need to ask Joy" he said I explained that I had been funding Alice's rescue from my own account and that I was now running short of money. "how much have you spent so far Joy?" I rather sheepishly said, "three and a half million pounds Matt" he didn't even hesitate "I'll transfer four million into your account by tonight Joy, send any other bills to me directly I'll pay them for you" I tried to thank him but he simply said, "keep my daughter and grand daughter safe Joy", he then added "I had a visit from a rather peculiar young man and his mother earlier this week Joy, he was rather upset". I had meant to contact Martin but had completely forgotten, "how is Martin?" I asked "he has been sacked" said Matt, I was shocked "how Matt, he can't be I would never allow it, he improved my initial design and made my machine many times more powerful", "I know Joy, so I did

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Hot Gay Sex Adventure With Friend In The River

I used to bath in the river near us with my friend every weekend when we were teenagers. On one Saturday, I decided to go to the river in the afternoon. First I went to my friend’s home. He was watching TV. I asked him to come with me to the river. He asked me why I was early. I said I was bored and we can have more time swimming. He took the towel and came with me with very little interest. About me, I was around 5 to 5.5 feet height and weighed around 45 to 50 kg back then. I was slim but had...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Sister With Workers At River

Hi friends, I am back with another story and this story is of my sister who would have sex with any random guy once she is attracted to them or fascinated to them by the size of the dick they possess. I am sure my sister is definitely used to huge dicks, that’s why she would peep people peeing beside the road or even anywhere where she could get the view of their dick. This story is about my younger sister and I along with my mom and dad and two sisters, Sharda and Sarita live in a village in...

2 years ago
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North of the River

January 12, 2010 Vancouver, Washington It had once been an office building, a modern, uninteresting four-story structure that had housed half a dozen doctors' offices, three or four lawyers, a dentist, an orthodontist, and a private investigation service. Now it was an empty shell, most of the windows broken out, part of the southern wall partially collapsed, the second and third floors gutted by fire, the rest looted by vandals. Conner Boreman supposed it was no longer structurally sound,...

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Love on the River

The river was up and rising. They were expecting it to crest around thirty-two feet, putting six or seven feet under the house. It was now probably about a foot deep under the house and two feet deep by the stairs where I was docking. I was boating back in from the levee with groceries when I spotted someone kayaking toward me from several houses downriver. Come to think of it, that was the direction of all the noise, commotion and lights over the Memorial Day weekend a couple weeks ago. Well,...

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The River

The River -The Beginning By Kyorii pilau Chapter 1 The middle. I am dying, I know I'm dying as the Doctors have told me so. My Oncologist had wanted to remove my breasts, but it was too late as my cancer had already spread via my lymphatic system and invaded the rest of my body. The Chemotherapy has robbed me of my beautiful long dark hair and has made me very weak, my once curvy body was now an anorexic shell of its former self, the tumours laughed at...

3 years ago
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at the river

Summer's finally here. We were going to spend a week at a river resort. My mother and I went to the office to confirm our reservation for a cabin close to the water park, signed in and unpacked the car. We put or things away and went to the little restaurant at the park. Mothr said I could go swimming if I wanted to, but I asked if I could rent an inner tube to ride to rapids on the river. After some convincing I'd be safe and begging she agreed as long as I'd be back before sun set. Putting on...

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Snow and the River

The thick snow fell slowly on a vanished world, obliterating the joint between earth and sky, erasing the sharp edges of the apartment buildings bordering the park, and obscuring the leafless trees and dark pines in a blur of falling white. There seemed to be nothing left but the stone bridge over the slow gray river like a bridge in the clouds linking blankness to blankness, and that’s where he stood. The sounds of the city were so muffled that he could hear the gentle hiss of the snowflakes...

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A day at the river

  A day at the river.       I’m an ordinary guy in my thirties to whom nothing real dramatic has ever happened, but one particular afternoon drive in the car put an end to all that.   I was sick and tired of looking after the kids while my wife worked and needed a break from them, so I decided to take a drive in the country to clear my head. Having the kids on your own all the time tends to drive you fucking nuts. Just ask any single mum. To pretend that I was actually entitled to some...

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A day at the river

anal, sisters A good day fishing lands one hell of a catch./A day at the river.I'm an ordinary guy in my thirties to whom nothing real dramatic has ever happened, but one particular afternoon drive in the car put an end to all that.I was sick and tired of looking after the k**s while my wife worked andneeded a break from them, so I decided to take a drive in the country toclear my head. Having the k**s on your own all the time tends to driveyou fucking nuts. Just ask any single mum. To pretend...

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A day at the river

  A day at the river.       I'm an ordinary guy in my thirties to whom nothing real dramatic has ever happened, but one particular afternoon drive in the car put an end to all that.   I was sick and tired of looking after the kids while my wife worked and needed a break from them, so I decided to take a drive in the country to clear my head. Having the kids on your own all the time tends to drive you fucking nuts. Just ask any...

3 years ago
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A Day on The River

It was late Friday night by the time I got home from work. I thought about calling Maggie but decided to wait until morning and went to take a shower. With the warm water soothing my tired body, I closed my eyes and began thinking of her.As I washed my upper body, the familiar feelings of arousal were getting stronger the more I thought of Maggie being with me at this moment. As my hands moved lower I felt myself getting hard. My eyes were still closed as I imagined her behind me pressing...

Group Sex
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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 12 Hastings River

The Hastings River starts high on the Great Dividing Range running east down through the picturesque Hastings Valley, through unique river towns such as Mount Seaview, Ellenborough and Wauchope before entering the Pacific Ocean at Port Macquarie. Fishing is popular particularly from October through to June each year with peaks during Christmas and Easter. The river has a wide range of fishing opportunities from freshwater bass and catfish in the upper reaches to estuarine species such as...

4 years ago
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The Shy Asian Student Part 2 The River

A week after our that lust fuelled kiss in the temple grounds, May told me she had already planned to go to a river on the outskirts of Bangkok with her friends and invited me to join them. The thought of once again being shadowed and monitored by her friends was distinctly unappealing, but I couldn’t resist the chance to be with her, any chance. Besides there was a strong hint the afternoon may include swimming, which meant seeing even more of her than I had so far. I accepted and endured an...

4 years ago
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RebelChapter 65 On the River

I was never much of a sailor although I had worked on the Bay one oyster season with an uncle of mine who lived just north of Annapolis. I learned a lot in a short time over there including a few things about girls. I was maybe fourteen or fifteen and never thought of anything but girls. Nevertheless, under my lieutenant's questioning, I had to admit that I could swim and that I knew bow from stern and a little something about sails and such. He sent me down to the river where that was a...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 3 The River

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Three: The River Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading! Tuesday, August 11th, 2071 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun rose, shining through my window. It roused me from my thoughts. All night, I had sat on my bed, staring at my hands, the pain slowly fading from my spanked ass. But the hurt in my heart only intensified. Joab had been the first person in a long time I had cared for. He was strong and passionate. He...

4 years ago
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Heartache on the River

The sweat was dripping down my brow, the clock painless clicked away as I watched the dealer throw out the cards to the three remaining players at the table. I was one of those players. I was currently in second place in chips a mere 16,000 behind the leader. As I collected my cards with bated breath I took a peek and felt my excitement rise. Ace, king of spades came before my eyes, my heart beat faster and I felt a smile purse my lips, I just hoped the other two players hadn’t noticed. Since...

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Down on Little River

I parked the car just off the road and above the narrow bridge that crossed Little River. It was a beautiful summer afternoon. A slight breeze rustled through the trees as I made my way down a well-worn path to the river's edge. Another path paralleled the river and I followed it downstream. I loved to come to this secluded bit of nature and had come to know several miles along the river quite intimately. I was wearing a pair of soft, gray jogging shorts, a tee shirt and sandals. Over one...

4 years ago
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I parked the car just off the road and above the narrow bridge that crossed Little River. It was a beautiful summer afternoon. A slight breeze rustled through the trees as I made my way down a well-worn path to the river's edge. Another path paralleled the river and I followed it downstream. I loved to come to this secluded bit of nature and had come to know several miles along the river quite intimately. I was wearing a pair of soft, gray jogging shorts, a tee shirt and sandals. Over one...

2 years ago
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Camping By The River

Standing in the shallow ice cold water of the rushing river, I closed my eyes and felt the sun warm my bare skin. I reached down and felt my thickening cock as it hung down over my chilled, taught scrotum. It had been the first time I had skinny dipped in many years. I had gone into the river wearing my bathing suit but the warm summer day, the beautiful natural surroundings and the cool water rushing over my skin had made me feel sexually charged. Slipping my suit off in a small swirling pool,...

1 year ago
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A Day on the River

I was in the mood for some fishing, so I loaded my gear in my truck and left Austin bound for Round Rock. There was a small river with some decent fishing. I had been there before and that was the reason I chose that particular conservation access. I wasn’t going to stay near the car anyway. I was going fishing. There were maybe twenty cars around the gravel parking lot on the small river. I always hate leaving my car there. The kinds of riffraff that hang around those accesses are the kind...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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An Evening by the River

I set my bag down on the chair and pulled out my laptop. I needed to look up some articles on the Internet, so I decided to escape my hot office and got to the library. It was always cooler in the library, and after recent remodeling, there were dozen of Ethernet outlets on the long tables in the main hall. It was late Thursday afternoon, in the summer, so there were far fewer students there as normal, in fact, I only saw two other people in the hall as I sat down. I picked a spot close to the...

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Grove River

Charlie hated doing chores, she knew she'd much rather be out playing in the fields, running through the tall grass, or swimming down in the river, what she envisioned a normal fourteen year old girl should be doing. However she also knew they had to be done. Even before the sun was up Charlie was. She had to feed the chickens, milk the cows, and collect the eggs needed for breakfast. So was life on the farm along the banks of the Grove River and she accepted it, most of the time that is....

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Raped on the River

Ginny Marie Munson gazed silently at the flower bed in front of her as she gathered up the weeds she had just pulled. The cannas she had planted a couple of weeks ago reminded her of her fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Maria, who was spending the summer with her. Once the bright green stalks broke through the surface, they would grow like they were on fire, from small stalks to six foot high stalks with stunning flowers that would bloom until the snow covered them up in the winter. Maria was...

4 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 34 Up River

On one of my last trips to visit with Mrs. Von R--, seeking knowledge of British intentions and a warm bed, a black woman hoeing at a kitchen garden stopped me as I walked past the back fence of her long plot. "Ho, mistah," she cried, waving her free hand. "You shore is a big 'un. How 'bout helpin' some poor folks?" She leaned on her hoe and looked at me stony faced, a bandana covering her head and her feet bare. I was in a hurry, eager to find a bedmate since Mrs. Von R-- usually...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 3 The River

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Tuesday, August 11th, 2071 – Chasity "Chase" Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun rose, shining through my window. It roused me from my thoughts. All night, I had sat on my bed, staring at my hands, the pain slowly fading from my spanked ass. But the hurt in my heart only intensified. Joab had been the first person in a long time I had cared for. He was strong and passionate. He loved me. And maybe I loved him. But I messed it up. I replayed...

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The Great River

The day was hot and the sun was very bright and high in the sky. The Great River sparkled like sapphire, and the well-tended fields of wheat and barley shone like gold. It was the height of summer and the sweltering heat had sent most people indoors into the cool shade but out here in the countryside and farmlands, beyond the ancient capital, there were at least two people who were revelling in the warmth and sun. Alya laughed joyously, her head tossed back as her long raven hair streamed...

First Time
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Fun in the River

I had lost my virginity two years ago, and was not entirely impressed. I hardly felt the first guy and the second one lasted all of five minutes. Now I was eighteen and blossoming, and I was ready. I didn’t just want to sleep with someone again; I wanted to try something new. I have always been adventurous. My name is Dianna and I am about 5'5' light skin and light brown hair. My eyes are hazel. I have a perfect hour glass figure, 34 B cup and a round ass that amounts to a decent handful. I...

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Down By The River

The morning was bright with the promise of a warm day ahead, the sky a perfect deep blue. I am fortunate to live in a sparely populated rural location and can go days without seeing another human being, with the exception of my Wife, of course. So, after finishing breakfast, I set out for my morning stroll over the fields, as had become our custom. However, as my better half was away at a conference, I was totally alone, and as the temperature began to rise, I steadily peeled off layer after...

3 years ago
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Down By The River

Sex, the final frontier. A never ending voyage to explore new sexual realms. To come together to create a new definition of erotic enjoyment. Giving each other mutual pleasure. To boldly go where we have never gone … before.Back in the day, when my wife and I were a new couple, we were still exploring each other’s bodies. I asked her to marry me just fifteen days after we met. I could only see her on weekends, because she lived an hour away and we both worked during the week. However, Friday...

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Whiskey River

"Whiskey River, take my mind Don't let a memory talk to me Whiskey River, don't run dry You're all I got, take care of me..." My name is Jim. I ordered my third bourbon of the night and listened to the singer on the stage belting out a Willie Nelson special. Whiskey River, don't dry up. You got that right. After what they did, I never want the river to run dry, I thought as the song continued. Who were the they I was referring to? They were what I had believed to be my lifetime best...

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RebelChapter 45 On the River

When we had nothing better to do, and the big river was nearby, we enjoyed taking pot shots at the officers on the poop decks of passing ships. We seldom hit anyone as far as I could tell, but even at 500 yards, my rifle was very accurate, and I often scattered the afterguard. It was judging the moving target that was the problem, but I enjoyed seeing men scrambling about after one of my shots. Occasionally the tars replied with a bow chaser, aiming at the smoke cloud my riffle produced, but...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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The River

Eric stopped to wipe his sweating brow with a red polka-dot handkerchief, before renewing his grip on the long pole and pushing the punt along again. He was seventy-three years old and slightly overweight. The poling was very hard work and Eric was looking forward to reaching the end of the journey. Mavis, his wife of fifty-two years, reclined in the double love seat of the boat and looked around at the countryside as they made their placid way along the gently-flowing water. She was also a...

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