Don't Be A Hero PART 1 free porn video

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Don't be a hero By Claire Heatherton The hot desert air hit Kenny like a ton of bricks when he walked out of the Airport towards the Taxi stand. It was Kenny Hannington's first trip to Las Vegas, he and his friend Larry were there for a one day convention and three days of relaxation. Kenny never really believed Larry's claims that it was possible to relax in Vegas but he played along anyways. The flight arrived late in the evening with the hopes to avoid the crowds. Of course unless it was the middle of the night the lineup was still huge to get a cab. After a ten minute wait the boy's were on their way to the fabulous Hawaiian Gardens Resort and Casino. Kenny did not want to be a wet blanket the entire trip so for the most part he kept his negativity to a minimum. The lights and the mere energy of the city made most of the Negativity go away anyways. After a short Cab ride to the Strip, the cab pulled up into the hotels Valet area as the door was opened by a friendly young man. Kenny made it a point to tip the Valet as they gathered the two friends' bags. A massive line to check in awaited Kenny and Larry as they made their way into the obnoxious yet impressively designed hotel lobby. A sweet smell filled the lobby as the indoor Hawaiian gardens amazed anyone who had entered. Hula girls danced around the lobby as soft Hawaiian music played in the background. The ambience made for the long line to seem less stressful as fire eater's performed nearby. "Larry, I am telling you man grease the front desk clerk 20 bucks between your passport and Credit Card and they usually will upgrade you to a suite," Kenny said as he prepared his ID and cash for his turn. "You are so full of shit Kenny, you see this right here.....that is all I need for a kick ass suite," Larry boasted as he waved around his Platinum Amex in Kenny's face. After a twenty minute wait in the line Kenny was the first one up to check into his room. "Welcome to the Hawaiian Gardens Sir, may I please have your ID and Credit Card please," the friendly girl at the desk said to Kenny. Kenny handed over his tip sandwich to the girl. "Oh thank you very much Mr. Harrington let's see what we can do for you," The girl said with a big smile. After a few minutes of rapid typing on the computer the girl presented Kenny with his room key. "Here you go Mr. Harrington I really think you will enjoy this room, it is located in the Maui Tower 35th floor," she said with a smile. Kenny made sure to tell Larry to meet in the Lobby in a half hour to do some exploring. After a very brief elevator ride Kenny made his way down the long Hallway to his room. As he opened the door he was greeted by a large living room with a large bottle of champagne on a dining table. Kenny was impressed his tip worked. Kenny spent some time exploring his gigantic room complete with a hot tub, balcony and complimentary mini bar. He almost lost track of time as he noticed it was time to head down to meet Larry. "Hey man how is your room?" Kenny said to Larry. "Meh, it is a room, a bed, a chair, and a bathroom. How bout you?" Larry said. "Oh it's just a room....a fucking awesome room. I was upgraded to a King Kamehameha suite at no charge." Larry looked pissed at Kenny. "What the hell man, you would think by me having a platinum card should show status enough to get a comped upgrade." Kenny just laughed at his friend. "You really think that a card any douche bag can get with a huge annual fee makes you any different than the thousands of assholes checking in right at this moment?" Larry just glared and suggested they head to the Casino floor. The Casino was like any other Casino in Vegas with the exception of the Hawaiian theme it was dirty smoky and filled with drunks. The two friends made their way to the penny slots and began to feed the machine with their hard earned money. After a round of watered down drinks Kenny stopped playing and started to people watch. He never truly understood the appeal of Vegas, yes it was glitz and glamour but it was also incredibly expensive. Chaos ruled Vegas and it was all around them, elderly people at deaths door, douche bags thinking they are Bradley Cooper, drunks having a good time and tons more. After watching Larry drop another fifty into the machine Kenny took another look around and noticed a young woman. She couldn't have been no more than 21 years old, dirty blonde hair and braces. She was wearing what appeared to be a prom dress that was altered to look like a cocktail dress. She was probably from the mid-west she just looked to naive and innocent for Vegas. She was being hit on heavily by two smarmy men wearing gaudy silk shirts and pants adorned with gold chains and cologne so pungent Kenny could smell it thirty feet away. The men had thick Eastern European accents and were not subtle at all in what they wanted. Kenny could barely make out any intelligible words from the trio just thick accents and giggles coming from the girl. "Kenny....Kenny!" Larry practically shouted to get the attention of his friend. Kenny snapped out of his daze of watching the trio. "Yeah what man?" Kenny responded. "Let's get out of here man I just dropped 200, how bout we get some grub and call it a night," Larry suggested, Kenny agreed and they made their way to the food court. "Look at this man fast food and beer, what a hell of a town," Larry said as he took another bite. Kenny didn't hear is friend at all he was in a daze as he could not shake the image of those two creeps hitting on that young girl. It was really bothering him, he couldn't figure out why but something about that whole scene seemed really off to him. Larry blathered on some more oblivious to the fact that Kenny was completely lost in his thoughts. "Seriously Kenny what is up with you man?" Larry annoyed asked his friend. "Uh umm what? Sorry man I am just out of it I can't shake these thoughts," Kenny said to a amused Larry. Larry continued to ramble on about anything and everything while Kenny's brain was obsessing about that girl. "You know I watched a Documentary a few weeks back and Vegas was heavily featured in it. They were talking about Sex slaves and how many girls have been plucked off of Casino floors by these types and shipped off to some awful place to be sold as Sex Slaves," Kenny said randomly. "What in the fuck are you talking about Kenny? Where the hell did that come from?" Larry asked. Kenny apologized and went to explain what he had seen. "Listen Kenny, I am sure it didn't look right, but I mean this is Vegas. This girl probably has never been away from home or even got any attention like this. I mean yeah it's weird but did she look in distress? Did she look like she was drugged?" Kenny shook his head at Larry's questions, it was true he was reading too much into it. After a few more minutes of eating Kenny was finally talkative again. Plans were being made on what to do after the convention in the morning. After realizing it was almost three am the two friends decided it was time to head to their respective rooms and call it a night. As they made their way through the Casino floor Kenny spotted the same trio again, except this time was a lot different. The girl was heavily intoxicated and being practically carried by the two men. "Larry, see that don't take your eyes off of them I am getting security," Kenny said as he rushed to the desk to get some help. After Kenny explained to the guard what he had seen, a flood of men in suits wearing ear pieces flooded the casino floor. Kenny and Larry watched from a distance as the trio was stopped and questioned. The two men started visibly becoming agitated as the girl was gently escorted away. One of the men took a swing at a guard and attempted to pull a weapon when he and his partner were thrown to the floor. A few seconds passed and the excitement ended with barely any inclination that anything just happened. Within minutes a guard in a suit came up to Kenny and Larry. "Mr. Harrington, I am Dirk Hollis chief of security do you have a few minutes to talk about what just happened," the guard said. Kenny agreed to go with the guard and told Larry he will meet him for Breakfast. Kenny followed Dirk into the Bowels of the Casino as they entered a large room with some couches and drinks. "I just want to thank you first hand for what just went down. Can I offer you something to drink, Scotch, vodka?" Kenny accepted his offer asked for some scotch. "Anyways we can't go into too many details but you are a hero. Those two men lit up any search we did on them they are two extremely dangerous so called recruiters for a large European sex slave ring. The girl was their latest target and was very drugged. They were minutes away from making that girl disappear forever," Dirk said to a humble Kenny. "I am just glad to have helped sir," Kenny said. After a handshake Dirk led Kenny out to the lobby and Kenny made his way back to his suite. The next day was filled with eight long hours of insurance seminars filled with mono-tone speakers and rubber chicken lunches. At the end of the day Kenny and Larry made their way back to their hotel and agreed to meet up in a few hours to finally hit the town and have a good night. Kenny stopped by the Hotels store to pick up a Ginger-ale. Kenny was looking forward to a power nap after a late night and long boring day. As Kenny opened the door to his suite he was met with a blast of an aerosol spray that rendered him unconscious within seconds. Kenny awoke to the stench of cheap cigar smoke being blown into his face, his head was pounding as he discovered his hands and feet were tied up. A bright flood light filled the room as he quickly came to. "Hello, Mr. Harrington, my name is Mato Gordsomowankvich and you caused me great stress last night" A loud heavily accented voice boomed from Kenny's side. "Your meddling cost me my two best men and a healthy piece of property. Twenty-five grand is twenty-five grand but my men are now facing life imprisonment because you couldn't mind your own affairs," Kenny was beyond scared, he attempted to scream but all that came out was a desperate gurgle. "Oh yes I should mention the spray you were given knocks you out for a mere five minutes but it has a fascinating side effect of rendering your voice box inert for a good hour. My men and my money you cost me dearly, in the old days I would have killed you with no problem. But this is 2015 and I have grown and you are worth more to me alive then dead. In a few minutes you will go to sleep again and when you awake we will discuss your penance." Kenny barely had time to register what was just said when he felt a sharp prick in his neck and his world was flooded in darkness. Approximately three hours later Larry and a security guard entered Kenny's suite stunned at the sight of the room extremely in a mess. The room was trashed and an empty syringe was laying on the ground. Another hour for the Vegas PD to show up and security to review surveillance footage. A quick field test of the syringe showed it contained Etorphine, a missing persons cased was opened. But after viewing the footage and what had transpired the night before it was the general consensus that Kenny was already being moved out of the country and he may already be dead. END OF PART 1 Don't Be a Hero PART 2 Forty-eight hours passed before Kenny was starting to regain consciousness. Dejected and upset Larry had already went back home to deliver the news to Kenny's Fianc? Katie. Kenny was flown on a private jet to a former eastern bloc country. As the drug's effects were wearing off Kenny started to regain some senses. He could smell mildew and hospital cleaner, lights would flicker around him periodically. He was tied down on at least three separate points on his body. As the cobwebs slowly lifted from his brain he could hear his captor start to greet him. "Ahh Kenny, remember me, it's me Mato. Welcome to my facilities." Kenny tried to struggle but it was futile. "Don't hurt yourself Kenny, we have much to discuss and I want you focused," Mato said. As Kenny's eyes opened for the first time he was greeted with the sight of a kind grandfatherly looking man he assumed was Mato his captor. Mato Gordsomowankvich was born in Post War Moldavia to a pretty well off family, during one of Stalin's red surges his Nation was suddenly thrust into the red Soviet rule. His family suffered immensely due to the Communist rule. On his 17th Birthday he was thrown out of his home for being too communist. He soon joined the Red Army and was quickly recruited into the KGB. During the 1970's and 80's Mato was a high ranking KGB official. When the Soviet Union fell Mato and most of his Comrades went into the Black Market. It started out with weapons, then electronics, caviar and finally human trafficking. Initially a very small player he rose in five short years to become one of the most powerful and notorious human traffickers in history. Kenny was paralyzed with fear, he knew he was going to die but he wished they would just get on with it and do it. Mato looked at Kenny with a big kind smile as a uniformed Nurse changed Kenny's IV Bag. "Well Kenny, I think it's time we had a little chat," Mato kindly said to a fearful Kenny. "Now we are at your penance, those two men were my grandsons. They will now rot in your American jail as they were just carrying out my business. To be fair they were obviously sloppy to be doing that on the Casino floor. Not even two years ago that girl would have already been inducted here before they even new she was missing. I guess my old heart got too soft and allowed them to continue being so sloppy. My industry has been suffering in the last five years due to more exposure, we all follow the same MO find them, drug them, hook them, sell them. Slowly we are being taken out of the business, a lot of my associates no longer operate. I still am here in fact with all my connections I found a foolproof way to stay in business and dominate it all," Mato said very frankly. "You see Kenny, the whole thing is sloppy pick up random girl and most end up dead before they even get here. A lot gain enough of their senses to hang themselves some just die from the drugs they ingest. So much money lost and nothing gained, then to add to the struggle my buyers are starting to become picky. Their tastes start to become more exotic, redheaded girls, certain shades of brown. They wanted their harems more diverse I guess. Either way some months I would not even break a profit, my grandsons were on their last trip. They both have a soft spot for innocent little mid-western girls, but you went and fucked that all up," Mato said raising his voice slightly. "Why am I here, what are you going to do with me?" Kenny meekly asked. Mato just chuckled at the question. "You my friend are one of the first people of the new future," Mato said with an evil glint in his eyes. Mato sat down beside Kenny, babbled something to his men and decided to reveal his master plan. "Finding you was easy Mr. Harrington, I have so many people on the payroll in Vegas. From a few random guards to many Valets I get what I want very quick. Cops I still have no control but usually my inside men can make anyone disappear but when a meddling idiot tourist interferes then it's all fucked up," Mato said as one of his men wheeled in a TV to the room. "Now Kenny we will have a glimpse into the future, yours, mine and your nations. When I was with the KGB during the mid eighties, we were having many issues with our agents being captured. They were being caught before they could do anything. We were continuously being foiled by biometrics, it was becoming very simple to catch a spy by simple genetic and physical markers. So the leadership ordered we find a way to completely disguise our agents at a genetic level. After five long years we had a breakthrough, of course by then funding was almost gone and the cold war was at an end. This technology was buried for the last twenty-five years until two years ago when I decided to re-acquire it," Mato said sounding almost excited. The technology itself was brilliant, it could rewrite an entire persons DNA effecting their appearance and genetic structure. In theory a five foot tall white man could become a six foot black man. It was highly imperfect, if the subject was not completely sedated the stress would certainly kill them, if the genetic code was not put in properly you had subjects with no anus or even worse major defects. When Mato's group re- acquired the formulas he spent a lot of money perfecting it to what he wanted it for. Initially he started to use it on kidnapped females, of course they looked different but they still were harder to break mentally. He wanted to have a lump of clay inside and out and nothing was allowing that to happen smoothly. In the spirit of Science Mato ordered that one of his more insolent men become the latest subject. He was wondering just how well his experiment would work, so he had his scientists create a custom made woman from a man. He chose everything from height and weight to measurements. What happened next surprised them all. As the subject was given the transfusion and the radiation was introduced, the mutations began to start. The subject is quickly sedated as the changes begin to start. It's impossible to clearly watch the transformation take place as the subjects own flesh becomes a cocoon as the changes are taking place. Massive amounts of waste is produced as the body reshapes itself, in approximately five days the changes are complete. With the first genetic Sex Change on the fifth day the subject gained consciousness as they were in a complete panicked state as they struggled to move out of their cocoon. When they finally emerged they were extremely agitated and scared, as soon as they were shown their new form they had a complete psychotic episode. They had become catatonic, the shock of a sudden and violent gender change had ceased any rational thought. After doing some experimenting they discovered they could brainwash the subject with a completely new personality complete with false memories and skills. The once insolent drunken man was now a sensual exotic Russian girl with some extreme loyalties to Mato. It was at that point Mato realized he was sitting on a gold mine, he could now offer custom built slaves. Any race, any personality and any skill he could give and there was no longer a need for the constant use of opiates. Plus the best part was that he could exclusively use men, change them with little to no attention versus girls. As Mato explained this to Kenny, Kenny became scared by the second praying for death to happen instead of this. Mato was becoming almost giddy as he was about to explain to Kenny what was going to happen next. "So I think you now know what your penance will be Kenny. My sons wanted to make you into a dumb bimbo as you call it, addicted to cock. I almost agreed but then I figured how is that true penance you would be messed up at first but then live a blissful life sucking some rich sheiks cock. So you are going to be turned into a girl, a real cutie let's say a Texas girl. You were trying to be a cowboy with saving that girl let's make you a cowgirl. Cute little accent incredibly beautiful and my new recruiter. My little cowgirl letting men pick you up on the Vegas strip sending them to their fates as one of my Slaves. To make it even more fitting at the end of each week you will get a call giving you a moment to remember who you once were and remembering every man you sent to be transformed," Mato said almost as evil as a cheesy Bond villain. Kenny was in complete panic mode as he just digested at what he was told. "Please sir, I promise I won't tell anyone please just don't do this I never meant to hurt you or your family..." Kenny said while crying. Mato glared at him "Take your penance like a man, I offer you ten years of servitude, after I will release you to freedom. Don't fuck with me on this Kenny, I know all about you. Unless you want Katie to be blowing a sheik by next Friday I would just let it happen. Mato said with a frightening scowl in his voice. Kenny nodded in defeat as a giant bag of fluid was being hooked into his IV. His arm suddenly felt like it was on fire as the serum started to enter his blood stream, he began to scream as the pain started to become more intense. Within seconds the sedative was given and Kenny drifted off into a long sleep. Five days had passed, Kenny Harrington was no more. After being injected with the serum and exposed to the radiation Kenny's body rapidly metamorphosed into its new form. With his skin forming a cocoon his flesh and bones twisted and turned into a young gorgeous woman. It was roughly around noon on the fifth day when Kenny started to regain consciousness, it was no more than thirty seconds after waking when Kenny started to freak out. He desperately started to claw his way out of his former flesh. It was like being trapped inside a leather sack. Finally after discovering his former mouth he pulled and yanked until he tore it open and emerged from his horrible cocoon. As predicted as he emerged he immediately noticed two firm and perky C cup breasts hanging from his chest. A loud scream filled the room as he squeezed them in disbelief. While screaming he instinctively grabbed for his penis, he was met with a soft mound and two very pronounced labial lips as he discovered his new vulva. A full length mirror appeared in front of him as he saw his new form for the first time. He immediately as predicted went into a full breakdown sobbing and screaming. He lost all thought as his mind rapidly shut down. Kenny was moved to the conditioning room as his eyes were fixed open as his new life was about to be programmed into him. As Kenny was being transformed his new life story and identity was being created. Kenny Harrington ceased to exist as the first drops of the serum entered his bloodstream as the changes began a girl was being created on paper. Whitney Forman was born 1994 in Plano Texas to Duke and Sally Forman. Both parents died in 2014 during a flash flood, Whitney had no siblings. Whitney was employed as a promotional hostess for Matovich technologies in Las Vegas Nevada. Of course Whitney never existed Matovich technologies was a front for Mato and Kenny was soon going to be Whitney. 48 hours later complete with fake home movies and stories and personality quirks Whitney was almost ready. During the last stages of the brainwashing a sedative was being slowly introduced into Whitney's bloodstream to help finalize the process. While this was all happening a suite was being decorated and filled with personal memento's, clothes and random possessions of Whitney Forman. A 32nd floor luxury Condo in the heart of Las Vegas was Whitney's home all paid for by her employer Matovich Technologies. When the Brainwashing was completed Whitney was moved onto the Private Jet and immediately flown to Las Vegas to begin her new life. The sun was shining in her eyes as she slowly awoke, Whitney sighed as she got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to relieve herself. She sighed again annoyed at just how early she had woken up again. She had another late night entertaining potential clients and just had went to bed three hours prior. She had a day of meetings with some potential new clients at noon and then out onto the strip to show off Matovich's newest toys to try to entice some rich investors. She made herself a cup of coffee as she turned on the morning news ready to start her day. Of course none of that was real, in fact Whitney was placed in her bed not even thirty minutes prior to her waking up. Anything she remembers experiencing up until the point of her waking up are all false memories. Every aspect of her life was created and no one except Mato's organization knew any different. Tonight was a test to see just how well everything worked, Whitney had no idea of what she had been programmed to do but she will find a target and subdue him to be changed just like she was. Mato was in Vegas as well watching her from a distance hoping everything was going to go off without a hitch. After her coffee Whitney decided it was time to get ready, she drew a bath and got in. She ran her hands up her legs feeling some stubble she went and started to shave her legs. A quick check of her Vagina she shaved there too just to keep everything smooth and clean. After shaving and washing her hair she dried off and went to polish her toe nails. Pearly Pink was her favorite color and she was making sure every little detail was perfect. Mato was watching her via the hidden cameras incredibly impressed at the behavior of the former Kenny. Everything was perfect according to him and he couldn't wait to field test Whitney that night. After applying her makeup and doing her hair Whitney made her way down to the lunch meeting she has had booked for the last three weeks. She was damn good at her job showing the newest and greatest novelties and toys out from her company. She delivered an expert presentation to her potential clients and even gained a few new sales. She was excited and could not wait until that night to show off some of the toys on the strip. Mato was brilliantly evil, he had been messing with cheesy toys and novelties that would appeal to most tourists on the strip. By using Whitney to sell them and as well to use her to recruit new girls it was win win for him. So far Whitney was meeting and exceeding all expectations he couldn't wait until tonight for her true test. It was roughly around eleven that night when Whitney started to wind down her showing off on the strip. It was such an easy job go out flirt with some guys some show cool gadgets and go home. She was just finishing her last demonstration when he caught her eye. He was a typical douche bag, loud obnoxious and trying desperately to be just like Bradley Cooper. Whitney saw him and she immediately knew what she wanted. It didn't take much she started acting like a love struck teenage girl flirting intensely with him, he seemed really into it. With her cute high Texas Drawl she whispered in his ear, "Why don' t y'all come up to my suite for night cap sugar." He grinned but hesitated. Whitney acting on pure compulsion rubbed his dick through his shorts and she started to grind against his knee with her aching pussy. The guy got a huge grin on his face as Whitney led him towards her room. They started making out intensely on her couch as she was becoming wetter by the second. He was gently rubbing her tits as she moaned in pleasure, she was ready and wanted his hard cock inside of her. He entered her slowly as she gasped in pure ecstasy he started fucking her very hard as she was squeezing his cock with her tight pussy. She pushed him off, pushed him on the bed and started to ride his hard cock. As he lay there in pure unadulterated pleasure, Whitney moved her hand gently to under her mattress where she grabbed a syringe full of Etorphine. Acting on pure instinct she jabbed the guy in the neck and watched him quickly pass out. The second he passed out Whitney was rewarded with an intense orgasm. She quickly got off of him and made her way to clean up in her bathroom, meanwhile two of Mato's men grabbed the unconscious guy and proceeded to escort him to Mato's new facility in the desert where he was about to become a toy for a very Rich Eastern European gangster. Whitney had no idea what had just transpired as she went to bed she had memories of a cuddle with the guy and him having to leave. She had no idea what she had done or what was done to her lover. Mato watched from a distance incredibly pleased with what had transpired. END OF PART 2

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My Hero Mind Control

It was official. My first day at U.A. It had been my dream to come to U.A. Something I had wanted for so long. However... the problem was my quirk. Due to the way that the entrance exams worked, I wouldn't have gotten in to the Hero course under normal circumstances. However I got in through a recommendation... that I obtained by using my power. As such, Class 1-A all the way. I suppose I should explain. My power is called "Trigger Happy". For as long as I am making eye contact with someone, I...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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A super hero story

YES! It has finally happened. You have finally received the call that you have been waiting over two years for. For the last two years you have been a super hero in the sprawling metropolis of ‘the city’. You have patrolled the streets stopped crimes, helped people, thwarted super criminals , rescued kittens from trees and you have done it all with your customary boat load of style. It is the hope of every super hero to get the call you just did, you have finally been given the opportunity to...

2 years ago
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Dont be a hero

Don't be a hero Why is my wonderful friend Josie dating a meathead like Brian Bates? Josie wants me to stay out of it, but I can't resist being a hero. ***** Josie was the girl down the road, and had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. Apart from being boy and girl, we were extremely similar. I was a bit of an outcast, but I was pretty good at school, especially maths and science type subjects, and I liked to read. I also liked exploring outdoors and riding my...

3 years ago
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My Hero Academia Thicker Than Water

The door to the warehouse groaned loudly as it was lifted. Light poured in, filling the dark interior. A lone figure stepped inside. *Izuku Midoriya, 15 years old. UA High School student and aspiring hero. Hero name: "Deku" *Quirk: One For All. Passed down from his mentor All-Might, One For All grants Deku immense strength. However, his body can't handle it at full power yet, forcing him to either use it sparingly or limit the intensity. The young man frowned as he glanced around at...

2 years ago
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Accidental Hero Chapter 4 Symphony

I explained to the various people who wanted to talk to me about the explosion that I had school on Monday and that, with their permission, I would make myself available after classes. That seemed to satisfy them. The Fire Marshall said he would meet me at the school at four o'clock and we could do the interview there. I wasn't so sure that was a great idea, but I was too tired to argue. I just wanted to get all this over with. Fire Marshall Craig Dullins showed up just as he had promised...

4 years ago
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Hero Mom

Hero Momby PakeldLeon Davidov landed with the rest of the scientists in the Gyrocopter, along with rest of the staff (those who weren't working grave shift). It was another 'perfect' day in the desert of Kazakhstan, in 'Science City #31). Hot, dry, and already too bright, many people had already put on their sunglasses.He was a dutiful Party member, blond and slightly muscular, a little shy, but whip-smart and a good problem solver. He tended to put in a maximum of science and a minimum of...

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My Hero

MY HERO by Rachel Ann Cooper © 1998 Story may be archived for personal use only. May not be re-posted to any site, pay of free without permission. Since this story ?turns' on a promise concerning Halloween, it seemed an appropriate time to submit it. Roger and I have been pals since the 6th grade when he transferred in from Castle Shannon. By his standard, ours was a big town and for some reason, we seemed to hit it off right away. We spent a lot of time together...

1 year ago
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True Love With My Forbidden Super Hero 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, this is Shweta with the second part of my story. I’ve got huge responses from readers for my first story and I am very happy about that. First of all I would like to apologize because I couldn’t reply to some of you, but I am writing the second part of my story for all of you. Keep reading my stories and post your suggestions, that would help me narrating you my life. For new readers, I would suggest you to please read first part of this story .. Continues…… I looked at the clock it...

3 years ago
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Cost of a Hero 3

This weekend I'm releasing CoaH 4&5 on my patreon to different tiers... so I guess it's time to release chapter 3 for everyone else! |_| Let me know your thoughts! Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is...

4 years ago
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PterisChapter 2 Recruiting A Hero

Daniel started. “All my life I have been a nerd. While in college, I was a charter member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. I fenced in high school, and when the SCA was founded, I expanded into all sorts of medieval weaponry. I became super nerd.” “When I was a little older than you are now, I was recruited,” he paused for effect, “by a smooth talking guy who said that my knowledge could be put to rewarding uses. I could never have known how rewarding! And now, I’m going to recruit...

3 years ago
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The Absent HeroChapter 6 Carl

Damn, I thought I was home free. There had been nothing mentioned about the accident for the first few days after we got back from Florida, nothing in the papers, radio or the newscasts that I saw. That is until today. The Westfield Sentinel had a front page story about the accident along with a mention of a reward being offered to the person who saved the Westfield Academy's Girl's Basketball team. The reward was about $25,000.00 which the school, the insurance company and even some of the...

3 years ago
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Return of an Earth Hero Aftermath

Maggie looked around the large room as women seated themselves in various groups, quietly talking among themselves. She could hear snippets of conversation here and there as she walked among the different groups. Of course this was being broadcast all over Cassandra. This was the second most important topic, if not the most important topic, of any conversation on the whole planet at the time. It concerned the Heroes of Earth; that made it a prime subject. Administrators, archivists,...

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My Personal Hero

My Personal Hero By RogerGirl "Mom, can you help me with something?" my older son asks calling to me from his room. "What is it, honey?" I ask as I come in his room. "I don't want you to freak out or anything, but can you dress me up like you?" he asks nervously. "You want me to dress you up like a woman?" I ask a little surprised. Jake has never shown any interest in cross-dressing before and he had a girlfriend, so I admit I am a little confused. Maybe he's been...

4 years ago
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My Hero Academia

The world we live in is inhabited by beings with amazing powers. The people of our world are born with a "quirk" that gives them super powers. Being born without a quirk is extremely rare. Thanks to quirks, the career that we've all dreamed of as kids is finally a reality. Anyone can be a superhero! Being a hero is the number one career choice in the world. But one Hero stands out among them all. The Hero who faces danger with a smile on his face. The number one Hero, All Might! Super strength,...

2 years ago
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The Hero

You are the Hero in this story. A renowned crime fighter in New York City. You have dealt with some of the worst villains in your time. Yet you always come out on top. You're experienced and served as a super crime fighter for about five years. You're a thin guy, but you've got innate superstrength. Your real name is Kyle Katarn. Mega rich, you inherited vast sums of wealth. The CEO of a successful international corporation, you control the company, delegating work so you can be the Hero. You...

4 years ago
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A Heros Return Pt 02

War savagely changes everything. "Mom, god, answer the phone, pick up, pick up.""Stacy honey is that you? You sound scared to death, what's wrong?""It's dad mom, he's been injured, he's hurt bad, real bad."My heart stopped. "How do you know Stacy? What's happened to him? Where is he?" I felt like I was going to pass out."He's over there, in Afghanistan. The army called me. They said something about a roadside bomb explosion and dad's Humvee was caught in the middle of it.""Oh god No!" I...

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True Love With My Forbidden Super Hero 8211 Part 5

Hi I am Shweta with the next part of my story, i’ve been married to amit and I am on honeymoon with him, that was a real hot experience for me. Keep reading my stories and post your feedbacks. Continues… I woke up in the morning, the huge bed was fully decorated with flowers . I was feeling like a newly wed wife, I could not still get out from the shock of getting married to amit, it was so quick that I was just obeying to what was happening with me. Anyhow I was happy that amit loved me very...

2 years ago
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The Hero

The Hero By Margaret Jeanette Cindy Bronson was exhilarated. It was her wedding day. They were at the reception afterward and he had just left her to go to the bathroom. She was thirty-one and had thought for awhile that she would never get married. Then she met Robert and it was a whirlwind courtship and now they were married. Her sister Lorna came to talk to her. She knew Lorna didn't care for him because he didn't pay a lot of attention to her. She was used to being the center...

4 years ago
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Masked Hero MindSwap

Masked Hero Mind-Swap by Throne "I'm really glad you accepted me as your sidekick, Shadow Cape," the young woman said. "Just keep in mind that this is only a probationary trial," the tall costumed figure told her. "And please just call me Shadow." "Don't worry," she said. "I won't let you down... Shadow." He wasn't so sure about that. The female who called herself Yellow Bird was only eighteen, with no experience in the hero business. While he boasted enhanced strength and...

2 years ago
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My Hero

I had a small house in a quiet neighborhood. Much different than the crowded city where I grew up. My neighbors mostly kept to themselves. An older couple on one side and a single mother with two teens on the other side. The kids were no problem, mostly everyone just waved in passing. As I said, a quiet neighborhood, no problems, until Saturday night. I'd gone out on the back deck about 8 pm. No particlar reason, mostly to enjoy the cooler evening air after a warm day. I had a t shirt and...

4 years ago
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A Reluctant HeroChapter 11

December 12, 2013, 1645 hours, 3.7 miles west of Bonner's Ferry, Idaho Josh spotted activity on the road between the town and their position. He had Molly lay down. Both removed their guns from safe keeping. They watched as the dark green vehicle flew across the river's flood plain towards the buildings below them. Josh observed it closely as it approached. His heart was pounding. Had they been spotted? The vehicle was definitely military, but whose? It looked vaguely like a Jeep, except...

4 years ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 11 Home Town Hero

I was lifting weights before school when my phone rang. I got off the leg press, to let Wolf have his turn. I answered the phone. "This is David." "Morning, stud," Missy said. "What's up?" "I have some bad news. I can't come up this weekend." "I was looking forward to seeing you. How come you can't make it?" "It's a family thing. Something came up, and I have to go home. Can I call you next week, and set something up?" "You bet." "Great, I'll talk to you next...

3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 14 A New Hero

I was sorta expecting it, but it was still a surprise the first time an Earth Hero came through our bank. We had quite a few men who wanted to be crew on our warships and earn some easy money but could not swim, and I had to have something for them to do. I set four of them up as pairs of bank guards so that if anything happened one could continue to watch while the other went for help. One pair had the mornings and the other pair had the afternoons. I still remembered the bank at Long Cut...

1 year ago
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The Sissification of a Hero

Izuku Midoriya loved being a hero. He loved saving people with a smile and giving strength to the weak. He loved the feeling of doing something great and the happiness that followed from the people around him. Something he did not love however was paperwork. Sadly however, with great responsibility comes a great amount of paper-work. Especially if you're the number one hero with your own hero agency. Izuku groaned loudly and put the pen down as he finished his fourth damage report of the day....

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Herakles the Hero

Kalliste Periakes was humming to herself as she pushed through the door of the bar. "The Cubs need pitching," she announced to everyone in the bar... She was a young-looking woman with a thick mass of black hair, wide eyes and a generous mouth. Today she was wearing a Chicago Cubs jersey and jeans, not the usual attire for a graduate student at Northwestern University. "Amen, sister," one man said. "The starting pitching looked pretty good, but the relievers..." He shook his head sadly...

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Welcome to Hero Academy

You stare down at the jailhouse commander. He looks your sandy brown hair and matching brown eyes over. Your hand buckled under two metal cuffs into a position where you couldn't jut out. You stare at the commander as he bears down upon you in the storage room of the small towny jailhouse. "John you know damn well I didn't want to catch you stealing from Mr. Timms local grocery store." The man said wearing basic cop wear, a cheaply produced blue t-shirt with a rusted badge above his heart. "I...

2 years ago
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Dont Be Afraid

Introduction: A sister strives to help her twin heal from past trauma Bang! I jumped at the sound of a slamming door. I saw my twin sister Danielle standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes. I fell to my knees as I realized that Daddy was gone. She had been at the hospital with our mother, but if she was back, it meant Aunt Trudy had brought her home to tell me the news. I had refused to go. I couldnt bear to see him like that. We were only 7 years old, and little did we know that...

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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 6

Following the Mayor’s suggestion, Mike and Erica decided to spend the night in Kevin’s house. According to the law as pronounced by the Mayor, it was their property. There wasn’t much in the house; just a bed, a table, two chairs, a chest, and some cooking equipment. The shed outside had the tools for running a small farm. The real value of the farm was in the livestock. After looking around the little shack, Erica opened the chest and looked at the contents. There was some cloth, a bundle...

4 years ago
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HomeTown Hero Ch 02

Read the first chapter if you haven’t already, this will make a lot more sense. This chapter is a little shorter than the first, due to the need for character introduction, etc in the first chapter. Hopefully subsequent chapters will be a little longer than this one, but I am aiming for more numerous, shorter chapters than a few massive ones. I think it is easier to read, easier to keep your place in the story if you don’t read it all in one go, and it means less waiting in between installments...

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Her Hero

I couldn’t sleep. I had been trying for what seemed like hours. So, I went for a walk to the park, hoping that would allow me to checkmate the sandman. That’s when I came upon the situation. A guy and a girl in what seemingly looked like an argument. Finding myself not ready to return home yet, I decided to eavesdrop on the squabble. From what I gathered he was her boyfriend and wanted a piece of her ‘teasing’ ass, as he so quaintly put it. I thought to myself, ‘I don’t blame him.’ The girl...

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All characters in this story are over twenty one except the baby. Morton Franks was out for his Sunday walk. He liked the peace and quiet of the neighborhood on Sunday. His route took him around the park and then down Oak Street. He was a mile from his house when he saw the smoke. The smoke was coming from a small house set back off the road. As he approached a woman came screaming out of the front door followed by a blast of smoke and flame. ‘My baby! My baby!’ she screamed, ‘I can’t find my...

1 year ago
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Hannahs Hero Ch 05

Welcome to Part 5 of the Hannah’s Hero tale. The same warnings about content given in Part 1 still apply, of course. I love reading your comments! I’d like to take a second to tell everyone that, though this work is inspired by what my own younger sister and her husband have had to endure, it is a work of fiction. I know that I am not accurately portraying the internal workings of the military, that’s not the focus of this story. My intent is to honor our veterans and their families, not to...

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Eddie the Hero

Blond and balding, divorced and ready to give up on women, Eddie Cox closed his toolbox and walked out of the computer room of the small branch of Albion United Bank, swallowing the last of a tomato sandwich. He stopped abruptly, a shotgun pointed at his belly. ‘Who are you?’ asked the gunman, blue eyes looking coldly through eye slits in his hood. ‘The computer guy,’ Eddie croaked. ‘I don’t know the combination to the bank’s safe.’ ‘Of course you don’t,’ snarled the gunman. ‘It’s on a time...

2 years ago
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How I met my hero or The adventures of Super Slut

You want to know, how I met your dad? Well, I warn you, that's a complicated one. And it ´s messy! To be honest, at some points, it won´t show your mother in the best light, and you might think I am kind of slutty and all, but I taught you to be honest and accurate, which means I have to be it too. There might be a lot of sex in it as well. Yeah I know, that's nothing kids want to her about her mother, but you´re adults now and maybe you learn a thing or two from it. Hey, don't cover your ears....

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A Robin Hoe Hero 1

It all started when Robin posted this picture in his faceb**k status, one night: As we all know, the famous social media platform is used for people of all kinds to connect and share content; Robin was just one of the millions of them. But what made him decide to share this photo and its story on faceb**k was going to launch something of a magnitude that he never could have forseen coming. He was the kind of guy that othe rmen considered lucky; somehow, his timing very often allowed him to be...

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MotorcycleHero I

This story is like one half of a twin. You can read either one first, itdoesn't really matter as there is no logical order. And yes, this storycontains male-male sex, and no, you do not find that offensive, neither isit i*****l for you to read this otherwise you wouldn't be here, and what amI still slowing you down for, just... enjoy.Motorcycle-Hero I,by Willie Hewes"Hey!""Huh? oh, sorry I...""Well you don't have to jump like that, I only said hi.""Uh, hi""You like it?""Yeah, it's...

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Mothers Hero

Madhav had been away at college for nine months, as it was his final year of engineering education at IIT Delhi. During this time, his mother used to call him almost daily on his Reliance mobile phone. Madhav has become very close to his mother Sarita after the death of his father. Her phone calls were full of love and longing to meet him and glowing expectations about his final results.Now as he was returning home with good marks and a placement with a leading technology firm in their R&D...

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The Heart Of A Hero

With all of the superhero stories going around, I thought that I'd try my hand at one, with a bit of a different twist. Enjoy......... Raven The Heart of a Hero The wound . . . was . . . quite fatal. Lois Lane lay in a pool of her own arterial blood. "I'll . . . go for help," whispered Jimmy Olson, trying to ease her pain. He knew that in his heart of hearts it wouldn't do any good. Still, he had to do something. "It'll be okay." Jimmy started to rise to go. Lois'...

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Carnival of Mirrors Hero

This is my third Carnival of Mirrors tale. The others, also available on fictionmania, are: Carnival of Mirrors: Four Fates. Carnival of Mirrors: Generations. Like those, this one is a standalone tale. You don't have to have read them to follow this tale, but if you enjoy this one you'll probably enjoy them, too. If you like stories with a World War II setting you might also like my story: Mantra: Day of the Storm God Most of that one is set in Berlin during the final...

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Angel S1 E16 Season One Finale The Hero and the Terror Part II

Angel S:1 E:16 Season One Finale "The Hero and the Terror Part II" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover --- Acknowledgments Back in August of 2013, I began writing my first ideas that had been occupying my mind for years. Looking back to that night, seated in front of my computer when I began typing "Angel's" first couple words, I never thought it would become something to so many people. After several revisions I finally reached...

4 years ago
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Return Of An Earth Hero

Kathrine gasped as she sat up in the bed. It's too soon, he couldn't have rescued her and returned already she thought to herself. She spoke to the room, "Lights please." She quickly rose, dressed, and moved toward the door. I'll meet him at the portal, since this was his second rescue he still may not be sure of what to do. I'll have both of them checked in the healing chamber and then take Ava Foreman to the bedroom. Then I'll have Jimmy wait in the den. It just seems to be too soon....

2 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 6 A Hero

The next morning Arron woke early, bathed and dressed in his light leather armor. He walked down to the common room for breakfast and was saluted by the desk sergeant. "Good morning, sir." "Good morning, Jerros." There was a noise outside so Arron walked to the main entrance and opened the doors. He was greeted by a loud cheer. A crowd was quickly gathering; people pushed forward, patted him on the back and shook his hands. He was about to step back through the door when Jerina rushed...

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The Absent HeroChapter 7 Rachel

"How are you Princess?" I heard in my ear after saying hello. Was it him? It sounded like him, but I've had a couple of crank calls in the last year so I wasn't sure. "Who is this?" I asked. "It's your friendly Spiderman Princess, or should I say the Chubby Hippoman, or the Whaleman or the walrus, pig, Sasquatch, clumsy oaf, the Beast, twinkle toes or my favorite, Quasimodo. You did call me Einstein and Genius as well but I don't think you meant them as compliments." he...

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HeroChapter 2

Mallory French sat on the side of his bed for close to an hour - holding his hand. He gripped her hand tightly when the demons came back to haunt his memory. The demons kept trying to claim the girls again as he saw them in the car crying, gulping the dirty water as they screamed to him for help. He snatched them away from the demons of death and took them to their momma. He felt good and slept with the pretty woman’s hand, holding his hand. Marc rested peacefully for the first time since he...

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