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Guising by miss circe AUTHOR'S NOTE: When I was little, growing up in Scotland, we called Trick or Treating "Guising." I'm not sure it fits for the story, but I've always liked the triple pun, so there! -------------------------------------------------- Lizzie crouched in the narrow doorway, hiding from the heavy rain. She rubbed her bare arms and stuck her head out from under the awning, glancing this way and that up the cobbled alleyway. The gas lamps spluttered and flickered in the wet night and the pools of light they created only helped make the alley even less appealing. There were no tricks in this weather. The other girls had gone back, figuring that a slap and a row were better than to be soaked through. Lizzie had less choice - she had a bigger debt to pay. She pulled the lacy sleeve of the heavy sodden dress down over the worst of her scars. "Sod this," she thought to herself, and made a break for it, picking up her skirts and running as quick as she dared over the uneven cobbles towards the theatre district. She reached the end of the alley and stopped abruptly as she almost collided with a battered black carriage. "Watch it!" she yelled at the driver, who didn't even turn in her direction. "Someone could get killed." A gloved hand drew back a thick velvet curtain inside the carriage and produced a shilling with a flourish. Hesitantly, Lizzie reached out and took it with a slight bob and curtsey. "Thank you sir," she said. "Why don't you come in from the rain?" The voice emanated from inside the carriage as the door sprung open and a set of metal steps clicked into place. Lizzie didn't even think. The promise of shelter and money would be a success on any night, never mind a night such as this. She hiked up her skirts and climbed into the dark carriage, closing the door behind her. There was a flash of steel in the dark. * * * * * "Good morning!" Lady Vivien Bracknell swept into the room with a flourish, tugging back the heavy velvet curtains and bathing the room in the pale autumn light of morning. There was a heavy groan from the bed, and the frantic shifting of bedclothes. "Come now Giles, you should be up and about." The formidable woman grabbed the top of the sheet and pulled forcefully downwards, revealing her young, and very naked, son. "Mother, do you mind?" he asked, scrabbling to cover himself - the warmth and comfort of sleep forgotten. "Darling, there is nothing about you that is a surprise to me. I have seen it all," she replied, throwing a linen shirt towards him. "Now get up and dressed. We're having guests at lunch, and I'd like you to look your best." Giles took the shirt and tugged it over his head as he swung his bare legs out of the bed. He reached under the bed frame and took out a porcelain pot. "More men who served with father, here to pay their respects no doubt," he said, as he began urinating. "Actually no. Miss Emma..." "Oh God, this tiresome party!" "Miss Emma," she continued, louder, "is coming to help us plan this Hallowe'en party you wanted." "You wanted." "Darling, we have had a party for Hallowe'en since you were a child. I see no sense stopping now. It will be nice to see people socially for a change." His mother snatched the pot away from him when he had finished and turned to leave. "Miss Emma is a nice young lady, and you should be more agreeable to her. I'll give this to the Tanners." Giles sat and watched his mother leave, and the door close behind her voluminous skirts. He sighed, pulling on his trousers and tucking the shirt into them. * * * * * Mr. Crouch worked by candlelight, the heavy smells of lime and urine in the air. The body under his fingers was still warm from the water bath, but shapeless - having been pulverised just hours before. He worked methodically, kneading the skin in the putrid solution. It felt soft and yielding under his fingers. Satisfied, he gathered the hide in his hands and removed it from the copper bath, moving over to a large table, and splaying the skin out before rubbing it with cedar oil. Mr Crouch was an expert - the skin had no tears and was not stretched. It felt soft and would tan well. "Mr. Crouch," a voice called from the darkness. "How are we proceeding?" The old tanner looked up into the shadows, his hands automatically continuing to massage the oil into the pale hairless skin. "Just need to stretch her overnight and she's yours." "Excellent," the voice replied, appraising the old man's work. "Absolutely excellent." A small velvet bag of coin was dropped noisily onto the table as the stranger walked off into the night. * * * * * "Well, it absolutely must be a masquerade!" Giles gazed at the young poppet sitting across from him as she gushed enthusiastically. Emma Woodhouse was definitely pretty - of that there was no doubt. Her large eyes, small up-turned nose and pouting lips gave her face both a girlishness and an aristocratic look that was very appealing. Her complexion was almost white, and she wore very little makeup - much to the envy of other girls within her social circle. Her crowning feature, Giles thought, were the voluminous curls of strawberry blond hair that framed her face, and bounced as she talked excitedly. He smiled to himself for a moment as he realised she had dressed for him. She was wearing a green and white dress that he had commented favourably on previously, but was obviously too light for the autumn season. He had liked it as it gave a singularly good view of her generous bosom - Emma usually preferring less daring necklines. "What do you think, Giles?" Lady Bracknell asked, her voice emphasized to pull him out of his character study. "Yes, of course," he agreed, not entirely sure what he was agreeing to. "An animal theme it is," Emma pronounced, happily clapping her dainty hands together. "Oh, good," Giles agreed weakly. There was an awkward silence, broken by the distant church bells tolling the hour. "If that's everything for now," Emma said standing up and straightening her skirts, "I really should go. I have a pianoforte lesson." "Darling, thank you so much. You are a dear. Isn't she, Giles?" "Yes. Dear," he smiled weakly. Lady Bracknell pulled the slip of a girl into a hug. "Don't mind him, he got out on the wrong side of bed. He's very pleased to see you," she whispered. Giles offered the girl his arm and escorted her towards the door. "Are you looking forward to the party?" Emma asked. Giles thought for a moment. "Yes, actually. Yes I am. Thank you for everything." "You're very welcome," she replied, taken aback by his sudden enthusiasm. "Is there any animal you would like me to come as?" Giles smiled as they walked, lost in thought until he reached the door. "Emma, I'm sure you will be delightful whatever animal you are. However, you would be an especially lovely rabbit." "A rabbit?" she asked in mock shock. "Why, maybe..." "Maybe?" "Maybe," she said in a whisper, "we could be rabbits together!" "Maybe so." Giles kissed her hand and opened the door. "Give my best to your brother," he added as the girl left with a smile on her face. * * * * * Mr. Slant worked by daylight, maximizing the dull autumn light through his large shop windows. His fingers were nimble as he sewed, attaching the stiff fabric to the rigid steel stays. It was a curious order, to be sure, but he was used to the unusual, and this was not the first time for this particular customer. The corset was almost complete, and Mr. Slant was pleased with his work. The steel curved and swept in an impressive hourglass figure from just under the bust to well below the waist. But it was the thickness that he was most pleased with - the steel struts were slimmer than usual, but more numerous. However, the garment didn't end there. Unusually, it sat much higher on the chest, with two circular holes where the breasts would lie. At the base it included two thin steel suspenders, which led to a band to encircle each thigh. Around the outside of this band, and the circle surrounding the bust, eyelets had been added. It had been an interesting project, and different from the usual standard fare. He had also been paid very handsomely for his trouble. * * * * * Emma sat in her chambers, brushing her hair as she counted to one hundred. The green and white dress of earlier had been cast off, and lay in a neglected puddle on the floor, the hated corset on top of it, her white stockings on top of that. She had felt so silly wearing the dress, but so sure that Giles liked it. Liked looking at her bosom, she corrected herself. Sixty-three. Sixty-four. She was really not sure about Giles. He was such a handsome boy, but so maddening. So changeable: Flirty and sweet one minute, cold and distant the next. A rabbit though! That would be fun. She would get some darling ears made, and a little pom-pom tail for her bottom. She wriggled her nose excitedly. "Twenty-three, Forty-five, Eleven." A voice called from her doorway. Exasperated, Emma slammed the brush down on the dressing table. "Robert, you really are a pig." "It always surprises me, dear sister, that you can count that high." Robert Woodhouse strode confidently into his sister's room, his eyes flickering down to the pile of clothes on the floor. "And so tidy." "Oh, be quiet," Emma replied, returning to the mirror and her brushing. "Giles Bracknell was asking after you today. Do you owe him money?" "Giles, no, not that I know of. Where did you see Giles?" he asked, sitting down lightly on her perfumed bed. "I was there, today. Helping with their Hallowe'en party. Will you come, or do you have dark deeds to attend to?" "Dark deeds I'm sure," he said absently, tilting his head. "Oh no, I'll be there. What's the theme?" "Animals!" Emma said delightedly, swivelling on her chair to face her brother. "I'm going as a rabbit." "Not a dog?" he asked with a smirk. "You should go as a pig. Or a snake." Emma replied, sticking her tongue out. "Maybe so." "Do come though, I know he'd love to see you. You were so close before." Emma stood, fussing with her nightgown. "You never know, you may be brothers in law before long." "Maybe so," he repeated, standing and stepping back from the bed with a grand gesture. "We need to find you a girl so you can pester her when you can no longer pester me. Although," she added, pulling back the covers and swinging in to the warmed bed, "I don't know of anyone who would take you." "Oh, I've got a girl. Didn't I say?" "You do? Who is she?" Excitedly, Emma sat up in the bed. "You must tell me everything immediately!" "Her name's Elizabeth. We met at the Gray's party last month. If you must know." "What's she like? Is she pretty?" "She's handsome. Slender. Dark. I suppose..." "You suppose! Your romance skills are lacking. I'm sure she's a poppet." Emma playfully swiped her brother. "Bring her to the party! Giles won't mind I'm sure. I can meet her then." "Well... I was going to suggest you could meet her and choose a party outfit together. If you like?" "Oh Robert, I'd love to. Wonderful." Emma clapped her hands together. "What about tomorrow? No. Thursday! In the afternoon. Can she meet me in the Ivy at eleven?" "I'm sure she can," Robert said. "I'll let you know. Be nice to her Em. I don't want her thinking badly of this family." "I promise," she replied, lying back down and closing her eyes. "That's wonderful Robert, it's taken so long." "Yes," Robert said, pausing on his way out to pick up the discarded stockings and stuff them down the front of his trousers. "Yes it has." * * * * * The Ivy was bustling when Emma arrived. She smiled breathlessly as she entered, unfastening the top button of her coat as she walked towards the ma?tre d'. "Miss Emma," he began, bowing his head a little, "how lovely to see you again." "And you. I believe my brother's ladyfriend is meeting me here, when she arrives can you show her to my table." "Oh, she is already here," he replied, turning and gesturing at a small table in the centre of the restaurant. The girl at the table was definitely nervous. Her long black hair was covering her face as she sat, hunched over her tea. Her clothes too were very conservative - her dress, Emma could see, was a dark brown and covered the girl from the throat to the ankle. Excellent, Emma thought. A project. "Hello," Emma said brightly. "You must be Elizabeth!" The girl looked up, smiled and stood, smoothing down the front of her dress awkwardly. "Hello," she said in a small voice, "Emma." "It's lovely to meet you. Robert has told me almost nothing about you," Emma joked as she sat, flashing the girl another winning smile. "I love your dress." "Thank you. You too, you're so very pretty," the girl replied, causing Emma to blush. She was pretty, Emma decided, but so very pale - almost white. Her skin looked very soft. Emma had to fight the urge to reach out to touch her. She wore makeup, but only around the eyes, her lips and some rouge to give her cheeks colour. Emma was sure that they had met before, but had no idea where. "Well," she said, sitting back in her seat. "Have you any ideas what animal you want to be for the Hallowe'en party?" "Animal?" the girl asked. "Robert didn't say there was a theme." "My brother is pathologically useless. Yes, it's animals. I'm going as a rabbit with floppy ears, a tail and a twitchy nose." Emma wriggled her nose to demonstrate, causing Elizabeth to smile. "Ah, there it is. What a pretty smile." "Thank you," the girl replied, crawling back into her shell. "Oh don't hide away," Emma encouraged, reaching out her hand and brushing Elizabeth's hair behind her ear. "See, that's better. I think you'd make a delightful cat. Robert would just want to stroke your hair all night long." "Do you think so?" "Absolutely. He used to brush my hair for me when we were smaller." "Really?" Elizabeth stifled a giggle. "Oh Yes. Actually," she leaned in closer, "when he was very little I used to dress him in my things. He was quite adorable!" "That's so sweet," Emma giggled. "It was very darling. So, let's go. I have the perfect place for you to get a mask." * * * * * The shop bell tinkled as the two women entered, talking to each other as though fast friends. The boutique was one of Emma's favourites, carrying all the latest French fashions to London. Elizabeth stood timidly at the door, while Emma unbuttoned her coat and confidently draped it on the chaise next to the door. "Come on," Emma smiled at her new friend. "What's a party without a new dress?" Elizabeth smiled sheepishly, and too took off her coat. "Ladies, how nice to see you!" Peeping from behind the curtain at the back of the shop, a large man with a moustache emerged, his hands outstretched wide. "Miss Emma, you look divine. Who is your friend?" "Oscar, this is Elizabeth. My brother's new lady friend." "Oh?" Oscar arched one eyebrow. "Really? Well, I never. Charmed, I'm sure," he said, extending one hand limply. "And what can I do for such lovely ladies? Something mineral perhaps? Vegetable? Or... animal?" "Oh Oscar, you know fine why we are here. We'd like dresses for the party. Elizabeth is going to be a glamorous pussycat, and I will be a little rabbit." "A fox!" Elizabeth cried, smiling. "You should be a fox!" "Oh no darling, Giles and I are to be rabbits together." "No, but, if you surprise him as a fox that will be the talk of the party!" Emma was about to argue back, but stopped. Her new friend was right, what a wonderful idea. She would surprise Giles as a fox. "Yes, Oscar, a fox. How wonderful." The ladies were both taken into the back room, where they sat with Oscar and discussed fabrics and patterns over tea. Brilliant orange and white for Emma, black for Elizabeth. Oscar even had a fox-fur tail that he would attach to the bustle of Emma's dress for her. Once they had decided, Emma simply stood up and began to unlace herself from the dress she wore. She had pulled it down her corseted frame before she realised Elizabeth was staring at her. "What is it? Oscar will need to measure us," she said, handing the still-warm garment to the dressmaker. "But," Elizabeth began, her eyes flickering towards the waiting Oscar. "Oh, it's fine darling," Oscar said with smile. "I'm not interested in anything you have in there." A dawn of comprehension rose over Elizabeth's face, and Emma stifled a giggle. "Oh," she said, eventually, before unlacing her own dress and letting it fall to the ground. Emma was surprised to see that the girl was un-corseted; as she was sure with a waist that slender it must be with help. But no, her figure was natural, and she simply wore a smock - which clung to her ample frame - and a pair of white stockings. "Do you want help out of your corset?" Elizabeth offered. "Oh no darling, I always wear one." Emma glanced down Elizabeth's body one more time. "I may even go tighter for the party. What do you think Oscar?" "I think you'll look beautiful, Miss Emma." * * * * * The carriage bumped and jolted along the cobbled streets as it wound its way towards Emma's house. Elizabeth's carriage was well appointed, and Emma was glad of it - her feet had begun to hurt, and they both had boxes with new gloves and masks - one black, one orange. Once Elizabeth had opened up, Emma found her charming company. She said very little, and agreed with whatever Emma said about any topic. They would be excellent sisters-in-law, Emma decided. All it would take would be the first baby and she would lose that perfect figure too. Emma had been talking for quite a while before she realised that the coach wasn't going in the correct direction. In fact, it was heading across town, towards the slums with the mills and tanners. Her brown knitted in confusion. "Elizabeth, darling, I think we're going the wrong way?" she asked, leaning out of the window. A delicate hand wrapped itself around her middle then, as if to pull her back in. However, before she knew what was happening, Emma's mouth was covered with a thick rag. The smell was overpowering, and she instantly fainted - the chloroform working fast. "Sorry poppet." Elizabeth banged the top of the carriage twice, and felt the coach lurch forward, the driver acting under new instructions. Carefully, the girl inserted two fingers into Emma's nose, and pushed the flat of her palm up under her dainty chin. She held the position for some time, even as the body began to spasm and shudder. In minutes, it was still. She had very little time to act. The coach charged into the tanner's yard, and came to an abrupt halt. The door burst open, and the metal steps snapped into place. Carefully, Elizabeth emerged, carrying the corpse of Emma with surprising strength. The driver jumped down to help, supporting her head and letting her gorgeous strawberry-blonde hair cascade over his black suit. Mr. Crouch was there to meet them as they laid the body on his worktable. He said nothing, and worked quickly as he cut the dress, corset and smock from the still-warm body. She was not a woman to him - she was a job. Mr Crouch reached for the hammer, and was about to bring it down on her head when Elizabeth held out her hand. The girl took a deep breath and nodded, closing her eyes as the hammer fell. "When will she be ready?" she asked, as the broken body was lowered into the vat of lime and urine. "Two days," Mr. Crouch said. "Same as the one you've got on." * * * * * Elizabeth closed the door behind her and carefully fastened the lock. The room was bare and drafty - its only furniture a dressing table, a large mirror, a closet and a tailor's dummy. She sniffed - the smell was terrible, even from this far away from the tannery. Not long now, she thought. The young girl began to undress as she walked towards the dressing table. She stepped out of the dress as she walked, and was no more bashful about her white smock, wriggling it up her curvaceous body and pulling it over her head before throwing it aside. The almost naked Elizabeth put one foot up on the dressing table chair and unlaced her boot, tossing it aside before unceremoniously sliding down her stocking. She switched feet, and repeated the process. She began to reach up, but paused as her hands brushed against her bare breasts. She cupped them softly, and squeezed them gently. "Perfect," she said, her voice now very different: much lower, and richer. The nervousness had gone, replaced by a confidence not there before. "Anyway," she said, snapping herself out of it and running her fingers through her hair, pulling out several clips in the process. The wig was removed carefully, and placed on top of tailor's dummy. The naked woman reached behind her head, to where the thin laces ran across the top of her head and down to the nape of her neck. She deftly unfastened the ties and prised the edges of the skin apart. Elizabeth's features began to distort, until her face was unrecognizable. She began to roll the skin of her face down, revealing another, hotter and sweatier face underneath. Robert exhaled as he rolled the skin down to his neck. It was good to feel the cool air against his skin. It would be even better when he could take off the rest of her. Nimbly, he reached behind his back to the ties there, and began to unfasten them, gradually widening the slit that was opening up in his back. The almost-invisible seam widened, until the clear dull grey of an undergarment was visible. Carefully the opening was widened further, until he could almost see the edges of the skin at his sides. Suddenly lady-like in his motions, he began to pull his own fingers free of the fingers of the skin, and pull his arm free - first one then the other. He ducked down, and pulled the top half of the cured skin off his body, wriggling it down his fantastically slender middle and over his wide girlish hips. The secret to his figure was then revealed - the most marvellous corset ever conceived. The dull grey fabric was sodden with sweat, but still clung to his naked body - contorting it into a feminine sweep. Bladders filled with water were attached at the top of the chest, and between the bottom of the corset and the metal ring that circled his thighs. Again, with patience, he reached behind himself and began to loosen this punishing contraption, one segment at a time. Eventually, he pulled it off his warm and sticky body and carefully hung it on the dummy, rubbing the patches where it had irritated, and taking a mental note where to apply oil in the future Finally, enjoying the freedom to breathe deeply, he slid down the legs of the skin and slipped it from his feet. The stench of sweat filled the air, overpowering the aroma of the tannery. "Good," he said finally. "Very good." * * * * * Giles leant against the wall in drawing room, trying to look uninterested. Around him, partygoers in various outfits laughed and brayed as they talked and danced. Many of them awkwardly carrying drinks in one hand, and a mask in the other. As usual, only scant attention was paid to the theme, with most arriving in ornate, but random headdresses and outfits. There were, Giles ruefully noted, too many ladies who had adopted to present as cats. He adjusted his rabbit ears and fiddled with his pocket watch - checking the time, but also to remind others how clever he was: not only a rabbit, but Alice's rabbit. He smiled a wan hello to a passing cousin. He heard Emma arrive before he saw her. Her bright shrieking laugh pierced the conversation like an arrow, and could be heard three doors away. Grimly, he snapped shut the pocket watch and stood tall, preparing himself for what might be to come. Emma had never looked more beautiful. He laughed the moment he saw her, for she had chosen to come as a fox, rather than a helpless rabbit. Her dress was vivid and daring, showing off her too-tight waist and generous bosom to wonderful affect. Strangely, it was the little fox ears she wore that made Giles laugh the most. He caught her eye, and she smiled then, a dazzling bright grin that lit up the room. This evening may not be as turgid as he had thought. "Emma, you look very cunning," Giles said, leaning in to kiss her on both cheeks. Her skin tasted sweet, and was almost supernaturally soft. "And you look very late," she countered. "If I'd have known I'd have come as a dormouse." The gathered partygoers laughed. The party continued around them, with many of the socially elite demanding Emma's time, and many of Giles' father's friends taking up his. So it was much later on that they two found a quiet corner to themselves. However, rather than speak, Emma simply took Giles' hand and pulled him along with her, up the stairs and breathlessly into Giles room. The vivacious girl closed the door behind her, locked it, and dropped the key down in between her generous cleavage. "Emma, what's gotten in to you?" Giles asked, frightened and aroused in equal measure. Wordlessly, Emma walked towards him and put a finger onto his lips. She moved her face towards his, and kissed him, her eyes closed and her body melting into his. Giles was initially in shock, but gave in, opening his lips and returning the kiss hungrily. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed, lifting the girl into the air as they broke off laughing. "Well?" Emma asked, beaming. "You utter genius," Giles responded, happier than he had been for months. "I can't believe it's you." "Aren't I delightful," Emma said, twirling on the spot. "It's fantasy. Robert it's utter brilliance," he said, before grabbing her and kissing her again. "We can be together," he said, stroking her long strawberry-blonde hair and tweaking her little foxy ears. "I love you so much." "I love you too," Emma replied softly with Robert's voice. "My little rabbit."

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Introduction: The kids get to meet and play Last One To Know, Chapter Eleven All the kids are getting older and more experienced. Kathy and Kays kids are meeting for the first time and things seem to be off to a good start. ****************************************************************************************** The four of us walked over to the steps and stepped up out of the pool. Our parents were walking across the lawn toward to pool. Shannon obviously didnt hear them coming. She was...

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Early Morning Interview

Here we are, the morning of the interview. I didn’t think I would be this nervous. They say first impressions are very important. I don’t know what to wear. Should I wear pants? No, I can wear a black mini skirt to show off my legs & my ass (just in case my interviewer is male). Thigh highs and knee high black leather boots, a red silk tank top with a little black jacket; that should do it. And I will leave my hair out. I want to get there early to show I can be punctual. Now that I am...

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A crafty handjob

I was going out one Friday night and my younger sister and her friend had bought a bottle of vodka and some films to watch for a night in which they did every now and then. When I came home that night after midnight the front room tv was still on, the large vodka bottle was empty and my sister was blind drunk and falling about laughing and her friend was comatosed flat-out on the sofa in her nightdress. My sister said she was getting cold and was going to bed and would I help get her friend off...

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Rendezvous in Chicago Chapter 2

Jill Miller's eyes fluttered open, while she struggled to understand her surroundings. She lay naked in the middle of a king size bed with a sheet partially covering her sexy torso. She could hear water running in a bath tub. Her pussy felt well used and the residue of having been fucked still seeped from her vagina, with some remnants having dried on her upper thighs. The smell of lavender permeated the air as long shadows were cast across the room. “Oh my God,” she remembered. Everything was...

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Sherrys Test Ch 22

This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order but each chapter stands on it’s own. This chapter contains light spanking and humiliation in a family as well as work environment. It does NOT contain any sex. It is mainly about submissive females and dominant males. This story is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and the characters bear no resemblance to any real person. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I...

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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 24 Samantha has guests

One day Kyle and Jax had gone out for the day and Samantha told her to do something that at this point seemed odd. She told her to get dressed. Robin had gotten dressed in just shorts and a pink t-shirt, cotton, soft and nice against her skin. Her tattoos were long since healed, and as she pulled the t-shirt on, she looked at her profile and nodded ... definitely bigger, yep. She sorta wondered why Samantha was having friends over that were not aware of her penchant for being naked, but...

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Guardian AwakeningChapter 19 A Guardian Returns

A sudden lurch left his stomach in his boots. He found himself standing in the remains of a room surrounded in chaos; the furniture was scattered about, one of the windows was missing, and there was a woman's body in a pool of blood lying to one side. With his heart in his mouth, Tristan went over to the body, knelt down, and gently rolled it over. Ewain lay dead, with a laser burn through her head and multiple stab wounds in her chest. From the amount of blood splashed round the room she...

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Solo Vacation part 2

I knew what Island House was going to be, sort of a clothing optional resort with a little bathhouse element to it. For my first vacation by myself I thought I would give it a shot and see if I would be brave enough to participate in the possible goings on. I arrived on Saturday December 13th and got a quick tour and went to my room. I spent a few days wanting to get naked and wander around to see what would happen, especially in the “video room” with 24-hour porn and a sling table! I hoped...

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I have been fantasizing about this forever and we have been building up to this day for weeks. Anal has always been a desire that the two of us have talked about and it was not too long ago that I started her anal training. I mean, I'm being generous when I call it "training", because it just started. I went from eating her out as usual to licking her asshole like the horny freak that I am. I couldn't think of anything else at the moment. She looked so fucking hot and even though I love the sex...

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Ahead of the GameChapter 6

Diana walked quickly over to Jeff and shook him awake. She urgently needed to get him to wake up so she could give him the message she had just received. Hermes had been pretty insistent when he had told her that time was running out for Jeff's training. Jeff awoke with a start, he could feel the tension in Diana's whole being. "What is it, Diana?" he asked her as he quickly rose to his feet. "I was told that our time is growing short for completing your training. We need to go to my...

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Ohope Beach Chapter two

Introduction: More on the summer holiday adventures Ohope Beach, Chapter two I at last have the time to write about some of the more erotic happenings in my long time passion of chasing the female sex. The stories are all as factual as I can make them. But obviously you forget the actual dialog and also in the telling over the years, things get juiced up a little. But they are definitely based on actual happenings. Chapter two. We talked for a while, my trying to play the part of a cool much...

2 years ago
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Suburban GirlChapter 3

I started fucking the dogs on an almost nightly basis. Or rather, I started getting fucked by the dogs on an almost nightly basis. I was never really in control, you see. Night would come and the house would settle and I would lay awake in bed imagining that I could hear them howling for me. The thought that they were demanding me to sneak out to serve them would get me so wet that I would toss and turn for hours, unable to sleep from wanton horniness. Sometimes exhaustion would eventually...

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Spied upon

Spied on by the Girls Pt 2 I lay on the bed one evening after a long day up in the city flicking through the channels and not finding anything worth watching. Suddenly my phone rang and kicked off another night out. Hi said a very quiet voice on the other end, it’s Karen, Julies house mate. “Oh yes” I said remembering and a little excited as I recalled her parting words. “what’s your pleasure” which was a silly thing to say as she immediately said “you”. “Can we meet pretty please” she almost...

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My Cream Pie

About 12 miles outside the capitol city there is a truckers lunch. There are always trucks there so the food must be good. That is the old story. I had to make a pick-up of a few antique items for some friends at a mall in the area. I had eaten there before and thought I might have a late lunch.It was 2:15 pm when I arrived and there weren't any cars on the front lot. The back lot was hidden. It was where the truckers all parked just off a frontage road for the interstate. When I went...

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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Busty Cum Slut 8 Part 8

Extremely buxom MILF Kianna Dior looks elegant in sheer, black lingerie and heels. Tease footage features her huge jugs. Dirty-talking Kianna calls her shots, promising to commit filthy acts and showing her excited, swollen clit. As director Jonni Darkko shoots POV-style footage, Kianna devours his balls and sucks his big boner, lubing the action with mouthfuls of shiny, slick spit. He rears back for a rim job, and Kianna eats asshole excitedly. She orally worships his meat, sac and crack,...

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Cheating Fiance

It was the heady days of Myspace, where creating your Myspace page with music (that most people muted anyway), pics, and graphics that made most of the pages and content take forever to actually load due to their sheer bulk and mass of content. The time where making someone's "Top 8" was a huge deal socially, and where on that 8 you were positioned could represent a new friendship, or budding romance to who was on the shit list or on their way out of the friend group/relationship. A time...

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Kentucky Derby Week

Ashleigh is the younger of the three and is a virgin, . I had a delimma in deciding which three hot sexy women would join me in Louisville Ky. for derby week. I had a three bedroom suite at the Gait Hotel. Ashleigh was the first to arrive, she tweeted me that she was checked in and on the way up to the suite. I arrived at the suite upon entering Ashleigh looked at me with apprehensive eyes. I smiled at her with barely concealedcontempt that made her both revolt aganist me...and desire me,...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 6

All chattering ceased as Bryant entered the yard, accompanied by Charmaine and Allyson Granger. Forty sets of eyes turned to face the newcomers. Bryant took an involuntary gulp as watched as Steve Curtis stepped up on a picnic table. "Ladies and gentlemen, the man of the hour has arrived!" he stated. "Detective Bryant Hawkins has agreed to assume command of our newly created detective's bureau. It is the first step in turning Emerald Cove into the sort of city we all think it can...

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Three Choices

This is a short story with no sex to speak of. It is not autobiographical and obviously total fiction. As the author, I have the right for my characters to behave exactly as I want them to behave. If you disagree, write your own version of this little story and post it. You have my full permission. I awakened in a cold sweat. The nightmare that caused a strong feeling of dread, disaster and tragedy all rolled up in the worst feeling in my 32 years. I slowly pulled the covers back so as not...

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Cody and Adam pt2

Cody and Adam Part 2 “I think I’m gay.” As soon as he said this he buried his head into his arms and curled up almost into a ball. It took my mind a moment to register what he had just said and all I could manage was “really?” He said nothing but just shook his head slowly. At that moment I moved right next to him on the rock that we were sitting on. I said nothing but slowly moved my head closer to his and as I did this he looked up. The moment he looked up I decided that this was the...

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the Night Whispers Index

We're here, Kira.It was the first time I'd heard Jackie's voice while watching someone else's experiences.Kira was seated on the edge of Dex's bed, my son hunched over with his back against the wall at the top of the mattress, his hands held over his crotch. I couldn't help imagining that the opening in his boxers might have otherwise shown his genitals. My daughter watched him quietly, then said, "okay ... they're watching, Dex. So ... can we talk?"He shrugged."I'm sorry you had to find out...

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TUESDAY MORNING, I woke up, as I often do, with my cock nestled snuggly between Lissa’s ass cheeks. As soon as she realized I was awake, she lifted a leg slightly and guided me into her. This time, however, she straightened her right leg and rolled toward me slightly, pulling me up on her. The net result was that I was bent over her left hip as I stroked in and out of her. I straddled her right leg and my lips had easy access to hers. The stimulation was intense for me and I could feel...

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The Proposition Part 5

Carol and Duncan had the perfect weekend, for them, because they had been together all of the time, much of the time having been spent having sex. They were now at work so had to switch from lovers' mode to boss and secretary/PA mode but they were finding that increasingly difficult to do.Brenda Mitchell, another employee of the company, had dismissed the idea that Duncan and Carol might be having an affair when it had been suggested by Allison Cole the previous week but now she was not so...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 35

Jeff set Jen up with his cousin Richard. We went to Vinnie T’s on Lancaster Avenue. Jeff could absolutely afford a champagne budget, but he seemed to have beer tastes, even though he wasn’t old enough to legally purchase beer, and I had never seen him drink it. ‘You really know how to impress a girl,’ I said. ‘This place is just a habit from my impoverished days as a young,’ he searched the right word, then shrugged, ‘nerd. The real reason is I know from experience that you can hear each...

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Being Breastfed By Trisha Hershberger

This is Trisha Hershberger.She is very attractive, very beautiful and she has very very large breasts. I think her bra size is a 34DD. I believe her breasts actually got bigger when she got pregnant.... and yes she was breastfeeding. I have masturbated to Trisha Hershberger for years. Mostly, I jerked off to her big double D boobs. I have always imagined having an adult breastfeeding relationship with her.I have always wanted Trisha Hershberger to breastfeed me. Actually, I would want to get a...

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Mummy Time Ch 04

When I opened my eyes in the light streaming through the window, Laura was curled up beside me, her blonde hair spread across the pillow. She shifted in her sleep, and the covers slipped to reveal one perfect breast. As I looked at her, a decision that had been turning over in the back of my mind finally crystallised, and I reached out to touch her softly on the cheek. ‘Laura, darling?’ ‘Mm?’ came the sleepy reply, and she stretched, revealing her upper body and just the top of the soft fur...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 45

Chapter Forty-Five ADRIANNA It had taken Furia and I a lot less time to get back to Alkandra. We didn’t bother going through the mines since Arbor had already caught us, so it took just two days in our swift vampire forms before we saw the candle-lit skyline of Alkandra between the trees. We transformed back to our elven forms, donned our stately robes, and rubbed the wrinkles out of them. I peered out from the tree line, and looked both ways. The agrarian fields were empty, the last...

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Alyssa Milano Animal Lover

Alyssa Milano came out of the bathroom, still a little wet from the shower she had just taken. She had not slung a towel around her magnificent nude body. She simply enjoyed walking around naked. She had tried to cool her off but when she was towelling down and rubbed over her large breasts and between her legs she became slightly aroused. Now she was fingering her cunt absentmindedly as she headed for her sleeping room. Suddenly her dog Digger appeared out of another room. He walked over to...

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Confessions Of A Spurned Housewife Chapter 1

My name is Cindy and I am a married woman with a serious problem. I am a nymphomaniac. Yes, that’s right I love sex. I love all types of sex. I love pussy sex. I love anal sex. I love oral sex. I love lesbian sex. I even love Internet ‘cyber’ sex. I love having sex, watching sex, and reading about sex. When I’m not having sex, I am thinking about having sex. Now you may not think this is a problem, but let me explain further. Being married has really cramped my style. My husband was more in...

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An Angel in the Dark 1

Angel is my friend. She's as young as pretty as daring. She disclosed a favourite fantasy of her to me and I decided to fulfill her dirty dream.Angel often changes the motto topping her page. Her motto of longing to role play being taken against her will was up only for a few hours. Stiil it lingered on in my mighty mind, which enjoys to be a bit naughty, as much as me. When I got back to the theme a bit later, she seemed to have already forgotten her favourite fantasy of a few days ago.Angel...

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Best Friends

Best Friends By Cassandra Morgan He was Simon. I was Garfunkel. He was Sundance. I was Butch. He was Barnum. I was Bailey. From the time Danny and I were 10 years old, we were peas in a pod, birds of a feather, brothers of different mothers. We were on the same soccer team, in the same boy scout group, in the same garage band. We went to school together.. We built a tree house together. We dated sisters. We shared a room at the same small college. Once, we both got into...

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Attraction Towards The Lesbo World Part 2

Hey guys, thanks for all your feedback. It really means a lot and motivates me write further. For new readers, this is the second part, and you can read the first part in this above link You can mail me at So continuing the story from where I left earlier… She said that she’ll go to washroom, freshen ‘up and change to this and come out. Saying so she went inside the washroom. I was sitting on my bed waiting for this beauty to come out. All I could imagine was her milky body in my sexy top...

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Strap on fun

Danni and I had been having amazing sex ever since we had started dating, each time exploring new ideas and trying to think of more kinky things to try. One night after having amazing sex we decided to go to a sex toy store called fascinations to try and find something new to experiment with. She waited for me in the car as I went in to the store eager to see what kind of fun things they had inside. I looked around and decided to surprise her with a strap-on (we had been talking about getting...

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Nucflash The Broken Arrow GambitChapter 2

The brown landscape of the San Gabriel Mountains was laid out beneath us as the Gulfstream dropped into its final approach to LAX. It was still only 10:30 in the morning in Los Angeles; even though it was evening at our point of origin. The Gulfstream 550 costs $4,000 an hour to operate. But as far as I’m concerned it is worth the price. Instead of sitting for eight hours crammed into a 27-inch-wide seat, I was sitting in a luxurious leather chair. My two companions had slept most of the...

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Nidra Pothuna Atha

Hi, na peru kiran nenu hyd lo unta na age 25 . Nenu fair but average body tho unta manchi stamina . Naku chinapatinundi chala korikalu untundee internet cafe ki velli world sex ani indian bbw ekuva ga chusthunde. Nenu 7th nunde kotukovadam alavatu chesukuna . Ala ala naku full korikalu. Everanna sanam chesthunte thogi chudadam. Tv lo hot scenes vasthuntee chudadaam. Chutalaaa intiki velli vala bathroom ki holes vethiki mari valu sanam chesthuntee thogi chudadam ila chesevadini . Ila chesthu...

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The TravelerBinghamtonScrantonChapter 10

Roger walked to his room. He opened the door and saw that the maids had been there and the room was spic and span. He took off his shirt and shoes and lay down on top of the covers. It had been a very interesting day. He was about to get undressed when his phone rang "Can you come to my room?" Janice asked, "Just walk on in. The door is unlocked." Roger jumped out of bed, thinking something was wrong. He didn't bother to put his shirt or shoes back on. He stepped into the hall and saw...

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The Journey of Mrs Small

You could have heard a pin drop as he stepped through the church hall doorway. One moment there was the almost deafening sounds of the hustle and bustle of the busy parish summer bring and buy sale and the next moment complete silence. People stopped in their tracks and turned and stared at him; it was almost as if Old Nick himself had entered the room, desecrating holy ground. But it wasn’t him. Jack Hardy was no devil. Jack Hardy owned the only sex shop within a radius of thirty miles. He...

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I fucked my girlfriends mom

ad a really good day today its about 12:45am and im exhausted from fucking my girlfriend 30 minutes ago but now that shes sleeping ima tell you what happened today.My day started from 6am it was hot and I work as a Welder.We work to 12 to 14 hour shifts but did 12 got outta at 6pm and thought I call one of my girlfriends name Gina (Oh and just so you know I have 3 girlfriends but shes my # 1 ) anyways I wanted to see if she wanted to get together hangout at her pad she told me great idea baby...

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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 2 Ginnys Naughty Desires

Chapter Two: Ginny's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Tuesday I trembled as I let the shower spray fall on my rump and pussy, my fingers reaching into my sex to wash out the futa-cum my friend, Candice, fired into me. It was both our first time. She stood nearby me, watching me cleanse my new deflowered pussy of her girl-spunk. It was only the second day of the Program, and I had cheated on my futa-girlfriend, Samantha. People always claimed that...

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Tezpur Love

Hi! To all ISS fans. I have been a regular reader of ISS story. It’s the best in all the sites providing such stories. But this time it had been great fun so i decide to share with u all guys and girls. I love to sex with with aunties, bhabhis and young girls any females of tezpur, rangapara can contact me on for any kind of service. I promise its remain purely confidential and free. So please send me your feedback I hope u like my story. Let me start by describing both of...

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Wife Punished Playfully in front of Husband

Jim, Bob, and Susie were all good friends since college. Bob and Susie were a couple and later got married, but Susie and Jim always liked to flirt and tease Bob. He didn’t mind it since he trusted them both and loved his wife. But one day things got a little out of hand…One afternoon, Bob and Susie had a BBQ at their house and invited some friends. In the evening, after all the other guests left, Jim hung around with the couple in the backyard having a few more drinks as was his habit.“Ok...

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Remembering the first bad sex

I have written a lot about my gay experiences. I haven't written about my hetero sex life because it was pretty vanilla; nothing bad, but neither was it going to make the letters page of Playboy. But I would like to recount my first bad sexual experience, back in the early days of my gay experimentation at my local 'cottage'.I'd had a couple of encounters with some older guys in my local public toilets in my early twenties and they were mind-blowing. I would hang around the place most weekends,...

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The Karen Experience part 2 of 2

I had Karen drive to my place. Along the way, I rubbed her thigh, kissed her neck, sucked and nibbled her ear lobe. I squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples, occasionally running my finger over her full, pouty lips. My hand slid between her legs and I ran my finger up her wet slit, soaking my finger with her juice. I then put it in her mouth and watched as she greedily sucked it clean.In the elevator, I pushed her against the wall and pawed her hungrily while our tongues wrestled...

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Barb Cheated

Authors note: Not much sex, just a story. He couldn't face me. He knew what he had just done to me and he knew how much I was hurting. How could he not? My best friend since the third grade, the best man at my wedding, Brandon knew me inside and out. To make him feel easy I said: "Relax bud, we don't shoot the messengers anymore. You sure she didn't see you?" "I don't think she did, but am I sure? No, I can't say I'm sure. I saw her as soon as I walked in the door and I turned to go...

2 years ago
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YOU CAN LOOK AND I WILL SAY WHEN YOU CAN TOUCHHi my name is William and I’m 16 years of age I live with my mom,I prefer to be called Billy instead of William so that’s me,We live in a nice part of town and have a nice house my Mom works and so does my dad, as an only c***d I get to be on my own a lot and so you could say I’m a bit of a loner at times,I do not have a girlfriend but I do have some mates that I sometimes go around with and we do a lot of sports together at school so do not have...

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