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Guising by miss circe AUTHOR'S NOTE: When I was little, growing up in Scotland, we called Trick or Treating "Guising." I'm not sure it fits for the story, but I've always liked the triple pun, so there! -------------------------------------------------- Lizzie crouched in the narrow doorway, hiding from the heavy rain. She rubbed her bare arms and stuck her head out from under the awning, glancing this way and that up the cobbled alleyway. The gas lamps spluttered and flickered in the wet night and the pools of light they created only helped make the alley even less appealing. There were no tricks in this weather. The other girls had gone back, figuring that a slap and a row were better than to be soaked through. Lizzie had less choice - she had a bigger debt to pay. She pulled the lacy sleeve of the heavy sodden dress down over the worst of her scars. "Sod this," she thought to herself, and made a break for it, picking up her skirts and running as quick as she dared over the uneven cobbles towards the theatre district. She reached the end of the alley and stopped abruptly as she almost collided with a battered black carriage. "Watch it!" she yelled at the driver, who didn't even turn in her direction. "Someone could get killed." A gloved hand drew back a thick velvet curtain inside the carriage and produced a shilling with a flourish. Hesitantly, Lizzie reached out and took it with a slight bob and curtsey. "Thank you sir," she said. "Why don't you come in from the rain?" The voice emanated from inside the carriage as the door sprung open and a set of metal steps clicked into place. Lizzie didn't even think. The promise of shelter and money would be a success on any night, never mind a night such as this. She hiked up her skirts and climbed into the dark carriage, closing the door behind her. There was a flash of steel in the dark. * * * * * "Good morning!" Lady Vivien Bracknell swept into the room with a flourish, tugging back the heavy velvet curtains and bathing the room in the pale autumn light of morning. There was a heavy groan from the bed, and the frantic shifting of bedclothes. "Come now Giles, you should be up and about." The formidable woman grabbed the top of the sheet and pulled forcefully downwards, revealing her young, and very naked, son. "Mother, do you mind?" he asked, scrabbling to cover himself - the warmth and comfort of sleep forgotten. "Darling, there is nothing about you that is a surprise to me. I have seen it all," she replied, throwing a linen shirt towards him. "Now get up and dressed. We're having guests at lunch, and I'd like you to look your best." Giles took the shirt and tugged it over his head as he swung his bare legs out of the bed. He reached under the bed frame and took out a porcelain pot. "More men who served with father, here to pay their respects no doubt," he said, as he began urinating. "Actually no. Miss Emma..." "Oh God, this tiresome party!" "Miss Emma," she continued, louder, "is coming to help us plan this Hallowe'en party you wanted." "You wanted." "Darling, we have had a party for Hallowe'en since you were a child. I see no sense stopping now. It will be nice to see people socially for a change." His mother snatched the pot away from him when he had finished and turned to leave. "Miss Emma is a nice young lady, and you should be more agreeable to her. I'll give this to the Tanners." Giles sat and watched his mother leave, and the door close behind her voluminous skirts. He sighed, pulling on his trousers and tucking the shirt into them. * * * * * Mr. Crouch worked by candlelight, the heavy smells of lime and urine in the air. The body under his fingers was still warm from the water bath, but shapeless - having been pulverised just hours before. He worked methodically, kneading the skin in the putrid solution. It felt soft and yielding under his fingers. Satisfied, he gathered the hide in his hands and removed it from the copper bath, moving over to a large table, and splaying the skin out before rubbing it with cedar oil. Mr Crouch was an expert - the skin had no tears and was not stretched. It felt soft and would tan well. "Mr. Crouch," a voice called from the darkness. "How are we proceeding?" The old tanner looked up into the shadows, his hands automatically continuing to massage the oil into the pale hairless skin. "Just need to stretch her overnight and she's yours." "Excellent," the voice replied, appraising the old man's work. "Absolutely excellent." A small velvet bag of coin was dropped noisily onto the table as the stranger walked off into the night. * * * * * "Well, it absolutely must be a masquerade!" Giles gazed at the young poppet sitting across from him as she gushed enthusiastically. Emma Woodhouse was definitely pretty - of that there was no doubt. Her large eyes, small up-turned nose and pouting lips gave her face both a girlishness and an aristocratic look that was very appealing. Her complexion was almost white, and she wore very little makeup - much to the envy of other girls within her social circle. Her crowning feature, Giles thought, were the voluminous curls of strawberry blond hair that framed her face, and bounced as she talked excitedly. He smiled to himself for a moment as he realised she had dressed for him. She was wearing a green and white dress that he had commented favourably on previously, but was obviously too light for the autumn season. He had liked it as it gave a singularly good view of her generous bosom - Emma usually preferring less daring necklines. "What do you think, Giles?" Lady Bracknell asked, her voice emphasized to pull him out of his character study. "Yes, of course," he agreed, not entirely sure what he was agreeing to. "An animal theme it is," Emma pronounced, happily clapping her dainty hands together. "Oh, good," Giles agreed weakly. There was an awkward silence, broken by the distant church bells tolling the hour. "If that's everything for now," Emma said standing up and straightening her skirts, "I really should go. I have a pianoforte lesson." "Darling, thank you so much. You are a dear. Isn't she, Giles?" "Yes. Dear," he smiled weakly. Lady Bracknell pulled the slip of a girl into a hug. "Don't mind him, he got out on the wrong side of bed. He's very pleased to see you," she whispered. Giles offered the girl his arm and escorted her towards the door. "Are you looking forward to the party?" Emma asked. Giles thought for a moment. "Yes, actually. Yes I am. Thank you for everything." "You're very welcome," she replied, taken aback by his sudden enthusiasm. "Is there any animal you would like me to come as?" Giles smiled as they walked, lost in thought until he reached the door. "Emma, I'm sure you will be delightful whatever animal you are. However, you would be an especially lovely rabbit." "A rabbit?" she asked in mock shock. "Why, maybe..." "Maybe?" "Maybe," she said in a whisper, "we could be rabbits together!" "Maybe so." Giles kissed her hand and opened the door. "Give my best to your brother," he added as the girl left with a smile on her face. * * * * * Mr. Slant worked by daylight, maximizing the dull autumn light through his large shop windows. His fingers were nimble as he sewed, attaching the stiff fabric to the rigid steel stays. It was a curious order, to be sure, but he was used to the unusual, and this was not the first time for this particular customer. The corset was almost complete, and Mr. Slant was pleased with his work. The steel curved and swept in an impressive hourglass figure from just under the bust to well below the waist. But it was the thickness that he was most pleased with - the steel struts were slimmer than usual, but more numerous. However, the garment didn't end there. Unusually, it sat much higher on the chest, with two circular holes where the breasts would lie. At the base it included two thin steel suspenders, which led to a band to encircle each thigh. Around the outside of this band, and the circle surrounding the bust, eyelets had been added. It had been an interesting project, and different from the usual standard fare. He had also been paid very handsomely for his trouble. * * * * * Emma sat in her chambers, brushing her hair as she counted to one hundred. The green and white dress of earlier had been cast off, and lay in a neglected puddle on the floor, the hated corset on top of it, her white stockings on top of that. She had felt so silly wearing the dress, but so sure that Giles liked it. Liked looking at her bosom, she corrected herself. Sixty-three. Sixty-four. She was really not sure about Giles. He was such a handsome boy, but so maddening. So changeable: Flirty and sweet one minute, cold and distant the next. A rabbit though! That would be fun. She would get some darling ears made, and a little pom-pom tail for her bottom. She wriggled her nose excitedly. "Twenty-three, Forty-five, Eleven." A voice called from her doorway. Exasperated, Emma slammed the brush down on the dressing table. "Robert, you really are a pig." "It always surprises me, dear sister, that you can count that high." Robert Woodhouse strode confidently into his sister's room, his eyes flickering down to the pile of clothes on the floor. "And so tidy." "Oh, be quiet," Emma replied, returning to the mirror and her brushing. "Giles Bracknell was asking after you today. Do you owe him money?" "Giles, no, not that I know of. Where did you see Giles?" he asked, sitting down lightly on her perfumed bed. "I was there, today. Helping with their Hallowe'en party. Will you come, or do you have dark deeds to attend to?" "Dark deeds I'm sure," he said absently, tilting his head. "Oh no, I'll be there. What's the theme?" "Animals!" Emma said delightedly, swivelling on her chair to face her brother. "I'm going as a rabbit." "Not a dog?" he asked with a smirk. "You should go as a pig. Or a snake." Emma replied, sticking her tongue out. "Maybe so." "Do come though, I know he'd love to see you. You were so close before." Emma stood, fussing with her nightgown. "You never know, you may be brothers in law before long." "Maybe so," he repeated, standing and stepping back from the bed with a grand gesture. "We need to find you a girl so you can pester her when you can no longer pester me. Although," she added, pulling back the covers and swinging in to the warmed bed, "I don't know of anyone who would take you." "Oh, I've got a girl. Didn't I say?" "You do? Who is she?" Excitedly, Emma sat up in the bed. "You must tell me everything immediately!" "Her name's Elizabeth. We met at the Gray's party last month. If you must know." "What's she like? Is she pretty?" "She's handsome. Slender. Dark. I suppose..." "You suppose! Your romance skills are lacking. I'm sure she's a poppet." Emma playfully swiped her brother. "Bring her to the party! Giles won't mind I'm sure. I can meet her then." "Well... I was going to suggest you could meet her and choose a party outfit together. If you like?" "Oh Robert, I'd love to. Wonderful." Emma clapped her hands together. "What about tomorrow? No. Thursday! In the afternoon. Can she meet me in the Ivy at eleven?" "I'm sure she can," Robert said. "I'll let you know. Be nice to her Em. I don't want her thinking badly of this family." "I promise," she replied, lying back down and closing her eyes. "That's wonderful Robert, it's taken so long." "Yes," Robert said, pausing on his way out to pick up the discarded stockings and stuff them down the front of his trousers. "Yes it has." * * * * * The Ivy was bustling when Emma arrived. She smiled breathlessly as she entered, unfastening the top button of her coat as she walked towards the ma?tre d'. "Miss Emma," he began, bowing his head a little, "how lovely to see you again." "And you. I believe my brother's ladyfriend is meeting me here, when she arrives can you show her to my table." "Oh, she is already here," he replied, turning and gesturing at a small table in the centre of the restaurant. The girl at the table was definitely nervous. Her long black hair was covering her face as she sat, hunched over her tea. Her clothes too were very conservative - her dress, Emma could see, was a dark brown and covered the girl from the throat to the ankle. Excellent, Emma thought. A project. "Hello," Emma said brightly. "You must be Elizabeth!" The girl looked up, smiled and stood, smoothing down the front of her dress awkwardly. "Hello," she said in a small voice, "Emma." "It's lovely to meet you. Robert has told me almost nothing about you," Emma joked as she sat, flashing the girl another winning smile. "I love your dress." "Thank you. You too, you're so very pretty," the girl replied, causing Emma to blush. She was pretty, Emma decided, but so very pale - almost white. Her skin looked very soft. Emma had to fight the urge to reach out to touch her. She wore makeup, but only around the eyes, her lips and some rouge to give her cheeks colour. Emma was sure that they had met before, but had no idea where. "Well," she said, sitting back in her seat. "Have you any ideas what animal you want to be for the Hallowe'en party?" "Animal?" the girl asked. "Robert didn't say there was a theme." "My brother is pathologically useless. Yes, it's animals. I'm going as a rabbit with floppy ears, a tail and a twitchy nose." Emma wriggled her nose to demonstrate, causing Elizabeth to smile. "Ah, there it is. What a pretty smile." "Thank you," the girl replied, crawling back into her shell. "Oh don't hide away," Emma encouraged, reaching out her hand and brushing Elizabeth's hair behind her ear. "See, that's better. I think you'd make a delightful cat. Robert would just want to stroke your hair all night long." "Do you think so?" "Absolutely. He used to brush my hair for me when we were smaller." "Really?" Elizabeth stifled a giggle. "Oh Yes. Actually," she leaned in closer, "when he was very little I used to dress him in my things. He was quite adorable!" "That's so sweet," Emma giggled. "It was very darling. So, let's go. I have the perfect place for you to get a mask." * * * * * The shop bell tinkled as the two women entered, talking to each other as though fast friends. The boutique was one of Emma's favourites, carrying all the latest French fashions to London. Elizabeth stood timidly at the door, while Emma unbuttoned her coat and confidently draped it on the chaise next to the door. "Come on," Emma smiled at her new friend. "What's a party without a new dress?" Elizabeth smiled sheepishly, and too took off her coat. "Ladies, how nice to see you!" Peeping from behind the curtain at the back of the shop, a large man with a moustache emerged, his hands outstretched wide. "Miss Emma, you look divine. Who is your friend?" "Oscar, this is Elizabeth. My brother's new lady friend." "Oh?" Oscar arched one eyebrow. "Really? Well, I never. Charmed, I'm sure," he said, extending one hand limply. "And what can I do for such lovely ladies? Something mineral perhaps? Vegetable? Or... animal?" "Oh Oscar, you know fine why we are here. We'd like dresses for the party. Elizabeth is going to be a glamorous pussycat, and I will be a little rabbit." "A fox!" Elizabeth cried, smiling. "You should be a fox!" "Oh no darling, Giles and I are to be rabbits together." "No, but, if you surprise him as a fox that will be the talk of the party!" Emma was about to argue back, but stopped. Her new friend was right, what a wonderful idea. She would surprise Giles as a fox. "Yes, Oscar, a fox. How wonderful." The ladies were both taken into the back room, where they sat with Oscar and discussed fabrics and patterns over tea. Brilliant orange and white for Emma, black for Elizabeth. Oscar even had a fox-fur tail that he would attach to the bustle of Emma's dress for her. Once they had decided, Emma simply stood up and began to unlace herself from the dress she wore. She had pulled it down her corseted frame before she realised Elizabeth was staring at her. "What is it? Oscar will need to measure us," she said, handing the still-warm garment to the dressmaker. "But," Elizabeth began, her eyes flickering towards the waiting Oscar. "Oh, it's fine darling," Oscar said with smile. "I'm not interested in anything you have in there." A dawn of comprehension rose over Elizabeth's face, and Emma stifled a giggle. "Oh," she said, eventually, before unlacing her own dress and letting it fall to the ground. Emma was surprised to see that the girl was un-corseted; as she was sure with a waist that slender it must be with help. But no, her figure was natural, and she simply wore a smock - which clung to her ample frame - and a pair of white stockings. "Do you want help out of your corset?" Elizabeth offered. "Oh no darling, I always wear one." Emma glanced down Elizabeth's body one more time. "I may even go tighter for the party. What do you think Oscar?" "I think you'll look beautiful, Miss Emma." * * * * * The carriage bumped and jolted along the cobbled streets as it wound its way towards Emma's house. Elizabeth's carriage was well appointed, and Emma was glad of it - her feet had begun to hurt, and they both had boxes with new gloves and masks - one black, one orange. Once Elizabeth had opened up, Emma found her charming company. She said very little, and agreed with whatever Emma said about any topic. They would be excellent sisters-in-law, Emma decided. All it would take would be the first baby and she would lose that perfect figure too. Emma had been talking for quite a while before she realised that the coach wasn't going in the correct direction. In fact, it was heading across town, towards the slums with the mills and tanners. Her brown knitted in confusion. "Elizabeth, darling, I think we're going the wrong way?" she asked, leaning out of the window. A delicate hand wrapped itself around her middle then, as if to pull her back in. However, before she knew what was happening, Emma's mouth was covered with a thick rag. The smell was overpowering, and she instantly fainted - the chloroform working fast. "Sorry poppet." Elizabeth banged the top of the carriage twice, and felt the coach lurch forward, the driver acting under new instructions. Carefully, the girl inserted two fingers into Emma's nose, and pushed the flat of her palm up under her dainty chin. She held the position for some time, even as the body began to spasm and shudder. In minutes, it was still. She had very little time to act. The coach charged into the tanner's yard, and came to an abrupt halt. The door burst open, and the metal steps snapped into place. Carefully, Elizabeth emerged, carrying the corpse of Emma with surprising strength. The driver jumped down to help, supporting her head and letting her gorgeous strawberry-blonde hair cascade over his black suit. Mr. Crouch was there to meet them as they laid the body on his worktable. He said nothing, and worked quickly as he cut the dress, corset and smock from the still-warm body. She was not a woman to him - she was a job. Mr Crouch reached for the hammer, and was about to bring it down on her head when Elizabeth held out her hand. The girl took a deep breath and nodded, closing her eyes as the hammer fell. "When will she be ready?" she asked, as the broken body was lowered into the vat of lime and urine. "Two days," Mr. Crouch said. "Same as the one you've got on." * * * * * Elizabeth closed the door behind her and carefully fastened the lock. The room was bare and drafty - its only furniture a dressing table, a large mirror, a closet and a tailor's dummy. She sniffed - the smell was terrible, even from this far away from the tannery. Not long now, she thought. The young girl began to undress as she walked towards the dressing table. She stepped out of the dress as she walked, and was no more bashful about her white smock, wriggling it up her curvaceous body and pulling it over her head before throwing it aside. The almost naked Elizabeth put one foot up on the dressing table chair and unlaced her boot, tossing it aside before unceremoniously sliding down her stocking. She switched feet, and repeated the process. She began to reach up, but paused as her hands brushed against her bare breasts. She cupped them softly, and squeezed them gently. "Perfect," she said, her voice now very different: much lower, and richer. The nervousness had gone, replaced by a confidence not there before. "Anyway," she said, snapping herself out of it and running her fingers through her hair, pulling out several clips in the process. The wig was removed carefully, and placed on top of tailor's dummy. The naked woman reached behind her head, to where the thin laces ran across the top of her head and down to the nape of her neck. She deftly unfastened the ties and prised the edges of the skin apart. Elizabeth's features began to distort, until her face was unrecognizable. She began to roll the skin of her face down, revealing another, hotter and sweatier face underneath. Robert exhaled as he rolled the skin down to his neck. It was good to feel the cool air against his skin. It would be even better when he could take off the rest of her. Nimbly, he reached behind his back to the ties there, and began to unfasten them, gradually widening the slit that was opening up in his back. The almost-invisible seam widened, until the clear dull grey of an undergarment was visible. Carefully the opening was widened further, until he could almost see the edges of the skin at his sides. Suddenly lady-like in his motions, he began to pull his own fingers free of the fingers of the skin, and pull his arm free - first one then the other. He ducked down, and pulled the top half of the cured skin off his body, wriggling it down his fantastically slender middle and over his wide girlish hips. The secret to his figure was then revealed - the most marvellous corset ever conceived. The dull grey fabric was sodden with sweat, but still clung to his naked body - contorting it into a feminine sweep. Bladders filled with water were attached at the top of the chest, and between the bottom of the corset and the metal ring that circled his thighs. Again, with patience, he reached behind himself and began to loosen this punishing contraption, one segment at a time. Eventually, he pulled it off his warm and sticky body and carefully hung it on the dummy, rubbing the patches where it had irritated, and taking a mental note where to apply oil in the future Finally, enjoying the freedom to breathe deeply, he slid down the legs of the skin and slipped it from his feet. The stench of sweat filled the air, overpowering the aroma of the tannery. "Good," he said finally. "Very good." * * * * * Giles leant against the wall in drawing room, trying to look uninterested. Around him, partygoers in various outfits laughed and brayed as they talked and danced. Many of them awkwardly carrying drinks in one hand, and a mask in the other. As usual, only scant attention was paid to the theme, with most arriving in ornate, but random headdresses and outfits. There were, Giles ruefully noted, too many ladies who had adopted to present as cats. He adjusted his rabbit ears and fiddled with his pocket watch - checking the time, but also to remind others how clever he was: not only a rabbit, but Alice's rabbit. He smiled a wan hello to a passing cousin. He heard Emma arrive before he saw her. Her bright shrieking laugh pierced the conversation like an arrow, and could be heard three doors away. Grimly, he snapped shut the pocket watch and stood tall, preparing himself for what might be to come. Emma had never looked more beautiful. He laughed the moment he saw her, for she had chosen to come as a fox, rather than a helpless rabbit. Her dress was vivid and daring, showing off her too-tight waist and generous bosom to wonderful affect. Strangely, it was the little fox ears she wore that made Giles laugh the most. He caught her eye, and she smiled then, a dazzling bright grin that lit up the room. This evening may not be as turgid as he had thought. "Emma, you look very cunning," Giles said, leaning in to kiss her on both cheeks. Her skin tasted sweet, and was almost supernaturally soft. "And you look very late," she countered. "If I'd have known I'd have come as a dormouse." The gathered partygoers laughed. The party continued around them, with many of the socially elite demanding Emma's time, and many of Giles' father's friends taking up his. So it was much later on that they two found a quiet corner to themselves. However, rather than speak, Emma simply took Giles' hand and pulled him along with her, up the stairs and breathlessly into Giles room. The vivacious girl closed the door behind her, locked it, and dropped the key down in between her generous cleavage. "Emma, what's gotten in to you?" Giles asked, frightened and aroused in equal measure. Wordlessly, Emma walked towards him and put a finger onto his lips. She moved her face towards his, and kissed him, her eyes closed and her body melting into his. Giles was initially in shock, but gave in, opening his lips and returning the kiss hungrily. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed, lifting the girl into the air as they broke off laughing. "Well?" Emma asked, beaming. "You utter genius," Giles responded, happier than he had been for months. "I can't believe it's you." "Aren't I delightful," Emma said, twirling on the spot. "It's fantasy. Robert it's utter brilliance," he said, before grabbing her and kissing her again. "We can be together," he said, stroking her long strawberry-blonde hair and tweaking her little foxy ears. "I love you so much." "I love you too," Emma replied softly with Robert's voice. "My little rabbit."

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Hi,eth ente aadhya anubhava kadhayanu.Ethile thettukal oru thudakkakaren ennanilayil ningal shamichu theranamennum,eniyulla ente vazhikalil enikk prachodhanavum,thettukale poruthum tharanamenn abyarthikkunu. Ente peru muhsin ennanu,ee kadha njnum ente elayammayum sambhadhicha onnanu,eni enne kurichu parayam njn oru 22 vayasukkaran b.Tech student aanu.Height 5’6 ,weight 55 ,eru niram.Eni ente ee kadha nayika elayammaye kurich parayam ,avar 38 vayasulla vivahithayanu,3 aan pillerude ummayanu,avar...

1 year ago
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Streamate Bondage

I know you horny fappers love the thought of having a kinky slut who’s into bondage do whatever you tell her to. Just imagine spanking that ass, tying them up, and fucking them while they can’t do so much as turn around. It’s certainly one of the best feelings there is. Or, hey, maybe you fantasize about having a dom bitch boss you around and peg you while you sit there hogtied. Well, that’s not something I would touch, but I’m not here to judge; you do you. On the contrary, I’m here to give...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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River PiratesChapter 12

There was a clamor for a pirate pool before we even left the New Orleans dock. Such was the reputation of the Lovely Louise that not one of our passengers feared pirates, they just wanted a pirate attack so that they would have something novel to bet on. With so much demand for betting pools, Logan showed some creativity and set up two pools, one for the date and time of the next attack and one for where the attack would take place. The prizes were increased to $100 each, and the ticket price...

3 years ago
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Revealing Afternoon with Donna

His cock was so thick that my cunt was stretched to the point of tearing. I could feel every vein along its rigid rubbery surface as it tore deep into my womanhood. My juices eased the assault on my cunt somewhat but his powerful strokes where relentless and he fucked deep into my very being. He held my hips in his powerful grip as his cock bore deeper and deeper into me. His cock was so very big. It was longer and thicker than any cock that ever split my pussy lips previously. It was...

2 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 155

"There he is!" Dave chuckled. "Told you." West and Mohan were with him. I was in the kitchen, raiding the fridge and generally avoiding the young, hip, pretty people who had yet again invaded my home. I had earned uncle of the decade from DJ. In truth, I think the boys had as much fun as the kids did. Gloria and Winthrop had come and gone, as had Robert and Missy, JR and current mistress, and Stan and Olivia. Everyone else were either assholes whom I didn't care about or, like these...

5 years ago
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paid in full0

Just as he promised, a tow-truck pulled up about 30 minutes later and a heavyset older black gentleman got out and came over to me. I learned his name was Donald (figured it out by looking at his name tag). Donald spoke with me, laying down my options as he went to work getting my car up onto the trucks flatbed. I could tell from Donald’s voice that he was the guy I spoke with on the phone. As we talked I noticed that he was giving me the ‘One Over‘. I was wearing a tube top (no bra), a...

4 years ago
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It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and all the shutters had been closed to keep out the scorching midday heat and sun. We had just finished cleaning up the morning's dishes and decided to stay home to try out our new HD camera with all her bells and whistles. Shara, my lovely redheaded lover had positioned herself erotically on the pillowed floor and I was filming her fingering and manipulating her pussy. I was trying to maintain my desires so I could finish the ten minute shoot of her lost in...

4 years ago
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Kamwasna Bhari Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Kaise ho mere pyari kamsin chutwaliyo, mai yogu aapke liye hazir hu ek mast nayi story lekar. Aaj ki story meri aur mere padosan bhabhi ki hai dosto mai hamare nana nani ke gaon mai chuttiya bitanee jata tha aaisehi mai iss saal unke gaon gaya tha. Mere nana gaon ke rais amir khandani rayis hai kheti badi bahut hai aur hamara ek bada khandani purko ka rajwada ki tarha chota mahal hai. Mai garmiyo ki chutti mai ghar ke tarase pe sone jata tha, aur hamare nana ne hamare ek samne wale padosi ko...

2 years ago
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Mom and Uncle Arif

Well folks Im Mohammed and Im 23 and from Dhaka, we live in a flat and my family consists of me and my mother. My moms name is Lily and we are muslim and she is 58 years old but I must say she does not look her age. She is very fair and 5 feet tall, 60kgs and a bit bulky with a big ass and breasts. She is damn cute and beautiful, even now when she goes to the market people stare at her, but she is very modest and very strict. Now we stay in a building with two flats on a floor, and the person...

2 years ago
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Finding bliss with my sister

After reading many stories on this site I finally decided to take a shot a posting my own stories. All of my stories are based in true events from my life (like the one youre about to read), my darkest fantasies or a combination of both. If you feel the need to leave negative comments then post them in a manner that will help me improve in the future because my desire is to provide quality stories that excite a broad range of people. In the early 90s my parents were almost non-existent in the...

4 years ago
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Futures PathChapter 15

The first thing Elena sees when she regains consciousness is Gavin. He's leaning over her, looking very concerned. "Elena, thank God. Are you okay?" She reaches up with her unbandaged hand, touches his face, and smiles. "yeah, I think so." "I just about went crazy when I was thrown out of the link and you didn't wake up. Do you know what happened? Did they escape somehow?" "No," she says hesitantly, "they didn't escape." She struggles to sit up, and is grateful when Gavin...

2 years ago
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TracyTracy and I, her husband, David has been married for 18 years. We met while working for a local plastics company and I still work there, while she works there, part-time. We have 2 k**s, both are well into their teenage lives and we rarely see them, except when they need something etc.Tracy stands 5 feet-6 inches tall, and weighs 155lbs. She has a 38D-28-38 figure, and does her best at keeping it in shape. She has shoulder length blonde hair and her hair is naturally light brown, almost...

2 years ago
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The Joanny Saga

Joanny Morales was waiting for the bell to ring, ending her day at school. Joanny wasn't really paying attention to the teacher, she was mostly trying to talk with her friend in class and when she couldn't get away with that she was passing notes. She is fifteen years old and a little bit overweight, but she is not fat. She is big boned and there is only so thin she could get without looking sick, but she didn't worry about her weight anyway. She doesn't have many friends, but she...

3 years ago
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OH Daddy all 3 chptrs

“THIS IS A STORY ABOUT TWO CONCENTING ADULTS!” Sometime the pain from my health problems disrupts my routine; however, I do not let it rule my whole day. Like today, I’m up way too early but only because I took a nap yesterday. I'm not in any pain, just horny as hell, and sitting here naked and masturbating. You see, I’m a bit of an exhibitionist, and love playing with myself, while fantasizing about my daddy. I wish he were shoving his index finger deep into my drenched cunt. I love how...

3 years ago
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Fantasy gangbang blowjob deepthroat abuse sissy

Setting: late at night in a free car park.Exit vehicle, looks around. Ghost is clear.Re-enter vehicle and put on the sissy clothes I got from wish. Leaves behind all belongings. Lights off. Exit vehicle.Puts keys in a safe location where nobody but I will know.Makes way to pre-planned date with a guy I met from a dating site.. destination is close by.. Walking in heels, dressed like a slut. Hopefully nobody will approach. Heart racing and feeling nervous. First time jitters.Finally found the...

4 years ago
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A Nintendo Fans Lust 2012 Rewrite

Introduction: Josh enters the Nintendo universe and gets pussy from the women he grew up with since childhood DISCLAIMER This is a story about me, the author, having sexual intercourse with Princess Peach from the Super Mario Bros. series, Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda series, and Samus Aran from the Metroid series. I would like to note that the Zelda character playing in this story is not the blonde version from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but the brunette version from...

3 years ago
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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 1

It was now May 2002. The incident with Tom was still in my thoughts, and whilst I knew that the outcome had been the right one, I found myself slipping down into a depressive state of mind. I had begun to recognise the signs a few days after seeing Tom that evening. The constant sexual hunger I had grown to accept as normal for me seemed to fade. And with it, the need to masturbate several times a day was no longer there. My energy levels dropped, and everything became an effort. Life had lost...

3 years ago
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In My Life Ch 05

Maria was stunned. It was obviously not a joke on Emerson’s part. He was unconscious! How was that possible? She had seen him fight Hogan and shake off tremendous blows. His shoulder was well on its way to being healed. How could she have done this? Billy was out of his chair instantly and kneeling over Emerson. Slowly, he pulled Emerson’s vest from his shoulder. Blood seeped through his shirt. Billy ripped the material away with little effort and exposed blood-soaked bandages. Carefully he...

4 years ago
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Phazor Man

Your escape pod has landed although the criminals still in control of the spaceship pretty much wrecked it with plasma cannon fire. You take a moment to breath after your struggle to escape the overrun prison ship. Your built in AI virtually projects on to an empty set beside you. Her avatar name is Chi-on although you tend to call her Chi for short. She's currently in her standard form as cute fluffy creature known as Zempwad with massive eyes and long lashes. 'Oh man!' She said in a squeek....

4 years ago
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TODD'S STORYAT THE DEALERSHIP WITH MATTMatt was exactly ten years younger than me. That still made him seven years older than Annie. She has always gone for older men. Matt's office was right next to the showroom window so he had great view of the lot. Annie would come to visit after 6 when only Matt and I were there. My office was back from the showroom and had no line of sight to the main showroom. Behind the main showroom was a lower level, some three steps down. This showroom was behind a...

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Her Fantasy

You'd had a poker party. It was late. I'd been staying out of the way in the den all evening. Since I wasn't doing the entertaining I was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt -- no bra, no undies (and no jewelry). The other 3 guys had just left and you and the cute one were picking up chips and counting his evenings winnings. I came in and started puttering around picking up snacks, etc. He smiled boldly at me. I was slightly embarrassed as my nipples were hard from the breeze through the open...

3 years ago
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My Father Husband

By Kallan MatthewsIt all started innocent enough, with the occasional compliment from myfather about my developing body, or just a stare. I never thought in amillion years that I or let alone the man who gave me life would be in asexual relationship, but thankfully I was wrong, how wrong I was, I didn'tknow then.I was laying in bed the night things escalated, not as quickly as I wouldhave liked in retrospect. I was laying face down on my bed slightly curledup so my head was facing my door. It...

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Sex With My Sweet Sexy Bhabhi

Hello friends, mai romil hun aur ISS ka regular follower hun. So today mai apni ek real life story batane ja raha hun.Mai 26 yrs old hun aur chandigarh ka rehne wala hun. Profession se software developer hun delhi ke mnc mai. Koi bhi mujhse chat kaarna chahe to mujhe mail kar sakta hai “” Ye story meri aur meri bhabhi ke beech ke hai jinka naam sneha hai, gora rang, height 5″4′ aur figure 38 34 36. Unki boobs aur gaand bahut naram hai aur bade hai. Koi bhi dekhe to lalcha jaye. Fir bhala mai...

5 years ago
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The Genie of the Dildo

I walked to the bridal shop, lost in my thoughts. I stopped to look in a window while really looking at myself. I admired the way my long black hair hung all the way to my tight behind. My soft, unlined, unsmiling face look perfect. My full breasts slightly strained my white t shirt. It was slightly naughty but I allowed it. I looked into the store and blushed when I realized it was a sex shop. I started to hurry away, hoping no one saw me looking, when I saw this long black dildo with jewels...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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It was like a dream come true

100% fiction! It was a normal summer afternoon, I went to the pool, while my brother went for a run, we usually return around the same time. While I was on my run, I stopped to catch my breath outside someone's house. All of a sudden I started hearing slight moans, coming from inside the house. I hid by a bush, just in case they saw me. I peeped inside and it was a couple having sex on the dining room table, she was bent over, completely naked, her lover was pounding her so hard the table would...

3 years ago
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Marriage Of A Bachelor

I was then 37 years and a bachelor. Many liaisons which came my way could not materialize. The girls whom I liked did not like me and vice versa. Finally I decided not to marry at all. So I was staying alone and feeling lonely at times. I was then working in a Company at Vadodara. I was taking lunch at office canteen, eat bread, Maggie for breakfast and eat in hotel or company guest house for dinner. It was a lazy Sunday morning. The previous night I watching TV and slept late. Naturally, I...

4 years ago
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The Sexy Secretary Gives at the Office

Working as a tranny escort is my favorite way to earn money and get lots of cock, at the same time. I love to put on sexy panties and show off my body to men, so it is a job I enjoy doing the most. The fact that lots of men really like me and call me back again and again makes me feel wonderful, as well.I have long hair that makes me look like a woman from behind and my breasts are big for a man's and they get played with and sucked on like a woman's. In fact, most of my clients tell me I'm...

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Gothic DaughterinLaw

I’m not a young guy anymore. Modesty prevents me from telling you my age, but I’m in my mid-fifties. And I think it would be a safe bet that there aren’t too many guys my age who can say that they get to enjoy sex with a younger woman. Of course, then again, I don’t think that there are many guys out there who can say that they get to fuck their daughter-in-laws either! Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know what some of you out there are probably thinking, and quite frankly, I don’t care. You can call me a...

2 years ago
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Office Ki Colluge Ko Choda

By : Sahil1988 Hi dosto mera naam Sahil (name changed) hai mai Mumbai (Mumbra) mein rehta hoon me ek private company mein project engineer ka job karta hoo, Mai average body ka hoo aur mere lund ka size 7 inches hai Mujhe chudai karna bahut pasand hai khas kar ke mughe aunty mein bahaut zyada intrest hai jab mai mote gaand wali larkiyo ko dekhta hoo to pagal ho jata aur dil karta hai ke usko wahi patak kar chod du. Mera email id hai Ye ghatna mere office ke staff ke sath meri chudai ka hai,...

4 years ago
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Summer Holiday

My 18th birthday was here. My friends and family gathered at my parents house in Stevenage. I had a live band, and great food. It was really a great time. My Dad had bought me a new car, but the dealer didn't have the car I wanted. The car I wanted was in Devon, and the dealer couldn't get it in time for my birthday. So my dad had this plan that my uncle would drive me down to pick it up, and I would drive it to Colchester to stay with my grand parents for a few weeks. I loved my grand parents,...

3 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIChapter 10 Nimby

I looked at myself in the mirror. It wasn’t a pretty sight. My nose wasn’t broken, but it was red and swollen. I had a mouse under my left eye that was turning black. My forehead was also red from where Kevin O’Conner had jabbed me. I was lucky he hadn’t pummeled me more. I think that if he’d known I had training, he would have been more careful, and the outcome might have been different. Fritz would be happy, because I was now fully on board with his security requests. I think when I came...

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Submissive NeighborChapter 4

I had just unloaded my balls in my mother's pussy. I hadn't gone soft at all. I was very turned on by the fact that I was fucking my own mother. I began another slow, deliberate stroking of my teen cock into my mother's cunt which was already sopping wet from a mixture of our juices. While I was leisurely fucking my mother I could see out of the corner of my eye that Gail who was still standing naked facing the far wall was peeking over her shoulder watching us. "Eyes front Gail!" I...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Daddy

Penny and Marci were the best of friends. They had known each other their entire lives, living only four doors down from each other. This particular afternoon, they were at Marci’s house listening to music in her bedroom and talking about their upcoming s*******nth birthdays which was only a week apart. Even though they were nearly the same age, Penny was taller than Marci. She stood about 5’7”, had long dark hair that contrasted against her pale skin. She was thin which made her 34B breasts...

4 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 15

Within a week of the bedroom conversation between Jenny and Margo, Doggerel Productions came into being, at least in concept. Dex, Chris, and Jenny skipped the Saturday brunch to meet at the Emporium with Margo, Hank, and Hoss. At the beginning, there were several comments about 'if only we had the money.' Dex finally told the group that he was sure he could find the money. He encouraged them to just focus on what they wanted to do. Although skeptical, everyone seemed to accept the...

2 years ago
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Another Year at St Cats Ch 02

Discipline and Dilemmas (2) ——————– Wednesday, 9 October ——————– The headmaster couldn’t sleep. He rolled over in bed and looked at the clock again. Still only ten past five in the morning. He’d been away from the school for way too long for his liking. He’d originally planned to be back on Monday but his mother had been taken ill just as the conference ended on Friday so he’d ended up spending what turned out to be a very long weekend with her. He always worried about the school when he...

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A Full House

The house was huge. Powerful floodlights lit the garishly decorated building, as it dominated the hill overlooking Los Angeles. Somewhat ostentatious to my mind, it proved yet again that wealth and good taste aren't always mutual bedfellows. That said, I wasn't here for aesthetics; I was here for the money. I'm a professional poker player, Anthony Daniels is my name, Tony for short, and I can be usually be found in the online poker rooms, but every now and then, I take part in face-to-face...

Oral Sex
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First Time Cumming

As I said previously, Ginie was a sexual deviant, for lack of a better term. But it doesn't really apply though. Sara did stuff with me because, ultimately, she would have an orgasm. Whereas, Ginie did stuff because it felt good. Sara was more of a "traditionalist" when it came to sex, she would blow you, jerk you off whatever, until you came. You would finger her, eat her, she'd dry hump you until she came, sometimes she'd keep going to orgasm again. Everything had an endgame, as it were, an...

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Dad and Judy

I had just finished my last night shift, its in the morning as I drive into the garage. I locked up the car and walked inside. There was Mandy the sleep-over babysitter. As usual she was dressed ready to go to college for her studies. She looked nice in her runners, cut-off shorts and short button up shirt. Her red hair was tied back in a pony-tail and her green eyes sparkled with the anticipation of a new day. I handed her twenty five bucks and walked her to the door. Her tight ass was...

3 years ago
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Call Me Gray Ch 02

The sky had been dark and stormy all morning, seeming to match Mr. Gray’s mood as he drove from the house in Lake Ridge to Pinewood Medical Center. Part of him had wanted to make a plan, choose his words before hand so they would easily slip off his tongue as soon as he was face to face with Amanda. Then he’d come to his senses. This was one performance that he’d have to improvise, in the hope that she would see and hopefully understand how difficult it had been for him to leave her the...

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HealerChapter 8

The medical team had now put Ray Pinsky out of the healing business for the duration. That is, for the duration of whatever was eating away at his own strength and health. The constant tests continued, although now most of them were focused more on Ray's failing health than on detecting what there was about the young man that had given him the power to heal the sick. It was a classic case of "Physician, heal thyself," although Ray was no physician, and the physicians that were working...

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Cover UpChapter 5

The next morning was awkward for Ed. Angie also seemed quieter and more reserved than she had been in the past. Only Maria seemed unchanged by the going's on of the night before. Angie and Maria got up together to make use of the bathroom. Ed heard the two of them showering and laughing together a few minutes after they went into the bathroom. After half an hour, the last fifteen minutes of it having been very quiet, Ed started getting concerned. Another fifteen minutes passed by before...

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This was a dream I had some time ago, and thought I would relate it to you as best I can remember. It occurred during a time when I had been without a partner for quite some time, and can still create that instant flash of arousal when I recall the feelings generated. This was the one and only time I can remember being awakened by an orgasm. I have, of course, fleshed it out somewhat to make it readable, but the basic images were part of my dream and I've tried to relate it truthfully. It was...

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A Stormy Night

"The storm is approaching the west of the UK and the M5. It should arrive within the next half-hour. All persons should take shelter as soon as possible. You can expect strong winds and heavy rain with possible hail. Travel is not recommended!" the radio blared as Helen drove along looking at the dark cloud approaching from the west."I guess we're not going to make it home tonight Mark. Better stop somewhere along here because I'm certainly not driving through that thing!" Helen said to her son...

4 years ago
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Photographer For My Tiktok Queen Sister 8211 Part 2

Hey friends, this is Abhishek again. After a few days, I got a call from Rahul sir. He told me that he was very happy with the photos and he wished to continue. He asked me to collect the payment from his office. I went to the office. As usual, bizarre things were going on – like a naked couple was doing a photo shoot. I talked with one of the models there. I came to know it was a B-grade studio that makes hot web-series with Indian models. I went inside and was handed my check which was of Rs...

2 years ago
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Sharing Suzanne

One night my wife and I went out on the town, horny for an erotic adventure, not very sure what might happen. Suzanne was sans panties and wearing a light skirt, her breasts not too exposed but in a sort of see-thru top--she looked very sexy. We ended up in a pub, drinking and just hanging around. We soon noticed a guy who seemed a be very interested in Suzanne. You know, undressing her in his mind. When I got up to visit the washroom, this guy followed me in, started a conversation--then...

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