In My Life Ch. 05 free porn video

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Maria was stunned. It was obviously not a joke on Emerson’s part. He was unconscious! How was that possible? She had seen him fight Hogan and shake off tremendous blows. His shoulder was well on its way to being healed. How could she have done this?

Billy was out of his chair instantly and kneeling over Emerson. Slowly, he pulled Emerson’s vest from his shoulder. Blood seeped through his shirt. Billy ripped the material away with little effort and exposed blood-soaked bandages. Carefully he removed them to inspect the knife wound. It was red and swollen, with a constant flow of crimson.

Maria was horrified. She dropped to her knees beside Emerson and began to make his shirt into strips of cloth for bandages. How could that old wound be bleeding like this?

‘Billy, I don’t know what happened! I couldn’t have done this. That wound was smaller and almost healed. Now it looks like he may bleed to death. What have I done?’ Maria eyes filled with tears as she spoke.

‘Maria, you didn’t do this,’ Billy stated. ‘This was picked up last night. Emerson didn’t want anyone to know about it. It isn’t as bad as it seems. He’ll be fine.’

‘How did he get this wound? Why shouldn’t anyone know about it? Is it something awful?’ Maria was getting over her guilt and becoming suspicious.

Emerson groaned and opened his eyes. Looking around he saw the crowd gathered around him. He searched until his eyes met Maria’s.

‘Maria, you pack more of a punch than I guessed. I sure had that coming.’

‘Emerson, I should have never done that! You don’t deserve to be treated like this. Can we still be friends?’

Emerson smiled weakly as he answered, ‘If you can get these vultures to help me off the floor and back to my room, I’ll be your friend for life.’

With that Billy helped Emerson to his feet. ‘I’ll help you back to your room, but I think Maria and your mother had better take over your doctoring. I think you’ll heal faster.’

‘Of course we’ll take care of him, won’t we Maria?’ Molly was relieved to see Emerson was conscious and alert.

‘I think he may prefer that Ellen help you, Molly,’ Maria hesitated. Ellen had been watching the entire scene from the edge of the crowd. ‘Ellen, I was rude to you and I apologize.’

Ellen watched Maria and smiled. ‘Maria, I think I can see what was bothering you and I don’t blame you a bit. Go and help Emerson. My fiancé is arriving in Santa Fe before noon and I have to get ready to meet him. No one could take Emerson from you! I only ask that we have a late lunch at my hotel, my treat, with your group of ladies. I think you will find it interesting.’

Cathy spoke for Maria. ‘You can bet we’ll be there! Let’s say 2:00 at your hotel. Maria, Ellen has to meet her fiancé. You see to Emerson.’

Maria was totally confused. How could Ellen have a fiancé and be so friendly with Emerson? What was the connection? She had no time to ask more questions as she followed Molly to Emerson’s room.

Ellen was waiting in the dinning room when Molly, Carmella, Cathy, and Maria arrived to join her for a lunch. The ladies of Morgantown felt honored to dine with one of the loveliest and most wealthy women of the West. Ellen’s gracious reception helped them relax.

As they were seated, Ellen asked about Emerson. ‘He’s doing well, thanks. We stopped the bleeding quite quickly, got him to eat some stew, and he fell asleep,’ Molly answered. ‘Maria seems to be an old hand at it. I don’t know if Emerson would have survived the trail drive if she hadn’t been there to care for him.’

‘Molly, he probably would never have been hurt if it weren’t for me. I almost cost him his life. Don’t make me sound like a saint. Look what I did to him this morning!’

Cathy joined in. ‘Maria, you had reason to be upset. I was with you when we saw Ellen kissing Emerson in our hotel lobby. He did admit breaking Michael’s arm, and we find out he has a new and serious wound. You were justified in being upset.’

‘I saw that Emerson and Ellen were not having a romance this morning before Maria made her entrance. I couldn’t get her attention to tell her. She was not in a rational mood,’ Carmella stated. ‘I was stunned when Emerson went down. Maria’s mood certainly changed in a hurry after that.’

‘None of the boys will tell me what all happened last night, and I’m sorry, but I don’t trust Michael’s story.’ Cathy was speaking again. ‘I don’t think Emerson would do anything that would hurt Maria, even indirectly.’

‘Ladies, I can clear that situation up right now,’ Ellen announced. ‘Maria, this may hurt a little, but it should also make you very happy.’ Ellen gave Maria’s hand a squeeze as she spoke.

‘I heard the story from a very trusted friend who was in the cantina last night and witnessed the entire thing. Billy and Bob stopped in earlier in the evening, drank a beer and left in a rush after listening to Michael talk to his companions in Spanish.’

‘Half an hour later they returned with Tom and Emerson. They took a table near Michael’s. The place was quite crowded and Michael was drinking heavily. He called Emerson all sorts of names in Spanish, which Emerson ignored. As you may, or may not know, Emerson is fluent in Spanish.’

‘I guess Maria can vouch for that! It came as some surprise to her, I’d say.’ Cathy was laughing as she recalled the evening Maria learned that Emerson spoke the language of her mother’s people.

‘It seems that Emerson was extremely forgiving until Michael mentioned your name, Maria. He told everyone that was able to hear that he was your lover.’

Maria felt her face turn red. ‘He said that! How could he! We hardly even held hands. I wonder if everyone believed him. My reputation has been ruined by that liar!’

Carmella was less concerned. ‘Maria, the truth will always be stronger than the lies of a scoundrel. Ellen has not finished her story.’

‘Maria, make no mistake. No one will ever defame you with Emerson around. He called Estrada a liar, in Spanish. Estrada pulled a knife on Emerson, who was unarmed, and managed to stab him in the shoulder. Emerson grabbed Estrada’s knife hand and pulled it around hard and broke his arm. Then Emerson made him admit he lied about you. He told Michael he would cut his heart out if he ever maligned you again, and left with his friends. The front of Emerson’s shirt was soaked with blood by the time he made the door.’

Maria was looking down at the table in front of her. Tears were trickling down her cheeks. ‘The things I said to him! I actually hit him in a knife wound he received defending my honor. Why does he even bother with me?’

Molly and Carmella looked at each other and smiled. Cathy couldn’t let an opening like that go. ‘Could it be that he’s head-over-heels in love with you, Maria? Would that have anything to do with it?’

Maria blushed again and faced the others at the table. ‘Molly, Mother, I am afraid Cathy is a romantic and tries to inflict it on everyone else. I’m certain she overstates Emerson’s feelings.’

Molly surprised the rest when she took Maria’s hand and told her, ‘I don’t think she does, dear. He adores you. I think it is safe to say he worships you. Nancy and I would certainly like to have you in our family, if that should ever come to pass.’

‘Molly, you know I think the world of you, and Nancy is like a little sister, but it doesn’t seem likely that Emerson and I will ever- be together like that. I have destroyed any chance of it.’

‘I hate to interrupt, but I will tell you a few things to help show that Emerson is yours, any time or way you want him, Maria. That man is hooked! He has been for years. Now listen to my story,’ Ellen insisted.

‘Just to keep a promise to Major Reynolds, I won’t name any countries. My family has mineral holdings around the world, including South America. My father, my brother, Dan, and I have been traveling to them for years. Since my mother died,

‘We were in a border town that had a United States military presence, with Major Reynolds in command. The neighboring country was in a state of upheaval, with each area under the control of a different outlaw gang. Dan always had an eye for the girls. He fell for one that eventually lured him across the border and he was taken captive by an outlaw gang. They thought my father would pay a huge ransom for his only son.’

‘Reynolds was on very strict orders to stay out of local politics and to never cross into the neighboring state. He was very concerned, but his hands were tied. We could expect no help from our government.’

‘If those thugs had known my father better, they would never have tried their scheme.’ Ellen paused to see if she had everyone’s attention. Satisfied, she continued. ‘He stalled them as long as possible, trying to find some way of freeing Dan. Finally, we received word he would be executed if the monies weren’t forthcoming. Dad would never pay ransom. He feels that encourages more kidnapping and terrorism.’

‘Early on the morning of Christmas Eve, Major Reynolds sent word he wanted us to meet someone immediately.’ Carmella and Maria exchanged glances.

‘This was Christmas Eve?’ Carmella asked. She and Maria were thinking back to a story they heard about Christmas Eve– and a scar.

‘Correct. Those blackhearts were going to kill Dan on Christmas Day!’ Ellen’s voice was strong with emotion. ‘Reynolds brought a tall, rugged young man to our home. He asked us to listen to the handsome stranger and excused himself.’

‘Without any preamble, the young man asked my father for permission to attempt freeing Dan! He told us the odds weren’t that good and my brother may be killed in the attempt. He wanted Dad and me to understand the situation.’

‘Dad asked his name and how much he wanted if he should succeed. This part I’ll never forget!’ Ellen’s eyes were misty as she told her story.

‘He said his name was unimportant, and he wanted nothing in return. Of course, we never expected that! I told him I had to know why he would attempt something so dangerous, if he wasn’t going to profit from it.’

‘He told us about a young man, a teen really, that had humiliated his mother and betrayed a girl he loved. He had been sent away in shame years before and felt unworthy to return. As he sat at our table, I fell in love with him, his story, his courage. It may not make any sense, he said, but this would be an act of penance. He had heard the story of my brother and felt that if he could help make that right, he would have the nerve to attempt to straighten out his own life.’

‘It all made perfect sense to me! It seemed so romantic and tragic! I asked what he could have done to betray the girl and if she were worthy of this risk. I listened as he described her beauty, both inner and outer, and the ache in his heart. I wished for someone to feel like that about me! Finishing, he laughed and said it was probably too late. Maria would likely be married by now.’

The others looked at Maria when her name was mentioned. Cathy couldn’t stay quiet. ‘Maria? Her name was Maria! I guess we know who this stranger was!’

Maria could not speak. She simply looked down, unable to face the others.

Mercifully, Ellen returned to her tale. Her audience was hanging on every word. ‘The man told us that Christmas Eve would be a big fiesta day for the outlaws and it would be his best chance to save Dan. He asked us to wait on the hill overlooking the town of San Cristol, where Dan was being held. He suggested Reynolds and some of his men be there, in the event the outlaws followed them over the border.’

‘Dad shook his hand and wished him luck. He told the man we would always have a place for him even it wasn’t able to bring Dan back. Dad had been touched! I gave him a hug and asked him to be careful. He looked at me and promised he would return with Dan, or not at all. Can you imagine how this tore at me? I felt like he loved my brother more than I did.’

‘Of course, we had no trouble getting Reynolds and a dozen of his best men to give up their holiday and wait with us on that hill. Dan was very personable and the soldiers were fond of him. Naturally, they were susceptible to my charms as well. We waited forever, it seemed.’

‘Shortly before dusk, we heard shots from the far end of town. Soon, we could make out two horsemen riding hard through the town. A couple hundred yards behind them were five riders giving chase, and shooting rifles at the first two.’

‘I knew it had to be them! My heart soared as I prayed those bullets would miss their targets. Then at the base of the hill, a horse went down. By now we could recognize my brother on that horse. My world ended for a second as the stranger raced by Dan. Then he swung back as Dan kicked free of the stirrups and stood up. Then Dan fell as a bullet hit his left leg.’

Ellen once again checked her audience. All were on the edge of their seats. She had rehearsed, and practiced the telling of that day’s events, for a long time. Ellen wanted everyone to feel as she did that Christmas Eve.

‘The stranger lifted Dan and put him on his own mount. I thought they would ride double, but the sergeant near me quickly burst that bubble. He said they would be ridden down trying to climb that hill. Apparently our hero was of the same mind. He slapped the horse on the flank and watched Dan start up the hill. Then he drew his pistols, and turned to face outlaws!’

Molly was growing pale as she listened to Ellen. Carmella was breathing fast, while Cathy let out a gasp. Maria sat very still with her eyes closed.

‘The sergeant next to me made the same sound Cathy just did. He looked at me and said the stranger was going to make sure Dan got away, even if it cost him his life. I was horrified and grateful at the same time! Dan was working his way up the hill as the outlaws rode down on that lone gunman.’

‘I couldn’t look away, even while I couldn’t watch. Those bandits had no idea what they were riding into! Even the veteran soldiers on the hill with me were stunned at the savagery of the battle. Saddles emptied and horses screamed. The shooting was unbelievable! Then I saw the stranger clutch his chest and go down. Everything went quiet, except for the moans that reached all the way up to us.’

Maria was remembering a bullet scar she had seen more than a few times the past several weeks. Now she knew it wasn’t from a cantina fight or anything so trivial. How could she have suggested that?

‘Then Dan rode into our group. We had practically forgotten about him as we watched the drama unfold down below. We helped Dan down. He was very thin and feverish, with blood spurting from his leg. The army doctor was right there and went to work on Dan. Several of the men checked the scene below. It was almost full dark and no one could identify the figures strewn around on the ground. Then more riders came racing in and we couldn’t see any more in the dark, so we took Dan home.’

‘Imagine our emotions. Dan was back, but gravely ill. The tall stranger was apparently down in the road, shot to death. He gave his life to save Dan, whom he had never met! I was miserable. Then, later that evening, that same sergeant came to us and reported there seemed to be a search in progress at the recent battle scene. That gave us hope. On Christmas Day, word reached us that The Molly Hernandez mysteriously sailed out of the harbor in the small hours of the morning. The sailors had originally told the locals they were spending the holiday week in port. I knew that Dan’s savior had to be on that ship, if he were still living.’

‘The ship was named after you Molly?’ asked Carmella. ‘You never mentioned that. It is really quite an honor!’

‘I didn’t even know it until the last letter came, which was after Emerson was home. My brother said Emerson suggested it, and he thought it was a great idea.’

Ellen smiled at the
information and then continued. ‘That was the only time I had ever seen that handsome stranger, until the other day. I heard the name Molly Hernandez, then saw this most beautiful young woman! When you said your name was Maria I knew I had to be close to finding Emerson, as I now know him. That is if he was still alive.’

Cathy let out a breath. ‘That sure was a great story! It sure seems like Emerson isn’t one to brag. I wonder what other adventures he has experienced over the years?’

‘You can see why I was so delighted to see Emerson and the warm reception I gave him. It wasn’t intended to cause any friction between the two of you, Maria. Can you forgive me and be friends?’ Ellen held her hand out as she spoke.

Maria took the proffered hand in hers. ‘Ellen, I have been such a fool. You just told me something I already knew. Emerson is quite wonderful, and I have lacked faith. I may have gone too far. I have constantly doubted him. I’m afraid I don’t deserve to be happy.’

Carmella faced her daughter. ‘What is it you are saying? Are you finally prepared to admit that you care as much for Emerson as he obviously feels toward you?’

‘Mother, this is not the place!’

‘I think it is, Maria. Tonight is the Ball and Emerson should be able to go, at least for awhile. I have been watching you two skirt your feelings long enough. Everyone else can see you are in love. Why is it so hard for you to admit it?’

Maria blushed a bright crimson and looked away from the group.

‘Your mom is right, Maria. You were getting so daring when we were on the trail. Why are you so afraid now? Everyone we have run into thinks you two are involved, from your cousins, to the major, even to a couple of saddle bums. If you two don’t get together, people will think you’ve broken up. You know I’m your friend, Maria. I wouldn’t say anything to hurt you, but that guy is crazy about you, and you know it,’ concluded Cathy.

Maria had no response to Cathy’s statement. She simply remained silent, looking down at the table.

‘I think we’ve given enough advice for one lunch,’ Molly suggested. ‘What we need now is less talk and more food!’ With that the group concentrated on the meal.

Maria was sitting on her bed, when Cathy came into her room. ‘Maria, I want to talk to you. You are making yourself miserable. Don’t do this. We all love you.’ Cathy sat down next to Maria and hugged her.

Maria sobbed as Cathy went on, ‘You are afraid of how you feel for Emerson. You search for reasons to be angry. You look for proof that he will fail you. He hurt you years ago and the scars are still there. Maria, everyone knows Emerson worships you. He wouldn’t discuss Michael in front of everyone because it would have been insulting to you. They’d rather die than lie to you. If you ask the right question, you get the truth or no answer at all. Emerson couldn’t lie to you and he didn’t want to tell the truth, not in front of everyone. He just took his lumps. Everyone respected him for it.’ Cathy smiled.

‘Maria, the ball is tonight and we are going to put Santa Fe on its heels! You should be happy. You’ve got the best man in the country in love with you. What more could you ask? Make up with him tonight. That could be a great time! That is the end of my lecture.’ Cathy was smiling as she finished.

‘I have been looking for a reason to dislike Emerson, Cathy. You are right. It scares me to care so much for someone. I feel like I am giving up control.’ Maria whispered.

‘Well, I’ve got the same problem with Tom, except he has never hurt me and I know he never would deliberately. He’s got my heart and I have to trust him to be careful with it. Besides, I know I have his, so he has to be!’ Cathy said.

Maria laughed. ‘You are always so honest about everything. I am glad that you and Tom have gotten together. He adores you.’

The two spent the rest of the afternoon together as they planned for the big night. Carmella checked on them later and was delighted to find Maria laughing and joking with Cathy.

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2 years ago
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Innocent trip To the Mall

Baby.......I finally found the silk pantie hose I have been looking for. I had to stop by the mall this afternoon to pick up a few things....I suddenly found myself among the sexy lingerie on the third floor...without even thinking i picked up several items and hauled them into the dressing room...the room was large in size and had three mirrors...i quickly undressed and put on a red and white satin felt so good against my skin...the fabric was thin yet to the rising...

3 years ago
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Mutual pantyhose wank further adventures

After a few further meetings at the country park where Ray and I continued enjoying wanking each other, I asked Ray how he would feel about various possible scenarios. He was interested in some and as we had gotten to know each other well enough to have a fairly good idea of each other's boundaries ( it seemed like our tastes were very much the same), he was happy to let me arrange things. The following week when we met and made our way to the little clearing, after undressing as usual, I...

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Party Break

Introduction: Just a little fantasy I have had for some time now. We snuck off to the bathroom together. The party was really rolling and everyone including my wife had drunk a fair amount. She had whispered to me that she was horny and that waiting was not an option. So here we were in a rather small bathroom her with her skirt hiked up to her waist bending over the sink and me with my pants around my ankles my dick sliding in and out of her beautiful wet pussy from behind. She was telling...

3 years ago
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No Masturbation For A Week Or More Challenge 2

In 2002 and 2003 when I was 23-24 years old, I decided to do a series of interesting masturbation challenges and I made detailed notes of the results. Here are the notes from one of those challenges:NOTE: Even though this story is about abstaining from masturbation, it includes a super hot description of my first session after 30 days! ;)Challenge #2 - No Masturbation For A Week Or More.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATES: August 18, 2002...

3 years ago
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cousins girlfriend part 2

see part 1 true story tooEver since i fucked my cousin's girlfriend cayla we have hung out a lot. Every chance we get we mess around and have fun. I recently have begun to ask about her fantasies and i am telling you she has some good ones. But the one we acted out was so far my favorite.Her parents are kind of wierd and her dad has a dick pump to really please her step mom and the reason she know's this is her step mom let's us do what we want unlike her dad. Her stepmom is fat but has huge...

3 years ago
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A Lake In The Woods

My family owns a piece of land in the woods near our town.  It’s not a place we use often, just a get-away.  It has a cabin and a lake.  There’s a ‘No Trespassing” sign by the lake, but the sign was put up years ago.  Occasionally townspeople use the lake, and we don’t care.  There is decent fishing, and it’s a cool spot for a dip on hot days.  Surrounded by trees and private, it even tempts some into skinny dipping.  That’s where my story begins.I had gone to the cabin for a few days at the...

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When Krystenahs Master is Away

Part One Even though Master was out of town, every morning he sent an email outlining chores he wanted me to complete. Every one required that I take a picture and send it to him. “We both know how undisciplined you can be when I am not around,” he said. The words stung, but only because I knew they were true. Master’s first email read: Good Morning, pet, I need to you to get a reward & punishment journal today. You are going to keep track of how you do fulfilling my wishes while I am not there...

1 year ago
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A Mothers Gift

A MOTHER?S GIFT By Tammie Anne Freeman Deborah Johnson watched her son Mark and her daughter Karen playing with dolls. Although Mark was older, Karen was two inches taller than him. Deborah saw that Mark was wearing a dress. Karen had been getting her older brother to wear her old dresses ever since she had grown taller than him. Deborah wondered if Mark was wearing panties. Knowing Karen?s attention to detail, she guessed that he probably was. Deborah worried about her...

4 years ago
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Happy ending massage

I decided to try out a massage parlor after I got out of work one day. It was about 6:30pm and i really wanted to try out a new massage parlor. to a certain extent I really wanted to flash a woman. Even if i went to the massage parlor and nothing happened I would still flash the masseuse my junk. Even so I was in need of a good massage as I was sore from working out earlier in the week. So I looked up some amp around my area and found some reviews on a parlor. The review said that it was a...

4 years ago
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Lara Croft and the Elixir of Youth

Stars filled the sky above the villa, and in the enclosed courtyard, roses scented the humid summer air. A fountain softly splashed in the center of the courtyard, vines covered the walls of the villa. The sound of piano and harp music filled the air as Lara Croft quickly but silently moved from one shadow to the next. Seconds later a bullet took a chip of stone out of the wall next to her head. Lara froze and turned her head to see a tall muscular man pointing a gun at her. "Lara Croft. What a...

2 years ago
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A Game of Lust Chapter Four

After my orgasm, I pant with my husband’s cum on my face and Scott’s spunk trickling out of my ass. I can still taste the tang of Chris’ cum while Luc presses his cock against my pucker. I am tired from their handling but can only groan in pleasure as Luc drives his cock into me. I cry out and he pulls me up by the collar, holding me tight against his body as he thrusts into my slick ass. The lubrication of Scott’s spunk allows him to thrust more easily though the tightness of my body still...

2 years ago
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Reunion Sex Of My Parents

Hi all. I live in Mumbai. I am a handsome young boy of 18 yrs. This story narrates the reunion and sex of my divorced parents. My mom is a young and sexy woman of 41 years. My dad is a handsome man and a very rich and successful doctor. They fell in love quite early in their age and married when dad was 22 and mom was 20. My elder sister was born just after 6 months of their marriage. So it is clear that they had sex before marriage too. But after 5 years of their marriage, I don’t know what...

3 years ago
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Lori part 4

Part 4Chris had phoned Lori and told her that they wouldn't see each other until the party. She had then spent the time organizing and arranging the 'do.' She had invited more than usual, so it would give Chris a better chance to blend in. Even extra caterers had been drafted. Everything was going to plan.Come that Saturday morning, Lori still hadn't been intimate with her husband, which was well overdue, going by their normal sex life. But only one person now floated her boat, and she was...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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After Pump My First Beast Chapter II

Introduction: This fictional story picks up where My First Beast stops. You probably want to read that story first. During my sleep, I dreamed about little Cindi. I dreamed that I returned home and found her naked in my bed, with her pointed, little girl, nipples reaching up beckoning me. I slid onto the bed beside her, and she rolled over to kiss me with a full, big girl kiss, as she pushed her down covered pussy against mine which had also become naked. I moaned as her tongue explored the...

4 years ago
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Drinks To Sex With Super Hot Aunt

Hi guys, hope you all doing fine. This is Naren, and this time I am coming with an incident happened to me last year. I hope you all will enjoy and like my experience which I am going to share with you all. The incident happened to me with one of my Aunt and her name was Ekta.She was around 33-35 years old, and was married to my uncle who was quite aged than my Aunt. At least there was 15-18 years gap between them. So coming back to the incident I used to live in Bangalore alone as I was...

3 years ago
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Eros University Chapter 2 The Blonde Seductress

On his first day at Eros—a secret university of dark desires, forbidden pleasures and carnal delights—Enyo meets his ravishing blonde teacher, a foxy redhead in skimpy schoolgirl’s uniform, and is seduced by his wickedly hot counselor…all in 24 hours! Chapter 2: The Blonde Seductress The blaring beeps of my bedside alarm-clock forced me awake. ‘Why did I have to sleep so late last night?’ I groaned, sitting up on my bed with the white blanket disarrayed over my lap. ‘Oh, right,’ I remembered...

3 years ago
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Arduer Part 1 New Beginnings I

This was going to be a good weekend, Violet thought to herself. Her parents were out and she had the house all to herself. Her mom was away visiting an aunt with her younger brother, her dad on some business trip. She liked it like this, no nagging parents or irritating little brother. Why couldn’t they do this more often? Finally, peace at last. Smiling, she headed up the stairs towards her bathroom for a nice warm shower. As the shower warmed up, Violet stripped off her clothes, discarding...

2 years ago
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valentines day adventure

maybe not an adventure, it all took place in the same location. this is kinda overdue but better late then never. the lovely couple i often play with was nice enough to include me in their romantic evening after they finished their main plans. i had a nice bit of "me time" to relax before the fun start off i decided to eat her out. she has a nice, soft, shaved pussy. its perfect for oral. nothing feels more sensual than a soft, well padded, plump pussy. i adore a meaty cunt, and i...

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A Passionate Love 8211 Part 2

I would like to thank all of them who liked my first part of the Indian sex story, “A Passionate Love – Part 2”. Those who have missed out reading the first part, I request them to read the first part and then continue reading this part. In the first part, Hrishi & Sonia proposed each other and expressed their love. Here comes the next update on what happened to their love. Chapter 2 – Don’t breathe As usual, Hrishi was excited this time also, to go for a movie with his love. The name of the...

2 years ago
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Date with the Doctor

Date with the Doctor. Right at this very moment I’m all sexually excited, tingly and horny. I’ve just this second hung up the phone and it’s confirmed that my hot and horny fuck date with the Doctor will take place later tonight. The telephone conversation did get quite lively and in no time we were discussing what would occur during the evening. I’ve too go to his house all spiced up just for him and we’ll fuck, suck, lick, grope, probe and swap bodily fluids for a few hours, then hopefully I...

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Kutia Ki Tarha Chudai

Mera naam Shobi ha main aik job krny wali larki hn main aksar job k silsilay main raat late ghar jati hn mera aik boyfriend ha jo meray sath 1 saal sy ha hum aksar us ki car main mila karty thy mera rang kafi gora meray mammay bht baray ha 34 size k meri choot b bht raseli ha is boy friend sy pehlay main bht logog sy chudwa chuki hn. Meray boy riend ka naam Ali ha ali aik marrid admi ha.jab meri us sy dosti hoi main yeh nai janti thi jab k wo aik inthai ameer khandan Sy taluq rakhta ha is lia...

1 year ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 4

Jacob answered, "We are really sorry if we have done something wrong. We are new to this sector of the galaxy, so we do not know the proper procedures. Please advise us what to do." "OK, now I understand. The first thing we have to do is to get you out of that emergency lane you are blocking. Can you navigate in close quarters?" "Yes, I am sure that we can do what is needed. Just give me the coordinates of where you want us relative to our current position. We will move as soon as you...

2 years ago
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TransAtlantic Love

Trans-Atlantic love Susanna Says: - There are so many reasons why I love being a transvestite. It's the feeling of dressing up, becoming a girl or a woman. But it isn't only the wearing of the clothes, although that is wonderful, or the lingerie - ladies need I say more! It is also the feeling of becoming you, of putting on the make-up, the Chanel no. 5 and saying this is who I am! There are other things, like hearing an admiring wolf whistle or tasting a man for the first time....

2 years ago
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Kija Part Of The Conquerors Reward SeriesChapter 7

"Of course I'll say yes." Joe said kissing and holding Ki with Emily standing behind her. "But what about your mother?" Ki asked worried about what she might think. "Let me deal with that sweet stuff. My father will be a bit more understanding so I can count on his help. Besides this should be a happy moment. Don't worry." Joe said stroking her hair. Kissing Joe Ki said, "I know I worry a lot, but I want us to get along." "Baby everything will be fine. If my mother doesn't...

3 years ago
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A New Chapter in Her LifeChapter 6

Jim’s left arm wrapped around Jenna while she lay on her side, her head resting on his chest. His hand pulled her into him while he rubbed the small of her back. Occasionally, he would let a finger trace the length of the cleft between her ass cheeks. Jenna felt a calming warmth radiate from Jim as she laid next to him. She could hear the beating of his heart and found herself drifting to sleep, wishing she could forget the pain of the past. She wasn’t sure how long they had been laying...

3 years ago
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More Than a Cuddle

Chapter 1 I can't tell how it is to be a boy growing up but being a girl, well, it's great and it's awful. It's really something that I never even thought about until I was about eight or nine. It was just fun and nice to be alive in a family with a mom and dad, I was the only child, and to have grandmothers and grandfathers and aunts and uncles along with some cousins. I did fine in school, we lived in a nice house, even had an in-ground pool, I had a number of girlfriends and a dog,...

1 year ago
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The Meeting

I initially met Richard through a TG Community site and we seemed to hit it off from the very start.   He was very open about his likes and dislikes, about him being a TG admirer, about having had a fair number of encounters and dates, but he never pressured to know anything about me.   Drawn by his gentleness and gentleman ways though I found myself sharing my deepest dreams and wildest fantasies with him through regular emails over the following several months.   Richard had this way of...

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Die Klasse

Hi, mein Name ist John Doe und ich bin 19 Jahre alt. Und eigentlich sollte das eine ganz normale Schulwoche werden ;) Montag, Englisch: Schon in der ersten Stunde, brachte die geile Evy , ein bißchen Stimmung in die Klasse und unseren Lehrer Herrn Litten aus dem Konzept, indem sie ihren Rock ein wenig lüftete und ihm ihre kahl rasierte Votze einen Moment lang bewundern lies. Jede Schule hat wohl so ein Luder, langes blondiertes Haar, immer aufreizend gekleidet. Lippen die zum Blasen bestimmt...

1 year ago
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It Was Just Dinner

Her texts were always interesting, sometimes funny, and occasionally profound.  I enjoyed getting them and thought I'd like to meet the woman sending them.  So, by text, I asked her if she'd like to have dinner with me."I thought you'd never ask," she said, "I was about to ask you."She greeted me at her door in a light blue dress that showed almost enough cleavage to get her arrested and ended well above her knees.  She entered my little, old Mercedes 190 SL roadster properly, her...

Straight Sex
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THE Harem Tales 4 We Gotta Get Outta This PlaceChapter 16 Kentucky Woman

Janelle was toolin’ down the Interstate, I-24 to be exact, and she was already in a foul mood. Then, as she was about to exit near Paducah and drop down to her childhood home in Mayfield, Kentucky, that song came on the radio. “Kentucky woman, She shines with her own kind of light” -- Neil Diamond singing Kentucky Woman. No matter what the singer intended, all Janelle ever heard was “shines with the wrong kind of light.” That certainly seemed true for this Kentucky woman. Janelle was smart,...

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REVENGE Stage 3 Direct Approach

I was preparing to act so early on my plans for two reasons; I may get caught in the near future... and I didn't want them to have ANY time to rest and recover over the last two harsh acts, mostly the disappearance of Shannon. Haha, I still love hearing that name. My next target was Jessikah, it was a strange way to spell the name I always thought, but that was just something for idle chitchat, this was more serious business. I watched Jessi close throughout the day, she was really...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 6

Here are the next two chapters of Sandy's adventures Chapter 11: Photo Shoot and the Elevator Ride I slept great on Monday night after my craziest night of cross dressing. My body felt great as I slept in late. However, I had to admit, I felt like my ass had been torn up from Stan’s incredible cock. I realized now that almost all men wanted to get their rocks off with strangers. Stan and Bob were perfect examples, they wanted to fuck a girl or at least get a blow job. They were so happy they...

4 years ago
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The end of the summer

Tiffany ran through the rain with abandon. The cooling precipitation was most welcome on her hot skin after these weeks of unbroken high temperatures. But the summer storm ending this interminable drought had caught her totally unaware. Her bra was left at home as yet another unwanted layer of uncomfortable clothing along with the summer coat which would now have protected her decency. Her ample boobs bounced as she ran, the once opaque formal white dress shirt clung like wet tissue-paper to...

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