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The River (part 4) by kyorii pilau 01 Return to Stevenson Controls. On Monday morning Alice and I woke bright and early, we met with Susan just outside the main house and went for our morning wake up jog, even though Aliza was not currently with us we did our normal practice and sparring session in the old barn and soon were at breakfast, Dot, as usual had prepared us a magnificent spread. This morning I noticed again that Dot did not look quite right, her face seemed to lack its usual colour and she seemed a little breathless. I felt that I could not ignore it and had to mention it to her. "Dot, are you feeling okay, I have noticed that you are not your normal energetic self of late?" Poor Dot looked shocked, and quickly answered: "I'm sure it's nothing Joy, I've just been a little breathless for a few weeks." I could see the look of concern on Alice's face, it was then I remembered that Alice had known Dot almost all of her life, I decided to take decisive action. "Dot I am going to make you an appointment to visit the local clinic this afternoon for a full health check." "Really there is no need to Joy, I'm sure it's nothing." said Dot in an almost panicky tone. I was already on the phone as she spoke, a few seconds later I said: "Okay you have an appointment booked at two this afternoon, our driver will take you and bring you back." poor Dot looked very nervous, Alice got up from her seat and went over to her, she gently held her and said: "Please go and get checked by a Doctor Dot, I'm really worried about you." Dot's attitude towards the health check softened and she agreed to go. After a quick shower Alice and I dressed for a day at the office and headed downstairs to meet Matt in his office. "Are we ready to go and get your company back, girls?" we both nodded in agreement. "That's the spirit, shall we head off then?" we followed Matt out of his office, he picked up the keys to his current favourite car and he headed off to get the car from the garage, however as we were waiting in the hallway the doorbell rang, as I was the closest I answered and found to my delight Martin and his mum. Martins face actually lit up when he saw me and Alice. "Can I hug you?" he asked "Of course you can Martin." I said, Martin almost lifted me out of my heels his hug was so strong, he then went over to Alice and said to her. "Can I hug you too please?" Alice smiled and also agreed to be crushed by Martin, this was followed by the offer of jelly babies. Martins mum then said: "Martin has been very worried about you both." Alice smiled and said: "We're just off to try and get our company back Martin, so hopefully you will soon have your old job back." Martin looked unusually concerned and asked: "C... Can I still come and do cars and stuff?" Matt who had now reappeared smiled and said: "Yes Martin, of course you can." He then added. "I'm sorry Martin but we have to leave you now but feel free to use Joy's workshop for your design work, hopefully we'll see you when we get back." 02 The Sheriffs. Matt drove us to what used to be our company but instead of parking in the car park he parked just around the corner from the main entrance and turned the engine off. "Now we wait a little." said Matt as he looked at his watch. He then turned around to Alice an I who were sitting quietly in the rear of his car and said: "Young Martin, he's a really unusual character. I like him, you both made a really good choice employing him, did you know he encrypted all of your R&D files until your return." "Yes Matt he is a very loyal employee, he's also a great deal of fun to work with." Matt sighed. "He's currently redesigning the engine control module for one of the cars in the garage, apparently the current controller is 'pants' according to him."." "He does have an unconventional sense of humour Matt."." It was then that Matt noticed a white Transit van slowly coming towards us. "Ah ha." said Matt, "I got this idea from the television." the white van pulled up in the car park and two men got out. "Who are they Matt?" I said with some concern Matt really seemed to be having fun watching the two men enter the building. "They Joy are the Sheriffs or high court enforcement officers, they have a high court writ to recover Debts from your ex company to the value of ?38,000, for unpaid royalties on your Patents Joy."." Matt sat quietly for a short while and then said: "Very soon the owner of the company will be contacted, to authorise payment, this should be interesting." Alice and I both looked at him. "But Daddy you are the owner." Matt grinned. "I know, I'm just reminding Robert who the boss is that's all." I then realised what Matt was doing. "Is Robert actually at work today Matt?" "Nope, he's at a trade fair and is currently unobtainable, so I am staging another coup within management." I couldn't help but smile at his plan. 03 Company restored. About half an hour later Matt's mobile phone started to ring through the car's blue tooth connection, he waited for a few rings before answering. "Hello?" "Is that Matt Stevenson?" said a voice. "Yes Matt Stevenson speaking, how can I help you?" "Are you the owner of Stevenson controls?" "Yes I suppose I am the owner of that company, what can I do for you?" "I am a court appointed Sheriff, we have a high court writ to collect the sum of ?38.000 pounds today from this premises." "Oh, so where is my Manager and why has he not paid the debt before now?" "I don't know sir, can you come and clear this debt sir, if not we are empowered to take company assets to the value of the outstanding debt." Matt smiled at Alice and I ." please Don't do anything until I get there, I'll pay the debt in full, can you pass on a message for me please?" "Yes sir I can." "Can you tell the current Management team that heads are about to roll." "I'll pass on the message on sir goodbye." the line went dead. "Well that should put the wind up them, is that caf? over the road any good?" Alice said "We sometimes took visitors over there for lunch, It's not bad." "In that case girls, lunch is on me, shall we?" said Matt as he got out of the car. Matt, Alice and I found a seat next to a window in the caf? with a good view of our ex company, he ordered our meals and re-joined us. "Anything exciting happening girls?" He said as he shuffled up and made himself comfortable on the padded bench seats adjacent to the windows. "There is a lot of hand waving and shouting happening upstairs in the office." said Alice as she was staring at the glass front of our ex company. "Good I want them really flustered and in a state of almost panic by the time we finally arrive."." Our meals arrived and we tucked in whilst occasionally glancing over to watch the unfolding drama across the road. Matt decided to change the subject. "Are you coping okay at the moment Alice?" she turned to me and grabbed my hand. "Joy is my main coping strategy, as long as I'm with her I feel safe and confident." "What about your psychiatrist will you need to see him again?" Alice grinned at her father. "Dr Bob, I really hope so, but just socially." I then added "Bob is going to set up practice locally soon, I have offered to find him premises and help him set up, ironically it may be me that will be needing his help in future." Matt looked sadly at me and touched my hand "Joy, never forget, not only did you and Terry save Alice, but you also saved countless others from a life of slavery, and... and." "I know Matt." I said quietly. We finished our meals in silence. Matt drank up the last of the tea from his mug. "Shall we go and get my Daughters their company back?" he asked. As we left the caf?, Matt's demeanour changed. "Okay girls just let me do the talking, I've been looking forward to this." He said as he strode with purpose across the road with Alice and I struggling to keep up behind him with our heels clicking on the tarmac as we crossed the road. Matt entered the premises and immediately went over to the Reception desk, he announced rather loudly to the poor receptionist. "Hello I'm Matt Stevenson, contact whoever is currently in charge and send them to me." The receptionist didn't argue she immediately rang for the acting Manager and took some pleasure in saying. "Mr Stevenson, the company owner, would like to see you in reception now." She put the phone down and winked at Alice and I. We could all hear a commotion upstairs and then we heard someone running down the metal steps of the back staircase, a rather short well-groomed man emerged from the emergency exit door at the back of Reception, I didn't recognise him but he looked very self-assured as he offered his hand to Matt. "Marvin Withers, very pleased to meet you." Matt didn't offer his hand in return. "Would you care to tell me Mr Withers why I have been summoned to one of my businesses, by High Court enforcement officers, to pay a Debt of ?38,000 pounds." I noticed that the self-assured Mr Withers did not look quite so confident any more. "I well, that is." he started saying, Matt interrupted "I don't want to hear it, just take me to the board room." Mr Withers then said something particularly stupid. "I'm sorry Sir but that is a restricted area, Its employees only." Matt's face darkened, he got very close to Marvin's face and said: "Listen son, I own this fucking company, so either you let me in now or you can pay the Sheriffs yourself." As we were led to the boardroom by Mr Withers, we passed the Sheriffs in the corridor, Matt stopped and said to the man carrying a clipboard. "Can you give me half an hour please? I just need to sort some things out." After some discussion they both agreed. "There is a really good Caf? across the road, if you tell the lady behind the counter I sent you she'll give you both lunch." The Sheriffs then quickly left for lunch. Alice and I sat quietly in the board room, whilst the managers of various departments appeared and took their seats. "I am going to make this really short gentlemen, I am asking for a vote of no confidence in Robert your current manager but to help you decide I thought I would give you a couple of facts." Matt paused for a long time. "Fact 1, if you vote to keep Robert, I will close this factory today and take legal action against every single one of you." Matt smiled at the gathered managers "Fact 2, if you vote to remove Robert and reinstate my daughters, you may all still have a job tomorrow." A lot of murmuring ensued. "I think we have all had long enough to decide, all in favour of retaining Robert put your hands up now please." Only one person put their hand up. Matt smiled. "All in favour of removing Robert and reinstating my daughters." everyone put their hands up bar one. "Carried, well done Alice, Joy you now have your company back, if it were up to me though I would sack every one of these spineless little shits." Matt got up and started to leave the room, he turned to us and said: "You don't need to find a new human resources Director, I've already found one for you, It's Robert's estranged wife, now if you will both excuse me I need to pay the Sheriffs bill and have some pudding." With that he left the room. Alice and I sat at one end of the boardroom table and looked at all of the managers sitting nervously looking back at us. Alice looked at the manager sitting to her left and said: "Explain yourself." She listened to the answer and went around the table clockwise asking the same question of each manager in turn. It transpired that the vote to remove Alice and I from the board was only supposed to be temporary and was very close, no one had even thought that Robert would then sack us. One person did not seem happy at all that we had returned and that was Marvin Withers, he actually seemed rather angry. A few minutes later a Tannoy message announcing our return was sent out, Alice and I actually heard a cheer from the production line. Soon after, we wound up the meeting, the managers left the room and went back to their respective departments, Alice left me to finish off and went to meet Matt in reception, once finished I decided to visit the little girls room before going down. I entered the ladies and went into the nearest cubicle, I hitched my skirt up and gently pulled down my tights and panties and sat down, once finished I redressed, flushed the toilet, left the small cubicle and went over to the wash basin to wash my hands, I dried them and then checked my make up, I then reapplied my lipstick and smiled at myself in the mirror, as I went to leave and re-join Alice, I opened the door of the toilet lobby to re-enter the upstairs corridor, I was taken a little by surprise, as Marvin pushed me back into the ladies. "You and your Bitch wife are going to cost us millions." He said as he slapped me across the face. In reality it didn't hurt as I moved my head with his hand as he hit me. "We had a nice little deal set up and you've both ruined it." "Ruined what?" I asked innocently. He was very angry and lurched towards me, I side stepped him and put my leg in his way, he tripped, lost his footing and fell to the floor, his head narrowly missing the washbasins. Marvin, whilst sitting on the floor continued to talk. "Bob and I had arranged to sell all of the company's intellectual property to an American company." I smiled. "Thanks' for telling me that, you're fired!." He made a grab for my legs but I was too fast and kicked him under the chin, he fell backwards. He slowly got up off the ground. "You won't get away with it you know, you can't just take back the company you stupid bitch." I sighed. "I think you will find that we can and we did, I personally think you should just dust yourself off and leave the building now whilst you still have a little dignity left." I turned, opened the toilet door and exited onto the corridor. As I was walking towards the main staircase, I heard Marvin behind me, he tried to grab me from behind, I dropped down to my knees whilst grabbing his arms, this overbalanced Marvin and he started to fall forward, I quickly moved to the side and turned as he fell past me grabbing his right arm as I moved, I was just about to break his wrist when I heard Alice loudly saying. "Joy?" I turned to see Matt, Alice and several office staff looking on in horror. I released Marvin from my grip and removed my foot from his neck, I smiled. "Sorry Alice but Marvin seems to be having a little trouble coming to terms with his new employment status." Matt looked grimly at Marvin. "You have just attacked my daughter in front of several witnesses, exactly how stupid are you? now get out of the building before I call the Police and have you charged with assault." once again Marvin picked himself up off the floor, he dusted himself off and walked towards Matt and Alice with as much dignity as he could muster, I followed closely behind. Once our former employee had left the building I turned to Matt and Alice. "I'm really sorry about that, but he did attack me, twice." the receptionist who until now had not spoken to us got up from her chair went over to Alice and gave her a hug, then gave me a hug. "Welcome back, It's been horrible here without you both." Matt smiled. Alice and I spent some time that afternoon tidying up several issues, I contacted my former members of the R&D department, three had found new jobs but resigned them immediately, the other two said they could start back next week. 04 Dot. Mid-afternoon Matt Alice and I left Stevenson controls and headed back to the house. I mentioned to Matt that Dot would be going for a full medical shortly because we were worried about her health. I may have imagined it but I was sure that Matt started to drive faster. "When is she going to the clinic girls?" asked Matt "In about half an hour Matt, but our driver is taking her." "No he's not." said Matt, "I'll take her." About twenty minutes later Matt entered our estate, and headed up the long winding drive to the house, as we pulled up on the gravel outside the house I could see that Dot was waiting by the front door nervously waiting for the driver to appear. "Out you get girls, I have a new passenger." we both got out of the car and went over to Dot. "Daddy will be taking you to the clinic, Dot." said a smiling Alice. Dot looked really nervous, she also looked exhausted, Matt got out of the car and came over, he held his hand out and said: "Dot you look really tired, let's get you to the clinic and get you sorted." Dot took his hand and slowly walked with Matt to the car. "I hope It's something simple Joy." said Alice. "So do I Alice, I really like Dot." Back in our room, I removed my heels and the rest of my business suit, I removed my tights and pulled on a pair of stretch jeans and a loose blouse, finally I slipped on a pair of ballet flats. "Ah that's better, I feel semi human again." I said as I tied my growing hair back in a little ponytail. "I know what you mean Joy, since we got back everything seems to have happened at once." "I think it may have just been waiting for us to return Alice, I'm sure it will all start to settle down over the next few days." It was then I remembered. "Becky's mum, what's the time Alice?" "Just after three Joy." "Oh good Susan is not back from school yet." as soon as Alice had changed, we went down stairs to Await Susan's arrival from School. As we entered the Dining room we were met by Dot's young apprentice, she nervously asked "Can I get you anything miss?" "Could you just get us a couple of glasses of milk please Dawn." "Thank you miss." Dawn then turned and left us, she returned very quickly with two glasses of milk and placed them on coasters before us. "Thank you Dawn, may I ask you a question?" I said "Certainly Miss." "How long has Dot been struggling with her duties?" Dawn hesitated before she spoke. "A few weeks now miss, she's been getting quite breathless, I help as much as I can but it's been getting worse, she wouldn't let me tell anyone, she said 'the family has its own worries, they really don't need mine too'." poor Dot I thought to myself, Alice spoke up "Dawn, will you be okay to cover for Dot until she returns, or will you need some help?" Dawn gave a nervous smile and said: "I will try my very best miss." As we were drinking our milk, Susan appeared. "Got any milk for me, mum's?" I shouted through to the kitchens "Another milk and some cookies please Dawn." Susan flopped down onto a chair in her usual unladylike fashion and said: "Can we go back on our ship please? School is exhausting." We laughed at that, Alice added: "Joy and I were just thinking the same thing." Dawn brought Susan's milk and a lot of cookies so Alice and I assisted her with their consumption. "Do you want to get changed before you go and get Becky and her mum, Susan?" "Can Becky stay for tea mum?" "I can't see why not, her mum can too if she wishes, although it might just be fish fingers though." I said as I munched on a cookie. Susan quickly drank her milk and left the dining room soon after to get changed. Our driver waited patiently in the large hallway for Susan to arrive. "Sorreee." said Susan to the driver, as she came bounding down the stairs trainers in hand. "That's okay miss." 05 Martin's lady friend. Susan left with the driver just as Martin appeared from the basement. "Hello again Martin, have you been in my workshop?" "Yes, Mr Matt said I could use it, want a jelly baby?" he offered a crumpled paper packet to us. I smiled and said: "Thank you Martin, can I take one for Alice too." "Yes, er she can have two." It was a shame that Martin was so shy and had trouble showing his emotions, as he really was a lovely person. Alice took two jelly babies from the packet. "Thank you Martin." said Alice just before she popped them both into her mouth. "Martin, you can start going back to work tomorrow, if you like, you have your old job back." "Er." Was the only noise that Martin made, then we heard a little cough, it was the head housekeeper Sally. "Excuse me Miss, is Martin ready to go home yet?" Martin's face visibly brightened as he turned to look at Sally, Sally smiled back at him. Alice said "Er, yes I think Martin is just about ready to go home now." Martin went over to Sally, she passed him his duffel coat and helped him on with it. I looked at Alice blankly. Sally then said in a cheery voice. "Will you be needing anything else today, Miss Alice, Miss Joy?" Alice said: "No I don't think so Sally, have a good evening." "Thanks Miss I will." and with that Martin and Sally left the Dining room, and headed towards the front door. Once Martin and Sally had left the House, Alice turned to me and smiled and we both ran into the Hallway to look out of the hall window, Martin was walking down the drive to the staff car park with Sally, they were holding hands, it was almost beautiful to look at and made me feel very warm inside, I turned to Alice and was about to speak, when I noticed a tear in her eye, I hugged Alice and whispered into her ear. "I hope you're as happy for Martin as I am Alice?" "I am Joy, I am." 06 Becky. Alice and I were sitting in the library, she was reading a magazine and I was indulging in my growing love of romance novels, when Susan arrived back at the house with Becky and her Mum, I got up with Alice and we went to the entry hall to greet them. "Hello, we haven't been properly introduced, I'm Joy and this is Alice." I held out my hand, Becky's mum nervously said: "I'm not sure what to do, I mean do I have to curtsey or something?" both Alice and I gave a little laugh, I then said: "That's what I said when I first came here, a simple handshake will do, or even a hug." Becky's mum smiled nervously and shook both our hands and said: "Hello Joy, Alice, I'm Louise." Alice said "It's a pleasure to meet you, Louise." she then turned to Susan and a very nervous looking Becky. "Would you like to show Rebecca around the house or even your room, if she's feeling brave enough to tackle the mess." Susan grinned a big toothy grin and said: "Can I take her to the stables mum to see my pony?" "Of course you can, have fun girls." Susan grabbed Becky's hand and said: "C'mon Becky lets go and see the horses." and with that they quickly exited by the front door and headed towards the stables. I smiled at Louise and said: "Would you like to come this way." Alice and I headed back to the library, Louise sat down on one of the comfortable sofa's and we sat opposite her, she looked really nervous. Alice asked: "Would you like a cup of tea, Louise?" "If it's not too much trouble, thank you." Alice got up and left the library, to get Dawn to make a little tea, hopefully with some biscuits. Louise asked me. "Why?" I looked at Louise. "I'm sorry, I don't understand your question." "Why would you help Becky, why would you even want to get involved?" Alice who had just re-entered the library spoke. "Bullying Louise, Joy cannot abide bullying of any kind, she stood up to bully's once to protect me and it nearly cost us both dearly, she almost died." Louise gasped. "I'm sorry I didn't know." I then spoke up. "So if there is anything I can do to stop the Bullying or help protect your daughter I will, that's why we both offered our help." "But what can you do? you've seen her, she's overweight, has a large birthmark and has absolutely no self-confidence." Dawn came in with a tea tray and placed it on the small table between us. Alice spoke as I poured. "Your daughter has a good friend in Susan, she managed to see past your daughter's birth mark, I'm sure she has other friends too?" "Becky used to have lots of friends but some of the other pupils started to cruelly call her "Patch." and her old friends started to drift away, teens can be so cruel sometimes, now some of the boys have started to make lewd suggestions about her during break times, a couple of the boys have also started 'accidentally' bumping into her in the corridors and knocking her over." This angered me, Alice could tell I was becoming annoyed and said: "Would you like us to go to school with you and discuss it with the headmaster?" Louise laughed and said: "Good luck with that I've been trying to see him for months now, apparently he's a very busy man, I only ever get to see the school councillor." I picked up my mobile phone, found the school's number and dialled it, I put the phone on speaker. "Hello, this is Joy Stevenson, I'd like to speak to the Headmaster please." The person that answered the phone tried to fob me off with. "I'm sorry but can you ring back in office hours, he's a very busy man." I replied. "Please get him now, or I might have to rethink our funding of your new technology block." The phone went quiet and after a short break a man who sounded quite out of breath came to the phone. "Hello Mrs Stevenson, I'm really sorry but our receptionist didn't recognise your voice, how may I help you?" "Can I ask, what is the schools current policy on bullying please, Headmaster?" "Yes, it is not tolerated at all and we will stamp it out quickly and decisively whenever it is found." I thought to myself, he's just read that of the school brochure. "My daughter has a friend who is being bullied, her mum has been keeping her off school, although she returned today." "Ah you must mean Rebecca, yes I had heard about that, children can be rather cruel sometimes." "Well what are you going to do about it headmaster?" He paused for a second and said: "Self-defence classes, I have asked one of our games teachers to take an after school self-defence class for parents and children, to help build self-esteem and confidence in pupils who are being bullied and anyone else who wants to learn how to protect themselves it's been running for several weeks now." I sighed. "Do you really think that this will address the issue of the bullies themselves, don't they need to realise that they just can't just go around upsetting people because it's a fun thing to do?" the head was starting to sound exasperated. "Why don't you come to this Friday's class and see for yourselves." "Okay headmaster I'll come, I hope to see you there." "Goodbye Mrs Stevenson." I hung up the phone and just as I was about to speak to Becky's mum I heard. "MUM, you're not?" I smiled and said: "Why not, I think that you and Alice should come too, I mean Susan you might learn something from this instructor." Susan turned to her friend and said: "You have just got to come on Friday Becky, I promise it will be worth it." Becky's mum looked confused and said: "Am I missing something, I thought we were discussing bullying." I apologised and said: "We are Louise, the Headmaster thinks that he is dealing with bullying, I just want to show him he isn't, I hope you will join us on Friday, we can pick you up if you wish?" After We had discussed Becky at length, Alice asked Louise if she would like to stay for her evening meal. "I'm sorry it won't be anything grand, as our cook is poorly at the moment." Louise seemed to appreciate the offer and said: "If you're sure I'm not imposing, I'm sure Becky would love it." "Not at all, I'll just check to see if Dawn needs any help." I said as I got up, I left Louise with Alice. As I entered the kitchen I witnessed a very stressed looking Dawn trying to look calm as Daniel stood drinking tea by the back door. "How are you coping Dawn do you need help?" Dawn looked quite flustered. "I think, I'm managing Miss, just." Daniel added. "I can ask my mum to come up and assist Miss, if that'll help." I decided to be diplomatic and said: "I can see your coping really well Dawn but we have some extra guests tonight, so I think we should get you a little extra help." she looked relieved as I asked Daniel. "Can you ask Mrs Murphy if she can come and help Dawn in the kitchen please?" Daniel used the kitchen phone and asked his mum if she would help, he explained that Dot was poorly, she agreed immediately. "Mum will be up in a few minutes Miss." I thanked Daniel and went back towards the library, as I entered the entrance hall I met Iona. "Ah Joy, do you have the keys to your old house in Newcastle?" "Yes they're just over there on the hook, why do you need them?" "Oh, sorry, it's Dot she's being transferred to Newcastle for more investigation, I'm just off to meet Matt at the Hospital, I thought we could use your old house for a few nights If you don't mind." I was now quite worried about Dot. "Certainly Iona take the keys, use the fob to turn off the house alarm, can you tell Dot that Alice and I wish her a speedy recovery." "I will Joy, thank you." Iona got the keys off the hook and left quickly. I walked back to the library, Alice and Louise were engrossed in conversation, I then heard the front door slam and turned around to find the twins giggling to themselves. "Did you both enjoy your after school club today?" "Yes Mummy, we did." They both said in unison, although the twins were not identical, sometimes they behaved as if they were, I smiled at myself. "Can you both go and get changed for dinner please as we have guests but first can I have a big hug?" The twins ran over to me and nearly knocked me over and after a very pleasant hug they left for their room and I re-joined Alice. "Mrs Murphy will be helping out in the kitchen tonight Alice, Dawn was getting a little stressed." Alice smiled broadly and said: "Well it will be massive portions tonight, she's a great cook." I turned to Louise and asked her. "Would you like to use one of our guest rooms to freshen up?" Louise thanked me and we showed her to the nearest guest room. Alice said to her. "We'll tell Becky where you are, we are just going to freshen up ourselves, see you in about an hour Louise." Alice and I left Louise and headed off to our room, as we went up the stairs Alice commented. "Is it just me or has this been a really busy day?" I laughed and held her hand. "I think tomorrow we will have a quiet one Alice, just you and I." "I would like that Joy." We stopped off at Susan's room, I could hear giggling inside, I knocked, Susan said 'Come in Mum's'. Susan was sitting with Becky on her bed, Becky had a smile on her face, it was the first time I had seen her smile. Alice asked. "Have you girls been having fun?" "Yes mum, Becky and I have been helping out in the stables, I think she likes horses." "Did you enjoy yourself Becky?" Becky smiled and nervously said: "Yes Mrs Stevenson, I loved the horses." I could almost see Alice's mind ticking over, I knew that the Stevenson's were a very private family and although they (we) treated our staff well, we generally kept people at a distance and usually avoided the locals if we could. Alice asked Susan. "If you want, you could invite Becky and some of your friends over for sleepovers occasionally and you could even take them out on your pony Susan?" Susan's face lit up. "Really mum?" "Yes, just not too often." she warned. "Thanks Mum's, your both the greatest." I added. "Can you take Becky down to guest rooms when you've finished here, so she can freshen up before dinner please?" "Okay mum." 07 Dinner with the Stevenson's. Alice and I left Susan and Becky and continued to our room. Once we had arrived we both dived onto our bed. After a few minutes of relaxing, Alice was lying on her side looking at me and I was on my side looking at her, she looked beautiful today, I thought to myself. Alice frowned slightly as she asked. "Joy, do you ever think about the bully that hurt you?" Even though it was a long time ago, I still shuddered at the thought of that day, I answered her truthfully. "Yes I do Alice sometimes, I still have bad dreams about it, I think it's the feeling of helplessness I remember the most and the thought that I couldn't protect you." Alice looked me in the eyes she could see that I was uncomfortable talking about it. "You still have nightmares about that day Joy? I didn't realise." "Yes Alice, I think that is just one of my many demons that may need exorcising sometime in the future." "I'll always be there for you Joy." said Alice as she wiped a tear away, "But now, I think we should shower, care to join me?" After a very intimate shower Alice and I dressed for dinner. As I was applying my mascara I noted to myself with a smile how old fashioned 'dressing for dinner' was, when I was still living at home we never dressed for dinner, I just sat at the table in jeans and a tee shirt and ate my food, of course that was when I was still a boy, nowadays however I loved dressing for dinner, in nice clothes and make up. "Come on slowcoach." said Alice as I re-attached a wayward suspender tab to my cream stockings and smoothed them up my legs. "Sorry I was a little distracted." I said as I slipped into a pair of heels, as a final touch I reapplied my lipstick and used a tissue to blot the excess, I turned and looked at my beautiful wife. "Wow you look incredible tonight." she gave me a big smile and offered me her hand, we left our room and walked down to dinner hand in hand. Considering the short notice, Dawn and Mrs Murphy had managed to create an exceptional meal between themselves, Becky's mum Louise seemed to be more at ease with us and her daughter even talked to us a little, the twins even managed to ask delicately. "What is that mark on your face Becky?" Becky smiled and rather self-consciously explained. "It's a birthmark, I've always had it, but I think it might be being removed soon." Lucy then asked. "How are you getting it removed Becky?" "Er, I think they use a Laser to remove it." The twins then both said: "Cooool." Changing the subject Susan asked me. "Are you really going to the self-defence class on Friday night mum?" "Yes Susan, the Headmaster says it's a part of his anti-bullying strategy, I'm a little sceptical." Susan then mentioned. "You do realise that some of the kids that harass Becky are in the self-defence class." I smiled at Susan. "We just may have to show them, that looks can sometimes be deceptive." it was at this point that the twins started to pay attention to the conversation again. "Are you going to use your Ninja death stars on them Mummy?" asked Dawn with a huge grin, I gave her a stern look. "I don't own any Dawn and I'm not a Ninja." Louise looked at me with a very confused expression on her face. "I'm sorry Louise, but the Twins have somehow gotten it into their heads that I'm a Ninja, it's totally ridiculous of course." I looked at them both sternly. "And I've asked them to stop saying it but if they continue, I might not let them come and watch on Friday night." The twins faces lit up and they went very quiet. The rest of our meal went without further incident, Becky and her mum thanked us and Alice got our driver to take them both home. 08 I dream of Bully's. That night I had a nightmare about the bully who had badly beaten me, I was gently woken by Alice, she was stroking my hair. "I'm sorry Joy, I had to wake you, you were crying in your sleep." I was covered in sweat and shaking, Alice went into the bathroom and got a small hand towel, she gently dried the sweat off me and the got back into bed, pulled the covers back over us and held me tightly. "Go back to sleep now Joy, I'll hold you." she kissed me and held my naked body as I drifted back off to sleep. The next morning I awoke to very pleasurable feelings, Alice was gently sucking at my breast and she had a lubricated finger inside my pussy massaging it and my little clit very gently, I sighed with contentment and looked down at Alice, she stopped sucking for a moment. "Good morning my love." Alice started to gently kiss and lick my swollen nipple whilst her finger moved up to my little clit, she gently tickled it with her finger nail and then started to rub my swollen little nub with her lubricated finger, I gasped as I enjoyed the sensations of pure pleasure running through me, Alice continued to kiss and rub me until I started to shake and squeal with delight as a very intense orgasm Quickly overloaded my senses. I lay on the bed and revelled in the afterglow for several minutes as Alice stroked my hair and gently rubbed my tummy with her free hand. eventually as I turned to her, she spoke. "I think you needed that, after last night." "Was my dream that bad Alice? I can't remember any of it." "Yes Joy it was, you were crying in your sleep, and kept apologising to me." "I'm sorry if I scared you." "You didn't scare me you silly thing, I was worried about you though." I put my arms around Alice and pulled her towards me. "Thank you for keeping me safe last night Alice and thank you for my very pleasant wake up this morning too." Alice smiled. "Shall we go and do our morning exercises now? I can't actually believe I'm saying this but I'm really starting to look forward to them now." Once dressed, Alice and I met Susan on the gravelled area outside the main entrance, she was doing warm up stretches, looking up she said brightly. "Good morning Mum's." Just as we were returning from our run and were just about to pass Terry's new house he appeared and stopped jogging just long enough to say. "Aliza will be back on Thursday Joy, she managed to wrap up her affairs more quickly than she'd anticipated." Terry looked very happy at this news, I asked him. "Are you joining us for breakfast, Terry." "Yes Joy, I would love to, I'll see you after your sparring session." with that he left us and continued his morning jog. Susan and I had a very energetic sparring session, Alice was improving and really seemed to be enjoying herself, I spent several minutes dispersing my pent up anger and frustration into one of the large suspended punch bags, soon I felt much better and we all went to get some breakfast. 09 A pleasant day out with my wife. At breakfast I asked Alice. "What shall we do today then?" Alice put down her fork and said: "I think we should pop into the office for a while, just to show our faces then I think we should go to Newcastle and do a little shopping and possibly go for a nice walk." Terry asked: "Can I be your chauffeur today girls? I'd like to visit my mum and I can do it whilst your both shopping." Alice and I agreed. Around Mid-morning and after a brief trip to our little business, Terry dropped Alice and I off in the centre of Newcastle, he agreed to meet us later on and left to visit his Mum. A short while later Alice's mobile started to ring, she answered, it was Matt, he was ringing to tell us that Dot had undergone a procedure to repair a leaking Heart valve and was recovering peacefully. Alice told him that as we were currently in Newcastle we would visit her in hospital later in the afternoon, once the call had ended we continued our shopping trip. I loved shopping with Alice, she was so enthusiastic about everything, she would hold tops up to herself, then me, we would try on different styles and model for each other. Alice and I became like a couple of giggling little schoolgirls in the changing rooms but it was wonderful to see her smile and laugh again, by lunchtime I had almost forgotten that the last few months had ever happened. We arranged for out purchases to be delivered and decided to have lunch in the Restaurant of one of the Major department stores. We were holding hands as we entered the Restaurant, and I gave Alice a little kiss on the lips as we waited to be seated, Alice smiled and kissed me back. Soon we were seated and had ordered our food. I kicked off my 4" heels and started to gently massage my nylon clad ankles. "Heels are taking me a little bit of getting used to again Alice." Alice smiled brightly and replied. "But they complement your legs perfectly Joy, I can't keep my eyes off you today." I moved my hand over the table, held her hand and gently stroked her silver ring, I smiled and for a while just looking into her eyes, we sat for several more minutes holding hands and looking at each other, we were both in our own little world together, just the two of us, as the rest of the world carried on without us. Today, just being with Alice was perfect, I would have been happy to have waited a lot longer for our food to arrive, but our reverie was broken by the food being delivered. "Wow." we both said simultaneously as we were both returned to the real world, I smiled "I have butterfly's in my tummy Alice, you've made me feel wonderful inside." "So do I Joy, you make me feel so good." A tear started to roll down her cheek, I reached out and caught it on the tip of my fingernail, I then transferred the little tear from my painted nail to my mouth, I tasted it's saltiness and smiled. "I hope that was a tear of joy, Alice." "It was." she replied. Alice and I sat silently as we ate our respective meals, I smiled at her as I ate. We skipped pudding and I paid the bill. "Shall we call Terry now to pick us up Joy?" "No I have a better idea, let's leave him to spend some time with his Mum." We left the department store and walked north up Northumberland Street, soon we reached a row of bus stops. "Where are we going now?" asked Alice "We are taking the scenic route to visit Dot." I said as I put my hand out to hail the bus that had just appeared from around the corner. Alice started to look a little nervous as we boarded the double decker bus, I paid the driver and we went upstairs. "Let's sit at the front." I said to Alice as the bus was pulling away. We sat on the bench seats at the front of the bus and I held Alice's hand as we started our journey out of the Town centre. After a couple of minutes Alice became more relaxed and rested her head on my shoulder, I put my arm around her and gently held her as the bus slowly made its way towards the coast. All too soon our stop was looming. "Come on Alice, it's our stop." Alice and I got up and went downstairs, we waited by the driver. "This your stop pet?" the driver asked I confirmed it was and the driver slowed to let us off. Once stopped I thanked the driver and we left the bus. I once again put my hand in Alice's and we started to walk uphill toward a large old bridge, as the bus pulled away Alice asked. "Where are we Joy?" "I'll show you, come on." I was quite excited as I hadn't been here since I used to rummage for conkers as a Boy! Once on the bridge I started to explain as we walked. "This is called Armstrong bridge, it goes over what used to be Lord Armstrong's back garden." I went over to the North side of the bridge and said: "Look down there Alice, it's a park." Alice looked over the bridge and about 100 feet below us she could see a neatly laid out park area. she looked at me quizzically. "Are we going down there Joy?" I smiled and said: "I would like to Alice, it's been a really long time for me." Alice smiled at me and said: "In these heels?" I smiled back at her, opened my old leather satchel and pulled out two pairs of Ballet flat's, I offered her a pair, but instead of taking them she pulled me towards her, put her hand around the back of my head and kissed me on the lips, we stood on the bridge just holding each other and kissing for several minutes. As our tongues started to explore each other's mouths, I was becoming extremely aroused, I could feel my nipples stiffen and push against the confines of my bra, eventually we broke our kiss, my lip was trembling I was breathless and felt slightly weak at the knees. "Wow." I said breathlessly, Alice looked at me she smiled. "I think you liked that." she said as she pointed at my chest, I looked down and could see the indentations that my nipples were making against the thin fabric of my dress, I laughed and pointed at her chest. "I think you did too, Alice." We both burst into a fit of giggles and went over to a nearby bench by the entrance to the park change into more appropriate footwear. After changing our shoes and performing urgent make-up repairs, Alice and I walked hand in hand into the park, we followed a steep wide footpath down through many mature trees and bushes until we arrived on the bottom road. Just before we entered the perfectly manicured gardens I noticed an ice cream van. "Would you like an ice cream Alice?" Alice beamed at me and said "I would love one, do they do them with chocolate flakes?" I got my purse out of my satchel and went over to the van and asked the old man inside. "Two sugar cone 99's please, with monkeys blood." Alice looked slightly concerned. I smiled and explained that it was not real monkeys blood, it was just red sweet sauce, but I had always called it that. I paid the old gentleman and we took our ices and walked over to the park area and sat down on a bench in the sunshine to eat them. Alice turned to me and smiled. "I think I really like monkeys blood, Joy." "I thought you might." I said as I wiped a small dab of ice cream of the tip of her nose. "What's that over there?" Alice asked a few minutes later as she finished the last remnants of her ice cream. "If I remember correctly, it's called pet's corner, would you like to go in and have a look?" Alice quickly got up off the park bench and grabbed my hand, she pulled me up and we headed over to the small Zoo of domestic animals and exotic birds. Alice went excitedly from cage to cage looking at hamsters, rabbits and all other manor of domestic animals, she was like an excited small child, I bought her a small packet of bird food and she fed the birds, I was very happy to see her enjoying herself again, I even temporarily forgot about the last few months and just enjoyed the moment. Once we had left the animals behind us, we walked hand in hand along the banks of a small river, I was quietly thinking to myself about all the times as a child and teenager that I would come here with my friends on our bikes and collect conkers or climb the trees and get up to general mischief, I was reminded of just how much I had changed since then by a little gust of wind that blew the skirt of my dress up almost revealing the suspenders holding my stockings up, "I wonder what my friends would think of me now?" I thought to myself as we crossed a small ornamental bridge over the small river. After walking for a little longer, Alice asked if we should get Terry to pick us up, I told her not to worry about it and that we would still get to the hospital by visiting time. Alice stood on another ornamental bridge and gently leant against me as we looked over at a waterfall in front of us. "It's very pretty here Joy, we must bring Susan and the twins for a picnic sometime." I turned and kissed her. "If we're quick we can get a cup of tea before we need to go to the hospital Alice." Alice reluctantly left the waterfall and we started to slowly walk up steep steps through the dense woodland. "Where are we going now Joy?" Alice asked. I just smiled and held her hand. We then followed a steeply rising path for a few minutes and then another set of steps, Alice and I then came out of the trees onto a very large grassed area, with small clumps of trees dotted around it. "Well I wasn't expecting that." said Alice, I pointed over at a small white painted building near to a large ornamental pond. "We should be able to get a cup of tea in there if we're quick." I said as Alice and I walked towards it. 10 The hospital visit. Alice and I sat together outside the small caf? with our tea, she was gently stroking my leg through the skirt of my dress. "mmmm, that's nice." I exclaimed. "You can stroke mine too if you like." I smiled and reciprocated. Alice looked at me and smiled. "You should soon be able to have a proper ponytail Joy, your hair is really starting to grow." "I hope so Alice, I had to put a couple of clips in today to keep the hair out of my eyes." I was secretly delighted that my hair had returned with such vigour. "Gosh look at the time, we need to get moving or we'll miss visiting hours for Dot." I laughed and then pointed towards a large brick building across the main road behind us. "Dot is over there Alice, we've been slowly walking there all afternoon, shall we change back into our heels now?" Alice used her mobile phone to contact Matt, she found out from him Dot's ward and her room, Alice and I headed over to the hospital, after a quick visit to the hospital shop and a little confusion with the lifts we reached Dot's ward and located her room. Alice gently knocked on the door to Dot's room, we heard a familiar voice say. "Come in." On entering her room Dot was sitting propped up on her bed by many pillows and by her side was her daughter Mary. Alice immediately went over to Dot and gave her a gentle hug and a kiss, I greeted Mary and then also gave Dot a Hug. "You really look much better today Dot." Dot smiled at me. "I feel much better Joy, a little sleepy but I feel really good today." Alice looked confused "I thought you had Heart Surgery Dot, shouldn't you be attached to lots of machines and things." Mary spoke. "Mum did have Surgery Alice, but they did all of their work through her groin, apparently!." I admit that I was confused by this Dot then said: "You both really didn't have to come all that way to see me girls, I'm sure you both have more important things to do." Alice turned to Dot and scolded her. "Dot you have watched over me and cooked for me and my family since I was a little girl, of course I had to come and see you, as far as I'm concerned you are a part of our family." Dot looked at me then Alice. "I'm really pleased to see you both today and I'm really touched that you've come all the way to see me." Alice hugged Dot again. 11 Terry's mum. For nearly an hour Alice and I talked and laughed with Dot and her daughter, then Matt and Iona arrived to see her, so as the room was getting quite crowded we said our goodbye's and contacted Terry to pick us up from the hospital and take us back home to 'Stevenson Towers'. Terry picked us up from the small 'drop off' area outside the hospital. "Was your mum pleased to see you Terry?" asked Alice. Terry smiled. "Oh yes, she had many questions about where I had been for the last year and what I was doing now." "What did you tell her, Terry?" I asked "I told her that after I had left the Marines I got a job working in North Yorkshire, for your family, my Mum then asked why I was up here today and when I told her that I chauffeuring you, she immediately invited you both for tea." Terry laughed, then continued. "I declined on your behalf of course." Alice frowned "I think I would like to meet your Mum Terry." She then turned to me. "What about you Joy, would you like to meet Terry's Mum?" Terry was now looking quite uncomfortable, I asked him. "Where does your Mum live Terry?" "Er, she lives in a place called Scotswood, Joy." "That's in the West end of Newcastle Isn't it?" "Yes Joy." Terry said nervously. Alice then asked. "Do you think your mum would like it if we visited her Terry?" "I really think it would make her day Alice but the area she lives in is a little run down." Alice then turned to me. "I know that You and Terry are trying to protect me Joy but I really would love to meet the Mother of the man who helped both to save me and restore you to health." So it was decided, we would go and visit Terry's mum, he phoned ahead to warn his mum of our impending arrival and Alice stopped off at a local Florists and purchased a rather large bouquet of flowers. Alice was looking out of the car window as we entered the council estate. "Is this where you used to live Terry?" asked Alice as Terry turned into a large estate of council houses. "Yes we moved here just after my dad died and I stayed until I joined the Marines." After navigating through several streets Terry pulled into a cul-de-sac and parked the car in front of his mum's house, Alice and I got out and stood on the pavement, we waited as Terry removed the flowers from the boot and locked the car, as I looked around I noticed that a lot of the houses on the street were actually quite well kept with nice gardens, but some had been somewhat neglected by their occupants, Terry passed Alice the large bouquet of flowers and held open the gate to his old home open for us to enter, a rather short plump lady with wiry grey hair was standing at the front door wearing a cooking apron she said: "Well don't just stand there Terry, Introduce me to your friends." "Sorry mum, This is Alice and this is Joy." Terry's mum wiped her hands on her apron and held one out, I shook her hand then decided that a little hug would be more appropriate. "I'm very pleased to meet you Mrs Percy." Alice passed the bouquet to me and then also gave Terry's mum a hug, she then took the flowers from me and passed them to Terry's mum. "These are off Terry for you, Mrs Percy." She looked at Terry and said: "Of course they are pet, still it's a really nice gesture, would you like to come into the house?" Alice and I agreed and followed Terry's mum. "And you our Terry, make sure you take your mucky shoes off." "Yes mum." he sighed. Alice and I sat down on the sofa in the front room. "Why don't you two take your heels off and rest your poor ankles?" I was really starting to like Terry's mum, Alice and I removed our heels and I passed her a pair of flat's from my satchel, I also put mine on. "Would you like a cup of tea Dears?" asked Terry's mum. Both Alice and I eagerly accepted, she vanished into the kitchen closely followed by Terry. A few minutes later I heard the whistling of a kettle and shortly afterwards Terry's mum appeared with a tray, she placed it on the coffee table and set out cups and saucers in front of us, she poured tea from a large tea cosy covered teapot. "Help yourselves to milk, girls." I poured milk into our teas, Terry's mum offered us a selection of biscuits on a plate, we accepted, she sat down opposite us and got herself comfortable. Terry's mum then asked us. "Our Terry tells me that he works for your family now." "Yes he does." "Has he been working for you since he left the army, Joy?" "It was the Royal Marines mum." said Terry. "I only ask because I didn't hear from him for over a year and I was really worried about him." I looked at Terry, he looked worried. "Oh yes I'm really sorry about that but when we employed him he was sent abroad for a while and was unable to contact anyone." "Oh." said Terry's mum sceptically. "What exactly does he do for you?" This time Alice spoke. "He's my Bodyguard Mrs Percy and our driver, because we are quite wealthy my father decided that I needed a bodyguard." "Oh, and what does Joy do then Alice?" asked Mrs Percy. Alice smiled and said: "That's easy, she's my wife and I'm hers." Alice reached over and held my hand, Mrs Percy smiled. "You both make a very pretty couple." I blushed slightly. "So is Terry your bodyguard too, Joy?" "Not exactly Mrs Percy But he did help me regain my fitness after a very serious illness." Alice held my hand a little tighter. "I have just one question girls." said Mrs Percy. "I expected Terry to lie about what he's been doing for over a year but what I don't understand is why you two are lying to help him?" I was a little taken aback by this, Terry was staying very quiet so I answered. "What exactly do you know Mrs Percy?" "Well I do know that nearly a year ago a young man who called himself Taffy turned up at my door and asked if I knew where our Terry was, he said he had some good news, he also told me that all charges had been dropped and that he had won some sort of prize." at this point Terry interrupted. "I'm sorry Mum, but I was Dishonourably discharged from the Marines." "What do you mean Terry?" "It means that I was thrown out of the army Mum." "Oh, but why didn't you just come home Terry?" "I was ashamed Mum, so I just started to drift around the country and sleep rough, that was when Joy found me unconscious in some bushes, I was very unwell and she got her Doctor to treat me and send me to hospital to recover." "So why didn't you come home once you were better, Terry?" Terry looked stuck for words, so I spoke. "That was my fault Mrs Percy, I was recovering from a very serious illness, I had cancer, Terry agreed to help me to regain my fitness again." Mrs Percy looked at me and said: "Look I'm not trying to be funny pet, but couldn't you have just joined a gym or something." "It was not that simple Mrs Percy, I had to become extremely fit, because I needed to find someone that had gone missing, someone that I love dearly." Mrs Percy looked over at Alice who had become very quiet, her whole attitude instantly changed when she noticed a solitary tear running down Alice's cheek, Mrs Percy whilst looking at Alice then said quietly. "I think I'm starting to understand pet, Terry get young Alice a tissue." Mrs Percy then sat next to Alice and hugged her. "I'm sorry pet, sometimes I can be a really nosy old cow, I won't pry any further." Terry returned with tissues a few seconds later. After Alice had calmed down, Mrs Percy asked her. "Should I be proud of Terry?" Alice answered immediately. "Yes, Mrs Percy you should be extremely proud of him." Mrs Percy then asked us if we would like something to eat, we agreed, she then set about creating us a meal, I sat with Alice on the settee and held her hand, whilst Terry helped his mum with the food. "Tea's up." Mrs Percy shouted from the kitchen/dining room some time later, Alice and I got up and joined Terry and his mum, we sat at a small dining table that was covered with a tablecloth, Mrs Percy said: "I hope sausage egg and chips is okay? the sausages are fresh from the butchers today." Terry, Alice and I tucked into our meal, it may not have been the healthiest of meals but it was delicious, Alice asked Terry if he was going to invite his mum to stay with him at some point in the future, Terry the fearless Marine looked a little nervous. "I suppose once we've moved in properly you could come and visit mum." Mrs Percy looked at Terry and her eyes widened. "You said we, Terry, have you gotten yourself a lady friend?" I was quite enjoying watching Terry squirm, Alice then said: "She's called Aliza and she is very beautiful Mrs Percy." Mrs Percy poured more Tea from her large teapot into our cups and said: "I'm really glad that you've found someone special Son, I'm sure I'll meet her when you're ready." Terry promised that he would invite his mum to visit in the next couple of weeks. Once we had finished our meal Alice asked. "Could you tell me where, er the little girls room is please Mrs Percy." "Certainly dear, it's upstairs turn left and it's at the end, oh and please call me Grace." Alice excused herself and left the table and after a few seconds Grace spoke. "Your wife is a lovely person, I hope you look after her Joy." "I do, er Grace there is nothing I wouldn't do for her." Terry then added, "She means it Mum there is nothing that she wouldn't do for her, I know as I trained her." Grace looked a little confused by Terry's statement, then quickly changed the subject. "So do you have a spare room in your house for me when I come to stay Terry?" He smiled and said: "I'm sure we'll find somewhere for you to sleep Mum." I then added. "You should come and have a meal with us when you visit Grace, you can meet our family and children." Grace once again looked confused but she smiled and said: "I would like that, if it's not too much trouble." I then had a thought. "Terry why don't you take some time off so you can get your house ready for your Mum, then you and Aliza can spend some time with her and have a few day trips together." Terry smiled "I think I will, I'll discuss it with Aliza tonight when I ring her." Alice reappeared a couple of minutes later, I offered to help with the dishes but Grace would not hear of it, so we thanked her for her hospitality and made moves to leave, Alice and I said goodbye to Grace and went to the car to wait for Terry, he stood at the front step for several minutes talking to his mother, she seemed agitated and was looking at me, then she seemed to lose her colour and put her hand to her mouth, Terry gave her a big hug and left her on the step. Once he was back in the car I mentioned to Terry that his mum looked a little shocked. "Ah yes Joy, she was having trouble believing that you could protect Alice, so I told her that you could easily beat me, she's seen me fight so she was a little shocked." he hesitated and then said: "She also said that you both have sadness in your eyes, she's glad you have each other." at that I held Alice's hand tightly "My mum is a good judge of character girls and she really likes you both." Alice leant into me and made herself comfortable as Terry started the journey back to Stevenson Towers, it was the beginning of a beautiful evening as Terry crossed the Scotswood bridge over the River Tyne and joined the A1, I just held Alice, she soon fell asleep against me, she must have been exhausted as we had both had a long day. Just over an hour later we arrived back at Stevenson towers, Alice was sound asleep in the car, Terry helped me get her out and I carried her into the house, fortunately I still had my flat's on, once inside the hallway, Terry offered to carry Alice up to our room, he gently took her from my arms and he effortlessly carried her up to our room and placed her gently on our bed. "Thanks Terry." I said as he left. I undid and removed Alice's clothing and covered her semi naked body with the duvet and kissed her, as I wasn't that tired I changed into my fatigues and decided to go for a run before the light faded. 12 An unexpected training session. As I had almost reached the house after my run I decided to go to the old barn and hurt a punch bag, I noticed however as I neared the barn that the lights were on, so I approached cautiously and peered in through the door. I found Susan with a rather out of breath and red in the face Becky, Susan was showing her friend how to avoid attacks and how to fall, fortunately she was not demonstrating any offensive moves, I entered and took Susan a little by surprise. "Mum!." "Hello Susan, Hello Becky." I said in a friendly manner. "Er, I was just trying to show Becky some moves to avoid being picked on." I smiled as I took off my boots. "That's okay I know you are just trying to help your friend." Susan looked relieved. "I think your friend may appreciate a little breather though, she looks rather flushed." I stood by the edge of the mat and waited to be invited on. Susan appraised her friend and realised that she was rather tired. "Sorry Becky, you have a little breather and I'll practice with Mum for a while." so Becky left the mat and I was invited on. "Can we spar a little Susan I have rather a large meal to work off." So for the next twenty minutes Susan and I sparred with each other, half the time I was the attacker and the other half the I was defending myself from Susan's attacks. Once we had finished both Susan and I lay on our backs on the mat covered in sweat and breathless, I turned to look at Becky who I admit I had almost forgotten about, she was looking open mouthed at us both, Susan and I got up off the mat and went over to her

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The River

I didn't often walk along that towpath by the river any more. I'd enjoyed the tranquillity of the place since I was a child, and in my younger days spent many happy hours fishing there and watching the waterfowl raise their young. To see the transformation from cygnet to swan take place over weeks and months had been my idea of heaven as a child. It could have been that my fishing expeditions to the riverbank — which were never very successful - were an excuse to sit and watch the swans and...

2 years ago
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Hot Gay Sex Adventure With Friend In The River

I used to bath in the river near us with my friend every weekend when we were teenagers. On one Saturday, I decided to go to the river in the afternoon. First I went to my friend’s home. He was watching TV. I asked him to come with me to the river. He asked me why I was early. I said I was bored and we can have more time swimming. He took the towel and came with me with very little interest. About me, I was around 5 to 5.5 feet height and weighed around 45 to 50 kg back then. I was slim but had...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Sister With Workers At River

Hi friends, I am back with another story and this story is of my sister who would have sex with any random guy once she is attracted to them or fascinated to them by the size of the dick they possess. I am sure my sister is definitely used to huge dicks, that’s why she would peep people peeing beside the road or even anywhere where she could get the view of their dick. This story is about my younger sister and I along with my mom and dad and two sisters, Sharda and Sarita live in a village in...

2 years ago
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North of the River

January 12, 2010 Vancouver, Washington It had once been an office building, a modern, uninteresting four-story structure that had housed half a dozen doctors' offices, three or four lawyers, a dentist, an orthodontist, and a private investigation service. Now it was an empty shell, most of the windows broken out, part of the southern wall partially collapsed, the second and third floors gutted by fire, the rest looted by vandals. Conner Boreman supposed it was no longer structurally sound,...

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Love on the River

The river was up and rising. They were expecting it to crest around thirty-two feet, putting six or seven feet under the house. It was now probably about a foot deep under the house and two feet deep by the stairs where I was docking. I was boating back in from the levee with groceries when I spotted someone kayaking toward me from several houses downriver. Come to think of it, that was the direction of all the noise, commotion and lights over the Memorial Day weekend a couple weeks ago. Well,...

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The River

The River -The Beginning By Kyorii pilau Chapter 1 The middle. I am dying, I know I'm dying as the Doctors have told me so. My Oncologist had wanted to remove my breasts, but it was too late as my cancer had already spread via my lymphatic system and invaded the rest of my body. The Chemotherapy has robbed me of my beautiful long dark hair and has made me very weak, my once curvy body was now an anorexic shell of its former self, the tumours laughed at...

3 years ago
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at the river

Summer's finally here. We were going to spend a week at a river resort. My mother and I went to the office to confirm our reservation for a cabin close to the water park, signed in and unpacked the car. We put or things away and went to the little restaurant at the park. Mothr said I could go swimming if I wanted to, but I asked if I could rent an inner tube to ride to rapids on the river. After some convincing I'd be safe and begging she agreed as long as I'd be back before sun set. Putting on...

1 year ago
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Snow and the River

The thick snow fell slowly on a vanished world, obliterating the joint between earth and sky, erasing the sharp edges of the apartment buildings bordering the park, and obscuring the leafless trees and dark pines in a blur of falling white. There seemed to be nothing left but the stone bridge over the slow gray river like a bridge in the clouds linking blankness to blankness, and that’s where he stood. The sounds of the city were so muffled that he could hear the gentle hiss of the snowflakes...

2 years ago
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A day at the river

  A day at the river.       I’m an ordinary guy in my thirties to whom nothing real dramatic has ever happened, but one particular afternoon drive in the car put an end to all that.   I was sick and tired of looking after the kids while my wife worked and needed a break from them, so I decided to take a drive in the country to clear my head. Having the kids on your own all the time tends to drive you fucking nuts. Just ask any single mum. To pretend that I was actually entitled to some...

2 years ago
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A day at the river

anal, sisters A good day fishing lands one hell of a catch./A day at the river.I'm an ordinary guy in my thirties to whom nothing real dramatic has ever happened, but one particular afternoon drive in the car put an end to all that.I was sick and tired of looking after the k**s while my wife worked andneeded a break from them, so I decided to take a drive in the country toclear my head. Having the k**s on your own all the time tends to driveyou fucking nuts. Just ask any single mum. To pretend...

1 year ago
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A day at the river

  A day at the river.       I'm an ordinary guy in my thirties to whom nothing real dramatic has ever happened, but one particular afternoon drive in the car put an end to all that.   I was sick and tired of looking after the kids while my wife worked and needed a break from them, so I decided to take a drive in the country to clear my head. Having the kids on your own all the time tends to drive you fucking nuts. Just ask any...

3 years ago
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A Day on The River

It was late Friday night by the time I got home from work. I thought about calling Maggie but decided to wait until morning and went to take a shower. With the warm water soothing my tired body, I closed my eyes and began thinking of her.As I washed my upper body, the familiar feelings of arousal were getting stronger the more I thought of Maggie being with me at this moment. As my hands moved lower I felt myself getting hard. My eyes were still closed as I imagined her behind me pressing...

Group Sex
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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 12 Hastings River

The Hastings River starts high on the Great Dividing Range running east down through the picturesque Hastings Valley, through unique river towns such as Mount Seaview, Ellenborough and Wauchope before entering the Pacific Ocean at Port Macquarie. Fishing is popular particularly from October through to June each year with peaks during Christmas and Easter. The river has a wide range of fishing opportunities from freshwater bass and catfish in the upper reaches to estuarine species such as...

4 years ago
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The Shy Asian Student Part 2 The River

A week after our that lust fuelled kiss in the temple grounds, May told me she had already planned to go to a river on the outskirts of Bangkok with her friends and invited me to join them. The thought of once again being shadowed and monitored by her friends was distinctly unappealing, but I couldn’t resist the chance to be with her, any chance. Besides there was a strong hint the afternoon may include swimming, which meant seeing even more of her than I had so far. I accepted and endured an...

4 years ago
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RebelChapter 65 On the River

I was never much of a sailor although I had worked on the Bay one oyster season with an uncle of mine who lived just north of Annapolis. I learned a lot in a short time over there including a few things about girls. I was maybe fourteen or fifteen and never thought of anything but girls. Nevertheless, under my lieutenant's questioning, I had to admit that I could swim and that I knew bow from stern and a little something about sails and such. He sent me down to the river where that was a...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 3 The River

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Three: The River Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading! Tuesday, August 11th, 2071 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun rose, shining through my window. It roused me from my thoughts. All night, I had sat on my bed, staring at my hands, the pain slowly fading from my spanked ass. But the hurt in my heart only intensified. Joab had been the first person in a long time I had cared for. He was strong and passionate. He...

4 years ago
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Heartache on the River

The sweat was dripping down my brow, the clock painless clicked away as I watched the dealer throw out the cards to the three remaining players at the table. I was one of those players. I was currently in second place in chips a mere 16,000 behind the leader. As I collected my cards with bated breath I took a peek and felt my excitement rise. Ace, king of spades came before my eyes, my heart beat faster and I felt a smile purse my lips, I just hoped the other two players hadn’t noticed. Since...

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Down on Little River

I parked the car just off the road and above the narrow bridge that crossed Little River. It was a beautiful summer afternoon. A slight breeze rustled through the trees as I made my way down a well-worn path to the river's edge. Another path paralleled the river and I followed it downstream. I loved to come to this secluded bit of nature and had come to know several miles along the river quite intimately. I was wearing a pair of soft, gray jogging shorts, a tee shirt and sandals. Over one...

4 years ago
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I parked the car just off the road and above the narrow bridge that crossed Little River. It was a beautiful summer afternoon. A slight breeze rustled through the trees as I made my way down a well-worn path to the river's edge. Another path paralleled the river and I followed it downstream. I loved to come to this secluded bit of nature and had come to know several miles along the river quite intimately. I was wearing a pair of soft, gray jogging shorts, a tee shirt and sandals. Over one...

2 years ago
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Camping By The River

Standing in the shallow ice cold water of the rushing river, I closed my eyes and felt the sun warm my bare skin. I reached down and felt my thickening cock as it hung down over my chilled, taught scrotum. It had been the first time I had skinny dipped in many years. I had gone into the river wearing my bathing suit but the warm summer day, the beautiful natural surroundings and the cool water rushing over my skin had made me feel sexually charged. Slipping my suit off in a small swirling pool,...

1 year ago
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A Day on the River

I was in the mood for some fishing, so I loaded my gear in my truck and left Austin bound for Round Rock. There was a small river with some decent fishing. I had been there before and that was the reason I chose that particular conservation access. I wasn’t going to stay near the car anyway. I was going fishing. There were maybe twenty cars around the gravel parking lot on the small river. I always hate leaving my car there. The kinds of riffraff that hang around those accesses are the kind...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

4 years ago
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An Evening by the River

I set my bag down on the chair and pulled out my laptop. I needed to look up some articles on the Internet, so I decided to escape my hot office and got to the library. It was always cooler in the library, and after recent remodeling, there were dozen of Ethernet outlets on the long tables in the main hall. It was late Thursday afternoon, in the summer, so there were far fewer students there as normal, in fact, I only saw two other people in the hall as I sat down. I picked a spot close to the...

1 year ago
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Grove River

Charlie hated doing chores, she knew she'd much rather be out playing in the fields, running through the tall grass, or swimming down in the river, what she envisioned a normal fourteen year old girl should be doing. However she also knew they had to be done. Even before the sun was up Charlie was. She had to feed the chickens, milk the cows, and collect the eggs needed for breakfast. So was life on the farm along the banks of the Grove River and she accepted it, most of the time that is....

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Raped on the River

Ginny Marie Munson gazed silently at the flower bed in front of her as she gathered up the weeds she had just pulled. The cannas she had planted a couple of weeks ago reminded her of her fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Maria, who was spending the summer with her. Once the bright green stalks broke through the surface, they would grow like they were on fire, from small stalks to six foot high stalks with stunning flowers that would bloom until the snow covered them up in the winter. Maria was...

3 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 34 Up River

On one of my last trips to visit with Mrs. Von R--, seeking knowledge of British intentions and a warm bed, a black woman hoeing at a kitchen garden stopped me as I walked past the back fence of her long plot. "Ho, mistah," she cried, waving her free hand. "You shore is a big 'un. How 'bout helpin' some poor folks?" She leaned on her hoe and looked at me stony faced, a bandana covering her head and her feet bare. I was in a hurry, eager to find a bedmate since Mrs. Von R-- usually...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 3 The River

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Tuesday, August 11th, 2071 – Chasity "Chase" Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun rose, shining through my window. It roused me from my thoughts. All night, I had sat on my bed, staring at my hands, the pain slowly fading from my spanked ass. But the hurt in my heart only intensified. Joab had been the first person in a long time I had cared for. He was strong and passionate. He loved me. And maybe I loved him. But I messed it up. I replayed...

3 years ago
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The Great River

The day was hot and the sun was very bright and high in the sky. The Great River sparkled like sapphire, and the well-tended fields of wheat and barley shone like gold. It was the height of summer and the sweltering heat had sent most people indoors into the cool shade but out here in the countryside and farmlands, beyond the ancient capital, there were at least two people who were revelling in the warmth and sun. Alya laughed joyously, her head tossed back as her long raven hair streamed...

First Time
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Fun in the River

I had lost my virginity two years ago, and was not entirely impressed. I hardly felt the first guy and the second one lasted all of five minutes. Now I was eighteen and blossoming, and I was ready. I didn’t just want to sleep with someone again; I wanted to try something new. I have always been adventurous. My name is Dianna and I am about 5'5' light skin and light brown hair. My eyes are hazel. I have a perfect hour glass figure, 34 B cup and a round ass that amounts to a decent handful. I...

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Down By The River

The morning was bright with the promise of a warm day ahead, the sky a perfect deep blue. I am fortunate to live in a sparely populated rural location and can go days without seeing another human being, with the exception of my Wife, of course. So, after finishing breakfast, I set out for my morning stroll over the fields, as had become our custom. However, as my better half was away at a conference, I was totally alone, and as the temperature began to rise, I steadily peeled off layer after...

3 years ago
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Down By The River

Sex, the final frontier. A never ending voyage to explore new sexual realms. To come together to create a new definition of erotic enjoyment. Giving each other mutual pleasure. To boldly go where we have never gone … before.Back in the day, when my wife and I were a new couple, we were still exploring each other’s bodies. I asked her to marry me just fifteen days after we met. I could only see her on weekends, because she lived an hour away and we both worked during the week. However, Friday...

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Whiskey River

"Whiskey River, take my mind Don't let a memory talk to me Whiskey River, don't run dry You're all I got, take care of me..." My name is Jim. I ordered my third bourbon of the night and listened to the singer on the stage belting out a Willie Nelson special. Whiskey River, don't dry up. You got that right. After what they did, I never want the river to run dry, I thought as the song continued. Who were the they I was referring to? They were what I had believed to be my lifetime best...

1 year ago
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RebelChapter 45 On the River

When we had nothing better to do, and the big river was nearby, we enjoyed taking pot shots at the officers on the poop decks of passing ships. We seldom hit anyone as far as I could tell, but even at 500 yards, my rifle was very accurate, and I often scattered the afterguard. It was judging the moving target that was the problem, but I enjoyed seeing men scrambling about after one of my shots. Occasionally the tars replied with a bow chaser, aiming at the smoke cloud my riffle produced, but...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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The River

Eric stopped to wipe his sweating brow with a red polka-dot handkerchief, before renewing his grip on the long pole and pushing the punt along again. He was seventy-three years old and slightly overweight. The poling was very hard work and Eric was looking forward to reaching the end of the journey. Mavis, his wife of fifty-two years, reclined in the double love seat of the boat and looked around at the countryside as they made their placid way along the gently-flowing water. She was also a...

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