Happy If... free porn video

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Happy if... The state of my life seemed perfectly constructed to make me miserable. I was out of place on every single level. I didn't fit in at school, I didn't fit in at home, and I didn't fit in my body, most of all. As a 17 year-old male of 5'4, I was either shorter or about the same height as most of the girls at my school. Also, I was overweight, kind of squatty. But being short and fat was the least of my troubles. I wished for something more. Something that seemed impossible to fulfill in any satisfactory way. I wished to be a woman. Now, I'm not gay. I know that sounds like a defense, but I know deep down, I'm not. Nor do I think I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body. I feel an attraction to straight women, but it gets to a point where I would want to be a straight woman. I'm a pretty ugly man with a stocky body type, so it's not like I would desire to have an operation, but I wished somehow to become a sexy woman. But the criteria for what it would take to make me happy was impossible, so depressed I remained. I lived only a few blocks away from my high school, so I walked home almost every day. While on the way home, I bumped into an old woman. She was carrying a few things, and they toppled to the ground. "I'm sorry, ma'am," I said and knelt down to pick up her stuff. "Caleb," she said softly. I had a bit of a fright with that. I hadn't told her my name. "You're unhappy, but what you seek, you feel is impossible." "Wait, what are you talking about?" But I knew exactly what she was talking about. "How do you know my name?" "I know much more than that, and I have a solution for you." She reached underneath a black cloak she was wearing and pulled out a smooth stone. "Take this home, and you will be granted four wishes. Use it wisely. After the four wishes, it will cease to work, and whatever you have wished for will remain permanent." "Do you expect me to believe that, ma'am? And why four wishes? Isn't it supposed to be only three?" "Well, let's just say that magical resource use has become more efficient in recent years. And you don't have to believe me, but there is no harm in taking a rock home with you, is there? But be sure to word your wishes carefully. Due to renewable energy efforts, a well worded wish can actually grant what would have taken several wishes to grant before, as long as the subject is related." I handed her her stuff, and she handed me the stone. "Use it wisely." I was dumbfounded about what transpired. All I could think to say was "Thank you." I headed home. My mom wasn't home and wouldn't be for a week. She was on a business trip. My dad had died several years ago, leaving her the sole provider. She was sad, but I knew she did her best for me. I just couldn't find myself able to connect with her, though. I set the rock down on my desk and undressed. Though my hopes weren't high for this to work, I would want to be naked to see the full effects. I thought carefully of what my wish would be, seeing what I could maximize out of this. I had been so unhappy for so long. This was my chance. I had thought it through. It was time to speak. "I wish to be the sexiest woman in the world, with the body, mind, wardrobe, cosmetic skills, mannerisms, and sexual urges that go along with it." Nothing. But not for long. The rock glowed. I gasped. I felt a tingling all over my skin. Then, my stomach burst into an intense pain. I hollered. I doubled over. My insides were rearranging themselves. My bones cracked, and I could feel them stretch out. My short dark hair grew longer and lighter, tickling my face and continuing downward. My penis retracted into my body. My flabby abs pulled tighter as I got taller, but my ass flared out. Everywhere else slimmed down. My chest tingled. Hair fell off as two breasts formed. They grew larger and larger, growing heavy and full. And they still kept growing. My face structure changed, and when I hollered again, my voice was no longer mine, but something that sounded like a porn star. My hair, now nearing a platinum blonde, was halfway down my back. My hands slimmed. Soon, the changes were over. I stood up. I expected to topple over, but I didn't. I walked around, and found that it was compulsory to wiggle my ass and walk as if I was on a runway. I remembered. I wished for the mannerisms. It was thorough. I strutted over to my mom's room, where she had a full-length mirror. Staring back at me, I saw a goddess. No longer was I an overweight, 5'4" boy with dark hair and dark eyes. This blonde haired, blue eyed goddess, roughly 5'10" was a specimen of pure perfection. My face was gorgeous. Beautiful cheekbones, large, blue eyes, perfectly plucked eyebrows, a slightly upturned nose, pink, pouty lips and perfect, pearly teeth. My hair was like a mane of sunshine, like silk. My neck was thin, with defined bones that looked like porcelain. My tits. Oh, my...So large, so perky. The nipples were not too large, and the erect points looked like pencil erasers. They curved down to a tight, toned waist that flared up to the most perfectly sculpted hips one could dream of. My ass was thick, juicy, yet well proportioned. My legs were long and shaped, ending on small, perfect feet. My arms were thin, with a slight hint of tone. And my hands, small, had long, proportional fingers with 2 inch, manicured nails. But the biggest change of all was right in the middle. A hairless, tight slit. Flawless, waiting there like an invitation. My mind wandered to gym class, when I accidently caught a glimpse of Will Taylor, the star quarterback's, penis. So large. I moaned slightly. Soon enough, my hand had worked its way down to my pussy. I inserted a finger and whimpered. It was so sensitive. I did wish for the urges of the sexiest woman in the world. I wondered if I was still interested in women. I returned to my room as if I were a part of a runway show. I didn't mean to. It just came naturally. I opened up my computer. I tried Playboy. I stared at them, but I felt nothing. I was far more attractive than they were. In the trending now, I saw something about Ryan Reynolds. I clicked on it. He was shirtless. Again, I was fingering myself, rubbing one of my tits at the same time. I think this confirmed that I was most certainly a heterosexual female. I knew deep down that I would not be able to satisfy this urge on my own. Though the hunks would love it, I knew I couldn't go out naked. I opened up my closet, but instead of seeing t-shirts and pants, I saw an assortment of dresses, tops, skirts, jeans, shoes, and accessories with a vanity and makeup tucked in the corner. I looked in my dresser. Instead of underpants and socks, it was packed with bras, panties, and stockings. That's true. I wished for the wardrobe to go with this body, too. I suddenly knew what I wanted to wear, even though the male me would have no clue about this kind of stuff. I knew that I wanted to get screwed tonight, so I picked what I knew would facilitate that. First, a black thong that was dental floss in the back, and not much more in the front, dipping low so only the slit itself was covered. Then, a strapless black push-up bra. I checked the label. I was a 36DD. Just the perfect size. I looked at the make-up and the vanity. I instinctually knew how to apply it. I went for a theme of pink on my face. With pink lipstick, gloss and blush. I used a dark eye shadow and a thick mascara to make my blue eyes pop. I dug through a drawer and found a hair straightener. I straightened my luscious blonde hair, which extended over halfway down my back. I took out the curling iron and applied glamourous bouncy curls all over my hair. I chose a black, backless dress that showed a large amount of cleavage. I wore four inch, strappy black heels. I think it was fairly obvious what my intentions were heading outside. I grabbed a shiny, silver clutch purse that I kept my make-up kit in, along with some money. I strutted outside, the door, my ass gyrating back and forth naturally as I walked, my heels clacking. I took the subway downtown. Every single eye was on me. I accidentally dropped my purse on purpose. When I bent over to pick it up, the man in front of me staring at my cleavage got me so stimulated, I nearly orgasmed right there. I couldn't wait to have sex! I walked to the club, nearly everyone on the streets catcalling me. I was hot, and everyone knew it! I stepped up to the club's entrance, and the bouncer stated, "Alright, let's see some ID, Miss." Shit. I hadn't even thought of that. "I seemed to have left it at home," I stated, sweet and demure. "No entrance without ID." I improvised. "Well, I think I found it." I slinked toward him. "I think I left it in your pants." I teased his erect cock with my long fingernail. "But it's awfully embarrassing to take it out here. Let's go somewhere private." He hesitated, then, he took me inside and told his friend to take over. We reached some sort of backroom. When in private, I got down on my knees and unzipped his black slacks. I undid his belt, and out popped a modestly sized penis. The bouncer wasn't that cute, but I wanted in so bad. "Let me see if I can find my ID." I licked it. It twitched. I put my mouth on it. I took it all. He wasn't that big, so it was easy compared to what I knew I could do. It tasted salty, I was slightly aroused. I licked his helmet over, licked his shaft, and when he came, I swallowed. I gagged a little, then said, "I'm so sorry. I think I swallowed my ID." "It's okay. I think I got it. What's your name?" I hadn't decided on a name. "Hayley," I decided on the spot. "Hayley, you're one of the hottest women I've ever seen. And you give great head. Enjoy the club." I was in without an ID! This was so great! I decided to hit the dance floor. Hayley was a great dancer, and highly suggestive! I was grinding into nearly every crotch I could find. Now that I had made myself known, I hung around the bar a little. Sure enough, a martini came my way from that "gentleman over there." Coming into my view was a tall, dark, ruggedly handsome stud. Several inches taller than me, even in my heels, he was in great shape. "You looked lonely," he said in a rich baritone voice that tingled my pussy. "If by lonely, you mean horny, then yes, I am insatiably lonely," I moaned. He looked stunned. "Usually women are far less upfront. I'm a little caught off guard." "Well, I can tell that you're quite upfront. In fact, your front looks quite up." I stroked his erect cock, which was way larger than the bouncer's. "My place?" he asked. "Only if it's closer," I cooed in his ear. He called a cab, and we made out in the back. He forced his hand underneath my bra and fondled my large breast, and I dry humped his crotch and gasped. We pulled up to an expensive hotel. "I'm just visiting," he said. "It's a beautiful city." "Shut up and hustle or I'll jump your bones in the lobby!" I panted. We rode the elevator up, fondling one another the entire time. His room was nice, He picked me up and threw me on the bed. He ripped off my thong, dress, and unhooked my bra so all I was wearing was my jewelry and shoes. He pulled off his pants, revealing a massive, thick, 10 inch penis. "Stick it in my pussy now! I shrieked. He obliged, it plunged in. It felt incredible. He punctured my hymen. It hurt, but I didn't want him to stop. He thrust in me again and again and I screamed. He pulled out and came all over my tits. This was the best. I was a woman, and I could finally be happy. We cuddled naked, my large tits squished against him. I was happy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The sun shining through the hotel window awoke me. I had fallen asleep embracing my love, my, wait, I never heard his name. And where was he? I saw a note on the nightstand. It read: "Dear (I never got your name, tellingly): You were by far the easiest woman I've ever banged. You're by far the hottest woman I've ever seen in my life, even in a magazine, but you were incredibly cheap. Don't get me wrong, you were incredible, but you seemed desperate. Enclosed is 20 dollars. You were cheap like a whore, so I'll pay you like a whore. Sincerely, You never asked my name" I whimpered. A tear ran down my face, making yesterday's make-up run. I blew a man to get into the club, and I had sex with the first man I met in the club. I was a whore. My first day a woman, deflowered willingly by a man I don't know the name of. I was a woman. I was supposed to be happy, yet I was miserable. I dragged my feet over to the bathroom and stared at my naked body in the mirror. My ass was too fat. And blonde? The cheapest hair color there is. My face was puffy since I had been crying, streaked with mascara. Though they were real, my boobs looked so fake, cheap fake. I'm not real. I'm a sham of a woman. I was a sham as a boy, and I'll continue to be a shame no matter what kind of person I am. Begrudgingly, I dressed in my slutty clothes, didn't bother to fix my make-up. I was a mess no matter how I looked. Men hooted and hollered on the street and the Subway, but all I could do was hang my head in shame. I made it home and awkwardly stumbled in my heels to my room. All those clothes, this body, all wasted on a nobody. I stared at the wishing stone. Maybe I could wish to no longer be a nobody. I picked up the stone and considered the wording of my wish. "I wish I was a total superstar model, actress, socialite, and all-around A-list hottie with millions of dollars." The stone glowed. I felt my body vibrate. The word around me swirled. I blacked out. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I awoke on a giant bed in a fancy, open mansion. This room was massive, with chandeliers everywhere. I arose from the bed. My lingerie had faux-fur trim and was encrusted with diamonds. It was white with a white thong. I stepped onto the hardwood floors. I noticed on the nightstand, there was a purse. Inside, I found a California ID. My photograph was possibly the sexiest ID photo one would ever see. It listed my name as "Hayley Wilson." I was 21, hair blonde, eyes blue, 5'10", 135 pounds, oh, and gender female. On a desk not far from there was a stack of magazines. The one on top was the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. On the cover was an entirely familiar face. "Hayley Wilson, All-American Blue-Eyed Blonde Sweetheart." My pose was incredibly sensual, my string bikini falling off of one shoulder. Up next was a Cosmopolitan. "Hayley Wilson gives her favorite sex tips to make him do whatever she wants." Interesting. People magazine. "Hayley and Jordan are America's favorite couple!" Jordan Cooper, action star, and the hottest guy I had ever seen in my life, and I were hugging and smiling on the cover. I flipped it open. There was an article on me. "Hayley Wilson scores a trifecta of box office hits this summer. First was hit superhero movie Silver Siren, in which she played the title role, a heroine with the power of hypnosis and super speed, We All Want Jenna Jane, teen comedy where she plays Jenna Jane, the hottest girl in school who all the boys at the school wish to lose their virginity to, and My Heart in Your Hands, romantic dramedy that puts her opposite Jordan Cooper, her real life romantic interest. It seems that this blonde bombshell has captivated the hearts of America, and her future looks bright." The Inquirer. "Hayley Wilson a MAN!!??? Exposed!!!" I read the article. Despite the idea being true, the article was entirely false, with it stating that I was a truck driver named Harley that got an experimental sex change operation. I was in Maxim, FHM, Playboy, as well as other, more wholesome magazines like cooking magazines for women. I was a Cover Girl Spokeswoman and recording artist (one debut album with three hit singles). However, I came across quite a few gossip magazines that referred to me as self-centered and controlling. Several insider testimonials described me as insufferable, selfish, and a pain to work with. Yet overall, it seemed that I was on top of the world. This seemed like quite the happy lifestyle. On the desk, an iPhone encrusted with what seemed like pink diamonds rang. The song was "Loving You," by me. Memories came flooding back. Working with incompetent people on the set, dates with Jordan, the sex, the modeling. The call came from, Rico, my flamboyantly gay agent. I answered it. "What's new, Rico?" "Hey, girl! You'll never believe what I just heard. This high-class lady named Victoria just told me a Secret!!!" "Rico...Just tell it to me straight." "Oooh...Straight. You must not know me well. Well, the one and only Victoria Secret wants to shoot some test shots with you! Can you believe it? Girl! Only 21, and you've accomplished just about everything! Your life must be blessed by magic!" "Ha. Well, that's not far from the truth." "But that's not the most important thing I called about. Tell me about him!" "Who?" "Who? Who? Girl! The only boy in your world right now! Maybe you haven't heard, though! Have you picked up a magazine, went online, or watched a TV show for the last 5 months!?" "Oh. Jordan's doing fine!" At that moment, memories of last night came rushing back. They fought. He got drunk and nearly hit her. "Nothing unusual." "But how does he make you feel? Your heart? Your body? Does he swing both ways, per chance?" "No Jordan's straight. I love him very much, and he's a very attractive man." Profanity. Threats of violence. He needs help. I got really nervous at that point. "Hayley, dear. Are you feeling well? Do I need to call a doctor? Let me know now!" "No. I just...I just woke up, and I'm still a bit delirious, is all." "I trust you as far as I'm attracted to you, darling. I'll get the truth out of you soon. See ya, babe! Victoria Secret wants you at their offices tonight. They want to do some angel shoots! Ciao, darling!" He hung up. It seemed that Hayley Wilsons' life was far more complicated than the magazine's let on. The phone rang again. The name popped up as "Bae." A picture of Jordan shirtless, his pants down so low that his V was showing popped up. Hesitantly, I answered it. "What is it, Jordan?" He sighed. "Listen, babe. I'm so sorry about last night. I don't know what came over me. Can we just put this behind us?" "Jordan, you're a drunk," I could feel a little fire building in me. It was weird. I didn't technically experience it firsthand, but the emotions were there. "Please. Promise me you'll get help! I love you too much!" "Not so loud, Hay! My head is killing me. I'll get help, I swear! Just don't nag so much. It's annoying." "Annoying? Annoying!? You're ruining your life, and I'm annoying! I'm trying to help you! This is far beyond nagging!" "You know, whenever someone says something you don't like, you're such a bitch." My vision blurred, and I grew red hot. "You're the biggest asshole in all of Hollywood! I have no idea why I've stuck around with you for so long!" "You know why? Because you're unhappy! I get sick and tired of constantly having to validate you. Hayley! You're not fat! You have the hottest body on the planet, and most magazines covers will agree. You crave attention and praise from others because you simply don't love yourself. You could have everything in the world, hell, you practically do, and you'd still be miserable! You know why? Cause you're a self- centered bitch that keeps me around for the sex! Don't feign trying to get me help! You're upset because I quit sweet talking you last night. Can we agree that you and I are gorgeous? But I swear, I know next to nothing about you other than how to make you orgasm! You're an ice princess! A walking magazine cover, not a person! Find something that makes you happy! I obviously don't!" I hung up. I really didn't want to listen to it. Though I was given this life by literal magic, Hayley's life seemed to operate under the same principle. I was handed everything from a very young age, winning pageants as a child, head cheerleader, leader of the volleyball team. I blossomed young, too. With C-cups by the time I was 14 and my full DD cup by the time I was 16. I remembered my daddy (who was still alive in this life) pampering me like a little princess. I got everything I wanted, and now I literally have everything: actress, model, singer, dancer. But while my movies had a huge box office draw, they rarely received critical praise, with much of the criticism stemming from my wooden acting. The entirety of my debut album was written by somebody else, and my voice was auto-tuned. I lost my virginity to the hottest guy in school at 17, but I barely remember his name. I had nothing to give to this world other than a pretty face and a body. I was nothing as Caleb. All the stone did was transfer Caleb into a pretty, wealthy shell. I explored my house. A nine-foot grand piano adorned my living room, even though I only have memories of getting piano lessons at 9, realizing that I would have to practice, and instead settled on doing things that I was naturally good at and could get by with my looks. Now it was just a $150,000 decoration. A heated pool was out back, perfect for alcohol-driven parties with all the socialites I despised. An exercise room that I rarely used. The life handed to me by the stone also had everything handed to me, including a perfect body. My amateur, more sexual than classy, dancing ensured that my body stayed fit, but I was naturally good at dancing. My mansion was big, beautiful, yet empty. Just like me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I decided to shower and get ready for the day. I shaved every inch of my body, blow dried and curled my hair, applied light, summery make-up with pink lipstick, and wore a low cut sundress and three-inch, straw- heeled sandals. Being in this house all alone was making me so depressed. Maybe getting some attention out on the street would cheer me up! Unlike many celebrities, I made no effort to disguise myself, fully intending to be noticed and fawned over. I wore a thong, as it was a windy day, and if my dress blew up, I might get some attention in that area. I loaded my make-up and other belongings into my purse and left my home. My mansion was gated, and my car (several of them, knowing little about cars), was in a garage off to the side that had to be opened by a security guard. I chose a red convertible, wanting to be noticed as best as possible. I left my premises and headed toward one of the shopping centers in LA. I parked my convertible in a garage, descended down to ground level, and walked the streets, fully hoping to be seen. It happened immediately. "OMG, it's Hayley Wilson!" a teenage girl shouted, pronouncing O-M-G like it was any shorter than saying the full word. She ran over to me. She was a lot shorter than me, probably 5'3", she wore braces, her skin complexion was spotty, and her tummy was a little flabby. "I'm your biggest fan! I cried so many times during My Heart in Your Hands. That halter top you wore during the airport scene was so cute!" "Um, yeah, thanks," I said in a faux-dismissive tone. It was empowering to feel above someone else, especially a little person like this nobody girl. "I wake up to 'Girl Time' every day. I know it wasn't a single, but I think that was my favorite song!" "Do you want an autograph? I've got places to be," I bitched. I did appreciate it, but acting this way made me feel so much more empowered. "Yeah, I do," she seemed slightly disappointed that Hayley Wilson wasn't as friendly as she acted in interviews. She took a bubblegum pink backpack of her shoulders and pulled out a cheap fountain pen and a piece of paper. I tried writing with it. The ink wasn't coming out. The girl panicked. "Wait wait! Not that one!" She dug through her backpack, removing paperclips, a sticky nail polish bottle, tissues, searching tirelessly for another pen. Eventually, she found one. It looked like the bottle of nail polish had exploded on it, and it was quite sticky to the touch. "I am so sorry! It's really sticky and gross, and I really don't want you to have to touch it! Your hands are beautiful, and-" "Just give it to me. I don't have time!" I grabbed it from her hand. "What's your name?" "Jessie, with an 'ie!' It's short for Jessica, and it's a boy's name if it's just an 'e' usually. I'm Jessica Cameron, a freshman at Highland High School! I'm actually 4th cousins with Kirk Cameron, so I guess I have an in, you know, but you're the hottest, coolest famous person, and it's so amazing that I met you, haha!" This girl was a nervous wreck. I handed her the paper and pen and walked away. "Do you think I could get a picture with you?" she called out. I extended a pretty, manicured middle finger behind my back as I strutted. As soon as she saw the paper, she would have read, "Jessie, get a life! Hayley Wilson (heart)" I strutted all over the outside mall, photographs, cat calls, people wanting my autograph. It felt great, and until I returned home, I had nearly forgotten about my conversation with Jordan. But at home, there it was again, and there was nobody to distract me from the silence. I screamed, it sounding much like a scream queen from a horror movie (a role surely not far off in my career). Nobody came. I screamed again, louder than before, only the echoes from my high ceiling answered back. I really was an awful bitch to Jessie. It felt great at the time, but I really ruined her day, I bet. I started to cry, my light mascara running. "WHY!?" I hollered. As Caleb, I wanted so much to be a woman. Here I was, certifiably the sexiest, most famous woman on the planet, and I was no better off! "WHY!?" I called again, hoping something, someone, would answer. Soon enough, it came time to head to the Victoria Secret offices. Knowing they would do make-up and clothes there, I went as I was. I took a different car, a more inconspicuous, black Honda with a roof. I made it to the offices, and Rico was there. "Girl, you look sad. What's wrong? Is it Jordan?" "It's everything," I stated coolly. This was business time. There was no room for emotions. "I really hope you're up for this." "I need someone to tell me I'm beautiful." The photographer was a European man named Pieter. Long hair, stubble, nice enough. They took me backstairs to do my make-up and hair. Pounds of it, and hair free and feathered so it would respond well to the fan behind me. They took me through a set of several lingerie, swimsuits, and even some of the clothing they sold. Finally, the last thing they tried was the angel lingerie and wings. Backstage afterwards, while still dressed as an angel, I heard Pieter through the other room. "You know, I doubt that they'll pick Hayley up. She oozes sex, yes, but we like our angels to ooze class, and she's about as classy as a stripper. A classy stripper, for sure, but still a stripper." I teared up. That was about all I could handle for today. For a life. I ran out of the building, still dressed as an angel, crying and freezing, as it was nighttime. I got in my car and drove. But I don't think I wanted to drive home. I headed toward the docks at Santa Monica. I could make another wish to try to fix my life, but it wouldn't matter. Caleb Matthews, whether a high school nobody or superstar Hayley Wilson, was defective. I had no place in this world, and no magic rock could fix it. The docks were the only solution. This was a really poor part of town. Seedy, scummy, and there were lots of homeless people. I tried not to look at them. It had always made me sad to look at them. The traffic was really congested. There was probably an accident up ahead. I was only moving 5 mph, when a homeless person walked out in front of me. I braked and hit the horn. I tried not looking, but I saw him. He couldn't have been older than seven, wearing rags and covered in dirt. I put the car in park and got out. I was shivering cold wearing practically nothing but lingerie and wings. I looked down at him. "I almost hit you, kid!" I whispered harshly. "Are you an angel?" he asked, staring at my outfit. His voice crackled. He must have been thirsty. "Well, actually, I'm likely to get rejected." "Are you my mommy? Can you take me to her?" He was so famished and thirsty. "Is it okay if I take you to my place? I can fix you some food and get you something to drink." "You're really pretty. I bet you're nice!" "Well, a lot of people would disagree, but I've got stuff for you at my place!" "Okay!" He climbed into the backseat of my car. Lots of cars were honking at my parked car. I turned down an alley that would allow me to travel in the opposite direction. "So, kid. What's your name?" I asked. "I'm Jonas. What's your name?" "I'm Hayley." It surprised me that didn't recognize me. "Do you know my mommy?" "I can't say I do. Why do you ask?" "Well, it's just that she's an angel now, too, and I thought you had been sent by God to come and find me." My heart sunk. It's not that I didn't expect that's what it was, but for him to state it in such an innocent, heartbreaking way made me tear up even more than I had been before. I forgot about being called a cheap whore. About being insulted by Jordan. I cried for Jonas. "Hayley, I think you have pretty eyes. You said people don't think you're nice, but I bet if they saw your eyes, they would see how nice you can be." "Thank you, Jonas," I said, choking back tears. "That's the nicest thing anybody's ever said to me." "I bet you smile pretty. Your teeth are really nice. You should smile more." I thought back to my modelling portfolio. Bratty, pouty, sexy. Not many smiles. "I'll do that." We pulled into the gate to my mansion. The house looked the same on the outside, but inside, it felt much warmer. Jonas and I ran into the kitchen. First and foremost, I got him water in a champagne glass. He drank it up quickly. "Jonas, what do you like to eat? I can cook something, or I can order something. Just, whatever you like." "I want you to cook something. I bet the stuff you make yourself is tasty. I'll eat anything you make, so surprise me!" In a cupboard, I had a flipbook of recipes. One in particular caught my attention as being particularly appropriate. I got out the ingredients. "Jonas, do you want to help me cook it?" "Sure, Hayley! I'd love to!" He ran up to me and hugged me. "You feel cold. Do you want to get dressed?" "As soon as we get this in the oven. We're going to make an angel food cake!" We cracked eggs and dumped flour, and I guided his hand on the mixing bowl. My hand over his, we placed the cake in the preheated oven. He hugged me afterwards. Unlike with Jordan, I felt affection. I felt sexual energy from Jordan, but from Jonas, I felt something more akin to love. Love I hadn't experienced since I was a young child named Caleb. My mom hugged me dearly, and I felt that love, but when my father passed, I just couldn't receive it anymore, and I retreated inward. Everything I had was taken from me, and everything I wanted was impossible, or so I thought. Here I was, the sexy woman I had fantasized about it. Perhaps maybe, the other impossibility, my happiness, could come true, too. "Okay, Jonas, I'm going to go get dressed in something else. Make yourself comfortable, but don't get lost. It's a big house." I trotted up the spiral stairs in my heels. I walked into my large closet, wondering what to wear. Push-up bras, thongs, short skirts, low cut tops. I decided on a pair of boy shorts with a well-fitted bra, a plain white t-shirt, a baby blue hoodie to go over it, and a pair of jeans. For shoes, I wore sneakers. I brushed the glamorous curls out of my hair, settling on a more subdued wave in my long blonde hair. I pinned my hair back with bobby pins, making sure that my big, blue eyes were very visible. I looked in the mirror and smiled. My perfect, pearly whites nearly glimmered back. I was incredibly beautiful, dressed for comfort and warmth. I had a feeling that Jonas would need someone warm. From downstairs, I heard the plunking of notes on my grand piano. But soon enough, the plunking turned into a familiar melody. I had heard it before. It was simple. "Loving you is the hardest and the best thing in my life," I sang over the top of it, barely having to adjust my rhythm. "Loving you brings the fire. When the night is cold and full of pain and strife. Loving you is entire." I stepped down the stairs and saw Jonas at the piano. "Jonas, where did you learn that?" I asked, choking up. "I heard it on a radio on the street a few days ago. I've been humming it, and I plunked it out by ear. I've never played piano before, so I don't think it was very good. But I liked that song. It reminded me of my mom. The singer had a really pretty voice. Have you heard it before?" "Yes, actually." I made it all the way down the stairs and ran to him. I lead him over to the couch, where I hugged him, stroking his hair and singing him the words to "Loving You," by Hayley Wilson through tears. "I like how you sing it better. The one thing I didn't like is how I could tell they fed her voice through a computer. Even if some of the notes were wrong, I like real people better." The kitchen timer went off. We took it out together, and we left it on the counter to cool. We went back to the piano. I had an idea. It was a long shot, but if I could piece everything I had brewing in my head together, I bet I could someone's day. I pulled out my CD. The picture of me was gorgeous, as always, but the art department put a filter on my picture, washing it out with a sort of light. I didn't care for the pictures initially, but I think they were trying to build a lighter image for me than how I really was. I put it in the stereo, and turned it to the song, "Girl Time." "Jonas, how many different parts of this can you pick out?" I played the whole thing. It was only a minor, 2 and a half minute song, so we weren't out much time. After one play-through, he had picked out the melody for the chorus. A second time, the entire song's melody. By four listens, his left hand was playing the bass line with one finger. "Hayley, if you sang it, I could play more with my right hand, because I'm playing all the word parts." He somehow picked out a synthesizer part that was fairly buried in the production. He started playing the chorus on a loop, staring at me so I would come in. "Oh, when I'm out with my boy, yeah, I guess you'd call it boy time, boy time. But when I get the most joy, yeah, I call that my girl time, girl time. I love my bae to pieces, but together, that's our toy time, toy time, but when I get the most joy, yeah, I call that my girl time, girl time." This was incredible! I now knew where the term diamond in the rough came from! A prodigy in the slums! We figured out the entire song, and he was playing an impressive reduction of the instruments, hindered only by his small hands. "And you've never taken lessons!?" I exclaimed. "Mommy was going to get me lessons, but then the accident happened, and I didn't see her after that." He started to tear up. I bent down and hugged him. I picked him up and squeezed him and kissed him on the cheek, the Victoria Secret make-up leaving a residue. "Let's go check on the cake!" It was almost ready, so we cut up some strawberries. I got out forks and let him have at it. Normally, my ultra-fit and healthy trigger would have activated knowing how much sugar was in this. But I think I could cheat once, and I honestly didn't care if I weighed 200 pound at that moment. I put a large piece of cake in front of Jonas, and he just bowed his head. "What's the matter?" I asked. "I'm praying. Is it okay if I pray out loud?" he said. I was raised in a household that from ages 1 to 10, we only went church on Easter, and after that, it was not a part of my life. While not a believer, and a slim chance of being converted as such, I believed in Jonas, so I said, "Go ahead." "O, Lord," he began, "I thank thee so much for being alive. And I thank thee for sending your angel Hayley down to save me. Lord, please bless her. She seems sad, and I think she's the most beautiful person in the world. Will you send an angel down to help her? Thank you so much for this food, and thank you for Hayley cooking it. Please bless those less fortunate than me. I say these things in Jesus' name. Amen." "Amen," I squeaked out through tears. As a teenager (in both timelines), it was easy to go into a train of thought or a vocal expression about evolution and the Crusades and Fundamentalism, but none of that mattered right now. If a God existed, He had already sent an angel down for me. Jonas devoured his cake. The recipe said that it served 6, but after I ate a small piece, Jonas ate all the rest of it. He groaned afterward. "So full. I gotta go lie down!" I scooped him to lay him down on the couch. Holding him in my arms, he stared up at me. He lethargically lifted a hand and stroked my cheek. "Your eyes are...so kind." He started to close his eyes, getting more and more drowsy. I placed him gently on the couch, dug through a closet, and got out a fluffy pink blanket. Sure, it was for "girls" like me, but it was by far the comfiest one I had, and he would love it. After he had fallen asleep, I had quite a few phone calls to make. First item was calling Rico about Jonas. He answered. "Girl, they are sure pissed about you stealing their lingerie. If this gets out, the gossip magazines will be all over this." "Rico, I'll figure that out later. Do you think you could figure out for me how to adopt a child?" "Ooo. Publicity stunt. Get a child from Uganda, raise him with Jordan, a bit of philanthropy to improve public image. I like it." "No. This child is from California. And actually, I'd prefer the media didn't know about this one." "Well, that's impossible to keep that up for too long. They're gonna find out. Do you know how many photographs of you exist that were not from shoots? They're gonna see that you have a kid." "Well, let them see him. But I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing it for him. I found him on the streets." But that may have been a half- lie. I can definitely say that I loved the feeling I got from Jonas. "A change of image, I see! We'll see how long this lasts." The conversation ran through a few technical issues related to adoption and also some upcoming shoots, a few offers for movies (including a villain in a superhero movie), and how to save face with Victoria Secret. After the call ended, I made another call. The wardrobe director on My Heart in Your Hands, Julie. "Hey, Jules, I have a bit of a favor to ask. You know the halter top I wore in that scene at the airport? You know, the shiny, silver one with the jeweled neckline? I was wondering if you have that. Oh, and if you have it in a shorter size." "That's...oddly specific, but I am a miracle worker. How soon do you want it?" "By tomorrow morning, maybe?" "That would be tough, but that was my favorite outfit. I know exactly where it is, and I have several of them for whatever actress I think can show it off. You were my first one, darling." "Well, I can compensate you for this, however much you need." "We'll talk later. I'll be over in a few hours." "Oh, and do you have anything for a young boy, around seven?" "I have everything, dear." "Well, can I get a few shirts, pants, shoes and a hoodie, or something? He's pretty skinny, so I'd err on the side of small." "No idea what this is about, but I can oblige." I got on my iPhone and searched for public schools in the Los Angeles area. Coming from the Mid-West and a city that was somewhere quite below big, yet far above small, the amount of school districts was staggering. I found a Highland High School that was near the same neighborhood as that mall, and I was sure that that was what I was looking for. My last item of business was securing a synthesizer from the recording studio. They could have a Korg at my mansion by morning. Julie dropped off everything I needed, and it was time to fall asleep for a big day tomorrow. I got in my pajamas (silk pink) and crashed on the couch right next to Jonas. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I awoke the next morning with a new text message on my phone. It was from Jordan. "Hayley, it's over. I can't do this to myself anymore. I'm angry every time I'm around you, and I found someone else. You'll read about it soon enough, I'm sure, but she's so much more passionate than you. And the sex was incredible last night. I know I'll see you again. We live in an interconnected world, but here's to hoping you're never in my life again." Indeed, it registered an emotional response, but at this time, Jordan was so not important to me. I woke up, careful not to disturb Jonas, and I made a hearty breakfast for him. Bacon, eggs, toast, you name it. After he woke up and ate, I decided that it was right to go and bathe him. He took off his clothes. He was caked in dirt, and there were lacerations all over is famished torso. He climbed in the bath, which I put bubble bath in, and he took care of a few things. He asked me to wash his hair, and being a bona fide hair expert, I agreed. His locks were thick and dark and curly. It was beautiful, and I ran my fingers all through it. I laid out a set of outfits for him, letting him choose what to wear. He dismissed me, saying he knew how to put on clothes. I went and got ready myself. Taking a thorough shower, shaving my entire body, applying lotion, and blow drying my hair. I took out my own personal copy of My Heart in Your Hands and skipped to the airport scene. Along with the shiny halter top, I wore hoop earrings, shiny lip gloss, my hair was wavy, gold bangles adorned my wrists, my pants were white, leather, and skin tight, a diamond studded belt, and boots that went knee high and over my pants, black with a four inch heel. I analyzed the scene and groomed myself to a very close approximation of my make-up and hair and style in that scene. I looked in the mirror. I was gorgeous, sexy, stylish. I smiled. And I was beautiful. Jonas chose a long sleeved, white and green striped shirt and a grey hoodie, with loose-fitting jeans and sneakers. He looked comfortable. And happy. "Hayley, where are we going?" he asked. "We're going to go visit someone who needs a little cheering up." I received a text from the recording studio telling me that the keyboard was at the location. It was show-time. I pulled up in my red convertible in the parking lot to a high school in a low income area. I was cat called by blue collar workers and Hispanic teens at stop lights, and I didn't mind it, given how glamorous I looked. The only time I minded it was when someone used strong language around Jonas. I clomped and strutted up to the check-in office, and the receptionist nearly dropped her coffee. "Hayley Wilson!? What are you doing here!?" She was excited and nervous. "It's an honor!" "Thank you," I said, meekly. "I would like to know the class schedule of a Jessica Cameron, and would it be alright if I paid her a visit?" "You're kidding...Jessie Cameron. THE Jessie Cameron with a Hayley Wilson lunch box and backpack? I know her mother. It would be more than alright for you to pay her a visit. She's in a math class right now. 3rd period with Mr. Hanson. Room 215." She stood up. "I'll show you. I can't miss this!" Jonas and I followed her up a flight of stairs, and my assistant was carrying a Korg keyboard and stand behind us. The receptionist entered Mr. Joseph Hanson's room first. "Jessie Cameron? There's someone here to see you. It's not your mom this time." "Who is it?" the young, squeaky voice of Jessie sounded far more sullen than her chipper ramblings yesterday. I sent my assistant and Jonas in first, delaying the suspense. They had the keyboard set up to where Jonas could play it like a piano. I made some defined clomps in my heeled boots and walked into the room, trying to mimic my mannerisms from the airport scene. The entire room gasped, and Jessie screamed a choked, awkward noise that would have been embarrassing had she any cognition left in her to be embarrassed at this point. One hand on hip, I queued Jonas with the other to begin playing. Out came a novice, but impressive, considering his training, rendition of the opening of "Girl Time." Though I had no auto-tune, I sang the best I could. I danced around a bit, making sure that my moves were age appropriate and fun. I leaned over at one point, causing nearly every boy in the class's eyes to bug out. The girls all sang along at the chorus, screaming and cheering. Jessie was crying. Absolutely bawling her eyes out. When the song completed, there were cheers. I beckoned for Jessie to come to me. I leaned over and hugged her. She slobbered on my shoulder, but I was perfectly fine with it. "Jessie, I think you got a life," I whispered in her ear, stroking her hair with my painted nails, "And it's fantastic." I gave my assistant a signal, and he brought in a piece of clothing on a hangar. Shiny and free. "Jessie, I think you'll look even more stylish than me in this halter top," I raised my voice and looked at the class, "Wouldn't you agree!?" The boys, busy staring at my large and quite exposed chest, said, "Uh, yeah! Jessie's cool!" I didn't really notice the teacher, who had been sitting behind his desk. He stood up. When he spoke in his rich baritone, I turned around, and my heart skipped a beat. "Well, Miss Wilson, I think you brought a really incredible experience to our school. Thank you." Oh, my! While certainly I noticed his sculpted pecs, his bulging arms, his washboard abs, the sizeable bulge in his pants, and his dark, wavy, hair, I will say with complete honesty that his rich, brown eyes drew me in first. If I learned something from Jonas, it was that you could tell a lot about a person from their eyes. My top was low cut, my pants were painted on, but I could tell where he was staring. Right back into my eyes. "You're welcome, Mr. Handsome, I mean- Hanson." The class laughed. I was embarrassed, and I blushed red hot. "It's quite alright, Miss Wilson, and you can call me Joe." I nervously extended a hand, "Well, I'm Hayley!" He laughed. It was a warm laugh. "I know who you are." He took my hand and encased it. I placed my other hand on his, and stared up into his eyes. Even with heels, he was still taller than me. We stared for quite a while. It was only broken by the class "ooo"-ing. We broke away. I was quite embarrassed. "Erm-thank you for the visit, but I must get back to my lesson. It's geometry, you know, and I'm really into shapely things, er-I mean shapes." "Well, I appreciated your time, Joe!" I turned around in a graceful motion and sauntered away, wiggling my ass in the most sexualized way I could without it being inappropriate for children. I walked out the door and shivered. What a kind man! I looked down at my chest. I was nipping out hardcore. The receptionist laughed. "Yeah, Mr. Hanson has that effect on most of us. But not once has one of us had an effect on him. He's been forlorn since his fianc? died." "HE'S SINGLE!?" I blurted out in a split second, then, I back tracked. "I am so sorry for his loss." "We all are. He's a really great guy, and his fianc? was beautiful, not as beautiful as you, of course, but he misses her dearly. It's been a year now. Joe's still kind, but, you can tell he's putting on an act. He would cry every day if he weren't so resilient in public." She led Jonas and I back to the entrance. "You liked that teacher, didn't you, Hayley?" Jonas asked. "Yeah, I did." "Well, you should kiss him sometime. Maybe ask him on a date." "Jonas, you're seven. Who taught you to be matchmaker?" "I just think he makes you happy, so be with him." It was nearly noon, and the school wouldn't get out until about 3:30. I looked up some locations on my phone. "Jonas, have you ever gone bowling?" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We drove to a bowling alley in a strip mall about a half hour away from the school. Everywhere I went, I turned heads, and this was no exception. I heard mumbling. "Holy shit. Is that Hayley Wilson?" Most were considerate enough to see that I was busy. I only signed 4 autographs out of a potential 50. I wasn't very good at bowling. Too afraid of my boobs popping out to get a good run. Unfortunately, the airport outfit didn't call for a sports bra and yoga pants. I put on the bumpers, and Jonas beat me by 50 points. Afterwards, we went to get ice cream across the street. Jonas gobbled it up like he had been starving for months (which, of course, he had). By the time we were done, it was 3 o'clock. Just enough time to get back to the school. Kids were pouring out, and everyone, especially the senior boys, were in awe at seeing the sexiest woman alive. I made my way back to Joe's classroom. He was erasing equations off of his chalkboard, his muscles rippling. I cleared my throat. "Excuse me. Joe?" He turned his head, and his body fluttered when he saw me. "Hayley. What can I help you with?" "Well, I was just, uh. Just wondering, if you, uh wanted to do something after you're done working." I was a nervous wreck. Never in my life had a man done this to me. I was usually in control. "I'd love to, Hayley, but I'm volunteering at a fundraiser tonight. I'm booked." My heart sank, then rose again. "Could I come with? What's going on?" "Well, there's a girl in my neighborhood with cancer. We're trying to raise money, but hope looks bleak. The treatment is expensive, and people just aren't interested. I'm gonna be working the tables, cleaning floors, just basically anything, but I'm scared that the involvement would be low." "Would a visit by Hayley Wilson get people interested?" I asked. His eyes lit up. "You wouldn't." "I would. I'll do anything you need me to, donate as much money as you would like." He was more than a little excited. "Six thirty! Can I give you the address!?" "Sure thing. What should I wear?" "Oh, clothes, I guess!" He backtracked a bit. "Have you ever seen the movie Frozen? Little Kimberly loves that movie, and if it's possible, it would make her life if you came as Elsa." When I was Caleb, I was more peripherally aware of Frozen than familiar with it. I had heard the song, "Let It Go" and had seen artwork from it. "Is that the blonde one?" I asked. "Yeah, and you're hair is beautiful and perfect for it!" he said. My heart fluttered. "You think my hair is beautiful?" "Of course," he said, nervously. "All of you is beautiful." "But what's the most beautiful part of me?" I asked, expecting him to say tits or ass or legs, but, you know, in nicer terms. "Well, I think the most beautiful thing about you is what you did for Jessie. I think I've had the perception of you as a drama queen, self- centered. But I don't think that's true at all. You have a warm smile, and friendly eyes, and-uh-" "What else?" I wanted to hear more. "Well, it goes without saying that you're one sexy woman. I've never seen a rear end move that way!" "I knew it! You were staring!" "But answer me this, Hayley. Did you, uh, did you, shit! In too deep now! Did you...want me to?" He was so cute! "Well, it may have crossed my mind." I strutted close to him, one foot in front of the other. I gently caressed his shoulder, wrapped my arms around him, leaned in close, and looked into his eyes. He looked about ready to kiss me. He began moving his lips toward mine. I felt his breath on my cheek, but then, he pulled his head away, turned toward the window, looked dismissively outside, and coldly said, "Thank you so much for agreeing to help tonight. I look forward to seeing you make someone else smile." His shoulders were tight, he was shaking, apparently holding back tears. I left, feeling quite crestfallen. I really hope I didn't upset him. Why did I put the moves on him even after I knew he was suffering? I just hoped he could forgive me. I gave Julie a call. I asked for Elsa, and when I told her the cause, she cleared out her entire evening to make me over. Jonas and I made our way to her studio, where she gave me the works, putting my hair in a long braid, giving me a long sleeved blue dress, and making me up so I would sparkle. She showed me the reference picture for Elsa. It was uncanny how much I looked like her, but, of course, real and much sexier. The location was a church in an inner city, not the fancy Catholic kind with the stained windows, but the kind where it turns into a basketball court if you move a screen. The operations were held inside this basketball court part, where a man with a white cowboy hat, possibly this little girl's uncle, was officiating. "Now, little Kimberly is a tough soul, and I know that the good God above will allow us to raise $50,000 dollars tonight for all the medicine and oper-oper-" I clomped in, fully dressed as Elsa. He went silent, and the entire crowd turned their head in shock. "It looks like we have a visitor from Arendelle here to wish Kimber well! Someone go find Kimberly right now!" I strutted up to the front of the stage, all eyes on me. "I'll help out in any way I can!" I said. He turned his mouth away from the microphone "Miss Wilson, I don't know what inspired you to come here tonight dressed like that, but all I know is that it was an inspired source. All you have to do is be here, and the rest will work itself out." Then in the microphone, he shouted, "Hey, there she is!" They wheeled out a bald little girl in a wheelchair. Her green eyes grew the size of dinner plates when she saw me. "Elsa!" she croaked out. In my long dress, I practically glided over to Kimberly. "Elsa!" "I came to see you, Kimberly! I hope you get so much better!" She looked down. "You don't sound like Elsa." I had to improvise quickly. I had never seen the movie, only heard that song on the radio. I put a hand on her shoulder and said, "Let it go." She giggled, but it led to a coughing fit. "I know Elsa is just a cartoon! I was just teasing!" She coughed some more. "But you're really pretty! After I get better, I want hair just like yours!" "Well, I bet you could grow even better hair! This is my hair. I bet Kimberly could have even prettier hair." I looked her in the eyes, leaning over and stroking the back of her head. "Kimberly is plenty beautiful." She coughed again. And again. "Thank-cough-you-cough!" They had to wheel her away. She was much too sick to talk for too long. At this point, more and more people were flooding into this church. Due to the advent of cell-phones, it didn't take long to get out that Hayley Wilson was at this fundraiser. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Joe. He was watching me, longingly, out in the middle of the crowd. The announcer started up again. "Wow, did that make Kimber's day! For those of you just walking in, Elsa here paid our little Kimber a visit. Kimber is sick with a rare type of cancer. The treatment has a high success rate, but it's expensive. We're hoping to raise $50,000 tonight. Please, all of you here, please make a donation. Any amount that you can will be appreciated." I picked up my skirts and waded through the audience toward Joe. He beckoned me out into the hallway. He seemed to be avoiding eye contact as he spoke to me. "That was a really nice thing you did. Thank you." "Thank you for having me. It felt incredible to do something nice for someone else," I said. He paused for a long time. "You remind me of her. Of Lisa." I decided to say nothing, waiting out another long pause. "It was cancer, too." Pause. He locked his hands together and rotated his thumbs around one another. "And, I worked so hard. Day in and day out. Her beautiful brown locks falling out. Her figure whittling away. But when I looked into those beautiful blue eyes, I knew that my love for her would never die." Pause. He started rubbing his fourth finger. "You're different in real life than I've seen you in movies and magazines. Every picture, you looked haughty, self-centered, your blue eyes seemed more piercing than pleasing. But when I see you in person." Pause. "When I see your eyes." Pause. "I see Lisa. Twice today, you've gone out of the way to do something nice for someone I care about." Pause. "But your eyes. So much like Lisa's." Pause. "And." He started shaking. "I-I can't. I can't get hurt again." Shoulders tight. "Joe, I am so sorry I made you feel that way today," I started choking up a bit. "The last thing I would ever want to do to someone like you is hurt you." "You know, I used to be in pretty poor shape. Throughout high school and college, I wore baggy clothes, trying to cover up my flabby body and skinny arms. One day, a goddess came into my life. Beautiful, sweet, and kind. She loved me despite my body. In fact, she convinced me that she loved me because of it. Never before in my life had I felt so great about being out of shape. When she passed, I hit the gym every day. I thought maybe bodybuilding would be a defense against those memories. Those painful memories. But I'm realizing something now. Those memories weren't painful. Depressed and alone throughout most of school, an angel came into my life and lifted me up from that. Now, I'm in better shape than ever, I have a steady job, and there's a lot of people who consider me important in their lives. I honestly couldn't say that before I met her. It hurt so much to lose Lisa, my fianc?, my muse, that I forgot how much having her in the first place meant to me. Am I so afraid to lose another warm body next to mine that I will deny myself of having one to begin with?" He turned around to face me. He stared straight into my eyes, which were now watering, and my mascara was dripping. "Hayley Wilson, my social status is far below yours, but I was wondering." He paused. "Do you, uh, want to do something after you're done working?" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Along with my donation, Kimberly's fundraiser raised a staggering 5 million dollars. I began dating Joe, trying and failing to keep Jordan and my break-up secret from the media. The gossip magazines found out pretty quickly that I was dating a math teacher and had successfully adopted a 7-year old orphan. Talk shows across the country wanted to hear about how I had such a drastic change. I took on less movie roles than I had before, choosing only to play the good girls. I honestly didn't think I had it in me to play a villain. The process of dating Joe went much slower than the initial meeting would have suggested. While I got a kiss by the second date, he seemed apprehensive about getting more intimate than that. And I was perfectly fine with that. I had based my entire life and thought processes around sex, and to build up a gentler relationship was far more exciting to me. By the second month, though, we were spooning and making out. Six months in, it happened. Neither one of us said anything, but while spooning on my couch (Jonas already in bed), I caressed the inner portion of his leg. He reached underneath my top, underneath my bra, and fondled my large breast. I moved to take his shirt off, and he took my top off. He unhooked my bra as we necked, and before I knew it, we were making love. I say making love, because for the first time, I felt a connection beyond an animalistic tendency. For the first time, I didn't care how large his penis was, but how he utilized it to make me feel wonderful. I did everything I could to increase his pleasure. It was a beautiful experience, and it felt like so much more than sex. Joe was far more than a body. He was a soul. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Happy for the first time in my life, I was fairly content. But still, despite everything in my life going wonderfully, I couldn't shake the feeling that something remained unresolved. I knew not whether what I was thinking was even an issue in this reality, but I was losing sleep over it, and Joe was concerned. One day, I decided to do something about it. I packed my luggage and took a private jet to a small city in Ohio. I wore white heeled sandals, a denim mini-skirt, and a white t-shirt. I clacked up the drive-way to a house that looked so familiar yet so distant. I rang the doorbell with my pink fingernails, brushed my long blonde hair behind my shoulders, and adjusted the cute bag I brought with. A familiar, short, heavy-set woman answered the door and looked shocked. "Hayley Wilson, at my house!? What can I-I h-help you with, Miss Wilson?" "Linda Matthews," I began, "did you happen to have a son named Caleb?" A look of astonishment washed over her face. "Who told you about Caleb?" "Linda, I have something to tell you regarding him. May I come in?" "Yes, yes, please!" I stepped inside the familiar home. She beckoned me toward the dining table, where I sat down in a chair, smoothing my skirt and crossing my legs. "What can you tell me about my son!?" She seemed desperate. I felt awful, but at the same time, glad that I had decided to resolve this. "Your son...Caleb is...is me, Mom." Her heart sank, then she looked angry. "Am I in the pilot for a hidden camera show!? It's not funny!" "I know it's not. Remember when I was 12, and I wore your shoes? I told you that I was clomping spiders, but it was really because I wanted to be a woman." "So, you're telling me that you, Hayley Wilson, are a tranny!? Wow, surgery has come a long ways! You only look NOTHING LIKE CALEB! Do they make you grow half a foot with surgery now!?" "No, Mom. It wasn't surgery. It was magic." I began digging in my bag. "Miss Wilson, you just lost me even more." I got out the stone. "When I was Caleb, an old woman gave me this wishing stone one day. I used it to wish that I was a beautiful woman. When that didn't work out, I wished to be rich and famous. The next day, I woke up as the one and only Hayley Wilson." "You have one more chance, Miss Wilson. I don't find this funny at all." I thought of something that only we would know. With one last chance, I tried. "When I was nine, shortly before Dad died, we were on the couch together. You were cuddled with him, and he whispered in your ear, 'Your eyes are beautiful.' Sure, I could have made that up, but you started crying. After he died, you wore sunglasses a lot more. Even indoors. I remember that distinctly." "...Caleb?" She looked at me. She didn't say it, but I knew I had convinced her. "Why were you so depressed for so long?" "Well, I had a deep fantasy of being a woman. You would try so hard to cheer me up, but I would reject it. You couldn't possibly understand, so I kept it a secret from you. I was too miserable to do anything. The months before I made that wish, I had pretty much given up on life. Nobody could do anything for me." "Caleb. I was suffering so much. And with your father dead, I needed someone to get attached to. I needed you. You could have done something for me and let me into your life. These last four years have been Hell. I haven't tried dating. What was the point when the two most important men in my life left me? I hope you're happy with the life you've made for yourself. All those charities you've started, and you hadn't a care for your mother. But I guess I'm not your mother anymore. The son I remember wasn't a spoiled daughter." I looked over the stone. "Mom, is it okay if I make a wish for you? Maybe figure out how to make a better life for you?" "Go ahead. Maybe my better life will be less lonely." I looked at the stone. "I wish my mother was as beautiful as I was." And nothing happened. And suddenly I got it. "I get it... Mom, I get it!" "What do you get!?" "You already are as beautiful as I am!" "Since when is a grapefr

Same as Happy If... Videos

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Hidden Chains Ch 01

Silence. It was all around her. She could hardly stand it. It pressed close like a cold cocoon that seemed to seep into every pore of her skin. She wanted to scream, but what good would it do? She was alone. More alone than she had ever felt in her life. Her voice was already raw from screaming and counting off lashes that had fallen upon her back as He had demanded. Each raw mark throbbed painfully as she lay against the whipping post, her hands strung up over her head, forcing her body’s...

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Satisfying A Hot Lusty Bitch And Her Fantasy

Hey beautiful ladies, this is Gautam again with a new story of a satisfying a Hot lusty bitch whom i met in gym and satisfied her lust and fantasy ……I am a smart and decent looking guy 6’1ft tall and I’m 24 years of age and my dick is 9inches… I am from Jaipur, India and I want all you to read my experience and give response at my e-mail …and if anyone are unsatisfied with there partners. you can contact me for this wonderful service…any aunties, bhabhies, Divorced ladies, I would love to help...

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My name is James but everyone calls me Jim or Jimmy, except my father. About half the time he calls me Squirt. When I was seven I asked him why he called me squirt. He grinned and his reply was, "Cause that's how I made ya." It was about five years before I understood what he was talking about, that he ment that he had come in my mother and gotten her pregnant with me.Now I am a s*******n-year-old high school senior. I'll be eighteen in two months. I'm 5'10" and weigh 158 pounds. I have light...

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Treating Sarah

I was being the ever helpful person when I volunteered to see that Sarah got home safely after she had injured herself at the netball game. She had rolled her ankle, and was having problems standing (let alone trying to walk). Sarah was 20 years old, and no one suspected that a 60 year old guy would be any threat to her well-being. My wife staying on to watch some more games, whilst I would drive Sarah's car to take her home. With our home within walking distance, I said that I would walk...

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The Presence Of The Unexplained Part 2

I was on my way to work when I saw the face of a familiar man. He was getting into a cab. His features were all the same as the ghost from last night. My heart started to race, and I felt myself get wet. I cursed under my breath, knowing that I had to go to work and I was getting aroused. I couldn't show up to work with my panties soaking. So, I went back home and stripped out of my soaked panties, and started to masturbate myself to an orgasm. Little did I know that this was only the first of...

Straight Sex
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Took Virginity Of A Police Inspector Daughter

Hi this is Rajesh, 24 years old guy from Chennai, I have been reading ISS for past 2 years and I finally want to contribute by putting my own story. This is a real story happened to me during my college days. All the conversations were in my native language Tamil, but i’m putting here in English for everyone to understand. About myself, I’m 5’10” tall with average looks and good body. I was average student in school. I got average marks in my +2 and I joined BE computer science in a small...

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I had been to the adult theatre before dressed up but had got no dogging action as there were only a few people there. I decided to ty again on a Friday night. I dressed in a red white & black patterned top with a short black mini skirt, tanned pantyhose with pink panties & a red thigh garter. Arriving at the Brisbane Valley nightclub area, I changed into my pink heels before going into the adult theatre. I climbed the stairs & there were a few there...

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                     Sassy Dancer This is a semi true story, more of a fantasy about real characters      Alice loved to dance.  Its all she ever really did since she was 17.   Now that she was almost 30 she still looked good, her breasts werent quite as firm as they once were but still perky.  Her boyfriend loved to watch her dance.  She would put on some dance music while she modeled and danced for him, he would often take pictures of her.  He was always bringing panties or shorts for her to...

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PurgatoryX Bambi Black Maya Bijou Let Me Watch Episode 1

Bambi (Bambi Black) and Maya (Maya Bijou), two best friends, are having fun trying on sexy lingerie in front of the mirror when their conversation turns to sex. They giggle as they talk about their husbands (Donnie Rock, Charles Dera) and their sex lives. Bambi is surprised when Maya confides that she’s never had a threesome. Bambi’s husband, Donnie, comes home early and walks in on the two half-naked beauties. Bambi seizes upon the opportunity and easily seduces her husband. Maya and Bambi...

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Protection and Preservation Book 02Chapter 19

[West Georgia] We woke up wrapped in each other’s arms. It’s a nice way to greet the world. We were talking quietly when there was a knock on our door. We rolled apart and covered up. “Come in,” said Shirley. It was Janice. She was smiling in a big way. “I have news!” She exclaimed. “Bennie came over and we went into the radio room. We were listening slowly turning the frequency knob on twenty meters and heard someone calling ‘CQ.’ We made contact with Jimmy, WB9KLR, in Port Washington,...

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Erste Cuckold Schritte DeutschGerman

Hallo, ich will mich mal vorstellen. Ich bin der Dirk und nun schon seit über 20 Jahren mit meiner Frau Sandra verheiratet. Somit kann sich wohl jeder denken das wir beide jenseits der 40 sind. Auch wenn man mir das ansieht ist das bei meiner Frau nicht so, sie wird grundsätzlich 10 Jahre jünger eingeschätzt. Ein Umstand mit den ich sehr gut leben kann. Es störte mich auch nie das andere Männer immer wieder mit ihr Flirten, man könnte sagen das ich das wohl mehr schmeichelnd fand. Ich konnte...

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Fuck with Police Part 2

Fuck with Police, Part 2.family fuck Cops, Part 2 Tony lowered the mirror and was totally amazed at the site before him. He was not aware of what was going on all this time but he knew that he was in for a treat when he saw Ruth throw her knickers to the front. He knew that his girls were going to fuck each other and he was allowed to watch. His cock had started growing and he undid his belt and fly and pulled it out. Under the street lights he saw Sally put her wet shiny fingers into his...

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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love ndash Part 2

this is a continuoes story of part1 Priya gently removed her panties. She felt Dev’s hand on her secret mount. God! This was the first time someone other than her husband is touching her privates and the one touching her cunt is none other than her own son!Dev was curious. He brought his nose to his mother’s cunt hole and deeply inhaled the pungent sexy aroma of her pheromones.“You hungry?” Priya asked.“Oh maa, its like a dream come true”“Then eat me Dev, I can’t wait!”Dev with both his hands...

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Ginie Boomerang

Genie Boomerang by shalimar The Late Summer Festival was an annual event for our town with the proceeds going towards the many charities that needed our support. My employer, Compton Industries, was one of the major sponsors. I worked in the IT department. Because I was unfettered by a girlfriend I worked a substantial amount of overtime. Mr. Compton made sure that everyone who worked for the company, even us nerdy IT workers, would be able to attend this carnival, and sort...

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Meri Zindgi Khel Ek Sambhog Ka Bhag 8211 Part 1

Ye meri phli khani h m asha karta hu ap sab readers ko pasand aegi. Mera nam raj h ab meri umar 45 h or yr khani tab ki h jab m 12 th class m tha. Meri puri femly gaon m h but mere papa ka business h kapdo ka to hum bohut ameer h but mere gher walo ko shehar ki bheed bhaad nhi pasand to wo sab whi gaom m rhte the . Gaon m humari joint femly h mere dad k 2 bhai or h ek tau ji or ek chacha ji or meri 4 bua bhi h . To pura business mere papa ka h to sab ki shadi ho gyi thi but papa ki nhi hui kam...

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A run to remember part 2

I just smiled and nodded my head. I followed Debbie back towards her house. My cock was throbbing at this point. Debbie’s walk alone could make heads turn. Her beautiful heart shape ass swayed with each step. It looked so firm. I could not remove my eyes.  ‘I see you have got a little more comfortable looking at me Jake,’ Debbie said with a smile while she shook her ass a little. I was caught off guard, ‘I apologize but the view is amazing.’ She smiled. We got to back sliding door. She opened...

2 years ago
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The Angel Next DoorChapter 8

The congregation began nervously and awkwardly walking into the church and taking their seats for Sunday School, everyone afraid to discuss the eight hundred pound (or metric equivalent) gorilla in the room, namely what happened the night before. The children had just been dismissed to the basement floor for their classes when Darren Craft, the adult Sunday School teacher, began fumbling through his lesson plan. He was visibly tense and sweaty, wiping his forehead, as he looked at his niece,...

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The Locker Room Uncomplete

"Wow! sorry!" Jacob said quickly and began to walk away “Nah Jacob its okay come over and join us” Nick said “Come here Jacob,” said dawn as she walked over to him “please Jacob you'll have fun besides I've never had a blond boy before.” “No way...” he said bit he couldn't go any further as she placed her hands long his hips and rubbed his groin making him sigh with pleasure” can't do what” she interjected “Okay...” he said and then she guided him over across from Nick, he...

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Kim Power PlayChapter 04

The day starts with Kim sitting up for his breakfast with an update from Jim while he eats: no movement worth talking about but Harry’s bit of trouble. After having a good laugh Kim tells Jim to let his people know they did the right thing in not letting the thugs kill Harry, making Jim happy they did good. When Jim leaves Kim remembers the file with the photos etc. He pulls it out to try to make contact with the people in the file, but he soon finds he can’t send his ’roaming eyes’ to a...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Natasha Nice Breeding Questions A Natasha Nice Story

Miss Richards (Natasha Nice) is a private investigator who’s vising Mr. Myrand (Lucky Fate), a popular art teacher who was discovered to have an illicit relationship with one of his students. Though the student was eighteen and claimed it was consensual, she has since been expelled and Mr. Myrand has been fired. Miss Richards has been tasked with probing both parties to ascertain whether or not they are hiding anything further. As Miss Richards asks Mr. Myrand a few questions, she detects...

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You Must Remember ThisChapter 13 Smoking Is Hazardous To Your Heath Lisbon January 1942

As Ilsa passed him the glass Clegg noticed her cigarette case on the bedside table. It was identical to Tereza's. Clegg wasn't sure why he hadn't noticed it before. The bright red enamel shone like a beacon. Then he realised. When he had left the room it must have been face down, its gold, engraved face lying upwards. Ilsa had obviously moved it for some reason. As he lifted the glass of champagne towards his lips he suddenly realised why. He looked across at Ilsa and saw her watching him...

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The Road to HellChapter 2

Grandma Sofia had lived in the same neighborhood, in the same house that her "nice man" had brought her to when they first married. While going about her life's work, raising a large and loving family, most of whom relocated to other parts of the country, that neighborhood, as have so many over time, slowly declined as age and economic fortune dealt it some nasty blows. While the immediate area around Grandma Sofia's house stayed relatively clean and well kept up, in large part because of...

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Swapping Wifes Panties With a Friend 2

One day at work, my buddy texted me after lunch and said “Meet me at your truck”I immediately went there. He was already waiting. We got in and I said “What’s up?”“I just fucked Nicole in her SUV and I have a bunch of cream on my dick still. Wanna smell it? And check out these panties. She had just left the gym. She said we could have a quickie fuck because she needed to shower. I swiped the panties and left her naked form the bottom down dripping with cum. Lawrence definitely saw her pussy as...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Mother

"We should have known he suspected us," I said.My mother nodded in agreement. "Yes, we've been very lucky.""Lucky, how?""He's agreed I can have the house and a million in cash.""Why?""Because darling have you any idea just how much damage the scandal would do to his career. Yes we'd be prosecuted, and yes we'd almost certainly go to prison, but his career would be over, who would trust a man as a government minister if he couldn't even stop his wife and son from screwing each other's brains...

3 years ago
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My Hot And Sweet Mom 8211 Part 2

I was in heaven..smelling her panty again.. tasting it.. licking the juice.. started playing with my cock again.. played for nearly ten mins.. slowly.. got a message from MOM.. read.. PUTTU LOAD IT AGAIN WITH YOUR FRESH CREAM.. I L COME AFTER AN HOUR..I WANT TO EAT IT AGAIN…!!! And the rest continued below.. I read her message and was just went out of control… she want to eat my cream!!!??/ wow.. I was lost.. started licking her panty again.. put it into mouth and started chewing the middle...

1 year ago
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Girls Just Want to Have FunChapter 13

Sola is helping Justin in the kitchen while Riley takes a shower. Having the girl help is almost more distracting than helpful. Over the past year, Justin’s relationship with his sister has gone from a normal affair to a full blown sex romp adventure and it is only getting better. And with Riley’s birthday coming up, he is racking his brain for something special for her. But for now, Justin is focusing on the little alien muse in his kitchen. “So was all your time spent with your...

3 years ago
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Not This TimeChapter 15 Betrayal

Bruce was right. I was only nineteen. I wasn’t forty-two or forty-three or whatever. Even the memories I had of future history were more like déjà vu than foreknowledge. I knew there were big things coming up in the next few years. But what I considered big was what had been important to me in the last life and didn’t include things like who won the Kentucky Derby or the World Series. If I was going to get rich, it was going to be by being savvy in the real estate market, not by betting on...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Sawyer Cassidy See Peter King Fuck

We’ve got another one of those “double debut” things today, as NYC native Peter King and skinny Latina Sawyer Cassidy are both making their debuts on See H?️M Fuck here today. After our newest director, Scott Trainor, conducts the interview portion of the program, Peter stands, and Sawyer assists HIM in getting naked, followed by lubing HIM up and making sure that big girthy prick is ready for action. Sawyer sniffs and licks both of Peter’s hairy armpits before asking HIM to sit so...

2 years ago
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It Happened to me

The following story happened in 2006, it’s not that I’m some kind of a stud, it happened because I was lucky and was in the right place at the right time. I’m sharing it with you because I can’t very well share it with my wife. I’m in my mid 50’s with a few extra pounds around the middle and bald but I do try to stay in shape I run five miles four times a week. I try to keep in shape with a weight routine but I am what I am. It all started with a recommendation I received for a commercial real...

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Nutaku games! Those of you who have been following my reviews will know by now that I have not been, historically, a big fan of gaming or hentai. As far as gaming is concerned: I’ve never really played a porn game before that warranted all of the work and time that they require. In other words, it is hard to find a porn game that has a good enough balance between the gaming and porn elements—games always seem to lean too heavily on the game side, leaving the porn parts a little relatively...

Best Porn Games
1 year ago
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A hateful need

Big fat trigger alert, cheating. Not that it should be a big shock because its a tale as old as time. From my flash erotica book “All the good things.” He lives across the street. Just a guy. Not particularly good looking or noteworthy in any way. Except how he looks at me. I hate going to the garden in the front yard. Within minutes he seems to come out to watch me. Women constantly stream in and out of his place since he arrived.We had a pool party, I was dressed in a two-piece and a wrap,...

4 years ago
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Reunion With Margaret

I had to make an ovenight road trip for work. It was the same city my boyhood friend Pat's grandmother, Margaret had lived in when we stayed with her some years back, and i couldn't help remembering how it was to be intimate with her. I stopped to fuel up the truck before heading for home, and went into the gas station to grab a soda while the gas jockey serviced it. As I turned away from the vending machine, I saw an extremely attractive older woman sitting in one of the chairs, looking...

1 year ago
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For a friend

Introduction: Written for a friend, kinky-ish, first story woo They burst through the bedroom door, all tongue and hands over each other, losing clothes as they walked. Fucking hell, pet. The woman moaned. The man groaned softly, sucking on the womans neck until he was pushed onto the bed. She ran her hands along his arms until she had his wrists in her hands, pinning his arms above his head, feeling his throbbing cock press against her through thin fabric. Such a nice cock, Nate. She whispered...

3 years ago
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Getting What I Want1

I looked up to see my best friend Ivy. We’ve been friends since the start of the school year. Spring break just ended and I haven’t seen her in over a week. For some reason she looks different. “Hi Ivy, it was good. I didn’t do much. How about you?” “It was great! Just mostly enjoyed some relaxing time at home.” As she was talking I noticed that she was showing off her figure. Her shirt was being pulled tight across her breasts. They must have grown since I last saw her. I wonder what bra...

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Chance Encounter

It is a brisk Fall evening in Pittsburgh. She sits at the bar alone sipping her Zima and reflecting on the long day she has just finished at the office. Her long legs, dressed in sheer black hose, are crossed showing the shapely lines running up to her short black leather skirt. Being blessed with a beautiful bosom, her sheer white silk blouse outlines her generous curves. Her hair is medium auburn, falling in soft curls to below her shoulders. She has piercing hazel blue eyes, with long thick...

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Unforgettable Holiday ch 1

Unforgettable Holiday Part 1 Id given up on a summer here this year. Id decided to book a late bit of sun to get naked on the beach again once more this year. I booked a week at the famous Maspalomas beach, id heard and see the fun that happens there. Id feel good going into our winter with a nice tan/feel good factor, so i booked a last min deal for the last week in october . Fingers crossed it...

1 year ago
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TimeLine chapter 1

Like Billy Pilgrim, John and Amy have become unstuck in time. Unlike Billy Pilgrim, theirs is a fate more akin to eternal recurrence. Fate, for sure, had intended more for them. The timeline was diverted and the two were paying the price: Amy for her stubborn obstinance; John for his arrogance. For her stubborn behavior, Amy was dealt a hand similar to that of Sisyphus. She was placed upon life's treadmill: forever struggling to make ends meet; forever struggling to find her way...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Karissa Kane Get To Twerk

Holy shit! Karissa Kane is one beautiful and sizzling hot petite black girl. She wants her man to take a twerk video of her. She is wearing some seriously hot pants to show off that perfect heart shaped ass of hers. Her man is entranced with her twerkability! This ass is so perfect and so hot that you could easily fry eggs on it. Karissa really knows how to get a man stiff. She bends and shakes an ass that is arguably a modern marvel. She finally pulls her pants down so her man can get a good...

3 years ago
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Lauren the Bridesmaid Chapter 2

Lauren and I waited for the cart to take us to the main building. She looked radiant. With the sea breeze, her hair now looked as if she’d stood in a stiff wind, instead of looking like she’d taken a stiff cock in the bum. The cool wind made her nipples poke jauntily through the sheer fabric of her bikini, and she definitely still smelled of fuck. The high heels made her ass tight, her bum muscles hard under my hand as I caressed her ass cheeks. I slid my fingers under her thong strap...

2 years ago
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I just walked into the house from work one Friday afternoon and Marlene was already busy in the kitchen planning dinner. I did what I always did when I arrived home from work; I took her into my arms and kissed her passionately then began to grope her sweet ass. Usually that was enough to get her attention and interest in a little playful foreplay which usually led to a kitchen quickie before dinner. Today was different; the kiss was short but sweet as she pushed me back."I'm sorry but I need...

2 years ago
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Mumbai Ka Asli Maaza

The incident which I am narrating u took place two months back and I thought to share with u, as this is my 3rd story which I am sharing with u all, and I hope that these time also I have received lots of comments from girls and women . as my story was published in the desi papa, I received few letter from girls living in Mumbai and one such girl who mail me letter was from the Mumbai and her name was amber and we started exchanging mails, and slowly we started talking on phone and we even chat...

2 years ago
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Blood FangChapter 3

Paul awoke with a gasp, his senses alive. The sounds of the city came at him in a thunderous rush of racket. Cars driving by, the train in the distance was loud and clear to him. What was more his body felt hot, almost feverish. Like a living furnace he gave off heat that spread across the room, and then he felt him. Images flashed to him as cats and dogs in the city they noticed him for the first time, and it was not as a man. Thousands of little voices spoke to one another. Some fought for...

3 years ago
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The Slave Princess Part 1

The sword says swiftly What the brush takes time to say. As the years go by, The sword’s words are forgotten While the brush’s words live on.– The Canticle of Menkeret.………………………………………………..The ropes dig into my wrists but I feel no pain. I face the setting sun across a boundless sapphire sea but I am only vaguely conscious of the marvelous beauty before me. I am naked but clothed in resignation. I am hungry but know intuitively that soon I will be replete. I should feel fear but prefer to trust...

2 years ago
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All Because of Some Teen Drama 3 Mom Finds Out

To fully appreciate it, it might be best to start at the beginning to understand how we got to this point. This tells the story of the day Cheryl watched us fuck. ======================================= Haley was insatiable after our first wonderful weekend. My relationship with both girls changed tremendously in a good way. Haley started hugging me more often when she and her mom would run into me around our complex and she even told Cheryl that she was gonna start calling me 'Daddy'. ...

3 years ago
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A Tad Unusual

Una had never understood the need for people to show off. These days we could all do it over the internet. Instead she had to drive miles, be away from home and proper work for three days, be bored senseless and of course be hit on by every guy in the place. Yuk. Her closest friend among colleagues is Breda. We have done this job and been to these conferences for twelve years. We acted foolishly the first couple of years by dressing normally which is professional but feminine. We quickly...

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White mans wife black mans toy Telli

For the next few hours of that day I did nothing but fuck myself with my dildo just imaging what Marlon had planned for me in the morning. I also looked through so much porn and discovered alot about cuckolding and bbc worship and there was alot of things I liked the look of. Just before Mike was due home I straightened myself up, redoing my hair and make up making sure I looked good enough to get Mike in my control again.As soon as he walked through the door I started passionately kissing him...

3 years ago
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The Autumn Weekend

A FRIDAY IN AUTUMN It is Friday evening. I arrive home just after 7 o'clock, a little later than usual. I can tell from the lights in the windows that you are already home, and as I open the door I call your name. There is no reply and the house remains silent. I open the living room door. The lights are subdued and it takes my eyes a moment or two to get used to the gloom. You are not there, but I notice a black leather trench coat thrown over the back of one of the red...

3 years ago
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KUMBH MELE ME SAADHWI KI CHUDAI Mera naam anil hai mai ek teacher hu age 25 y. hai maine apne bare me aaplogo ko kuch sachchi ghatnae batai hai aap logo k mujjhe achche jawab mile aap sab ko meri stories bahut pasansd aai thanks aaj mai aaplogo k liye taja kahani lekar aaya hu Jaisa ki aaplog jante hai ki allahabaad me kumbh mela laga hua hai mai kumbh mele me nahane gaya hua tha waha maine bahut maja kiya waha par lakho log jute theladke ladkiya aurte aadmi sab waha ganga k tat pen aha rahe...

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Playing Doctor with sister

Based on a true storyMy sister and I had always had a great relationship. I was the younger "protective" brother and she was the older "troubled" c***d that always had me on my toes. You see my sister and I were the only ones we could count on after my dad died in a plane accident. My mother was a local gynecologist, and always busy with patients and rarely at home. So that left my sister and I with a lot of time together to talk and lounge around until mom's arrival.One afternoon, Amy confided...

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My first gay experience

Hi :) . My story is 100% true, it hapened last year in August. Well, lets start that I am not gay, maybe bisex. I have a girlfriend and I do like girls basically, but there was always something about gay porn that turns me on. so from time to time i do watch it and masturbate to it. So that was a very hot summer, it was the begining of August 2012. I had a bad hangover after the weekend, it was monday, so early in the morning my girlfriend left for work and I took my laptop and started to surf...

2 years ago
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Introduction: hubby traping me for a 3 some Hi I am MEENA. I have got a lovely hubby RAJ. We are just married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 111 Old Wounds

She'd been asleep. Doubtlessly dreaming of family and friends left behind on Majesta prime. Nagi remember being excited, as always, she supposed? on the prospect of seeing a New World. Wondering the same sort of things any girl of fourteen standard galactic years did. She'd had her moment of temper of course, demanding why she should have to go? Perhaps father would begin advising construction of a new spaceport on planet Boralis as newly appointed master architect for the imperium, But...

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My Sister Fucked With Cameraman and Beautician

Hello friends this is DJ4U here again with my very new experience with a colleague of mine. I Am DJ 28 male from Haridwar send in your suggestion specially girls aunty and hot chicks. I had been to Delhi for some work and it required me to stay there for about a week, the company had provided a translator for me to translate the manuals, her name was Shweta. Shweta was a good looking girl of 28-30 years of age, good figure, average breasts, slim waist; I enjoyed my working with her kind of a...

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The Tantric WayChapter 3

Ami dropped her purse in the front hall and ran to her bedroom. She whipped off her tank top and cursed under her breath as she fumbled with the clasp on her bra. The ache between her legs was driving her crazy. She winced as she pulled her panties off. Her vaginal fluids had dried on the ride home and the crotch stuck to her pussy lips. Finally naked she pulled back the sheet on her bed, propped herself up with three pillows and went to work. Two fingers flew inside her. Her vagina felt as...

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Jessica’s husband lost his job, so she asked her boss if she could get a promotion and a raise. Her boss, Gabe, told her promotions were ‘earned’, and pulled out his cock, asking her how badly she wanted it. Jessica knew how much she and her husband needed the money, so she gave Gabe a blowjob in his office, and agreed to stay late every Thursday in order to ‘earn’ her promotion and the raise that went with it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For...

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Ghost for Hire Episode 1Chapter 4

Victor rubbed his forehead, and saw flakes of his dying skin drop to the antique desk. He knew it wouldn't be many years before he would have no skin covering the top of his head. For at least hundred years he hadn't been able to go publicly out for he looked like what he was. A corpse, and old one at that. "Death, mister, doesn't suit you any longer." A voice said, and Victor glanced up, surprised. He felt nor heard any presence before the voice. Even as his eyes fell upon the form of...

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Psst Audio! One could say I live an overstimulating life. Between work and play, I put my lizard brain through its paces daily. It could be watching 3 Albanian hikers, dressed as the queen’s guard, fucking a cheerleader in the woods using an open golf umbrella till her queefs sound like a didgeridoo. Or perhaps I swing by my local rub and tug for taco Tuesday (see what I did there?). I’m often too lazy to do even that, so I’ll call up my favorite sex line.I’ve been talking to sluts on the phone...

ASMR Porn Sites
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beatdown by a pornstar Vanesa Videl

Pornstar Beatdown 2-Vanessa VidelBy lilguy [email protected] teachers her boy toy father a lessonFemdom mixfighting humilation"Hurry up with the bags you little shit" Vanessa said while she was walkingthrough the airportOf Doleful long Mexican boy toy followed meekly behind her holding somesuitcase. Vanessa Videl was a sexy porn star who just finishes shooting hermovie Cougar Tales. Her hair was short and black hair a big red lips. Shestood a tall 5.10 and wore heals that push her...

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