Secure Bust free porn video

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---- Secure Bust ---- George sighed as his beeper went off. It was time to for his rounds. With a sigh, the security guard stroked his scruff, put on his glasses, grabbed his flashlight, and ventured off from his desk. For most people, the empty halls of the museum after hours could be considered creepy. Not George. He loved the dark corridors filled with the collective works of previous generations. And besides, if things did go all Sy-fy channel horror flick, he could always run to Cheryl, the other night security guard who was on the second floor, and beg her to hold him. "Wow. Pretty early for the self-depreciation," George said to himself. "...and you've started talking to yourself. Great." He took a breath and continued his rounds. After a brief detour through the guest artist gallery, showcasing some up and coming artist who had painted soda cans gold and stacked them into shapes that looked like political figures, George made his way to the east wing. It held statues, armor, and other historical artifacts. And, apparently, trespassers. The Janitor staff worked mornings, and yet George could hear people muttering less quietly then they thought. Teenagers in... the Renaissance section, maybe Medieval? No, Renaissance. George kept his light low as he moved closer. If he was gonna nab these little goons, he'd have to have the element of surprise. Speaking of surprise, George was a little surprised as he hugged the corner. They had dragged an angel statue off of it's dais and into the center of the room, where they were lighting incense (or something a little stronger, considering the blue flame) around it. They were all in cloaks, and one of them held a sceptor with a lit candle at the top. "Great. Creepy cultists. The head guys are gonna love this." Still, that was the job. George reached for his nightstick, brought up his flashlight, and spoke in his clearest voice. "Freeze!" Naturally, the cultists attempted to make a break for it, all except the leader with the fancy stick, who started yelling after them. "You fools! You'll break the-" There was a pop, like someone had stuck two halves of a jumper cable too close. An appropriate metaphor, as the electric light show shot up and down between the candles. The statue, marble, had depicted a male angel in a suitably dramatic pose, brandishing a spear at an unseen foe. But now the facade was cracking, starting around the leaf over it's unmentionables and spreading outwards. George watched wide eyed as marble began to fall to the floor in a million pieces. Underneath was another statue, metal and black as pitch. Although posed identically, this was quite different. A perfect specimen of femininity, so beautiful in form that it would have made Michaelangelo cry tears of inferiority. Angelic wings remained, although the effect was measured by the look of sweet sexual gratification on the idol's face, as well as the goatlike horns that had been concealed in the angel statue's crown. And then, the statue began to move it's arms. George blinked. No amount of closing and opening his eyes could refute the fact that the statue was moving. Stretching, like someone who fell asleep in an uncomfortable position as it surveyed the room. Finally, it's eyes fell on the last cultist in the room. That grin brought to mind the Cheshire cat, a look of a hunter towards a new plaything. "It was quite unwise of you to attempt your little ritual to drain my power, mortal." God, it didn't even matter what the voice said, the first syllable of that mezzo gave George a pants tent. She could read the phone book and give a man more pleasure then ought to be legal. The cultist, a dude with a stubbly puberty beard attempting to be a goatee, seemed to be having difficulty keeping concentration too, but he shook it off. The man seemed very careful to keep the staff between him and the whatever-it-was. "Demon bitch!" Well, that answered that question. Said demon bitch seemed to take the moniker in stride. "Is that any way to talk to your patron? Put down the staff, my toy, and I'll pick up yours." She licked her lips, showing her forked tongue. There was a moment of silence. And then she tutted, the disappointment in her voice palpable. "Very well. Plan B it is." She locked eyes with George. Time stood still George didn't know what happened. One second, she was across the room. The next, her lips were on his. It was rapturous, the Mona Lisa of kisses, the Pieta, the Empire Strikes Back. Nothing could compare to it. It was like kissing a light socket, only with pleasure instead of electricity. Of course, George had to breath eventually, and he attempted to pull away for a second to do so, only to find he couldn't. A mischievous glint was in the demon's eyes as her nose brushed against his, only for them to get stuck together. Her hands seemed to phase through his clothing, and then melt into his body, pinning his arms underneath the amorphous form that was gradually merging with his own, even as she continued to pleasure him in ways that would be physically impossible for a normal human woman. Eventually, she thrust her hips forward, catching his crotch in her hole as it went perfectly stiff. Her eyes, so close to his, rolled up in to her lids as she worked him to climax. The release locked him in, his melting into hers as the pair fell to the ground, "becoming one" in a sense far more literal then the phrase would normally indicate. And then, it stopped. George woke lazily, bathed in the good vibes of the greatest sex he'd ever had. He looked around, finding himself still in the museum. "What a weird dream." He patted the ground for his glasses. "Did those punks dose me with something?" His hand brushed past the glasses, and he brought them up to his eyes, brushing his hair(?) out of the way as he did so. "Not quite." George's eyes darted around the room to find the location of the sultry voice, but to no avail. "Hullo?" Speaking of voices, his own sounded weird. The voice sounded again. "Wow, you really are a slow riser." George realized, to his own shock, that the voice was coming from his own mouth. "Generally my little friends are able to notice what's right in front of them." His arm moved to his chest. Her chest. Her very soft, voluptuous chest. "Bingo!" said the seductress as George's face heated up in embarassment. His legs took him to an ornate mirror at the end of the hall. George almost yelped when he saw what had become of his body. There were still traces of the old George in this body. The height was the same, the skintone (pale), the shape of the eyes, the hair. But those proportions were certainly not his. The way her breasts sat in his uniform made her look like a character from a japanese fighting game, buttons straining as little diamonds of exposed flesh tried to escape as her tie slipped between those orbs. The suitpants weren't much better, with them falling low on her waist to the point of slipping off, his boxers visible. George felt his hand rub his baby smooth face in contemplation. "You know, I was worried with a Johnny-come-lately vessel, but you actually gave me a lot to work with. We're gonna have a little fun, Georgie." With that, the hand reached down, hooked a thumb around the elastic band of the boxers, giving just a peak at the unshaven bush below, and then let them SNAP back. The boxers turned to satin and shrank. Soon, all that remained was a pair of black panties, the exquisite feel on George's ass cheeks not lost on the security guard. Had he known it would have felt like this, he may have considered investing in this kind of undergarment before. "Just relax and enjoy the ride, Georgie." said the presence, as she moved down to his socks. His work socks turned to fishnets as she pulled them up their legs. All the while, she was purposely feeling up whatever piece of the body she was working on, letting Georgie feel the changes that had been made to that body part. Next up was the pants suit, which was morphing into a very racy black skirt, right at the edge of propriety. As Georgie's partner moved to fix his shirt, she started explaining it. "You see partner, a lot of folks in the biz seem to think that a C-string and two bits of string is the best way to seduce someone." She made a gesture like she was shaking a crumb, and George's ill-fitting dress shirt was suddenly tailored, with lace around the buttons. For a moment, red nipples were visible through the sheer fabric, but they then vanished as a bra materialized in place. "That's simply not the case." Georgie gasped as her own hands playfully "honked" her boobs, before moving on to her tie. "Mystery and danger is sexy, not a lack of clothing. You put someone who is attracted to woman in front of a lingerie model, they'll pay attention for a moment, but they don't leave a lot to imagine, and the only danger would ruin the fantasy." The clip- on morphed into a bow tie, which they straightened. "Now, you come in with the right attitude, perfectly cut clothing, and THESE," she cupped a breast and an ass cheek with her left and right hands respectively, emphasizing them in the mirror. "They'll be undressing you in their head all day, like a kid imagining they're unwrapping their Christmas present." She studied herself in the mirror. "Long or short, I can never decide." she mumbled. "Eh, short will do." Georgia's hair turned auburn as she parted it to the right with her perfectly manicured fingernails. She rubbed her ears, producing a hoop earing for each ear. Finally, she took off George's glasses, and then shook them until they had morphed into a more feminine cut. Georgia blew a kiss at the reflection in the mirror. This version of her looked like a different fantasy, a butch femme librarian type look. The dark lipstick on her upper lip and the scarlet on her bottom only increased the impression. That skirt could give anyone attracted to women a nosebleed, and those hands looked like they could either give pleasure or pain with a glance. "Now that we've fulfilled the vanity portion of the job, it's time to get down to business." She clapped her hands together, and then began making her way out of the room. The piece of George that was still at the back of Georgia's head murmured a question. "What... what exactly are we doing?" Georgia gave a little chuckle. "Remember those losers from earlier?" She nodded. "They each took a little piece of my power with them. Considering that I can do almost anything, and mortals aren't really supposed to have that kind of power anymore, that leaves it to me, your friendly neighborhood lilim, and you, my kindly human vessel, to stop them." She paused for a second, before a gleeful little grin graced her face. "But first, I think I need a midnight snack. Reforming this body burned some juice." With a swing in her step and a playful whistle, Georgia made her way up the stairs, clicking her heels at one point. She made her way through the gallery with ease, using George's security pass to make her way into the camera room. There, monitoring the halls on CCTV, was Cheryl. "Oh, George, I was wondering where you were. Something weird was happening wi-" Cheryl stopped as unfamiliar arms wrapped around her, spinning her around and noticing that she was not talking to the man she thought she was. "Who the hell are you?" Georgia smiled, grabbed Cheryl's chin, and kissed deep. The security guard learned something about herself as she felt the woman's tongue probing deep in her mouth. Unbeknownst to her, memories were also being rewritten, as George was disappeared from sight and mind, replaced by Georgia. By the time the two women pulled away from one another, the situation was very different. The blonde looked so cute to Georgia as she deeply blushed. "Georgia! Not while we're at work. You know the bosses only put two women on nightshift because the old nightwatchman was sneaking in art co-eds. If they found out..." George had not known that. However, Georgia put a finger to Cheryl's lips. "Don't you worry about that, sunflower." With a flick of her wrist, Georgia had undone Cheryl's belt. Cheryl weakly tried to protest, but the sound of the zipper of her pants suit caused her heart to start pounding. Like magic they were naked. The security room wasn't that large, just a swivel chair with a wall of monitors and a locker. Georgia may have dented the locker as the chair skidded around the room, two women atop it going wild. Georgia was only half prepared. As great as sex as a man had been, sex as a succubus's vessel was a hundred times better. She felt like Neo, only instead of kung-fu, a thousand years of sexual experience had been downloaded into her brain. The Kamasutra had nothing on her, she knew every move, every erogenous zone, every way of pleasuring someone sexually. And even more then that, with every pleasure moan, every intake of breath, every orgasm she gave Cheryl, she could feel it. It was like she was some sort of sex empath, with every need of her partner being instantly noted and fulfilled, which in turn filled her with viv. With every touch, the highs got higher, building closer and closer to a Nirvana of pleasure. Finally it was over, not because Georgia was full but because she had screwed Cheryl unconscious. The woman was happily snoring, naked as the day she was born, collapsed on the chair. As Georgia watched, her sexual partner went through a minor metamorphosis. Nothing anybody would notice later, but Georgia could see it. Her face became a little more symmetrical, her hair shifting shades from dirty blonde to a rich strawberry, her pores cleared. It had the impression of making Cheryl... more Cherylly. Photoshopped Cheryl. "When we feed from a woman, we give a little back, yin and compatibilities and all that jazz. Anyone who spends more then a couple minutes with her for the next few weeks is going to be soaking up the good vibes. More then a few will go home and jump their spouses." Georgia got a fuzzy image from her partner, a naked man with a crown of grapes surrounded by beautiful men and women, also all naked. "I regret that I missed the Seventies, a couple of my sisters had a real good time." After dressing the unconscious girl with a snap and leaving a note with kiss, Georgia sauntered off. She was brimming with viv and vim and dressed to kill. More importantly, if she concentrated enough, she could feel the other parts of herself all over the city. It seemed those Harry Potter wannabes had scattered after leaving. The succubus half of her considered who to target, but surprisingly it was the human part that decided. As she walked into the night, she let out a hearty laugh, one that scared off a lurker. "Oh, I think we're getting along just fine." ---- Tyreese Jones collapsed on his bed, fully clothed. It was six in the morning, he had work in three hours, and he'd run away like a coward the first sign of trouble. How had Jake even talked him into that? Breaking into the museum for magic. Completely ridiculous, and yet he had bought it hook line and sinker. The young man moaned. What was he doing with his life? He'd gone through college, at a prestigious university no less, and yet here he was, in this crappy apartment, returning home from breaking and entering with his Frat brothers. He was better then this, damn it. Just as Tyreese was about to pass out, there were three hard knocks at the door. "Police, open up." It was a woman's voice, hard as nails. Tyreese shot awake. Shit shit shit. What now, what now? Should he run? No, movies said running made you look guilty, but he was guilty. "Just, just a minute." he called out. Screw it, just talk with them. He took a second to look through the peephole. Just one person was there, the woman who had been calling for. Dark red hair, glasses that seemed to frame her face in a way that gave him awkward flashbacks to Ms. Hopewell in high school math, and a professional outfit. She held up a badge. "Mr Jones, please open the door. This will only take a moment." Okay, with a voice like that either he was about to be arrested, or one of the boys had called him a police themed stripper. He sighed, attempted to hide that his little Jones was excited, and opened the door. ---- The badge had been from a beatcop who had attempted to arrest her for street walking, and then had offered to let her go if he was given a free thrust. He would be known as Officer Tinydick when they found him, dazed and pantsless by the road with lipstick in odd places. A small part of George had protested, but that part was fast fading. Georgia gave a wry smile as Tyreese opened the door. He was tall and thin, almost lanky, with relatively fair skin for a black man. Not a bad canvas but there was much room for improvement. "Are you going to let me in?" "Of of of... course." Aw, and he was stuttering. She walked past him into the small, one room apartment, and she heard the door shut behind her. Good, so they were alone. They sat down in the two chairs in the room, Tyreese hastily clearing the second one of the junk that had piled up. "Mr Jones," she said, leaving a layer of sexiness beneath the professional tone. She could feel that stiffie he was attempting to hide was getting bigger. "We have reason to believe that you were involved with an incident at the museum last night." She brushed her hand against his leg. "Nobody was hurt, but an artifact was damaged during the commotion." That hand was now on his leg. "We chose to speak with you first because you seem like an upstanding young man," She felt his pants tent get a little bigger. "and the museum will not press charges on you if you are willing to give us the names of your compatriots." And because you got the least power from the ritual, she did not say. He probably hadn't even realized it, but he'd been sending out a sexual Bat Signal on all mystical channels. Her sex senses told her that both of his neighbors were currently doing the two step, and had been ever since he had gotten home. And why should they have all the fun? Georgia grasped hard, and she watched as his jeans darkened. She guided him over to the bed with the magic wand all men possess and slammed him down. Before he could react, both hands were handcuffed to the headboard. "So, Mr Jones, will you submit to questioning?" He tried to protest. "You're not a cop! Who are you?" She responded by ripping his shirt off with one hand, pleasuring his crotch with the other. He moaned in sexual pleasure. Georgia had been right, dominatrix fetish. Not a real sub, he was the type that wanted to tame the girl who bossed around everyone else. She could work on that. Her skirt fell to the floor. "All you have to do for me to take those handcuffs off is to tell me the names." She straddled him hard, bringing her powerful thighs to bear to put crushing pressure on her prisoner. Unknown to Tyreese, his frame was shrinking with every second under her. "I'll sue you, bitch." Georgia slapped him across the cheek, and then french kissed him. His face became softer, more androgynous, as she released from the kiss. "Tell me the names, Mr Jones." "PLEASE!" Her fingernails left thin dagger lines down his chest, causing both pleasure and pain as it also caused Tyreese's chest to subtly puff up. "DON'T!" She spun him around, slapped his naked ass. Once. Twice. Three times. Each time, it became more and more pronounced. "STOP!" Riding him like a cowgirl and a bronco, Georgia grabbed his neck. She wasn't aiming to strangle, or even knock him out. Instead, she was making that Adams Apple disappear, a process that was intensely sexual for the both of them. That moan went from tenor to soprano, and Georgia felt electric. Tyreese was out of breath. He hadn't noticed the changes yet, because all of his attention was focused on this woman. She'd given him more pleasure then he'd ever felt before, all mixed in a package that lead to him discovering certain things about himself. "Please... don't stop..." he hoarsely said. Georgia smiled down on him. "Names please." Other then the massive erect penis, no one would ever guess that this had been a man twenty minutes ago. "Jake... Mark... August... Raj." Tyreese murmured. "Wonderful, then we can finish you." Georgia let her panties fall. Somewhere, deep inside her, the last bastion of George's male heterosexuality rallied. He knew that this was the Rubicon. The final nail in George's coffin. Lesbian sex with a coworker, or a random punishment blowjob was one thing. But this, penetration that was initiated by him, that was it. But, just like everything else he had tried, it was a battle lost before it began. Georgia felt that final bastion fall as she lowered herself onto Tyreese. Bliss followed for the both of them. Georgia exhaled as she rose, naked, from the bed. She took a moment to take in the sleeping Tyreese. Or rather, Tyriana. The transformation had been quite dramatic, a side effect of the piece of her he had absorbed sensing it's true self and attempting to make it's host match. Her skin was darker, her hair was in dreads rather then Tyreese's unkempt puff. Where Georgia had been blessed in the bust, Tyriana was below the belt. Those hips, that ass, looked like they belonged to a mom on a saturday morning cartoon. The mom that all the adult fans drew pornographic pictures of. Georgia wasn't sure the effect on Tyriana's mind, so she decided to help. Leaning down, she gave a gentle, chaste kiss to her forehead, allowing the magic to rewrite Tyreese's mind, lessons that a young college grad woman would need to succeed in this world. She also took a moment, while she was brimming with Tyreese's male sexual energy, to make sure the young woman had an ID card and a closet full of fitting clothes. She also pocketed her phone. The ancient seductress part of Georgia sighed. "It's so much more work in this modern day. Everything is monitored, identified. When I last walked free, if a peasant ended up a woman, she'd get her clothing retailored and move on with her life as her own widow." She shook her head. Ah well, that was life. ---- Raj ended up being a bit of a repeat performance. He was a bit of a jock, still wearing his letterman jacket for his college track team when she caught up with him. He didn't find it odd that his frat had included Tyriana, the magic which connected the group had insured they all remembered things as they are, rather then how they had been. He also didn't question a detective asking him about the museum, he was pretty confident that his rich father's lawyers could get him off. Raj did get off. He got off hard, doggy style, into Georgia. It was quite passionate between both of them and quite thrilling for Georgia to to be under for once. Georgia then showed precisely how flexible a reality warper sharing the body with a security guard was, bending all the way over and pleasuring the both of them with her tongue. Of course, Georgia paid Radhika back after they were done. As it turned out, Radhika's parents were quite progressive with their love play, and Georgia found the strap-on quite enjoyable for both of them. The slight young woman still looked like a runner, but she certainly didn't sound like one as she squealed. She had had a lot of endurance, even staying conscious through the ins and outs of the transformation, but even mortals in the best shape couldn't outpace a succubus in the sex olympics. Georgia collected his masculinity and the piece of herself quite easy. ---- It was three o'clock by the time Georgia caught up with Bob and August, and immediately saw the issue. Mark and August were twins, and that gave them a special connection even amongst magic users. That meant that technically, they had shared the biggest portion of her siphoned power. And they had been trying to figure out how it worked. It hadn't gone well for them. Georgia recognized the smell of an orgy. The office building they had worked had become a vision of debauchery as they used their powers to drive everyone there into berserk lust. Friends, rivals, coworkers, it hadn't mattered as Hurricane Cupid rampaged. Georgia stepped over a couple spooning as she exited the elevator. The succubus could picture it, the pair laughing as the magic they were using caused chaos. And then, as men and women threw themselves at their feet, begging to be given release, suspicion had fallen. The brothers, naturally had turned on each other. They had intuited that by absorbing the other's piece of the magic they would become more powerful. What they hadn't realized was that they were linked. What power one possessed, the other did already. The power simply cycled between the two of them, with the intent to absorb filling it. As a result, Mark and August were no more. They had become one person, one incredibly endowed bimbo of a person, all without Georgia's help. And then, to add insult to injury, the magic piece had been taken by someone else. "Jake. Staff guy." Muttered Georgia. "This is why mortals are not allowed magic anymore. Imagine if these two had gotten their hands on a member of the Choir rather then a little lilim like me?" Still, that left the responsibility of cleaning it up to her. She walked up to Mark and August. She was a ten, if you had never dated. That blank eyed stare, with bright pink eyes? Platinum blonde hair? Breasts that even put Georgia's to shame? She was also a potato, her consciousness was buried under so many layers of stereotypes, some from when the brothers turned on each other and some when Jake had stolen their power, that it left no room for the real. "Yeah, that's not gonna fly." Georgia kissed the bimbo's brow. It took a moment for the magic to scoop out the crap, but it was her power that had done this and her power that would reverse it. Not without side effects, this new person would always be sexually liberated. They also could not be unmerged. The best Georgia could do was make them fully one person, writing the twin brothers Mark and August out of consciousness. She cupped the woman's breasts, sighing a little as the breasts shrunk to a manageable size. It was for her own good, unfortunately. Those lips that belonged on a doll used for pleasuring one's self also were a no go. The upper lip got the most of it, sallowing. The lower one was left a little puffy, a little pouty. Georgia left the barest taste of cinnemon there, something to spice up a Christmas someday. Brushing the woman's hair with one hand, Georgia reached down below and massaged below. It was best to make sure the carpet matched the drapes after all. Platinum blonde shifted to a colorful ensemble. Dyed of course, but the pink, purple, and blue would turn heads wherever they went. Georgia went for a windswept look for her new woman. Soon, the last remnants of the twins was gone. In their place was Julia. Smart as Mark and August had been put together, cheery, trustworthy, all in daisy dukes and a "Getting Bi" shirt. Basically, all the things the twins had not been. Georgia also bestowed a love of rap music, just because she didn't want to make a two dimensional stereotype of her latest creation. She left an urge to go to a pet store and get a lizard or a snake, something cold blooded and in need of companionship. Once she was happy with the result, Georgia sighed. She'd expended a lot of energy fixing this, and unlike before she hadn't got a top off. And of course, there was still one left to go. Georgia smiled. She pulled Tyriana's phone from her purse. She went into the thread of messages between the conspirators. With a moment of thought, the succubus smiled. "let's all meet up at the frat, ;p" It didn't take long for a response. "okay". Nodding, Georgia looked over. "C'mon Julia, let's go." She picked up the new woman, grabbing her keys as she did so. "Corvette. Nice." ---- The frat house was a wreck. Jake had obviously been here first. The old house had never been in the greatest shape, but the androgynous figure hanging out the first floor window showed that it had been quite the party. Somehow, Georgia intuited that the place would not remain a fraternity for very much longer on the school lists. Georgia turned to the barely conscious Julia. "You stay here." she said the girl, who nodded and went back to a drooling sleep, occasionally unconsciously grabbing her own chest. Georgia stepped out of the car, and toward the house. As soon as she walked through the door Georgia heard a crash from the kitchen. It sounded like someone was throwing things. "And I bet I know who it is." She was correct. Jake looked different in the light of day. No cloak for one, leaving a middling sized asian kid in their mid-twenties with a Starman shirt. For another, his hair had gotten a lot longer. His face was also smooth, with no hair at all. Georgia immediately confronted him. "You've been using my powers, haven't you? Consciously, I mean." "Demon Bitch... Shoulda known it was you." Jake shot a death glare. His hair was falling over his eyes. Georgia moved a little closer, but before she could get in arms reach Jake shot for the staff, still in the corner of the room. It made part of Georgia nervous, and not the part that she expected. "I think we both know that thing doesn't work anymore, sister. Not with you looking like that." Jake pouted. "Mm not a girl." he said through gritted teeth. It seemed that the universe was determined to laugh at him, as his hair shot out again, this time reaching down his back. His hands also seemed thinner, more feminine, as he reached up to brush his bangs out of his face. Georgia walked up to her, brushing the staff aside. "You took the magic into yourself, and that magic is unpredictable. For you, something special happened." She put a hand on Jake's shoulder. "Let me help you out, sister." Jake paused for a moment. The frat house had no shortage of empty beds. Georgia let Jake be on top, at least at first. She pretended to struggle as Jake attempted to pin her arms, but Jake wasn't the man he had been. The important part was making this last ride last. But, as every thrust made the wizard's sword a little shorter, Georgia finally grew bored of missionary. "Please, sister." she seductively said, squeezing her legs around her partner's thinning torso. "You've only got one salvo left on that cannon, let me show you how to use it." She spun him down to the bottom on the floor, let her fingernails dig into his back, and proceeded to pleasure him in every position known, some possible, some cheated. Funnily enough, Jake's arousal didn't drop even as his weapon disappeared. If anything, it was raising. By the time Georgia was giving his shiny new hole cunnilingus while holding him inverted against the wall, his thighs tight around her head as his feet shot in the air, Jake could blow out any moment. "That's it, Jade." Georgia said, letting her body sweat as she stimulated every pleasure zone on her partner's body. "You're almost there." Jade? Yes, Jade sounded right. Jade felt herself climaxing. Although, could it be called a climax if every beat of pleasure was stronger and better then the previous? How much longer could this parade of pleasure last? Surely she had reached the height of Everest already? So great was Jade's pleasure, she didn't even notice the further changes to her body. Sure, her hair was long and wild and black as pitch, but she couldn't see that horns were growing from her head. Sure, her toes were extended as far as they would go, but she was too focused on the sight of Georgia's beautiful flower to notice as they fused into hoofs. And her tongue was too busy making like a bee for her mind to notice that it was far longer then it should be. And then she stopped, when black wings burst from her back. Georgia let the shocked girl to her feet, panting despite herself. It had been a long time since she had brought a new succubus to bear, let alone one with such a passionate goodbye to their former form. "Let me help you out." Georgia said, and waved her hand over the wall, transforming it into a perfectly reflective surface. She took a moment to look at herself, security guard and succubus long having become of one mind that they were the hottest thing alive. Jade covered her pale bare breasts with her arms for a moment before curiousity got the better of her. She let them fly free, and truly looked at herself for the first time. Her face and Jake's face were similar, like sister and brother. Jade was much more beautiful then Jake had been handsome, with a face that belonged at the head of a pop idol group or as a starlet of Hollywood. Her hair, normally straight, had the undeniable mussing of someone who just had really wild sex. Her breasts weren't too large for her frame, while her stomach was taut like a drum. And goodness be, her thighs. What thighs they were. Had Jake seen this girl yesterday, he would have dropped down on one knee in a second and begged her to marry him. Of course, there were the inhuman features to consider, although Jade found she could make them fade with a thought. The wings turned to smoke, the feet returned to five toes and a heel, the horns drew back. It seemed that she wouldn't have to worry about blending in, at least as much as a 5'9" Asian woman with looks that could kill anyone attracted to the female gender could blend. Jade absentmindedly stuck a hand down below as she examined herself. Georgia seemed to be somewhere between supportive and bashful. "Let me tell you, sister. Never get disincorporated. There is no body quite like your original." She looked at herself in the mirror. That red haired beauty wasn't the real face of either of the people that made up Georgia, but for one of them, it was more familiar then the back of her old hand had been. "I think that our time together is up, Georgie. I hope you enjoyed it." Georgia felt quite an odd sensation as her mystery guest unlatched herself from her mind, and then body. The incorporeal form of the succubus could be seen if you squinted, her wings wide. Georgia felt faint for a moment, Jade catching her before she could fall to the floor. Her eyes fluttered as she spoke. "I never got your name." The mirage shook her head. "It's probably best you don't know. But you've been such a wonderful host, Georgia. I haven't had this much fun since I lured that naughty boy Cleon Patrick of Egypt to my bed, and she rattled empires." She paused for a second, turning to her fellow, far more substantial, succubus. "Jade, you'll come with me. There's a lot to learn about being one of us." Georgia attempted to protest. "But..but..." A ghostly finger came to her lips, before tenderly brushing across her face. "I am leaving a you a gift, although it will probably take you a while to find it. Know that, like all my vessels, I love you Georgia. Go. You're young and free and immune to any of those pesky little infections you humans get. Have a little fun while you can. And remember me." Georgia felt a kiss on her head. Jade took one look at Georgia, another at the ghostly succubus, and then moved to the window. The apparation followed her, and together they took off into the night. Georgia, all shiny and new, felt that she lost something even as she gained everything. ---- Nine Months Later ---- Georgia held Cheryl's hand tightly. Since their little fling in the security room, they had discovered that they fit together. In two months, they had gotten hitched. The ceremony had been fantastic, as had been the honeymoon. Georgia learned why it was called a devil's threesome. And then, Georgia had found exactly what her partner's parting gift had been. Which left her here in this hospital, with the most important person in her life letting her grip her tight as she prepared to bring the other most important person in her life to the world. She wouldn't change it, although she wished someone else was also here. The door burst open and a familiar face filled the way. Julia, with massive gift bags in each hand. "OH-EM-GEE you guys!" The enthusiastic young woman said as she practically hopped for joy. "Like, I hurried over as soon as you called. Radhi's parking the Porsche, but I just had to, like, come in now." In the time since their first meeting, the enthusiastic little bisexual ball of energy had managed to talk Radhika's parents into letting them move in together. Georgia had a feeling that Radhika had the rings already, and was waiting for the right moment to tell Julia. "Now, I am the godmother, right?" "Better you then me, doll." Tyriana said half-jokingly from the hallway. She'd gone to post-graduate school, and was currently working as an engineer for a company that was on the cutting edge of hydrogen cells. "Much too much responsibility." The pair gave each other cheek kisses. The nurse spoke up. "Now people, we're going to be bringing life into the world here." She eyed the loud pair. "Just sit in the corner while we do our jobs, and we won't have to kick you out." Georgia wasn't sure, but something seemed familiar about the nurse. It wasn't until the doctor, a tall asian woman who Georgia recognized in an instant even behind the scrubs and mask wheeled in that it all clicked. The nurse winked at her, her eye turning gold for half a second. Then she looked up. "Get ready people, the baby is coming." Georgia smiled.

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Busted! by Jordan Holder The woman in a t-shirt and jeans next to me snapped her gum and decided to stand after drawing a seven. I looked at the eight and five I was holding, glanced at the several face cards I could see on the green felt table in front of the other players and the dealer, and brushed my pair of cards toward me. The dealer flipped a card from the shoe. A nine. Busted! Damn. Well, one could hardly expect to win by standing on 13, not when the...

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I meet Buster

The doorbell rings and when I answer, I see him and another large black man, standing to his side. They were dressed in shorts and tanks. When I opened the door, Vinny and his friend stepped inside."Whassup Mark? This is my home boy, Brian. We all call him Buster." Vinny greeted me as we fist bumped. Vinny headed to straight to the bathroom while his friend and I became acquainted. Buster was rough looking. He was a light skinned black guy with tattoos everywhere including two full sleeves. He...

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Busted By My Mom:I Was Caught In My Mom's No Nonsense Pantyhose, High Heels, Bra, EtcI had been sneaking into my mom's bedroom to wear her clothes for a few years by this time. I was quite comfortable and very adept at doing it. Or so I thought.On this particular day, I came home from school. Since my mom was always away until one and a half hours after I get home, I decided to do my usual favorite activity of mine, going into my mom's bedroom to get dressed up in her clothing. I took off my...

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BustedI was at home once looking at a photo my girlfriend had sent me during that day while she was at work. It was just after seven and Sarah would not be back for several hours yet and that was exactly why she did it. Sarah always was a tease sending me all sorts of photos that never left anything to the imagination.Sarah loved to look after herself and at just under six feet tall all I could see was the perfect woman. With the body of a model and legs that no sculptor could match I was quite...

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BustedI was at home once looking at a photo my girlfriend had sent me during that day while she was at work. It was just after seven and Sarah would not be back for several hours yet and that was exactly why she did it. Sarah always was a tease sending me all sorts of photos that never left anything to the imagination.Sarah loved to look after herself and at just under six feet tall all I could see was the perfect woman. With the body of a model and legs that no sculptor could match I was quite...

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I bit down on my bottom lip. "Do it if you're gonna do it," I whined, before walking in there. "I hear the showers going, so Gabriela and Mandy must be in there now. I just saw them playing some ball, and no one was else was in the gym," I said, before feeling my crotch. "Damn, my wood is stiffer than a diamond. They're both naked in there and maybe even washing each other," I let out, before I locked the door and had to start walking towards the shower.I calmly made my way over there and...

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The Purpose of the PrerogativeChapter 5 Busted

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 69 Busted

May 9, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Is something wrong?” Kristin asked on Monday morning. “What do you mean?” “It just felt as if you were somewhere else last night when we were fooling around.” I had been, because once my sleep deprivation was past, I had basically obsessed on the bishop’s comment about ‘choosing’ and the myriad of possibilities I had to choose from, AND the potential problems each of them might create. What he had said about serving at the cathedral and in other parishes only...

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(Narrator) In this edition of our program the boys try to cum to grips with that old porn movie query "How much cum is too much?" Hopefully they can get their hands on the correct data to shoot some holes in this movie cliché. Who are the Cockbusters? Jay-me "The Heinie-man" who is always ready to answer the "call of booty." "Slam-it-in" Savage whose motto is "If it's a tight fit, slam it in." Between them over 20 years special sex-effects for the porn movie...

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Niki and the Pussybusters

The simultaneous gulp from both of us was audible around the dinner table. An assembled group of 3 work colleagues with partners had joined us for dinner at our new home and the meal was going really well until that question. We had a prepared answer, of course, but it always seemed to catch us out. “It wasn’t really me Enzos Niki fancied at first. A close friend of mine was into her when we first met but I realised she was meant for me.” “I met Grant when he was invited...

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Ballbusting or Cuntbusting

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Fantasy ballbusting

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Family cuntbusting

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Big booty Ballbusting

Kadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...

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Sexy Friend Ballbusting

Kadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...

1 year ago
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Compulsion ballbusting

Anna was gonna have the best day ever she had managed to find a way to compel people to do anything she wanted but it only worked on boys so when she got to her middle school that day she was ready. In her homeroom class she knew exactly what she would do she would compel a bunch of boys into coming to her house so she could do what she pleased with them. In her first period she went to a boy named Nate and compelled him into going to her house later, Nate was an average guy who was always nice...

2 years ago
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Big Booty Ballbusting

Kadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...

3 years ago
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Weekend Ballbusting

"Wake up, bitch-boy!" are the first words you hear this Saturday morning. You look to your doorway and see your step-sister, Bridget. She looks extra sexy today, and you take a moment to study what she looks like. You see her long legs go up to her shorts, her tight white top being pulled at by her braless, erect nipples, and finally you get to her lightly freckled face, big, blue eyes, and long, red hair. "What do you want?" you respond. "I'm in charge starting now. Shower up, get dressed, and...

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For BustyBecca18

'Miss Green, is Becca in class yet?' 'Yes Mr Keys, will I show her in?' 'Yes please, and you can head off for an early lunch, take your time as well. I feel she needs to feel some proper discipline and it could get unpleasant.' You walk in, and you look just stunning in the regulation school uniform with black seamed stockings and knee boots. Your hair is tied in two pony-tails and your black bra is clearly visible, holding its sweet cargo under your see-thru blouse. My cock start throbbing....

2 years ago
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Fist time ballbusting

In the first place, I wish to appologize for my poor language. My mother language is Dutch, so I will give it a try in English. But I can't guarantee no mistakes.So, punish me for every mistake if you like.I'm a male of 40 years old, looking younger than I am. For the first time in my live, I wish to experience an extreme hard ballbusting session.I look on regulary basis on the bdsm-video's, looking for men who get ballbusted by beautifull (or less beautifull) women, sadistic women.And damned,...

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Ballbusting vs Cuntbusting

Somehow you spent all Saturday long researching Trajan. You’d planned to just find a few sources and type up a few paragraphs, but somehow you couldn’t stop yourself. As the paragraphs turned to pages, the day turned to night. You look around the library, surprised to see the once-filled chairs suddenly empty. Or maybe not so suddenly. Between trying to type an eloquent enough paper to impress Charlotte and daydreaming about her, you didn’t really pay much attention to your surroundings. Oh...

1 year ago
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The frigid North wind was cutting into Gabriela's slender middle like a pointed dagger sharpened by one of the demon horde. She was loath to give it more than a barely noticeable hunch of her softly curved shoulders lest she be seen as a weak-kneed cunt unable to brave the elements. Her legs were sensibly encased in a leather sheath of the supplest of sheepskins and she wore a tunic trimmed with the fur of a devilish little fox that had made away with a precious chicken in the middle of the...

1 year ago
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Copyright © 1999, 2000 Some would say Ellen is not beautiful. Some would say she is not even pretty because her features are sharp. Some consider her ass a little broad. But, when she wants to, she has a gleam in her eye which attracts men without repelling women. She is personable and intelligent, easily managing an excellent career and many friendships. She has a passion for life and enjoys everything from cooking to golfing. When she wants to be, she is a world-class lovemaking machine...

4 years ago
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(Narrator) In this edition of our program the boys try to cum to grips with that old porn movie query "How much cum is too much?" Hopefully they can get their hands on the correct data to shoot some holes in this movie cliché. Who are the Cockbusters? Jay-me "The Heinie-man" who is always ready to answer the "call of booty." "Slam-it-in" Savage whose motto is "If it's a tight fit, slam it in." Between them over 20 years special sex-effects for the porn movie industry. Joining...

1 year ago
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Reddit 2Busty2Hide, aka r/2Busty2Hide! I know I spend a lot of time on, bringing you the latest and greatest NSFW subs that you can find out there. However, it’s good to venture into the SFW realm from time to time to see what they have to offer there. If you ask me, it can be nice to see a bitch in clothes for once, especially if you fuck a lot of them all the time. It’s like seeing an actual human for once, and I think that they can be even sexier when they don’t show...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Do we live in a Busty World? Since the inception of the artificial tata, I think the answer is an easy yes, but honestly? The world was full of big naturals even long before silicone came along. You just had to know where to find them. In this day and age, with access to the internet, finding those giant jugs is easy as hell. In fact, this next website is a fucking paradise of flesh pillows, both real and synthetic, attached to some of the sexiest pornstars ever to walk the earth and get boned...

Premium Big Tits Sites
1 year ago
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It's mid afternoon, Saturday night and Hugh was dog tired after a long day at work, so he decided to take a nap, before going anywhere. As soon as he lies down, the doorbell rings. He answers the door and it's Gary with his , Fiona, and some other unknown girl. "Hubie, what's up, man, can we come in?" Gary asks. "Come on in, I'm tired as hell right now though. I'm not really up for anything too wild tonight." "That's cool" said Fiona. As soon as everyone is in, Hugh asks "So who's this?"...

3 years ago
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Roses Video Chapter 2 Lil and Rose Get Busted

My heart was pumping, but suddenly the door just opened. "Lil, Rose, what the hell is going on in here?" Kate whined, looking at both us standing up. "Are you having sex with Lil, Rose?" She covered herself with both arms and took a deep breath. I was clueless about what to say, but the adrenaline coursing through my system made me hide behind Rose as Kate look mighty pissed off. 'I sss Rose shedding a couple of tears, but I'm still unsure what is going through her head exactly. No one...

3 years ago
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Oral Pleasures Busted

My name is Mina. I am 5’6 and weigh 127 lbs with dark blue eyes, curly brown hair that, pale skin covered in freckles and an unimpressive 32B bust with embarrassingly large pink nipples. Like many stories…mine begins with a stupid crush on an incredibly stupid boy whose name happens to be Alex. Standing at 6’3 he was thinner, with broad shoulders (which always turn me on) blonde hair, light honey colored eyes, a 6 inch cock (perfect for deep throat), and a low voice that could make me...

2 years ago
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Oral Pleasures Busted

Introduction: My first experience with oral fun… Before I begin, let me tell you a little bit about the background of my story&hellip, My name is Mina. I am 56 and weigh 127 lbs with dark blue eyes, curly brown hair that, pale skin covered in freckles and an unimpressive 32B bust with embarrassingly large pink nipples. Like many stories&hellip,mine begins with a stupid crush on an incredibly stupid boy whose name happens to be Alex. Standing at 63 he was thinner, with broad shoulders (which...

3 years ago
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Well I Got Busted

I’d often stop for a few drinks at a trendy restaurant and lounge called, The Place. It was also the place to meet hot women and get laid. Their drinks were expensive and they had a strict dress code; that combo kept the place classy. It was Tuesday night and I worked until nine. I was twenty-eight at the time. Shortly after I walked in, I spotted this super hot woman sitting at the bar. She looked to be in her mid-thirties, with a huge set of boobs. I walked her way, wanting to get a better...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Dads balls busted

A gay bdsm younger for older ball busting flantasy of walking in on an old man and tatking control of his life and house for my sexual pleasure.Well I just turned 22. It was a boring day for my birthday yesterday. Not much to do. So I pretty well stayed home. I'd always been into older men. The last few weeks since this old man moved in across the alley. I have been peeking watching him play with himself most days.He doesn't always jack off but he's always naked watching porn. I think I might...

2 years ago
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Pokemon Master or Bust

(You can use the Chapter Select option below to jump to particular parts of the story, or get a list of smut scenes.) “Have a nice day…” you mumble, your cheek resting against the pillow while your body lies limp in your bed. The woman on top of you, having just finished fucking you senseless with a strapon, rolls over and starts getting dressed. Before you’ve even finished catching your breath, she’s walking out the door with a spring in her step. “Thanks for another fuck, Emilia!” she shouts...

2 years ago
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A Blind Date Went Bust

Hello, beautiful and handsome! My pen name is ManMad (because I’m a man who is mad for sex). Funny right! This is my first story after reading lots of stories, I thought it payback time. I’m good looking, fair, with good meat to satisfy. (Interested only in females). That’s a bit about me: Now not much wasting your time lets come to the story. It’s a real one not a fantasy but the names used are fake just to hide the privacy. It’s my first-time story, so please bear with my writing...

2 years ago
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69 or bust

What can I say, i just love to eat pussy, and when i do eat the pussy i eat untile im full and then i like to be layed on my back by a nice jucy women and be face fuck real real good just long enough too make your pussy squirtthat sweet pussy juice down my mouth....damm im horny... just something about a woman fucking my face hard as she can that does it for Me ,dosent even matter what type of chick you are, you could be lez, butch, fem, streight, thick, skinny, bald, long hair, short hair,...

2 years ago
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The Busty Bust

"Mike are you sure you want to drive home? You've had a lot to drink tonight," Carl slurred, from is own bout of drinking. Mike and Carl had been invited to a small party by a couple of Mike's friends, Lisa and Tara. The whole thing turned out to be a complete drag. Carl had really hoped for some action from Lisa but after an hour of flirting he knew it just wasn't going to happen. The party consisted of them and a few other girls from the area, some upbeat music kept low to keep the...

1 year ago
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CollegeChapter 4 Freshman Break was a Bust

If it hadn't been for Marcy's daily telephone calls I would have gone back to school the day after Christmas; things at home were going that badly. Well, I suppose there was also the matter of my rider. I had told Wanda we would be leaving on Sunday, the Sixth of January. Changing the plans would have caused major upheaval in my own home and no telling how much trouble Wanda would have raised. Things started to go sour as soon as I went upstairs to my room. There on my desk was my letter...

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A unusual situation Pt 5 VWOM BUSTED

Day by day went by and Debbie would bring first one girl then another home for me to fuck. I tried several times to find out about Rene but Debbie only said "I told you she is a blonde with died black hair. Then Friday night arrived and the girls started arriving. Ann pulled me aside and said Debbie wants you to wait out by the pool for her and the girls. Then She added find a seat and just cover up with a towel and pretend to be asleep. I did as told and a few minutes later all the girls came...

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Busted Nikkie Silk “Happy is what happens when all your dreams come true,’ Stephen Schwartz Sandy came into the bedroom where I was still dozing, holding a pair of tights in her hand. ‘Babe, I wouldn’t ask, but I’m so pushed for time and I’ve just laddered my last pair of clean tights. I desperately need some before I go to this client meeting.’ She held them up as if to prove what she was saying. ‘OK,’ I said, still half asl**p, ‘what can I do about it?’ ‘Can I borrow a pair of yours, pretty...

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Roses Video Chapter 2 Lil and Rose Get Busted

"Get dressed, Lil," Rose ordered me, grabbing my clothes.My heart was pumping, but suddenly the door just opened. "Lil, Rose, what the hell is going on in here?" Kate whined, looking at both us standing up. "Are you having sex with Lil, Rose?"She covered herself with both arms and took a deep breath. I was clueless about what to say, but the adrenaline coursing through my system made me hide behind Rose as Kate look mighty pissed off.'I sss Rose shedding a couple of tears, but I'm still unsure...

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Watching Neighbor 4 BUSTED

It was about a week after that night I babysat for my neighbor (see Watching Neighbor 3), That my neighbor's step daughter, came up to me and said "I think you did something to me." I just looked at her and asked "What the fuck, are you talking about?" She just looked at me and then looked around to see where her step mother was at. "That night you babysat, I know I was drunk, and I know I had fucked my boyfriend, but when I woke up the next day , I could find no signs of being fucked." she...

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My Little Girl is Busted

My Little Girl is Busted.[/b/] =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* On Sunday morning I awoke to a text from Mistress Lisa. “Give me your credit card information so I can order some fun for Thursday.” I considered the demand for a couple of minutes. Another text came through with a picture of me in action with my co-worker. “Want me to include Mom on my next text?” I sent her the information. So Thursday morning comes and as Tina fixes her...

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