Big Busts
- 2 years ago
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"Fuck you Jimmy!" she yelled as she stormed out of the wooden house.
"Fuck me? Fuck you! You're a stupid whiny bitch!" Jimmy said chasing after slamming the screen door as he left.
"What did you call me?" she turned around as he approached her in his white tank top and blue jeans.
"Bitch, want me to spell it for you?" he said looking down at her.
"You know what?" she shook her head. "You're not even worth it!"
She stormed off into the dark of the night. She didn't even look back at him. She hated him, she hated that house, she hated his friends but most of all she hated her life.
"Another fight with Jimmy?" the old man behind the bar asked as she walked into the local watering hole.
"Fuck him," she said as she pulled up the partisan and joined him. "Mind if I put in a few hours?"
"Hell no," he said as he took a seat.
"I'm not going back," she said as she began to clean some of the glasses.
"Yes, you will," the old man nodded. "You always come here when you're mad, he will come through that door, the two of you will talk, then you will leave."
"Not this time," she shook her golden blonde hair. "He can take a fucking leap off a cliff."
"What he do this time?" the old man asked.
"That motherfucker wanted me to strip for him and his friends as they watched the game!" she shouted. "Can you believe that shit?"
The old man shrugged. "Drinking, again is he?"
"Yes! After the last time he promised he would stop," she said as she took an empty beer glass from one of the customers. She popped the top off a new one then handed it to him. She flicked the cap into the bin across from her.
"Jessie," the old man nodded towards the door. Jimmy had walked in, he had his brown baseball hat on and was wearing a brown worn out jacket over his tank top.
"What part of fuck you, don't you understand?" Jessie said as he reached the bar.
"Hey Leonard," Jimmy nodded.
"Jimmy," the old man replied.
"The usual," Jimmy said as he sat down.
Jessie folded her arms under her impressive bust. "Now Jessie, he is a paying customer if he sits at my bar," Leonard said from behind her.
"Fine," she said as she took a beer bottle, she popped the top and slid it to him. "Drink it and get the fuck out."
"Sorry Okay, things got a little out of hand," Jimmy said. "You can't be walking around those hanging out and wearing those shorts, especially with the guys around."
"This is my fault?" Jessie screamed at him. The locals were used to these two arguing, none of them stopped what they were doing. "I have massive tits, Jimmy! I have always had them if you and your friends can't handle that then watch the game somewhere else."
"I said I was sorry," Jimmy said. "I told them they had to leave, now just come back to the house."
Jessie shook her head. She had given in to him too many times. She loved his brown eyes and the way they looked under that cap, and she loved how he smelled after working at the factory. The two had been an item since they were in High School. "Please," he pleaded.
"Fine," she snapped. "This is the last time Jimmy," she said as she walked around the bar.
Leonard stood up with a smile. He had known them both since they were born.
Jessie fell back on the bed as Jimmy fell on top of her. Her legs parted as he slid into her. "Don't ever call me a bitch again," she said to him as he gently bit her neck.
"You're my fucking bitch, and I will call you that as much as I want," Jimmy said as he pushed himself deep inside her.
Jessie's legs wrapped around him as he began to fuck her. She squeezed them tightly around his frame. With each thrust into her, she tightened her grip. "Fuck!" he yelled stopping his pace. "All right!" he gave in.
Jessie had spent most of her life riding horses and being on the cheer squad in High school she had legs that could crush a man's ribs if she wanted to. Jimmy got up the mood for him had been crushed just like the aching pain across his waist. "And you wonder why I call you that," he said as he put on a shirt.
"Keep calling me that, and I will crush more than just your ribs," Jessie said as she turned over. The two slept the night away, staying angry at each other even as they woke up. Jimmy went to work at the paper factory. Jessie turned over as she worked later that day at the bar.
"You know one day, one of you are going to kill the other," Nathan said. He was the cook that worked behind the bar.
"I know," Jessie said as she took some of the orders. "What are we supposed to do?"
"Call it quits," Nathan replied. "You both had a good time, call it a failed relationship and be done with each other."
Nathan was right, but then Nathan was always right. Everyone came to the bar not only for the drinks, music, and the sports. They came to ask Nathan for advice. He was the town's councilor.
"Okay, but this town is small, not like we wouldn't know what the other was doing," Jessie said. The town was very small. It was one of the small towns that people saw from the highway as they passed it at a high rate of speed. The only time anyone from the outside came into town was to gas up, buy food, or had to make an emergency stop.
"Then leave," Leonard said from his corner. Jessie looked at him tossing her golden hair aside. "You heard me," Leonard said standing up. "What have you got going on here that is holding you?"
Jessie thought for a moment. Jimmy was the only thing she had left. Her mother died when she was a baby. She had stayed with one of her mom's friend for most of her life, then Nathan had taken her in, he had been the closest thing to a father she had known.
"He's right," Nathan said looking at her with those cold blue eyes. "You're going to be thirty in four months, what have you got to show for it? Do you want to end up like us working your life away in some no named town, in the middle of fucking nowhere?"
Jessie looked back over her shoulder at the rest of the people in the bar. It was like a scene out of a movie. Everything had stopped, and everyone was looking at her.
"Come on. There is something I want to show you," Leonard said. They walked to the back of the bar. Leonard and his wife Patricia lived behind the bar. It was a cozy place, Jessie had slept back there many times when Jimmy and she had their big fights.
"Sit," he said pointing to a chair and table in the middle of the kitchen. Jessie sat and began thinking about leaving. She had thought about it many times. Leonard came back with a photograph in his hand. He handed it over.
Jessie looked at it. It was a photo of a lady, she was wearing a white shirt, with beads around her neck, short jeans shorts and she was holding a suitcase. "Who is this?"
"I think you know the answer to that question," Leonard said sitting across from her.
Jessie looked at the picture her eyes began to water. She knew her mom's story how she came to this town from somewhere else, hitching rides across the country, then finally falling for someone in this town. They had settled down here when her mother became pregnant. Some people say the man took off. Some say he was hit by a car and died on the spot. Jessie was born, then her mother became ill and passed away.
"Who took the picture?" Jessie asked.
"I think it was him," Leonard said. "Read the back," he said as he looked at her.
Jessie turned the picture in neat handwriting it displayed the date a full two years before Jessie was born. Then underneath the date, it said in bold letters: JACKSONVILLE OR BUST.
"They were going to Jacksonville. I thought he was from here?" Jessie asked through teary eyes.
"That was a rumor, neither of them was from here, they found each other on the road. They settled here because your mother was pregnant with you," Leonard said.
"You knew them?" she asked.
"Nah, I saw them around but never spoke to them because I knew the moment they had you, they would be gone," he smiled. "He left her, before you were born, she stayed."
"Where did he go?" Jessie asked.
"Did you read the back?" Leonard asked.
"Jacksonville?" she said.
"Since they were heading south. I figure it meant Jacksonville, Florida," He said standing up.
"Where did you get the picture?" she asked.
"Found it, when I was cleaning out their apartment," he nodded. "It's yours now."
He left her there to think. Jessie thumbed the picture looking at her mom with her long legs and long golden hair. The only thing she had was that suitcase. She looked like she had no cares in the world. Except for the man that took the picture.
That night Jessie packed all of her clothes into a duffle bag it wasn't a suitcase like her mom's, but it would do. She picked it up and put it over her shoulder then headed down the stairs.
"Where the fuck do you think, you're going?" Jimmy said standing up from his chair.
"I'm leaving," Jessie said standing firm. "It's over Jimmy. It has been over for a while now."
"If you leave, I am not going to chase you this time," Jimmy said plummeting down into his chair.
Jessie stood there looking down at him. "What are you waiting for?" he asked. "If you're going to go, then fucking go!"
Jessie nodded. She walked towards the door. Then she looked around at him. "Do you love me?"
"Bye Jessie," Jimmy said his eyes were filled with tears.
"Bye Jimmy," she said as she closed the door. Jessie walked to the bar, to say her goodbyes.
"Leaving now huh?" Nathan said wiping the sweat from his face.
"Yes, tear the bandage and all that stuff," she said. Nathan walked around to the bar.
"Good," Nathan said his big burly arms gave the girl he knew as a child the biggest, tightest hug he could muster. He let her go then looked down at her. "You don't come back, you hear me, you leave, and you don't give us a second thought. You got it!"
Jessie nodded. She looked over at Leonard still sitting on his chair that was always behind the bar. He nodded at her and she nodded back. She turned to walk out the bar when a man stepped in front of her.
"Here," he said handing her a set of keys. He nodded to an old truck parked outside. "She's on her last legs, she won't get you far, might even break down a few miles from here when she does you just leave her there. She belonged to my ex-wife, and I will be glad to get rid of the damn thing."
Jessie smiled. "Thank you," the man nodded and went back to his table. Jessie got in the truck. It smelled of cigarettes and beer. The truck barely started, she put it in gear then headed out of town towards the interstate. At the light, she looked in the rear view, when it turned green she headed onto the ramp.
Miles ticked away with each one it took her further away from the place she had called home. The truck made the strangest noises as it slowly began to die. After the sun had crept up from the clouds, it gave its last breath as a cloud of smoke came out of it. Jessie pulled it over to the side.
"Okay," she said as she picked up her bag, she slung it over her shoulder. "Walking it is."
She began to walk, luckily, she was wearing much better shoes than her mother had worn. Every time she wanted to give up when the sun was beating her to the breaking point she took out the picture and kept moving forward. A sign indicating for a truck stop made her come off the highway.
"Well look at you," the man behind the register said as Jessie put the two bottles of water down on the counter.
"Bathroom?" Jessie asked. The man handed her the key attached to a large wooden stick.
"Round the back," he said as he handed her the change.
"Thanks," Jessie nodded.
When she looked in the mirror, she saw the sun had made her face red. She had dark black circles under her eyes. She washed her face, then drenched her long hair in the cold water. She looked back at the woman looking back at her. "We can do this, no getting in cars with strangers, stick to the lights. At night, we have enough money for a room. We got this right?" she nodded. The woman nodded back at her. "Let's go."
Jessie handed the key back in then began to walk back to the ramp that would take her back to the highway. She had bought a map to keep her on the right path.
The sun was beginning to go down when she saw the sign for the next city. "Next exit we get off and get somewhere to stay," She told herself.
"Well look what we got here," a truck skidded to a stop as she began to head for a motel off the interstate.
"Just want to get a room," Jessie said exhausted. She had finished her last bottle of water a few hours ago. She was barely keeping herself upright.
"We got a room for you," one of the men said jumping down from the back of the truck.
Jessie's eyes barely focused on one of the men let alone all of them. "Please, just leave me be, I just want to lay down," She said as she tried to push past them.
"Hold on," another said. "You going to deny our hospitality?"
"Check out her tits?" another one said. "Think they are real?"
"Hell no, look at her frame. I bet her father paid for them and now she is running away from him."
"Give them a squeeze, see if they are real," another said.
Jessie swung her fist but missed with that effort she fell to the ground. "Pick her up, let's take her to my place."
"Please no," Jessie began to say before blacking out.
Jessie woke with a start. "No!" she screamed.
"You're okay," a man's voice said.
She opened her eyes to see a black man on a bed across from her. "My name is Anthony," the man introduced himself.
"Jessie," she replied. She looked around the room.
"It's a hotel, sorry I didn't have enough for separate rooms," Anthony said.
"The others?" Jessie asked looking around.
"I chased them away," Anthony smiled. "They gave me this for my troubles."
He had a black eye and a few bruises across his face.
"Thank you," Jessie smiled.
"The room is yours, I only had enough for the one day," Anthony said as he picked up a large back pack.
"Do you have a car?" Jessie asked. Thinking if he was a nice man he could take her closer to her destination.
"No," Anthony replied. "I am hiking it to Miami," he smiled. "I was adopted, I just found out my birth parents are from Miami, so I thought I would look them up."
"I am heading to Jacksonville," Jessie smiled. "Would you like company?"
"Of course," Anthony smiled.
The two bought some provisions for the road and began to walk together. Along the way, they each told their stories. Anthony gave her a high five for leaving her dead-end life.
After hearing how Anthony lost his job and his house, Jessie didn't feel so bad about her life. Many people stopped to offer them rides. Some were going the wrong way. Others wanted to take her but not him. They both agreed it would be safer to stick together.
The night came and with it a thunderstorm. They got off the road and got under an overpass. They laid on the ground keeping their belongings off the ground. Anthony took out a large plastic sheet which he put under them.
"Sorry, I don't have anything to keep us warm," he said.
"You should stop apologizing," Jessie said as she curled up close to him. She wrapped her arms around him and placed her head on his chest. He pulled her close, and the two fell asleep.
The next day they both smiled as they saw the sign that showed they were getting closer to Jacksonville, it was another day away according to the miles on the sign, but it made them feel good. They walked with more vigor, and they made up some time by the time the sun started to fall.
The last person to stop and offer them a ride had given them some money. They went to a motel and got a room.
Jessie loved how the shower felt, it cleaned the road dirt from her skin and hair. "Your turn," she said as she got out.
"Wow," Anthony said.
"What?" she replied.
"Never noticed the color of your hair," he smiled.
"Shut up," she said as she pushed him into the bathroom.
There was only one bed. They had decided to share it. When Anthony finally came out the shower, he joined her on the bed.
"Well look at you," Jessie smiled.
"I thought you were a white guy and was just black from the dirt," she laughed.
They both laughed before falling asleep. Jessie was the first to wake she looked at the digital clock on the stand. It was just past Seven. She also noticed that Anthony had his arms around her, wrapped under her and around her, and both his hands were on her chest.
She just shook her head before laying her head back on the pillow. As she settled back, she felt him poking her just above her ass. "No way," she whispered to herself. She smiled as she moved her ass back and forth until it was level with him. He was as hard as a rock.
"Anthony," she said, but he didn't stir. "Anthony!" she said louder.
"What?" he bolted upright.
"Nothing, calm down," she said. "It's just that your, you were poking me," she smiled as she looked down at the tented sheets.
"Oh…" he began to say before she put her hand over his mouth.
"If you say sorry, I will slap you. Do you understand?"
Anthony nodded. Jessie took her hand from his mouth. She placed it on his bulging pants. "I wanted to wake you so I could do this."
Jessie dived under the sheets and took him into her mouth. She had never sucked on a black dick before, and she was enjoying how much thicker it was than Jimmy's. It wasn't as long, but the thickness filled her mouth.
Jessie moaned as she bobbed her head up and down. She could hear Anthony moaning as well as see his toes curling. She bounced her head faster, squeezing his heavy balls as she took him all the way into her mouth.
Anthony pulled the sheets back. "I'm cumming," he said. She increased her speed, circling her tongue around him, With a final jerk, he came hard filling her mouth as he came.
"Holy shit that was good," he said.
"I have good oral talents," Jessie smiled.
"So, do I," Anthony said as he dove under the sheets.
"Holy fuck," Jessie bellowed as Anthony's tongue pushed its way inside her. Jimmy had never gone down on her. What he was doing with his tongue and lips was making her squirm around the bed.
His hands held onto her thighs with a vice like strength. Jessie felt like she was either going to climb the wall or be pulled down to the bottom of the bed. He was relentless, each time she came, it edged him on further. "Stop!" she finally screamed.
Jessie was breathing heavy beads of sweat made their way down her face. "Goddammit," she said as he came up from under the sheets. "Do you even breathe?" she asked as she tried to catch her breath.
"You know the saying," he said.
"Which one?" she asked.
"If you want to stick it, you better lick it," he smiled back at her.
"Then what are you waiting for?" Jessie smiled.
Anthony wasted no time as he climbed on top of her. Jessie felt him as he slid into her filling her up. He fucked her hard. She held onto the headboard to stop it from banging against the wall. All thoughts of Jimmy were fucked out of her as Anthony pushed her legs up and over her head.
"That's it fuck me!" she said letting go of the headboard. She grabbed one of her tits and began sucking on the nipple.
"Keep doing that," he said as he fucked her harder.
"This?" she said as she circled her nipple with her tongue.
"Yeah," he said as he fucked deeper into her.
"What about this?" she said as she pushed both her tits together and sucked one nipple then the other.
"Fuck yes," he said. Jessie felt the familiar throb.
"Cum in me," she looked up at him. He pushed all the way inside pushing her legs further back. They almost touched the headboard. He groaned loudly as he filled her with his cum.
They both collapsed on the bed. They fucked many times before leaving the motel. Jessie's favorite was when he fucked her from behind in the shower. She came multiple times feeling him slapping against her. They walked hand in hand down the highway.
"Where you guys heading?" a man said stopping beside them.
"Jacksonville," Anthony replied.
"Good luck, I am heading that way," the man said.
"Both of us," Jessie stated.
"Sure, hop in," he nodded.
Jessie and Anthony jumped into the back of the man's truck. They headed off. Jessie lay her head on Anthony's shoulders. A few miles down the road she slipped her hand into his pants. "I bet you never got a road job before," she smiled. He shook his head as he looked at her.
It didn't take long before they were passing the state line into Florida. The man opened the window. "Anywhere in Jacksonville in particular?"
"No," Jessie nodded.
"Okay," he said as he closed it back.
The truck stopped at a large bridge over a river. "I am going off the highway now so is this good?"
"Perfect," Jessie said.
The two of them climbed down from the truck. They said thank you and waved as the truck disappeared. The bridge was busy with traffic. They looked over at the large buildings and the city lights. The sun was going down.
"You made it," Anthony said.
"We made it," she said holding his hand. "I know you want to go to Miami, but I would like if we tried to make a life here together, then one day…" she began to say before he kissed her.
"Yes," he said.
They began to make their way down the ramp, but she stopped. "One thing I have to do," she said as she turned back around. She climbed onto the metal bridge. Cars beeped at her as she climbed higher. When she got as high as she could, she reached into her pocket, taking the photo out. She pushed into one of the cracks she found on the bridge folding it tightly into it. "You made it mom."
She climbed back down and took Anthony's hand. The photo flapped in the wind. The lady in the picture stared out at the city.
"Leonard!" Patricia yelled.
"What?" he shouted back at his wife.
"Where the fuck is my photo?"
"Oh," the old man said as he looked away.
"What did you do?" the old lady stared at her husband.
He sat her down and explained what he had done with her favorite photo. "That's not her mom!" she yelled at him.
"I know that," he sighed. "Jessie needed motivation, and that photo gave it to her."
"It's mine!" she yelled back
"No, it's not!" he yelled back. "You found it on the side of the street when you were running away from your parents and if you hadn't bent over to pick it up…"
"You wouldn't have lost control of your car and hit the tree," she smiled.
"And we wouldn't have met," he smiled back.
"Well I hope she takes care of it," she smiled as she got up. "How did you convince her it was her mother?"
"I scribbled a date at the top," he shrugged. "I left the Jacksonville part."
"You devil!"
"I wonder who that woman really was?"
"We will never know."
A few weeks later. Steven was filling his car up at the gas station. "Wow, it's windy out here today." A passing woman said as she got in her car. Steven nodded at her.
Steven had just got out of court, his wife of thirteen years had divorced him. He had found her on the kitchen table with her legs up in the air and his best friend between them.
Steven was angry and nearly took his gun out to kill them both. But he did the right thing and left, her lawyers served him with the notice, and today it was final.
He got into his car when something stuck to the window. "What the fuck now?" he said as he got out of the car. He picked it up off the window.
It was a picture of a woman; the paper was flimsy and torn. But the picture still looked intact. It was a beautiful woman dressed in a white shirt, with torn short jeans, her tight stomach was visible. She was in the middle of nowhere hitchhiking with only a suitcase.
Steven shrugged it off and was going to throw it in the trash but stopped. He looked at it again, something about this woman captured him.
Steven took the picture home. He scanned it into his computer. He had a vast knowledge of working with photos from previous jobs. He cleaned it up the best he could, which was good. Then he put it into an internet search program nothing was found online that was close to this picture.
"You're real," he said as he stared at the woman.
"Where are, you going?" he asked.
He took the picture from the scanner and turned it over, there was writing there but it was faded and water damaged.
"Well," he said as he hit print. The printer came to life. He took the photo paper out. There she was good as new on a new piece of paper.
That night Steven tossed and turned. He had dreams of his life when he was married, he dreamt of his dead-end job at the post office. Then he dreamed of going on the road saying fuck it all like the lady in the photo. He woke up and began to pack only his clothes and his laptop. He looked back at his house "Fuck it!" he said as he drove away.
Steven went to the bank and emptied all his savings into cash, then got into his car. He drove away, he took out the photo, then pinned it to the rear-view mirror. He looked at the woman "Where to?"
He looked left then right. He knew where the right would take him. He had been down that road. It was safe. There was nothing new that way it was old news, boring and stale. He looked left he had never been that way, never left the safe places he drove to every day. He looked and smiled at the lady.
"Left it is then."
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BustedI was at home once looking at a photo my girlfriend had sent me during that day while she was at work. It was just after seven and Sarah would not be back for several hours yet and that was exactly why she did it. Sarah always was a tease sending me all sorts of photos that never left anything to the imagination.Sarah loved to look after herself and at just under six feet tall all I could see was the perfect woman. With the body of a model and legs that no sculptor could match I was quite...
BustedI was at home once looking at a photo my girlfriend had sent me during that day while she was at work. It was just after seven and Sarah would not be back for several hours yet and that was exactly why she did it. Sarah always was a tease sending me all sorts of photos that never left anything to the imagination.Sarah loved to look after herself and at just under six feet tall all I could see was the perfect woman. With the body of a model and legs that no sculptor could match I was quite...
I bit down on my bottom lip. "Do it if you're gonna do it," I whined, before walking in there. "I hear the showers going, so Gabriela and Mandy must be in there now. I just saw them playing some ball, and no one was else was in the gym," I said, before feeling my crotch. "Damn, my wood is stiffer than a diamond. They're both naked in there and maybe even washing each other," I let out, before I locked the door and had to start walking towards the shower.I calmly made my way over there and...
FemdomThe early Christmas party was going on and everyone was having a good time, even the conservative Rene accepted a beer to celebrate the festivities. The only problem was that they were running low on beer, so a beer run was necessary so Bruce and Rene took off to the liquor store. The drive was mostly uneventful. Bruce, for the most part, contained himself and Renee was able to keep her clothes on, but did flash her boobs as they got into his car. Their problem came about a block before the...
May 9, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Is something wrong?” Kristin asked on Monday morning. “What do you mean?” “It just felt as if you were somewhere else last night when we were fooling around.” I had been, because once my sleep deprivation was past, I had basically obsessed on the bishop’s comment about ‘choosing’ and the myriad of possibilities I had to choose from, AND the potential problems each of them might create. What he had said about serving at the cathedral and in other parishes only...
Willie Nelson has written many great songs, performed a great many more written by others, and in each one he's made it his own in his way. The following story is part of a series. This story is the beginning of larger things, things that can happen and, like a chain of events that get going, sometimes unstoppable. The song I chose is "To make a Long Story Short, She's Gone." "To Make A Long Story Short She's Gone I see nothing to be gained by explanations No need to try to say who's...
Bollywood had found its latest Angry young Man, Aryan Khan. He debuted in SOTY 5 which proved to be a commercial success and gave another 4 consecutive hits within his first 2 years. But his most acclaimed role came in a somewhat controversial Erotic thriller named "Bondage" it was like an Indian version of The Fifty Shades of Grey. Here Aryan played a Psychotic lover who kidnaps his unwilling crush and subjects her to various bondages and sexumiliation which was his version of Harsh...
Summer is almost over. It's still warm but we're starting to notice the days getting shorter. It’s the last Monday before I go back to start my second year in college. My old high school buddy Jeff and I decide to catch a matinee movie. We will end up getting more than just a movie out of it!Jeff and I decide to see one of the season's blockbusters, a popular spy movie that somehow, neither of us had gotten around to seeing earlier in the summer. It was released way back in June, so on...
Bisexual(Narrator) In this edition of our program the boys try to cum to grips with that old porn movie query "How much cum is too much?" Hopefully they can get their hands on the correct data to shoot some holes in this movie cliché. Who are the Cockbusters? Jay-me "The Heinie-man" who is always ready to answer the "call of booty." "Slam-it-in" Savage whose motto is "If it's a tight fit, slam it in." Between them over 20 years special sex-effects for the porn movie...
The simultaneous gulp from both of us was audible around the dinner table. An assembled group of 3 work colleagues with partners had joined us for dinner at our new home and the meal was going really well until that question. We had a prepared answer, of course, but it always seemed to catch us out. “It wasn’t really me Enzos Niki fancied at first. A close friend of mine was into her when we first met but I realised she was meant for me.” “I met Grant when he was invited...
You just entered a Ballbusting/Cuntbusting tournament! You can pick your oponent and than its up to you if you beat their it the crotch or they beat you! You can also decide if you want to play as a male or a female! Each oponent would have a short describtion and a picture and than you would choose your play style. For now there would be two play styles and that is Sub - wich means that the oponent will beat you, and the Dom - where you would beat the oponent! You can cuntbust a girl of your...
BDSMAwakening in new land you take stock of scenery around. Groggy from whatever magics brought you here, you notice the trace carvings of a sigil glowing faintly, dimming as the magic wears off. Atop a large hill, you have a clear view of the land around you. To the north the smoke of a nearby town drift towards the sky. To the south a dense forest stands tall, it’s thick trees shrouding what mysteries lay within. The east of the hill leads way to a looming mountain, the shadow of a cave can be...
BDSMOur protagonists are no ordinary family. While they tend to stick together and stand up for eachother, in this family it is the men that are dominant while the women are constantly being punished. The father, John, and the mother, Kara, have been together for a long time and for them this is nothing strange. John sometimes knees Kara in the vagina when he comes home from work, he might smack her in the clit with a spoon when they are making dinner and he might pull her tits while they are...
FetishKadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...
BDSMKadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...
BDSMAnna was gonna have the best day ever she had managed to find a way to compel people to do anything she wanted but it only worked on boys so when she got to her middle school that day she was ready. In her homeroom class she knew exactly what she would do she would compel a bunch of boys into coming to her house so she could do what she pleased with them. In her first period she went to a boy named Nate and compelled him into going to her house later, Nate was an average guy who was always nice...
BDSMKadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...
BDSM"Wake up, bitch-boy!" are the first words you hear this Saturday morning. You look to your doorway and see your step-sister, Bridget. She looks extra sexy today, and you take a moment to study what she looks like. You see her long legs go up to her shorts, her tight white top being pulled at by her braless, erect nipples, and finally you get to her lightly freckled face, big, blue eyes, and long, red hair. "What do you want?" you respond. "I'm in charge starting now. Shower up, get dressed, and...
Fetish'Miss Green, is Becca in class yet?' 'Yes Mr Keys, will I show her in?' 'Yes please, and you can head off for an early lunch, take your time as well. I feel she needs to feel some proper discipline and it could get unpleasant.' You walk in, and you look just stunning in the regulation school uniform with black seamed stockings and knee boots. Your hair is tied in two pony-tails and your black bra is clearly visible, holding its sweet cargo under your see-thru blouse. My cock start throbbing....
In the first place, I wish to appologize for my poor language. My mother language is Dutch, so I will give it a try in English. But I can't guarantee no mistakes.So, punish me for every mistake if you like.I'm a male of 40 years old, looking younger than I am. For the first time in my live, I wish to experience an extreme hard ballbusting session.I look on regulary basis on the bdsm-video's, looking for men who get ballbusted by beautifull (or less beautifull) women, sadistic women.And damned,...
Somehow you spent all Saturday long researching Trajan. You’d planned to just find a few sources and type up a few paragraphs, but somehow you couldn’t stop yourself. As the paragraphs turned to pages, the day turned to night. You look around the library, surprised to see the once-filled chairs suddenly empty. Or maybe not so suddenly. Between trying to type an eloquent enough paper to impress Charlotte and daydreaming about her, you didn’t really pay much attention to your surroundings. Oh...
BDSMThe frigid North wind was cutting into Gabriela's slender middle like a pointed dagger sharpened by one of the demon horde. She was loath to give it more than a barely noticeable hunch of her softly curved shoulders lest she be seen as a weak-kneed cunt unable to brave the elements. Her legs were sensibly encased in a leather sheath of the supplest of sheepskins and she wore a tunic trimmed with the fur of a devilish little fox that had made away with a precious chicken in the middle of the...
Copyright © 1999, 2000 Some would say Ellen is not beautiful. Some would say she is not even pretty because her features are sharp. Some consider her ass a little broad. But, when she wants to, she has a gleam in her eye which attracts men without repelling women. She is personable and intelligent, easily managing an excellent career and many friendships. She has a passion for life and enjoys everything from cooking to golfing. When she wants to be, she is a world-class lovemaking machine...
(Narrator) In this edition of our program the boys try to cum to grips with that old porn movie query "How much cum is too much?" Hopefully they can get their hands on the correct data to shoot some holes in this movie cliché. Who are the Cockbusters? Jay-me "The Heinie-man" who is always ready to answer the "call of booty." "Slam-it-in" Savage whose motto is "If it's a tight fit, slam it in." Between them over 20 years special sex-effects for the porn movie industry. Joining...
Reddit 2Busty2Hide, aka r/2Busty2Hide! I know I spend a lot of time on, bringing you the latest and greatest NSFW subs that you can find out there. However, it’s good to venture into the SFW realm from time to time to see what they have to offer there. If you ask me, it can be nice to see a bitch in clothes for once, especially if you fuck a lot of them all the time. It’s like seeing an actual human for once, and I think that they can be even sexier when they don’t show...
Reddit NSFW ListDo we live in a Busty World? Since the inception of the artificial tata, I think the answer is an easy yes, but honestly? The world was full of big naturals even long before silicone came along. You just had to know where to find them. In this day and age, with access to the internet, finding those giant jugs is easy as hell. In fact, this next website is a fucking paradise of flesh pillows, both real and synthetic, attached to some of the sexiest pornstars ever to walk the earth and get boned...
Premium Big Tits SitesIt's mid afternoon, Saturday night and Hugh was dog tired after a long day at work, so he decided to take a nap, before going anywhere. As soon as he lies down, the doorbell rings. He answers the door and it's Gary with his , Fiona, and some other unknown girl. "Hubie, what's up, man, can we come in?" Gary asks. "Come on in, I'm tired as hell right now though. I'm not really up for anything too wild tonight." "That's cool" said Fiona. As soon as everyone is in, Hugh asks "So who's this?"...
EroticMy heart was pumping, but suddenly the door just opened. "Lil, Rose, what the hell is going on in here?" Kate whined, looking at both us standing up. "Are you having sex with Lil, Rose?" She covered herself with both arms and took a deep breath. I was clueless about what to say, but the adrenaline coursing through my system made me hide behind Rose as Kate look mighty pissed off. 'I sss Rose shedding a couple of tears, but I'm still unsure what is going through her head exactly. No one...
My name is Mina. I am 5’6 and weigh 127 lbs with dark blue eyes, curly brown hair that, pale skin covered in freckles and an unimpressive 32B bust with embarrassingly large pink nipples. Like many stories…mine begins with a stupid crush on an incredibly stupid boy whose name happens to be Alex. Standing at 6’3 he was thinner, with broad shoulders (which always turn me on) blonde hair, light honey colored eyes, a 6 inch cock (perfect for deep throat), and a low voice that could make me...
Introduction: My first experience with oral fun… Before I begin, let me tell you a little bit about the background of my story&hellip, My name is Mina. I am 56 and weigh 127 lbs with dark blue eyes, curly brown hair that, pale skin covered in freckles and an unimpressive 32B bust with embarrassingly large pink nipples. Like many stories&hellip,mine begins with a stupid crush on an incredibly stupid boy whose name happens to be Alex. Standing at 63 he was thinner, with broad shoulders (which...
I’d often stop for a few drinks at a trendy restaurant and lounge called, The Place. It was also the place to meet hot women and get laid. Their drinks were expensive and they had a strict dress code; that combo kept the place classy. It was Tuesday night and I worked until nine. I was twenty-eight at the time. Shortly after I walked in, I spotted this super hot woman sitting at the bar. She looked to be in her mid-thirties, with a huge set of boobs. I walked her way, wanting to get a better...
Straight SexA gay bdsm younger for older ball busting flantasy of walking in on an old man and tatking control of his life and house for my sexual pleasure.Well I just turned 22. It was a boring day for my birthday yesterday. Not much to do. So I pretty well stayed home. I'd always been into older men. The last few weeks since this old man moved in across the alley. I have been peeking watching him play with himself most days.He doesn't always jack off but he's always naked watching porn. I think I might...
(You can use the Chapter Select option below to jump to particular parts of the story, or get a list of smut scenes.) “Have a nice day…” you mumble, your cheek resting against the pillow while your body lies limp in your bed. The woman on top of you, having just finished fucking you senseless with a strapon, rolls over and starts getting dressed. Before you’ve even finished catching your breath, she’s walking out the door with a spring in her step. “Thanks for another fuck, Emilia!” she shouts...
Hello, beautiful and handsome! My pen name is ManMad (because I’m a man who is mad for sex). Funny right! This is my first story after reading lots of stories, I thought it payback time. I’m good looking, fair, with good meat to satisfy. (Interested only in females). That’s a bit about me: Now not much wasting your time lets come to the story. It’s a real one not a fantasy but the names used are fake just to hide the privacy. It’s my first-time story, so please bear with my writing...
What can I say, i just love to eat pussy, and when i do eat the pussy i eat untile im full and then i like to be layed on my back by a nice jucy women and be face fuck real real good just long enough too make your pussy squirtthat sweet pussy juice down my mouth....damm im horny... just something about a woman fucking my face hard as she can that does it for Me ,dosent even matter what type of chick you are, you could be lez, butch, fem, streight, thick, skinny, bald, long hair, short hair,...
"Mike are you sure you want to drive home? You've had a lot to drink tonight," Carl slurred, from is own bout of drinking. Mike and Carl had been invited to a small party by a couple of Mike's friends, Lisa and Tara. The whole thing turned out to be a complete drag. Carl had really hoped for some action from Lisa but after an hour of flirting he knew it just wasn't going to happen. The party consisted of them and a few other girls from the area, some upbeat music kept low to keep the...
If it hadn't been for Marcy's daily telephone calls I would have gone back to school the day after Christmas; things at home were going that badly. Well, I suppose there was also the matter of my rider. I had told Wanda we would be leaving on Sunday, the Sixth of January. Changing the plans would have caused major upheaval in my own home and no telling how much trouble Wanda would have raised. Things started to go sour as soon as I went upstairs to my room. There on my desk was my letter...
Day by day went by and Debbie would bring first one girl then another home for me to fuck. I tried several times to find out about Rene but Debbie only said "I told you she is a blonde with died black hair. Then Friday night arrived and the girls started arriving. Ann pulled me aside and said Debbie wants you to wait out by the pool for her and the girls. Then She added find a seat and just cover up with a towel and pretend to be asleep. I did as told and a few minutes later all the girls came...
Busted Nikkie Silk “Happy is what happens when all your dreams come true,’ Stephen Schwartz Sandy came into the bedroom where I was still dozing, holding a pair of tights in her hand. ‘Babe, I wouldn’t ask, but I’m so pushed for time and I’ve just laddered my last pair of clean tights. I desperately need some before I go to this client meeting.’ She held them up as if to prove what she was saying. ‘OK,’ I said, still half asl**p, ‘what can I do about it?’ ‘Can I borrow a pair of yours, pretty...
"Get dressed, Lil," Rose ordered me, grabbing my clothes.My heart was pumping, but suddenly the door just opened. "Lil, Rose, what the hell is going on in here?" Kate whined, looking at both us standing up. "Are you having sex with Lil, Rose?"She covered herself with both arms and took a deep breath. I was clueless about what to say, but the adrenaline coursing through my system made me hide behind Rose as Kate look mighty pissed off.'I sss Rose shedding a couple of tears, but I'm still unsure...
IncestIt was about a week after that night I babysat for my neighbor (see Watching Neighbor 3), That my neighbor's step daughter, came up to me and said "I think you did something to me." I just looked at her and asked "What the fuck, are you talking about?" She just looked at me and then looked around to see where her step mother was at. "That night you babysat, I know I was drunk, and I know I had fucked my boyfriend, but when I woke up the next day , I could find no signs of being fucked." she...
My Little Girl is Busted.[/b/] =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* On Sunday morning I awoke to a text from Mistress Lisa. “Give me your credit card information so I can order some fun for Thursday.” I considered the demand for a couple of minutes. Another text came through with a picture of me in action with my co-worker. “Want me to include Mom on my next text?” I sent her the information. So Thursday morning comes and as Tina fixes her...
Busted Nikkie Silk“Happy is what happens when all your dreams come true," Stephen SchwartzSandy came into the bedroom where I was still dozing, holding a pair of tights in her hand.‘Babe, I wouldn’t ask, but I’m so pushed for time and I’ve just laddered my last pair of clean tights. I desperately need some before I go to this client meeting.’She held them up as if to prove what she was saying.‘OK,’ I said, still half asleep, ‘what can I do about it?’‘Can I borrow a pair of yours, pretty...