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Drug Bust By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 "Effies? I never heard of them, Snake," Rain said. "Yeah, man. They're cool. They do better than make you high, man, and I just scored a couple hundred of them." Rain was more than a little skeptical. In the five months he's been in Haight Asbury, he'd heard of -- and tried -- almost a hundred different drugs. Now here came Snake with a new one that he'd never heard of. Impossible. Rain, or as his parents had insisted on calling him, Myron Wallachek, _had_ heard of Snake. Some said that he was a sailor off a tramp steamer from someplace where the natives grew very strange crops; others whispered that he was a runaway from the Army's "Weird Weapons" program, and that he'd taken a bunch of samples and formulas with him when he left. There were other, even weirder stories, including one that mentioned some town in New Mexico, Rosewell, Rosswood, or something square like that. Wherever he was from, whomever -- or whatever -- was his source, Snake was said to have the best, the most powerful drugs on the street. In San Francisco in July of 1968, that made him a man to be reckoned with. " Okay, so how much, and where do I get them?" "Not so loud, man, or everybody will want some. I only got a limited supply now, but I'm expecting more in a few days. In the meantime," he paused for effect, "I'm making them available at a true discount to a few friends." "I know you all of three days. How am I your friend?" "It's the 'Summer of Love', Baby. _Everybody_ is my friend. But you, you I like. We got a lot in common, same taste in music, same attitude about life --" "Same taste in chicks." Better to bring up the sore spot now, Rain thought. It had turned out that one of the women in the commune he lived in, Flora, had been Snake's lady for a while. Rain and Flora were sleeping together pretty regularly. In fact, that was how they'd met. Rain and Snake had been panhandling on Decker, and Snake had come over to say, "Hi." "Water long under the bridge, man." Snake smiled, or tried to. "She and I didn't work. I'm happy, I guess, that she found somebody as good as you to be with." "You sure?" "Hey, 'Love and Peace', man." He made the two-fingered sign. "Ain't that what it's all about?" "True, too true." Rain returned the sign. "Then let's go, man. The 'effies' are at my place." * * * * * Snake's place was a dingy apartment two floors up from a small curio shop. Rain followed him up a narrow stairwell that was lit by bare bulbs hanging down at each landing. Rain still was a little suspicious of Snake. He remembered that day on Decker. * * * * * "Who the hell is this, Flora?" He was a stocky man about 5 foot ten, fairly muscular, with a snake tattoo on his right arm. "Snake!" Flora grabbed at Rain's arm. "I - I didn't expect you to see you again, so soon." She was a cuddly bundle of curves, her sandy brown hair in braids that reached most of the way down her back. Rain could feel the heat of her body through her light cotton dress. He smiled at the thought that she was naked beneath it. "Is that why you moved out?" Snake was gesturing wildly now. "I said I'd be back in a week." "And then you'd be out dealing whatever you brought back." "Hey, I got to earn a living. How are we going to live with no bread?" "Live? You come home, and it's like I'm not even there. Unless you got horny. Then it's ten minutes of fun, and you're done for the night. That's not a life. It's a life sentence, and I got myself paroled." "Yeah, and I can see what you got to rescue you." He glared at Rain. "Get lost, hippy. Go count your beads." Rain straightened to his full six foot two, his hands clenching into fists. _He_ was a man of peace and love, but in his previous life back in Heyden, Idaho, he'd lettered in wrestling and football. "Would you care to re-think that last remark, brother?" Rain looked the shorter man over. He was pretty sure that he could take the other man, but he didn't want to have to fight. That was why he came to the Haight, to get away from that small town aggressive bullshit. He stuck out his hand. "Flora's a free being seeking her own way in the universe. She moved out because she needed her space. It was _her_ need, not _your_ fault. Isn't that right, Flora." "I -- I guess." The man, Snake, still looked mad. "You still shouldn't have moved out; especially while I was gone. I thought that you and I --" He let the sentence dangle. "I do love you, Snake, but not in the way you want." "And him?" He pointed a thumb at Rain. "Maybe." She looked down. "I don't know. He's a friend right now, just one of the guys in the commune." "It's settled, then. Let me buy us all some coffee." Rain decided to take over before anything went wrong. Before Flora told Snake that she and Rain were sharing a lot more than brown rice and yoga. "I know a spot about a block from here, and what we took in will more than cover three cups of fresh Columbian." Snake's body un-tensed, and he almost smiled. "No. Thanks, but I need to think about things a little bit." "Just relax, my friend, and go with the flow." He put his hand on Snake's shoulder. Snake shook the hand free. "I'll go with it, I guess. But I'm not sure I'll like the trip." He turned and `walked slowly away. * * * * * Rain noticed that Snake was smiling the same almost smile now as they reached his apartment. It still wasn't very convincing. Snake unlocked the door. He opened it just a little and reached inside. Rain heard the sound of several switches clicking. "Booby traps," Snake said. "A few real nasty surprises if anybody tries to break into my place." He opened the door wide. "After you, Rain." Rain smiled and bowed low. "No, Snake, after you." He narrowed his eyebrows and said without any emotion, "it _is_ your place after all." "I'm hurt that you think that I'd do something like that." He shrugged and walked carelessly into the room. Rain followed him in and looked around the place. It was a large single room. There were a few concert posters up on the wall: Jefferson Airplane and a couple of groups whose names he didn't recognize. There was a kitchenette along one wall, a small table with a couple of mis-matched chairs around it. The record player was on an overturned crate that doubled as table and record cabinet. A sofa and two overstuffed chairs were nearby. Against the fourth wall, next to a door to what looked to be the bathroom, was a stack of mattresses with a mess of blankets and pillows. The bed, Rain guessed. Some clothes hung from a pipe frame rack on one side. Books were scattered all over the floor. He looked back at the door. Just to one side about three feet off the ground was a panel with some nasty looking switches. Rain couldn't see where they led. There was some kind of clock or timer attached as well. It looked like something from a mad scientist's lab by way of an electronics hobby shop. "Not bad, huh?" Snake said. "It's hooked up, so the booby traps activate if I don't turn the thing off with twenty seconds of opening the door." "I guess." Rain shrugged. "So where's this new stuff that's get me high?" "Gets you _better_ than high." Just a minute, man." Snake walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind himself. Rain heard him turn the water on. Hard. He flushed the toilet, too. Probably to cover whatever noises he makes getting to his stash, Rain thought. Snake came back into the room a few moments later. He was holding a small metal box that he set on the bed. It was painted a drab green with some sort of stenciled lettering on it, "US ARMY CHEMSPECCOMM 028-89507". The box had a built-in combination lock. Snake sat down on the bed and turned the box, so Rain couldn't see him work the combination. The top popped up. Snake reached inside and took out a small bottle with some green pills. He unscrewed the cap and took out a pill. "Here you go man." "If they're so good, Snake, why don't you join me?" "Still, don't trust me?" He took out a second pill and popped it in his mouth. "Okay now." He handed Rain the pill. "Well, if you took one, I guess they're okay." He swallowed the pill. Snake made a gesture with his hand. "Sure, only _I_ didn't take one." He was holding the pill between two fingers. "Slight of hand, it's just a hobby, but it comes in handy sometimes." "You bastard." Rain made a grab for Snake. And missed. He was beginning to feel _very_ weird. Every muscle in his body seemed to be twitching. His legs buckled beneath him, and he sank back onto the bed. Snake's voice seemed to be coming from very far away. "Don't fight it, Rain. It'll go easier if you dombt svort..." The words changed into random noise. His vision blurred as the room began to spin, all the colors running together into starfish and pinwheels. Fireworks plumes shot past his eyes, changing in a dance of glowing, flowing colors. Normally, Rain would have just sat there and enjoyed it. This time he couldn't his body just felt so damn _strange_, like it wasn't even his body any more. Every muscle seemed to be twitching as if an electric current was going through him. He felt a weight on his chest and a sharp pinching in his groin. His scalp itched as if something was happening to his hair, and his clothes - his clothes seemed to be moving across his body as if they - or it - were changing. Rain could hardly tell how long the effect lasted. Five minutes or five hours, he would never be able to tell. But end it did. Rain suddenly found himself sitting on the bed looking up at Snake who was sitting beside him. Looking up? Rain was a good five or six inches taller than Snake. "What in the hell --" He stopped. His voice sounded different, much higher than he was used to. Was he still high? Instinctively, he put his hand to his throat. The first thing Rain noticed was that his "Adam's Apple" was missing. The second was that his beard was missing, too. Then he looked at his hand. It was so much smaller, with long slender fingers. A girl's hand. No, it couldn't be. Rain looked down. He had shrunk. His clothes were far too big now. His T-shirt looked like a tent on him. Except that something -- two somethings - were pushing it out from his chest. He pulled out the collar of his shirt and looked down. He saw a pair of tits, round and firm, with areola the size of half dollars. One hand shot into his pants. They were plenty loose at the waist, though they felt tight around his hips and butt. His fingers searched franticly for the old familiar bulges, but they weren't there. His fingers poked around, but all they could find was a slit, a woman's slit. "Looking for something?" Snake was smiling. "What the hell did you do to me?" "What do you think I did? You won't be screwing Flora now." He reached over and gently squeezed one of Rain's breasts, messaging it as he tweaked the nipple. "In fact, I'll be the one you'll be screwing." Rain tried to push Snake's hand away. Snake blocked it with his other arm and kept rubbing. It was as if he was pumping shots of pure warmth, of pure pleasure, into Rain's body. Rain stopped fighting. He couldn't. It just felt too good. Rain leaned back supporting himself with both arms. Now Snake was rubbing both breasts. The pleasure increased and increased in waves. Rain began to pant. He felt a wetness in his shorts. His head rolled back and forth and his hips began to rock in rhythm to the motion of Snake's hands. Suddenly a jolt of pure pleasure shot straight from Rain's crotch to his brain. He lifted his hips off the bed and screamed. His voice was high and shrill. When it was over, Rain was lying limp on the bed. "What the hell did you do to me?" "Like it? That was a female orgasm. Get used to them man. Your body is in female hormone overdose, fully aroused and horny as a hoot owl." "No!" But it was true. Rain's new body had thrilled to the orgasm, and it wanted more, lots more, of them. His shorts were drenched. He needed a plug. A big plug. Plunging in and out of him - out of her. Rain admitted to herself that she was female now. She lifted her butt off the bed and wriggled out of her pants. Snake smiled and unbuckled his jeans. Rain looked at the bulge in his shorts and licked her lips in female anticipation. "That stuff certainly did more than make me high," she said. "Just like you said." "No, I said that it would make you _better_ than high. And it did. It made you _broad_." The End "Effies", by the way, is short for "Effeminol diethamide-243", a drug created by CHEMSPECCOMM (U.S. Army Chemical Special Command) in 1967. The effects are as described in the story. It was an idea that I came up with a couple of years ago that FINALLY grew into a story, this story (thanks to the pun at the end). It may show up again.

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 69 Busted

May 9, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Is something wrong?” Kristin asked on Monday morning. “What do you mean?” “It just felt as if you were somewhere else last night when we were fooling around.” I had been, because once my sleep deprivation was past, I had basically obsessed on the bishop’s comment about ‘choosing’ and the myriad of possibilities I had to choose from, AND the potential problems each of them might create. What he had said about serving at the cathedral and in other parishes only...

4 years ago
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Drugged Lust

Brendan was excited to finally be trying out his experiment, smiling he handed his pretty lab assistant the drink that he’d offered her. Little did she know that inside it was a drug, one that he was pretty sure would make her so horny that she’d do anything he wanted as long as she could get sex. Of course, this wasn’t perfected yet, he hoped to one day have it so that the woman would crave sex from one particular man, but as a test run this would be perfect. And truth be told, he’d been...

4 years ago
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Drugged Into SinChapter 5

The next few days were a complete blur to Christine as she lay in her room, aching and ashamed. It seemed that she was just waking up from a cruel nightmare, but found that every morbid detail of her fear and anguish was true! She knew that she would never be able to break the hold that Sam Price held on her and tears of humiliation and fear began to stream down her cheeks. She was not sure what he had done to her, but the searing pain in every opening of her body reminded her that she was no...

4 years ago
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Spontaneous Combustion

Willie Nelson has written many great songs, performed a great many more written by others, and in each one he's made it his own in his way. The following story is part of a series. This story is the beginning of larger things, things that can happen and, like a chain of events that get going, sometimes unstoppable. The song I chose is "To make a Long Story Short, She's Gone." "To Make A Long Story Short She's Gone I see nothing to be gained by explanations No need to try to say who's...

2 years ago
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Drugged Into SinChapter 7

Jimmy moved to a hotel not far from the house where Christine was staying and waited for Price to get in touch with him. He had seen Chris in the afternoons and they had made love in his room or in hers, but he had not seen Price since that one afternoon. Finally, Price sent one of his men to see him and he was told that his first job was for the next night and that George would pick him up and take him back to the "hideout." He felt a certain apprehension at his first venture into crime,...

4 years ago
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Bollywood BlockBuster

Bollywood had found its latest Angry young Man, Aryan Khan. He debuted in SOTY 5 which proved to be a commercial success and gave another 4 consecutive hits within his first 2 years. But his most acclaimed role came in a somewhat controversial Erotic thriller named "Bondage" it was like an Indian version of The Fifty Shades of Grey. Here Aryan played a Psychotic lover who kidnaps his unwilling crush and subjects her to various bondages and sexumiliation which was his version of Harsh...

2 years ago
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Summer Cockbuster

Summer is almost over.  It's still warm but we're starting to notice the days getting shorter.  It’s the last Monday before I go back to start my second year in college. My old high school buddy Jeff and I decide to catch a matinee movie. We will end up getting more than just a movie out of it!Jeff and I decide to see one of the season's blockbusters, a popular spy movie that somehow, neither of us had gotten around to seeing earlier in the summer. It was released way back in June, so on...

4 years ago
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(Narrator) In this edition of our program the boys try to cum to grips with that old porn movie query "How much cum is too much?" Hopefully they can get their hands on the correct data to shoot some holes in this movie cliché. Who are the Cockbusters? Jay-me "The Heinie-man" who is always ready to answer the "call of booty." "Slam-it-in" Savage whose motto is "If it's a tight fit, slam it in." Between them over 20 years special sex-effects for the porn movie...

1 year ago
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Niki and the Pussybusters

The simultaneous gulp from both of us was audible around the dinner table. An assembled group of 3 work colleagues with partners had joined us for dinner at our new home and the meal was going really well until that question. We had a prepared answer, of course, but it always seemed to catch us out. “It wasn’t really me Enzos Niki fancied at first. A close friend of mine was into her when we first met but I realised she was meant for me.” “I met Grant when he was invited...

2 years ago
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Ballbusting or Cuntbusting

You just entered a Ballbusting/Cuntbusting tournament! You can pick your oponent and than its up to you if you beat their it the crotch or they beat you! You can also decide if you want to play as a male or a female! Each oponent would have a short describtion and a picture and than you would choose your play style. For now there would be two play styles and that is Sub - wich means that the oponent will beat you, and the Dom - where you would beat the oponent! You can cuntbust a girl of your...

4 years ago
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Fantasy ballbusting

Awakening in new land you take stock of scenery around. Groggy from whatever magics brought you here, you notice the trace carvings of a sigil glowing faintly, dimming as the magic wears off. Atop a large hill, you have a clear view of the land around you. To the north the smoke of a nearby town drift towards the sky. To the south a dense forest stands tall, it’s thick trees shrouding what mysteries lay within. The east of the hill leads way to a looming mountain, the shadow of a cave can be...

3 years ago
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Family cuntbusting

Our protagonists are no ordinary family. While they tend to stick together and stand up for eachother, in this family it is the men that are dominant while the women are constantly being punished. The father, John, and the mother, Kara, have been together for a long time and for them this is nothing strange. John sometimes knees Kara in the vagina when he comes home from work, he might smack her in the clit with a spoon when they are making dinner and he might pull her tits while they are...

2 years ago
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Big booty Ballbusting

Kadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...

3 years ago
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Sexy Friend Ballbusting

Kadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...

1 year ago
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Compulsion ballbusting

Anna was gonna have the best day ever she had managed to find a way to compel people to do anything she wanted but it only worked on boys so when she got to her middle school that day she was ready. In her homeroom class she knew exactly what she would do she would compel a bunch of boys into coming to her house so she could do what she pleased with them. In her first period she went to a boy named Nate and compelled him into going to her house later, Nate was an average guy who was always nice...

2 years ago
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Big Booty Ballbusting

Kadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...

3 years ago
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Weekend Ballbusting

"Wake up, bitch-boy!" are the first words you hear this Saturday morning. You look to your doorway and see your step-sister, Bridget. She looks extra sexy today, and you take a moment to study what she looks like. You see her long legs go up to her shorts, her tight white top being pulled at by her braless, erect nipples, and finally you get to her lightly freckled face, big, blue eyes, and long, red hair. "What do you want?" you respond. "I'm in charge starting now. Shower up, get dressed, and...

2 years ago
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For BustyBecca18

'Miss Green, is Becca in class yet?' 'Yes Mr Keys, will I show her in?' 'Yes please, and you can head off for an early lunch, take your time as well. I feel she needs to feel some proper discipline and it could get unpleasant.' You walk in, and you look just stunning in the regulation school uniform with black seamed stockings and knee boots. Your hair is tied in two pony-tails and your black bra is clearly visible, holding its sweet cargo under your see-thru blouse. My cock start throbbing....

2 years ago
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Fist time ballbusting

In the first place, I wish to appologize for my poor language. My mother language is Dutch, so I will give it a try in English. But I can't guarantee no mistakes.So, punish me for every mistake if you like.I'm a male of 40 years old, looking younger than I am. For the first time in my live, I wish to experience an extreme hard ballbusting session.I look on regulary basis on the bdsm-video's, looking for men who get ballbusted by beautifull (or less beautifull) women, sadistic women.And damned,...

3 years ago
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Ballbusting vs Cuntbusting

Somehow you spent all Saturday long researching Trajan. You’d planned to just find a few sources and type up a few paragraphs, but somehow you couldn’t stop yourself. As the paragraphs turned to pages, the day turned to night. You look around the library, surprised to see the once-filled chairs suddenly empty. Or maybe not so suddenly. Between trying to type an eloquent enough paper to impress Charlotte and daydreaming about her, you didn’t really pay much attention to your surroundings. Oh...

1 year ago
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The frigid North wind was cutting into Gabriela's slender middle like a pointed dagger sharpened by one of the demon horde. She was loath to give it more than a barely noticeable hunch of her softly curved shoulders lest she be seen as a weak-kneed cunt unable to brave the elements. Her legs were sensibly encased in a leather sheath of the supplest of sheepskins and she wore a tunic trimmed with the fur of a devilish little fox that had made away with a precious chicken in the middle of the...

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Copyright © 1999, 2000 Some would say Ellen is not beautiful. Some would say she is not even pretty because her features are sharp. Some consider her ass a little broad. But, when she wants to, she has a gleam in her eye which attracts men without repelling women. She is personable and intelligent, easily managing an excellent career and many friendships. She has a passion for life and enjoys everything from cooking to golfing. When she wants to be, she is a world-class lovemaking machine...

4 years ago
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(Narrator) In this edition of our program the boys try to cum to grips with that old porn movie query "How much cum is too much?" Hopefully they can get their hands on the correct data to shoot some holes in this movie cliché. Who are the Cockbusters? Jay-me "The Heinie-man" who is always ready to answer the "call of booty." "Slam-it-in" Savage whose motto is "If it's a tight fit, slam it in." Between them over 20 years special sex-effects for the porn movie industry. Joining...

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