Robbie's Revelation free porn video

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I hope you all enjoy the start of this tale, its actually the first creative writing I have attempted since I was in college. We'll just say that was 20+ years ago. This story has just been bouncing around in my head for a while and I felt the need to tell it, to the best of my ability. Some of the story is pulled from my actual experience, some are just daydreams of a 40 something lady now. Anyway I hope you enjoy, and I don't mind constructive feedback. I hope to get better as the story progresses and I would greatly appreciate ideas. So that being said, here we go. *********************************************************************** Robbie's Revelation, Friday the 2nd of October 1987, Starkville Mississippi. I must have been in a really pleasant dream when my alarm clock sounded and woke me up a few minutes ago. I had been sitting here on the side of my bed trying for the life of me what the dream was about for a few minutes. This peaceful feeling, I had woken up with was quite uncommon for me for the last few years. It almost bordered on actually being happy. Happy and peaceful are not emotions I am used to and it actually made me feel uneasy. To say that I have issues would be quite an understatement. What most people don't realized that every single time in my life I was actually happy, just seemed to be a forbearer of horrible things to come. Being happy basically frightens me. As I sat there taking a few minutes to fully wake up and get my bearings for the day, those uncomfortable emotions quickly faded to be replaced by my normal feelings of dread and anxiety. I know that most people, would be really bothered with that, but not me. I've lived with my anxieties for long enough that I've turned it into something I can use, I wear that shit like armor. Armor that nothing can get through, or at least so I thought at the time. The past several months though I could feel that iron clad suit of armor I had crafted start to crack, and my answer was to sink even further into my self-imposed depression. After a while I noticed my clock was reading 5:30, and knowing my parents would be up exactly at six, I had to get my butt in gear. While I was waiting for the shower to warm up I hesitantly stared at myself in the mirror. As I took in my reflection I could feel my anxiety start to build some more. Thanks to my last growth spurt that started right at the end of my ninth grade year I had jumped to 5' 11". If that had been it though I would have been ecstatic, but the growth fairy also sprinkled its dust in other areas. Areas that were getting increasingly more difficult to hide, some to the point of being painful to do so. Once the shower had warmed up I quickly got to business and was drying off just minutes later. As I made it back to my room I started the process of getting ready for the day. I can barely remember what it was like from before, when I could simply just put clothes on and go out the door. Now it can sometimes take me 45 minutes before I feel comfortable enough to leave the safety of my room. Tending to one of the areas that also had spouted, I started binding my breasts. I honestly had no idea just what size they were, ever since they started to grow I tried to ignore them. Up until a few months ago that had worked, but then they got big enough I had to hide them. I couldn't let anyone see them, I was a guy damn it! I was supposed to be one at least, or so I thought. It took me almost half an hour just to get them properly bound to where no one would be able to notice them. Getting the rest of my clothes on I was thankful we were finally into fall, wearing long sleeves and pants during the summer here in Mississippi sucked. Dressing took a lot less time than binding, it only took a baggy sweatshirt and overly relaxed fit jeans and to complete my deception. Looking in the mirror I was pleased with my effort. While not overly masculine there weren't any obvious signs of anything feminine in my reflection, I headed to grab breakfast. Walking into the kitchen I noticed my parents sitting down eating, as always Mom working a crossword and Pop, what I call my step-dad, with his morning paper. Trying my best to not disturb them I sat as quietly as possible with my breakfast and began to eat. Before I was even a quarter way through my food my Mom started trying to make small talk, which is what I was trying to avoid. I just don't know what to say to her anymore. We used to be so close and now I'm so afraid of disappointing her any further than I already have. The shame I felt on that fateful day when they learned the truth about what was going on with me still sticks with me. The hurt in their eyes that day still haunts me, I can't risk hurting them anymore than I already have. "Morning Robbie, did you sleep well?" she asked still staring at her crossword puzzle. I never know if she is just that engrossed in her puzzle or she just can't bear to look at her son. My anxiety always makes me think the latter. God why couldn't I be a real son to them. "As good as normal I guess, my run yesterday evening took a lot out of me so I slept like a log." I responded with a mouthful of food. My running, along with regular exercise, has become sort of an addiction to me. What started out simply as a way to try to build muscle and to reduce all the fatty deposits my body had started building has become something I did now to punish my body. The more my body rebelled against me, the more I tried to hurt it. "You know you push yourself too hard, I'm afraid you're going to hurt yourself. You never do anything other than school, study, or exercise. Why don't you ever go spend time with your friends?" she asked. "MOM! You know why I can't do that? What if I slip up and someone sees my...? Or someone figures out that I'm a... I mean what will happen if the truth comes out? Life is hard enough as it is! I just can't risk it Mom, I CAN'T!!" I said in a slightly panicked tone almost hyperventilating. Taking a few moments to get my pulse and breathing to start slowing back down, and also to fight back the tears that were trying to form. I just said, "Besides Jennifer asked if I could help her this Saturday with her Biology test coming up. So I'll be out of the house for a few hours." "Well that's good I guess:" She sighed, returning to her puzzle and letting me finish my food in peace. As hard as I tried to just finish eating without thinking about the conversation my mind kept drifting back to Jennifer. She had at one time been one of my closest friends right up until my puberty hit. The more my body started changed the more withdrawn I became, Jen was the only person that kept trying to be my friend. I was never able to fully push her away though, no matter how hard I tried. While I kept trying to retreat further into my protective shield, she actually flourished when she started puberty. She had gone from a rough and tumble rail thin tomboy to one of the most gorgeous girls in the school, so she had people lined up trying to be her friend. While I wished we could be the friends we used to, I also knew that was impossible. I don't think I could survive her total rejection if she found out, so we were relegated to just study and lab partners. It just was the way it had to be. Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts by Pop clearing his throat and saying, "Umm Son? If you don't get a move on you're going to end up late for school." I just nodded and shoveled the last few bites down and rinsed off my plate. I gave them both a half-hearted hug goodbye, mostly because I was self-conscious of the multiple ace bandages wrapping my upper torso like a mummy. As I was headed out the door the pain from the binding had already started I just mumbled as I headed out to my car, "This is going to be a long ass day if this is starting already." Thankfully when I pulled my dilapidated old Ghia into my parking spot at school I saw I had 15 minutes to spare. Thanks to being a lowly sophomore our parking was the lot furthest from anything other than the football practice field, I was going to need almost all that time just to get to my locker and my first class. It would probably be easier if I didn't have to always take different routes to my classes. If I was predictable it would just make it easier for the bullies that have targeted me to find me. That's just one of the many things I've picked up for self-preservation, forcing myself into my loner exile has made me more noticed by the lesser than honorable crowd. Thankfully my first class was my AP biology, and I made it with just seconds to spare. As I plopped into my seat next to Jennifer, I winced from the discomfort in my chest and from sitting too fast. Jennifer noticed and asked, "Are you okay? Did the Chris's get ahold of you already?" She was referring to the two biggest pains in my life, well other than boob one and boob two. Chris Jenkins, and Chris Jacobs were two guys that believed that both of them against one was a fair fight, just as long as they picked on someone they thought they could take solo. I was lucky enough to have been their main target since middle school. I just shook my head and told her, "Nah, they couldn't find me this morning, even if they could I doubt they could catch me. I had just overdone it last night and pulled something, I'm okay." I could tell that she didn't believe me, she just sadly smiled and said, "Okay if you say so, now stop talking cause you're going to get us both into trouble!" I just rolled my eyes at that, and then started to try to focus on the teacher. At least for the next hour I can focus on something else's biology instead of my own. Today it was flatworms, I can live with that. I wish this class could last all day, it's the only one difficult enough for me to keep me engaged and not drift in my own thoughts. The next three classes were the more basic courses, US History, English, French II, and Band. While I disliked band it was either that or PE, and THAT surely wasn't going to happen. Through those classes I could feel myself sinking even further to the point I was starting to even worry myself. I kept telling myself to just man up and suck it up I'll be fine. Even I didn't believe that anymore though. Lunch was one of the more dangerous times for me, too many other people in one space for me to hide effectively. I was at the mercy of my own luck, which I had no faith in other than it being bad luck. Once I grabbed my food I headed to one of the corner tables so I could keep an eye on everyone. One thing I had read in one of my self-defense books the best way to keep out of trouble was situational awareness, so I kept my head on a swivel. It was then I noticed Jennifer looking dead at me and walking towards me with a very determined expression. Since the only time we ever associated anymore was the two classes we had together and the occasional study sessions at either her or my house, I was confused to say the least. I mean she's popular and has popular friends, people that wouldn't even notice me if they stepped on me. As she sat down at the table directly opposite from me I just stared at her in disbelief. "Robbie will you please tell me what's going on with you? I can't just sit back anymore and do nothing. I've been worrying about you for a while, but lately you've really started scaring me!" she pleaded. Still in shock I respond, "Jennifer just what the hell are you doing here? What if your friends see you talking to me? Aren't you worried what they might say? Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!" I tried to sound as confident as possible. "Dammit drop the bullshit!! I know you're not okay and you haven't been for a while. I've watched you go from being this amazingly funny outgoing person, someone who was my best friend in the whole world. I watched you start pushing your friends away, Hell you did the best to push me away and I wouldn't let you!! Do you know why? Because deep down inside of you I know my best friend is still there, but for some reason you've locked him away! For the last time please tell me what's wrong!! I want to help you!" She exclaimed. I could see tears starting to form in her eyes. I tried to respond, but the words just kept catching in my throat. I had hurt my parents, and now I realized how badly I had hurt Jennifer as well. My spirits sunk even lower than I thought was possible. I finally managed to get out, "I um.. Jennifer you see.. I wish I could tell you.." Sighing, I wiped the tears that had started to leak out of my eyes. I finally came to realize that the best way to protect her from me hurting her anymore, was to finally force our strained friendship to be over. You know that thought of just one big hurt instead of continuous little hurts would be kinder. I finally looked at her and calmly stated, "I'm sorry I can't tell you, I can't tell anyone. The best thing you could do is to just walk away and forget I ever existed!" "Dammit Robbie you know I can't do that! Do you know the jocks have started a suicide pool on you? I'm not the only one that sees that you're in trouble!! Those assholes are betting on the day you're going to kill yourself! I'm trying to be your friend, please let me!" she pleaded. Still sure it was the best thing to do, I coldly stated, "Really? Tell me what day you picked and I'll see if I can help you make some extra money. One friend to another." The hurt I saw in her eyes felt like it pierced my very soul. With both hands covering her mouth she stood up and started glaring at me. Finally, she yelled, "I would never!! How dare you even think that I'd!! That's it you fucking asshole!! You want me gone, I'm gone!!" At the commotion I noticed almost every eye was on me. This isn't going to be good at all, I had just made one of the friendliest most popular girls in my class cry in front of the whole lunchroom. I should have been filled with fear, now I would have more than just the bullies after me for what I just did. All I could think of if I was really protecting her, why did I have to hurt her so badly. After a moment I steeled my resolved, thinking she will be better off this way. I wish I could say I evaded any beatings, but as I finally sat down in Health Class, my last class of the day, I had suffered several confrontations. At least the jocks knew where not to leave visible marks on me. A minute later Jennifer came in and took her seat next to me and refused to look at me. I could see her eyes were still red and puffy. I realized that after what I did, I deserved the beatings I got and will continue to receive for hurting her. Coach Mason came in right before the bell rang and started the class. As much as I loved biology, because of learning about all the different species of animals and their anatomy, I hated Health due to my own. No matter though how much I hated this class I do admire the Coach. She was the girls' softball coach and stereotypically the rumor mill assured everyone that she was a lesbian. Coach never did anything to dissuade that notion, and I figured she really was from how her lectures could border on the line of something that would probably get her fired. Today was no exception. We had been learning about the human reproduction system this week. Some of the jokers in the class would make comments about gay's being wrong since they couldn't reproduce, blah blah blah. What can you expect from a bunch of unruly rednecks in Mississippi during the late 80's, they were just trying to get under her skin. I will give it to Coach, she could always bring the conversations back to where it should be, but she would always tiptoe that line talking about those alternative lifestyles for a few. That brings us to today's topic. We were finishing up with the topic of female reproductive organs, which I had ignored totally. That was the last thing I wanted to discuss. Half way through the class, one of the troublemakers asked the question what about those that have both? I just cringed, mostly because I was afraid that Coach would want us to walk down this path. I hate it when my fears are right. Coach Mason then tells us all about anomalies that occur in humans and animals alike, hermaphrodites were one example. One of the guys jokingly brought up transsexuals, asking something along the lines how do you expect us to believe that's real?? At this point I'm doing everything I can to ignore the discussion and just squish down even further in my seat. I tried to play it off as it was just hot in the room and I had a sweatshirt on, but I was also sweating profusely. Even Jennifer noticed that, and kind gave me a worried look. The conversation kept on. It was at the moment Coach was talking about intersex individuals, how some people could be born with both sex organs but one set would stay dormant or only partially formed. I was white knuckled clutching my desk just trying not to pass out. Then I heard Coach say, "Some intersexed people could even grow up thinking they were one sex, but then they would start to develop as the other. For example, a guy could hit puberty but then would start developing female secondary sexual characteristics." I heard a girl in class, I think it was Alicia, then exclaim, "Oh my God! That sounds like it would be so confusing, that would be so horrible!!" In my near full blown panic attack, when I heard her ask that question I simply thought, you have no freaking idea!! I was so focused trying to maintain a calm composure, it took me a moment to realize how quiet it had gotten in the classroom. As I looked around I noticed several people near me just staring at me, and then I saw Jennifer. Her face was a mix of shock, surprise, but then I saw it in her eyes. It was realization and she was staring directly at me. At that moment I knew exactly what had happened, I didn't think those words I said them. It probably comes as no surprise the next words out of my mouth were, "OH SHIT!!" ...To Be Continued... Hopefully

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 31 Revelations

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 19, 2010) Chapter 31 - Revelations "Megan Campbell?" the nurse called out from where she was standing near the reception desk of the L.A. Gender Clinic. I gulped, but stood up. I wasn't sure what they were looking for, and...

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Stories of the Relic The Book of Keilari Part 5 Ready and Revelations

Stories of the Relic: The Book of Keilari -Part 5- Ready and Revelations By Alexander Kung As Denise and Gia get ready for their adventure of San Francisco, Chris learns a bit more about his new house guest San Francisco- 2010 Angelo Seacrest looked out at the beautiful view of the San Francisco bay from his large office in the Trans America Building deep in thought. After many years of fruitless searching, the book of Subjugation was finally in his grasp only to be denied again...

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Alexa Chapter 6 Revelations

Alexa Chapter 6: Revelations "Help me" I have never felt so helpless in my whole life. Here I am, a guy, asking my best friend to help me as I sit on the bathroom floor tears running down my face. Those tears causing the mascara I had put on a few minutes prior to run like the Mississippi. I sit on the floor wearing a dress and women's underwear asking a girl to help me, but with what? "Oh my god! Alex!" Katie screams as she moves quickly to my side. I bury my head in...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 78 Unexpected Revelations

September 12, 2007 They resumed two nights after I disposed of the bottle in the Pacific Ocean. They were unexpected, a little frightening, and quite a bit intriguing. They were the Dreams, and they were back. This time, they appeared to illustrate my life in the original timeline, as if I had never gone back! They were different in some ways from the dreams that both my beloved and I had experienced many weeks ago. They were not your typical lucid dreams; what was truly strange was that I...

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Jerrys World Revelations

Waking up is becoming much more pleasurable and sometimes surprising and waking up to my sister’s smiling face is always somewhat arousing, today along with my fresh coffee was a pill and a tape measure.I think she was taking her monitoring duties too seriously but if it meant her measuring my dick every morning then who am I to complain and I can always supply the goods as I looked down at my morning wood barely covered by the thin sheet.I took the pill with a mouthful of coffee and I noticed...

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B5 Chapter 1 Revelations

Chapter 1: RevelationsIt was now Tuesday, two days after the Main Event on the Island had taken place. Two days since everything had hit the fan, and the fate of the Island would depend on the outcome of the conflict between Barocca's group and Tiffany's group. Dee Dee and Ebony had both received an e-mail from the labs that they had sent the samples of Ebony's blood to. Dee Dee printed out a hard copy of the test results, and settled in a chair read through it. "Well, I guess it's time for...

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The Paperound Part 2 Revelations

The Paper-round ? Revelations ? by: oopster It had been a day that John Harvey thought he would never see, his release from a Hong-Kong prison. Ten years he'd been sentenced, and ten years he had served. Now that he was free, it was time to find out why. Suzie Smith had had another cheque sent to her old family, and another cheque that went un-cashed. This was not the start to the day that she wanted, and decided to call a sick day at work. Not that she needed to, seeing that...

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Changes in Paradise Part 10 Readjustments Reprisals and Revelations

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 9", if you haven't already. Those narrative threads must be held in memory or many parts of what follows...

4 years ago
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The Journey Episode 3 Revelations

Notes: 1)I am not an english-speaking author. I do mistakes when I write in english. If you does not enjoy stories which contains errors, please, don't read mine (this is the last time I include this warning). 2)I needed some geography to set this story, this is why I adopted my own country as the place in which this story takes place. Some of the city names are invented, but some are contractions of present names, I use the rule that people has the tendency to shorten names as the...

1 year ago
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South of Bikini 2 Revelations

We rejoin the Empress of Time and Space in Reilly Research Station's Infirmary where two survivors of the ill-fated invasion force recuperate. A mysterious message received by CINCPAC causes more to be revealed about the Sisters of Kili and Alex must both hold and fold her cards with regards to members of the USS Detroit's crew. Might the recently neutralized Janelle Hathor still have an ace up her sleeve, though? The following story is just that- a story- fiction. As such, all...

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Wish Shift Revelations

Wish Shift: Chapter Twelve Revelations Year 1 A.S. Day 65 Sam looked around the outside dining area at Java Jolts. "You know I don't usually go to places like this," she said. The outside area was pretty simple, just some small white painted metal tables with some white wicker chairs around them. The tables were pulled up close to the plate glass of the front window and on the edge of the sidewalk there were some planters with greenery spilling over the concrete sides. "I know,"...

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Passionate Revelations

Passionate Revelations by Prada“Excuse me, does this come in a size 6?” A young lady asked to a saleswoman, holding up a floaty gray-blue dress. “Why yes it does, I’ll just run to the stockroom and grab one for you,” the woman said before turning and striding away in the opposite direction.The younger one, Rachael, looked down at the dress, her eyes roaming over the chiffon material, the same color as a stormy sky, the strapless bodice, the flowing hemline, the small bow that tied the waist at...

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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 27 Painful Revelations

The Club Infinity had instituted Jazz Night on a Wednesday night in June, and from all the indications the evening was a huge success. Starting at five o’clock some of the local jazz groups were invited to sign up for an hour performance. They’d get to show their stuff, pass out promotional material and even sell CDs. They also got to keep their tips and from the indication of the first night Jim had tried the gimmick, tips were running high. This first night groups weren’t paid, but were in...

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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 5 Revelations

KAH-CHING!” The immediate payout began in my mind. Every supposition I’d had and dismissed over the past three hours returned with a vengeance to the forefront of my mind. They ran past my imaginary eyes and ears like a rapid flashback movie – Zzzzzip! They summed into one inescapable conclusion. Fuck! Joan and her son Doug were in a romantic relationship ... and it was sexual and erotic. My comments to her about their interactions that evening were dead on the mark and even understated...

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Ring of TruthBlog 5 Mothers revelations

16th July 2004 Mother was waiting for me when I arrived in the kitchen that morning. "So how did your oh-so-important date with that shop girl go?" She fixed me with an icy stare. "The date you had to miss my dinner party for and warned Jean and Jenny not to come? And after I had spent all that time preparing a celebration meal specially for you." Even without the aid of the ring, I knew this was a gross exaggeration but mother continued for several more minutes before giving me a chance...

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"Mom! That's not fair!" Robbie protested. "I told you that if you forgot to take out the garbage for pickup one more time that you'd be grounded for a week. Well, you forgot. What will we do until next week?" "But Mom, Dani was supposed to wake me," he protested. "She deliberately didn't wake me up." "Oh, right, asshole," sneered Robbie's sister, Dani. "Dani, I've told you about your language," Ellen admonished her daughter. "Robbie, you're still grounded and...

4 years ago
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Robbie Stuffs Trinas Chimney

by Riotstarter1214Trina was fiddling with the flocking machine trying to do what the nerd in front of her was telling her to. "Robbie I got it.”She pressed the red button and felt the faux snow flow through the hose which was pointed right at Robbie's face. As soon as it hit his face she quickly tried to turn it off.By the time she did his whole front was covered with the snow goo. "Oh my god I'm so sorry.”Jade and Tori broke out in laughter at the sight. Jade pointed to Robbie, "Ha-ha normally...

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Robby Ch 04

Chapter Four – Easter Robbie drove to Tampa to see his battered sister, Karen, as soon as he could pack a bag. He was worried sick about her. His parents were already at the hospital and were keeping Robby posted on Karen’s status by cell phone. In addition to the concern for his sister, Robby was also as pissed off at her asshole of a husband as he had ever been at anyone in his life. Robbie was an easy-going guy but his good nature had an edgy side when he was angry. Karen’s husband, Jason,...

3 years ago
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Robby Ch 02

Part Two – New Years in New Orleans Laura Miller stood in front of the mirrored bi-fold doors of her closet, critically examining her reflection. Laura wasn’t a vain woman, but she did take care of her appearance. Of course, now that Robby was in her life, she was even more careful to ensure she always looked her best. A flush went through her as she thought of Robby, and her heart went pitter-pat. ‘Robby, Robby, Robby’ she mentally chanted, ‘what you do to me.’ In the three days since Robby’s...

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RobbyChapter 5 Karen and Robby

Summer 2001 When Robby reached puberty at the age of fourteen and started to really be interested in girls, it was only natural for him to seek advice from his sister. After all, Karen was twenty then, a pretty and popular coed at the University of Florida that the guys all drooled over. It had started innocently enough during summer vacation, she taught him how to act around girls and told him what they liked and disliked. Confident from Karen's instruction, Robby asked a girl out for the...

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RobbyChapter 2 New Years in New Orleans

Laura Miller stood in front of the mirrored bi-fold doors of her closet, critically examining her reflection. Laura wasn't a vain woman, but she did take care of her appearance. Of course, now that Robby was in her life, she was even more careful to ensure she always looked her best. A flush went through her as she thought of Robby, and her heart went pitter-pat. 'Robby, Robby, Robby' she mentally chanted, 'what you do to me.' In the three days since Robby's unexpected arrival on her...

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RobbyChapter 6

Robby woke up the morning after the melee with Karen's husband stiff and sore. He reckoned the only part of him that was not sore was nestled between the panty-clad butt-cheeks of Karen, as he lay spooned against her back. His dick was not sore, but it was as stiff as a crowbar. Unlike the previous morning he did not pull away from her and leap from the bed. Instead, he pulled her tighter against him and nuzzled her neck. Karen gave a little sigh of contentment and wiggled back against him,...

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Robbie MacraeChapter 12 Black Spots

Amanda returned to the ward where Zoe was being treated, worried now about Robbie too. A nurse informed her that Zoe was comfortable but still unconscious and she would need to remain at least overnight. They had taken some blood for tests but she reassured Amanda that Zoe should be just fine. She checked on Alison and was told that she too was being kept overnight, for observation mainly the nurse said. With little else to do she decided to go home and try to get some rest. Robbie awoke...

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Robbie MacraeChapter 9 Awake

Zoe looked into a pair of eyes of the most intense blue she had ever seen. They were piercing, as blue as the clearest summer sky and they seemed to see all the way into her soul. She heard Robbie make a croaking sound. His many days of being unconscious had obviously left his mouth dry and raw. She continued to suck on him, running her tongue over the head of his cock as if she was trying to get the most flavour out of her favourite lollipop. She also kept her eyes on his face, the...

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Chapter 1: Christmas Laura Miller idly tapped the plastic amber pill bottle with her freshly lacquered, pink fingernails. She had a lot of emotionally charged capital invested in that small container of Nembutal. She was sitting at the table in her neat-as-a pin kitchen. In addition to the white-capped bottle of pills, a packet of photographs and a long stemmed glass filled with Blue Nun sat on the table in front of her. The photographs had been taken last Christmas, a year ago tomorrow. They...

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Four days until Revelation

Jared woke the next morning. Withdoubt in his mind, he began to wonder what he had gotten himself into. Sitting on the side of the bed with his head in his hands, he questioned his decision about putting his freedom in someone else’s hands. Could he submit? Would he be able to trust her enough? He looked at the mess on the wall. Lady Eva had said he was to clean it up. She, also, mentioned that he was to call her Lady or Mistress only. He wondered if it would be easier to accept, if she was the...

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Jared woke the final morning, incredibly sad. Today would be the day she sends him on his way. He didn’t want to go. Unsure of how to approach her, he decided to dress in his clothes and meet her, not as pet, but as Jared. Dragging his feet downstairs, he tried to find anything to do that would stall his time. Once he had run out of things to do, he knocked on her door. He waited with a heavy heart. “Come in, Jared,” she said, businesslike. He opened the door and entered. Looking around the...

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Hunters Moon The Revelation

Veronica awoke in her bed she was warm and tingly as the cotton sheets caressed her naked flesh. She snuggled down deep enjoying the simple pleasure the covers gave her. A hand traveled to a breast and tweaked a nipple and further down to her belly and beyond to her bare sex. When her fingers brushed her lips without encountering any hair she stopped and startled she sat up and pulled the blankets down. Her pussy was bare as a newborn, where did the hair go? It felt nice, but she had no memory...

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Bar Fight Revelation

This is an entry in Lit’s Winter Story Contest 2006. It’s more-or-less a Romance. There’s some talk about sex, but the only real action is a fairly brutal fight. Consider yourself warned. == A weary Seeburg Select-O-Matic jukebox crouched beside the front door of The Rebel Yell. The tenth playing that evening of ‘Please Come Home For Christmas’ was just ending. Across the room, Sam, joint’s cheerless owner, stood behind a short bar with several worn stools. Strings of Christmas lights...

1 year ago
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2 Days until Revelation

On the third morning of his enslavement, Jared awoke to the startling thought that he was quite comfortable with his nudity. He felt liberated and without a care in the world. Coming to terms in his mind, he was ready to go downstairs and tell Eve that he wanted to stay her sub. As he came down the staircase, he was met by Adam, who greeted him cordially. Handing him a piece of paper, Adam winked at the other man, then left. Jared, bemused by the strange actions of the other man, opened the...

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1 day until Revelation

Jared was ashamed. He had let his Lady down, but how could he help himself. She had opened up a new world of pleasure for him. He was sure now that he wanted to serve her. He went downstairs the next morning, after being dismissed last night with the promise of punishment come morning. With a fluttery heart and a stomach in knots, he knocked at her door and waited for the command to enter. Jared heard her soft voice, telling him to enter. “Pet, come in. At least, you are dressed...

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