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Discovered Ben looked at his watch. He couldn't wait for the day to be over and to finally get home. He'd had enough of school for this week and didn't want to waste another second in the classroom. Thankfully he didn't have too much longer to wait as five minutes later the bell sounded and he was on his way home. His friend Peter was waiting from him at the gate, as usual, and the two boys walked together towards their homes. "Glad that one is over with," Peter muttered as he took a bite out of an apple. He hadn't eaten all day so was hungry. "Yeah, me too. Was so bored in English just now, I swear I nearly fell asleep," Ben replied. It didn't take long for talk to turn to the weekend, and what each other's plans for it were. They both had an idea of what they wanted to do, but were not prepared to say it out loud whilst in ear shot of people from their school. "Do you want to come over? My Mom hasn't said if she's going out or not, but she might do. If not we can just hang out in my room or something." Ben was usually the one to make the offer to hang out, which suited both of them as Peter liked going over to his friend's house, and Ben liked to host. "Sure. Hopefully your Mom will need to go out for something, but if not it's cool." And with that, the deal was done. "Come over about 12?" "Yeah, ok. See you then!" The two boys came to a turning in the road, Ben went one way, and Peter went the other. The rest of their evenings were fairly uneventful, they watched some TV and ate some food. Both were looking forward to tomorrow, the start of the weekend, and hopefully some time alone together. The next day, Peter got to his friend's house for just after 12pm, he was met at the door by beaming smile and an excitable Ben. He was ushered inside and the door was quickly closed behind him. "Guess what?!" Ben didn't give his friend chance to reply. "Mom's gone out, we have the place to ourselves!" "For how long?" Peter replied. "Four hours!" "Really, four hours?!" Peter was getting excited now too, as he began to imagine what they might be able to do with that much time to themselves. "Where has she gone?!" "Oh that doesn't matter. What's important is that we have the place to ourselves now," The two boys looked at each other for a second, Ben then said what the both of them were thinking. "You wanna dress up?!" "Yeah, let's do it." There was a little nervousness in Peter's voice, but he managed to smile too. Even though they had both done this before, there was still the lingering feeling of guilt, and also a fear of getting caught. But this was greatly outweighed by the feeling of excitement for what they were about to do. The two boys went up the stairs, with a definite eagerness to get to the top quickly. Ben led the way and headed straight for his mother's bedroom. The door was already open, not that it being closed would have stopped them from going inside. As the boys entered, their attention was immediately caught by a beautiful red dress, hanging up from the outside of the closet. "Wow, look at that!" Peter was the first to comment. "Yeah, I wonder why she left that out..." Ben ran his hand over the sparkly bodice, and then down the soft poufy skirt. "It's gorgeous!" Peter instantly fell in love with it and soon joined his friend for a closer look "You gonna try it on?!" "Maybe..." Ben took a step back from the hanging dress and went back to close the bedroom door. It seemed a little pointless as they were the only people in the house, but he did it anyway. "You should wear it, it would suit you better... with your darker hair." There was no knowing who the dress would suit better, but Ben was happy to make the offer. While Peter was very much a dark brunette, Ben's hair was much lighter. Both boys had grown their hair over the past few months, and while not yet at the length they were aiming for, both had plenty to play with when it came to creating a style. "Shall we do make up again?!" Peter gazed over at his friend's Mom's dressing table, various beauty products scattered across it. "Yeah, I'll do yours if you do mine?" Ben smiled at his friend. "I think we should get dressed first though, no point wasting any time. Are you going to wear the red dress? I think you should." "I'd love to, it's so pretty! Thank you!!" Peter returned the smile. "What are you going to wear?" "I haven't decided yet, will have a look in the closet. Here take this." Ben carefully lifted up the red gown from the outside of the closet, and handed it to his friend. It really was a beautiful dress and truth be told, he was starting to feel a little envious that Peter was going to be the first to try it on, rather than him. But he knew there were lots more beautiful dresses to choose from, and his excitement levels rose as he slowly opened up the closet to reveal all that was inside. Ben immediately pulled out a couple of dresses to look at, a blue and white floral one and a pale green one. Both were stunning in their own right, but they weren't what he was looking to wear today. He chose another one, a long pink gown, and carefully took it out to have a closer look. He held it infront of him for a few seconds, glancing over at the mirror on the wall across from him, before putting it back into the closet again. "You better be careful to put them back in their right places, I mean your Mom might have an order!" Peter was watching from the other side of the room, still holding onto his red gown. "Order? Nah, Mom doesn't do that. I mean, what kind of order could they possibly be in? It's certainly not by style, or age; this is one of her newer ones and it's in the middle..." Ben didn't know it yet, but his relaxed attitude to putting his Mom's dresses back exactly where they came from would ultimately be his, and Peter's downfall. "You not going to wear pink again?" "No, I want to try something different today. I want to be a sophisticated woman..." "You're going to look amazing, whatever you wear," Peter smiled at his friend, and then to himself as he took another look at the beautiful gown he wold soon be wearing. "And I'm going to be a princess wearing this!" "This one..." Ben had found the dress he was looking for. He had seen his Mom wear it on a night out earlier in the summer, and had been curious to try it on ever since. Today was the day. His heart beat a little faster as he held it out infront of himself, imagining what it would be like to wear, he was about to find out. The dress was stunning. It was long and black and sparkled a little when it caught the light. "Yes, I love it!" There was enthusiasm in Peter's voice, he was genuinely excited for his friend. The two boys had now chosen their dresses and so could begin the joyous task of putting them on. But just wearing the dresses was no longer enough, they wanted to see how far they could take it, how much like women they could make themselves look, and feel. Opening up a drawer to the side of the bed, Ben pulled out a few items, and laid them out for him and Peter to see. "I think we should wear these too." "Wow, are you sure? I mean, will your Mom not know they've been worn?" "No, it's fine. I'll put them back at the bottom, so she won't see them, and when she does... she won't know, trust me. You said last time that you wanted to try stockings, well here's your chance!" Laid out infront of them, were two sets of stockings, complete with suspender belts, lace underwear, one black, one red, and two silk vests to match. Ben had worn his Mom's underwear in secret before, but this was the first time he had ever shown it to Peter, let alone offered it to him to try. "What about shoes?" "My Mom has like a thousand pairs of shoes, I'm sure you'll be able to choose something you like!" Ben teased. He looked at his watch, half an hour had passed since his Mom had left. He knew they only really had three more hours before they would have to change back, so he was keen to make the most of it. The two boys began to undress from what they were wearing, each making a small pile of clothes they were no longer interested in; they seemed so boring in comparison with what they were about to put on. "Are you going to be Bethan again?" Peter asked "Of course! It'll always be Bethan," Ben replied. "Have you decided on a name now?" "Yeah.... Pamela" "Pamela, I like it. Suits you!" "Thanks," Peter smiled. The two boys were now standing almost naked in front of each other, but it didn't matter at all, they were ready to put on their underwear and begin their transformation into women. Turning away from each other for a little privacy, Peter took the red lace underwear, and Ben took the black. Taking off their boy-boxers, they slipped their legs into the lace knickers, pulling them up slowly, before turning their attention to the silk vests, raising their arms to let them down into place. Still resisting the urge to turn back and face each other, the two boys then picked up their suspender belts and despite a little awkwardness initially, managed to fasten them. Next it was the stockings, Ben's were dark, almost black, Peter's were much lighter. Ben had done this before, but for Peter it was his first time, both boys stepped into each rolled up stocking, and slowly pulled them up their legs. "Wow, these are amazing!" Peter whispered, but loud enough for his friend to hear. Soon both boys were ready, and turned to face each other. They couldn't help but smile. "Well, what do you think?!" Ben was the first to speak. "Oh my God, these are so soft!" Peter slowly ran his hand down his soft left leg. "And the underwear is incredible! Why women don't wear these all the time, I'll never know." "Maybe some do?!" Ben joked. He was keen to keep the transformation moving along though so suggested they move on to the next step. "Dresses?" Peter was even more excited to wear his red gown now. "No, put on a robe..." Ben pointed to a couple of silk robes hanging up by the door "We'll do make up now, the dresses should be last to go on," He spoke like an expert, and while compared to Peter he probably was, this situation was still relatively new to himself too. Peter did as instructed and slipped into a long white robe, handing the other, a black one, to Ben. He was somewhat in awe at all the nice things his best friend's Mom had in her room, why she needed two robes hanging up when she was the only one using the room he didn't know, but he didn't feel the need to ask. "Sit in the chair, I'll do your make-up!" Ben pulled out the chair beside the large white dressing table which dominated one wall of the room, gesturing for Peter to sit in it. "Sit still, close your eyes and no looking until I've done!" His instruction was clear and Peter followed. What followed next was a masterclass in a simple but effective beauty makeover. Ben knew all the tricks, which primer to use, the appropriate foundation for Ben's skin, how to highlight his cheeks and the best shade of gloss for his lips. The look was completed with a stunning eye shadow and mascara, giving him long and luscious looking lashes. He ran a brush through his hair and held it back on one side with a cute red clip. "What do you think?!" Ben moved to one side so Peter could see his reflection in the dressing table mirror. "Oh my.... wow! I love it. Thank you! You're so good at that." "It's not difficult, and anyway, I've been watching my Mom do it often enough, I picked it all up from her I guess! Move over, time to do mine," Ben smiled as the two boys swapped positions. Despite the earlier agreement, Ben did his own make up, and Peter just sat on the bed and watched. Ben's own makeover was just as effortless as Peter's had been, he chose a different eye shadow and a red lipstick instead of gloss, but otherwise he used the same products. When finished he stared at his new reflection in the mirror, and Peter came to stand behind him at the chair. "Imagine if your Mom came back now!" Peter giggled. "Oh, don't say that!" Ben snapped, nervously. "She's not due back for ages yet". He checked the clock beside the bed; it was just after 1:30pm. "Would you like to do my hair?" Peter picked up a brush and began to run it through his friend's hair. While he was doing this he spotted a set of curling irons on the floor by the table, without asking he picked them up, plugged them in and turned them on. A few seconds later he was carefully adding a few subtle curls to the bottom of his friend's hair, quickly transforming it into a beautiful new style. He added a black fabric headband, and he was done. "You said you wanted to be a sophisticated woman, now you will be!" Peter smiled, impressed with what he had been able to do for his friend. "Perfect!" Ben loved what he saw. So did Peter. The two boys were fast becoming beautiful women; they were now ready for their dresses. Ben went first, carefully stepping into his dress, he pulled it up over him and stood still while Peter zipped it up the back. It was everything he had hoped it would be, and more. The look he had created with his hair and make-up complimented the dress perfectly, all he needed now were shoes and a few accessories. Heading back to the closet, he picked out a pair of black sling-back heels, he slipped his feet into them carefully before taking a few steps across the room as practice. Over at his Mom's dressing table, from a drawer he picked out a sparkly necklace and matching bracelet, before completing his look with a black silk shawl, which he draped over his shoulders. He resisted the urge to take a long look in the mirror; instead he said nothing and went over to Peter to assist him with his dress. Peter needed a bit more help getting into his gown; having so many layers to his skirt was certainly a new and exciting experience for him. After stepping into the skirt, he then fed his arms through the sleeves and stood still while he was zipped up. There was no why he could have managed this himself, as the zipper was a bit of a struggle for Ben, almost jamming half way before finally making it to the top. The body of the dress was stunning, figure hugging with plenty of sparkle. Ben found some jewellery for Peter to wear too, a necklace and some clip-on earrings, as well as some red high heels from the closet. The two boys were now ready for the big reveal at the mirror. Ben held out his hand, and took Peter over to the large floor-length mirror on the other side of the room, being careful in their heels and long dresses as they walked. When at the mirror, they stood quietly in disbelief at what they saw. They had both dressed as women before, but they had never looked as good as they did today. "Oh my God..." "Oh my..." They were like stunned but excitable school girls, unable to get any words out to speak. Both boys swayed their hips gently and moved around a few steps, examining how their dresses felt and looked when moved. They found themselves holding hands at the mirror, sharing this beautiful moment together. "You look so beautiful, that dress is perfect for you. You look like a princess. How do you feel?!" Ben asked his friend. "I feel like a princess!!" Peter giggled. "You look amazing too; you're a sophisticated woman, just like you wanted to be!" "I feel amazing." Ben's voice broke a little with emotion. He couldn't believe what he had just done, how good he looked and how it made him feel. The best part of it all though was being able to share the experience with his best friend. "What shall we do now?" Peter took a few steps to his right, and perched on the corner of the bed, allowing his big skirt to puff up around him slightly. "Well now we are Bethan and Pamela, we should enjoy ourselves. We have just over two hours until there is any chance of Mon coming home, so that's at least an hour and three quarters before we need to worry about changing. That's an hour and three quarters of being beautiful women, wearing beautiful dresses. It's what we've always dreamed of, right?!" "Yeah, it really is!" Peter, now Pamela, smiled. Bethan and Pamela spent the next few minutes in the bedroom, admiring how they looked, complimenting each other at regular intervals. Pamela found a couple of fancy clutch bags at the back of the closet for them both to hold, and they took pictures of each other on their cell phones. They really were living a dream. "Thank you for sharing this with me Bethan, I mean, it must have been quite a risk for you to tell me you liked to do this, wear your Mom's clothes. You didn't know how I was going to react, or that I would want to do it with you too." "Well we've been friends for a long time, I knew you'd be cool with it. I didn't know you'd end up looking more beautiful than me though!" Bethan giggled. "Do you never get chance to look in your Mom's closet?" "No, not really. She keeps the door locked most of the time, when Dad isn't around anyway, and I would never want him to catch me in there. And anyway, she doesn't have the nice dresses your Mom has, well, not as many." "My Mom spends all her money on clothes; she has an obsession with designer labels. She did really well out of divorcing my Dad. So I guess that makes me lucky, having access to all these dresses." "Does it bum you out when you have to change back to being a boy again though?" "Yeah, I guess," Bethan replied, a slight hint of sadness in the response. "Do you wish you were a girl all the time?" Pamela dug a little deeper. Bethan paused. "Maybe." That was as far as she was prepared for the conversation to go though, so she attempted to swiftly change the subject. "We should go downstairs, no need to spend all afternoon in the bedroom." "Sure ok, you go down, I'll meet you there in a few minutes, I just want to see my reflection again..." Pamela moved back over to the mirror while Bethan passed by and headed for the door. Grabbing her clutch bag, Bethan left the room and descended the stairs, carefully in her heels and long dress. She went into the living room and closed the door behind her. She sat down on the sofa for a few moments, but then stood again, pacing the room a little, for no other reason than to practice her walk in her shoes. Being alone in the room she felt slightly vulnerable though, so she hoped Pamela wouldn't be too long before joining her. A few minutes passed, Pamela was still upstairs and Bethan was still alone in the front room, or so she thought. She didn't hear the door open so had no idea how long her Mom had been stood there watching. Turning around, her heart sank as all her worst fears suddenly began to come true. "Hi Ben." Lauren smiled at her son. "Oh my...." Bethan, now very much back to Ben, was speechless, his face began to turn a bright shade of pink. "It's fine Ben, don't be embarrassed. I'm not angry; I just wish you'd asked me before borrowing my clothes." "Honey, you look beautiful, you really do!" Jennifer, Peter's Mom, was there too. Ben wanted the floor to open up and swallow him, he was mortified. His life was over. Why had she come home so early? And what was Peter's Mom doing there too? He was only upstairs and was moments away from coming downstairs to be discovered too. "I must say I'm a bit surprised though, I kinda expected you to be wearing the red dress I left out..." "Oh, well erm...." Ben began to speak but his sentence was cut short. As bad as this was about to be for his friend, part of him was pleased he wasn't in this situation alone. He looked up and over at the doorway to the room they were standing in, and there was Peter, still dressed as Pamela in the beautiful red gown. "Bethan, what's going on, I heard talking...." "Oh my God! Peter?!" Jennifer's jaw hit the floor and she realised the beautiful young woman in the red dress was her son. "Mom, what are you doing here?!" Peter was equally as shocked to have his mother stood there beside him. His cheeks too began to redden. He nervously walked over and stood next to his friend, waiting to find out what their mothers would do or say next. This was the situation both boys had feared all along, having their Mothers find out they liked to dress as women. But in reality, being discovered was not as bad as they imagined. There was an awkward silence to begin with, and it was incredibly embarrassing for the two boys, especially when they were forced to admit to also wearing lace underwear, stockings and suspender belts, but the two women were never angry, more curious as to what it was that made their sons want to do this. Ben couldn't help but smile when he heard about the plan to trap him in the red dress, particularly as it was Peter who had been caught out by it, not him. Indeed the zipper on the red dress did get stuck and needed Jennifer's expert touch to release her son from it. Being discovered in this way, as difficult as it was at the time, opened many new avenues for Ben and Peter. Instead of hiding their dressing up sessions this from their mother's, they would involve them, even having them help with hair and make-up and fashion advice. Every so often the women would remind their sons of the day they were first discovered. It was the day that changed everything, not only for Bethan and Pamela, but for their mothers too.

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She was house sitting for me. The concept of the plan had actually materialized several years earlier. I am a computer consultant and travel around making the big bucks. This is great, except as I neared retirement I had no way to start preparing for it, being out of state most of the year. I had tried to get local work, but I was too specialized and there was no market for my skills locally. I had watched as both of my parents took on a mortgage at retirement and I was bound and...

2 years ago
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My aunty my love

Hi readers, this is Naren once again with a brand new incident. This incident has happened a long back. So I am narrating the same and we have a group of 5 friends. One of them was Pratik and he had lost his father due to heart attack a few years back. His mother's name was Yogita and at that time she must be around 40-42 years of age after death of Pratik's father, we used to go to his home so often just in case, Yogita aunty need any help.So, one day, after coming from my college, I had my...

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My Gorgeous Wife and the Black Masseuse

Introduction: This is a true story that is still unfolding and going on and I would like to share it with whomever wants to read it. I have been talking to my wife for months about swinging and she would listen to me and enjoyed the fantasy but left it at that. I was fortunate enough, that my gorgeous wife was very understanding to the idea of swinging and she herself would fantasies about it. I consider myself one of the very few very lucky men that can talk very openly about anything sexually...

2 years ago
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Kamla8217s Hostel Days

Hello, friends, this is Ramlal again with a new story for you. The sex story goes here: I was in the hostel for the first time in my life. For the first week, I was feeling very homesick. I used to stay in my room most of the time. Since ragging was strictly prohibited on the campus we all freshers just had an intro. Sessions with our senior. We were very comfortable and relaxed in our hostel which had all the modern facilities. We had a nice cozy bed, airy rooms, attached washroom, study...

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Watching and being watched

A last minute cancellation meant that Ali and I had the chance of a long weekend break skiing. So we picked up Dave and Chrissy and all their gear for the 3 hour drive to our chalet. As soon as we set off Chrissy couldn’t wait to hog the conversation to tell us what they’d seen last night “We’d been to see the latest Harry Potter and were coming back to the car park when we noticed three or four men peering into a car and shining flashlights. Now we thought they were breaking in. I wanted to...

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Part 2 of my first experience

My name is Jon Combes and this is the continuation of my first chapter. I have been gay since I was nineteen. And from the start, I was happy to be gay. You see, though other guys would keep it from the world, I thought it was worth it. Because of the feeling of a hard cock up my ass penetrating inside of me. It was great, freaky and so delicious. When I left for my second year of college, I kept an eye out for a gay at all times. I told my friends that I was now gay and they were surprised, I...

Gay Male
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Two generations

Am a bit free of my pressing career commitments now so here’s the next ……about bindu. Chip of the old block!With beena now totally in my care, we were meeting and mating quite unabashedly. It was during one such day that I could break ice with bindu. As I had mentioned earlier bindu was doing her management studies in Bangaloreand used to come home on weekends or once a month. As beena had married early this lass of hers was around 23yrs of age and in stark contrast to her mother. She was...

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A SLAVE’S LIFE There was something wrong when I woke up. I usually snap awake and go from deep sl**p to full consciousness without any intervening period. I know a lot of young guys like me like to just lie there and would stay in bed all day, but I’m a morning person, I’m wide awake, and ready to go. There was something else different, too – I didn’t have my usual morning hard-on. When I say that I don’t lie there like a lot of guys my age, that isn’t quite true – the first thing I have to...

1 year ago
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The Auction

The Auction. By Jill Bird. Part 1. "But why an auction? It's just making me into a prostitute!" Jill had herangry and hurt look; one, which Mark knew, meant she was about to dig her heelsin. "No, it won't!" Mark had to tread carefully now if he was going to get hisbeautiful wife to go along with the plan. "What it is, er, is instead of theold seedy thing of throwing the men's car keys onto a table and then lettingthe women pick up a key at random, the men bid for the woman of their...

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BellesaFilms Keira Croft The little sister

When Dante lets himself in with the spare key to drop something off for his friend, he doesn’t expect to run into Keira. Self-assured and boldly flirtatious, she calls Dante out on his awkwardness – what does he have to be nervous about? Unless… he is as attracted to her as she is to him. Despite that mutual pull, Dante isn’t sure he should get involved with his friend’s little sister. But Keira is her own person too and makes her interest known. If that first kiss...

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BangBus Sophie Leon La Ta gets on the bus

You shouldn’t mix family and business. This is even more true if your job involves getting random girls fucked on a bus. Jorge, our driver extraordinaire, got a phone call asking him to pick up his auntie. Jorge is a good man, and takes the request, royally pissing off the rest of us in the van. What are we going to do driving your auntie around? Well when life hands you lemons, or hot ass aunts with big titties and fat asses, you should go and fuck them. Jorge soon realizes his mistake in...

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TheDickSuckers Alex Coal A Competitive Position

Beautiful brunette Alex Coal is Head of HR; you’re desperate for the job. So much so, you’ve been blowing up Alex’s inbox trying to get your foot in the door. Took a few months, but not only did Alex finally return your e-mail, you got the appointment — at her trendy loft in the city! Almost immediately, you were taken by Alex’s beautiful body: her feet; those legs; her sheer top with a hint of nipples; her porcelain, flawless skin! And Alex knew exactly what was...

3 years ago
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Gangs Girls

GANG'S GIRLSby Mogollondog???????????????   ??????????????? It started when I was 15.? I lived with my mom because she'd divorced my dad.? To this day I thank my lucky stars that my dad didn't live with us.? If he had he would have fought them and we would probably all been killed.??????????????? My mom and I returned from shopping about 6 p.m. and when we got to the front door, it had been broken open.? My mother turned to run but both of us were grabbed and taken into the house.? In...

4 years ago
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If Jordan Wants to Cheat Let HerChapter 2

I went to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth over and over. When I could no longer taste cum, I went to the kitchen to start supper. I had supper ready when my Dad got home. We ate quickly. He noticed that I was unusually quiet. But of course I was unable to tell him why. I should have. If I were half the brain everyone thought that I was, I would have told my Dad everything and I am sure he could have figured out something. Even if it had occurred to me to tell him...

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The Thieves

The Thieves Ellie had been only sixteen at the time and she wore tight little tops which extenuated her large breasts and gave her a brazen persona, she was as innocent as they come though and had only once kissed a boy, egged on by the encouragement of others. It had repulsed her actually! The idea of two people sharing saliva in that way, it tasted bad too and she never wondered how the spitting afterwards might have made the willing participant at the time feel. It was a summer evening...

Group Sex
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Change for the Better Part 2

Change for the Better Part 2 As we drove the winding road to towards the front gates Candy took my hand and placed it on her knee. She was wearing stockings and said, "Kenny don't you just love the feel of my stockings, I suppose you have never have had a woman touch her this, do you even have a girlfriend" While the orphanage I went to was all male and there were some female staff, like cooks and nurses. The schools I went were co-ed, so I did have contact with girls my own...

2 years ago
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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 20 Canberra I

I walked to the front door and knocked. Michiko opened the door – petit, wearing a blouse and dark slacks, smiling. “You’re here!” “Obviously.” “Welcome to our home.” I gave her a hug. “You seem well.” “I’m OK. It’s been difficult. But the past week or so have seen improvement.” “Charles will be home in about an hour. Perhaps less, as it’s Friday and as he knew you would be arriving. Let me show you to your room.” “Should I get my stuff?” “No. Charles will want to help. It will make...

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My son and I the second chapter

We starred at each other for a minute, but he was focused just a little south of my face.“Oh, mom, you have great tits,” Travis said.I shook them for about three minutes straight. I kept them right over his mouth, and then he started moaning rather loudly.“Oh shit, mom,” Travis said loudly.Then he moaned a little loudly, and I had an idea what happened.“I just came mom,” Travis said slowly.“Oh you did? Well, let me see that cock,” I replied.We were having a good time fooling around, but he...

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Poor Little Cassie Chap 8 Bachelor Party

Trying to not think about something and actually not thinking about it turned out to be two totally different things. I didn’t want to freak out but I couldn’t help it. I really wasn’t sure what was going on. Be recognized? What did that mean? Party? Like the Christmas party? I was myself at the Christmas party. My poor little mind was trying really hard to make sense of all of this but it was failing miserably. I looked at Tony. “I know, baby girl, it is a lot to take in but don’t...

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Million Dollar Ass Part 2 Taste Of Kayla

In the weeks and soon months after the naughty videos went out, Kayla became quite the infamous one at school. Though she was still innocent compared to most at her school, the boys were hoping and praying for Kayla to have her “coming out party”. But they weren’t expecting this.“Damn, girl. When you going to let me hit that?" one boy said.Another touched her gently and said: “Kayla. Why so tense? We all saw it. You’re asking for some BBC action, ain’t you? Yeah. Yeah...” His hands drifted...

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Stupid BoyChapter 2 Many Firsts

Labor Day was the busiest day of the season for Dad and his Parks and Recreation staff. The parks would be full and it was the last day they had the public pools open. Greg and I always had to help in some way. For some reason Greg had gotten out of helping this time. He got up early and left for the day. Dad made me help the lifeguards at the main pool. You had to be 16 to do it for money so I was an unpaid volunteer, or that was what Dad told me. By 11:00 am the pool was packed. It was a...

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B Cup

The wallet was now zipped into my purse, and my clothes were folded in my shoulder tote bag. My sunglasses were in place as I began to stroll down the beach walkway, with no destination in mind. I had never strolled anywhere. I was insecure about my missing tits for so long, I could not recall ever wearing just one layer of clothes over my chest, ever.My new bikini was causing strollers and tourists alike to turn, look, stop and stare, whisper, or snap a photo. I had neither been nor considered...

1 year ago
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My dream of chastity before my friend became my Ke

I sent the keys to a girl with whom I am good friends with. As instructed, once it arrived she called me up and asked what the keys were for inside the card. I didn’t want to tell her over the phone, but I told her I would come visit her and show her in person. She demanded I tell her first, so I eventually caved and told her they were to my chastity device. She had never seen or heard of one before so naturally she flooded me with questions, what it was, how it worked etc. I sent her a few...

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My Teacher And Myself 8211 Part 1

Hi. This is Jessi. I’m 21 now. Its been 5 months since I changed into fully girl. Actually I was born as a boy named James. I had gender identity disorder. I feel like girls always. I watch porn with my frnds they say,”how it will be to fuck a pussy” but I will think ,”how it will be to get fucked by a cock in a pussy” I don’t like boys dress much. So I started to wear my mom’s bra secretly from my teen age itself. I feel very happy. I don’t like to have a single hair on my body. I kept it...

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One Special Christmas

One Special Christmas By Heather St. Claire Of all the special times of the year, without a doubt, I love Christmas best. I look forward to it with all my heart every year, because of all the wonderful things it represents... love and family and the spirit of giving, and most important of all, celebration of the birth of our Savior. Every Christmas is special, of course, but I think I'm really loving the ones I'm living through right now. I'm Meredith Marshall, a...

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The Girls of Saint DominicksChapter 2

It was true that Tammy and Susan were a pair of troublemakers at Saint Dominick and they never missed an opportunity to find a secluded corner to show the visiting boys or men that they were both swift and agile in getting on their knees and taking care of business the old fashioned way with an open mouth. Most of the other girls suspected the pair were of limited moral character but kept their mouths shut in more ways than one without spilling the beans on either of them. Sister Agnes had...

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After Rebecca I was ready for both my moms part 1

The story began when I became nineteen and met my first serious girlfirend, Jessica. She was gorgeous like film actress, Mila Kunis. We met at a restuarant and she was the cashier there. We have been going out for a while but we had never gone beyond some heavy petting in the back of my car. So I was thrilled beyond words when she suggested that it was time for me to see where she lived. After dinner and a show we drove to her place. She told me had the place all to herself for a month. Her...

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BangBus Bonnie Bun Bonnies Cleavage

Bonnie Bun was walking in the street when the boys stopped and asked if she ever was in a tube. They offered her $100 for an interview. Obviously she agreed. She was a very funny girl with a very charming laugh. She was 24, worked in customer support and masturbated because everybody did. She would flash her tits for $800 but not in public. Rather in the van. That was easy. A few more bills and she got naked. Her breasts were huge. They paid another $100 for Johnny Love to touch them. Meanwhile...

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Insta Girl 8211 Part 2 Fucking Her In Her House

Hey, guys, it’s Mick again. For the people who didn’t read my first story please read and give your valuable response about it. I am a 20 years old student studying in Mumbai. Basically, I am from Pune. I am 6 feet tall with an average body. First of all, I would like to thank all the readers who have read my story. Your feedback has encouraged me to write. For any girls or ladies interested in having some fun can contact me on my email id: Neha and I started frequently meeting and fucking to...

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SweetSinner Avery Moon The Male Masseur

Lola (Adrian Maya) starts massaging Malia (Avery Moon) and it doesn’t quite seem to have the desired effect. Malia asks for Alex (Tyler Nixon), the male masseur, who starts kneading and manipulating her every aching body part. Malia is writhing on the massage table and Alex eases her sexual tensions by tasting and licking her sweet honeypot! Soon she’s sucking his throbbing rod until he can stand it no longer. He uses his big hard cock to massage her tight pussy thoroughly. After...

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CHAPTER 11:In their own interesting way, their life took on an inexplicable form of normalcy. At least, a form of normalcy that fit their lifestyle.In the months that followed and stretched into more months, the ranch was less of a place of isolation from the world that had once been its purpose, and was more a home that was also a retreat, a place where love and peace where shared in everything that was a part of the place. If Annie’s experience wasn’t forgotten, it became a milestone in her...

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Flower Girl

The Flower Girl Chapter 1 ? Small Beginnings ?Mum!? I had just walked in the door and my daughter was already shouting at me. My name is Angela. I have a daughter Samantha, who is nine, a son Jonathan, who is eight. My husband Steve was killed in an accident 7 years ago, so for both my children I have been the only parent they have ever really known. We are a close family the children get on very well for brother and sister (so my friends tell me) and I have tried to...

4 years ago
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My Sissy Life Part 14

My Sissy Life Part 14 This will be short, but I thought I'd post something. I felt something pulling my eyelid open and a bright light shining and then the same to the other eye. I heard some echoed, mumbled voices. I tried to move and found that I couldn't at all. I kept hearing voices and slowly I was able to understand what they were saying. I heard my father talking to someone. As I listened, I figured out he was talking to Doctor Miller. Doctor Miller is one of my father's...

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Surviving 3Chapter 19 Meeting King Alfred

Scott received a strange message from Lachlan by carrier pigeon. Lachlan explained that he was escorting hundreds of Saxons north to assist with Scott's building projects. That was not strange in an of itself, but what was strange was that the majority of the Saxons were not motivated by the former 'prisoners' but rather by a desire to escape marauding Vikings. Closer scrutiny of the dead at the battle in Galloway also showed that it was in fact a strange looking type of Norsemen that...

2 years ago
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Helping Amanda and Tessa with their electrical nee

Tessa and her mom Amanda are both slim, sexy women in need of some work on their house and no money to pay for it. I volunteer to do the work, but wind up getting paid for it in an unbelievable way!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When the Fibroje’s 18 year old daughter was talking to my daughter I overheard that there were switches in the house where they lived that only worked part of the time and plugs they did not use because when they plugged things into them the circuit breaker popped...

1 year ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 75

~~Eric~~ Ganders was more than understanding of Eric’s circumstance. Hell, all Jessy had to do was give him a few words and the man accepted everything with a smile. It really was a different universe these vamps lived in. They didn’t worry about money, they worried about where their next blood bag was, or when the sun rose. They didn’t worry about making friends, they just turned humans into slaves, and indulged in what a brainwashed ghoul would do for you. They worried about other vamps,...

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