A Royal Pain - Chapter 3 free porn video

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A beeping brought me aware. It was muted at first, and I thought I could hear human voices, but there was also this irritating background ringing, like someone ringing a high-pitched bell that wouldn't go away. I finally opened my eyes. One seemed to be partially covered. I could tell I was in a hospital bed. I was hooked up to monitors and an IV. There were unfamiliar very large men in black suits just outside the door. I drifted off to sleep again. When I awoke next time, I became more fully aware. This time the pain registered, pain in my front, in my arms, on my face. It seemed to be somewhat muted, but definitely present. I could see that most of what was visible of my arms was all bandages. I felt that thought should bother me much more than it did at the time, but they had me on some fairly intense drugs. Finally, after what seemed like a very long time but was probably in reality just a few minutes, a familiar face walked into the room. Doctor Basset walked in, looked at the monitors, then looked at me. She seemed surprised that I was awake. "Oh goodness, you are back with us! You gave us all quite a scare Olivia! We weren't sure you were going to wake up after that blast. You hit your head when you went backwards in the pressure wave and you've been out for a few days," she said, as she started to look at my vitals. I managed to whisper stammer, "B..b...baby?" Doctor basset looked at me, then sighed. "We're not sure yet. The baby is alive but you took quite a bit of trauma. We will need to do more tests. But we have seen some movement and kicking, so that is a good sign," she finished. I sighed, then grimaced as the pain hit again. "T...Tanya?" I asked again, in a slightly louder whisper. Doctor Basset sat down, then thought for a moment before she looked at me. "Tanya... she caught the full force of the blast, but she was wearing her body armor. it probably saved her life, but the blast wave slammed her into the oak beam ceiling with a lot of force. We have her stabilized, but she lost a lot of blood, and she hasn't woken up either." She paused to let me digest that. "There's a bit more as well. She took some damage, and we weren't able to save her right foot." Doctor Basset sighed. Then she continued. "You took some damage too. Tanya's body shielded you from most of the blast, but you have minor burns over most of your upper body, and, well, you're going to have a scar. You took a piece of shrapnel diagonally across your left eye. We saved your vision, mostly, but there's going to be a mark. " she shrugged. At a loss for what to say. I started crying softly, as the news about Tanya hit me. Doctor Basset took that the wrong way and started to reassure me about my looks and how princesses with scars were all the rage until I cut her off. "I. Don't. Care. About. That. Save. Tanya!" I spoke each word sharply and with all the clarity I could muster. Doctor Bassets eyes widened a bit as the realization hit her, then she nodded and spoke. "She's in good hands, we will do everything in our power to bring her back to you, my lady" and with that, she bowed and withdrew. As I lay there, grappling with this rapid shift in my world, I felt the baby kick. I took some comfort in that feeling, even through the uncertainty. Through the sadness, a cold, smoldering rage began to build in me. Someone tried to kill me again. Someone tried to kill the very being I had undergone so much change and hardship to bring into this world. Someone had tried to kill the hope that represented, and I was certain that I knew exactly who that someone was. I made two decisions that day, laying there helpless in that hospital. One, I was never going to let that monster hurt me or anyone I loved ever again, and 2. Adrian Bressler was going to die. Recovery was slow. The damage to my arms and face was not as bad as it first appeared, and aside from the large scar across my eye, I would heal and endure. I had lost a little of my normal light vision in my left eye, and the dissonance with my right bothered me. Stephanie offered a solution when she and Roland arrived to check on my condition once they were alerted, I was awake, and brought me an ornate leather and platinum rimmed eye patch to wear. it did rather give me a rakish, almost piratical look. She also had the patch fitted with a low light tactical display, so I could view a variety of simple wireframe drawings that showed things like room layout, movement within the area, and even targeting and aiming details if I happened to be holding one of Bressler's advanced special forces weapons, such as the slightly larger model I now carried in my purse. I could tell they were both very relieved and happy that I was ok, but even more so that the baby seemed to be alright as far as anyone could tell at this stage. The future crown prince of Bressler seemed to be picking up in activity, which everyone considered to be a good sign. Once I was finally able to move on my own, I visited Tanya as much as I was able to. She looked peaceful sleeping there on that bed. If not for the feeding tubes and ventilators I might have thought she was merely sleeping. I talked to her when I could, I didn't know if she could hear me, but sometimes it seemed like her hand might twitch a little in response to something I said. The brainwave activity was still inconclusive. Doctor basset was talking about trying some new experimental procedures to revive her, once they secured the necessary authorizations. I hoped that it would work, because I was starting to see the world without her in it, and I didn't like what I saw. My other free time, aside from what I spent as a lab rat undergoing pregnancy related tests, I researched. I learned everything I could about the evil bastard Adrian that tried to take everything from me. I learned his habits, his quirks, and most importantly, I learned of his weakness for antique naval toys from the bygone days of the Bressler Navy. He fancied himself a bit of an armchair admiral, so it seemed. He was also paranoid way beyond a fault. I knew that nothing electronic, or explosive filled would ever get near him without delivery from a military aircraft, and he seemed to have decided to wait out the remainder of my pregnancy inside of a bunker deep inside a mountain somewhere. I had no way to get to him. But I had a glimmer of an idea of how I could get something to him. An evil little smile of my own graced my lips at the thought. I threw myself into the work. I set about using all of my skills from my old life and all of the toys that Stephanie had provided me to craft a masterwork. A collapsible naval telescope. This was no ordinary telescope though. The hollow body collapsed in on itself, with painstakingly sourced and created antique optics contemporary to what a 17th century Bressler admiral would likely have carried, should any have done so. I started turning the metal on my new lathe, taking care as I proceeded to weather all of the exposed surfaces with every trick of age matching, I had up my long flowing dress sleaves. The outer surface was covered with intricate carvings. That alone took me a month to get right. But there were two noticeable flaws. One easy one, showed the Bressler naval crest with one element, a stylized dolphin, out of alignment. If one were to press on it just so towards its natural spot, a tiny concealed drawer would shoot out of the side of the telescope, containing a cleverly concealed, completely fake ancient parchment with some sort of coded, also completely fake message, and more importantly a drawing of one of the ring features on the telescope's body, showing a very different configuration that it was now. A closer examination would notice a slight wiggle in the ring, and maybe some other elements that might move. Only someone with a knowledge of Bressler Naval tradition would look closely and see the elements out of place. I hoped it would be an irresistible puzzle for Adrian. One that would have some very interesting consequences should he ever solve it. For the next element of my plan, I needed to recruit some outside help though. Stephanie eagerly joined me in my room. It had been nearly a month since I had seen her outside medical visits, and truth be told I think she was starting to worry about me. I had been so wrapped up in my pursuit of this, that I had become rather single-minded. We sat down on my couch, and I leaned back and looked thoughtful for a minute. Finally, I spoke softly as I looked into her eyes. "Why is Adrian Bressler still alive?" Stephanie's eyes widened, then she looked away, uncomfortable. She sighed. Then she spoke. "It's complicated. Roland always believed there was good in him still, that he could be changed somehow, given purpose. I never believed that, but Roland made me promise to not interfere early on. And he seemed to really try and turn around, taking on charities and good works. By the time we realized how thoroughly he had played us both, he was essentially untouchable. And now with the succession in question, if he dies under questionable circumstances, we are automatically deposed. Which truth be told might still be worth it, but it would break Roland's heart." She finished with another sigh. I nodded, I figured it had to be something like that. I tossed Stephanie a tiny glass vial. "I need you to do something for me. I need you to have Bressler Retrogenics use the same techniques that they used to turn my genetics to that of a female, but I instead need them to develop a DNA targeted cocktail to give Adrian something slow, painful and lethal," I said, my voice calm and firm as I locked on to her eyes. Her eyes got really big. I continued, "I need enough of it to fill 3 of these vials, and it needs to be specific to his genome only. There is a sample of his hair in the royal archive, taken when he was a baby. Inside that vial is one of those hairs." I slowly filled her in on the specifics of my plan. Her gaze started horrified, but slowly spread to a feral, malicious grin as she figured out what I had in mind. The asshole tried to kill me, tried to kill Tanya, tried to kill Stephanie's baby within me, and used a poor defenseless woodland creature to do it. He was already dead; he just didn't know it yet. Stephanie looked me in the eye, then nodded. We would never speak of this again. 3 small glass vials showed up on my workbench about a month later. I carefully installed them, then arranged for the final product to be placed in an auction with enough information to be sure and get Adrian's attention, but enough deliberately wrong information so it looked like a miscategorized, Genuine Bressler naval glass that was listed at a bargain price incorrectly as a much less desirable piece. Evil little shitweasles can never resist a bargain, especially if they think they get to screw someone over along the way. And if this didn't work, I had time to be patient. In the back of my mind, I was a little horrified about what I had placed in motion, but I also knew neither I, nor any of my loved ones would be safe as long as he walked this earth. In the end, I was content with my choices. Besides, one of the nice things about being a princess is that the people who would pass sentence on me were likely Roland and Stephanie if it ever came to that. My little errand done, I settled in to enjoy (endure?) the last couple of months of the pregnancy process. By this time, I was most definitely showing, and I had devastated the local pickle and ice cream repositories to a degree there was serious talk of a shortage. Stephanie and Roland came by at least once or more a day to visit me, or more likely visit the baby. Seeing the joy on both of their faces when they felt the baby kick was almost worth everything I had endured so far. It was interesting to me that Stephanie was almost more of a nervous wreck about the whole situation than I was. She was worried about playing too much music, or not enough music, or the wrong kind via headphones around my ever-growing belly, or what the temperature of the day might mean for the birth. A hundred little things, but it kept her involved and active in the pregnancy too, so I didn't really mind. For the record the baby kicked more during classic rock, for what that's worth. As we moved into the last month, the baby started to take up much more space than I figured our rental agreement gave it license to, and my bladder became a one stop stomping ground for the little twerp. Maybe he just liked the motion of me waddling towards the bathroom. As my belly grew, I found the skin became a little numb. I was assured that it would go back to normal soon after birth. I found things swelling that I didn't even know could swell. Ankles, legs, my pinky finger? Why the hell did my pinky finger swell up? But there were other interesting developments too. I found that my breasts got much, much bigger than the 36C I signed up for, and began leaking milk. Stephanie soon had me equipped with the latest in breast pump technology. I secretly wondered if she just didn't want to set up some sort of Dairy. I mentioned that comment to Doctor Basset during an exam, and she surprised me by suggesting that they could also induce lactation in Stephanie if she wanted. We talked it over, and she was all for the idea, since it would give her at least some tie to the baby. She soon started on a Motillium regime, and her on ample bosom swiftly joined the ranks of the milk producing. Roland didn't seem to mind one bit, that's for sure. Everything was worryingly quiet on the attack front. Tanya was still in her long sleep, and we hadn't seen hide nor hair of Adrian. The auction for my little toy was still a few weeks away, as I wanted to make sure any fallout would be well after the birth. My mom had insisted that I kept her away long enough, so she was flying in to Bressler to be here for the last bit of my pregnancy. I hadn't really filled her in on all the details of what had gone on, just the general news, but she insisted. I was a bit worried. We had been in constant contact since I left, but she had never really seen the new me, or the damage from the explosion. I wasn't sure how she was going to react. Honestly, I think I was more nervous about that detail than the actual impending birth. I guess we would see soon enough. I did worry that maybe somewhere out there Adrian was going to try another go at us. He didn't seem the type to go away quietly. ________________________ Fuck. Fuck, Fuck FUCK! Adrian raged as he received the latest report from his only remaining source inside the palace. The minister wouldn't act in any way for him to save his life, but he was still willing to sell secrets now and again for some spending money. The latest news was a disaster. Contrary to the publicly available story, it was the damned palace guard that was in a coma and near death, and that stupid bitch of a cow broodmare was still alive and nearly ready to give birth. This was a disaster! The pile of servant bodies behind him gave stark evidence to how enraged he was. Even Bruno was hanging back out of sight. Adrian sighed. There was nothing for it. If you want something done, you have to do it yourself. He started making the preparations. Time would tell if he was destined for greatness or not. ________________________ Mom arrived, to little or no drama to our great relief. As she made her way into the palace for the first time, and up to my room suites. she very nearly didn't recognize me at fist. She actually asked me "Excuse me, Miss, have you seen..." before her eyes got really wide, she gave a happy gasp as her hands flew up to her lips, then she rushed forward to give me a great big hug. The kind you only ever get from a mother. I smiled as she rocked me back and forth. I whispered, "Oh, mamma, it's good to see you. I've been through so much." We both started crying a bit, then we sat down on the large couch I had claimed as my pregnancy throne. She ran the back of her hand down my eye scar. I turned a bit red with embarrassment, but I assured her it didn't hurt anymore. She thought it looked cool, like I was some sort of Anime Pirate. I asked her where she had even heard of Anime. She just grinned and said I would look pretty with long purple hair to go with the eyepatch, maybe a big black hat with skull and crossbones on it. We caught up late into the night, Stephanie and Roland also stopping by. Roland opted to give my mom the grand tour of the palace personally, while Stephanie checked on me and made sure I was really ok. I smiled at her. "You know, I think I am going to be ok. My mom loves me and accepts me, I have friends who love me, I'm starting to accept myself really. It would only be more perfect if people would quit trying to kill my ass, and if Tanya would wake up. I wish she were here for this." Stephanie nodded and gave me a hug before I sent her to hunt for more of the lost Pickle tribe. I did get my wish, as it turns out. Tanya did finally open her eyes during the last week I was pregnant. She was weak as a kitten, and would need lots of physical therapy, but I got to see her right after she woke up, and I kissed away her tears when she learned about her missing foot. She was still bedridden, but at least she was going to be able to be in the room with me when the delivery cesarian occurred. I was so relieved that she was alright. It was a major weight off my mind, and it helped me get through the last little bit. Doctor Basset was very optimistic that the as yet unnamed future prince of Bressler was going to be born happy and healthy. All the tests they could do were looking great, and we were nearing the day of the planned cesarean. They were still quite certain that my reconfigured state wasn't going to be capable of passing a very large baby via the normal birth canal. I found I was actually secretly disappointed by that verdict a bit. We went over the procedure, expected potential complications, contingencies, etc. I was as ready as I could be by that point. If I didn't get this weight off of my bladder, I was going to go a little bit crazy. Tomorrow was the big day. ________________________ Adrian didn't have much time before the security detail was going to notice their missing man. The back entrance was known to only a few people, and if this didn't work, they would almost certainly have enough proof of his involvement in this plot to finally go after him. Adrian smiled a feral smile at the thought as he wiped the still bloody knife on the guard's suit. Definitely incentive to get this right. He swiftly made his way inside to a hidden closet space that years ago he had stashed a few tools for such a day inside. The palace cleaning staff uniform, ugly brown mullet wig, and matching hat would get him most of the way there. he checked the carefully stashed gun. Still serviceable, and the bullets looked ready to go. Remarkable after years spent in the dank former dungeon confines of the palace basement. The revolver just had 6 shots, but that was more than he was going to need. He made his way into the hallway, and grabbed a conveniently placed ladder. No one ever questions someone holding a ladder moving with purpose. Adrian made his way upstairs. Only a minute or so had passed since he had killed the guard, and he knew that he would have at least another 14 before the first radio check, then another couple after that if he was lucky. Plenty of time. With knowledge born of long occupancy, he made his way up to the medical wing. He saw the two uniformed guards at the door. There was nothing for it. He casually dropped one of the other toys he had stashed those many years ago when he began his exile, and the flash bang grenade soon went off behind him. He ran forward as if panicked, dropping the ladder towards the first guard as he raised the revolver. Two shots, one in each guard's face, dropped them both to the floor. He casually pulled the fire alarm, then he kicked open the door. ________________________ I looked up in horror at the sound of the bangs in the hallway. Tanya and I exchanged a look as the door flung open. A short, slightly rotund figure who looked kind of like Roland, but an evil version mixed with all the worst attributes of Hitler and a particularly ugly potato. He flung his mullet wig to the floor with a snarl, and raised his revolver. He grinned an evil little grin. I coldly said, "Adrian, I presume. I figured you would be a lot taller. Are you here to finish your work? You haven't done a very good job so far. I can see why everyone refers to you as a weasel." I figured that I had nothing to lose by enraging him, and maybe it would throw off his aim. His face turned "almost having a stroke" red, as he snarled in my direction. I could see Tanya trying to will herself off of the bed to do something. She made it to the railing, and fell to the floor with a thud. Adrian glanced dismissively at her, then turned back to me. He said not a word as he pushed down his rage, and coldly began to bring the revolver down, aiming at my now bulbous belly. I covered my passenger instinctively, and cringed, my eyes closed as I waited for the shot. It came, followed by a second. I felt pain, but not where I expected. ________________________ Adrian felt a thrill as he finally had his elusive prey in his sights. One shot, and regardless of what else happened, he would win it all. He sighted down at the rotund belly, the object of his hatred and wrath, and begin to stroke the trigger. His sneer turned to a feral smile as he readied his victory. And that's when the bullet hit him in the right shoulder. His gun shoulder. He reflexively pulled the trigger, but his aim was off. The bullet still impacted the stupid bitch of a cow in front of him, but the other woman, who he had discounted as irrelevant, had pulled a small Glock from somewhere, and managed to get off a shot. She was clearly weak and was having trouble raising the gun, but she was able to get off one more shot, putting a round straight through his hand. He dropped the gun. It was time to leave. Adrian burst through the door and exited back into the hallway. He heard a roar as someone shouted "YOU!" and then his older idiot brother rushed towards him. Adrian sprinted towards the nearest window, his arm trailing a steady drip of blood behind him. Roland caught him just short of the fire escape, and hit him from the side. The window in the 3rd story hallway popped out from the force of the impact. Adrian found himself briefly flying through space, and then instead of the final impact he expected, the softer landing of water. His breath was knocked out of him as the current swept him away from the castle and towards the sea. He lost consciousness. ________________________ I wasn't here for the next part of the story. I mean I was, technically, or at least my body was. I'm told I died briefly. Doctor Basset and her team were already on site, and were prepped for trauma surgery, so they were quickly able to stop the bleeding in my now punctured lung, and began to extract the blood before I drowned. This being Adrian, they thought to check for toxins on the extracted bullet, and quickly discovered that it was indeed poisoned with something. Only the likely degraded state of the toxin saved me in the end. They swiftly cut open my womb via cesarian. They had to save the young prince, who emerged with a Lusty and strong cry. I will never forgive Adrian for making me miss that moment. They were in time to prevent the toxin from reaching the little prince, but I was not so lucky. Loss of blood, trauma, and an unknown nerve agent stopped my breathing, and then my heart. Doctor Basset quickly plunged a 12-inch needle of pure Adrenaline into my chest, and began to shock my heart back to life. On the 3rd try, I came back to the world. Adrian, the vile little weasel that he was, managed to escape. No body was found. We searched for weeks after. I knew he was alive though; a mysterious phone buyer had bought the cleverly crafted toy I had created just for him. It would be a long time before I would know for sure if it was successful. Once I returned to the land of the living and woke up a bit, Stephanie and Roland introduced me to the new Crown Prince Erick. I was still weak, but I got to hold him a bit. I think it's actually a good thing I was so wounded right then, because in that moment, I never wanted to let that little life out of my arms. I had given him life, carried him inside me, why should I give him up? Except I knew that I had to. Tanya and I took turns cooing and whispering little sweet baby nothings at him. He was a very cute looking baby. My mom, unhurt during the excitement proclaimed herself ecstatic to be a grandmother, even if it didn't technically count. I foresaw one very spoiled but very loved little prince in the future. I got better, and soon I was strong enough to care for Tanya as she recovered as well. I asked if she would want to maybe marry a slightly worse for wear princess, and she got a huge grin on her face and kissed me into submission, barely pausing to put the very large platinum and emerald ring onto her finger before shouting "yes!" We got married a few months later. It was probably the only wedding in history where a ruling monarch was the maid of honor at a wedding. Roland officiated of course. We settled into married life, and moved our recovery to my new, still unexplored Bressler Country estate. It took a few more months, but Tanya was back to her old, well new self, her state-of-the-art prosthetic foot giving her very little trouble. I took my mom's advice and dyed my hair deep purple, and bought a yacht. If the season is right, you can see us sailing around the Mediterranean, the pirate princess and her trusty lusty first mate. Though we did very little in the way of pirating. Roland and Stephanie went on to be some of the best rulers that Bressler ever had. Crown prince Erick grew as the years went by. Last time I saw him he was a very inquisitive 4-year-old, who had declared my eyepatch to be "soo coool!" Some days I missed all the joys raising a son could have brought, but Erick needed to know who his mother was without a confusing kind of Aunt hanging around. I did make sure I brought him all sorts of neat toys on my frequent visits though. Recently Tanya and I have thought about seeing if we can maybe adopt. If nothing else Tanya has a sister, and I still have some of my own sperm banked in a vault somewhere, so maybe there is a chance we will try the baby route again. But that's for tomorrow's Olivia to worry about. Right now I was about to watch the launch of my newest big toy. Roland, Stephanie, Tanya, and myself all looked off across the bay as the countdown headed towards zero, and the new Bressler Spaceworks Spaceplane XT-9 roared to life and headed for space. It didn't explode this time either, which was a plus! I was very content with my existence. A few bumps along the way, but I wouldn't trade it for anything these days. It had been years since the last time I even really thought of myself in passing as male, or even a former male. I pulled my wife close, and dipped her as I kissed her deeply. She eagerly returned the favor. What else do you need when you have it all and the love of a lovely woman? ________________________ Adrian sat staring at his monitors, his crippled legs having broken in the stream, and lack of adequate medical attention meant that they, and his hand had never really been the same. He was down to his last safe house. His funds spent, his former ally's dead or cut lose in the wind once his fortune ran out. All he had left was his meagre collection. Even Boris had abandoned him, or at least tried to. Boris actually made it onto the tiny island. Shame he forgot about the land mines. Adrian smiled a rare smile at the memory of the look on his face. Then he frowned again. Most of his collection had to go to fund his new life, but this one last piece still intrigued him. Purchased on the very day his life came crashing down, it seemed to have some secrets. A tiny hidden compartment had already been found, and he was sure that there was more to discover, but the last tiny bit was being stubborn. It was almost as if there was something jammed in the mechanism. He resolved to try one last time to open it. It was all he had left, and it challenged him, which couldn't be born. He thought of the spectacular deal he had got on the piece. They didn't even know what they had, the fools. Gingerly, with his lame hand and his good one, he twisted. First lightly, then with increasing force. The patterned texture on the surface of the telescope gave almost perfect finger positions for the action. So, he was very much surprised when the barrel finally rotated with a crunch, and 20 tiny and very sharp needles shot out from the side, injecting a pale green liquid into his arms. A second piece of paper fell out, as he tossed the vile trap away. It landed with a crash as it bounced off the walls, optics shattered. He looked at his hands. Nothing seemed to be happening. If it was poison, it was not a very good one. He picked up the piece of paper. On it, was written in plain English "For Tanya". A picture of a rabbit was drawn next to the text. He began to sweat a bit. Suddenly he didn't feel so good anymore. He headed to his bed. He would never leave it. The genetically tailored CRISPR derived retroviral agent slowly began to overwrite Adrian's generic code with an extremely rare disease that caused every single mucus membrane cell in his body to slowly wither and die. His nose lining. various organ pieces, the lining of his testicles. the inside of his lungs, the very sheaths of his nerves, all began to fail. It was slow, agonizing, and worst of it all, Adrian knew he was dying the entire time as his muscles seized up and refused to move. Maybe a doctor could have done something, but all those bridges were well and truly burned by then. He died alone, in horrible pain over a period of weeks. His last safehouse was so well hidden it was months before anyone noticed the smell and discovered his bloated corpse. When they did, they wondered at the claw marks on the headboard, as if some possessed creature had tried to claw through the filth of dead cells that was drowning him, killing him. He was buried without ceremony in a paupers grave, consigned to the dustbin of history. A fitting end to such a monster as he. The end

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The Imperium has conquered more than half of the world. The Empress is their leader, their matriarchal society is the most advanced of the world, with tamed dragons as pets and weapons they govern all the free world. With the Royals at the top of society and slaves at the bottom, several intermediate chastes do their best to survive. But that doesn't mean that The Goddesses have abandoned them, on the contrary their very much present in the daily lives of the people of this world, they take...

4 years ago
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The Slave of Paine

“Finally! So close to being with her! All alone for as long as we please. I can imagine how this will turn out and I REALLY like it.” I thought to myself and giggled somewhat naughtily. Laying back my head I said to myself and scratching behind my ears I thought, “Ooooh, it’s driving me crazy just thinking about it!” as I closed my shockingly ice-like blue eyes and my petite paw-hands wandered to my high, perky, firm, round tits around a C1/2-cup, fondling them, playing with the fur, and...

4 years ago
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The Slave of Paine

Introduction: I have posted this before but never after I got more experience, reread, and corrected a lot. So heres my uber Master/Slave story. They are furries so dont read on if youre not into that. Dont give it a bad rating just cuz you dont like furries. Secondly, yes I know my story ravishing her starts almost the same. I copied it for a whole new story. ***TRIXIE*** Finally! So close to being with her! All alone for as long as we please. I can imagine how this will turn out and I REALLY...

4 years ago
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Royal Sucession

Exoplanet colonization had begun long before Alany was born, but as mankind’s expansion into the stars continued, it faced the same challenges it did in its infancy. Supply lines were expensive to maintain, and many of the planets, like Aquarrii-B2, were too barren for conventional agriculture, and local plant life was inedible. Myrm-tech’s solution was innovative: it promised to convert local biomass to a usable form, without requiring workers to go and gather plant life. Alany was one of...

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Royal Justice

At that point Joseki made several charges. (your Grace please post your missive) Stephan did try to account for his actions in the face of these charges and aquitted himself well. But was unable to refute the sheer mass of physical evidence presented. He was found guilty of brining a cursed weapon into Avalon. This being the weapon he left in the then Captain Craven’s hand. He was sentenced to remove this Item in the same fashion. It was stuck in his hand and he grandly carried it off. We look...

2 years ago
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Royal Moon

“I got it!” George shouted through the tiny flat to his new bride, Nina.In January 1982 the University of Hawai’i signed off a plan to support the continued development of scientific facilities at the site. They wanted someone neutral to observe the setting up of scientific projects and how they interacted with the local environment, including the indigenous people. At the end of the year, the observer would produce a report to give everyone a guide to move forward. As a professor of Natural...

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Royal Flush

Prince William looked around his room nervously; the sexy Lucinda had draped her sexy body over the chair at the corner of the room. Even though he was just a couple of days away from being crowned king of Britain, at the mere age of 19, he was still nervous around women. He coughed nervously and asked Lucinda meekly if she would like a drink. “A glass of whiskey please” she answered politely. He rang the bell and his butler was at the door immediately, Prince William ordered for him to bring...

2 years ago
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Royal Palace Town My Sore 8211 Part II

HI Everyone This is a story of a “ROYAL PALACE TOWN MYSORE” two weeks ago.let me tel u about myself Myself Punithgowda living in mysore doing my BE in one of the top reputed college. i am a big fan of ISS wenever i get a time ill sit infront of ISS and spend time in reading the stories in it.it has been coming awesome in tese days,nd i lov it. i’m 5.8inches in hight,slim and some wat a perfect guy.let me come to the story this happened two weeks ago between me and my moms friend. Her name is...

2 years ago
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Royal Jewel Casino

Kushina Uzumaki a 38-year old jonin woman who didn’t look any older than 20 despite having a 16-year old son and daughter was wearing a simple but elegant navy blue strapless dress that hugged her well endowed figure and showed off her shapely legs, her long red hair followed freely with strands framing the sides of her face. As she strolled through the luxurious and elegant casino followed by her fellow Kunoichi Kurenai Yuhi, Anko Mitarashi, Mikoto Uchiha, and Hitomi Hyuuga. They were also...

Mind Control
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Royal Exchange

My name is Leopold Sar Urr Nas Liious sar Istaban and I am eighteen. I guess I am like my father in a lot of ways. Samuel sar Istaban is human though and I am Kaire. My mother is Caris Sar Nas Urr Liious and one of the few in the Liious clan still alive. When the assassins came for the emperor they took almost the whole clan. All except those fathered by prince Roger Sar Urr Nas Liious and mother Sasha and some cousins. That was why my older sib Serg was chosen to become the new emperor by...

4 years ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 4

I turned off the TV and headed into my room. I stripped down and put on boxers and a tee shirt for sleeping. I lay down on the bed and composed my mind for sleep. I thought a little about Alice but decided that I really wasn’t interested. Her personality was too toxic. It was quiet and I slept the night through. I woke at my usual early hour. Padding out to the kitchen, I turned on the coffee maker and went back to my room. In there, I washed up and dressed. Since it was Sunday, I was...

2 years ago
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Nude Paintball Target

Nude Paintball Target That Monday at work when Charlotte asked me why I was walking funny I told her that I was sore all over. She asked me what I had been doing so I told her that I had played paintball all weekend. Finally I just took her into the lady’s room and took off my loose fitting dress. I didn’t have any underwear on either. Charlotte saw the big black and blue bruises on my tits, pussy, and my inner thighs. She said that they looked gross but at the time it seemed to excite...

3 years ago
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My wife and the black painters at home

Saturday morning I was reading the newspaper at home after having breakfast. Ana showed up; she kissed me and said we needed to go buy paint for the painting job at the living room.Then she made a phone call and lined up for a couple of painters to come over and start the job on Monday. Suddenly I felt getting a little aroused. I grabbed my wife’s boobs from behind and kissed the soft skin at her neck. She twisted her sexy body and pushed my hands off of her sweet tits…Ana laughed and told me...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 7 Painkiller

Labatt’s Guest House 5:22pm, Wednesday, November 14, 1979 “My mom said Lisa is gonna have to stay until Thursday morning. Dr. Candice wants to make doubly sure her depressed white blood cell counts aren’t from something else besides that flu bug,” I said as the four of us stood around the kitchen island getting a snack before we started our last practice session before our Friday competition. “I can’t believe that Dr. Wellend has taken such an interest in Brick,” Cano replied as she put...

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Royal deviancy

King Adrian sighed, his head hanging shamefully as he sat at the foot of his bed. The had just set, it was nearly time for his nightly routine to begin. For the last 12 years of his marriage the king had hidden his filthy affair until his impetuous queen barged in on him in the late hours of the night. He couldn’t let the spoiled wench expose him so he had her burned at the stake for witchcraft. Now he was left a widowed father wallowing in remorse. He jolted upright as the...

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Royal sex with beauty

Hello everybody, I am regular reader of this site. After thinking a lot I thought I will post my story also. I am Abhi and living in Bangalore, I am working in Software Company and had made good for myself. As I am from north India, I did not have any friends so I was looking for time pass. I am young so I was looking for making some girl friend. But as you guys might know if you are outsider it’s so difficult. Since I am horny I started looking for girl to fuck. Through one site I meet one...

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The Painter

I remember so well that late Autumn, in the heart of Italy, with the musicsurrounding us like blown leaves. The air was cool and sweet. The calamattaolives were ripe and rich and the sweet tastes of gelato pure upon the tongue.All these memories still come to my mind's eye as if it were yesterday. I remember sitting on the plaza, a breeze circlinground us endlessly as we drank the steaming espressos outside the small café.The looming landscape of Rome silhouetted behind her head was a regal...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 24

The next day was our last full day in Landers. We were in another television broadcast. This time, American news people were present though they were not allowed cameras. Madame Fierro, the King’s personal secretary, told me that many cameras were distracting. Televised interviews were not frequent and the press in Landers had to be truthful plus was not allowed to engage in speculation. Three more or less American news services had correspondents present, Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. The King went...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 8

Roger said, “You drink beer?” “That’s right. I like the taste and it’s a better deal financially. At one time, that was more important than it is now. When I played in college, we would have a beer after most games.” “Jar, I’m surprised you don’t have a steady guy or are married.” “That hasn’t and isn’t my interest. I like my independence and haven’t found a guy who can stay with me.” “What qualities does this super guy have?” “He was to be smart, a gentleman, physically able, have a...

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Sadistic Treatment of a Painslut pt 1

With resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...

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Sadistic Treatment of a Painslut

With resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...

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Supergirl Painslut

Supergirl - PainslutBy Greg All comments are welcome at [email protected] kicked Supergirl, causing another cry coming from her mouth, as she fell down on the floor with her hands tied behind her back with shining, green cuffs. Her costume was tattered in many parts, she was also barefoot. Her blonde hair was in mess. Her left eye had dark mark around, her nose was probably broken and blood still trailed from the corners of her mouth. "Move over, slut", said villain, kicking her one more...

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Ahmedabadi Painter Painted Me

Hello Readers, This is my second story after I received an overwhelming response for my first story named “ Awesome babes of Ahmedabad”. Introducing myself I am engaged in serving females of Ahmedabad, specially from upper middle class and esteem class , who have unsatisfied erotic desires. Currently I am into their service and they are really satisfied with me. Today I am going to share one of my real experience, with ISS readers…I am 30 years old guy with 5’10 height, fair complexion,...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 31

The King’s secretary, Madam Fierro, was at the portal. The orchestra joined the organ as all people in the church stood. Trumpets played a fanfare and Anna started across the back to the center aisle and made her walk down the aisle to the altar. When she arrived, the trumpets played another though different fanfare and I was started on my way. When I arrived and took my place, there was long seconds of music followed by still another fanfare by the trumpets. I heard a collective “wow” from...

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Royally Screwed

The Duke's manservant gently rapped on the large chamber door and entered. Lord Cornholis, the Duke of Worstershire groggily sat up in his bed. He turned to his manservant and told him he was hungry and will eat in bed this morning..."have Marie bring it" he said with a sly grin. Today was the 15th of May and it was the 16th birthday of his chambermaid Marie. For her birthday the Duke decided to reward her service and allow her to be deflowered by royalty. She was a beautiful young girl, her...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 20

In the morning, I woke, showered, and dressed for the morning. I was wearing a similar outfit to what I wore last night. I thought this would be a somber day and more formal clothing would be appropriate. Jam knocked as he came in the open door from the hall. He was wearing a different shirt but was also dressed more formally like he was yesterday. Holding hands, we went to breakfast. I was carrying the pad and pencil from last night. We worked on my statement to make it from both of us and...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 33

It’s Saturday and I’m marrying a Duke! Most importantly, I’m marrying the brave, handsome man I love and who loves me. I left my bed to shower and then dress. I had packed my case for my honeymoon and put it in the trunk with my dress and another smaller case in the back seat. I got in my car and drove to meet the others at a restaurant where reservations had been made. We would be Angela, Anna, Mo, Missus Madison, and me. I talked with Berthold this morning and he knew of no creditable...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 27

In the kitchen, we grabbed food from the refrigerator and set all of it on the counter. We started to prepare a meat loaf with salad and a baked potato. It was a simple but a good meal. “Jar, what do you want to talk about?” “Us, of course. Jam, we don’t much about each other in some ways. We need to tell each other more so we can understand each other better.” “Jar, I knew quite a bit about you from Mason. He’s a fan of yours though it’s not romantic for him. He respects your business...

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Royal Affairs

While under the rule of Duke Gabrius III, Aethasia has become a prosperous country. Homelessness is nearly nonexistent, and there hasn't been a famine in decades. The duke is a very well respected man, so the talk of his declining health has been kept to a mere whisper amongst the people. None of them care to admit it, but in his old age, they know he won't be fit to rule for much longer. Luckily for him, his heir to the throne had already taken command of the military, and would be ready to do...

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Royal Solitude

Before we begin, we need to settle one important factor: Do we follow a prince or a princess? (Note: This story is moderated and open to other writers. Additions welcomed happily.) (Note: Fair warning-- sometimes my edits will literally be one word or a missing punctuation. I get a little OCD over editing things...) (Cover image: Empty Throne (3D) by Alex Rennie. Credit where it's due.)

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Royal enjoiment with widow

I am a regular reader of ISS stories.I enjoyed them lot. But the story i am going to share with you is different. I am 58 years old widower. I was knowing a couple staying in our coloney for last one year. Suddenly one day the husband died due to heart attack.one day after two months of the death i met that lady name Lolita in the market. I asked her how are the things going on?How is her married batchlers life? she replied fine enjoing as I am enjoing my batchler life and ferther asked me...

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Royal Legacy

WARNING! This story will feature non-con, forced impregnation, misogyny and some other dark elements. If you are not a fan, then you should turn back right now. Please remember this is just a fantasy, I don't condone rape. For the Lady of Montano, looking good was simply expected of you by your subjects and the other lords and ladies. You are a young woman called Tylin of House Ruthven, the new Lady of Montano. You have a tall, lean figure with fair skin, beautiful, regal face and golden...

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Royal Reception

“You look beautiful, princess,” Harper said, standing in the mirror behind Amelia. Her shoulder-length hair hooked behind her left ear, but the majority swooped over in a voluminous cascade to the right. A simple, subdued red dress hung off her small frame. Bunches of excess fabric clumped up where she didn’t quite fill the article.Amelia tore her eyes off Harper and gave herself another once-over. The plunging neckline of the forest green dress drooped, tailored for someone with a more than...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 2

I went to the back and loaded up with groceries. I walked to the kitchen door with her following me. She wasn’t carrying anything. Once inside, I put my load on the counter and went out for more. She sat at the table and shivered in her wet clothes. It took a total of three trips. I went to my coffee maker and started it. I wasn’t as wet as her but had gotten damp during all this in addition to a slight chill. It was the middle of spring and could be cool with the clouds and rain. I pulled...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 3

Once back at the house, I pulled a beer from the refrigerator and looked at her. “I’m going to watch baseball. I’m having a beer. Do you want one?” “Yes.” Her tone of voice had an imperious sound to it. “It’s proper to say, please.” I waited. “Please.” I pulled another beer out and handed it to her. I went into my den where the TV was located and flipped it on. The Braves game was about to come on and I liked that team. As it came on, I sat straight for the anthem before going back to my...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 5

“Well, Alice, your car has been found. The local sheriff’s office was there with three carloads of bodyguards. Their chief was unhappy. He wanted to come up here to search my house. I did my outraged citizen thing and threatened to have him arrested. The local deputies are not on his side. “I would suggest that you stay inside in case one of your people trespasses and comes to look. I’ll address that if it happens. I do have sensors deployed around.” Alice said, “That’s not very...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 6

She came padding into the kitchen. I said, “Okay. First lesson is to wear shoes or at least socks. Nasty things can find feet and be very painful.” She blushed. “If your shoes are still too wet, let’s get you in a pair of socks.” She smiled. “Follow me.” We went into my bedroom and I pulled an older pair of athletic socks from a drawer and handed them to her. She sat on a chair in the room and pulled them on. They were “tube” socks so worked though she had smaller feet than I did. “Sam,...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 7

She was alive but seriously wounded from a bullet from one of her bodyguards. I went back out and said, “One of the bad guys shot her when they were shooting into my house. She’s alive but needs expert attention immediately.” The first ambulance took her away. The second ambulance took Duke Albert and the one I had winged. The rest were bundled into the back of two cars and hauled off in handcuffs. Captain Avery asked, “Sam, will you prefer charges?” “Yes. I was going to be driving her to...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 8

“Are you okay? I heard a shot.” “I’m fine. I winged one thinking he was going for a gun. He was going to show me his credentials. They’re worthless on private property.” “As long as you’re okay. There are people to care about. Free-lance photographers and paparazzi aren’t on that list.” I said, “I’m hungry. Would you like some lunch?” “Please. Breakfast was a while ago and hospital food isn’t that good. You’re a great cook.” She smiled. “I’m going to cheat. I have a store-bought,...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 9

When we got to the gate, Alice ducked down and even pulled a jacket of mine over her. I got out of the truck with my pistol on my hip and was watched from a distance. I pulled up and one of my watchers started running toward the truck. I pulled my pistol and said loudly, “Stop or I’ll shoot.” The man stopped. “You are trespassing on private property. The edge of the highway right-of-way is clearly marked and you are beyond it. Raise your hands and back up or I will shoot to protect my body...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 10

Once inside, I said, “Alice, I think they’re losing interest. Between not getting any pictures and being pushed by the deputies and me, life just isn’t working out for them here.” Alice smiled. She said, “I have noticed that you and the people around this area do take a direct approach. Those folks are used to being tolerated. Here, they are challenged and get more trouble than they ever do elsewhere except for Cardena. Taking pictures of me the way they do gets them put in jail for years...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 11

I knew it wasn’t over neither of us spoke of it. We passed the evening quietly watching some TV. We went to our separate rooms and slept. In the morning, I rose and went into the kitchen to start coffee. Alice was there and poured me a fresh cup. “Good morning, Sam.” “Thank you, Alice, and good morning to you.” I smiled and left for my bathroom with my coffee. As I went in there, I thought to myself that this is different from our first meeting. I also realized that I needed to examine my...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 12

We were met in the terminal by a group of men who were obviously bodyguards and Duke Albert. As I expected, he was barely cordial to me. He obviously adored Alice though. He seemed troubled. The only reason that I was still close to her was that she had grabbed and held on tightly to my hand as the bodyguards tried to separate us. She shouted, “Arreter!” Everyone stopped moving. She then harangued all of them in French. Even Duke Albert looked abashed. She continued to speak angrily. Then...

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PAINTER LOVES PANTYHOSE SEXWhen I was sixteen my parents hired a painter to paint rooms on the first floor of our house. The night before he was to paint I had gotten an insane migraine. The next morning, at 6:00 a.m., when I should be getting up for school, Mom told me to stay home and rest because I still looked a little off. I rolled over and fell into a deep sleep. I didn’t hear my parents leave or let the painter in.I’m not sure when the painter arrived but at approximately 9:45–10:00 a.m....

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A Painter And His Muse 8211 Part 2

Hi! I’m Anand, back with the next part of my story’ A Painter And His Muse’. For those who haven’t read the first part, please do so. Now coming to the story. Ananya was still in splits with the request made by Kailash. She was giving it a hard thought but was unable to fathom the fact that if she agrees to it then she’ll have to sit in front of her brother-in-law ‘nude’.  In her bedroom when she was going through this over and over again. At the same time, Aditya came home and wanted to have...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 26

I left at five and freshened up a bit. I didn’t change clothes. I was ready when Jam drove up. I went out and got in his SUV. I leaned toward him and we kissed. He drove to his parents’ home. When we arrived and went inside, Jam’s mother welcomed me happily. We hugged and kissed. Mister Madison gave me a hug. “Jar, it’s good to see you. I understand the two of you have been busy.” “Yes, Sir. More than we would have preferred in some instances.” He nodded. We all sat down on facing love...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 28

Things were quiet at my office. I did have a visit from Roger. He was there to talk about Angela and to advise me that dates for both his wedding and his sister’s wedding had been set. He and Ange would be married in two weeks. As soon as she was finished with her school and apartment, they would leave for Landers. He wanted the six of us to get together over the weekend. I told him that I thought that would work but would need to talk to Jam tonight. Mason and Anna had also set their date...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 34

The flight was long. It’s only redeeming feature was the reclining chairs that allowed Jam and I to lie together. With my boss, Mo, and Anna and Mason all in the same area, nothing was going to happen. I still liked to snuggle with Jam! We landed and took the short flight to the Landers field. Upon our arrival, we were conveyed to the castle. Jam and I were given my old bedroom. Mo was given Angela’s room in the suite while Mason was in his prior room. Jam and I pulled our cases in and set...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 35

We went over positions for everyone and the order of our entrances. It was somewhat like Angela’s and Roger’s wedding with much “pomp and circumstance.” It would be a pretty wedding. I noticed a good contingent of the Royal Guard covering the entrance. King Marcus would escort his daughter down the aisle. He and I were standing together for a moment. “Jar, it’s a little more elaborate than yours but not by much. I hope it will go off as well.” He looked at the bulge at my back. “I see that...

1 year ago
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Hookup with a Freelance Painter An Artistic Sex Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am a 35 years old man who has a beautiful wife, and a 4 year old daughter. Things were good between me and my wife. We used to be happy. But lately she’s this cranky bitch all the time who always rants about everything going on at her work. She always yells at me, at our child. Obviously our sex life is getting affected because of this more than ever. I wanted peace. One of my colleagues suggested me a dating app one evening. He showed me how to use it, told, “You just gotta right...

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