Awakenings 4_(0) free porn video

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I didn’t think I’d continue with my story, but a few things have happened lately that made me reconsider. One, Cleo (the woman who helps me write this) got so many responses asking what has happened since the first stories, that she persuaded me to continue. Secondly, my extreme behavioral and personality changes are something I’m still trying to understand. I’ve gone from a meek, naïve little creature who thought sex was just something that made you have to clean-up afterward, to someone who will try almost anything - and can’t seem to get enough cock. See how I talk now? Previously, I didn’t use words like cock, fuck, etc. Now, I think about it most of the time. Randy is the one mostly responsible for this drastic change in me. Whether I love him or not, I don’t know, but I just can’t seem to get enough of his wonderful cock.

One of the questions readers asks Cleo has been, did I leave my husband? Yes, I did. I’ve been with Randy for two months now, following him to NY after he enticed me into leaving my husband of six years. I just left a note saying I’d met someone, and that Stu shouldn’t try to find me. I didn’t even have the guts to do it face-to-face. So call me names. I deserve it. My family is so pissed they won’t talk to me, and all my old friends think I’m nuts, leaving a good-looking guy like Stu for a big sloppy cook like Randy. Maybe I am crazy, but sex with Stu was like eating a dirt sandwich, and him being the only man I’d ever slept with, I never even knew what I was missing. Randy came along with that Pakistani Dust stuff he put in my drink one evening before he commenced fucking me like an animal all night. After I’d had a taste of it though, I’d gone back for more. (Awakenings 1-3). I was never the same after that. I speak of what happened in my earlier stories.

Randy and I fuck two, three times a day - everyday! I’ll walk into the room totally unaware, and suddenly I’m jerked around, shoved facedown over the back of a couch or chair, and his big cock is slamming into me before I’m even ready. It makes little difference to Randy which hole he enters – well, to either of us I suppose. Sometimes, he’ll just walk up to me while I’m reading or watching TV, pull his cock out, wrap his hands in my hair and shove it down my throat so far I can feel pubic hair against my lips. I revel in his brutality, the anxiety of possible suffocation, the way he shudders when he climaxes, and most of all, its taste. I love it all. I don’t know if Randy is a sex addict or just over-sexed, but he told me he’s been this way since he was thirteen. He said that even at an early age, he’d jerk-off a dozen times a day. He admitted he still does sometimes. Anyway, my libido is totally in control of me these days and yes, I’ve already cheated on Randy. It wasn’t my fault though.

Randy’s day off is Thursday, so we usually wait to use that “dust” stuff until Wednesday night. That way we’ll have a day to recover before he returns to work on Friday. Believe me, we need it too. After six or eight orgasms, we are sore, fatigued, and totally exhausted for at least 24 hours. The rest of the week, we fuck without using Randy’s dust. Even at that, we’re still doing it at least a couple times a night. When there are conferences in town Randy has to work late, getting up before dawn several days in a row. During those days, we abstain from rigorous sex. Being accustomed to regular sex almost daily, by the second or third day without it I’m climbing the walls. I practically attack him when he comes home on that last day. A couple weeks ago, he had to return to Washington, D.C. (the same place we just left) for a week-long cooking class. That’s when I did it. Fucked someone else, I mean. He knows about it now and still loves me, so I can write about it. I was scared to death for a while, though. I think he may also have cheated with someone while he was gone, and maybe felt a little guilty because of it. Anyway, all is fine now. By the way, he reads my stories here! He loves ‘em!

There’s a park with a lake, near our condo. Randy and I walk there sometimes and I jog around the lake during the days Randy works. We were walking and feeding the ducks one evening and I noticed a group of men near one of the bathrooms. I commented about it and Randy said if I needed to use the potty, to use one on the other side of the lake, nearer to the main road. He said these men were just a bunch of perverts. He went on to explain about glory-holes and all that, which I found really weird – but kind of exciting, too. He admitted that he’d frequently gone to glory holes when he was younger, but quit visiting them because he’d been scared of getting a disease. The next day, I researched glory holes on the computer - and boy was I stunned! The first thing I saw was a pretty blond with a black penis about the size of Randy’s, stuck down her throat. She looked as if she were loving it. I’d never seen a black penis before. There were dozens of them on that site, others too. I got so excited I jumped Randy’s bones as soon as he walked in that evening!

Well, about the third or fourth day he was gone to that cooking class in D.C., I was already climbing the walls I wanted it so bad. The vibrator he bought for us didn’t do a thing to relieve my frustrations, so I jogged mornings and afternoons. That didn’t help much either. I was up to three miles on my regular jog around the lake when I had the urge to pee, really badly. The only people in sight were two Hispanic guys shooting hoops at the basketball court, and one older black man sitting on a park bench, a ways down the block. I quickly ducked into the restroom area, but was confronted by a sign on the ladies room door saying it was closed for repairs. Desperate, I looked around carefully and then hurried inside the men’s toilet. There were several urinals and three stalls. The first stall also had an out of order sign on the door and the last one was for disabled persons. I used the one in the center. There were holes in each wall of the narrow stall; pictures of penises, pussies, tits, stuff like that drawn all over the walls. I sat down and peed like a fountain for a minute or two, images flooding my already horny mind about all the things that had happened there. The place even smelled like sex. As I reached for some tissue to clean up, I heard footsteps at the front door. I froze, lifting my feet so they couldn’t be seen from outside.

Someone came in and entered the disabled stall. Careful not to be seen through the hole, I leaned forward and peeked through it. It was the older black man I’d earlier seen sitting on the park bench. He stood there for a moment before he began peeing. His cock was really big. Every bit as large as Randy’s, but also different. Sure it was black, but Randy is circumcised and this guy wasn’t. It was the first uncut cock I’d ever seen, even on the computer. He kept pulling the foreskin back to expose its crown, and then easing it back over the tip as he pissed. It looked like the large black snake I’d once see as a kid. I suddenly realized my mouth was filled with cotton and I was constantly licking my lips. I’d never seen a man pee before. He finally finished, shook that meaty black thing a few times – and then began to slowly stroke it. He turned to face me, his cock steadily growing harder as he pulled his foreskin back and forth over the huge spongy crown. I felt that eye in its tip was staring straight at me. Swallowing hard, attempting to breathe through my half-open mouth, I was trembling all over.

I thought, my god, he knows I’m watching!

He didn’t say anything but he moved closer to the wall, pulling his foreskin all the way back to expose the soft head – holding it there. Transfixed, I stared at the thick cock jerking and throbbing only a few inches from my face. Suddenly, my mouth wasn’t dry anymore. It was watering. I could not do this, I told myself, remembering Randy’s words of warning. There were awful diseases out there, some that could kill you. Besides, that nasty thing might be filthy . . . maybe smell bad, too. I leaned closer to the opening. So did he. There was a clear drop of nectar on its tip, silver, glistening, making my mouth water even more. I was so close to the hole that he must’ve seen my mouth, for he shoved that big chocolate head all the way through the opening. Without even thinking about it I stuck out my tongue and - licked that drop away – lovingly closing my mouth entirely over its head - swooning with pleasure. How does one explain the immense enjoyment of having a warm cock inside one’s mouth? It’s electrifying, comforting, and extremely exciting, all at the same time. I was in heaven.

The stall was so narrow I could comfortably sit on the toilet stool to accommodate him. I nibbled gently at the loose foreskin, enjoying that new experience. Then, I slid my wet lips softly around-and-around on the head before licking down its entire length, then back up to the tip again. Reaching through the opening, I found his large balls and eased them through the hole. With his thick cock already in the space, the large black sacks barely fit through the opening. Imagining them to be of a rich chocolate flavor, I gently sucked each nut into my mouth, savoring his grunt of pleasure. I licked back up the large vein on the bottom of the meaty organ, and then forced my mouth down over the thick head, taking as much of it as I could stand. Choking, I momentarily backed off to catch my breath, and then immediately forced my head back down on it. He just let me work, not moving a muscle, grunting and sighing every once in a while when it felt really good. I could feel his thick veins and ridges as my lips moved over them, the awesome crown pushing into my gullet, forcing my throat open wider and wider, unrelenting as it went deeper. Eventually, I got most of it into my tortured throat, feeling curly hair against my face. I loved it. I began sucking in earnest, soaking up the small sounds of pleasure he was making on the other side of the wall. This was where I belonged. If allowed, I could do it all day. I cupped his balls in one small hand, gripping the base of his cock with the other - in total control of the situation. I felt every ridge on his awesome cock, tasting his precious pre-cum, feeling his balls tighten as he neared release. Yes, yes, let me have it all, my brain screamed. This total stranger was going to dump his balls into my stomach - and I wanted it. He came with a loud grunt – a long steady stream, warm, salty, hitting the roof of my mouth, coating my tongue, sliding down the working muscles of my throat to pool in my soft belly. I was trembling so badly I nearly fell off the toilet stool, still holding onto his cock, licking, sucking and making love to it until he finally forced it from my mouth.

As I struggled to get my breathing under control, I sensed slight movement behind me. Another cock protruded from the hole of the out-of-order stall. It was brownish, shorter and thicker, looking hard as teakwood. I thought it was probably one of the Hispanic guys I’d seen playing basketball. I slid around on the stool and took it into my mouth, hearing a groan on the other side of the thin wall. I wanted more. I hadn’t had nearly enough. Precum immediately filled my mouth and I knew this one wouldn’t last long. Something tapped the wall behind me and I looked. The black guy had his cock through the hole again. I didn’t hesitate. Pulling my jogging shorts down to my knees, I backed up to it, pulled my vagina lips apart and slid them around the bloated head. Placing my hands against the wall in front of me, I pushed back against what felt like a fence post attempting to enter me. It hurt. Stretching, burning, forcing my vagina walls apart, assaulting my most tender part. The bloated head finally gained entry and the burning got even worse as I forced myself backward, helping him violate me. The cock in my mouth suddenly exploded - gooey, rich, intoxicating. I swooned with pleasure. Most of that black fencepost was finally inside me and I began to ride it as more juices lubricated my pussy walls, helping him get even deeper. Another cock replaced the first in the hole near my face, a twin to the first one. I swallowed it.

I was fucking without thought, unconsciously floating, allowing both men to pound into my willing body. Holding my mouth open wide, I let that cock gag me, steal my breath, threatening to render me unconscious. I didn’t care. It all added to the absolute pleasure I was feeling. Bracing my hands against one wall, I pressed my ass flat against the hole in the other wall, letting the black man slam into me without mercy, making my knees buckle as I quaked and trembled to each violent thrust. With no warning, I suddenly blew apart with my climax, over and over, out of my head with the nastiness of it all, hot lava shooting into my vagina from behind, strangling on thick salty fluid running down my throat. Later, when I finally came to my senses again, I was kneeling on the sticky bathroom floor, covered with sweat, hair hanging in my eyes, feeling completely used-up. No one else was around
A penciled note lay near my left knee. Tuesdays and Thursdays, is all it said.

I don’t remember how I made it home, collapsing on my bed fully clothed, sleeping for hours. I awoke feeling ravaged, dirty - and suddenly very scared. God, please don’t let me have gotten something bad from those men, I pleaded. I’ll never do that again. I promise. Please.

Randy called two days later and told me his class had been extended for a week due to a noted chef visiting the school from Europe. Slammed by the news and growing hornier daily, my resolve quickly weakened. I’d lie in bed at night after talking to Randy on the phone, fanaticizing about that wild afternoon in the men’s restroom. I’d been assaulted for over an hour by three complete strangers, and finally thrown out like a used-up old whore. In essence, I’d been royally fucked and totally satisfied for the first time since Randy left for D.C. Maybe my fears about catching something were unfounded after all. Why would all those guys go there if they thought they’d get something bad? I jogged past the place every day and looked over at the group of men standing outside, convincing myself all my fears were unfounded. I never saw the black guy with them. After a lonely weekend and a wine-soaked Monday, I jogged past the place again on Tuesday, to find it deserted – except for one person standing nearby – the older black guy. He watched me closely as I jogged by, unmoving, silent. It seemed that maybe Tuesday was some kind of off-day for the usual group.
My heartbeat increased rapidly as I ran past, images flooding my mind of a previous afternoon in there. I would not give in to these urges, I told myself. I felt my pace slowing, then walking, finally coming to a stop a half-block away. I looked back and saw the old man staring at me. He simply turned and walked inside. Head down, hating my weakness, I followed. He was standing in the disabled stall’s doorway, watching me. I couldn’t meet his eyes as I walked to the center stall. Before I could even pretend to squat on the stool and pee, he reached in, grasped my wrist and pulled me with him into the disabled stall. It was much a bigger space than the other ones; with a stool and a sink.

He turned me, pushing down on my shoulders until I sat on the stool. Unzipping his fly, he just stood there until I finally got the gist of what he wanted and reached inside. Grasping his stiffening penis, I flopped it out, gasping again at its girth. I didn’t have to be told what to do. I opened my mouth and went to work on that fabulous piece of meat, kissing, licking, and sucking as he grunted and groaned above me. Okay, so I was a weak dirty whore who sucked-off strangers in a public restroom. I didn’t care. That warm cock in my mouth was all that mattered at the moment. I was cupping his warm balls and felt them tightening as he got close to the end. I redoubled my effort, but he forced my head off his leaking cock, standing away from my working mouth, breathing heavily for a moment. I fought against his hands, desperate to lick it once more.

Suddenly, he pulled me up, sliding my jersey shorts down my legs until they fell free. I’m not very big, and despite being older, he was a big strong man. He simply lifted me and set me on his rampant cock, letting gravity pull me downward, impaling me like a butterfly. It was raw fire. It was agony. It was wonderful. I cried, squealed and moaned. He showed no mercy, standing with hands on his hips, staring into my eyes, watching as my fear and pain turned to need – then lust. We fucked like animals, oblivious to the outside world. Grunting and crying out our pleasure as he muttered, “White slut, cunt, whore . . .”, unrelenting in his assault on my body. I came twice. He also came, but stayed hard, continuing to fuck me like he owned me. Tightening my legs around his waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lowered his head, swallowing my mouth. I willingly gave him my tongue, this total stranger, this black man, someone I’d never seen before, letting him know by doing so that I was his to do whatever he wanted.

He fucked me for another ten or fifteen minutes, finally pulling me off his dick and turning me around. I bent forward, grasping the metal assist bar running along the wall. He slammed into me from the rear, harder, even more forceful. Every few minutes he’d pause, prolonging his climax, then without any warning, he shoved the spongy head against my anus and the fire started once more.

“Please,” I begged. Please . . .”

“Shut up,” was all he said, burying himself to the balls as I whimpered in pain. As with Randy though, before long I was helping him, pushing back, rotating my hips in cadence with his thrusts. “That the way bitch, get on that cock,” he muttered.

I felt his release splattering into my bowels like a fire hose, sticky, warm and comforting. Abruptly, he pulled completely out of my butt in one movement, as I whimpered in protest. “Please,” I whispered. “I haven’t . . .”
“Too bad,” he said, turning to the sink to wash himself. Just like that he was gone, leaving me huddled in that dirty stall, tears streaming down my face – and not getting that final release.

I don’t know why no one came in that afternoon. I didn’t even see anyone as I staggered out the door and walked up the path in the fading daylight, half-hoping I’d see one of the Hispanic guys. I probably looked like a fucked hooker. I certainly felt like one. I vowed never to do that again. Never.

Randy came home two days later and immediately sensed something was wrong. As soon as he entered, I wrapped my arms around his neck, just holding him close. “Don’t ever leave me again,” I whispered. “Ever.” I could see the silent question in his eyes, but didn’t tell him right then.

After a wild bout of uninhibited sex I finally broke down, cried a little and told him what had happened in the park. Although he pretended otherwise, I sensed his initial anger not sincere. As he pressed me for details and I related them, I saw he was growing more excited by my story, getting hard as a railroad spike. I reached out and grasped his member, squeezing as I told him about backing up to receive the black man’s thick cock as I sucked another one. His breathing grew shallower, his cock jumping as I went into the details of how it felt, how much I had wanted it, and how soiled and degraded I’d felt afterward. He was actually enjoying what I’d done. I could tell.
“This excites you, doesn’t it?” I said, a little miffed at his reaction. He just stared down at me, kind of desperately, with a strained look that almost made me smile.

As I related my most recent experience in the public restroom, squeezing the base of his cock frequently, I saw he was leaking fluid almost constantly. That meant he was close, so I eased off a bit, then went on. I told him I hadn’t meant to go back, but I’d obediently followed the old man inside once I saw him again, telling him all that happened afterward. As soon as I got to the part about shoving that thing up my butt, Randy shot a large white gob at least a foot in the air as I scrambled to get my mouth over the head, to catch the rest. He came a lot, so he’d really been excited.

Afterward, pouting a while, I said, “You liked hearing that. I thought you said you loved me.”

He smiled, touching my face. “I do. More than anything in the world. If I love you, why wouldn’t I want you to be happy? Enjoy your pleasure? That’s what love means to me.”

“Aren’t you jealous?”

“Sure. But that’s part of it - what makes it so delicious. Our life together will be so different than anything you’ve ever known. It’ll be wild, exciting . . . and unpredictable. New things all the time. I promise, it’ll never get old.”

I climbed on top of him and rode him like a stallion for a long time.

Since then as we walk past the park's restroom, when he sees a bunch of men outside, he doesn't say anything. Where there are only two or three, he'll cock and eyebrow and say," Need to pee or anything?"

I know he wants me to do it agin so he can be part of it, but I'll need to make him understand I will never do that that again. It was out of this world nasty sex, but I didn't like the way I felt afterward.

The next day, Stu called my cell phone. He begged me to come back. He was crying. My day was totally shitty after that.


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Copyright© 2003 I am lying face down on the ground. A dog is nuzzling my neck. It feels good, but seems rather strange. Why would a dog be licking my neck? I don't own a dog. I then awaken to feel you kissing me on the back of my neck. The kissing stops and your fingers start massaging my neck under my hair. Gently your fingers glide up and down. Then lifting my hair you let it slowly fall back on to my neck. Through half open eyes I can see the clock. Good! Over an hour before we have...

1 year ago
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Awakening By Hidden Friend Ó Josh’s mind was filled with erotic images as he slept, a strange woman knelt naked before him her mouth closed around his cock as her tongue explored the engorged and swollen purple head. He moaned in his dream and stirred in his sleep, it felt so real, he could feel the teeth brushing his cock shaft as the mouth slid up and down it. Mind fuddled with sleep he came awake, the sensations from his dream seeming to follow him. His body was caressed by cool air as he ...

2 years ago
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I woke with a yell, sweating and shaking.This time the dream had been so vivid and horrifying, and yet, even as my heartbeat returned to a normal rhythm, the scenes were blurring in my mind...I clenched my hands in my hair and closed my eyes, trying to remember. If these dreams, as I had begun to suspect, were dark premonitions of the days to come, then any remembered detail could be crucial!I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Lissa until she spoke.“Are you okay, Robin? I heard...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Thoughts rushed through my mind as if they were in a race where the winner takes all. Every thought wanted to hook their long talons into my brain. I also struggled with my moaning and groaning body.My bottom cheeks were unhappy sitting on a hard rock and my back strained itself to keep my naked boobs pointed into the wind. Even my folded legs that were knotted in the Lotus position, were complaining about their situation. Only my arms were happy where they rested on my spread legs.However,...

3 years ago
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I nodded, and he removed his hand. I took a deep breath and tried to move my head to see. “No, don’t,” he commanded. “I have a surprise for you.” I stilled myself again. “Do you trust me?” He asked. “Not in the lest.” I said with a grin. I heard a snicker from by my legs. “Who’s with you?” I asked with apprehension. I had been sleeping naked and now the blanket was slowly falling off my nude body. “You’ll see, later.” He said. I cold tell by his voice that he was grinning, and from...

1 year ago
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Adam slowly opens his eyes to the dim light of a gray rainy morning casting a glow into the room. He senses the heat of the naked body lying next to him and turns to absorb it. Eve is lying face down on the bed, curly black hair covering her face and neck. Her arms curled above her head exposing the soft curve of her breast. The covers are pulled down to just above her waist, the shadows hiding the delight he knows is there. He is immediately aroused. In his eyes she is perfection. Her toned...

2 years ago
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Introduction: short story, will continue if u like it Having my little sister share the cramped room in our mums apartment with me was never a good thing, and when she invited her friend, Holly, to sleep, things got even worse, and, as I had just hit puberty and I couldnt control my cocks urges to make itself stand like a steel rod, I was in despair. Holly turned up at around three in the afternoon, her mum dropped her off with her stuff and, as she unloaded her stuff onto my sisters bed, my...

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Jessica and Luke are a 22-year-old couple who are perfect for each other, they complement each other's strengths and cancel out each other's weaknesses. And always push each other to do the best they know they can be. Jessica is thicc, has very long dark blue hair (great for pulling while they fuck), a half sleeve tattoo along with her right thigh tattooed as well and a massive heart. She is currently at uni studying health and social so she can be a carer, also does bank work for the NHS so...

3 years ago
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You wake up from an awful dream, but you remembered something from it you can't stop thinking about. You. Are. God. You dismiss the idea as you get up and grab a drink of water from the tap. You think it couldn't hurt to try, right? Suddenly you're no longer in your apartment, you're in space, looking down at earth. You feel terrified and exhilarated at the same time as you wonder the possibilities, you start to not be able to breath. You panic for a second, but dismiss the panic and breath...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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I've lived in the same house for 30 years. I've always seen and talked to the same people so I didn't really know any strangers. Everything in my life was well-ordered and routine. I was a staid, well respected member of the community. Well, that changed earlier this year when I met Sasha. The day Sasha moved in, I was planting two new rosebushes to replace the ones that didn't make it through the winter. I couldn't help but watch as some of the most beautiful furniture I had ever seen was...

3 years ago
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I awoke with a start. Breathing heavily, I wipe the sleep from my eyes. As I try to steady my breathing and calm my racing heart I ponder what just happened. Is it possible for a female orgasm during a dream? That's what you are, right? My mind stills for a moment and I realize my bare thighs are warm and wet and there's an aching in my center that I am all to familiar with. I reach down and discover that my plump pussy is ripe do very ripe for the taking. I run two fingers through my...

3 years ago
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From just this side of slumberI hear her soft voice tell me that she can't sleep,and yet to me she seems so deepinside a dream of my own making.She slowly turns away and I feelthe soft, round flesh of her bottom brushagainst my slightly bent leg -- a rushof electricity every time.She pushes back further untilI feel the delicate dampness between her cheeks,and with no sound this movement speaks,and I am always ready to listen.Pulling away the sheet to expose our naked flesh,I glide my open lips...

1 year ago
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He stepped into the room and she lay there asleep, the blanket barely covering her naked body. Her alabaster skin glowed in the early morning haze as she shifted her body, revealing her breasts. Her nipples stiffened in the morning air. Leaning over the bed, he softly blew onto her breasts, seeing her nipples react. With the sweetest touch, he took her left nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue over the sensitive mound, and gliding the skin over the tips of his teeth. She stirred at this...

4 years ago
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For all these years she had been fulfilling her duty as a wife and working mother, working in the office throughout the week and managing the home and her family on either side of the day. She was always busy, but somehow found the energy to keep going. Perhaps it was the gym sessions: the only time in the day she had time to herself, when she could even feel herself. Weights, Zumba, stretching - this was the time when she could feel alive in her body, feel it all stretch and push, feel the...

2 years ago
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Since I had first started my maturing I had never really seen myself as being my male body. Whenever I would have sex dreams it would always be from a women’s point of view. Eventually, it became my second self. I didn’t especially hate my male body, I just was never especially fussed about it or at home in it. I had no frame of reference on whether my cock was anything to write home about because my only reference point was through porn. During my later years, I started to experiment with my...

3 years ago
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Thanks to Lubrican and Three Sheets for editing and guiding me.Special thanks to Old Fart for the kick in the pants that got me writing again. "Hold still, Maggie" said my best friend Sara, laughing as she captured a stray mahogany lock and pinned it with the rest of my hair piled on top of my head. "Or we won't ever get to the party." The Halloween costume gala Mama and Daddy have held for the past ten years in the ballroom of the Grand Moon Hotel was underway. You have to be sixteen to...

1 year ago
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Justin and I have been married for seven years now and we're very happy together. Our sex is great, even if it does get a bit routine every so often. We enjoy racing and have friends, Todd and Cindy, who also like to go to car races. The race I remember best was the one in Charlotte where we booked a large suite for the four of us for the weekend. We went down on Friday night and would come back home on Sunday evening after all the events were over. We checked in around six and dropped our...

2 years ago
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I was fourteen years old, and have been raised only by my father in an extremely protected environment. One day, having come home before I was expected, I saw our pretty Hispanic housekeeper sitting on the kitchen table, our gardener standing between her spread legs, the top of her uniform open, his lips suckling at her breast. It was all more than I could have imagined. I had barely seen a man and woman kissing, not being allowed to see movies unless my father approved them, not being allowed...

2 years ago
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18-year-old Josh's mind was filled with erotic images as he slept, a strange woman knelt naked before him her mouth closed around his cock as her tongue explored the engorged and swollen purple head. He moaned in his dream and stirred in his sleep, it felt so real, he could feel the teeth brushing his cock shaft as the mouth slid up and down it. Mind fuddled with sleep he came awake, the sensations from his dream seeming to follow him. His body was caressed by cool air as he realized his...

1 year ago
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Exposing Alice II

My wife, Alice, is a hot fifty-two-year old. She’s a natural blonde. Her five-foot-three body is slim and trim. Her perky tits fill a B-cup to overflowing and, when free, are firm and topped with luscious nipples. In a word, she is hot. And she loves to fuck. Although she may appear to be prim and proper, when we go out she’ll dress as sexy as I want. She loves to be admired and I like it too. The morning after exposing herself to the pizza guy and our hot sex right afterward, Alice said, “I...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 575

The TV on the wall opposite the bed came on, although the AI’s face did not show on it. “My Prime?” the AI quietly said into the stillness of the bedroom. Jeff, a very light sleeper, was instantly awake. “Yes,” he said just as quietly. “You said to notify you when the scout team returned.” “Of course. Have you notified the General?” “Yes, My Prime. He said to tell you that he would meet you aboard Ship.” “Thanks,” Jeff returned, already worming his way from under a quietly grumbling Ann...

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Neighborly Breast Gloryhole

The groan of the old elevator softened into a squeal as it arrived on the 8th floor. A weak ding sounded from the above as the doors opened, letting me exit. I glanced at the various markings on the bare concrete to confirm that I am on the correct level. The potted fern rustled with the evening breeze, its leaves welcoming me back home. “The correct level today. I guess maintenance actually does help.” I mumbled under my breath as I walked towards my apartment. A woman was sweeping...

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Sharma Jis Wife Took Me To Heaven

Hi hot dudes and sexy divas, First of all thanks for all your valuable feedbacks on my previous story i.e. my hot cousin. Today I am sharing my other experience here. I’ll not take much of your time and directly share my story. Please take out some time and write your views to me at This happened 3 months back when I was in my final year of graduation. In my colony there was a baniya shopkeeper “Sharma ji”. His shop is very famous for grocery and stationery being the only & big one in the...

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Incredible Weekend

I finished my project on time and well under budget. My client was thrilled and I had almost 3 months to rest and relax before my next major project was to start. Sure I had a number of little things to get done, but in the first week in December I could head to my cabin in the mountains and just read, rest and not worry about work for a while. I arrived at my cabin a little after noon and unpacked all of my stuff and decided to head to the ski lodge at the base of the mountain and get some...

Erotic Fiction
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Principal Price Chapter 3

My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...

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The Deflowering of the Petal

The girl stood by the door lightly chewing on the nail of her middle finger. She was wearing a low-cut floral sundress accented by a snug fitting white sweater. The dress fanned out and hit just above the knee hugging her frame tighter as it went up to draw attention to her waist and shapely curves. Her legs were adorned with white knee high hose, and her feet were pushed into shiny black mary janes. She felt a bit silly wearing the knee highs like a school girl, but she knew her Daddy adored...

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Mathura Me Chudai Ke Maje

Hello friends mera naam devraj hai or mai faridabad ka rehne wala hu.Abhi meri age 19 years hai.Waise to mai iss pe kareeb 2 saal se stories padta aa rha hu per ab apna b ek real sex experience share kar rha hu or ager aapko meri lund-chut ki katha acchi lage to pls muje per mail kare.Ab story pe aate hai.Ye story ek ladki pooja ke baare me hai ki kaise maine usse pata ke or lita ke choda. Baat jab ki hai jab mai 11th class me tha.April me mai apni bua ki ladki ki shadi me Mathura gya tha.Mai...

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My Dads Cabby Friend

My dad usually picked Tiff & me up from school. He drove a cab during the day. Sometimes hed take us to the garage after school. We loved those days because it meant we wouldnt go straight home & wed get Mickey Ds! It was something about that garage it was freedom wed sit in the car eat our McDs & do our homework. If my dads car was up for the lift wed get to sit in someone elses car. One particular guy, Joe, was a coworker of my dad at the cab company, he would sometimes pick us up if my dad...

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Life Is a Soap OperaChapter 6

The ride in the car back was long. Joanne couldn't stop chattering about how great it was to actually meet real-life television stars. Even the girls's father Andy seemed to be impressed by how down to earth and friendly Gabe and his friends were. Bailey didn't know it, but she glowed for the rest of the night. She couldn't stop smiling and her eyes would light up at the mere mention of Gabriel MacKenzie. When they got home, April and Bailey went to the room they shared. Ordinarily they...

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A walk in the park

We are walking though a park on a warm sunny day. You are wearing a tight top, which is showing off your tits, a very short skirt that only just covers your firm arse. I am wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. We are walking though the long grass when suddenly it starts to rain hard. We quickly run to a near by tree to get some shelter from leave. But it’s too late as we are both soaking wet. We wrap our arms around each other so we can get warm and hope that the rain slows down a bit. I...

Quickie Sex
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Foliage trip in the Mountains

I seem to have gotten lost in your beautiful surroundings, I answer. He stand their looking down at me, taking a deep hard puff of his pipe. Hes dressed in a hillbille atire, straw hat, dirty torn white teashert , bib overhauls and a large pot belly. I'm wearing a light colored button down shirt and a snug fitting pair of jeans. She is an attractive lady, hugging on the mans arm, a dirty blond in a knee high flowered dress. Yummy she smiles stairing at me then adjusts her dress, I think...

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Caught with friends underwear

It was a few months back, my friend Dave was feeling a bit bored and sent me a message on Facebook to invite me around to play Xbox with him, I had nothing better to do so I agreed to come around and hang out with him.I went around his house not long later and his mom let me in and told me he was upstairs, she called him down and let me into the house.My friend Dave is 20, 5'8 with short blonde hair and blue eyes, he was straight and had a girlfriend but I couldn't help but crush on him...

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Shoplyfter Violet Storm Case No 87466541

Case #87466541 – August 21st, 11:53 AM. Suspect is an adolescent, blonde female. She is observed stealing items from the store on security cameras. The officer is confident of her guilt when he detains her, but she lies upon interrogation. The officer gives her another chance to tell the truth, but she lies and claims she is innocent once again. Necessary actions are taken to retrieve the stolen property while avoiding law enforcement involvement. The rest of this case is classified. Evidence...

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An Arranged Marriage Part IX

With one hand gripping my forearm and the other hand the cane she led me from the bedroom to the dining room and came to a halt at the edge of the long table. I was nervous. I had never been in this position with any women before, it had always been the other way around and yet I felt a sexual excitement that I had never experienced before. Letting go of my arm she gripped my left buttock and gave it a squeeze. “You have very firm buttocks Master,” she told me. “Will they be able to take a lot...

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Innocence Lost chapter 1 pt 1

The beginning of the end part 1 My name is Kate or Katie as I was born. I am 35 and I live in L.A. I am a mother of three children and do my best to support them as a single mother. I have two boys and a daughter, my oldest named Cindy and my two boys Luke and Richard. At first you may what's wrong?, well...I have visits from the suicide watch teams every couple of days and my two 10 year old boys live with foster parents. I haven’t seen Cindy for three months now, I have no idea where...

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Midsummer Rite

Malaise. That's what they call it. I had moved to a new town and started a new job to escape it, but in less than two months the novelty of both wore off. Same shit different place, I was in a funk. A mental, emotional, physical funk. Well not so much physical I suppose. I kept myself in good shape and found that exercise kept my head clear. Not surprisingly then, I decided that a hike was just what I needed. And then a thought came to me which proceeded to grow and grow...

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