A Family Possessed Part 3 free porn video

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Peter tried to pull his panties back up but Yoseff slapped his hand, frogmarching him in front of him as he held Peter's wrists behind him, the panties clinging to his legs just above his knees making it difficult to walk quickly. Yoseff all but dragged him along through a maze of corridors and steps until they entered a room that must have been down in the basement of the house. This was Yoseff's private suite, somewhere he had designed with his own evil mind and now this was to be his first chance to use it for his own entertainment. Spinning Peter round to face him he ripped the sheer top from his body with one motion making Peter squeal in pain as it tore from his neck. Pointing at the panties Yossef spat "Off." Peter quivering in total abject fear of this evil thing pushed them down to his ankles and stepped out of them, leaving him totally naked and now fully aware that his penis was somehow held back between his legs. The insanely maddening thing that he couldn't understand was, his penis was tingling maddeningly, he couldn't understand how this could be arousing him, he was confused and it all added to the fear that was gripping him. Even now as he quivered in his fear he could feel his nipples too were throbbing, of course he didn't realise that it was the drug in the wine that was having its effect, just as it was to his mother, fuelling his sexual feelings. Yoseff licked his lips, "This way" He pushed Peter through into a wet room "Kneel" He pointed to a place in the middle of the room, where there was a chain leading from a ring in the floor. Terrified Peter knelt down, perhaps he was at last going to be allowed to wash the disgusting muck off his face, it repulsed him and he prayed he would. Yoseff took the chain and pulled Peter's head back forcing him to lean back slightly with his arms behind him for support. Yoseff clicked the chain fast to the evil collar. Then he stood there arrogantly looking at him, before he slowly unzipped and unbuttoned his trousers. Peter looked at him his fear and horror increasing by the second. Yoseff removed his trousers, then took off his shirt, never taking his eyes off Peter, until he finally stood there in his white boxer shorts. Looking at the terror and fearful anticipation in Peter's eyes before he slowly removed them too, revealing his bony hairy body, his penis half erect again. "Whenever I cum, I soon need to piss bitch." His voice was thick with lust. Peter wanted to scream, he was pulling at the chain, now, trying to find the clip with his trembling fingers. Yoseff laughed and dangled a key in front of him. "You're mine bitch, now beg me to piss on you." Peter cried out, tears coming again from his eyes "Noooo, Nooo, please Nooo. That's disgusting, horrible noo, noo, let me go." he began to sob again in frustration, fear and hateful terror "please please just let me go." Yoseff laughed loudly and walked to a cupboard, he opened it and took out an ebony stick, its end a shiny silver cap, "Beg me to piss on you bitch." "Nooo, noo, you, you can't, please oh please let me go." Peter whimpered eyeing the stick thinking he was going to be beaten. Yoseff cackled a manic laugh, he pressed a button on the handle and touched the metal cap to the metal ring beside Peter, a blue spark like miniature lightening jumped from the cap to the ring, crackling as it did. Peter screamed "Nooo, noooo please oh god." "Beg me to piss on you bitch." Yoseff repeated, his face a picture of pure evil "Please please noooo, don't ohh please please nooo." Peter was squealing loudly his body shuddering in complete terror. Yoseff's cock was erect now as he laughed loudly swinging the stick between Peter's kneeling legs. "Noooooooooo." Peter screamed as the spark cracked against his tight testicles, the pain was beyond belief, knocking him to his side as it gripped his stomach muscles. "Kneel bitch." Peter pulled himself painfully back to his knees, his entire body covered with beads of sweat and quivering, a throbbing pain in his testicles. "Beg me to piss on you bitch." Peter took a second to answer and in a tiny voice "Please please oh please stop." Yoseff's face was a wide evil smile, he was loving every minute of this, , he swung the stick to Peter's thick right nipple, "noooooo" Peter screamed Yoseff played the metal tip from one to the other, its cold end tickling Peters nipples into erection before he hit the button again and Peter's body convulsed, the grip of the electric a fierce unyielding burning grip on his nipples before he gave way to the floor again. "Kneel bitch" It took Peter longer to get to his knees this time, his nipples feeling as if they had been pinched hard were throbbing wildly, his heart pounding crazily in his chest. "Beg me to piss on you bitch." Peter was quiet, the crack from the stick against the ring on the floor hurrying him. "P. .p...p. ppiss on me" he whispered "I said beg me to piss on you bitch." Yoseff almost shouted this time, cracking the spark in the air. Peter was a blubbering wreck "please, please oh please pp piss on mee master please." He babbled through his tears. Yoseff smiled a smile of triumph, his cock fully, painfully erect now. ?How can I piss like this bitch, I need to cum again first don?t I?? Peter couldn?t take his eyes off Yoseff?s long throbbing cock as it bounced stiffly from his groin. ?Hands and knees bitch, NOW!? and he cracked the spark perilously close to Peter, laughing manically. Peter turned onto his hands and knees begging, ?please, please don?t hurt me please.? Yoseff began rubbing his cock over Peter?s smooth bottom ?Beg me bitch, beg me to come over you bitch.? He reached his hand round to Peters nipples and began to play with them, the stick dangling by a loop from his wrist, touching Peter?s leg as it did. ?Oh, god, oh god.? Peter whimpered his nipples were throbbing, needing to be itched desperately ?Ohhh ohhhh? It was driving him insane, but that stick touching him and Yoseff?s hard cock rubbing him between his cheeks terrified him. The weird mixture of feelings confusing him further, his own penis suddenly tingling insatiably too, it?s head had slipped out but was still held back by the piercings, tight between his legs almost touching his anus. ?Beg me bitch, beg me to cum over you.? Hissed Yoseff in his ear. The head of Yoseff?s cock slipped over his own and he began moving it against him. ?Ohhhhhhhhhhhh? Peter moaned softly, the sensations arousing him in a way he had never felt before ?Ohhh please p pl please master cc cum over mee, ohh ggod.? Yoseff guided the head of his cock with his hand, rubbing it more against Peter?s quivering penis. ?Do you want to be my slave bitch?? he hissed again into Peter?s ear The sensations were driving Peter close to a climax now ?Yss, yess ohhh ooo yess.? He whimpered ?Say it, say it bitch? Yoseff rubbed their heads together harder ?say it and take my seed.? ?Ohhhh g god, I I want to be your slave master ohhh ohh I want to ohh master.? Peter moaned and Yoseff began ejaculating over him, the erotic confusion causing Peter to climax too, into Yoseff?s sticky cum as it flowed over the head of his penis and between his legs. He felt as if the old man had taken him completely and Peter felt in an emotional turmoil, shaken and exhausted. Yoseff stood up smiling at the back of the broken young man, a first lesson he thought, the first of many. Yoseff left the bathroom momentarily, filling a glass of water he slurped it down greedily, he refilled it and drank it down again, he could feel the pressure building in his bladder now. He refilled the glass a third time then, forcing it down before he returned to the wet room. Peter had sat up trembling ?Kneel with your hands on the floor behind you bitch? Joseff waved the stick at him again and Peter wordlessly quivering , knelt leaning back with his palms flat on the floor behind him. The crack made him jump as Yoseff flashed a reminder against the metal ring beside him. ?Beg? that one word from Yoseff was worse than a whole screamed sentence from his mother, far far worse. ?Please? he whispered, his voice a broken trembling croak, summing up the courage to say that hated of all sentences. He caught a sob in his throat then ?Pppiss on me master.? He mumbled. Almost immediately he was hit in the face by the hot jet from Yoseff?s cock, who slowly played it down his body, eventually to his crutch. Peter swayed slightly sobbing, he felt totally debased and broken allowing this horrible old man to do this to him. Yoseff altered the direction, the pressure of his urine undiminished, fully playing it over Peter?s throbbing nipples, causing a soft moan to escape his lips, he was unable to stop himself pushing his chest out towards the jet. ?You love this bitch, don?t you?? Yoseff?s voice was hooded with lust ?Yss? Peter couldn?t believe what he was saying, his eyes shut, the feeling over his nipples ecstatic. When Yoseff eventually finished he almost casually went over to the shower in the corner of the room and began to shower himself as Peter kneeled there panting, dripping, exhausted by the whole hateful horror, looking up at the boney old man as he soaped himself. Peter watched him, unable to stop his eyes from straying inevitably to Yoseff?s penis, long and dangling there. Yoseff left the shower running and retrieved the key from the cupboard where he had left it, he unlocked Peter?s chain and walked out of the room, wordlessly, a towel around his waist. Peter struggled to his feet, his trembling legs hardly able to bear his weight and stood in the shower, cascades of hot water pouring over him for several minutes before he gained the strength to even soap himself. It was a fragrant liquid soap, too fragrant, he thought, but better that than the stink of urine in his nose. He scrubbed and scrubbed everywhere, between his legs, his face, his chest, but his throbbing nipples were attracting too much of his attention, having touched them, he had a problem leaving them alone. Eventually he turned the taps off and tottered out of the door wrapped in the remaining towel. Yoseff was sitting down drinking, but when he saw Peter he got up. ?Come here bitch.? His squeaky voice cutting through the silence, reluctantly Peter did so, too afraid to argue and too emotional to think straight. ?Give me your hands? Yoseff waved towards his hands. Peter held out his left hand, the other still holding the towel wrapped up to his chest. ?I said give me your hands, lose the fucking towel bitch.? Peter noticed the cane with the electric probe together with a pair of handcuffs on the table beside Yoseff, he felt a knot in his stomach and his throat tightened. Reluctantly he let the towel go and held both his hands out to Yoseff. Moving swiftly Yoseff buckled the leather cuffs around the young man?s wrists, each with a chain dangling from them. Peter should have run then, before he had buckled them on, if he had he might have saved himself, but he just stood there, he didn?t know why, perhaps he was just too terrified of more pain from the old man, or perhaps it was because he was losing control to him. ?Come.? Yoseff, pulled Peter along by the chains, leading him through a door along a corridor, before coming to and unlocking a solid steel door. He pulled Peter inside switching on the light and locking the heavy door behind them as he did so . ?Over here bitch.? He dragged the now terrified and extremely reluctant Peter over to a steel frame, the bars all clad with thick rubber. Making him stand at one end, he brought the chains to the other end, pulling Peter?s arms towards him as he did so. ?Lie over the bars bitch.? ?Pp please let me go.? Peter found the words with a small quivering voice. ?Lie over the bars bitch.? Yoseff repeated loudly, pulling the chains down hard over the other end. Unable to keep his balance, Peter found himself almost falling over the end of the frame as Yoseff continued heaving on the chains down to the floor, pulling Peter forward over the frame, until he hooked them over a steel hook set in the floor. Peter?s feet were now off the ground and he was kicking vainly in the air. Grabbing one ankle at a time, Yoseff strapped them to the uprights of the frame, then humming a manic senseless tune he proceeded to secure Peter in place with straps above his knees and elbows, across his shoulders and waist. Peter struggled and wriggled to stop him but the old man was unbelievably strong. ?let me go, please , please let me go.? He tried to make his small voice as loud as he could. Yoseff laughed at him ?This is a soundproofed room bitch, no one will ever hear you in here, eventually you will do everything I say, no questions asked, but I love to hear a bitch scream when she is with me.? Peter started to sob again , when would this nightmare end? Yoseff tightened the straps tighter still so that Peter couldn?t move a muscle unless he was released, then he walked around in front of Peter and he removed the clothes he had put on after his shower, making sure that the young man could see him as he did so. ?I have some pets that want to meet you bitch.? He was smiling that terrible evil smile again, his eyes black and totally evil, his cock twitching as he spoke. Turning he took a box from a glass case and put it on the floor so that Peter could see, removing the lid he saw 2 small slimy worms inside it. ?W W What are they? Peter squeaked disgusted at the sight. Yoseff was laughing again, his cock was stiffening again. ?They want you bitch, they want to give you a nice long suck, they are African leaches.? Peter?s screams were intense, Yoseff loved to hear him, such a high pitched girly voice. Cackling that insane evil way, Yoseff carefully picked one up between his finger and thumb. ?I?ve kept them hungry so they?ll feed well bitch and they won?t drop off until they are full.? He was laughing as Peter screamed and begged him not to, crying and sobbing uncontrollably. Carefully Yoseff held the leach up to Peter?s left nipple as he wriggled insanely against the straps that held him. The leach latched on immediately and Yoseff quickly put the other on his right nipple. Peter was yelling and wriggling, but the sensations of the leaches sucking rhythmically on his nipples began to tell almost immediately and suddenly the young man found his shouts turning to mindless moans, as he thrust his chest out against them. ?You love your new friends now. milking you, don?t you bitch.? Peter was still moaning, looking at Yoseff through hooded eyes, the feeling in his nipples dominating his mind. ?Don?t you bitch? Don?t you?? hissed Yoseff his cock fully erect again now. ?You want me to fuck you now, don?t you bitch?? Peter felt the touch of the cane prod against his skin before he saw it, his eyes filling with fear as it dawned on him what it was, filling him with dread and hate of the pain it had given him before. ?Don?t you?? spat Yoseff, Peter wasn?t really aware of the man?s words, he was being possessed by the feeling in his nipples whilst squirming from the prod. ?DON?T YOU?? Yoseff?s voice was so loud ?Yysssssss? whimpered Peter ?Tell me, beg me to fuck you bitch.? Hissed Yoseff, his eyes full of lust, his cock totally erect again. Peter was whimpering louder as the probe slid up his arm, then over his cheek to his lips. ?Kiss your sexy friend? hissed Yossef pressing the metal cap against Peter?s lips. In abject terror Peter opened his lips to kiss it and Yoseff pushed it between them, into his mouth. ? Now you will beg me after you suck your lover, wont you?? Yoseff was in a lust induced madness as he pushed the end of the cane further into Peter?s mouth ?Suck him, suck him like a whore.? He hissed. Peter could see Yoseff?s finger quivering on the button and began to suck the end of the probe as hard as he could. Yoseff cackled lewdly, pulling it from Peter?s mouth with a loud plop ?Now beg me bitch, beg me to fuck you.? Peter was completely terrified, the leaches sucking his nipples, feeling heavier and heavier as they gorged, pulling and stretching them and Yoseff looked about to fire a shock through his lips into his tongue ?Pleease pleeeease ffuck me master.? He babbled ?ppleease ppleeeease fuck me.? Yoseff smiled that mirthless smile in complete triumph, sliding round behind Peter, pouring warm peppermint oil he had prepared earlier over his bottom, so that it was trickling between his cheeks, over his defenceless rosebud and dribbling onto the boys imprisoned penis. The peppermint feeling cool and hot at the same time making him tingle wherever it touched. Yoseff began rubbing his long stiff cock up and down between the boys cheeks as he had done in the wet room, purposely rubbing his head against the top of Peter?s penis again and again, causing its head to slide out from its foreskin, until it almost touched his own rosebud hole. Peter gave a whimpering gasp of arousal with a vain attempt at an erection completely prevented by the piercings. The sensations were making him moan more and more, Yoseff slowly began to concentrate on rubbing his stiffness against Peter?s puckered bottom, each movement causing it to open slightly more, the oil lubricating it yet at the same time the old man?s hardness was also touching and rubbing against the head of Peter?s over sensitive penis. Peter was moaning louder now and Yoseff responded as he began to push harder against him, opening him more and more, wider and wider. Peter suddenly stiffened whimpering ?Nooo, nooo, oh god it hurts.? Yoseff was a past Master at this, breaking young men in, in this way. He knew that using his expertise he would instill a deep desire in his subject that they would never be able to be free from for the rest of their lives. He took his time, slowly, stroking the head of Peter?s penis, rubbing the peppermint oil into it. Then as Peter began to moan again, he began again with his pressure opening him, until eventually Peter confused by his arousal relaxed enough for him to enter into him. Now he was inside the young man, he felt tight, virginal, Yoseff was loving it, he waited for a minute, holding himself inside Peter. Leaning forward over him he flicked the now huge thick engorged leaches attached to Peter?s nipples causing them to swing and pull, bringing the boy?s attention to them again. Suitably distracted Yoseff took him deeper and deeper until he was fully inside him, then slowly almost rhythmically he began to take him, copulating, holding his hips as he did so. Peter?s groans became moans, they were high pitched now, in time with Yoseff?s thrusts. Yoseff leaned over the boys back taking him deep, he brought his lips to his ear hissing ?Tell me you love your mater fucking you, bitch, tell me now.? Peter was lost in the arousal and lust of it all and before he could even think he was panting ?I love you fucking me Master, I love you fucking me.? Yoseff sped up, plunging deep in his climax, great spouts of his cum pouring inside the young man, Peter?s own little penis dribbling against the old man?s pistoning cock. Carefully Yoseff withdrew from Peter?s open hole, swiftly replacing himself with a black anal plug that he wriggled into the young man, making him moan again in a high pitched whimper. At the same time, almost as if it had been planned, one, then the other leach dropped from Peter?s nipples back into the box placed beneath him on the floor. Peter looked down through the tears that just hadn?t seemed to have dried from his eyes and was shocked at their huge ugly size, he could hardly believe it feeling quite faint and weak through this loss of blood. The old man carefully put the lid back on the box then dabbed antiseptic lotion onto the young man?s nipples making them sting fiercely but stopping the blood from dripping. Peter watched him hardly able to concentrate on anything anymore, let alone having been taken by this horrible old man and having actually climaxed when he had been violated like that. Yoseff was lifting the lid off a large glass tank set in the wall, but Peter wasn?t focussing, he felt a painful discomfort in his bum with the butt plug that was filling him, keeping Yoseff?s seed inside him. Yoseff?s hands were inside the glass tank and it drew Peter?s attention as he began to wonder what the evil old man was doing, then suddenly he found himself screaming in complete abject terror. Yossef lifted a large snake from the case, it was about three feet long and two inches thick. Peter was terrified, his screams high pitched and continuous as he wriggled and pulled at the straps holding him tightly to the frame. Yossef was smiling evilly as he walked across the room with the snake ?Say hello to your new lover? he cackled ?you see this is Abdul an Arabian snake that I have trained since its berth to love human semen, he can smell it and he will find it and eat it. As you can see he is not a poisonous snake, he is a constricting snake and you will love him bitch.? This was the longest thing that Yossef had ever spoken with the cackle of his manic laughter punctuating the description as he lifted Abdul half on to Peter?s back. Peter screamed his girlish scream in abject terror at the touch of the animal, he was truly terrified of snakes. Yossef stood back watching, stroking his large cock in anticipation, watching the snake?s tongue as it flicked out, its? fork sampling the air before in an undulating motion it began to move, sliding its head down Peter?s back, over his buttocks. It slid between his cheeks, its? tongue finding and tasting around the black plug held tight to Peter?s rectum, tickling Peter?s quivering flesh around it. Lifting its? flat head it almost looked as if it was sniffing the air for its? food, its? long tail wrapped around Peter?s arm for purchase before its? head slid forward over the plug down between Peter?s cheeks to his poor trapped penis, still dripping with a mixture of his and the old man?s semen which was clinging to it. The snake?s tongue flicked over Peter?s shrunken flesh, sampling the fresh semen before working its? jaws, taking Peter?s terrified peeping penis head into its? mouth as it began to suck up what it found, tickling Peter as it did so. Peter?s little penis was twitching in response, he was truly terrified, but the snakes tickling tongue around him there was unstoppably arousing him, driving him insane with such terrible mixed emotion. The snake tasting the fresh food sucked the head of Peter?s penis fully into its mouth making Peter cry in fear, but at the same time causing his penis to swell more in the snake?s mouth as it worked its? soft jaws around him. Yossef was enjoying every second, the terrified young man screeching and babbling in total fear, yet Yossef could see that the snake was making him quiver in a forced ecstasy too as it lapped and sucked. It was twisting the boys mind even as he watched and this was giving Yossef enormous excitement. It took only a few minutes for Yossef?s insatiable cock to become almost erect again. Why waste this he thought out loud cackling as he did so. ?Kiss your master now bitch? he said thickly, rubbing the end of his hardening member against Peter?s trembling whimpering confused lips. Peter couldn?t believe his eyes, the man seemed insatiable and he hated him, he hated him so so much, he was sure that he was trying to kill him, but his little penis was feeling unbelievable and somehow in his confused mental state he just couldn?t stop himself almost automatically opening his lips around the head of Yossef?s cock. The old man slid his hands over Peter?s back, stroking the snake as he worked his full hardness through Peter?s lips, Peter gasping and grunting around it. Yoseff slid his boney fingers over Peter?s cheeks, at first just touching, then moving the black plug protruding from him. Yoseff knew that a trickle of semen would begin to run from Peter?s ass as soon as the plug was removed and he knew what this would do to the snake, his cock stiffened more at the thought , he gripped the end of the plug and twisted it gently then he gradually inexorably pulled it out. Peter gave a gasping groan through his nose, the snake was losing interest in his penis, suddenly scenting something more . It wound round Peter?s leg its? head sliding back up, its tongue flicking as it followed the trail eating the semen trickling from Peter?s open bum. Yossef began thrusting deeper and deeper into Peter?s throat as he watched the snake lick around the boy?s hole, until it actually started to push against his still open rosebud and slowly began to wriggle its? head into him. Peter would have screamed, his limbs vibrating his neck muscles bulging in sheer terror, then as the snake?s thicker head slid through the boys ring Yossef began to cum again, sending further jets of semen down the boys throat and into his mouth as he withdrew until he finally smeared it over his lips again. The snake was guzzling on the cum inside Peters rectum, its tongue flicking as it gorged in this darkest of places, the movements stimulating Peter?s prostrate giving him a feeling like he had never ever felt before, finally arousing him to the first ever internal climax that he had ever had. The mixture of horror and pleasure a torment that was stripping away his senses and driving him insane. Eventually after the countless mini climaxes that followed, the snake which had slid almost a quarter of its body into him, wriggled its way back out, leaving Peter whimpering softly and totally broken. Yossef was not finished though, he was wiping the snake, his beautiful pet, with a soft wet cloth, cleaning its smooth body, the snake wriggling in enjoyment at his touch. Then he brought it in front of Peter, holding its head towards him. ?Kiss your lover bitch.? He hissed, his face flushed from all the excitement. Peter?s eyes were dull, he no longer thought for himself, even though he was still totally terrified of the snake, as its head with that darting tongue reared towards him. He leaned his head back a little to escape it and then the snakes tongue was against his lips, its soft mouth moving quickly gripping his lower lip, sucking it into its jaws. The trembling spasm of fear moved like a wave through his body as the old man cackled ?He?s kissing his bitch, see he loves you.? Yossef was laughing in glee as the snake continued to suck on Peter?s lips, violent darts and movements making Peter gasp and whimper softly as if indeed a lover was truly kissing him. Finally, it seemed that Yossef had had enough of his fun and after replacing the satisfied Abdul in the terrarium Yossef undid the straps holding Peter down, lifting him to sit on the floor. His legs too weak to hold him, he sat there unable to think anymore, he was drained physically and emotionally. Yossef half dragged and half carried Peter from his ?special play room? and dumped him back on the floor in the wet room, turning the shower on again. With the water cascading over the boy, he left him there and He walked into his lounge where he picked up the phone. He dialled a few digits and Bruno answered his call, even he was respectful around the old man, ?Hello Yossef, do you require anything?? God alone knew why mister Larsen had got involved with this maniac Serbian doctor, he thought, it gave him the shivers just talking to him. Yossef?s reply was curt ?I?ve finished with the bitch for today, you can bring her to her nursery now but I will call for her again later.? ?Yes Yossef, I?ll come down with her clothes immediately.? Bruno had ultimate respect for the man?s results but he was uneasy with his methods and he didn?t like to be in his company for longer than was necessary. By the time he had arrived at the old man?s suite, Peter was sitting beside the old man, his eyes vacant, the old man?s arm around his shoulder. Bruno nodded to Yossef and handed him the clothes he had brought with him. ?Time to dress for your master bitch? Yossef?s whisper was loud in Peter?s ear and he looked round at the old man, leaning slightly towards him, hardly understanding. Yoseff stood up ?lift up your arms bitch.? Peter lifted his arms above his head obediently and Yossef slipped the cool satin pink baby girl?s dress over his head, turning him round as the boy shivered to the touch of the cool material before he fastened its buttons up to his neck at the back. ?Now stand.? Peter wearily did so without a word, Bruno was impressed at the young man?s obedience, it had only taken Yossef an afternoon to break him and make him like this, that was impressive. ?Put these on baby girl.? Yossef went on, his humiliating words having little effect on Peter who was incapable of thinking he was so tired. Yossef gave him the pink plastic panties, elasticated at the waistband and at the legs and Peter obediently put them on standing in front of the old man, looking at him in a sort of slavish obedience. Yossef turned to Bruno ?Give him the bottle with the mixture that I told you and put him to bed in his cot, I will have him again tomorrow.? Bruno half bowed to the old man and took Peter?s arm, wordlessly bringing him through the confusing maze of corridors beneath the huge house to a room which was just like a baby?s nursery. In the middle of it was a large metal framed cot and There Bruno released the locking catches holding up one side and pulled it down. ?Sit? he pointed to the edge of the mattress, Peter sat vacantly. ?Lie down? Peter lay back on the soft white sheets, then Bruno pulled the plastic panties to the boys knees, working a disposable nappy under his bottom fixing the Velcro straps that held it around him before finally working the plastic panties back up over it. Peter had just lain there half asleep and unable to think, allowing Bruno to do what he wanted. Bruno finally lifted Peter?s legs into the cot before sliding the side back into place and locking it there. He left the room for a few moments leaving Peter to stare aimlessly noticing the pornographic pictures that covered the walls of the room and the tv screen set into the ceiling above him. It was showing rotating images of circles and spirals drawing him into them. He didn?t know how long Bruno had been gone, but was suddenly aware that the side of the cot was being slid back down again. ?Give me your hands.? Peter looked unthinkingly at Bruno, then lifted his hands up, they felt like lead weights. One at a time Bruno slipped the soft rubber mittens onto Peter?s hands, fixing them at the backs before wrapping the Velcro straps around his wrists. ?Here is your bottle baby girl.? Bruno?s face was expressionless as he placed the bottle between the boy?s hands, it had a strange penis shaped teat that didn?t seem right to Peter?s dulled brain. Bruno guided the teat up to Peter?s bruised full lips and he pushed it between them. Almost immediately in a curious reaction, Peter realised he was unbelievably thirsty and began sucking with hardly a thought. Bruno smiled, closed and the side of the cot again, locking it in place, then turning the television sound up, he turned the lights out and went out locking the door behind him. Peter slept a sleep of pure exhaustion, until he woke feeling desperate to pee, he tried to ignore it, the screen above him showing twisting spirals and flashing lights over visions of gay rape and bondage, it seemed to repeat over and over. He tried to close his eyes, the lights from the screen flickering, the sounds loud in his ears, the grunts, the screams the moans, he tried to cover his head, his desperation to pee growing greater and greater, until finally he couldn?t hold it any longer. At first he tried to constrain himself to a little one just a dribble to reduce the pressure on his bladder, but he suddenly found he was squatting in the corner of the cot peeing into his nappy in a wonderful release, the video camera in the corner of the room capturing his expression of bliss for future evidence of him as a truly baby girl. The nappy was warm and heavy around his bottom now and if he could have managed to remove the plastic pants he would have ripped it off and thrown it out of the cot, but the mittens made sure he couldn?t use his fingers. He lay on his tummy trying again to hide his face to avoid the video screen above him, the voices seemed to be all around him, he couldn?t get comfortable, the voices disturbing his futile attempts to sleep. Eventually he lay on his back unable to stop himself anymore from being drawn to watch. There was a video which involved 3 men, 2 heavily built and one small man, they had chased him through a garden into a house, it all seemed so genuine, even the house looked familiar somehow. The small man really did look scared, they cornered him in the lounge and were pushing him back and fore between them, they looked nasty, they slapped the poor small man a couple of times then told him to strip off his clothes, it seemed he didn?t want to but finally he started to remove his shirt before trying to run again. They caught him between them and literally rip off his trousers and pants so that he is completely naked. One of the men gets him over his knees and begins to spank him. Peter couldn?t take his eyes off the screen, the images are making him think about the old man, he felt mixed up, embarrassed, humiliated yet he knew he would have an erection if it wasn?t for the rings holding his penis back between his legs. He shook his head, this is wrong, this is very wrong., this isn?t sexy this is horrible this doesn?t turn me on its bad, its horrible, he kept repeating to himself inside his head. One of the large men was naked now too, the small man struggling as the naked man twists his arm behind his back forcing him to kiss him. Peter was mesmerised, the other big man was naked too, after more struggling and wrestling, the big men?s cocks looked so stiff, so erect, close up pictures of them made Peter gasp and quiver, as they struggled together. The poor little man appeared weak now, he was crying and they make him kiss them easily. Pushing him to the floor they make him kneel in front of them kissing their cocks. Peter felt disgusted, it was horrible, horrible, he couldn?t look, yet he couldn?t look away either, he was glued to the scene. The video continued and the big men take it in turn to rape the small man, until he appears submissive to them. They tell him that he must leave his wife for their friend to have her and that he was to be their bitch from now on. They give him love bites over his chest and neck and leave him crying on the floor. The film stopped, leaving peter gasping and feeling overwhelmed a demanding throb at the head of his penis and in a crazy way he felt lost. However another video starts after only a few minutes. Peter closed his eyes, the pictures from the film vivid in his mind as he turned and twisted, his penis constantly tingling between his legs, making him feel desperate to rub it, yet, though he tried and tried he couldn?t get at it through the thick wet nappy and so the night went on and on. He must have eventually fallen asleep in the end, though he had no idea when, as he was woken by Bruno and another man unlocking the side of the cot. As it slid down, Peter opened his eyes, looking at them nervously ?Did you sleep well baby girl?? the new man asked a sarcastic grin on his face. ?She wet her nappy anyway? Bruno interjected ?Oh the darling Baby Girl.? The new man laughed ?Come on we had better change her before she gets nappy rash.? And they both laughed heartily. Pulling Peter upright, Bruno undid the rubber mittens, taking them off him and placing them on the nearby dressing table ?The bathroom is in there, remove the nappy and clean yourself.? He said roughly. Peter, his legs feeling very weak and wobbly and with the weight of the nappy wet between his legs, had to waddle to get to the bathroom. There he slipped the plastic pants off then pulled down the horrible squelchy nappy, totally glad to be rid of it before sitting on the loo to relieve himself. It was strange and humiliating having to sit to pee, but he had to use the toilet anyway. When he flushed he washed himself in a low bidet, struggling as he was unable to take off the short baby dress with its? buttons at the back. He had to tuck it up, holding it with one hand as he washed between his legs with the other, using the flannel left there for him to wash beneath his dress wiping his under arms and his chest as he had seen his mother do in the past. He was just struggling to examine what had been done to his penis when he heard Bruno?s voice again, the door opened and he stood there his friend behind him. ?Get dried and get these on.? He held up a pair of completely see through plastic panties in his hand. ?You?ve got an appointment, Ysoseff wants you.? Peter?s heart leapt at the mention of that name, his face showing his immediate fear. ?Shift it or it?ll be really bad for you baby girl.? Peter finished drying, his fingers already trembling, he dared not touch his nipples or between his legs because he knew that he was already feeling the terrifying, humiliating arousal from just the mention of the old man?s name. The panties were a sheer latex and at Bruno?s friend?s direction he had to role it on until it clung to him like a second skin, little or no sign of his penis through it. Bruno kissed his friend on the lips and said something to him which they both laughed at. Then he steered peter out of the nursery back along the maze of corridors and steps down to the door to Yossef?s suite. Taking a light close link chain from his pocket, he clipped it to the loop on Peter?s collar, Peter was beginning to tremble all over now, the terror building inside him. Bruno clipped the other end of the chain to a steel ring set into the wall beside the door then he turned to Peter. ?Knock on the door and he will come for you.? He quickly retreated up the corridor, he was in no mood to see the evil old man today, at least the sissy would keep him happy for a while and keep him out of his hair. Again he struggled to understand why Larson would support the lunatic, perhaps he was just as bad, he gave up with his thoughts.

Same as A family Possessed Part 3 Videos

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Boarding School Encounter 02 Henrietta Possessed by the Lesbian Alien

Chapter Two: Henrietta Possessed by the Lesbian Alien By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “...henrietta...” The faint voice called to me as I floated through darkness. It was feminine, familiar. “...henrietta...” The voice grew a little louder, whispering across the void. I tried to move my body, but I didn't have one. That should frighten me, but it didn't. I imagined I frowned as I struggled to understand what was happening. “...henrietta...” I was at Kensington Boarding...

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Virtualy Possessed Part 1

Dreams, to Mal Darads, had always been the only worthwhile thing in his life. He couldn't believe that tomorrow, it would be over- his aspiration to create the first VR unit. Progress had been good, with the development of a super definition, naturalistic sound systems, and a chamber whose environment could be easily controlled. Yet, he wanted to go all the way, not just a 4d experience. So, when he had built a prototype for a visor that literally hijacked the mind and turned it into the...

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A Familly Possessed part 4

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The Passion of the PossessedChapter 3

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

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Possessed Part III

PART III * * * Aggression had always been part of Nathan’s psyche and had led him into trouble, arguably had even led him here to his mental prison. But this aggression had also meant Nathan was a fighter. He’d taking beatings from his dad and bullies. He’d survived in youth detention by ensuring his anger was channelled right when it was needed, and used as a weapon. Without his violent nature he would never have lived on the streets, clawing his way to the front of a mass of homeless...

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Possessed Part I

The old woman glanced up from her book to see the kindly gent from two doors down take his evening constitutional. For over a year now, without fail, she had watched him leave his house and struggle up the incline bearing greater weight on his stick with each day. In a passing conversation she wondered why he felt the need to go out as dusk fell and his strength waned, but his reply was merely a stubborn need to leave the house. She sighed and returned her gaze to her book giving no further...

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I walk to the door, I’m sure you can hear my heels outside the door. I knock softly. My heart is racing, just like every time. Excited, nervous, anxious, eager. I’m smoothing my skirt for the millionth time as you open the door. My eyes find your face and we both begin to grin at one another. You take my hand and pull me into the room and your embrace. I wrap my arms around your waist and snuggle into you as you shut the door. I inhale deeply and feel my muscles relax. “Hello my sweet” “Hi” ...

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The Virgin Possessed

Freedom. I burst out of the depths of the earth into the sunlight, and savored my freedom. Long had pain and fire and darkness chained me. But I had slipped my bonds. I would not go back. Here was light and life and wonderful impurity. Lust brimmed in the world—filthy, depraved, selfish desire. It was— Purity marred it. A scent of lilac, so innocent and pure, nauseated me, begging for defilement. A need filled me, forming an ache between my disembodied thighs and hardening my ethereal...

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Ariana Grande Possessed For Revenge

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Possessed by a Demon

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I walk to the door, I’m sure you can hear my heels outside the door. I knock softly. My heart is racing, just like every time. Excited, nervous, anxious, eager. I’m smoothing my skirt for the millionth time as you open the door. My eyes find your face and we both begin to grin at one another. You take my hand and pull me into the room and your embrace. I wrap my arms around your waist and snuggle into you as you shut the door. I inhale deeply and feel my muscles relax. “Hello my sweet” “Hi” I...

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The Passion of the PossessedChapter 2

The ancient female Ghoul was quite content in Debbie's pretty young body. She had already enjoyed depraved sexual relations with Debbie's married boss who was overly obsessed with female posteriors. It had come as a shock to her that the shy passive girl was into such sordid activities. Even the spirit world often underestimates the capacity of humans to delve into such dark and disgusting nocturnal dirty deeds. She had already found the collection of dildos and the condom boxes in...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 46 Possessed

The arena was quiet and still. The growing invisible pressure was already at a staggering level. The spectators were sweating in expectation and excitement. It almost seemed that the viewers of this battle were even more anxious for it to start than the duo standing in the arena. James stood in a very relaxed manner, half facing Sword Girl, with his scimitar and pistol just dangling at the side. The Sword Girl lowered her stance with her left hand sitting on the sheath and the thumb touching...

1 year ago
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Family Pool Party

Foreword This is a story I found in my projects folder, already mostly written, with no notes. What that usually means is that I read a story somewhere that inspired me either to rewrite it, or write my own story based on the same plot idea. Sometimes those happen late at night, and I get this idea and I write most or all of a story, until I get sleepy. I think that’s what happened here. But if that’s what happened, I didn’t keep a record of whose story gave me the idea. So if this sounds...

2 years ago
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My first encounterin a train compartment

My first encounter...in a train compartment.It was almost exactly a year since my 'Changing Room' incident that was revealed in my previous story. I was a year older, but was I any wiser? I'd been working away from home for the whole of my summer holidays and it was time to return there, and then within days back to school. I was 16 and had been 'sort of apprenticed' to a foreman in charge of refurbishing shops for the last 6 weeks. The job wasn't really the type most schoolboys got in their...

2 years ago
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Family Rituals

She had thought it was good news, not even sure how she ended up in this position Family RitualsCopyright 2006Co-Written by Powerone and SummerElizabeth8 M+/F, incest, oral, anal, mast    Chapter 1The Marriage Proposal  She had thought it was good news, and wasn?t even sure how she ended up in this position.?? Her parents had always been strict, not strict in the same sense that others used it, but strict in the sense of corporal punishment.? And it wasn?t just her, but also her mother,...

2 years ago
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Family Found Part 4 Finale

The kids were told to put away their things and get ready for lunch. Both were unsure what to do as the two didn't want to go into the wrong room especially as the twins were going to move in over the weekend. Paige led them up to the rooms and told them either of the smaller rooms was fine. Anne chose the room off front porch while Hugh chose the one overlooking the backyard, she liked the early morning sunlight while he liked the trees and shade. As they were putting away their...

2 years ago
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Family First

Family First By: Light Clark Synopsis: Adam had always known his family was unlucky. Since before he was even born, it seemed like misfortune was just drawn to them. Now a grown man and off in the army, he'd thought that string of bad luck had finally come to an end, but apparently, life had one more curveball to throw his way. Warning: This story takes place in my Tannen universe and contains spoilers for events in Trials of Tannen 04: The Sword That Was Lost. It is not necessary...

2 years ago
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Family Found Part 2

Paige and Bryan went to bed with an ominous feeling as Valerie Finn didn't mince words when things are getting serious. They had to cancel their plans to visit some of the children's activities but it wasn't catastrophic to their week. The girls would be fine riding horses and playing with Lucy while helping Chef Paine with some of the meal preparations, something that Elise had always enjoyed but never let anyone else know. If they were lucky, Hamish Paine may come by to see them and...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1 The week before school vacation is always a tough week, but for the large Finn Family this 2nd week of February was the toughest. It started with a wedding but quickly turned into fear and anxiety as two members of the family went into premature labor. Marcus Quentin Sylvester, the elder by one minute, was alright but Brent Louis Jones, the younger of the two, was in very real danger. Brent had trouble breathing and was on the small side for babies at his state of...

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Family Found Part 3

In the morning, the girls were tough to awaken as they were a bundle of nerves and fearful of what the kids would do. They showered and ate breakfast, then dressed in silence while Paige gathered her work before heading to the school. All seven were going to the school so there was no denying they were all a family and may get some of the biggest jerks to eat crow about Elise being a bastard or unwanted. The drive was short but it felt like hours to the girls. They were scared but...

1 year ago
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Family Found Part 1

Late September, 2037 It has been over 22 years since the "Finn Family" was established as the family knew it. Over that time, the family saw their youngest members born then grow into kids and teens and finally find their roles in life. Some were still finding their way but had the family to help them along their paths in life. Not everyone in the famly had it easy. There usual were bouts of illness, the unfortunate passing of four elders of the family, and fighting typical bigotry...

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