Guild Promotions free porn video

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Guild Promotions By: Lyrissa "Hey Nyrenna, I love your new outfit" The tall, imperious night elf woman turned her head slightly with a distinct sneer on her pretty face. She knew that voice better than she wanted to and as such didn't slow down or stop on her way to the door. "Mmmmm-mmmm, appreciate the view!" another voice chimed in. "How about as an officer you give us a little 'training', huh?" "Maybe a little bit of an exercise?" As Nyrenna huffed and stomped off out through the door, Alden Glenn and Syrius Windleaf chuckled and bumped their fists together, leaning back in their chairs. Alden was a young human male of a decently muscled build with fair hair and pale skin, dressed in the rugged clothes of an outdoorsman. A gun rested against the wall next to him and his boots were still very dirty after days of tracking, something the rugs in the guild hall now amply demonstrated. His comrade was a night elf man and thus much taller than Alden, yet Syrius gave a more willowy and slender appearance despite his size. As a druid in training, Syrius wore simple robes which were open down his chest to show off his hard muscles and purple skin, and his neck-length dark purple hair seemed very exotic next to the earth tones of his companion. "I don't think she'll go for it," said Alden with mock sadness in his voice. "How can she resist our charms, Alden?" the night elf responded, grinning widely like a large feline. "We're two virile young males, and she's a nubile female." "And clearly interested by the way she looks and acts," Alden said with a nod, taking a sip from his mug of ale. "Clearly. She likes to tease us by playing hard to get, I'm sure." There was a scoff of disgust from across the room, and Alden and Syrius just barely glimpsed the exotic form of Rinara, the draenei paladin. She walked up the stairs to the second floor after giving the two men the same kind of look that you would expect of someone finding a bug underneath their boot. The light clop of the draenei woman's hooves vanished up the stairs as the two men hooted a bit and waved their arms. "Hey Rinara!" "Come back!" "We thought we'd team up to do some heavy questing!" "Don't you want us watching your rear?" When it became obvious that the draenei was not returning, nor dignifying them with a response, the two men returned to drinking and talking casually about their recent adventures. Alden had been exploring the wilds, searching for a marauding band of satyrs. He boasted wildly to his night elf companion about how grateful the ranger woman giving him the mission had been afterwards and how she'd been very eager to 'reward' him. In return, Syrius spun a fanciful tale of searching for a lost memento for a young maiden, who was so grateful upon the druid returning it to her that she even invited her sister in to 'celebrate'. Whether either man believed the story of the other was up for debate, but the important part was trying to out-do each other in how good they could make themselves look. "And then I took my leave, promising that I would return soon. And they said they would invite some friends over," Syrius said, taking a deep swig from his mug. "An impressive story, my friend," Alden said. "But I have something even more spectacular to tell you. Have you ever heard of the beautiful Vanessa VanCleef, leader of the Defias Brotherhood? Well, it just so happens-" "Ahem" The hunter and druid both turned their heads at the sound and found themselves looking up at a stern-looking human woman with long, wheat- blonde hair arranged in a strict braid. She stood with her slender arms folded across her chest, looking distinctly unhappy. Her flowing gold and white vestments looked almost pristine standing so close to the two dirty men at the table. "Ah, Mistress Vivian," Alden said with a pleasant, confident smile. "I hope the day treats you well?" "Guild mistress," Syrius added with a nod. The priestess huffed a little, flicking a strand of errant hair from her forehead and flipping it back across the elaborate gold headband that rested on her brow. Her blue eyes bored into Alden and Syrius and her lips pursed in yet another derisive huff. "You two need to follow me. We need to talk," she said curtly. The human and night elf at the table looked at each other and an unspoken agreement flickered between them. As one man they turned back to their guild master and rose to their feet, affecting clumsy bows. "We are at your service," Alden said. Viviane did not appear to be impressed by their seeming compliance. The priestess shrugged and studied the unkempt state of the two with an inscrutable expression, then waved for them to follow her as she turned and walked off into the guild hall. Her soft boots made barely any noise as she seemed to almost float across the thick rug with Alden and Syrius simply trudging around clumsily in her wake, their grace impeded by the alcohol. "Where are we going, milady?" Syrius asked with some uncertainty to his normally confident voice. "My quarters," Viviane responded. "We need to have a talk which is long overdue." The hunter and druid exchanged another glance, filled with mischievous intent. Alden straightened himself up a little extra, walking very cockily after her. "Ah, our promotions. I knew it was about time, didn't you Syrius?" "I had my suspicions. One cannot employ such fine, promising adventurers without rewarding them properly," the night elf added with an airy tone. "Perhaps our mistress wants to personally reward us for our patience in serving the guild?" Viviane showed no sign of reacting to the gentle teasing of the two men, and simply turned to begin scaling a narrow spiral staircase leading up. She led the two past several floors dedicated to living quarters for members, recreational rooms and other public spaces, ever upward. "You are correct in that I have had my eyes on you for some time," Viviane said and the two men elbowed each other and winked. "But not exactly for the reason you believe." "Huh? We're not getting our promotions?" Alden asked. "But we've been with the guild for over a year now! We're tired of being treated as junior members!" Syrius added. Viviane led the two onto the landing of the top floor of the house and over towards a large door, which she casually unlocked and opened, showing the two inside. Neither of them had ever been on this floor before, much less passed through the doorway, so they had no idea what to expect. They found themselves standing in a large but sparsely furnished room. Large bookcases rested against the stone walls, and a small fireplace provided some extra warmth. There was a reading table next to a pane-glass window, and a smaller doorway through which a bed chamber could be glimpsed. There appeared to be an unusually large bed in there, which didn't escape the roving eyes of the two men. "She wants us," Alden whispered to his companion. "Someone as frigid as her has to be really freaky in bed." "A threesome?" Syrius whispered back. "Well if I have to share I suppose I must." "Gentlemen," Viviane said from behind them as she closed and locked the door. "We have something to discuss, and it is vital to your continued activity in this guild. Have a seat if you would." She gestured towards simple but comfortable looking wooden chairs, and Alden and Syrius shuffled over to sit down. Viviane remained standing, looking more imposing than ever despite her short stature as she strode in front of them. "To make this frank, I've received some complaints about your behaviour towards your guild mates." "That's unfortunate, but we-" "A lot of complaints," Viviane stated coldly, cutting Alden off. "You two behave like pigs that just escaped from the sty." The two men blanched a bit at the frank statement. "Pigs?" Syrius asked. "Milady, that is hardly fair, we have-" "You have constantly been acting as if you were purely thinking with your loins towards your female guild mates. While I am certainly not against some sexual adventures, nor some friendly teasing, what you two are doing is getting on everybody's nerves. You don't just flirt, you impose yourselves on people who show no interest, make aspirations about their desires, and you are just generally acting like a pair of idiots." "Now hold on just a moment-" "Silence!" Viviane snapped, and Syrius went quiet. Her tone was still very controlled, but also had a stern, firm authority which brooked no protest. The two had always found their guild leader very imposing, and now she was even more so, appearing to have become a towering presence in the room. "Is it so hard for you two clods to understand that when a woman says they're not interested, they really aren't interested? Is it so hard to not treat your fellow guild mates like they were cheap prostitutes?" "In our defence, some of them like to dress like they were!" Alden blurted. He felt Viviane's eyes bore into him, and against his will averted his eyes, staring down at the shadows thrown on the rug by the flickering fire. "They can dress any way they want, and they're not dressing up for you. Is that clear, gentlemen." Both nodded and murmured their assent. "I don't believe you, I'm afraid," she said with a sigh. "You two have all the hallmarks of a pair of horny dogs who will try to hump anything that looks remotely female. And that is disrupting the happiness of and peace of the guild, and I simply cannot allow that. The only logical solution is to expel you both from the guild, effective immediately." Alden rushed to his feet so fast his chair was knocked over and thudded to the floor. "Hold on mistress! That's too much! We're just joking around, honest." "We can change, I swear!" Syrius added, gripping the handrests of his chair so hard his knuckles turned white. "Please do not expel us, we have tried so hard to get approved..." "Please, we'll do anything!" Alden shouted. Viviane's stern face suddenly brightened, and a grin which was very unlike what either man expected from their guild master settled on her lips. "Well there is a way I could be convinced to allow you two a second chance." "Anything. We'll do it." "Just tell us what we need to do!" Viviane strode over towards the small doorway, waving for them both to follow. Syrius stood up and followed his friend over, with both of them being very confused at Viviane's sudden change of demeanour. As they entered her bedchamber, the two blinked and looked around. The priestess strode over to a large, ornate wardrobe settled against the far wall, and withdrew a slender silver key from her robes with which she unlocked the heavy oak door. She didn't open the wardrobe yet, however. "You two need some sensitivity training. I am willing to give it to you," she said. The hunter and druid looked at each other in utter confusion. Their guild mistress hadn't seriously just gone from being angry at them to inviting them into her bedchamber, had she? But neither was going to stare this gift horse in the mouth just yet. "Of course," Alden said. "We'll do anything to prove ourselves," Syrius agreed. "Excellent. Then I have something for you," Viviane said and swung the doors of the wardrobe open. Alden and Syrius both stared at the contents of the open wardrobe, then at each other. Then at Viviane, who maintained a very calm smile. Then back at the wardrobe. "What in the name of the Light is going on here?" Alden said, walking over urgently to prod at one of the objects warily, as if it would bite him. Syrius approached slowly and leaned in to get a better view, but Viviane waved the two away and leaned in to retrieve the two hangers and their contents. She held up what appeared to be empty skins of a female blood elf or high elf and a female human. Both skins were unnaturally pristine, with smooth, unblemished hides, full heads of hair and even minute details such as genital folds and nails perfectly preserved. Alden poked the blood elf skin and recoiled, staring back at the guild master with an incredulous expression. "Magical bodysuits," Viviane said casually. "They are made by powerful mages for spying and infiltration. And no, they are not taken from real people. They are cooked up with alchemical methods." Syrius lifted the human suit a little, marvelling at how soft the short bob of black hair was and how well-crafted the empty curves of the suit were. It was like a perfect cast of a living woman, with only a long gash going down her front from just under the chin to her labial lips betraying its artificial nature. He curiously poked the metallic tab at the end of the open seam. "Okay... so we have some kind of... weird magical disguises. What do those have to do with me and Syrius?" Alden said, calming down a bit from his initial fear at the sight of the odd objects. "Simple," Viviane said and tossed the elf suit at Alden and the human suit at Syrius. "You two are going to wear these. Right now." The human and night elf both caught the suits out of reflex, but Syrius visibly blanched. "What, put these on? For what purpose? That is perverse, why would we dress as women?" He threw the human suit disdainfully to the floor, treading on it as he stepped in closer to Viviane to meet her gaze. Alden didn't say anything, turning over the fair, blonde-haired suit in his hands thoughtfully. Viviane seemed utterly calm despite the druid's outburst. "Make no mistake, Windleaf, I believe you two clowns have potential. If I didn't think you both had important qualities that the guild needs I would have kicked you out weeks ago. But I have instead been patient and given you new chances, each of which you have squandered. And so I am forced to demand a test of obedience from you. You need to experience humility and see what it's like for the other side of your constant machismo, and with these suits you can." Syrius growled, his face growing darker as rage trickled into his expression. "And if we don't agree to this... perverse game?" The priestess shrugged, and didn't lose her patient smile. "Then you are free to leave the guild right now. You will clean out your quarters and be gone within the hour." The tension between the night elf and guild master was almost palpable, like an electric charge in the air. Then Alden stepped in between them, the blood elf skin tucked under one arm. "We should do it, Syrius. I don't want to go back to looking for another guild. This place is nice and the rooms are warm and comfortable." The night elf blinked, but his rage visibly cleared when his friend stepped in. "Alden, you're seriously suggesting we go along with this?" The hunter nodded. "She clearly has something in mind, and I'm sure it will just be a short test. Right, mistress?" Viviane nodded in agreement. "Only a short trial, yes." "So what do we have to lose by trying it out? If we walk out now we'll be kicked out for sure and months of work will be for nothing." Syrius grumbled and looked between the two humans with a critical, doubtful stare. Finally he sighed deeply and reached down to pick the suit back up from the floor. "I... suppose we might give it a try at least," he said finally, after a long deliberation. "What is required?" Viviane seemed very pleased by the resolution. She casually cast a glance at Alden, especially at his pants which now displayed a rather noticeable bulge. She gave the hunter a brief wink before turning to address Syrius again. "You wear these suits for twenty-four hours. You don't have to leave my quarters if you don't want to. If you complete the full time I will let you stay in the guild. It's a test of patience and humility." "That doesn't sound bad," Alden said, forcing a slight smile onto his lips. He was sweating a little now, especially where he was holding the skinsuit. "During the test you will act as the people you are disguised as, to the best of your ability." "Like women, you mean?" Syrius said with a derisive snort. "Do you think there's anything wrong with being a woman, Windleaf?" Viviane said with an icy tone. "Perhaps you would rather go looking for a new place to stay?" "...fine. Alright," The night elf said. "So how do we do this?" "Undress fully and put the suits on using the seams, then tug them shut and the magic will start working. You can use the main room if you want, just close the curtains first." Syrius looked extremely doubtful still, turning the weird object in his hands over, but Alden patted him on the shoulder. "Just relax, it'll be fun. We always liked looking at cute girls, now we get a much better view," he said with a slightly nervous laugh. "He's right," Viviane added. "Think of them as the ultimate slutmog, as you call them." The two men turned and walked back out into the main room of Viviane's quarters, where the fireplace still roared and provided a nice, dry heat. They went around the room carefully closing the heavy curtains to prevent anyone outside from glimpsing anything (even if they were on the third floor). As the room became a darker, the druid and hunter exchanged another glance, with Syrius still seeming doubtful. Alden however attempted to appear as casual as he could, shrugged and laid the suit out on the back of the sofa. Then he began taking his clothes off, quickly unstrapping his leather armor and kicking off the boots. "I can't believe we're doing this," Syrius said. "Dress up as women..." "Come on, Syr. It's for a good cause. We have a good gig here, let's not ruin it yet, huh?" "Fine," the night elf said and began to pull his heavy robes up over his head. "But don't say I didn't warn you." "What's the worst that could happen?" Alden said with a laugh as he lobbed his pants onto the couch. "She pulls the doors open and shows us in our fancy girl-suits to the whole guild? Takes some pictures?" Syrius shrugged sullenly and continued stripping. He cast a glance over at his human friend to note that Alden was sporting quite an erection as the human dropped his underpants to the floor. Then Alden picked the blood elf suit up, spread it wide with his hands and began wiggling his legs into it. Syrius followed suit, lobbing his underwear into the pile of his robe and began working himself into the much smaller human bodysuit. Alden managed to slip his thicker arms into the much more slender ones of the suit and chuckled as he wiggled his fingers into the finely-manicured ones of the empty skin. Syrius rolled his eyes as he tried slipping his large manhood in between his legs with some difficulty. The suit was extremely tight for him and it took some effort to force his meat down between his legs, wedged in between the realistic labial lips of the suit and his own legs and crotch. Alden wiggled his torso to slip the shoulders of the suit over his own. In contrast with his friend he had slipped his thick erection between his washboard stomach and the suit, turning away to hide it from Syrius. He pulled up the seam a bit but was dismayed at the very visible bulge still showing. Sighing he lifted the empty mask of the suit up, making sure the mass of blonde hair and floppy pointed ears didn?t get in the way. Then he began tugging it down over his own head. Syrius had just managed to get the arms of his suit on, and was struggling with the human skin as it was very tight on his large body. Alden managed to get the smaller mask over his face, grunting a bit as his three-day stubble scratched the inside of the suit. The chin was not even remotely shaped like his own lantern jaw, but all he could do was arrange the nose, mouth and eyeholes over his own as well as he could. As vision returned when he aligned the eye holes, he reached down to his groin, and with a trembling hand he grabbed the tab and began pulling it upwards. ?By the Light!? Syrius spun around at the feminine yelp and was stunned at what he saw. Instead of Alden standing there in a ridiculously stretched-out and deformed female blood elf skinsuit there was a living, breathing elf girl, with long golden blonde hair brushing her back, large doe-like eyes glittering with green and milky pale skin. She gasped and flexed her slender hands, feeling under her neck, tugging at her ears and reaching a hand down between her legs. ?It worked. By all that is holy, it worked!? she said and suddenly started giggling. ?This is amazing, Syrius you have to try it!? Before Syrius could protest, the blood elf stepped in close and began helping him into his own suit. He reluctantly had to admit that her soft, nimble hands were very helpful in getting the troublesome rubbery disguise on. She beckoned him to sit down and then pulled the mask over his head, folding his long ears up inside it and brushing out the short bob of raven black hair. Then, reaching around Syrius? waist, the blood elf Alden grabbed hold of the tab at the bottom of the seam and quickly began tugging upwards, scared that the suit might at any moment rip due to the massive man within it. As the seam closed, Syrius felt himself increasingly encased in a warm, hot darkness. The touch of his friend made his manhood stiffen uncomfortably between his legs, and he was certain he would tear the skin into shreds at any moment. Then he felt the soft hands of the elf girl tug the tab up under his chin, and suddenly the world spun and grew. ?B-by Elune...? he stammered, then realized the voice was not his own. Taking the offered helping hand of the blood elf, Syrius got to his feet and was led over to a large mirror resting between two of the bookcases. Staring back from it was a cute black-haired young human woman and a beautiful blonde blood elf, neither betraying a hint of masculinity or their real identity. ?It worked,? the human said, touching her neck. ?I can still feel the catch, but it?s barely visible.? ?Isn?t it amazing,? said the blood elf, smiling broadly and showing her pearly teeth. ?We?re girls, Syrius! For real!? ?Yes... amazing,? the human woman said, hefting her soft breasts in her hands and cooing a little at the pleasure. ?What I always wanted, become one of my own fantasies...? ?Oh it?s not so bad, you?re super cute!? said Alden. ?I?m sure you could charm anyone you wanted!? ?I?m not going out like this!? Syrius said. ?Nor do you have to,? Viviane?s voice said from behind them. The two disguise women spun around and their eyes went wide at what they saw. Walking out of the bedroom door was a weird, freakish looking figure. It was a muscular male draenei, his large broad chest heaving with every breath and a large member dangling firmly between his muscular thighs. And then, perched incongruously on top of his blue body was the grinning head of Viviane. The priestess chuckled as she walked her massive male body closer to the other two, causing Syrius to shrink back a bit. ?Oh don?t be shy. It?s time we got to know each other better,? she said. ?Hold on, what is this? I thought this was a test of humility?? Syrius sputtered in her still unfamiliar feminine voice. ?Why are YOU dressed up?? ?I wouldn?t want to force you girls to spend the day and night alone, silly,? said Viviane, casually strolling around and sitting down wide- legged in one of the chairs. ?I?ll keep you company in my own favourite skin.? ?Sounds fair,? Alden said. ?Come on Syrius we-? ?No, this is weird. She?s trying to force us into some kind of... deviant orgy.? The draenei-bodied priestess sighed and leaned forward, resting on her elbows. ?No, look. I?m challenging you two to stay in those suits for twenty-four hours. Nothing else. But I?m going to have some fun during that time, practice some role-playing and maybe more. You?re welcome to join me. Or you can sit in a corner and sulk. I won?t force you either way.? ?Syrius...? Alden whispered, her hand firm on the human woman?s shoulder. ?Alright fine,? Syrius said. ?But no funny business.? ?I promise,? Viviane said and began tugging the male draenei mask up over her own head. *** ?More wine, Willow?? the draenei said in his deep, accented voice, holding the crystal carafe up so its crimson contents could glitter in the light. The human woman giggled. ?No, I don?t want to get drunk.? ?Good plan,? he said, putting the container back down. His hand gently massaged Willow?s left breast while his other hand rested between the legs of the blood elf lass. Together they had decided on the name Willow for Syrius while he was in the human suit, Tianne for Alden in his blood elf disguise and Vedar for Viviane?s draenei. They had spent the afternoon at first reading and talking, trying to get into character as their roles. Then as evening approached, the two disguised men had loosened up a little and become more playful, and they had started playing games and teasing each other. Vedar was very impressed by how the machismo-laden two men had started to adapt to their disguises, and was constantly testing them with little questions of their personality and background, enjoying the back-and- forth repartee. The girls on their hand were starting to appreciate their disguises more and more, enjoying the sensation of being so pretty and curvaceous, with so many sensitive areas they had never dreamed about. Flirting had become petting, and now, as night had fallen outside the windows of the quarters, the trio had migrated into Viviane?s bedroom. Perched on the spacious bed, they were stroking each other, kissing and probing and exploring the new sensations their disguises provided. Viviane was no stranger to the disguises, but every time she was suited together with a new partner it was like the first time all over again. She hadn?t believed that Willow would be interested in this sort of intimacy, but the disguised night elf had loosened up significantly when she had started to realize that this wasn?t some demeaning prank. Now she acted and talked more and more like a human lady by the moment, and Vedar found himself growing very hard. ?Ladies, you must understand this is definitely not a mandatory part of the test,? he said, smiling as he flicked a golden lock from Tianne?s forehead. ?Is it improving our chances, though?? the blood elf cooed, running a ringer down the draenei?s muscular chest. ?Definitely,? he said with a grin, leaning over to kiss her. ?Then let?s do it,? Willow whispered as she stroked his manhood with one hand. ?I?m not letting the chance of experiencing... everything... this suit has to offer go that easily.? ?Don?t worry,? Vedar said. ?I?m good at this.? ?Are you now?? Tianne asked with a giggle. ?Lots of practice,? he said as he guided Willow in front of him, lifting her slender, tanned body with his massive hands. The human girl groaned as she was slowly, agonizingly lowered onto Vedar?s member which forced her already wet slit wide open as it pushed deep into her. Wrapping her legs around his waist for stability, she began bouncing up and down as he thrust into her. Tianne was behind Willow, reaching around to massage her breasts and kissing her neck. ?Come on dear, don?t be shy. Join in,? Vedar said, pointing behind Willow?s back at Tianne?s groin. He pinched his fingers together around nothing and mimicked an up-and-down motion towards Tianne?s groin. The blood elf blinked and initially had no idea what her male partner intended. Willow was bouncing up and down on Vedar?s thick meat already, groaning as her body was wracked by waves of pleasure. Tianne reached down to her groin and experimentally felt around her snatch, which gained her a nod from Vedar. Willow had no idea what was going on, so enraptured was she by her first time having sex as a woman. As Tianne felt around her groin, her fingers pushed past her labial lips and she whimpered as she brushed her clitoris with her long nails. Then she felt a small, hard nub on the wall of her vagina, and suddenly she realized what Vedar was hinting at. As Willow continued taking in the draenei?s length, Tianne grabbed hold firmly and pulled at the object inside her sex. ?Mmm, this is so good. I never knew...? Willow purred, kissing Vedar?s cheek passionately. ?It?s about to get better,? the draenei said. Tianne pulled out Alden?s long, rock hard manhood from between her lower lips, stroking the veiny member with her slender hands. Then, unable to resist the urge, she shuffled closer and prodded the rim of Willow?s rump with the head of Alden?s penis. The human girl blinked but couldn?t turn around fully. Tianne teased a little more before she began pushing into the human?s rear, spearing her from behind as Vedar speared her from the front. Willow gasped as she was filled and shook as she became the filling between her two partners. Tianne began thrusting in rhythm with Vedar, finally able to release the forbidden pleasure that Alden experienced at the whole situation. Tianne briefly wondered whether Viviane had suspected that Alden had a secret interest in being a girl, but decided that it was probably just a lucky guess. A very lucky guess. Willow bounced as they thrust harder and harder into her. At that moment both of the woman-suited men felt a burning, primordial passion for each other and for their draenei partner which they had never felt in their real identities. It was as if turning female and sleeping together was changing the respect and friendship they had shared as long as they had known each other into red-hot passion. Neither had even considered the other as a sexual partner before, but now they could barely contain themselves. Willow?s hands were wrapped around Vedar?s neck and Tianne?s hands were massaging Willow?s breasts while the blood elf kissed her from behind. The massive draenei enjoyed every little gasp caused by his manhood twitching inside of Willow as well, and leaned over her shoulder to exchange a deep kiss with the blood elf. The trio were locked together like that for what seemed like eternity. There was nothing except their sweaty, hot bodies grinding against the others, nothing except the steamy hot air of the bedroom. Willow?s entire thought process was occupied with being the sheath for her two partners, and Tianne and Vedar wished for nothing but to fill the cute raven-haired girl. They didn?t speak for there was nothing to say, only pure unguided animal passion. Both the women had realized that putting the suits on really had changed their perspective on the world, and that they could never have felt this kind of intimacy before. And so, when Vedar cried out and released his load inside Willow, Tianne orgasmed a moment later and locked them in an even tighter embrace. The hot juices of the three trickled down their grunting, thrusting forms onto the covers, soaking and soiling their skin on the way. Willow felt like she was being filled by a broken dam and almost thought she would burst asunder from the twin forces erupting inside her. She cried out as well, and they clung together as their collective orgasm climaxed and began to subside. Panting and moaning, the three kissed and fondled as Tianne and Vedar emptied the last of their loads into the human girl and withdrew. The blood elf flopped over and slowly, laboriously managed to work Alden?s messy, soaked manhood back into her slit and seal it up, leaving her soiled by her own masculine juices. Willow turned over and kissed the other girl full on the mouth and Vedar just stretched out and relaxed. ?Oh my... heavens...? Willow moaned, finally finding her brain able to formulate coherent thoughts again. ?D-did we pass the test?? ?Passed with flying colors,? said Vedar, gently patting her head, leaving thick white streaks in her black hair. ?You both seem to have opened your eyes to a new side of life. I knew you were both good people down underneath that surface of arrogance and narcissism.? ?You?re right,? Tianne said, cooing as she rubbed her sensitive nipples. ?I love this feeling. I had no idea it could be like this. This is more than a test for me, it?s an eye-opener.? ?Me too,? Willow said, staring up into the ceiling. ?I almost...? ?Almost don?t want it to stop?? Tianne asked. ?Yeah.? Vedar turned over, resting his head on one hand as he grinned at the girls. ?Well. Either way, you are both approved to continue in the guild.? ?Yay!? both women cheered. ?In... whichever forms you prefer.? Vedar added. ?We?ll work something out.? Willow blinked, and looked over at Tianne. The blood elf gasped. Then they both grinned. -End-

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OnlyFans girls have exploded in popularity in the last couple of years. They have been an instant hit with many guys, such as myself. What can I say? I’m a sucker for real amateur girls showing me their pussies! I can’t help it! Before OnlyFans, we had cam girls, and before those, we had porn. We still have all those things, so it might be the case that something else is better for you instead of OnlyFans. But, if you’re like me and you like following hot girls online and waiting for them to...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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The Wifes promotion

With the last few items shoved into my clothing bag, I zipped it up and placed it along with my wife's into our car. Going back inside I walked into the kitchen where Joyce, my wife, was finishing up her breakfast. "Ready for the trip?" I asked her. With a mouth full of food she smiled and nodded. We were on our way this morning to a nice resort hotel a few hours away. My wife works in sales for a large national company and for the past year, she had done well and had been invited to the...

4 years ago
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The Promotion

My husband John was going to finally get his well deserved promotion and for the last couple of days that was all he could talk about. This evening as we sat in the dining room finishing our dinner he stared talking about it again. "God Gloria, I can't believe it, they're really going to promote me this time. I just can't believe that Rick is really going to do it. Christ honey, it means a $30,000 a year raise and an extra week's vacation. And I'll get the corner office; you know the one...

2 years ago
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The Good Wife and Her Husbands Promotion

He adjusted his tie in the mirror and then glanced over at his wife Patricia, sitting on the edge of the bed. She was adjusting her sheer tan lace topped stay up stockings. A sight that made his cock twitch. She stood and then played with the waist of her skirt, trying to push it down a little.“John, I think this may be a little too short for this business dinner. I mean I can see the tops of the stockings, and if I bend over, even just a little, I know someone could easily see my bum cheeks.”...

3 years ago
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Youre Not Getting that Promotion

You're Not Getting that Promotion I think you'll know where I'm coming from when I say that memories are tricky. Stuff that happened five, ten years ago sort of blurs together in your mind, and sometimes your memories seem to change to fit your personal narrative. There's this one thing that happened - or maybe didn't - about six, seven years ago. I was still at Parker, still in the copy department, and so was Joe. We were young, we were both junior copywriters; I worked mostly with...

2 years ago
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The Promotion

The Promotion Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I have to admit it. I looked pretty damned good! I didn't think it was possible, but my sister had helped me get ready, and under her guidance, I came out looking like a doll! Not as cute as Claire of course, but close! I had on a black sheath dress with gold and black earrings, a gold necklace, and shiny black heels. Under that I wore a pair of black panties, a lacy corsolet that held up the breast forms and stockings. My...

1 year ago
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The Promotion

"And the prize goes to Sam Clouston, congrats," the boss said, walking to him. "Sam, you're now the new manager of state sales," he said, shaking his hand too."Thank you, Mr. Lanon," Sam added.I crossed my arms and scoffed. "And what did Sam do to deserve that promotion? I know I worked my ass off this year; I'm not seeing the boss give me even a pat on the back," I whined, before I went to the bathroom.I went to the urinal and did my business.A few seconds later, the door opened. "Hey, Mark,...

2 years ago
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The Promotion

"Thank you, Mr. Lanon," Sam added. I crossed my arms and scoffed. "And what did Sam do to deserve that promotion? I know I worked my ass off this year; I'm not seeing the boss give me even a pat on the back," I whined, before I went to the bathroom. I went to the urinal and did my business. A few seconds later, the door opened. "Hey, Mark, did you hear the news?" Sam asked, as I heard footsteps. I looked to my side to see him next to me. "Yes, good for you, I guess. There was only...

3 years ago
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Last Saturday my wife Anne and I attended a party at my manager's house. My wife didn't want to go because she doesn't like John very much. She says she knows that John cheats on his wife and he is generally a jerk. I asked her to go to the party with me because I was up for a promotion and I didn't want to chance offending John, so Anne agreed to go to support me. John and his wife Susan live about ten blocks from us in a very nice, very expensive neighborhood. During the ride to John's...

1 year ago
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The Promotion

Introduction: Claires husband wants a promotion, his boss wants Claire. Claire sat by the phone looking at Freds card, thinking of the events of last weekend. Her husband was up for a promotion at his office, Fred was the head of the firm and the one who would decide whether or not he would get it. He had invited them to his cottage at the lake for the weekend to attend a party he was giving. He said it was a chance to get to know them better, something he liked to do when he had to decide who...

1 year ago
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"Honey, I'll be back tomorrow. It's only one night." Dan reassured his wife as he prepared to leave for Kwekwe. His wife Gemma nodded and looked reflective, rather than worried. "I'll be back tomorrow." Gemma nodded. He gave her a hug and a kiss and climbed into the car out of the hot sun. The gardener held the gate open for him, and he swept through. He had a two and a half hour drive and if he left now before it got dark he would be out of the city and on his way by the time night...

3 years ago
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Gina 3 The Promotion

Gina was very happy knowing her lover and neighbor Jake had given her a baby 3 1/2 months ago and now she wants her husband Dan to step up and be a better provider for her and her baby. Gina made a point of telling Dan repeatedly that he needs to promote. She was no longer the dependant wife lucky to have a place to live. She realized that she has the upper hand in the marriage now, no matter what happens Dan was going to take care of her and Jake's baby from now on. She decided Dan...

2 years ago
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Sally gets her promotion

Sally sucks and fucks her way to promotion.This is an account from just over a year ago when I put in for a promotion at work. I work in the health sector and my department is a male dominated environment. I had heard of girl’s giving the odd quick blowjob in a locked office to progress forward.My promotion was up while we where away on a training conference. Three nights in a Brighton hotel. What I had to do to gain promotion while there with my bosses was much more than just suck a cock…...

3 years ago
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Pauls Promotion

Paul's Promotion by Heather Alexander Edited by Donnatella839 Paul came out of the bedroom wearing his Monarch Hotel receptionist's uniform, (a midnight blue skirt suit worn over a powder blue silk blouse with a small red ribbon bow set under the collar). He wore light grey tights, black court shoes with a three-inch heel and his ears were decorated with two pairs of earrings, fancy silver danglers in the lower piercing and half-inch sapphire and zirconium clusters in the...

1 year ago
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The Promotion

I had submitted the story for a contest, unfortunately it didn't make it as a semi-finalist. Here it is! THE PROMOTIONbyJuniysa Serens Greg's thick, callused hands perspired with anxiety. For the past hour, he tapped his foot on the dark, rosewood floor as the man on the other side of the desk droned on his performance review. As the Directing Manager at the Ford Motors Company, Greg worked tirelessly perfecting the company's fleet of efficient, stylish, and durable automobiles. Sales, even in...

3 years ago
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The Promotion

Claire sat by the phone looking at Fred's card, thinking of the events of last weekend. Her husband was up for a promotion at his office; Fred was the head of the firm and the one who would decide whether or not he would get it. He had invited them to his cottage at the lake for the weekend to attend a party he was giving. He said it was a chance to get to know them better, something he liked to do when he had to decide who to promote. It had been a nice weekend with nothing out of the...

2 years ago
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Sister helps out with my promotion

living with mother and father about six years ago.She wanted to become a journalist and travelled around for a couple of years. When she returned home she got mixed up with some very unsavoury characters and eventually took off again with this guy, a real low life who was into everything...drugs, booze, you name it, he was into it. Pooja when young was a very sweet, beautiful girl, looking at her sat opposite me I realised she still was beautiful only now the look of innocence was gone and...

4 years ago
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My Promotion

Actually I guess I have only myself to blame. I mean I was the one that insisted that we invite my boss Roger to our pool party. My wife Dot (short for Dorothy) didn't want to invite him because he wasn't married and with two other couples it wouldn't be even. She has rules like that about stuff. I told her that he was in line for a promotion to corporate and that would mean that he would move to the twin cities and I was next in line in our division. The next day was Wednesday so I invited...

2 years ago
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Jiana Agrees for Promotion

Please read the as well for knowledge about the characters. That night was amazing with Renisa and my bhabhi. Renisa kept in contact with me and she kept mentioning that we should do that again. On the other side, Jiana was doing really well in her professional work life. She somehow managed her work and her higher studies and her escapades which always put me to think how amazing this woman was. Coming to her husband, he has stopped calling her on the weekends but I see his text message icon...

3 years ago
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Boss Had Dirty Sex Conditions For Promotion

Hello all, it’s me Preethi once again with a new sex experience. For readers who haven’t read my previous story, read it I am 30 years old, married and has a kid. My stats are 34D-28-32. These stories are my experiences which are mixed with some real-life incidents and some fantasies. These incidents happened during my first job. This is the story of how I got my promotion within one year of joining. It was during the annual performance review time. I was expecting a normal pay increase as I...

4 years ago
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Agent 13 The Promotion

My alarm went off as it always did at five thirty. I groggily reached over and pounded on the snooze button, practically breaking the alarm clock. I threw off my covers and lay there for a few minutes. I was completely naked, I never liked wearing clothes to bed and besides why should I? I live in a tiny apartment by myself and it's good for you to sleep naked. It lets the skin breathe. I roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm up...

3 years ago
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Getting the Promotion

I am a 30 year old regional sales manager happily married to my wife, Lindsey for 5 years now. She is 25 years old, a brunette with hair that just reaches her shoulders, 5’7′ tall and a body to die for. I was attracted to her the moment I saw her. This story also includes my boss, Bill Evans, who is 5 years older than me with a commanding attitude and a well built body to back it up.I arrived to work on Monday morning at 7:30 A.M. Just like any other morning, I reviewed the week’s tasks and...

2 years ago
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Denises Promotion

Denise’s Promotion Denise & her immediate bosses. Our story begins in Birmingham UK at a large public transport organisation, Denise was part of the Project Support for the teams. In her late twenties she was petite with a hint of Amber Rayne or Riley Reid the well known adult stars. She would normally wear trousers around the office and had an excellent pert tight bum and small breasts almost teenager like. Her dress would change to varying circumstances and a shortish skirt would appear...

2 years ago
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Getting the Promotion

I am a 30 year old regional sales manager happily married to my wife, Lindsey for 5 years now. She is 25 years old, a brunette with hair that just reaches her shoulders, 5'7" tall and a body to die for. I was attracted to her the moment I saw her. This story also includes my boss, Bill Evans, who is 5 years older than me with a commanding attitude and a well built body to back it up.I arrived to work on Monday morning at 7:30 A.M. Just like any other morning, I reviewed the week’s tasks...

2 years ago
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Wishbone Promotion

Namjin smiled. He had been dreading this meeting for a week, but now he knew that it would go well. Very, very well. He peeked into his shopping bag and smiled at the presents he had obtained for his boss. Then he clutched the wishbone that the little demon had given him. Yes, he would be promoted today. Of this he was quite certain. Shirley Johnson sat behind her desk and did not look up as Namjin entered her office. She had never showed him any sort of respect in all the years she had been...

2 years ago
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My wife looking for a promotion

My sweet wife came that evening from her office and told me we were invited to a staff party at her Boss house. I was not in the mood for that kind of goring parties; but Ana insisted. She was trying to get a higher position at work so she felt she should be present there.I laughed and asked her if she was ready to fuck her Boss to get a promotion. But she also laughed and said it would be very difficult, because the man was almost seventy years old…Oh yes, I replied, but he still had a...

2 years ago
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Earning a good promotion

I had arranged a meeting with my Boss at his office that afternoon; I wanted to ask him for a promotion, considering I was able to carry out some tasks that now were not being developed by anyone else.When I closed the door behind me, my Boos got up from his chair at his desk. Then I could see he had his pants at his ankles and his hard cock was slowly being stroked in his hand.The bastard had a terrible look of pure lust all over his face. I took a breath and grinned; knowing what he did want...

2 years ago
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Earning a good promotion

I had arranged a meeting with my Boss at his office that afternoon; I wanted to ask him for a promotion, considering I was able to carry out some tasks that now were not being developed by anyone else.When I closed the door behind me, my Boos got up from his chair at his desk. Then I could see he had his pants at his ankles and his hard cock was slowly being stroked in his hand.The bastard had a terrible look of pure lust all over his face. I took a breath and grinned; knowing what he did want...

2 years ago
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How Kenny got his promotion

For the last 15 years I have been working in the same boring office and as a result I have actually worked my way up to quite a high up position, my own parking space, my own office, all of those benefits you get, and as part of my job I am responsible for and have to support the work experience fellows we have that do general admin duties and sorting out mail, there's very rarely any complications.One day I'm just finishing up some paperwork and can't wait to get home as I have a nice a lovely...

3 years ago
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Promotion by Ellie Dauber Jeff Rayburn's phone buzzed. "Yeah," he said, leaning over his desk. "Boss wants you in his office in five minutes," came the voice of Janie, his secretary. "Right," Jeff said. He pushed himself away from his desk and stood up. He walked over to his office door and took his Jeffet off a hook. He put it on and ran his long fingers through his thinning gray hair. Then he checked a mirror hanging next to the hook to make sure his tie was straight. He...

2 years ago
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PROMOTE.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation "So it's settled, George," Louise said triumphantly to me. Denise starts working in Sales for me in two weeks. "Yes," I replied reluctantly. "I guess it's a better long term career opportunity. I cursed under my breath. I had only been with the company for four months as head of the two-person Marketing Research department (Denise and me), and now Louise was taking my entire staff. Louise smiled at me sweetly. She was one of the...

4 years ago
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Papa8217s Promotion

It was the summer of 1999 Shruti Saxena was a vivacious young 18 year old who had just made it to her dream college LSR. She had her life ahead of her and was looking forward to her 3 years of college bliss. However there were two things she badly wanted a maruti 800 AC to get her to college and back without the daily harassing journey on delhi’s infamous auto rickshaws or worse the blue line buses! She was literally prepared to screw for the car and enough money to maintain it over the next...

2 years ago
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The Promotion

"Guess what, Honey?" Maahir said in an excited voice on the other end of the call. "What?" Rubina asked with equal enthusiasm "I got the promotion!" Maahir said hardly able to keep his voice steady. "You are now talking to the Senior director of Marketing for the entire North East division!" "Wow!" Rubina exclaimed. "I am so proud of you, Jaan! I knew you could do it. All that hard work you've been putting is had paid off." "I couldn't have done it without you. You've been...

2 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 24 Ericas Promotion

ERICA'S PROMOTION Laura didn't really know what to do with herself once Amy had gone. She wasn't allowed to get dressed, and she couldn't watch TV. She thought about using her computer, but then remembered she would be naked and that her neighbour Ranjit could now see into her office from his backyard. The lounge room was the only room in the house screened from the outdoors, so Laura decided to sit there. At first, entirely without thinking, Laura sat on one of the regular,...

2 years ago
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The Promotion

It would be an understatement to say that Eric, my husband, was ambitious. He joined a local gym when he heard his boss was a member, dressed in a similar style, hoping to get noticed. We even moved into the same dockside apartment block as his boss, though we had a hokey little flat several floors below his boss's three bedroomed penthouse where he lived alone since divorcing his wife.     We started dropping into a wine bar which his boss frequented on Friday’s after work.Eric would have me...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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The Promotion

It would be an understatement to say that Eric, my husband, was ambitious. He joined a local gym when he heard his boss was a member, dressed in a similar style, hoping to get noticed. We even moved into the same dockside apartment block as his boss, though we had a hokey little flat several floors below his boss's three bedroomed penthouse where he lived alone since divorcing his wife.     We started dropping into a wine bar which his boss frequented on Friday’s after work.Eric would have me...

Wife Lovers
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The wifes promotion

Works Christmas party 1992. Promotion for my wife was not a certainty she'd have to go to an interview in the new year, but she really wanted this job more then anything. At the works Christmas party the party was held in the office. Food was brought in and everyone was told to take a bottle in and the party would start at 12 noon and finish at 7pm.My wife, Donna was 17 stone, 5'6", 44DD tits and this day she was dressed in a black dress, black stockings and red knickers. The first part of the...

4 years ago
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The Promotion

"Thank you very much, Mr. Halston, you won't be disappointed," James joked as he had been rewarded with the promotion he had been seeking for over a year now."You deserve it, James," Mr. Halston replied, "You've already thanked me with all the hard work you've done over he past year, which is why I'm sending you to Ms. Ligouri's office, she's expecting you Monday morning and will teach you everything you need to know about the position"And with that, James hung up and phone and took a long sigh...

2 years ago
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A different kind of promotion

Note: This is my very second story and although English is not my fist language, I tried that anyway to reach a broader audience. I hope it works out in the end and the grammatical and spelling errors don't distract too much. A different kind of promotion I was fine with my girlfriend, my job and everything else. Unfortunately I wasn't perfectly happy. And neither was my boss... ------------------------------------------------- It was around noon, when my boss came up...

2 years ago
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The promotion

"This promotion is as good as mine," Mike thought smugly as he leaned back in his office chair. "Monica put up more of a challenge than I thought, but at the end of the day a woman's duty is to serve," he mused as he pressed the button to his intercom. "Stacy come in here please." Outside Mike's office his personal secretary gritted her teeth as she listened to her obnoxious boss. "Coming sir," she sighed as she looked down at her bosses "dress code." She looked down at her ample...

3 years ago
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The Generals StoreChapter 3 Promotion

Hamlin had left the Maine Democratic Party to lead the Republicans. Butler had stayed in the Massachusetts Democratic Party except for a brief period as the gubernatorial candidate of the Massachusetts Southern Democratic Party. They were politically incompatible. On the other hand, Hamlin was an early advocate of colored troops, and so was Butler. The force that Butler proposed to raise would require only equipment to turn it into a grave threat to Jeff Davis, one that Davis couldn’t meet....

1 year ago
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Yes Sir Ill Do Whatever you Want My promotion

Gene had turned out quite the manipulative fuck, blackmailing my boyfriend’s father into giving up a considerable amount of money to his enterprise, although he didn’t need any of it. He simply made me roll around in some of it naked. In exchange Gene offered to keep what he knew quiet. Later I found out that the break up phone call I received from my boyfriend days later was also initiated as part of the deal. I did cry, although I don’t know why. I was fucking Gene almost every day and...

2 years ago
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Movie Promotion

Daisy Ridley is on her phone, going over the key talking points. Shes on her way to an interview as part of the promotional tour for the new Star Wars movie. Her latest stop is in Vietnam. She was in London yesterday and in Australia the day before. Shes a little worn out, but shes excited to promote the movie. Shes wearing a gray, backless dress that goes just above her knees. Her heels are off, Daisy wanting to relax her feet. Shes in the back of an Escalade. Her driver, a stocky vietnamese...

3 years ago
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My subordinate wants a promotion

Hahahah I laughed as my junior exec was standing in front of me with a proposal that he had worked pretty hard on I could tell asking for a promotion. Now don't get me wrong this young guy was a hard worker and he was able to help me with many of my projects but they were still my projects that I came up with and all he did was follow my lead. He was a good listener but was not able to think on his own and I was about to expose this little fact to him with this promotion I deal of his. Now let...

1 year ago
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Fucking for a job promotion

I love being shared between friends. I will fuck a guy multiple times over several months if he is willing to bring his friends to the party and share me around. I love the attention my body gets from a bunch of horny guys. Otherwise most guys are ‘fuck once and quit.’ This is the story of when I helped a guy friend, Jim, with his promotion by being shared by his boss, Marvin, and boss’s boss, Les. Marvin was the only black guy amongst the three. Both his bosses were married, but have been...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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I didnt knew my regional director was into thisall i tough about was my promotion once it was Christmas i had met him maybe 4 times, he was the regional director and wasnt here that muchi was tipsy about to leave the partywhen he salute me shook my hand with his big black hand ''congrats for the raise boy''''thanks Ed''''im going out where do yo live?''we were in his bmwhe was nice and cool for a 50yr old''this gonna sound weird but im divorced and i like cute white boy likes you very...

4 years ago
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Helping my hubby to get a promotion

That morning I was being fucked in a wild way by Jamal, my black personal trainer, when the cell phone rang.I did not answer, because Jamal had me on all fours and his huge hard dick was taking me at the verge of an intense orgasm.Then I came screaming like crazy.My black lover reached out to grab my phone and he laughed when he saw the lost call was from my loving hubby…Then he slipped out from my soaking cunt and slapped my buttocks I cried in pain as he gave my phone, saying it was time to...

2 years ago
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Game Of Promotion

It’s probably ma first story about my office’s hot milf Mukta. 30 years of age 36 30 36, a fabulous figure. She has very sexy lips too. Her dressing sense is very good. She often used to wear the clothes which suits her in which her figure comes out for the public. Mai uske affairs k baare me kaafi kuch jaanta hu. Wo kai logo ko apni jawaani ka ras pila chuki hai. Bahut sex bhara hai saali me. Ek baar hamara audit krne delhi se ek officer aaya. Aur hamara performance us samay kuch khaas achha...

3 years ago
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Darlene Promoted

On the way back to camp I was very conscious of my bald pussy, although it was a humiliating experience, in some ways it was quite pleasurable. Now as Darlene drove through the countryside I reflected on my feelings. I had noticed Margaret watching and she obviously enjoyed what she saw, not I began to wonder if she didn't have something to do with it. Darlene too watched without saying anything or trying to prevent what they did to me. But it was Margaret’s grin that was beginning to make me...

2 years ago
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Husband Wife And Sex For Promotion

I am Nandita , 86 born in the capital city of India. From my college days I was naughty type women with always my curves 34b 30 34 always makes me feel confident about myself. I had many hookups before marriage.. So lets get up to the point.(husband name is varun, boss name is ashok acharya and his wife name is pooja) rahul was working in a construction company as a marketing head. I often attend rahul office parties. And inke boss always kuch jyada friendly hote the mere saath. Pooja also had...

4 years ago
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Surfing Porn at the Office Can Lead to a Promotion

A new study recently released by researchers purports to show that men who surf porn at the office are up to 69 percent more likely to be promoted to a management position when compared to men who refrain from such activities.In another surprising discovery based on the same research, scientists reported that as many as 6.9 percent of male white collar employees spend at least two hours per day viewing pornography on any given work day, with Wednesday being the day of peak porn viewing...

1 year ago
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So I work as a teller at a bank.It's a Friday about 1 O'clock pm.I looked up and there was this well dress guy,even kinda cute for a black guy.I'm a Bi-sexual,Latino female in my early 30's.i noticed that my co-workers all women was moving a little fast to get this man at thier booth.after he made his transaction,with someone else.he could have went out of the door,but he came back to me,and spoke HELLO BEAUTIFUL,i smiled and said Hi.and he left.My co-worker said,he went out of his way to speak...

1 year ago
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The Promotion

Desiree sauntered down the stairs into the bright foyer, her heels neatly clicking on the rich hardwood. Summer had just started after a prolonged rainy spring. The new weather made her feel great. She wore a new outfit with freshly styled hair that matched her mood. As she entered the room, she could feel the approving gazes of the attendees. She could see their heads slightly turning out of the corner of her eye. Since it was so warm, she opted to forgo nylons. With every step, her silky...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 3 Promotion

Dave made the rounds over the next three days as the opportunity presented itself for him to see every Circle member and affiliate. The question he asked was, ‘What do you think of Dale and Susan Harnett becoming Circle members?’ The response was uniform and enthusiastic, ‘Oh, yes. I’ve been treating them as though they were members, but certainly. They belong with us.’ When Dave had talked to everybody, he suggested to Dale that he and Susan stay over to the following Tuesday before...

1 year ago
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The Promotion

I’m a CPA and have been working for the same company since I graduated college which is 7 years now and they are promoting me to office manager and the company is world wide and has a policy that newly promoted or hired management employees must under go a 3 week training course at company headquarters in New York City. I am a five foot five inch raven haired brown eyed bitch with a 34C bra size and a killer ass I am told and have been married for 4 years and we have a good marriage but the sex...


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