Jeremy's Modification free porn video

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"So you're saying it can be done?" I asked. "We believe so, yes" "That's fantastic, when do we start?" "Easy there Jeremy. This isn't something we can just start tomorrow. I know we've been reviewing this for months, but that was just to plan all the roadblocks and how to deal with them. Now we have to get a surgical team together and plan all the logistics. We will want x-ray and MRI's available to check things, we'll need surgical supplies and medications on standby, a full medical lab, and I need to schedule all the talented individuals needed to pull this off." "Money is no object know this. If they can't or won't help us, offer them more money. I want nothing but the best!" "Yes I know I know. I will start getting everything together. Are you sure you want to do this?" "Yes Steve! How many times are you going to ask me that?" "Okay okay..." I've wanted this for years. It's taken a lot of work to find a doctor like Steve who can head this up. No ethics committee is going to approve a procedure like this. We've had to fly to a different country, and he's spent money, a LOT of my money, to find the team of nurses, surgeons, and health care facility to get his working. I've been going through countless meetings discussing problem after problem, while we all brainstorm solutions. There are always solutions. We just have to find them. Some are going to be a nuisance, some aren't problems at all, and some are going to be a real challenge. But one thing I know for sure, this is absolutely something I want to do. I have for so long. My life has become consumed to make it happen. After a few more months, I was elated when Steve called me and told me he was ready to begin. He wanted me to fly down to the chosen facility tomorrow morning. I couldn't sleep that night. I was scared and excited. I will have plenty of time to sleep while they work on me. "Jeremy, I want you to meet your team. I will obviously be the lead surgeon and I have discussed the plan with everyone here. Everyone here has been contracted to take care of you and only you until you are fully recovered." "It's a pleasure to meet you all, and I am truly grateful that you are willing to share your talents and expertise with me. I know this is unusual, but you will all be compensated generously for your time." Steve led me to the room I would be spending the next few weeks in. I was instructed to change into the hospital robe and lay on the bed. A nurse placed an IV while Steve pulled up a chair. "Jeremy, I'm going to go over this one more time. You're going to be sedated for quite some time. We will handle your bodily functions and the nurses will take care of you and keep you clean to prevent bed sores while you're sedated. We've placed an IV, that will give you fluids and we'll use that to administer your anesthetic and pain killers. Once you're out, we'll fit you with a catheter. That will have to be adjusted after your procedure." "I know all this Steve," I said impatiently. "I know, but I want you to be at ease. Once the nurses have shaved you and you're all prepped, we'll take you down to the operating room. You will be given a general anesthetic. From there we will sterilize you and begin. We'll start by making an incision in your scrotum and removing your testicles and excess skin. Then we'll make an incision in your penis. We need to be careful to keep as many nerves connected as possible. We will remove the outer skin, and separate the two corpus cavernosum parts to your shaft. These are the spongey shafts on each side that give you your erections. We will then extend the incision into your abdomen and open close to the rectum. We'll have to be exceptionally careful not to damage or cut your intestinal tissue incorrectly. We will then relocate your corpus cavernosum to each side of your rectum while attempting to keep your arteries to these in place and active. If everything works as planned, these two shafts will become erect inside your body elongating and hardening your rectal cavity. Once sutured in place, we will relocate the glans and urethra to just above your prostrate. We will attempt to splay the glans head so that it wraps around your rectum. A small portion of your rectal tissue will be removed and the glans will be stitched in place. There is a large risk of nerve damage here, and you may lose feeling in your glans. Once in place, we will shorten the urethra and make sure it still is operational through the glans." "Yes, I want all my current plumbing to still work." "We know, and this is the hardest part for us. The chance of infection here is high. We will attempt to direct the urethral opening in a downward direction. This will help reduce the risk of infection for fecal matting passing through. We don't want that going straight into your urethra." "And my prostate?" "Right, so assuming all goes well with everything I've described so far, we will relocate some fat tissue, and use that to inflate and push the prostate further into your rectum. Not by much, but enough that anything passing in or out will hit it. Your glans will be situated the same way. Does everything make sense? Do you have any questions?" "No I understand everything, can we get started?" "Slow down Jeremy, we have to talk recovery. This is very experimental! We're not 100% everything will go well. And if it all does, we've got to monitor you closely and perform regular checks. In fact, if your corpus cavernosum work as intended, we can't risk you getting an erection until all healing is completed and the stitches dissolve. So we've decided you will need to stay sedated for quite a several weeks. This will help you a lot with the pain and recovery, as you'll be asleep." "That's a long time, but I understand." "During that time, we'll do MRI's, X-rays, blood work, and make sure you don't become septic and have any bleed outs. The sedation will also help us check the healing process internally without bothering you. Do you have any questions?" "I don't think so Steve. We've spend a long time getting this sorted." And with that, Steve checked my IV, got me situated on the bed. The nurse cleaned and shaved my crotch. Then we rolled down to the OR. It was cold in there, and I saw a team of around 10 people all scrubbed and ready. I saw many instruments on rolling silver trays. I even saw extra blood bags ready should I need a transplant. They really had thought of everything. Steve came into my vision. "One last thing Jeremy, would it be okay with we filmed this? It's a unique procedure that has never been done, and I'm sure the medical community will want to see the process and outcome." "So long as I can remain anonymous, that is fine." "Don't worry. Your face will be behind the green medical sheets." A nurse hooked up a new bag of fluids to my IV. "Ready Jeremy?" "Ready! Let's do this!" "Very well, sleep tight Jeremy, you're in the best hands in the world. Nurse, go ahead and start the anesthetic. George, let's get the area ready. Caitlyn, please film everything but not any faces...not even ours. George, hand me the scal......and he ou........" And I was out. -- The procedure took a long time, and required two teams of surgeons. I don't know how Steve did it, but I paid him a lot of money to make everything perfect and think of every scenario. I started to wake, everything was a haze. My vision was burly, and sounds were muffled. I was lying down. The light was intense. I felt very weak. It was hard to even open my eyes. "Lower the....better...eyes.....Jerem..." The light intensity decreased. "Huh?" "Jeremy!" I could see the fuzzy outline of someone looking over me. I turned my head towards them and tried to focus. "Ye...." "Jeremy, can you hear me ok" I gave a slight nod and tried to say "yes.".. "Yeshhh" "Ok, you're going to feel very weak and very woozy. Don't worry. Just lay there until you come back to us fully. It will take a little while" My vision cleared some and I could see Steve. I tried to talk again. " go?" "Don't worry Jeremy, you're fine, and everything went very well. It was a lot of work, but you appear to be healing well. You've been out for a long time. A little longer than we planned." "Hw....long?" "A little over 6 weeks." Six weeks? It was only supposed to take 3-4. What happened? Are they just trying to take advantage of my money? Steve saw my face contorting and me attempting to speak again. "Jeremy relax. Around week two we were running blood test and saw a spike in your blood that you were septic. We had to operate on you a second time to clean that up. But I don't think it has affected our original plan. We just had to keep you under longer to let everything heal." A second surgery. Shit! Well, this was serious surgery. This was one of our plans should something go wrong. "Please rest Jeremy. Just relax and try not to move around too much. Your catheter may feel a bit strange." My vision gradually clearing I was able to see the catheter bag and the tube disappearing between my legs. How is it with all this planning I didn't expect that? Of course, they would place a catheter during recovery, and it would be going into my anus. I chuckled inside and felt the pain run through my lower abdomen. "Jeremy, please try to relax. There's still healing to be done. You're just through the worst of it. I'm going to leave you with the nurses. But any one of them can reach me if you need anything okay?" I gave a slight nod, and he smiled and left. I closed my eyes and felt a huge sigh of relief. We did it! -- The next couple of days were pretty routine. Nurses came in and made sure I was clean, comfortable. They emptied by cath bag, check on my IV, and were always asking me how I felt. One nurse, Catelyn, would sit with me to keep me company. I thought this was strange until I remembered they were contracted to care for me...and only me. She didn't have other patients to tend to. "Catelyn, as I was being put under, did I hear Steve instruct you to film the procedure?" "Yes you did. I filmed the whole thing," she replied. "What was it like?" "Honestly, it was amazing. I was fascinated when I was first approached by Steve. I had some Hippocratic reservations at first..." "...but the money made you change?" "No...It wasn't that. I make a decent living. No, it was the unique project. We were about to do something no one has ever done. Push some boundaries and give a patient something they've wanted for years. That was far more appealing to me than the money." "Does it gross you out?" I asked. "I'm a nurse Jeremy, and a good one. I've been doing this for a long time. Few things gross me out. But to answer your original question, the procedure was amazing. Watching Steve and his team was like watching magicians. He really did pull together a team of the best. They were on top of everything. You can tell the work they did was precise and professional." "What happened to the video?" "Steve has it. He said he would consult with you before making any copies or distributions. He wants to make sure you're completely comfortable. How are you feeling?" "Achy and sore. I want to get up and walk around. I feel like my limbs have no muscle at all. And I want to explore my changes, but all these bandages and tubes prevent me from really checking things out." "I know, in time. We'll help with your atrophy too. You will be weak at first. Your first steps may require assistance. But you'll be walking on your own within a few days. Your recovery has been long, and there is still more to go." I knew this, it has all been planned. I would need some physical therapy since I was bed ridden for so long. I also will have medications to take. -- More days passed. -- Steve strode into my room with a big smile on his face. "Jeremy, are you ready to get up?" he asked. I beamed at him. "But first, I want to remove your bandages and make sure everything looks okay" He removed my dressings and it was the first time I could see the results of their work. Sure enough, no penis, no testicles. Even though I was shaved for the surgery, much of my hair had grown back in. They turned me on my side and slowly removed the catheter from my anus. "Sorry I'm sure that hurt" said Steve sympathetically. Caitlyn and Steve positioned themselves on each side of me and swung my legs off the bed. They took one arm each onto their shoulders and helped me to my feet. "How's that Jeremy?" "Good...hard...I'm very weak...I'm shaking" "We know, we're not doing much today. We just wanted to get you moving" We very slowly took a few steps around the room, rolling the IV with us as we went. It was so nice to finally be mobile and upright. After a few minutes, I noticed the absent feeling in my crotch, nothing but a little hair. It was very liberating. No more stupid balls, no pinching, no cock flopping around. I smiled inside. I was far too weak right now to be turned on by my new feelings, and I was concentrating intensely on my mobility and strength. There would be much time later to play around. Eventually, they walked me back to my bed and sat me down. "Jeremy, we've been monitoring things very closely, but we need to make sure you can still hold your urine and bowels. We did our best to keep your PC muscle in tact so you don't end up incontinent. However, we won't know until you need the bathroom. We're still not ready to have you on food yet. We don't want any waste passing through the surgical areas. But I do want to remove the catheter and have to hold your pee and practice using the bathroom. As you know, no one has had this done before, so peeing is going to likely feel very strange. If you hold your anus tight, it will fill up your rectum. I'm going to advise against this to prevent an enema effect and risk bacteria going up your urethra. You'll have to do your best to let it all out as it flows." "It's going to feel like I have diarrhea isn't it?" "Probably at first yes. You'll have to get used to the solid/liquid difference in feeling. So I'm going to leave the catheter out, and you let us know right away if you cannot hold your pee. I want you to try to hold it for a while when it comes. Practice holding it back for about 30 minutes. I don't want you to hold it too long, but I want to make sure you can. Remember to hold it in your bladder, not your rectum. This is important." Steve stressed the last part. "Ok Doc...I'll let you know." He smiled patting me on the knee, and Caitlyn helped me back onto the bed. She stayed with me for a while then stood up to leave. "If you end up making a mess, just call us okay? You won't have to be embarrassed, it won't be your fault and we've seen it all," said Caitlyn comforting me. I appreciated her support and understanding. I smiled at her and nodded. She left the room. I was finally alone and unbandaged. I still had my IV, but no other tubes coming out of my body. I leaned back into the bed, and sighed. I let my hands explore my new crotch. I was very gentle and almost shaking. I touched where my penis used to be, and it was just pubes. I could feel the pelvic bone and followed it down. Nothing. It was still tender, but most of it had healed. The change in anything down their stirred my arousal. It was so erotic and unique. I felt my rectum twitch. I could feel a pressure building. Shit was this the pee? No, my bladder is okay. Oooh...realization set it, I'm getting an erection. The feeling faded almost right away because it scared me. The fear stopped me thinking about my lack of cock and balls. The internal boner faded and I relaxed. That's going to be something to get used to. I decided to try to avoid too much sexual fantasy at the moment and focus on my recovery. I removed my hand and went back to watching some TV. After an hour or two I felt the need to pee. I held it. Okay, no accidents...yet. But would I know if did? If some leaked out, I wouldn't know right away...would I? I didn't know how much sensitivity I had in my rectum now. I could have lost a lot from the surgeries. A lot of nerves were re-routed, and we won't know my sensitivity for quite some time. I deduced that I did not leak anything. I would have felt the need to shit...liquid shit...if I had. No, I was holding fine. Just like I did before surgery. Keeping my eye on the time, I held for 30 minutes, and decided it was time to pee. I twisted my body and put my legs over the edge of the bed. I went to stand up and lost my balance immediately. My legs were so weak I fell. I tried to grab something as I fell and ended up pulling something off the bed-side table, and my IV stand clattered to the floor. Caitlyn came rushing in and yelled for assistance. She and another nurse lifted me back onto the bed. "Are you okay? What happened??" "I wanted to go to the bathroom and didn't realize my weakness." "Oh Jeremy you're not strong enough yet. Here lie down and let me get you cleaned up." Cleaned up? Was I bleeding? I looked down, no, I had wet myself. The fall and impact caused me to release my bladder. Maybe my rectum was useless now? I didn't feel it coming out, and I certainly didn't control it. I panicked a little but tried to push those fears aside. Caitlyn washed me and got me a new robe. Despite her reassurances, I was red with embarrassment. She also helped me to the chair while she changed the bed sheets. "Sorry Caitlyn," I said with remorse. "Don't worry about it Jeremy. I told you, this is what we're here for. This is what we're trained to do. Just call me when you need to go and I'll help you until you walk yourself" I nodded. I chose to stay in the chair watching TV. This time it took longer before my bladder filled again. I again, held for 30 minutes. At least that was working okay. I called for Caitlyn. She dutifully helped me to my feet and we rolled my IV stand into the bathroom. "I'll help you onto the toilet, but then I'll step outside okay? I won't be listening at the door, so just pull the nurse cord when you're ready." She helped me lower onto the toilet, and she left closing the door behind her. Okay, here we go. Sitting to pee. I knew this was the plan, but now it's actually happening, it was quite exciting, and scary. No more urinals and that ridiculous fear when a man stood right next to you a nodded while your stream hesitated. I hated the lack of privacy with urinals. Finally those days were behind me. Right, to the task at hand, I need to relax my anus. Good job my PC muscle and anus are practically the same action. As I exhaled and relaxed my anus, the flow started from my bladder. The stream immediately hit my ass and I instinctively clenched and the flow stopped. I felt like a little liquid shit was there and tried to push that thought out. It's's pee. Focus. I relaxed again and let the stream flow. The initial shock over, now I had steady water splashing stream. I smiled a big grin ear to ear! It worked! It actually worked! They fucking did it! The flow slowed. I instinctively tried to squeeze a few extra squirts out my squeezing my PC muscle, as I did as a guy. This may not be the best method. I felt the liquid leave my bladder, but not my ass. I had to relax my ass again and push a little to get the last of the liquid out. I used some toilet paper and dabbed my anus dry. I sat for a moment realizing I would no longer have to shake my penis dry. Another liberating moment and I felt at so much ease. I pulled the nurse cord and Caitlyn opened the door and came in. She helped me off the toilet and back to bed. "So how was it?" she asked with genuine curiosity. "Different...well obviously different. Um? How to describe it?" Her eyes beamed nothing but authentic interest. "Relaxing was okay. Getting the flow going wasn't hard at all. But the moment it hit..." my face started to smile, ." hit my ass, I instinctive clenched up. But that was all wrong, so I refocused and tried to fight my reflexes, and let everything relax and go. And it did. I hope I haven't lost feeling in my anus, because I didn't feel much there, but it flowed fine." "You should get feeling back in time," offered Caitlyn. "You had a lot of surgery done, and we had to go back up there several times while you were out. Be glad you weren't awake!" "Oh I'm grateful for that! So when the flow stopped, I tried to squeeze out more like when I had my penis, but that just filled up my rectum. So even though the pee finished, it wasn't all out of me, so I had to relax again and push a little to get the remaining out. I'd say, all- in-all, it went okay." "That is *fantastic* Jeremy." And she hugged me. "I'm so happy for you. I hope all the rest works as planned. This is the first unknown aspect we had to get out the way. We can do all the tests in the world, but we won't know some things until you let us know. We still have hurdles to cover, but this is GREAT news." Caitlyn sat with me for a while before leaving. I called her back only when I needed to pee. I got better at relaxing and letting the flow happen. I tried once not to squeeze the last few drops out of my plumbing, but then when I went back to bed, it leaked into my rectum. Causing me to call Caitlyn again so soon after putting me back. She was concerned, but when I explained what I tried and she relaxed. I just have to learn to pee the best way for this configuration. A few days passed with some more walking and physical therapy. My peeing was easy now. Sit, relax, squeeze last few drops, relax, wipe dry. Piece of cake. I loved it. -- "Jeremy, it's time to start foods" said Doctor Steve one morning. "We need to start simple and monitor how your body responds." I understood and knew this would be the biggest hurdle to cross. We had to make sure I could hold my stool, and that it wouldn't cause infections, even small urinary infections. We started with small simple foods that were high in fiber but low on gas, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. I needed protein, so I was given small meals of fish or chicken with a side of vegetables and fruit for snacks or desert. My portions were small to start. They also reduced my IV and had me drinking water regularly. After about 24 hours I had eaten two small meals and I could feel my digestive tract gurgling and doing its work. As with the pee, Steve asked me to hold the stool to make sure I could, and then pass it as best I could. He also recommended if possible, holding my pee until the stool passed. That way it would essentially "wash out" my urethra and reduce the risk of infection. Caitlyn explained to me that women are recommended to pee after sex for the same reason. The pressure built and I was able to control it. I held it for around 45 minutes to an hour, and then got up to the use the bathroom. Even though I was still building my muscle back up, I could easily get in and out of bed and use the bathroom without assistance now. I made it to the bathroom and sat down. I wanted to relax to pee as I have learned but stopped myself. I had to pass the stool first. I concentrated on keeping the pee in, and relaxing my lower muscles. I tried not pushing, not wanted to tear anything or risk peeing too early. I let things pass gradually and with minimal pushing. As a small amount passed over my prostate, I felt a tingling through my body. Steve did say anything moving in or out would press on my prostate. I had a visual of this pushing precum out along with stool, lubricating the passage. This is going to be weird getting aroused every bowel movement! Feeling content with the process, I allowed myself to pee. As I went to clean with toilet paper, I realized my pee is effectively my own portable bidet. The pee cleaned my butt for me, leaving me just to dry off. I had not thought of this before, and I was further elated at the ease of my bathroom cleanup tasks. Smiling I flushed, washed, and returned to my room. Caitlyn was changing my bed when I returned. "Did you go? Was it okay?" she asked. "I did yes, and it went fine. It took a little to concentrate on peeing afterwards, but I think I can get used to it." "Were you able to hold and control your stool?" "I believe so yes. I help it for a little over 45 minutes. I mean it wasn't like holding back the biggest shit of my life, but I held it okay." "Good good. We really just need to keep an eye on your blood work now and check for any infections." I went back to my physical therapy, and after Steve took some blood for analysis. Then he said "This part is tricky Jeremy. To get a good check on your urethra, we need to get a sample from there." "You have to go into my pee hole?" "Unfortunately yes. It's not going to be any fun and I'm sorry. It will almost be like a pap smear for women. We have to use a spectrum like device to open you up so I can get a sample without cross contamination. Once open, I will have to insert a small q-tip into your urethra. It won't feel very good, and you'll be in a very awkward position." I sighed. "No, I get it, this is what I wanted. I understand. How long will it take?" "Not long at all. We can do it one of two ways. We can either take you to an OBGYN room and have to put your feet in the stirrups, or we can have you bent over in here." "Which is easier for you?" I asked. "It doesn't matter to me. We're here to make this comfortable for you. But medically, your new urethra position will be easier to access if you bend over in here." "Then let's do that. I didn't really want to get up in a Gyno chair. I realize my penis has been essentially removed, but I'm not a woman, I don't have a vagina." "I completely understand Jeremy. I have the equipment here. If you can just stand up and bend over the bed, I'll be as quick as I can." I stood up and bent over. I heard him open some sterile packets and lay out his tools on a rolling silver tray. I felt him apply some lubricant to my ass, and I felt the pressure of the spectrum. I didn't go in far. "We're not going deep like an OBGYN. We need your urethra, not a deep cervix." Then I felt a sharp pain as he inserted something into my urethra, and quickly pulled it out. Then I felt the spectrum suddenly exit and I clenched up tight with the sudden withdrawal. "All done" he said as he put the narrow q-tip into a tube and sealed the top. As I straighten up and let my robe drop down and covered me again, I asked "How often will we need to do this test?" "Probably daily for about a week or two. I want to make sure you can pass stool without any major problems or risks. Also, from what I can see in there, you're healing quite well. After this, we should be able to talk about discharge plans." Steve smiled and left me alone. I went to the bathroom to pee and get the excess lube off my ass. As promised, Steve performed the urethra check daily a few hours after my bowel movements. I asked about the results and he said things are looking ok. He explained that even though things are ok now, I could develop a UTI at any time, and should seek attention if it ever stings to pee in any way. A few more days passed and things were going great. Myself and the whole team felt more and more at ease as each day passed. I could pee, I could poop, I could hold them in, and I was getting more feeling back around the surgical area. There were no infections and all the unknowns were working out fine. My biggest fear through all this was that I would end up in adult diapers for the rest of my life. But the skilled hands of Steve and his crew avoided that nightmare for me. After a couple days, Steve hooked up a camcorder to the TV in my room and told me we were going to watch my operation. I saw myself on the operating table. Well I think it was me, my upper body and face was covered in surgical cloth. I saw my old crotch exposed for all to see, all freshly shaven and disinfected. After some organized commotion and discussions, I saw who I presume was Steve take a scalpel and make the first incision. I winced and looked away. Steve noticed my reaction. "Are you ok Jeremy?" Steve asked. "I'm ok. I just don't think I can watch this. I don't really want to see my manhood sliced to bits and rearranged." "I can fast forward it. I just need you to make sure there are no faces in it." Steve forwarded and I glanced at it periodically. There were no faces, but there was lots of blood and weird tissue and pulling. I didn't like it. I gave him the approval and he turned it off. I don't need to see that video again. Several nights after the video, I was unable to sleep. I was tossing and turning in my bed, and thinking about the future. The comfort of known all my bodily functions were okay left me thinking of other things. There was still one I had not tested. I reached down and touched my asshole. I felt around the whole thing in circles. I made sure I could feel every part and hadn't lost any feeling or sensation. Satisfied, I had all my feeling, I pushed my finger in a little. It was too dry. I moistened another finger and reached back down. Lubed slightly with my saliva, I pressed my finger in. I could feel a lump just inside the opening. That must be my prostate. It was much more prominent. No wonder my visits to the bathroom felt so good the last few days. The stool was passing over this huge prostate. I rubbed it with my finger and was rewarded with a strange and unique feeling which caused me to let out a little grunt. I could feel the fluid being pushed down my urethra. Being much shorter now that it was before, my finger was coated with precum from my prostate. I smiled to myself. I can self-lubricate my ass! The extra lubricant made my explorations easier, and in turn gave me more lubrication. Due to the shorter urethra, even little pressure on my prostate caused more precum. I was getting turned on and began to feel the erection coming on again. I tried to let it happen this time and focused on the new feelings. My rectum tightened and I knew it must be elongating. I felt the pulsing and twitching inside and just received more lubrication. I explored some more with my fingers. I could feel my o-ring, followed by my large prostate. After that, I felt a smooth surface, extending out around my pee hole. That was my old glands. The head of my penis splayed around my rectum. As I rubbed it, my pleasure and horniness grew. I hadn't cum in weeks. I was so turned on my insides felt tight and I was getting hot. I kicked the sheets off me to cool down, while still fingering and rubbing my prostate and glans. Within just a minute or two, the pressure built and I tried to stop, but I was going to cum. I wanted it to last longer, but it had been so long, I couldn't help myself. Fingers in my ass rubbing I came into my ass. I felt the cum surge out of my urethra all over my fingers and felt it on my glans and butt hole. I let out an audible groan and convulsed on my fingers blinded by the adrenaline and heat of my body! The pulses in my insides were pleasant and unique. I lay there for a few moments, twitching occasionally. The first cum in months, and it was incredible. I slid my fingers out and felt the involuntary convulsing from touching the head of a penis after the orgasm. I was quite tender. I waited until I could compose myself, and I got up and cleaned myself off in the bathroom. Pushing out all my cum from my ass. I slept much better after that. -- Steve and Caitlyn woke me the next morning. "Jeremy, are you okay?" "Yeah, why?" I responded rubbing my eyes clear. "Usually you're already awake when we come in. Are you ok? Do you feel any pains? Caitlyn, let's get some blood and do some tests..." Steve stated he noticed me shaking my head with my palms up to him shaking them side to side. He looked at me confused. " is okay" I started. With slight hesitation I smiled and continued, "It's okay....last night I tested the last bodily function..." After a moment's pause everything clicked with Steve. "OOh...I see. And? How was everything?" "Perfect Steve...perfect. It was everything I hoped. You and your team are truly amazing." "Well..." said Steve suddenly derailed, ."..Caitlyn, I'd still like to do some blood work just to be safe. I want to make sure there isn't anything else going on." I chuckled and offered my arm for the usual blood draw. Caitlyn took the vial and left the room. Steve sat down and after a few moments spoke. "Jeremy, it's time to talk discharge" "I already did that last night!" I joked. ." Jeremy!" Steve laughed. "I mean from here. You're care is complete. It's time for you and all of us to go home. Assuming your blood work is okay, I want to start you on your ongoing treatment and checked ups." I nodded, "Okay." "I'm sure by now you're getting used to having no testicles. That's all well and good, but if we go too long, you will have serious hormonal problems and ancillary side effects. You have never once shown us any desire to have and female traits, so we need to get you started on a regular dose of synthetic testosterone. These will keep your manly traits through the rest of your life. Unfortunately, unlike estrogen, which is a handy pill, testosterone is an injection. But on the plus side, it's only one dose per week. I will show you how to do one before you leave, then I'll prescribe you a few months' supply. It may take us a little while to get your dose right, but we have plenty of blood work to get a good idea to start you off. After you leave here, I want to see you every two weeks for the first two months. Then we can drop to bi-monthly meetings, then bi-annual." "Makes sense. Can our checkups be back home?" "Yes, with the operations completed here, the checkups are routine. You won't have to travel far to see me after this." Steve stepped out of the room and spoke to someone and returned. Shortly after Caitlyn return with some medication and a syringe. "These are painkillers. I want to give you some now. If anything happens, you see blood, or have pains, take these and contact me immediately. There is still risk of tearing or bleeding. Also this." He was showing me the syringe "is testosterone. It needs to be injected into your buttocks or thigh. It's quick and relatively painless. Easier than taking blood. You'll need to do this once a week for the rest of your life. If you don't, your male traits will gradually diminish. With lower T levels, the natural estrogen in your body will have a stronger effect. Think of how woman after menopause have raspier voices, slight facial hair, and so on. It would be like that. So just make sure you do this. If you miss one week, it's not the end of the world, but get back on it. You haven't had any while here, so I'd like to get your started right away. Ready?" "Oh...yes." I said startled and sat on the side of the bed and pulled up my robe to reveal my thigh. "If you choose the thigh, there's a lot of muscle there, so you must relax your leg muscles or the needle won't go in. So relax." He took an anti-biotic wipe and cleaned a small area. Then he prepped the syringe by removing the cap and removing any air. "Make sure you point it up like this and push until a little dribbles out. You don't want any air in your system." Then he injected me. It wasn't painful. Just like a normal vaccination. "See, easy." "Yeah, no problem." "This is your first does of T for months. So I would expect you to feel like you have more energy, and you will likely feel quite horny. This is normal." I laughed out loud, "I'll certainly do my best to handle those side effects." Steve smiles and patted my leg. He stood up to leave. "I'll make arrangements for you to leave. We have some paperwork, and we'll need to pack your things and arrange travel home. We can do tomorrow morning, does that sound good?" "Perfect...thank you!" "You're welcome Jeremy." I spent the afternoon doing my final physical therapy, and watching TV. My blood work came back all clean. I knew it would. That orgasm was something special. It was incredible, but I doubt I could every go that long without cumming ever again. I started walking around my room and hallway and saw the staff smiling at me as I passed. They were incredible. Although, I'm sure they're extra happy knowing now they'll get paid for all their hard work. There was Caitlyn, adorable as always. I noticed her looking up from some paperwork, and she smiled at me through her hair. I felt the twinge in my rectum. Oh boy! I was getting hard. Wait, I don't have think about baseball or cold showers anymore. I can fantasize to my heart's content and no one will know. I saw Caitlyn's body in her scrubs. She was leaning over papers looking at me, and I could see the tops of her breasts down her shirt. My ass twitched and tightened some more. It was getting wet. Oh my god. I returned her smile but looked away. I didn't need to make her feel weird. I continued to walk thinking about her body and how soft and warm it must feel. More wetness. This must be how women are in public. They can dream all the went and no one has a clue. It was exhilarating! I can think freely of anything I want! And I did. I continued to fantasize about Caitlyn naked, pressing her naked body against mine. She would reach down and wrap her hand down past my empty crotch and finger my ass...dripping with pre-cum. Self-lubed and ready to cum. Oh shit, I was self-lubed and ready to cum. I turned and made my way back to my room. Fuck was the T already having an effect? I need to cum. Oh god. I got to my room and went to the bathroom. Instead of sitting, I decided to bend down to the sink. I began to finger my wet asshole. I pushed past my throbbing prostate and massaged my smooth glans. Holy shit! I rubbed and fingered. I inserted two fingers now...uh...oh! I went back to thinking about Caitlyn, her breasts, her cute smile, her skin. I kept finger fucking myself. I pictured her kissing me with her fingers in my ass....pressing....rubbing.....I...ugh...ahh. With that I came. Shooting my cum into my own ass, all over my fingers. My knees buckled uncontrollably, and I grabbed the sink with my free hand before hitting the ground. I quivered in a near-fallen position until the waves of pleasure slowly wash away. Once I regained some control, I slipped gently to the floor panting. I heard a knock at the door. It was Caitlyn "Jeremy? Are you ok?" "Uhh...yes..." "You were gone for a while, and then I thought I hear a fall. Just making sure everything is okay." "Oh yeah, no problem. I'm fine," I managed. Caitlyn confirmed and I heard her leave. I am looking forward to experimenting at home with more freedom. Composed once again, I moved to the toilet and pushed out my cum and wiped myself clean. I did my best to pee some to clean the pipes, and wiped again. -- I woke the next morning feeling excited and full of energy. Today I go home. I was so excited. I was already dressed and packing my last belongings when Steve and Caitlyn showed. "All ready Jeremy?" asked Steve. "Absolutely!" "Excellent. So we have some discharge forms to sign. Plus we have a few legal forms. The first batch gives my team the final release that their work is completed, and their contract has been honored. Once signed they will receive their final payment. I also have a few forms in regards to privacy and the release of your case for medical papers. This includes the video, which you have confirmed has no faces in it, and cannot be tied back to you in any way." "Yes yes...everything turned out better than expected. Where do I sign? Here? Okay and here? Yup...okay...there," I said signing all the different papers. "Well that's it then Jeremy, you can now go home. A driver is waiting outside to take you to the airport. I will see you in two weeks, my secretary will call you for the exact date and time. I haven't seen my calendar in quite some time." "Thank you Steve! Thank you Caitlyn! You guys have been amazing!" Caitlyn started to shed a tear and gave me a big hug. Even though I was quite emotional, I felt her skin and her chest press into mine. And there was the rectum twitch again. I returned the hug and enjoyed the moment. The thought of pressing out blank crotches together aroused me slightly, but before I could think much about it, she broke away. With tears in her eyes she said, "If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask, okay? You have been a great employer and patient. I'd love to work with you again." "I will Caitlyn. I'm truly grateful for your hospitality, bed-side manner, and professionalism. Steve, you should consider hiring her full time at your practice." Steve smiled "I might just do that Jeremy. See you in a couple weeks." And with that I left. Steve and Caitlyn walked me down to the car and waved me off. I was driven to the airport and flew home. With nothing much else to do, I slept on the way home. When we landed, my car was already pulled out to the edge of the runway. I loaded my luggage, thanked the pilot, and started to drive home. I had mastered walked and sitting no problem with my new crotch. But with each new activity came new feelings. Pushing the peddles in traffic rubbed my empty crotch in another slightly new way. It aroused me again. I felt my twitching and the beginning of an internal erection. This time I tried to put it aside. I was driving. I can play when I get home. Finally...I was home. Home sweet home. I had been gone so long, I had forgotten the smell of my own house. Being in that cold, sterile, hospital came with a smell that I now wanted off my clothes. I unpacked my bags, and put all my clothes straight into the wash. I grabbed some of my own clothes and put them on. I was incredible comfortable and relaxed. What had taken years of planning was finally completed. I knew decades ago I wanted this. It took many years before I truly understood and accepted my relationship with my body, and how I knew it wasn't exactly what wanted. I learned over many years that my sexual pleasures didn't originate from penetrating something. It wasn't that I was gay, or wanted to be fucked, I just didn't have the desire to stick my cock into anyone or anything. Sure I played with it, and sought pleasure from it. I even fucked with it, but in the back of my mind, I knew I'd rather have something different. I didn't want to be a woman, and I didn't want a pussy. I wanted something unique. Over the years I built up my fantasy. Then over many more years started to put things into motion. I can't believe I've finally achieved my dream. Despite my hormones almost begging me to play and cum, I wanted nothing more that night than to sleep in my bed, in my house, with my smells, with my perfected body. I slept, and I slept well. -- The next few days I spent at home alone. I played with myself two to three times a day. My mind wandered and my internal twitching and wetness was unavoidable. I'd just be watching TV, and I'd see some curvaceous woman on screen, and my body responded. I was now a full master of my bodily functions. Before I had my procedure, I purchased several different types of underwear. I had no idea which would be best after my crotch was smoothed out. I bought a selection of men's and women's underwear. Boxers, boxer briefs, thongs, boy shorts, hip huggers, granny panties, everything. I found the most comfortable were regular women's panties, or women's boy shorts. I didn't really want to wear panties, so I settled on boy shorts. The men's styles were too baggy in the front where I no longer needed it. I liked the press of material on my body, but the panties were just too feminine. I didn't require any other different clothes. Aside from a little weight loss due to my long stay and controlled diet, the rest of my body was the same shape. I eventually went out in public to do some shopping and get something different to eat. As I walked around no one looked at me any different. Why would they? They didn't know what had happened to me. But inside my heart was racing. I have something all of you don't. I'm unique. I could blow your minds by taking off my pants. The sexual superiority I created in my mind gave me such confidence and sense of superiority. I walked tall with my head held high. I felt amazing! And as expected, my ass was getting wet! Go ahead ass, soak me, I'm amazing! I looked at women as they passed thinking "Oh you have a pussy, how cute, you should see my ass-cock." I passed men and thought "Hah...I can think about anything I want and almost cum in public, but you can't, you have to control your thoughts out here!" It was childish sure. But this was the ego boost I needed. I needed to be different, sexual, and powerful. Something I never was. I loved it! I stopped by the bathrooms. Only for the slightest of seconds did I pause looking at the door to the ladies. Sure I sit to pee, but I'm still a man. I confidently strode into the men's room to pick a stall. My ass was still wet from pre-cum. My pee helped wash most of it away, and I wiped dry. Still driving around I passed a store I hadn't been in for a very long time. It was a slightly classier sex store. It wasn't sleazy like the normal sex stores. Those are just porn and toys with wank closets in the back. No, this store was directed to lovers. It had classy saleswomen, and very little porn. It was brightly lit and focused on outfits, toys, books, oils, and romance. I decided to stop in. "Good after noon Sir, is there anything I can help you find today?" asked the cute lady working the store. "No thank you, just browsing," I replied. "Not a problem. If you have any questions about anything, please let me know. We're all trained here on all items so feel free to ask anything." I started to poke around the store looking at nothing in particular. Some interesting sex position books. The Beginners Book to Anal caught my eye. I don't know if I'm a beginner or a pro at this point. I chuckled inside and flipped through a few pages. There were some helpful tips in here, but I decided I didn't need to buy it. I perused the oils and lotions and kept browsing. Then I came to the wall of dildos and my eyes widened. Every size plastic and rubber cock you could imagine, plus a few extra you couldn't. My curiosity peaked. I looked at the small ones, the large ones, the gspot ones, the vibrating ones, everything. I decided to try a couple. I thought I would try one that looks like the most realistic average penis I could find. A rubber, veined, 6 inch cock in white. No vibration or crazy features. I could use this to see what it would be like to be with a real one. Then I chose one a little more adventurous. A vibrator with a head that gyrated in a circular pattern. It was about 7-8 inches long. I felt my internal wetness starting again as my insides got erect. This is going to be a fun night. I wondered around the rest of the store. Skimming over the cock rings and fake pussies. Won't need those anymore! Although I did pause for a second at the strapons. Hmm. Perhaps one day if I wanted to fuck someone again, I could with one of these. It's not time for that yet. Maybe another day. There were a few other sections with leather, lingerie, and other items I wasn't currently interested in. I moved to the checkout counter. "Is that everything?" the lady asked. "I believe so yes," I replied. "Do you need any batteries, lube, or condoms?" she asked. Lube? I laughed inside again. I certainly doubt it. I have all the lube I need, and then some. I have it right now! I shifted slightly feeling my wetness. "You know, some batteries for those would be great. I don't need the other items." She tested my toys with some batteries then packaged everything up for me. I headed home. I continued to feel my internal twitching just at the thought of using my new toys. I couldn't wait to feel my internal cock wrap around these two toys. I wanted my juices to allow them to slide in and out along my internal shaft and press against my prostate, hell, vibrate against my prostate. I could feel my boy shorts getting damp already and I was still driving. I tried to focus on the road until I could get home. It was starting to get dark when I got home. I decided to go slow and use the evening to relax before going crazy. I filled the bath and poured myself a bottle of wine. I relaxed in the tub enjoying the feel of the warm water and bubbles over my nullified crotch. I had a thought. I got out the tub and grabbed my razor. Getting back in, I lathered up my blank crotch and started to shave. It didn't take as long as I thought. When I had my cock and balls, it took time and care with all the folds of my scrotum. Even when I'd seen women do it, it took time to navigate around all the layers, folds, and moving skin, but not for me. A few quick passes with the blade and I was smooth and clean. I admired the naked, very naked, look of my crotch and pelvic bone. Now the bubbles and water felt amazing. I soaked in the comfort rubbing my new smooth crotch while drinking my wine. It wasn't intense like touching my cock or prostate, but it was very erotic. Like getting a chest rub. I've never felt quite so as ease with life and my body. With the wine starting to have an effect I washed and got out the tube. Wrapping myself in my bathrobe I went to my bedroom. I brought a spare towel with me. As I walked I felt my new smoothness rubbing the bathrobe and again I smiled enjoying my new feelings. I topped up my wine, turned on some music, put the towel on my bed and lay down. With excitement and curiosity I grabbed my new toys and unpacked them like it was Christmas morning. I knew the vibrator would be too much to start, so I chose the rubber cock. The thought of a cock in my ass was very arousing. I never considered myself to be gay, but I also never understood homophobes. I had a hole to be pleasured, and this was going to do the job. As I unpackaged it, I was able to inspect it so much more than when I was in the store. You could tell they tried to make it realistic. It was probably molded of a real cock, but the material was still rubbery. Sure it was slightly soft and skin like, but certainly not real. Still, it turned me on. My ass was lubed already. I felt my insides getting hard and elongating at just holding this penis analog. I'd never held a cock other than my own. I leaned back and rubbed the head on my ass. The outside was still too dry to push it in, so I moistened a finger in my mouth, and rubbed it on my butthole. Then I pressed my finger in and felt the internal moisture. I rubbed my finger around inside a little and starting to finger myself. My precum was now all over me and I could tell I was as hard as I could get. I went back to pushing the head of my toy on my ass. I started to push harder and was able to glide the head in quite easily. I stopped there to process the feeling. It was much larger than my fingers. The girth was all the way around, unlike my fingers. It was very filling. I relaxed and let my body get used to feeling full. After a few moments I pulled the head out. With it fully lubed with my pre-cum, I pressed just the head in and out of my ring a few times. Fucking hell! Every time I pushed in, my pronounced prostate was rubbed by the large head pushing more pre-cum out of my pee-hole. I was milking myself and it was intense! My pre-cum was dribbling out of my ass. The head of my new toy was soaked. I pulled it out, and used it as a scoop to try to pull as much back toward my asshole. I then pressed the rubber cock into my ass. This time, I pushed deeper. Deeper than my fingers ever went. It felt very tight. I could feel it pressing against my erection. The erect shafts were having an effect on my rectum. The spongy shafts now rock hard were causing my rectum to become tight and narrow. I press on using my pre-cum as the lube this job demanded. With a few gradual pushes and some time to process the new feelings, I had the cock in all the way to the balls. Fuck who knew this could feel so good! I tried flexing and pinching my PC muscle.! My rectum shafts tightened around the rubber cock. The base pressed hard on my wrapped glans and large prostate. I felt more milking. This caused me to tense again. And again. Fuck. I concentrated and relaxed. I didn't want to cum just yet. I stopped and slowly slid the toy out. It was dripping in pre-cum. I took a few moments to relax. I was hot and realized I was panting. Light-headed, I lay my head on the pillows and composed myself. After a couple minutes and some more wine, I felt my erection calm slightly, I sat up and unpackaged the second toy. It was longer, pink, and parts of it were transparent so you could see rotating beads inside. I tested the controls and it vibrated erratically. I hit the second control and the tip of the head started rotating around in a small circle while the main shaft remained stationary. Oh my! This time I lay on my side. I pulled my knees up slightly towards my chest, and turn the toys controls to off. Placing the tip on my ass, it began to slowly insert the 2nd toy. I was extremely well lubed from the first toy. This one required no prep whatsoever. The girth was about the same. I press in, pushing my prostate again, more pre-cum. This stuff was never ending. I loved it! I pushed the toy deeper until it was all the way in, just slightly more than the first toy. God dammit...Steve you are a magician! I pushed the toy in and out several times to its full length. I realized I was moaning. I typically don't moan during sex, but this wasn't a moan by choice. These were visceral, organic moans of pleasure. I couldn't be quiet if I wanted to. After a few minutes of thrusting on my glans, prostate, and rock hard erection shafts, I chose to engage the vibration. FUCK! Oh...oh FUCK! More moans. I wasn't pushing it in and out...just the vibration. JESUS! I turned it off after about a minute. THAT'S going to take some getting used to. After a calmed a little, I tried the rotating head. This actually kinda hurt a little. I felt it pressing against my corpus cavernosum shafts, meeting the hard resistance and it brought some discomfort. Without really thinking, I started to pull the toy out. That's when the rotating head hit my glans and prostate. No longer hitting the erection shafts, I stopped dead. Oh...shit...oh....OH....FUCK...FUCK....The pleasure shot up exponentially. I was paralyzed. The toy was hanging out my ass. Rotating on all my pleasure zones. I couldn't move. I had almost lost my voice. I lay there with my mouth open. My eyes rolled back in my head. I couldn't process this. My body was burning up. The toy kept me at ultimate pleasure on the edge of the eruption of a lifetime. Without warning, the wave crashed into me and smashed my body hard. The cry I let out must have woken the dead. I yelled out some noise that was probably cursing in some language. The pleasure explosion started in my ass as I shot my load. I had full body convulsing for what felt like an eternity. My moans and cries tapered off, and the orgasm lingered. Soon the toy, still rotating, starting hitting my glans that was now far too sensitive, but I still couldn't move. The adrenaline of the best orgasm of my life left my whimpering in post-orgasm twilight. After a while I revived myself enough to turn the rotation off. I didn't have the energy yet to remove they toy. I lay there panting, sweating, and trying to will myself to move. I gave up, and just lay there. My face tingled, my limbs were weak, I was wet everywhere and overwhelmed. It was a good 5 to 10 minutes later I opened my eyes and was able to remove the toy from my ass. Out dribbled all my pre-cum and cum onto the towel. Unbelievable! I relaxed for maybe 30 minutes trying to replay what just happened in my head over and over. This could not have gone any better for me. I was in heaven. Eventually returning to a near state of normalcy, I was able to get up, grab my towel and toys. I cleaned them and myself. I willed myself to pee and wiped clean. I put the towel in the wash. I had no trouble falling asleep that night. All my dreams had come true. -- I spend the next few nights playing with my new toys, and exploring the best ways to cum. I never quite reached the intensity of that first night. I must be getting used to my new body and how it responds. It wasn't long before my checkup meeting with Doctor Steve. After the time at the hospital, things were pretty routine and uneventful. He asked how I was doing and told him great. He asked probing questions about pains, any stinging when peeing, and problems with bowel movements, and problems with the T injections. Everything was fine. He took some blood for tests. He took another urethral sample for infections and inspected my rectum from what he could see with the spectrum. I was given the all clear and setup the next appointment for two weeks on. -- After some time, my curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to play with someone. But how am I going to pick up a chick at a bar? I can't just tell her "Oh yeah, my penis has been cut up and grafted back into my rectum!" That wasn't going to work. I figured my best bet was to post online. So I spent a few days creating a profile. Writing and rewriting to get it right. Before too long I realized I wasn't going to get anywhere without some pictures. People just didn't believe me. So I spent a two nights playing with myself and my toys and taking various pictures of my smoothly shaved and nullified crotch, and various states of arousal of my ass from dry, light pre-cum, to full penetration and cum all over dripping out my ass. It was tricky taking pictures of what I couldn't see, but I finally got a few that looked decent enough. I gradually got a few responses. But mostly were trolls, haters, people who never showed their face, or people who never followed through on meeting. I was getting extremely discouraged when I was contacted by a couple, Jane and Matt. They were around my age and were happily married. We emailed back and forth and they explained how they enjoyed playing with an extra person from time to time. They enjoyed the transgender community and found it met both their bedroom needs quite well. They were fascinated by my modifications and had endless curiosity. After a few days of back and forth, we decided to meet at a neutral location for a drink and a bite to eat to see if we all clicked. It went very well. Matt was handsome and sexually open, considering himself to be bi. Jane was also very attractive and checked all the boxes any man could ask for. She was most curious to my changes and asked questions with wide interested eyes. She desperately wanted to explore further. She was on the edge of her seat asking questions as Matt chuckled and rolled his eyes at her enthusiasm. I was entranced by their relaxed and interested approach to me. A few drinks later we were laughing and joking together and decided it was time to head to my place. We were barley through the threshold when Jane had her arms around me kissing me deeply and passionately. I was taken by surprise but quickly began to appreciate the fresh touch of another human. It has been a very long time. Long before my surgery. She didn't let up and I felt my insides getting wet again. I smiled inside thinking the same thing was happening to her. It gave me a new and interesting bond to a woman I hadn't felt before. I got wetter and harder from just these thoughts. "Okay guys," interrupted Matt, pushing us apart. "Let's have another drink." As Matt separated us I felt Jane's lips and arms leave me and I opened my eyes. Slightly tipsy and incredibly aroused I craved more of her touch. I knew there was no need to rush it. Matt clearly knew how to manage the passion of his wife. Jane gave me a sultry look and turned to hold onto Matt's arm as the went to the kitchen. Matt opened a bottle and poured 3 glasses of wine. We retired to the living room and turned the TV on for background noise. Jane was sat on the couch next to Matt and I was on the love seat on my own, sipping on my wine. Matt started, "So Jeremy, we've asked you tons of questions, and seen your pictures. But I think it's time we saw for real. Can you show us please?" Slightly startled, I slowly put down my drink and stood up in front of them. I saw Jane sit up and learn forward with interest and excitement. I was no dancer, and wasn't going to put on any show. I simply unbuttoned my jeans and removed them. I felt a little strange doing this in front of two fully clothed people I so recently met. I decided to make it less awkward for myself. I moved over to Jane and held out my hand. She grabbed it glancing at Matt, curious. I pulled her up and had her stand to my side in front of Matt. My hand around her waist. I took her hand and had rub the front of my boy shorts. I saw her eyes open even further and a huge smile cross her face. She looked at Matt. "Completely flat!" she said. She looked up to me with her mouth open. I nodded and pulled her hand up over the waistband and slowly inserted her hand into my shorts. Her hand felt amazing on my smooth skin. I felt her reach down on her own. Caressing and searching my empty crotch, searching for anything. We both knew she would find nothing, but her amazement never subsided. "Omg there is nothing. It's so smooth. Damn Jeremy this is sexy as fuck!" She said. I gave out a slight moan. This wasn't hitting my spots, but was very sensual and was turning me on. Her clothed body was pressed against mine, and I could feel her curves on my body. I felt her hand dip even lower. She felt the wetness on my ass and I saw her hesitate and look at me questioningly. "Pre-cum," I reassured her. "Are you that turned on already?" she asked. "You have no fucking idea" I told her honestly, feeling my erection inside twitching to her touch. She circled my ass a little with her finger and let one slide in a little. Again she hesitated and pulled out. Her smile fading suddenly. "Was that...?" she started. "No prostate remember? I had it enlarged. Don't worry, you're not going to hit anything gross. I'm very clean," I said reassuring her. "Oh...sorry," she said, abashed. "No problem. This is new to me too. I've been living with this new setup for only a short while. I've not had anyone else play since I had it done." Jane removed my shorts and Matt finally was able to see what Jane had been feeling. My crotch was now on full show. Matt leaned forward with curious interest. Watching his wife's hand rub my flatness gently. I leaned in towards Jane and started to kiss her again. My one hand caressing her ass and the other began to explore her curves and breasts. Man she felt good. There really is nothing like a soft woman's breast. I don't think my insides could have gotten any harder if I tried. Matt was enjoying the show and I saw him unbutton his pants and begin to stroke his cock to erection watching his wife passionately fool around with this strange man with no penis. Jane

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Jeremy keeps making me his slut

After Jeremy fucked that night onto my own desk, I even surrendered my tight asshole to his magnificent black cock. He made me cry in pain, since hi dick was very thick; but I enjoyed that anal fuck so good. Finally I was done and then I picked up my clothes to get dressed; I did not bother to put my thong back on. I could feel his seed running down the inside of my thighs as he walked me to my car. As I sat down I could feel more of his juice making its way to my ass checks…After that handsome...

3 years ago
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Jeremy and Candy

Jeremy and Candy There is something about being an abandoned child that resonates with us all.  My characters are both foundlings.   Why is it erotic? Is it all about the loss of control? I don't think Jeremy and Candy will ever shove the old witch of an aunt in the oven and then go finish eating the snacks on her gingerbread house -- the grown ups will always have the ultimate control.   Jeremy, just turned 18,  walked Candy, also newly 18,  back to the "The Fortress"  and she snuck...

2 years ago
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Mass Effect Modifications

The desiccated slab lying on the table had once been the first human Spectre. Time spent floating in the void of space, as well as the initial trauma that had killed it, had left little resemblance to Commander Mary Shepard. The lump of flesh sat still as a corpse should, even as needles full of nanites and experimental poultices injected into what had once been veins full of blood. "Is it even possible, do you think?" Miranda turned to her employer as she asked. "I will make it possible, Miss...

4 years ago
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CuttyChapter 28 The First Body Modifications

“Wake-up, Donna!” Donna woke up shivering from the cold. She rocked back and forth a bit in her bondage before she was totally back into the real world. The pain in her vagina was still there, still intense. The muscles of her arm ached having been strung up to the ceiling for hours. Her back hurt from being bend over, and her legs were cramped from being folded for so long. As she moved, Donna heard the chain around her neck rattle softly. “It’s chilly in here, don’t you think?” Ninon...

2 years ago
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Jeremy and I Ch 01

Jeremy and I are two of a pair, so to speak. We are both like each other a lot, except for the little age difference, he is 4 1/2 years older to me. I know this isn’t a big deal and all, but sometimes the age gap makes a difference. As and example, Jeremy is not a virgin, as where I am. We kind of grew up different. Him and his family that is like the normal family, divorce, sibling problems…you get the point. I am well…the tipical American family. We have a high social rank in the community...

4 years ago
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Jeremy and I Ch 02

The feeling of being in Jeremy’s arms was…in a word….intoxicating. I loved having his arms around me becuase it made me feel safe and secure. Jeremy was always so sweet and adoarbale about everything. He had this way of writing poetry that just made my heart melt no matter what it said. He was so cute when he read it too becuase he was always so shy about letting me see it. I’m really into singing and dancing and performing so I’m usually in a lot of shows. I came home one day, exhaused,...

1 year ago
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Jeremy and I

My name is Katie Ann, I am 18 and a Senior in high school, I am 5’7 140 lbs with brown hair and Br eyes. I am not the very popular type at school. I am always in the books studying. I don’t have very many friends and I wasn’t really interested in guys until my boyfriend came into my life. His name is Jeremy, he’s 19 and he is a senior in high school, he’s got pretty blue eyes, 5’9 and about 170 lbs with a nice 6 pack, very strong and nice body. It all started on February 13th when we were...

First Time
3 years ago
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Jeremy Asks for a Trim

I hadn't spoken to Jeremy for over a year because I knew he was very busy with school. Oh, we would wave to each other whenever I saw him on his way home, but other than that, we didn't have a chance to speak. One afternoon, I answered a knock at my door, and, lo and behold, there he was! "Hey Jeremy," I exclaimed, "It's been a long time! How have you been?" "Fine," he answered. "I just wanted to drop by and say 'hello'." "Well, come on in." He walked past me and I was...

2 years ago
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Jeremy part two

“Yes Jeremy,” she said sounding kind of horse, “do you need something?” “Actually that’s exactly what I’ve come to ask you,” I said, still not sure what Jenny had expected to happen when I confronted my mom about her flashing her naked body at me. “How do you mean,” she said. “Over the last little while you seem to have gone out of your way to either expose yourself, or to catch me naked, so a friend of mine suggested that I ask you if you needed something, so here I am trying to...

4 years ago
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Hot Savita Bhabhi Comic Videos Watch For Free Here

Ever wondered how India’s most beautiful and hottest bhabhi’s voice be like? Yes, that’s right – we are talking about none other than, the one and only SAVITA BHABHI! Through her sex-packed porn comics, the seductress bhabhi has been conquering our hearts since 2009. Her irresistible charms, perfect curves for seduction, those wild and erotic expressions during sex, and her techniques in bed to get any guy jizz like crazy, are only a few among the many reasons why we are in love with her for...

2 years ago
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The Detectives Justice

The Detective's Justice By Donna Mary Allyson (c) 2003 Author's note: My sincere thanks to Carla Winters who volunteered to be my proof reader for this story. My spelling was atrocious and Carla kept me on track. Cast of Characters: The Good Guys: Saul/Sarah Meyer: Sergeant Mayfield Police Kathy Meyer: Saul's wife Carolyn Meyer: Saul's young daughter Virginia Harrison: Saul's Captain of Police Terrie Davidson: Saul's new partner from Livermore Lou Peterson: The Desk...

2 years ago
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My best friends

Ok, this is my first shot at writing, so bare with me. The events in this story are 100% true.It was last year March when I was at my flat with my best friend Rocky waiting for our other friend Tasha. We were planning on going out that night so we started drinking early by dusk we were stumbling around but feeling okay because of the cold shower we had, I removed the door to the toilet because the hinges broke, and from the lounge you could see directly into the shower, we all showered quickly...

2 years ago
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The Doctor Is Always InChapter 2

El Gato Negro is a neighborhood bar a few blocks from the hospital. For as long as I can remember, it's been a favorite watering hole for off-duty cops, firefighters, paramedics, nurses and a few of the younger docs like myself. Actually, I used to hang out there a lot when I was a paramedic, so I knew a lot of the regulars. It was almost midnight when I stopped by for a couple of beers on my way home. As soon as I stepped in the door, an old friend stood up in the far corner and hollered,...

3 years ago
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Once on tour in rainy season

Iss reader’s. This is sam from punjab, telling u a real experiance which was held nearly this week. Main apni story ko translate ko hindi main translate kar raha hoon. I am sam m/24. Main aksar ladies ko dekhkar impress hota tha kyoki ladies aksar girls se zyada apne app ko aaj kal sex appeal deti hain main bahut din se sochta tha ki kab mujhe moka mile aur main kisse se sex karo. Main aksar is tak main rehta tha or ik din yani pinchle month 26 ko main apna buissness ke silsely main bahar jaha...

4 years ago
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escorting a special lady

This is for a certain lady , i escort a young lady to a local pub , her fantasy is to have strangers cover her in come . but she wants to feel safe im her minder should i say, we start off getting a drink, she is dressed in a short black dress ,she has lovely gorgeous legs, slim figure ,beautiful blonde hair, whenever she walks into a room everyone notices, the bar is full of older men , shes only 18, sweet looking but also slutty at the same time. we take a seat all the men are looking at...

5 years ago
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My Black Surprise Blacken

As I walk up to the coffee shop, he chose for us to meet at, my heart was racing. I had met men from the internet before, but never this soon. I hardly knew him, but it seemed that things went faster with him than usual. I agreed to meet him wondering what exactly I was getting myself into. I had put an ad on the internet hoping to find an older married black man that would want to have sex with me for a little while. I wasn't after just sex; any woman can go to a bar and find that. I was...

3 years ago
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Homosexual IndoctrinationChapter 2

04 A few days later came the first Monday of classes. The weekend had been pretty quiet to be honest. Robby had been out on a few dates, which he recounted to Chris at breakfast each morning. Chris had gone out on Saturday evening for a bit, but ended up back at home after having forgotten he needed to work on a project he'd promised his group that he would do a lot of the initial research for. How did he become so forgetful suddenly? Monday morning, the roommates' alarm went off before...

2 years ago
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Two Pregnant Moms and SisChapter 2

I usually wore one of my pairs of Hawaiian shorts when I hung out around our pool but when mom came out an hour later she found me sitting on a chaisse lounge in my racing suit, a little red Speedo that just accentuated the bulge between my legs. Mom, her hands full of magazines and sun block and towels, stood fidgeting before finally sitting down on the next chair. "Did you wear it?" "Don't you dare say anything," she warned as she spread her towel on the chair. Then slowly shook the...

4 years ago
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Taking It To The Streets Chapter 3

Ruth worked more and more of his thick meaty cock into her mouth. William moaned as he felt her warm mouth surrounding his cock. As she worked him deeper, she cradled his nuts in her hand using her long fingernails to lightly scratch his perineum and adding another layer of sensation to his experience. He lay on the bed enjoying the amazing feelings she was giving his cock, she slid down until he hit the back of her throat causing her to gag a bit. She pulled back just an inch or so keeping him...

2 years ago
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To this day, I don't know why I went to the auction. I certainly had no intention of purchasing a slave, even had I enough money for it. But I turned in through the great portico and took a bidding card from the door-man. "Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen. This morning we have a fine selection of females. The males are this afternoon, in case you didn't realise. As usual, we begin with the untrained virgins... Lot 1..." A girl in a loose, plain dress, appeared through the curtain with a...

3 years ago
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Diane by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) It started when I was nine years old. I have two sisters, Linda is three years older than I am and Denise is my twin. One day while we were playing Linda decided we should play "dress up", her favorite game. She found a pretty dress for her and one for Denise After getting all dressed Linda looked at Denise and said, "Let's find something for Denny to wear!" They rooted through their things until they found a pair of pink nylon panties...

4 years ago
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A paladin visiting the cathedral receives a

Petric trod into the Cathedral of Light during moonless midnight. The sun had been down for a good six hours at least, and the large centre of worship in Stormwind was utterly silent. Candles flickered fitfully, several dozen of the thick waxen stems placed along walls, chandeliers and in metallic candle holders. Only a few people were there, s**ttered among the columns and benches.Most of those were priests or priestesses.He saw one of the men lighting a candle, then leaving through one of the...

2 years ago
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What do you think

"What do you think about to turn yourself on?" Asking about kinks was my girlfriend's latest musing way to pass time. She wouldn't be happy with a simple "I like..." for an answer. When we had the necessary privacy to cuddle a bit, she wanted to encourage me to share the utmost intimate with her. One time she admitted had a soft spot for bonds, a very special kind at that: it needed to be steel handcuffs, clasping her wrists close enough to hurt a little when she moved. She told me...

2 years ago
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Black List I GhostsChapter 1

Spencer and Sam make it to headquarters pretty quickly, even with her shower. Traffic at three in the morning is fairly light if not nonexistent. They are met by their boss and director of TDF or the Terrestrial Defense Force, Roger Cornelius. “It’s about time you two got your asses in here.” “Sorry, boss,” Sam says. “I needed a shower.” “Yeah, I was young and in love once,” the large man says, grinning. Roger is tall and well-built and looks as mean as a person can get, but he is really...

3 years ago
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Hidden Memories Part Two

Bailey sat there in the living room, on the couch with a hot cup of tea in her hands. She looked down at it and wondered why this was happening to her. She didnt do anything wrong. Unless it was before she lost her memory. Bailey what happened? Cody asked her as he sat down on the other couch. I dont know, her lips trembled. I was just working at the club and then all of a sudden I started getting the feeling that I was being watched and then tonight happened and I have no idea why. She...

3 years ago
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Gift From The FutureChapter 15

"I guess I got you into this mess," she said. He pulled her closer to him, "I don't think we'll have to worry about things like this again. That's why I called Paul first. In about 2 hours, his papers are going to hit the street and a lot of people are going to have to do a lot of explaining." "What's going to happen to the two men?" "They're going to go to jail for a long time. They don't think so right now, but I have a way to make sure it happens." Ann got up and held out...

2 years ago
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Private Katy Rose Enjoys Interracial Threesome With DP

It’s no secret, Katy Rose loves rough sex and that’s why she has come to Private Specials, Sassy Girls Going Black for an interracial threesome as she looks to take things to whole other level. Enjoy this wild brunette on where she slips into her new sexy lingerie and has her craving for black meat satisfied, warming up with a double blowjob and getting everything wet and ready for a fuck. Then watch Katy put her pussy and ass to work as she enjoys some intense anal and DP...

3 years ago
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The First Hot Fuck Session

Over the last few days I was talking to a married fellow not far from town and decided that he met our criteria for a "no strings attached" fuck session with my hotwife. So I called her up at work and told her that I have the perfect guy for her and that he will be here when she gets home from work and I asked her if she's ok with it. I could tell by the way she said "sure, I can do that" that there are others in the office too close to her and will overhear what she was saying. I ask...

2 years ago
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Horse Surprise

The morning had started out like any other. After breakfast she had went out to the barn, fed the cows and chickens, and was tending to the horses. She had been brushing them all down, and was getting ready to turn them back into the pasture when she got the urge to pee. Since she was the only one on the farm, she frequently went to the nearest corner to relieve herself, and today was no different. Lisa was just finishing peeing and was still in the bent over position rising up when all...

3 years ago
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ReunionChapter 5

Silence. Kelly had said the one thing that Matt least expected. 'Husband?' Kelly nodded. 'How long have you... ?' He couldn't bring himself to say the words. 'Almost seven years.' 'Seven? Kids?' She bit her lip and shook her head. 'So why? I mean, last night, where was he?' 'He didn't come. He doesn't believe in looking back. As far as he is concerned, reunions are a stupid idea.' 'But if you're married, why?' 'Why sleep with you? I don't make a habit of...

2 years ago
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Rose And The Rest Of My Family

Rose is the only woman I’ll ever need. Her name was chosen after she was born, she was going to be named Susan until her mom saw the hair on her head. Strawberry blond? It was all that and more. If you looked it up in the dictionary they would have her picture. Rose’s father died in a traffic accident 2 months before she was born. She got her hair from him. Her first marriage was a mistake. Her husband played ball and was never home during the season. She saw him almost as a father figure,...

4 years ago
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Riding Bitch Chapter 2

Riding Bitch Chapter 2 By Cissykay Before I knew what was happening, she placed a long leather strap around my waist, and buckled it behind the chair. Now I couldn't get off the chair if I wanted to. "That was the last trick I had to play on you girlie. Now you're all mine." She took a smaller strap and buckled my right arm to the back of the chair. Then one on the left. Then she pulled out another piece of plastic the same color as the chair. She slid it into a groove in...

2 years ago
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Widow Neighbor Inspires Young Mans Panty Fetish

Beatrice had been our neighbor all my 17 years, and she had been widowed for 5 of them. At 55 she had a pretty face with full lips, brunette hair in the typical housewife perm of the late 70’s, about 130 pounds and 5’7” tall with a shapely figure, C cup breasts, round behind which led to her beautiful legs, it baffled the small town of Hamlin, why she did not date and remained single after her husband’s untimely passing. She had a great personality, vibrant and positive coupled with a sense of...

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TeamSkeetXFuckingAwesome Tiffany Watson Making Dad Proud

The Million Dollar Deal featuring Tiffany Watson and Sean Michaels. Wanting to contribute more to the family Business, Tiffany decides to help persuade her dad’s wealthy business partner to sign on the dotted line. When she notices Mr. Michael’s hesitation to sign the million dollar deal, Tiffany steps in to save the deal by offering him something he can’t refuse, her body. Wanting to make her Dad proud Tiffany wastes no time in convincing Mr. Michaels he is making the right choice, the...

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The Barcalounger

One day, back in 1975, my friend Scott invited me over for a beer after work. We were both just out of college for the summer and had just turned 21 during the school year, so beer became a regular part of our week. We were sitting in the kitchen when his 11 year old sister, Amy, came strolling through and as she always did gave me a once over and then popped me in the back of the head. I finally thought in stead of being passive about it I was going to teach her a lesson. Scott had just...

4 years ago
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How Deep Is Your Love part 1

After long years of being afraid to commit I've finally met someone who charmed me enough to become his girlfriend. The boy has all the advantages except of the extremely difficult character, especially if he loses a bet in tennis (for most of the times he's winning - fortunately). He's Russian, so all those moodswings they call a "Russian soul." I'm a petite brunette from Poland, with a nice set of boobies, and I'm famous of being a tough cookie as well. Though, my darling is worth to fight...

Oral Sex
5 years ago
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I Fell ThroughChapter 10

July 12, 1847 I had been recovering from the shock I received last night when all three of my wives talked about being pregnant. After those statements I was wide-awake. Claire's pregnancy we had expected, but Elizabeth's was not. As for Louise, I spoke to her and found she had missed her last period but didn't know if she was pregnant, as she had been going through so much that her periods where irregular. I told her not to worry about it for another month. She was still upset, afraid...

2 years ago
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THEFT "Can I get you a drink?" Sophie asked me. "That would be great," I replied. The two of us had never been that close when she was married to my older brother, Steve, and now that they were divorced I didn't know why she was being so nice to me. She was thirty-seven, ten years older than me. I sympathised with my brother for leaving her, as the two of them were never right for each other. She was not much of a mother either, alternately spoiling and punishing their one...

4 years ago
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James Miller part 1

            We all have our little fantasies and mine just walked in. I'm at my k**s school to sign some paperwork and pay a few fees. Plus, I was there to pick up my oldest.  He had told the teacher he wasn't feeling good.  As I'm waiting for the secretary to give me copies of the paperwork, a receipt and for my son to come down.                 In walks Mr. James Miller, 6'2, roughly 200lbs give or take a few pounds, a wall of solid muscle and a butt you can bounce a quarter off of . He's the...

5 years ago
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The Polka Dot Blue Dress with Silver Moons

It was your birthday and I didn't have anything to give you. I'd searched every online shopping site I could find and nothing suitable was listed. I decided I'd give you a present like no other you ever had, a single perfect moment.While you were at work I spent the morning making sure I was absolutely at my best. I trimmed my landing strip, shaved my lips, and waxed my legs. I rubbed lotion into every inch of my body so I'd be slippery, sensual, and perfumed. I knew just how to make you want...

2 years ago
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Gina Loses Her Virginity While Babysitting

I've been babysitting for the longest time. Every weekend, I have a job and have made enough money to buy a car. I've been babysitting for the Jackson's for about two years now. They hired me overnight and will be paying me three hundred dollars. I'm so excited to go over there tonight. The best part of babysitting over there, is their gorgeous son named Jack. I wasn't sure if he'd be home, but I was hoping he might be. I've had a crush on him for the longest time. He's so incredibly...

3 years ago
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20 Years Of Infidelity Chapters 10 and 11

2(((((Re-written))))) Ellyse was such a delicious treat that she made me shiver as I watched her bathing in the sea with Jason. Not tall, not short with long, dark hair that seemed very dark against her pale skin. She was slender but with large breasts that looked very soft. Jason must have thought she was damned good looking, too as his cock was twitching in no time. The fact she'd had the courage to be the first to approach Jason while I was still washing his cum from my pussy said much about...

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MomsOnMoms Cherie Deville Kenzie Taylor Sisters MidLife Crisis

Two mature step-sisters, Cherie DeVille and Kenzie Taylor, are catching up after life’s kept them apart awhile. Cherie looks distressed and when Kenzie asks about it, it’s revealed that Cherie and her husband are getting a divorce. It’s just that the spark between them has been gone for YEARS, and she can’t see herself growing old with him anymore. In fact, there’s someone ELSE she’d rather grow old with… And it’s a woman. Kenzie doesn’t...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 18 Good Night

It was four hours later when I crawled into her bed with cheese and crackers and wine and pain medicine. She ate the foods, drank the wine, and took the pills I gave her. I did show her where more food and medicine was stored. I also showed her, by touch, how to use the intercom to reach cousin next door. One problem with the goggles was going to be boredom, as she could not read anything. I gave her an ipod with some audio books on it, but I admitted that she was going to be inconvenienced....

5 years ago
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Spring Cleaning

When Alice told me she had a surprise for me, I got worried. I knew she’d been working on something she kept from me for the last couple of months, and that much time meant something really elaborate could be in the offering. Now, Alice isn’t all bad, and she can be kind when I need her, but she is endlessly inventive (she studies engineering) and has quite a mean streak, too. We’ve been together for about two years, and she made it clear from the start she didn’t want just a boyfriend, but a...

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Beating His Wifes Arse

Mandy sat on the corner of the bed waiting for her father Gary to enter the room and give the inevitable order to strip and lay across the bed for her spanking. She could hear the sound of the strop landing across her sister Nina's ass and the accompanying cries of pain and promises to be a good girl. She sat listening and wincing with each horrid blow that rang through the she remembered one of the many spankings she had received from her father over the years. She had been sixteen and, by her...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 198 Parking Lot Fun and Games

Monday, May 9, 2005 (Continued) Back to real-time, resuming my story just after the attempted castration. Between the cops and the Principal, I didn't go to any classes for the rest of the day. I finished with the Principal just before school let out, so I went to Julia's last class and stood outside her room waiting for the final bell. When the bell rang, the usual end-of-school stampede out of the classroom occurred. It didn't take a genius to know not to stand by the door, so I was...

2 years ago
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Daves younger brother and my wife

When We had parties, we did a lot of checking out for partners for my wife. One night at a party, Her young friend Dave, (18) was one of the last guys to stay. There were 5 people left at the party. There was my wife, Peggy, Myself, Dave (one of her current fuck-buddies), and another young couple. They were mainly using our place as a spot to make-out. They sat at the bon-fire and swapped tongue all evening and he never got to third base. I was wondering if they were ever going to leave, when a...

4 years ago
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A Night We Wont Forget Part 1

Our family is a typical family. We may be a little more fortunate than some, but I consider us typical, but that all changed. Last year we were planning a trip to the lake for spring break. My wife, son, two daughters, and I were going to be spending a week at my parents' lake front home having fun in the sun with the lake as our front yard. The week we were supposed to leave, Murphy reared it's ugly head. Unfortunately, we fond out just how wrong things could go for us. My wife is an attorney...

2 years ago
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13 January 2007Chapter 1

Dan was happily cuddled on the living room couch between Karen and Wendy. Their legs spread for him, he gently fingered each pussy while alternating kisses with his lovers. Wendy’s phone chirped and buzzed, announcing a call. “A & A Langdon 824-6978,” she remarked about the caller ID. “I don’t recognize A & A and the number.” Hesitantly, she answered the call, “Hello?” “Hi, Wendy, it’s Alicia and Aaron Langdon, how are you doing?” “We’re doing fine, thank you. I didn’t recognize...

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Prodigal SonChapter 6

Two years later The heatwave shimmered, disguising the dust cloud of the approaching seven riders. They were dressed identically. Canvas dusters and black cavalry slouch hats. When they had gotten to about 100 yards from the farmstead, they slowed their horses to a walk. The farm was the usual arraignment, a house probably three rooms. An outhouse for the obvious reasons. A root cellar and a barn. The barn was easily the largest and most important structure on the farm. Two stories and...

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Summer of 2000

It starts out with a phone call. It is from my neighbor. Her husband has just died about 6 months ago. She asked me if I would be willing to show you how to use a computer. I have notice her many times. The only time I talked to her was when she needed a "jump" because the battery in her car died. Since then I "lusted" after her. My neighbor’s name was Laura. She was in her early 20's about 5' 2" but with a full figure 39-25-36, 36G breast. I just turn 26.When I looked on the called ID to see...

2 years ago
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Raped and I liked it

I’m half way through my second year of college, and unfortunately, I live in a crowded dorm with shared rooms. My roommate is, in many ways, great; she is very clean and respectful of my things... The problem is she Is ALWAYS here! I am horny as fuck all the time and I have no where except the shared showers to get off. Sometimes I discretely carried one of my dildos in my bag to fuck myself in the shower. Although effective, it was not always fun trying to be quiet. One evening my roommate...

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