1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 27 The Final Adjustments
- 3 years ago
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The next morning Stephanie and I ate breakfast together in the dining room. The sunlight spilling in through the windows made her hair and skin look perfect. She was wearing a short silk robe I’d bought her years ago over a pair of shorts and a loose camisole. I leered at her cleavage as she dug into her grapefruit. Over the morning’s Sports section, of course.
My mind wandered to the events of the night before: the incredible fuck we’d shared on the kitchen island followed by the erotic fantasy her sister had shared with me under hypnosis. I barely felt like the same person I was a week ago–frustrated and desperate. Now all I could think about was how fortunate I was to be in the position to be with this incredibly hot and suddenly horny woman sitting across from me. It was selfish for me to want more, but I hadn’t done anything yet, either.
I took a sip from my coffee and leaned over to get a better look down Stephanie’s shirt when she turned to me.
‘Did you… do something to me when you hypnotized me last week?’ she asked.
I almost sprayed my coffee all over her. I folded my paper carefully in front of me and set down my mug. ‘Why would you say something like that?’
‘I don’t know. It’s weird. Like, I remember dinner last night, and I remember sitting down with Nikki and watching you hypnotize her. Then she started taking off her clothes. Then I remember saying good night to her and going to bed early. But I don’t remember closing the door or you coming to bed or anything else. Isn’t that weird?’
‘Honey,’ I said, turning the newspaper sideways on the table between us. ‘Do you remember us drinking three bottles of wine last night? I’m not sure I remember that much. Nicole collected her things and went home as soon as you went to bed. I offered to make her coffee so she’d be safe. Do you remember that?’
She squinted her eyes and looked a little confused. Then she smiled. ‘It was a lot of wine. But there’s something else–since that night, I’ve been a total slut. I can’t believe we did what we did in the kitchen. You put your thumb in my ass! And I liked it! And I’m having these thoughts… That’s not me. It never has been.’
‘What kind of thoughts?’ I asked. I rubbed her calf under the table with my toes, caressing up her leg and to her thigh.
She blushed and squirmed away from my touch. ‘Sexy thoughts. Different stuff. I don’t know. Things I haven’t thought about since I was a teenager. It’s just weird.’
‘Do you not like it?’
‘No! It’s awesome. We haven’t been like this since we first got together. I’m excited every time I see you. I’m, like, aware of myself in this new way. And the sex has just been incredible–even you’re different. It’s like you know what I’ve always wanted. Don’t things seem different to you?’
I thought about how I should answer this. Sometimes having the subconscious dragged into the conscious mind undoes all of the work. I didn’t want to do that, but I also didn’t want any part of Stephanie being unhappy. ‘They are different, but they’re also better. Maybe that ‘sexual peak’ that people always talk about is arriving for you. You’ve lost some weight–I’ve never seen you look better. Maybe you’re feeling sexy and acting like it.’ I reached across the table and held her hand. I ran my fingers across her palm. I pressed on the inside of her wrist. She still looked uncertain, so I pulled her hand up to my lips and kissed the back of it. Nothing sexy about it, just tenderness.
‘I love you. You do look beautiful,’ I said.
‘I love you, too. Maybe it’s all in my head. It was a lot of wine.’ She dug back into her grapefruit and I watched her for a little while, the way her hair fell across her face and how her lips twitched when she was thinking hard.
‘What haven’t you thought about since you were a teenager?’ I asked.
The color rose in her cheeks and she crushed the last wedges of her breakfast. ‘I’m going to shower.’
‘Do you want me to join you?’
‘Yes, but you can’t. I’ll take advantage of you, and you’ll never get to work on time.’ She wiggled her ass at me and turned the corner up the stairs. A few minutes later, I heard the water running.
That morning when I got to my office I was pleasantly surprised to find an e-mail message from Nicole. I was afraid that my instructions to her to e-mail me a sexy picture when she fantasized about me might be too complicated for her subconscious to process. I was glad I was wrong.
Nicole’s a smart woman. The picture didn’t reveal her face, just the ends of her hair spilling over her shoulders. She’d posed with her cameraphone on a table. Her thin body was perched on her hands and knees, with one hand buried in a black thong and another cupping one of her small but firm breasts under the cup of a black lace bra. She looked good. The e-mail didn’t have any text, it felt like it was done automatically–without thinking. I wouldn’t mention it to her, although I spent more time than necessary ogling her perfect skin and tight lines.
Stephanie was right, hypnotizing her (and her sister) had not only changed them, it had changed me. I was definitely more confident now. The taste of getting what I wanted made me want even more. When I walked around my campus, my eyes lingered on the lithe coeds more than was necessary and maybe appropriate. But another thing happened: the coeds seemed to be noticing me, too. A college campus in summer is slow, but it’s not vacant. Young women carry their summer school books pressed to their spaghetti-strapped shirts and short shorts. I could feel their eyes linger on me. I even caught a couple of young things turn to check out my ass as they walked by. I hoped they would enroll in my course for the fall.
I found myself mildly disappointed the next day when I came to work and I didn’t have a picture from my sister-in-law. I didn’t expect one, it had taken some time for Stephanie to work out my instructions. But I’d hoped for something. Nicole clearly had more of an erotic imagination than my wife. Perhaps I shouldn’t have instructed her to sleep as soundly as I did.
Instead I puttered around my mostly-vacant building. The engineering and architecture schools were centered in gleaming new glass-and-metal cathedrals, but my own liberal arts department was secluded in a building nearly as old as the campus itself. It wasn’t without its charms, though. The grass around the building was cool in the summer, and students picnicked outside during session. The trees were mature and shaded the grounds, and what the brick and ivy exterior lacked in awesomeness it more than made up for in character and class.
Since it was the middle of summer, the great majority of my colleagues had either just left or were about to come back from their own travels. I always tried to make the most of this time, so I was doing my own research and settling on materials for the coming fall. Even the secretaries were out. My hallway lights have a motion detector instead of a switch, and I had started to favor working in twilight.
My phone rang, and I was surprised to see that it was Stephanie.
‘I’m afraid that you’re on your own for dinner tonight, baby,’ she said. ‘Did you have anything special planned?’
A couple of chicken breasts were thawing in the fridge alongside a bottle of white wine. More interestingly, there was a quiver of excitement in her voice. ‘Nothing that can’t keep. Are you going to be out with your boyfriend tonight?’ I teased.
Sometimes you can hear someone’s smile through the phone, but I knew that my joke wasn’t that funny. ‘No, I have to stay late at the office.’
‘Working on a big story?’
‘Uh-uh. I’m anchoring the evening news tonight!’ She practically screamed it into the handset. It was something that she’d been working toward for the last few years. Even when anchor’s desks opened up in smaller markets, she’d stayed on at her station waiting for her chance
‘Baby, I’m so excited for you! Is this a full-time thing?’
‘Not yet. That bitch Cindy got drunk at lunch and fell into a planter in the parking lot. She has a huge welt across her face. Anyway, I’m going to be doing five, six, and ten, so don’t hold anything for me.’
‘All right, honey. I love you and I’m so proud of you. You sound a little nervous. Where are you?’
‘I’m at home picking up some clothes. Are you still at work?’
‘Yeah, just reading through some things. I’ll be here a while and maybe I’ll get some dinner out here before I head back. Take some time to relax or you’ll be a live wire when the cameras come on. I know you’ll do great. Love you.’
‘I love you, too.’ And then she hung up.
I leaned back in my chair for a little while and let myself feel excited for my wife. Tonight could be her big break. Local anchors got ‘Wally Pipped’ all the time when they had to take a night off. Stephanie had done a bunch of awful weekend fill-ins over the last couple of years so that she’d be ready when this chance arrived.
I did a little busywork at my desk–shifting papers around, mostly. I wasn’t looking busy for anyone. I thought that I might need to dust the bookshelves on my office walls before the new school year. While I stared out my window daydreaming about my wife’s raised profile and hopefully boosted paycheck, a new e-mail appeared in my inbox. Usually I ignored it, but this one was from Stephanie’s sister Nicole and carried the telltale paperclip that indicated an attachment.
Again the e-mail was bereft of text, but it wasn’t bereft of content. The picture had been taken in what was clearly the stall of an office restroom. She’d positioned her camera phone over he shoulder and her top was unbuttoned. Beneath the tops of her breasts she showed her splayed legs with her hand buried in her pussy. Her feet pushed the doors of the stall closed. Apparently she was getting daring pretty quickly, and she was pretty bored at work during the day.
I must’ve been staring pretty intently at the curve of my sister-in-law’s thighs a, because I didn’t hear the soft ping of the elevator when it stopped on my floor. Nor did I hear the the hallway lights hum to life. And I didn’t hear the puddling of a trench coat in the hallway. It was only when I heard the click of footsteps approaching my doorway that I clicked my e-mail window closed and tried to adjust the bulge I had been nurturing in my pants.
‘Excuse me, Professor?’ It was Stephanie’s voice. I flipped off my monitor.
‘Steph? What’re you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on the way to the studio?’ And then I turned in my chair.
My wife is 30 but usually can pass for 25. As she stood in front of me, she looked 19. She was impossible to take in all at once. Her auburn hair was tied up in pigtails with red ribbon. She wore a tailored white dress shirt maybe a half-size too small with cuffs above her elbows. Her breasts spilled out from the three buttons she’d left carelessly undone. The red lace of her bra mocked decency. She wore a crimson and green tartan skirt whose pleats ended at the hemline above her mid-thigh. She had white, knee-high socks under her patent leather Mary Janes with three-inch heels. She looked like every sixteen-year-old’s fantasy. And she was standing in my office.
‘Professor, I’m not sure you remember me, but I was in your class last Spring.’
I stood up to stand in front of her. She looked up at me through the open doorway. If she wanted to play act a little bit, I wasn’t going to stop her. Not when she was looking like this. ‘I think I remember you. Didn’t you sit in the back of the class? When you were there?’
‘Yeah… I’m sorry about that. I just had so much going on with my sorority this semester. I’m really sorry. This was the first class that I ever failed.’ As she talked she played with the fine gold chain around her neck. She looked into my eyes and while her expression was pure innocence, her intentions were clearly anything but.
‘Well, I hope you learned a lesson.’ I wasn’t sure what exactly she was looking for, but she definitely wanted me to play along. ‘I’ve already turned in grades, but there is a process for changing grades that are in error or for students who do extra work.’ She gave me the slightest nod. I had the right track. ‘Do you have a project in mind? You were very far… behind.’
‘Oh, I know I was behind. I’ll do whatever I can to catch up. Oops.’ She ostentatiously rolled a pen off my desk and onto the floor behind her. She turned on her heels and bent over at her waist. While she reached out her arm for the pencil, she leaned her ass directly into my now raging hard-on, contained only by my slacks and boxer briefs.
As easily as one heartbeat follows another I rested my hands on either side of my wife-student’s hips. When she pressed back into me, she moved her hips down, and up when I pushed back into her. She followed the ridge of my cock as she moved, the palms of her hands pressed into the floor. One of them had finally grasped the errant ballpoint. I ran my hands under the hemline of the skirt and found a pair of red lace panties. I gave my member a little relief and inserted my hand between us. I rested my fingers along the cleft of her pussy.
Stephanie was sopping wet. She must have been thinking about this for hours, getting herself worked up since we talked on the phone, at least. ‘Mmm… Professor. I can’t tell you how much I want… need this grade. Is there anything we can do to take care of this today? I’m really busy and so close… to graduating.’
I pressed my hands into her sides and straightened her up. She leaned the weight of her body back into mine and continued to grind her hips into my dick. She was teasing me, but her skin was also hot against my face.
I sat her up on my desk and moved to close the door. She reached out and stopped it halfway. ‘Leave it open,’ she whispered into my ear, biting my earlobe. I swung it lightly so that a gap remained. The hallway light blinkered off.
I leaned in and kissed her. Her mouth was already open, hot and wet. I pulled my hands from her thighs and unbuttoned the remainder of her blouse–it was already halfway undone. I slid my hand between the red lace of her bra and her fair skin. Her nipple hardened immediately under my touch.
She sucked on my tongue and groaned lightly as I played with her nipple and tried to press my body closer against hers. She ran her fingers under the fabric of my shirt and the waistband of my pants. She cupped her palm against my crotch and scratched her fingers along the outline of my cock. She squeezed the head lightly.
I kissed down her neck. Her skin was moist and fragrant with her desire. I pulled her ass to the edge of my desk. Her bra unhooked at the front. ‘You’re a slutty little student, aren’t you? You knew what you were doing coming in here.’ I unhooked it with my teeth and sucked a nipple into my mouth, rubbing around the edges of the other with one hand.
‘Yes… yes,’ Stephanie said. I wasn’t sure whether she was agreeing with me or just responding to my ministrations. I placed my hands on the sides of her ribs and arched her back to me. Her skin was hot in my mouth and I knew that she wouldn’t be able to wait long for some relief.
I kissed her stomach and finally hooked my fingers under the waistband of her red lace panties. She leaned back and let me pull them off her outstretched legs.
‘Yes… please…’ my wife said. She spread her legs around my shoulders. I got down on my knees. She was ready to go. I didn’t want to fuck her when she was this close to orgasm. I knelt in front of her and pulled her to the very edge of my desk. ‘Oh, God,’ she said. She kicked her legs over my shoulders.
I lifted up the pleated hem of her skirt and nestled my face between her thighs. If Stephanie’s skin was hot, her pussy was scorching. I licked along the cleft of her shaved pussy. Ther
e wasn’t a prickle on it. I felt the heels of her shoes dig into my back. Her hands clutched at my hair.
I felt her scoot herself further forward and she spread her knees apart to give me access. She smelled hot and dark and sexy. I ran the tip of my tongue from the bottom of her labia to the top, listening to her heavy breathing above me.
‘Fuck me,’ she said. ‘I’m ready for you. I’m so hot.’
I moved back slightly from her pussy. I spoke into it. ‘No.’ I continued teasing her. Her heels felt like daggers against my back. She was grabbing fistfuls of my hair. Her hands pushed my face into her pussy.
I always wondered if women could understand what I say when I write on their clits. Not consciously, but subconsciously. Even if they do, I now had a much more direct line to my wife’s subconscious, so I didn’t really worry about it.
I-A-M-G-O-I-N-G-T-O-F-U-C-K-Y-O-U-R-A-S-S-H-O-L-E, I carved into her clit with the tip of my tongue. I licked her pussy again. Almost like a return key.
‘Ugh…’ my wife groaned.
I-A-M-G-O-I-N-G-T-O-F-U-C-K-Y-O-U-R-S-I-S-T-E-R, I wrote. Her knees tried to clench around my head. I pulled them apart with my hands.
‘Oh, God…’ she moaned.
A-N-D-Y-O-U-A-R-E-G-O-I-N-G-T-O-A-S-K-M-E-T-O-D-O-B-O-T-H-T-O-O, I finally wrote.
‘Yes! Please!’ She dug into my scalp with her nails. It was starting to hurt.
Finally I drove my tongue deep into her. I worked it up and around Stephanie’s most sensitive places. I knew I hit her G-spot when I felt her fingernails clench into my scalp. I rubbed my nose against her clit and her entire body went rigid.
‘Oh, God! Oh, God! I’m cumming!’ she moaned. I worried about the open door, but I couldn’t even see whether the hallway outside my office was lit with my face buried in my wife’s snatch. I could barely breathe.
When I was on the edge of passing out, her entire body went slack. Papers spilled over the front of my desk onto the floor. My wife isn’t a squirter, but when her thighs released the sides of my face, I was soaked. I kissed the insides of her legs and ran my tongue over her stomach and between her breasts. Finally I kissed her on the mouth. She’d never let me kiss her after the few occasions that she’d let me go down on her.
She didn’t recoil. In fact, she pulled me deeper into her. Her fingers pulled on my neck and lifted her body back into mine. The edges of her nails pressed into my spine. She moaned lightly, her tongue broke our lips’ seal and licked along the corners of my mouth. I reached between her legs and rubbed her clit.
‘No, please,’ she said. She wrapped her fingers around my wrist and pulled my hand up to her face. ‘Just give me a minute. I’m so sensitive.’ She was short of breath still from her orgasm and our kiss. Her lips were glossy with her cum.
‘Do all women taste this good?’ Steph asked. She sucked my fingers into her mouth and closed her eyes while she ran her tongue around each fingertip and down the cleft between. She opened her eyes narrowly and found mine. ‘Mmm…’
‘Some not as sweet, some a little more spicy, but I’ve never found a woman who tastes better.’ I pulled my fingers out of my wife’s mouth and put my lips back to hers. I pulled back on her pig tails and nibbled down her neck and into her collar. Again she fumbled at my belt buckle and along the waistband of my pants.
‘Have you ever fucked a student? Is this the first ‘extra credit’ you’ve ever given?’ she whispered into my ear.
I caught my breath. Stephanie probably thought it was because she’d finally opened my pants and was clawing at my rock-hard cock. I wasn’t sure if we were still playing–whether she wanted an honest answer. This wasn’t my pent-up, repressed wife of just a few weeks ago, this was a woman who dressed like an anime character to surprise me in my office. I decided that I’d tell her the truth. I could always put in into a trance and get her to forget it if she objected.
‘Just once before,’ I said. Her hands were under my shirt, clawing at my chest. Her nails dug deeper into my skin.
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Athea was knocking on the door and a moment later Chalissa opened. “Hello Athea, are you searching for Menja? Meyra is almost done with her hair,” Chalissa greeted, surprised and a bit shyly. “That’s good; when she is done we all can go into the town together. I’m sure you and Meyra need a lot of new things to get ready to leave Paras tomorrow,” Athea replied smiling. “Leave Paras?” Chalissa asked wide-eyed. “Yes, tomorrow we will sail for Vernya. There is a war we have to take care of. I...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Dad tells me that the secret to anything is to put good people on it, then to stay out of their way. In the case of the wedding it was a synergy of the staff, Special Events, Aunt Francine's set crew and the Amish. Supervising all this was Aunt Jo and her team of students. Some of them are here tonight—give us a wave. Aunt Jo says that all she ever said was, "That's fine. Keep going." I ask this, who got them out of the motel before the media...
I watched Sarah. Amazed at the size cock that she was sucking. Naturally the other guy was larger but he was a grown man. The kid, I could see him better now, had a very large cock for his age, It was at least as large as mine of about eight inches. The man she had been sucking was the one from earlier in the week that I had sucked off with her. His thick eleven inch cock was large as he stroked it and watched Sarah suck the young boy, The man, John, got in between the legs of the young lad...
Sarah should not have had a gleefuf look on her face as she licked the cock head. Sarah was doing this because the rent was due and I had just been laid off at the wrong time. As if there is a right time to be laid off, especially after we had returned from an expensive vacation. Two weeks of carefree days in the sun at the resort. It was a way to cope with the grind at work. It was Sarah's way to unwind after being coped up in the apartment while i worked. Sarah didn't work. She had been...
Introduction: Sarah and Jim fuck again It was only a couple of days later that I came to the house and there was a strange SUV in the driveway. I thought that my wife was busy with a customer so I looked in a window, at the side of the house, before I went bumbling in.Isaw Sarah in between a guys naked legs. She was naked also. Then I saw her move over and start sucking another cock, The other man was not a man at all but a young boy of about ten or twelve. His body was hidden by the man Sarah...
Introduction: Husband and wifeservice her Johns I sat in the guest bedroom, looking through a eye hole. The hole was between the connecting door leading into the main bedroom. I had a good view of the room. I had a good view of my naked wife, Sarah, I had a good view of my neighbor from down the hall as he sat on the edge of my bed. I had a good view of Sarah holding his oversized cock and licking the tip. I looked at Sam as he sat, also naked, with his great belly. What made me shudder was...
The Worm TurnsI thought that I would let you, the reader, know how my life has changed, some would say for the better! It all started as a normal day at work, where I am sales manager for a team of guys who sell fitness equipment. As a totally non P.C. team, we have chosen our office staff for their, shall we say, flexibility to work procedures, which they are quite happy with as it is reflected in their bonus payments. This afternoon I had just closed a big deal, and as I reflected on the...
When Wife Wants to Play, what do you say? It’s a question I like to pose to strangers, especially if they’ve got a good-looking ball and chain, and it’s a question you may be asking yourself right now. Maybe it’s your own cuckold fetish you’re looking to feed, or perhaps your wife has developed a sudden new interest in BBC, but whatever the case, this next site may answer some of your questions, give you some ideas, and maybe even help you find a well-endowed stud to give your hotwife the...
Porn ForumsWith the formation of the Women's International Party in the mid 2000's, political power has been gradually shifting away from the men and into the hands of a group of radical feminists. These women claim that patriarchy is the root cause of most of society's problems, and that a world dominated by females would be free of war, poverty, class divisions, and corporate greed. While the party is essentially still a fringe group, it has managed to seize power in a few communities on the west coast...
John Trent took a quick look at the clock as he loaded a bucket with ice. He frowned with worry when he saw that it was already a little past ten thirty. John's shift ended at ten, but two other workers had called in sick. Friday nights were always busy, and being short two workers had just made keeping up harder. The ice, cup lids, napkins and condiments in the dining room needed to be filled up. It was John's responsibility, to take care of that when he wasn't waiting on customers. Maybe...
I noticed changes in Stephanie almost immediately. The next day was a Friday, and we both came home from work exhausted. She walked in from the gym with a bottle of diet soda in her hand. She seemed a little dreamy while she was watching television and I made dinner, and I think I noticed her rubbing her chest absently as she relaxed on the couch, but she didn’t do anything incredibly different. We both turned in early, and when I grabbed the outside of her thigh and pulled it toward me when we...
As three-hour drives go, the drive to the lake house was a quick one. My wife Stephanie and I planned a hike through the countryside, so we woke early and drove through the morning. We chatted amiably on the drive — the station promoted her to the anchor desk in the fall once the current seat-holder’s contract was up, I told her about the research projects I was planning for the next couple years — and I checked out her legs. Stephanie’s father is an architect, and he built the lake house as a...
Stephanie is my sexy, beautiful bride. We’ve been married almost five years, and she’s my best friend in the world. It’s just that after so much time–we dated and lived together for almost ten years before we married–some of the spark had gone out of our sex life. When we first married, we’d fuck four times a week, and then it was two times a week, and then it was a couple of times a month. Our lovemaking would usually be in the missionary position, and I think that we were both really bored....
I didn’t have a plan as I drove to my sister-in-law’s house, but I did have a key. Two days before I had hypnotized my wife’s sister to help her find a way to relax and sleep through the night. Since then she’d been sending me sexy photos of herself, following a post-hypnotic suggestion I’d given her. My wife Stephanie was anchoring the local evening news, so I was a bachelor that night. I picked up some very spicy Thai take-out to bring over to Nicole’s house, that was her favorite, and...
We spent Saturday shopping at the high-end mall and played grab-ass around the concourses like a couple of teenagers. Stephanie picked out some expensive things at Victoria’s Secret and some intentionally cheap things at Fredrick’s of Hollywood and teased me with many other things she tried on at both. She wouldn’t let me know what she purchased. We’d each grab an armful of pieces that she’d take into the changing room and close the door behind her. I’d watch her feet and see the delicacies...
There are two things to know about my sister in law Nicole. The first is that she’s a complete knockout. She could have been a model if she were a little taller. She is still an inch taller than Stephanie, but where Stephanie is curvy, Nicole is long and toned. Stephanie’s breasts are big enough to fill a wine glass or the palms of your hands, Nicole is smaller on top. Nicole is two years older than Stephanie, but because she’s small, her breasts and ass are as perky as they were when she was...
The Doctor, barely breathing any harder than usual, looked over at her, eyebrows raised. “What, the orgasm you just had? It was annoying?” “No, you idiot,” she said without any real heat as she kicked the sheets away from her body. Outside, one of the blizzards the planet of Nix XV was famous for raged, but inside the room, Amy was almost uncomfortably hot. Whether that was from the fire flickering cheerfully in the fireplace or the sex, she wasn’t sure. “Ah, I see” the Doctor said,...
My name is Adain Porter I live with my mom and my older sister Kylee. My dad died in a plane crash when I was 6 mom never remarried something about dad being her soul mate are something like that. I’m only 15 Kylee is 16 we both go to the same high school and are both in the 9th grade. Kylee had to start school late because of her birth day. I have short black hair, blue eyes, I’m about 150 lbs. and 6ft. Kylee on the other hand has long black flowing hair that comes down about to her...
Hello! My Name is Maline. I’m in the middle of college right now, near the sea. I’ve never been the type who likes it, its too salty for me. I gotta admit though, I love seafood. Anyways, who cares about my opinion on the sea. At college I’m that shy girl with only a few friends, slightly nerdy. I wear big Sweaters and baggy pants all the time, just because they’re comfy. Under that, I think I do have something to show tbh, like a couple of DD Tits and a pretty “Thicc” ass, like the kids these...
InterracialA few months ago, I found myself in the doghouse when my Wife had busted me for snogging a female Colleague on her Leaving Do. Having been married for 25 years, it wasn’t the first time my halo had slipped but it was the first time I’d been banged to rights!Naturally, she was upset and when she had finished grilling me and I’d re-assured her that I wasn’t having an affair, hadn’t fucked this other Woman, that it meant nothing etc. my Wife started to turn the tables on me and give me some home...
Hi i am Ravi Bhushan a 26yr old man from Nagpur. I work at Noida as a technical expert in a factory. I live in a rented flat in Noida. The flat opposite mine is occupied by a young beautiful lady who lives with her son. Her age is around38-40 yrs. One evening i went to visit her flat. As she opened the front door i saw she was wearing a very transparent negligee it was so transparent that her black bra and black panties were clearly visible. She took me inside me and i sat on the sofa. We...
I hope you like my earlier real life story . I had promised that i will write about my continuation of the story in my next mail- so here it is As you must have known I had taken the address and ph no of the anglo indian girl in frazer town , Bangalore. I often used to come home from college – atleast twice a month (home food pulled me more) I used to catch the late night train on friday and land into bangalore on saturday 5AM. Two visits to bangalore and i could not find time to catch up with...
IncestPat and I were in bed. She was sitting on my dick which had begun to deflate after filling her tight pussy with my cream. For a fifty-six-year-old, Pat has exceptional control over her vaginal muscles. It's incredible how she can pull the last few drops of cum from my balls with them.Instead of dismounting, Pat remained on my dick. She had a disconcerted look on her face, so I asked if she hadn't enjoyed our romp."Of course I did. I always do. It's just that there is something I have been...
MaturePat and I were in bed. She was sitting on my dick which had begun to deflate after filling her tight pussy with my cream. For a fifty-six-year-old, Pat has exceptional control over her vaginal muscles. It's incredible how she can pull the last few drops of cum from my balls with them.Instead of dismounting, Pat remained on my dick. She had a disconcerted look on her face, so I asked if she hadn't enjoyed our romp."Of course I did. I always do. It's just that there is something I have been...
MaturePat and I were in bed. She was sitting on my dick which had begun to deflate after filling her tight pussy with my cream. For a fifty-six-year-old, Pat has exceptional control over her vaginal muscles. It's incredible how she can pull the last few drops of cum from my balls with them.Instead of dismounting, Pat remained on my dick. She had a disconcerted look on her face, so I asked if she hadn't enjoyed our romp."Of course I did. I always do. It's just that there is something I have been...
MatureBeth and I were waiting for Emily and Greg to come out of the school building on a Friday afternoon. “Hey, Steve, can you come over and pick me up tonight at about five?” “Yeah, I guess so. I didn’t know Emily and Greg were planning anything. I’ll pick them up first and then be right over.” “Ahh, could you just pick me up? I don’t want Emily or Greg to know. It’s kind of something special I wanted to do. Here they come. Don’t say anything to them, okay?” “Yeah, okay.” I figured what the...
Saturday night, I picked up Greg and Emily and then Beth. Beth gave me a big smile as she got in the car and sat in the passenger seat. They all wanted to go to a movie, which was fine with me. Greg bought all the tickets. After all, I paid for gas and shuttled them around, and it was his girlfriend and his girlfriend’s girlfriend he was trying to impress. I bought my own snacks, and I noticed Beth was opening her purse to pay for hers. Emily and Greg already had their snacks and were far...
“Hey Honey, you’re home early for a Saturday night. Is Emily not feeling well?” Shirley Stewart, Beth’s mother, asked. “No. Emily is just being Emily. I’m just tired and wanted to come home.” Looking concerned, Ms. Stewart motioned her daughter forward, “Come here, let me feel your forehead. You look a little flushed. You’re not getting sick, are you?” Beth let her mother put the back of her hand on her forehead, “It’s okay, Mom. I feel fine. Just tired. Can I ask you something?” “Sure,...
I picked up Greg and the girls the following Saturday, and we hung out at the mall and got burgers and fries. Then Beth and Emily did some shopping. It seemed that all might be forgiven, although I detected a bit of tension between Emily and Beth as they talked. After the girls finished their shopping, I drove to our favorite parking spot by the lake. Beth and I talked about school and what we planned to do after high school. Emily and Greg were making out like they usually did. Beth didn’t...
My life went on like this for several years. By now I had all my credit cards paid off and was well on my way to paying off the mortgage in less than half the time originally planned. Craig was doing well in college, majoring in engineering and Tim was now a straight A senior in high school. Both were confident and did well with the girls, a fact that would have me worried about paternity suites if I hadn't made sure they steadfastly believed in condoms. With my powers I didn't have to...
'Cabin Boy. WHERE WERE YOU?', the Captain bellowed as I entered her quarters. 'Sorry Captain. Tara asked me to drop off some binoculars to the Crows Nest', I replied honestly. 'SHE DID WHAT?', the Captain replied and looked at me. I shifted nervously as her eyes bore through me. 'Is there anything else you want to tell me, Cabin boy?' 'Yes Captain. Jacqueline was naked in the Crows Nest and playing with herself', I answered. 'And you did what?', she asked. 'I gave her the...
Hi all mera naam Aryan hai aur main bareilly UP se hu age 22, ht 5’7, wt 60 in all aap mujhe smart keh sakte hain and this is my 1st story on ISS baat kuch din pehle ki hai jab bareilly me curfew laga tha main delhi aya hua tha Apne kisi interview k liye dopahar me ghar se phone aya k hindu-muslim riots ki wajah se kuch areas me curfew lag gaya hai hamara koi bhi relative delhi mein nahi tha isliye mujhe shaam ki train se hi bareilly wapas aana tha Ab dikkat ye thi ke main station se ghar kaise...
This story takes place After my other story, "Auction". You don't have to read that one first but it gives a backround. Thanks!He signed on line from work, tired after a long day and quickly angered when he saw she was on line. She was up past her curfew Again. Not only was she up but she was on chat as well.. which was breaking yet Another part of her curfew. No... he wasn't going to tolerate it. "Now Kitten. Be in position when I get home." he typed, not even saying hello, and saying nothing...
It was 4 AM and Sam was waiting for his daughter to get home. It was way past her curfew. He finally heard a car pull up and then the front door quietly opened. He waited till she closed the door before he grabbed her. He yelled "Where the hell have you been?" She looked at him and did not answer. He dragged her to her room and sat on the bed and bent her over his lap and began to spank her ass. Then he pulled down her pants and really spanked her bare ass. She fought trying to get away but he...