Two Birds With One Stone free porn video

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Gary was waltzing his way generically through the mall. Samey same old. It took a blonde in a miniskirt to raise his awareness, if not his eyes, of a brand new shopfront which she was just leaving. His eyes followed her away from it, only to narrow at the male who followed her out of the shop and jogged momentarily to catch up and take her hand. As mini and maxi as she appeared, so he was all Alpha and OhmyGod. Gary hid back inside himself. Inside the shop an old man in a bathrobe grunted slightly in frustration. Craig Carlisle didn't deserve to be back out on the street abusing his gifts, but there was only so good a deal you could offer. If it wasn't taken? The old man was lost in thought until the bell rang and woke him. Gary closed the door behind him and looked around. The poky seeming little shop was full of the strangest things. It might have been some kind of cross between a fancy dress outlet and an old apothecary, tinted with shades of antique bric-a-brac, toys for children and adults, and jokes. A gadget shop? A joke shop? "A magic shop." Gary startled at the voice and looked over at the counter to see an old man wearing what certainly looked like a bathrobe. "Hi, Gary," the man greeted him warmly. "Hi, er... Do I know you?" "No, you certainly don't." "Then how did you, er..." "Know your name?" smiled the wizard. "I..." he chuckled slightly to himself. "Actually it's on the name tag on your shirt." Gary looked down at his tag, slightly embarrassed. His name was smaller than the PoundStretcher logo. "You're on a smoke break?" asked the wizard. "No, lunchbreak, but how did you...? Ah," smiled Gary, "don't tell me, the smell. I know, it's disgusting." "And you're trying to give up?" "Yes, always. Don't tell me you've got gums here, 'cause they never seem to work." "No, I haven't, not that kind anyway. I do have some bubblegum, actually bubblehead gum and bubblebutt gum. But that's not what you're after. But just give me a minute here..." The old man walked off into a back room. Gary approached the counter, only to hit his foot against something soft and squidgy, which seemed to cough as he kicked it. He looked down to see an eye open and a head turn up towards him, baring teeth in what could have been a smile but probably wasn't. "Don't mind the wolf," came the voice from the back room. "Just make sure you don't disturb him." "Huh, yeah," Gary grimaced to himself as he wondered how easily he could reach the heavy looking, bronze, busty garden ornament on the shelf to his right. "Bit late for that." But the wolf just laid back down keeping an eye on the surprisingly courageous yet mildly portly shopfloor shelf stacker. The old man came back out to the counter. "Aversion therapy," he stated. "Huh?" Gary still had an eye on the wolf too. "You know, dog barks, collar gives dog a shock, dog doesn't want to bark anymore. Aversion therapy?" "Oh, yeah. Not tried that. Costs a lot." "Of course." The wizard paused for thought. "You know, it must have been the last couple in here that gave me the idea. Strange how those things work. Anyway, Gary, take this piece of crystal and put it on a pack of cigarettes for at least twenty four hours. Then, and this is the hard bit, put it in your mouth and smoke one of the cigarettes from the packet. Completely mind you, you should really enjoy it. It will be the last smoke you enjoy before the aversion therapy kicks in." Gary looked at the old man with an open mouth. "Are you kidding? What the hell is that gonna do?" For a moment the old man's eyes flashed and Gary had a momentary feeling of being an ant under the descending steel-toed boot of the brickie who ate all the pies. When he managed to catch his breath the old man was smiling beatifically. "Humour me. If nothing happens, you get a nice looking piece of rose quartz for five bucks." "Bucks?" "Sorry, a fiver. Forgot where I was for a moment there." "Does look like a nice piece of crystal." Gary admitted as he fished around in his pockets. Tucked away in his back pocket between his driving licence photocard and his store id was a dog-eared fiver that he'd forgotten about. "Here," he said with a little surprise as he held it out. Less than a minute later he was outside the shop with a slightly pink, unshapely, small piece of quartz in the palm of his hand. 'Why?' he asked himself. 'Why not' was the obvious answer. If nothing else by trying out the method that the old man had told him perhaps it would have some sort of psychosomatic impact. Like a placebo. He had no idea what the aversion therapy would be, the old man hadn't even mentioned it. So maybe it was that he was supposed to get worried about something, like voodoo, and that would panic him into giving up? Hey, so it was worth a shot. He let himself into his flat and grimaced at the smell. Stale smoke. It had got to the stage where he couldn't even stand his own smell! Anything now was worth a go. One of Gary's problems, a general one but also certainly related to him not being able to give up smoking, was living alone. He'd always read that it was easier to give up when you had friends to keep you on track. Gary had colleagues, but not many friends. He'd left college early, and hadn't kept in touch with anyone, not since the incident with the bar key. Stephen had taken the hit for that one, and been ejected from his course. Gary knew that Stephen suspected him, and eventually the pressure told. Gary left for home. That wasn't the only reason he was living alone and working in PoundStretcher. His father had managed to convince a mate of his that some college education was more than none, getting Gary a trainee accountant's position. Gary managed to persuade a temp, Heather, to check his work over for mistakes after he'd finished. She put in some extra hours in return for the occasional lunch and the promise of more, but when Gary was promoted he didn't want senior management discovering his secret weapon and he arranged to have Heather moved on. Unfortunately the rumours which followed her meant that she was unable to find another position in a financial office, and her night studies went to waste. Gary's father did put two and two together, and disowned his son. Within days the accountancy practice had to let him go. Gary shrugged his shoulders and moved into a small flat and got himself a job. He was actually a supervisor on his own merit, having put in some decent shifts, learned the ropes well, and probably through having a higher level of completed education than ninety five percent of the other employees. This might have been another reason he didn't have friends. He had little in common with the people he was now mostly engaged with. He didn't mind. He'd had some bad years, but he was determined to improve things, and if someone could get him cured of smoking for a fiver, he'd go back again and see whether the old man had something like those Charles Atlas courses that could slim his frame and give him a decent shape based on two minutes a day. He put the small, pinky-white crystal on the pack of cigarettes next to his bed and went to sleep. The next day he left the pack there and went into work, thinking to get this round of quitting off to a good start. Then at lunch he bought a pack of ten, figuring that the old man told him he had to smoke a last one later anyway. Shelia actually found him outside the mall staff doors and joined him for a smoke. "I'm giving up," he said to her with a wry smile. They both laughed. He liked Shelia's laugh, it was bright and simple and honest. Shelia was a big girl, but very pretty. Of all his colleagues she was the one he was making an effort with, because he had a feeling that if he could figure out how to play his cards right, she would sleep with him. If she then lost some weight, he might have a girl on his arm which other guys envied. Of course, Gary had no idea whether Shelia actually liked him, just a simple sense that she lusted after him. Why? Because she was a girl and he was a guy, and she was talking to him, therefore she must be interested in him, therefore she wanted to sleep with him. "If I do give up," he queried her, "would you give up too?" She looked at him. "You know what, Gary? Sure. I need to give these up too, so if you do, I will." "Deal," he smiled. "I need proof though!" "Okay, then I need an incentive. So maybe if I give these up you'll give me a kiss? A proper one it'd have to be, so that you could taste that I've given up." "You smartass, Gary! If I taste that you haven't given up I get to knee you in the manbits, okay?" Gary grimaced slightly. "Sure," he nodded, now not quite certain he wanted the kiss, but then figuring that if Shelia did kiss him she'd find out he was one of the best kissers in the world and fall deeply in lust with him. The night before he'd gone to bed shortly before midnight. So shortly after midnight he headed up to his room and picked up the rock off the pack. Today's ten were gone, so he fancied opening the new pack. He could leave it after this first aversion one, like a challenge to keep him on the straight and narrow. He remembered what the old guy said. The rock actually fit quite well under his tongue whilst he lit his last cigarette. As he gently blew smoke he really did think this would be his last one, and he would remember it because of the lump under his tongue. Satisfied, he spat the crystal into his hand. The light in his room was dim but it looked plain white to him, like he'd sucked the colour out of it or something. Strange rock. Maybe smoke bleached it? He lay down his head and slept. Craig stepped out of his class. Three months ago he came as a student. Tonight was his first session presenting. Four guys had turned up, Four guys at two hundred and fifty quid for a four lesson course meant he was earning that same two hundred and fifty quid an hour. But he was worth it. After one hour with him these guys would go out on the town and chat up a few women, some being more successful just because of a little confidence. After two lessons they'd know how to get girls into conversation and keep them positive. After the third hour the guys would be collecting names and numbers without the girls knowing why they'd agreed to give them. Finish the course, flirtatious banter and a bit of NLP, and they'd be taking home the girls themselves. Craig was just too good at the routines to let anyone fail so long as they listened to him. He didn't mind sharing the techniques because he was helping guys who maybe till now had been unable to help themselves. Girls wanted it, they just had years of conditioning from righteous friends and opinionated family to make them think that it was wrong to want it. The techniques that Craig was sharing enabled them to shake that off for a short while, just long enough for both parties to have a bit of fun. Except Craig didn't just want a bit of fun, he wanted a lot of fun. The reason Craig was so successful was that once he'd learned the basics he went researching all the sources, where it had all come from, and new stuff too. Craig now knew how to undo the conditioning completely, so that a girl wouldn't just wake up in the morning and wonder what she'd done wrong, feeling guilty and leaving. His girls would wake him up in the morning for round two. Sophie, little insatiable Sophie, he'd been going steady with for a few weeks when she'd walked into his apartment one evening when he was with another girl he'd just picked up at the mall. She'd stripped her clothes off and joined in. He wasn't with either girl anymore. Tonight he had Emily waiting back in his bedroom. Emily was amazing T&A and had taken to the bimbo lifestyle like a duck to water. She was a little boring though, and he wondered if he could spice things up by persuading her to try out as a stripper. Gary, well, Gary was good for a day. Shelia spotted that he was trying, and when he didn't step out from the shelves to take a quick drag she decided to stay in shop with him rather than tempt him. He went with her for a walk around the mall at lunchtime, each making sure the other didn't stray outside. "Is it the promise of a kiss made you give up, Gaz, or the threat of a kick in the balls?" "Eh?" Gary came back from his thoughts. "Oh, no, neither, though both are obvious incentives," he smiled, quite pleasantly. "It was this poky shop round here," he turned the corner. He paused for a second, looking up and down the storefronts on the right hand side. Then he looked left, just in case. Shelia looked up at him. "It was here, I swear it was, a poky little joke shop with some old bloke running it. It was in between..." He realised what he was about to say was stupid, but then decided to say it anyway. "It was in between Peacocks and the Virgin store." "There is nothing in between Peacocks and the Virgin store. They're right next to each other!" "Shelia, I swear, but now I just think I must have been stoned or something." So he didn't know whether it was just the nicotine withdrawal or the added bonus of thinking he was losing his mind that sent Gary straight into his room the moment he got home. With shaking hands he took a cigarette from the pack he'd left there and lit it. He immediately felt a tingling with the first snatched puff but it wasn't until he took the second that he noticed something was wrong. He felt off all over and noticed his hand and fingers seemed slimmer. Checking out the back of his hand his fingernails were painted red. It took a moment before a surreal kind of shock set in where he wasn't quite himself. Long, deep red fingernails, slim fingers, a narrow wrist. He brought his other hand up to his face. The same! The cigarette went into the ashtray and he headed for the bathroom where he kept his only mirror. On the way a thousand sensations hit him at once, shocking his mind into safe mode. Ignore everything. Just check the mirror. Not samey same old. In his bathroom mirror was a shocked blonde. He reached for his face, and she reached for hers. He tugged a thick lower lip and caught the lipstick on his finger as he pulled it away. He tugged his long, blonde hair, pulling it over his shoulder in front of him. It was unkempt, shaggy, like his, but there, in his hand, in front of his eyes. He looked down in the mirror. His crew neck T was now a scoop neck, but no cleavage, yet... He brought his hands up to his chest and felt flesh hanging down under the T. Felt his hands on that flesh from the inside. He had tits! Big tits. There was no bra just a similar T-shirt, and below? He looked down to see similar jeans but much skinnier. Was there? He undid the tight fly and reached inside to find panties and nothing, Where was it? He slipped his slim fingers inside the panties and felt something he hadn't felt for a while with his fingers, but what was worse was he felt his fingers sliding over lower lips, cupping around his... He yanked his hand back out. He was... He was a girl! A very pretty, actually beautiful, slim, whole, complete, girl. Girls sometimes faint with shock. Gary slipped to the floor and proceeded to do just that. It was momentary, but a long enough moment that by the time Gary had recovered his wits, what he had of them, he felt like himself again. He grabbed his chest and crotch to find one full and the other empty in the order he expected. His hands were back to stubby fingers with short nails and he couldn't pull his hair around. When Shelia found Gary she took one look at him and knew he wouldn't appreciate an invitation for a break. She was sneaking a few herself, but seeing his jitters she realised that whilst giving up was hitting him bad, he really was giving up. Before she got too close she turned for the door and intended to head out alone, then stopped. She turned to him and invited him for a walk in the mall, just to relax. She could always grab time alone later. Gary came gratefully, but seemed down. "How are you holding up?" Shelia asked with a little concern. "It's working," he replied somewhat cryptically for her. "What's working?" "The aversion therapy. This guy sold me something, cheap mind, and said it would help me quit. It's working." "What is it? I could try some. Like hypnosis or something?" "No, well, yeah, could be. I'm not sure." "Oh, come on, Gary! Give me a clue!" "I cheated the other night. Went home and had a quick drag. Then I felt something, and saw something, I don't want to feel again." "Nope. No help. Explain." They reached a staff exit and went outside where they sat on a bench. "I'm not sure I can explain. You won't believe me. I thought I was a woman." Shelia grinned. "Really? I guess that could be scary. I don't think I'd like to think I was a man. Not if I had to put up with having a thing between my legs. Gross out!" "Yeah, you don't believe me. I'm having trouble with it myself." "So, like, did you have boobs and stuff?" "Everything. The works. Make-up and clothes and all the girl bits." "What did it feel like? I mean, I know what it feels like, but how was it for you?" "I don't remember. I fainted and woke up as me." "You woke up as you? Are you sure you weren't dreaming?" "I don't know. It doesn't sound real, does it? Maybe just hypnosis or something," Shelia took out her packet and offered Gary one. "Want me to see if it's real?" Gary was completely torn. He really wanted one, like crazy, like a compulsion. Shelia prodded him. "Only way to find out." And then there was the fear. That he'd become a girl. "If I do something batshit just run, okay?" He said with concern. Shelia nodded, took a fag and lit it, then handed it to him. He could see a print of her lips on the filter. It gave him pause. But how else would he know? And it would just be this one drag. Shelia gasped as he tingled briefly. "Gary! I'm..." He turned to see her slumping down on the bench. "Shit!" He cursed. Then realised how high his voice was. "Fuck!" He stated as he looked down at himself in a form fitting version of his uniform, the name tag pushed out inches in front of him as his vest had become a bra, lifting his large tits into high globes. He threw the cigarette as far away from him as possible and turned to Shelia who seemed to be rousing. "I don't feel good. I'm seeing shit." She woozed as she rose. "Gary, you're a fucking girl!" "You see this?" "Fuck yes! One moment you were you and the next you were, like, not you. Are you, like, you?" "I'm me. I'm so not me on the outside. How long? Fuck, I'm not stuck like this, am I?" "How long yesterday?" "A couple of minutes? I don't know how long I was out, but, I don't know, a few." "So we wait here a few minutes and hope no-one shows up from the store. Oh," Shelia looked down, "you're Linzi." "My badge has changed?" "Your badge, your clothes, your shoes. Don't get up, you're wearing heels. And dude? You're gorgeous." "You're sorta alright about this." "I don't have another faint in me, but I will be going to confession tonight." Gary felt something hanging over his left shoulder, away from Shelia's side of the bench, Curious he looked around. "I have a purse." "The women's uniform trousers don't have pockets. Check inside?" "The cash I had on me. Car keys. Lipstick? A compact? Oh, shit, are those long purple packets what I think they are?" "Did you have any cards?" "Here." He pulled one out. His card, but where it had once said Gary it now said Linzi. He passed it across. Receiving it back he heard the door open and voices coming out. "Shit. I don't want anyone else to see me like this!" "Behind the bin store. They'll think we're wanting privacy for smoking dope." Quickly they got up and Gary almost immediately turned his ankle on the higher heels. "Shit!" He cursed, running on tip-toes behind the fence, his hands high for balance. "About five minutes, you reckoned?" Shelia asked after a while. "'Bout that." "You're still Linzi. They're still there." Finally the group finished their business and headed back into the mall. Shelia looked up at him. "That's gotta be ten by now." And Gary became himself once again. She gasped again as he did. "That's so weird!" "My name badge?" "Gary." She nodded. Then he checked the card in his hand and it said the same. He slipped it back into his pocket, only to find it empty of his other cards. "My pockets are empty!" "Oh. You left the purse on the bench!" They dashed back out to find it there, and Gary checked inside. "Um, the cards in here still say Linzi." Shelia came to get Gary as their shifts finished together. They checked his cards again and all but one said Linzi, yet they all worked in the machines with the same PIN. "I thought they might." Said Shelia, and proceeded to explain what she'd been wondering about all afternoon. Everything that was in Gary's possession seemed to change. She used the word specifically, explaining that it wasn't only what he was touching, as his cards were in his pockets not touching him. But the purse wasn't with him when he changed back, so it stayed a purse, and the cards stayed Linzi's cards. Probably, if he was holding the purse as Linzi when he changed back to Gary all of his stuff would change back. "What if I was just holding a shirt in a shop, would it become a blouse?" "We could try that." "You want me to smoke again, after what you just saw?" "Do you want your cards back?" Nothing lasts forever, thought Craig, as he watched Sylvia from the other side of the club. She'd been one of his first, and he'd tried his new techniques on her, getting her into shorter skirts, higher heels, more exhibitionist on the dancefloor. But when you stop the techniques there's a whole world of kind hearted friends wondering how you can dress like that, act like that, isn't it all a bit much? And so the fresh perspective that he'd given her was eventually worn away by the cares of the world. She'd revelled in her sexual freedom for weeks after he'd let her go, getting a bit of a name for herself. Now she was without a guy, and turning down interested callers, even the guys from his group. He was watching Peter now though. He'd sent them all over to Sylvia because he thought she was a ripe target if they'd learned their lessons right. Peter he had a lot of hope for, and everything looked right. There was the slightly spilled drink approach. He was concerned, was she okay. Then Peter moved away, the nice guy who cared and whose face she now knew. Peter moved back less than an hour later. He'd watch Sylvia have a couple of drinks and turn down some direct approaches. A friendly face, the caring guy returning her way. Peter put his hand on her arm gently, as though careful to step around her, and then repeated his earlier question. "Are you okay?" Who was going to say no? "Are these your friends?" Who was going to say no? His hand left gently resting on her arm above her elbow. He didn't intrude into her space, but his touch allowed him closer than most. Four minutes later they were sat down face to face, Peter's hand on her knee as his other hand distracted her emphasising a joke he'd just told. She giggled, relaxed. Craig smiled and turned away. Peter knew his stuff. He was going to get lucky tonight. For Craig, it wasn't about luck, as he spotted a target at the bar with her boyfriend. Gary had to suffer becoming a woman again to see if he could get his cards back. He wasn't comfortable with it and Shelia knew it, so she threw in as many experiments as she thought would fit in one go and get away with. She invited him to her flat so that no-one else would see anything. Gary held a bag full of his clothes and some of hers. Toiletries, a new man's shirt which Shelia had bought and slipped in, and his passport. Everything that was his became something that suited Linzi. His passport became hers. Gary looked at it in astonishment. He even looked beautiful in a passport photo, though he, or she, did look younger. None of Shelia's clothing changed. The shirt became a new blouse. "It's everything male in your possession becomes, like, feminine." She also timed the change, but she didn't let him let go of anything and made sure he had his purse back over his shoulder. Everything changed back, including the shirt. The purse disappeared and the cards ended up in his pockets. Curiously, Shelia's clothes stayed the same. "Fifteen minutes." She stated. "If we think the first might have been five, and the second was just about ten, then you're staying female five minutes longer each time." "Great. That fixes it. I am giving up." "So..." pondered the remaining girl, "only stuff that changes with you changes back, and something that's already female doesn't change. So if you're touching me, I won't get changed into a guy." "You sound disappointed?" "It might have been nice to try. Imagine the possibilities! I could open jars, scratch myself in public, maybe even reach the top shelf in the store. Apart from that, though, nothing." "I'm glad you can't try it out. The experiment is finished anyway. I don't know where that guy went or who he was or how he did this, but it's worked." "It's kind of a shame, I guess." Shelia sidled closer to him, putting her hand to her chest delicately. "There is another 'experiment' I'd really like to try, even just once?" She stood on tiptoes, and kissed him on the lips. Gary's heart flew out of his chest. She wasn't perfect, but she was lovely, and here. He wasn't perfect, he knew that even if he wouldn't admit it to himself. As she stood there looking up at him he was lost for words. "Is, like, er, is that for me giving up?" "Maybe." They lay back together on her bed. "Wow," he sighed. "Can we do that again?" "Now?" She giggled. "I'm ready if you are." He looked down at himself, under the duvet. "I don't think I will be for a while. Right now, I could really do with a smoke!" "Well, I'll be honest, that," she rolled towards him," that wasn't the experiment I had in mind." "I don't get you." "Er, experiment, like you know how girl's experiment? College life?" The lightbulb went on in Gary's head. "You want to try that, stuff, with me? But like, with me, not me?" She kissed him on the cheek. "I can't think of anyone I'd rather try it with." It wasn't that Gary was a weak willed person, more that he was a weak willed man. The thought of playing around under the duvet with Shelia was overriding any thoughts of the strangeness of the offered situation, that he'd be female playing around under the duvet. It wasn't like it hurt him to be Linzi, just another few minutes. It was twenty minutes of the strangest, softest, sensualest sex he'd ever experienced. Shelia marvelled at the size and firmness of his tits while he marvelled at how amazing a pair of lips felt sucking on his nipples. She could pin him down; he was taller but she weighed more and might have been slightly stronger. Their mouths felt softer against each other, his lips spongier and his tongue smaller. Kissing felt off, but they figured it out and got into it. Then they slid their hands down between each others thighs and he felt the first touch of a slick finger sliding between his netherlips and starting to promise more. He did get a little nervous then, wondering at what he might have down there but she seemed to sense it and didn't press, just brought her finger up on him slightly, having a good idea where best to find his button, and how little pressure was needed at first. He felt her finger circling somewhere, and in the centre of that circle he thought he was getting erect, more sensitive. It was like her finger was running around his glans, but all so much more concentrated in that tiny spot. He heard a moan, and then started, realising it came from him. It stopped the pleasure just for that moment, and he watched as Shelia got up to her knees next to his legs and put her finger in her mouth, licking it. She put it back down gently and started again. It was intense, the pleasure, but it didn't build like he had felt it build as a man. It was starting to, as she seemed to press a little harder on him, the circles getting smaller to become strokes across the top. He couldn't move. He didn't want to move but he was scared by how good it felt yet it built up so agonisingly slowly. He could feel that there was something there, something waiting to happen, and he just had to relax, concentrate on it, not get in its way. He started to growl, but this time he didn't care. It was building so good. Then he tingled slightly all over, and he could feel his cum spurting up over Shelia's hand from his cock. A slight sensitivity mixed in with the pleasure as he moaned deeply. "Damn," was all she said. "One more experiment." "Are you horny again?" He asked her with a grin. They'd been together for a few weeks and Gary had truly given up smoking, except for when Shelia had asked for Linzi's company in bed, twice. Shelia had also given up smoking, and it had had a good effect on both of them. They weren't suddenly going to the gym every day, but they'd started going for walks together, venturing out of town by car and exploring the countryside hand in hand. Gary's diet had improved from staying over so often with his girlfriend, and she didn't mind when he referred to her as that. He'd lost a couple of pounds. She'd put a few on after giving up, then decided she was taking up the slimming class down the road every Tuesday. Gary actually didn't mind the extra pounds on her, but he was starting to care about the things she did, and she cared about losing a little weight. "I'm always horny for you, honey, but Linzi is great fun too. But that ain't the experiment. Or it is, but there's more." "Go on." "Would you, this once, for the sake of experiment, smoke whilst you're Linzi?" The pack in Shelia's bedside drawers came out. The purpose, as she explained it, was that either Linzi would change straight back, or something else would happen, and it was the something else she was interested in. She set a timer for thirty minutes and Gary proceeded to change. This time, Shelia went down on him. Immediately he realised that women did have the equivalent of a blow job. Seeing her dyed blonde locks between his thighs was sexy. Feeling her warm, slick tongue teasing every part of his clit at once, and occasionally slipping down to tease his hole whilst still stroking him was sensational, And then she started to suck. It was the first time he actually came as a woman. He orgasmed. He knew it could happen, it just never managed to. But Shelia's mouth gave him no choice. And that might have been the most erotic part of it all, that he simply couldn't help himself. Then she wouldn't let him stop. He felt too sensitive down there, and tried to push her head away, but she was having none of it. She softened her strokes, gently teasing his sensitivity away as the next orgasm built over it. Then she held him, where he knew he was incapable of anything except begging for satisfaction, and he did beg. He felt a sly hand slip up his side and stroke the side of his breast moving gently up. She licked, sucked, and tweaked his nipple, and he came, again, hard, bucking and writhing. When he finally came down, the alarm was ringing. Linzi had never smoked, but Gary's mind demanded the situation be followed up with a smoke, so he didn't worry as Shelia passed it to him. Lying back in fading ecstasy he relaxed completely into the bed. Shelia roused him. "Hey, sleepyhead, you got past thirty five minutes." "Huh, what, hey?" He offered in his confused, melodic voice. "It's just gone forty minutes, and you should have changed back five minutes ago." Gary jumped up, his tits bouncing uncomfortably as he did. He grabbed them. "Am I stuck? I'm not stuck, am I?" "It's a guess, but I'm thinking either forty minutes from the thirty minutes, so about ten past, or the thirty five still had to finish first, so quarter past. Which do you think?" "I think I'd better fucking change back!" It was quarter past. So Shelia figured that the time was cumulative. She didn't say why she was interested. Gary didn't fancy experimenting again. Craig was getting bored with single women, especially since his score with the chick with a boyfriend. He'd worked hard on undoing relationship conditioning, the idea that you had to be faithful to your partner for a relationship to work. He'd got women to believe that you only needed to appear faithful, if that's what your partner wanted from you, and that anyway men wanted to sleep around themselves, so why not open up the relationship. He'd got two student types to offer their boyfriends, separately of course, that their cute girlfriend would come join them for a night if they wanted a threesome. And that after a threesome it was only fair that they open up the relationship slightly. Of course the boyfriends had wondered what the hell was going on, but how could they turn such an arrangement down. Craig had brough them happiness. Now he was looking at a couple that he'd overheard were just back from a honeymoon. She was really worth the effort, and Craig thought he might keep her for a few weeks, just as long as he could figure out how to overcome the marriage conditioning. "I would like to spend an evening with Linzi. Show you around. Show you what it's like to be a real woman." She'd lost weight, not just the pounds she'd gained but also some that she always used to have, the ones that Gary had once fantasised about her losing. Her ass was tight from the walking, and her breasts might have lost a couple of cups, but they'd gained bouyancy. Gary was absolutely head over heels for his girlfriend. She'd been out and had her hair done, roots touched up, the whole lot straightened. Her pretty face peeked out from the curtain. "I don't know." "Look, I've done the sums. I'll let you know when and when to quit and we'll be back in bed together as boyfriend and girlfriend. Come on! For me! Live a little while you've got this amazing opportunity!" "I, well, I'm not sure about it. How long?" "The evening. You start when we go." "I'll end up being a girl for hours if I make a mistake in the future." "You won't have to have so many for an evening out with me. Anyway, you're not saying no." "Is that an order?" Shelia smiled. "I think you fancy the idea." It was true. Gary knew he was beautiful when he was Linzi. Nobody looked at Gary. He missed the obvious point that he had a girlfriend. But anyway, Gary felt like he deserved a little time in the limelight. Life had been against him for a long time. Perhaps this was another way that things could pick up, that he could get what he deserved. They did spend a few days around the flat trying a few things out before launching Linzi on to the world. Embarassingly, Gary got used to wearing high heels. Shelia also had him sitting properly, for a woman, and odd little extras like sitting on the toilet, just so he wouldn't make a mistake if he drank a little. "I feel like I'm on display." "You are, honey. I'm so glad that shirt and trouser combo turned into an LBD. If you'd put mine on it would have come maybe half way down your ass." "No, it's not like that. I feel like I'm being looked at like a guy in a dress, like everyone can see me. Like they know." Shelia gaped at him. "You have got to be fucking kidding me. Have you looked in the mirror anytime yet? You're getting looked at because sickeningly, you're stunning. Though it does feel good to know you're coming home with me." She watched Linzi smile nervously, but even a nervous smile lit her already radiant face up. "I think a couple of drinks might help you relax." "Will they help me to think that these things aren't about to fall out?" He said, lightly hefting the weights on his chest. "Oh, shit, honey! Don't do that in a restaurant ever again! You want every waiter at our table?" Gary did relax somewhat after a couple of glasses of white wine and half a burger eaten with a knife and fork. He picked at his chips slowly, dipping them lightly in the mayonnaise. Shelia was always good company, but she seemed to be having even more fun with him as Linzi. The tits weren't fun though, they were just annoying, stopping him leaning into the table in case he dipped them in his food, and the bra wasn't the most comfortable item of clothing he'd ever worn. It squeezed him slightly, itched his back occasionally and tugged on his shoulders. The dress seemed to want to slip up all the time, and under it he wasn't sure how much his knickers were actually covering. His girlfriend had made him put on a suspender belt to hold up his stockings, and though they were quite comfortable, the belt straps kept moving. And the heels! Who had invented such devices? They pinched his toes and he couldn't walk comfortably at all, no matter that he was quite good at it. Though his silhouette in the bathroom mirrors, side-on, gave him a hard on. Or it would have done. It still turned him on but he wasn't sure what that did to him down there. Then there was hair. Everywhere. Shelia had given him a barette as the simplest thing to hold it all back, but it was half way down his back, all silky and wavy. Thank God he didn't have to look after it! Well, he was doing this for his girlfriend, and he wanted her to have fun, so he picked up his glass and downed it. They walked slowly to a winebar, and then to a club, and he began to forget he was a woman some of the time. His girlfriend was laughing and joking and as he looked at her he wanted to take her face in his hands and bring her lips to his. He smiled at her, and watched her eyes light up, and then he did it, right there, by the bar, surrounded by people. Shelia broke away after a permissible amount of time passed. "Honey, let's dance." She took his hand and he followed her to the floor. Lesbians. Craig had been watching the two girls because the tall one simply cried out to him. She had seemed challenge enough in her beauty and her simple innocence, even though she appeared single, and he'd been wondering whether to accept now that he'd had his fill of Eva, the newlywed. But then she'd kissed the pretty little one, and it hadn't just been a friendly kiss. Suddenly seduction held new meaning. There was no conditioning he could find the antidote to, no set of tricks that he knew that would release her attraction to him, because she wouldn't be attracted to him. Years of gym work, money spent on the right suits, the right car, the right haircut, it was all pointless to a woman who naturally ignored masculinity. As he watched her dance with her girlfriend, her pert butt swaying gently, and those tits, my God, those tits just begging for attention, he could suddenly think of nothing else but conquering her, owning her, making her submit to him and beg for the pleasure of his cock. She was the one he had to win. But how? Where was the chink in her armour that would allow a man in? "Are you enjoying yourself?" Shelia shouted up to Linzi. "Pardon?" He bent down closer to his girlfriend's mouth, to hear above the music. "Are you enjoying this?" "Yes," he nodded, and he was. Something about the drinks maybe loosened him up, and even the proximity of men's bodies all around pressing in to him made him feel desirable. He laughed off the regular pinches and strokes of his ass, but the guy who'd come up behind him and pressed in close had backed off at his glare. The music made him feel good and dancing with his girlfriend was sexy and wonderful. "So it's time." Shelia pointed out, "If you want to stay a bit longer. I'll go to the bar." He nodded and they headed off the dance floor before he headed out, checking the packet was in his purse. Craig watched the two girls separate, and got up to follow the tall one. Gary was outside, with a small crowd, looking out from the balcony over the town. "Hi," he heard from behind him. He turned to see a tall, well built guy standing a yard or so away. "Do you have a light?" "Sure," he said, reaching into his purse. "It's okay, I don't actually smoke. I just had to say something. Cheesy, right?" He looked up at the guy. He looked familiar, someone he'd seen before, not someone he knew. The guy smiled in a friendly manner, still staying his distance. "Yes. Cheesy. Definitely." "I know it's a rude question, but have you considered quitting?" Gary stared at him. What was he carrying on for? "I'm with someone." "I know. I saw you together. I just wondered if I could help. With the quitting, I mean. My card." Gary reached naturally for the proffered item, a business card, unreadable in the dim light. He put it into his purse. The guy turned to go, then stopped. "You've got my name, what's yours?" "Gah, well, Linzi, it's Linzi." The guy reached for his hand, and gently shook it. "Pleased to meet you, Linzi." Then he did leave. It was nearly closing time when Gary and Shelia left the club. Craig watched, and followed, determined to understand everything about his latest challenge. He found where they lived, and went home to study. "I checked on my connections, and you were still Gary on there, all last night." "So getting an entire internet into my possession might be a bit difficult, don't you think?" "But what about if you were logged in, actually on the computer at the time?" "How long was last night, by the way?" "Ah. A bit longer than we planned." "But you were keeping count, right?" "Yes, my darling, and the next time we want to experiment you might be sick of orgasms by the time it's over." What confused Craig was that he couldn't find a Linzi anywhere through his contacts or searches. Or rather he found Linzis, or Lindseys, or Linsies, or Linzies, but not that Linzi. So he concentrated on the girlfriend. She rented a flat at the address, and worked at some budget shop in the mall. He went back to watch the address, not even concerned that his actions might be inappropriate, nor that they might be verging on obsession. But the little one, Shelia or something like that, seemed to live with a guy. She worked with him too, going off to work together in the same uniform and coming back holding hands in the evening. The guy had a place somewhere else, but was rarely there except to pick up clothing. Linzi was nowhere to be found. If he did find her, and that was a new challenge, he thought he might have a way to get her back to his bed. Gary was on his own in his flat. Shelia had family issues and had travelled to be with them. Gary had offered to join her, but she'd gently refused. Gary had been okay for a day or two, Shelia calling each evening to talk, but then the calls stopped. Gary was worried, bored, stressed. He called her, but got no answer. He left messages but she didn't call back. He knew what would happen, but he reached for the pack anyway. He'd actually got himself ready for what would happen, got dressed up and groomed. He figured he might as well appreciate himself for however long it might be. He knew it would be well over an hour. Shelia had warned him of that after their last evening out. It didn't matter once he'd reached for the pack because it was automatic that he opened it. He told himself he was just reaching in to see what it felt like, then see what the filter felt like in his mouth, then see if the lighter still worked. It did. Craig was surprised. Linzi had come to the club alone. She looked a little drunk, stumbling in her heels, so she'd obviously been out on the town but strangely alone. He looked for the little girlfriend but she was nowhere to be seen. She seemed to want attention, almost crave it, dancing alone, accepting drinks from the bar. Something had happened. She was vulnerable. Vulnerable was a trait he could deal with, since his earliest days. Vulnerable was what you looked out for. He knocked back his shot of water on the rocks the moment she headed for the balcony. "I know you," Gary stated as the tall guy who'd given him the card approached. "You're the one with the card. You came out here last time." Craig smiled. Recognition. A friendly face. He was already in her circle, even if she didn't realise it. "You remember me?" "Of course! Charlie, or something, Chris?" "Craig." "Oh, hi, Craig." She was at least tipsy, Throwing out words just to appear not to be. Swaying slightly as she finished her half a cigarette and crushed it under a fancy heeled toe. "Hi. Linzi, isn't it?" "That's right! You remember!" "Could I forget?" "I don't know. Maybe you have so many women you lose track of who's who." It wasn't exactly the answer he was expecting. Everything should have just been simple and positive, but this girl thought differently and had already summed him up. Of course she thought differently. She didn't find guys attractive. So she had no reason to be guarded with him because she didn't care what he thought of her. He might as well be direct, but he needed her to be positive also before he could make his move. "I saw you're on your own here tonight?" "Yes, and?" "Last time you were with someone. She was pretty." "Yes, She is." "Have you... Are you upset with her?" Gary looked up at Craig. "Yes! How did you know?" "Do you like her? I mean, really like her?" "Yes, definitely, like she's my girlfriend and she's not calling me." More than Craig asked for, but every little bit helped. "So you came out for some space, maybe some fun?" "Yes." Attention seeker. Of course any beautiful girl wanted to be the centre of attention, even if it was from other girls. Craig felt he'd got her round to a more positive agreement. "Can I let you into a little secret?" "Go on then." "You remember I said I could help you quit smoking if you wanted?" "Yes?" "It's a really personal secret. Can you keep it?" "Yes!" "I'm a hypnotist. Would you like to see some?" "What, like you can make me quack like a duck?" "I can't make you, unless you want to, but maybe I can persuade you to agree to do it. Though I was thinking more maybe I could persuade you to dance with me, you know, so if she turns up you can show her how pissed off you are," Gary felt himself smile through the buzz. "I wouldn't if you just asked me, but I do like dancing. Go on, persuade me to dance with you." In a quieter part of the courtyard beyond the balcony Craig got the girl to let him use the confusion technique. Everyone wanted to prove that they couldn't be hypnotised and made the fatal mistake of focussing on the task they were given rather than what was suggested to them whilst they were focussing. Craig watched Linzi count from three hundred down to zero in threes, her drunken state causing her to pay even more attention to the maths than should be necessary. It was perfect for him, and when she hit zero she fell straight into a receptive state of trance. Now he could focus on persuading her to accept a new conditioning, one that wouldn't jolt her awareness. A thought that maybe lesbianism was still taboo, that she might need to hide her true feelings under a mask of normality, that maybe she should mask her sexuality with an appearance of being straight. He had realised that he could use societal norms to impose conditioning rather than the reverse. Not undo her sexuality, that would be impossible, but make her want to fake normality, with him. It would take time, he could see that as he gently persuaded her that her girlfriend might just have found all the pressure too much. Maybe she had a man herself? He couldn't know that Gary, or Linzi, knew that she did, and to Linzi, not Gary, that was damning. Seeing Linzi rouse slightly he gently placed a command in her to return easily to this state but only when he, in his voice, used it. It had worked before, allowing him to entrance a number of women over the telephone even as their boyfriends were with them. Finally he told her to wake on the dancefloor, dancing with him. "How am I here?" Gary shouted up as he leaned in towards Craig. He didn't stop swaying though. "It worked, didn't it? You persuaded me to dance with you?" Craig nodded rather than shouting back. "You hypnotised me! That's so cool!" Gary squealed, thinking how the whole club would have felt watching him in this body acting like a chicken or something. He wondered if he could get Craig to make him pretend he was doing a striptease right there on the dancefloor. All eyes would be on him, and he'd be bought drinks for life. At least, as long as he was Linzi. That thought brought him down to the ground with a thud. "How long has it been?" "What?" Craig shouted back, wondering why his trophy was suddenly so anxious. "How long? Outside and here?" "Maybe an hour or so." An hour or so. Gary wasn't wearing a watch. His phone was in his purse and he pulled it out to check. Shit! He had less than twenty minutes to get home! There were no taxis at this time of night, and it was a long walk in heels. He didn't even explain himself or say goodbye, just turned and headed for the coatcheck. Heading outside he didn't even feel the cold. Craig chased after Linzi but after see which way she turned he knew where she was headed. He was shocked that she'd just jumped and run, and he wanted to find out why. Because he knew where she was headed, he went to get his car. She might appreciate a ride, and being saved by a knight in shining Porsche was every princess's dream, no matter what her persuasion. The tingle came sooner than Gary expected. He wasn't even halfway home! He looked around nervously, and saw a car turning a corner towards him. He'd been outside with Craig way longer than he realised. Wryly he thought that at least he didn't have to walk the rest of the way in heels. He still felt rather drunk. Craig's mouth dropped open. He had just caught up with his target and she was mincing along unsteadily when suddenly she wasn't mincing along. And she wasn't a she! He hadn't drunk anything. No one spiked his water. The beautiful blonde suddenly became the guy who walked out of the little girlfriend's apartment. He drove past. It was that guy! What the fuck!? And how the fuck!? Shelia was upset. Her phone was dead, she'd rushed up to her parents' place without her charger, and she didn't remember Gary's number. The moment she could get her phone back to life she'd commit it to memory! Why did she always leave it too late to do things like that? The funeral was in the morning. She only had one more day before she'd get back to him and she'd apologise and he'd understand. These things happen. She really wanted to know how he was, whether he was alright on his own. Craig's world was in a spin. He didn't realise it, but his obsession with Linzi had been readjusted to something just a short way beyond. That something hadn't yet manifested itself, now was just a swirl of chaos within his brain, waiting for some incident to put it in order. His phone rang. The black phone; he didn't have a black book. His private number that he only gave out to the women he had persuaded to ring it. "Hello, Craig Carlisle." Definite. Manly. "Hi, Craig?" A man's voice? A boyfriend? Husband? "Yes, who is this?" "It's, er, Gary. You gave... a friend gave me this number. You told her you could help her quit smoking? She said you do hypnosis?" It didn't take Craig too long to put one and one together. "Gary. Hello! Yes, I can help people quit smoking. Listen, I actually have a window today, and I prefer home visits as they're more relaxing to the client. Would you like me to come over?" Gary lay down on his couch while Craig took the chair next to it. The visitor seemed to say all the right things, noticing that the flat didn't smell too bad, as though Gary had tried quitting, but there was just the residue of fresh smoke like he was failing sometimes. Shouldn't be too hard, was the consensus. Just a session or two as Gary already showed so much commitment to quitting. Pay? No, only on success. And Gary noted that Craig didn't use the same sort of introduction as the night before, just a simple set of relaxation techniques and some deep breathing that really did make him feel completely relaxed. He pictured himself on a warm beach somewhere and slowly sank himself into the warm sand, the waves lapping regularly in the distance in time with his breaths, out and in, out and in. "I need you to tell me the truth, Gary, and you know that you can, don't you?" "The truth..." "It's for your own good, to help you quit. I need to understand what your motivations are, so you must tell me the truth." "Yes..." "Why do you want to give up smoking?" "My health... My girlfriend..." "No, Gary, that's why everyone else wants to give up smoking. Why do YOU want to give up smoking?" "Because I become a girl..." BINGO! Craig knew exactly where Linzi was, and as insane and impossible as the idea was, it was the only solution which fit all of his observations. "Gary, I am shortly going to wake you up. When you awake you will feel two things. One is that I am your best friend and that you can trust me with anything. Two is that every craving for a cigarette that you've ever had has come back to you all at once, and you cannot resist the intensity of need you have to smoke a cigarette. After three you will awake. One, two, three." Gary looked across at his best mate, Craig, and then suddenly he was utterly driven, beyond any compulsion he'd felt before. He got up and ran for the bedroom, almost blind in his urge to find his pack and lighter. He didn't see Craig at the door behind him, watching as the tingle passed across him. "Beautiful." He span around, his breasts following a moment later. "Craig!" He looked down at himself. "Well, you know I would have told you sooner or later. After all, you're my best friend!" "So this happens when you smoke." Craig suggested as he came into the room. "How long does it last?" "Five minutes longer each time. This time it'll be an hour and three quarters." "But you were you for hours last night. You came into the club long before we started chatting," "It's cumulative. If I smoke when I'm like this the new minutes just get added on to the end." "Curious." Craig observed, the milling chaos in his brain suddenly channeling itself down a new thought passageway. "Did you know the brain has at least two clocks, one of which understands larger passages of time and the other of which is accurate to fractions of seconds?" Gary smiled at his friend, always talking so scientifically. "So?" "Theoretically, and practically, you can set yourself a mental alarm for an hour and forty minutes from now to smoke another cigarette. Then an hour and forty five, and so on." "Why would I want to do that?" Craig looked directly into Gary's, or to him, Linzi's, eyes. "The fairies are at the bottom of the garden." Gary roused on his bed, except he certainly wasn't Gary. Craig was still there, Craig his best mate. "Hey. Was I asleep?" "Just drowsing, it seemed." "So, hey, you wanna go out?" "Out?" "Shopping. You know the only clothes I've got here are my guy clothes. I have a feeling you'd be a great judge of what would look good on me." Craig drove him in his porsche to the mall. Based on the time he wasn't even sure if he'd have a half hour shopping before he had to hide in a changing room to disguise his change back, but that half hour might be fun. Craig took him straight to Lipsy first, where he liked to dress his girls. Gary was in and out of the changing rooms with skirts, tops, bodies, dresses and lingerie. The skirts got shorter and the tops got tighter. Gary checked the time and figured it might not be long before he changed. It might be a little embarrassing to walk out of a women's changing room, but he figured it was safer than the alternative. Grabbing everything Craig had given him he headed back to the understanding girl at the table and headed in. He was just about to take off his jeans when the craving hit him. More than a craving, it was an urge too strong to resist. Without thinking he grabbed his purse and headed out, letting Craig know on the way that he had to head outside. Craig smiled a little oddly. When he realised where he was heading and what he was going to do he tried to stop himself. He tried to stop his feet moving but then his treacherous little brain told him it was just this one. like it always used to. It didn't matter that all he had to wait was another couple of minutes and he'd be Gary, the moment he stepped outside he reached into his purse and pulled out the pack. Within ten seconds he was strolling towards the car park making his craving go away. Just inside the mall doors was a little kiosk and he bought himself a pack of gum before heading back to Craig. "Oh," said the tall, good looking guy as he approached him with a smile, "Linzi is still with us?" Gary smiled up at him. He felt a little like he should greet him with a kiss. Yes, Craig was a guy, and his best friend, but wouldn't it appear far more natural to greet him with a kiss? He knew that he liked girls, not guys, but something about that felt uncomfortable. As he walked through the mall there were couples consisting of a boy and a girl, rarely two girls and even they looked like natural friends. Boy and girl was natural and he was, different. He couldn't help being different, but he didn't want people to know. With a slight effort he took Craig's hand and walked back into the store. Some hours later they walked out of the mall for the last time. Linzi looked like she was carrying a million dollars. She was also attracting most of the male attention around and so was Craig as she clung to his arm to stay steady on her platform heels. She'd got her ears pierced when he'd suggested it, three in each lobe and one at the top of her left ear which had hurt. Her tight denim skirt barely covered her thong panties, and her halter top did little to hide the rounded curves squeezed together in her 34E Victoria's Secret bra. His idea of a tattoo on her lower back was starting to appeal to her, some simple design that would peek out from above her skirt and entice viewers down to her pert, heart shaped butt. She was concerned that she wasn't changing back to Gary, but the concern was dying down as she was having so much fun! Shelia would die for her when she saw her new look. Craig was in heaven. Everything was working and so well! He could tell that Linzi was uncomfortable with the physical proximity, but she was living with it anyway, holding his hand and arm, accepting his arm around her back. She was forcing herself to appear normal, but it was only in public. He planned a pleasant dinner somewhere and then he would take her back to his place where he would reinforce the need for appearing normal in private. He'd reassure her, of course, that she didn't need to tell her girlfriend about any of it until the right time. Which would be some time after he'd had a chance to meet the pretty little one. She must be bi anyway, as he'd seen her with Gary, so she wouldn't be difficult to persuade into a threesome. What a threesome, him and two lesbians who would both accept him. After that, who knew, but he could appreciate the idea of having this stunning, glamour model type on his arm for a while to come. Shelia was bored and restless. Yes, it was a sad occasion, but the whole family thing afterwards was getting on her nerves. She couldn't show it, but she felt that maybe the restlessness was down to knowing that she'd be heading back to Gary in the morning. She was sorry that she hadn't been in touch, but she'd make that up to him straight away! Dinner was very good. Craig had splashed out. The wine was excellent, and he'd made sure that Linzi had her fair share. He'd started his suggestions over the dinner, of course. The candlelight was relaxing, as was everything else, and it was just simple suggestions for her to accept. He'd anchored her to yes, holding her hand across the table and asking her questions that would put her in a positive mindset until he could almost get her to say yes, and mean yes, to anything with just a move of his finger. Leaning across and touching her elbow during a particularly risque conversation began to anchor her open state of mind. She stepped outside just before dessert; he saw her getting flustered. When she came back he stroked her wrist as she enjoyed the superb dessert. They stayed for coffee and aperitifs, and Linzi was definitely more than a little tipsy as they got in the taxi. On the way he started whispering about lesbian love, making her eyes light up as he concentrated on her elbow. By the time they reached the door he'd subtly attracted her attention to his lap whilst stroking her wrist often enough to have her mouth watering at the connection. "Would you like a drink?" "I think I've had enough." She wasn't quite sure about being in his home. But then he had taken her shopping and bought her a lot of nice things. He'd paid for the dinner, and the drinks, and the taxi. It was normal that she should give him something in return, right? She didn't have to, of course, but it was expected in relationships, wasn't it, and it would be a nice thing to do. She just wasn't quite sure what would be a nice thing to do. "Would you like me to show you around?" She got up to take his hand. "...And this last room is the bedroom," he opened the door for her to step in, gently guiding her by the elbow. Linzi loved the room, it looked so cosy and warm and, and yes, she suddenly felt sexy. She turned to face Craig without stepping back to leave, and he took her hand. "Would you like to spend the night?" He asked as he stroked the spot. "Yes." She replied. Of course, she thought, even before she had a chance to think about why that might not be a great idea. "With me?" "Yes." "In my bed?" "Yes." With his other hand he was already reaching for the back of her other elbow. As he caught it he asked gently "Would you like to make love with me?" "Yes, I... think I'd like to try." Gently Craig undressed her, placing her purse on the vanity, always paying attention to her anchors to keep her positive and open and feeling sexy. He thought about trying the wrist as he undressed himself, but as he looked at her standing there so fucking unbelievably sexy in her heels and nothing else, he wondered if trying that would blow the whole deal. He had to have her, and he couldn't cock it all up now. Gently he lowered her back onto the bed, hand, elbow, stroking her body, her breasts, moving in for gently kisses, hand, elbow, warming her up. She wasn't easy, not quite comfortable, but everything he'd set up was now coming into play. She wanted this, not maybe because she wanted him, but because she wanted to act like a normal, straight girl would. Finally she was aroused, he'd taken his time and knew exactly what he was doing. He thought momentarily that he was about to fuck a guy, then he realised he was about to fuck a guy and he'd brought him to this submissive, h

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I had found the stone lying on a beach in Fiji. It was a regular grey stone, except that it had been etched with an image of something humanoid and around that were some illegible symbols etched in the surface. Time had worn the stone to the point that even someone that could read whatever language it was would have had a hard time deciphering the lost symbols. It didn't take me long to figure out what the stone did, though. As I walked into my vacation bungalow and set the stone down...

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The Wishing Stone

The Wishing Stone Part 1: The Wishing Stone Part 1:ObsessionBy Darqside I will never forget the moment the world as I knew it, ended. Of course, I had everything to do with it. It all started several years ago?I was a college student working on my capstone?my final project that would make or break me?earn or deny me of my degree. My major involves art?and so in many ways I had to come up with some great artistic design project.? The problem was, I had no subjects to work with. Well...

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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

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The Maiden Stone

The Maiden Stone By; Malissa Madison Born, 2 July 1959 I'm writing this story to celebrate my birthday today, and share just one more of my fantasies with my fans, who enjoy them. Thank you all so much, and may I be here another year Standing in line at the Airport waiting for the Customs agent to check my bags for contraband I noticed the chip in my nail polish once again. It had fretted me since I'd first seen it that morning getting on the plane. Of course even had I been...

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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 12 Vanguard

They arrived back at the flock’s domed dwelling, the two humans ducking under the low doorway as they stepped through into the carpeted living area. The planet’s star was getting low in the sky, its pale glow dimming as it dipped below the horizon. “So where are me and Baker sleeping?” Jaeger asked, eyeing the bedroom warily. He didn’t know how he felt about sharing it with the whole flock, but they didn’t exactly have a fold-out couch, where else were they going to sleep? “Is there a...

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By Hardrive It was bitter cold and the fridge air hurt Danielle’s lungs. Every breath felt like razors ripping open her chest, but, in spite of the pain… she was forced to… take in large gulps of air… to satisfy her desperate need for oxygen. The struggle to the top of the ridge was exhausting. The icy terrain made the climb difficult, allowing her only a few steps forward for each step she slipped back. That was frustrating but she had no choice but to persevere and do everything...

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SRU The Swapping Stone

SRU: The Swapping Stone By Zapper **** Synopsis: Kristy has a problem, she has to beat her roommate and lifelong frenemy, Alice, at a game of golf to win a bet. If she can win she'll get the apartment they share for the weekend. A weekend of privacy with her boyfriend Greg. The only problem is that she's awful at golf. Greg, however is a Scratch Golfer. Enter the wizard. Who, as usual, is very helpful. **** **** "There's no way this will work!" Greg said, looking at...

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Silent VigilChapter 7 Blood From a Stone

“Morning, Mister Lewis,” West said as Ethan entered through one of the revolving doors. Ethan was momentarily taken aback, but he reminded himself that this was what the gargoyle had promised, that nobody would even remember that Spencer had existed. It seemed a cruel fate, but it was not undeserved after what he had done. “Good morning, Mister West,” Ethan replied. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should risk pushing his luck, but he couldn’t relax until he was certain. “I see...

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Anna and Ramone Ch 02

Hi guys, Thank you for reading the story and also for your feedback. I hope you enjoy the second chapter as well. T-Wnjk ********* Present Day ‘Anna? Anna?’ Ramone called looking concerned. ‘What?’ ‘You’re crying.’ ‘Oh,’ Anna said while wiping her tears. ‘Excuse me Ramone.’ Anna bolted to her bathroom and locked the door. Her heart was beating furiously and she rested her elbows on her sink with her head bowed down. She didn’t dare look at the mirror for fear of what she would see....

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Blood and Stone

I came to be when the chisel last left my body, the instant he was done creating me. I don't remember the before. What I remember is watching him step back, carefully looking me over with a practiced eye, looking for imperfections. I knew there were none, at least not in his eyes, or I would never have come to be. He let his tools fall from his hands. The clatter they created would have made anyone jump. It was enough to startle me! If I had been able, I would have jerked in my position. But...

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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 4 Repeat After Me

“I can’t believe it, it’s unprecedented,” Doctor Evans said as she sat cross-legged on the deck across from one of the aliens. “Their mimicry was one thing, that’s not unheard of, but the rate at which they’re learning and applying the language is incredible. It’s like they have photographic memories, they don’t even need to practice. You give them information and they just ... retain it.” She set her tablet down, running her fingers through her dark hair and giving Jaeger a wide-eyed...

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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 18 Ahh Kiyone

"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...

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The Five Forms of KimberChapter 2 Earth Stone

Kimber crept quietly through the nighttime forest, looking for a decent clearing to start a fire in order to cook the rabbit she'd caught and killed earlier. Instead, she noticed the glow of an existing fire up ahead of her. She approached with caution, but found that it was tended to by a lone figure, a young man wearing light armor. His pack of gear and provisions, including a bow and quiver of arrows, rested on the ground near him. She touched the medallion and transformed back to her...

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Diminishing Wrath of Jackie Stone

CHAPTER 1 The words ‘bright, sullen, clever, devious and tough as old boots’ would have described Jackie Stone as a young girl perfectly. She really was a mixed bag. Until Jackie turned ten she was a pretty and rather cute energetic youngster thriving under her mother’s care and protection but during that year cancer was diagnosed and months later Rebecca Stone died. The boys began the teasing, perhaps hitting out of the loss of their mom who’d displayed the greatest share of her love for...

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The Nymph Stone

Hello Cousin, How have you been? I heard that your fraternity was having a little bit of recruitment troubles, so I decided to help. Attached is the Stone of Inner Beauty; however, most of us just refer to it as the Nymph Stone. What it does is confer the blessing of Pan onto a human. This will turn a woman into a nymph of one of the following types depending on her nature: Celestial Nymphs, Sea Nymphs, Land Nymphs, Wood Nymphs and Underworld Nymphs. If a girl turns into an...

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Wishing Stone

I hold my head in my hands as I try to clear my head of the last remnants of sleep. It's five in the morning and after years of having to get up early for numerous job's, you would think I had gotten used to it by now, but no... of course not. Finally I stand up on my aching old knees and hobble my way to the bathroom. I look in the mirror as I turn the lights on and see the same tired old face draped by long dark brown hair which is liberally peppered with grey hair and a long beard that...

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2 Love Birds Alike

2 Love Birds AlikeBy: Londebaaz Chohan If not the ultimate, Jim was almost pretty close to be the geek of the high school. Accepted that he was virgin but far more than that; he was the model boy of being so desperate for the pussy and a physical contact but absolutely unable to succeed because girls always backed away from him. Surely this impossible distance between him and all sorts of femininity gave him a rigid and hefty hard on all the time to carry in front of him, between his legs. He...

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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 10 Home Sweet Home

The train car raced along the track with a silent grace, the twisted, sculpted spires of the city center rising in front of them as they descended the wall. They took a branching path, turning away from the city and angling off towards what Jaeger had assumed to be the residential band. The little domed houses sped past beneath him as he peered out of the window, cloaked in rolling hills and picturesque nature. “I thought we were going to the city?” he asked, turning to Maza who was sat...

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Project Blue Birds

A lot of female characters from movies, TV, comics, and anime are transported to a land between space and time called Tierra. When going back looked impossible, all of them decided to make it their home and formed the Kingdom of Frieden. They tried to make peace with the existing kingdom, the Kingdom of Carduelis, but they were only interested in making them their cum dumpsters. The Kingdom of Frieden and the Kingdom of Carduelis have been fighting over Tierra. For decades, but especially in...

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The Stone

I stared at the small, non-descript stone on the table, next to the very tiny box it came in. It was wholly unordinary; I could have as easily picked it up from the sidewalk outside. Next to it was the note that was included. "Hold the stone in your hand, close your eyes, and wish. Whatever you can dream of, you will get it. One use, as soon as you open your eyes and put the stone down, your wishing is done...make it count!" Someone had to be putting me on, I thought. I mean,...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 07

The trip to San Francisco, California, goes at a faster pace than Boone likes because Peter, the trader, is pushing to get there and back home. Boone has little choice about matching Peter’s pace if he wants to get the extra money for hauling the goods. At camp on the night after the first full day Boone walks over to Peter and ask, “Is this the pace you’ll be keeping all the way to San Francisco and back to Arizona City?” Peter looks up at Boone from where he’s sitting as he says, “Only on...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 03

After Boone sees everyone in the camp is properly set out for their first night in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, he goes over to the cooking fire for the Gray contingent, asks for both Olive and Nellie to walk with him, and he walks toward the horses. He stops short of the rope corral they’ve put up for the stock, turns to the two young ladies, and says, “A couple of weeks back your mother told me both of you want to be my wife and have insisted I’ll be your man for some years. Is that...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 08

The trip of about five hundred miles to Santa Fe should take them about twelve to fourteen days to make the journey. After much talking on who’ll go Mary decides Nellie and Sam will accompany Boone and he’s to hire three or four of the Apache as scouts. After the decision is made preparations are made for the trip, the three family members will share the gold between them in their saddlebags, and the ladies will lead two pack-horses carrying their camping gear and food supplies. To ensure...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 04

Bright and early on Monday July 1st, 1861 the doors to the barn are opened and the four wagons move out. Yesterday afternoon was spent cleaning up the barn and stables and now they’re leaving after several weeks of living there while getting ready to go west. Three of the wagons are fully loaded and the fourth is mostly loaded, they’ll finish loading it when they reach Columbus, Ohio, where they plan to buy a great deal of salt. Nellie is at the reins of the lead wagon pair with Heidi in...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 05

When rolling into town mid-morning Boone has a stray thought of, Something must be wrong! This is a Tuesday, not a Monday. We never get anywhere except on a Monday. He’s amused by the thought. During the afternoon they talk while they unpack the wagons, and Boone says, “While in Council Bluffs I caught up on the news. There’s been a dozen or so battles between Army units in Missouri since April, hundreds of shootings and killings in Kansas, and militia attacking the people all over Kansas...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 02

Following the talks in December 1859 Mary, Heidi, and Boone start their preparations to leave Virginia. Materials and things are bought and put aside, for now. The tensions and troubles increase with each passing month of 1860. Mary, Heidi, and Boone become more worried with each rise in the tensions between the two major political forces. Boone starts to build a wagon like his father made using his father’s drawings which Mary has. They don’t have a farm wagon so he builds two of the large...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 06

The trail west from Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, is well marked due to the many hundreds of wagons along the trail in the past twenty years. Many of the worst parts of the trail have been improved by earlier wagon-trains; which just means the trail is wide enough for the wagons, it’s well marked, also some water crossings have stones in them to stop the crossing from washing away, and some of the worst crossings now have ferries in place to make them easier. There are still some places...

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Anna and Ramone Ch 03

Hey guys, thanks for reading the series and for your comments and votes! This chapter is shorter than the previous two. The next chapter will be up shortly and will be longer than this one. Enjoy reading and keep the comments/votes coming in! Tabzwnjk ******************************************* ‘Well it’s about time you got back home’, Ramone said. Anna jumped at the sound of his voice. She’d spent the whole day with Jamie and all she wanted was to get home and sleep. ‘What are you doing...

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The Wishing Stone

I was walking in the woods in my backyard when I It was a round,blue stone,glowing eerily in the light. Picking it up,I saw a small note beside it as well. Dear Sir or Madam, This stone is a magical artifact,forged from the ancient fires of blacksmiths long past,and imbued with the power of a wizard. It will grant any wish you can think,,and make that wish a reality. I thought it was fake. A hoax. So I jokingly made a wish. "I wish that my neighbor,Summer,was my sex slave." The...

Mind Control
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Lara Croft and the Wayfarer Stone

"And here we are,” Lara smiled with satisfaction as she reached the T-shaped bottom of the red sandstone stairs leading into the deepest recesses of the latest tomb to be explored by her. It was an odd one too, Lara mused as she stood between the two pillars on the platform formed by the bottom of the staircase, ten feet above the floor of the massive subterranean chamber. Since she was on a small island off the south coast of Island, the mere presence of a vast tomb here was strange enough,...

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Reality Stone

Another person walks into the cluttered magic shop. You have been perusing the dusty shelves to pass the time, and the only other person you have seen is a short man looking out from behind the counter with a stony face. It doesn't even appear as if he's noticed you. The newcomer seems vaguely interested, and you notice that he is looking at a shelf you had rigorously searched when you first arrived. You chuckle knowing that there's nothing there, before you see him pull out a small, smooth,...

Mind Control
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Two birds

‘Please, just once so I know what it’s like.’‘Okay, but if things get out of hand, we’ll have a problem.’‘I can deal with Woody. Besides, he’s afraid of you.’Tia had said she wanted ‘to be watched’ before, and now she was really up for it. So, fine, I thought, we can kill two birds with one stone. I was sharing an apartment with a guy named Woody (I kid you not). Woody was, to put it most kindly, flat fucking ugly. He would do just about anything to get laid, or just see a pair of bare breasts....

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Two birds

"Please, just once so I know what it's like.""Okay, but if things get out of hand, we'll have a problem.""I can deal with Woody. Besides, he's afraid of you."Tia had said she wanted "to be watched" before, and now she was really up for it. So, fine, I thought, we can kill two birds with one stone. I was sharing an apartment with a guy named Woody (I kid you not). Woody was, to put it most kindly, flat fucking ugly. He would do just about anything to get laid, or just see a pair of bare breasts....

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Misty Mountains ch 7 The Arkenstone

The Arkenstone, the King's jewel, Heart of the Mountain. The one thing that would mean more to the dwarven people, it would force the King to marry her even if he was really wanting to marry the elf. Pressure would be put on him from the other dwarf kingdoms to choose a dwarf woman regardless and when she presented him with the Arkenstone it would seal their fate. Dithinia knew where she would have to look deep in the mountain where the dragon had once secreted himself. She knew that the...

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Ryan Silverstone

Chapter 1 Dressed in black with a white collar and white-on-black nametag identifying her as Lucy, the slightly tentative waitress with a soft smile said goodbye and to call again, her eyelids fluttering. At that Ryan knew he only had to ask and she’d date him. Oh brother, act your age, the newcomer to the city mused. He’d welcome her company but that would almost amount to cradle snatching. ‘I’ll call again,’ he said pulling out a friendly smile instead of a flirty one and pushed five bucks...

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The Flintstones

Fred came home after a long day at the quarry. He through open the door and yelled, “WILMA, I’m HOME.” Fred braced himself for Dino’s loving attack but nothing happened. No yelping dog, no running paws coming at him, nothing. Fred was confused, then he looked to his right and standing in the doorway to their bedroom was Wilma. Fred dropped his lunchbox and stared. Wilma was wearing that white skimpy outfit she had shone him from the Fredrick’s of Hollyrocks catalog last month. Fred’s...

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Cynthia Stoneman

I had planned on going down to Florida for about three months. About three weeks before I was supposed to leave, my present girlfriend, Sofia, asked me to do her a big favor. She said that her mother wanted to go and see her sister who also lived down in Florida. Rather than let her take the bus which would have made it a very long ride, her mother didn’t like to fly, could I let her ride down with me. Sofia and I had been friends for two years and sexual partners for about 7 months. We worked...

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The cool Autumn air flowing through the open door disturbed the dusty webs of long dead spiders as we pushed the heavy wooden door inward. Only the whisper of the breeze, our breath, and the screech of the door’s rusty hinges competed with the sound of my pounding heart as I stepped through the threshold into the house’s foyer. It was evident that Madison and I were the first visitors in quite some time, that the house’s reputation for evil had kept people away for a long, long time. I stepped...

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Whats In The Name Shazstoned

It was a Saturday night some years ago, I was home alone, it was time to dress fully for the first time. I showered and had a good shave. I started with my false eyelashes on the top and bottom of my eyes, next the foundation and powder, eye shadow, a glittery green, dark red blusher to highlight my cheeks, black eye liner and masscarra followed. I added bright red lippy, all was applied quite heavy, how I like it. I got myself dressed, basque, seemed stockings and thong all in black, a very...

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I don't need reminding I'm different from the other kids, but they do it anyway, eroding my self-confidence like waves pounding the headland. Sure I wear black jeans, trench coat and eyeliner. Docs, not Converse. Trivium on my playlist over Bieber or Swift. But so what? Dad understands. Says I should live each day in the moment. Carve a niche in the world and to hell with what others think. Mum would have hated such spontaneity. The dark irony being the day she deviated from habit, Travis...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Once Upon A Moonstone

For the first time the full story of the Pocono Moonstone has been finally revealed. Rewritten and revised by its original creator. The author indicates that other authors are welcome to make reference to the Pocono Moonstone in their stories. Married Couple Sam and Joy move to the Pocono Mountains where they discover a family artefact known as the Pocono Moonstone. The Moonstone's special powers of transformation are revealed to them in a series of events that feature a...

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MOONSTONE By LJ "Pretty," he said absently as he picked up the blue rock he found as the source of the dull gleam of light that had teased his sight for the past few minutes. Overhead, the moon seemed to reflect off the smooth, round stone as if it were a mirror, and yet it was just a small rock. Sir James Marcus smiled as he put the stone in his pocket. His younger sister still enjoyed collecting such pebbles and stones despite being near sixteen this year. It was to her he was...

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Better a Millstone

Better a Millstone This one is what came out of a flashback. Accordingly, its a tough read, with sexual assault alluded to, so be careful. Dr. Anthony Stagg walked out the prison gates, gave a sardonic salute to the guards, and got into the waiting taxi. "Downtown." The doctor said, and then gave the address of a cheap hotel. When he arrived, he smiled a secret smile. He figured this place would make his parole officer happy, and that would be something to worry about for the...

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Lesbian Slave Auction II Return to Stonebriar

Lesbian Slave Auction II:Return to StonebriarChapter 1The night air was cool and refreshing as Mistress Natasha stared out from an open window, looking out over the courtyard of her compound.  This should have been a happy and peaceful time for her; she was at the very top of her profession, a very wealthy and successful woman by any measure, and yet again she had a hard time getting herself to sleep.  She was restive by nature, but the larger problem was most certainly her profession.  Natasha...

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The cool Autumn air flowing through the open door disturbed the dusty webs of long dead spiders as we pushed the heavy wooden door inward. Only the whisper of the breeze, our breath, and the screech of the door's rusty hinges competed with the sound of my pounding heart as I stepped through the threshold into the house's foyer. It was evident that Madison and I were the first visitors in quite some time, that the house's reputation for evil had kept people away for a long, long time. I stepped...

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Whats In The Name Shazstoned

It was a Saturday night some years ago, I was home alone, it was time to dress fully for the first time. I showered and had a good shave.I started with my false eyelashes on the top and bottom of my eyes, next the foundation and powder, eye shadow, a glittery green, dark red blusher to highlight my cheeks, black eye liner and masscarra followed. I added bright red lippy, all was applied quite heavy, how I like it.I got myself dressed, basque, seemed stockings and thong all in black, a very...

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The Vixen in Maidstone

Me and The Vixen (her name is G) hadn't met for a while. We always keep in touch but the phone sex and teasing vids and pics we exchanged weren't satisfying us both. We needed to meet again and fuck! A month ago I told her I'd be close by in Maidstone for a couple of days. She called me to tell me she was on her way over to my hotel so I waited in the hotel bar for her. The weather was terrible and she arrived in a long coat around 11 in the morning. I had my head down reading the paper when I...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 47 The Lodestone

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk The treemen lumbered closer and closer. I stared at the Lodestone. Light flashed above. My hands clenched. We were so close. I wanted to just draw my sword and hit the stone. To break it apart and free all those humans behind them. “Master,” Zanyia yowled. She bristled at my feet. “They’re getting closer.” “I can hear that,” I snarled. I threw a look over my shoulder at the two approaching treemen towering over the...

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