The Gypsy Stone
- 5 years ago
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We've all had that feeling of danger. You wake up from a dead sleep with your heart pounding. But there's nothing there. Or was there? We are alone, ultimately, but there is someone out there. Watching.
I watched her as she entered the cathedral. She moved like the water under a bridge, with purpose but easily. My eyes followed her as she slipped into the protective shadows of the Saints, and my gaze fell upon her breast as she wiped away the droplets of glistening sweat from the hollow of her collar. I knew that my companion watchers saw her, but I could feel them dismiss her as she moved on. She fell short of their desires. She didn't meet their expectations, and she wasn't worthy of a second glance. But I saw something different.
We are the gargoyles.
They laugh at us now. We've been here since before their grandfather's grandfather. We've watched over them as children, running in the summer grass. In the spring, we've watched over them as friends throw rice to bless their marriage. We've smiled with them as they christen their children. We've guarded them in their grief as they say goodbye to loved ones. We've protected their sanctuary. We've kept away the evil doers who would violate the place they hold dear. But they do not love us for it.
Generations ago their ancestors created us. They needed us. They knew that this building they were erecting would become a symbol of refuge and safety. They knew that it would also become a target for those who carry darkness in their hearts. So we were made. We were carved from the stone to last forever. We were given faces to frighten even the most evil wrongdoers.
And for generations we were admired. People looked up to us for comfort. They knew that we were there to protect their wives and their children and their spouses. But then they stopped believing. The world around us became dark. No longer could we protect the people from evildoers. Evil no longer took its home in the hearts of men. It made its home in man's fingers and arms and hands. Evil took refuge in mankind's eyes and their teeth. Now that the wives and husbands and mothers could see evil, they stopped believing. They saw that evil was human, not spiritual. They saw the pain that humankind caused, and they thought that they were seeing evil.
But they were wrong.
They saw only the reflection of evil. What they were seeing was no more the true essence of evil than the reflection of a tree in a passing creek is the true essence of a tree. But since it comforted them, they choose to believe that they could see and touch and feel and control the bad things in the world. And then they stopped needing us. That's when they started laughing.
They still come to Sunday morning mass. They pass under our watchful eyes and light their candles and pray their prayers and sing their songs. They think that they're safe again because they've locked their doors and barred their windows, and that will protect them from the evil they know. Their children look up at the clouds and see our monstrous faces and they laugh. They think that we're the evil ones. They think that we're the ones that they're supposed to fear. And since they don't fear us, they feel invincible.
When they started to laugh, we began to lose our purpose. And a gargoyle without purpose is nothing more than a block of stone.
So we found a purpose. Yes, we have conscious thought and intelligence, and we feel the need to find reason in our existence. We are not human, but being created by men for an enlightened reason, we were endowed with certain aspects of humanity. Through their loving touch, through the caress of chisel on stone and the loving stroke of finishing cloth on rough edges the need for affection and love was breathed into us. It became part of our essence. Perhaps that is why, under the laughter and scorn, we could hear the uncomfortable edge of uncertainty in the belittling jeers. Mankind knew that they created us, then abandoned us and left us to the cruel elements.
Many of my companions turned hard and unyielding. They took comfort in their stone encasements and ignored the warmth inside that fought to escape. They could look upon the pain in the world and laugh. They considered it just retribution, an earned punishment for the people who could so carelessly fling aside that which they brought into this world. As they looked upon the dark acts played by man against man, by woman against child, and by child against animal, they laughed.
But the others cried. We saw mankind as they truly are. Lost and lonely. Sad and unconnected. Where once men and women and children came together for safety and companionship, now they build walls around their souls and fortified their battlements with barbed tongues and sharp eyes. They allowed themselves to grow cold-not only to the inanimate stone surrounding them, but also to the people who could have enriched their lives.
People live their lives like leaves in a galestorm. They flutter about, sure of their purpose and intent upon their destination, but they care nothing and notice nothing of those whom they brush against. No longer do they see the lonely eyes of the waif on the corner. No longer do they see the pain of the drunk in the alley. No more do they feel the cold of the forgotten ones.
We discovered that we could separate. Separate from our stone bodies and our fixed positions high above the dirt and grime of the city below. Late at night, when clouds cover the moon and the shadows fall short on the pavement, when the cold wind blows and the few lost souls still wandering the street shiver and draw deeper into their chins and collars. It's not hard. It's painful at first-pulling away from the security of the stone fortress that is the cathedral.
That became our purpose. We became not the hated and feared monsters, but the warm and comforting arms around the lost souls. Most couldn't see us. Most choose not to see the warmth that is surrounding them, especially when it is in a guise that is unreal and frightening. We were their dreams or their visions or their nightmares. We were the unseen hands guiding them away from the busy intersection or pushing them away from the predator in the shadowed corner.
And that was enough. For most of us. For a while. We became the guardian angels. People were so willing to believe in angels. They feared us, so they choose not to believe in us, hoping to kill what frightened them. But in some ethereal, light and joyous vision of wings and halos, they were comforted. So they choose to make us their angels. Our good works, our loving touch, our unseen support was credited to the truly uncaring 'angels.' Mankind refused to believe that the angels of which they spoke could not care an iota less for their insignificant lives. Mankind was mere amusement for the heavenly hosts. They were pets. Lower than pets. Ants in a Plexiglas box. Fascinating to watch as they went about their insignificant lives almost as though they had purpose, but not worth second thought as they burned to charred remains under the magnifying glass held in a thoughtless playground game.
No, the angels weren't mankind's protectors. We were. Mankind created us; then they attempted to make us less real. But it doesn't work like that.
One would think that we would be too frightening to be seen by humans. But over the centuries I've discovered one certain thing about the human mind. It has unlimited power to create and redefine. When we allow ourselves to be seen, people don't see us as the fearsome creatures with gnarled faces and steel-cold wings and talons. We're not seen as monstrous beings of stone. The human mind protects itself. If they see us at all, they see strangers. Cold and fearsome, perhaps, but human.
But usually they don't see us. They might glimpse from the corner of their vision a shadow on the wall, a spectral image quickly dismissed by their rational mind. So we travel amongst them. Observing. Listening. Following. Protecting.
Occasionally we force ourselves into their vision. We spread our wings and rise to our full height. We turn their eyes towards us with the strength of our silent voices, heard deep in their souls. But only when we must. Only for those who are truly beyond salvation. For the unforgivable evil ones who travel amongst people, disguised as human. For the destroyers of innocence. Those who prey upon the good and delicate that resides in all people. There are those amongst you. Do not doubt it. There are those people born with such darkness in their soul that goodness and light becomes physically painful. There are those who are truly evil. Blights upon the world. When we find them, we destroy them. They gaze upon us and know that there is something more powerful than the hate that fuels their existence. And that knowledge destroys their mind.
You've seen our work. You've seen them gibbering to themselves as they attempt to quiet their frightened souls with drink and drugs. They don't last long. The 'lucky' ones find their way to asylums, where they live the remainder of their lives in a haze of delirium and diagnoses of paranoid delusions. The unlucky ones live the remainder of their pitiful lives shunned and abandoned. They deserve no better.
I saw her first during the heat of summer. An early August evening, and the city was bound by the inhuman heat of the sun on sidewalk. Waves shimmered off of the pavement like ripples in the sand. She, like so many others, sought refuge from the blistering sun in the relative cool of the cathedral's pews. She walked like so many around her. Tucked in to her own being. Surrounded by people, yet cut off by choice. It was as though I could see the barrier she'd built, invisible to human eyes, but obvious to the human spirit.
So many people walked as she did. They were one within a throng of bodies. Shoulder to shoulder with the people of the city. All but touching one another. But so apart. The walls they build around their souls are palpable to the world. They are felt by anyone who comes close enough to feel the heat of the other's body. Then, confused, they refuse to understand why they are alone and lonely.
I watched her move. She slid through the church doorway like a snake through desert sand. Finding the path of least resistance through the worshipers. She moved with purpose and with a quiet ignorance. As though those around her were mere shadows.
She knelt, crossed her breast and shoulders and moved to light a candle. Her lips moved in prayer as the flame touched wick, sparked and crackled. I let myself drift closer until I could hear her whispered plea.
As her flame touched each candle, her lips moved. "Gabriel, hear me. Take my prayer."
Interesting. A prayer to Gabriel. To the patron saint of messengers.
Another candle, another payer. "St. Francis de Sales, hear my prayer. Open my ears, bless my hands."
Ah, of course. Her walls were not all self-imposed. She was deaf. Her world was silent not by choice, but by design.
Another candle. A whispered prayer to Valentine and Jude. To lovers and desperate causes.
The saints don't listen. They don't exist. But we do.
I followed her home that night. Through crowded streets and murky pathways through the park. She moved as one possessed with the knowledge that she is invisible to those around her. So many invisible people in this city! My stone heart aches to see them, alone by their own design. With my knowing eyes, I can see their souls crying out silently, "See me! Notice me!" But they move on alone. They fold their arms around their shoulders and hug themselves as protection. Even in the warmth of the summer sun they act as though they're freezing. I can see that the city has turned them cold from the inside outside. Upside down.
Watching her, I realize something about these invisible people. They think, they believe that they're at peace with themselves. They've tricked their beings into believing that what they crave is the safety of solitude. Words come to me. Words overheard, spoken by the philosophy students passing from the afternoon coffeehouse to evening pub. "He makes a solitude, and calls it-peace!" This is what Byron meant.
And I felt something else. A stirring in my stone cold center. A longing for something I'm yet to find a name for. I watched her back as she stepped lightly over the muddy puddles left by children playing in the illicitly opened fireplug. The way her hips moved beneath the thin cotton of her summer dress. There was a tug where my heart should be at the flash of pale skin as the hem of her skirt flipped up when she stepped from the curb to the concrete step of the brownstone house with the heavy wooden door.
The curve of her forearm, melding delicately into the bird-like bones of her wrist as she pushed key into lock drew me up the steps behind her. I didn't know if she'd notice me or not. Most people don't. Most people know that we can't exist, therefore their minds dismiss us as imaginary. She was no different. I slipped in easily before she thought to turn and pull the door tightly closed.
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It was hot. Dust-eating, butt numbing hot as I rode the trail from California into the Arizona territory. Tombstone was planning a big Independence Day shindig that year since eighteen hundred and eighty two was a territorial anniversary. Even though I was still more than a hundred and fifty miles away I'd met up with slower moving groups heading in that direction. The trail was crowded with buckboards carrying weary families, with children whining about the heat. Big, clanking wagons loaded...
Note: There is a hint of gay near the end but it does not go into any detail and it should not deter you from reading the story. I apologize in advance. It is just the way the story took me. Chapter One: The beginning My sister Stacey and I were bored! We were on vacation with our parents. We were way back in Yellowstone National Park. We were stuck there for the next three weeks. We were in hell! Mom and Dad had planned on a one-month vacation in the boondocks all year. They...
Petra is author of several sexy short seductive stories secretly, at both my 'petdyke' profile and at 'Poet-PETER'.Petra is awesomely attractive, as you all can admire her hot lovely looks 'en profil erotique', ma belle, tout nu ici:Precious Princess Petra en profil, an intimate invitation: provides privacy for Molly Mallone's petty 'perverse' purchases in internet: two dildo's & a set of handcuffs.Petra provides privacy for her...
I was in Los Angeles on business and one day I was in Century City for a business conference and when we broke for lunch I headed for a restaurant I'd heard about. I was walking down the street when something slammed into my shoulder and I heard a voice say: "Watch where you're going asshole." I turned and saw a guy standing there looking at me and smiling. It took me about half a second to recognize Bill Gibson and I stepped to him and took him in a big bear hug. Bill and I had grown up...
Few days ago my nighbour wanted to hang out on the day before christmas so we planed on smoking some weed in one of his close firends shed. He also mentioned that he would bring some girls along so i was up for it . It was finaly the day before christmas and me and my friend was on our way to the shed. When we got there 3 girls showed up . In the shed altogether were 6 people. 3 guys and 3 girls.we decided to roll up a joint and smoke some out of a bong and so we did. After we were stoned as...
This is a story about a mystical gemstone that hypnotizes anyone who dares to stare at it for too long. The gemstone tends to change hands often due to the careless nature most who get their hands on it tends to display. You will choose a body to inhabit, and then you will succumb to the power of the gemstone, either through using it yourself or by being ensnared by it.
Mind ControlSo where do I begin, I guess at the beginning, my name is Steven I am 37 and I live an uneventful life or at least I did until I found the red gem…. no, I’m getting ahead of myself. I work in tv and movies don’t get too excited. It’s nothing special basically I find and make props, as far as importance goes, I’m considered somewhere between the guy who makes sure the cast don’t run out of droughts and the fella who cleans the camera lens. Anyway, I was working on season 8 of Game of Thrones and...
Mind ControlStoned by Jennifer Adams ©©Jennifer Adams, 1999 Michael walked briskly in the early morning chill. He was trying to escape the scene of the crime without trying to look like he was escaping. He had just thrown a rock and broke the stone statue in the garden of old lady Winters. He hadn't meant for the rock to strike the statue. He rather liked it. It was almost erotic in its dainty, feminine figure. There was even the subtle hint of anatomical correctness to it...
By RawlyRawls This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read more of my stuff, please visit: Also, all characters are 18 years or older. Enjoy. Chapter 1 Sam skipped out of the alley behind the 7-11 and turned onto the old train tracks. Weeds scraped along his ankles. The faint scent of creosote rose up from the weathered wood beneath him. He hopped from one tie to the next. His brown eyes scanned the ground. The weight of his...
Me and Jane are brother and sister. One day Jane suggested we go for a hike in the woods. I am not really an outdoorsy person but I went along because I had nothing better to do. We live in a very woody area so over the course of our lives we have found many paths in the backyard around around our property. We started down the path that we always take which is directly behind our house, it was pretty muddy because of the rain the last few days. I was thinking to myself why my sister wanted to...
TranssexualThe Offices of Kopf & Bradley were on the fortieth floor looking down on Madison Avenue. It was Election day in the off-year as Susan Singleton and three other partners met with Edward Kincade; his executive assistant, Carrie Wilson; and Tony Greco, the governor’s political advisor. Fred Bradley as the senior partner present was summarizing what the parties had agreed would be the ongoing strategy. “Susan will be on leave of absence for the next year through the gubernatorial election....
Kimber and Jonath hiked along the path leading up along the mountainside. It had been a long journey already, they were deep into the mountain range and quite a distance up. Jonath was glad that Kimber had forced him to leave his armor behind temporarily at a village in the foothills, even though he was accustomed to the weight it would not have been pleasant hauling the extra load up the steep route. "Shit! Do you see that, the path up ahead is gone!" Jonath proclaimed. "That just means...
Mike yawned, the morning light through the white curtains casting a blissful glow on the room. He scratched the back of his neck, his foot kicking the lump near the bottom of his bed. He sat up, leaning forward to give the lump a playful pat. “It’s time to get up, Tink.” Mike watched the lump slide to the edge of the bed, disappearing over the edge with a thud. “Owie,” Tink muttered, standing up holding her bottom. She was wearing a tank top night shirt, one of the things Mike had ordered...
As she did each day, Miss Tessa Malone awoke in her bed with a smile on her face; not a broad exaggeration of the mouth, but rather a natural shape of contentment eased upon her plush lips. From the moment she roused from her slumber in the morning, to the last second before her eyelids closed for the night, the smile rarely waned. It welcomed whatever the day delivered, be it bright sun or the gloom of clouds, all the same.Seated at the edge of her bed, she savored a long stretch with...
SeductionYou wake up in a blank white room. No doors, no windows not even a bed. You notice as you sit up the dull ache of your body. Your hard sensitive nipples aching to be touched. Straining against your thin shirt. Your swollen pussy lips brushing against your silky panties with each movement. It's like you've edged all week but you don't remember. Somehow, a copy of your mind ends up in the hands of One of 9lives processors.
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