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By Imperial Decree By Stefanie Flowers Most teens have a hard time adjusting to become adults. They worry about how they look, acceptance by their friends, and of course, what they will become. I, on the other hand, was thoroughly enjoying life as a sixteen year old boy. You can't have it any better than being born into a noble family on Imperium. I had it all, status, privilege and wealth. I'd just discovered women and the allure of their bodies. I was at that stage of sexual development where just the slightest visual provocation or day dreaming fantasy would give me an embarrassing boner. I was, as you might surmise, eager to put my new found friend to practical use. Even at sixteen it was easy to find sexual partners when they couldn't say no to you. The household slave girls, otherwise known as Ancilla, were always ready and willing to satisfy me; after all they had no choice. Imperium society is based on that of Earth's old Roman empire. We even have an Emperor as our ruler. Settled many centuries ago by people from Earth, Imperium was now reaching out to close by worlds taking them over to build a new Roman Empire. As with the old Earth empire, Imperium saw no problem with having slaves. In fact, they are considered essential to maintaining our way of life. So much so that all women, excepting those of nobility, became Ancilla on their coming of age birthday. Considered chattel, they were bought and sold as property. Doting parents sometimes protected their daughters by keeping them as household Ancilla but continued treating them as family home. They still had to be registered as Ancilla and could only go out in public dressed as such adorned with a locked Ancilla collar around their neck. Knowing their father could sell them, the daughters were very obedient and attentive to their fathers wishes. Being of the nobility I would be expected to take on family responsibilities as I grew older, but for now I was free to do as I pleased. I have an older brother Titus and sister Stefanie. Being much older than me they already bore the burden of many family responsibilities. My father Magnus, a senior senator and personal advisor to the Emperor, takes his role as 'pater familia' much too seriously. He is always scheming and looking for ways to increase our noble family's influence and wealth. Father is already really, really wealthy. You might say obscenely so because he owns a large commercial space fleet. It trades on many distant worlds bringing much needed technology and riches to the Empire. This also makes him a very powerful man, almost as powerful as the Emperor himself. As is traditional in families of the nobility, Titus had been married off to a suitable daughter of some wealthy merchant that would enhance our own family's influence. And, of course, being the eldest he would inherit fathers senatorial title and the whole business empire when father died. Titus was kept very busy travelling to help grow the family business. To my mind, he might as well have been fathers slave, always having to do Fathers bidding. Stefanie and I would inherit nothing, but Stefanie's future was already assured. After coming of age, she had been married off to Adrian. Adrian was also an asset to father, being the son of another senior senator and wealthy business owner. I felt sorry for Stefanie as well, for her future too was already ordained; the making and raising many babies to ensure her husband's noble family's future. As a second son, my future prospects were somewhat sparse. Typically military or diplomatic careers were lined up for surplus additional sons like me. I had no desire to go off fighting wars for the Empire and nor did the military want me for I did not meet their stringent physical standards for service. Most Imperium men are over six feet tall while I am only 5' 8," with a thin and wiry frame. I even look a bit like my sister Stefanie having somewhat delicate features, emerald green eyes and straight black hair. Father always joked that I was the runt of his litter. In reality I think he was ashamed to have a poorly built son like me, someone of no use in furthering the family interests. If only I had been born a daughter, father thought, now that would have been different. I could then be married off to a suitable family to spend my days getting pregnant and raising future citizens of the Empire. Thank god I had been born a man. I wanted no responsibilities, just fun, and lots of sex. I was happy to be kept out of the political and social life of our noble family. During my childhood I had been 'honored' by being chosen to serve as a companion to the Emperors son Hadrian. Father had arranged this thinking it would be a boon to be on familiar terms with the next in line to the throne. In our early years it worked out well and I blended in with his group of friends. Then as we grew into our teens he and his other companions outpaced my physical development. The group began to bully and tease me about looking more like a girl. Cruelly, whenever in his presence, Hadrian then insisted on me dressing as a girl. I was so humiliated and embarrassed but could not refuse, for he was the Emperors son. I was forced to act and behave like a girl while his friends went into fits of laughter at my misfortune. Hadrian even took to caressing and fondling me as a girl. Then he wanted me to service him orally. Just the thought mad me want to puke. Fortunately it never came to that. Thankfully the Emperor, concerned at his son's behavior towards the son of a noble family, released me from my companionship duties. Lucky to have escaped I was not eager to associate with any more sons of nobility. Freed of such torment and having no family responsibilities I could now indulge in life's pleasures. Despite my physical challenges I had been endowed with a truly strong sex drive. Ever so proud of my virility, I gave myself a satisfying daily workout; usually by enacting a page out of that wonderful book, the Kama Sutra. When not servicing the female slaves I enjoyed gambling away as much of father's fortune as possible. After all, for what I had had to endure at the Palace, I deserved a little financial recompense. I entered into an uneasy truce with Father, with him only giving me an icy stare whenever we crossed paths and me not going too far in my transgressions. He still took every opportunity to in family gatherings to belittle me. Livia, my mother, usually tried to protect me from father's derision saying "Just give him time to grow and mature; he's still very young yet." "It's all just too much," ranted Magnus to his wife. "Have you seen this gambling bill. We have to rein in that useless son of ours and provide him with a meaningful future." Being a noble he had no concern about my use of the household slave girls, only the lost money; he probably even admired my sexual endurance. "Yes, but what?" responded his wife. "He's not marriageable and is physically unsuited for official government service, even the diplomatic corp." "Yes, yes, I know, but it can't go on like this. It would all have been so much easier if he had just been born a girl," continued Magnus. "It's so much easier to marry a daughter off." "Yes, he would have made such a beautiful daughter. He looks so much like Stefanie," agreed Livia. "If only we could correct nature's mistake and magically transform him into our darling daughter. I always wanted a second daughter." "Are you're serious, Livia?" questioned Magnus. "I was just thinking out loud, dear. His future prospects would be so much better," said Livia. "You know I think you've hit upon the solution. With Earth's modern medical techniques its possible for us to fully transform him into a woman." "Really?" queried Livia. "A 'fully' functional woman?" "Yes, and best of all, we can marry him off to the benefit of the family. I'm sure that there's a Senators son somewhere that will be needing a suitable wife soon." "That sounds ideal," replied Livia. "I'm so happy Magnus, I always wanted another daughter." "Good," said Magnus, "let's waste no time getting this done then. I'll see the Emperor and get him to write a decree recognizing our new daughter. I'll tell him my son realizes that he should have been born a woman and wants to be recognized as such. After what happened with Hadrian, I'm sure the Emperor won't be too surprised." "Let's name him Daphne. That's the name I would have chosen had he been born a girl," added Livia. "Of course darling, anything you want. And I'll let Titus and Stefanie in on our plans. That way they can help him make the transition." "We must remember to sign her up for next years debutante ball. That will be the perfect time for her introduction to society. I hear the Emperor himself is going to attend." And so the plan was put into motion... Unaware of my parents devious plot, I thought my everyday life sex and gambling idyllic and, if I played it right, thought they could go on forever. I felt that despite my fathers complaints, he would never completely disown me. Even if it was only to avoid scandal he would surely continue to support me with sufficient funds and, being the black sheep, I would be free of any family obligations. Yes, my life would be perfect. By the time I reached seventeen years old, I noticed something strange had happened to me. At first my sexual appetite began to wane. Even with the most beautiful of girls it became harder and harder to achieve an erection, let alone an orgasm. Then my chest started to itch and my nipples grew larger like a woman's. My waist started to shrink and my hips grew bulbous. Something was seriously wrong with my body chemistry so in a panic I went to see the family doctor. I was flabbergasted. Not only did assure me that I was fit as a fiddle but that everything was progressing as expected. He must be out of his mind. Even I could see that I now had well developed female characteristics. For a while I hid my changes by wearing baggy clothing, but then my voice began to change. Even Stefanie and Titus had now noticed the changes in my appearance and began to tease me. They started to refer to me as Sis or Daphne. I was so humiliated, for looking as I did, they had every right to ridicule me. What had happened to me? Was I suffering some kind of family curse? Not much later I was called into my parents presence for something termed as a 'serious discussion'. I couldn't think of anything really bad that I had done recently so it would probably just be more admonishment about me needing to grow up and be more responsible. Maybe they too had noticed my changes. Father did indeed lecture me. Apparently he had lost patience with me and it was now time for me to settle down and accept my family responsibilities. I assured him that I would, just as soon as I figured out what I really wanted to do in life. I just needed more time to find myself, sow a few wild oats even, before adult responsibilities overtook me. Mother then asked if there was something I wanted to tell them. Surely they must know, I thought. My changed appearance was now so obvious that I saw no point in prevaricating and just told them truth. Of course, I did not tell them of my oh so upsetting dreams of making love to men. To my surprise they seemed unperturbed, happy even. Maybe they thought I had been in denial about my changes. I asked if they would find a medical specialist to reverse these perverse physical changes. After a brief glance at each other they smiled and told me not to worry. It was all natural and totally expected. What, I thought. It certainly isn't natural or expected! Something fishy is going on here. They could see my disbelief and proceeded to slowly reveal the cause of my predicament. "Son, you need to accept a few truths about your yourself. I know it will be no surprise to you that we have been greatly disappointed with you as a son. You aren't fit for a career in the services and I can't marry you off to the daughter of a wealthy family. We have been at a loss to know what to do with you." "Sorry, father, I know I'm not the son you wanted but that's not really my fault, is it? You and mother are the ones that sired me." "Yes, it's not your fault," he agreed. "We love you and are very concerned about your future prospects in life. It's time for you to be concerned too. Your mother and I have found a way to resolve the dilemma. A way to not only benefit the family but to also provide you with a fulfilling role in life." Oh no, I thought. This is not going to be good. Except for my recent physical changes, I liked my life and would undoubtedly hate his idea of a fulfilling useful role in life. Optimistically I hoped they were talking about a way to reverse my recent physical changes. "Even the Emperor has heard of your predicament and, after discussing the problem with us, has kindly acted to solve your problem. There's no easy way to say this but, by Imperial decree, you are no longer our son, but our daughter Daphne. To say the least I was shocked, dumbfounded and flabbergasted all at the same time. I could never have seen this coming in a million years. Although I adored the female body, I certainly had no desire to have one. I wasn't gay and definitely had no desire to be a woman. "Thanks but no thanks," I screamed back a them. "I like being a man just fine." "A man? Just look at yourself. Well you don't have any choice in the matter. The punishment for violating an Imperial decree is death. You'll have to go along with it if you wish to live." "Believe me," said Mother, "it's for the best. Your transformation to female is the only solution to our family problem. Besides, you will have a better more fruitful life as our daughter, Daphne." Whoa, I could see that they were deadly serious. Surely this must be some great big joke. I tried pleading for mother's sympathy. "Please don't do this to me. Just disown me and you'll never see me again." "It's too late Daphne", said mother. "We already put the Emperors decree into action a year ago. Ever since then you've been continuously dosed with powerful female hormones turning you into a beautiful woman, my lovely daughter!" "That can't be," I sobbed. "How could you?" "Yes," continued father. "Even if we wanted it to be so the changes can't be reversed. By now you are already chemically castrated and have permanently developed all of the secondary characteristics of a female. To help you along mentally you even had subliminal messages piped into your mind while asleep." My head was in a turmoil as I sobbed and sobbed. So that was what had been happening to me. It explained all of those strange sensuous dreams. "There, there Daphne. Dry your eyes out," she admonished me. "You'll see that this is all for the better. You'll make us a wonderful daughter, one to be proud of. We are going to have so much fun together. What a wonderful life we have laid out for you." Her attempted words of consolation only made me cry all the more. My life was ruined. Distraught and distracted by their disclosure I was easily led off by two 'ladies-in-waiting'. They took a firm hold of my wrists and guided me to my new bedroom. It was outfitted for a lady of the house and stocked with all kinds of feminine clothing, jewelry and make-up. As a daughter, I had been assigned ladies-in-waiting to serve me. In reality, they were my keepers whose job it was to condition and transform me into a lady of the house. They were actually Ancilla that I had previously sexually abused, so they relished their new job of training me to be a woman. Until deemed ready for SRS, I was fitted into a she-male chastity belt. My penis was stuffed into a tiny tube and kept entrapped there by a metal piercing through its glans. The tube was locked into place within the chastity belt. They might have locked my penis away but for now I still had one. Thin metal bands were then placed around my wrists, neck, and ankles. Giggling they told me that I would enthusiastically learn all of my lessons on how to deport myself and be a lady. At first I thought to resist the training program but it proved to be fiendishly subtle and effective. The bands overrode my brain signals making be move, gesture and talk as a woman. It was torture at first having a body that did not respond quite as I intended it to. I was gradually being conditioned on a deeply subconscious level. After a while I wasn't even aware of the control. It just seemed to disappear as I was efficiently trained in the new patterns of behavior. My body now moved and behaved as a natural woman without me even thinking about it. All male mannerisms were deleted from existence. I couldn't impersonate male now, even if I wanted to do so. Every day I was dressed in luxurious silks and satins, my waist compressed by very tight fitting corsets. I was schooled in make-up and other womanly skills. What with the training bands by day and continual subliminal conditioning at night, I not only behaved as a lady but started to take on feminine thoughts and behavior. I experienced vivid realistic dreams of being attracted to men and longing to be sexually taken by them. The dreams progressed to full blown acts of felation and copulation. By day, my lessons had progressed to teach me how to sexually satisfy a man. The maids took great pleasure in having me practice on a banana, licking and sucking it while not being allowed to squash it too tightly in my mouth. Oh how I now longed to do the real thing. After the first few months of training I found myself beginning to enjoy dressing as a woman. The sensation of large bouncing breasts and a narrow waistline became natural to me. I just loved the feeling of taut nylons on my legs especially that electric feeling as they slid over each other. Eventually I felt uncomfortable wearing flat shoes. I suspect my tendons had shrunk adjusting to the constant use of my very high heel shoes. The click-clack of heels was now a comforting sound as I practiced walking around with a pronounced feminine wiggle to my ass. I knew who I had been but was now thoroughly brainwashed into being Daphne, the loving daughter of Magnus and Livia. No longer their brother, Titus and Stefanie treated me kindly as their young sister Daphne. Titus seemed very happy to have a sister and not a wimpy little brother that he had been so ashamed of. I learned to play my part as a loving daughter of the family. Everyone else seemed much happier with my new role. Except for one precious thing, all trace of my former self had essentially been taken away from me. Deep down somewhere in my psyche it's existence continued to give me hope of a return to manhood. Then came the fateful day of my surgery. I no longer had a penis. One day I had it and the next it was gone. Admittedly it had become very small and useless except for sitting down to pee. In it's place I now had a vaginal slit. Waking up from the surgery I cried my heart out for the loss of my manhood. Alas, my fate was now irreversible. During surgery improvements had also been made to my face; arched eyebrows, larger wider eyes, plusher lips and a small upturned nose. There was no way now for me to escape this unwanted destiny. I had become a fully functional woman. Mentally that was the final turning point for me and I decided that from now on I would embrace my new gender. Yes embrace my new gender, but on my terms! I would spoil my parents future plans for me. I would stay single and enjoy sex with as many hunky young men as possible. I wanted to experience real sex, not just dream about it every night. Yes, I was now well and truly brainwashed. I got wet between my legs just watching a handsome hunk across the room. I enjoyed watching sports but now from a totally different perspective. Life wasn't so bad. I could enjoy being a woman. With my full transition came many other changes. My keepers were now relegated back to being Ancilla with no control over me. I took delight in dishing out discipline and punishment to them rather than being on the receiving end. They soon learnt to instantly obey my every wish. However, all was not fun and games. Being a noble's daughter I could not come and go freely. I had to have a male chaperone when going out in public. The chaperone had complete control over me, even if he was a household slave. So much for sex with all of the hunky men about town. Mother was now in seventh heaven. She took me out to the best clothes stores and taught me about fashion. We enjoyed visiting expensive spas and makeovers. I think she spent as much on me as a I had previously lost on gambling debts as a man. I was the daughter that she had always wanted to spoil. Then it came time for the debutante ball. I went to fashion show after fashion show with mother and until I finally found the perfect dress for me. It covered me from head to toe yet displayed everything. It was totally diaphanous and felt like I was encased in silk. Mother was thrilled at my daring selection. Lit from the front it looked like transparent silver hugging my every body curve. Lit from the back I was a naked black silouette. It was perfect! I had to find a date for the ball. Mother said she had found a perfect match for me. She said his name is Adrian and he is one hunk of delicious meat. I didn't question her selection after hearing a description like that. The ball is a very big event on Imperium. Everyone who was anyone would be there to see the debutantes enter into society. It was, of course, a show case for the girls to catch an eligible bachelor and get married. Adrian was everything that mother claimed him to be. I was flushed and excited as we couples formed a line and paraded down the aisle towards the throne. I was nervous of being presented to the Emperor. Especially as he knew what I had been in my previous life. He was, after all, my god father. I managed a low curtsey without falling over. He smiled at me and said how wonderful to see his god daughter finally come out into society. He said that he looked forward to attending my marriage in the not too distant future while giving Adrian a knowing wink. We spent the evening dancing and getting to know each other. I should have realized before, he's the son of one of my father's greatest friends. I was being set up. Still we hit it off and had a great time. I wished I could try him out in bed but that was not to be. He escorted me home and said goodnight after a very chaste kiss on my cheek. I was right. I had been set up. Adrian had liked what he saw and given his consent. My parents had arranged a match for me. I was now betrothed to the son of one of Daddies long time friends. Of course, my consent wasn't necessary. If I refused to marry I could be sold into slavery as an Ancilla. It was so unfair that I had no choices. So, not long from now I would become a baby making machine for the family. It felt so humiliating not to have any say in the matter. At least before marrying I would spend some time on Earth to study and round out my education. It was something of a tradition for the noble girls to have this last fling. It gave them a chance to mature and let their hair down before becoming a stuffy matron back on Imperium. I would be able to enjoy free wanton sex. Of course, Stefanie had already done her stint on Earth and impressed everyone by bringing back a weak Earth man pony-girl to pull her wedding carriage. The people on Earth were considered decadent weaklings, especially the puny short men. It was considered something of a right of passage for Imperium girls to ensnare an Earthling for servitude on Imperium. I would not let her outdo me. I too would turn some poor unsuspecting excuse for a man into becoming my pony girl. Happy with my coming out performance, my parents decided it was time for me to leave for Earth to 'round out my education.' I was bundled onto a spaceship and quickly taken to Earth. There I was set up in a fancy apartment and enrolled at College. I now had a year to freely enjoy myself and hopefully ensnare some poor unsuspecting man into becoming my pony girl. I was not, however, left entirely to my own devices, for I had a whole platoon of security guards to protect me. A month after arriving on Earth I was in Charlie's, an upscale downtown bar, one Saturday night when I picked out a suitable target. He was a poor excuse for a man, small and wiry in stature just like I had once been. He even had feminine facial features and would look good as an Ancilla. I felt a bit sad for him but looked forward to the challenge of ensnaring him to be my slave. I blushed heavily as he glanced in my direction, his eyes catching my coy glance. Smiling, I demurely lowered and fluttered my eyelashes signaling interest in him. Speaking briefly to one of the male escorts (Daddy always had me protected) I casually moved away from their protective cordon. I went first to the ladies but planned on bumping into him on my way back. It worked well. I brazenly bumped into him making a full glass of wine spill its contents over his jacket. Apologizing for being so clumsy, I dabbed at the spill with a tissue. He stammered "No harm done. It's my fault for being in your way." I flirted by saying that he was obviously a gentleman, and gave him a brief kiss on the cheek before rejoining my group. During this seemingly innocent encounter I managed to slip a message into his jacket pocket. "Naughty boy!" it stated. "Your eyes told me what you were doing. I hope I did not disappoint! I bet you too look cute in nothing but your birthday suit. Give me a call sometime soon and, who knows, maybe we'll live up to each other's imaginations. Hope you're not too shy to say hello, Daphne." How could he resist that! I had him hooked. He called the very next day and chatted with me by phone using all of his charms to entice me out for a date. He had noticed my protectors last night. I just giggled and teased him about being jealous of all my male friends but then told him that they were just father's goons. Father was very protective of his little girl and did his utmost to cocoon me in a tight ring of security. All of my male friends were vetted and had to meet with Daddies approval. I explained that was why I had been so forward in passing him a secret note. If we were to start dating it would have to be done very discretely. No surprise, he took the bait. We arranged to meet at a romantic Italian bistro. It was situated on a quiet square near his apartment. We chatted over flickering red candles while sharing a good bottle of Chianti. Savoring each other's eyes we slowly exchanged our life histories. I talked about my family and how I did not want to follow the life that father had laid out for me; a short education on Earth followed by returning home to get married, just as my sister Stefanie had done three years earlier. I told him I was betrothed to Adrian, the son of a family friend but wanted nothing to do with him and a stifling marriage; I vowed to only marry for love. Playing distraught and desperate, he seized that moment to take me into his arms and whisper how he hoped to be my true love, my knight in shining armor who would save me from such a fate. I know it sounded corny, but he truly meant it. I was a good actress and my sobbing tears stole his heart. As we stared into each other's eyes, I change my facial expression to the hint of a smile. We moved our lips together to take a first tentative kiss. Encouraged by its success, he continued kissing, at first tenderly, and then full of passion. Needless to say, he had fallen hook, line and sinker for me. After just a few weeks of casual dating we embarked on a more serious relationship spending as much time as possible with each other. I made it difficult for him, having to always meet secretly at his apartment, never at mine. Each tryst was deliberately limited by using the excuse of how long I could avoid being missed by the security goons. Every time we met I pretended that I had to put on a heavy disguise to leave my apartment. I could not be gone for long without being missed. This made our love making infrequent but, for him, all the more precious and passionate. His ideas for sex were quite mundane. I was always coaxing him into trying new ways to satisfy our carnal appetites. Having exhausted the positions in karma sutra, we tried out bondage, each taking turns at being dominant and submissive. At first he did not notice, but I became the dominant one. I would tease him to arousal and then ease off only to stimulate him to the edge of orgasm a few minutes later. Sometimes I would finish his heavenly torture by taking his rod in my mouth, licking and sucking him to ejaculation. Other times not. It always gave me such a feeling of absolute power over him. I always let the semen squirt over his naked body, never in my mouth. I would then scoop it up to feed it to him, refusing release until he licked up every single drop. Other times I would straddle and ride him to fulfillment. Either way there was no escape for him. He was my willing sex toy to do with as I pleased. We had been going steady for five months when I sprung the next phase of my trap on him. "Carl, Do you know why this coming weekend is extra special for me?" He did not have a clue and jokingly responded, "Save the whales day." "No silly, it's my coming of age Birthday this Friday!" I squealed excitedly. He looked forlorn so I said, "Don't feel bad honey. I didn't expect you to know since I didn't tell you until now. But I do have a gift in mind that would make my Birthday extra special, the best ever! "If it's in my power, it's yours," he replied. "That's wonderful," came my exited response "because I want us to spend the whole day together and have you to myself overnight. I've arranged a full day of activities; a birthday dinner followed by an evening at the ballet and then clubbing till late in the morning." He looked thrilled. "Of course darling, but what gift can I get you?" he said. "This is where the extra special part comes in," I squealed excitedly. This was the next phase of my trap and he had to fall for it. "With the ever present chaperones you obviously can't come as my boyfriend, but I think you'll make a very convincing girlfriend," I said producing my best girlish pose and fluttering my eyelids at him. "No, seriously," he laughed thinking it was all in jest. "Yes, seriously," I giggled. "That's the only way it will work." "No way," he exclaimed. "I could never pull that off, not in a million years, not in front of everyone." "Of course you can and it will be such fun pulling a fast one on Daddy," I said with glee. "Just think, Carl, we'll be able to make love overnight at my apartment and maybe even spend the whole weekend together. No one will be the wiser." "But he's sure to do a background check on me and find that your girlfriend is really a boyfriend," he countered. "Yes, I've thought of that already. Today I had a close friend of mine hack into the public records and change your name to Cindy. As far as the world is concerned you are now a woman." Seeing the look of shock on his face I continued "It's no big deal honey, my friend will even provide a genuine driver's license for you and change everything back to normal when sadly it's all over." Solidifying the plan even further I added, "I've already booked a make-over appointment for you on Thursday at my beauty parlor." I had also booked Sydney, a body sculpting medic, to help with the physical transformation before going to the beauty parlor. Thursday morning rolled around much too slowly for me. I arrived with Sydney in tow and he immediately began Carl's transformation. Carl was obviously humiliated by being worked upon by a man. I on the other hand, found the whole thing to be exceedingly erotic and humorous. First Sydney gave Carl an all over massage with perfumed oils rubbed into his skin. The oil was a depilatory to prevent any hair growth for about a week. Then a spray was pulsed down Carl's throat to change his voice into a female one. Next step in the process was applying the skin prostheses. First to go on were the C cup breasts. After carefully positioning the breasts on his chest Sydney instructed Carl to lie still for ten minutes thus allowing the breasts to strongly bond with his skin leaving no visible seam. Sitting up Carl looked alarmed by the sight and weight of his new breasts. They even jiggled with his every body movement. I laughed at the terrified look on his face but came to his rescue by offering a satin platform bra. I clipped it around his body and helped him settle the new breasts comfortably into the miniscule cups. He seemed grateful for the bra's support but self-conscious at the way his breasts were openly displayed on the bra's miniscule shelf. Next he stood as thigh and bottom enhancements were glued in place. In no time at all he had some very natural looking feminine curves. By this time I could see that Carl was beginning to feel a little bit excited. "Perfect timing for the vagina," Sydney mocked at Carl's signs of arousal. "Now lay back girl and spread them for lover boy.," he said, "This won't hurt at all.," His latex covered hands worked Carl's testicles until they popped up into his body cavity. Using glue he sealed them securely into place. "Now for the piece de la resistance," he snickered. Carl was handed some kind of plastic ring and told to slip it onto his penis. He did not like the look of it and hesitated to do so. Being impatient I took the ring and slipped it on him before he could say no. It slid on easily, but gripped fast when Carl tried to remove it. A hair blower was then directed at his genitals. After several minutes of heating the ring had shrunk much smaller, tightening its grip even further. Sydney then took hold of his penis and inserted it into a recessed sheath within a fake vagina. Pushing the penis into it's sheath a snap was heard as the ring locked into some kind of catch. The vagina looked very realistic after being smoothed out, and glued into place on Carl's crotch. It even had a heart shaped landing strip of pubic hair. "The ring will hold Johnny in place for the duration so you'll need to pee sitting down," Sydney laughed. "Oh, and if you feel adventurous, it has a vaginal recess to enjoy being fucked by a man. The ring will prevent any leakage around the seams when you pee but, most importantly, will keep you in girl mode by preventing any erections." I was finding the situation, especially Carl's response to the 'fucked by a man' comment, hilarious. The more I broke out into fits of laughter, the more Carl fumed red with embarrassment. Fortunately, before he blew his top I managed to stop giggling. Trying to keep a straight face I thanked him for being such an understanding lover and undergoing all of this just for me. He knew that I was also making fun of him but sportingly played along with me. Forcing a smile he sarcastically whispered, "You know I'll do literally anything for you darling!" only to realize that he had a female sounding voice. I broke out into laughter and giggles once again. "Oh! Honey buns," said Sydney, "I almost forgot to tell you. Hot showers will help prolong effectiveness of the glue and keep you looking like the gorgeous girl that you are. Only Daphne knows how to remove the ring so you'd better be a good girl. She might decide to punish bad behavior by keeping you permanently chaste and out of trouble.," Seeing trouble brewing I intervened by politely thanking and paying Sydney for his services. Departing with a big smile on his face, I knew that he, like I, was laughing at Carl's predicament. "Lighten up!" I said. "We have to finish getting you ready for your beauty appointment." Glad that Sydney was gone, he finished dressing in a thong panty that matched the bra. I had him wear sheer tights, a smart business outfit, a white silk blouse and a tight fitting black pencil skirt. The ensemble was completed with a matching purse, and moderate heels. With a little mascara, red lipstick and a wig he was outwardly ready to venture out into the world as a woman. But he was so petrified of being seen as one, he literally ran from the apartment to the waiting taxi cab. Trailing behind him I teased "Wow, that's impressive. Running in high heels! You must have done this before?" Finally, seeing his distress at being out in public like this, I stopped the teasing and gave him some advice. "Now take a deep breath, and calm down. I know it's all new to you but from now on you must act like the woman you appear to be. Don't ever run in heels. Always walk slowly swinging your hips a little. It will help if you place one foot directly in front of the other on an imaginary line. Oh, and I don't want to ever see you flash those panty's again, swing your legs together when getting in and out of a car.," I was a good teacher, having been through the same learning experiences. Sufficiently chastened, he gradually calmed down and took my advice. When we arrived he was finally collected enough to confront his next ordeal, the beauty salon. "Hello Joan," said I said to the owner as we entered the beauty parlor. "I hope we're not late." "Of course not, darling! Your timing is perfect as usual," responded Joan. Then exchanging hugs I introduced Carl as Cindy, my bgf. "So this is her, you didn't tell me she's such a natural beauty." Blushing at the compliment he was tongue tied and scared to utter any words. I hoped he could maintain a higher pitch voice without dropping into his normal tone. Then he surprised me by stuttering in a squeeky voice, "I've just been dying to visit here ever since Daphne told me about you." "Well, thank you," responded Joan with a big smile. Glancing down at her appointment book she said, "I have you down for a full makeover Cindy. It will take about five hours to complete but I think you'll be very pleased with the results. You should know we'll be doing our best to win you over as a regular customer." Now that Carl was in good hands I left him there with Joan while I went to do some shopping. He looked so scared until I promised to pick him up from the salon when the do-over was finished. I had of course already given full instructions for his make-over and told Joan that Cindy was a tg man. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed as I saw the new Carl. "Cindy, is that you? You look absolutely stunning. Come on girlfriend, we have some serious shopping to do!" For my Birthday, Daddy was treating me to a private designer fashion show from which to select suitable new outfits to wear on my birthday. Of course, Daddy was aware of my scheme to ensnare an Earth man and insisted that Cindy be included on the shopping spree. I told Cindy, that at a minimum, we both needed gowns and matching shoes for attending the ballet and sexy dresses for nightclubbing afterwards. Before that I insisted Cindy have her very own collection everyday clothes. "Why?" he asked. "Because, silly, Daddy will send someone to verify who you are and where you live," I replied. Carl, or Cindy as I had named her, became my very own Barbie doll as we went from store to store with her modeling almost every item of clothing. First purchase was an authentic waist cinching corset that after much pulling on the laces took four inches off her waist. She needed to be as slender as possible before selecting all of her new clothing. There seemed no end to the purchases of intimates; bra's, panties, nylons, camisoles, nightgowns, etc. Not finished yet, blouses, skirts, sun dresses, work day suits, shoes and even handbags were added to complete her wardrobe; way to much clothing for just a weekend but I planned on keeping her en femme for much longer than that. I paid for everything and all of the purchases were delivered to her apartment. I wondered what the neighbors would be thinking! She stood modeling a satin blouse with short arm cuffs and black leather mini-skirt with matching bolero jacket. She had on knee length boots with 6" stiletto heels and a designer handbag slung over her shoulder. Perched on the head was a wide brimmed hat from which some black open lace netting draped over her face. She looked so cute and adorable in the outfit; truly a high-maintenance, hot looking babe! I was having so much fun dressing her and watching her facial expressions as she felt the new and strange female sensations. The clothes only served to accentuate a perfect figure; a prominent butt and well-endowed boobs sheathed in layers of silk and leather. "OK girlfriend, now you look suitably dressed for some serious gown shopping," I exclaimed to an overwhelmed Cindy. So, arm in arm, off we set in search of female glamour. This time the gowns were displayed by professional models parading down a catwalk. Sitting carefully, Cindy tried not to let her mini-skirt rise too high as we sat and perused the display of high fashion gowns. Obviously feeling somewhat undressed, she kept pulling down on the hemline as we discussed and selected which gowns to try on ourselves. Now she knew what it felt like to be a rich, glamorous, high-fashion woman. We picked out a sapphire blue satin gown for her as the color matched Cindy's eyes and perfectly set off her blond hair. It had a corset top that displayed lots of cleavage. The bottom was very tight and restrictive, trapping the legs in a full length satin sheath. Even with a slit from ankle to mid-thigh, walking required the use of lots of small high heeled steps causing her butt to wiggle. The gown came with a wrap to cover the shoulders and exposed cleavage. I chose a similar gown in emerald green to match my eyes. By the time we came to selecting nightclubbing dresses Cindy was quite inebriated and not paying much attention to the job at hand so I took over and completed our selection of dresses. Cindy's nightclubbing dress was altogether different from the gown. Clearly it was designed to showcase the body and expose as much flesh as possible. This had a side benefit of providing complete freedom to move and dance wildly. Not really a dress, it consisted of two pieces. The top was more like a one piece bathing suit with barely wide enough bandage strips that covered each breast separately. It left the butt naked and provided only minimal coverage for the crotch. Having a thong with hook and eye closure, it wouldn't be necessary to undress for bathroom visits or sexual encounters. It was made of a bright red stretchy material that gave the appearance of liquid metal. Any onlookers would have an unobstructed view of flesh going all the way down between the breasts to the hips, while those from behind would see an exposed back tapering in a V shape to the top of the butt crack. It was obvious that no bra could be worn with this, so it came with nude colored self-adhesive cups to stick onto each breast. What an idyllic slutty looking dress for her. The boobs were certainly going to be free to bounce around a lot. The bottom was a very short, silver colored, flared mini-skirt. Covered in glittering sequins it showed off the legs to mid-thigh. When twirling and dancing it would flare out, flashing three sixty views of the skimpily covered crotch and bare buttocks. The dress also came with a matching sequined wrap. I was escatic with my selection of dress for her. By that time Cindy was too blitzed on champagne to realize how much of her body it would expose. I, of course, had chosen a much more conservative and ladylike dress for myself. I dropped Cindy off at her apartment to rest and get ready for our night out. She arrived at my place as planned and helped each other to get ready. "Daphne, I don't think I can go through with this, especially wearing the nightclub dress," she protested as the clock quickly progressed to our departure time. "Don't be silly, Cindy," I said. "I know we went a bit too far in picking out that dress, but it's too late to back out now. You look fabulous in it. Besides, if Daddy found you out now he would kill you." Right on cue the doorbell rang frightening Cindy out of her wits. She was in for quite a few more frightening experiences that I had arranged for tonight. I say she, because now she looked to all extent and purposes like a radiantly beautiful girl. I opened the door to gasp and feign surprise. "Why Daddy and Adrian, what a wonderful surprise. What are you doing here?" Daddy responded, "I wanted to surprise you. We couldn't miss your coming of age celebration. After all, it only happens once in a lifetime." Adrian grabbed hold of me and enveloped me in a deep kiss. "Many happy returns darling." Everyone then noticed another young man of Adrian's age standing in the doorway. "This is my best buddy George. We couldn't keep him away when he heard about your friend Cindy." Without missing a beat I said, "Daddy, Adrian and George, this is my best friend, Cindy." We all exchanged hugs and Cindy endured her first experience of greeting and hugging men as a woman. She looked a little shell shocked at the change in circumstances. I had set this up so Cindy would be stuck into becoming the blind date for George. The men helped us into our wraps and escorted us to the restaurant. I wondered how Cindy felt acting the part of a beautiful woman being escorted to the dining table by a handsome man. George held out a seat for her as she sat down as graciously as possible in the skin tight gown and heels only to realize that she was now sandwiched between two men. As I had prepped him, Daddy turned towards Cindy and said, "You must be a very intelligent young lady; I hear that you are soon to be a business graduate." "Yes, Summa Cum Laude." "Well, my business is always looking for talented young people. You could even start as an intern before graduating. Of course, we expect everyone to start at the bottom but a smart young lady like you would soon make rapid progress upwards in the company. Why don't you come for an interview this coming Monday? Let me see; is 10 am OK for you? ," he said while entering the appointment in his smart phone. The trap was being set. He would get the job he always wanted but then come to realize he would have to spend 24/7 as a girl. I smiled to myself at the irony of his conundrum. As instructed, all of this time, George had been a busy boy constantly putting his hand up Cindy's leg. I could hardly contain myself from laughing. George acted pretty full of himself as he expounded on his athletic prowess and great career prospects. Cindy tried hard to be polite and keep a smile on her face to pretend interest in the boring dialogue. Well, all good things come to an end and the highly entertaining dinner was finished with some after dinner drinks. I finally helped Cindy escape to the ladies room. "Sorry about this Cindy," said I said as we looked into the mirror re- touching our lipstick. "I couldn't tell Adrian and Daddy to get lost, tonight of all nights. Besides, I expect George is having a thrill keeping you fully entertained," I said with a mischievous laugh. "Entertained," Cindy exclaimed. "I can't take any more of his groping and conceit. You have to help me keep him at a distance." "Now you know what the other half have to deal with," I giggled. "Just hold in there, Cindy, and we'll be spending the night together in bed." Next stop was the ballet. By this time Cindy was looking uncomfortable sitting upright in her rigid corset. I knew because that's how I felt. Cindy was forced to sit fully upright waving a fan in one hand while the other firmly held onto George's hand keeping it safely away from her leg. I spent my time looking at Adrian in an attempt to take my mind off Cindy's hilarious situation. During intermission drinks, Daddy sprung the next trap in my plans for Cindy. "Daphne, don't you find living alone in your apartment a little bit lonely." "Now you come to mention it, yes I do," I responded, "but you won't let me have any roommates." "You know that's not strictly true," he teased me. "I just won't let you share it with any men," Daddy chuckled. "It's large enough for two so why don't you ask Cindy to move in?" "Do you really mean it? That's a just super idea Daddy, thank you so much." Turning a mischievous smile towards her I continued, "I wanted her to move in but didn't know how you would take it." "That's settled then," said a beaming Daddy. "Adrian is going to be staying here on Earth for six months and I'll be much happier with you having Cindy as a room-mate." Game, set and match. Cindy did not get a vote. It was all decided for her before she even knew it. Cindy would need to keep up the pretense of being a woman for much longer. She did not look at all happy. Little did she know that father knew that she was really Carl in drag. The ballet over we went back to my place to change into our club attire. I worked on Cindy's makeup as she complained about having to move in with me. "What are you complaining about? This is our dream come true. We can finally be together 24/7. Isn't that what you want too?" "God yes," he agreed, "but as your boyfriend, not your girlfriend!" "How much do you love me?" Not being completely brain dead he knew the only correct response, "More than anything, more than life itself." "Then prove it," I replied. "Just be my girlfriend for the next six months. That way I get to keep Adrian at bay and live with my true love 24/7. It will be fun; we'll be able to go out shopping and partying together too." "I could never pass full time as a woman," he argued. "It takes more than just wearing a dress. I just don't have the acting skills." Pouting, I said, "You've done fine as a girl so far. I'm beginning to think you don't want to live with me." "Of course I do, but it's impossible to continuously keep up the voice and mannerisms of a woman. I'm bound to slip up some time soon and get caught. What about unexpected visitors to the apartment finding me, not Cindy, at home." Starting with a frown on my face that turned into a smile, I responded, "Of course, you are right. That is a concern, but I think I may know of a solution." Cindy looked downcast at my offer of a solution. She really did not want to do it. "I know of a discrete health spa that works miracles. They will turn you into, I mean make you appear to be, my very beautiful girlfriend Cindy with no risk of exposure to Adrian, or any other man for that matter. And just think of the other benefits. We can expand our love making experiences. I've always wanted to try out the lesbian side of sex and now we can share that thrill together. Isn't that just wonderful?" I had backed her into a corner. Trapped by Daddy's generosity and my prodding to spend more time together she had no choice but to accept the opportunity to spend 24/7 with me. We put on our night clubbing dresses. Cindy complimented my outfit but found hers to be a lot more revealing than she liked. I said she looked fantastic as I applied glitter make up down between her breasts and the small of her back. Cindy look very self-conscious and was scared to go out dressed looking so sexy and exposed. I helped her along by insisting she take one of her nerve pills. After I had calmed her down we rejoined the men waiting in the living room. George's eyes literally popped out of their sockets when he caught sight of Cindy in the skimpy dress. Daddy, made an obvious wink to George and said, "I'm way too old for nightclubs. Why don't you youngsters go out and enjoy yourselves?" As we left, George placed the sequined wrap around Cindy's shoulders and held her my arm in his as he escorted her to the waiting limousine. The very short hemline of her dress made it impossible to enter the car without exposing her naked bottom and barely covered crotch. George stole an appreciative look at the involuntary display, before getting into the car as well. Taking similar, but just as ineffective, care on exiting the car she gave the waiting parking valet an eye-full too. Thinking that Cindy could not hear him, the valet whispered "Lucky bastard, sir," to George. Cindy blushing red with embarrassment, we were escorted together by George and Adrian into the night club. After a few Martinis later Cindy had loosened up a bit and managed to chat quite casually with both George and Adrian. She was struggling not to slur her speech as she became more intoxicated. By now my pill must be having its effect on her making her feel relaxed and high spirited. The music began to vibrate and couples made their way onto the dance floor. I easily persuaded Cindy to join me on the floor and we soon took center stage dancing with abandon to the music. Feeling less and less inhibited, Cindy worked her boobs to take on a life of their own, bouncing and swinging independently of each other. She sure exuded sex in that outfit, deliberately flaring her skirt to expose a naked butt, purposefully turning and twisting to fully exhibit her assets. I loved the way the stage lights reflected off her flared sequined skirt to form patterns on the ceiling. I had, of course , slipped Cindy an extra special pill to make her high as a kite. She exuberated in being the center of attention entertaining for so many hungry male eyes. Some dances later she was coming down off her high. George graciously joined Cindy on the dance floor to protect her from any unwanted male overtures. I could tell that by now Cindy was now feeling a bit embarrassed at her exhibitionism. By now the dancing moves had calmed down; bumping rear ends together to the beat of the music was, by then, the most risqu? move on the floor. When the slow dance came George took Cindy's hand and placed his other arm tightly around her waist. Pulled towards him, Cindy's breasts pushed gently into his chest. Acting naturally, she lay her head down against his shoulder. They were wrapped together so tightly that she could probably feel an engorged pushing against her skimpy dress. I felt myself excited by the sight of the two so amorously clasped together, only to feel Adrian's penis push into my dress. I felt a tinge of jealousy as I saw George starting to cup and squeeze Cindy's bare bottom with his hand under her skirt. Things got even hotter as Adrian with me and George with Cindy, began to nibble our ears and kiss our necks. I heard Cindy giggle and tell George that, if he wasn't more careful, he would end up with a mouthful of diamond studded earring. What a flirt, I thought. By the second slow dance both couples were kissing me pushing tongues into each others mouths. Well, who would have thought Cindy had it in her. I would have to test this development further. "Way to go girl," I teased her after repairing to the ladies room. "I didn't enjoy it," Cindy replied. "It makes me feel sick." "Really," I laughingly responded, "you certainly fooled me then. Its OK darling, I'm not jealous, but you've been flirting and giving him come-on signals all night long. He's probably so wound up by now that you'll need to go all the way before this evening's over." "What do you mean all of the way?" he replied. "Look, I'm not against you having sex with George. It's a good opportunity to enjoy the full female experience. I won't be jealous so please don't be jealous of me and Adrian." "What do you mean, jealous of you and Adrian?" she responded. "Well, I'm going to have to be nice to my fianc? tonight or Daddy will get suspicious. I've invited Adrian to spend the night with me. You will have to sleep in the spare bedroom." "That's not fair. I was counting on us being together. Also, if Adrian's there, then George will want to hang around. He'll also expect to stay and have sex with me too, so how can I get rid of him?" "After your performance tonight, of course he will. If you don't want the pleasure then you'll just have to let him down nicely. Remember, we do have to keep our cover as being girlfriends. I'm sorry for breaking my promise about tonight but what else can I do? They weren't supposed to show up and spoil our weekend together." We were all pretty well blitzed by the time we got back to my apartment. Adrian and I quickly disappeared into my bedroom and settled into some serous love making. Cindy was left alone to entertain George. The next morning, I and Adrian enjoyed a friendly breakfast while Cindy appeared sullen and introspective. After Adrian left she burst into tears and told me of her ordeal. I said, "Sorry you had to experience such a terrible thing dear but it's not the end of the world. Many girls have had to satisfy their man that way. Here, let me give you a hug you poor thing. Now you know how dangerous it is to flirt with and tease a man." We spent the rest of the weekend together, just the two of us. Cindy was stuck in her fake vagina so making best of the situation I taught Cindy how to satisfy my needs as a lesbian lover. I provided strict guidance on how best to stimulate me with her tongue and bring me to maximum arousal. At times Cindy had to take a brief breather as her nose penetrated me so deeply that she could not breath. When that proved insufficient I had to use a vibrating dildo on me to bring me to climax. I had a great time reaching many orgasms; I'm pretty sure that Cindy just felt deep frustration and resentment from having no arousal. Due to her encapsulated manhood she could feel absolutely nothing. To be fair, I did try to satisfy her with a strap on dildo. Thrusting into her fake vagina did nothing to excite her, since the strap on was double sided, I enjoyed herself immensely. Seeing her frustration, I offered to stimulate her prostrate using the strap on but she quickly declined the offer. Monday morning arrived and I reminded Cindy of her appointment for a job interview. She would have blown it off but I reminded her how important it was to keep up the pretense of being Cindy. She dressed in a tight fitting navy blue office suit. The tight pencil skirt went to below the knee while the jacket was left unbuttoned prominently displaying her well-endowed bust. I helped her put on the make-up. Cindy then put on some matching jewelry and a few squirts of perfume. After just a coffee and slice of toast for breakfast I bundled her into a cab and sent her off to the appointment. God, she looked so cute in her office outfit. I could not wait for her to return home. She was livid when she got home. "Who does George think he is," she exclaimed. "The dress code requires me to look like a bimbo and he even expects me to start as a secretary getting everyone's coffee for them." "So I assume you got the job?" I teased. With that even she had to laugh and smile. "Yes, heaven help me, I did." I was thrilled at how smoothly my entrapment plan was working. Ever so slowly she was getting trapped into being a woman 24/7. I gave Cindy no chance for second thoughts, as got her to agree to go to this health spa that could do a slightly longer lasting make-over. It was a large, secluded facility hidden behind ivy clad brick walls and topped by razor wire. The gates were manned by security guards that seemed very slack since they did not check our bona fides. As instructed, Cindy brought nothing but the female clothes she was wearing. After signing in for 'treatment' she protested as her purse containing female id, keys and phone were confiscated for the duration of her stay. The spa also functioned as a drug rehab facility, and the guards were not just decoration; they were there to stop patients from leaving without permission. To leave a patient needed the consent of both their sponsor and supervising doctor. At the time, she was unaware of the implications of signing-in. She learnt soon enough though, becoming a patient with legal guardianship rights over her assigned to me as her sponsor and a Dr. Janet Waverly, her medical supervisor. Before meeting with Janet and I in the admissions room, Cindy was led into a changing room and told to undress and don a pink hospital gown, the kind that ties in the back leaving your butt exposed. On entering Janet's office she sat down very carefully so as not to expose herself or show discomfort at sitting down on a cold metal chair. Janet and I were already situated comfortably on leather lounge chairs, chatting away while sipping from glasses of wine. It was deliberately set up so as to be very embarrassing for Cindy dressed and seated as she was, only to be further humiliated when refused a glass of wine; patients are not allowed to consume alcohol. At first I did the talking "Cindy here wants to live 24/7 with me as my girlfriend and roommate. As you can see, with the prostheses and a good make-over, he makes a very convincing woman, but we need a longer term solution. We had a very successful trial run as Cindy this weekend, more so than I expected. Cindy even managed to successfully entertain a man; you know doggy style! Didn't you darling?" Cindy was mortified. I had deliberately exposed a confidence and embarrassed her in front of a total stranger. I made it sound as if it was her desire to look like a woman when all she wanted is to be my man. "It went so well," I continued "that we want to continue on a more permanent basis. Money is not a limitation. I'm happy to pay for any of the necessary changes, but he, I mean she, needs to be one hundred percent convincing in looks, speech, and mannerisms." "Well," Dr. Waverly responded, "we have a wide range of options available to you. It's just a matter of how realistic you want to be and how long and how far you want to go." Cindy decided it was time to act before things went out of her control. "I have absolutely no desire to actually become a woman. I just need to pass socially as one but remain free to make love to Daphne as a man." For emphasis she added "Any changes must be reversible; absolutely nothing can be permanent." Smiling at her Dr. Waverly said, "May I call you Cindy. Good, call me Dr. Waverly. There's absolutely no need to feel embarrassed about your needs or to think that your manhood is threatened in any way. I am your Doctor so everything thing said here is completely confidential. Daphne and I are just here to help in selecting the best options for you. I am sure that we can satisfy your needs." Much relieved by the doctor's reassurances, the discussion seemed to be at an end. Dr. Waverly pressed a button on her desk and a male nurse entered the room. "Please take Cindy," Janet said waving a hand to indicate her "to get her settled in comfortably.," Thinking that everything had been settled to her satisfaction Cindy stood up, said her farewells to us and like a lamb, followed him quietly out of the room. With Cindy conveniently out of the way, I and Janet were free for a more open and in-depth discussion of Cindy's future. "Our services range from short term transitions using prostheses, such as you just used over the weekend, all the way up to more long term solutions with permanent synthi-skin, hormones, SRU and even genital transplants. I assume you are looking for something more permanent. How long a time-period will Cindy need to appear a woman? I replied "I'm not sure. At least six to twelve months, probably longer. She must be totally believable as a woman. This weekend's escapade only highlights how crucial it is that she can strip down naked and convincingly couple with a man. It's a miracle she was not discovered. But more than that, to be happy she needs to fully be able to enjoy sex and have orgasms as a woman. Only this weekend, I tried to satisfy her with lesbian sex but the poor dear was miserable. The strap on, even the vibrating dildo, could not stimulate her tucked away male genitals." "Well, except for one proviso, there is one very reliable option that meets all of your requirements," replied Janet. "Complete transition using donated female genitals. That's the only way she can truly experience female orgasms. She'll even have periods and be able to deliver babies." "That would certainly be a big

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Meeting a jackoff buddy online Part 1

I was sent out on a project outside ofCincinnati a 30-day project. Feeling horny and thinking about my other jackoff buddy Mike. I logged into a adult local chat. Made contact that went by principle33. Making small chat told him I was married and in town and had a local room outside of the city. He told me his name was Dave he was married had 2 small k**s. His wife wasn't interested in sex after the second one. That he was curious, looked at cocks on the Internet, never been with another guy....

1 year ago
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Pinky8217s Dairy An Adevnture

Hi guys thanks for your great response to my previous story. This is continuation my first story “pinky’s dairy- the lab”. I hope this story also makes your dicks and pussies ooze a big load of cum. Next morning we woke up in each other arms with no piece of cloth on us. We kissed each other and he dropped me at my flat which is a penthouse. It was about 10 am by the time I came to my room. I took a hot shower and fell on the bed to sleep as I was damn tired. I woke up at around 2 pm and I was...

3 years ago
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Passages In TimeChapter 4 The Heights

Toronto, Canada, October 2008 "Baby", Holak told Sarah. "You are some fuck." And Sarah glared at him. He confused her, because he looked like Gunther, who had just made love to her so consummately well whilst she was sharing the body of 1930s nightclub singer Lucy Bennett, but the serious demeanour had gone. Holak seemed altogether frivolous. And frivolous seemed entirely the wrong state of mind at present. The fact that he was naked didn't help either. "What the hell is going on?",...

2 years ago
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My First Girlfriend

By : Littlehealthy ISS readers ko mera namaskar. Mai ISS ka fan hu, aur iski sabhi stories padta hu, meri age 32 , height 5’11 , rang wheatish aur thora sa healthy hu. Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai 24 sal ka tha aur ek mnc mai job karta tha, meri koi gf nai thi aur mai apni kaam mai mast rehta tha, ghar ki jimmedari puri karne me laga rhta tha, ek din mai apne office se ghar ja raha tha bus me baitha to me baju wali seat pe ek ladki aakar baith gayi. Jab conducter ticket dene aya to ladni 500 rs...

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Lost in the wood Hmong

I and my wife Gaolee had been married for almost 10 years. We had two c***dren, a boy, and a girl. After she had our firstborn our sex life turned stale and just barely able to conceive the 2nd c***d, due to stress from work and family that partially contributed to the lack of sex.The other reason is simply I lost interest. It is not because she isn’t attractive. In fact, she is very attractive, for a Hmong woman she is what black guys call ‘thick’ in a good way, you know, like fat in the right...

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NedChapter 7 A Surprise Guest

Sue got up, put on a pair of baby doll pajamas and went to make some coffee. What's with the pj's? I'm here to fuck, not to spend the night. And it's still early in the day. I was sitting up on her bed, my back against the headboard, my eyes closed, thinking of nothing. The lower half of my body was covered with a sheet, not for modesty but because of the air conditioning. The phone rang; I heard her say 'Hello', then pause and finally end the call with 'OK'. Not very enlightening...

2 years ago
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A Nice Surprise

I was just leaving my office to visit a client up country when I was asked by a colleague, as a favour, to drop off a small package to a 'Miss Julia' at a company on route. I happily agreed but knew nothing of the fun that was to come from my little good deed. I arrived at the company very late in the afternoon and it looked like everyone had already left for the day, I tried the door and it was still open, there was no one on reception so I continued on into the building. The first few offices...

4 years ago
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Aunty Ki Bahen Ko Choda

Hello dosto kese ho aap sub. Mera naam jayesh he. Me Gujarat ka rahne vala hu… bharuch se. meri age30 years he. Muje badi aurto k saath umrame badi sex karma bahut pasand he…. Ak baar meri ye khvahis puri ho gai… kese ye ab me aapko batata hu…..Meri pados me ak aunty rehti he unki bahe jo Ahmadabad me rahti he vo ku6 dino k liye yaha par aayi hui thi…. Uunki umra karib 55 ki thi par vo 45 ki hi lag rahi thi…aur meri karib 25 saal kit hi . unke boobs kafi bade bade the blouse me nahi samate...

1 year ago
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Rob and JanChapter 4

I went out and drove to my new second home, 'The Timberwolf' sports bar, and took a seat at the fairly empty bar. I had my head in my hands when I heard the glass hit the bar, I looked, and there was a tall glass with three ice cubes and about three fingers of amber liquid. My eyes moved higher and saw a smiling face, Brenda. "I figured the battle was over for now, so you needed a little more medicine. Things go as planned?" "Pretty much; there were a couple of small glitches that were...

3 years ago
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My First And Only Time With A Man

I was a very naive and shy nineteen-year-old and had just gotten a job at a very upscale restaurant. I had dreams of becoming a chef. After several months working my way from maintenance/janitor, then to busboy, I finally was promoted to prep cook. The chef seemed to be quite impressed with my work ethic and my interest in cooking. He soon took me under his wing and became my mentor. I loved working with him as he tutored me in the business. To say that we had become friends even though he was...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Long lost sisters

I was having a dryspell for some time now, stuck in a vicious circle of bad selfimage and no confidence because I had packed on a few kilo's, which made it difficult for me to approach women. But then I hit my 35th birthday and thought it necessary to do something about it, I've lost quite some weight and feel good, I don't have the muscular body of a young god but at least the beerbelly is gone.Last weekend I wanted to try out my new found confidence and body, to see if I could attract the...

1 year ago
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Hypnotic Sex Slaves

On the bulletin board it was suggested that I was being too conservative. Okay, here is a story that could happen, but certainly shouldn’t happen. Unfortunately, I know of at least two criminal cases where doctors were convicted for taking advantage of their patients. One with drugs, one without drugs. In these stories we only deal with hypnosis. This story did not happen. * * * * * ‘Harry, you never spend any time with your family! You are always at your damned office seeing patients.’ ...

2 years ago
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Librarians TrainingChapter 3

"Oh, yes, you will," Rose whispered in Gillian's ear, as the terrified librarian struggled to free herself from the bonds around her ankles and wrists. "And you'll get more, honey, just to teach you not to yell at me. And never disobey me. Got that?" "I won't do that!" Gillian screamed, struggling; her wrists pulling the strap around her neck harder with each desperate jerk of the body. The young cook stood in front of her on the table; his cummy cock inches from her mouth, his...

3 years ago
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Highway In Heels

Highway in Heels By Sabrina G. Langton This story is autobiographical. When I was 20 years old I used to drive a van for my parents from Brooklyn to Tarrytown New York once a week to drop off merchandise for retail shops in the area. I always had a full van on the way up, but on the way down the van was almost empty. It was the summer of 1985 and I was given twenty to forty dollars to make the drive. I did this for the entire summer while I was home from college. I was a...

2 years ago
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In Hell Part 1

Jennie was dead.The opposing truck's headlights had morphed into a great white expanse after the deafening crash. There had been no pain, not even any sensation beyond utter surprise. Some drunk wanker had taken a turn way too hard and fast, right into the only other vehicle driving around at this ungodly hour. And wham, that was it for Jennie van Sant, and her best friend Catherine Belmont. Cause of death : Loss of third dimension.A shame, really, but Jennie always knew her last words would go...

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Jennas Fantasy

We had been drinking wine and beer; had even done a couple lines of coke that fateful night while fooling around on my couch. As I recall, I had a hand under her bra toying with her nipples when Jenna asked if I'd like to hear about her fantasy. "Of course I would, Jen," I replied. And why not, any insight into her deviously feminine mind might prove helpful in our relationship. Jen gave my dick a friendly squeeze, giggled nervously and said, "All right. I've been wanting to tell someone...

3 years ago
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Jessica Rabbit a Pirate Wench or

Jessica Rabbit, a Pirate Wench, or ... by Teddie S. As I walked into the G&H Costume Shoppe, the girl behind the counter asked, "Can I help you?" I was there looking for a part-time job. I wanted to make a little extra money to buy my girlfriend, Patti, something really nice for her eighteenth birthday. Halloween was just a little more than six weeks away and I knew that the big costume shop in town hired part-time help for Halloween. This shop...

3 years ago
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A Drop of Inque

Foreword: Yes, this story is too weird, I know. I just happened to catch a glimpse of a Batman cartoon while flipping channels one day. When I saw the villain, a shape-shifting femme fatale with ink for blood, I knew I had my next story. She looked like a dominatrix all in black shiny leather, and the sexual/BDSM possibilities involving a shape-shifting female were obvious. After I finished watching that episode, titled "Disappearing Inque," this story practically wrote itself. This is a...

1 year ago
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The Love ShackChapter 2

The girls were shocked beyond words when I refused. “No. Remember I said one time thing, and I meant it. It’ll hold. We need to focus on the logistics, instead. I DO NOT want to be in the same room where my wife is screwing someone not me. I don’t think I could get past the visual. And it can’t be anyone’s house; this has to be on neutral ground. There again, I don’t want to go to someone’s house and remember hearing the sounds of sex echoing in my head. There are a couple of more things I’ll...

3 years ago
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Chasing Love Ch 11

CHAPTER ELEVEN: THE FINAL CHAPTER -3 months later- ‘Are you sure this will work?’ Caitlin asked. ‘No, but it’s the only chance we’ve got,’ Cal answered. He glanced at Danny and Jake who had mirrored expressions of concern on their faces. ‘Do you know what you’re supposed to do?’ Cal asked. Danny and Jake nodded. ‘Ten minutes,’ Cal told them before heading to his office. ‘Be careful,’ Jake told Caitlin. ‘You too,’ Caitlin said. ‘Danny,’ she called as Danny started to head to his post. ...

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Ovid 7 The Director

Ovid VII The Director By The Professor Copyright (c) The Professor, 1999 You would never expect to find a beach in Oklahoma, would you? Well, Sunset Beach was a pleasant surprise. Of course, it was really situated on a clear blue lake called Lake Pelias, and the sand was all trucked in, but on a hot summer afternoon, it was just the place to be. All the land around the lake was owned by a Brad Nelson. He had trucked in the sand and installed a gravel parking lot. Two dollars...

2 years ago
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when i was thirteen1

When I Was Thirteen When I was thirteen years old I asked my mother to tell me about sex. Instead she suggested that I ask the girl next door to teach me. Well, Angela was only eleven years old at the time and since we played together all of the time I hardly considered her a girl. Hell, she didn’t even have tits. Mom made it easy on me by suggesting that she invite Angela over and that she ask her for me. I really didn’t have a problem with that. So Mom called over and told...

4 years ago
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Suburban Love Part 1

Jewel asked me if I found Karen sexy. Considering what my wife does to me and what she lets me do to her on a regular basis, I don’t think of other women that way. But there are many ways to be sexy, and Karen definitely nailed at least one of them, so I just told the truth: yes.“I can see that,” Jewel said noncommittally, and that seemed to be the end of it.My wife and I initially weren’t happy to leave our tiny apartment in the city for a cookie-cutter house in the suburbs. The job situation...

Love Stories
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A Night Out part 2

This is a sequel story to A Night Out. However reading part one is not necessary for the enjoyment of this story. Comments and criticism is welcomed as I am still new to writing and story development. A Night Out part 2 Tammi turned around to see two of the beer wenches from the Saucer standing there laughing at Ed’s early occurrence. They told Tammi and Ed to get dressed. Ed was devastated. As Tammi and Ed were getting dressed there was utter silence. Ed had so much running through his mind...

1 year ago
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Any SoldierChapter 5

It was just natural for her to push him back on the bed and climb up beside him, hugging him, kissing his cheeks as he tried to wipe his eyes and face clean of tears. "Stop," he complained. "Why?" she asked petulantly. "Because I'm mostly naked and I'm going to get a boner if you don't," he laughed. "Ooooo, can I see?" she asked, looking at his shorts. "And you say you never learned to flirt," he said. "I think that's teasing," she said. "Teasing is different, isn't...

3 years ago
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The ProdigalSeventeen

THAT WAS WHAT I WAS EXPECTING. I’m stupid in love, but I’m not always just stupid. Ever since Washington passed the Marriage Equality Act, I’d been expecting it. When the law went into effect last weekend, the newspaper had been full of the reports of gay marriages all over the state. I’d noticed Melody more often referring to Lissa as her wife. And Lissa had been doing the same. The news didn’t seem to be affecting my cock in a negative way. I pushed at her again. “Ohh.” “I take it from...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 2

THREE DAYS LATER SPARTA "It is truly beautiful here Martin." Tarifa spoke softly. They walked along the garden path within the walls of Martin's villa above Sparta. The day was warm but a cool breeze through the mountains from the east was lazily blowing across the land. Tarifa wore a loose fitting ankle length gown of light blue with a seductive cut down the middle of her abdomen that highlighted her tanned skin and firm breasts. Walter had created the elves here on Earth to not be shy...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Sharon White February 2023 Fantasy Of The Month

Sharon White is the Nubile Films February 2023 Flavor of the Month, and we couldn’t have picked a hotter lady. Laying in bed dressed for seduction, she waits for Renato to join her. When Renato shows up in the doorway with a red rose, Sharon can’t contain her smile of satisfaction. Drawing Sharon in for a kiss, Renato samples her lips and then moves on down to her neck. His hands busy themselves cupping Sharon’s breasts and kneading those soft globes. Relieving Sharon of her...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 2

Shielding herself against the white-hot fire surrounding her, Lisa curled up at tight as she could. Rather, she tried to, anyway... ‘Where are my fucking legs? ‘Fuck, I’m bleeding all over ... Can’t back up ... fucking bomb is behind me – Shit! Just like last time! ‘Mom! Help me! I need ... to ... nuugh ... can’t ... flare ... Got ... Go forward! ‘I am really, really fucked... ‘ Lisa reached toward a face she knew and pushed as hard as she could against the expanding white fire she had...

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Maps Monstergirls Ch0 A Midnite Delite

Chapter 0  - A Midnite DeliteIn the world of Azhwarpanan, it is believed that the Deminari, a race of magical beings with a demon-like appearance, gracious red skin, and dorned with regal horns and dashing tails, were responsible for the development of magic in this world. The Deminari coexisted peacefully with other species and granted many of them magic through sexual rituals.But greed would soon overcome. A powerful but secret group plotted to enslave the Deminari and harvest them for their...

4 years ago
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My Milky Aunty

Hi to all ISS readers, this is Naveen again here with another story which was a real happening in my life. And hope you all enjoyed a lot with my previous 2 stories and this is my new story which is the 3rd one in this site. And for the new readers I will introduce about myself. I am Naveen, From India and always interested in reading the stories in this ISS and make myself to have a real sex in my life. And as I like to read all the stories of couple, incest, maid servant and teacher/ office...

3 years ago
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Biinterludes Part 3

The following is a true story that took place about fourteen years ago while I was not in any serious relationships. I had just recently divorced my second wife and I was lonely and perpetually horny. My second marriage was very short (six months) and Mark and I had met before when I was in a similar place after my first wife left.Mark and I first met on a local personals Usenet Newsgroup. We were both bi-curious at the time and we were both between relationships. Our first meeting was at a...

2 years ago
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Ladies in Waiting Game DayThe Beast

@ “In the morning you are dragged from your cell. Reunited with princess Gwendolyn, who is dressed in fine white robes, while you are marched naked through the halls.” Shawn relishes the description. “Further down into the bowls of the dark earth. You are brought to a large chapel with a demonic alter at its center.” Mark’s sissy cock twitches at the description. & A group of men stand huddled together at one side. They are obviously some of the soldiers that had assaulted the...

2 years ago
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The Trouble with Passion part 2

After Lucy understood what the professor had said, she couldn't help but feel sexually aroused. She could feel her pussy getting wetter at the proposition the professor lay before her. Snapping Lucy back to reality, the professor asked her to stand up. As she did the professor pulled her closer until she was inches from the professor's face. This time Lucy made the first move. Leaning in, Lucy laid her lips on Susan's. Her kiss became more passionate as Susan matched its intensity. Their...

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Meeting up with Gavin again

A random Wednesday morning I received a sms from Gavin while having breakfast. He asked if I wanted to meet up with him on Thursday at the hotel for some fun and lunch. I debated about it for a while as my husband was flying back home from a business trip that day and was pretty sure that he would be horny and wanting to sleep with me. After a bit of thought I replied to Gavin telling him that I would like to see him as well and he must just let me know about what time he would be there as I...

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Candid Camera

Denise rode the elevator up to the ninth floor. Getting off and walking up the corridor to the security office, she swiped her card through the door-side reader. “Quit feeling sorry for yourself,” she muttered, as the door opened. “You knew the deal.” Which wasn’t much help, when everyone else in the LaSalle building was up in the Starlight Lounge. This year, held on the sixty-ninth floor, the Christmas party was “the” event of the year. Or at least...

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GILF Reddit

Reddit GILF, aka r/GILF! Since 2009, this fantastic subreddit has been delivering droves of content for perverts from around the world. If you prefer your love with a geriatric tinge, then you’ve come to the right place, you fucked up maniac. If the smell of old people gives you a boner, well, kill yourself, but first, jerk off to some hot grannies on Reddit’s GILF subreddit. Let’s be serious for a second, shall we? Jerking off to grannies is fucked up shit. Young and taught is where it’s at;...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Help From Star CityChapter 2 Max Prepares

Max hurried through his meeting at City Hall with his two superiors, bringing them up to speed on the organization revenue for the past week from the prostitution and drugs and then quickly drove home. He told Lydia to get everyone in the former Ball Room and closed the front doors, shutting down the business while he held his meeting. Once all eight heroines were there he began. ""Tanya, why would Moira Jones be asking about you?" he asked. "She is a fellow reporter from Star City and...

2 years ago
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My little adventure at the spa

I often get massages. There is nothing quite a massage to get me relaxed and feeling better. I have a regular woman that does it, due to her strong hands. But when I got there this time, she had to leave for an emergency. I was told that the only person available was a man, who just got a cancellation. I don't often get a guy, but I really needed a massage so I agreed. He came over to introduce himself and was surprised how attractive he was. Exactly my type. Dark hair, dark eyes, lightly...

1 year ago
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Alex to Alina Chapter 3 The Morning After

Chapter 3: The Morning After I passed back out for a few more hours, letting the bright sun through the window fall a little lower in the sky. I didn't have anywhere to be until work later that night anyway. As I lay through the painful part of the hangover, I tried to recall the silly events from the previous night, and wondered if they had actually happened. When my headache finally cleared up a little, I finally groaned and sat up -- noticing I wasn't wearing anything at all. I...

1 year ago
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Peeping Mom Caught me

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello again I am here. It is a new story for one of my fan recommended. He suggested this theme which I written here. Read it and convey your suggestions and what you need from me to read. I always thought my mom was a pretty good looking woman just comparing her to her friends and other women that I knew but I never thought about her in a sexual way, I know it is dead full sin a son thinks like his sexual partner as his mom. Even a little bit until an...

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Cricket Match Lead To Bed

Hi friends this is my first story and I will be eager to get your responses. I’m from Kolkata let’s come to the story it was 1st January and we were playing cricket in the ground of our residential campus being a medical student and I have a good reputation in the locality and there are 26 families in our complex suddenly and I hit a ball for a six and the ball landed in the balcony of the 2nd floor of type c quarters in that particular quarter resides. A lady called Jyoti a 26 years old beauty...

1 year ago
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You Can Have Mine If I Can Have Yours

It was early in our dating, Karen and I had read several articles about the "new" swinging lifestyle that was becoming so popular in New York City: several new clubs had recently opened, and with some research, we found that right here in our village was a very large and famous club called "Michael’s Lounge."Our first trip out was a bit of sensory overload: the entire club was filled with happy, fun loving couples, dancing, drinking, socializing and just plain making out on the dance floor. At...

4 years ago
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Ashley IIChapter 7

During dinner, so our wives would know what was to expect, I discussed what we planned to do for the next several days until we got more information. “I’ll go out there and check the recording on Monday,” I finished. Our wives had already finished feeding the girls who were happily playing with the goo on the trays of their highchairs. “You want me to go with you?” Ed asked. “No, I don’t believe that’s necessary. I’m only going out there to change the recording disk and the batteries. I’ll...

2 years ago
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15 February 2009Chapter 3

Brad and Sandra returned to their sitting area in time for the second period and he could smell her freshly applied perfume. She sat closer to him, thighs pressing together and covered their laps with the blanket. She took his hand and placed it on her leg, well above the knee. “Jessica and I have been to several Falcons games, since last October, to watch you play. She has even stopped after school to watch you and the team practise.” “Yes, I’ve talked to her a few times.” “It was very...

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The Interrupted Afternoon Part 1

There I was, on a hot summer day in my room. The window was open letting in a light breeze, the box fan on the floor was dialled to three, the heat from the room was bearing down on me, the coolness from the sheets was nice for a few minutes before it became drenched in my sweat. As I looked down at my hard, throbbing, wet up cock, I almost had to orgasm. My hand was starting from the base of the shaft and then sliding up to my sensitive head. Every time my fingers touched my head, I kept...

Straight Sex
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A Night With Friend8217s Hot Mom

This is Ragav from Chennai age 22. Coming to the story which happened for real in my life when I was in college vacation one year ago.  I was a cricket player back then. My school friends used to play cricket almost everyday. Once the exams are over we started to spend the whole day in ground. We planned to conduct a cricket tournament and am being vice captain I was active in managing things for tournament. My parents planned to go native place to attend some function for three days. I...

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