Abandoning Delinquency
- 3 years ago
- 23
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Some people call New York, "Gotham City." Others call it, "Metropolis." Most call it, "The Big Apple."
New York is also the home for all sorts of crazies. They range from self-appointed mercenary groups to would-be superheroes. A day doesn't go by that the news doesn't report the daring deeds of the Guardian Angels, Hells Angels, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Dare Devil, Wonder Woman, Captain America, the Flash, the Green Hornet, the Green Lantern, the Incredible Hulk, the Six Million Dollar Man, the X-men, The Tomorrow People, the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and way too many others to mention.
Larry stopped at a newsstand just after he got out of work Thursday night. He didn't buy it to read, but just to cover his head until he could reach the subway station in the driving rain. Had he read it, he would have learned that, due to a power failure at the cryogenics lab where she was imprisoned inside a block of dry ice, the infamous Inque escaped a few days ago. Being a shape shifter as a result of a mutagenic experiment, Inque can change her body to liquid and elude almost any form of capture. She was last reported being washed down a drain at the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History yesterday. A skylight in the museum was smashed during the rainstorm as a result of a super-fight when Batman attempted to recapture the super villain. She was presumed dead. Larry didn't buy into such stories, though. Tales of superheroes and super villains were urban legends as far as he was concerned -- fodder for adventure movies with wild special effects and Saturday morning animated cartoons.
Fortunately, it was a short walk from the restaurant where he worked as a short-order cook to the Columbus Circle subway station. Larry tossed the drenched paper in the trash as soon as he reached the platform. The rain had been lasting for days, and there were huge puddles all over the platform. A virtual river flowed north between the rails of the subway track. He boarded the next northbound "D" train, which he rode up to Tremont Avenue. From there, it was another short walk in the pouring rain to where he rented a small room in a boarding house above an adult video store. He didn't bother buying another paper this time.
He entered the building and walked up the three flights of stairs to his room. Leaning against the wall adjacent to the door to his room was a woman sitting in a puddle of black liquid. She looked kind of cute, and she was dressed from head to toe in a shiny black vinyl bodysuit.
A New Yorker at heart, Larry stepped over her and put his key in his lock.
"You're just going to ignore me, too, huh?"
Larry looked down at her. "This is New York. What did you expect me to do? If I had said something to you first, or asked if you needed help, you'd have told me to 'fuck off,' right?"
"I've told plenty of guys to 'fuck off,' but I really need help. Please!"
Larry shrugged and held out his hand to her. She reached up to take his hand.
"Oww!" she yelled as he pulled her to her feet.
"Sorry. Uh, what happened to you?"
"You... You don't know who I am?"
"No," he answered then gasped when he saw that his hand was covered with a slick black gooey substance.
"What's this stuff?"
"It's me. I've been poisoned in a manner of speaking."
"Okay, come in and I'll call 911."
"No!" she screamed.
"I mean don't call 911. Please. I'll explain."
He opened the door and let her in.
"Do you have any alcohol?" she asked.
"Well, I have some beer. I can't afford the hard stuff. You want a drink?"
"No. Not that kind. I mean rubbing alcohol."
"Just a sec." He walked into the bathroom and returned with a plastic bottle of rubbing alcohol.
She grabbed it from his hand, opened it, lifted it to her mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp.
"Hey! You can't drink that! It'll poison you!"
"Water is poison to me, you idiot! I'm dying of water poisoning. I need more of this," she said, holding up the empty bottle of rubbing alcohol.
It was then that he noticed that she was, in effect, naked. Her black oily exterior was her bare skin. "What the hell? Who are you? "
"I'm Inque."
"You're ink?"
"No! My name is Inque."
"Oh. I'm Larry."
"Well, Larry, if you help me, you won't have to live in this shit-hole room any longer."
"How can I help you."
"First, I'm too hydrated. I really need more alcohol right now. Then I need some other stuff too."
"What kind of stuff?"
"Give me a pen and paper and I'll make a list, okay?"
Larry rooted around and handed her a pen and pad of paper. She wrote a list on the pad and handed it back to him.
He looked down her list. He expected her to want him to get her dope and guns and stuff, but most of the stuff was pretty straightforward, if odd. The list included surgical instruments, kitchenware, and assorted chemicals. The surgical instruments could be bought from a surgical supply house. Most of the chemicals could be bought from a printer's supply shop. The rest could be had from a chemistry supply shop.
"Well, I can go down to the drug store down the block. But I can't get the rest of this stuff until tomorrow."
"Sure, just go! Now! Get me the alcohol!"
Larry went back downstairs. He wondered if she would even be there when he got back. He didn't have any money or anything valuable, so he wasn't too worried about his room, but she seemed kind of freaky. He walked down the block to the drugstore, got several shopping bags of rubbing alcohol, then stopped at McDonalds and picked up some burgers, fries, and Cokes on the way home.
He almost fainted when he walked back into his room. She had the knob on the radiator set to maximum, and his electric heater going full blast. It was close to 90(F in the room.
"Inque, Are you okay?" he asked.
"Did you get the alcohol?"
"Yeah, here. I also picked up some Mickey D's for us."
She tore into one bag containing the alcohol and gulped a bottle down, then another, and then another. It wasn't long before she had drunk every bottle.
"Why do you have it so hot in here, Inque?"
"I'm trying to dehydrate myself. I'm feeling a lot better already. But I'm still suffering from water poisoning and I still need that stuff tomorrow."
"You better eat something too, Inque."
"Yeah, thanks."
She unwrapped her burger and started nibbling on it.
"Can we turn the heat down? I'll never be able to sleep in this heat."
"Yeah, sure," she said.
Larry then sat in his old threadbare sofa and clicked the TV on. He flipped channels until he came to Batman Forever that had just started playing on TNN. Cable TV was one of the few luxuries that he could afford.
"Oh, please!" Inque exclaimed.
"What? You don't like Batman?"
"Oh right, you still don't know who I am, do you?"
"You're, like, some kind of dominatrix dressed like that, aren't you? But what's that got to do with Batman?"
"Forget it! Just turn that damn movie off."
Larry shrugged, turned off the TV, and put a Cass Carnaby Five CD in his boom box.
He settled back into his char and gobbled down his burger and fries, and nearly drank his Coke in one gulp from the heat.
"Here," she said, handing him her Coke. "This is mostly water. I can't drink this."
After finishing eating, he went into the bathroom and showered and changed into an old pair of pajamas he had. He usually sleeps nude, but with a lady guest, well, he couldn't do that. He turned the heat down, then opened his sofa into a double bed.
"Uhm, where do you want to sleep, Inque? You can sleep in the chair over there, or you can share the bed. It's up to you."
Inque walked over to the chair and curled up.
Larry gave her a blanket off his bed and then got in and went to sleep.
The next morning, Inque was still sleeping in the chair when Larry woke and got dressed. He phoned the restaurant to call in sick, then he left with her list in hand and returned late afternoon after running around Manhattan to surgical supply stores, print shops, and chemical supply stores.
She was spread out on the floor in a puddle of black ink when he walked in.
"Inque! Inque! Wake up!"
She moaned and sat up.
"Thank God you're still alive! Here, I got your stuff," he said as he handed it to her.
She stood and wobbled a bit. Her skin wasn't as dark as it was earlier. She was a dark gray, and she was leaving oily stains on the floor with every step she took. She took the bags with trembling hands and dumped the contents on the bed.
She set out some of the bowls he bought and started mixing chemicals. He just stood there watching her mix inks, alcohol, and other printing chemicals together. After a couple of hours, his room started to smell like a cross between a brewery and a print shop. By that evening, she had produced several jars containing different concoctions.
"I need you to help me now, Larry."
"Yeah, sure."
She lifted one jar to her mouth and drank it in one gulp, and then she drank a different jar. Then she laid down on her back the bed.
She looked up at him and said, "Now you have to do something very important. I can't do it myself."
"What do you want me to do?"
"You need to slice me down the middle," motioning with her finger from where her collarbone would be down to her navel, "with this scalpel and pour these two jars in me. This one first, wait about five minutes, then pour this other one in. Then sew me back up with those needles and suture. Then wrap me up with these bandages."
"What? I can't perform surgery on you!"
"You have to! If you don't, I'll die!"
"Then you should go to the hospital, Inque."
"I can't go to a fucking hospital! You have to do this for me! Please!" She held the scalpel out to him.
"You really trust me to do surgery on you?"
"I don't have a choice."
He was sweating, but he took the scalpel from her. He put the scalpel to her chest and pressed it into her inky flesh. Then he pulled it down her body and stopped at her navel. Next, he pulled her skin back as she oozed black blood. Then he poured one jar slowly into the open wound, waited, and then poured the other. Next, he sewed her up like he was threading a new shoe. Lastly, he took a roll of bandage in one hand and put his arm around her back and listed her up to a sitting position and wrapped her in bandage from the neck to her waist. Then he lowered her back down on the bed.
It was pretty late by then, so he pulled the blankets over her, took a shower, and then joined her in bed.
Larry was in the habit of sleeping late on Saturdays, and this one was no exception. The restaurant opened late on Saturday, so he didn't have to be at work until the afternoon. He woke around noon and Inque was sitting in the chair watching him. Looking back at her, her bandages were off and her skin was glowing a healthy shiny black again.
He sat up and said, "Good morning, Inque. Are you feeling better?"
"Yeah, I'm completely dehydrated and feeling great. Thanks for your help, Larry!"
"Yeah, sure, you're welcome. Anyway, I got to get ready for work now. Where are you going to go?"
"You throwing me out?"
"No. I just figured you had somewhere to go. Home. A job to get back to. You know."
"You can get out of this dump, you know. I meant what I said."
"What did you say?"
"I don't want to be vulnerable any more. I thought I was invincible, but that damn caped crusader almost killed me -- twice. I want to get out of Gotham. And I need your help. I'll make it worth your while. You don't want to be a cook all your life, do you?"
"Well, no."
"Get out of those pajamas, then."
"Take them off."
"Okay, let me go into the bathroom to get dressed."
"No, idiot. Get naked."
Larry gulped, then removed his clothes. It was months since he last got laid, and never by such a hot babe as this.
Inque walked up to him then melted -- literally melted in front of him.
"Inque! What's happening to you?"
Inque stopped melting and a mouth formed in the puddle that had formed on the floor. "I'm better than ever. Just stand there for a minute."
The puddle then flowed around his feet and started flowing up his legs. Larry gasped as Inque flowed up his body to his neck and down his arms and stopped at his wrists. The sensation was incredible, a perfect fit flowing around every inch of flesh! It was as if he were wearing a leather bodysuit. Only his hands and head was exposed. She felt heavy on him too, like he was wearing a suit of weights. He walked over to his mirror and looked at himself -- or should he say themselves. He looked like a fat penguin.
"Inque, can you hear me?"
A mouth formed just below his neck. "Yes, I can hear you."
"This is so cool! But do we have to look so fat? Can't you just make yourself a thin film over me?"
"I can't change my body mass, volume, or weight. My 90 pounds of femininity has to go somewhere, but I can change the proportions."
A moment later, she sprouted breasts and a big butt. She also flowed onto his hands and fingers and flowed up over his head leaving only his face exposed. They became slightly thinner as a result.
"Any better?" she asked.
"A little, but can we nix the tits?"
"What? You don't like a chest on a woman?"
"Yeah, but I'm not a woman."
"But I am!"
"But... But..."
"Oh, okay," she relented, and the breasts shrunk.
"Now what?" he asked.
"We get out of here is what!"
"What about my job? How long will we be gone?"
"Fuck your job! We're not coming back!"
"But... I can't just leave!"
"Yes, you can. We got to get out of Gotham, and now!"
"Okay, just let me pack some clothes."
"I'm the only clothes you need. C'mon!"
Larry grabbed his wallet, keys, and his handful of music CDs. "But what about this stuff?"
Inque formed a pocket and said, "Put your stuff in there."
He dropped his wallet, keys and CDs in Inque's pocket, and she closed it again.
"Now what?" he asked again.
"Now we go," she answered.
"Go where?"
"Just let me drive."
"Huh? I don't have a car, Inque."
"Duh! That's not what I meant."
"What did you mean?"
"Just go limp and I'll show you?"
"Huh? Go limp?"
"Yeah, relax and go limp."
Larry wasn't sure about that, but he let himself go limp. He didn't fall down, however. Instead, he felt his legs walking and his arms swinging. Instinctively, he tried to take a step to keep from falling, fell resistance, and fell on his face.
"I told you to go limp!" Inque yelled at him.
"Sorry! That was the weirdest feeling."
"Go limp again, and don't try to move yourself."
Larry relaxed and went limp again. He felt himself stand up and walk toward the door. This time, he remained limp as Inque walked for him. They walked out the door, down the stairs and outside to a warm sunny day -- the rain of the past week finally exhausted. They walked down the block to Tremont Avenue and into the subway station. People glanced at them funny, but otherwise left them alone.
They rode a "D" train down to Columbus Circle, changed to an "F" train, and continued down to Penn Station at 34th street. Inque was silent the whole way. He had the feeling that she was frightened about something, but didn't dare talk to her for fear that people would think he was a loon for talking to himself.
In Penn Station, Inque formed a mouth on the inside of her skin against his ear and whispered in his ear. "Buy a ticket to as far from here as you can afford."
"How about Chicago? There's no superheroes in Chicago, are there?"
Inque didn't reply right away, then whispered in his ear, "But what about that guy who gets his newspapers a day ahead?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot about him. So how about the deep south? New Orleans? The Mardi Gras?"
Inque thought again, "No good. Cat People."
"How about we go all the way to Los Angeles?"
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer," she protested.
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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t! by Denham Forrest, The wanderer. A story by The Wanderer writing as Denham Forrest. Literotica’s systems would not accept the full title of this story. Copyright© 2009 by Denham Forrest, The Wanderer Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t! Late on a summers evening, a middle-aged man is standing on his house rear patio alone, a glass of Scotch in one hand and a half smoked cigar in the other. Deep in thought he’s apparently contemplating the stars. ...
Dramatis Personae: Sunshine: Large breasted woman. Lingerie model. Desmond: Geeky-looking guy. Scriptwriter. Herbert Chin: Overweight, balding, middle-aged man. Porn Movie Producer. Misty: Porn Starlet Tracy: Porn Starlet Buster Beaver: Male porn star. Johnny Rubber: Male porn star Act I Pan across a bedroom in which there is a large double bed and a mirror closet. Focus on the reflection of a naked woman, Sunshine, who is masturbating loudly and enthusiastically with a vibrator. Zoom...
When we brought Ron home from the bus depot that day I dragged him straight up to my room and locked the door. We didn't come out until the next morning — Christmas morning! WOW! What a Christmas Eve that was. Ron had been saving up for me for two months. I think he came more times that night than on our first honeymoon night. I know I was insatiable. Christmas in his family was always very quiet, with beautiful hymns, Bible readings, and inexpensive presents that were unwrapped one at a...
Introduction: Im back! I rerewrote this story, and added more detail, so tell me if you like it! I deleted the original ones, so for those who didnt read those, you can still enjoy this story! And sorry if there are typos! My twin brother, Jake, and I both had been sheltered as we were growing up. After our parents died, we had been given to our aunt who believed that the outside world spawned evil, and she had made sure we had been outside as little as possible. She homeschooled us until high...
As the alarm clock went of, she realized that she'd been staring at it for exactly one hour and twenty three minutes. As she reached over to turn it of, she realized her heartbeat had doubled as she replayed his words form the day before. 'We're taking a little trip out tomorrow, pet. I think you'll enjoy it.' Replaying the words over in her head, she couldn't tell if she was feeling excitement or anxiety. 'Maybe a little of both,' she decided to herself, as she wondered what the day had in...
Chapters 1-7 are somewhat self contained and describe Matt being rescued from a Midwest snowstorm by a family that turn out to be his soul mates, girls with lots of past life ties. Lots of spirituality and lots of sex. This was mostly written in 2005 and was posted in 2010. Chapters 8-13 describe Matt going home to the Northeast, discussing things with his wife. Ann, Barbara and Connie starting college. Matt and Ann setting up a business. Again lots of spirituality and lots of sex. Written and...
Life has been cruel to you, but not in any drastic sense of parents getting divorced or killed, friends turning their backs on you, or getting fired from work. If anything it could be said that you've led a perfectly good life till now, what with a relatively stable job and a roof over your head. It's just, every day seems the same, every action meaningless, like your part of some grand game that's outside of your control. Fate has yet to grant you companionship, a lady friend who you can treat...
Mind ControlHello, My Name Is... By Ozzy Nelson Jason Waters and Kevin Tatum climbed the stairs of the old house up to the attic. It had been a week since Jason's Uncle Larry had died and now Jason's mom was forcing them to help in cleaning up before the house was put on the market. Jason angrily wondered why they couldn't just hire somebody to do this for them. After all, with all the money they'd inherited from good old rich Uncle Larry it wasn't like they were hurting for cash. His...
An Idea For A New Talk Show By Mister Double U Since we all know that talk shows are scripted. Here's my idea for one that might be fun. (Host walks out into audience, shaking hands and giving some of the stupider guys high fives. He runs on to the stage where a microphone is sitting. He picks it up and addresses the cameras) Host: Hello everyone and welcome to the show. On today's show, we're doing makeovers of awful Dads. Let's meet our first guest; Monica. (Monica is...
Ye meri life ka jo first sexperience tha wo aaj aap sab ISS readers se pehli baar share kar raha hu. Ek ek word khud likha hai maine, kahi se copy nahi kiya isliye pls mere is exprnce ko dil se padna aur dil se mujhe response bhejna. Meri id hai – Hi Tough Guys. Hi all beautiful Girls & sexy ladies (I think married girls/ladies are sexier than unmarried girls but at the same time I feel unmarried girls are very very hot indeed! Ha ha ha. Me Clever na? dono ko pata raha hu!) Mera naam RAJ...
Amy fidgeted nervously with the back of her skirt. The wind was strong today and kept threatening to blow it around her waist. It felt great on her under carriage but the idea of being exposed like that terrified her yet thrilled her all at the same time. Still this was the first time she was out and about dressed to the nines to meet a guy so she wasn't ready for things to go sideways just yet. She marched up to the ticket booth confidently. She was happy she had been perfecting her heel work...
As the economy went south, the neighborhood parties got wilder and wilder. Tonight's party had been the wildest one yet. The Oaks Estates was a tract of four bedroom, two story executive homes, eighty in all. The exclusive homes were located five miles outside of Brand, California between San Diego and Alpine, California. Jeff Cotton had begun to regret the day he bought his house in what he originally thought was a community with potential. At first the parties were a great way for people...
Self Bondage Randomiser.First a little bit about myself.I am a heterosexual male in my mid 30's and I am an average hight of 5ft 10 and weight of around 180lb. I live with my girlfriend in our own home in a typical western town.My sex life is good but not kinky that often. I love my girlfriend dearly and while she knows of my kinky side its not often I get to tie her up or get tied up by her. My thought and fantasies about bondage and bdsm started at an early age, at first it was a thrill of...
Mabel Krump was the homeliest, no ugliest, girl in our high school. She had a small upturned nose that almost looked like a pig's snout, crooked teeth, and flat drab dishwater blonde hair. She was short, flat-chested, no hips, and had a stooped posture. There was also something asymmetrical about her head. It was like there was a slight bulge on the right side of her pallid acne-scarred face. Her stomach had a small pot belly. She was the ultimate wallflower. She blended into the background,...
The Greyhound bus pulled away leaving them in a cloud of dust and diesel fumes. Loxville had been on the UK tourist guide ‘must see’ list but neither John nor Tori could see why – it wasa grade A dump! Loxville only had one thing going for it – it was full of convention centres. The couple were Tori – superb example of an English Rose. blond, blue eyes, stunning looker, ample breasts without being too flash, and long legs. Rounded off with a Surrey accent that...
When he entered the kitchen he was met with the sight of his step mother standing on her tiptoes as she reached for something in the cupboard above the sink. She was wearing green yoga pants that showed off the shape of her legs and butt quite nicely. Lou rolled his eyes in annoyance. He and his father were definitely two of a kind. They both liked their women to be shapely. After watching her struggle to reach something for a while, Lou finally spoke up. “Let me help you.” He pushed her out...
"Come here my pet," I call you. You quickly crawl over to my side, your head down like the good little doggy you are. "Good girl," I pat your head and you rub against my hand. Were on the beach, sunning ourselves. I'm wearing a black bikini with a low cut bra that is pushing my big soft breasts up and a pair of sandals in hot pink leather. You're wearing white bikini- small triangles covering your perky little tits, and a wide white dog collar with the word puppy studded into it. You sit at my...
BDSMSarah loved the meadow, where she was gathering the golden dandelions. She had always loved it, and went there in her solitary moods, to be alone. This particular evening, she was thinking of Molly's graphic description of how she had been raped. Sarah wanted more than anything to feel a big hot cock in her sweet little cunt. She had wanted it since she was about ten years old. But Molly had been the lucky one. When Sarah left school, she went home and left her books on her desk, and...
Hi, mera naam Neelam hai. Main 24 saal ki hu. Meri height 5.4 hai, average complexion aur figure 32-28-34. Main Delhi mein government job karti hu. Meri job lage abhi kuch hi mahino pehle lagi hai. Mera office theek chal raha tha. Subah office jaana, waha friends ke saath gappe ladana, kaam karna aur wapas ghar aa jaana. Jaise hi mujhe salary milti main dher saari shopping karti aur city ghoomti. Main Instagram pe har weekend apni pic daalti thi. Bohut saare likes aur comments milte the. Kafi...
Bella let go of Will’s shoulders and quickly shimmied her long sleep shirt up around her waist. Her fingers found her smooth slit. She wasn’t wet, but Belita giving Will a blowjob was starting to feel really good. She licked her fingers and brought them between her legs. She was glad she didn’t have to focus on trying to get herself turned on. Under the circumstances that might have been hard without the assistance from the link between them.While Bella adjusted herself and got ready, Captain...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSTATE OF Pacifica DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Pacifica Women?s Correctional Institute - Sing Sing EXECUTION REPORT Prisoner ID No. 00-9375079 Name: Gina {last name deleted} Date of Birth: September 9, 2068 Crime(s): Adultery (third offense) Sentence: Death by Electrocution Height: 5?5? Measurements: 30B-23-25 Hair: Brunette Eyes: Blue GINA?S Execution All executions in Pacifica are carried out at the State Penitentiary at Sing Sing in our new electric chair. Gina was its...
I was in a bed when I awoke, with all kinds of tubes and wires attached to me. I was strapped down to the bed so that I couldn't move. Even my legs were strapped down. I tried to yell, but nothing came out except a croak of some sort. What had happened? The last thing I remembered was the light. Had I really died, and was this heaven? Probably not, so this had to be hell. But ... I thought that I had been a good and honest man. Therefore, I should have gone the other way. Maybe this was some...
As a photographer back in the 80's, I had some fantastic sexual experiencesI'd like to share with you. Let's start with Ruth.My friend Charley, the biggest pussy hound I ever met (more on him later),called and said he had an older woman friend who needed photo head shots inorder to join a "Big Beautiful Girl" modeling agency. I told him I'd do itfor free after hours to add to my portfolio.She came to me later that week and I was surprized to find her a beautifulspecimen of an older woman -...
Pete was concerned. He nibbled on a nail and paced the little bedroom while looking down at the sleeping woman on the bed. She hadn’t moved in hours but her breathing was steady and she didn’t seem to have a fever. He had found her in the woods three days earlier and carried her all the way back to his cabin. It had been hard work since she was heavier than she looked.He figured her to be around five feet eight inches, she was quite tall and, without sounding too perverted, she had a killer...
Monster SexI wake with the memory of her message fresh in my mind and a little smile wakes me properly. I bounce out of bed excited for the plans that I'd formed last night after I'd messaged back, "11 am, you know what to do."I have a good few hours before then so set about changing the sheets, tidying up a little, though the place is pretty clean and in order anyway. I head out to the pool for some laps to wake my body up then pop to the shops and buy some supplies, food, drink, a bikini. Taking a...
MILFFrank and Angel sat in Frank's cluttered apartment after they got home from Red's Barn and Frank let out a heavy sigh, "Stay away from Jordan Parker, he's nothing but trouble." Angel didn't say anything in response. She didn't appreciate being told what to do, but she had learned to bite her tongue sometimes when she was upset. As she sat there with Frank, she continued to think about Jordan Parker, and his arrogance. He wasn't anymore arrogant than a lot of other men she had known,...