Juvenile Delinquents free porn video

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Natalie Bradshaw was a juvenile delinquent. At least,
that’s what her mother called her all the time. She
didn’t mean to get into trouble; it just seemed to
happen to her. Maybe it was the friends she hung out
with, like her Mom kept saying.

But she liked Livia and Brad, and she wasn’t going to
stop seeing them just because her mother wanted her to.

As the 17 year-old stood looking out the window, pout-
ing over her confinement, she thought about her friends
and wondered what they were doing. Being grounded again
was beginning to annoy her. It seemed to Natalie that
she was always in trouble. So why fight it? Why not
ignore the consequences and have some fun? she thought.

Her eyes shone with a defiant inner fire as she looked
over her shoulder at the bedroom door. An idea just
seemed to pop into her head. She knew it was wrong, but
she didn’t really care; she wanted to have some fun.

Turning thought into action, the young girl slipped
through the bedroom door, quietly descended the stairs
and snuck out the front door. On the way out, she
stopped in the hall and rifled her Mother’s purse,
taking $40 and change as “expense” money. She wondered
whether, if she left a $20 behind, it might cover up
the theft, but then she realized it wouldn’t. What the
hell! She might as well take it all and enjoy herself
while she could!

Natalie was a pretty girl. She had natural grace and a
beautiful face. Her long brown hair seemed always to
take a perfect cut, and her body had all the right
curves. She knew she could get her way with guys
because they wanted her, and in the past she hadn’t
hesitated to use her body to get things she wanted from
them. Besides, she liked having sex. It felt wonderful,
and why shouldn’t she use her natural assets to get

She smiled at the thought, and wondered what her Mom
would think if she knew some of the things her daughter
had done.

A short walk down the block, and around the corner, and
she was standing in front of Livia’s house. Livia was
in trouble too, and just as grounded as Natalie.

She cautiously crept up to her friend’s house and,
standing under the tree which grew outside Livia’s
bedroom, threw a handful of gravel at the window.

A moment later the familiar face of her friend peered
down at her.

Natalie liked her friend’s face; it was always smiling
a secret smile. Livia was nice to look at too. She had
flame-red, fly-away hair, and an Irish country girl’s
looks. Her best features, Natalie thought, were her
beautiful, clear, green eyes. That had been what she
first noticed about Livia when they met at school.
Now they were best friends and shared everything.

Natalie jumped as she was brought back to the present
by the scraping noise the window made as Livia pulled
it open.

“What are you doing here?” Livia asked in a loud
whisper. “Aren’t you grounded too?”

“Yes, I am, but I’m tired of being cooped up and I’ve
decided to go into town and have some fun. If I’m
already grounded, what more can they do to me if they
catch me?”

Natalie smiled up at her friend, mischief in her eyes.
Livia knew what Natalie wanted; a partner in crime. She
quickly calculated the extra punishment she might
receive for ignoring her “grounded” status, and decided
to join her friend.

The decision made, Livia reached out for the overhang-
ing branch that nearly touched her window and grasped
it. She carefully climbed out onto it, then down the

Brushing herself off, she giggled at the excitement of
escaping her punishment, even if for just a little
while. The girls ran away from the house and, skipping
and laughing, made their way to the Cartwald Street
subway entrance.

The beauty of living in Queens Borough was that they
were only thirty minutes away from downtown New York
by subway, and they usually made it into town at least
once a week. They liked to cut school and go in on a
week day; it made them feel grownup to go into the city
on their own.

“Should we call Bradley, do you think?” Livia asked.

Natalie knew that Brad and Livia had become lovers, and
it irritated her a little. It wasn’t that she was
really jealous or anything. After all, she’d had sex
with Bradley when they were in the sixth grade, and had
done other things with him too. It was just that their
involvement with each other tended to exclude her, and
that Natalie didn’t like at all.

“If you want to, give him a call,” Natalie said, with-
out enthusiasm.

Livia ran over to the phone on the wall and called her
boyfriend, giggling all the while she was speaking to
him. Natalie looked on, patent disgust written all over
her pretty face that her friend was making such a fool
of herself over this boy.

Bradley showed up on the station platform about two
minutes before the train pulled in. Natalie was disap-
pointed that he’d made it in time, but resigned herself
to the fact that he would be coming with them.

Watching Livia and Brad snuggle in the seat across the
aisle from her, Natalie got to thinking that it might
be fun having him along after all, and she began to
make plans for a fun afternoon. ‘We’ll see how much the
little man can take,’ she thought, glancing at the

She made them alight at the 44th Street station, one of
the seedier parts of town. Livia asked: “Nat, are you
sure this is where we want to get off? It’s a pretty
rough part of town.”

Natalie smiled confidently at her friend, saying:
“Sure! I have some fun in mind, and this is the best
place for it. I wanta check out some of these adult
stores before they close ’em all up. This could be our
last chance to see them, you know. They passed some
laws to close them up pretty soon. I’ve always wanted
to know what they’re all about. Haven’t you?”

Brad looked interested, but Livia at first seemed a
little doubtful. Then she smiled at Natalie, a little
excited at the opportunities this little escapade might
throw up. She’d heard about these sex shops, and was
curious to find out more about the “adult toys” they
offered. ‘It might be fun at that,’ she thought.

The three teenagers walked down the gloomy street, tall
buildings either side blotting out the sky and giving
an impression of perpetual twilight. Glittering signs-
of-sin shone out of darkened windows, promising all
kinds of sexual experience.

The young girls skipped and laughed as they pulled
Bradley between them into one of the stores. A huge red
sign over the door announced “XXX SEX XXX”, and there
were paintings of women wearing little or no clothing.

They quieted down once they were in the dark, dank
interior. There was a hush about the place, and a smell
of mold – and something else too. Natalie sniffed the
air, trying to identify the odor. She was excited to be
entering the adult world of sex and sin; it made her
heart race, and a fine sheen of sweat appeared on her

Livia and Natalie held hands as they cautiously probed
the depths of the huge old store. Bradley, meanwhile,
walked nervously behind the girls.

“Can I help you!?” The teenagers started at the un-
expected voice. Until then, the only sounds in the
store had been undefined murmuring and other muffled

Suddenly a wizened little man was standing behind them,
an accusing look on his wrinkled face.

Natalie screwed up her nerve and said: “No thanks,
mister. We’re just looking.”

She was a little disconcerted to hear her voice sound-
ing so small and childlike when she had intended it
to resonate with adult confidence.

“Let me see I.D., ’cause you don’t look old enough,”
he growled, glaring at them.

“Give us a break, will yah? They’re gonna close your
place up in a few weeks anyway. Here’s 20 bucks! Just
let us look around a bit. That’s all we want; just to
see what all the fuss is about.” Natalie spoke much
louder this time.

The little man looked at the kids for a moment, then
at the $20, then shrugged and walked away.

Livia and Natalie gave the cheerleader jump, giving
each other the high-five and squealing with delight.
They now had access to this private adult world, and
they were excited! What would happen next?

What was in this dirty old store, anyway? they wondered.
They walked down the entrance aisle, looking into each

The first contained sex videos on racks, lining the
walls. The next was full of books. Livia shouted
gleefully when she found the area containing adult
toys, and they examined the various objects used by
adults to get themselves off. That was quite interest-
ing, but Natalie quickly became bored with the sex toy
tour and wandered deeper into the building, leaving
Livia and Brad in the “toy room”.

Walking hesitantly into the farthest region of the
store, she noticed a line of doors on the back wall,
and heard muffled noses coming from behind some of

Curiosity won out over caution, and she crept up to one
of the doors and put her ear to it. A man’s voice was
speaking, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying.
Whatever it was, she also heard a grunting sound.

The teenager moved to another door and listened again,
but heard nothing this time. Looking up, she noticed a
little sliding sign that said “Empty”; when she pulled
it to the left the word “Full” was exposed. Being a
bright girl, she quickly figured out which booths were
full and which empty.

After listening at all the doors showing a “full” sign,
she realized that each of these rooms was occupied by
a man. She wondered what was going on behind those
doors. She realized that she had to know, and that she
was finding the situation sexually arousing. ‘How odd,’
she thought.

Natalie opened the door, marked “Empty”, to the end
booth and stepped in.

The first thing she noticed was the smell. It was like
unwashed bodies; more accurately, unwashed male bodies.
It reminded her of boys’ basketball practice after a
couple of hours of hard court time. Having been a cheer-
leader for her high school team, she’d been around her
share of sweaty jocks.

But there was also another smell, which excited her; a
male smell. More specifically, it was the smell of men’s

She reached out and touched the wall in front of her,
trying to gauge, in the dim light coming from the hole
cut in the ceiling, the amount of space available to
her. She jerked her hand back when her fingers met
something cold and sticky.

As there was insufficient light for her to see what was
on her fingers, she brought them gingerly to her nose
and sniffed, pulling a face when she realized what it

Natalie had already guessed that men came into these
booths to ‘get off’, but until now, faced with the
evidence, she hadn’t realized how it was done. She
stood there, holding her sticky fingers in the air, and
wondered what had gone on in this dark booth only a
little while ago. Unconsciously, she rubbed her fingers
together, mashing the slime of a strange male’s cum
between her fingertips.

She was wondering if it was safe to sit down when she
noticed that there were panels in the walls, one on the
side where the seat was, and one in the back wall. They
seemed to be coin slots, with built-in locks holding
each door closed.

Steeling herself, Natalie wiped the sticky fluid off
her fingers by rubbing them on the hem of her dress.
When her fingers were fairly dry she reached into her
purse and, pulling out the four quarters that the
little sign above the booth had said would be needed,
dropped them into the slot above the door on the back

The door opened upward, revealing behind it an opening
about 10 inches across, through which bright light

Natalie blinked at the sudden glare, then lowered her-
self onto the seat and looked through the hole in the
wall. She was shocked by what she saw!

On the other side of the wall was a good-sized room,
in which were women, wearing hardly anything at all.
Every now and then one would walk over to one of the
holes in the wall and, after taking money, they would
either bend over and put their bottoms against the hole
or kneel down and take a waiting man’s erect cock into
their mouths.

Natalie hadn’t known what to expect, but this was way
beyond her imaginings. She was even more surprised when
a young, good-looking man entered the room and went
over to a hole. After taking some money he knelt down.

For a moment Natalie saw some man’s cock protruding
through the hole; then it disappeared as the young man
sank his mouth over the waiting shaft.

Such unexpected scenes were having their effect on
Natalie. She felt intense sexual excitement, already
badly needing a release; it was almost an animalistic
thing. She glanced back at the door to make sure it
was securely closed, then pulled her dress up and her
panties off, with one object in mind: to “get herself
off”, and quickly.

At that moment, a little bell sounded in Natalie’s
booth. The side panel dropped beside her, making her
jump. Her eyes widened when a cock suddenly poked its
full length through the hole. It was erect, and much
larger than any she’d seen before.

She heard a harsh whisper: “Hey man, how about it?”

Natalie was disconcerted by this intrusion into her
dark little world; obviously this person wanted a man
to give him a blowjob.

She sat quite still, her underwear at her feet, staring
at the thick, veiny shaft and at the hole through which
it had appeared. She couldn’t see through to the other
side, but heard ragged breathing as the man waited for
an answer… She hesitated only a few moments before,
in true “Natalie fashion,” throwing caution to the
winds… She realized that what she was about to do was
totally stupid, but she went ahead anyway.

Bending over, she backed her young bottom up to the
cock, hearing a groan when she grasped the shaft in her
hand. Placing the cock-head at her pussy’s opening, she
pushed backward.

The cock slipped easily into her pussy, and Natalie
heard a surprised gasp from the next booth as it sank
up to the hilt.

‘This guy’s getting quite a bit more than he bargained
for,’ she thought, smiling to herself.

Her new sex partner didn’t waste any time; straightway
he began pounding frantically against the wall of the

Natalie was surprised at the violence of the man’s
thrusts. ‘He can’t have had sex in a long time,’ she
thought. Bending at the waist, she pressed herself
tight against the hole. ‘This is great!’ she thought.
She was looking forward to fingering her clit while
this man stimulated her insides.

Suddenly, however, there was a loud groan, and the man
in the next booth jammed himself as hard as he could
into Natalie’s soaked pussy-cave.

She was sufficiently experienced with males to know
what was about to happen, so even though she wanted
more she pulled herself off the pumping cock and
watched as the first string of white cum shot across
the booth to ‘splat’ against the opposite wall.

Two more jets of semen, in diminishing amounts, spurted
into her booth before the slime-coated cock disappeared
and Natalie was left alone with the smell of sex.

She was so worked up by now, she just knew she would
explode if she couldn’t soon have her own orgasm. She
sat back down on the booth seat and started rubbing her
swollen clit once more. All she wanted now was an
orgasm. It would be intense, and she felt it rising
fast. She thought about the cock that had just been
using her, and her massaging grew faster.

“Natalie, where are you….? Nat!”

It was Bradley. Damn it! There was a scraping noise
against her door, and Natalie was thrown off her
rhythm. She heard her neighbor leave his booth, saying,
in a gruff voice: “She’s in there, kid.” Then the door
swung open and Natalie was looking at Brad’s inquiring

He appeared nervous, and scared, and wrinkled his nose
at the booth smell. Natalie continued sitting, her legs
still spread and her hand over her pussy as if frozen
in the act. But what was really running through her
mind was what would happen if she followed her urge and
screwed her best friend’s boyfriend.

‘Hell,’ she thought, ‘I’ve fucked him before, even if
it was years ago. Why not again?’ She reached up and
pulled Brad into the booth with her by the front of his
T-shirt, then shut the door behind him.

“Hey Nat, what the hell are you do…?”

She yanked his fly open and reached into his underpants
in one movement. The boy’s words choked in his throat
as he felt Natalie’s fingers exploring his instant

He could hardly breathe; every move she made sent
thrills through his entire body.

The door now opened again and the outside light shone
on Bradley’s half-naked body. Natalie looked up dis-
tractedly, and realized that she’d been caught in the
act by Livia.

However, the punishing storm of hurtful and hateful
words she expected never materialized. Instead, Livia
stepped into the booth and shut the door behind her.

Natalie accepted her good fortune and continued working
on Bradley’s rigid pole. Soon she felt Livia sink down
into the adjacent seat. She could hear her friend’s
shallow breathing as she pulled Bradley towards her by
his prick, guiding him to her aching pussy.

He knew what was expected of him and bent at the waist,
pushing his face between Natalie’s thighs and beginning
to lap at the cunt of his girlfriend’s girlfriend. He’d
long wanted another session with Natalie, remembering
the uninhibited sex they’d had that one time in the
sixth grade. Natalie had been his first, and he’d often
fantasized about her when alone with his hand; some-
times, even, while he and Livia were actually doing it.
And here he was, sucking Natalie’s juicy cunt while
Livia watched approvingly!

Livia had decided that it would be fun to watch Nat and
Brad. She wasn’t the jealous type and, anyway, she
preferred Nat to Brad, and it was exciting to watch her
friend’s almost naked body in the throes of passion.

She reached under Brad’s chest and grabbed his nuts,
lightly squeezing them. Brad groaned into Natalie’s
pussy as his girlfriend tugged at and gently squeezed
his tightening balls.

Natalie felt her orgasm rising again; it sprang to the
surface when Livia pulled down the top of her blouse
and placed her soft wet lips over a nipple. Natalie’s
hips jerked, her body as responsive as a live wire.
Currents of euphoria surged through her, somehow link-
ing her cunt, her incredibly sensitive nipple and the
face between her legs.

Bradley’s face suddenly pushed even harder into her
crotch as someone from the other side of the wall
shoved something fleshy, yet hard, into his exposed

Brad had been bracing himself against the back wall
because of the lack of room, unaware that his butt was
protruding through the hole connecting the booth and
the big room.

The young man on the other side of the wall had seen
Brad’s ass against the hole and assumed it to be an
invitation. He did what he’d been wanting to do for
days. Heck, he didn’t even want payment; just the
chance to fuck a tight gay ass for a change.

Brad’s eyes came out on stalks when he felt himself
penetrated from behind. He couldn’t move, what with his
face being jammed into Natalie’s pussy and Livia
holding on tight to his nuts. He couldn’t believe the
pain. It was so intense it was almost sexual. In fact,
the combination of the invading cock and Livia’s ball
massage pushed Bradley over his orgasmic edge and he
began spurting cum over Natalie’s smooth tan legs.

He was temporarily immobilized. His cum was just too
strong, just too intense; he couldn’t breathe right.
However, as the man behind him emptied his seed into
Brad’s anal canal, he sprang to life, pulling himself
off and away from the gay blade. He stood up straight,
stepping to one side, and Livia immediately pulled him
towards her and engulfed his still-rigid shaft in her
mouth, eagerly bobbing over his prick and sucking out
whatever there was left inside, pleased that she was
giving her friends a show.

Unfortunately for Natalie, the young man who had
invaded Brad’s nether parts hadn’t done cumming when
Brad stood up, so poor Natalie could do nothing in the
confined space but watch as shot after shot of his hot,
white semen squirted onto her dress.

Looking down at herself, she saw that she was a sticky
mess; man-cum all over her legs, hands and, now, her
dress. ‘Boy,’ she smiled to herself, ‘It sure is a
shame they’re closing these sex stores down! Then
another thought struck her and she gave a resigned
sigh. It hardly mattered to her if they did, since
she’d be grounded for the rest of her life anyway.

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I sat on my couch, taking a break from my house cleaning. I had on a pair of short, cut off jeans that my white ass cheeks hung out the bottom of, and a half tee shirt with no bra underneath. My big white 44DD tits almost hung out the bottom of it, but it didn't help keep me any cooler. The extreme summer heat still battered me. By lunch time, with all the condensation running down my body, I looked like I was standing under Niagara Falls. I cleaned my house all morning, working up a real...

4 years ago
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Breaking In The Delinquent

Book bag slung over my shoulder, I made my way down the cobblestone leading to the front door of a middle class townhouse. Shortly after pressing the doorbell for the third time my mother answered. I said hello and let myself in but she didn't respond. Immediately, I walked up the stairs and toward what used to be my bedroom. Not quite the way I left it. Still, my single bed sat in the corner of the room alongside the wall. The mattress and feather pillow had been stripped of their linens....

4 years ago
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Your parents finally walked out of the front door after giving you a 5 min. Lecture on behaving yourself while they're away. You disregard what they said, as usual, and go back up to your room. You turn your speakers on and raise the volume to your music all the way up. You pick up the weights you have by your bed and proceed to workout. After a few mintues go by you decide to put the dumbbells down and change out of your sweaty clothes. You take off your soaked shirt and drop your sweat pants....

1 year ago
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Milking Machine Alan

Milking Machine AlanAlan had his sweet little tongue buried inside a tight hole... his tongue tip alternately thrusting and spinning in circles. The taste and smell of warm honey flooded his mouth and nose. His hands were sliding loose skin up and down a large shaft, milking it. The staff throbbed so hard it seemed to quiver. Vibrations from the special seat he was straddling sent shock waves all the way to his cute toes. Alan and his dad both panted. They both felt so lucky to be with...

3 years ago
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Truth Hurts part 1

Shelby was happy, being a 17 year old, very pretty girl with an amazing boyfriend, who wouldn’t be? She was 5’9, 110 pounds. She played basketball, volleyball, and soccer. She wore short-shorts all the time and low cut tees that hugged her amazing round ass and size 36C breasts. Her boyfriend, Mason had medium length brown hair, a killer smile, and amazing hazel eyes. He was 5’11 and on the football team. Her best friend, Jake was gorgeous, they’d been best friends since they were 5. Little did...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 122 Saved by the Bell

When Bjorn got back to the hotel room he knew immediately that he was in trouble again. His flowers got dumped unceremoniously into a jar of water as Jessie asked him why he hadn’t responded to any of their texts and calls. Bjorn checked his phone and realized he’d put the thing on silent mode when he was having lunch with Olivia and her two friends. As he checked he saw the messages Jessie was talking about... “Come back at once. Carrie not well. Need to go to clinic immediately!” This...

3 years ago
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My boyfriend8217s brother

This is my fourth story in a series of sexual experiences I would like to share. A little about me. I am 26 years old, am 5’6″, 115#, brown hair, blue eyes, slim, and considered cute. At the time of this experience, I was 21 and had been dating my boyfriend for about 2 years. I was at my boyfriends apartment when his older brother, William stopped by. William was a few years older than Michael, but was just as, if not as sexy as Michael. I liked William for some time now and...

2 years ago
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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 6 Sins Of The Flesh

Then it was Heather herself who suggested that some tuition in singing techniques would not come amiss. She had realised that she actually had a good voice, and that money could be made as a singer; furthermore, a trained voice would be more saleable than an untrained one. It was some weeks into the singing lessons when Father Reilly's self restraint finally snapped. "There's something wrong here," he commented, "You are not breathing at the right times in the song." "I can't just...

3 years ago
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Sex Du JourChapter 16

I just don't comprehend it. What is this guy—surpassingly and extraordinarily and truly nice-looking—looking for in a worthless and valueless and rubbish girl like me. Well, if you opinion and think that because I see myself as this chicken-shit and pitiful and rubbishy and wretched, I can be simply and undeniably taken advantage of, then you are far and away and beyond question off target and erroneous and untrue about me. In truth! He is long-legged and towering high above my steep and...

8 months ago
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FamilyHookups Mckenzie Lee Gets a special apology from her stepson

McKenzie asked her stepson Robby to clean up the house while she was gone but comes home to him sleeping on the couch stoned off his ass. Robby soon gets a phone call from his father to go apologies to his stepmom which he gladly agrees too. When he finds her he walks in on her masturbating and she has no problem with it in fact the apology she is looking for involves him giving her a kiss on the lips, the other set. Lucky for McKenzie Robby is good at apologizing in multiple ways (Doggy,...

3 years ago
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Swinger couple

Met a nice couple in a generic online forum, he said they were interested in finding a nice guy for a fantasy fulfillment, which piqued my interest. We chatted a bit more and exchanged pics and he dropped the bomb on me....his hot girlfriend wanted to try dvp, which is double vaginal penetration. It only took a moment for me to figure out that would require my cock to touch his...uggh. That seemed like a pretty advanced precedure for a newbie like me. He must have sensed my hesitancy and said...

1 year ago
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Amar Ammar Birat Bacha

HI folks this is the first story by me hope u all will enjoy it. jokhon theke amar modhe joubon asche thokhon thekei ami meyeder shorirer proti khubi akristo hoi.kintu ar shobar moto ami amar shomoboyoshi meyeder proti akristo hotam na.ami shuru thekei moddho boyoshi mohilader pochondo kori.majh boyoshi mohilader boro boro dudh ar pacha deklei jibhe pani chole ashto.amader building e 3 jon aunty thake.ekjon er boyosh pray 35 hobe.besh mota ar chowra deho.dui ta meye ache tar,ekta class 5 e...

2 years ago
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She Surprised Me Part 6

I could not believe I was actually going to do this. Here I was, not a half hour ago, lying naked on my bed, partially covered by a sheet. I had just let my step-daughter Amanda's best friend Jessica perform oral sex on me. And if that wasn't enough, Jessica had convinced me to release. She let me have an orgasm in her mouth, releasing everything I had built up, and she finished it off by swallowing almost everything.What little that her small, sixteen year old teenage mouth wasn't able to...

1 year ago
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I had met you, Ronnie, in the office and, while you were getting coffee, I had a quick look in your diary and was not really surprised to find references to a whole new personality.You seemed to have a feminine side which you referred to as 'Jacquie'. I smiled to myself. With your delicate build and features you looked as much a 'Jacquie' as a Ronnie!!! When you returned I greeted you as Jacquie and you paled with shock. You were so frightened of your secret getting out that you agreed to do...

1 year ago
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Second part of the true story of previous events

Ok, so the second part of the story (part 1 here - https://xhamster.com/stories/true-story-of-something-that-happened-roughly-10-y-1012963). Since the next series of events occurred over several nights, I have decided to split the recollection into multiple parts, and will post one story for each night, rather than one long post.Again, this is a true story to the best of my recollection. There may be slight inaccuracies in wording of what was said, but the events are true, and I will also add a...

3 years ago
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Jeff and his Cousin

That summer my parents were going to Kentucky to visit our family for the week and I had to stay at my aunts house with my cousin Debbie she was 20 and didn’t feel much like going. The rest of the family was going so it would be just her and me so I packed my book in my bag because I figured I would have plenty of time there to read and look at it. When they dropped me off I help my aunt and uncle put the rest of the stuff in there car and they took off right behind my mom and dad. That day I...

2 years ago
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Author's note: There are times when we have dreams so real that they conflict with our memories. Which are the memories, and which are the dreams? Sometimes, it gets confusing. Sometimes, we have to wonder whether the memories really are memories, or if they are something else covering a deep dark secret. I welcome feedback on this story - good or bad. Please take a moment to let me know what you think. Elrodw email:...

3 years ago
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The GiftChapter 28

I had decided to wait till next week, before I'd mention Siemen's attempt at headhunting me, but when I came back to the office Alice said: "Mr. Peterson called. He'd like to see you when you returned from lunch." "Did he leave any clue as to why he wanted to see me?" "No, not a word. Just that he'd like you to come as soon as you had finished your lunch." "OK. You two hold the fort till I come back." I had not expected my planted ideas to take action so soon, but it was the...

1 year ago
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fuck To The Fullest

I was 23 when this incident happened.Those were the days after I completed my engineering in Chennai.I returned from Chennai to my home town and started preparing for TOEFL & GRE exams.We rented our top floor which consisted of two rooms to bachelor students who were studying in a college near by.I did not have any computer and so I used to study in the boy’s room which had a PC. We had a muslim maid servant named “Sakeena” who returned from Saudi.She was married and had a son.Her hubby left...

2 years ago
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The Worst Day of His Life So Far

Bart stood in front of the mirror and admired the handsome reflection that stared back at him. He'd developed some real tone over the summer and now a few weeks into his senior year at Springfield High he'd finally started to add some mass. His pecs were becoming more pronounced everyday and his lean six-pack had started to come in nicely. He flexed his thighs, his bis and his tris, even taking a moment to appreciate the way his black boxer-briefs hugged his glutes before turning around and...

3 years ago
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Healers TouchChapter 22

Kat pasted a smile on her face as she approached the small woman sitting on the exam table. She had on a rumpled robe that was belted tightly around her waist. It was quite obvious that she didn't want to be here. She stared at Kat with distrust. Kat paused and waited for the woman to speak. "I don't want to be here. I just want to go home," she said defensively. "I know. I'll make this as quick and painless as possible, Mrs..." "Eleanora. Call me Elenora." the woman...

1 year ago
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Thank you Daddy Part 3

Tom stirred, he didn’t want to wake from his dream, a dream that gave him a warm, wet sensation from his cock. As he woke he looked down to see his daughter gently nursing the tip of his hardening cock.Ella sensed that her father was awake, lifting her mouth from his cock she smiled up at him.“Morning,” she said softly, “l’m just getting him ready to play.”She returned her mouth to his cock, this time sliding her lips down over the swelling gland, taking him as deep as she could, feeling the...

3 years ago
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A Complicated Love Story Part 1

A Complicated Love Story Ravi, that is me, a divorcee who has been careless and irresponsible about my family duties. I was married to Lara and I have a teenaged daughter named Priya. Due to my careless attitude, my wife left me and it has been a year she has gone and we have not even heard a word from her. When she left suddenly, I was to take care of the family and my growing daughter. Initially, it was difficult for me to adopt to this then one day I shouted on Priya and she fled...

1 year ago
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My Brothers Genie Chapter 11

“Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me or do humans get less intelligent as time goes by?” Alexis...

2 years ago
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By Any Other Name

I reached over my head, grasping the headboard with both hands as my husband Bill worked his way down my body. His weight pinned me to the bed, deliciously helpless as his tongue flicked back and forth from one breast to the other, teasing my already stiff nipples till they were so hard they would have hurt had they not felt so good. Then his lips began their march down and all I could do was twist and turn under their assault. He showered kisses over my belly, the swell of my mound and then...

1 year ago
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Mapping geo mam lina with pen

Hi Iss readers this is my first post to iss since i have been added now.. I goona tell u the mapping story of me with my geog teacher.. Her name lina married with one child having age of 1 with nice boobs of structure 35-29-32.. She lived in the street opposite to our friends house and our friends play cricket in street before her house . While playing cricket theres s problem thats the ball hit often get into the shelves over the doors of houses so we put a boy from batting side to sit over it...

3 years ago
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A Date With Destiny 8211 Part II

Valli looked shocked but helpless as i gently kissed and nipped her toes.. but i could see she was enjoying my touch.. Her eyes gently wilting under the arousal of pleasure. I stood up & caught her shoulders and leaned over her hot frame and sucked her paan soaked lips. Wow.. How sweet her lips were, before i could let my tongue inside, she firmly pushed me away, turned her sexy back on me and stood near the window, with her head down.. i knew she just being shy. A little taken aback that she...

2 years ago
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An Opportunity Too Good to Ignore

Wendy gave a sigh as she put down the pen. The paper work was finalized and so was the marriage. She was grateful that the break-up had gone well for there was nothing worse than a murky and hostile ending to an unsuccessful marriage. The finances were halved and with what she received she decided to re-locate, not just to another town, but to another state. She bid farewell to her ex-husband and they both wished each other well as they departed from the barrister's office. She knew that it...

3 years ago
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The Bride Goes Missing

The trap bounced along the rutted dirt road, the driver was obviously under instructions to get me to my destination as quickly as possible for he had no regard for my comfort. The chest with my belongings was being bounced around and even though I had been assured that it was securely tied to the trap, I feared for some of the more fragile possessions that I had brought with me from England. This was supposed to be the happiest time of my life when I was to be with my future husband, but alas...

1 year ago
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Losing My Virginity To My Mom

A little bit of background is necessary for you guys to understand how an Indian guy got a chance to fuck his mother..So I start from describing our family.My parents have a huge age difference of 15 years. My father is 59 and mother are 44 years old. I have an elder sister and younger brother. My sister got married recently so we four stay in Mumbai. I am sure that my father hasn’t fucked my mom for 2 to 3 years as he always has some health issues. I am 23 years old and always sleep next to my...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 97

A nerdy accountant is sent to jail for embezzlement and they put him in a cell with a huge evil looking guy. The big guy says “I want to have some sex. You wanna be the husband or the wife?” The accountant replies “Well, if I have to be one or the other, I guess I’d rather be the husband”. The big guy says “Okay. Now get over here and suck your wife’s dick”. A guy is watching a film with creepy organ music on the TV and suddenly yells “No! No! Don’t enter that church, you damn fool”. His...

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Non FictionI was working a construction site doing some HVAC work. The general contractor was a golfing buddy and this was the first time we worked together.He was doing an addition to a farm house and Polly was the owner. She is very outspoken and to the point. Jack told me in the time he was working there she expressed more than a business interest in him and he kept telling her he was happily married. Knowing his wife as I did, she would have done a Lorraine Bobbick on him in a heart beat...

1 year ago
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The Property Problem

Remember: Your ratings decide weather I make a part 2 or not! Max is a real estate agent, and he has just discovered that his new client will pay millions for the property connected to a Kristen McLaren’s residence. He has talked to her on the phone once before, and she wasn’t interested in selling. The next day he decides to pay her a visit. She seemed very annoyed on the subject, but she allows him in. Kristen is a 5'5" blond with a killer body, yet Max didn’t seem to notice. She...

4 years ago
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We Werent Prepared For Camping Chapter 2

Finally arriving at our camping spot, we chucked off our backpacks and started to get set up with the towels, blankets, hamper and other things. I hung the swing chair and string hammock while JJ attended to the other preparations for our day at the beach.Having made this our regular weekend retreat, we had made a few frames on previous visits. These supported the hammock and swing so that it was easy to get settled in quickly. We remained almost hidden from the main traffic to and from the...

2 years ago
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The Golden Road

Chapter 1 -- Dark as Wine In your presence, my posture changes. My shoulders are slightly rounded. I let my long black hair cover my face. My eyes tend downwards. It's not deliberate. It's the effect your presence has on me. This is not a game. You do not call me "slut, bitch, whore". I do not call you "master, owner". I don't pretend to understand a relationship where those words mean anything. But I submit to you entirely, knowing that in doing so, I am letting you become a part of my...

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Lily part 1

Its July 4th week-end and as always its Chris & Nicki’s annual backyard bash. All of our friends are here. The pool is being used, people are eating, drinking and laughing. As I am talking to some of my buddies by the grill I notice a gorgeous brunette wearing a plain white tank top and jean cutoff shorts come out of the house and onto the patio. My eyes follow as she looks around unsure of where to go. I excuse myself from the boys and walk over to her. Each step I take she becomes more and...

2 years ago
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The Stepsister Part 13

~~Start of Part 13 ~~ They finish up the final things and we all get a plate and sit down at the table and start eating. I notice Mandy has something on her mind, so I say, “what’s up Mandy you are thinking hard about something?” She says oh nothing, just thinking hon…” Becky looks at her and says, “come on now, we have all had some pretty deep discussions here…hell you all know my husband is fucking a 17-year-old…” Mandy relents and says, “Ok, god this is embarrassing…ok, Hon, would you mind...

3 years ago
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Pajama Party

About a month ago, a local woman’s group sent Vicki a letter, asking her to speak at one of their upcoming meetings. Since my wife is an accredited counselor, they requested that she talk about, ‘How to handle sexual harassment in the workplace,’ and then host a question and answer session afterwards. Vicki was quick to reply, saying that she would be happy to help. Truth be known, my wife is well qualified to speak on the subject of ‘sexual harassment.’ When she was young she had a well paying...

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Sathi8217s nasty dream

Sathi watched the turd descend, straight towards her mouth. A big, fat piece of shit, tan in color. Maybe an inch in thickness and, so far, almost 5 inches had slid out of her mother’s asshole and it was still coming. All at once, Sathi woke up. Her pajamas were soaked with sweat and her fingers were stroking her clit. Why did she have this terribly filthy dream… But Sathi knew good and well why. Awake, she had seen her mother’s big rump often as she bounced around between bedroom and bathroom,...

3 years ago
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Still DaddysGirl

I last left you with just having gone to the toy store with John’s aunt DeRonda. It turned out to be a porno shop where we brought some toys. We had forgotten them, as we were busy in the back room where there were glory holes. I also had my first taste of black cock and it was a huge black cock. I must say I rather enjoyed myself especially sucking on that big black cock. We arrived back at DeRonda’s house; we had been gone for almost 3 hours. We found John fast asleep on the sofa. He was...

2 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 52 Home

Anne met Will and Mary's plane. Waiting for the bags, Anne clung to Will, kissing him and hugging. When they got home, Mary started the round of hugs with the others, Anne took Will upstairs. At supper, Sigrid said, "Should we call them, Mary?" "No, Sigrid, let's make up a tray. I'll take it up." Alex went with her, knocked on the door and opened it. Mary went in with the tray. Will and Anne were lying in the bed, spent but joined. Anne's face shone with joy. Mary set the tray on a...

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