A Day At School Part 2 free porn video

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Writer Notes: Oh yeah this is a sequel to my fist story, The Car Wash. I am starting what I see to be the main conflict of the story, just imagine The Car Wash to be a prologue to this story, especially with how badly it is written, looking back on it, tons of continuity, spelling, and grammar mistakes. I am hoping that this story is much better, I am honestly more interested in the characters. I think I should also tell you the school schedule for some of the major players. Cathy and Kim share all the same classes, it was something Kim requested back when Cathy was a shy nice girl with bully problems, but it stuck even after the changes. Samantha only shares the first class and lunch period with Cathy and Kim. Billie is in more advanced classes than all of them and Emma is in lower classes, they all share the same lunch though. Morning Lessons Cathy entered the school doors and went to her locker saying goodbyes to Billie and Eaton, her and Kim walked up to Cathy's locker and Cathy pulled out her books. It was silly to think about but Cathy still found herself making sure her grades were good. It was after all the best way to ensure that none of the teachers ever went after her and her little gang. Well except Mr. Daniels, he was always getting on her and Kim's case. She wondered if he got on Billie's case now, strange she knew that the person who made the change was supposed to automatically understand all the changes but since sis had done it and she just was holding onto her she didn't know the changes. Oh well, Mr. Daniels was her third class and was something she was looking forward to, she could just change him now, but she wanted to watch him change, she wanted him to know. "Hey Kim," Cathy started, "some crazy shit is going to happen today, I want you to know that I like you, and I will never do anything to ruin our relationship. For the first time since George ran away I feel excited about coming to school so I am going to do one small thing, it will help you understand what is going on." With that Cathy started pressing on her bracelet, it looked strange to Kim but a second later she looked up and understood Cathy had been given godlike powers and was going to use them right. Kim got that grin she got whenever Cathy was thinking of something amazing and Kim was ready to go along for the ride. "I just want a quick test Cathy, you understand right. Well how about," Kim looked around, "Kurt over there, he is a boring normal guy, how about making him like Rachel, the bear fan Rachel." "Oh Kim, Rachel would have no idea how to handle interacting with someone from the real world. That sounds hilarious. Let's do it." Cathy was laughing and pushed the buttons on the bracelet. She made sure to tell Kim to grab her hand and finished entering in the code. Across the hall Kurt shook his head, Cathy observed this seems to happen almost every time the bracelet was used with only by her knowledge her not shaking her head, but she really could not remember. "Oh god Kim, he is walking towards Rachel, this is going to be great." Kurt shook his head and looked up. "Where is Rachel?" he thought. He couldn't remember when but he certainly wanted to meet her before the classes started and chat with her a bit, who knows, maybe he could test the waters on if she liked him. That worried him though, what if she didn't, how could he make her like him. He had seen she had some cartoon folder maybe he could consider that, see if they could find common ground. First things first though, he needed to find her and at least see her face. He walked off in a bit of a rush hoping it wasn't too obvious. Cathy and Kim laughed even more, they couldn't believe what they had just seen, in fact it made Cathy feel a little good to make that change, like it felt correct. She just smiled, and honestly wanted a cigarette, her heart was pounding a bit after it. Kim and Cathy went to their first class of the day, biology, taught by Mr. Frederick. He was a lanky teacher who you could tell did not want to be teaching first thing in the morning. He always brought a container full of "coffee" to class and just sat around reading notes from a power point he had written some time before. Cathy had heard second hand that the classes he taught later in the day were a lot more alive and he was very popular if you could avoid the first class he taught of the day. Cathy had not been that lucky and she sat in her seat and tried to stay awake. Mr. Frederick came in as he almost always did, with a yawn and a small wave to the children he was going to have to teach for the day. His class had somehow managed to survive him trying to teach the basics of taxonomic ranks and he was going to have to start going into specifics today. He set up his power point on domains and started his dull monotone voice, "As we already learned domains are the largest of all ranks..." he dulled on. Cathy couldn't help but yawn just like almost the entire class. A few students seemed to be serious about trying to get something form the lesson but Cathy knew it was a waste of time, she would just go home and read up on whatever key words he talked about. As she started to drift off to sleep, Cathy got an idea, she would make Mr. Frederick a morning person. He would come in and care about teaching his students. Cathy tried to think of any reason to not do it then decided that if something went wrong, hell, she could change him back. Trying not to be seen Cathy pressed a few buttons on her bracelet and made Mr. Frederick much more active for his students in his 8 am class. "So, like I was saying kids, there are three types of domains, who can say what they are, Samantha, how about you?" At this Samantha stood up, what the heck had just happened, Mr. Frederick had been his just been his normal dull self, Samantha could not even remember the last time he had asked someone a question. "Um," Samantha tried to think quick, "Plants, Animals, Fungi?" "Sorry Samantha that is wrong, but don't get down we all make mistakes, the first one as I was saying is Archaea, then there is Bacteria, probably the most well-known, and then Eucarya, which include the plants, animals, fungi you mentioned, as well as protist which we will cover more heavily once we get to Kingdoms." Samantha was quite amazed, that might have been the most Mr. Frederick had said to one single student all year. Samantha looked around and found much to her surprise nearly the entire class was paying attention, well almost the entire class, Cathy sitting in her corner with Kim was just staring at her bracelet smiling. This went on for the rest of the class, and Samantha had to admit, it was probably the best class she had ever seen Mr. Frederick teach, finally she was seeing the Mr. Frederick that she had heard so much about, the one that was Lex's favorite teacher. Samantha couldn't wait to tell him. "So, Kim what did you think of the class today?" Cathy asked Kim as they were leaving. "Oh, it was about as good as normal, I have to say, this stupid school seemed to luck into quite the gem with him." Cathy just started laughing a bit. "What so funny Cathy?" "You didn't notice, heck no one did, this bracelet is amazing." "What did you do Cathy?" Kim seemed a bit concerned that she did not notice a change, it made her feel a bit paranoid about being around Cathy. "Oh, I just made him a morning person, used to be he would just dully read the slides he made every day, but today he was engaging, and a bit hard on us to be honest, after Samantha missed that one question he seemed to be a bit less lenient on us." Cathy thought it was a little weird Samantha had missed the question that was asked right after the change she made but just put it up to a coincidence, she knew she could control people's perception on changes but she didn't know from all her knowledge of the programs in her device of an ability to be immune to the changes unless it was programmed in. Between classes Samantha ran over to Lex's locker to tell him what had happened. When she got there, she laid a kiss on his lips like she always did and started to talk about her first class. "I get it Samantha, Mr. Frederick is so great for you kids who get him for the first class of the day, well guess what Samantha, I get him at the end of the day, by then he is tired and quite frankly a dull, dull, dull teacher. He just reads out slides obviously trying to make it through the school day so he can get home and get some rest. I have already told you I am jealous of this so I don't know why you are bringing it up again." At this Samantha just stood there for a second before saying she was sorry and needed to get her things for their 2nd period class of European History. Samantha went to her locker grabbed her textbook and tried to figure out what was going on. She knew that Mr. Frederick used to be a boring teacher, she had heard Lex talk him up as his favorite teacher a bunch, to the point where she was as annoyed hearing about it as Lex seemed to be hearing about the morning person that Mr. Frederick was. This was quite strange and to Samantha it seemed vaguely familiar. Not much happened in Cathy's second class, Literature, she got a bit tired, and just made it so her teacher, Ms. Harrison would not care that she slept through class. It was by far Cathy's worst class, but she did not care. She woke up at the bell and looked at the red splotch on her arm where her head had been and stuck out her tongue at it. It looked quite bad on her. She had rested so she could completely enjoy the show she was about to start; next up was Math with Mr. Daniels. "Hey Kim before we go in there, I am going to make a little signal with my arm, like a wave to you, when I do this, make sure you touch me. We are not going to have to deal with Mr. Daniels after today." Kim nodded, knew Cathy was up to something and prepared to watch their least favorite teacher fall apart. Mr. Daniels welcomed each student into the class with a pop quiz as he normally did and commented on each student. Calling out Rachel's childish binder, Tom's bad eyesight, Phil's bald spot. Finally, Kim and Cathy walked in. "Ah I see you two smell like cigarettes like you always do, try to get at least a 20 on this you two delinquents." They both looked at him with steely eyes and he just scoffed a laugh and went to his desk. "You all have 10 minutes, begin." Cathy always knew it pissed off Mr. Daniels that she and Kim were not your stereotypical stupid delinquents, while they weren't the smartest students in class, that was obviously Li Jing, they were in the top half and had solid B- to C+ grades. Cathy sat down and went to work on the quiz, it wasn't too horrible, she knew she missed one or two questions, but she would be fine. It didn't really matter though, she imagined her grades were getting ready to be changed anyway, hopefully for the better. Cathy gave Kim the signal as she finished the quiz and Kim grabbed hold of her arm, which again made Cathy feel good. She put in a couple direction for the device and pressed enter to start it. Mr. Daniels looked at his students with disdain, he knew it was not their fault his wife had left him but he was happy to have a place to vent his anger. He looked at them all, trying to figure out what to do next, he was going to teach them, that is what he was payed for after all but maybe he would only teach them the hard way to do linear algebra. He started to prep writing on the board when suddenly he felt a little dizzy and had to shake his head. It was so bad he had to sit down. He sat down for a second and cleared out the cobwebs in his head. He started to stand back up then got hit with a much bigger dizzy spell. At this point he imagined the students were getting restless or concerned so he looked up and just saw them pulling out notebooks and the like. "Bunch of ingrates" Mr. Daniels thought but didn't say out loud. He noticed something about his voice there, it was a little higher than he remembered it sounding in his head. He must be really feeling bad if he was hearing voices. "Mr. Daniels is something okay?" Derrick looked up and saw it was Cathy who was asking. "That's strange, since when did Cathy care about anyone but her little gang?" Derrick looked at Cathy again and could see she was just smiling. He went to stand up and when he did, something felt off, he couldn't put his finger on it though, so he went up to the board. He reached up to start writing down today's lesson when he realized he was struggling to reach the top of the board, something he never seemed to recall being a problem before. He heard some slight chuckling behind himself and turned around, on the way though he got a look at himself in the reflection of a window and could not believe his eyes. He looked as he did when he was 17 years old, the same age as the students in his class. At this Derrick thought he must be having a nightmare so he pinched his cheek, he let out a small yelp and more of the class started to laugh. "Hey Derrick what are you doing up there, the teacher should be here any minute," Li called out to him, obviously trying to look good for whenever the teacher came in. Derrick stood there shocked, what had happened to his control over the classroom, if Li, the teacher's pet had turned on him, something was obviously wrong. At this Cathy realized she had not set up a new teacher to teach the class, she had to think fast and well, Li was the best student in the class. So, Cathy pushed some more buttons and Li got up out of his seat and walked up to the board. "Derrick I ask that you please sit down and do not interrupt my class. If you have questions you can wait till I ask for them, or after class to ask me." Derrick felt off but walked to Li's old seat, for some reason he felt like it was his own and needed to sit there and pay attention. "Wow you made him younger, that is pretty funny Cathy," Kim whispered into Cathy's ear. "Just wait Kim, the real show is just about to start." Cathy started staring straight at Derrick. "Okay Derrick don't freak out, let's see what do I know. I am 17 years old, I go to this school, I seem to still have my knowledge of this class so I can ignore this class and think. I have a mother and father who love me a lot, that is an improvement over how things used to be with them both dead. I was dating some chick, I don't remember her name but I remember really liking her, wasn't she my wife before. Oh well. Sometime in the last year I really started to fill out and the boys started to notice me more than before." Erica stopped thinking for a second and tried to figure out what she just thought. "AHHHHHHHHH," Erica screamed at the top of her lungs and the whole class looked at her. She ran out of the classroom and straight to a bathroom, first a male one, then after screaming again, a female one where she locked herself into a toilet and started to cry. Cathy could not help but laugh at this while the rest of the class started talking amongst themselves about what they had just witnessed. In the toilet Erica sat there and cried going back into her mind. "I am a girl now, I know that is new." Whatever had been going on had really messed her up. She felt her breast and then check for her penis she knew was not there. She then cried some more. She should have checked herself in the mirror, her memories said she looked hot, which did give her some relief, at least she would be able to depend on looks. Going back into her mind she realized she was still good at math, so she would be able to lean on that still, maybe become a math teacher again. All in all, this was coming quite easily to her, was the lie she told herself as she continued to cry the whole time. The door to the bathroom opened and Erica could hear someone walk in. "Erica are you in here?" Erica knew that voice, it was Cathy, the toughest chick in school, she was not in the mood to deal with her today. "Or should I say Mr. Daniels." With this she was ready to leave when she could hear some tears being swallowed up and Erica walked out of a stall. "What the heck did you do to me?" "Ah heck, that is something that is going to have to change. Well Erica, I changed you, got sick of you acting so high and mighty because you were a teacher and pissing me off. It's a bummer too, the last two teachers I had, I made the first one better, and just made the second one ignore me, but you, oh you dick. Or should I say cunt now, is there a good female version of dick? Interesting." "Bitch, Cathy, bitch," Erica corrected her. "Oh thanks, that is the type of thinking I am looking forward to being on my side. You see I have a proposition for you, I am going to let you remember how your old life used to be, how you were a math teacher who had it all, well as much as a math teacher on a power trip could have, but I could take that away in a second. All you must do is ask me to, beg me, kiss my feet if you feel like it. I think it is a good proposition, you will be me, Kim's, Emma's, and Billie's toy, but you won't mind because that will be how it always was. Or you could stay in here, thinking about your old life, how I destroyed it, and may make worst honestly, and no one will believe you." Cathy attempted an evil laugh that got her point across quite well. "Listen bitch," Erica started, "why should I believe anything you say, how will I know you won't just laugh at me kissing your feet?" "Have you noticed you still act a bit like a man Erica? You are trying to push yourself as the one in power, well guess what?" Cathy grabbed Erica's hand and twisted it behind her back. "I am the one in power here, you are a weak fragile girl who me and my friends will destroy, and only us will know why. I imagine you last less time than George did when we focused on him." Cathy let go and gave Erica a look like a devil. "And if I do say yes Cathy?" Erica asked. "You become part of my gang like I said and you enjoy it, you enjoy life, in fact," Cathy pulled out a pack of cigarettes and held one out to Erica, "have one of these and that will seal the deal. You have till the end of the day to answer Derrick, oh excuse me, Erica." Cathy laughed again and left Erica in there alone. Erica went back into the bathroom stall, closed and locked the door and started thinking about what she would want. What her parents would say, what her sisters would say, what her friends would say. Then Erica remembered, she had no friends since Cathy's gang had set their targets on her. Cathy went back to class and nothing of interest happened. As it ended she and Kim prepared to go to lunch when out of the corner of her eye Cathy saw Lavina in the hallway waving to her and Kim to come over. "What are you doing here sis? How did you even get in here without anyone noticing?" At his Lavina gave Cathy a quick you know how stare and Cathy shook her head. "Well Cathy, Kim I guess too, I think you should both skip lunch, using the device a little this morning got me up for using it a bit more, and well I have not used the randomize option in a long time, and well where else better than lunch. So, I suggest you and your gang skip lunch today for your own safety." Cathy understood what sis was saying, the device was truly intoxicating and she was having some trouble not using it all the time, she figured it was just because she was new. "Okay sis, hey Kim round up the gang, we going to go out for a smoke break, I have been feeling the need for one for a while anyway." Kim shook her head and started to go round up Emma and Billie. "Well sis, see you later, I think I like this thing," she said pointing at the device. Lavina walked the halls without anyone even noticing her to the cafeteria except for one person. "Who's was that?" Samantha asked Lex before they went into the cafeteria together.

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"Oh no, oh no no no!"This was the third time in as many days that Christy had found herself in this situation: rushing to the bathroom with an intense urge to pee, fearing she may not make it in time. The first time she'd been lucky and managed to get to the toilet just in time to go, the second time she wasn't as lucky but had at least managed to get her pants off and only wet her panties. This time, however, as she rounded the corner towards the bathroom she was dismayed to see the door...

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Sunday school teacher

Her name is Mrs. Jones. She was my Sunday school teacher and confirmation teacher. She was very prim and proper. Neat tidy business style dresses. She was thin with dark brown hair. She always took classes very seriously, but she was always staring at me during class. One Sunday morning,when I was 13, she told me to stay after and help her pick up, which I found odd, since her son was there. He was actually a friend of mine. But I knew better than to make waves at church. When her son had gone...

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Holidaying with a school friend Part 1

It was the last day of the summer term and I was full of the holiday spirit. In less than a weeks time my parents and I were off to the Caribbean for a two-week break. For the last few days I have been talking about nothing else. Friends in my form must have been getting fed up with me, I am sure Cora was and told me as much. “Anna you might think the holiday sounds great, but you could have as much fun on an English beach.” Jealous or what? The bombshell was dropped during one of our rare...

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Holidaying with a school friend Part 2

I took my shower earlier the next morning. I usually do not mind showering with Cora, but today was different. I did not want her, to see the welts on my bottom. Unfortunately, Cora had also decided to take an early shower. “Morning, Anna” “What! Oh good morning Cora” “Anna, your bottom, was it Alex?” “Yes” “Did he fuck you?” “Yes,” “Were you?” “Yes, he was the first boy I had sex with” “Poor Anna” “Cora, has he done it to you?” “The spankings and canings yes, sex no” “Sure?” ...

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Holidaying with a school friend Part 2

I took my shower earlier the next morning. I usually do not mind showering with Cora, but today was different. I did not want her, to see the welts on my bottom. Unfortunately, Cora had also decided to take an early shower. “Morning, Anna” “What! Oh good morning Cora” “Anna, your bottom, was it Alex?” “Yes” “Did he fuck you?” “Yes,” “Were you?” “Yes, he was the first boy I had sex with” “Poor Anna” “Cora, has he done it to you?” “The spankings and canings yes, sex no” “Sure?” ...

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Holidaying with a school friend Part 1

It was the last day of the summer term and I was full of the holiday spirit. In less than a weeks time my parents and I were off to the Caribbean for a two-week break. For the last few days I have been talking about nothing else. Friends in my form must have been getting fed up with me; I am sure Cora was and told me as much.“Anna you might think the holiday sounds great, but you could have as much fun on an English beach.”Jealous or what?The bombshell was dropped during one of our rare family...

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Sundays Child

Sunday's Child By Ginny Wolf And the child that is born on the Sabbath day Is bonny and blithe and good and gay. Diary Entry: Friday, February 22, 1924 This day I turn 78 years of age. I feel fortunate to have lived such a long life. However, I must unburden my soul before I die which may be soon, given the weakness of my heart. What follows here, dear diary, I swear is the God's honest truth, no matter how strange it may seem. I began keeping this diary on the day I became...

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Miss Sue Sheri and Me Home schooling Part 1

This is a true story related to me by a long time childhood friend from a time when we were in high school. He told me this story one night after a few drinks and he knew I was writing a book about sexual experiences. I will not identify anyone by their last names. It involved 3 people. As I write this I will emphasize conversations between the parties as to allow the reader to better understand this story. MISS SUE; About early 60s, tall and average build, always short...

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Sunday School Piano Player

This story begins in 2006. I was coming up on a move from Anchorage, Alaska to Columbia, South Carolina. I decided to use some online dating sites to maybe lay some groundwork to hook up with some women in SC. I had started talking to this (as I saw in photos) extremely cute, busty 18 year old girl. We shall call her Diane for the sake of anonymity. We talked casually for a few months via Yahoo messenger and grew to know quite a bit about each other. She was a big fan of my favorite band...

4 years ago
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Daycare Charge

Little Accidents: "Oh no, oh no no no!" This was the third time in as many days that Christy had found herself in this situation: rushing to the bathroom with an intense urge to pee, fearing she may not make it in time. The first time she'd been lucky and managed to get to the toilet just in time to go, the second time she wasn't as lucky but had at least managed to get her pants off and only wet her panties. This time, however, as she rounded the corner towards the bathroom she was dismayed to...

2 years ago
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When Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly They Are PaddledOn Guard

When Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly, They Are Paddled. Part 1, ?On Guard?Disclaimer:  Warner Brothers and their studio partners own the show and characters depicted in the show.   All similarities to persons living or dead are pure coincidence. .This story is a parody and the story begins with girls behaving badly.  Rory is accosted and pulled into an in prop meeting, coup held in preparation to remove Paris as editor of the school paper.  Her demands and constant re-writes have caused a mutiny...

2 years ago
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Daytona Day 1 of 5

Daytona Day 1 of 5 I am only going to set this up once so… Master had 5 of his buddies over last Sunday (2/21/16) to watch the Daytona 500. It was in the mid 40’s so my naked ass was outside grilling some food and the guys were just sitting around shooting the shit. For those that don’t know, I am a 24/7 sub/slave for my husband/Master so at home I am always nude. Anyway, eventually the talk turned to the race and who they thought was going to do what. I am and always have been a big Dale Jr....

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Daytona Beach DesireChapter 1

Winter in northern Michigan gets cold, damn cold, every year. There is always enough snow on the ground to suit the most finicky snow lover. Hell, during the worst of the winter, we walk through tunnels of snow piled high along the sidewalks, higher than I can even reach in some cases. The college has some high powered sidewalk snow blowers that can send a solid column of snow about forty feet into the air. By January, every sidewalk has become a trough through the accumulated snow that can...

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Saturday Night School pt1 loyalsock

As Charlie Tucker pulled into the parking lot of the school, he wondered, as he often did on Saturdays, what other seniors did on their Saturday nights. Was he missing out on anything that he would later regret? Wild parties, like in the movies, where parents were out of town and everything was chaos? Or were those types of parties just fiction, and everyone was sitting at home on their computers or binging on TV?He had two juniors assisting in the AV room, Dinesh and Michael, and those two had...

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Holidays with Peggy my wifes sisterpart2

So nothing else happened that night between me and Peggy, and I needed the rest so my sore cock could heel. The next day was Thanksgiving, spent with the whole family, again pretty tame day, no sex. On Nov 25th, the day after Thanksgiving, I had to be in work early, but also got to leave early. I got home and as I walked inside I heard the shower running. I went upstairs and figured it was my wife, it was. I stripped down and hopped in with her. We started messing around and eventually ended up...

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Catholic Schoolteacher

Catholic Schoolteacher I had been a schoolteacher for quite awhile and had even retired after thirty years of service but when Father Tom asked me to join the staff at the Catholic High School I did. He asked me to do so as a personal favor to him. He was not in the habit of asking me personal favors so I knew that he needed my help desperately. I soon realized why he was so desperate in the first place. The money was ridiculous, the classrooms were only half full, and they were...

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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 11 Sues Sexy Schoolteacher

Posted: April 21, 2002 - 12:00:00 am All good things must come to an end and the college student's summer sojourn with his aunt and her nubile daughters was no exception. His amoral activities during his four-month visit did, however, have a lasting effect that went beyond the debauchment of his adolescent cousins and the first manifestation effect of this involved eleven-year-old Sue. Dear Dairy - I sure miss Bill. And Jan, too. Cept she's sposed to be home weekends. I think Mom guessed...

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Birthday Pe School Friend Ki Chudai

Hello everyone, I am Samar and I am back with my new story. I know is waqt aap sabhi hilane mein ya ungli dalne me busy ho. To direct mudde ki baat pe aate hai. Sabse pehle hilana band kardo or ladkiya apne chut se hath hata do. Ab story pe aate hai. Ye story meri or meri ek school friend ki hai. Uska name Misty hai. Wo din mera birthday tha. So mere sabhi school friends ne mujhe surprise dene ke liye, subh subh mere ghar aa gaye. Me tabhi so kar utha tha, or baki friends bhi waise hi aaye the,...

3 years ago
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Meeting My Schooling Friend

Hello every one i am Jona from Hyderabad. All the ladies and girls can catch me at Its a story between me and my school mate whom we met through school whatsapp group. The name of the heroine for this story is Priya. When we are in school, she was the dull student so no boy showed interest in her. But she is cute. All my class girls used to say that she had crush on me. I never care it as in childhood studies are more important. I saw her photo in Whatsapp Group members and she was stunning...

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My girlfriend moves to a schoolappartment

My girl gasped loud, O that big fucking cock are really filling me up so nice. Im impressed that you that is so small and have a so tight cunt could get me in balls deep. Shut up and just fuck me with that wonder-tool, my fiancee must wait for a while before I can feel him again. He really fucked her and she came nearly all the time. I had been a good lover I thought for three years to my tender slim girlfriend.She was a sight for males, a slutty looking girl.She always flirted with the boys...

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Daycare Charge Part 2

Summary:Christy continues to try and get a hold on her potty training while the results of her bet with Stacy hang in the balance.Chapter TextThe Daycare Charge, Chapter 2 - The BetIn the hours after accepting the bet and her rather embarrassing addition to the potty training chart, Christy tried her best to continue doing her job in addition to the attention she was paying to not poop her pants again. For the most part, her job consisted of watching over and assisting the c***dren they had at...

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Sissy Sisters Schooling

SISSY SISTERS SCHOOLING by Throne "You know, sissy husbands aren't born... they're made. You have to teach them to be what you want." Tanya looked at her friend for a reaction. "I suppose you're right," Chelsea said with a thoughtful nod. "Though it helps if they're weak-willed to begin with." "For sure. I mean, our wimpy husbands are perfect examples. They were just waiting to be turned into pansy boys. But it wouldn't have happened without us. They needed to be...

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wednesday school

Wednesday,I was awaken up around 3am with a message from mistress. All it said was fuck yourself, cum and stuff the butt plug in your ass until you get back and do not change clothes. I set the clock for an hour earlier than normal and when it went off I got up and proceeded right to the strap on and started riding it as instructed by mistress Sami. I rode it hard and then started riding it fast and then I started cumming I rode the strap-on until I finished cumming and it felt so good. ...

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Saturday Night School pt2 loyalsock

Where?""Rewind. Back there!""Oh, yeah. Too far away to see anything, though.""But it means it's real! They really took her outside where someone driving by could see her!""Yeah, seems like they did." Charlie glanced at Michelle. She was clearly enthralled by the video, and it gave him the opportunity to let his gaze linger on her body without being noticed. She was sitting with her legs together, but he could still see a sliver of dark pubic hair just below her belly button. He followed the...

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School of blowjob schoolgirlssexporn stories

When Laura Becker landed a teaching job at Fitzmoore College she was delighted, although she was to be the only female member of the faculty. It was an all male institution, very much into sports and both students and faculty members were built for action. She figured if she couldn’t land a boyfriend in this muscle-bound oasis – then there was no hope. He first few dates were with an assistant football coach, and they always ended up in a sports bar. The last time he took her out was on her...

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Holiday Surprise part2

We collected Jack and Lilley fromthe sailing school and we couldn’t stop them talking and telling us about their day and how awesome it had been as we walked back to the hotel. So Henry and I were not the only ones to have had a remarkable day. That evening Jack and I ate in the hotel and after dinner I went into the bar and Jack went to the children’s games area. A little later Henry and Lilley came in. “Jacks in the games area,” I informed them. “Thanks,” Lilley replied before heading off...

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Holiday Surprise part2

We collected Jack and Lilley fromthe sailing school and we couldn’t stop them talking and telling us about their day and how awesome it had been as we walked back to the hotel. So Henry and I were not the only ones to have had a remarkable day. That evening Jack and I ate in the hotel and after dinner I went into the bar and Jack went to the children’s games area. A little later Henry and Lilley came in. “Jacks in the games area,” I informed them. “Thanks,” Lilley replied before heading off...

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Deeply Relished The Paradisaical Sex Trap Set Up By My Two Gorgeous Schoolmates

Hi friends. I am Arun and I’m 23 years old. I’m here to share with you my back to back absorbing sex encounters with 2 of my schoolmate beauties Poornima and Prathiba whom I met after 6 long years. I had no contact with them from the time we completed +2. Prathiba is a Malayalam babe, fair complexion, slim with some fat and flesh in her arms and thighs. She is a real beauty. Poornima is a brahmin, wheatish complexion, slim and a bit skinny. She looks too hot. In fact I used to see both of them...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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The Home Schooling Years

GREASING THE PISTONS AND LUBING THE RODS...Ross Barker heard unusual noises coming from the engine room. It sounded like the deckhand Marcus was being attacked by a wild bear. Making Ross' hero scream and squeal. The savage bear was growling and grunting like a heavy diesel engine. Pounding its way upstream on a fast-flowing river.The then 16-year-old Ross had just finished 5 years of basic nautical schooling. Learning a trade like his father. But after 5 years of education ashore, he...

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My Highschool Counselor

My highschool was same like all the highschool around the country. Freshmen sluts, popular groups, sports, and everything that you'd think to be in a highschool. I was a normal kid through out my highschool years. I had some relationship with girls, had good friends, and overall good memories. One of the best decision was that I was in my student government. I made many friends in there and planned exciting things for my students. But that wasn't the reason why it was the best decision in...

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Highschool Reunion

I’m a family man aged 24 My son is two years old and my wife is 22. We are of hispanic descent. My wife is 5’1′ almost a foot shorter than me. My dick is a thick 10′ long hose. After the kid, sex has slowed down as she’s too worried about Javier Jr to have sex. She has also gained a lot of weight since she had the kid. She wasn’t too thin to start out with either but in highschool my wife was a thin Latina with a rocking ass. I still workout to stay in shape but my schedule is less flexible...

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The Highschool Life of Ry Ch1

Introduction: Alright you guys, here is the complete version of this chapter as well as a promise from myself, that there will be many many chapters to come. to give you an idea, these first chapters will be apart of book one: Sophomore Year. I am planning to have 3 total books for highschool (sophomore, junior, senior) then the College life saga will begin. This will only continue through the positive feedback in the comments, I do not care about votes. I will say there is not sex here in the...

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Home Schooled Siblings

Home Schooled SiblingsBy: Londebaaz Chohan Sylvia was almost 6 years younger to me but growing up to be a very tight woman with just the right amount of meat at all the desired places of her body. Since the split of our parents; we both were living with the parents of our dad because our mother was a drunk bitch woman who fought tooth and nails to get the custody as against our dad but soon after she ran away with some of her lover who also did arrange for her smokes and drinks in addition to...

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Ellies endofschool party

“Why not daddy?” “Because every young male who sees you will want to fuck you.” “Do you want to fuck me daddy?” “Yes Ellie. When I see you so nearly naked, I too want to fuck you. However I am much more mature, and better able to restrain myself than the young men that you will be partying with tonight” Our discussion was cut short by the front door bell. Ellie opened the door and her boyfriend, Greg, came in. After giving Ellie a passionate kiss, which she returned...

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Caught In A Girls School Summer Dress part

If you've read the first two chapters, scroll down or read again.As I came down the staircase I heard a key turning in the front door, thinking it must be one of my sisters back from University, for the weekend, I carried on bouncing down each riser so the skirt of my dress would lift up. My mum had left me a note saying she would be home late tonight, so I had the whole evening to dress as I pleased, I wouldn't have minded being caught dressed by Mrs White, from next door, she had seen me in...

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