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Sarah slept a sound sleep with Cara's arm wrapped around her. Her sleep was the deepest, most relaxing night's rest she ever had. Sarah was going to wake up more recharged and alive than she ever had as James. The new lady was going to need all the energy which came from her sleep of the just. She has just started to be. If a person was really alive, they are always changing and becoming who they were. This was no different for Sarah. The past month was one of personal growth for the lady. She went from being an average college student to being an average college student. The difference was before Sarah was a female, hiding behind a false male persona, now she was just herself. This paramount change in being had Sarah needing to learn to be. The new lady was not sure of whom she was. She knew she was a female, but how much of her life as James was Sarah shining through herself imposed prison; and how much of it was Sarah protecting her secret from everyone, even herself. Sarah woke up and saw the lady who owned her heart right next to her. Having her giggle twin to share her life, made Sarah feel the future had as many possibilities as a dream. She got out of the bed and Cara open her eyes and stirred some. When the lady, still lying down saw her girlfriend, a smile came across her face. At that moment, it felt right to be with Sarah. "Cara, my love, I was going to get myself some coffee, would you like a cup?" Cara said, "I would love one," as she reach out to grab Sarah's chemise. Then she pulls Sarah closer to her and greeted her love with a good morning kiss. Cara liked how she was a little assertive; and Sarah liked how open Cara was with showing affection On her way to get coffee, Sarah thought about how those words, 'my love', just came out naturally and without thinking. This was so new to Sarah, before, when playing the role of James, the lady was very cautious about using any pet terms with the girls she dated. Even when she thought she was in love, Sarah would wait until she knew how the other felt. Her carefulness was to protect the both of them. She did not want to put her heart out to be rejected, and also, did not want to force the lady she was seeing in saying something which was not true. Was her casually using 'my love' from Sarah being more of a risk taker than James, the special situation of those two building up a close bond before a date or even a kiss, or a combination of both? Sarah would contemplate that question while getting them coffee. The lady playing waitress was pleasantly surprise when she knew the answer would not come to her till later. Before, as James, she would have needed to know, she would have needed to be sure. The lady still had the strong desire to know herself, but she was able to cope with the fact she needed to discover who she really was, what it meant to be Sarah. Cara was putting on her robes, as her Catholic guilt came back to visit her. The pangs of conscience came from the teaching of Holy Mother Church. Her desire to be with Sarah was a sin in a few different ways according to her faith. It was sex before marriage, which came from caring for another person, confused the lady of faith. There was no intention of procreation. And lastly, it would have been sex with someone of the same gender. Cara did have true faith in the Church. The devoted lady's conviction was her congregation in Christ; was an overall force of good in the world. The ills which were associated with her church came from the shortcoming of man. Man's desire for power and preventing losing was the cause. The teaching of Christ, which Cara love and made her faith so strong; and how her family involved itself with the church, were the factors which made her not become a fallen Catholic. Even with Cara faith in God being strong and true, she did not follow the dogma of her church and the interpretation of the bible blindly. She questioned every edict handed down from the pulpit before she accepted it. To the ecclesiastical lady, blind faith was not faith at all. It was people who had an authoritarian mindset, and found the idea which they would follow without question. There was no way this strong willed lady would ever follow anything just for people said to do so. Her feeling towards Sarah James and the revelation of James actually being transgender, and really being Sarah, made her revisit her thoughts on homosexuality. Cara did not believe it was a sin, but never gave much contemplation to Eros between two people of the same gender. Two people in a consensual relationship does not hurt anyone, so why would she. Plus, the reason why Cara loved the teaching of Christ was for they were positive. The teachings were centered on love, not fear. They were about what to do to live a good life, not what to do. Now, Cara had to reexamine her belief on homosexuality. She would not be judging others on it, but herself. Even if she found it to be a sin, she knew it would only be a sin for herself, in her eyes. Homosexuality would be a grievance of a sin to her as eating bacon was to a faithful Jew. The soul-searching lady walked out into the living room and saw Sarah coming towards her with two cups of coffee. How good, safe, strong Cara felt at that moment was a gentle rain which washes the guilt and self doubt away. There was no way feeling this good about oneself, just by being in the presence of someone else, could be a sin in a loving God's eye. *********** Dillon was woken up by a tender kiss from Ronnie. The love and caring from the kiss, and the love and passion from last night, made the man laying in bed feel refreshed and ready to spend time with the wonderful man next to him. Dillon smiled and thanked his love for the best part of waking up, being greeted by that beautiful face. Ronnie blushed from the complement from his man. Then, Ronnie suggested that Dillon take his shower first for he would be quicker. Then, after the shower, to go downstairs, and meet the housemates. They were Ronnie's boys and Dillon's boyfriend knew they wanted to make sure his new man got their seal of approval. Dillon walked downstairs and saw Ronnie's roommates, Robbie, Bobby, Ricky and Mike, all gathered around the television watching Sportscenter. They all looked up at their guest, and in unison gave him a friendly 'hi'. He did not expect such a welcoming greeting. Then, again, he did not know how much him sticking around was going to make those guys life sweet. When Ronnie was in a good relationship, he was the best roommate they could have. Ronnie became more nurturing to everyone around him. He would make cookies, cakes and cook nice meals. Those guys loved it. They also loved their friend being with someone he found special. All the roommates agreed that Ronnie deserved the best in life, and the guys knew how hard it was for anyone, let alone someone as unique as Ronnie, to find love. On paper, any person who wanted to be with someone with a heart of gold, Ronnie would have been the perfect person. Most people look for way more than personality when searching for their true companion. Personality and compatibility are also down on the list. The prerequisites of gender and physical attractiveness are above the traits for everyone. Even people who would say personality, and how they mesh with the other person, were the most important aspect of finding a mate, put gender and physical attractiveness above them. People do not see it as so, for the prerequisites were givens. Being gay would had been hard enough for Ronnie to find someone special, most men, and also women, see their sexuality as binary, and not on a spectrum like gender. Most people had no need or desire to explore not being in the norm of sexuality. With the vast majority of people having a strong tendencies towards heterosexuality, they had not need to open to the same gender in a sexual manner. It would always be easy for them to fulfill their sexual drive without being open to people of the same sex. People generally tend not to want to rock the boat, and be different in any area which their community sees as taboo, so there would be no desire to explore one's sexuality. Even with being more accepted in Western culture, homosexuality is still seen as a taboo. This could be seen as how people pat themselves on the back in being accepting to people who were homosexuals. This could be seen by a large part of the population thinking it was fine to pass 'religious freedom' laws, which were designed to deny equal rights to homosexuals. Ronnie's gender fluidity, also added to the difficulty of finding that special someone. The more Ronnie was involved with a man, the more his feminine side was front and center being around his lover. He knew that even if he lived his public life as Ronnie, at home, with that someone special, he would always be Veronica. That was why Ronnie had his sister's dress on when his brother caught him. It just felt natural for him to be in a dress while daydreaming about his first crush. For Dillon, Ronnie's gender fluidity was a great fit. The farm boy definitely was a top, and him wanting that role in a relationship, would balance out Ronnie's being a bottom. He was also a little old fashion, which he was why he loved to hold the door for his man, pay for the dates, and loved to give flowers. Ronnie would love his new man treating him that way. The man who wanted to be the husband, also knew that the stereotype of a man not doing any household work, was either old and outdated, or never true. He wanted to take after his father and help around the house. Being a couple was teamwork to him, so both people had the responsibilities to take care of the house. Dillon returned the 'hi', and they all invited him to join them. Being a huge football fan, Dillon was more than happy to see the highlights of yesterday's game. He did not get to pay much attention to recaps, for as soon as he sat down, Mike offer to get him a pop, and the others started to pepper him with questions. How did he meet Ronnie, what was his major, and what was his plans after college, were the questions which started the interview they gave to Ronnie's new boyfriend? At that moment, he knew how men felt when they meet the brothers of the lady they were dating. Even with them being welcoming to him, they were making sure he was good enough for Ronnie. Being a simple country boy, and not wanting to beat around the bush after Dillon answered their questions, he said, "Listen here guys, I will treat Ronnie great. I am a one-man man and want nothing more in life than to settle down with someone as wonderful as your friend." Ronnie's proxy brothers were all relieved and happy to hear Dillon reassure them of his intent with such strong words. Their collective minds were made up, Dillon was worthy of Ronnie. The guys were confident they would come to that conclusion because their friend had a great head on his shoulders, and would pick a guy worthy enough for him. Even with having faith in who Ronnie brought home, they wanted to make sure Ronnie's man got their seal of approval. Ronnie's boys were getting to know Dillon, and they finally found a flaw with him. He was a Cleveland Browns' fan. Even that shortfall put him in a good light. If he was loyal enough to stick with one of the worst ran sports franchise of all time, then he would be at Ronnie's side no matter what. Then, from the dining room Ronnie came. The happy man was wearing black skinny jeans, a loose fitting pale yellow shirt and a little foundation to cover small blemishes on his face. His beauty transcended sex. All the guys thought he looked like an angel, androgynous. Ronnie looked both and neither male and female at the same time. Ronnie walked over to Dillon and said, "I hope the guys were not too rough on you." Before his man could answer, Ricky said, "We weren't." The glowing man walked over to Ricky and playfully slapped him on the arm. "You all better not, now, I made you all some pancakes and sausage; enjoy breakfast. Dillon and I are off to brunch at a friend's." Now, it was Dillon's turn to be impressed by Ronnie's boys. They all showed their disappointed than Dillon and Ronnie would not be joining them by leaving out a collective 'oh'. Then as they went to the dining room to eat, all thanked Ronnie. Mike did the sweetest thing and gave a brotherly kiss to Ronnie's cheek. Mike was a foster child and never had a true family, so he latched onto to Ronnie's nurturing nature. ******** Sarah came out of the bedroom wearing her brunch outfit of a silk red blouse with ruffles covering the buttons, scarf, along with black skirt. She had a majestic air to her which demanded the attention of the three ladies. The three ladies were proud seeing how their friend was owning who she was. Two of them, Audrey and Cara, because they gave support to help Sarah to find her strength. The other, Lilith, because Sarah still saw her worthy of being a friend. The dignified lady was looking forward to brunch. It was going to be great to have Lilith, Audrey and Lexi met Dillon's new love interest, Ronnie. She knew that all of them wanted her roommate, Dillon, to have that special someone in his life, and Ronnie was that special someone. Audrey informed her that Lexi was bringing The Gord with her. That made the meal even better; she shared James' belief, one of the best spices to a meal was to have more people to share it with. With three unaccounted guests, Sarah knew that they had to go to the store get more food. She quickly volunteered to go solo. This lady wanted to go out in public solo. She knew it would have to happen sooner or later, and right now, was the best time. Sarah felt the strength from support of her friends. Also, the new lady was in a good place because she finally got the woman she pined over, and finally it was Sunday morning, not a busy time in a college town. While they were sleeping, a cold front started to pass through the area. Even with the sky being dull and grey, and it was just plain dreary outside. Sarah never enjoyed a walk as much as she did that morning. The brisk cold wind kept everyone else's head down as Sarah walked, looking forward to greet the day face to face. The trip itself was an eventful as a Victorian Era English country village. The three ladies did go out to the balcony, to watch the hatchling leave the nest. They knew there was nothing they could do other than watch. Sarah was ready to venture out on her own, and their friend having company on this errand, would impede her personal growth. When the onlookers saw the casualness in their friend's demeanor, they knew this would go fine. To put their mind at more ease, Sarah turned back to look up, and waved to them. Sarah came back to the apartment, and without asking, the other three, knew how the trip to the store went. They could tell by the delight in Sarah voice's as she said 'hi'. Never before in her life has Sarah been so happy about the ordinary being the ordinary. ********* "Are you sure the girls will not mind?" the Gord asked Lexie once again. The last thing he wanted to do was imped on his fianc?e's time with Sarah. "Oh, trust me, they will all want to see you when they see my ring; and I want you there to see how happy I am in telling them. I want to share that moment with you. Also, I talked with Audrey, and they will be expecting you." How good Ryan the "Gord" Gordon felt by Lexie stating she wanted to share that joy reaffirmed with to him, his asking for her hand, was the best decision he ever made. The boy who was quickly becoming a man, wanted to share each joy and sorrow with that beautiful lady in front of him. If he did not go to the brunch, Ryan would have made Lexie tell him all about it. Just a couple of days ago, he would had taken hearing about it for granted. "Cool, for I also want to see your wonderful smile light up your apartment when you tell your friends." ************ Dillon and his new man, Ronnie showed up to brunch. They were greeted by Audrey and when the walked in, Sarah's roommate tensed up at what he saw. There was Lilith. Ronnie saw something got to Dillon, and rubbed his back to help bring him to ease. The supportive man's touch did the trick to the big farm boy. Dillon's hackles might not have gone down, but he was still mad at Lilith. That woman in his sight, was also in his sights. How she been treating James got to him, and made his anger seethe. The bad will he had, made him not even think if she was still on the outs with James, she would not be there. Then, Sarah called Lilith over in a gleeful voice, and Lilith hurried over. Poor Dillon was confused and Audrey could tell. She also wanted to put the protector at ease. "Dill, Lilith came to her senses, and those two are starting to reconcile." Dillon was a simple man, simple in the straightforward way. He also had a long memory, once someone did him, or someone he cared about wrong, it took the person a long time to get in his good graces again. "Fine, but I have my eyes on her." "I would not expect anything less from you. Just be civil towards her and everything will be fine." There was one thing the big momma's boy was, and that was respectful. He might not like Lilith now, but if she was part of the group, he would be cordial to her. Dillon said, "You know I will." "Yes, I know. I am just stating it for I know you look out for Sarah." Wanting to change the subject and also be the gentleman he was Dillon said, "Audrey, I will like you to meet Ronnie, my boyfriend. Ronnie this is Audrey." Ronnie and Audrey exchanged pleasantries and hit it off right away. Them sharing a strong maternal instinct, along with them both wanting to like each other, helped the two strangers to start to form a bond. Cara walked with more of a purpose as she went to greet Dillon. The doubt and guilt about her relationship with Sarah were gone. In her mind there was no way a good and just God would see how their love was a sin. It did both of them good by making them better people; and she could tell it would have a positive effect on others. Dillon saw Cara and thought she looked different. The man was right; Cara looked different for she had more strength. Not only did her love make Sarah a strong woman, but Sarah's love did the same for Cara. They would always be the Giggle Twins; Cara just had the added bonus she had solid support to be more assertive. It was always in her and Cara wanted to let it out and now could. Her assertiveness was the perfect foil to the tenderness which was coming more to the forefront with Sarah. Dillon thought Cara wanted to talk about something bad, until he saw the smile on her face and gave him a big hug. Cara did have something important to share with Dillon. She was going to state her intention about Sarah. Dillon was like a big brother to Cara's girlfriend and it just felt right to tell him how great she was going to treat the lady who owned her heart. Plus Cara was acting like the man of the relationship, and wanted the blessing of her girlfriend's male relatives. . "Dillon, I know how protective you are of Sarah, and I just want to let you know, I will be good to her." With the talk being about the other budding couple at the brunch, Dillon wanted the James' Project to be put on hold, "You mean good to him?" Cara wanted to respect Dillon having the conversation be serious. Sarah's girlfriend also wanted to respect that, and the fact she was dating a woman. Lastly, she wanted to respect it was Sarah choice on when to tell her roommate. Cara knew there was no if. "Yes I mean him, but will be referring to James as Sarah. I need to keep it up for the project is not over, and I do not want to slip up. I am supporting Sarah James by doing so." "I understand, but don't get cold feet again, and keep on stringing Sarah's heart along; like not showing up on Friday. You looked very worn out on Saturday, so you must of have had a great time doing whatever." Now, Cara had to share one more fact, that Jason Harris drugged her to try to date rape her. "Dillon, I was in the hospital for that Jason Harris drugged me." Dillon got angry at himself and the man who tried to take advantage of his friend. Dillon knew he should have asked Cara what happened before he made that accusation about her out gallivanting about on Friday night. That Jason preys on people, and Dillon hated those who did so. Dillon's temper made him forget his P's and Q's, and the normally polite man interrupted Cara. "I am sorry; I should not have said that. I should have asked you 'why', first." Telling her story to another, made Cara even stronger about the incident. This would happen each time she repeated it. Cara wanted to stop Dillon from apologizing about what that vile person did and was able to do. It would feel like pity to her, and she wanted pity from no one. "It is fine. I know why you did, the past between Sarah and I. I am happy you said it for you are looking out for my Sarah James. I want her surrounded with people who care about her as much as you do. Dillon, I know you, and before you make it your life work to hunt that man down for trying to harm your friend, just know, he is being taken care of. He was arrested and Lilith is making sure that they throw the book at him, and then, pick it up again, to throw it again!" "Good. Also, Cara, I know you will be the best woman for James, I am sorry, I mean Sarah." Finally, as Cara and Dillon's conversation was winding down, Lexie and The Gord showed up. Dillon was talking with Sarah when he saw those two, and his voice went from baritone to bass. Sarah looked behind her to see what caused Dillon's voice to give away the displeasure he denied when Sarah asked what was wrong. It was seeing Gordon. Before Sarah could recommend her roommate go talk with Gordon, he came walking up to them. Lexie's fianc? was a little nervous for he knew Dillon, not only held grudges, he collected them. It was going to be a long road ahead for the Gord to climb back from that fall from grace from using that homophobic slur in front of the proud gay man. "Hey there Sarah, you look great. Do you mind if Dillon and I talk man to man?" Dillon still did not know about Sarah not being a man and took The Gord's innocent remark as a put down to his friend. Dillon, in a dead tone voice said, "Whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of him." Sarah wanted to stay to help keep the peace. Dillon would not make a scene, but his straightforwardness might make Gordon feel uncomfortable. No it will. "Dillon, it is fine. He just wants to talk with you about Zeno's." Sarah left and Dillon started to make Dillon feel as uncomfortable as a comedian who found out he had to follow Jerry Seinfeld on open mike night at the Catch a Rising Star. "Now Ryan, do not down talk James again. Do you understand?" "Hold on, I know I fuck up. That is why I wanted to talk with you one on one." "Then why did you just do it again." "I did not." Dillon never liked people trying to deny what they did. "You did so by saying man to man. James might be experiencing life as a woman this weekend, but he is still a man; more of a man than you!" Dillon figure out why the hostility from Dillon was more than he expected. "Dude, I am sorry. I did not mean anything bad towards James by saying man to man. I was trying to show that I wanted to tell you I was wrong. Dude I get why you took that the wrong way. No, I said it the wrong way. Like I said, I fucked up. I really did man. My best friend in high school is gay, and I let him down by joking that way to put others down. I let you and James down also." Before Dillon walked away he said, "Just don't let it happened again Ryan and I will be keeping an eye on you." The Gord was happy the exchange with Dillon was not as painful as he thought it would be. The frat member knew the future farmer could make Batman seem whimsical. It will take time, but those two will patch up the damage The Gord did, by being inconsiderate. The Gord made huge progress by admitting what he did was wrong. The rest of the Brunch went great. Everyone was so happy finding out Lexie and the Gord were planning to spend the rest of their life together. After The Gord found out about what happened to Cara, he checked up on her, and then went to Lilith. He wanted the crusader for Women's rights to give a talk about sexual assaults and harassment at his Frat. Ronnie made a great impression on everyone, and he and Sarah were fast becoming close friends. The same could be said about Cara and Dillon. The stoic man never expected that and was happy when Cara suggested that the four of them go on a double date. Lastly, Audrey and Lilith made a great brunch, and worked well together. The frost in their friendship had quickly thawed.

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“Hands up, chin down!” my voice booms through the boxing club. I have barked out these words a million times. Instructions that were also barked out at me a million times by my coach, for the first few years of my training when I was a teenager. Three loud electronic buzzes signal the end of the training session. “Good work ladies and gentlemen. See you at the next class,” I announce, dismissing the class. I am fifty four years old. Outside of work, I train and teach at my friend’s boxing...

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My phone is going off and when I look, it’s my husband texting me. He doesn’t even bother to call. He says he is going to be home late from work again. I just finished putting dinner on the table.I sit there and eat alone, having a glass of dark red wine. I know he’s fucking someone now. I take off my pants and start fingering my pussy as I finish eating alone. That bastard.It is a couple of hours later when I hear him come in the door. The food has been in the refrigerator for a while. I am...

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His Pregnant Lover Ch 09

‘Mandy tells me you have agreed to let her live on the island,’ Carol said as soon as they anchored and came ashore at the Haven. ‘Christ,’ Dave said, ‘How did you know, she only asked me an hour ago on the house boat.’ ‘Haven’t you heard of cell phones?’ She laughed. My god Dave a nineteen year old virgin, you sure know how to live dangerously.’ She grinned as she sat down beside him. ‘Your sex life will kill you if you don’t watch out.’ Dave grinned and looked at Carol she was Mandy in...

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FidleChapter 21

There were candles everywhere. John Coltrane’s sultriest improvisations growled and purred from hidden room-encircling speakers. At the center of it all was an absolutely enormous bed, well beyond king-sized and already stripped to its sheets and a half-dozen long pillows. “You know,” Luke dryly observed as he stared at it in wonder and admiration, “I recognize that it’s a cliché to make a joke about how big it is, but to be honest it seems contextually appropriate.” “I am unembarrassed to...

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The Cruise Singer Finale

After waking, we cleansed ourselves in the spacious hotel shower, washing, caressing and debating where to go on our sightseeing trek. Monique wanted to go home and get a few changes of clothes if she were going to remain with us at the hotel. The only problem was getting her in and out without the staff seeing her. After we finished bathing, we got dressed and continued contemplating our day. I went online and discovered the charge for a third person wasn't as much as we had thought. So, to...

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My Friends Mum

I had been friends with Tony since we were in school together. We started in Junior school and followed each other right through to leaving.and ironically we both got apprenticeship`s with the same we were in college together too.we often stayed over at each other’s houses over weekends etc. Tony was an only c***d and was now only living with him Mum.His parents had separated some time ago. Tony stayed at mine to try to give his parents time to sort things out. But they split and...

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Cat FightChapter 11 Chase

specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill’s Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill’s body guard and mate Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill’s body guard and mate Mikos Glac -...

1 year ago
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i want that house a fantasy tale

Cassandra stood staring out the kitchen window at the view across the country side , it was her second viewing of the house , she had viewed it a few days earlier with her husband and they both fell instantly in love with it .at the first viewing they instantly offered the asking price but the estate agent said he would let the owners know but as there was still two more couples to view the house that week he said he couldnt take house of the market incase they beat their offer .cass was gutted...

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The Tango

The Tango words 3263 It was a beautiful sunny October afternoon on the campus of the Pensacola University in Florida. Eduardo was a young man half Portuguese and half Polish. He was shorter than average with the shoulders of a swimmer. His auburn hair was longish and he had a stud in his nose and a ring in his lip. He was a pre-med student, and he was in class studying anatomy and physiology. That is, he was attempting to study. He was seriously distracted by a classmate named Sunna. Today was...

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my wife losses her virginity

Then they started fucking regularly. His parents were divorced so his house was empty a lot of the time. He had a brother and sister but the sister was never around and the brother would leave as soon as she and her boyfriend arrived. She said that they did EVERYTHING! Him on top, her on top, doggy style, cowgirl, 69ing. She thinks that they fucked pretty much every day for a year. I told her “geez, I was whacking off to Penthouse Forum and you WERE a Penthouse Forum!”. She said that...

2 years ago
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My Fantasy with her was undeniable 3 of 4

My eyes saw three different images of her fully nude body with her hand mere inches away from me. "Come on, grab my hand," she said, grinning. "It is time for you to make love to the one you love." My eyes glared at her shattered figure for a few more seconds before my hand came to hers. She helped me up, but then dropped to her knees. She grabbed my pants, while still holding my hand. She rose back up. "Let's go," she said, just before she turned around and turned off the light. She opened the...

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Mom and son go doctor part 2

Diane laid back, staring at the ceiling. Doctor Hamsley took hold of a remote that was connected to the table by a thick cord. "I'm sorry Diane, let me make things more comfortable for you." A beep later and the whole table was moving, morphing into a different form as Diane slid her body to accommodate it. She was now reclining as if at the dentist, but still mostly on her back. Dr. Linda motioned to Jimmy. "We need to prep you." She hooked up a blood pressure cuff onto his arm, wrapping it...

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Brendan FallsChapter 11

"What's wrong with you?" I asked my best friend, Sarah, taking a seat next to her in the cafeteria. "Oh. Hey, Dani." She was a pretty girl and black, like all my classmates. Sarah might have been slaveborn, but she was smart as well, which explained why her master sent her to Hathaway High School, and college after that, I was sure. She had a head for numbers and besides fucking her, Sarah's owner was going to make the girl one of his accountants at some business he owned. Or maybe...

4 years ago
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More Sex and KaraOke

I went to the outdoor karaoke twice last week. They held a special one in celebration of one of the saints on Wednesday, and then there was the regular one on Saturday. But I didn't do much singing. I suppose I was thinking of other things. Sex mostly. My boyfriend was there on both occasions, and because we were both hungry because we hadn't seen each other for a few days, we went behind the barangay hall pretty quickly. All I could hear was one my friends singing as I took off my jeans and...

3 years ago
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An Unlikely Threesome Introduction Chapters 1 2

Daisy It was not just another day for Daisy, she was on her way to an audition. The previous week she got an email saying someone had eyed her up... and down (she thought this an odd way to put it) for a part in a brand new 'movie franchise' and she was on her way to be interviewed. Daisy was a startling young lady with beautiful chestnut hair with waves so graceful, even the sea could not match them. Her figure was perfect for any man, or woman. Her breasts were curvaceous and could be...

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The Doctor Is In

Visiting hours were over, Stan Witcoski was leaving the Wyattville General Hospital after seeing his favorite uncle, Harry Barson. As he walked up the ramp to the foyer, he saw Dolly Hamlin. Dolly who was the Director of Nurses at the hospital was a platinum haired, blue eyed beauty of mature years. She carried her 5' 2" frame in a regal posture that showed off her spectacular figure. She weighed about 135 lbs and sported a rack of 38DD tits. Her ass was round and firm for her years and she...

4 years ago
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My First Facial and Big Cock

After my first experience at the bathhouse it’s hard to remember which is my second gay experience. I’m pretty sure its this one though. Part of what got me so bi-curious was porn. I love porn! I love watching chicks sucking big cocks and getting fucked in the ass, and some gay porn too, but most gay porn just isn’t done as well as straight porn. What I’ve always liked most was facials. I love watching huge loads cum out of huge cocks, all over a smooth pretty face and mouth. I made the...

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Mother daughter fucked so badly by blacks

My very pretty 33 year old golden blond, blue eyed extremely sexy wife and equally beautiful 17 year old daughter who was a younger version of my hot looking wife went shopping one night to the local mall. My beautiful wife had one of those erection giving super tight, firm, figures that were a man?s wet dream come true, as was my daughter?s quickly maturing young body. It seems my daughter, who was going to graduate from high school in 3 months and would be just 18 by then, had needed some...

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Thinking of you - throughout the day, Makes me horny - in everyway. I want you now - to "cum" inside, Now tell me - do you want me to ride? Feeling your body - next to mine, "cum" on baby - put me in line. As you are ripping - off the lace, I watch the look - upon your face. Then as you start - to go down south, I feel my clit - slip in your mouth. As I rub - my hands through your hair, All my juices - I start to share. The sounds you make - while eating me out, Just makes me want - to scream...

Erotic Poetry
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Fantasy Camp

I was still in shock that the day had arrived. It didn't seem that long ago that I saw the ad in the adult magazine advertising the Adult Fantasy Camp. The listing went on to explain that there was going to be this large campground just for readers of the magazine and the long weekend was going to be hedonistic. You could be nude all the time, if you so desired. There was going to be vendors, workshops, shows, entertainment and, of course, acres and acres of naked skin. After reading further...

Oral Sex
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Busty Cum Slut 9 Sc 11

Clad in sexy fishnets, Asian-American MILF Kianna Dior masturbates her snatch while she talks dirty to the camera lens. The super-stacked, long-haired beauty dazzles with her big boobs on full display. ‘I want all your cum — shoot it all over me!’ she demands. Will do! First, she takes a ride with top director/performer Jonni Darkko’s stiff meat in her twat. He pummels her pussy in spoon position. Kianna smacks her lips and goads his gonads with a relentless barrage of...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 11 Malmoru

Deep in the bowels of Quarva, Meeze reached a rock chamber, no outsider had seen since the Mara had left so long ago, There was very little light, the faint lumination that came from dim glowing mushrooms did little to reveal more than vague shadows. Meeze had little need for light, his species was well adapted to dark places and lightless crevices. There in the darkness, something big lingered, then moved and shifted. A malleable, mass oozing with stringy goo shifted its position and a...

4 years ago
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Die Chance

Die Chance Seit ich sieben war hatte ich nur einen wirklichen Wunsch, n?mlich ein M?dchen zu sein. In den folgenden Jahren wurde dieser Wunsch immer gr??er, und als die Pubert?t einsetzte, wurde dieses Problem immer schlimmer. Ich sah, wie sich die M?dchen zu Frauen entwickelten, mit ihren wunderbar geformten K?rper und Br?sten. Auch ich wollte so aussehen, stattdessen entwickelte ich mich zu einem Mann, mit einem verabscheuungsw?rdigen K?rper und diesem Ding zwischen meinen Beinen, welc...

3 years ago
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14 March 2009Chapter 6

“That was fun, Daddy, except for jerking off those two men, though it was different.” Jenny smiled partially zipping her hoodie to show plenty of cleavage and taking his hand outside the theatre. “Wait until I tell Mom and your other wives what we did in there!” “Know what you just said, Jenny?” Hanna began, taking his other hand. Dan was powerless to cover the head of his cock trying to peek out from under the hem of his hoodie. “You said that Mom is one of Dan’s wives.” “I did? I wouldn’t...

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Cassidy Flowers hoisted her groceries on her hip and proceeded down the alley. It was about 11:30p.m at it had rained earlier that day. Her high heels clicked across the wet pavement. She started thinking about what she would do when she got home when she heard footsteps behind her. She stopped and looked over her shoulder. "Is anyone there?" She didn't see anyone. "Might be a cat or something," she thought and kept walking. Just then, a strong arm wrapped around her waist and another was...

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The NerdChapter 4 My Sister

Kathy got rid of her ex boyfriend Steve. She apologized for cheating and making a fool of me. Steve was her first boyfriend and they had to break up when he was sent to prison. He was her first love and when she ran into him one day she just got carried away. They came up with the idea of him pretending to be her brother so that they could resume their relationship. She told me she realized he was not what she wanted and that it was me she loved. She knew she had been a bad girl but she...

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Night with neighbor aunty

Night with neighbor aunty Sex with Neighbor in Bangalore. She was about thirty years old, fair, plump and had curly hair. She was very friendly. She always wore fresh clothes and her hair was moist most of the time. She lived with her two children and her mother in law. She was a government employee and was a part-time house hold worker. It was Puja holidays and all of them had gone home. I was alone and had mostly completed the preparation. I had my dinner early and decided to go for a movie...

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Having Fun on Campus

Aaron and Keith met online through a chat room. They have been emailing each other for nearly a year now and both are extremely eager to meet one another in person. Keith is 21 and a senior. He is very attractive and cute with short blond hair, blue eyes, 145 pounds and in shape. Aaron is a skinny 19 year-old surfer-type boy with a tan, who is also very cute with brown eyes and short brown hair. These two young men make an attractive couple that are finally going to meet for the first time ! It...

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Junior YearChapter 33 Man of My Word

Jett left before I rolled out of bed. Fritz had made coffee and I actually drank a cup. Trip came down looking hungover. He’d been out to a party with Craig last night. I was surprised when he wanted to go surfing with us. It was actually on the chilly side when we went out. The good news was there weren’t many other surfers catching waves. Towards the end I took a fall and was rolled underwater by the force of the wave; it’s sort of like being in the spin cycle of the washing machine. This...

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Get Use To It 3

Get Use To It 3 "Grandma! You promised!" Dan said as he began undressing with her help. "You said if I went through with this that I could have my pants back." "Princess, you look just too lovely to go back to being that mean spirited horrid boy. You remember all those fights and not with just the other boys. You beat up Cindy Johnson and I had to pay out the nose to keep you from going to juvenile jail for that. If that weren't enough, Bobby told his mother what you made him do to...

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Married for 8 years my wife and I began to experiment with drugs and certain drugs like meth made us both very horny. Two side effects were an extreme sexual desire on my part for anything sexual and it also made it near impossible to get an erection. So she and I tried all sorts of sex acts,talk etc. And then spoke of invitinting others into our bedroom. I was gung-ho but she was hesitent. Eventually we thought of a couple we both knew. Bo and Tammy. I was the one truly pushing this ide. My...

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Building UtopiaChapter 3

The next morning early Roger left his "home" and headed for the meadow for more deer. This time he killed two, field dressed them and drug them back to his camp for processing. One he hung over his fire to roast whole as he had done before. The other one he cut thin strips from and hung over another fire made mostly of hickory to smoke and preserve into jerky. Roger was going to try to walk out of the forest and find people as soon as the deer was preserved. It took another five days...

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Jack smiled to himself as he sat at his desk at work, his mind wandering to his wife Angie and their activities the night before. Jack had come home after having a very nice day at the office, the boss had told him about a possible promotion and raise in pay that could quite very well be headed his way. Even more surprising to him was the fact that he came home to find his wife of five years waiting for him lying naked on their bed. Jack was caught off guard but quickly regained his composure...

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Life Changes Chapter 12

After saying hello, she got right to the point. “John, I have three friends who have this fantasy in mind. They want to exercise it, but I don’t have anyone who fits the bill right now. They, all three of them, want to kidnap and sexually assault a pregnant woman. It would take place in my house. They would pretend to break in while I was watching TV with a pregnant friend, lock me in another room, and then have their way with the pregnant woman. It would require her to take all three men in...

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Princess Diaries 06 Bell Exposed

The hot shower felt amazing, as she knew it would. So Ariel took her time under the hot spray, probably too much time, since she walked out of the bathroom into her dark bedroom.“Guys?” she whispered. “Who sleeps at a sleepover? Seriously.”“Yeah, come to bed, Ariel,” said Bell. “Cindy has early practice and I have work and it’s late.”Ariel let her eyes adjust to the dark until she could see who lay where. Cindy and Jasmine lay on either side of Bell, who seemed to be lying favoring Cindy’s side...

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Maid Seduced And Fucked

Hi everyone, I am a big fan of ISS and have been reading it since long time and thought of posting my own real life experience. I am from Bhubaneswar. I was young when the incident happened and changed my sex life forever and showed me the heavenly pleasure one gets from it. We had a full time maid around 30yrs old 5’6” tall working in our house and used to stay in our house only and sleep in our study room. Her look was not that good that one would die to have sex with but was nice looking and...

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From the Past a PresentChapter 3 Frankly humour

I drove up to Ann's house at seven twenty-eight. I rang the door bell and waited. Ann opened and gave me a great smile. She looked very lovely indeed. High heeled silver strap shoes, a very becoming dress in black, with a high neck; I remembered she always wore high necks: which nonetheless left her shoulders bare, and a white shawl which she had draped behind her and over her arms. "Ann, you look gorgeous!" Her smile told me she was pleased. I was going forward to give her a kiss on the...

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Gram Connie

Every time I thought about my Aunt Pat for the next couple of day's my Dick wouldget hard instantly. I wanted to call and ask her if I could meet her somewhere, but Iwas afraid. Perhaps she would come into the store this weekend.My maternal Grandmother Connie owns a small specialty supermarket opened byher immigrant father in 1927. My grandmother was born in 1938 and married mygrandfather in 1954 at the age of 16. My grandfather also worked in the store and in1960 the store was passed on to...

2 years ago
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The Allure of VirginityChapter 8 The Exercise Bike

That night I sat on my bed. It was midnight but I wasn't asleep. Nor did I even attempt to sleep. I felt like destroying something. My right hand made a fist and pressed hard against the pillow. I was too afraid to strike the wall in anger, as this would only hurt my knuckles. But knocking a few holes in the wall would satisfy me. Mum and Dad never physically or sexually abused me when I was young, but that doesn't mean they were good parents. Up to the age of sixteen, I was never allowed...

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New home

My husband had been killed in a car accident about two years ago. I was 39 now and the last two years had been rough. I was an office manager in a large corporation and was well thought of so when I asked to transfer to a smaller branch office, in another Province, it was accepted and the last month had been quite a rush finding a new home, packing and travelling across country to my new location. I had been married for 12 years when my husband died and I missed him madly. We had been friends...

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From Adarsh To Catherine 8211 Part 1

Hello, everyone, we will skip the part of me presenting my details in front of you and will directly proceed into the story. This is my first story so please excuse any mistakes. I intend to tell the story in different parts so count this as the first part.It’s a fantasy story, not a real one. I am Adarsh a 22-year-old MBA student from Kerala,studying in Bangalore. I’m from an upper middle-class family and very cute in looks where my friends especially girls always tease me saying I’m even...

Gay Male

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