Rhapsody On A Theme Of Anticipation --Or--Biding Rhapsody free porn video

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Rhapsody on a Theme of Anticipation


Biding Rhapsody

       I enter the room and stand before you.  I am nervous as I stand there, clothed simply in a short black pleated skirt, white blouse, sheer black stockings, and not too high heels.  I try to find something, anything, to occupy my hands as you stare at me in silence. I absentmindedly pick at my nails, caress the fabric of my skirt, I even brush the hair out of my eyes, anything to still the nerves.  A wry smile breaks your stolid demeanor. You cock your head to the right then speak one word.  ?Strip.?

I’m shocked at the abruptness of your command and become even more nervous, feeling my nipples hardening and clit tingling.  Usually there is more foreplay, more coaxing, but, it would seem, not tonight.  My pussy was wet before I even entered the room, but now I feared that it would gush once I removed my underwear.  With one word you have made me a sexual geyser.  I’m nervous and I hesitate. ?Don’t make me repeat myself,? you say sternly, your serious expression returning.  There is no hint of a smile, not even a wry one.

I no longer hesitate and hastily unbutton my blouse.  ?Slower,? you say.  The deliberation of my slow forced stripping is excruciating.  But, finally, I remove my blouse, skirt, bra and panties when you state, ?You may leave on the stockings and shoes?.

I stack the removed clothes neatly on the chair at your command.  I stand watching as you move to the chair and gather my belongings, placing them on the top shelf of the closet—the shelf I cannot reach without assistance.  You return to your seat in the living room and look appraisingly at me.  I am in wait of your next command and you know this and it drives me crazy.  ?Turn around.?

       The thought of having my back to you strikes at my nerves.  My hands, hanging at my sides, shake visibly and I hear you chuckle.  I am terrified and excited as I feel you approach me.  Tonight could bring anything.  I had promised to give up all rights for the evening—be completely yours and at your mercy.  You place something cold and metal in my left hand.  I do not dare look down.  ?Cuff your hands behind your back.?  

And then you walk away as I hear the bathroom door shut.  I realize that this truly is the point of no return. Shaking even more, I fumble with the handcuffs before securing them firmly behind my back. The cold metal against my lower back reminds me of my helplessness and the total control you have over me.  You do not need cuffs; your very presence is all I require to remind me of your power.  But you choose them to serve a purpose—there is a greater psychological need.  And this makes me more nervous, more excited, more aroused.

       As I stand there, trying to remain still, my nipples grow so hard that they hurt and I feel my thighs wet from my own juices.  After several minutes you return to me and gently run your fingers against my back.  "Who does this body belong to??

I gulp and stammer, ?You, Master.?

You chuckle.  ?That’s right, pet.  Now, I’m going to play with you and you would do well to remember the rules about cumming.? I feel your hot breath on my neck as you whisper, ?And what are those rules?

?I am not allowed to cum until you give me permission, sir.?

?Very good.?  You cease speaking as your hands play gently all over my body. Avoiding my nipples and my pussy you slide your hands gently over every other inch of my body, cupping my ass, and sliding them down my stocking encased thighs.  Ever so slowly you slide them back up the inside of my leg, over the gap between stocking and skin and coming so very close to my now soaking lips with your soft and gentle touches.  It amazes me how such strong hands can be so very gentle at the same time.  As soon as I start moaning and trying to thrust myself against those much needed touches, you chuckle once more and remove your hands as I groan in frustration. I feel you leave me and hear you sit on the bed,  ?Kneel.?

       If is difficult, but I do as I am ordered.  ?Now, turn around and crawl to me.?  Very slowly I crawl on my knees until I am kneeling before you.  You pet my head and smile down at me before standing and lowering your pants.  Your cock hangs in front of my face, a little above my mouth, and I know I’ll have to strain my neck to reach it, but I know that you enjoy seeing that struggle.

       You don’t even have to instruct me as I reach with my tongue and lick your tip, slowly swirling until my lips finally reach your shaft.  I alternate between teasing your cock with my tongue and sucking it slowly until I feel the need to increase the pace and combine the two techniques.  You are about to cum.  You wrap your fingers into my hair, now controlling my head as well as my every movement.  You pull my head back and forth, fucking my mouth and using my hair as reins to remind me that you are the one in control.  I have not even any illusion of doubt; you are totally in control, as it should be, and  I know that I am totally yours.

This thought is emphasized as you ejaculate, shooting your seed deep into my throat and filling my mouth. I swallow in gulps.  Your cock twitches on my tongue as I move it round and round until you pull out, both of us breathless and my pussy now in more need than ever.

       You run your fingers through your hair and collapse backward on the bed with a contented sigh.  I still kneel before you, cuffed and wanting desperately the same relief that I have just given you.  After a few minutes you stand and return to the bathroom.  I hear the bathtub start to fill and want to glance toward the door.  But I know if I do, you will see me and I will be made to wait even longer.  Every fiber of my being wants to revolt—to scream my passions.  But cooler thoughts prevail and I sigh, waiting for you to take advantage of your situation (which I want more than anything). 

       The water stops running and you return, pulling a key from the nightstand, and undo my cuffs.  ?Stand,? you order.  I do and you instruct me to face you.  My hair has fallen into my face, and I want to brush it away but do not dare.  It doesn’t matter, though, because you brush it away before kissing me gently on the forehead.  You pull me close and whisper in my ear.  ?Take a bath and get ready.  We’re going out.?  I groan involuntarily and your eyes harden.  ?Go.  You have thirty minutes.?  You give me a swat on the ass to get me moving. 

       I pull my hair up into a twist, remove my shoes and stockings, and sink into the luxurious bubble bath.  The warm water feels like silk enveloping my flesh.  Every inch of me is so sensitive that it’s almost as if the small bubbles could coax me to a climax.  ?I’m going to have to be very careful while washing,? I mutter to myself with both laughter and chagrin.  As I rub the sponge against my pussy, a small moan escapes my lips and I close my eyes, trying desperately to contain my passion.  It’s coming whether I want it or not and I bite my lower lip, holding my breath.  ?At least if it comes, please god, let it be small and very, very quiet and maybe he’ll never know.?  My hands move of their own volition.  They can’t seem to stop soaping my breasts and my pussy.  I’m almost there when I feel your firm grip on my right wrist.  I open my eyes and see that you have plunged your hand into the water to stop my lustful machinations and you stare at me with steely eyes. 

       ?Isn’t it fortunate for you that I checked on you when I did?  Otherwise you would have earned yourself a much harsher punishment.?  I drop my eyes in shame.  ?Yes?you should be ashamed,? you say, reading my thoughts.  ?I’m very disappointed in you, girl.  Now, get out of the tub, dry yourself off, fix your hair and do your makeup.  Meet me in the bedroom when you’re finished.?  You walk to the door and say with your back to me, ?And leave this door open.  I don’t trust you to behave.? 

       I rise from the tub and walk to the mirror, trying to decide how best to get ready.  I need desperately to please you.  But I also need to be quick about it.  My hands shake as I brush my hair.  I decide to leave it down—let it flow long and wild.  I take a few seconds to admire my reflection.  A thick mane of wavy chestnut hair frames my rosy cheeked face.  Large blue-green eyes peer out at me as a smile fills my luscious lips.  ?People pay money to have lips like this,? I chuckle to myself.  I allow myself this proud moment because I know my punishment is coming, and I reassure myself with the fact that, though disappointed, you will still take pride in me.  I mess my hair up with mousse, pull some strands to the side, fastening them with a diamond clip, and apply only mascara, lip liner, and gloss.  You like me ?au natural? and I hope that this will make you happy. 

       When I enter the bedroom, you’re sitting at your desk, dressed in a handsome Armani suit, looking thoughtfully at the wooden paddle that I have come to both love and fear.  Trying to gain favor I kneel at your feet, looking up at you expectantly.  You pet my head gently.  ?You look lovely.?

       ?Thank you sir.?

       ?You know that you must be punished, don’t you??

       ?Yes sir.?  I know I should leave it at that but the words come rushing out.  ?I’m terribly sorry sir.  I didn’t mean to.  It’s like my hands had a mind of—?

       ?Not another word until I say,? you say, and I nod.  ?I understand what happened.  But you still must pay for your error.  At least I stopped you in time.?  I nod again.  ?We should get this over with.?  You look at your watch and say, ?We do have reservations and you do not want to make us late, now, do you??  I vehemently shake my head no.  ?Good.  And after this I hope you might learn to control your own hands.?  I nod yes.  ?Then stand.  Lean over with your hands on the edge of the desk.  Thrust your ass up and spread your legs.?  I do as I you have instructed, dipping my back to thrust my cheeks up as high as I can, spreading my legs the required 18 inches apart. 

       Once in position, you lean over, letting your hands roam over the cheeks of my ass and whisper in my ear, ?You will get fifteen, count out loud.?

       The wooden paddle comes down and ?Splat? it connects with the right cheek, instantly bringing heat and a small amount of pain. I once again do as I am told and try calmly to count in between each stoke.  Involuntary grunts and whines escape my throat each time the paddle splats down onto my reddening cheeks.  After five blows your fingers slide up my leg and between my parted thighs.

?Hmmm?you seem to be enjoying your punishment a little too much.  Perhaps I’m going too easy on you.?  You immediately swat me again, this time much harder; I jump and practically yelp, ?Six.?  After ten, you feel my sex again, sliding your fingers up and down my soaking labia before plunging a finger deep inside of me.  I nearly cum on the spot but manage to contain myself. You lean down and whisper into my ear,

?You’re just incorrigible, aren’t you?? and chuckle.

I brace for a much harder swat.  I don’t know if I can take it, but know in my heart that I will.  I will endure for you.  However, you take mercy on me and continue at the same level of intensity as the previous five.  When you reach fifteen you leave me leaning over against the desk, my butt now glowing scarlet after my punishment and my lips clearly glistening from the state of my arousal. You go to the closet.  ?Your dress and is laid out on the bed.  Your shoes are in front of the closet.  Meet me downstairs in five minutes.  Don’t forget your stockings.?  I start to move toward the bed.  ?And leave your pussy as it is.  I want you to feel your own wetness all night.?

       I gulp, having no idea what your plans are for the evening.  When I look at the bed, I see a black lace thong and the small silk sapphire dress I had been coveting for so many weeks.  The low neck accentuates my breasts nicely and the dress hugs me in all of the right places, the skirt of the dress flowing out to just below mid thigh and flows beautifully as I walk.  It was the type of dress that would be perfect for a cocktail party, or a night at the opera.  I notice there is no bra, but very rarely do you allow me that particular item of clothing, even less so than panties.  I slip the dress on, feeling the luxurious silk slipping softly over my body.  I retrieve my stockings from the bathroom and turn to see which shoes you have chosen for the evening; you have chosen the silvery blue high heels that makes me swing my hips as I walk--the perfect choice to accompany the dress and its flowing skirt. My nipples are still so hard and erect that they can clearly be seen pushing against the thin material of the dress, adding to the mood of the evening and my arousal as the silk slips over the nubs. I walk downstairs, swaying my hips, and see you standing by the bookcase, sipping a glass of Cognac.  You turn as I reach the bottom of the stairs. A large smile spreads across your face as you see me in the dress for the first time.  ?You look wonderful my beautiful pet.?  I beam with pride as you walk across the room. Taking me firmly in your arms you hug me close to you and we kiss deeply. ?Shall we venture forth?? you ask politely.

?We shall indeed Sir.?  I reply.  The smile on my face beams back at you. My previous transgression is forgotten, and when I see the look of pride in your eyes, I too am proud.

We walk out to the car and you open the passenger door for me. I lift the skirt of my dress before I sit down, allowing my still warm cheeks to sit directly on the leather of the car seat. My knees stay parted and when you see this you comment, ?Well done my dear, you have not forgotten everything I have taught you I see.? You smile down at me. The drive to the restaurant is short, but still your hand caresses me, sliding up and down the silkiness of my stockings all the way to the very juncture of my thighs without actually touching my pussy. The seat is getting wet from my arousal and I am glad for the rule of not sitting on my skirt.  I would hate to ruin the dress.  When we reach the restaurant, the valet opens the door for me and then watches as I gracefully exit the car.  He cannot but notice that I had been sitting directly on the seat with the confirmation that I have left behind in the form of my wetness. I blush slightly before you join me and take my arm in yours. When we enter, our table is waiting for us, and you guide me towards the corner with your hand in the small of my back.  You pull the chair out for me and again I sit, lifting my skirt first, hoping no one is watching or notices. You sit and order a bottle of Chablis from the waiter.  My ass is still warm and stings from my previous punishment, but I enjoy the coolness of the wood against my cheeks.

As we wait for our order to be taken, we engage in a lively conversation about the course of American politics. We have always been able to talk for hours and never find each other’s company to be anything other than interesting, both inside and outside the ?bedroom?. Conversation and wine flows freely, as your hand slides beneath the hem of my dress to fondle my leg beneath the tablecloth. You coax my thighs further apart to have easier access to me and continue to stroke and tease me, silently daring me to lose my train of thought.

When the waiter arrives, you remove your hand and order for us both. The pepper encrusted steak for you, medium rare with french fries, and grilled chicken and spinach over penne for me. When the waiter has left the conversation continues naturally.  ?The divisiveness seems to be coming to an alarming climax.  And cable news certainly isn’t helping!?

You smile.  ?Remove your panties and pass them to me across the table.?  You say, so calmly, so conversationally, someone hearing your tone would have thought you were responding to my previous comment.

       ?I’m sorry?what??

       Again you are calm and conversational.  ?Do not make me repeat myself.?  You take a bite of a breadstick and stare at me.

       I flush.  You have always talked about doing this, but I had thought you were joking.  I should have known better.  ?Here?  Right now?  Can I not at least go to the lady’s room?? I whisper in a pleading voice.

       You smile, but the steel in your voice is unmistakable.  ?Right here, right now.?

       I swallow hard and look at you with fear in my eyes.  Granted we are at a corner table, but there are also plenty of other patrons around, not to mention the wait staff.  I know there is only one thing for me to do, and I also know that I should not make you wait.  I take a moment to decide the best method for completing the task.  I finally slide my hands under my dress, my thumbs under the g-string.   Lifting my bottom I push the scrap of lace over my hips and ass, trying to give the impression that I am just seductively feeling the silk of the dress. For the next step I simply drop my napkin and panties to the floor.  I reach down and retrieve them both and shoot you a coy smile.  I hold out my hand with the balled up lace panties inside.  You smile once more.  It is the kind of smile that makes my smile disappear.  ?Put them on the table,? you command.

       I see the waiter coming with our salads and want to stall, but I know that would be disastrous and certainly annoy you, ruining the evening, and warranting me another punishment on our return home.  I turn red with humiliation as I place the balled up scrap of lace onto the tablecloth, in plain sight of anyone who would care to look.  The black lace stands out exceptionally against the white linen.  When the waiter reaches our table he pauses, obviously seeing the panties (it is not difficult to recognize them for what they are), then looks from me to you. 

?It’s okay,? you say.  ?They were a little too wet.  You can take them away and dispose of them if you would be so kind.? 

I am mortified as the waiter picks them up and looks at me lasciviously.  I can practically read the perverse thoughts that must be flowing through his mind.  He leaves the salads and turns, walking away with my (wet) panties still in his hand.  I pick up my fork and pick at my salad, trying hard to forget my humiliation.  However you have no intention of letting me, simply stating, ?And just to think, he still has our main course to bring, and I think we may have to order desert as well.?  You laugh loudly at this last statement and my utter embarrassment which, to my disbelief, seems to be turning me on even more.

       With our salads finished, you pull something out of your pocket.  I can’t believe what I’m seeing.  You lay a large curved vibrator on the table and nod to me.  ?Take it now unless you want everyone to see.?  I quickly grab it.  ?Now, I believe you know where you can hide that, don’t you??

       I don’t dare question you and glance around quickly before I slide up my dress and slip the vibrator into my now soaking pussy, pushing it deeper and deeper as far as it will go.

       ?Make sure it doesn’t wriggle out sweetie.  Hold it nice and tight inside.?

       ?Wriggle?.?? I ask, but my question is summarily cut short and answered at the same time by the vibrations coming from deep inside my pussy.  ?Oh god?? I moan as the vibrator rapidly brings me to the brink of orgasm.

       ?Don’t worry, I probably won’t make you cum, though I really haven’t decided yet.  Right now I just want to have a little fun with you.  And here is our main course.  Right on time.?  You switch off the vibrator and lay the remote control on the table in plain sight.

       The waiter places the plates in front of us, staring at me until he spies the remote.  ?May I help you with something?? you ask the waiter politely.

?Well, I was just wondering?what’s that, if you don’t mind my asking??

       ?Not at all,? you answer.  ?Dearest, why don’t you explain.?

If my eyes were weapons, both of you would be atomized.  ?Well?um?it’s a remote control.?  I hope he will leave it at that but know better.

       ?For what??

       ?For the vibrator that is currently inside me.?  To emphasize this point you pick up the remote and hit the high setting for a moment. A squeak erupts from my lips as its ministrations drive me wild with lust.

       ?Awesome, I need to find a girl like you.  Wow!?  He walks off shaking his head and we look at each other for a moment before exploding with laughter. 

       Throughout the course of the meal, you continue to play with the control, almost bringing me to the brink many, many times, usually when the waiter is at our table or someone is passing close by.  You continue to caress me under my dress in between, ensuring that I am sopping wet and my arousal level never lessens. We finally finish the meal and you pay the check. 

?You can leave the tip,? you say.

       ?Um?I don’t have any money on me.?

       ?Then leave him something else,? you grin.

I am once more mortified as I realize what you mean.  I sit back down, again remembering to lift the back of my dress up before I sit, and reach beneath my dress to remove the vibrator, now soaking wet from my juices. I gently lay it on the table as the ?tip? for our waiter and you leave the remote control lying next to it.  I try to walk quickly out of the restaurant, but your arm is locked firmly in mine as we stroll through the doors at a leisurely pace.

       We don’t talk during the short car ride home.  We both only think of one thing.  When we arrive, I don’t even need to be told.  I ascend the stairs to the bedroom and stand before you, just as I did at the beginning of the night.  ?Strip.?  You repeat the first command of the evening.  I do so, but much more quickly, leaving the clothes where they fall. When I am down to my stockings and heels you reach out for me, pulling me to you. Your hands roam over my body, both gently and firmly as you explore your property. Your lips surround my erect nipple and suck it gently, before your teeth bite down onto its hardness. Your hands squeeze the cheeks of my butt firmly as your tongue explores my trapped nipple. A low moan erupted from my throat and you roughly push me onto the bed, grabbing my hands and holding them firmly together above my head.

       You kiss me deeply and passionately as our tongues dance with each other.  You grin at me and I groan.  I groan for many reasons, but mainly because I know what that grin means.  I will have to wait even longer.

       Still holding my arms, you slide your lips and tongue down my neck, hitting all the sweet spots that drive me crazy—behind my ear, that place where my jaw meets my neck, under my chin.  You move down to my nipples, gently flicking them with your tongue, blowing on them, biting on them, sucking them.

       This much needed attention—what I’ve been craving all evening—only drives me to a lust induced madness, furthering both my desire and frustration.   You look intently at me, but I can barely comprehend the look.  I’m moaning continuously now.  You leave my arms above my head, knowing I will not move them without permission, just as though they were actually tied to the headboard. You slide down my body, kissing and licking me as you do so, over my stomach, my hips, and then downwards you slip. You kiss and lick the inside of my open thighs, licking in little circles, getting closer and closer to my engorged labia. Eventually, and at last before I go absolutely and completely crazy I feel your soft tongue on my clitoris, forcing me to the very edge of orgasm.  I feel incoherent and barely manage to beg, ?Please Master, let me cum for you.?

       ?Not yet,? you say as you attack my clit with renewed vigor, your expert tongue and teeth bringing me to the edge time and again without letting me actually cross the threshold.  I feel as if I am losing my mind.

       ?Please Master, fuck me.  Fuck me please.  Fuck me without mercy!?  I beg.

You smile as I whimper and you move your body up until the head of your cock is nestled against my soaking pussy, but not letting it enter. 

I groan again.  ?Please Master, PLEASE..??  This is the worst torture I have yet to had to endure. 

       You push gently, barely parting my lips, just letting the head slide in before you pull out again.  This teasing is unbearable.  Again and again you tease my pussy with the head of your cock, before pulling out and pressing it against the lips of my mouth. 

?Taste your sweet juices, my pet.?  I take your cock in my mouth greedily, licking each drop of my secretions from your erection before you remove it and return it to the entrance to my pussy.  You repeat this torture at least five times before gently teasing my pussy one last time. You hold yourself above me on your strong arms, looking down into my eyes and with one mighty heave you thrust your cock deep inside of me, pushing your full length into me in one firm stroke as I gasp with pleasure and lust. You whisper into my ear, ?Cum for me sweetheart.?  I obey immediately, exploding as your words have barely finished, and you thrust deeper and deeper into me.  My orgasm is so intense I feel I can take no more.  You know this but give me no choice as you thrust firmly into my soaking wet pussy.  I am in a constant state of over-stimulated orgasmic bliss until you finally shoot your orgasm deep inside me, before collapsing on my chest.  You wrap me in your arms and as our sweat combines we both fall asleep—you content with my pussy hugging your cock and I with your fullness that fills me.

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Rhapsody SuiteThirteen

“I KNOW YOU WANTED to be face-to-face, Mel, but I think you should call your father. Don’t let the injury fester, and don’t let him find out about us from someone else—especially not your mother,” I said when we got to Lissa’s house. The boys were still out with Molly, so we had a little time to get Lexi settled before the tornadoes arrived. She decided to lie down for half an hour while she could. That’s when I made the suggestion to Melody. “I don’t know if I can. What do I say?” “Do you...

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Rhapsody SuiteFourteen

I WOKE UP sometime in the middle of the night. Maybe ‘woke up’ is too strong a term. I floated up out of sleep far enough to be cognizant of my erection pressed between Lissa’s thighs from behind. She floated with me and shifted just enough to guide me into her. For a long time, we drifted in and out of sleep as we made tiny movements, never sure if we were dreaming or awake. A feeling of deep contentment washed over me as I pressed my face against her shoulder and felt her nipple harden...

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Rhapsody SuiteFifteen

CARMINE’S CUCINA is a nice Italian place with a noisy, family-style atmosphere. Jack Wade had taken care of reservations and managed to get us a booth in one of the quieter areas of the bustling restaurant. This was a big deal. Not only were we managing the new and somewhat fragile relationship with Melody’s mother, we were adding Lissa’s ex into the mix. Of course, I was late and they were all seated. Melody jumped up from her chair at the end of the booth and planted a hot kiss on me as...

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Rhapsody SuiteSixteen

IT DIDN’T SEEM like I’d been punished until I had to get up to go to Pilates on Saturday morning. Just getting out of bed was punishment enough, but Lissa pointed at the keys to the car and said to be back by noon, then she and Melody snuggled back into bed. There was no sign of Lexi. I assumed she’d returned last night. Molly had stayed with the kids at Jack’s house. This morning it was just me making coffee and eating toast. I got to the club in plenty of time and then the Pilates...

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Rhapsody SuiteSeventeen

SATURDAY MORNING, after Pilates, I was delegated to pick up Sandra, Amy, and Kate and then ordered to drive all five girls to the mall for a beauty treatment. Yeah, I make it sound like I was really put upon, but just having those five in the car with me ... Well, the temperature was rising. The teasing kept me red in the face. When we got to the mall, Lissa sent me to her store and told me to ask for Rose. Rose would dress me. I was not to ask about prices since the purchase was going on...

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Rhapsody SuiteEighteen

“READY-DOWN. HUT!” Five very large linemen stepped forward as if to crush me when I walked through the door at Bree and Sam’s house. Before they could take another step, five extraordinarily beautiful young women stepped in front of me. The football players came to such an abrupt halt that one actually fell over backward. “Now that’s what I call an impenetrable line,” Sam laughed from nearby. “Welcome to Seattle Cascades University, Tony!” The line scrambled back to their feet and stepped...

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Rhapsody SuiteNineteen

ABOUT TEN MINUTES after we got in the door, while I was still trying to tactfully suggest that Lissa loan her car to Kate so the others could return to the dorms, Bree pulled into the drive and three more squealing girls came running into the house. I looked at Bree, Sonia, and Allison. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked. Okay, it was after midnight and I was a little slow on the uptake. “We told you,” Bree said. “Slumber party.” “Here?” It was clear that I’d been left out of the...

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Rhapsody SuiteTwenty

I WAS HAVING A WONDERFULLY delicious and naughty dream. Bree and Allison followed me to the big bed after passing me around to be kissed soundly by an entire harem of beautiful girls. Hands were running all over my body and my cock was fully erect and ready to explode. My lips were being covered with kisses. Tongues played in my mouth and dared my tongue to chase them. And then I felt lips on my erection. Lips and tongue and warm silky depths of her mouth taking me in. Bree and Allison...

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Rhapsody SuiteTwentyone

THE MORNING WAS CASUAL and no one other than Kate seemed eager to get dressed. The party wasn’t over. I was a little worried because I’d thought of a few things I still wanted to pull together for my portfolio and I was counting on some time today to do it. Lissa put three frozen quiches in the oven and tasked me with frying up a couple dozen chicken breakfast sausages. She pulled a big tray of fruit out of the refrigerator and put it on the counter. No one made a move toward the dining room...

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Rhapsody SuiteTwentytwo

WHEN I RETURNED TO THE LOWER LEVEL bearing two bottles of Prosecco, a bottle of peach juice, and the required ten glasses, the first thing I noticed was that no one had dressed. At least not in clothes. Melody had produced a dozen strips of fabric and the girls were busy draping them partially over their bodies, apparently making sure that their most delectable bits stayed exposed. The tableau setting had been rearranged and it looked like they were getting ready for another sketch. I groaned...

4 years ago
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Rhapsody SuiteTwentythree

EVERYONE WAS FINALLY GONE. Bree drove Allison and Sonia back to her house. Wendy offered to give Amy, Sandra, and Kate a lift to campus. We’d cleaned up the trash and had a bag sitting by the garage door ready to take out, but the three of us were still naked, so we hadn’t taken it to the garbage cans yet. It was a regular receiving line on the way out. Every single girl gave each of the three of us a warm kiss on the way out the door. Even Sonia laid one on me. “What about the boyfriend?” I...

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Rhapsody SuiteTwentyfour

“TONY, LET’S PLAY ‘CHEESEY.” Oh crap! Not now! “I’m sorry, Damon,” I said to the boy standing behind me. “I have to work.” “Making pictures is work?” “It’s what I do in school.” “In first grade we learn to write.” Well, that was true enough. But right now, I was focused. That session Sunday afternoon was still fresh in my mind. I hadn’t been able to think of anything else all day. I sketched all through Art History in the dark. At lunch, I ran to Daniel Smith and picked up five 22 by...

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Rhapsody SuiteTwentyfive

I WAS HIGH ON ADRENALIN when I reached my studio. It’s funny how now I considered the lower level of Lissa’s house to be my studio. Mine and Melody’s. We had each set up our stations with all the supplies we needed, including lights. We were spending four or more nights a week at the house and it had become the center of my universe. I was worried at first that we were taking the boys’ play space, but Lissa said she’d tried to get the boys to play downstairs, but everything kept migrating...

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Rhapsody SuiteTwentysix

I WAS ABLE TO CONCENTRATE on my racquetball Tuesday afternoon and beat Allison, though we both worked hard. I agreed with Lissa about the intercollegiate tournament not having shown Allison at her best. And I have to admit—I missed a couple of shots because I was watching the jiggling on her chest settle down. Maybe they don’t make stronger sports bras. “For heaven sake, Tony. You’ve already seen ‘em naked. Can’t you keep your eye on the ball?” she laughed at me. “Geez, Allison. I’d never...

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Rhapsody SuiteTwentyseven

MY LAST CLASS OF THE SEMESTER. Everyone else had another week to go, but Lissa and I would be leaving for Chicago Sunday. All my finals were done. My projects were in. My portfolio had been reviewed, and I was ready for summer ... after I played my heart out at National Singles. There was quite a buzz in our Studio class. I think everyone was feeling the onset of summer. We didn’t have a model as the class was working on finishing their final projects. Mine, of course, was painted on a wall...

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Opus OneChapter 7 Theme and Variations

Sandra poured the last of the second wine bottle into Emily's glass. She thought it would help slow Emily down, but she seemed to get better at playing games the more she drank. The game of choice for the evening was admittedly puerile. Emily had voted for Trivial Pursuit. Sandra had voted for Spit. She was in the mood for something less cerebral, and mention of it the night before had stuck with her. Richard broken the tie in Sandra's favor. After the vote, Emily rolled her...

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Parking Lot a Theme and Variations

What follows are ten little stories, each less than a thousand words long. The first one, "Parking Lot 0", is the original 778 word tale. Stories 1 through 9 repeat the verbiage of the first story but have different endings, each darker than the one before. For ease of reading, everything in "Parking Lot 0" is repeated each time. If a reader chooses to read several of these ditties in a sitting, it will be repetitive. For this I apologize. * * * * * Parking Lot 0 “You can't...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 52 Biding Their Time

‘Mes? It’s not his communicator ID’. Grandmaster Kartion was confused when he suddenly received a transmission from an unfamiliar communicator. He was reclusive, uninterested in the world outside his two caves. Laivien, his Martial family, his refinement technique and the Krikitory tribe were the only things which merited his affection – to varying degrees. And the upshot for having so few things in his heart was that each of them had meant more to him than how other may perceive. ‘Supreme...

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Variation On A Theme Of Human Attraction

Variation on a theme of human attraction. The AGM at Microweb’s Chicago office had just finished. By a bit of good planning and, even although I say it myself, ingenuity – I managed to sustain an interview with the chief sales guy TO introduce my new Android App.. . I was directed into a large fussy waiting room which adjoined the executive conference room so after the meeting was closed and the delegates piled out, I decided to take a gander inside My being of a very inquisitive...

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Sex In The Theme Park With Wife8217s Hot Cousin

Hi ISS readers. Thanks for reading this story of mine. What I am about to narrate is what happened in my life, of course with some added tit-bits. ;) I am a married man with a daughter the age of 2 years. I hail from Chennai. This happened 2 weeks back. It was summer vacation for most of my wife’s nieces and nephews. So, her family wanted to go out on a short trip to Coorg. Given most of her relatives stay in Bangalore, we stayed in one of her cousin’s place. My wife’s cousin sister, Pushpa...

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Sex With My Reader In A Theme Park

Hey readers, this is Nayeem with yet another sexual experience. This is my 10th story. Thank you for sending your feedback and suggestions. I had a good time with some ladies who texted me. My new sexual encounter is also with one of them. After my last story, I had received many emails from ladies who wanted to maintain secret sexting and relationship. I love sexting and having sex and one night stands with strangers. If any woman/girl wants to get along with me you could reach me at And...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 8 Variations On A Theme

Heels: The Ultimatum 8 - Variations On A Theme By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 7: Kinky & Squeamish In light of Gale's lesbian epiphany, that schedule of hers went right out the window, as Dennis began spending roughly seventy-five to eighty-five percent of his non-working time in the guise of his feminine alter ego. However, though Dennis was spending most of his at home time as Kelly, Gale came up with a timely suggestion that allowed...

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The sex theme park

Yoursexualfantasiesworld. comI never thought of myself as strange. I just loved the thought of submission. Some of my dates found me strange, some were excited, but amateurish. None gave me what I was looking for. Oh, a few tied me up, a few took oral and anal sex, but usually I was leading, if you know what I mean. "Why don't you do this, or that". When I was gagged, the ideas dried up. I was always left disappointed. My problem was the computer. I was a supervisor in an office full of girls,...

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Homecoming Themes

This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at http://www.mcstories.com/ChangesTrick/ChangesTrick.html. Go ahead and read that story as well....

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At the Theme Park

I sipped from my coke as I continued to wander and size up the passersby. The rollercoaster rumbled past accompanied by a wave of screams. A large family with matching t-shirts rolled by with a pack of strollers and children in tow. It was another standard day at the theme park operating in full-swing for the summer season. The sun beat down on the attendees, who rushed about trying to see all the attractions. My aim was not focused on the rides however. I was looking for a mark. Any would do...

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Theme Park Quicky

So here we are years later and I am still with Amber. Eighteen months ago we moved in together and just this past May we were married. There are very few people in my inner circle of friends and within my family that know the truth about Amber’s sex. Not that I am embarrassed or ashamed, it’s just that I don't feel it is any of their business. My parents and brothers know even though I didn't tell them until we had been together for a little over a year. By this time she had been around my...

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Fun In Theme Park

Hello readers am Karthik from Coimbatore..am a regular visitor of this site in which I like those real stories which does not have any sort of exaggeration.ok let me start writing sense without wasting any time …Iam a resident of coimbatore from a business background family.I am 25 completed my studies just 3 years before in coimbatore. This incident happened when I was in my final B.com in one of the colleges in coimbatore. Our college had arranged a fest and fest means only fun. We were given...

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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 9AA Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates After leaving the clothing store you grab a quick bite to eat. You continue to joke with Wendy, "Um, maybe your not hungry? Have you eaten enough for the day?" "Perhaps if your cum was still a thick as it used to be, then I would be full. As it is, I'm definitely not thirsty at all. I mean I do intend to drink you dry a soon as I can." "Well, maybe I should eat some more of your thick cream. Sandy wasn't...

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PLEASURE ISLAND THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 11AA Theme TripsToursPirates Satisfying the Crew

PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 11AA Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates- Satisfying the Crew With Wendy's announcement you go ahead and down your glass of rum. "Well this is going to be a busy night. There had better be a lot of lube available." Wendy comes to you and kisses holding you behind the neck. Then she begins running her fingers over the shaved part of your head. "You're going to be getting a lot of lube baby, don't worry." Then she looks at the officers around...

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PLEASURE ISLAND THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 10AA Theme TripsToursPirates Planning and Plotting

PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 10AA Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates Planning and Plotting "Let's claim my first treasure ship." There is no hesitation for Wendy. "Yes, Captain. We will set a course for the primary shipping routes at once. The treasure ships are heavily armed and sometimes escorted by other vessels. It may get dangerous. It will be tomorrow morning before we are in position. Is there anything that you require tonight?" "Send in a bottle of rum for now. My...

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Great Anticipations

My name is Charles Dickredy and I have lived in the Norfolk Broads, in the year of our lord of eighteen thirty eight, for all of my seventeen years. I know not why I relate this story of love and lust to you simply because of the hurt and trauma that it has caused me, except perhaps, so that others may avoid the pitfalls of kindness and of falling in love with beautiful rich women.  Not that one chooses who they fall in love with, of course.I come from a community of simple folk. My father was...

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Depression SoupChapter 23 Great Anticipations

Dog seemed to heal almost overnight. A month after the fracas with the bootleggers and crooked police, he was his old self, running and raising a ruckus whenever a stranger came around. Even if he recognized our callers as friends, he still let us know someone was coming. Never once did he get chastised. He did exactly what we wanted him to do. He had appointed himself our protector and we weren't about to "unappoint" him. The bad element had left the county or were locked up pending...

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Do you know that moments that often appear in the stories, movies or Disney cartoons? The good old ones I mean…:) When a girl has a flower in her hands…tears its petals one by one and does that” he loves me/he loves me not” thing, all the way, until the last petal? Have you ever seen a woman who seems like always being a dreamer…like she is physically there where she is, but her heart, mind and soul always seem like being in another place…with someone else?Do you know that women that are always...

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Hooked At The Company HalloweenThemed Costume Party

“You should go as a sexy nurse,” one of my co-workers told me.“Yeah, and get fired,” I replied.We were chatting about our company Halloween-themed costume party. I had worked at Moore Construction for about a year- a small company of about 100 employees; mostly hormone-driven guys who wanted nothing more than to take a company secretary home.Sammy was my co-heart in crime and she always had my back. We both worked in the accounting department, so we knew just about everyone in the company, from...

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Couples Sexual Themed Interactive Instructional Ro

Couples Sexual Themed Interactive Instructional Role Playing Casting Coach GameThe scene: Adverts have been placed looking for female performers in the adult movie industry. You: You are the interviewer. Her answers have been left as question makes. Elaborate on the prompts below, relax and give her a completely different experience! Try recording it for real (I wouldn’t mind see that!).Start: You are in your office waiting for your interviewee to turn up with cameras roling. Him: Hi thank you...

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Coronavirusthemed porn is a thing

COVID-19 has affected virtually every aspect of our lives, so why should the way we watch porn be an exception? Not only are we watching more of it, but it’s all about hazmat suits, masks and gloves.In an article posted on Psychology Today, Dr. Martin J. Lehmiller writes that the virus has given porn consumption rates a boost. He refers to Pornhub — a free video sharing and pornography site — which reported a steady increase in March since lockdowns around the world began. In fact, on...

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Still More Favotite Themes

Still More Favorite Themes By Cassandra Morgan I'm still wrong. Let's start with that. I'm an idiot. I'm full of it. Who the hell do I think I am? Can I read? I know, I know. There are so many wonderful journeys on this website. There are so many talented writers giving their efforts away to please the rest of us that it is staggering. And although I haven't read them all, I appreciate every thought from every writer's brain. So why try to mention a few favorites? Isn't it a...

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I take 4 cocks written by Themeparks and Db11 m

Mel enjoys 4 cocksthis a joint story by me and Mel:ThemeparksIt had been a long week at work and me and some of the other blokes went to a local bar for a few drinks. After about an hour there were 4 of is left as blokes do we were studying the women there and rating them.A bit later on I spotted a blonde at the bar who seemed to be on her own and had an amazing ass that filled her jeans to perfection. I pointed her out to the rest of the lads and they all agreed. Despite us not taking our eyes...

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I went there for revenge. I let him touch me for revenge. I let him come inside of me for revenge. It was all for revenge and to feel good. Ky'Zavier cheated on me and then broke up with me when I found out. He said it was too much of a sacrifice. Being with me was just too much of a sacrifice. Now, he wants me back. He's tainted by another woman's scent. As petty as it sounds, I wanted revenge. I wanted to know I got even. And Michael was just the perfect candidate to help me do so. I've...

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Theme Park of Doom Rewritten

Joel smiled to himself as he waited in line for entry, feeling that childlike excitement fill him up as he thought about all the things he would do, he had heard there was a new restaurant which had opened up in the park, he made a mental note to visit it, he had heard the burgers were excellent, “Unlike Anything you’ve ever tasted!” he hoped it lived up to the hype. When he finally reached the front of the line, he handed the man in the booth his ticket, which he had ordered a few weeks ago,...

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Fantasia On The The Theme Of Cunnilingus

It doesn't matter where we meet. We need light, space to sprawl, and nothing that might remind us that somewhere, time is passing. We're not in a hurry, and after a while, neither of us will be able to keep track of time. So we do what we do, touch kiss, undress, play with hands and mouths and voices, until our breathing comes faster and our hands slide on our sweaty bodies. I start at your neck, and work my way down your body with my eyes, then my lips, tongue and teeth. I look for the...

Oral Sex
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My Fetish is Fur gay theme

This story/adventure is about 80% true and 20% fictional. But it is all based on real experiences in my life. Because fur tends to be very expensive. I got into trapping as a boy because I needed a way to gratify my overwhelming fur fetish. From day one I fell deeply in love with fur and the magical power it has over me. However, I was trapping coyotes, fox, beaver and raccoons in upstate New York near Lake Placid (Adirondack Mountains). Unfortunately, there is not much of a return for all the...

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Having fun at raging waters a sexy water theme pa

Hi My name is Joette I wrote this story so I would never forget one of my wildest experience ever in life. the story is all non-fiction (true Story). The first *1-5* paragraphs are kinda boring it begans to become great along paragraph *6* I hope you all enjoy me sharing my day at raging waters in san dimas CA, please leave comments if you feel compelled to please :-) ....ENJOY *1*My boyfriend Alan(24yrs./5'10/7”) and I Joete (22yrs/5'7/34C) are a couple of freaks, in our bed room and out our...

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Dancing Girl Variations on a Theme

DANCING GIRL (Variations on a Transvestite Fantasy) by "C.C." The First Variation... One can only hibernate with a Computer so long. Even a new program gets tiring. You decided you felt like Mediterranean Food that evening. Or maybe it wasn't so much the Food as the exotic Belly Dancer advertised at the Restaurant! You'd been interested in that sort of dancing ever since your trip to Athens,...

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Encountering the EnergistsChapter 5 The Big Bang Theory Theme Song

7:45pm, July 1, 2003 Once again, the Energists thankfully restricted access to my memories of them, so I could focus all my attention on... Kaleigh's nude 6 month pregnant body as she walked out of her master bathroom towards me. "You kill me with those Marvin the Martian boxers. Each time you have them on; all I can picture is his little legs scurrying about with his little ray-gun," she chuckled as she eased on over beside me at the bed. "Oh by the way, Happy Canada Day! I saw that on...

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Violet Says YesChapter 4 Theme and Variations

They were not long at Kalworth Hall when luncheon was announced. Violet was led by a maid into “the small parlor.” There were Lord Richard, an old woman, and a young one. “Aunt,” Lord Richard said, “may I present Miss Violet Worden? Miss Worden, Deborah, Dowager Countess Minton, Lady Deborah Minton, her grand daughter and named for her.” “Milady.” She made a curtsey to the older woman, who nodded graciously. A governess does not curtsey to her charge, and she had not yet refused the...

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Jill the MirrorChapter 2 Variations on a Theme of Serenity

Lucy phoned Germaine and asked her to join them. Jill rose, gracefully, and went to the kitchen. “I don’t yet have Sandra’s skill in the Way of Tea, but I shall prepare a nice English presentation.” While the water was starting to boil, Germaine showed up, in black stretch pants and top. “Germaine, dear, do you know Rose?” “Slightly. I gather, Lucy, that we and Rose are growing closer?” “Exactly. Rose is wildly experimental, mostly on the heterosexual side. I had the idea that the two of...

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Jill the MirrorChapter 8 Variations on a Theme of Serenity

Lucy phoned Germaine and asked her to join them. Jill rose, gracefully, and went to the kitchen. “I don’t yet have Sandra’s skill in the Way of Tea, but I shall prepare a nice English presentation.” While the water was starting to boil, Germaine showed up, in black stretch pants and top. “Germaine, dear, do you know Rose?” “Slightly. I gather, Lucy, that we and Rose are growing closer?” “Exactly. Rose is wildly experimental, mostly on the heterosexual side. I had the idea that the two of...

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