I'm A Housewife free porn video

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I'm a Housewife Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Injured on the job, I was at home to recover when I got the news. The chemical that my body had absorbed caused me to temporarily lose some of my dexterity as well as experiencing some minor loss of visual acuity. The doctors told me it would go away, yet that made it impossible for me to return to work. Physically there wasn't anything wrong, yet the company decided to allow me to stay home and draw my pay rather than work and possibly face a lawsuit. I was 23 when I got the offer, which included a "no work" clause, as well assurances that I would get all future raises. That meant that I couldn't work in my field for anyone else! The news that I couldn't work left Janet and I facing the future with her working and me at home. But, I started doing all the housework, both inside and out, and within a few months I had a routine that I quickly found out let me watch my favorite television show. I kept an immaculate house, just like my mother did, and Janet never had to worry about having clean clothes, dinner, or anything else. With no children, it worked out just fine. After a few months of that, Janet made a comment that quickly irritated me a lot. She said that I was "The best housewife ever", and the more I thought about it the madder I got, since all I ever did in our relationship was my job. That's when I got the idea. It took me almost two weeks to research it, get it worked out, buy what I needed, then, when I was ready, I waited until she left for work. In the bath I used some of that awful cream hair remover, then shaved the spots it missed, leaving me totally hairless, and after a shower and a very close shave, I unpacked the things that I had bought. I slipped the panties on, then the bra, using the new breast forms, and sat at the vanity to try my hand at makeup. It wasn't that good, but good enough, then I sat on the bed and pulled on the pantyhose, which felt just sexy as hell, before I slipped on the full skirt, pulled the top over my head, and brushed out my hair. Earrings, a bracelet, some perfume, and lastly, lipstick. I set about my normal duties just like always, but about twenty minutes before Janet got home, I touched up my lipstick. I was in the kitchen starting dinner when she walked in the front door. "Honey! I'm home!" Well, I walked out of the kitchen in a swirl of skirt and perfume, smiling like a dutiful housewife. "Dinner will be about half an hour," I said, walking back in the kitchen. Janet was immediately right on my heels of course, not saying a word as I stirred the broth. Then... "You look...very nice, but why? As cute as you are like this, why are you dressed this way?" "You did say that I was the best housewife ever didn't you? Well, I decided that maybe you're right, and to prove it, how could I not look nice for you?" "Is this going to be how you dress every day now?" "Maybe, maybe not! It depends." "On what?!" I flopped into a chair, looked at her, then said... "You were right! I feel like a housewife Janet! I do everything they do, better in most cases I'll bet, and you without realizing it you have started to treat me like one! It's a natural response I think, and I can't blame you for it, but..." "Honey," Janet said as she sat down next to me, "I know this has been hard on you, taking care of the house like you do, so I can understand why you feel the way you do; I guess I can accept you like you are right now, as long as it makes you happy! I have my work, which keeps me busy, and you're left here all day with all of the other stay at home wives, so if you want to dress up like a woman, I guess I can go with it, but if you do this, then maybe I should show you a few things on how to do hair, and maybe some lessons with makeup. Can I do that?" "I never said that this was going to be more than something to get you attention Janet!" "Yes I know that, but just in case, why not let me help you?" "I guess, but just so you know, I might not ever use them." Over dinner I agreed to let her show me a few things, although I wasn't sure that I would need them any time soon. Janet helped with the dishes, then showed me how to create three different hairstyles, and corrected obvious mistakes in my makeup. "If you like," she said, "I can get you a few things, but to be honest, to get the best fit it's better to try clothes on before you buy. Maybe a skirt or two, and some blouses?" "But I'm not sure that I'll do this again Janet, it was only to make a point!" "But you're so cute! And really, I don't mind, as long as it makes you happy." "Maybe, but..." "Listen, I'll get you a few things on the way home tomorrow, and that way, if you need them you'll have them." "You sound like you want me to do this Janet!" "Not really, but I'm not the one at home all day, you are, and if it makes you happy, or makes you feel more comfortable, or even to make a point, then who am I to say no? As long as all your parts work..." "Speaking of which," I said with a grin, "how would you like to strip a housewife and abuse her body?" I did not get dressed up the next day or the one after that, even though Janet brought home a few new things for me. Her acceptance of what I had done confused me; our sex life was still great, we went out to dinner once in a while, all of the things so many couples did, yet I wondered why she did not put up more of a fuss about my dressing up. If anything, she was rather blas? about it. When I brought it up over dinner... "I know that it might," she said, "sound strange to you, but I was in high school with a guy that like to play dress up. He never hid it, so a lot of us got to see him; in fact, to be truthful, he actually looked very nice. He never flaunted it, but he never ran away either, and some of us got to know him pretty well, which is when I found out that it didn't change his personality one bit. He was always the same person no matter how he looked, and he just never worried about what anyone thought. He did make an effort to sound more like a girl when he talked though, which on top of everything else, really confused a lot of guys. In fact, several guys asked him out because they didn't know who he really was, but as far as I know, he never dated. That's why I'm not terribly worried about you playing dress up! With some practice, you'll look very nice, and even if it was just to make a point, That's why I don't mind." "But, what if I start liking it? I mean..." "I doubt that'll happen, but we'll work that out if and when we get to it! You worry too much!" "If you say so. I just wanted to know, that's all." "I'll tell you what! In the morning I want you to get all dressed up and spend the whole day that way, like the last time. That way you'll know if you like it a lot better, okay?" "You sure about this?" Janet nodded her head yes, smiled, and later as we did the dishes, she told me that I might try the black and white skirt she bought. For some reason she was very amorous that night, and not being totally stupid, I added it up. The thought of me dressing as a woman was turning her on! She never once suggested that I do it, only telling me she didn't mind. Still unsure of myself, the next morning I decided to try it again, only I started with a bubble bath, using the razor to get the hairs that had started to pop out. The skirt she mentioned was a knee length black skirt with small white flowers on it. I set it on the bed along with the white short sleeve blouse, and began to get dressed. Once I had the panties on I fixed myself so I didn't have a lump, then sat at the vanity to try my hand at makeup again. I brushed out my hair the way she showed me, then went to the dresser to get the bra, but what I found was a padded pantybrief sitting right on top! Smiling at finding that, I put on the pantyhose, then the padded brief, and bra before I stepped into the skirt and put the blouse on. I wore the flats, clipped on some earrings, and added lipstick before I walked to the kitchen to have some more coffee. In a sense I felt like a fool, but then again, I didn't. As I looked out across the yards I could see other housewives working in the yard, playing with their children and so on, and for some reason I felt as if I might just fit in better as a woman. I was on the phone with Janet when I saw a woman come to the back patio door and wave! Since she could clearly see me, I couldn't just run and hide, so I hung up, and opened the slider. "Hi! I'm Rachel! My husband and I bought the house one down from you, and we're moving in today!" "Ummm hi Rachel, I'm...." I had not selected a name, and didn't even think about it when it popped out of my mouth. "Diane. Nice to meet you." "Listen, I hate to be a pain, being the first time we met and all, but can you watch our son for a bit? Just until we get settled in? You can come to our house, I have some coffee on. It's just that he'll be underfoot and all, so..." Since she could see that we didn't have any kids, and given the fact that she showed no sign of realizing that I was a guy, I swallowed hard, put my fears aside, and decided I would help her. But I had never been out of the house, and I knew that if I walked down the sidewalk out front, it was a sure bet that a lot of people would see me, and if I walked through the yards, all the women behind us would see me! The backyards were just a little better, so I grabbed the house keys and my cell phone, and followed her to her house. The boy attacked me almost at once, clinging to my legs while yelling at the top of his voice. Rachel went back to directing the movers, her husband Gary was helping them move things, which left me with the kid. I found a cereal that he liked, and let him munch on those, which kept the noise level down. I managed to call Janet and tell her where I was and why, which drew a laugh. The kid started up again, so I hung up, and took him out in the backyard where I let him run all he wanted to. A few hours later, Rachel came out and flopped down on the grass. "Thanks Diane, I don't know how we would have managed without you today!" "That's okay, it was fun," I said, with her son sitting on my lap, still hoping she wouldn't figure out that I was a guy. "He's a handful, that's for sure!" "You don't have any yet?" I shook my head no. "Well, thanks again Diane, I really appreciate it!" "No problem," I said, and walked home. Janet wanted to know every detail of course, and as I told her she started to giggle, but knowing that I had risked a lot to help Rachel, she did not tease me about it. It wasn't until we were almost ready for bed that it hit me, and when it did, it was like a ton of bricks! Now that Rachel had seen and met me as Diane, and I had even helped her with the kid, she would always expect to see Diane! Janet picked up on my mood instantly, so I told her what I was thinking. "That's right! Why didn't I think of that! What are you going to do now? What I mean is..." "How can I be myself one day and Diane the next?" "Right! Especially after taking care of her son like that! I suppose you met her husband?" "Gary. He didn't look at me twice, but then again, he was helping the movers." "So...he also expects to see Diane then?" "I would guess." "Then maybe it would be better, for both of us, certainly you, if you become Diane all the time honey!" Pausing a moment, she added, "Since we have both been working, until your accident anyway, and since we hardly know anybody anyway, it might just work! They'll think were a couple of Lesbians living together probably, but that might be better than having them know that you're a guy! This Gary, he probably wouldn't like it, and since he's new around here, he could really hurt you...us, if he wanted too!" She was right, and as I lay there I wondered how I could ever manage to pull it off! I wasn't as fluid as a woman should be, I lacked almost all of the mannerisms they had, plus I had to work hard not to sound like a guy without sounding falsetto! Janet patted my leg, hugged me, then, as her hand ran up my leg, it quickly became magic time again. In the morning as I watched Janet get ready for work, I asked her if we weren't being a bit paranoid about my being seen as Diane. Her answer was to throw a bra at me, which answered that question. As I started to get dressed, Janet casually mentioned that most of the women that stayed home wore jeans, shorts, or slacks, maybe a jumper, pointing out that maybe it was time that we went shopping. "We'll go out tonight. The malls won't be crowded, and you'll have plenty of time to try things on for fit. I'll leave a little early, so be ready to leave by four, okay?" I wasn't eager to become a woman, yet I never told Janet I might be afraid or wouldn't do it. After she left for work I was faced with the fact that I going to go out in a very public place as a woman, then buy clothes for myself! I decided to put off getting ready until after lunch, hoping that I could come up with a good reason to explain why I had been dressed as a woman. Failing that, I went about cleaning the house until it was time for me to get dressed. By the time Janet got home I was as ready as I was ever going to be, having spent all afternoon getting myself psyched up for a trip to the mall. That plus making sure I looked as good as I possibly could. Janet changed into a skirt similar to mine, and we left for the mall. As bad as I thought it was going to be, nothing happened! I tried on jeans, skirts and shorts, bought some of each, plus some tops, blouses and more shoes. To my great shame, I also allowed myself to get both ears pierced. On the way out of the mall we passed a beauty shop, and Janet made the observation that I really needed to get my hair cut and styled. I said no, and she dropped it, until we got home, then she insisted. "A woman your age would not let her hair get in the condition yours is in, so you really need to think about it. You can use the girl I use, and I'll even set it up for you if you like." "You sound like you're really into this Janet! You seem to want me to be a woman!" "Not be a woman silly, only dress like one! But you're right about one thing; seeing you like this turns me right on, only I don't know why! That's why it might sound like I'm...eager, but I still love the guy underneath!" "What's the number," I asked a bit sadly." Using all my nerve, I walked into the beauty shop the next morning. I didn't have a clue what I was going to have done, only that I needed to look more like a woman and less like a man than ever before, which is why I told the lady that I needed the works, which is what Janet told me. The stylist also seemed to think that if I am dressing as a woman, she needed to make me sexy, and I decided to take her advice, even though I had no idea what it entailed. "The works? That's going to take a while hon. We usually take two full days for the works, are you sure?" "I guess I need it, so I might as well," I told her, "but what exactly is the works?" "We start by removing any unwanted facial hair, we have that new laser system run by a qualified operator, then a full body wax, mud pack, facial, hair, nails and makeup. It costs more or less depending, but usually about $500." "Well, I need it all, so where do I go first!" That turned out to be the body waxing, which, to be truthful, was just plain ugly. The sound of hairs being ripped out by the roots isn't fun, and the thrill of experiencing it worse. The woman doing it insisted that I change into a gown so she could do what she called a twatsy trim, but that would have meant that she would find out, so I resisted. "Most girls need to trim there honey, especially with the clothes they have nowadays, so off with it!" "But," I said, letting my male voice slip out. "OH! You're one of those kinds of girls!" she said with a grin. "Well, since you're getting the whole package anyway, it doesn't matter, does it? And if you dress the way most girls do, you'll still need the trim, so..." From ankle to waist, groin to shoulders, front and back, including the twatsy trim, I was peeled like a grape, and when she was done, she gave me a slap on the can to let me know she was done. "Tell you what," she said, "I also do the laser hair removal, and given that it's obvious that you plan on making this a long term thing, why not just get rid of that beard and be done with it? That way everything else can be done tomorrow, but first, why not let me set those breast forms on so they're a bit more realistic?" "How? I was told these are the best on the market!" "They are, but let me show you a little trick." With that, she glued them to my chest, making sure there was no visible seam. When she was done with me I ached all over, but not only was my skin as smooth and soft as any woman's, I also had what looked like real boobs! I made the appointment for the next morning and went home, Janet seemed pleased that I had done it, and spent some time running her hands all over my newly smooth skin, and almost gushed when she saw that I had glued the breast forms on. She said it would make everything easier, meaning what I could wear and so on. The next morning at eight I was back in the shop, and they started with a mud pack, then a green facial before they styled my hair, changing the color to a richer brown and setting it with a soft perm. My nails were made a bit longer, shaped, trimmed and painted, then my makeup was done by a pro. By the time I left the shop I knew that not many people would ever guess that I was a guy under it all, and frankly, I was able to quit worrying about it so much. When I got home, I wanted to test myself, so I walked down to Rachel's house, using the sidewalk out front. Gary let me in, smiling widely when he saw me. "Hi Diane! Let me get Rachel!" A moment later Rachel showed up, telling me that Brendan was down for his nap. "Look at you! You've been to the salon! I can tell! I love the hair color, and those nails! I wish I could have nails like that, but with the baby it's just impossible! Come on. Let's have some coffee." I had worn shorts without pantyhose of course, and with the padding and careful tucking, I looked like Rachel did, and that meant that her husband was probably watching my bottom as we went in the kitchen. In a way, I sort of liked that. It meant that the money I had spent at the salon was worth every penny, especially if he didn't have a clue about my true nature. Rachel and I had some coffee, during which she wanted to know where everything was. Like the salon, grocery store, mall, and so on. Then... "I don't see a ring, so, are you single?" "Well...Janet and I...we live together." "So?" "So, the answer is no, I don't have a boyfriend." "Oh...Oh!" "But she works and you keep the house?" "It works out better that way." "No babies either I suppose?" "No babies, and none on the way either!" "I hear there's a wives get together tomorrow at Sally's house; she lives two blocks down on the right. You going?" "I wasn't invited. Not yet anyway." "Let me call her real quick, we'll get that straightened out in a flash!" To my great chagrin, Rachel called, and I was invited! If I didn't go, she would ask why, but if I did go, then some of the women might just recognize me! It seemed as if I kept getting stuck in those boxes, and couldn't seem to find a way out, but I knew that I would have to go or Rachel would start asking to many questions if I didn't. When I went home I called Janet, told her I had a surprise for her, meaning the way I looked, and started dinner. Why Janet saw my new look she seemed real happy for me, and when I told her about the wives get together, she actually encouraged me to go! "Wear that black skirt with the white top and your low white heels. I have some black and white earrings and a matching necklace you can use. It'll be cute!" "But isn't that just going to drag me further into this? I mean, sure, I got my hair and nails done, and even though Rachel knows me as Diane, wouldn't meeting everyone else just make it worse?" "One is bad enough honey! Even though Rachel saw you, she is bound to mention it, and she already has, when she called Sally! You were virtually locked into this the minute she saw you, and we both know it! If all those woman meet you, then you'll become one of them, which, if nothing else, will remove any doubts, if there ever are any!" Janet had not told me to go, only laying out what she saw as the benefits, leaving the decision up to me. In the morning after coffee, I went to get ready. I was going, and I knew I would I guess. Not having to shave was a real plus, so I simply put on some makeup and got dressed, once again making sure that I looked as good as I could. Rachel was dressed about like I was, and we walked there together, and were admitted to the house. Sally was a very big girl, taller and heavier than I was, but very nice, and surprisingly, I had a good time! There were about twenty women there, all but three of us mothers, two of us supposedly single. When that news got around, she and I were told all about single brothers, friends, and their husbands friends, all good husband material we were told. I endured the joking, but afterwards, I felt sort of left out. They all had husbands, I had Janet. That thought stopped me cold in my tracks, because I wasn't like that! But, I had met and made new friends, and as Rachel and I walked home, she asked me about Janet. "I know what you told me Diane, but are you and Janet...close?" "Yeah, close." "Lovers?" "That too." "Soooo...men don't interest you?" "They haven't yet, why?" "Just wondering, because I'm sure that I saw Janet and some guy having lunch the other day, and I just don't want to see you get hurt, that's all." "I trust her Rachel." "I won't say another word then." When I asked Janet about that lunch, it was as I expected, a business lunch. She told me she was meeting that way because he was so busy. I believed her, and over the next few months became accustomed to having breasts, wearing makeup, and my mannerisms became more naturally feminine; even my manner of speaking became more like a woman's. Rachel, a few other ladies and I would often get together in the mornings, talk about kids, cooking, men and so on, and I felt myself becoming more like one of them and less like my male self. It was only when Rachel and I, along with Brendan were out shopping one day that I saw Janet, and she was kissing some guy. When Rachel told me it was the same guy she was with before, I realized what a fool I had been. That night I confronted her with what I had seen. "You let me do this to myself, then you just run around with another guy!? How do you think that makes me feel? And don't try to tell me it was a business meeting either!" "Okay! Alright! Yes! I met someone else. I wasn't looking, it just happened!" "Now what?" "He's asked me to move in with him Diane, and to be truthful, I'm thinking about it." "But why!? Because of me? The way I look?" "God no! You turn me on like this, you know that, but he's...he's...more..." "Masculine?" "No...yes...dammit! He and I can go places like a normal couple, and you and I can't! Not when you have as good a figure as I do, and you're prettier than I am on top of that! I love you honey, you know that, but you have to face it! Things have changed for us, haven't they? In fact, I'll bet that some of those ladies you meet with have already tried to fix you up with someone, haven't they?" I didn't move, but..."See! I knew it!" "You know damned well that I'm not..." "What? A woman? Take a good look in the mirror and then try telling me that! Listen Diane, I love you dearly, but there are men out there that would just adore you, worship the ground you walk on in fact, only you're going to have to get rid of the idea that you wouldn't, or couldn't, be with a guy! I know that you're still a guy, but I'm just about the only one that knows it! You've even had those breast forms attached again, using that long wearing adhesive I think you told me? If you wanted to give this up why did you do that? It's because you and I both know that you'll never go back to being a guy again! In the last...what? Six months? You have created a life for yourself as the woman of the house, and besides, I know for a fact that you like being a woman to much to give it up just like that! Maybe what you should do is think about becoming the woman you look like." Unable to refute what she said, I asked... "Is that it? I mean, are we done? Is it over?" "I'll pack and go Diane. I'll stay at a hotel tonight. Its better this way. A clean break I mean. Since the house was yours before we got married, you can have it. In fact, why don't you keep it all? But lets do this the easy way and just get on with our lives." Janet was gone within a few hours. Leaving me all alone, facing the future as a woman. I cried a little, going to bed alone for the first time it two years. In the morning I looked at my naked self in the mirror, and wondered if maybe Janet had been right. I loved playing with the women's babies as well as our mornings when we got together for coffee and talk. After getting dressed, I walked down to Rachel's house, planning on telling her about Janet leaving, but started crying the minute I saw her. Under Rachel's steady gaze and gentle way, I told her that Janet had left. "Can you get by without her income? I mean, you're not working, so..." "I have a steady income Rachel, but I just can't stay home alone all the time now. There's only me, and I need to get out! Maybe even get a job, but there are some problems I have to get through first." "You mean like changing your name and getting new identification?" Startled, I looked up at her with wide eyes. "I've known from that first day Diane, but nobody else does, and since you've been nothing short of fabulous as a woman, why would I tell anyone?" Pouring us a soft drink... "Gary has an opening in his office, it's for an office manager. I can ask him if you like." "Does he know? That I'm not really a woman I mean." "He suspected that first day, but since then, he's never brought it up. If anything, I don't think he cares. He's a great lawyer Diane, and I just know that he'll help you, but you have to be honest with him, and trust him completely. I know he can help, so why not ask him?" "I will, believe me, I will." That night as I sat across my kitchen table from Gary, just the two of us, I told him my entire story, from how my accident happened, to becoming a woman and why, then why Janet was leaving. He didn't flinch at all. He didn't even say he knew. In fact, if anything, he was very stoic about my revelations, and agreed to represent me in my divorce, which was really easy; Janet and I parted without any anger at all. My name was legally changed to Diane Michelle, then Gary found a small but important loophole in my disability contract. I would be able to work and continue receiving the payments as long as I worked in another field. That's when Gary hired me to be his office manager, and I started working again. After one day on the job I knew that I had made the right decision, because being out of the house was pure joy. Doing my job as a woman made me feel as if I had finally determined what my future was going to be. About three weeks later the neighborhood hosted a block party, and I spent hours making several dishes to take. I was just about to put everything in the wagon and take it out when Rachel knocked on the door. "I brought someone to help you carry all that food you made. This is Matt. Matt, Diane." He was taller than me, about my age, and had blond hair with hazel eyes. He also had a dazzling smile. "Well? Come you two," Rachel said, "get the food and lets go party!" Matt pulled the wagon while I held things so they wouldn't fall off, then Rachel and I set out the food. "You set me up!" "Of course I did. Somebody had to get you moving! If I didn't you'd turn out to be an old maid! And besides, Matt is perfect! He's cardiovascular surgical Intern! He's single, your age, cute as hell, and wanted to meet you the minute Gary showed him your picture! Now go find him and have a good time tonight!" "But I...he might..." "Diane!" she said harshly. "Stop that right now! You are a lovely, intelligent woman! Now go find Matt!" "Yes mother!" "Get!" I found Matt sipping a soda with Gary, who saw me coming, and ambled away, walking towards Rachel. Matt handed me a drink and said... "Gary showed me your picture. He told me you manage his office staff?" "Yeah I had to get out of the house after the divorce, and he had an opening, so I applied." "Any kids?" "No, I can't have children." "Anything is possible now." "Not in my case." "How long were you married?" "Two years and a few months." "Left you for another woman?" "No, another guy as a matter of fact. Have you ever been married Matt?" "Once, I was just out of high school. We have a little girl. She's two years old right now." "What happened? Do you get to see your daughter?" "My wife ran off, leaving me with her. I have full custody." "Okay you two! Foods on!" Rachel was waving us to the tables, and as I turned, Matt put his arm around my waist and escorted me to the table. Almost all of the neighbors saw Matt and I sitting together, which made I saw, many of my friends smile at me. Matt and I danced, which was new for me, but we managed, and as it got darker, he became more attentive, staying close to me all the time. As if I would run off. All sorts of things were running through my head, the most prominent was the fact that I was feeling some attraction to Matt, only I wasn't sure why. I also knew that if we started any kind of relationship, he would expect certain things from me, none of which I had ever done, and wasn't so sure that I could. I hadn't even kissed another man before! When people started to go home, Matt helped me pack my dishes, then the two of us walked back to my house. I was unsure if I should invite him in or not, but as we struggled to get the wagon through the front door, it sort of naturally happened. I put the dishes in the sink and started the water when I felt his arm go around my waist. "Gary was right." "What?" "You're a beautiful woman." I said nothing, then he turned me around, put his hand gently on the side of my face, and put his lips against mine. Not once, not twice, but three times. I would like to say that I felt a fire inside, but I didn't. All I did was stand there quaking. When he asked if he could call me, I almost said no, unwilling to admit that the girl he saw wanted to have everything the other women in the neighborhood had. A guy, and maybe, a baby. "Let's have dinner tomorrow night. I'll bring Carolyn so you can meet her." Still struggling with myself, I smiled and agreed. He kissed me again, then left to go home. I had some strange dreams that night; I knew what men expected from women, but I wasn't a woman. I only looked like one. Matt, being a doctor certainly knew about girls like me, but I wasn't so sure how he would take it when, not if, he found out about me. Janet had been right when she said that I had become a woman and couldn't give it up. The only thing was, I was facing the fact that I would have to do something physical to make that true. The next night when Matt showed up with his daughter, she was wearing a very pretty pale yellow dress and white shoes, her hair done in pigtails. She was just adorable! As I let them in, she looked around for a moment, then grabbed my leg! "Mommy...mommy! Pick me up! Kiss!" "She seems to have decided that you're her mother!" The three of us went out to dinner, looking just like any young suburban couple anywhere. Carolyn was next to me at the table, Matt across, when Janet and her friend walked up to the table! "Diane! How are you?" "Hi Janet." "Momma, drink!" "Is this your little girl?" she asked, knowing full well it wasn't. "Matt's. She thinks I'm her mother." "Well, we have to go, nice to see you again." As they walked away, Matt asked me who that was. Up to that point I had not lied to Matt once, letting him assume that my ex was a man that ran off with another man. Now I was faced with having to tell him the truth, and possible ruin what might grow to become more between us. Carolyn was tugging on my sleeve, so I gave her the glass and helped her drink, then... "That was your ex, wasn't it?" "But...I...how..." "Gary and I grew up together Diane. We went to scouts, pulled pranks together, dated the same girls, I know him like a brother, and he has never been able to lie to me. When he showed me your picture and told me your name, there was something in his voice, so I knew he was holding something back. When I pressed him on it, all he would tell me was that you were a very special girl. Then he set us up on that date. I figured why not? I had nothing to lose, and if you were really special, then I would know it for myself." He put his hand over mine, and, "Gary was right you know, you are a very special kind of girl; even Carolyn thinks so. Gary also let it slip that he had helped you change your name, and that could only mean that the woman that was just here talking to you was your ex." "If you knew that, then why did you..." "Kiss you? You're an intriguing woman Diane. You have managed to become what so many want and can never have, or achieve the way you have. Everyone I've met thinks you are a real beauty, which I agree with, and you haven't shown the slightest sign that you were ever anything else! In short, you turned me on the moment I saw you Diane, and just because you need a little help doesn't mean that you're not worth chasing!" There wasn't one thing I could say! I was shocked that Gary had let slip my secret, even inadvertently, but Matt didn't seem to mind, and if anything, he seemed to be even more attentive. Carolyn fell asleep on my lap on the way to my house, so when we got inside I put her down in the spare bedroom. Matt watched as I changed her into her sleeper, then, when I was sure she was down, I shut the door quietly and walked out to the living room. "Diane," Matt said softly, "Come over here." I went to him, and as he put his arms around me I looked into his eyes even as his lips touched mine. Every thought I had that what I was doing might be wrong evaporated, and I let him guide me to the couch. Like a pair of teenagers we sat there necking, and I could tell that Matt was becoming very agitated. I knew why of course, and I didn't do one thing to make his discomfort go away. If anything, I encouraged it. I felt liberated from a prison made of my own fears, and as Matt ran his hand up my leg I did not stop him. After over a year as a woman, I no longer thought like a man, responding to him as only a woman could. It got very late before I managed to pull myself away from him, and as I glanced at the clock... "I better go," he said, "I'll get Carolyn ready." "It's late Matt, why not let her sleep? You can stay here if you like." I wasn't sure what I meant when I said that. Maybe I could get him to stay on the couch, but I wasn't sure that's what I wanted. He settled the matter for me when he nodded his head and took my hand. When he left for work the next morning and I stood there watching him leave, I knew that I had crossed the point of no return. I had done things that I never thought possible, yet I felt more complete than ever before. That afternoon my doctor prescribed medication that would allow me to provide Matt with all of the things he wanted in a woman, and I could hardly wait for that to happen. Rachel wanted all the details of course, but it wasn't until Megan, the neighbor across from me said that she had seen Matt leaving that morning that Rachel went into high gear. "So! He spent the night? You were a bad girl Diane!" "He didn't think so Rachel, in fact, I think I was quite good!" "Ahuh, and ah...have you talked to him since?" "Just about every hour on the hour, that's all!" I managed to fend off the other questions, but it was obvious when Matt and I started dating regularly. I was always with his daughter, who had never stopped calling me momma, a title that I really came to like a lot. I took her shopping, walking, to the park, and so on, just like any mother would, and I became very attached to her. The drugs the doctor prescribed must have reacted with the chemicals I had been exposed to, because within a few months I had to have the breast forms removed and no longer needed to pad my hips! Within six months I was lacking only one thing to be a complete woman, and using his connections, Matt arranged it. I was at home with Carolyn, ready to leave for a walk when the door bell rang. Opening it, I found myself looking into the eyes of my mother! Carolyn fussed, so I ran in the house and picked her up, letting mom inside. "Janet sent me a note. She said that you were divorced, and that you had started a family of your own, but I had no idea that you...you were a..." "Mother? I haven't heard from you in five years mother! Why should I tell you anything?" "You have a right to be mad at me, and I understand, but how could you be a mother! That's impossible!" "Momma...potty!" "You'll have to wait mom, I'm training her to use the toilet." When I returned, Carolyn went to my mother and looked up at her for a moment, then ran back to me. "This is Carolyn, she's three years old now." "Are you a woman now?" "Mother! Of course I'm a woman! I'm even engaged to get married!" "Yes, I saw the ring." "Why are you here, really? You've never shown any interest in what I do, so why are you here?" "I was hoping that we might be able to start over again. I know that I messed up when you needed me the most, but I hoped that now that you're older, you might understand better. I guess not. I'm sorry to have bothered you. I'll go now." "Mother! You cannot just appear in my life like this and expect me to just fall all over you! Not after what you did! I've changed, that's true, but I have a wonderful job now, a great guy, and Carolyn! What did you expect from me?" "Can I sit down?" "Of course." I set Carolyn down and told her to go play in her room. "It was hard" mom said "for me back then. I got into the bottle, which is when your father took you and your sister away. By the time I got sober, everyone was gone, and I've spent months finding you!" Pausing, "are you happy now? What I mean is, I never thought that you were, that you would become a...woman!" "Yes mother, I am extremely happy." "When is the wedding?" "We haven't planned it yet, why?" "Maybe Beverly would like to come." "You found her?" "Let me give you her number. She doesn't live far from here." Mom stayed a bit longer, then she left. I was torn between my absolute distrust of her and my love for her. When I was 13 and Beverly was 12, she left one day and simply never came back. My dad worked long hours, so we were essentially alone most of the time. By the time I graduated from high school my dad was in such bad health that it was obvious that he wouldn't be around very long, and he wasn't. Beverly went off somewhere to open a flower shop while I went to college, working myself through like a lot of other kids. I owed my mother nothing, and seeing her again opened some very tender wounds. Matt had wanted to get married a while back, but I refused, telling him that I wanted to be complete first, and he agreed, but he and Carolyn had started living at my house, so I quit work to be a full time mom. I actually loved being a mother, and vowed never to hurt Carolyn like my mom hurt us. By the time Matt got home all I wanted to do was have him hold me. I told him what happened, and he suggested that I call my sister, then go see her. I waited until the next day. I had Carolyn in the stroller when we went into the shop. I had dressed Carolyn in her pale blue dress, white anklets and white shoes, and done her hair in pigtails. Beverly looked up and smiled without any recognition at all. "Yes Ma'am. Can I help you?" "You can come over for dinner tonight Beverly, we need to talk about you being my Maid of Honor." "Do I know you? I don't think we've met....wait a minute! Oh my god!" "Hi sis." "You...you've changed! And you're getting married?" "He's a great guy Beverly, he's a cardiovascular specialist and surgeon. This is our daughter Carolyn." "Sooooo...you're a mom now?" "Full time, that's what I do. I take care of Matt, Carolyn and I." "Damn!" "What about you? Are you married?" "Three kids, two boys and a girl! Did mom find you by the way?" "Yeah. It was tense." "I'll bet!" "Why don't you bring the family over for dinner Saturday night? We can all get reacquainted!" "Give me your number and I'll let you know. I'll call tonight, okay?" I gave her a hug, then I went home to put Carolyn down for her nap. Rachel stopped by, and I filled her in on all the news. We chatted a bit, then Matt called and told me my surgery was scheduled for Monday morning! I knew it was coming, had planned for it, yet when I heard it, all I could do was cry! Rachel offered to watch Carolyn while I was in the hospital, then hugged me tightly. "You deserve this Diane, more than anyone I know! I'm so happy for you!" Beverly called and said they would be over, then, after dinner and Carolyn was in bed, I told Matt all about my family, and that I had invited Beverly and her family over for dinner. He thought it was a great idea, and all at once I knew that no matter what else happened, I wasn't going to be alone ever again. Beverly's kids all played with Carolyn, who soaked up the extra attention like a sponge, while we all sat at the table catching up. Not ashamed of who I was, I didn't try to hide the fact that I had grown up male, but Bev's husband Mike didn't seem to care, as long as Beverly was happy. He and Matt hit it off right away, which left Beverly and I alone to talk about mom. "She wants to be part of our lives again Beverly, but...I'm not so sure that I can trust her! What if the kids get attached to her and she leaves again? What then?" "Lets just call her and tell her how we feel, face to face? Who knows, maybe she's changed, you have." "I guess, but just you and I, no kids, okay?" "Okay." We met with our mother, and told her how we felt about her leaving, the trauma she put us all through, then demanded that she tell us to our face that she wanted to be a part of our lives. She agreed to that, even when we told her that she would have to call if she wanted to visit, and if we caught one whiff of booze, it was going to be over forever. It was hard, but I had learned not to take things at face value, and made it clear that I was her daughter, not her son, and she would have to get used to that. Beverly was even more stern with her, but in the end, we all left feeling as if we had cleared away a lot of the hurt. On Monday I went for the surgery, and by the time a few months had passed I was mostly healed up. Matt understood, and was always there for me if I needed him. Two months later, after the doctor gave me the okay, I was waiting for Matt when he came home. Carolyn was at Rachel's, and I was wearing a skimpy see through black baby doll that did nothing but excite Matt, which I knew it would. Taking him by the hand, I attacked him with a long held fury of womanly lust and purely wanton desire. I'm happy to report that everything worked just fine, and for the first time ever I felt as if I had enough to offer Matt. He had also waited a long time, so when he wanted more, I obliged him with great joy. We were married a week later, Beverly as my Maid of Honor, my mother watching as Gary gave me away. Six months later, Beverly approached me with an idea so outlandish that I thought she was crazy, until she showed me the article. After I talked to Matt, he said it was possible, so, using Matt's sperm, one of Beverly's eggs, it was fertilized then implanted into the lining of my stomach wall. Within two months I knew that I had a baby growing inside of me, and I was overjoyed beyond words. When I was about five months pregnant I saw Janet at the mall. When she saw me she stopped dead in her tracks and just stared. "What's the matter hon, you haven't seen a pregnant lady before?" "But...but...this is impossible!" "Not any more, and it's a girl by the way!" "Well! Congratulations! And you're married I see! With one kid and another one on the way! That should make you very happy Diane!" "You have no idea Janet, but what about you? Any kids yet?" "No, no kids, no husband, just work." "What about...that guy..." "It was just a fling, nothing worked out between us, so we broke up." "Sorry, I didn't know." "Gotta go now, By Diane!" The baby was born in September, a Virgo like me. Brown hair and green eyes, she came out squealing, waving all of her fingers and toes. Matt and I are planning on having another baby in a year or two. He wants a boy. I never realized it until the baby was born, that I have everything I need or could have ever wanted. I'm a housewife, mother, lover, and friend, and there's nothing wrong with that.

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 13 The 600Am Alarm

“Would you like to fuck me?” the voice behind Jared’s back said. Jared spun round from the kitchen sink where he was peeling some very odd shaped potatoes. When he saw who it was that had addressed him like that he dropped the two spuds in his hands straight down onto the floor. It was the sixteen year old Vanessa Benson and she wasn’t waiting for a reply but was starting to unbutton her blouse in anticipation of the positive response she somehow knew that she was going to get - and she...

3 years ago
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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 18 LeavingJudgment

Eigis woke up about an hour later. He was not surprised to find himself lying in his own bed. The last thing he remembered – surely that had been a dream. It had been so bizarre and wonderful, all at once. All of the walls in the dungeon, simply crumbling to dust, and then – her. So similar to Hiryu, smelling just as delicious, and then – she’d done something. Oh yes, she stroked his throat, just under his chin. It had felt wonderful. Surely it had been a dream... Smiling to himself and...

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9:30 pmKamsi was beginning to lose hope. She laid out naked on her boyfriend Obi's bed as he...typed diligently on his computer. He was a year younger and in his senior year at college, and had a paper due in the morning. She'd already proof read it, three times even, but the man was dead set on making this art history paper as much of a masterpiece as the painters he wrote about."Obi sweetie" she moaned, "don't you want to come lie down and paint me with that big meaty brush of yours?" "I wish...

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First Glance Of Mom8217s Pussy

Hi, incest story readers, This is my first story for ISS and to incest. This is Ashish from Bangalore aged 30 years with an average height. My family includes mom and dad. Since the story is about my mom I would like to describe how my mom looks. Her age is around 56 years and is very fair. She has a round breast with average size. My mom’s most beautiful asset is her thunderous thighs. She usually wears nightie at home and saree while going for work. She has the habit of raising her nightie...

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On the Rocks0

obscured the view of the blue sea which stretches far beyond the horizon on a clear day. All that was visible in the fog was the Hopewell Rocks. These giant stone monoliths rise from the beach floor to a height of over thirty five meters. The rocks tower over the seascape below. Their imposing size and dominance over the coastal vista have made them a major attraction in New Brunswick. And on this morning their ability to penetrate above the thick carpet of fog gives them an almost...

2 years ago
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THE SHOP ON THE CORNER- CHAPTER 2The alarm clock roused her. Kim swung her legs out of bed and switched it off. Her husband snored in oblivion and Kim plodded to the bathroom to get ready for work. She peed, washed, cleaned her teeth and gazed at herself in the mirror. How on earth was she going to face him today? What if he’d read what she’d written. Compared the answers she had put on that piece of paper? No, more likely he had just screwed it up and thrown it away.As she walked to work a...

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A Week In A Dungeon Day 5D

 Ashley shakes in her restraints as she tries to remember to breathe. The girl licking her pussy is causing her to spasm uncontrollably. Ashley knows she's losing the battle over her body and muscles. Her Mistress is winning and Ashley's greedy need to satisfy her pussy, is consuming her. Mistress pushes the tip of the plug inwards, causing Ashley's pink star to spread open, just slightly. "Oh, and it will make you hornier than you've ever been in your life," Mistress moans, darkly. Hornier?...

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Finders KeepersChapter 13

"All right, Djai," Colin said, "thanks for the assessment, and for taking the initiative to gather the necessary information. I think you're right about not being able to do this with the Gorz combat fleet, but the support fleet is not as disciplined. I'll work that into our plans. General Meeflt, how is the integration of your people going?" "As you know, we have a phobia about tight spaces, particularly when we are alone," the military leader of the Bandlar volunteers answered....

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Flight To The PastChapter 6 Jammarree Comes Home

I waited impatiently outside the Winslow Arms. It was a bright but very cold morning and I wondered how Jammarree would fare in this bitter weather. I had previously had two rooms set aside for Jammarree and myself with Jenny the landlady. I did not think that Jammarree would wish to travel further this day. I suspected we would use only one bed that night, but for the sake of appearances I had taken the two rooms. Eventually the coach came in sight round the corner and pulled to a stop....

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How My Obsession With Serving Older Men Started Pa

This is a true story about my first experience with a man that set me on my path. Names have been changed to protect the guilty :)It was the summer after my freshman year in collage, I made it through my first year away and my girl and I survived the long distance relationship. I had gotten my old summer job back mowing lawns and doing landscape to make extra money. My second week back after lunch my stop was the Smith house. They are very well off and he is the reason I was studding business...

2 years ago
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Number 42Chapter 4

Janis said, “Master, I know I don’t deserve to be forgiven, but I offer you my body, without restriction, to use for your pleasure. Perhaps by making myself into the best fuck you’ve ever had I can dull the pain I caused you enough so that the memory becomes smaller.” I said, “Connie dear, let’s take this girl up to your bedroom and see if she can keep her promises to you.” I led Janis up the stairs and to the master bedroom. I said, “Connie, please lie on your back in the middle of the...

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IptomasChapter 3

Iptomas himself began to wander, reflecting on Demeter's words. As much as he tried he could not help but want a child of his own, perhaps a daughter. Feelings of loneliness finally caught up with him as he neared the coast in the late evening. Standing on a beach he wept into the sea. As the tears struck the tides coming in and out, something happened though Iptomas was unaware of it as all the doubts he had concerning having a family came out at once in the form of those tears, and there...

1 year ago
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Seamus Brings His Friends

The doorbell rang again this morning, and I answered it to discover that Seamus. my cute little paperboy, was standing on the step with three other males of his age.I gasped as they piled into my apartment without asking. Seamus had obviouls told them what an obedient older woman I was."Did you wash it off?" he demanded. "N-No," I stammered, already fearful of what this youing boy was going to do with my fully-adult-yet-submissive body. "We'll need proof," he said casually. Then, without...

2 years ago
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Sales man

Hi … This is nikunj again with another incident of my friend chitra I’d like to share with your all…. I (chitra) was busy cleaning the house. It was raining heavily and was quite dark at half past 5 in the evening. The little murky light showing up in the sky from what’s left of the day added to the romantic effect of the whole setting. Together, the sound of the rain and the beautiful old song playing in the radio reminded me of my husband. I stopped cleaning the hall for a moment, walked over...

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I live in the 'burbs of a smallish city; that is, small enough not to have major problems, big enough to hat the critical mass needed to have a museum, a First Night celebration, a performing arts center, like that. The kind of place where rush hour lasts for thirty-five minutes, normally. I'm a technical writer, and thanks to the modern era, a telecommuter. I work for firms on both coasts, as well as in the heartland. I've been doing this job since the mid nineties; I was newly divorced,...

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EvilAngel Holly Hendrix Buttered Sodomy Churns Three Loads

Holly Hendrix looks sensational in tight shorts, a tiny bikini and stripper heels. The starry-eyed angel flaunts her petite body for director Mike Adriano, spreading her anus for steamy, ass-smashing sex. After an intense blow job, Holly anally rides Mike’s shaft. She sloppily sucks dick ass-to-mouth and coaxes the experienced, relentless stud to cum three times! Pervy Mike stuffs a stick of butter up her rectum, and Holly expels the mess as he pummels her sphincter. She poses her gaping,...

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Bhai Ki Shaadi Me Mili Girlfriend

Hello everyone. I’m Micky(nick name) Choudhary. I’m from HARYANA. My birth place is ROHTAK and currently living in JHAJJAR. Pyaari si pyaasi chooto ko hum sab ke lodo ka salaam. Umeed hai ki sabki chooton ko time pe koi na koi loda jarur mil rha hoga. Agar nhi mil rha hai ya fir koi AUNTY, BHABHI, LADKI (no age boundation) shantust nhi hai to wo mughe contact kar sakte hai. Me yakeen dilata hu ki aapki shantusti se badh kar mere liye koi cheez maaine nhi rakhti, kyunki isme mera bhi swarth hai....

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A Game of Trust

Alan splashed his face with icy cold water from the tap removing the last bits of shaving cream, and examined his now smooth face in the bathroom mirror. He could see Julie's reflection as she stepped out of the shower and stretched, strategically showcasing her full, curvy figure. A cloud of steam followed in her wake, and she squeezed water from her long, auburn hair.'Oh come on. It'll only be for a little while,' Julie said. 'Just give it a try. For me? Please?''That's cheating,' Alan said,...

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Cant Buy You LoveChapter 5

We cleaned up the windmill site and stacked the tools so we could come back and get them tomorrow. We rode back to the barn, took care of the horses and were headed into the bunkhouse when Todd came out. “You two so lazy that you’re only working a four-day week now,” he said with distaste in his voice. “Nope,” Slim said. “Got her done. Finished up about noon. We’ll be head’in out to pick up the equipment and leftover supplies tomorrow morn’in.” “Finished,” Todd asked astonished. “You mean...

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 7 What Do We Do Now

The man that was trying to force his way into Jared’s house stopped. Jared himself took one step back as he retreated away from the wind and the rain coming in through the door. Jared watched in silence as the man stopped and slowly turned to see who was threatening to blow him to hell. The rain soaked man put his hands up to his rain soaked face and rubbed his eyes to see better. The day outside the doorway he was standing in was very gray and bleak as rain was still bucketing down from the...

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Military DelightsChapter 1 Prince Habib

The first encounter between His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, and the despised son of the Khan of Tirfil was at the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of the Emir's accession to the throne. A number of notables had been invited to attend the ceremonies, during which a competition was held to select a Special Concubine to the Emir. The notables were each offered the privilege of deflowering one of the losing competitors, and the Emir recalled with distaste...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 65 A New Perspective

July 22, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Tiger, I’m still a bit concerned about this girl, Sakurako.” Jessica, Kara, and I were taking turns showering on Friday morning. I nodded, “I understand, but as I said last night, in traditional, conservative societies, teenagers are adults, with adult responsibilities, not just to their family, but to society. And those responsibilities can be met because they are taught from an early age. Look at our family; we’re anything but traditional and...

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Return to Eban

It was a typical chilly morning in the small town in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Tom glanced at his watch as he starred out the window enjoying the morning sun razing over the horizon. He finally heard the click of the bathroom door opening and the sweet smell of Chantal’s perfume flowing into the room.  ?Honey? Could you please bring me my sweater for me please??  Tom sat his cup of coffee down and looked around the room until he saw his wife’s sweater sitting on top of one of the suit cases....

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Thursday... The plan was to meet, once your house was clear so that we had every avenue and space to play. The time is 8:57. I am sitting in my car at the end of your street, reading the messages from you as you count down the minutes before we see each other again. It had been six days. It felt like years.I crave your touch, your body against mine, the softness of your lips in the kiss then the hardness of your teeth as you bite my lip, that’s where I remember who you are. And what you need...

Quickie Sex
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Guuse Me Chudai Ka Maza Cousin Shama Ke Sath

Hi im afzal from mumbai me iss ka bohat bohat bada fan ho mene 2 story post ki hai aj ek or kahani bata raha hu meri or shama ki kahan hum dono shadi shuda hai lekin hamara relation aj bhi hai lekin sirf bhuk or pyas ka merei age 28 shama ki 26 hum dono fair hai meri body avreage hai hight 5.5 hai or lund bhi normal shama ki hight 5.5 figure garam aag ki tarah brest kadak or gore gore or bade kamar choti or gand badi nasheli aankhen khair ab me story par ata hu to dost bat us samay ki hai jab...

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Careful what you wish for Im regretting it

CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR...I don't know whether to be happy or pissed about this, but if anything I'm really confused now, what was supposed to be a romantic getaway turned into either a nightmare or a dream come true... My wife and I had been married since teens. Although she was a little more "experienced" than I (only having one other girl) we had been true to each other for 20+ years... I would often ridicule her about numerous different fantasies only to be shot down by a prude "get real...

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More whore

After the fall of communism, I returned to the villa in restitution after his uncle, was pretty devastated, it was necessary to invest in it and devise a what purpose it renovovať.Ja I had a place to live, work, and I had so I may be. At that time I met with her classmates Maros and he was praised that he also returned some lands predal.Bol in the right package, but said that the rush. Rather, the money invested in a company. I did it too I have praised the building in which to invest Soap....

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AllGirlMassage Lena Nicole JoJo Kiss Lovers Reunited Part One

As masseuse, JoJo Kiss prepares to leave the Spa for the night, in walks her ex lesbian lover, Lena Nicole. As they stare at each other and attempt to make conversation, they each describe how awkward this situation is for the other. Wanting to keep things professional, in her own spa. JoJo lets Lena know that although she was planning on closing for the night, if she’s really in pain, she’ll help her out. Lena is extremely grateful and stresses that as long as JoJo’s okay...


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