The Haunted House Of Tver free porn video

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The Haunted House of Tver Edited by commentator (many thanks to you!) "Denis, Denis?" I recognized that Elena was speaking to me only when she called my name the second or third time. We were having breakfast together, the whole team with exception of Igor, he was sleeping late as usual, and I was spacing out. "Denis," Elena called me again. "What?" I answered finally focusing on her. Elena is a hefty woman with short hair dyed red. She likes the color. Her lips are painted bright red, her dangling earrings looks like red rosebuds, and a red stone stood is placed in her left nostril. "Denis, are your ears pierced? Strange, I didn't notice it before," she said looking at me. "No, they are not pierced, why?" Elena smirked and removed her earrings before stepping close to me. She grabbed my right ear and I heard something clicked. "What are you doing?" I asked and heard another click in my left ear. Elena stepped back and all three women started to laugh. "Denis, you look adorable in these earrings," said Irina the oldest of three women and boss of our team. I rarely saw her smiling. "Now we know what to give you for your birthday," said Nadia. "All ears are pierced in this house." "What the hell?" I feel something dangling in my ears pulling my earlobes when I move my head. I raised my hands and felt that somehow Elena's earrings where attached to my ears. I tried to pull them off, but they refused to go. I saw Elena raising her smartphone to make a picture and I run to the bathroom, almost colliding with Igor coming out of it. "Nice earrings," I heard him say before I slum the door shut. The mirror reveals impossible - my face was framed by two dangling earrings. The earrings looked like a small ring with red rosebud attached to it with a tiny chain. I turned my ear around and saw a small lock. The lock was simple, but I was so agitated it took me at least a minute to open it. Finally, the earrings come out and I saw two holes in my earlobes. I came back and threw the earrings on the table. "You know guys, I have nothing against a good prank, but you are crossing the line here! How do I remove the holes? It looks permanent!" "None of us has anything to do with your piercing. It is not fresh, it looks like it was done years ago," Irina said not smiling. As usual, her face was looking serious and slightly concerned with something. Probably it was her conscious decision to look that way most of the time, she has to maintain her authority as a boss. "Stop making a scene, we leave for work in 10 minutes." I turned and walked back to my room, still sure that it was some kind of a prank. I threw myself on the bed trying to think about how it was possible and how they did it. I probably should install a camera in my room. It was time to go and I started to pack my backpack. My laptop, charger, notebook, iPad. I stopped, noticing something pink on the back of the iPad cover. My first thought was that I just soiled it with something, but then I recognized that it was writing. Something was written with pink crayons on the back of the cover. The handwriting looked like it belongs to a girl. I seat back on the bed, paralyzed with fear, not able to turn my gaze off the writing. Yesterday night's terror come rushing back to me. Yesterday something woke me up in a middle of the night; I sat on the bed, trying to understand what it was. It had been a long day yesterday and I should have been sleeping like a log. I heard the floorboards creak, it sounds like someone is walking close to me. "Nadia, is it you?" I asked trying to sound calm. When they said that this house is haunted and that several people refused to sleep in my room, I just laughed about it. "You know, your ghost may spook the girls, but it's got no chance against an engineer." It was all very funny for me yesterday. This part of the Tver region has very few hotels, and when a big paper processing plant was built, a hotel chain decided to move in. An old abandoned building was to be renovated and Izba Tree hotel to be built. Our team was responsible for finishing the design project before it would be presented to the customer. "Nadia, is it you?" I asked again hearing the floorboards creak somewhere very close to me. Nadia came a cfew days before me and she tried to warn me that the room was haunted and that many people heard someone walking there at night and that one man's hair turned white after spending just one night in the room. I dismissed it all as stupid superstition and rumors. Nadia is one of the designers and for some reason she was concerned about me. I smiled and tried to explain to her that in an old building like this one, the floorboards can be very dry, and they can creak loudly because of temperature changes during the night. "It is simple physics," I said with a smile, "nothing to do with the supernatural." I was so sure about it, I was so confident, yet there I was, sitting on my bed, frozen with fear. The floorboards started to creak right in front of the bed and I felt paralyzed with fear. My mind raced; should I try to grab my phone? But that would mean turning my back to whatever it is standing there in the dark. Trying to walk to the light switch was also unthinkable. I backed on the bed until I felt wall with my back and I hugged my legs. It was very dark and I wasn't able to see anything, but I felt that there was someone or something standing right in front of my bed and it makes hair on my arms to stand up. My breathing becomes shallow. Someone or something was getting close to me. My eyes were open swide in an attempt to see in the darkness, that they started to hurt. My heart skipped a bit when I felt that edge of my blanket start to move. Suddenly something came to me; as long forgotten dream, words formed in mymouth and I started to repeat them quietly. Home-elf, don't get me scared. Home-elf, don't get me scared. I'm a good child, let me sleep. Home-elf, we'll play tomorrow, let me sleep today, let me sleep. My great-grandmother taught me to repeat these words when I was small and afraid of the darkness. I repeated the words again and again, louder and louder; and suddenly my fear was gone. The dreadful feeling of someone standing in the darkness close to me just disappeared and I relaxed. Calm and sleepiness came over me and I closed my tired eyes. And I thought I heard a girl giggle in my room a moment before I fell asleep. Morning come and I forgot everything as a bad dream, but it all rushed back to me when I saw "I'm not a Home-elf, but let's play" written in pink crayons. "Denis, where are you?" I heard Irina shouting downstairs. "The bus arrived, we are waiting for you." "It is nothing but a prank," I told myself. "They pierced my ears and they wrote the words." I cleaned the cover with my hand, threw the tablet in my backpack and ran downstairs trying to calm myself down. ***** An old minibus was taking us to work, and, in spite of all the agitation, I was having hard time trying not to stare at Nadia's ample breasts. I felt like I'm falling in love with her. She was the youngest of three women. Her open friendly face, honey blond hair, and, above it all, big round breasts make my heart skip a bit every time I saw her. The old road was bumpy and I wasn't able to restrain myself from sneaking a look every time her breasts were bouncing up and down. I was going to ask Nadia to go to the city after work and have dinner with me somewhere, but I needed to find a moment when Irina was not around. The deadline was coming fast and we still had a lot of work to do. Irina was a tough boss. Dark haired, slim and always dressed very tastefully. I knew that Irina was a good person, but she was very tough about work. The working day was uneventful, but I got a remark from Irina that I was absent-minded. I was absent-minded indeed; I was daydreaming about Nadia and was thinking what to do with my room at the same time. ***** I came back prepared. I placed the toolbox on the table and took a good look at the room. The two-story wooden building was very old, maybe more than 100 years old. My room was at the corner on the second floor. The whole building was cleaned and fixed in haste before renting it out to us, but I was able to see remains of old wallpaper under fresh one, and it was pink. Pink? Did it belong to a girl many years ago? "Weird, but I'm not afraid!" I said aloud trying to reassure myself, opened the toolbox, and started to work. Two hours later everything was ready. A dim yellow lamp was facing the door - there will be no complete darkness any more. And if something moves in the room, a motion sensor would switch on a high intensity bulb and the room will be brightly lit. Satisfied and reassured with result of my work, I cleaned the room, collected the tools, and went downstairs to eat something. "Hi Elena, how you doing?" I said in a good mood. She muttered something under her breath instead of answering. She was alone in the kitchen, probably stress eating. "Hey, what's wrong?" Elena didn't say anything but jammed another sandwich in her mouth. "Don't be so stressed, we are a team, remember?" Elena stopped to chew the sandwich and closed her eyes. "It was my responsibility," she said and started to cry. "The lobby is totally wrong now! I spoiled everything! Irina will fire me." Not knowing what to do, I come close to her and touched her hand trying to calm her. She looked up at me with her teary eyes, stood and hugged me, crying hard. I remembered that Elena and Irina were having some harsh words during the lunch break, but I was too distracted to pay attention. I have worked with Elena for two years already but hugged her this way for the very first time. I tried to calm her saying that we will work together and will find a way, when a loud sound interrupted me. "It is from my room, I need to check it," I said breaking the hug and walked upstairs. The toolbox was open on the floor. Some of the instruments were scattered outside the box. It probably fell from the table, nothing to worry about, I was reasoning with myself. I collected the instruments and placed the box under the bed. The motion sensor was working all right and the room was brightly lit. There was nothing to worry about, a toolbox just felt from the table, it can happen; I yawned and decided to go to bed early. Sleep came as soon as my head hit the pillow. ***** I dreamt about being little again. I was about 7 or 8 years old spending my summer in the village with my grandmother. The village was small with very few children my age. There was Inga, a 9 year old girl, and we were summer friends. We were happy playing together, running to the river without permission, catching newts and frogs, and doing all the things children our age like to do. And Inga gave me my first kiss. This time we were walked together down the village's street. Some of the houses were abandoned, others used as summer houses for city dwellers. Inga stopped suddenly. "Do you want to know a secret?" she asked turning to me. "Yes." "Are you sure you want to know my secret? You are younger than me, you can be afraid." "I'm big, I'm schoolboy and I'm not afraid, tell me your secret!" I demanded trying to sound brave but feeling fear for some reason. Inga waved to me to follow her and we went to one of the abandoned buildings. I hesitated before going inside; the house was dark and I was afraid of the darkness. "Are you coming?" I heard Inga ask me and stepped inside. It was dark inside and I was frightened; I accepted Inga's hand when she took mine to lead me. We walked down a corridor with a dim light coming from a slightly ajar door at the end of it. Inga's hand was very cold and a feeling that something is very wrong was filling me. "Don't be afraid. You decided to learn my secret, remember?" Inga's voice also sounded as it is belonging to someone else. I was afraid and wanted to leave but followed her lead. We came to the partially open door and Inga opened it. The room looked familiar to me, but I didn't know where I had seen it before. Pink wallpaper, a big teddy bear on the bed. Inga led me to the corner of the room. "Here!" she exclaimed and we sat on the floor facing the corner. "This floorboard is easy to pry open." A screwdriver appeared in her hand and pried open one of the boards. The board was removed and some kind of opening underneath become visible. A few more boards were removed and a big jewelry box and a book appeared in the opening. "What is it? Who hid it?" I asked excited. "I hid it before they killed me," she said and I looked at her surprised, seeing that it is not Inga. The girl sitting next to me was very different, she was much older and bigger. The girl slowly turned her head to me. ***** I sat in my bed breathing hard; making the motion sensor switch the light on, and the bright light was blinding me. The door was open, but I remembered that I wasn't able to close it last night, the old door needed to be repaired. Probably the draft grew so strong it pushed the door wide open. "There nothing to worry about," I told myself aloud, "just a bad dream." I walked to the door, closed it, and put my shoes to it so the draft will not open it again. Walking back to the bed I froze; the toolbox was open and some of the tools scattered on the floor. "What the ..." I started to mutter, but then become frozen again and I felt hair on my arms stand up; one of the screwdrivers was in the corner of the room and one of the floorboards seemed to be pried open. I stood still long enough for the motion sensor to switch off the light. The darkness makes me move; I stepped to the corner. The reality repeated the dream. I was alone, but the opening beneath the floorboards, jewelry box and the book were real. I brought the box and the book to the table. The box revealed a large number of old-fashioned jewelry: earrings, brooches, and bracelets. Most of it looked rather simple, but one set of necklaces with rubies and matching earrings looked like it might have belonged to a royal family. The book fell on the floor with a loud bang; I bent down to pick it up and saw that the book was opened. Neat female handwriting was filling the pages. I started to read the page that was open. "20 July 1952 What a day! Father was away for the whole week this time. He returned late today and I think I spotted blood on his uniform. And he brought money and jewelry again, and not just jewelry! Mam said that they are rubies. I never saw anything like this before. I tried the necklace and it looked so good on me! I wanted to try the earrings too, but my ears weren't pierced. Mam was looking at me and she said, 'I will pierce you.' Just like that! She brought needles, threaded one, doubled the thread and tied a lot of knots in it. She threaded a second needle and knotted the thread. She wiped my ears with alcohol, took a piece of cork and brought it to my ear. I was afraid of the pain, and when I felt her press the needle I complained, 'It sticks. It'll hurt!' 'Well, then. Let's see the other ear first.' Mam goes to my left ear and I felt being stuck again. 'It'll hurt,' I complained again. But Mam said, 'Hush! It's all done.' And so it was! Mam pierced my ears! She said to pull one knot every day, and in a couple weeks I'll be able to wear any earrings I want!" "24 July 1952. I met with Sergey in the forest again, and we kissed. He touched my breasts and I let him do it. It was painful when he squeezed my nipples, but I was also so excited! I wish I had bigger breasts. Mam said that mine will grow with time, but I want them now, and I want Sergey to touch them. We were kissing with my back to a tree, he pressed himself tight against me. I felt him getting hard down there. But then, there was a sound of a branch snapping like someone stepped on it. Sergey jumped away from me and become pale all over. 'What is wrong?' I asked him, but he didn't answer, he just looked around frightened. 'Are you ok?' I asked again irritated. There I was, my back still to the tree, open for him to touch and kiss and he wasn't even looking at me. 'If he sees me touching you like this!' he muttered. 'I better go!' And he ran away leaving me like this. I felt like crying, but then I thought about my ears being healed soon. I will cadge Mam to give me a nice pair of earrings and will be wearing them all the time. He will see what a fool he is to treat me like this!" "26 July 1952. It is Saturday and we go to the marketplace as usual. Mam put on the rubies and they looked soooo good on her! I want to try these earrings as soon as I can. We walked the marketplace buying vegetables and people were looking at us. It was great, but then one old crazy women attacked us! She was screaming that the rubies are so red because the blood of innocent people are on it. She was screaming that it is cursed and that we should get rid of them. We returned home in tears." "30 July 1952. Mam said that I healed enough and gave me a pair of small gold earrings. They look good on me! I can't stop playing with them! Just can't wait for Friday evening. I will put on a new dress and earrings and will go to the dance. Everybody will see me!" "1 of August 1952. It was great to dance. All boys wanted to dance with me. But when it was over, nobody walked me home. Anna said this is because everybody is afraid of my father. Everybody knows that he is working for NKGB, she said. Stupid boys! I'm the most beautiful girl in our suburb! I will show them!" "Denis, where are you?" I heard someone scream downstairs. It was morning already and sunlight was purring through the window. Should I tell everybody about my find? I thought. I imagined the reaction, Elena would be excited to try the rubies, she likes the color. But then, the image of Elena trying the rubies repulsed me. Impulsively I closed the box, I closed the diary and hid it all under the table just in time before Irina knocked and come into my room. "Denis, why didn't you come down for breakfast?" "I ... I just didn't feel like breakfast today." "You look pale, are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm ok, just didn't sleep much last night." "Go, drink some coffee. You know we need to finish the project this week!" On the ride to work I was looking at Igor. I wondered how he managed to dress like he totally didn't care and look stylish at the same time. I once tried to wear stubble and long hair, but it looked like shit on me. I touched my chin realizing that I forgot to shave this morning, but it seems to be ok. Igor and I were busy remeasuring the dimensions of the lobby of the old building and the girls were adjusting the project accordingly. Our project included VR of the future hotel. The customer will be able to walk the old building and see how it is going to look when renovated. My job was simple this day, I was moving support with camera following the commands of Igor and Elena. It was simple, but I got a few remarks about being absent-minded again. When we stopped for lunch, Igor came to me. "Have you been smoking weed all night?" he said with a smirk. "No, why?" "You look pale, your eyes are red and you look like you're sleeping all the time. I've nothing against it," he winked at me, "but it is 4 days to the deadline and Irina is getting nervous. You better not overdo it, ok?" "Ok, no problem," I answered not sure what else I can say. "I will go to bed early today, promise." We ate pizza delivered from the city. All three women were discussing some issue related to color of the tiles. As I understood, it was desire of the customer to use natural stone for the lobby floor, but their supplier was warning that it may come in different shade. The girls were finding this question very important, but it was boring for me. I took out my iPad to surf the net. I stared at the words "Try the rubies" written in pink crayon on the iPad cover. Something was happening inside of me. Part of my mind was screaming to me to never step inside the room again. I was telling myself that I should find the relatives of the owners and inform them about the box. But another part of me was wondering what it would be like to try the jewelry. Finally, I decided that I should try to locate the owner or relatives of the owner and give them the box, but to do it I should come back and read the diary to find what was the girl's name. "Denis, why you are not eating? Are you ok?" "I'm ok, just ... just a little bit tired," I said and looked at my slice of pizza, feeling that I lost my appetite completely. "I don't like how you look, please get yourself together. We've got only four days to go!" Irina was looking at me sternly. "I'm ok, just give me some coffee." I tried my best to concentrate on the work, but I wasn't able to get the diary and the jewelry box out of my mind. And I started to scratch my chest, my nipples had become irritated for some reason. I noticed that Elena and Nadia were looking at me and whispering to each other when they thought I wasn't looking. Irina asked me to leave early and get some rest. "Go to bed early today, I need you to be fresh and focused tomorrow." ***** I opened the door, went inside the house and ran all the way to my room. The door to my room was wide open. Desk lamp switched on and the diary was lying open on the table. Rubies jewelry was lying there besides the book. I sat down at the table hypnotized by the red glow of the rubies. Slowly I reached out and touched the stones; I felt the coldness of the stones and it sent shivers down my span. Words in the diary also caughth my attention and I began to read the open page. "21 October 1952. Mam was arguing with Father a lot yesterday. They sent me to bed, but I heari them screaming at each other downstairs for many hours. Today Mam brought me her new jewelry box and asked me to hide it. She said she didn't want to wear the jewelry Father brought from work. She will wear only her old jewelry she got when Father was just a soldier. It all rather strange, but I'm happy the jewelry will be hidden in my room. I was sneaking into the bedroom to try the rubies and now I can do it any time I want. I can't get enough of the jewelry. Even just doing my homework feels better when I'm wearing it. I only wish my breasts were bigger, so the stones would be lying on top of them." "23 October 1952. Sergey is still afraid of my father, but when we are alone he can't keephis hands off me. Sergey said that he got condoms and that we can try real sex. But I'm also afraid now. I like Sergey; when I touch his muscles I become wet. And I like him to touch me. But what if the condom tears? And Anna said to me that the first time is very painful." I heard a sound; strong draft slams the door shut. I turned my head and felt something pulling my ears. The earings dangled attached to my ears. I didn't remember when or how I put them in, but somehow it felt right. I put the necklace around my neck also and closed the clasp. The draft has turned a few pages of the diary and I continued to read from the open page. "20 December 1952. I was asking Mam to allow me to wear the jewelry and get me a new matching dress for the New Year party at school. Mam said there no way I will be wearing the damned jewelry. But Father overheard us and said that I can wear whatever I want and that he will get me a new dress in Moscow. Mam didn't say anything, I think she is afraid to argue with Father now. Father is getting mad more and more often. And he is drinking a lot. At work they made him a bigger boss, but it didn't make him happy. Sergey is asking me for sex every time we are alone. I'm still saying no, but I want it so badly myself!" "29 December 1952. Tomorrow is a big day! I will come to the party in the new dress and I will be wearing the rubies! It is not a long walk, but my Father's driver will take me to the school. It will be like in a movie. I just can't wait for tomorrow to begin!" "Awful! It was the worst day in my life!!! I was looking so good in this new dress, everything was so good. Sergey asked me to go outside. He took my hand and led me to the school gym. He got keys and opened the door. I knew what is going to happen but followed him. This time I wasn't able to say no and he was very quick to lay me on the wrestling mat. I saw him so often beating all others boys there, he is our wrestling champion. I fantasized about his strong body when I saw him wrestle. He penetrated me quickly and I felt awful pain. Suddenly I lost all my desire. It downed on me, I'm special, I'm wearing such precious stones and this son of a peasant is having his way with me on a dirty mat. I screamed at him to stop, but he didn't, he continued and I felt pain each time he pushed in me. Finally, he stopped and let me go and I ran crying all the way back home. Father saw me and understood everything. He just asked 'Who?' I said that it was Sergey and he ran out of house. A few hours later, when I had calmed down already, Father returned. The pain was gone and I was remembering that Anna told me that it is only first time when it is so painful. I also understood I shouldn't have gone with Sergey when he was drunk. I was going to say something to Father, but he marched directly to the kitchen grabbed a bottle of vodka and gulped from the throat. Than he went to his desk, took the phone and called someone. 'This is Alferov, I need a clean up ...' He stopped talking and looked at me. "You! Go to you room!" I ran to my room and closed the door." ***** I heard voices downstairs and somebody walked to my room. With an effort I stopped reading and switched the light off. "It is dark, he is sleeping," I heard somebody whisper and walked away from the door. I was sitting in the dark wondering what was going on. I felt totally captivated by the girl's story; a big part of me wanted nothing else but to switch the light on again and read the diary all night. With a sigh I forced my hands off the diary, took my clothes off and tossed myself on to the bed. Pulling at my ears reminded me to remove the earrings. I took them off and placed them carefully under the bed. Sleep came a second later; my last thought was that I forgot to remove the necklace. ***** I was dreaming again. I was a kid and we were playing with Inga. We've been good friends and liked to play with each other, but sometimes she liked to play something that was too girlie for my liking. "Let's play house," Inga said enthusiastically. "You know I don't like this game. This is for little girls," I complained. "But I like it, and I promise, we will play your game later. But now you will be my daughter and I will name you Anna. Let's go to my room Anna and I will dress you up." I was about to start arguing when she grabbed my hand and pulled me to go. I saw Inga become older suddenly, her face changed and her hair turned dark. "Now, Anna, be a good girl and listen to your mom," she said pulling me inside her house. Her room looked different, it was bigger and the wallpaper was pink. Quickly she put me in a dress and started to brush my hair. And with each stroke of the brush my hair was becoming longer. "You are a good girl Anna, so obedient! I have a special present for you." She opened her hand and showed me big earrings with red stones. She put the earrings in my ears and I felt their weight pulling my earlobes. She continued to brush my hair. "You were right, playing house is for small girls. But right now, you are nothing but a small girl. I will make you into a copy of me and then we will trade places. There is no way out of it now." I wanted to argue, I wanted to take the dress off, but instead I closed my eyes and started to cry feeling helpless. The scenery of the dream changed. It was winter and it was cold to stand outside. Someone was pulling my hand to go somewhere. The hand was reassuringly strong and warm and its touch sent shivers down my spine. I felt hot between my legs. "Let's go Anna, I know you want it as bad as me!" a deep voice whispered in my ear. I knew that I shouldn't go, but my legs were moving. One step, another step, a door was opened and we were stepping inside. The strong hands had lifted me in the air; he carried me as a small child. He laid me down, the hem of my dress was up, the panties flew away. All my body shivers with anticipation feeling him getting close to me. Suddenly, I felt sharp pain between my legs. ***** I sat in my bed breathing hard. These dreams are so weird, but they are also so real. Did Inga dress me up as a girl? I felt confused. A movement drew my attention to the window. A black raven was sitting there looking at me. Its gaze made me feel uncomfortable. "Go away!" I screamed, but the creature was sitting there and studying me silently. I stood up and started to approach the window. Only then did the raven spread its wings and flew away with a cry. The open diary on the table beckoned me to sit and read again. "3 January 1953. Mam didn't feel well and she asked me to go to the marketplace alone. I was buying everything she told me to buy when I noticed that a woman was following me. I walked home and the women followed me. I walked faster, almost ran, and she walked faster. When I saw our home I slowed down, Father was home and I felt safe. I turned to face the woman and asked what she wanteed. To my horror I recognized that it was Sergey's mother. She came close to me. 'I want my son back, that is what I want.' Suddenly I became mad, something came over me. 'Go to hell with your son, old bitch!' I screamed. 'The dirty bastard should have stopped when I told him so!' The woman's face changed and she stood silent for a moment. Then she grabbed my fur collar and forced it open revealing the ruby necklace I was wearing all the time now. 'I see," she said, "the damned stones are making you mad. So be cursed! Your father is so powerful but let's see what he will do against a curse.' She spat on the necklace before letting me go." I felt totally captivated by the diary, but a strong itch made me stop reading. Lifting my shirt revealed swelling behind my nipples. It all was strange: the diary, the dreams, the swelling, the earrings that keep reappearing in my ears, but above it all the calm feeling of being constantly half asleep. I removed the earrings, put a sweater on and walked out to the street, hoping that the fresh air would help to clear my mind. It was early morning and it was still dark outside. The air was clean and cold. There was nothing to worry about, I told myself. I learned the family name, Alferof; it should be easy to find relatives of the family. I will give all the jewelry to the proper owner and go my way peacefully. Thinking this way, I was standing there with my eyes shut, feeling the morning's sunshine on my face. Suddenly I heard steps besides me. "Burn it! Burn it all and bury the ash!" cried an old woman getting close to me. "Fool! don't touch the stones! Burn them and bury them at her grave!" The old woman continued to approach me and she was crying angrily at me. I became afraid, she was going to hit me with her stick and I started to step backward. "Fool! She is getting back through you! Destroy the stones while there's still time!" She cried again with her crusty voice. I ran back and slam the door shut behind me. "She was just a crazy old woman," I told myself, "there is nothing to worry about." I walked to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. "Morning Denis, how are you?" Irina asked me. "I'm ok," I answered turning to her. Irina looked strange at me. "You look pale! How do you feel?" "Ok, just tired a little bit." "You know what? You stay here today and check the project on your computer, you know the building, contact us if you find mistakes." I nodded and noticed Elena and Nadia coming to the kitchen still in their pajamas. "Coffee! We need some coffee," exclaimed Nadia. "Denis! How are you? What is it with your hair?" "I'm ok," I muttered, grabbed my coffee, and walked to my room, hearing Elena whispering something behind my back. I opened my laptop and connected to the Internet. I tried to google "Tver Anna Alferov" and got too many results for my liking. I tried different combinations with the same result. Wait! I stopped myself, why had I decided that the girl's first name was Anna? How did I know? Pieces of the dream come back to me. "Let's go Anna, I know you want it as bad as me!" a hot whisper was in my ear, strong hands touching my body... The memory of last night's dreams makes me shudder. What can be the meaning of such a dream? Never before have I dreamed about having sex with a man. It can be nothing else but the impression I got from reading the diary. I better find the real name of the girl and get rid of it as soon as possible. I just need to read ia little bit more to find the girl's full name, I thought to myself. I nodded in agreement with the thought, touched the earrings in my ears and scratched my puffy chest. ***** To be continued?

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An Erotic Haunted House

Kevin Mulligan was finally moved into his new house.  He bought his new home for a song.  There was a lot of talk that his new home was haunted.  The sellers had been trying to sell the home for several years, but the rumors scared off most potential buyers.Kevin enjoyed history and was quite taken with the property.  He didn’t believe in ghosts and made an offer which was accepted by the sellers.  Kevin delved into research on his house.  With some digging, he had found out that there was a...

4 years ago
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Wrong Haunted House

Two fourteen year old girls, Amy and Kelly, over heard some older boys talking about a haunted house they had gone to that sounded fun. Unfortunately for the girls, they were too young to get in. After talking about it at lunch, decided they would sneak in after school on Friday. They would tell their parents that they were going to each other’s house, but instead would go to the haunted house. They knew the name of the place was Haunted Hill House or something like that. They walked around...

3 years ago
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The Haunted House

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...

2 years ago
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Haunted House Hook Up

In well done, professional haunted house attractions, adreneline runs high, need to be with someone else becomes paramount and strangers are knit together in strange circumstances that otherwise would never happen!!! That's what happened the other night for me. I don't kiss and tell all... But I will tell you how the most fantastic weekend of my life started!! ------------ I have always loved haunted houses! I went to them all of the time when I was single and for several years I worked in...

3 years ago
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Haunted house chapter 1

‘So this is it,’ I thought. I stood in the moonless night, pensively staring up at the so-called haunted house. Evenafter all these years, it was still an impressive structure. Built in the late Eighteen Nineties, thefour-story house still had all the hallmarks of a great home. Detailed woodwork adorned thelarge covered entrance and marched its way across the brick façade, while large multi-panedwindows offered views of the outside. They were strategically placed and stood ready to coaxsunlight...

3 years ago
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Haunted House

Part 1 Angela came home excited. She couldn’t wait to tell her parents that she had gotten a job. It would only last through October, but at least she would be working. Her mom got home thirty minutes later than usual. (Her name was Jan) Angel met her in the kitchen. “Guess what?” Unable to contain herself Angela burst out “I got a job.” Excitedly Jan said “good for you. Where will you be working?” Angela told her “the haunted house is only a few blocks away. And it will only be for a...

2 years ago
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An Erotic Haunted House

Kevin Mulligan was finally moved into his new house. He bought his new home for a song. There was a lot of talk that his new home was haunted. The sellers had been trying to sell the home for several years, but the rumors scared off most potential buyers. Kevin enjoyed history and was quite taken with the property. He didn’t believe in ghosts and made an offer which was accepted by the sellers. Kevin delved into research on his house. With some digging, he had found out that there was a...

3 years ago
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One Night at a Haunted House

As in almost any of old houses the door began to squeal as Harold and his assistant started to open it up. Although the house was old and unattained it was clean, no dust around what so ever... Perhaps the rumors are being spread through the people by Harold, so more people would rent the "haunted" house for the night. Yes, it is most likely that the house is being cleaned and maintained every now and then and all the stories are lies... This house doesn't look as large as was...

2 years ago
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Done in the Haunted House

I soon discovered that under her calm and reserved exterior beat the heart of a vampire/Gothic lover. When I related my background on the amateur stage and the haunted house project we had many long conversations about vampires in general and we began to date on a regular basis. It was while returning from a local restaurant one evening we happened to pass by the old house that was used as our haunted attraction. I pointed it out to her and to my surprise she expressed a desire to see...

3 years ago
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Done in the Haunted House Part 1

Tina worked in our data processing division. She always looked and conducted herself as the total professional who was dedicated to her job. Some of her co-workers dubbed her a cold fish, but I always felt they read her wrong. Since it always seemed that we had our lunch at the same time I attempted to break the ice by starting a conversation, and she responded. After a few weeks of polite conversation in the lunchroom I finally got up the nerve to ask her out, and she accepted.I...

4 years ago
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The Haunted House at the End of the World

You see it in front of you, Farasset house. Rumor has it that the house was built in the early nineteen hundreds by a crazy cult. They believed that they could deliver the world to the devil by altering reality. The place had been empty for as long as you can remember. Stories of ghosts, demons, and people being driven mad by staying overnight, had kept the place vacant for years. Your older brother's company had purchased it for a dime and gotten loads of tax breaks. They had made quite a few...

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Haunted HouseChapter 2

Jenny awoke to the gray light in her room. She wondered why it was always so dingy within the mansion, and then noticed the windows were not clear. For the first time she realized she couldn't see outside and felt a lump in her throat. Jenny's eyes scanned the room while clutching the bedcover to her nose. Without her head moving, her eyes looked up to the ceiling and then back down to the wall in front of her and then to the right and left. Raising her chin and digging the back of her head...

3 years ago
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A haunted night of sorts

A bunch of us got together to go to the local haunted prison it is supposed to be not only a holloween trick but a real haunted historical mark and we could not wait to try it out and they had a special where you could spend the night in a true haunted cell and since they were only allowing two to a cell I wanted it to be a man of coarse one that was hot and sexy at least. So about 10 of us poured into the truck and made our way to the village that this huge structure still stood it had been...

4 years ago
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House on Haunted Drive

Gray. A storm painted the world with a pallet of grey. The darkness of night could be lit. The brightness of day could be dimmed. A storm was constant. Do what you would, the gray would find purchase in your very soul because it wasn't your sight that the storm affected most but that tiny feeling prickling the back of your neck. A storm was nature's raw emotion. You would have to be crazy not to sense that faint brush of fear against your throat. A bump in the road brought you out of your...

3 years ago
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HauntedChapter 3

Charles Russell Boyle IV, former army Colonel and owner of the Pequod Bar & Grille as well as other establishments, was found dead at his home in Hawaii Kai. Charlie, as he was known to friends and acquaintances, was a well respected and highly successful businessman, continuing and improving on his family's old real estate fortune begun by his great grandfather here in Honolulu over 100 years ago. His servant, Juan Magrille found the body early yesterday morning when Mr. Magrille was...

1 year ago
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the haunted house

It was Friday night and Lithium could think of a million other things she had much rather do. The house was your quintessential haunted house – a ramshackle cottage on the outskirts of town. No one was particularly accurate with the history of the house, but many rumours were abound. These rumours were enough to keep the inhabitants of the small town of Tantalus at bay. There was nothing to do – all Lithium had was her I-pod to keep her company. She had come prepared otherwise with a high...

2 years ago
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The haunted house

The haunted housebyTattletale"I don't know, Mom. It's really run down. The agent said it was a fixer-upper, but I don't think this dump can be fixed up."Mom and I were standing in a yard full of weeds staring at a dilapidated two-story farmhouse. She and I lived together in the city. After being burglarized several times, she decided that she had had enough of city life and began looking at houses in the country."I like it," she said defiantly. "It has a certain charm about it. We're both handy...

1 year ago
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ONEI hear the music before I even arrive at Mitzi’s. It is dubstep, and I know this because I was at a club last week and asked the girl I was with what the hell we were listening to. She told me it was dubstep and I told her it was awful and she nodded, although we didn’t leave because we were drunk.You expect that sort of racket in a club in London; out in the sticks in Kent, it is so unexpected it seems surreal. Mitzi lives outside one of those quaint villages the Tories always cream...

4 years ago
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Done In The Haunted House Part 2

The following Friday I met my lovely co-worker for cocktails and conversation as per usual. After a few drinks, she shyly admitted that our little tryst in the haunted house had awakened an erotic vampire fantasy that she had wanted to act out for years.However, most of her previous lovers were far too straight-laced for such a departure from the "norm". She then asked if I was interested and I could not say yes fast enough. She would not go into any detail but added there were conditions that...

2 years ago
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Haunted HouseChapter 1

Orange-red leaves clung to tree branches as they fluttered in the wind, the brown ones falling victim to strong gusts. In a few weeks the trees would be bare, like skeletons, but right now they added the color of autumn to the countryside. The howling October wind rattled the mansion's heavy, warped door. It had just slammed shut, causing the little gray squirrel to jump and turn in mid-air. With bushy tail raised, its little feet scampered down the dirt path to the safety of the trees, its...

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The Haunted Mansion

"Come visit the HAUNTED MANSION Hotel, your ultimate experience of horror and unfathomable dread! Also suitable for children." When the advertisements first came up, people were sceptical; but as the hotel's opening drew near, and new information surfaced about this wonderful and luxurious project, they gradually became excited and started to book the rooms. The very locality of the building hinted at the fact every stay was going to be a special experience. The Haunted Mansion was situated in...

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Shercock Holmes and the Case of the Haunted Attic

His fingers dug into her fleshy hips as his cock slipped between her thighs. Her tightness gripped his shaft as her back arched as he entered her. Joan could not help but moan as Holmes invaded her most intimate part.Her breasts began to sway as he pumped hard into her, his stomach slapping against her bubbly ass as she bent over the back of the sofa. She had wanted him to take her for so long. She could feel her orgasm begin to boil inside her.“It's six a.m. in Atlanta, time to rise and...

Quickie Sex
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Three Square MealsChapter 129 Haunted by the past

“Holy shit!” Dana blurted out, her eyes like saucers as she stared at the shattered bed. “How hard were you fucking her in the ass?!” John was sitting on the mattress in the middle of all the destruction and protested, “Not enough to break the bed!” Irillith kissed him on the shoulder and gave him a dreamy smile. “Actually, it was all very sensual and loving.” “Everything was,” Tashana murmured, looking up at John with a doe-eyed expression of absolute devotion. “I don’t think I’ve ever...

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Haunted house chapter 1

‘So this is it,’ I thought. I stood in the moonless night, pensively staring up at the so-called haunted house. Even after all these years, it was still an impressive structure. Built in the late Eighteen Nineties, thefour-story house still had all the hallmarks of a great home. Detailed woodwork adorned thelarge covered entrance and marched its way across the brick façade, while large multi-panedwindows offered views of the outside. They were strategically placed and stood ready to...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 7 Princess DoubleTeamed by the Futas

Chapter Seven: Princess Double-Teamed by the Futas By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I savored my Ōjo-sama's breasts rubbing on mine as she lay atop me on the onsen's edge. Our lips devoured each other. Her hips moved, rubbing her hot flesh against mine. The little pearls in our clams brushed, kissed, sparking pleasure through my body. She moved her hips, undulating like she wished she had a cock to fuck me for real. And I wished I had a cock to fuck her. The cicadas sang around us...

2 years ago
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Done In The Haunted House Part 2

The following Friday I met my lovely co-worker for cocktails and conversation as per usual. After a few drinks she shyly admitted that our little tryst in the haunted house had awakened an erotic vampire fantasy that she had wanted to act out for years. However most of her previous lovers were far too straight-laced for such a departure from the ‘norm’. She then asked if I was interested and I could not say yes fast enough. She would not go into any detail but added there were conditions that...

1 year ago
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The Haunted Plea

The Haunted Plea Written by Dauphin I put the pillow over my head as I could not sleep. Dad left us because he said he could not be dealing with a 12 year old (me) and a demanding wife. We all know the truth is that he found someone that was much younger than mom. Since he left, mom has been in tears. She was heartbroken and thought that her life was over. I did not understand her. Why did she not just get mad at him and be an independent woman?...

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The Haunted HousePart 4

After watching our houseguest and my wife cavorting in the attic, I quietly retreated from there. I was slightly confused, but, at the same time incredibly turned on by what I had just witnessed. In fact, I was painfully horny.The lovemaking I had witnessed was, at times, soft and sweet. At other times hard and fast. Tender and quiet. Raucus and racy. And all of it without me involved. I needed to confront Kelly, so, I waited downstairs.The two women came down all smiles. As she reached the...

1 year ago
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Done in the Haunted House Part 1

Tina worked in our data processing division. She always looked and conducted herself as the total professional who was dedicated to her job. Some of her co-workers dubbed her a cold fish, but I always felt they read her wrong. Since it always seemed that we had our lunch at the same time I attempted to break the ice by starting a conversation, and she responded. After a few weeks of polite conversation in the lunchroom I finally got up the nerve to ask her out, and she accepted. I...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 192 Haunted House

We chatted with the Hawkes and Karl Thekla about inconsequential matters for a while longer, until we were interrupted by Levi, who brought a stack of paperwork for my approval. I sighed. “Well, you’re all welcome to stay here as long as you like. Karl, later I’ll introduce you to Larus, our other resident non-Warden mage. You can all feel free to explore the Keep, and drop in to talk any time. I’d love to hear what you decide, when you figure it out.” Alistair stood. “Warden, you’re with...

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The Haunted Mill

Prologue This story takes place in the dark days, when kings ruled over europe and uncounted lords battled for supremacy in the lands. The late Middle Ages in europe. It was a time of misery, fear and death. Everywhere a man could found this three things. The Black Death and other plagues swept over the land, emerging from the fever-infested and foul cities in the south and the east. Or so the people thought. While the lords and kings fight useless wars and intrigued against each...

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Thrice Haunted Castle

Kwaidan: Yurei-jo San-do A Ghost Story: The Thrice Haunted Castle Dedicated to Lorena, who has no idea, and never will know, that she was the inspiration. Author’s Foreword. If you’ve read and enjoyed the ghost stories related by Lafcadio Hearn, I hope you’ll enjoy this story. Fans of supernatural fiction may also notice some stylistic hints borrowed from M.R. James. ***** One The Merchant There are many beautiful places in Hirasanaka Prefecture of northern Japan and not a few that...

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Haunted High School

Oh God, now this was childish. The thought passed through my mind over and over as I trudged with my friends up through town and to the old high school. The place had been deserted since the new one was built over fifteen years ago and was scheduled to be demolished in the Spring. The rumor, what I was told about the school since starting here a few months ago, was that it was haunted. It was a rite of passage every year that seniors had to spend the night in the vast halls of the school on...

3 years ago
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the halloween haunted house

''hey sam you saw my spiderman?''''no last time he was going to the haunted house''mommy coudnt find me , Spiderman was slurping on a jelly big candy on his knees ,a pillow under it , the big juicy cherry candy feeling way too nice and warm in his mouthMike on the other side of the wall was keeping himself full of that jelly cherry ooze, getting it back to the boy , his little mouth and tongue was feeling way too good , it felt wrong but at the same time sp right to let the young white boy...

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Haunted HouseChapter 3

The next morning it was Nick who was the last to rise. When he found the others in the kitchen he walked directly to Sandy, a huge "shit-ass" grin on his face. Leaning in for a kiss, her slap caught him by surprise and his head jerked back. Rubbing his cheek, he asked, "What was that for?" "For last night." "Last night? You seemed to enjoy last night." "You asshole. You think I'd enjoy having someone rape me? You're lucky nothing happened." "Rape you? Nothing happened? You...

4 years ago
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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 7 Princess DoubleTeamed by the Futas

I savored my Ojo-sama’s breasts rubbing on mine as she lay atop me on the onsen’s edge. Our lips devoured each other. Her hips moved, rubbing her hot flesh against mine. The little pearls in our clams brushed, kissed, sparking pleasure through my body. She moved her hips, undulating like she wished she had a cock to fuck me for real. And I wished I had a cock to fuck her. The cicadas sang around us in the warm, summer evening. Their chirping cries celebrated our love. My tongue brushed...

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The Haunted Room A TWILIGHT ZONE story

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling The Haunted Room - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Max Kleebler has inherited a lovely old vacant building from his Uncle. Only, he's unaware that the house also comes with its own history. A history far stranger than what he could possibly...

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Every Old Home Has A Story To Tell It’d been a long drive. He’d left New York City eighteen hours ago, and he was exhausted. When he pulled up to his new home, it looked worse than it had in the pictures. Yes, it was old and rundown. Seeing it under the hot Georgia sun, the house looked like it was ready to fall apart. The inspection said it had good bones. It was called the Wythe House and had been built around 1836. They’d advertised it as a fixer. The overgrown lawn, broken windows, and...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 10 Futas Horny Wrestling

Chapter Ten: Futas' Horny Wrestling By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My eyes opened. I lay in the grove where I had danced the Kagura to summon the great Kami Hangetsu. Last I remembered was the half-full moon blazing with light and shadow, the energy falling upon me, driving me to the ground. I blinked, struggling to remember what happened next. A presence had greeted me, cocooned me, changed me. I was a caterpillar. And now I was free to be a butterfly. Above me, the half-full moon...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 5 Futanari Watch Porn

Chapter Five: Futanari Watch Porn By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You were so beautiful dancing last night, Sayuri-chan,” Mitsuko-hime purred when I arrived at the onsen to bathe. She sat on the edge, still in her black kimono, her obi tied behind her back in a beautiful, thick bow of red. “Thank you, Ōjo-sama,” I said, bowing to her, my cheeks warming. “You don't have to be so formal with me,” she said, moving closer, her lips so red. I wanted to kiss them again. I had trouble...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 5 Futanari Watch Porn

“You were so beautiful dancing last night, Sayuri-chan,” Mitsuko-hime purred when I arrived at the onsen to bathe. She sat on the edge, still in her black kimono, her obi tied behind her back in a beautiful, thick bow of red. “Thank you, Ojo-sama,” I said, bowing to her, my cheeks warming. “You don’t have to be so formal with me,” she said, moving closer, her lips so red. I wanted to kiss them again. I had trouble sleeping last night, my pussy growing so wet between my thighs every time I...

2 years ago
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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 10 Futasrsquo Horny Wrestling

My eyes opened. I lay in the grove where I had danced the Kagura to summon the great Kami Hangetsu. Last I remembered was the half-full moon blazing with light and shadow, the energy falling upon me, driving me to the ground. I blinked, struggling to remember what happened next. A presence had greeted me, cocooned me, changed me. I was a caterpillar. And now I was free to be a butterfly. Above me, the half-full moon glowed in the night sky, looking down at me in the midst of the haunted...

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The Haunted House Part 1

As I pulled up in my car, my jaw dropped. The house was damn near perfect! You could see the faded glory in its façade. If only the structure was sound enough then our dream could come true. With a little money (not a problem, since I was left a sizeable inheritance), time (also not a problem), and a lot of sweat equity, Kelly and I could fix it up and run our own Bed and Breakfast in this small upstate N.Y college town.A woman got out of the car in front of me, smiled, shook my hand and...

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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 015 HuntedHaunted

To my immense and truly indescribable surprise, Ash’s formidable display of rage frightens away the darkness.  I can see starlight.  The air is warming up a bit.  Ash shrieks in grander horror this time, as she finds Ash laid upon the ground, motionless.  She sees him, and instinctively her voice explodes once again.  She runs to him.  Kneeling at his side, she bellows into the darkness once more, and lifts his head.  I can see enough of his torso to witness his breath, and I am relieved by...

4 years ago
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The Haunted Blue Jeans

The Haunted Blue JeansBy: Jessica Rabbit"I hate extended business trips". This is the second time I have had to use the hotel laundry facilities. "It is bad enough to be gone so long that you use all your travel clothes, but then to have your company not reimburse you for the cost of having a laundry service perform this deed makes it even a more bitter experience", I thought as I rounded the corner to the laundry room. It's a small laundry room with only 3 washers and dryers, plus a table to...

3 years ago
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The Haunted Blue Jeans

The Haunted Blue Jeans By: Jessica Rabbit "I hate extended business trips". This is the second time I have had to use the hotel laundry facilities. "It is bad enough to be gone so long that you use all your travel clothes, but then to have your company not reimburse you for the cost of having a laundry service perform this deed makes it even a more bitter experience", I thought as I rounded the corner to the laundry room. It's a small laundry room with only 3 washers and dryers,...

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The Perfect SolutionChapter 38 In Music to my Haunted Heart

Sorely our souls to each are ever near, Twain harps that mix one music; for today, As far in love's high reverie I lay, One memory of thee, I seemed to hear Thy voice within my breast — a chord so clear That as advancing seas the moon obey So the soul's waters trembled to thy sway, Thy presence, Sweet, attested by a tear. O great companionship! Seraphic grief! O consecration and undying flame! Shall Sorrow breathe what mystery thou art? Shall Love find here thy kiss, forlornly brief,...

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The ProtoHaunted CottageChapter 3

Although it wasn’t quite dark, I relaxed into my fugue state. I couldn’t hear Emily. I called her name a few times but there was no answer. I took a quick nap until it was fully dark Actually I overslept by a couple of hours and it was well after midnight when I woke up. I treated myself to a refreshing mug of tea and relaxed back into my fugue state. It was all quiet still. I felt a knot in my stomach at the thought Emily might not be there. “Emily,” I called out. “Are you there?” “Seamus,...

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Haunted House Pt I

As I pulled up in my car, my jaw dropped. The house was damn near perfect! You could see the faded glory in its faç,ade. If only the structure was sound enough. Then our dream could come true. With a little money (not a problem, since I was left a sizeable inheritance), time (also not a problem), and a lot of sweat equity, Kelly and I could fix it up and run our own Bed And Breakfast in this small upstate N.Y college town. A woman got out of the car in front of me , smiled, shook my hand...

1 year ago
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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 4 Taken by the Demons Tentacles

Chapter Four: Taken by the Demon's Tentacles By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The beat of the drum summoned me to the stage before the statue of our shrine's guardian, Kanshu-no-Kami. I was dressed in my miko garb, my red hakama about my legs and cinched tight at my waist, my haori over my kimono, the tasseled ends swaying before me, dangling with bells that tinkled with my every movement. I gripped my gohei in my hand, a wand of cedar wood from which dangle two shide, paper folded to...

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Haunted by the Past Ch 16

Diana Richards was barely listening to Ed Hood’s voice drone on about how they could save each other if only she’d walk away from her husband and come to him. She was fighting the waves of nausea that kept washing over her every time the bastard would intimate that he knew they’d be good together if only she’d give him a chance. Suddenly, a feeling of calm settled in the pit of her stomach and there was a prickling sensation on the back of her head. She almost gasped aloud when she heard...

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Haunted by the Past Ch 01

Author’s Note: These characters were first introduced in the ‘Loving Wives’ category in a series entitled ‘Charles and Diana’ which told the story of their weekend honeymoon in Vegas when they ran off and married the night they met. This is their continuing saga… Diana gazed out the window of the plane as it glided through the sky toward Los Angeles into a bright, setting sun. She smiled softly. What a sight! We must have a bright future ahead of us, Charles…my sexy man…my loving husband! They...

2 years ago
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Haunted Coeds

Different stories about spirits and ghosts messing with people. A haunted house, a ouija board ritual, a wayward soul, a perverted office ghost, and more. There are many stories to tell, and they all start here. Feel free to add!

1 year ago
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I am Amy Palmer and I'm 24 years old. I have a slim build with pale skin and a firey, orange curly mess of hair thanks to my Scottish heritage. And I have a rather odd problem. I'm not sure when exactly it started, but it's been happening more often recently. I'm being haunted. Not just in my house, whatever it is, it follows me. It isn't like a normal ghost story you may have heard of. No, this one seems to enjoy ripping my clothes in public to cause me to flash people, it'll wait until I'm in...

4 years ago
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Trip To Haunted Forest

Hello, girls and guys, first of all, I want to thank all of those people who emailed me after my first sex story. Those who want a nice chat with me could mail me at are most welcomed. Now I am here with a new sex story I know it’s a bit long story and sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes in it but I am sure that you are gonna enjoy this because this is has a horror touch I want to say that it is a story of three friends Amit that’s me, Varun and Adi. At first, I would like to introduce...

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Haunted A Halloween Drabble

Haunted, a Halloween Drabble. I heard her, whispering in my bedroom. "You promised!" "I can't" "It's Time!" Again and again, I heard her. "Please?" Finally, I give in, and go to the trunk, and put on the dress, the makeup, the wig. I look in the mirror, and I don't see a boy. I see her. "Finally!" she says. "Finally," I agree. "We're free!" We speak as one. We are one. Forever.

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Haunted mansion

It was a cold Halloween night. April was standing in front of the abandoned mansion at the very end of the neighborhood. It had stood there since she was a child. The city had apparently torn it down one time and it showed up again the very next day. The owner clearly didn’t like company as it was miles away from anyone else. She used to go inside it all the time growing up and nothing bad ever happened, but there’s been stories of strange things occurring here on Halloween, ranging from lights...

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