Brianna's Game (4) free porn video

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THE OFFICE 1/ Monday morning. Steve studied himself in the mirror, the light of his apartment not the best. The blouse didn't look too bad. "You can't see anything in that thing," Kelsey, his landlady, told him as she stepped up beside him. "If you're going girl I'll get you a proper full length mirror in here." "I'm not.....I mean.....Kelsey, this is just a freak one off," he said, struggling not to tell her why he was stuck dressed like this. Or how much he had dressed when he was younger. You steal lingerie from a Mistress, this is the way the dice will land. At least Kelsey was good humored, helping him to get ready. She caught a peek of his bra; the very same one he had stolen. "Is that the only one you have?" she asked. He nodded, wondering where this would end. Would he end up with more? How far would Mistress Brianna go in punishing him? He'd barely slept last night at the prospect of going to work in a blouse. What else would she have him do? "Look at those bags," Kelsey said, and Steve took a second to realise she meant underneath his eyes. "I'm no expert, but a little make-up could fix that." "You don't even wear make-up." Kelsey was very much a cute tomboy. "Why would I take make-up tips from you?" "Not me, then," she said, and stepped from his apartment. 2/ Steve waited for several minutes and was about to head out when Kelsey returned. Steve could hear her talking. Shit. She had another woman with her. No, no, no.......He didn't want anyone more than necessary to know about this. He looked around, but there was nowhere to hide as Kelsey and- -Eve entered the room. "Come on," he said. "This isn't fair. Kelsey, why would-?" "Look, you said it yourself. I don't know jack about make-up," Kelsey confessed. "But we all know how girly Eve is." Eve, who was now in his face. Mesmerized. "His clothes are cute. Not my thing, but they work on him. Where did you get this?" Eve asked. She was about his age. Brunette. All make-up and jewellery and hair tied back. Blouse, skirt and heels. He couldn't help but stare. "Hey," Kelsey said, punching his arm. "Snap out of it. Eve asked you a question." "I.....It's mine. I got it. I picked it up at-" "No way," Eve said, shaking her head and wagging her finger. "That's fine. You didn't pick that up at a charity. And where did you suddenly get such good, classy taste from?" "Come on, Eve," Kelsey said. "Give him a break. He just needs some help with his make-up." "I'm not wearing make-up," Steve protested. "Just a little concealer to clean up his eyes," Kelsey noted. Eve peered at him. "Yeah. We can do something with that." 3/ His situation was escalating. First it was the bra and panties. Once discovered by Anna and Kelsey, he had started to relax. But then he had to wear the blouse and was worried to death that more people would see him. Then the concealer and foundation around his eyes that Eve had blended expertly into his skin. When she took a small brush out he baulked, turning white with fear. "Just let me finish," she'd chastised him, applying eye shadow and a light brush of mascara. "Beautiful," Kelsey had whispered. "Do I look really look better?" he'd asked, studying the mirror. "Us real girls...." Eve began. "Sorry, don't take that wrong. I mean girls like me, not Kelsey, pull tricks like that all the time." So now, entering his office, he wasn't so much worried about the lingerie or the blouse, but the make-up. He caught his reflection in the window. Jesus. He was only a few steps removed from pretty. It would take more work, but he was on his way. Thank God this would be over soon. 4/ In the office he kept a low profile. He was the only salesman in that day, alongwith Anna the Office Manager. She'd already gotten her high heeled kicks out of him wearing a bra and panties, so he calmly rolled with her punches when she saw the blouse - the floral pattern was highlighted by the lights of the office. No hiding that. Ridiculous to think he could. At least she hadn't noticed the make-up. Eve had blended it expertly into his skin. It was fooling everybody and- "Mayfield!" He looked back and up to the office that was housed above the pool area; a variety of hot tubs and small pools on show for potential clients. Bill McKinnock oversaw everything from up there. The man, bigger than average with a seventies walrus moustache, tapped on his window, looking out at his kingdom. "Mayfield, get up here!" He caught a glance from Anna, as she slowly placed her hands on her cheeks and made an 'Oh no' expression. He headed up the stairs. This wasn't fair. His boss was obviously pissed about something. But why did it have to be today? When he was dressed like this? He knocked on the door. "Well, come in! I know you're out there because I summoned you!" He timidly went inside. McKinnock was a monster of a man. And today he had sandwich crumbs sprinkled through his thick moustache that almost made Steve laugh. Almost. "What's happening with you? Your figures are down. Your add-on sales are not happening. Your-" McKinnock stopped. "What's wrong?" Steve asked. "What's that?" McKinnock asked, shambling around his desk for a closer look. "It's my-my new shirt, Sir." McKinnock leered. "Fashion's not what it used to be. Are they flowers?" Steve looked away to hide his blush. And his eye make-up while McKinnock was so close. "Yes, Sir. I like them. I like it. The blo-I mean, the shirt. It's nice, isn't it?" "Good God, Mayfield," McKinnock continued, returning to his seat, noting what Steve had almost said. "What's happening with you?" "I've got a good deal coming in," Steve said. "It will get me back on top." "Well, it better," McKinnock said, "or you can forget about Sales Manager. I'll give it to Anna. She's already said she'll need-" He started to laugh, unable to keep a straight face anymore. "Steve, you crack me up. You should see your face." "What? This is a joke?" Steve said, confused. He heard a giggle behind him and turned. "Anna?" he said. "I told Mr. McKinnock about your new blouse." "Yeah, thanks for that," Steve said, looking dismayed. "You look cute, Steve," McKinnock smiled. "And I sincerely agree with Anna." "About what?" Steve asked. "If I promote her, she'll need an Office Girl to-" "No way," Steve protested. "That shit isn't funny anymore." "Then get out there and close some deals," McKinnock growled. 5/ So, that was Monday. Tuesday wasn't much better. Eve and Kelsey knocked on his door bright and early. Eve touched up his appearance. This time she added a hint of blusher and bronzer. "Just to give you a bit of color," she said breezily. "I don't want to do this," he said, wondering what Kelsey was hammering at in his bedroom. "Nonsense," Eve told him. "Kelsey told me how you like dressing up. This is a big part of that, girl friend. Trying new looks. This is a pretty day-look. Not too noticeable." He let her finish. "Please don't call me that," he said. "What?" Eve asked, packing her brushes. He started to turn crimson. "Girl friend? You're precious, neighbor." "Can I go now?" Steve asked. "Please." "Not yet," Kelsey said, appearing from his room. "Why don't you take a look?" He walked to his room and- -stopped short. On his chest of drawers was a make-up mirror. A make-up mirror!? Bulbs on creating an even glow. And on the wall Kelsey had fitted a full length mirror. "That will be much better when you are checking out how a dress looks or-" "Hold on," Steve said, raising his hand. "There won't be any dresses." Kelsey smiled, a glint in her eye. "There better not be until I get my rent." He left for work in Mistress Brianna's --- his --- panties, bra, the patterned flowery blouse which was much more obvious than he had ever thought, and more than the previous hint of make-up. Half an hour later, he walked into the office, quite terrified by what was happening......but also loving it as so many old yearnings and desires were being woken. 6/ "You really should get another top," Anna said. "Want to go shopping on our break?" He almost tripped over his own feet. "No. No way. Thanks." It was another quiet day and McKinnock wasn't in so he spent the day browsing on the internet, searching for more information about the woman who was tormenting him. Wrong word. He was enjoying it to an extent. Playing with him....... He clicked back on her website. There was so much to explore and- "What's that?" Anna asked as she passed his desk. He closed the browser. "Nothing." She touched his shoulder, felt for his bra strap. Gave it a sharp ping, snapping it onto his skin. "Ouch!" he cried out, surprised by the sudden sting. 7/ Poor Steve, Anna thought. He knew she was the Office Manager. If he'd ever taken the time to read their relevant job profiles, he'd know that one of her duties was to monitor server usage and internet records. He'd obviously forgotten all about the guidelines in his company handbook about conducting personal business online. She sat at her desk, smiling. She looked at Steve as she freshened up her lipstick. He stared at her fingers holding the lipstick. Her red nails. Seemed intent watching the lipstick being applied. Finished, she pursed her lips. "Want to try?" she asked. "No....." he muttered. "No. That's ridiculous." "Said the man in lingerie and a girly blouse," Anna chuckled quietly. She quickly typed at her keyboard, calling up his logs from the last couple of days. Until now, it all seemed normal enough. And then his recent searches.......Mistress Brianna...... Anna clicked on her homepage, eyes widening slightly at a world she obviously knew existed but had never experienced. She started to dig- -and couldn't help but stare at Steve, dumb-founded. So much choice. Interactive stories. Assignments. Humiliation. Support. Humiliation.......Was that what this is? she thought. Was he playing a game with a Mistress? How naughty, she smiled deliciously.......How wicked and delightful......... 8/ Steve tried to work, chasing dormant leads, but slowly became aware that Anna was staring at him. "Come on, get over it, Anna," he said. "It's just a blouse." She smiled sweetly. "Sorry. I didn't mean to stare. Still getting used to the new you, I guess." "There is no new me," he huffed, watching the door every time somebody passed by, praying Mistress Brianna would come in today. He needed to see her, get this blouse business out of the way. Make amends. Then this would be all over. If she would let it...... 9/ I spent the morning, as always, in that forest spot, staring up at the gorgeous light. It was so calming and peaceful as I prepared myself mentally for what was to come. I hadn't been out for so long, and I had deliberately set up this situation --- visiting Stephanie at his office --- to challenge myself. To get back out in the world. Stephanie was my stepping stone on as I returned from exile. But the city.......Why hadn't I set a lunch date closer, in a quieter suburb? Why had I chosen the loud- 10/ -city? A horn blared as I crossed the road to the shopping center, startling me. On the sidewalk, pedestrians hustled by, pushing and nudging me out of the way as I froze. Various people eased me to the side, passing me like a ball from one to another as I sensed my breathing kick up a gear. Short, sharp breaths. My chest tightening. In front of a store window, I started to pant. Looked around. Where was I? Why had I come all the way out here when I was safe in my home? He couldn't touch me there, but here.....Out in the open...... I doubled over, tears in my eyes, starting to panic. I had to get back to my car, get back home. I couldn't think. The whole city seemed to close in on me. People. Buildings. The traffic. All of it looming large and loud. "Miss-?" I couldn't function. What was I thinking, coming out here? Andi. Andi could help. I started to fumble in my handbag, searching for my cell. "Miss, are you okay?" I stopped. Looked up. It was a young woman from the store I was in front of. She had come out to help me. A stranger offering her hand. But how could I trust her? Except for Andi, I hadn't trusted anybody since the Bad Thing. I'd even lost friends as I slipped off their radars. "Miss? Come inside." I let her take my hand, my breathing still ragged. My chest felt like it was going to implode. "Are you okay?" she asked. I started to focus. Barely a kid out of her teens, but caring for me like I was her own mother. "Can I sit for a moment?" I asked. God. What had happened? I'd only been out of the car for five minutes. I'd felt like I was standing on a precipice. But I had been in control. And then the car horn making me jump and- I had fallen from that precipice, spiralling down into a black hole. My breathing strained again. "Relax." A glass appeared in front of me and I grasped it, trying not to let her see my trembling fingers. It didn't work. First the water started to ripple. Then the glass actually shook. She held it in my hand calmly. "It's okay," she said softly. "You're calming down now." She eased the glass up and I sipped from it, registering for the first time that we were in a clothes store. That we were sitting near the fitting area. "What's your name?" she asked. It took me a second. I actually had to think about the elementary question. "Brianna." "It's nice to meet you, Brianna. My name's Deborah." I nodded, aware she was trying to take my mind off how my mind and body were behaving. "I was so scared when I saw you," Deborah told me, smiling gently. "I've just finished my first aid course for the store. I thought you were having a heart attack." I smiled to reassure her. "Just a panic attack. Sorry to be a flake." A woman left the fitting area, a skirt in her hand and Deborah fell silent. Diplomatic. Kind. "I'm okay," I lied, still feeling a little wobbly even though my breathing had settled. No need to lie down. No need for a paper bag. "Are you parked nearby?" I nodded. "Do you want me to walk you to your car?" she asked. There was nothing in her tone. No attitude or sarcasm. Bless her. She was an innocent angel. "I have a little business first. If-if-" Come on, I thought. I'm stuttering and stammering like Stephanie in his bra. Learn how to open up and accept help. Develop a relationship. Cultivate some trust. I was betrayed once by a submissive which led to a horrifying assault. I was desperately trying to put that behind me thanks to my chance encounter with Stephanie. To do that surely meant being open. I was going to suggest I call back into the store when I was returning, but wasn't finding my words. "Take a second," Deborah said, placing a hand on my leg. The unexpected touch caught my breath. "When do you take a break today?" I asked. "I'm duty managing. I can cut out when I like." Cut out? Kids still talk like that. "Would you like to join me for lunch?" I asked, surprised by my own suggestion. Deborah looked surprised. "I don't know. My Mom always told me not to talk to strangers." I couldn't tell if she was joking, or if she was acknowledging our age difference. I was usually great at reading people and body language, but I was rusty because of my self-imposed exile and I was still coming down off the panic attack. "My treat," I said, hoping I didn't sound desperate. "Let me get some cover out here." 11/ In the restaurant --- not too classy because I didn't want Deborah to feel uncomfortable at the impromptu meal --- I saw her for the first time. About fifteen years younger, a toothy overbite that was the right side of cute. In the clothes, obviously from the in-store range where she worked, she was attractive, oozing a little sex. She hadn't yet matured; yet to realise the subtle differences between good looking and sexy and playful. So on and so on........ I don't think she realised that in the right outfits she would be quite stunning. And the fact that she under-played this made me all the more drawn to her. Me......Old enough to be her Mom.......And half-crazy with it.......drawn to her? She was extremely beguiling. "So that's me," she said, and I realised I had been rude, day-dreaming about her instead of listening. But I had gotten enough: She had graduated college with honors but when her mother fell ill she'd ended her further education plans. She'd gotten a job and found an apartment close to home. Became her carer. Had an older brother who was in the service, following in the steps of her father. She wished she had done something similar, but she was scared of that world......And they had assured her that was okay, that fear was a valid emotion. And then her Mom's cancer, and she knew she was in the right place......... "What about you?" she asked, smiling as she nibbled coquettishly at her starter. I was lost for a moment. That sexiness again. Just over-powering. She needed to tame that. Learn how to control her body language or it could get her hurt. I was a Mistress yet I realised this kid was wrapping me around her pinkie finger. And, for now at least, out in the city for the first time in a year, I was happy to be there. Maybe one day I'd teach her if she wanted to learn, maybe she'd find her own way.......But for now, I wanted to be nurtured. Selfish, considering Deborah's own circumstances, but she seemed very giving. "If I tell you and you go through that door, I can't undo what you find out," I began hesitantly. Actually nervously. "Are you a spy?" she asked. "It sounds dangerous." "Nothing so glamorous," I smiled. "Look, I haven't spoken about it for a while. I'm a Mistress." She didn't miss a beat. "Cool." Kids, I thought. It was a whole new, accepting generation. I went further, sharing a little about my world before I was raped. She was keen and interested. Telling her about the young submissive who had approached me and assaulted me. She reached over the table and held my hand. Softly. About how I had re-launched my career with literary games and fun for any cross-dressers or sissies who stumbled over my website. She smiled for me, tears in her eyes. Her emotion was so genuine. She was so heartfelt. How was I so lucky to find such a shining star? I thought. Was this some kind of reward for trying to find my way back? Maybe karma wasn't a bitch. I then told her about Stephanie. The theft of my lingerie and how I believed his game might help me. She nodded and understood. Didn't even faze her. 12/ We walked slowly back to the store and I found myself longing to hold her hand. Not because I was still jittery, but because I wanted to. I wanted to feel the touch I had briefly experienced on my leg, but to take it and not let it go, our fingers wrapping around each other's. I was giddy. I smiled to myself. Actually giddy. An emotion that was alien to me. "We're back," she said, stopping outside the store, breaking my reverie. Our hands were close and for a moment they brushed each other, fingers skimming skin. A nervous energy. "I best go find Stephanie," I said. "Thank you, Deborah." "No, thank you. Lunch was delicious. I'm normally a Pizza Hut kind of girl so that was.....quite special." "You're welcome," I told her. "Keep caring for you Mom." "I will." I realised we were both making statements. Simple words to keep our conversation going and not let this moment end. "Do you-?" "Would you-?" "Beauty before youth," she smiled, that over-bite working over-time. I couldn't even speak. Speechless. She had left me without words. She held my hands, looked into my eyes. "I'd like to see you again." 13/ I managed to find the pool showroom where Stephanie worked without further incident. Distracted, I was in a beautiful daze; a mist of curiosity and happiness hanging over me. I entered the pool show room, and found a woman at a desk. "Can I help you?" she asked perkily. "I'm here to see Stephanie," I told Anna, noticing her name tag. I thought about Stephanie telling me about how his co-worker and his landlady had seen his bra. Potential allies in my game, I thought. "You must be mistaken. There's no Stephanie here. In fact, I'm the only woman who works here. I'm Anna," she said, holding out her hand. "Brianna," I said, and clocked her recognition. She definitely knew my name. There were no images of me on my website because I stopped sessioning in person and didn't want to be seen after what had happened.......but she recognised my name, and it was obvious she had seen my site. Another generation. This one reacting so much differently to Deborah.......Deborah, back in my thoughts.......I longed to see her again. I shook Anna's hand as Stephanie came out of the back, freezing as his heart skipped a beat when he saw me. "Not the only woman," I corrected her. "Hello Stephanie." "It's-you-it's Steve. Steve, er, Steve Mayfield." "Stephanie, come here and let us see you," I told him. He walked over, fidgeting with the blouse. "Steve," he muttered, trying to save face in front of Anna. "My name's-" "Do you want this sale?" I asked, feeling particularly playful after meeting Deborah. I wanted to let go of all the pain and misery and have fun. I turned on a cruel smile, just for him. "Stephanie," he whispered. "Sorry," Anna grinned. "I didn't quite catch that." "My name is Stephanie," he said clearly. Anna started to tap at her keyboard. "Can you make......her.......a new name tag?" I asked, deciding now was the perfect time to switch pronouns. "Already on it," Anna said, stepping to a back room. She returned moments later with a clear plastic tag, holding her hand out in front of Stephanie. "Give it to me," she instructed her. Stephanie reluctantly removed her old name tag. Looked at it forlornly, wondering if Steve would ever be back. She gave it to Anna, who dropped it in a waste bin. "What's up?" Anna asked, handing Stephanie her new tag. Stephanie couldn't find her words. Fumbled around for a second. Panic in her eyes......her beautiful, made up eyes. I smiled, and she knew I had seen. "It's a horrible realisation," I asserted. "That moment when a sissy realises her worlds are colliding."

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Sex Game

The Sex Game by Randomking Warning: This story contains material of sexually graphic nature. I take no responsibility for anyone reading who shouldn't... yada, yada, yada. I used to be a normal business man who was only trying to make a living, but, alas, I was proving to be poor at what I did. As I came to the realization of that, I started getting very depressed. I realized that my love-life was not going anywhere, that I was just getting bored with life. Eventually, I...

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The Perfect Game

(The perfect game for lowering inhibitions is invented)When I was 23 years old, I invented the perfect adult party game.There may be some situations where other games may be preferred, but for my purposes (and probably yours) this was the greatest game ever. I have dozens of friends and partners who will back my claim.I never chose to share it, rather saving it for my own purposes, but now you will learn the secret that worked so well, so many times for yours truly. It started with a couple of...

2 years ago
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"Hey Polly!" Susan called from the kitchen. "Yeah?" she said, digging around in her bag. "Did you find any candles?" she called back to Susan. Susan was silent for a moment. “No, I just found an old board game.” Susan called back. “Oh?” Polly replied. “What is it? Candyland?” she asked. “No...” Susan trailed off. “Hard to tell in the dark.” she said. “Well, bring it in here by the fire!” Polly called, withdrawing a flashlight from her bag. Susan returned to the den, where Polly waved...

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The Baby Game

The Baby Game by Pamela ([email protected]) I've had a major crush on Karen's kid sister Penny for at least a year now. Karen is my stepsister Kristina's best friend. Karen and Kristina are both 15 years old and two of the most popular and attractive girls in the local high school. Where Kristina is vivacious and self-confident, I'm shy and a bit socially awkward. Though my name is Peter, Kristina and most other kids call me Petey, perhaps because I project a sort...

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Changing the Game

The season was only two and a half games old when Jordan crumpled to the floor of the gym, clutching his ankle. We gathered around in gathering horror as he rolled around in agony, beads of perspiration accumulating on his already-sweaty brow. Jordan was our biggest and best player by a significant margin, and had led us to a winning season in the tough conference last year. Chris and I helped him to the bench, but the trembling I felt in his shoulders told me he was done for quite a...

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The Game

The game was played at the conference center in downtown Clanton every third Saturday of the month. The game was called "Your Number is up". It was a voluntary hanging game that had six women contestants, two who would hang themselves and the other four remaining women and their families were paid a cash prize of $100,000. It was one of the highest rated shows in the Valley. The object of the game was that the women would stand nude on small stools with a noose around their necks on the...

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The Game

The game is simple. Six guys, six girls, on the farm for the weekend. The farm was out in the wilds, and the nearest neighbour was over three hours away.The girls would be restrained, and allowed to run for an hour, before the guys chased them.Each of the girls had a number painted on their backs, and on their thighs. Each of the guys, after the girls were sent off, would draw a number from the tub, and that was the girl he chased. They were not allowed to interfere with any other girl, only...

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The Fantasy Game

Walter (Walt) Simpson and Victoria (Vickie) Taylor met their junior year at college. They were a handsome, athletic couple who took good care of their slender bodies. Walt was 6' tall with chestnut brown hair, and Vickie was 5' 9" with sandy blond hair. They both loved the excitement and living on the edge. Vickie was probably the more daring of the two. Their favorite past-time was watching other people and fantasizing about what they would look like naked and what they may be like in bed....

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The Fantasy Game

What started as a Fantasy becomes a Reality.Walter (Walt) Simpson and Victoria (Vickie) Taylor met their junior year at college. They were a handsome, athletic couple who took good care of their slender bodies. Walt was 6' tall with chestnut brown hair, and Vickie was 5' 9" with sandy blond hair. They both loved the excitement and living on the edge. Vickie was probably the more daring of the two. Their favorite past-time was watching other people and fantasizing about what they would look like...

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MNF Club Game

Looking for a free sex MMO game like meet and fuck club? I have been delving into the world of online porn games a lot lately. For those of you who follow my reviews, you may already be aware of the fact that this is a new interest of mine and that porn games have never really been my thing. I am generally the kind of guy who likes his porn to be direct and to the point.When I am horny, I am horny … Do you know what I mean? I don’t necessarily want to have to run around, save damsels in...

Best Porn Games
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Jumanji A New Game

Jumanji "A game for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind. You roll the dice to move your token, doubles get another turn. The first player to reach the end wins." Adventurers Beware: "Do not begin unless you intend to finish. The exciting consequences of the game will vanish only when a player has reached Jumanji and called out its name." Jumanji, ah yes, Jumanji… that is the name of the game, a name that sparked the imagination, a word with promise of adventure and...

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The Exchange Game

Mark laid out a cheese platter and took a big swig of wine. His wife had decided that they would throw a little party for their college friends. He checked the temperature on the probe thermometer. The chicken would be done soon. He walked to the fridge and checked his tie in the stainless steel reflection. "A tie? Really?" Allison had managed to sneak up on him again. Her lithe form was covered with jeans and a simple white peasant blouse, her long brown hair in a ponytail. "We...

1 year ago
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House Party Game

How many times have you been at a party where you don’t know anyone? Assuming your lame ass has been invited to a party at all, if you’ve been in this kind of situation, you know how shitty it can be. You don’t know anyone, it’s nothing but small talk, and you’re walking around with a raging boner hoping to fuck some strange. It’s usually a no-win situation – that is, unless you’ve been to one of Eek! Games’ house parties.If they are anything like the house party in its appropriately named...

Free Sex Games
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Take Me Out To The Old Ball Game

Take Me Out To The Old Ball Game by Teddie S. I sat there, in my satin robe, curdled up on the chair, watching her sleep. Watching her slow, rhythmic, breathing. And, smiled to myself as I remembered the events of the past year or so. I had met Sandy at work one Friday afternoon. I work for a fairly large engineering firm, and my computer had crashed. I'd called the computer department to get it fixed. The guy on the telephone had me try a number of...

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Lynseys Game

LYNSEY'S GAME Lynsey was bored one night, which isn't the best reason for your life to changecompletely. But then, she didn't realize how far it would go or how much shewould lose. Lynsey was a pretty ordinary young woman, in her twenties. Her parents hadspent a lot of money educating her, so she'd gone to University, learned amarketable skill, and then, well lubricated by family money and family contacts,she'd slid right into a well paying career. Nothing too extraordinary, butcomfortable....

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The SissyGirly Game

The Sissy-Girly Game by SissyKimmy1 Chapter 1 - Let's Play Ballerina I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I was still in shock. It was all my little sister's fault. She was always a little bitch but now she had ruined my life completely. I never thought she would take it this far. I couldn't believe she wouldn't come clean and tell our parents the truth. She was following behind me snickering as we approached my new home. My father rang the doorbell. "Dad! You...

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The Game

Eileen had texted me earlier in the day. “Game night tonight. 8. Coming?” My text was sent almost immediately, and without much forethought: “Yes.” At eight sharp, I knocked on Eileen’s door. The afternoon had been spent wondering what game she had for me this evening. I wondered how she would be dressed. I wondered whether this game would be as exciting and enjoyable as our previous games have been. It’s a strange relationship, what I have with Eileen and its nights like this that have me...

2 years ago
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SRU The Game

Spells R Us: The Game By Morpheus ([email protected]) 26 Jan 98 This story was created after I wondered what would have happened had the game Jumanji come from the Old Man. I make no claim to the idea, but simply tell a story of a magical game. Donny had just seen a new store in the mall named Spells R Us, which he thought was odd, since when he went in, the store seemed to sell all sorts of odds and ends, rather than magic tricks like the name suggested. He'd walked in...

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Vacation Pool Game

A while back, we were on vacation. It was the last night of our trip so we went out to have a nice casual dinner, nothing dressy. I had on jeans and a collared shirt and Stacy had on some pants and a regular button-up shirt.We walked from our hotel to a restaurant around the corner and had a nice dinner with a few drinks (that always helps). We had started the evening early at around 6:00. By the time we finished dinner, it was still early, around 7:30-ish. On the way back, we noticed a nice...

Wife Lovers
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Silver Slugger the Sixth Game

Mary Catherine McMillian sat in owner’s box in the eighth inning of the Sixth Game. Her boys fought hard during this championship series, they won the first two games at home, lost three on the road, and now they were poised to claim the Sixth Game at home. If they made it to Game Seven, anything could happen. But they were three outs away, after her team finished hitting in this inning, and had a two run lead to protect. Another run or two would be nice: no cushion was big enough. Her friend,...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 12 The Perfect Game

I couldn’t take any more days off that summer. My time with Kelly was restricted to evenings and weekends, which was probably a good thing, at least as regards to my health. Keeping up with her appetite for sin was tiring! She might kill me, but I’d die with a smile on my face. I did speak to Dad about a temporary dock, and he nixed it, at least for this year. “One, it’s not as easy as you think, or as cheap, or as quick. You won’t get it done, at least not done right, until the end of the...

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The Dating Game Part 1 The Inner Game

Hey to you all, what's up?... :)I promised to you all something, and a promise is a promise, so...welcome to the first (and most important) part of my "program" of the dating game, meaning how you can date and have as many women as you want, as well as any woman you want. Also, a deal is a deal so, although I'll share to you information worth 1 billion dollars, I'll do it for you totally free. ;)Now, let's get it started...Have you ever wondered why women react differently while getting...

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Caught in the Storm Chapter 5 Prelude to a New Game

Caught in the Storm Chapter 5 - Prelude to a New Game [Author's Note: I didn't intend for this to be an "anticipation" chapter, but it sorta worked that way. I generally write the situations in my head first and let the story unfold naturally as I write it, to try and give as much agency to the characters themselves. Sometimes that leads where I expect, sometimes it doesn't. This time, it didn't, and it wound up giving a juicy little prelude to the game itself, and allowed for...

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The Cheating Game

It was a game we played, and nothing more. Some flighty teases here, some forbidden glimpses there, dropping my purse and bending over, making sure my short dress rode up to reveal more of creamy thighs and butt cheeks than considered proper or allowing greedy, foreign hands to linger on my body far too long, all that was part of the secret, thrilling game we used to play whenever we were spending evenings mingling with ‘society’. These games, they always ended with Paul’s arms encircling me...

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 26 Gold Medal Game

“You ready to learn something today?” Coach Way asked. He and I were in center field, and Coach Short was hitting balls to me. “Of course,” I said with a sideways look. “Here’s something I bet no one has ever told you,” he said, ready to lay some wisdom on me. “Have you ever been unsure whether or not a line-drive ball will drop in front of you?” There were times when that could be tricky. I just nodded in response. “Use the bill of your cap to help judge it. If the ball’s below the bill...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 24 Away Game

Wednesday November 2 I had my bags packed and was ready to go to St. Louis. The plan was to go to morning classes and then leave at noon. The game was to be shown on ESPN, and the network wanted to do their prep this afternoon. Coach Hope had shared that we were one of only a handful of high school teams that had had their games televised on ESPN in back-to-back years. Until this week, I’d ignored this game for several reasons. Honestly, my focus had been on two things: recruiting and my...

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Introduction: 5 Friends, 5 Slaves and a poker game that the slaves are just dieing to play. END GAME Story: #13 Copyright 2005 Written: January 09 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** The door slid open with a powerful crash as the light of day forced its way in to the dark metallic closet that was Jessicas resting place, when her master Jason...

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The Perfect Game

Over the years, because of the many articles and stories that were written about my gaming prowess, the press anointed me with absurd sobriquet of The Gaming Master. It was reported, somewhat erroneously, that I had never lost a game of any sort, whether it was a board game, video game or sports. In truth my prowess at sports was limited, but I had indeed mastered most other forms of gaming. And my prowess along with my celebrity became the wellspring of my rather considerable fortune....

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Charity Graduates 4 The Big Game

The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in it’s death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cd’s were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part; Beeder’s departure for some reason took the winds out of our wildness. Don’t get me wrong, I was still fucking up a storm every weekend. But gone...

1 year ago
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Charity Graduates 4 The Big Game

Introduction: Go Cougars! Charity Jones here again, sending you back in the time tunnel to the sexploits of my wonderfully misspent youth. The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in its death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cds were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part, Beeders...

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Its Just A Game

"Yo dude let's get a ranked game going. I wanna rank up to Global already, I'm almost there!" Zeke's squeaky voice cheered through his headset. "Bruh. You and me both," Kane replied through his mic. "I swear to god if we end up with shitty teammates again." "Boys do you want anything to eat or drink?" a woman's voice called down from upstairs. Zeke moved his headset off his head. "No thanks mom we're good!" "Okay have fun you two!" Zeke put the headset back on and moved his...

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The Game

game of porn April is one of those months that makes you feel like you can never make any plans, since the weather could be anywhere from freezing your ass off cold, to boiling your nuts in oil, hot.Looking outside, today looked like it was one big horrible April Fool's day joke on the entire city.Though winter was officially supposed to be over more than a week ago, the first of April showed up with a rude surprise for anyone hoping to get anywhere. The streets were covered in a thick coating...

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Lacy and the Poker Game

She could hear the five men in the next room anteing up, raising and folding as the regular Thursday night poker game heated up. They had been meeting like this for over a year, most of the time at the Morley house because the other wives didn't seem to understand the importance of this male bonding thing. Lacy didn't mind, the guys were always nice, they never made too big a mess and they always were genuinely appreciative of the way she would bring them beer so they wouldn't have to...

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Lacy and the Poker Game

Introduction: sometimes things go a little too far Lacy Morley carefully applied her make-up. Her stomach was churning as she lightly traced across her eyebrows with the dark pencil. Her brown eyes stared back at her as she lightly brushed the blush on her cheeks. It was an unsure stare that Lacy couldnt answer, she wasnt sure what she was doing even thinking about what might happen tonight. Sure they had cooked this little scheme up together, but it wouldnt be Lees butt on the line it would be...

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The Perfect Game

The Perfect Game By nanomage Loosing the Division championship was the lowest day of my life, at least I thought so then. That night I sat in the corner of the country club hall at the party thrown by a few alumni of Jefferson High. No one was in a mood to party at all, I guess the teams that had loosing seasons have the consolation of just not being good enough, but nothing bites more than being second best. Instead of partying I replayed in my mind, then as I have done a...

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Game On No Game

This is my final PLANNED addition to the Game On story, but I will write other things in the future. Once again, feel free to email me at [email protected] don't forget the _, or IM me with ICQ at 247193981. I do have to give credit to Zilvara Dejewels for the name of the game. I strongly recommend you reading 'Game On: After Party' before reading this, as it is its sequel. And despite the negative feedback, I decided to keep this in the present form, as the others were in...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 01 Futas First Naughty Birthday Chapter 2 Danielles Naughty Birthday Game

Chapter Two: Danielle's Naughty Birthday Game By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Danielle Carter “A naughty party game?” Adelia Tash asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning towards me. I sat closest to her on my loveseat, my half-sister Bethany beside me with Leah on the other side of her. On the opposite side of Adelia was another love seat on which set my other three half-sisters. Christina, Rebecca, and Lola sat there along with Lola's new wife, Jen. “Oh, it...

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The Penal Game

The Penal Game Inspired by the Bimbo or Billionaire stories on, originally by TheHandsThatLead (for example, Ross was the latest unwilling contestant on the new hit game show, The Penal Game. With all of the advances in nano technology in recent years, it wasn't long before the state put those advances to use in pacifying the masses and meting out punishments. Now, certain criminals could...

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The Numbers Game

The past weeks had been terrible. My wife Suzie – well I should say ex-wife at that point – and I had just passed through all that divorce crap. It had taken us several months to get it all settled. It felt as if we had wasted more time fixing all that rights-stuff than during our three years of marriage . Well, at last it was over yet but I didn't really know how to feel about it. I couldn't say whether I was sad or happy or whatever... The only thing of which I was really pissed was the fact...

Straight Sex
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Eroji 2 The Next Game

--- Eroji 2: The Next Game (mF, magic, mc, nc, parody, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Kaden considered the Eroji box. He had found it on the shelf with the other games like Monopoly and Catan, but he had no memory of the old board game. For some reason, his dick started to get hard as he looked at the box. "Hey, Ava?" he called out. His babysitter came around the corner. "Yeah?" Kaden's breath caught as he beheld the tall, sexy 18-year-old redhead. At 15, he was too old to...

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