Vintage Platinum 1 free porn video

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Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers West Hollywood, early fall 1957. Nate pulled up his shiny new red 1957 chevy to the first bar he saw after leaving a difficult client meeting mentally exhausted after a long week at his new job. He'd been an accountant for six years now since college but it was like he was starting over as the low man on the totem pole only one month into his new position. Working in a small firm directly for the partners he was receiving all the shit work that they had no interest in doing and every day that he woke up he regretted his decision to switch jobs and take on a big car payment. He had heeded the advice of his former girlfriend to take a more challenging position yet their relationship lasted maybe four weeks into his new job after having dated for over two years. It seemed while he was working overtime, she had challenged herself to master new positions as well as the one day he got home to their apartment before 8pm he found her in a position on all fours with his former best friend. Shock turned to screaming which immediately turned on deaf ears as Nate quickly realized he was the essentially the one that had taken it in the ass having being tossed out of their home. The only benefit was that he would move an hour west away from his former life and closer to his new job now cutting his hour and a half commute to work to about thirty five minutes. He'd be starting life a new again without any of the furniture or possessions he bought to furnish the last apartment yet at least he'd eventually have more money with this new job. It was still difficult though being lonely in a larger town where he knew no one working long hours trying to impress management. He'd been out a few times with clients or others from the office but everyone seemed to be settled with families and activities so all he could really do was sit alone at a strange bar every once and a while pounding down a few drinks to at least take away a few of his troubles. "So what will you have son?" said the bartender. "Scotch on the rocks please," said Nate. He downed a few drinks taking in the sights of a slightly crowded local bar chatting a bit here and there with people that came and went. It was mostly casual conversation until the bartender headed his way and snapped down a shot in from of him. "On the house," said the bartender pouring himself one. "I'm Joe and you look like you need it." "Cheers," said Nate downing the shot. "Nate, here." "Pleasure Nate," said Joe reaching across shaking hands. "That obvious hughhh?" smirked Nate. "Do I look that bad?" "Well?" smiled Joe. "How about we just say I'm very observant? Care to share your troubles?" "Sure if I knew where would I start?" said Nate dropping a few more bills on the bar. "How about another please?" "Where ever you'd like?" said Joe pouring another shot. "In this business I hear it all Nate and you become a good listener." "I bet," said Nate downing the shot. "But let's slow down a little and water down the next scotch a little," said the Joe taking away the shot glass and pouring him another scotch with a lot more ice. "Trouble with the ladies?" "Not really?" smiled Nate sipping. "Well maybe like not anymore. We broke up a few weeks ago after two plus years together." "Sorry to hear that Nate," said Joe. "Was it something you did or what?" "Well we'd been fighting for a while so I guess maybe it was destiny," said Nate disgusted just thinking about it. "It's just after a while you get tired of taking it up the ass without getting what you want too." "Oh?" said Joe listening. "I did anything and everything she wanted," said Nate shaking his head. "Every damn thing!" "Really?" said Joe. "Yup and even switched jobs because she wanted me to," said Nate rambling. "Really I didn't want to but I did so we could have things we both wanted." "Both?" said Joe. "Or was it mostly things she wanted?" "Probably?" nodded Nate. "No definitely! I've never put myself ahead of her needs or needed that much but I've got some needs too even if they are secondary I guess." "Well that does happen easily," said Joe. "But you can't forget about yourself? About your own needs." "She always wore the pants in our relationship if you know what I mean and that worked for both of us until I guess she wanted a different type of person in the relationship," said Nate rambling. "Honestly it's embarrassing not being the man I guess she wanted so I'd rather not talk about it." "No problem," said Joe wiping the bar. "Just say whatever you want but I'd never judge you especially about not wearing the pants or maybe being less of a man or even not the man in the relationship at all. You're not the first or only person I know like that." "Thanks and that's good to know. Plus most people do judge me about stuff like this," rambled Nate. "They think I'm a wimp because I can get a little sensitive but that's who I am." "Nothing wrong with that," said Joe. "But most women say they like that in their men so what exactly did she not like about that since I assume it couldn't have been just that if you were together two years?" "Well at first everything was fantastic. We'd dress up and go out to dinner or dancing or even to a show but as time went on we fought more and more," said Nate. "I guess I just loved dressing up more than more than she did but it wasn't always that way." "So the dressing up didn't change for you but she withdrew herself from that?" said Joe. "Meaning she was kind of through with that in the relationship?" "I guess so but I'm not even completely sure?" said Nate getting frustrated. "I had always loved fashion, being dressed impeccably and just wanted her in such pretty things she'd never put on. For over the first year that was fantastic but as time went on we'd fight about that all the time!" "That had to be tough then," said Joe. "Of course! What's wrong with being extremely feminine?" said Nate. "I bought her so many beautiful things that would just stay in the closet until I'd have to be the one to pull them out to make sure they got some use." "There nothing wrong with being extremely feminine?" said Joe leaning over and squeezing Nate's hand for a moment. "I love that!" "Really? Finally someone that agrees with me," said Nate feeling relieved that Joe saw it the way he did. "Isn't being a gorgeous woman that your partner could adore exactly what you should strive for if that what's your lover wants?" "I would think so?" said Joe. "I know I would." "Me too and so did she but it was when she felt like it! She was becoming so difficult and inflexible," said Nate shaking his head. "Who wants to fight with their lover in an ugly pants suit when you can be out painting the town in something glamourous!" "I couldn't agree more. I was married to an extremely feminine woman," said Joe. "Perfect hair. Perfect makeup and almost broke us early on with her shopping habits but I supported every second of it. She was so beautiful it didn't matter." "Wow what a guy? That's my dream," said Nate tapping his chin. "You're a lucky guy. I'd worship a partner like that! Having someone like that is worth their weight in gold. That's someone you do take it up the ass for instead of the way I did." "Yeah she was but she passed on a few years back and I've never found anyone like her again," said Joe getting a little chocked up. "I'm sorry for your loss Joe," said Nate squeezing his wrist for a moment as he wiped the bar. "I really am." "Thanks," nodded Joe pouring another shot. "Your welcome," said Nate downing his shot. "There's no substitute for wrapping your arms around a beautiful woman is there? The smell of her perfume. A soft kiss against her wet lips." "No there isn't," nodded Joe reminiscing. "I miss that so much." "I still have a few of her dresses hanging in my closet that I bought her with my raise that were really expensive that she didn't want and shoved back in my face," said Nate. "When we broke up she tells me to keep them because she says you know those are way too prissy for her so unfortunately they are mine now." "And I bet they look pretty on you?" said Joe half teasing. "I wish," joked Nate. "I'm skinny but I'd need to lose a few pounds for those and they're from this expensive boutique called Lola's where I can't return them." "You mean Lola's down the block on Front street?" said Joe. "Maybe I can help. I know the place." "Really?" said Nate standing up. "I'd appreciate any help I could get and they kind of know me there. I spend quite a bit of cash there over the last month but I also know their policies about returns on things like this. It sucks but what can you do? Be right back as I need to empty my bladder Joe." Nate wandered to the rest room pissing his brains out buzzed before returning to his spot. The bar was much emptier now as he returned to find his glass full and Joe awaiting him. "So I'm off in ten minutes and if you want to try to exchange those dresses at Lola's I can help you," said Joe wiping down the bar. "My sister owns the beauty parlor next door so I just rang her. She said to stop by and in the meantime she'll walk next door to chat with Lola herself for us." "Wow, you sure?" said Nate getting excited. "I can't believe how nice you are and we just met." "Absolutely positive and we seem to have so much in common," said Joe. "Especially how we like our women." "We do!" smiled Nate sipping his drink. "It's so refreshing to finally meet someone who sees things the way I do." "Definitely and I think we both could use a fresh start don't you think?" said Joe wiping the bar. "Boy could I ever?" said Nate downing his drink and slightly slamming his glass down on the bar. "I'm ready." "Good then you're about to get one," said Joe coming around the bar. "But you've had a little too much to drink as well so I'll follow you home and then we'll take my car there ok?" "Thanks," said Nate pulling out his keys. "Let's do this." Outside they went as Nate got in his car rolling down the window to allow the dinner time breeze to sober him enough to operate his car and then drove slowly down the road as Joe followed him. When he got to his apartment he staggered inside getting the two dresses from his closet and then hanging them in the back of Joe's big Cadillac. Down the streets they drove back into town and then pulled up at the curb just outside of Joe's sister beauty parlor. It was located in upscale part of town across from a ritzy hotel and surrounded by a series of high end shops. It was a part of town that Nate had come to know well as he enjoyed frequenting some of the better places in town the few times he could. "Come on. I'll carry those for you and hopefully she's not with a customer right now," said Joe as they got out. Jack had passed the lovely beauty parlor a few times shopping on Front street in this more chic part of town but of course had never gone in. He had dined more than once across the street at a French restaurant with clients and also had coffee a number of times just a few shops away. He seen so many women go in and out looking one more dazzling then the next upon their exit wishing this was a place his ex-girlfriend would have liked to frequent but as time went on her attention to glamour became instead infrequent. Just the fragrant smells of hair lacquer and polish perked up his buzzed senses as they walked in and then his eyes almost popped from his head as a gorgeous thirtyish woman immediately walked towards them. "What a pleasant surprise your phone call was today brother?" said Joe's sister hurrying over when she saw him. "Nice to finally see you out of the dark stinky bar for a change." "Yeah I know but I'm hoping to get out more often soon," Grinned Joe kissing his sister on the cheek. "This is my friend I was telling you about Nate." Nate was frozen mesmerized by the beauty of Joe's sister unable to barely utter a word at first staring at her. She was exquisitely dressed in a Safire blue short sleeve dress with a plastic smock atop to keep it clean in the busy beauty parlor. The circle dress shape had a series of pleats hanging neatly below her knees and on her feet her clicked matching kitten heels. With her makeup expertly applied featuring a ruby red lip and her platinum hair in shoulder length rolled under shoulder length style, she was everything Nate longed for in an extremely feminine striking woman. "Nate, I'm Sophie and I'm so glad to meet you," said Sophie warmly greeting him hugging him and kissing his cheek. "What a pleasure and welcome to my parlor." "The pleasure is all mine Sophie and I can't thank you enough for any help you can give me," said Nate looking into her eyes after their embrace and then all around at her beauty parlor. "What a beautiful place you have here?" "Thank you and that's very kind. We try!" said Sophie touching his hand momentarily. "My brother has spoken so glowingly about you so helping you with is the least I can do." "Has he?" said Nate surprised turning and giving a soft nod at Joe. "I do appreciate that Joe." "Yes I've heard you've only recently become acquaintances but he's always been a good judge of character and in person I can sense you do seem to be just as delightful as he has said," said Sophie. "How gracious?" said Nate touching his heard. "I'm humbled." "Please don't be," said Sophie. "Come let's hurry next door because they close soon and Lola's expecting us." The guys followed Sophie as out her front door they went and then inside the beautiful boutique. Nate knew it well as he had spent quite a few dollars not that long ago yet still his eyes lit up as soon as they walked in seeing all the fancy new arrivals on display as soon as they walked in. "How prompt?" said Lola looking at her watch as they walked in. "A rarity for you Miss Sophie!" "Behave yourself," teased Sophie as they air kissed cheeks and giggled at each other. "It's my brother, he's always on time and a lady can be fashionably late sometimes you know." "Sometimes equals always but you do still look fabulous my dear in one of my dresses," said Lola inspecting her. "But either way with all the clients you send me I'd wait for you." "Thank you and you know I feel the same way," said Sophie smiling. "Now this is my brother and his dear friend Nate I was telling you about that I was hoping you could help with his little dilemma." "Nice to meet both of you and I do recognize you dear," said Lola staring at him. "You've been here quite a few times haven't you?" "Pleasure and yes ma'am," said Nate softly shaking her hand. "I've purchased a number of things here and you're store is lovely." "It's a boutique darling and I see at least you've got some good taste?" said Lola taking the dresses from Joe. "And the tags still on these?" "Yes ma'am. They were never worn?" said Nate. "Shame because these are quite pretty and very popular," said Lola inspecting every inch of them. "Especially the gingham swing dress. I can barely keep those around these days." "I know," said Nate. "They're all the rage this year and that one is gorgeous." "It is a fabulous print," said Lola. "But when you did purchase them a few weeks back you knew I had a no return policy correct?" "Yes ma'am," nodded Nate. "That's why I never brought them back." "Until now," said Lola giving him a stern look. "Until you look to pull a favor at my expense?" "Well uuummm no?" said Nate nervously. "I just...." "Relax dear," smiled Lola flicking her wrist. "That's what friends are for and just so you know I have a no return policy but I do exchange things if I have to! Especially for friends of a neighbor like Sophie." "Oh," sighed Nate relieved. "Especially with the tags still on and even more so for a good customer," smiled Lola. "And from what I remember you have been a good customer these last few months." "Yes," Stuttered Nate. "Yes I have. I've bought a number of nice things here." "Good then let me see what I can do for you but I'll need you to wait a few minutes while we finish a fitting with a customer in back," said Lola tapping her chin. "Of course," said Nate. "I don't mind waiting as long as you need me too." "Good because it'll be a little bit," said Lola looking at Sophie. "Take a seat and I'll be out shortly." "Thanks Lola," said Sophie hugging her. "Your set is on me tomorrow and if you both don't mind I'm going to take my brother to catch up a little while Nate waits since we never get the chance." "Appreciate that Sophie," said Lola showing them out. "I'll ring you when we're done." "Good because he's well overdo for a haircut," said Sophie touching her brother's hair. "Not as overdue as my good friend," said Joe pointing towards Nate. "He's been working like a dog lately and had no time for himself." "I can see that," said Sophie softly smacking her brother arm. "But we just met so I didn't want to be as rude as you are brother so just send him my way once you're done with him Lola. That'll be my treat as well." "Oh I couldn't intrude like that Sophie," said Nate. "And I..." "You wouldn't be at all and by the time she finishes with you I'll be done with Joe so ready for you as well! Trust me I can do wonders with this mop," said Sophie touching Nate's hair now. "Now come along brother because it's been too long!" Nate sat now in her waiting area inside the main boutique while she returned to her back room to help another client. He was fidgety waiting feeling still quite buzzed from all his drinking sitting day dreaming at how his ex-girlfriend would look in some of the fabulous dresses. He wasn't sure if it was taking longer than he expected or his judgement was just that impaired as he got up wandering around unable to sit still any longer. So many ballroom gowns, racks of elaborate dresses and even a section of high end women's suits were enough to make his head spin as he browsed through her inventory having never spent so much time alone among such beautiful things. It was tough to stop sliding his hands across the delicate satin and silk before becoming fixated on the selection of fabulous shoe options. He turned engrossed at sparkle emanating from costume jewelry case and then almost jumped from his skin feeling a soft tap on his shoulder. "So you ready to figure out your exchange dear?" said Lola realizing she startled him. "Oh yes," Spouted Nate looking around. "I'm sorry I didn't know you had finished or even seen anyone leave." "I didn't mean to startle you honey," said Lola walking over and locking the boutique door. "I let her out the back thinking in your current condition you'd prefer some privacy." "I apologize for that," said Nate taking a breath. "I know I drank too much but I wasn't expecting to be here." "It's ok and probably better on your nerves," smirked Lola taking his hand. "But it is late so come in the back and once we size you then I can figure out a proper exchange." "You have things for me here?" said Nate taken a back. "Like in stock?" "If I don't I'll get some in for you but my mind is already going," said Lola tapping her head thinking as they entered a large dressing room with a two-step pedestal. "Step up dear and don't mind me. It's just us here now anyway." As he stepped up he was about a foot of the ground as she leaned over untied his dress shoes. When she pulled off his shoes, she wasted no time undoing his belt and then he turned beat red as his pants dropped to the floor. Without missing a beat around his hips went a fabric tape and then she jotted some things down before reaching up unbuttoning his shirt. "I'll hang it while we work and step out gingerly so we don't wrinkle much dear," said Lola expertly folding over his trousers and hanging them before next taking his shirt. He'd only been seen in his underwear by his girlfriend or his old tailor so in some odd way Lola was now weird a combination of both representing a female that was sizing him for some new clothes. Certainly being a little drunk made things much easier as she measured him from head to toe as he stood not saying much. It had also been a while since he'd been touched at all by a woman even if he was being touched by one probably twice his age. "Ok, you can get re-dressed now dear," said Lola taking one last good look at him. "How about you come back tomorrow night about this time again and by then I'll have a suitable exchange ready for the dresses." "Thank you," said Nate extremely pleased. "That would be splendid Lola but what exactly would that be." "That I'm not completely sure of yet as I need some time with your measurements to see what could work," smiled Lola. "I hope you'll defer to my expertise of what might look nice on you because I think I have a good idea of your taste." "Of course," said Nate taking his shirt. "I trust your judgement completely." "Wonderful and you know what? Please leave all those. I'll have my staff professionally clean those and please take no offense they wreck of alcohol," said Lola taking a white robe from a hanger. "Please wear this next door while you get a haircut and I'll send over something appropriate you can leave in this evening." "But I couldn't have you do all that for me?" said Nate as Lola held open the white robe slipping his arms inside. "Of course you can and I won't take no for an answer anyway," said Lola dropping some white fuzzy slippers down at his feet. "This is how I treat my best customers and so I'm hoping if you like your exchanges and that you'll continue to frequent my boutique." "Thank you so much," said Nate feeling the soft robe. "Like them? I'm not one but even if I were a betting man than I'm sure I will? You're selections in this boutique are incredible and I'm quite positive we have same taste in fashion?" "I'm so glad to hear that and I realize you not that type of man. Now follow me as we'll go out the back and inside Sophie's place through her back door," said Lola leading him out the back door. "And don't you worry for a moment because what I have in mind to dress you in won't be anything dark and dingy like some retched betting man might be seen in because I'm glad you even mentioned you're intentions to be no disgusting man like that. In fact we both know that you belong in something quite the contrary." "I couldn't agree more," nodded Nate as Lola opening the back door of the beauty parlor. "Thanks again and I look forward to you dressing me." "Au revoir!" said Lola blowing a kiss. "I bet you do darling and tell Sophie I'll ring her momentarily." Inside he went feeling odd in just a robe and slippers as he walked through a back corridor and then saw Sophie finishing up with a client. "Oh Nate! You're back," waved Sophie. "I'm almost done and I'll be right with you. Go sit at the sink." He almost couldn't believe what he was seeing at as he was inside a women's beauty parlor noticing the last few clients being finished up as he sat down in a red chair near the sink. It was only another moment until he noticed Sophie called to the phone and then within two minutes was headed his way. When she arrived, she then switched on the water before dropping a cape around his neck and looked at him seemingly thinking hard as she played with his hair. "You really don't need to do this Sophie," said Nate as she wasted no time dropping back his chair. "It looks like you're closing soon and you must be exhausted." "Oh don't be silly," said Sophie pointing. "I've been looking forward to helping you since we first met and with most of my customers gone I'm sure you'll be much more comfortable." "Well since I imagine not many men frequent your establishment then in a way yes," said Nate as on went the water and she washed his hair. "But I really don't know many people in this town anyway and you've made me feel so comfortable that I almost feel like I could walk into here in the middle of a crowd." "Of course you could and soon enough I'm sure you will," said Sophie rinsing and rubbing in the conditioner. "Well especially after I'm done with you but truthfully you're the one that must be exhausted, not me? You worked such a long week from what my brother told me and please take no offense but you still do seem half in the bag." "True and I do still feel quite tipsy," said Nate feeling the water splash off his head. "Good then you relax and let us do the rest," said Sophie working it through and then rinsing him fully. "I'm going to trim you right here a bit so you don't have to do much in your current state so don't mind me while I attend to fixing this unruly mess you have at the moment." She began pushing a pedal with her foot cranking up the chair and then strained the back. It was strange enough being a beauty parlor and even odder still sitting near the sink as she elevated him. Just her long nails sliding through his scalp were so different then his regular barber but this feel fantastic. He could look at a woman this beautiful all day fully appreciating how wonderfully she was put together and as she was everything he wanted his last girlfriend to be before she let herself go. "A mess?" said Nate as she went to work combing and sectioning as little trimmings began sliding down his cape. "I know it's been too long but is it really that bad." "I'm sorry dear," said Sophie stretching and trimming. "I meant no offense but I was under the impression that you had deferred to our better judgement without limitation. That's what Lola told me so is that not the case?" "Oh no Sophie," said Nate as she came out in front of him pausing. "I'm beyond appreciative of any assistance and just from looking at you in awe I already know that between your brother, Lola and yourself that we all share the same taste." "Very well," said Sophie combing atop his forehead and trimming. "That's what I thought and actually what I heard from both my brother and Lola. Now just try to relax and let me do what I do best." "I'm sorry but it's late and certainly out of the ordinary being treated so wonderfully by people I've only recently met," said Nate. "Please carry on and just being in the company of someone of your beauty and talent is overwhelming." "Oh Nate!" said Sophie touching her heart through her smock. "I'm so glad my brother met you and it's been so long since he's had someone with his same interests. He's been so lonely since his wife passed. They were inseparable and I used to love the joy on his face when he'd see her walking out of here looking fabulous." "Yes he told me and just talking through the things we did made us both feel so warm inside," said Nate. "Especially our love of a certain type of woman." "Knowing my brother I think I know the answer," smiled Sophie. "But let me hear it from your lips just to be sure." "Well," smiled Nate. "Extremely feminine women. A woman impeccable dressed and coiffed. That's seemingly what he had and misses and what I'm striving for." "Yes I know the type... well especially being one," giggled Sophie as she was shaping his hair. "I see you admiring Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren or maybe Marilyn Monroe? Am I right?" "Honestly I love them all but I do have my favorites," joked Nate. "Gentlemen do prefer blondes they say?" "Why thank you," teased back Sophie patting her hair. "You're welcome," laughed Nate. "And I'm really more of a Jayne Mansfield fan though. Especially her new shorter haircut and I love Grace Kelly. Her attention to fashion is incredible and just seeing how she looks at her premiers fascinates me. Oh what I would give to...." "Ok, I got it...Maybe you really are my brother's long lost soulmate," giggled Sophie interrupting her trimming. "You two really do have the same taste! Now chin up one second and then I'll call over Maxine." "Maxine?" said Nate surprised as he felt the blade slid along his nape. "Yes and be still please," said Sophie trimming near his right ear now. "I know your exhausted and having trouble just holding that neck of yours up but in a minute I'll lye the chair back again. Maxine will be assisting and don't worry she's gentle with extremely soft hands." "Assisting?" said Nate surprised seeing this beautiful brunette look down on him. "Hi doll," smiled Maxine waving down at him before untying his robe under his cape. "Yes with your skin care and I though you could use a bit of a massage," said Sophie putting down her sheers. "Considering I expect we'll all be here a little while because no chance am I letting you walk out of here with those grey hairs destroying my work on the gorgeous head of yours." "Oh I barely notice them anymore and after my last haircut they were pretty much gone," said Nate. "That haircut must have been quite a while ago dear and I assume you had far less of them then?" said Sophie rinsing and thank taking her fingers pushing closed his eye lids. "But you are much too young to even have even a single one on your head so close though pretty eyes and maybe you can nap off a bit of that scotch we both know you drank too much of." Nate was both tipsy and exhausted as he didn't fight much closing his eyes as he felt the soft conditioner being worked through his hair. Wither her fingers massaging her scalp he couldn't have felt more relaxed as Maxine began massaging his left calf. With every twist of her fingers he could feel the tension slowly fading from his body as he struggled just not to pass out. He peeked open his eyes for a moment as she smiled down on him before leaning down kissing his forehead softly. He felt so wonderful being attended to like never before fighting his heavy eye lids as she massaged at his scalp and then it was impossible to fight his drunken fatigue anymore feeling the softest rubs near his left thigh as out like a light he went.

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Vintage Platinum 4

Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 4 "You ok my dear," said Joe taking his hand. "I can handle them for you but if that is what you want than you mustn't exclude me." "Exclude you?" gulped Nate having his finger rubbed. "I don't even understand any of this? What did I do? What did I sign?" "That I'm not even completely sure of but let's just enjoy the show as it's about to begin," said Joe. "But whatever it is I'm sure I can find a way to wiggle...

3 years ago
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Vintage Gay Movies

Starts like most movies,Joseph goes out to the pool for a swim after calling a friend to stop over. The Pool Man arrives first and yells to Joseph I'll be cleaning the pool today,Joseph waves him in and lays next to edge of the pool grabbing some sun. Before you know it,the pool man is right above Joseph and his swimsuit is somewhat open in the leg openings,Joseph looks up and see's a pair of hairy blls and thats when it happens Joseph's swimsuit starts to bulge and the Pool man continues to...

2 years ago
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Vintage Champagne

Another one for you to comment on ..........You lead me into your bedroom by my cock sticking out of my jeans. You are wearing a really sexy basque ,that just cups under your tits pushing them out,showing of your beautiful hard long nipples. No panties to show of your beautiful hairy cunt ,hold up stockings mmmmmm you look good enough to eat . You kneel on the edge of the bed and push your arse out to me ,i kneel on the floor and move my face in between your arse cheeks , i can smell your cum...

1 year ago
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Vintage whore

“The newly organized women’s social gathering known as “The Club” met for the second time last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Warrington on Alameda Street. A light luncheon was served and Mrs. Amelia Stringer, of 1124 Fillmore, gave a lively talk on the history of beekeeping in early California, followed by open discussion. The once a month sessions of “The Club” are closed to invited members only.” “Thank you, ladies. Have the servants all left?...

1 year ago
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Vintage Curious Megs Dark Adventure

This story takes place back in eighties; we’d been swinging for a little over three years at the time. From our very first tryst, what has gotten Meg’s pussy dripping in anticipation is arranging and getting her GangBanged. She loves being the center of attention in a room with me and two or three other men. She really gets off on being the submissive lil slut, verbally abused, spanked and treated roughly during these GangBangs we arrange for our carnal pleasure. She loves her role as a little...

Group Sex
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Vintage Tube XXX! We’re going retro, boys and girls. Long before the internet came in and changed the game, we had to fap to actual VHS tape videos that maxed out at a dogshit resolution that you’ve never even heard of. They were more messy and blurry than modern 240p videos. That should tell you everything you need to know about the quality. But, there was still a lot of charm in porn back then. The biggest challenge was the actual making of the porn and the distribution. The world frowned...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Vintage Porn Fun! It’s fucking amazing how much porn we can access. Take a stroll over on ThePornDude to get a glimpse as to just how much goddamn porn is out there, not to mention the numerous varieties. From VR porn to pornographic games, chatrooms, sex lines, etc. To some extent, I think that if you made sexual smoke signals out of a campfire in your backyard, you would still find someone to beat off to it in your neighborhood.But sometimes, you want to go back to a simpler time. Every kind...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I’ve been gawking at a Vintage Adult PDFs all morning, and I feel like they’ve taken me back to an earlier era. Sure, I was flicking through pages on a hard, glowing tablet instead of flipping through the sticky, glossy pages of yore, but the PDFs actually manage to capture those classic porno vibes. Maybe it’s nostalgia or maybe it’s the Viagra, but I certainly enjoyed the hell out of myself. I was going to jack off anyway, and these guys helped me take a masturbatory stroll down memory lane,...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Fin and Travis

Fin and Travisby Jena121© I ask my readers once again to please vote and submit comments -- that enables me to get a feel of what you all like to read. I would also reiterate that my stories are Love stories -- not lust stories. As background to this story. Fin was forced to have her baby adopted at birth, when she was only 15 years old.  Fin found Jessie and luckily has managed to create a new relationship with her. She has explained the reasons for her adoption and Jessie has accepted her....

4 years ago
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On the first wet afternoon we had a bath together as foreplay for the lesbian sex we had tacitly agreed to. We have similar bodies, size 12, good legs, though Jan’s thighs are better than mine and are a real attention getter from men when she wears a short skirt and sits cross-legged in a bar. We regularly wax each other’s pubic hair and as she waxed mine I told Jan exactly what I wanted, “Nothing on the sides of my cunt lips, but a thin, long tuft above.” “I keep telling you have far too...

1 year ago
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Chriss Surprise Prize

Chris's Surprise Prize Part 1 My name is Christopher James who is 22 years old. I am called Chris. I am a closet cross-dresser. I live on my own in an apartment in Palm Beach, Florida and worked at a bank. I bought my clothes by mail-order not having the courage to buy things in person. I just loved the feel of the soft silky women's clothes on my skin. I often wore panties and pantyhose under my suit to work. I had several nightgowns which I always wore to bed. In fact I rarely wore...

2 years ago
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Kings Bay Ch 06

I pondered everything as I drove out to King's Bay the following morning. Did I really want to stay in California, or was I just overwhelmed with my current freedom, and Callie? Was I just caught up in the novelty in being somewhere different? I kept coming back to the fact that I wasn't sure what I had to return to. I could find a job out here, and Callie was here. Callie . . . I couldn’t sort out my feelings about her. Everything that had happened between us was always so hot and fast and...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Muskil Rat With Pari Didi

Hi , dear iss readers. i am rahul from orissa. i am a big fan of ISS. Main ISS me se pichle 3 salose story padh raha hun. bahat bar socha k apni b kahani aap logon tak pahchaun lekin kabhi subidha nai mila tha. sayad aaj wo subh ghadi agaya he. Ha ha ha. Ish story me safety k karan kuch naam change kiya hua he. (aau mo odisha bhai tama manaku mora request je plz a story padhi ki kehi mo upare kharp bhabiba nahi kintu reply nischaya deba) As i told am from odisha so mera hindi aur english dono...

3 years ago
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My Slutty Mom Fucks My Brother 8211 Part 2 Witnessed Hot Incest Sex

After my brother Rohit removed our mom’s kurta, mom kissed him on the lips. Then she kissed on his neck and then came to his nipples. While she was sucking his nipples and playing with his dick, Rohit left soft moans. I could see Rohit’s dick becoming even bigger, could be easily 7-8 inches. Then mom knelt, kissing from his nipples to abs. She removed Rohit’s trouser and took his dick to her hand. She gave a naughty smile to Rohit and kissed the tip of his dick. She was licking around the dick...

2 years ago
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I love my mother continued

The story posted on June 11 2012 ended when my mother got married and emigrated. I did not continue because I needed to think about what else I could reveal without identifying my family.I was 43 years old when my mother returned to England after the death of my stepfather. She had a large insurance payout with which she bought a five bedroom house with several acres of ground. After my divorce I was living in one room in a multi-occupied house and she asked me to go and live with her and my...

3 years ago
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My Angels

The day started out like any other, boring and seemingly endless, I got to the office late, received a dirty look from my boss and felt tired from a late night with too little sleep. The coffee in the office was terrible but I helped myself freely to it anyway hoping the caffeine would revive at least a tenth of my energy and get me through another long day. To make matters worse it was a Monday. Ugh! I was busy with reports, but was so bored by them and had such a backlog that I was tempted...

4 years ago
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The ShootistChapter 2 On the run

The next morning, Pa had to go to work. I was left to putter around and wait for him to get back for supper before we could have some time to talk. About all we had time for when I got in last night was a quick hello and an almost as quick explanation of why I was where I was. I promised to give him all of the details of my adventures when I saw him that evening. Meanwhile, I helped the cook with a few chores and mostly lazed away the day. Late that afternoon, the mean bastard that I had met...

3 years ago
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Small Trip To Goa

Hey guys this is Sayali. Just completed engineering this year now doing interior design course diploma of one year in Pune.I am 21 year old. I am fair in color & height is 5.2 inch & figure is 34d-28-34 just trying too losing some weight. I had lost my v about four year back to a sir. I had any accident. I broke my leg & my parent knows that I am poor in maths. So they hear a sir to teach me at home any way we had sex after couple on mouth’s he got married after that I had couple of sex...

3 years ago
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A SHAMELESS COUPLEBy Amanda WrighterKaren Burke’s Apartment6:15 PMDAY ONE Thirteen year old Janet Burke stood just over four and a half feet tall…half a head shorter than her own mother. Unlike her mother though, she had reddish blonde hair that she wore down…bangs often times covering her brows. Unlike her younger sister who always had her own hair yanked back in a vicious ponytail, she preferred to let her own swing free…but that wasn’t the only thing she disliked binding up. She was chubby...

2 years ago
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The Significant Others Dilemma

THE SIGNIFICANT OTHER'S DILEMMA by enduringshades I found a parking place near the place. The neighbourhood is now familiar as I have been here several times observing the house before finally plucking up the courage to ring the doorbell. The neighbourhood consists of townhouses, once the homes of proud upper middle class Victorian households, but now accommodating multiple occupancy flats and bedsits. I got out of my car and made my way to the house, but when I got to the front door...

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Mami Part 8211 4

Hey, Indian sex stories dot net friends. Before starting the story.Let me tell you about myself. I’m shiv. 21 years. Doing engineering. Height 5.9. Any auntys, bhabhi, newly married girls can contact me on my mail id .com for some “Tease” fun. Privacy and satisfaction guaranteed. Before reading this part plzz read previous parts. So u will understand the story . This is the fourth installment of my story “Mami” Coming to story. So meine towel kamar ko bandha aur mein unke liye kapde lene k...

4 years ago
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Vanessas 2003 Summer Vacation

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

2 years ago
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StepsChapter 14

The Sunday papers did as expected. Nothing they said was slanderous. They took good care and probably legal advice to avoid that but they noted that Henry and Samantha had lived together at the flat before she married Marty and that when she came home on business Henry was always there during the week even when he was stationed at Windsor. How they knew this was a mystery to Henry and Samantha but they suspected the janitor. Then, of course, they had to tell the story of Rupert and Imogen and...

4 years ago
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My Friends Stayed Overnight 2 The Boys Slumberpa

This is a true story. Only the names are changed. It was a summer evening. The air was heavy with the smell of buttered popcorn and cotton-candy. My friend Matty and I were at a Carnival that came to town. We had already been on a couple rides. “What ride should we go on next?” I asked him. “We should go on the Starship 2000 Gravitron!” Matty said. The sun had set and with the absents of sun light the Gravitron ride seemed to be the brightest lit up of all the rides. It’s spinning flying...

2 years ago
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Wifersquos Niece Karen Pt2 the threesome

Wife’s Niece Karen Pt2 This was about the 4th or 5th time we’d hooked up but this time it was different. I arrived at hers to move her tumble dryer under her stairs as I need to drill a hole in the wall for the power cable. Her friend was there at the kitchen table drinking a coffee so I set to work drilling and stuff hoping the friend would go soon. It was soon evident that she wasn’t going any time soon. I stopped for a coffee and sat at the table with them. They were looking at me and...

1 year ago
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BellesaHouse September Reign We Make Fire

September met Big Tre after a big breakup. They met up to make content together, but ended up vining so hard that they didn’t even turn the camera on for the first two days they spent together. September loves that he was so conscientious of her from the get-go and grounds her when she flies too high. Tre loves… everything about her. He also boasts that they always make fire content together and this scene is no exception – from the moment he walks in the door the declare...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 25

"Are you ever going to ask me to marry you?" Bonnie suddenly asked. It wasn't an accusatory or challenging tone, it was a quiet question, but one that had come with no preamble. Brent turned toward her in the bed. His hand stroked her belly and breasts beneath the covers as she lay naked beside him. His initial surprise at the question had dissolved, and a smile formed on his lips. "Yes." "When?" "Uhmmm ... I don't know ... maybe tonight, maybe next week ... sometime ... I...

3 years ago
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A Desperate Gambit

Megan and Fiona return home, giggling a little and basking in the joy of being part of Miss Caitlin’s group. Caitlin had set a couple of new rules with the induction of Fiona (the two not allowed to directly to play with each other, but are permitted to watch and be pleasured together) and has also left instructions for Becky to take on Fiona as part of her mentoring duties. A twinge of disappointment courses through Megan but Becky is hardly a disappointment, the gorgeous blonde is always a...

4 years ago
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Love Making With My Girlfriend

My name is Aman(name changed) I’m basically from kashmir but currently in delhi. I am 21 year old and pursuing my bachelors in computer science. I used to study in bangalore and this is a story I encountered while I was in there. this is a true story. I have read a lot of stories in here and desired to post mine. This story happened around 4 – 5 months earlier. I met a girl an year back from now. She was very cute. Her name was Anu(name changed). She was pursuing her bachelors in dental science...

3 years ago
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Na bharyatho na friend

Hai iam kartik age26; ik kataloki veldam naku marriage aaina 2years taruvata jarigina kata naku oka best frindu unnadu peru hari memu chala manchi snehitulamu naku anni unnai kani inka pillalu kaledu na bharya sunitha age21y, oka roju nenu nafrind hari kalisi ma intlo davit chesukonnamu(mandu party) nenu pillalu kaledanna badato mandu chaala tagaanu appatiki ratri 12;00 naku mattuga undi nenu padukontanu na frind kooda ikkade padukontadu time chaala late ayyindi kada na bharyaki cheppanu ma...

3 years ago
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The Demon Sting 8211 The Family Fucker

First I thanks Indian sex stories for publishing my story then Happy New Year-2016 to all the readers of ISS. I am Honey now aged 18 Yrs. married to my child hood incest lover my Uncle only 22 Yrs. Old and an Engineer by profession.In our caste married to uncles son is neither taboo nor incest but marrying Uncle is some how incest in the family and all took decision to give our marriage as I was pregnant with my Uncle’s child and both of us left our home with huge wealth and settled near Munar...

4 years ago
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I Want You To

They both lived in the apartment block.   It was in a nice neighborhood and the owners kept the building in good repair.   The people who lived in the apartments mostly worked in the city and hardly saw each other.   Kira and Colin worked locally and they did see each other.   They also noticed each other. Kira thought he was cute but he never looked very “available” to her.   When she first noticed him he had a girlfriend with him all the time, but recently she hadn’t seen her with...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The reluctant wife

I arrived at their detached modern house as agreed at 11.00 o’clock one Saturday morning. Terry answered the door and showed me into the lounge. He said Cathy would be down in a minute. Just as I was wondering if she was even in the house, the door opened and in she walked, dressed in the same business suit that I had seen in some pictures Terry had sent. She looked pale and nervous and seemed glad to leave the room after I had shaken her cold hand and accepted her offer of coffee. ‘She looks...

3 years ago
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Weekend at GrandmasChapter 18

Krys was only a little snarky when I saw her. "So, how many notches did you cut in your bedpost?" "I didn't keep count. Had fun riding horses, though." I showed her the picture. "That's Renée and Terri. We did a bunch of trail riding." "Any ... you know?" I shook my head. "All three of us like boys." She nodded. "Mom asked me if I wanted to go. I think I'm a one-man girl." "Nothing wrong with that," I said. "I did miss Eric." She gave me a level look. "There's hope...

2 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 108

"Did you really mean that? The thing you said to that woman," Veronique asked Sandra. "That I want to return there for more fun? Yes! But not too soon though." "Well! If you really want to go there again, just let me know, and I'll take you." "Really?" "Yes." "Thanks!" Sandra said and smiled at Veronique. She then asked, "Did you like the show?" Veronique answered, "So ... It was a show for you?" Sandra giggled and said, "Not really, but I guess it must have looked...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Mae Milano Gorgeous Mae Milano Just Wants To To Be Pounded LIVE

Long legged beauty Mae Milano is loving how much you admire her as she spins around in her bra and panty set before allowing Joshua to pull those panties down her long sexy legs. Josh is ready to get his face wet in that pussy as he licks and sucks on her clit. Mae loves that tongue action but wants that dick more. In her mouth, in her pussy… she is ready for it and wants to feel that cock stretching her out! Mae spreads her legs open given Josh all the room he need to fill her up with...

4 years ago
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bad luck

14 year Mark sat on the cold damp floor of the abandoned factory that was now his home, he looked around at the other homeless people that were sleeping there. His dad had lost the family home and business gambling now they had nothing. Mark looked around at the other homeless people, he saw 18 year old Adam get out of his sleeping bag and go the corner used as a toilet and start to undo his jeans. Mark knew this was one of the good things about being homeless he got to see cocks that he would...

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Its barely light and you pull up to my apartment I yell bye to my sister, and I run out to your truck and climb in. You look at me and my clothes - say nothing and off we go to the dock. We grab a few things and walk to the boat, you then tell me to get the rest of the shit loaded as you head for the office. Theres a dozen different rods , and what seems like 20 pounds of stinky bait, tackle, followed by bags of ice, sandwiches & your beer. For me, I brought salad , fruit and water. ...

1 year ago
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Private Alecia Fox Naughty Schoolgirl

Alecia Fox is a sexy teenager who has come to Private Gold, College Harlots for her debut as another one of our schoolgirls, young, horny and looking to take any opportunity for a good time. Alecia is trying to blackmail principle Clarke Kent and things soon heat up in the office as she uses that beautiful pussy to entice him in for a taste before returning the favour with a phenomenal blowjob. Then enjoy the sight of this saucy blonde in action as she takes a hard pounding on the...

3 years ago
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Journey from New Delhi to Mumbai

This incident happened with me on my journey from New Delhi to Mumbai via Rajdhani Express 2 months back,I was travelling alone by IInd A/c and it was just 5 minutes for the train to leave and still in my cabin (which had 3 other seats vaccant) no other passenger had come and i had almost thought that I would be all alone in the cabin till Mumbai and got engrossed in reading a magazine and just as the train was to depart a sweet voice called out her seat number and was trying to locate it by...

2 years ago
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Jane AustinChapter 3

Without conscious thought, Jane checked her guns to make sure that she had reloaded after her fight with Curly Johnson. Yes, she had. Reloading had finally become second nature; she wanted to be ready if she ever needed her guns on short notice. Jane rigged up a lead rope for Curly's horse and headed toward the nearest town. She was so far away from her starting point of a few days ago that she just kept going the way she had been headed, knowing that she would eventually run across a trail...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 7 Counterattack

Seconds later Amanda heard Mike's voice. "Amanda, are you all right? We have a lot of trouble brewing here in San Diego. The new chief of police has sworn out a warrant for your arrest charging you with assaulting a police officer. He sounds real worked up about it. According to him you hounded that poor refugee from Dunkin Doughnuts into his acts of retaliatory desperation. "Also, if you can believe this, according to him Mark entrapped the poor man with promises of kinky sex. So the...

3 years ago
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I can't wait to tell my son about his new girlfriend. I know his mother is aware of this fact. And she thinks it pretty hot as well. At least that's what she told me the other night at my second apartment. My wife doesn't really know about that place, nor will she.Perhaps I should clue you in a bit. About fifteen years ago, I started an affair with my secretary. I'm amazed that it held on for so long and that it was such a secret from my family as well. About a year after it started, she...

2 years ago
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Suited n Booted

I had placed an ad on my local gumtree site(Glasgow) to meet a big cocked guy to come to mine and fuck me when I was wearing my rubber and thigh boots. Got the usual round of pic collectors and time wasters,but got an email from a guy who said he was in my home town and it just said ‘9 inches and thick wanna see it??’so who am I to resist,emailed back to him,’yeah sure,come to mine and show me it’didn’t expect him,to actually show up,but 15 minutes later my door got chapped and there he

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My girlfriends dogging experience

I got the phone call I'd been waiting forMy girlfriend j wanted me to pick her up at 3am from the clubThat was 2 hours away, I made a drink and started to think about j in the clubI trusted her, just not all the other menShe stands 5'2" tall , long wavy blonde hair, big brown eyes smooth sexy legs and an amazingly big pair of tits! She has only turned 19 a month ago and was going out more and more.My curiosity got the better of me and the next thing I knew I had drove to the club and was paying...

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My friends hairy paradise

He was lying on his bed naked thinking about what he wanted to do with her that was new and different this time.He started thinking about her naked body, her voluptuous breasts, shapely curves, perfectly manicured bush and always sexy lingerie, always hinting what was underneath, not too much but leaving you wanting more.His imagination transferred from his mind down to his now expanding and slightly throbbing cock. The rising to the occasion merely served to thrill him more. He gently took it...

1 year ago
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A few Months later

A few months had passed and the 4 of us Me Sally My b*o Eric and sallys bff Anna had been quite active with fucking and suck each other and just having some good clean but messy fun. I woke on a Sunday morning about 9.30 and jumped to my window to check who was home I saw that my mum and dads cars were gone so I woke sally with a gentle pussy licking it didn’t take long for her to wake and start enjoying it. I stopped and told her everyone is out so you can let yourself go and enjoy. I worked...

1 year ago
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The Twins Part 2

Meanwhile, in Houston, Texas, the other half of the Langston twins, Nicole, is getting ready for a blind date. She thought of her conversation with her brother and her friend. She… Meanwhile, in Houston, Texas, the other half of the Langston twins, Nicole, is getting ready for a blind date. She thought of her conversation with her brother and her friend. She began to look at herself in the mirror more. When she looked at herself, she really did not see what most boys saw. When she looked...

3 years ago
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A guy and his 24 Full Circle

"I'm sorry Gen I was thinking I have a great decision to make and right now I am at a loss as to what exactly I should do." Jake told her, the worry on her face fading almost as fast as it had appeared. Sighing he knew that none of his Gens could really give him any help with this. He thought of the other Jinns but decided that they wouldn't be that great help in deciding this. Finishing eating, he knew he had another appointment today, Christ just how many women were in Jumno's...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Violet Starr Jerk Off Instuctions

A wild goddess, Violet Starr, has so much to offer, igniting everyone’s desire to watch her. If you’re one of the men who haven’t jerked off for a week or two, be prepared for a mind-blowing session as she takes control of the steamy scene. With a luscious ass, she shows off her asset in front of the camera while smiling. Wouldn’t it be nice for your thick cock to be grinded by her in the cowgirl position? She is such a sweetie who perfectly knows how to tease your naughty mind with her...


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