Vintage Platinum 4 free porn video

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Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 4 "You ok my dear," said Joe taking his hand. "I can handle them for you but if that is what you want than you mustn't exclude me." "Exclude you?" gulped Nate having his finger rubbed. "I don't even understand any of this? What did I do? What did I sign?" "That I'm not even completely sure of but let's just enjoy the show as it's about to begin," said Joe. "But whatever it is I'm sure I can find a way to wiggle you out of it." The lights dimmed down dark now and then the opening act came on. It was first a comedian who that filled their bellies with laughs lightening any worries and by the time the big band came on Nate was feeling much better. He began drinking his champagne more heavily now to calm his nerves but made sure not to overdo it at all like he did yesterday. Feeling a little tipsy from all the champagne he almost hoped to his feet as Joe pulled him from the table to dance. A slow rumba was like navigating a bomb field in his tight dress and heels yet somehow he spun and navigated feeling light on his feet. After two up tempo dances he found himself being pulled in close as the music softened but being tipsy wasn't enough to not realize the position he was now in as his date gazed into his eyes. He was suddenly another pretty girl on the dancefloor with her date as he couldn't look anymore as he rested his head down on Joe's shoulder doing all he could to occupy time until the big band would stop playing. Tonight it was only champagne and that wasn't enough to cloud any of the happenings so for as scary as they might be he'd rather deal with being Joe's date than being so drunk again that he could do more damage. "Nancy may I tell you something?" said Joe forcing Nate to lift his head from his shoulders. "Oh sure I guess," mumbled Nate looking at him and then breaking eyes contact. "I have a confession to make," said Joe. "Oh?" said Nate as that got his attention. "Well all this?" said Joe looking nervous. "Your situation. ... well it's all my fault." "Finally!" said Nate. "You're admitting you did this to me." "Yes," said Joe. "And you don't have to thank me if you don't want to. Just being with you is thanks enough." "Thank you," said Nate raising his voice and then realizing he was in the middle of many people dancing toning it down whispering. "This isn't what I wanted. Look at me." "That's the problem. I can't stop looking at you and neither can any man! Neither can the studios and neither can most other women," said Joe. "So I'm kind of miffed at exactly what you wanted because you've got what every woman wants. Both inner and outer beauty! And to be desired. To be beloved but maybe you misunderstood?" "I'm so confused here Joe," said Nate. "That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I never...." "Please don't say another word," said Joe placing his finger over his lips interrupting. "Allow me darling. What I'm saying is you meeting the MGM folks is my fault. They were out to meet me for business and then they became smitten with you. I didn't expect for us to fall for each other so quickly. I didn't expect you to tell me it was love at first sight and then you were gone off with those wolves in the middle of the night." "I told you that," said Nate not believing it. "You mean that you loved me?" said Joe. "Of course and I couldn't help but professing the same feeling. I'm as much the helpless romantic as you are my love and it's been years since I've felt this way. Years since I've been with someone with so much in common. Years since I've been with someone so absolutely perfect and yes... years since I've been with someone so extremely feminine." "Well maybe but I'm not even..." started Nate as Joe stopped him. "Sssshhh! Of course you are and that's not even debatable," smiled Joe. "Now I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when they seduced you to sign and to become one of their gorgeous stars. I don't blame them though or you as they couldn't have found a more perfect young pin up but if I were there my jealously wouldn't have allowed me to share you with anyone. Especially tour town and our city. Maybe even the world! But now that it's behind us and I've confessed to my mistake letting them near you I feel so much better. Forgive me my love because I do know the allure and the money can be very persuasive." "What have I done to myself?" said Nate grabbing his forehead. "You said you could help me wiggle out of all this?" "Yes, I'm going to try," nodded Joe. "Try?" said Nate getting mad. "You said you could." "Well yes but I don't know exactly the extent of what you signed yet," said Joe. "But it seems very serious." "And I thought you were affluent? Had the connections," said Nate panicking. "Again it appears maybe you have confessions to make. Do you or don't you?" "Wait please my darling," said Joe trying to calm him. "Don't so this to yourself. Please don't my love." "Hhhmm! Love? If you do love me you will find a way. I'm like this because of you not anyone esle!" said Nate hurrying off in his tight dress. "Wait please! I'll find a way. I always do," smiled Joe catching him after chasing after him. "Wait. Nancy please?" "Please what?" said Nate in a huff as Joe grabbed his arm. "Please wait," said Joe sliding his hand into Nates. "I'm here for you no matter what. Don't run off that just won't solve anything." "I don't know what else to do," said Nate. "Trust me," said Joe. "I'll find a way. I always do. I didn't get to where I am in my life without finding solutions to many problems." "Promise me you're not lying?" said Nate looking up at him. "I'm not and how far did you think you could make it running in those heels and that dress?" said Joe with a smirk. "You can't run from this no matter what and really didn't get too far did you?" "True," smiled Nate letting go of a nervous laugh. "That's about as fast as you can wiggle in this anyway?" "And that's some sexy wiggle you've got gorgeous so take a breath and let me think," said Joe smiling back at him. "Ok but think fast," nodded Nate looking up at him anxiously. "This is the tightest spot I've ever been in and please I'm at your mercy." "No, it's me at the mercy of your beauty but tight looks pretty good on you and you wear it well," said Joe sliding his hand down Nate's back. "Now you just wiggle a little for me and I'll find a way to wiggle for you. That's all I ask?" "Oh!" said Nate lightly jumping a bit as Joe slid his hand over his tight ass before closing his eyes and hesitating before answering. "That's it? That's all you're asking?" "Yes," smiled Joe whispering in his ear and touching his face. "Just a wiggle. A soft wiggle." Ok," sighed Nate feeling the edge of Joe's finger touch his lips. "Ok..I...I....I guess I can do that." "Good girl and together we'll wiggle out of this tight spot," smiled Joe pulling him in close looking into his eyes. "OK and remember you promised," said Nate opening his eyes and batting his lashes. "I'd promise you the world for one kiss my love," said Joe not breaking his gaze. "But didn't we already..." gulped Nate biting his lip. "You said I..?" "We did and it was amazing," nodded Joe. "But I wouldn't mind one sober kiss? Just one that you could savor and could remember." "Ok," nodded Nate closing his eyes and swallowing hard. "Ok?" said Joe as his eyes lit up. "Yes Ok... but just one," said Nate blinking continuously almost ready to do anything to figure out his problem. "Really?" smiled Joe never happier to hear that softly rubbing his thumb against Nate's. "Yes but just one and let's get back before Sinatra comes on," said Nate swallowing hard. "Like you said? It's not like it's our first anyway." Nate closed his eyes leaning in his lips as Joe couldn't wait softly pressing down. As gross as it felt inside, it really didn't matter anyway as he knew he's already shared an evening of kissing the day before even if he had no recollection of it. Whether it happened or not, tonight felt like the first time anyway as Joe ever so softly moved his lips across Nate's. He could feel himself breathing heavily as Joe touched his face with both hands softly lifting the back of his hair and sliding his finger through some curls. Just his touch combined with his lips produced a quiver through Nate's bones and then he could feel himself gasp when Joe finally pulled back his lips. "No just one...." started Nate sighing as Joe began nibbling on his neck. "Ooooohhhh...Oohhhh." As his lips caressed his neck under his chin and then slid kissing his nape the soft involuntary moan only coaxed Joe to nip harder as Nate couldn't bring himself to pull away. When Joe's lips paused for a moment his mind told him to push back ending it but somehow he just couldn't as he initiated their lips touching again and Joe's tongue entered his mouth. What seemed like an eternity was only maybe three minutes until their kiss broke and he was mesmerized staring in Joe's eyes. He could see a few flash bulbs popping behind him but whether it had captured their moment or some other's he wasn't sure about or nor did it matter. His unexpected glamorous date had turned love filled and romantic with Joe as he couldn't believe the chill that now ran through his veins. With Joe's hand in hi,s Joe leaned in pecking one last quick kiss and then he didn't even feel his feet touch the floor as they walked back to the table. As the lights began to dim again he quickly pulled out his compact from his purse staring at his slightly smeared lips before begrudgingly repairing them and patting away a few beads of sweat with his powder puff. He almost died seeing a small abrasion on his neck and then reached up his hand feeling the tenderness. A quick blot with some foundation and powder seemed to go unnoticed before he put away his makeup and snapped closed his purse as he felt sick to his stomach. He felt better just sitting back hunching before fluffing the fur collar sliding his neck inside as he needed to change his mental state of mind. When the headliner he was dying to see came on, he almost couldn't enjoy it like he normally would have as he was unable to shake the thought of what had happened as he held hands with his new found lover. Maybe he could have forgotten occurrences of inappropriate behavior under the influence that he didn't whiteness first hand yet now even to pull himself out of the situations he created he had invited this tender moment which now wouldn't leave his mind. He was both roused and revolted by what he had done but any shame seemed externally nonexistent as he was instead viewed by all that looked upon him as a woman of envy. By his own reflection he had to agree some would crave his unforeseen beauty and yet he could tell others were likely more so coveting his affluent boyfriend. The later would be fine once his assistance would be no longer needed but in the mean time they wiggled fingers as lovers. Those tender love touches he hoped would only need to be combined with a few more wiggles of his ass in his tight dress hoping that would be the most wiggling he'd need to do. When Sinatra concluded now he stood with the crowd giving a rousing applause and then he exited hand in hand through the crowd. As the cold air hit he was content to be snuggled and then under Joe's jacket as they walked back down Front Street. When he looked up as they turned toward the hotel he stopped dead in his tracks turning towards Joe and yanking his hand to stop walking. "Joe, I thought you checked me out," gulped Nate. "I did but I thought it best we stay here and tomorrow I can help with your issues," said Joe. "We," said Nate stepping back. "Joe, I'm not that kind of girl. In fact I'm not any kind of..." "Easy Nancy. I'm a gentlemen and you know that," said Joe with a soft smile. "Let's go have a night cap in the bar while they get your room ready. I got you your own room and I'm not even on your floor." "Oh?" said Nate nodding his head relieved. "Ok. Thank you." Into the bar they went sitting down at a corner table chatting casually and talking about the show. Nate sat wondering if that really was Joe's only intention and then after just two drinks the hotel manager approached them. "Miss Turner," said the man. "I'll escort you to your room if you're ready ma'am. Your room is ready now." "That's fantastic," said Nate relieved. "I'm exhausted." "You must be," said Joe standing and taking his hand kissing it. "So I'm going to contact some council that can help with your circumstance first thing and then I'll see you in the morning Nancy." "I really appreciate that," said Nate hugging him. "Thank you so much." "Your welcome my darling," said Joe squeezing his hand and letting go. "Good night then," said Nate leaning in and leaving a thick lipstick stain on Joe's cheek. He appreciated Joe not trying to stir it up again as he smiled and followed the hotel worker upstairs to his room. When the elevator rang he instantly realized it had stopped on the top floor and then as he got out he noticed only one door. "Is this a suite?" said Nate. "Yes ma'am. It's the penthouse suite," said the man unlocking the door. "The gentlemen from MGM upgraded you. Now if there is anything else you need please call down otherwise sleep well Miss Turner." As he walked inside he was astounded by the grandeur and richness of a suite like nothing he had ever seen in his life. A huge formal area, dining area, series of bedrooms and a massive balcony were more than he could fathom. He plopped down on the love seat lying back completely spend just staring at the ceiling contemplating his life. With his head spinning he struggled just to keep his eyes open and then he dozed off until he was awakened by a knock on the door. "Good morning Miss Turner," said Maxine with two large suitcases coming in. "Maxine?" said Nate shaking his head. "Yes ma'am. Again good morning," said Maxine looking him up and down as she came in. "Please don't tell me you slept in that?" "Uuumm, I don't think I meant to?" said Nate a bit confused realizing it was day light through the big windows. "But I do remember sitting down on that sofa before passing out last night. I guess that was better than yesterday." "Well you're the boss and that's debatable Miss Turner but let's get you out of this," said Maxine putting down the bags and unzipping the back of his dress. "You may have had too much to drink yesterday but at least I was able to wash off your makeup, set your hair and get you into some pajamas. Now we've got much to do that wasn't planned so let's get you undressed and cleaned up as the crew is already on the way up." "Crew?" said Nate as she was wiggling the dress off him. "What crew?" "Well the morning shoot crew that we're now a part of," said Maxine taking the dress from his ankles. "You hired me to do your makeup as well as help dress you but the rest they control." "Moring shoot?" gulped Nate as she helped him off with his shoes. "I hired you for that? How could I hire anyone for anything?" "Yes Friday night you informed the studio that you wanted myself and Sophie as your personal stylists. She's on her way up to do your hair," said Maxine pulling off the other shoe and helping him off with his hose. "Now please ma'am. Who sleeps in heels and a designer dress? We need to get you cleaned up right away Miss Turner. You'll be doing a shoot right here in their suite. They use this suite all the time." "Oh no," grumbled Nate as she unstrapped his bra. "I need Joe! I need him bad! Please tell me Joe is on his way up as well to help get me out of this." "That I'm not sure of but I'd rather keep this professional Miss Turner and not know the gossip of what he helps get you out of or how bad you need him sexually," said Maxine untying his corset. "That ma'am is much too personal for me but quite possibly Sophie will know his whereabouts once she arrives." It was like breath of air filled his lungs when she undid his corset and then he couldn't get the toilet fast enough once she drooped down his big panty. He peed like a racehorse empting his bladder and then the second the bowl flushed she almost attacked him wiping off his makeup. He could hear the commotion outside now as she began lathering his face and then with a straight blade wiping away any morning stubble. When she finished she took a sponge wiping down any perspiration from his body and then in came Sophie as he was standing naked before her. "Good morning Nancy," said Sophie with a while silk robe. "How was last night with my brother? I can't imagine it could have been anything short of fabulous." "Well yes. The show was fabulous," said Nate looking down. "You don't happen to know if he's on his way up do you? Please don't take this the wrong way ladies but he's promised to help change things for me today." "Oh he's told me to pass along to you that he's up early on it dear. Whatever that means?" said Sophie touching his hair. "But I'm not privy to all the details as he can be mysterious and full of surprises at time." "Oh it's been quite a weekend of those," said Nate shaking his head. "For us too Nancy! Especially meeting you and it's not often we get to working with someone so special. So very unique I guess we could say?" said Sophie pulling his messy waves up atop his head off his face clipping them. "And especially someone that brightens my brother's day like you have so I'm sure he'll be showing up as soon as he can. Now in the mean time I have a job to do and there's a room full of people setting up for you so please sit down." "A room full of people," said Nate frustrated. "For me?" "Relax dear. Yes and it's the crew. We'll have you looking fabulous in no time and we'd never let them see you looking any other way. Again that's why the perm working out so well is helpful so today won't be as time consuming," said Sophie spraying his head with a liquid from behind. "Half an hour or so from now we can dress you and you can get on with your job. Isn't that exciting!" She walked around behind him now and then began stretching each section soaking his pin curls upward. From behind each ear and all the way past his nape to the other ear she began raking through his curls with her comb pulling up each section as tight as she could before she began adding in a thick gel slicking his hair. While she worked in the back, Maxine worked in the front redoing his face in a pancake foundation and setting his face with powder. When she began adding rouge to his cheeks and brushing at his face, Sophie began pinning the slicked up sections tightly. With a thick liner Maxine began now lining his upper lids and then glued on his false lashes before defining his brows. From behind now Sophie began dampening the top of his hair and then separating it into two inch sections before spinning them around her fingers. As each thick twirl was created a bobbi pin would be criss cross holding it in place as she worked from back to front. In the mean time four or five coats of mascara were glazed to his lashes and then cherry red liner outlined his lips. When the last curl was pinned down, a fire engine red lipstick was stroked across his lips before a portable bonnet was placed on his head. He sat alone now as the women hurried from the room and then Maxine returned with a thin white lacey corset. With his hair under the dryer she had him stand and then on went the sturdy garment around his waist. He already knew this drill as she sucked the life from him and then inserted some big falsies in the pointy attached bra. This time the garment though would be really different as there'd be no padded hips or elastic panty as instead just a flap hung down past his crotch. He looked down quite confused until she took a good hold of him pulling him back and then pulled the flap between his legs. When a few eyelet hooks seemed secured in the back he looked down realizing he was pinned tightly away. Now instead of his manhood all he could see were some pubic curls stream out at each side of the thin middle and then she knelt after adding a touch of cream in her left hand. "Don't flinch and mind you balance for just second please," said Maxine lifting his left leg upward and placing his ankle on a chair. She leaned in now stretching slightly the undergarment between his legs and then applying a touch of cream. He almost couldn't watch as she took a straight razor slicing away any protruding pubes and then let down his leg. After she repeated it on the other side he couldn't help but stare at how shapely he looked below and then before he could blink she knelt holding open something for him to step into. It all happened quickly now as off came the dryer from his head and he looked down as shorts slid up his legs. Once she fastened and zipped up the fly on went a blouse as Maxine buttoned him up. He looked over now seeing Sophie twisting and turning a red bandana and then wound it over his head. He had to hold her shoulder feeling the pain in his ears as she inserted new earrings and then pulled a few pins from the front of his head. Again he held her tightly as Maxine had him step into some heels and then it was quite a surprise as he watched Sophie brush through a long thick platinum strand before pinning it at the back of his head. "Ok right on schedule," said Maxine looking at Sophie. "And she is quite the looker today isn't she?" "You kidding?" said Nate looking down at himself. "I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing this morning? I'm so confused?" "You sure she wasn't always a blonde," said Maxine grabbing his hand. "Now please Miss Turner. We're just the hired help." "Relax typically these morning shoots are quick and painless," said Sophie messing with the bandana. "Let's hope so," said Nate turning and looking at his image. "Damn?" "Damn right and forget hope," said Sophie flipping his pony as he spun tilting his neck as she dragged him from the room. "Try to get a little tough in this look even though I realize you were probably never really much of the toughest type anyway." "Ah finally!" said a man as they lead him out of the sweet and he saw a crew of eight people in the suite living room area. "Yes ladies! She looks fabulous! Miss Turner that's exactly what we're after this morning." He could see them looking him up and down and then he glanced to his left seeing his reflection taking a deep breath. He was dressed for now in a rock-chic glam look instantly portraying an extremely sexy image in tight rounded denim short shorts that exposed a bit of his but cheeks and a black shirt blouse tied at the waistline. With his sleeves rolled up to his biceps and his feet in open toe black stiletto sling backs, they had achieved a bit of a tougher pin up look than last evening's ultra-glam appearance. Atop his head a red paisley bandana was tied in a knot behind the center of his forehead covering his most of his bobbi pinned crown pin curls and all of his short hair from ear to ear. Only a few loose swirls were arranged peaking out from under the front of the bandana's knot and then behind the knot a long faux platinum thick straight pony had been added swinging down his back. With big red lips, curled lashes and wing tip eyeliner he had the quintessential Rockabilly look yet even dressed up in this more rugged tough-chick fashion there was still no sign of a man beneath poking through. "Is it?" said Nate annoyed just to be there as he wanted to slug someone being stared at like he had two heads and pissed Sophie just called him wimpy. "This is what you wanted?" "Of course it is love and good morning Miss Turner," said the man nodding. "Remember I'm Mr. Riccard, your director again today. It was a pleasure working with you during out late night shoot so I'm just so glad to see you again this morning." "Oh?" said Nate making a face. "Again?" "Yes and you were fabulous," said Riccard seeing the look of horror on his crews face as he cringed. "And you should know you're already quite the stir." "Isn't that wonderful?" said Nate rolling his eyes. "I kind of heard that." "Fantastic! Now let's roll everyone! Places," Yelled Riccard before whispering. "Diva on the set so snap to it." "Oh please!" grumbled Nate shaking his head. "Now how about we just get this over with?" "As you wish Miss Turner," said the director clapping his hands. "Fellas!" Nate gulped as two big strong men entered the room and headed his way. Being dressed up to pose was one thing but the two guys approaching was something even worse. "Wooahhh," moaned Nate not expecting to be lifted by two guys dressed in leather jackets as suddenly he was being photographed clinging on. They tossed him around from side to side like a rag doll as the cameras rolled and then carried him out on the balcony placing him down in a lounge chair. With the morning sun shining into his eyes a crew member instantly slid some sunglasses on Nate and before he could even squirm placed a cigarette between his teeth. In the blink of an eye, he was suddenly being posed lounging out smoking as he choked a few times having never smoked a day in his life. From last night's glamazon to blowing rings of smoke at a hunk lounging was quite a turn of events but with every pose he could see their intentions for him to act the part of the shank as he lounged now with his smooth legs wide open. Eventually a few solo shots followed of him sipping a straw solo and then double strawed with one of the guys sharing a fruity drink felt better than being the tart with the cigarette spread eagle. Soon though, playing the tart seemed better then when his lips were posed against one of the hunks and then the other as he found himself being posed almost lip locked. It was at least no real kissing but gazing up being faux smooched was tough enough when they positioned his hands in places he never though could be filmed. Slightly risqu? turned more salacious with every shot as he could feel the bulge in their pants when they moved his hands near their crotches. Touching anything that could be aroused or even having his pinkie inside the edge of a man's jeans were poses he wanted to puke during as he wondered if this was part of what he did previously while intoxicated. He was now being shot like the wild pin up girl teasing the fellas as they placed his finger under one's chin playing the flirt and then they had him biting softly another's ear. He was felt disgusting having to sit on one's lap feeling him press up against his ass and then having another almost mounting him as he was positioned lying back on the lounge chair. In his last shot he was leaned back against both guys while they leaned against the wall, peeking out from his sunglasses half way down his nose and his hands touching their both their bodies. He was touching flesh and sweat he wanted no part of before luckily then it finally before anything else went too far as he stood and everyone hugged ending the shoot. One thing Sophie was right about was that as bad as this felt, it was fairly quick as they came in from the balcony as Nate felt relieved it was over. It was all he could do just to hold back his emotions and then the director looked his way nodding his approval. "You're spectacular Miss Turner," said the director. "Well done gentlemen and you're such a natural Miss Turner. I think this was even more spectacular than Friday night." "Ok then," said Nate taking a deep breath and walking away. "No my dear," said Riccard grabbing his arm as he walked toward the bathroom and turning pulling him towards the next room. "They'll change you on set and everything you need is inside the great room." He hadn't even noticed this huge marble floored room just off the living area as he was stunned by its grandeur the moment he stepped through the arched doorway. Two huge umbrellas, a series of lights and cameras were positioned in various places as he stopped dead in his tracks completely taken a back. He looked to his left seeing Sophie brushing a platinum wig attached to a wig stand and then saw Maxine wheel a portable clothing rack towards him. Before he could object even for a second he soon realized his day was not over but instead had just begun as he stared at the dozens of outfits on hangers and a half dozen hair pieces on stands. If he could jump from the balcony he might have if he was still outside but instead he was their model about to be changed for the next scene. The cat had his tongue now as she unbuttoned his top and dropped down his shorts as just that quickly he stood in his undergarments in front of the crew. He was mortified as Sophie now pulled off his bandana with a mouth full of pins re-pinning the curls she at let loose on his forehead. When she stepped out of his line of sight Maxine lifted his arms and down came a soft garment before he even knew what hit him. When his vision cleared he looked down seeing a fire engine red garment across his chest staring at the shine that now engulfed him. He had lost what little humility was left as she undid the removable bra straps before pulling them away and stuffing another layer of padding inside his now strapless bra. When she was finished she straightened the snug fit as he looked down with his arms now inside the thin spaghetti straps. Just looking down seeing the silk garment being stretched down to his feet was a temporary sight as Sophie lifted his chin before walking behind him with a sea of blonde in her hand. A tug here and there jerked his head slightly as she manipulated his neck to her liking and then he felt her pull out his faux pony. "Just hold this one a second," said Sophie catching him totally off guard handing him his former pony and then dropping a wig cap over his head. From behind now Sophie carefully guided his head inside a heavy wig and then a few pins later it was over as they stepped back inspecting their work. "Splendid ladies," said Riccard waving to the guys. "You can lift her up there gently please fellas." "Oh," gulped Nate as he looked down at himself being lifted up high and then placed atop a shiny black grand piano. "Sit on one cheek darling and allow me you move your legs," said Riccard positioning him in sexy pose leaning on one side and on one elbow. He looked straight ahead as he gone in minutes from sassy pin up to sultry lingerie model lying on one side in a long red silk floor length negligee. With his left leg totally exposed right up to his white lacy attached panty it seemed like they had exposed him as much as they could while showing nothing that would get them an x-rating. On his feet fuzzy red clear heels stiletto slippers drew the eye into towards his legs but his allure would helped by the massive bust that any shots would pick up on. A long platinum blonde straight wig with short bangs that rolled half way on his forehead and long layers also curled under around his chin gave him a younger more innocent impression yet there was little innocence to a girl sprawled out on grand piano. With camera shooting down from above as they rolled him on his back and then belly it was particularly uncomfortable yet he'd seen poses like this in things he lusted through as a young male. Back on one hip with a rose clenched in his teeth and then some shots him biting his nails or sucking his finger did little to diminish the sex appeal he knew they were after until mercifully the second shot came to a close as they helped him down to the floor. He barely part of the way into the what he realized would probably be the longest and most uncomfortable day of his life as he stood for only a second until the girls approached again. When they pulled off his wig and then helped him out of his negligee, he was almost crying inside as they would be readying him again. He stood in his undergarments as Maxine attached some white garters and then white hose as Sophie finally began taking the pins from the front of his head. He could see Maxine thumbing through the rack of outfits after she helped him on with his white pumps and then he heard a voice from behind interrupt everyone. "Maybe you can give us a second Riccard," said Joe standing there dressed in a suit and fedora. "Oh Mr. Gray. Good day but we're only about to start the third outfit," said the director looking at his watch. "Surely you know we've got so much planned and I can't veer from the schedule." "Well then you'll need to call my buddies at MGM and complain because the lady and I need to have a word," said Joe. "Isn't that right darling?" "Oh," nodded Nate. "Absolutely. Whatever he has to tell me is of the most urgency so I'll need a minute please." "Mr. Gray, please," said the director. "You do know how expensive a shoot this is sir. Now Miss Turner I must insist we proceed and break later." "Isn't the star always right Riccard?" said Nate softly touching Riccard's face and scurrying off. "Now I will talk to Mr. Gray in private and you will wait." "This way my darling and time won't be wasted Riccard as the girls can finish their touch ups while we chat privately," said Joe taking his hand and off they went to the next room. "Come ladies and again my apologies but this is quite an urgent matter."

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The very first depictions of humans having sex were plastered on cave walls thousands of years ago. These crude sketches weren’t much to look at, but they were enough to light a fire under cavemen’s balls. Sure, it does nothing for us now, but we owe those ancient cave painters a debt of gratitude. Were it not for the groundbreakers; I couldn’t be watching two red-headed midget sisters scissoring on top of a taxidermied wildebeest right now.I wonder what cavemen used for lube back in the day....

Vintage Porn Sites
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Vintage Porn Movie Critic

I hope this doesn't sound like a broken record and not sure when it started but I think it was about 14 years ago I started to really look at men and their cocks,anyway just found some new movies,I love the dubbed in voices of the movie like they couldn't afford or didn't have enough microphones,but this is what I want to hear,Suck my cock,Eat my Cum,jam your fingers in my ass,Bend over so you can feel my cock,if I don't hear any of this in the first minute I move on to the next movie.I Love...

1 year ago
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Why do I like them,they seem to start right out with sex,no story line to fast forward To just sex.. He is unzipping his friends jeans and out comes his friends cock already hard and erect,he dives downward with his mouth open want to suck his friends longer than normal cock,he starts sliding his tongue up and down his shaft while I already have a boner,I pull my shirt off and start pinching my soft nipples,then just like that they are on the couch and his friend is on his stomach with his soft...

1 year ago
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Vintage Platinum 1

Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers West Hollywood, early fall 1957. Nate pulled up his shiny new red 1957 chevy to the first bar he saw after leaving a difficult client meeting mentally exhausted after a long week at his new job. He'd been an accountant for six years now since college but it was like he was starting over as the low man on the totem pole only one month into his new position. Working in a small firm directly for the partners he was receiving...

3 years ago
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Vintage Platinum 2

Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 2 "Well good morning Miss Turner," said a squeaky voice. "Did you have a nice sleep?" "What?" said Nate shaking his head. "A nice sleep?" said the woman. "Is it morning already?" said Nate not wanting to get up. "Yes," said the woman sliding open the curtain letting in some light. "It's a glorious day." "Woahhh...easy," said Nate sitting up squinting as some of the day light struck his eyes. "Where am I...

1 year ago
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Vintage Platinum 3

Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 3 Nate walked out in a huff angry and then the second he heard the door shut behind him it all hit him that he was suddenly stuck as a woman in a hotel with a man he had known only from the bar. He froze as some people walked by him paying him no mind and then peered back over his shoulder seeing Joe heading his way. "Did you forget something Nancy?" questioned Joe stopping next to him and softly touching his...

3 years ago
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Vintage Gay Movies

Starts like most movies,Joseph goes out to the pool for a swim after calling a friend to stop over. The Pool Man arrives first and yells to Joseph I'll be cleaning the pool today,Joseph waves him in and lays next to edge of the pool grabbing some sun. Before you know it,the pool man is right above Joseph and his swimsuit is somewhat open in the leg openings,Joseph looks up and see's a pair of hairy blls and thats when it happens Joseph's swimsuit starts to bulge and the Pool man continues to...

2 years ago
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Vintage Champagne

Another one for you to comment on ..........You lead me into your bedroom by my cock sticking out of my jeans. You are wearing a really sexy basque ,that just cups under your tits pushing them out,showing of your beautiful hard long nipples. No panties to show of your beautiful hairy cunt ,hold up stockings mmmmmm you look good enough to eat . You kneel on the edge of the bed and push your arse out to me ,i kneel on the floor and move my face in between your arse cheeks , i can smell your cum...

1 year ago
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Vintage whore

“The newly organized women’s social gathering known as “The Club” met for the second time last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Warrington on Alameda Street. A light luncheon was served and Mrs. Amelia Stringer, of 1124 Fillmore, gave a lively talk on the history of beekeeping in early California, followed by open discussion. The once a month sessions of “The Club” are closed to invited members only.” “Thank you, ladies. Have the servants all left?...

1 year ago
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Vintage Curious Megs Dark Adventure

This story takes place back in eighties; we’d been swinging for a little over three years at the time. From our very first tryst, what has gotten Meg’s pussy dripping in anticipation is arranging and getting her GangBanged. She loves being the center of attention in a room with me and two or three other men. She really gets off on being the submissive lil slut, verbally abused, spanked and treated roughly during these GangBangs we arrange for our carnal pleasure. She loves her role as a little...

Group Sex
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Vintage Tube XXX! We’re going retro, boys and girls. Long before the internet came in and changed the game, we had to fap to actual VHS tape videos that maxed out at a dogshit resolution that you’ve never even heard of. They were more messy and blurry than modern 240p videos. That should tell you everything you need to know about the quality. But, there was still a lot of charm in porn back then. The biggest challenge was the actual making of the porn and the distribution. The world frowned...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Vintage Porn Fun! It’s fucking amazing how much porn we can access. Take a stroll over on ThePornDude to get a glimpse as to just how much goddamn porn is out there, not to mention the numerous varieties. From VR porn to pornographic games, chatrooms, sex lines, etc. To some extent, I think that if you made sexual smoke signals out of a campfire in your backyard, you would still find someone to beat off to it in your neighborhood.But sometimes, you want to go back to a simpler time. Every kind...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I’ve been gawking at a Vintage Adult PDFs all morning, and I feel like they’ve taken me back to an earlier era. Sure, I was flicking through pages on a hard, glowing tablet instead of flipping through the sticky, glossy pages of yore, but the PDFs actually manage to capture those classic porno vibes. Maybe it’s nostalgia or maybe it’s the Viagra, but I certainly enjoyed the hell out of myself. I was going to jack off anyway, and these guys helped me take a masturbatory stroll down memory lane,...

Vintage Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The Stork Twins Part 1

The place where I grew up was a medium-sized coastal city, a couple of hours away from Sydney, and it was a great place to live and to call my home town. My dad was sent there on a job transfer to take over as district manager for a big finance company when I was so young I can barely remember living anywhere else, and he liked the place so much that he used to tell my mother that if the company ever tried to move him again, he would just quit and find a new job.Now, about twelve miles out of...

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Chapter V Exposure

I honestly don’t know who was more shocked; me or Lincoln. The instructor’s lecture faded out of earshot for me as we locked eyes. He looked me with what appeared to be a mix of surprise and curiosity. I searched for any indication of anger or disgust, but I couldn’t find any sign as I studied him. Suddenly I heard my cue; my breathing quickening as I came to terms with what I was about to do.Stepping forward, I tugged the robe’s sash, feeling it come undone. My hands shook slightly as I...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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A trip to the park with my new friend

So today i had a meeting with a new friend. I was so nervous, as I am with all meeting. I was sitting in my car in my normal work clothes, black shoes with bkack trousers and a blue shirt with a maroon jumper. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until you notice my socks....or lack of socks. Instead i am wearing opaque stockings which go all the way up my legs and are attached to a black basque. Over them is a pair of satin red panties. I am a crossdresser and so is my new friend that i am meeting for...

4 years ago
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Mehmaan Ki Khatirdari Ki Lund Se

Hello friends mera naam anurag he me indore me rehta hu and college student hu .My age is 21 and my height is 5’’10’.I mostly like aunty,bhabhi’s..Vese ye meri first story he so koi galti ho jae to mujhe mail pe jaroor batana.Mera mail id he So friends ab me apne real incident pe aata hu jo abhi kuch dino pehle hi mere sath ghatit hua he.Mere ghar me mere mummy,papa, or me hu.Mere papa ko piles disease ho gai thi jiski wajah se unhone 1-2 month ki chutti le li mere papa ki govt. Naukari he.So...

3 years ago
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First public bloat

The First Public Bloat Never have I been so nervous in all my life, my hand on the car door, popping it open, then letting it close, popping it open, letting it close. I keep looking at the clock, minutes seem like hours, time is almost frozen. 2 am, 2:10, 2:15, 2:20, now almost 2:30. Finally the parking lot of Sheetz clears out completely, the store is empty. I do one last nervous check of my makeup in the mirror then step from the car. The warm humid summer air feels wonderful on my face and...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Charly Summer Goes Big For Her First Anal With Dredd

First anal daredevil Charly Summer returns to have DREDD “release the crack in” in this scene from Charly Summer has commissioned DREDD to be her first anal. She’s draped in floral flesh tone lingerie that compliments the bold beauty. With a break in the tease sequence, she shoots a quick snippet on her cellphone to announce her anal intentions. “Home Alone” emojis will be sparse after the posting. Jules Jordan asks Charly Summer to turn around. Jordan quips “This is the target...

2 years ago
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She Made My College Life Heaven

Hi all. I am bigdickboy. This is my first story here. I am expecting good feedbacks and suggestions from you all so that I can improve myself in future. I am from Coimbatore working in an it company here. This story goes back to 3 years. I joined in one of the reputed colleges in Coimbatore. It was my first day. I had a lot of expectations about girls since that college was very famous for that. But was a bit disappointed since there were only 6 girls in my class among 57 guys. Only 3 girls...

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You Just Never Know ya know

I was out on the road, On my way to Montreal at the end of my stint behind the wheel. I pulled into a roadside rest area, or lay-by... or in this case a 'pickle park', a cruising area for local and tranient gay and bi-men looking for a quick NSA hook-up. Hell, so was I. I was all nice and clean from the shower I'd had an hour ago at a fuel stop, and I was ready for almost anything now. I waited for a bit and sure enough, a girl walked up beside my truck from out of the shadows, and asked me for...

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Trust and Betrayal

Hello readers, I have always been a reader of iss but never did I even think that I would actually share my story here. Well, this happened a week ago but the roots of this story are placed three months ago. The setup Well, I am a 23-year-old guy who finished his b tech in computer science from a prestigious college in Bombay and got placed in a reputable it company in Bangalore to where I moved four months ago. After hunting for a flat for nearly 3 weeks in Whitefield near my office I finally...

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My Bondage Fantasy

We talked about meeting at our usual place; upon getting there I got into His vehicle and whispered hello to Him. He just took my hands and cuffed them behind my back, slid a blindfold over my eyes. Not even saying a word to me not even 'hello girl'. He pulled my legs apart and roughly grabbed my pussy, sliding a finger deep inside my dry hole making it wet. He moved His other hand up to my breasts and pinched them roughly. He handled me rough for a few minutes before he sat back and...

3 years ago
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Animal FarmChapter 7

While Stacy was getting dressed she noticed that Betty spent more time looking at her than through the window. As soon as Stacy had her panties and jeans and tennis shoes on, Betty started for the edge of the roof and the tree. Stacy followed without peeking at the swappers again. Vicarious thrills were fine, and they gave a lot of pleasure, but the real thing was far better. Besides, she told herself, if she looked at her horny stud of a father and his big cock much longer she might become...

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The Staff and the Hole

I've never done anything like this. I sat in my car and looked at the bar. I'd been sitting there for more than an hour. The Staff. It was a forty-five minute drive out of town to get there and even from the outside you could tell who went inside this kind of place. I wouldn't have even known where it was if my friend Jerry hadn't told me about it. Jerry goes into places like this all the time. "Look, I'm not saying you should go, ok? I'm just saying, that if you want to know what...

2 years ago
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Helping the Old Folks

My husband and I went to the old folks home to visit my great grand mother. This is one of those fancy homes where they have some assisted living and then some is the more traditional with the constant monitoring. My husband is a good looking guy nearing 50. He is a great fuck with a nice size dick and some balls that always deliver a good amount of cream that always make me feel satisfied. As we walked thru across the grounds this woman called us into her small house. She was probably around...

1 year ago
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Reunion Ch 71

Friday, the last day of the reunion. Katherine, and I woke up early, and cooked breakfast together. Cooking with her was one of my favorite things to do. It was just the two of us, no TV, no work, just us talking, cooking, and sneaking kisses from each other. We got ready, and decided to take the boat across the lake to the state park. Plenty of boaters park their boats just off of the sandbar, so there was no issues there. I let Katherine drive, while I was instructing her on what to do. She...

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First Time Meet N Fuck

Introduction: A sexy love story of James and Maggie. First time having passionate sex, with some anal. It has been two years since I was brought into this group, Internet Family. A lot of people came and went, but the originals still stayed. Me, Shauna, Rich, Gayle, Nathan, Emily, James, and Juan from time to time. Me and Shauna met in real life, but this time it was different. It was with James. The guy that I love with all my heart, and also makes me like a sex-crazed wild woman. I never...

4 years ago
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Rented Out Room PT3 Blacken

The exercise helped take her mind off what Reggie had done to her again yesterday. Christy had gone to the gym early in the morning, finished a good swim, got in some strength training, and returned home to take a shower, all before the sun had risen.A cool breeze blew through her golden hair as she finished running home from the gym and reached the front of her house. The stars brightly twinkled in the pre-dawn sky, and a sliver of the moon hung low in the horizon as if bidding farewell to...

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Pardon Me

I stood there with a "deer in headlights" look. Marie, my best bud's mom, laid there on the couch naked looking back at me. Standing over her also naked with a boner was a man I did not know. It would appear that these two were about to have sex but I must have walked in just as this man was about to plunge his cock into Marie. Finally the unknown man spoke " Hey sport, how about you come over and have first dibs on Marie's fine offerings." Marie head spun around. "But he has seen us both, he...

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The CulDeSac Of Virgins Part 4

When Bella's mother caught me fucking her daughter on the dining table, I didn't think for a moment she'd accept my offer to be next in line for a fucking.But here I was, On her bed, with her ass high in the air and me humping her for all I was worth. Humping a mature snatch required more work than a sweet virgin one. No matter how may vibrators, dildos or fingers a desperate virgin stuffed up her gash, the elasticity of their youthful skin kept their pussies nice and tight! They gave an...

2 years ago
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My Threesome with Madison and Cindy

It was Summer and school was out, normally a time of fun and relaxation. For me, it was a time of trauma quickly followed by anger followed by resignation as my girlfriend of a year and a half dumped me. Well, shit. Not only that, the news spread like I'd won the lottery. The only good thing was that I heard right away from two friends who had been in the same boat, then dumped overboard. I had gone through elementary school, then middle school with Madison and Cindy, and we were always pretty...

Group Sex
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MyDirtyMaid Julianna Vega Cleaning Up The House And The Hard Cock

Julianna Vega is hired to clean up this house but with her amazing body thats not the only thing she ends up cleaning. We get a closer look at her sexy ass and tits as the guy negotiates for her to clean in her bra and panties. Cant stop looking or talking about her great big ass and tits and super happy that she was talked into cleaning. The guy couldn’t hep himself from playing with his rod until she caught him but with some cash offerings she was down to help him out. She sucks and tit fucks...

3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 18

I woke up on my side, squooshed up against Jack with my head on his chest. His arm was wrapped around my back, the hand resting on my waist. I could feel the light sprinkling of hair against my cheek. I lay there, eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of his chest slowly rising in concert with the warm breath on the back of my head. My leg was laying on top of him, and I could tell he was as naked as I was. His morning wood was pressing into my thigh. No, I'm not naïve enough to believe my...

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The Trip Chapter 2

The Trip Chapter 2 Last night was very unsettling for me. Several times I had decided to leave early this morning. I looked over at my gear that was all packed up and ready to go. I could be on the bike and gone in five minutes. But the little I slept, and I am not sure I really slept or not, my night was filled with dreams, all of them involved me going to Ryker in the bikini. Once I even got up and went to the bathroom and shaved my legs and under my arms, something I had done a...

1 year ago
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Holiday Surprise

I was woken up by the first few sun-beams that entered my room through the half open blinds.slowly opening my eyes slightly, feeling the warmth of the summer sun, watching the sunbeams dancing in through the window onto my naked body, I knew this will be a wonderful long weekend.Sitting up in bed stretching my arms as far as a could to my bedroom ceiling I quickly got up, my body twitching with excitement.Flinging my white silk negligee on over my bare body, being just long enough to hide...

1 year ago
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Naukrani Ki Gand Mari

Hello meri pahli story hai to agar koi mistake ho to maaf karna. Ye kahani tb ki hai jb mai 10th me tha. Us samay meri height kuch 5ft 4 rahi hogi aur thora strong built tha. Baat durga puja ki hai. Har bar durga puja me main apne family ke sath gaon. Jaya karta tha. Humare gao pe bht sare noukar hua karte the. Par is bar jb main ganv pe gaya to meri dadi ne ek nayi naukrani ko kam par rakha tha. Naam dhanno. Uska figure dekh ke to mera dimag kharab ho gaya tha. Uski height bhi mere...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 34 End of the Semester Part II

May 1984, Chicago, Illinois “Hello?” I heard Kara’s voice calling from the foyer. Jackie and I had prepared lunch and were sitting in my office waiting for Kara to arrive. I got up and went to greet her. “Hi Kara. Lunch is ready,” I said. “Good. I’m famished!” she said, flashing me a smile. We exchanged a hug and she and I went to the kitchen. She and Jackie greeted each other and I got the pot of soup from the stove and brought it to the table. The three of us chatted during lunch, but...

2 years ago
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Wonderland 4

Stevie Travels to WonderlandSteve sat in the back seat of his parent's car and grumbled. Steve's parents had woke him up at 7 am to drive to his grandparents' house. What an ungodly hour to get up and drive for an hour and a half to see old people (although his grandparents were only in their fifties). Steve's mom had practically wriggled her ass around on the passenger side seat with excitement making her big jugs shake seductively. He sat back and marveled at how weird his senior year was so...

1 year ago
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Awesome threesome sex

Firstly something about me. I am 23 yrs. And stay in mumbai, i work with a firm in thane and that is where i have met some of my sex mates. Physically i am tall 5’ 10 in height and a very in shape athletic body frame as i do go to the gym for fitness n stamina.generally my sex sessions are slow with lot of foreplays and anal sex and gradually it moves on to intercourse. This way you get a lot of naked time with your partner/smy sex mates from my office are preeti and anita. Both of them are...

2 years ago
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Power Corrupts

Chapter 1 I was watching my wife walk across the parking lot to her car. I had shown up at her office to take her to lunch but as I drove into the lot, I found that she had already had a lunch date as they walked to her car. I didn’t recognize the guy but it was obvious they were more than friendly as they held hands. That’s when, I thought ... why not? I drove over to where she was unlocking her car and stopped. I rolled down my window and said “Hi, Honey, I was going to take you to lunch but...

3 years ago
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Living in a Sex Story

You have been enjoying reading sexual stories online since you can remember. Unlike other forms of porn erotica is only limited by what your imagination can conjure up. You can write about anyone real or fictional or even write about yourself giving every realistic or exaggerated quality you want. Whether it is fantasizing about your crush in school or sex pirate robots from Mars you are in complete control. If only real life could be that way. After reading for years you finally decide to...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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All for Daddy 2 Got what I asked for

I moved my ass back against the guy in my pussy, letting him get a full stroke into my wet snatch. The guy in my mouth bounced his balls off my chin and grabbed one of my tits, pinching the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, flattening it out and making my eyes water. These guys were going to get rough, but I didn't care. The rougher the better. The guy in my pussy pushed a thumb into my asshole, telling his friend in my mouth what he was doing. He shoved his other thumb in too and...

1 year ago
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Seven Fair Maidens Part Seven

It took about a week to get there but I finally did get there. I stalked through the town grudgingly; old memories returning and making me bitter. Familiar faces looked at me and cowered away. No one said anything to me until I knocked one over by accident. “Hey why don’t you watch where you’re… oh shit it’s you” the man said backing off. “Surprise, surprise” I said darkly. “Sorry about that, where’ve you been?” the man asked with a tinge of fear in his voice. “Away; now tell me, where are...

4 years ago
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Alien Possession

Chapter 1 Szx'ee and Wantu'u's minds wandered as their commander yammered on at them about learning all that they could about the dominant species on this new planet they had found. While they tuned out his broadcast, they were in private telepathic communication with each other. "What do you think that tall brown creature is outside the craft?" queried Szx'ee. Wantu'u, like Szx'ee and all the rest of its kind, didn't have shoulders -- it didn't even have a physical body -- but if...

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Floras WorldChapter 2

"Well, sir, how was I?" the girl asked me at last. She seemed eager to make sure that I enjoyed myself. "You were actually my best lover yet. I swear to God. Then again, my previous lovers lacked your exuberance," I answered candidly. "Why wouldn't anyone get excited about coupling? It's not only a pleasure; it's a sacred act. The gods ordained it for many good reasons. Are your people unaware of this?" she inquired, truly bewildered at the notion of anyone being less than happy...

2 years ago
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Lockdown With MotherInLaw And Wife During Summer

Hi all, we are a happy couple with a 5 year old child. We still have an extraordinary sex life. My age is 31 with light brown colour and with a decent body, at least no fat on my belly. My wife is 26 and though she has started to gain weight but still she is very attractive. We are still horny all the time like a newly-wed couple. But the heroine of this story is not my wife, but her mother and my lovely mother-in-law. My MIL is 41 years old. She had done child marriage as part of those old...

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Helen two

Pete was sat at his computer thinking about the events of the last three months, on the screen was a short video of Helen his 42 year old next door neighbour. How many of us as seen our near naked next door neighbour making love to a cucumber.Helen is very submissive and although she had a very sheltered life sexually she has moved on rapidly and with so much pleasure. For those who have not read chapter one I’m Pete 59 and started helping Helen financially when she lost her job. I’d be a lying...

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Reginalds DisasterChapter 16

Next morning, around 10 a.m., the doorbell rang, and Carol answered, careful to keep the door on the chain. She greeted the man who stood at the door. “Yes, sir?” “Mr Robertson, please. Are you one of the ladies that were with him?” “With him, where?” “On his trip to Scarborough.” “No sir. I am the housekeeper. Please wait while I ask Mr Robertson if he wishes to speak with you.” She closed the door in his face, picked up the house phone and dialed the office. Reg answered. “Mr...

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Unexpected Fun on Work Trip Part II

Hi folks,I guess you have all read the part 1 of this experience ( which it might seem too good to be true but is) so now the next part.. Now, here I was standing there with the new lingerie and clothes all alone in the store. I lit a ciggie and since I was already nude waist down, I just got rid of my t-shirt. While smoking I just wore the panty n panty hose. I slipped the bra over my arms and hooked it at the back. Next I padded the bra with the spare cloth and then came the top and the...

1 year ago
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The Pirate Bay

Who doesn't know The Pirate Bay, aka TPB? But, do you remember Napster? How about Bear Share? Kazaa? Lime Wire? Back in the early aughts, programs such as these are what introduced me to a whole lot of fun. I remember the feeling of excitement that came with downloading an album or a movie from one of these programs back in the day. I was young, too, so it was a little tinged with nervousness. That nervous excitement led to a fuck ton of burned CDs (full albums and customized mixtapes) that...

Porn Torrent Sites
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Mile High Club 2

After our union in the aeroplane predictably I recd a call in 2 days from the Minister’s secretery telling that his farm related legal work would be handled by me since the minster thought I was the right person for it. I knew its meaning but didn;t say anything..A week after that as I was working in office I got a call on my cell.It was the minister” Mumbai la aloy bhetayache ahe”(Ia m in mumbai let’s meet)He gave me the address of a out of way housing society where he had a row house.I said I...

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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 20

It was one of those days that Sal thought for sure would go down in the books as uneventful. His Aunt Gina was all caught up in some asinine Bingo game scam up in Yonkers that he viewed as a big waste of time. A lot of the residents were away at the shore making up for lost time because of the last two rainy weekends. He had an appointment to do Mrs. O' Brian's pipes right after lunch but she came down into the basement early in the morning catching him putting some Irish in his coffee and...

3 years ago
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My Luscious Step Mom ch 01

Introduction: -Me, My Dad & My Step Mom go on a camping trip My name is Max, Im an only child and I recently turned 19. My parents were both in their early twenties when they met but they didnt get on that well an split up when I was 10 years old, 3 years later my mom passed away so I went to live with my dad, during this time dad was on and off with women so he never really introduced me to them, he always told me he only ever loved one woman and unfortunately he didnt realise that till years...

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