Vintage Platinum 3 free porn video

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Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 3 Nate walked out in a huff angry and then the second he heard the door shut behind him it all hit him that he was suddenly stuck as a woman in a hotel with a man he had known only from the bar. He froze as some people walked by him paying him no mind and then peered back over his shoulder seeing Joe heading his way. "Did you forget something Nancy?" questioned Joe stopping next to him and softly touching his back. "I'm so confused but not even sure if I did," said Nate nervously as Joe softly put his arm around him moving him a few steps further to the elevator. "If you did Maxine will collect it for you but I'm sure you didn't," said Joe as the elevator opened. "Come on. Anything you need I'll be happy to get for you." "You would?" said Nate surprised. "It would be my pleasure my dear," said Joe being lead into a crowded elevator. All he could do now was casually smile as he stood next to Joe in the elevator trying to avoid eye contact with anyone else in there. When it stood at the lobby he was just another young woman with a man being ushered along inside the luxurious hotel. He remembered now glimpses of being there in the hotel before yet being new to town he knew he'd never been there at all yet somethings seemed so familiar. He was cringing feeling Joe's large Irish hand on his back atop his bra strap as every sensation seemed heightened as he was being led along. He looked up for a minute not even knowing what he should say and then suddenly they stopped as finally Joe took away his hand to reach out shaking the hand of the Ma?tre d. He watched a bill being slipped into the gentlemen's hand and then they were quickly being escorted to a table. When his chair was pushed in he was instantly seated at the fanciest lunch of his life dressed just as fancily for a Saturday afternoon but the even bigger realization came as soon as Joe sat across from him looking into his eyes he realized he was the one being fancied. "I hope this is suitable my dear?" said Joe as the waiter placed napkins over their laps. "It's a lovely place but you know I'm not used to any of this," smirked Nate watching the waiter pour them some champagne. "Well not as of yet but we both know you have certain exquisite tastes that can only be satisfied by the finer things in life," said Joe raising his glass and winking at the waiter. "Give us a minute please." "Of course sir," said the waiter. "Cheers darling," said Joe holding out his glass. "Cheers but we both know I'm nobody's darling Mr. Gray," said Nate clinking and sipping. "As you wish Miss Turner but you do look ravishing so you easily could be," said Joe sipping. "Let's say I'm still holding out hope." "Don't hold your breath now that I'm sober," snarled Nate downing his champagne. "But let's start with what happened to my clothes from last night because now I'm starting to remember what I didn't have when I left the room?" "You talking about the ensemble you wore out on our date or the retched clothes I found you in yesterday?" smiled Joe. "Because if you don't remember you agreed that Lola should send those out to be laundered." "Ohhh?" Mumbled Nate tapping his glass. "More champagne please sir." "Of course ma'am," said the waiter hurrying over and filling his glass. "Yeah that I do recall," said Nate holding out his glass staring at his lipstick stain on it before sipping it again. "So then what exactly did I supposedly wear out last night?" "So then you're curious about how beautiful you looked on our date I see?" said Joe with a big smile. "No I am curious about what happened while I was drunk," said Nate. "I know nothing of a date especially one that you can't state even occurred." "Oh Nancy how I do hate to argue with a woman," laughed Joe signaling the waiter. "Would you mind bring today's paper sir?" "Right away Mr. Gray," said the waiter. "You're kidding?" gulped Nate feeling his hands grow sweaty. "Please tell me you didn't have me photographed passed out like some derelict." "On the contrary my darling. You looked just as ravishing last night as you do today," said Joe taking the paper from the waiter and nodding as he left. "Thank you sir and give us just another minute. Now see for yourself Miss Turner." Joe opened the pages and took a few moments before folding over the paper and handing it to Nate. "That's me!" gulped Nate looking closely at all the couples dancing. "Yes in the white poodle skirt and the red sweater," said Joe. "You must at least recognize me?" "Well yeah but this proves nothing. They are a half dozen couple dancing out there," said Nate feeling better. "I see you clearly and then you can barely see the woman's face at the angle. All I see really is a blonde and some big boobs." "Well I heard you chose the bullet bra and who would I be to argue with having a busty date," said Joe flipping over to the lower page. "But if that's not you with tight curls dancing cheek to cheek with me than who is it Nancy?" "Oh my," said Nate feeling his stomach drop inside him. "That couldn't be me? And stop calling me Nancy?" "But it is?" smiled Joe coming around and crouching down pointing at the shots. "And it was you that asked me to call you that?" "Her hair does look freshly permed and she's smiling. I love black saddle pumps and that red sweater," gulped Nate having to accept it. "That is my taste for sock hop dancing and I saw Lola pull that outfit last night from her rack but I had no idea it could be for me!" "Well she pulled quite a few that would need no alterations so that you could wear something out last night," said Joe turning the page. "You apparently selected the tight sweater and poodle skirt from the options she gave you but even if those pictures don't convince you then I would think this other one will do it." As Joe turned over the newspaper revealing a much larger picture of the busty fashionable blonde he'd become was crystal clear and undeniable. Speechless he stared ready to cry as it was a picture of him blowing a kiss to the camera with his right hand while squeezing in tightly against Joe holding hands with his left. On Joe's cheek a vivid lipstick kiss shaped stain was present and a big smile was lit up on his face. There'd be no denying it was Nate beautifully outfitted and made up as quickly any last false hopes that he had been clinging would be gone. He could no longer refute he had spent a night out dancing as a woman as any theory about something different would now be completely washed away. With his bangs in a rolled under short style on his forehead fronting a thin red ribbon with a head of short kinky curls behind it, he knew now the freshly permed hairstyle was no wives tales as he looked almost like he just came from his sorority's dance. He had to turn away not to choke and sip his champagne again before he could muster the strength to look down to read the caption under the photo. "Oh my.....That can't be right," said Nate holding his chest before reading it out loud. "Bombshell blonde accountant Nancy Turner turned pin up seen with bar mogul and new boy toy Joe Gray right is rumored to be wooed to play supporting actress in a steamy new film." "It's the newspaper Nancy," smiled Joe. "They never lie." "Who wooed me?" said Nate frightened. "Please tell me I didn't sign anything while I was out in a dress?" "Not while I was with you and definitely not while you were in a dress but I did have to chase you down darling before I carried you back to the room," said Joe with a big smile. "You may not have realized this but you get a little adventurous when you drink too much." "What would make you think that?" said Nate having to laugh or he'd scream as he downed his champagne and then the waiter returned. They ordered their meals now as they sat sharing some laughs until finally an hour and a half had passed without either of them mentioning their situation. It was like they were back at the bar just sharing their life experiences and then once desert was finished the conversation paused as Nate wiped the chocolate from his face after finishing his truffle. "So bizarre as all this is I really hate to say it but I've enjoyed our time together," said Nate looking down at his lipstick on the linen. "And so have I," said Joe taking a breath. "You've been a delight." "Well thank you but I must ask you what I've dreaded bringing up," said Nate looking down. "I'm sorry but I must know? You said you were a gentleman but until yesterday so was I.... So did you kiss me?" "No Miss Turner," said Joe reaching over taking his hand. "You correctly stated. I'm a gentleman." "Ohhhhh....Wheehhhhh," said Nate taking a breath giving his hand a little squeeze. "Then we both still are then." "Well no I'd say that ship has sailed lovely lady," smiled Joe rubbing his thumb. "You did see the lipstick on my cheek right?" "Oh thank goodness so then I only kissed your cheek," said Nate feeling relieved. "Wheeww!" "No darling," said Joe taking a breath. "You see you asked me if I kissed you and I didn't because it was you that kissed me." "Oh my," gulped Nate. "But I'm a..a..." "Don't fret Nancy. It was certainly no gentlemen that kissed me," said Joe. "In fact it was the most feminine passionate woman that any man could ever be kissed by. It was a kiss from a bombshell blonde that no man would ever forget. The kind of kiss that men like me only dream about and honestly I can't stop thinking about." "You'll need to excuse me Joe," said Nate pushing back from the table and running into the bathroom. When he got inside he could contain nothing as he emptied his lungs vomiting his entire meal into the bowl on his knees. He was almost sobbing and moaning vomiting up any last morsels until finally he felt a hand from behind rubbing his shoulders. "You'll be ok Miss Turner," said Maxine patting his back. "I got here as quickly as I could ma'am." "I kissed Joe Maxine," said Nate hugging her weeping. "I kissed him and they even had our picture in the paper." "I know and he's gorgeous isn't he?" said Maine rubbing his back. "Those were some dreamy kisses and gave everyone goose bumps." "Please don't say that," said Nate as she took a wet towel wiping his face gently. "My apologies Miss Turner," said Maxine. "I meant no intent like I was after your man. You're a lucky girl." "I know you didn't," said Nate feeling so strange. "It's just I'm scared enough already and lucky? You think I'm lucky?" "Why yes ma'am. Extremely in fact. You're new here so I'm sure you don't know how in demand he's been by the women in this city but he's stayed away from the scene since his wife's been gone," said Maxine. "Really last night was the happiest I've seen him in years when he was with you." "Really?" gulped Nate. "Undoubtedly," said Maxine with some enthusiasm. "You too just looked so happy together." "Oh boy! What have I done?" said Nate slapping himself gently in the head. "I'll never drink again!" "Now please come because there's certainly not one of these boys you speak of here," said Maxine straightening his dress. "Let's get you to Sophie because from what I understand your dress will arrive shortly from Lola and Mr. Gray has a wonderful evening planned for both of you." "Again," gulped Nate. "He plans on me being out with him again." "Well of course and wouldn't you prefer an evening out that you actually could remember?" said Maxine leading him out the door. "Well of course but not like this," said Nate. "Oh we'd never send you out looking anything but ravishing Miss Turner," said Maxine. "Now don't worry you'll still look more beautiful than most of the women in the salon and that's even with you lipstick worn off and you're mascara half gone." "Oh wait," stopped Nate not knowing if he should fix himself or what to do. "Don't fret Miss Turner, we'll fix that when we get across the street and I'm sure your dying to see what Lola has in store for your exchange," said Maxine as they walked through the hotel. "You mean she has another dress ready for me to wear out for tonight?" said Nate as it did peek his interest. "Yes, she's been altering it all morning so it should fit perfectly," said Maxine as across the street they went. "It's not like you'd be out to lunch like an ordinary housewife on a Saturday night with your honey." "Is that what I look like?" said Nate stopping and pulling at the ends of his long swing dress. "A housewife?" "Well a quite beautiful one but there's nothing wrong with that," said Maxine as she opened the door to the beauty parlor. "But I'd care to wager no one would be thinking that once Lola dresses you for this evening." "Oh thank goodness there's not an ounce of food in my stomach then or I'd be heaving again just thinking about what I'll be in," said Nate walking inside. "See once again you're a lucky girl," said Maxine leading him towards the back. "Because from the dresses I've seen her make that should work out perfect because there won't be an extra inch for much more than a morsel inside that little tummy of yours." "Nancy!" said Sophie hurrying over and hugging him before pulling him towards the back. "Come darling. Come! I hear you were feeling ill and I hope you're feeling better now darling!" "A little but I'm mostly still pretty confused," said Nate as he remembered this place in the red chair by the sink. "Sit and that will pass. It's a blonde thing so get used to it now that you've joined the club," said Sophie wrapping her cape over him. "About that club?" started Nate. "And about last night Sophie? I'm hoping to fix a lot of the misunderstanding tonight so please don't be too harsh ok?" "Oh the harsh chemicals are over and you slept or daydreamed through half of it," smiled Sophie turning on the water. "Really you were quite the trooper because most of my new women complain with that much ammonia on their head and you asked for more. I never perm and tweak a color in the same night but with your willingness, virgin hair and light coloring it worked out for the best didn't it?" "Did it?" questioned Nate in disbelief as she scrubbed at his head. "Well I didn't hear a single complaint from you and according to my brother no one did?" Giggled Sophie saturating his head everywhere. "Now just sit and I'll be back shortly." He had no idea he was sitting there but it seemed like forever as his head began to burn. When she finally came back he was ready to explode but there was little he could complain about with women leaning back in the same position as he was at each side of him. When the water rinsed out his hair it felt wonderful and then she wrapped his head in a towel before bringing him to her chair. On his lap now she placed a bowl filled with an array of various shape and sized pins for him to hold. She began at first in the back brushing his hair up off his neck and inserting pins. From ear to ear now she ever so roughly combed through his kinky permed locks sectioning them off and isolating some curls. When finally both sides and the back felt so tightly restrained against gravity she began creating small distinct sections atop his crown. Starting at the rear left near the nape she stretched a one inch slice before dipping her finger into a blue gel coating the damp strand. She then twisted his hair around her index finger before sliding on a small pin as he felt it tightly bound to his head. Expertly she precisely spun the entire back of his head from earlobe to earlobe as before long half the pins in the bowl had transitioned to his head. Atop it now she combed switching his part for left to right now as she transitioned to a deeper part and then began grabbing some rollers. As she lifted behind his forehead pulling away from the part she dropped his hair atop a small wire plastic roller and then snapped down pins at each side. Slowly but surely she lifted roller after roller to his head and added a series of long thin silver hinge pins. It was nothing like waking up with his hair rolled back in rows instead now he felt more like she emptied a hardware store of nuts and bolts onto his head. When the hood came down and the hot air came on he looked around at all the women along the wall almost not believing he was seated amongst them as she handed him a magazine and walked away. To the left and then to the right his eyes rolled catching a few glimpses of other women that would softly smile as they acknowledged each other. Just a day ago at this time he had just finished up work before heading to the bar to soak up his sorrows yet now instead he was suddenly viewed as just another housewife who had headed under bonnet in the beauty parlor to soak away the dampness. He couldn't help but turn through the magazine's pages enjoying the sheer beauty and fashion of the models as he often did at times when his girlfriend wasn't around. This though seemed so different as he was now stuck experiencing all that being extremely feminine could offer as somehow he'd put himself in a position to spend a night out on the town as a woman with a man who seemed enamored with him. When the timer dinged he saw Sophie turn looking his way while working on a customer as Maxine headed over turning over the dyer. "She'll come get you when she's ready Miss Turner," said Maxine lifting the bonnet and checking his hair with her fingers nodding over to Sophie. She nodded back acknowledging Maxine and then began saturating a woman's head in hairspray. All Nate could do was sit and watch as women everywhere were being ushered around in various stages of their regiments and then he felt a tap on his wrist on the left. "Did I hear her call you Miss Turner?" said the woman as he turned looking at her. "Well?" started Nate not trying to be rude but not really interested in answering. "You are her?" said the woman covering her mouth. "You're Nancy Turner. I know it's you. I'm Betty." "Hello Betty. Do I know you?" said Nate dreading the answer. "Did we perhaps meet last night?" "Oh no my husband is a socialite like you fianc?e," said Betty. "I recognize you from the newspaper and your popular photo." "Oh how nice and he's not..." cringed Nate pausing. "I didn't realize my picture in that paper would be so popular." "Well I'm not sure if it is or isn't Nancy," whispered Betty. "I'm talking about the picture in the window down the block. You know on the corner of Front street and Main." "I'm sorry Betty?" said Nate twisting his neck. "You must have me mistaken with someone else." "Oh of course I do," winked Betty unfolding a flyer from her purse. "But hope you're getting royalties on the outfit because once my husband brought home this flyer from his golf outing this morning half the ladies in our bridge club hurried right down to that seedy part of town to get the same outfit." "You mean this one?" said Nate stunned seeing the racy picture. "You know it," winked Betty again. "We might not all be pin ups like you in a window but in the right girdle in candle light with my hair done like yours that should be enough to make for a wonderful Saturday night with the kids at my mother's." "Oh my!" sighed Nate looking at it again closely. "Thanks again and I can't wait to see what you model next time so I'm hoping they make it in my size," winked Betty gingerly squeezing his wrist. "You have a nice night as well Miss Turner and I won't even hold it against you if he calls me Nancy tonight in bed as long as he holds it against me all night." "Where did you say you got this again?" gulped Nate staring at the flyer. "At the lingerie store at front and Main?" said Betty curiously. "Why is another new outfit coming out at another location? Please tell me so I can get it for next weekend. Do not hold back on me woman!" "I really hope not and I'm not," said Nate frustrated. "You mind if I keep this." "Absolutely I do," said Betty trying to slide it from his hands. "You get to live it and I might need this to get him started. I'm sure you've got a room full of them." "But..." started Nate nervously letting go as she yanked it away. "Sorry, I'm just a bit anxious and my husband's been preoccupied lately," said Betty calming down. "I need this tonight as so many of us do and hopefully tonight will be special. Plus I don't care what people say about you because you don't seem that pretentious or conceited. I'll pass the word around town that you're quite approachable and not the tart they perceive you to be." "Well how wonderful of you Betty," said Sophie interrupting touching the rollers and pins on Nate's hair. "But if you ladies are done gossiping I'll need to finish Nancy for her date and you're hair is still quite damp Betty." "Oh, yes of course. Good day Nancy and thanks again," said Betty as Sophie pulled the dryer back down over Betty's curls. "Just ignore her and come on," said Sophie leading him to her chair. "She never stops blabbing so it's no wonder why her husband needs a little stimulation." "Ignore her?" said Nate getting visibly upset. "What else happened last night? What aren't you telling me!" "I'm not sure what you know and what you don't Nancy," said Sophie as he sat in her chair and she spun him away from the mirror. "Assume I know nothing! said Nate as Sophie took out some false lashes and began to glue them on him. "All I know is I was drunk and dancing supposedly with you brother." "Yes and then you got discovered," said Sophie pressing down on his lashes. "Surely you remember that?" "I don't," said Nate as the first one went on. "Discovered for what?" "Well Lola has friends in high places and then when they approached you last night," said Sophie pressing down the other. "Well let's just say lucky for you that my brother cares so much because you seemed a little too smitten with a little fame." "Fame! You mean like the flyer," said Nate sickened as she worked stretching his eyeliner. "Well that's part of it but nothing to be ashamed of we'd all love to model if we could," said Sophie dipping into her rouge. "Look forward doll." "I saw that flyer," moaned Nate. "They took a picture of me in my underwear put it on a flyer. I could be all over town now and it's already out in a window Betty said." "Honey get a grip of yourself and pucker for me," said Sophie working on his lips. "They did nothing but asked you to pose for the lingerie shop owned by Lola's company and the MGM picture company to promote their new bullet bra. You on the other hand jumped at the chance, ran off with one of the producers and I'm still now sure what how much trouble you got yourself into. Luckily for you both my brother and Lola tracked you down and stopped it before it really got out of hand." "How could be worse than that?" grumbled Nate as she continues touching up his lips at the edges. "I saw the picture. I posed in women's underwear and now it's everywhere." "And you make a gorgeous pin up. Be happy because very few girls could pull that off and you look fabulous on the poster," said Sophie opening her purse and unfolding a flyer. "Here I do have a flyer as well since I heard you say to Betty you wanted one." "I think I'll never drink again," gulped Nate staring at himself as Sophie went behind him now beginning to remove pins. Nate couldn't remember a second of this as he stared at himself on flyer as a pin up girl dressed provocatively in women's lingerie sitting with his legs half open atop white satin sheets. Around his waist now a jet black corset with red boning and red lacey edging pinched in his ribs and stomach. From beneath it streamed thick black garters attached to black fish net stockings and on his feet now in open toe spikey red heels. The immense black stain bullet bra would be the new feature of the flyer but all in all he looked more ready to sell himself at the saloon instead of having just being drunk in one earlier. He had no panties that he could see in the shot instead his hand was positioned to block his apparently unseen boy parts as the eye would be drawn into the Russian red nails of his right hand that hid anything unseen between his legs. With his tight curls hanging down towards his face in a sexy short style and a red rose comb above his left ear, his new perm and luscious lips were prominently featured as his left index finger was positioned sexily outside his lips near his chin. "Oh I'm sure you'll drink again but just don't overdo it," said Sophie patting his hair in the back and tugging on little sections as she continued unpinning it. "But on the brighter side your hair really did take to a perm so well. You're a lucky girl." "I wish people would stop saying that," said Nate following her to the back. "And then why do I have to keep getting all these curlers on my head if it's already permed." "You didn't last night in those shots did you and you looked quite inviting didn't you?" teased Sophie as she began dropping rollers from atop his head. "That wasn't the question," moaned Nate as she began lifting the top with her fingers and now started spraying. "I know," chuckled Sophie arranging and patting. "You can wear your hair in tight curls naturally now but sets hold shape better with perms. Your hair will now hold curls and waves beautifully all the time." "And that's a whole new problem," said Nate frustrated. "No it's just a whole new you but let's get you dressed and you'll sort that out with my brother I'm sure," said Sophie pulling off his cape. "Come your dress is to die for!" "Really?" said Nate intrigued getting up as she prevented him from cheating seeing his hair. Off to the back room they went and then Maxine joined them with a new shaping device that looked more like a strait jacket. "Let's help you out of all this Miss Turner," said Maxine helping him out of his swing dress and then started on his undergarments. "Ok?" said Nate as she unclipped his bra. All Nate could do was stare happy for the moment that he felt free as he looked down at his bare chest. When his little cincher and bottom came off it was like he could breathe again yet that would be a momentary relief as he stepped into his new one piece undergarment. "Ok this is a bit of process but the results will speak for themselves," said Maxine sliding it up his hips and grabbing hold of him. "Don't mind me Miss Turner but I need to pull little Mr. Turner out of the way ma'am." He turned bright red insulted at her derisive comment but was in no position to throw a tizzy fit as without any other warning she tucked him back. Being dressed as they asked was really his only option to get himself out of this mess anyway so just that fast the stretchy bottom was pulled in place as he could see nothing but a flat crotch and waist and then everything got even tighter. When she snugged is midsection inside the garment she then pulled his arms through the straps and he was inside the one piece undergarment like a sausage. A few pads then were fitted inside the cups and then suddenly his full body shaping was underway as she tightened the built in girdle sucking him in even further. "Suck in hard Miss Turner and hold it ma'am," said Maxine as she pulled the rear laces. "Now even harder and hold it until I tell you ma'am." It seemed twice as tight as his previous garment cutting into his legs and arms as it began almost a second skin. He was experiencing the trial and tribulations of a full stretch body shaper corset with a built in girdle as finally she knotted the strings in back and then took out a cloth tape measuring around his waist. "It's got hip pads?" said Nate surprise. "I've got hips and I'm even more busty now." "You've got some gorgeous shape Miss Turner. Now one more time ma'am please," said Maxine taking hold of the laces again. "You're kidding," said Nate astonished looking down at his pinched in body. "No Miss Turner. You're dress is custom cut and unfortunately unforgiving," said Maxine. "Now suck in even harder and now isn't the time to hold back. About another half inch should do it." He almost couldn't believe he was cooperating as she pulled harder now straining his rib cage and abs sucking him in. When she tied off the laces again she re-measured his waist and then was seemingly satisfied trimming away the excess laces and zipped up the stretching enclosure atop them. "I don't think I can even move in this," whined Nate as she ignored his whimper anyway rolling some stockings up his legs. "Hold my shoulder Nancy," said Sophie as on went his shoes and as the first one was being buckled he held on her dear life. As much as he wanted to scream and run, his curiosity was so much stronger dying to know what had been custom made for him as he was still smitten with beautiful dresses. He twisted his neck before Sophie stepped right in front of him now to keep him from peeking as inside the closet now as Maxine went to get his dress while he stood quivering in his heels. "Oh no you don't pin up girl," teased Sophie reaching out and taking off his earrings. "Eyes on me and try not to think about how sensitive those pretty ears are right now." "Ooohhhh that hurts bad," whined Nate as switched his earrings. "I know but it'll be worth it," said Sophie dropping a necklace of his chest. "You're worth it Nancy." "Lift and just let me Miss Turner," said Maxine as she was kneeling in front to his left now and lifting his right leg. "It'll take a little wiggling." "No cheating," said Sophie lifting his chin as Maxine lifted the other leg. "Your boyfriend is outside and wants to see your reaction." "Please don't call him my...wait?" started Nate as he could feel it slid up to his hips. "You're saying Joe is here now?" "Yes and he's dying to see you," said Sophie as she touched some perfume to his neck. "Wiggle for me a little Miss Turner," said Maxine pulling the dress over his hips gingerly. "And dying to take you out so promise me you can just have as much fun sober as you did drunk," said Sophie as he felt the dress around his waist and then Maxine dipped down his left arm. "That I can't do and that's not even something I want to think about," gulped Nate as in went his right arm. "Don't be so sure especially once you see yourself," smiled Sophie as he felt the zipper slide up his back. "Now don't close your eyes and don't move for a moment." As he closed his eyes he felt the softest sensations touch down around his neck and then opened them realizing he was in pitch darkness. "Ladies?" said Nate a little startled he was in the dark before he felt a hand take his left hand and then his right. "They're here but so am I my love," said Joe as Nate felt his breath in his face and his lips ever so briefly tenderly touch his before the lights brightly came on. "Joe I..." started Nate objecting as he looked up seeing him back away with a smile. As he eased away releasing both of Nate's hands and then stepping to his right as Nate couldn't utter another sound seeing his reflection in the floor length mirror in front of him now. He stood now mesmerized knowing he looked better than he ever imagined previously in photographs or his swing dress yet now he stared at someone much more glamorous. He had seen a dress like this before worn by celebrities or actresses but never been out with a girl dressed this exquisitely let alone expecting to step into her shoes. Step into her shoes he had though as he looked down at his feet in silver criss crossed strappy 4 inch heels and then above it he was in an almost white light silver colored cap sleeved satin sheath dress. The tight form fitting silhouette cocktail dress clung to every inch of his pinched and padded body as there was no question now why they needed to meticulously measure him. With fully padded hips and a voluptuous D-cup on top he now had a bodacious hour-glass shape that filled out every inch of the unforgiving captivating extravagant dress. Being as fashion conscious as he was, he recognized instantly he was in a dress that was considerably more expensive than anything he had spent with Lola so this was certainly not something that represented any exchange. He had always been enamored with expensive glamorous sheath dresses and now he was cocooned inside one like it was a second yet restrictive skin. With his hands on his hips he momentarily admired the high waisted shape and then quickly understood that the slightly below the knee length tight pencil skirt barely gave an inch as he staggered taking a small step. It also took a few stokes of his fingers to realize the thick white collar attached to the dress felt like real fur and then it was all hitting him so quickly that he was undoubtedly trapped as this extremely feminine vixen. It wasn't like he could get out of the dress or his undergarments anyway without assistance nor could he just walk away from his new look. After yesterday, he could maybe slick back his hair to hide the perm or grease it enough to darken the blonder color but no longer would that be of much help as he now donned an even more striking color. With his hair back in the sink for longer than he expected she had stripped away any last darker golden ash brassy elements as he was now unmistakably platinum blonde. What seemed lightened or tinted instead now had become strikingly unnatural yet somehow instead resulted in something quite striking and wonderfully glamorous. There was no doubt that Sophie was as good at her craft as they came as she had now combined the glorious color with a trendy short style as he twisted his neck inspecting his hair. In the back now his entire head was filled with dazzling pin curls looking full and beautifully layered. In front from a left side part his hair had been sprayed up slightly off his forehead to add an element of lift before it turned down into a two distinct sleek marcel waves before blending into his pin curls near his ears. It was a chic glamorous style normally sported by the most beautiful stars of the era sitting so elegantly coordinated atop his shoulders. Before he'd take even a step he knew he Sophie had delivered a coiffed style atop his head suited perfectly for a woman in fur and high fashion. Accenting this gorgeous ensemble, a large crystal hung beneath a series smaller crystals in a chandelier tiered style earring in each fresh piercing. Coordinated perfectly around his neck a sparkling crystal pendant necklace sat just below the fur collar and just above his faux bust. On his right wrist a thick tennis style bracelet added to the bling and large lavish faux diamond rings on his left pinkie and right index finger finished off the look. He also couldn't stop blinking staring at the big false lashes and over lined plump darker ruby red sparkling lips added more drama to his makeup now. Never in his wildest dream could he have imagined he'd be the girl that was staring back at him but he was and then the slightest twinge broke his gaze. "Shall we darling?" said Joe touching his elbow. "Shall we what?" gulped Nate bamboozled. "I don't even know what to say Joe." "Then don't say anything Nancy and just enjoy the moment," said Joe reaching down and taking his right hand. "And the evening... and worry about tomorrow tomorrow." "I'm an accountant not a... a... whatever I am now," moaned Nate looking down at his red nails intermingled with Joe's fingers. "Not tonight my darling," said Joe lifting his hand and softly kissing his wrist. "Now our table awaits us at the Front Street Theater down the block and I know that Frank Sinatra is your favorite so I'm sure you don't want miss a chance to sit front and center for his show." "I've always wanted to see him in person and that's been sold out for months?" said Nate stunned. "Did you say front and center?" "Well you wouldn't go through all this trouble to look so ravishing to sit in the back would you?" smiled Joe rubbing his thumb. "Well no but..." started Nate until Joe put his finger at his lips stopping him. "But then we mustn't be late," said Joe pulling away his finger and smiling as he looked at Nate. "Chances like this don't come around this often and it's not like you'd be in a dress like this every day would you?" "Well again no," gulped Joe knowing he really had no excuses and this was the show he was dying to see. "Then again darling," said Joe holding out his forearm. "Shall we?" Somehow the warm room grew cold as he felt goosebumps grow across his bare arms as he took one last look at himself swallowing hard. Sophie came over now handing him a little silver clutch purse and then walked over holding open the door for them to exit. He was the platinum bombshell in the curvy skin tight dress in heels and it was instantly all he could do just to breath with every flinch or minor tinge as his nerves had the best of him now. His fingers were shaking as he reached out taking hold of Joe's arm as no longer was he drunk or confused as clearly he had just agreed to be Joe's date for the evening and he knew it. With a pencil skirt so tight it was a challenge just to move forward it was like he needed to re- learn how to walk only able to take little baby steps. By the fifth or sixth step they were finally from the room he was hanging on for dear as the dress restricted his movements and never having walked in heels so high. When they got outside the two block walk felt like twenty miles as the smallest evening breeze seemed to blow right through his dress. The gentlemen in Joe took off his suit jacket half a block into their journey and wrapped it over Nate's shoulders cementing further his stance to keep his darling safe and warm . Nate was snuggled in now walking unsure if his shiver was from the cold or his predicament as he looked up seeing the long line to get in. With the Marquee in lights above them and the ornate theater only steps away he almost forgot his predicament for a moment growing excited about the show. It seemed like hundreds of people were on line inside the red velvet ropes and then he found himself being led towards a much smaller line. "Good evening Mr. Gray," said a man unclipping a gold hook. "Enjoy the show sir. Enjoy the show Mrs. Gray." "Thank you Fredrick," said Joe stuffing a bill in his hand and letting go of his grip on Nate's shoulders. "I'll need that sport coat now my dear and you can have it back if you're still chilly inside." "Oh," said Nate as he slipped it from his shoulders. "I guess I'm ok right now." "Wonderful now just smile once we turn the corner and I'll handle the rest," said Joe taking his hand. He looked around at all the people gazing out them as suddenly they had skipped the main line and were walking in with the VIPs. He almost couldn't believe his heels were now clicking across the cobblestone as he squeezed down tight on Joe's hand on the uneven ground. It was frightening just to be stared at by so many people and then it became terrifying as some flash bulbs popped. "Just give me a minute honey," said Joe pulling away and stopping to talk to a reporter as suddenly Nate found himself alone awaiting his return five yards away. He looked down realizing he was standing on a red carpet with other people ahead of him and then as he looked up again Joe seemed twenty yards ahead of him being dragged in for a few more interviews. "Miss Turner! Miss Turner," yelled a man. "That's you right? Please ma'am can I have a word." "I've really got not much to say," said Nate turning and seeing the man with a pen and pad. "It is you ma'am," said the reporter. "Please Miss Turner. Everything about you is so mysterious?" "I heard you're from Nebraska?" yelled a man. "No I heard Tennessee," said another man. "And used to do dirty magazines?" "What?" gulped Nate turning away. "No. Now please." "Then clear it up Miss Turner," said the reporter pressing. "We've seen the papers and pictures but what about your boyfriend. I don't see a ring? Is it true you're engaged?" "Engaged?" said Nate shaking his head. "I'm just out to see a show." "Please Miss Turner. Give us something for all your fans," said the reporter. "Are you the next big pin up? We heard you signed a movie deal? Please give us something and at least one good shot?" "Fine?" said Nate rolling his eyes and putting one hand of his hips. He was suddenly swarmed by the cameras as they snapped shot after shot as he found himself blinded. When the flash bulbs slightly subsided he was wiggling down the red carpet with some spunk and then clutched Joe's arm pulling him away from the reporters. "I need a minute my darling," said Nate with a little tug. "Thanks everyone," said Joe waving to them and yelling back at the reporters. "A woman like this you just can't keep waiting." "This is ridiculous now Joe," said holding his arm as they smiled walking past some other interviews with the paparazzi and then inside stopping off to the side just inside the lobby. "Who exactly are you and where are they getting all these rumors about me?" "I'm the same guy you just meet and I'm so glad I'm your darling finally too," smiled Joe pecking a kiss before Nate turned his cheek away. "Stop it," said Nate through his grimaced teeth. "It's bad enough I'm out like this sober but don't take advantage. My head is still spinning as it is on all this." "I've never taken advantage and never will. That I can assure you and but that doesn't mean you aren't simple irresistible?" said Joe softly touching his face. "I'm sorry but it wasn't me that made the first move yesterday so as you can imagine it can be a tad confusing when you feel an urge to shun me but alas I'll always be a gentlemen." "A tad confusing?" said Nate getting angry. "Do you not think I'm not much more than a tad confused about everything?" "Maybe at times but then the inner woman inside you seems to overpower your former mistaken old self," said Joe looking into his eyes. "If you noticed the attention you've garnered just walking into a room then I'm sure you'll understand why any chance just to touch those soft red wet lips is impossible to pass up." "Please let's just go see the show," said Nate looking away. "I can't accept that. I just can't." "As you wish Nancy but I saw the way you looked at yourself today and we both know that's the type of woman we both desire," said Joe holding out his arm. "Desire doesn't mean become," said Nate taking his arm. "That I told you was a misunderstanding and but let's just go enjoy the show because you're right there's no point wasting all this now that I'm stuck like this." "As you wish my darling," said Joe leading them out of the lobby and inside the main theater. "Oh Mr. Gray," said an usher. "This way sir and how wonderful to see you ma'am. I have instructions to add your table immediately sir." There they were holding hands and weaving through tables until before he knew it they were at the mouth of the stage. Nate watched in amazement as another worker carried the small table over his head weaving through people before dropping just inches from the center of the stage. As the next usher dropped down two chairs and then pulled out Nate's chair, he was suddenly seated at a small table with Joe at the best seats in the house. While Joe shook a few hands exchanging some pleasantries with some other people he knew, the waiter arrived pouring champagne as the theater was filling with patrons. Nate looked around still amazed at where they were seated as more and more acquaintances of Joe's briefly stopped over leaning in hugging him and kissing Nate's cheek. When finally the parade of friends seemed to end and the lights slightly dimmed, it would at least shortly be show time so Nate could hopefully quietly settle in. "I'm sorry for all that but I'm all yours now," said Joe lifting Nate's wrist and kissing his hand. "I hope these seats are satisfactory my dear." "You kidding me? Wow!" said Nate looking down at his hand being released and then across at Joe as Nate's eyes got big. "Ok, now you never did answer my question. Who exactly are you?" "Joseph Gray. Your date who is overjoyed and humbled to have the honor just to be here with you this evening? The same guy you kissed yesterday except in a tuxedo tonight," smiled Joe lifting his glass. "But you know that already? Cheers darling?" "Maybe but the man I met yesterday was a bartender?" said Nate sitting back and twisting his neck somewhat skeptical sipping his champagne. "Cheers." "I'm still a bartender. It's just you didn't know I owned the bar," smiled Joe. "I love bar tending and just because I've become a little more affluent these days doesn't mean that I've given up all my shifts." "Affluent?" said Nate with a smirk. "Is that what you call yourself because getting the front row table at a place like this seems like more than just being simply affluent?" "With some affluence often come connections my darling," sipped Joe calling over the waiter to refill their glasses. "Are you complaining because I'll ask them to move us back if that satisfies you." "Well about the seating absolutely not," smiled Nate shaking his head no. "But there is the other problem to deal with?" "The only problem I'm aware of I believe you've already dealt with that quite nicely. You look stunning this evening," smirked Joe. "I made be well to do finically but you're the one that's garnering every stray eye in the place." "Yes and I'm still not sure whether to scream or run regarding that one but it's not like either one of those things would solve my current predicament anyway would it?" said Nate. "That pin up poster of me that I have no recollection of doing is across the street right in the window. I couldn't be any more on display could I?" "You might want to rethink that one darling as here come the MGM executives from last night," said Joe reaching across and tapping Nate. "Whatever you do please don't get yourself in more trouble than you've already may have for yourself or that pin up poster will be nothing." "You mean I did that for MGM?" said Nate stunned. "Afraid so yes?" said Joe. "Now just be polite as these guys can be pushy." "Mr. Gray, Miss Turner," said the first man. "Good evening again." "Yes good evening Mr. Calvin, Mr. Jones," said Joe standing up shaking hands. "Nice to see you fellas." "Thanks and Nancy you looking ravishing this evening," said Mr. Jones extending his hand. "Thank you," said Nate having his hand kissed by Mr. Jones and then Mr. Calvin. "We need just a moment before the show starts?" said Mr. Calvin. "Of course," said Joe. "What's on your mind gentlemen?" "Well I don't want to mix business with pleasure Miss Turner but I couldn't help but notice you've colored your hair?" said Mr. Calvin. "Oh?" said Nate taken a back not expecting anything like that reaching up at patting his hair near his neck. "Uuumm...well.. did I?" "And that you're reefing to as business," Interrupted Joe starting to get angry. "We mean no disrespect to your of course gorgeous date Joe," said Mr. Calvin standing firm. "She looks more stunning than ever but you must understand that is business from our standpoint. Miss Turner?" "Oh hair?" said Nate rolling his eyes. "Well I did just get my hair done for the evening at the beauty parlor and didn't even notice." "Interesting?" smiled Mr. Jones. "Well we did. It's lovely and very becoming on you but is it a touch shorter as well I believe?" "Oh I don't think so but maybe. Really only my hairdresser knows for sure," said Nate pulling a pin curl for a moment and flicking his wrist. "It's probably just the perm." "I see and your curls are lovely Nancy but let me be frank Miss Turner," said Mr. Calvin inspecting. "I don't want to be rude and the studio does approve of your splendid choices for this evening but you do know we now own the rights to that correct?" "The rights to what?" said Nate surprised. "To everything dear," said Mr. Calvin. "You signed off on that last night and we must approve any appearance related changes from this point forward but we will let that go for tonight. At least you did wear the dress we approved to wear at a public red carpet event so please just remember should you want to deviate from what our stylists provide when in public we will of course work with you but you will need our approval. Your image is everything now Miss Turner." "Guys please," said Joe interrupting. "You've made your point and the lady and I our out on a date. Now unless your intent is to upset someone you expect to represent you by looking glamorous than I'd appreciate if you'd defer this conversation until a more appropriate time. Don't you agree my darling?" "Uuummm yes? Now please gentlemen if you wouldn't mind? I'm.. I'm..." said Nate struggling just to say it and then having to spit it out. "I'm out with my boyfriend." "My apologies Mr. Gray," nodded Mr. Calvin. "And no further conversation is necessary now that we've provided clarity to such a minor predicament." "Good evening Nancy," said Mr. Jones kissing his wrist again and stepping. "I look forward to working together again and enjoy the show tonight."

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MagicianChapter 73

Róisín and I were tracking a terrorist suspect, not our normal modus operandi by any means, but we’d been tasked to do it by Mage Morgana at the behest of Mage Hermione. Hermione had somehow got word through diplomatic contacts that the Coalition were aiding and assisting a group of mundane terrorists to attack the government of the United States. Normally even if we had word that a terrorist attack was planned, we wouldn’t necessarily bother telling a mundane government, unless it also...

2 years ago
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Pool Party

Two young girls, Emily and Alice were enjoying their summer vacation at Emily’s house while her parents were visiting their family. It was a hot day, and they decided to swim in their back-yard pool. Alice: I’d love to go for a swim right now, but I don’t have a bathing suit! Emily: I would let you borrow mine, but I only have one. It has a swim skirt on it though, maybe one of us could wear the bottoms, and the other the skirt! Alice: Wow, that’s really risqué. It’s such a tiny skirt, it...

1 year ago
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Across Eternity Book 1 Chapter 9

Oath, Trevor, and Mira fell to their hands and knees, close to passing out. They had finally managed to escape the centipedes and were now back in a normal corridor. Their strength was next to zero, and Trevor was knocking back potions. Only once all was calm did they finally get back on their feet. “We need to find Noah and Beth,” said Oath, “we should—” A solid fist striking his face both cut him off and sent him falling to the ground. His eyes were rolling like billiard balls, but the...

4 years ago
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My Wifes a Slut for BBC Blacken

My wife and I have known each other since high school. She's 44 and I'm 48. She is extremely attractive with a beautifully proportioned body. She is moderately conservative. Open to a wide array of sexual fun.We enjoy sex its one of our favorite activities. My wife is very sensual and an incredible turn on in bed. She is multi orgasmic and loves to come. I love to make her cum. I love seeing the intensity of the orgasm over take her body.I think I have a big dick and I know it satisfies her,...

1 year ago
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Intercity Express

Hi readers and my name is Sreekumar, from Cochin Kerala. I am into a business which demands tour to Bangalore and Chennai often. Last month that is February 2012, I had to tour Bangalore for my business purpose. I was travelling by a day train the intercity express from Ernakulam to Bangalore. I had my seat reserved in the chair car. My seat was a window seat in a row of three seats. The other two seats were vacant. The train started at 9.10 am and soon it was in the next station Aluva a girl,...

1 year ago
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Slave SisterChapter 4 Back to School

Fran was awakened by a soft buzzing under her pillow. Following her brother's instructions she got up and removed her night cloths then walked naked past her mother's bedroom to her brother's room where Dave would be waiting to have his sexual desires serviced. As Fran walked across the room Dave laid on his side against the wall making room for his nude fourteen-year-old sister to lie down on his bed beside him. Fran climbed into her brother's bed then lie on her back and spread her legs...

4 years ago
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Boredom Its Price Can Be Devastating

It just got to be too much, too many hints, too many inconsistencies. Sally and I had been married a dozen years. When we wed it was for all the right reasons, but things had changed. We both 'grew', as they say. For me, it meant I settled down and saw a future. At least that's what I called it. The bar scene bored me now, the loud music and drunks weren't fun any longer. The music was so loud I couldn't really talk over it, and it was important to me now to connect with people. The...

2 years ago
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Incident at Pima MesaChapter 10

Miranda awoke and immediately looked to the floor. Ellen lay curled up asleep, thumb in mouth, two fingers of her other hand in her nest. As Miranda stirred slightly, the minister's wife also awoke. "Come here," commanded Miranda. Ellen obeyed silently. "Did you do last night as I told you?" inquired Miranda threateningly. "I... I..." Miranda grabbed the labial ring, pulling it down painfully and forcing Ellen closer. "Better tell me the truth! You know my demons are...

3 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 20

Life in Hawaii for the Sanderson family was quite different than life on the island with the blue lagoon. Their estate on the island of Hawaii was still a paradise as far as Allison, Amy, and the girls were concerned. After a week, they still had not explored it all since there was so much to do just in the vicinity of their magnificent mansion. There was a tennis court where Allison was teaching the girls what she knew about tennis. Of course, the pool was the main attraction. Amy was...

4 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 02

© 2011 All rights reserved * A week later, Ryan was pleased to be in a soft cast. Her ankle hurt far less and she was off her crutches, but she couldn’t wait to be done with the whole damn thing. At least, she thought as she came in from work, she wasn’t thinking about how it had happened every time she walked more than a block. Just a few more days, she reminded herself as she stared at the contents of the fridge. She frowned, pickings were slim. She wondered if there was any mac’n’cheese....

1 year ago
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Shagging My Partners Milf Boss 3

I had decided to pay her a surprise visit at her place of work.I let myself in through the backdoor.They had had some trouble recently and had installed a keypad('Even my husband doesn't know the password',she said when i first used it).I walked to her office and saw her leaning over her desk.She wasn't dressed in her usual managerial outfit instead she was sporting a tight white t-shirt with a short black skirt and for some reason no shoes.I crept up behind her and grabbed her arse.She turned...

3 years ago
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A Memory of Pleasure and Abuse

I am in my early twenties 5'4", tall have long brown hair, blue eyes, and a little over weight what one might call ripe!. My breasts are 38DD. I tend to be a little shy when you first meet me, but once I get to know you my shyness quickly fades. I am more comfortable in the company of men, especially black men and tend to be more than a little wild around them. Blacks make me crazy, they can be so powerful.cruel and heartless. I am always afraid as I have such dark fantasies about...

4 years ago
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Introduction You can't believe your bad luck, you were in your family's summer loft in New York, when word of the virus broke out. Everyone was on a strict lock down. No leaving the house under any circumstances to avoid any further contamination. If you tried to violating the order you risked worse than infection, you risked imprisonment. You at least have a well stocked place, packed with enough essentials by your paranoid, prepper parents to last months. You have internet and video games and...

2 years ago
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My Bike Ride Now A Pleasure Ride

Hi this is Krish, age 25 working in an MNC in chennai. I am 6 feet tall, look good. Your reviews are welcome at I travel in my bike which is about 25km to office. I’m very social, talk to many people, I play I go to gym in my office . One day I was playing snooker with a group of 4 people 1 female in that ,we were making fun and we all become good friends, couple of times we had lunch together. A lady named Kavi priya become good friend with me. I normally leave office late hours, I...

3 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 42

The drone from a church organ on the radio cracked the silence of an early Sunday morning as Joe and Selena slept off a long night of rich food, wine and spirited love making. Selena rose up her nude body and reached over Joe to the radio to switch the station to an FM music station and then hit the snooze bar. Her breasts hung in his face as he opened his eyes. "God! I thought I was in church and then I open my eyes to these beauties, I was sure I was in heaven." He joked with his...

3 years ago
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Threesome With Two Gals On A Holiday

Hi guys, this is Ash King and here I bring my second to you after a long wait. As I am an avid and solo traveler, I love to explore new places and new girls. This story is from one of my 7 trips to Goa in the last 6 years. Every trip to Goa has given me a new experience with all different women. Coming straight to the story. It was in December month of the year 2017. I was on a solo trip to Goa to welcome the new year in style. I had a fabulous party on New Year’s Eve. I was staying in a youth...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare

Alex's Adventures in a Land of Wonder Truth or Dare © Nick B May 2007 I would never have thought that my mother would have taken me with her. I was sixteen for God's sake and I had better things to do. Actually, I didn't, but I could have found something and anything would have been better than going there. I'd got into trouble at school (not for the first time) earlier. It wasn't my fault, but the teachers... well you know how teachers are and Mum had gone ballistic. I was in...

1 year ago
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Hardcore Coworker

The night begins as many have for me in the recent past. I’m in my own place all alone and just got done another day of work. I sit down to watch whatever I plan on watching on the television this night just like any other. I’m kinda tired and just lay out on the couch and just lounge out trying to fall asleep. Nothing good on so I just keep closing my eyes trying to doze off. I’m so tired that I actually fall asleep for a brief few minutes when all of the sudden my phone rings. I say to myself...

3 years ago
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The Borrowed GirlChapter 6

Max scurried behind the broken plank board fence so he would not be seen from the direction of the parked car. His heart was beating fast just like it did when he was chasing down the nanny in the park. He had felt like the hunter then pursuing his prey and striking home with his spear into the juicy female pie that he had become addicted to after that first incident when he was still a teenager of just nineteen. Now he felt like the quarry hiding from the superior force. The danger was all...

1 year ago
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Dost Ke Ma Ko Patni Banaya

Mai jo kahani likhne ja rha hu woo kahani nhi balki hakikat hai ye kuch hi dino pahle ki ghatna hai Mai jab engineering kerne ke liye chennai gya tb ki baat woo soory mai to introduce kerna bhool hi gya tha woo my self sanu alam jab mai college gya to waha ek naya friend mila jiska name tha raja … Us se dosti hue fir ek din woo apne ghar bula ker le gya jab hm log uske ghar pahuche to ek bahut hi khubsurat mahila ne gate open kiya mere friend ne mom bola to mai ne v aunty ko wish kiya fir woo...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 391

I was up early. After breakfast, Andy and I went to the hospital to see my wounded and talk with the doctors. The injuries were worse than I had been told. The doctors did not want to, but accepted that they would be shipped back to the US today. The men did not want to go home either, but understood the options were better there for rehab and could spend time with their families and assist in training as they felt like it. Linda called to tell me that the investigators were at Entebbe...

1 year ago
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I Dominus East meets West

I Dominus: Japan – East meets West It was three in the morning, Tokyo time. I was wide awake, sitting in a leather chair in my hotel suite, looking out at the brilliant, Tokyo Tower. My eyes shifted to the shimmering, city lights that reflected off the Sumida River. Tokyo is a beautiful, modern city. Crowded, noisy and always bustling. But, if you looked past the Tokyo Tower, that rose bold and stark against the skyline, to the white, snowcapped peak of Mount Fuji, you were taken back in time....

4 years ago
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A Weekend With GeorgeChapter 3

George woke up on Sunday morning feeling pretty rotten as the result of the entertainment from Francine's party. Nevertheless, he had no intention of messing up his plans for today. He had been planning this for a long time, and he wanted to be able to savor his revenge for 17 years of mistreatment. Therefore, George took a stomach remedy that Emily had always reserved for herself (it was too expensive to waste on a pet). He had pilfered a dose as he passed the bathroom on his way to the...

2 years ago
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Sexy Morning Shower

It was the beginning of a Monday morning; Lydia was waking up and rose slowly, bed covers slowly gliding down her lightly dressed body. She put on her pale pink silk dressing gown as she turned down the bed, meanwhile, Tristan who was lying next to her not five minutes ago, a slow riser, caught a glimpse of her tender bosom as she put the dressing gown around her, tying it at the waist in a simple bow.He watched her leave the room, with gentle footstep into the large en-suite bathroom, a loving...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Sofie Reyez Creampie Commencement

Sofie Reyez is new on the scene but that does not mean she is shy. In fact, she seems eager to prove that she can suck cock and take in her pussy with the best of them. She begs for some dick before our stud shows her to the hotel room and slips his huge rod between her pussy lips. She moans while he strokes away and shows this brand new chick exactly what it takes to be a porn star. She rides up and down, getting his pole wet with her pussy juice until she cums hard on his big boner. Then she...

4 years ago
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Daddys Little Girl part 1 of 3

Daddy’s Little Girl, part 1of 3Written By BigCarlEdited by DeepBlueSeaIt began when Charisma and I got together. She was a hot black girl with a great body that was curious about what it would be like to have sex with a white guy. I just happened to be the white guy that she wanted to have sex with to find out.Considering I‘ve never had a black girl. I was more than willing to help her find out what it was like to have sex with a white guy. Needless to say it was great. So we got it on and kept...

1 year ago
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The adventure of A family

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers another super semi Classic from your Incester read this long story and write to me. My wife, son, daughter and I were tired. We had hiked all afternoon up the mountain, then set-up camp for the night. My son and I made ourselves a nice camp, well organized, as my wife and daughter prepared dinner. It might've been freeze-dried and instant food, but we all knew it was going to taste like manna from heaven after the long, hard 16 mile trek....


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