Stay Still free porn video

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You don't have to read my first story to know what it is going on. I am simply using the same characters.



“Don’t…move…” Mason growls, his breath warm and moist against my bare, fluttering stomach as the fingers of one hand biting painfully into the flesh of my hip as he attempts to keep me captive. His stubble chafing my sensitive skin as he draws my navel ring between his teeth and yanks and twists aggressively and a smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth as his actions cause me to squeal and wriggle in a mixture of pleasure and slight protest. “Arianna, what did I just say?" he turns his face into my inner thigh and nips at the tender flesh.“I just told you not to move…you’re going to mess up my masterpiece.”

“I never realized you were so artistic,” I tease, as I lift my head from my pillow and glance down at the happy face, heart and the number 25 that he’s drawing -with the end of a piece of red licorice as a pen and chocolate sauce as the ink- on my lower stomach.

I seriously don’t know how I got caught up in this mess; the entire bed is littered with remnants of every one of my favorite snacks -everything from mini multicolored marshmallows, licorice and sour candies to chocolate sauce and fresh strawberries- and my naked and thoroughly ravaged body held prisoner by the two neckties wrapped around my wrists and then attached to the headboard.

“This isn’t very fair you know,” I complain, watching as he -clad only in a pair of black boxer briefs that make his ass and his impressive package look insanely wonderful- dips the end of the licorice into a small dish of chocolate syrup and then draws a circle around my navel. “Why am I the only one that’s naked?”

“There’s no reason for me to be naked,” he reasons, and then once again coats the tip of the candy in the sticky sauce before grinning slyly and adding: “At least not yet.”

“You’re so difficult,” I huff, biting back a squeal while my back arched clear off the bed when he purposefully allows chocolate to drip into my belly button.

“What did I say?” he scowls, and grips my hip even tighter and forces me down onto the mattress. “I told you to lie still Arianna. You’re screwing things up. Just lie there and be a good girl and let me finish.”

“When do you ever not get to finish?” I retort, and heaving an exasperated sigh, drop my head back onto my pillow and tightly screw my eyes shut. “It’s not as easy as you think, Mason. Trying to stay still while someone is messing with you like this. How would you feel if I tied you to the bed and tortured you buy pouring chocolate all over your dick?”

“I would fucking love it,” he concludes. “You could make your own chocolate éclair out of me. Isn’t that one of your favorite treats? Don’t you love éclairs? I’ll be your own personal one. Chocolate covered and cream filled.”

“You’re horrible,” I grumble.

“Terrible,” he agrees, and commences putting the finishing touches on his ‘painting’.

The myriad of sensations assailing my body are almost too much to bear; the cool rumbled sheets under my flushed and aching body, the fabric of the ties cutting into my wrists, the friction of his stubble against my skin, the press of his fingers into my hip and the gentle swirl of the sticky, warm chocolate mixed with the scrape of the licorice. All of my senses are in overdrive; the smell of all the treats combined with the unmistakable musky scent of sex and the taste of strawberry, chocolate and bodily fluids -of the male persuasion- clinging to my lips.

Has anyone ever been sexually tortured to death? Died from insane pleasure? Been fucked into oblivion? Imagine having to be the poor bastard in charge of writing that obituary? I can only ponder about my parents’ reactions when they see the crime scene photos of my lifeless body tied to the bed and covered in a buffet of goodies and…

“There!” Mason suddenly chirps, and I open my eyes and raise my head from the pillow just as he sits back on his heels between my splayed legs and admires his handiwork. “Check out my masterpiece. I’m a regular Monet.”

“Monet painted landscapes,” I inform him, and he gives a shrug and sucks the remaining chocolate sauce of the end of the licorice before biting off a huge piece and requesting that I ‘stay right there’ before scrambling off the bed. “Oh no way…” I shake my head vigorously and struggle against my bonds as he scoops the digital camera off the nightstand. “…there’s no way you’re taking a picture of me. Not like this.”

“I’m just taking a couple of my art work,” he says. “Nothing down south or up north. Just in the middle.”

“This is taking pervy to a whole new level,” I complain. “I agreed to the tying me up and using my body as your own personal smorgasbord, but pictures? This is beyond creepy, Mason.”

“It’s not like I’m taking pictures of you playing with yourself or anything like that. Or filming us having sex. Which a lot of couples do, by the way. For their own personal future use. Don’t you think that’s kind of hot? Having a starring role in a porno that you can watch while we’re fucking? I think it’s hot.”

“I think you’re seriously fucking disturbed,” I grumble.

“Relax…it’s just a couple of little pictures. For my eyes only. Just of my piece de resistance. That’s all. I promise I won’t take anything above or below, okay? No one will ever see these pictures," he says, and then snaps off a couple and checks the images in the LCD screen before powering down the camera and returning it to the bedside table. “Now what’s next?” he inquires, that playful sparkle returning to his eyes and a mischievous, boyish grin tugging at the corners of his mouth as he surveys all of the food and then gobbles up the remains of his licorice as he admires my naked form. “I think I’m in the mood for…” he chews on his bottom lip as he considers the options. “…one of these…” he scoops up a marshmallow and climbs back onto the bed. “…you like these, right babe?” he asks, as he places one end between his teeth as he leans over me.

I nod in agreement and once more lift my head from the pillow as he brings his face within mere inches of mine; forcing me to struggle against my restraints in order to close my own teeth around the exposed end of the marshmallow. “You’re a fucking bastard!” I bellow in exasperation after he backs away several times; chuckling the entire time and highly amused by my futile battle.

“You be nice to me Arianna,” he warns, as he finally lets me bite off my share of the treat. “You’re the one that’s tied up, non? I’m the one that put you there, remember? I could always leave you like this; go down and spend the rest of the night at a club. Bring back some bi-curious or full out lesbian waitress to join us.”

“You wouldn’t,” I scowl.

He gives a devilish grin and then wriggles his eyebrows before leaning into me once again. It’s the first time he’s allowed me to kiss him since this whole fiasco began; he’s been insistent with his teasing and has either pulled away just as our mouths touched, or ran the tip of the tip of his tongue along my lips before laughing hysterically and bailing on me completely. Now our lips move sinuously against each other and his tongue, while insistent, is unbelievably soft and patient as it glides against mine. I want nothing more than to break free; tunnel my fingers in his hair and dig my nails into his scalp or explore -and marvel over- the muscles in his shoulders and back as they bulge, ripple and twist under my touch.


“Untie me,” I order against his lips, and he shakes his head and attempts to pull away. “I said untie me!” I insist, and clamp my teeth down on his bottom lip hard enough to break the skin and draw blood.

“Son-of-a-fucking-bitch!” he hisses, and causes even more damage to himself when he recoils. “You…” shaking his head in a mixture of dismay and disappointment, he places two fingers against his injury and then surveys the blood that’s left behind; an almost wolfish grin spreading from ear to ear. “…you are a bad girl, Arianna. A very bad girl. I think you deserve to be punished for that, don’t you? I think you deserved to be…I don’t know…” he sneaks an arm under the small of my back, hoists me off the bed and uses his free hand to smack my ass; a vicious, ringing slap that echoes throughout the room and both brings tears to my eyes and causes me to cry out.

And totally turns me on.

“Untie me!” I beat my heels against the bed and strain against the ties holding me captive. “Untie me, right now goddamn it!”

“I’ll untie you…but first…” he runs the tips of two fingers along his bloody lip and then shoves them into my mouth. “…first I have something else planned for you, little girl. You trust me?”

“What are you going to do?” my eyes widen and slight panic settles in when I see him reach for a black and white checkered scarf and then holding the corners in his hands and roughly snaps the fabric. “…what are you going to do?” I repeat. “Seriously, Mason…what…?”

“Do you trust me?” he asks once more, that almost threatening tone to his voice and the darkness in his eyes immediately lifting. “If you don’t trust me…”

“I trust you,” I assure him. “With my life. You think I’d let you do all of this if I didn’t?”

“I love you,” he says, and then presses a tender kiss to my lips. “You know this is all in fun, right? That when I talk like this and I act like this…”

“We both enjoy it,” I conclude. “A lot. It’s just playing. I know that. I know you’re not really like this.”

“I won’t do anything you don’t feel comfortable with, Arianna. If you get weirded out or anything…”

“I’ll tell you to stop,” I promise, and he kisses me once more before placing one of his large palms behind my head and lifting it off the pillow. “I’m a little scared,” I admit, as he covers my eyes with the scarf and secures it tightly near the nape of my neck.

“I won’t hurt you. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. Are you okay?”

I nod and then inhaling deeply, release a slow, shaky breath.

“You’ll enjoy it…I promise…” his breath is hot and sweet against my bare skin as he presses a series of feathery kisses across my collarbone, over the tops of my breasts and in the valley in between.

I can’t suppress the shudder that travels through me when his slightly calloused palms and fingertips drift slowly down my sides as he slides his way down the bed. Gripping my hips tightly, he places a single kiss to the inside of each thigh and I feel his stubble brush against the top of my pubic bone as he uses his tongue to clear the chocolate off of my body. His actions are painfully slow and deliberate; his mouth avoiding my aching pussy and the juices that flow freely from it as he concentrates on cleaning me off. I’ve never felt anything so incredible in my life; there’s no words to describe the powerful surge of emotions and sensations that stampede through me at not only the touch of his lips and the press of his fingers in my skin but at the realization that I’m powerless against the way I’m feeling. Sight and touch have been taken away from me and it’s mind blowing to have to rely on my other senses to enjoy the moment.

“Mason…” his name escapes my mouth in a low, throaty moan and my entire body trembles as the tip of his tongue travels up my body and one of his big, strong hands reach up to fondle my breasts and lightly twist and tug at the tiny silver rings that dangle from my painfully hard nipples. “…please don’t tease me anymore…” I plead. “…I don’t think I can take it…please don’t do it…”

“I’m almost finished,” he promises, and sucks on my belly button piercing and pulls at it with his teeth before his mouth continues its ascent. And when he slips one of his hands between my legs and brushes the tips of his fingers against my dripping pussy and takes one of my nipples into his mouth and sucks aggressively, I cry out and arch my entire body clear off the bed. “I’m going to untie you now, okay?” I can hear the lust in his voice; the shakiness in his tone that indicates he’s having a harder time holding himself back than he’s actually letting on. “I’m going to let your hands go but leave the blindfold on…” he gently suckles at one nipple and then the other and then kisses his way up to my lips. “…alright?” he asks, and tenderly brushes my hair off my sweaty forehead.

“Alright…” I meekly agree; my chest heaving as he quickly releases one hand and then the other.

“Roll over onto your stomach…” he instructs. “…keep your eyes covered and roll onto your tummy…”

Rubbing at one chaffed wrist and then the other, I readily obey.

“This is going to be good for you, baby…” trailing the tips of his fingers along the entire length of my spine, he glides his palms over the smooth, globes of my ass and lightly smacks both before lowering his head to press a kiss to the small of my back. “…I promise this is going to be amazing…here…” I feel the mattress shift underneath me and the hair on his arm brush against me as he reaches for something at the top of the bed. “…lift up…” he says, and slips a hand under my tummy and raises me slightly in order to place a pillow underneath me; effectively elevating my hips and my ass. “You are so beautiful, baby…” his voice is intoxicating and I shiver as he slips a hand between my legs and thoroughly coats his fingers with my juices before trailing them over the cheeks of my ass before slipping one finger inside my tight, puckered hole.

I can’t hold back the scream that erupts from my lips; the intrusion is painful yet so incredible and my hips jerk backwards and force his finger further inside of me.

“You like that, huh?” a chuckle rumbles from deep within his chest. “You’re such a dirty little slut, Arianna…all of those people that think you’re just so sweet and innocent…if only they knew how big of a sick and twisted little slut you actually are…”

I let loose an ear piercing, window rattling shriek when he slaps my ass even harder than before and he roughly uses a knee to shove my legs open and then unceremoniously slams his cock inside of me. This is nothing more than a pure, unadulterated fuck; one of his hands is keeping a firm hold on my hip as he continues to finger my ass and pounds into me at a bruising, punishing pace. My fingers claw at the sheets below me and my lungs struggle to gather air as my body continues to be driven into the bed. It’s no doubt that this is most erotic and incredible experience of my life. It’s exceptionally dirty and insanely fast and over before I even have a chance to prepare myself; I scream into the mattress and my head spins and my heart hammers in my chest and I’m vaguely aware of Mason reaching his own completion almost immediately. His hips jerking forward one last time and practically pinning me to the bed and his fingers biting into my hip as he explodes deep inside of me with a long, loud shout that he’s unable to contain.

And my last coherent thought -before my brain and body both short circuit and I black out from the extreme pleasure that courses through me - is once more centered around whether or not someone can be fucked to death.

Because if it’s at all possible, what a hell of an amazing way to go.

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Stay Still

AllSet Human Sculpture Rentals : You have recently been accepted by their selection panel and have been invited to be placed on view for a ninety-minute stint at the Hands-On Sculpture Reception in a neighboring state. The attendees will be mostly couples. Drinks will be served. You will travel there and back in the company limo. You will be paid the usual and customary first timer fee of $2,500. You will be placed, nude, on a rectangular pedestal about a foot off the floor. You are to remain...

2 years ago
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Stay Here With Me

Generally I work out of my apartment, on the computer, but I'd had to spend the morning downtown with a major client finalizing the details of the design work I'd been doing for them. They were very happy with my presentation, which made me very happy. I was glad not to have to tinker anymore with the shit I'd done for them. And happy in the knowledge of the big fucking check I'd be getting for the month spent working up the designs to their exacting specs. Mostly though I was working hard...

3 years ago
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Staying With Erin Chapter 4

A quick look at the watch told me that my adventures this morning had taken up quite some time, as it was already half past ten. “Why don’t you show Paisy a bit of the farm while I start cooking?” Erin didn’t wait for my opinion, jumping up from Bridget’s lap and grabbing my hand. “We’ll be back inside at twelve!” Crossing the threshold to the outside world nude felt strange, but my friend simply pulled me through the door and there I was, blinking my eyes in the glaring sunlight and...

3 years ago
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Staying With Erin Chapter 4

A quick look at the watch told me that my adventures this morning had taken up quite some time, as it was already half past ten. “Why don’t you show Paisy a bit of the farm while I start cooking?” Erin didn’t wait for my opinion, jumping up from Bridget’s lap and grabbing my hand. “We’ll be back inside at twelve!” Crossing the threshold to the outside world nude felt strange, but my friend simply pulled me through the door and there I was, blinking my eyes in the glaring sunlight and...

3 years ago
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Staying Virgin In Bangalore

Leaving home town to live all by myself has been a dream of mine from since 10th class. Mostly to show to my family that I am not a weak girl. After finishing my bachelors, and getting past the fresher status in Mumbai job market, I worked really hard to score a good job in Bangalore. Told my parents I wanted to live a solo life for a few years, in Bangalore. Dad nodded yes only after I promised I will return in 2 years. That was an easy deal. 10 Sept 2017. Landed in Bangalore. Shared room with...

3 years ago
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Staying True to Who I Am

I'm just an every day Joe. In fact, my name is Joe, Joe Walters. I'm not a great looking athlete, or a rich businessman. I don't have visions of future inventions or super powers. I have always been just a regular guy without a lot of drive. My job is okay, but I just want to enjoy myself without any of the unnecessary stress. I'm in my late forties, I've lived in a nice trailer park for the past twenty plus years. I divorced a long time ago, and have two wonderful kids whom I love...

1 year ago
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Staying at My Cousins House

100% fiction! One day my mom told me we were going to stay at my aunt's house. She told me I was going to stay in my cousin's room (which only had one bed). My cousin ,Taylor, was a very hot girl who was only about 2 years older than me. She had nice round ass, the usual sexy features. When we got there we greeted each other. After that we just did normal family things. Watched TV, ate dinner, etc. A few hours later it was time to go to bed. As I said, I was staying in my cousin's room which...

2 years ago
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Stay With Me Tonight

Chapter One: The beginning.My first affair started so innocently. At the time, I had been married to my husband Erick for over twenty-four years and had been absolutely faithful. Of course, I had received plenty of offers from horny males over the years and, regularly traveling out of town for my work, I’d been tempted but had always laughed them off.I’d been very happy in my marriage to Erick who was a wonderful man, lover, protector and provider. I couldn’t have asked for a better...

4 years ago
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Staying at my friends house Part 2

Thanks for the reviews. I don't really know where this story is headed, so share if you have any ideas. Would you rather have shorter or longer stories, and more or less plot. DAY 2 Paul was still straddling me, his dick slightly limp and dripping the last of his cum. A drop of thickening semen fell off the tip and landed above my mouth. I laid there not knowing what to say or do, while feeling his semen and my tears slowly start drying on my face. The taste of his load was...

1 year ago
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Staying With Erin Chapter 2

“...akey! Time to get up now!” A female voice pulled me from a delicious dream of my secret object of desire, Brandon. I somehow had ended up in the boys’ locker room alone with him, and, without wasting words, he had pushed me against the wall, his body taking possession of me, his strong thigh pressing between my legs, his large hand massaging my breast. For some reason or another, we had both already been nude. I was sweating and just an inch away from coming. “My, aren’t you two an adorable...

2 years ago
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Staying with Friends

threesome – mfm - bisexual male – oral – analI had a bit of vacation time that the rest of the family couldn't join me, and our old friends from our hometown, Lori and George, invited me to come out and stay with them. They're a little bit younger than us and have no c***dren. They're both tall, slim and good looking. George is taller than me, blonde and good looking. Lori has the face of a model, is about 5'6, with short dark hair and small breasts that seem to be as firm as when I first met...

3 years ago
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Staying Out Of The Papers

A freelance journalist is investigating a gang of international white slave Staying Out Of The PapersA short damsel in distress story by Freddie Clegg ? Freddie Clegg 2007All characters & events fictitious  Part 1: Sweet Judy Blue Eyes We don?t like people interfering in our business. We much prefer to be left to ourselves. I mean every organisation has some aspects that wouldn?t look to good if paraded before the public. The odd sweetener paid here, the bit of nepotism there, maybe a...

1 year ago
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Staying late with Mr Neely

18 year-old Scott Brennan was walking down the hall his toward the gym on an average friday. School had just ended, and it seemed like he was the only one staying late. His best friend, Brandon, was coming with him to the gym. They often stayed late to hang out in the gym. Shoot some hoops. Or maybe play some soccer. Scott seemed to be a typical teen to most, but those who had seen him play soccer or basketball knew that he was way above average. He was star player on their basketball team and...

3 years ago
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StayatHome Dad

In Marc’s free time, he experimented with cooking. Jane and Paula liked the half-assed pasta-sauce he created. They did not just enjoy eating it, though. They suspected Marc made the pasta sauce when he was horny. As he stirred the sauce with his big wooden spoon, he imagined himself stirring the juices in their pussies. Sometimes he would get hard just thinking about them. They smiled at each other when they got home from work and smelled the aroma. One, or both of them, was in for a good...

2 years ago
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Stay the Course part 8 Day Two waking up in Toronto

Stay the Course – Part eight: Day two: waking up … Please read the previous chapters to get the idea of the story line. I heard myself moan, you know that moment between deep sleep and waking up, trying to hold onto the dream that’s making you feel so good. Was I panting? I smiled, the dream I was having, it felt very real. I was bound to the bed, my ankles tied, my thighs spread, my arms stretched at the other end. ‘Mmmmmmm.’ I heard myself moan again and I bit my lip. I could feel...

3 years ago
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stay the course

Stay the Course: surprise! Part one I looked at the small screen in front of me that showed the flight path and ETA, 30 minutes to landing in Sydney. Nine hour stop-over in Sydney, then the long haul to Canada. John and I had been chatting online to each other for almost a year now and we had, very early into our chats, decided that we wanted to meet. We both had significant others. Well, I had my Master and he had a girlfriend and a couple more young girls on the side. From the three of them...

3 years ago
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stay the course part four Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club

Stay the course: part four: Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club Please read the previous chapters to this story, it helps for the story line. My eyes widened and my hands shot to my collar wondering what had given it away. I felt my face a deep red when I realised that in my playing with it I had turned it right around so that the ring for my leash and the lock was visible. I just stared at Robert at a loss for words. Robert was still smiling at me then he whispered, “It’s ok Taatiana, I...

3 years ago
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Stay the Course Part 6 Meeting Master John and the cabbie

Stay the Course Part 6: Meeting Master John. Please read the previous chapters, it helps with the story line. I hope that you enjoy. I walked into the terminal and scanned the area. I couldn’t see Master John anywhere. I moved myself into a corner and put my bags down. I had my carry on bag top of my case that I had collected from the baggage area. I decided to find my phone and send my ‘task’ pictures to my Master while I waited for Master John. I remembered Master John had told me he wanted...

2 years ago
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Stay the Course part 8 Day Two waking up in Toronto

Stay the Course - Part eight: Day two: waking up … Please read the previous chapters to get the idea of the story line. I heard myself moan, you know that moment between deep sleep and waking up, trying to hold onto the dream that’s making you feel so good. Was I panting? I smiled, the dream I was having, it felt very real. I was bound to the bed, my ankles tied, my thighs spread, my arms stretched at the other end."Mmmmmmm."I heard myself moan again and I bit my lip. I could feel something on...

1 year ago
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Stay the Course Part 6 Meeting Master John and the cabbie

Stay the Course Part 6: Meeting Master John. Please read the previous chapters, it helps with the story line. I hope that you enjoy. I walked into the terminal and scanned the area. I couldn’t see Master John anywhere. I moved myself into a corner and put my bags down. I had my carry on bag top of my case that I had collected from the baggage area. I decided to find my phone and send my ‘task’ pictures to my Master while I waited for Master John. I remembered Master John had told me he wanted...

2 years ago
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Stay the Course Part Five Satisfying Sarah and Sir

“Sweetie?” Robert interrupted my thoughts. “Yes Sir?” I answered still smiling in my thoughts. Sarah was standing next to him. Changed from her uniform, she was wearing a tight t shirt, cute little mini skirt with 3 inch heels and a huge lusty grin. I stood up and went to stand in the aisle next to her; Sarah looked at the seat where I had not long ago given Nick a blow job. I looked at Sarah and she kissed my cheek as she brushed past me to sit on the seat I had just vacated. ‘The Get Your...

2 years ago
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stay the course part four Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club

Stay the course: part four: Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club Please read the previous chapters to this story, it helps for the story line. My eyes widened and my hands shot to my collar wondering what had given it away. I felt my face a deep red when I realised that in my playing with it I had turned it right around so that the ring for my leash and the lock was visible. I just stared at Robert at a loss for words. Robert was still smiling at me then he whispered, “It’s ok Taatiana, I won’t...

2 years ago
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Stay at hotel

I am working for a quite big company and my work involved touring outside my state or within as well. I was in the state of Gujrat in India. I used to stay in good hotel on company’s expenses. I had only checked into this hotel and on the reception counter was a sexy, gorgeous and amazing looking female called ramani (got her name later on). She was as hot as a pancake all dressed up in a traditional Indian saree. Sometimes sje used to wear a Salwar Kameez. She too was horny it seems. I was...

1 year ago
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Stay At Home DadChapter 4

Here I am sitting in a jail cell. I'm charged with assault with intent to maim or injure. Funny, that was what I intended to do. I guess I'm guilty. They didn't use the murder charge because I didn't have any weapons. Not even car keys - I left them it my van when I jumped out. I soaked my hand in a bucket full of ice when I was in the holding cell. Damn, they hurt! They're still swollen and I do have a number of cuts and abrasions on them. According to Jim, they ought to be better in a...

4 years ago
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Staying Put

‘Mark?’ The voice in my phone was so soft I could hardly hear it. ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Who’s calling?’ ‘It’s Chris,’ the voice said, a little louder now, but still not much above a whisper. I knew I recognized it, but I was still at a loss. ‘Uh, hi Chris,’ I replied, still groping for a face to go with the voice. ‘From swimming,’ she said. Then I knew who it was. She sounded like shit. ‘What’s wrong?’ I asked. ‘You sound pretty bad.’ I think she tried to chuckle, but it didn’t work. ‘Yeah,’...

3 years ago
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Staying at the inlaws

I woke up from my afternoon sleep feeling groggy. As I lay there I heard a noise from upstairs, a sort of moaning. I got off the bed crept to the door to slowly creeping up the stairs, the moaning sounded a lot clearer as I looked into the lounge I could see two bodies fucking on the floor, my cock immediately grew hard. What I saw was clearly my wives parents, Tom banging Ruth doggie style from behind, from the angle I was standing I could see his cock pounding her and her big tits swinging,...

2 years ago
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Staying with Aunt Fay

Milton had been staying with his aunt Faye for the last two days. He had been there as a helping labouring hand and he was the muscle in the helping of the refurbishing of his auntie Fays house. She had asked him and offered to put him up for a few days, she would feed him, clean for him and even pay him if he were to come over and do some hard graft. Her husband, who was Uncle Thomas to Milton, was out on business, having gone to a conference in Cumbria which was up North so he was very much...

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Stay still

You don’t have to read my first story to know what it is going on. I am simply using the same characters. Enjoy! __________________ “Don’t…move…” Mason growls, his breath warm and moist against my bare, fluttering stomach as the fingers of one hand biting painfully into the flesh of my hip as he attempts to keep me captive. His stubble chafing my sensitive skin as he draws my navel ring between his teeth and yanks and twists aggressively and a smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth as his...

2 years ago
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Staying Close to my Sister Part 4

My sister Elizabeth gave birth to our darling Emily, and my mother gave birth to our beloved twins Jane and Jennifer, all three born mere minutes apart. Sally and Amanda, my aunt and cousin, were both beautifully pregnant and helping with the babies that had already arrived. The prior mothers were already quite experienced, though clearly Elizabeth and Amanda had inherited their motherly instincts. The former lesbians Trisha and Karen had since moved in, glowingly pregnant themselves and...

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