Gun Play free porn video

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The girl smiled at me again.   Could this really be happening, it was like a dream come true.   Taking my hand she said "Hold me tight in your strong arms"  pressing her body tight against me,  I enjoyed the feel of her pert breasts against my chest through our thin t-shirt's.

I was slightly drunk, the music washed over me as she whispered "Shall we find somewhere quiet?"

I nodded,  smiling,  as she looked up into my eyes.

"I just need the toilet,  see you again in a moment my darling" she said before she disappeared.

Forever.   Along with my wallet containing over a hundred pounds and several credit cards.

"Bitch" I hissed between my teeth several times as I hung around in the club hoping she might rerurn;  perhaps someone else had stolen my wallet and she was still in the toilet - feeling unwell perhaps?

"Bitch!" I shouted into the cold night air as the doorman threw me out.  To get home I faced an hour or two's walk across the city, then across the suspension bridge to the town on the other side of the river.  

Last time I had found myself stranded after a night out I had phoned my wife to fetch me;  that was perhaps one of the reasons she had left me.


I would phone her and wake her up just to annoy her anyway;  I smiled for a couple of seconds until I realised my phone had been stolen too!

Fucking bitch!

Then I saw her.  Walking slightly unsteadily away from me along the other side of the road.  I ran after her,  nearly getting hit by a speeding taxi as I crossed the road.

I grabbed her by her left shoulder,  spun her round towards me and hit her.   First in the face so she fell back against the wall.   Then harder in the stomach so she doubled up and started sinking to the ground. 

"Fucking thieving bitch!"  I screamed at her.   I thrust my  hands into the pockets of her tight jeans feeling for my wallet or phone.

She looked up at me,  blood trickling from her nose over her top lip where she licked at it with her tongue.   Her eyes stared up into mine,  uncomprehending.   They weren't the eyes of the girl in the nightclub. 

Oh shit!   What had I done?   I felt sick.   I was sick; all down the front of my shirt as I sank to the ground.   Everything was spinning,  I retched again but now my stomach was empty.   Then I passed out completely.

I had no idea where I was when I woke up  the following morning.   It was only just still morning.   I was lying on a worn sagging sofa in an untidy room I was sure I had never been in before.   I sat up.  My head hurt and my mouth was painfully dry.    I thought about standing up, but suddenly realised I seemed to have lost my shirt.

Then the girl walked in and stood staring at me.  "So how are you going to explain this to the police then?" she asked.

"You've called the police?"  I wished my head was clearer,  she was wearing just panties and a white t-shirt and I couldn't help staring at her long legs.

She laughed.   "Of course not."  She took a step closer to me, only then did I notice her black eye,  "I wouldn't be able to kill you then."

Was she serious?   "I'm so sorry."  I knew I sounded pathetic.   "I thought you were someone else ..."  Now that sounded really lame.

"The girl who stole your money I suppose?" she sneered.  

"How do you know?"

"I don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to work that out.   I checked your pockets and they were empty,,  and you were certainly mad at me, until the moment you looked me in the face."

She was Sherlock Holmes.  I owed her and, worryingly, she must want something from me if she'd taken me home with her.

"Did you enjoy it?"  she asked.

"What?"  Why wouldn't my head clear.  I hate hangovers.  "Sleeping on your sofa?   Thank you,  it was very.... "  I struggled to find the word I was looking for.

"No.  Hitting me.   Did you enjoy hitting me?"

Shocked I replied "Of course not.  I was just angry and thought you were somebody else."

"So would you have enjoyed hurting her then?"

I didn't answer.   I tried not to think that in the few seconds before I realised my mistake I had felt a deep satisfaction in her obvious pain.

"Would you like to kill her?" she asked as she searched about in a drawer.

Why all these questions?   I wanted to go home - and yet she fascinated me.  She had produced a bright orange plastic toy pistol.

She handed me the pistol.  "Shoot me!"

"What?" I laughed.

"Pretend I'm the girl who's stolen your money."

I pointed the gun in her direction and pressed the trigger.   It just made a little plastic click.

She rolled her eyes in despair  "That's no fucking good!"  she complained.   "You've got to aim it properly and hold it firmly,  with both hands if necessary, against the recoil."

I nodded obediently,  though I'd prefer to have been screwing her than playing silly games.

"And it needs to do more than just click when you shoot it. "  She paused.  "I know it sounds corny, but shout BANG when you fire."  She took a couple of steps back.

I nearly laughed,  but decided to humour her;  she did look quite sexy stood there with those long slender legs slightly apart, showing a glimpse of her flat tummy between her shirt and her panties.   I carefully aimed the silly plastic gun at her bare midriff.

"BANG!"  I shouted self consciously.

The result took me by surprise.  She flew back against the small table behind her, arms outstretched, overturning it.  Then as the magazines and dirty crockery tumbled to the floor she doubled up in agony clutching her belly gasping for breath.

I dropped the gun in horror.  This was impossible!   It was only a silly plastic kids' toy.

She rolled onto her back, eyes wide open as she struggled to breathe, her spread legs weakly kicking.  Then arching her back she thrust her pelvis up towards me,  her t-shirt riding up to bare her whole belly,  before collapsing sprawled on the floor.

I was speechless.  She looked dead,  yet all I had done was shout bang!   I walked over to her and knelt over her limp body.   I nervously felt the bare skin of her flat tummy.  Then I placed my hand on her ribs just below her left breast; she didn't seem to be breathing. 

I felt a sense of panic.  Of course she wasn't dead.   She was just playing.   I slapped her face but got no reaction.  My cock stiffened,  I felt ashamed at such a reaction to a woman's pain and apparent death.  I reached down and touched the inside of her thigh.

Her eyes opened wide and she sat up suddenly.  "Good,  wasn't I?"

I could only nod in agreement.

As she picked up the cutlery and broken china from the floor she asked  "Would you like to shoot the bitch who robbed you with a real gun?"

I don't know why I hesitated for so long before replying "Of course not."

"Would you like to shoot ME with a real gun?"

"No!" I replied emphatically.

She picked up the toy gun from the floor.   "Pathetic,  isn't it?" she said.   "I need to get a more realistic gun for next time.  One which makes a decent bang when it's fired.  But I suppose this will have to do for now."

I shot her at least a dozen more times,  but she wouldn't let me get into her knickers.  She did have a go at shooting me several times too,  but I just didn't have her style.

Eventually she said she'd drive me home. "So I know where to find you" she said.  I suggested we stop for a drink,  or something to eat, on the way but she rounded on me "I think you had quite enough to drink last night."

But as I watched her pulling on a pair of jeans someone came in through the door of her flat.  A heavily built woman with untidy cropped brown hair stared at us.  "Who the fuck is that!" she spat,  glaring at me.

"No one" the girl replied quietly.

"No one?  If he's no one why are you putting your clothes back on in front of him?"  she grabbed the girl's hand pulling her closer.

The girl looked around nervously, but not at me.   "I,  after I left you last night,  I was attacked and this man rescued me... "  She was making this up as she went along  "He just called round,  just now,  to see if was OK now."  The woman pulled the girl tight against her and with her right hand turned the girl's face towards her.   "I,  when he came to the door I thought it was you... "  I didn't think she was a good liar,  but she did try her best "When it wasn't you I had to put my jeans on.   But then you came."

The woman kissed the girl, full on, but possessively, without affection.   "Get out!" she snarled at me.   I did.

I hadn't even learnt the girls name.   Though I did know where she lived.  But her 'friend' scared me.   Not in the sense that I was afraid of her,  but it was the thought of how she treated the girl,  what she might do with her.   I tried to blank her from my mind,  not to think what they might do together.

But I did go back,  though it was about three weeks later.   As I knocked at the door I was shaking,  praying the big woman wasn't there with her.  No one was there.   I went to a pub and had a few drinks,  alone,  before returning home.  Two days later I tried again.   She was in!

"I knew you'd come back!" she said excitedly.   I leaned forward to kiss her,  but she pulled away.   "I've got something to show you!" and she led me to the bedroom.

Reaching under the bed she pulled out a long slightly rusty gun with old cracked and grey woodwork.  I laughed.

"Don't you like it?" she asked,  clearly disappointed by my reaction. It's a musket,  probably hundreds of years old."  She handed it to me.  "Perhaps from the Civil War.  Just think, it might have killed many people centuries ago."

I lifted  it to my shoulder,  it was certainly unwieldy indoors.

I fitted a piece of flint and managed to buy  some black powder on the internet, from China.                If you put the powder in the pan there,  lock it,  pull back the bit with the flint then pull the trigger it makes a hell of a bang,  and a flash and a lot of smoke."  She grinned at me.

"Won't it upset your neighbours a bit?"

"Let's take it up on the moor then and play with it there."  her excitement was almost infectious.  

She went to her bedroom and came out wearing a faded loose fitting floral dress with short puffy sleeves which looked a couple of sizes too big for her.   "I didn't think jeans and a t-shirt went with that gun" she explained "so I got this from a charity shop."  I wished I was wearing something more appropriate; perhaps a cavalier's hat with a big feather too! 

As we walked to her car I asked "Where the hell did you find that?"

"Oh I nicked it off a pub wall" she replied airily.

I shook my head.   I didn't understand this girl,  yet she fascinated me.   As long as I blanked out all thoughts of her girlfriend.

I did try asking her name as we headed from the city up onto the moor,  she said "Just call me Bonnie.?

"As in Bonnie and Clyde I suppose?"

"You've got it."

"Yeah.   She gets shot at the end."

She looked at me and smiled.

It was overcast,  it was late autumn so there were few tourists around.   She parked in a small stone lined parking area alongside the road then we headed uphill, past heather and bracken,  towards a low sprawling tor, huge lumps of granite, scattered on the rounded hill top as if by some grumpy giant millennia ago.

She fiddled around with the flintlock mechanism,  putting some gunpowder in the tiny pan, locked it on place,  then handed me the gun.   She ran from me, round behind the nearest rocks,  I followed carefully carrying the unwieldy ancient gun.

She started climbing a sloping rock but,  getting to the top, about ten foot up,  could get no further.  She turned to face me,  the wind blowing her hair aside and lifting the hem of her dress above her knees.  Her face had the desperate hunted look of a cornered wild animal.  I raised the gun,  aimed at her chest and fired.   There was a loud bang and a white flash of heat almost blinded me.   A cloud of grey smoke rose above me as I blinked.  She had fallen to her knees clutching her chest,  she turned away on her hands and knees,  tried to stand but her legs gave way and she slid off the back edge of the rock.

Was there a sheer drop the far side?  I put down the musket and ran round to her.  She had fallen onto another rounded boulder only about four feet below,  but it was still hard granite.   She seemed to have landed on her back but then slid sideways down into the gap between the two rocks where her torso appeared wedged though her right leg was twisted back and up, her thigh tearing the thin cotton dress.

I stared at the top of her bare thigh.   She must surely be either in pain or unconscious?   Yet I felt sexually excited by her position.   I looked more carefully, she didn't seem to be wearing any panties.

She wasn't moving and she couldn't stay like that.   I positioned myself above her and taking her right wrist in one hand and right ankle in the other tried dragging her up out from the gap.  Her chest was actually quite tightly wedged in the gap between the two pieces of ancient weathered granite, squashing her left breast.  I pulled harder,  her dress tore as I dragged her pale, grazed left breast free.   Her eyes remained unfocused but she couldn't help blinking and I could tell she was breathing gently as I lay her spread-eagled on her back.

I knew how to test her.   I grasped the torn hem of her dress and pulled it up above her waist.   She wasn't wearing knickers,  but she quickly sat up shouting "STOP!"  I smiled.   "Later."  she said, adding "I promise."

She re-charged the gun for me then handed it back to me.   I looked at her, she must be cold I thought.  She wasn't wearing anything under the thin cotton dress which was now torn down almost to her waist on the left side, exposing cuts and scratches on her prominent ribs as well as her breast, while another tear exposed the whole length of her right leg. 

She'd already lost one shoe so now kicked off the other before turning and running downhill.   I ran after her,  but she was fast.   I hoped no-one would see us,  see me chasing a half naked young woman, holding an ancient gun almost as tall as her!

She really didn't seem to want me to catch her.   When she came to a small stream she turned and started to follow its course back up hill.   While she splashed through the water and peaty mud in the bottom of the gully I pursued her along the firm ground above.

She stumbled, slipped and fell several times and I soon caught her up.   Seeing me close behind she tried climbing up the heather bank the far side of the stream.  Just as she reached the top and looked back I fired.  

Her head flew back with a strangled cry and she fell,  slid and rolled the eight foot or so back into the stream,  her dress catching and further tearing on the gorse and heather.  She lay face down in the fast running shallow water.   I wondered how long she could hold her breath for if  I didn't move her.  

I smiled to myself as I stood over her,  it must be nearly two minutes now.   She was good!   But I didn't want to  spoil the game,  so I grabbed both her ankles and dragged her downstream for a couple of feet then up out of the stream.   The sodden dress which was already clinging revealingly to her body rode up above her waist baring her pale firm buttocks.  

I couldn't help myself; I rolled her onto her back,  the torn remnants of the wet dress fell aside.  I knelt and gently moved her thighs apart.

"Stop that!"  She put her knees tight together and rolled aside. 

"I thought you said  ..."

"Next time" she interrupted me "I promise."

I let her get to her feet then handed her the gun  and the bag of powder, joking  "I hope that isn't your best dress."

"You've got it wet" she complained.

Looking at the shreds of fabric trailing onto the ground while the remnants of its right sleeve slide down her slender arm I said "I think getting wet is the least of its problems!"

She looked at me strangely "You've got the gunpowder wet,  I'll have to go back to the car to re-load.   You stay here, or go back up to the tor;  if anyone sees you with me in this state they'll think you've attacked me,  no matter what I say."

She was at the car for a couple of minutes,  there she removed the ragged remnants of the dress and walked back up the hill carrying the musket stark naked.   A car passing on the road only a few hundred yards away slowed and I thought it was going to stop,  but after crawling at a snails pace for a little while it carried on.

She handed  me the gun then walked up to the first of granite monoliths.   In front of it she turned to face me, spreading her arms.   My cock strained for release and I so wanted to just run up and embrace that enticing body.  I was none too warm myself so she must have been frozen.   But but I knew she wanted one more game first.

I looked down the long muzzle at her beautiful, pale, slim body which I now so desperately wanted to penetrate.   Could she see the bulge in my trousers?  I found myself wondering if it scared her.   I squeezed the rusty trigger.

The bang was absolutely deafening and the gun kicked back into my shoulder shattering the split, brittle, stock.   My shoulder was bleeding and I stared at the broken, smoking, gun on the ground.  That hadn't happened before!  Then I looked at the girl.

She had collapsed to her knees and was clutching the middle of her belly.   I stared as blood started trickling below and from between her fingers.   As I ran up to her she fell sideways,  her eyes unnaturally wide and fearful.   I knelt alongside her and gently held her head.   Her hands fell to her side exposing the small deep wound from which her lifeblood was pumping out,; she drew up her legs, gasping for breath,  then her knees fell aside exposing her cunt.  Her pelvis thrust weakly upwards and she coughed some watery blood from her mouth so she could speak.   "You can fuck me now  ..."

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The Playmate

Hello Little Miss This is the second of my "Little Miss" stories. Poor old Nathan. Love, and stay safe KT Pel xxx The Playmate "But what on earth is it?" Nathan was positioned cross legged on the living rug, just as I had instructed. It was Christmas morning, though there was little spirit of the season in the air. "It's a doll," I replied coldly, as I warmed my hands on the mug of hot chocolate Nathan had made for me. "Yes, I can see that Tabitha. It's the same...

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Playmate by shalimar I took a break from my household chores on that early May afternoon and watched Miriam, my five-year-old and her friend, Sarah, learn a clapping song from two of the older girls in the neighborhood. The older girls are very patient with my baby and her friend as they learn the actions, rhythm and words of the song, "Playmate." As I watched them it brought back memories of my own childhood, sitting and watching the girls in the neighborhood do that and other...

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Finding Pet A Playmate

It has been a month since Master gave me His collar, claiming me as His. It has been a wonderful month filled with pleasure and love. I couldn’t have wished for anything more. That was until Master asked me to move in with Him. I was speechless. Ecstatic would be an understatement. Of course I accepted and was moved in within a week. We quickly got into a routine. I am to be in position in front of the door when Master gets home from work. The position I’m supposed to be in is me naked on my...

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Sophie My Playgirl

Sophie My PlaygirlBy: Londebaaz Chohan How it all started, I really do not remember and I do not give a fuck if anyone else knew or not. Honestly, I worried a little that Sophie shall be hurt if she knew that I was fucking her mother as well but my friend Mathew would surely do something drastic, if he found out that I was fucking his sister as well as his mother. However, it happened and it went on. Sophie always gave me that demur kind of looks that said, she wanted to suck my cock, whenever...

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Digital Playground

DigitalPlayground. That has to be one of the most creative names for a porn production company I’ve ever come across. It’s the perfect description of what a good porn site should feel like: an online place to play, a well-deserved break from all of the other bullshit in day-to-day life. After a long day at work or another fight with the wife, come to Digital Playground to let loose a little. Don’t mind if I is one of the oldest porn studios that is still active today....

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Bisexual Playground

BisexualPlayground! Are you the kind of horny dude that swings both ways? Do you enjoy both dick and pussy? Do you wish that you could meet other people who are like you? Well, if you answered yes to these questions, holy fucking shit, do I have the social network for you! Oh yeah, you know where I’m getting at!Bisexual Playground is a platform where you can discover bisexual men, women, and couples that want to get their freak on just like you do. Here, you will find all kinds of people in...

Hookup Sites
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The Stanley Cup Playoffs

To some, the NHL playoffs are a welcome event, especially if they involve their favorite team. Me? I couldn’t give a rat's ass because — as you may have read in my earlier journal entries — I do not like sports. For my awesome husband, however… well, his favorites, the Boston Bruins are in the Stanley Cup playoffs. For me, the best thing about that is knowing that, along with other season ticket holders, he’ll be busy for four to seven nights. Actually, I planned on going to St. Louis for...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Harems Passion 6 Sisters Naughty Roleplay

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Sisters' Naughty Roleplay By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! January 28th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I strode into the Sacramento Superior Courthouse with my partner, Sunny Savage. She had a march to her step like she was going into battle. In a way we were, the battle to take down that bastard Clint Elliston. He thought his perverted ways could continue. To flout propriety. This investigation was...

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A Perfect Roleplay

Driving home, I thought about the ‘surprise’ my wife would have in store for me. It was my 40th birthday, so maybe an expensive gift along with the well-known ‘surprise’ cake, or some roleplay, perhaps. Then I got a tell-tale text message from the sweet wife, “Jaanu, come soon. We’ll have dinner together.” I smiled to myself. The SMS could mean that she probably ordered food and invited some friends. I parked and wiped my face with a wet tissue. Then I braced myself for ‘Happy birthday’ shouts...

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Reddit Playboy, aka r/Playboy! I’m pretty sure you’ve all heard of the magazine Playboy. It’s one of the biggest names in the adult industry, and it has existed even before porn was a thing. This magazine was the best thing a teenager in the 90s could hope to get. Blockbuster and other video renting stores never let minors rent out XXX movies, so the only thing they could hope to get is a playboy magazine at the corner store from the shop owner who doesn’t give a shit about what these guys are...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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The Playroom

This is a simple gentle story. If you want violence, rape, incest or such stuff please look elsewhere. This story is set in the same village as another of my stories, ‘The Chair in the Corner’, but is in no way a sequel. I hope that it stands up on its own, as they say. I hope you like it. If you do, I’d like to know. If you don’t, then I’d also like to know why, so that I can do better next time. Our house is next door to the Running Fox, one of the village pubs. In fact, in the past, it...

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Passion at the Playground

It was just another lifeless day at the office as I rummage through piles of paperwork the size of mountains and working on a computer that is so antiquated, sometimes I think that cave dwellers used this computer. It seems like my stress level is at an ‘all time high’, my nerves are almost to the point of being ‘comfortably numb’ and my mental status is at the brink of making Von Gogh look fairly sane. Suddenly, my phone rings and at the other end of the line was my boss requesting me to...

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Adventure in the Playground

Finally, construction was complete, and just about every tried it out... for the first few months. Then gradually, kids became bored with it. The track started to grow over in places, and me and my friends found a great spot half way around the track to build a secret hide out. It offered a perfect, discreet view of the uneven bars. My mates and I used to hide out there and watch the girls swing upside down. Unless we made a sound, teachers and students didn't even know we were there. ...

4 years ago
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Endless Playground

He had been wanting to fuck her for three years. She was hot in the way Moms are hot. That sounds dismissive, but it wasn't, not to him. It was celebratory. She wasn't a twenty-something waif-thin hottie, she wasn’t a MILF, she wasn’t a model, she wasn’t a cartoonish divorcee on the prowl. She was just a single Mom, maybe a little prettier than the others, at least in his eyes. She had dark, alluringly unkempt hair and sea green eyes. Her ample hips curved deliciously into a trim torso before...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Burgundy LipsChapter 2

As soon as the apartment door closed behind us, Elisabeth pulled me close and kissed me hungrily, sexily. I could taste her burgundy lipstick as she worked her mouth on mine, her tongue almost demanding entry into my mouth. I relinquished and her tongue was very soon thrusting between my lips as if she was fucking my mouth with it. After a few minutes of this, she pulled back, breathing heavily as she shed her house coat, once more revealing her massive bosom and acres-wide cleavage which...

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Gunny Meets Her Master

They were sailing in the Gulf of Aqaba with the fleet, supporting the super carrier George H. W. Bush. They were aboard an LHD amphib with a contingent of over one thousand fleet sailors and about 1,600 Marines. Gunny Atwater was responsible for a rifle company of Marines, with usually about 80 to 100 Marines under her supervision. She had been aboard for six months now and was starting to feel as horny as she had ever been. She had been developing relationships with other Gunnery Sergeants on...

3 years ago
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Sex in bus roleplay

I want to apologize in advance for all the errors - English is not my native language.But I hope you understand the point.I do not know - maybe this is not the most ideal roleplay, but she and I really liked it and we continued the story.Let's start! Irina - girl from my roleplay - well, how she introduced herselfCrowded bus at rush hour, standing in traffic. A young girl, 19 years old, stands in a corner of the bus at the window, squeezed on all sides.She is wearing short jeans shorts,...

4 years ago
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Gun Culture Chapter 4

Amie watched the boy's locker room door for nearly twenty minutes, looking for Red. She had been there when Red and Leon had slipped out, but hadn't seen them against the tide as they slipped out the back doors, hidden from view as the crowd dispersed a little heading for the doors to the corridor that would lead to the cloakrooms, past the door to the girl's toilets where Janus, nervously waited in one of the locked stalls for their return. Amie knew that if she could get to Red and...

2 years ago
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Zeugung auf Firmenkosten

Marvin Rogers mochte seine neue Macht bei seiner kürzlichen Beförderung ins Home Office. Es machte ihn auch zum Chef über einen Stab von fast zweihundert Mitarbeitern. Marvin war aufgrund seines Minderheitenstatus und seiner skrupellosen Natur aufgestiegen. Jetzt konnte er auf alle weißen Jungen unter ihm herabsehen. Eine der bestbezahlten Positionen für die weiblichen Angestellten war die als Verwaltungsassistentin bei den Home-Office-Managern. Der beste Job von allen war es, der Assistent des...

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Trigun Overdrive

The man with the short hair opened his eyes and found his younger brother standing over him, glaring down angrily at him. His eyes were hidden by the gold-lenses, but it was clear he wasn't happy. The man with the short hair looked up and smirked. "So, you really couldn't kill anyone, eh, Vash? Not even me?" His brother's face did not change, and he spoke intensely. "You know I won't kill. I'll never make that mistake again. No matter how many innocent lives you are responsible for taking, your...

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She wasn´t even very beautiful, no. Her face had an interesting asymmetry, especially the eyes. A strange girl from Latvia, a young woman really, in her late twenties. She was tall but not skinny. Attractive, though she had no frontpage looks at all. Her clothes always seemed on or two sizes too small for her, she more than filled them. And yet, these curves and protruding parts were of a kind that turned men on. She knew it. We never made passes at each other, I was her uni teacher after all....

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Olgun Kadinin Goumltuumlnuuml Yirttim Resi

Selamlar, öncelikle şunu belirteyim ki bu hikaye gerçektir ve daha bugün yaşadım.. Sizlerle paylaşıyorum çünkü bugün yaşadığım olaya kadar hiç seks yapmamıştım porno izleyerek kendimi boşaltıyordum. Sosyal fobim var aslında insanlarla tanışmaya çekiniyorum binevi bir utangaçlık. Neyse kendimi anlatmayı kesip olaya geleyim dostlar :)) Facebookta sahte profilimle gezerken karıya kıza mesaj atıyordum tabi, birden sikiş sayfalarının birinde bir kaç fotoğraf gördüm. Hatunlar amlarına götlerine...

4 years ago
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Gungun Di Ki Garam Jawani 8211 Part 1

Ye chudai story mai Mumbai se likh raha hun. Mera naam Karan hai aur mai abhi 28 saal ka hun aur enginnering karne ke baad job karta hun. Mai aapko apni ek dum sachhi aap biti likh kar sunane ja raha hun jo saal 2010 me ghati jab mai 22 saal ka tha. Meri height 5.10 hai aur rang sanwala, per athlete hone aur regular gym se us samay meri body bahut fit aur tight thi. Mera ling ki motai ki baat mai pehle kai females se sun chuka tha. Meri taraf kaafi ladkiyan attract hamesha se hoti thi aur mujhe...

2 years ago
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Gunslingers Revenge

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Apologies in advance - some people WILL find this offensive. It contains adult content, nudity, and coarse language. If you decide to read on, don't blame me. Some people bring out the worst in me. DEDICATION: To Mr. Viral - whoever you might be. GUNSLINGER'S REVENGE By Gunslinger 'I need your help.' Steve raised an eyebrow at the ICQ request from Gunslinger. Leaning forward, he answered. 'Sure - what can I do for you? Edit another story?' The reply...

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Falguni Aunt And My Dick

Hey guys how are you all; I am back with another story. In my previous stories I told you about my relations with Rohini, Premlata and Surekha. Those who has not read them, I wish you can read them, Let me introduce myself I am a Gujarati guy of age 23 with nice built physic, I am 5’11” tall and have a 7” dick. Now I am going to tell you about my sex adventure with my aunt Falguni. She is fair in colour with very slim body, she is 37 years of age, and she is 5’2” high with figure of 32-28-34....

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Gundon Ne Choda

Hi guys, mera naam Ankit mittal h. m 25 saal kaa ek gay aadmi hun. M muscular hun. 8 pack abs bhi h. and meri FACEBOOK id – h. aap mujhe request bhej sakte h. meri story jo m bataane jaa raha hun wo kuch is tarah h :- ye baat tab ki h jab m 23 saal ka tha. ek din ghar per raat ke time m computer per work ker raha tha. To mujhe kuch aawaj sunai di. Ye aawaj kisi cheez ke gir ker tutne kit hi. To m bahar gaya to dekha ek gamla tuta tha. To pass mein mne ek billa dekhi to mne socha jarur ye isi...

Gay Male
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Gunsmoke Girl

Tim was stepping out of his favorite Irish pub, he was a bit drunk and frustrated. He was glaring at his cellphone, he put it in his back pocket. He had a message from his girlfriend asking him where he was, he responded that he'd be home soon. His girlfriend was denying him his preferred sexual outlet, but it was alright he could masturbate. He had no right to be angry, a relationship isn't entirely about sex. Except that without the sex, it's really just a friendship. Someday she'd...

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Leah wasn’t going to be like the others. He knew, in his heart of hearts, she was going to be a pleasant surprise. If not, well? he thought, she’ll still be fun to play with.Alfred Aimes stood outside the cage, staring at his latest possession. She was young, beautiful, and successful. Her name was Leah. But a lot of her fans know her as SsshotgunEagle. That was her personality screen name she used when she recorded herself playing video games and talked about whatever. Alfred enjoyed watching...

4 years ago
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Gunboats Gloryholes

Hannah Beck still had to adjust to the reality of it all. There were troops at the Marriott, tanks rolling through Charleston, and gunboats sailing along the Kanawha River. Ever since the bizarre spontaneous combustion wiped out most of the world?s population, the remnants of the various nation-states suffered complete anarchy for a while. No one was yet sure what had caused the situation, but the selective nature of the event made many suspect that it was manufactured by...

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Gungi chudi mujhse

Hi.. Guys & ladies sabse pehle chut walio ko namaskar aur lund walo ko bye bye…mera name dinesh hai ur mere sathi ka name chirag hai hum patiala punjab rahne wale hai par basically hum gaon ke hai aur studt karne city main aaye hai kyu hamre gaon main study ka itna accha zugad nahi hai is liye hum padne ke liye city aaye aur waha par hamne sabse pehle rahne ke liye kamra dunda aur badi ha muskil se mujhe ek kamra mila par uska rent bahut zyada tha jab main agle din college gaya toh mujhe waha...

4 years ago
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Gunjan fucked

Hi I am Sanjay. I am 20 yrs old. I am a average guy with blue eyes. I am going to share a true story with all of you. It all begin with a sleep over in my neighbor’s house. There lives a horny girl name gunjan. She was just like a dream girl with very sexy body and 37″ breast. I always wants are on the bed but never told this fantasy to her. On that night she was alone in the house. So naturally I had to go to sleep that night. So after eating my dinner I had gone to her house. I had gone and...

1 year ago
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Zeugung auf der Party

Jennifer Sanderson hielt sich für eine gute Ehefrau. Sie war jetzt sieben Jahre mit John verheiratet und im Alter von achtundzwanzig Jahren, glaubte sie alles zu haben, was sie brauchte. Als sie ihren schlanken und straffen Körper im Ganzkörperspiegel in ihrem Schlafzimmer bewunderte, überlegte sie, was sie zu der Party anziehen sollte, zu der sie von Arbeitskollegen eingeladen worden war. Sie zeigte ihren Körper gern, aber als gute katholische Frau und Pfeiler der gehobenen Klasse, in der sie...

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Gunrays Revenge

In a dimly lit conference room within the droid foundry on Geonosis, the Seperatist leaders who now formed the Confederacy of Independent Systems gloated over their recent success. With the capture of Senator Amidala and her Jedi bodyguard, they felt confident that the Republic stood no chance against them. If it's best politicians and defenders of justice could not stop them, then who would? Upon learning that Amidala was now being held in a prison cell on this very planet, Viceroy Nute...

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The costume I wore had twin leather belts with heavy pistols tied to each thigh. The clear plasteel counter showed dozens of different ancient pistols like the ones I wore. I was watching two men as a rich businessman strapped an old colt peacemaker replica on. He grinned at me as he pulled it out of the holster and checked the cylinder. He nodded as he slipped it back into the holster and looked deeper into the shop. I pushed a button, "he is a little faster than the last one." A holograph...

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