Breaking In The New Secretary free porn video

Scott Braden didn’t go looking for victims, but nor did he spit in the face of fate when victims were provided. And the young girl sitting across from his battered desk all but screamed victim. She was young – his eyes flicked down to the paper he held in his hand and confirmed it. Yes, nineteen. How precious. His hard blue eyes went back to her. She was small, painfully thin with a malnourished look and delicate bones. A small heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and big pale brown eyes, long thick hair the color of honey in the sun. Beautiful, in a fragile way. And desperate. Young, hungry and desperate – just the way he liked his women.
?You have no experience working in a law office at all, Miss?? His eyes glanced down at the paper again, taking in her name though he already knew it. It would never do to appear anxious. Instead he was the epitome of sheer boredom and bare tolerance as he looked back up at her worried gaze. ??Mercer. You aren’t even a college graduate. Why should I hire you instead of the dozens of other qualified candidates??
She took a deep breath, and though the little speech she gave was rehearsed, he could hear the trembling. His cock twitched in his jeans.
?I am a really hard worker. I have no other obligations, I can work overtime, weekends. I can come in early, stay late. I don’t even have pets that I would have to get home too. I am a fast learner, I made really good grades in high school. I NEED this job, Mr. Braden. And I can do it, I swear it. I will do whatever it takes to not just do this job, but excel at it.?
She lied. She did not have good grades, had graduated high school at 18 in the lower average of her class. This was a small town, and he knew all about her. She had no money, no funds at all to move. She rented a tiny house on the edge of town, a ragged dump she could barely afford. She drove a 13 year old car that threatened to break down any second, and she had no skills or money to fix it. There were no jobs for miles around for a delicious little thing like herself – except for this one. She had no food – had been living off the charity of a small local church over the last two months. Her parents?father unknown. Mother had been a pothead who neglected the shit out of her daughter before finally doing the world a favor and dying three months ago. Stupid cunt had passed out in the bathtub drunk and drowned, leaving her young not terribly bright daughter to fend for herself.
She had to know what she was getting into – hell everyone in this town knew he groped and fondled and often fucked his female employees – though not many knew how far he went with them. His reputation was so tattered he had been secretary-less for nearly a month now. Of course she had to know, had to have at least heard rumors. Perhaps she hoped to beg out of it, plead for mercy and be granted it. What a crock. He would have her under him, squirming and screaming as he filled her over and over. He hoped she was a virgin. It wasn’t likely, but he could hope, right? Since when was a nineteen year old girl a virgin these days?
A crystalline tear slipped out of her eye at his continued silence.
?Please Mr. Braden??
With a disgusted sigh he tossed her very short resume onto his desk.
?Miss Mercer, I am going to take a chance on you. But I warn you – if you don’t do as you are told, if you don’t truly excel?I will see you don’t work anywhere for miles. I will start you out at a salary - $5,500 a month with the potential of bonuses.? The money itself should tell her more was up here than a legal secretary position. The pay was very high for this neck of the woods – too high. Surely she was smart enough to know he wouldn’t be paying her $5,500 a month to smile at clients and make copies and coffee.
Her face broke out in joy, and he realized that when she smiled, she went beyond beautiful. She was glorious.
?Oh thank you so much, Mr. Braden! Thank you so much! I swear I will??
?You can start by getting naked.?
Her smile froze, her sweet musical voice going silent. He watched in satisfaction as a hunted light entered her eyes, her entire body going stiff in the thin pale white blouse and gray pencil skirt.
?I?I beg your??
?Yes, you will beg, Callie.? No more Miss Mercer for her. ?But not now. Right now, I want to see what I am getting. Strip.?
He deliberately lounged back in the only expensive piece of furniture in the dilapidated office – a sturdy black leather computer chair with a high back.
She turned white, her fingers clutching the little black purse in her lap.
?Please, Mr. Braden??
?Strip or get out and don’t come back. Did I mention that upon successful completion of your?interview?? He smirked, allowing his eyes to drop to her perky tits hidden behind the silky blouse. ??you get a hiring bonus of $200? Cash? Immediately??
It was just enough to provoke her into going through with it, but not so much she wouldn’t come back for more. Enough to perhaps pay a bill or two, get some food, some gas. Not much else.
?Please, I am a virgin.? It was the sweetest little whispered plea he had ever heard.
His smile widened.
?Then make it a $500 hiring bonus – if it’s true.?
She turned red, then white. He watched her thought processing – she had such expressive eyes. They fluttered to the door as she thought of running. Down to her purse as she remembered how desperate she was. A few more tears slipping down pale cheeks as she realized she had no other options – not in this little town. Five hundred dollars cash along with the promise of unheard of funds was enough though – as he knew it would be. She let out a tiny little sigh that went straight to his cock, then stood, setting her purse on his desk.
?Blouse first.?
There was no teasing – he would teach her that later. His little slutpuppy was just starting to learn, he had few expectations from her at this point. She unbuttoned the blouse, her slender fingers trembling – pretty little manicured nails plucking at the buttons. The thin material slipped off her shoulders as she rested it over the arm of the chair she had been sitting in. He could see her white skin prickling around her demure white bra. Nerves.
?Now your bra.?
She flinched – actually physically flinched, and he grinned. But the bra came off, revealing much better tits than he had anticipated. They seemed rather small in her blouse, but exposed?they really were delicious. Only a little over a handful each, but they were firm and curved upwards in teenage defiance of gravity – a puckered baby pink nipple clinging to each tip. Dear God, he couldn’t wait to suck them?or beat them. Those tits were made to be beaten, to jiggle under a flailing belt. But that would come.
His voice was mellow with appreciation now.
?Your skirt – leave your heels on.? She was crying now, her tits shifting with each deep sobbing breath. Sniffling as she unbuttoned her skirt. His dark eyebrows lifted in surprise. He expected plain cotton panties from this girl – but no?she wore beautifully cut red lace panties. As if she knew someone would be looking at them today. Did she always wear sexy panties, or was it really just today? He wondered, but he didn’t ask. She wouldn’t honestly answer – yet.
?Very nice, sweetheart. Very nice indeed.? He was hard now, painfully so. It had been far too long since he had a little sex pet working for him. ?Now take off your panties – leave your heels on still.?
She sucked in a deep breath, he watched her young breasts lift with it. Then the panties came down, and he licked his lips. She was shaven. Thank God. If she had a hairy cunt he would have been forced to cum in her mouth tonight, making her shave it before coming back in to work the next day. He despised a hairy cunt. She HAD shaved though, and he wondered again if she had expected this.
?Turn around, bend over.? She obeyed wordlessly, and he knew then and there she would be easily trained.
She had a glorious snatch. Her slender thighs left an inviting gap between them, and her plump pale cream lips revealed only a hint of brighter pink flesh beneath. He was going to have a lot of fun with this one. She would be the youngest he had had – the next youngest had been a 25 year old college graduate who had lasted seven months before she had committed suicide.
?Look over your shoulder at me through your hair, love. Smile real big for me, like you mean it. And close your eyes.?
She obeyed, and he snapped a picture of her with his cellphone. Future insurance.
?You are beautiful, baby. Truly beautiful. Come here.?
He slid his chair back, reaching out for her. Soft, delicate skin. Gentle curves. God, her tits were delightful. He squeezed, tugged, pinched. So soft, yet so firm. He watched the color rise in her cheeks as he fondled her, sliding his hand between her thighs and rubbing his thumb over her clit. Some of the color was embarrassment, that was true. But the pink blush on the tops of her breasts, the quickening of her breath, and the glazing of her pretty eyes indicated pleasure as well. Dear God, was this just a little slutty virgin he had found? If so, he was a lucky, lucky man.
He clasped her asscheeks, squeezing them, allowing his hard fingers to sink deep into that soft flesh until she squirmed and whimpered delightfully. Only then did he pull her forward till she was sprawled in his lap, her thighs wrapped around his. God, she felt so RIGHT here, with his hardening cock nestled against her soft sex. He hugged her naked body to his, glorying in how powerful he felt with this delicate girl in his arms, going in for a kiss. Not just any kiss – a searing possessive kiss. He raped her hesitating mouth like he intended to rape her cunt. Not asking for permission, not caring about whether she wanted it. He just took it, sucking on her pink little tongue, tasting her. She tasted as wonderful as she looked, like warm summer sunshine. So warm, so soft, with a hint of apples. Her breakfast, perhaps?
?I am going to fuck you, Callie. Every day. Several times a day. I will even hurt you sometimes, but trust me, little one – you will enjoy yourself. Once you get past the shame and embarrassment, you will thrive on how I treat you.? One large hand slid down her narrow back, dipping between her widespread thighs, sliding against her cunt. He showed her that finger, glittering wetly.
?You’re a slut, my dear. You were born to be fucked – and be fucked you will.? He smiled at the hot flush on her cheeks as she realized how wet she was, how eagerly her body responded to him.
?Suck your cunt slime off my finger, whore.?
The words were deliberately obscene, but his voice was gentle. She flinched again, but those delightfully luscious pink lips opened and then closed around his finger. He almost purred at her obedience.
?Good slut.? He rewarded her with a kiss on her forehead before pushing her off his lap.
?Open my pants and suck me.?
She stood there for a moment, naked and disoriented. Beautiful and pale and lost. Lost to him. He felt that fierce rush of possession, of ownership. Then she obediently sank to her knees, crawling in between his spread thighs. He didn’t unfasten his pants, leaving that job for her. Watching with pleasure as her small fingers fumbled uncertainly, lifting his hips to help her lower his pants. He was big, and he was proud of it. Nine and a half inches, nearly 2 inches around. He would hurt her when he took her, and he looked forward to it. Amusement flicked in his eyes at her blatant shock. She let out a little gasp as she saw him, her pretty little mouth dropping open temptingly as she reared back. His hand shot out, fingers twisting in her silken honey hair as he forced her head closer to him. His other hand grasped the thick root of his stiff cock, and he deliberately slapped it against her pouting little mouth. God, she was a sexy bitch.
?I said suck, Callie.? His voice was firm, but gentle. Coaxing. He wasn’t stupid enough to shove his dick into the mouth of a terrified forced virgin. He watched carefully as she slowly opened those lips, stretching her mouth wide before she closed it around him.
Bliss. Sheer, unadulterated bliss. He sighed, leaning back in his chair, his fingers relaxing in her hair, giving her a rewarding little stroke. There was no feeling on earth quite like the head of his cock resting in the warm wet softness of a woman’s mouth as she gently suckled him. He loved fucking a girls mouth, that was true. But there was something sweetly tender bout this, and he gave himself a few moments to enjoy it. Then her tutoring began.
?Open wider, sweetling.?
?Play with my balls too. Lick them, suck them.?
?Lick up and down, all over it.?
?Kiss the tip.?
?Mmmm?right there?do that again?such a good little slut??
She tired quickly, he could tell with her movements that her jaw was starting to hurt. Expected in a first time cocksucker. He made her continue for a few more moments before urging her mouth off him.
?Such a good girl. I’m proud of you.?
He smiled down at her as he pushed her backwards, onto her back on the rough carpet. He spread her legs, staring down at her naked submission as he removed his shirt. She was scared. Pale and peaked, staring back up at him. Her nipples hard, her pussy gleaming wet. Sweet little whore.
He took her with no warning, leaning forward with one hand beside her head, guiding his cock to her tiny virgin fuckhole and slamming deep into her. He let out a hoarse cry of pleasure as he felt himself rip through her virginity, a cry that was echoed by a shrill scream from her. He collapsed on top of her, forcing her to bear his heavy weight as he fucked her. His cock was his weapon, used on her defenseless body with utterly no regard for her. He fucked her deep and hard, slamming into her as every muscle in his body strained. His sweat dripped down onto her body as he grunted and moaned his pleasure out over her as she cried and squirmed and begged.
She begged so prettily, pleading for mercy, crying for the pain to stop, begging him to stop, go slower, please oh god?.
He ruthlessly laughed down into her tear stained face, kissing the saltiness of her tears as she cried, his hips bucking, driving deep into her bloody cunt.
?Fucking SLUT.? He groaned out the obscenity, spitting down into her face. Raw emotion glittered up at him through her eyes. He fed off her fear, her pain, and her deep humiliation. Slapped her cheek hard, grinning as her head jerked under the blow. He grabbed her breast in one hand, twisting the fleshy orb hard till she screamed and arched her back to try to relieve the pain. That scream just encouraged him to maul her tits, his fingers digging in harshly, bruising her tender tissue as he squeezed and pulled and twisted. He loved those tits of hers, teased himself with this application of pain – knowing he would deliver so much more pain to them in the near future.
She was so wonderfully tight on his dick, her silken sheath clinging to him as he pulled back, reluctantly peeling away only to welcome him back as he plunged back into her. So fucking tight. God, he could fuck her forever and never grow tired of her.
He could not hold out for long though, not with this juicy little piece of fuckmeat wrapped around his cock. He came inside her with a loud groan of pleasure, filling her flat belly with his seed. If the bitch got pregnant he would make her get an abortion.
?Hope you are on birth control, bitch. If not, get on it fast.? Pleased, he pulled himself out of her, grinning at the sloppy slurping sound. She blushed hotly at the loud sound. ?Clean me, slut.?
He sat back in his chair, gesturing at his half hard dick. She was slow coming off the floor to her knees, and with an annoying grunt he leaned forward, twisting his fingers in her hair again and jerking her forward, grinding her face into the wet sex of his crotch.
?Lick it clean.? His voice was hard now, and he had to force his muscles to unclench. He wanted to beat her now, beat that pretty soft little body till she howled and bled for him. But it was too soon. He watched her with heavily-lidded eyes as she cried and licked at his sex.
?My balls too.? He loved watching that candy pink tongue flutter out of those cock swollen lips, licking at his hairy sac as his hairy thighs scratched her tender cheeks.
?Good girl.? He pushed her away once he deemed himself clean, swiveling in the chair and opening his desk drawer.
?You will always address me as Sir. Be here at 8:00 tomorrow morning. No bra, no panties. Stockings, heels, short loose skirt and blouse. The skirt better not be lower than the middle of your thighs.? He pulled out five hundred dollar bills and threw them down at her, watching as she greedily grabbed them off the floor except the one that stuck to her left tit.
With the money finally clutched safely in her trembling hand she rose on shaky knees. Her face burned hot as he smirked at her reddened cunt and his slimy seed dribbling down her thighs. She turned away, but he grabbed her wrist, squeezing tight as she whimpered.
?What do you say, slut??
She stared at him for a half moment, and he saw a flicker of rebellion. Then it vanished, her shoulders drooped, and she hung her head.
?Thank you, Sir.?
?Good girl.? He released her, slapping her fondly on that tight little round ass, watching it wiggle as she walked over and dressed.
?If you don’t come back tomorrow, I know where you live, slut.?
He watched her shoulders hunch against his implied threat as she left his office, scuttling out the front door. A wide smile curved up the corners of his mouth. God, she was the most delicious thing he had enjoyed in years. He couldn’t wait till tomorrow.
Part 2 coming up soon!

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