Mr Dumbar's New Secretary free porn video

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David Dumbar had plodded through the years without much fanfare. He'd been at the same company since forever. UNICORP was a large and torpid organization, the sort of place where a dull, straightforward cove like David could fester away unobtrusively in middle management. His last promotion had been a decade ago. His next move would be a decade from now and that would be retirement. David knew this and so did all of his colleagues. DD was part of the furniture. He didn't mind.

His personal life was uneventful and dispiriting. He had a couple of male friends but neither were close. With women, well it just hadn't happened. A brief relationship many years ago with a rather spooky nurse who'd lived in the same block but since then nothing. She hadn't been especially great looking either. David wasn't good around attractive members of the opposite sex. He'd never had any success with them and a lifetime of deprival and disappointment in that area had seeped through his bones to the point that he tended to shy away from even thinking about it. David avoided wherever possible the close company of sexually desirable women. It was better that way.

It wasn't always possible however. Occasionally fate decreed that David Dumbar's path would rub with that of a nubile, easy-on-the-eye female. And never was that more true than on this particular day in June.

David was interviewing for a new secretary because Janis was emigrating to join her grandkids in Australia. She was leaving at the end of the month, which was now the end of the week and it was already Thursday. Tomorrow was Janis's last day.

Replacing her was not easy. David had seen candidates over several weeks and none were suitable. He'd been starting to panic and then, yes, finally! This afternoon had yielded a result. A fellow DD. Dorothy Duke. She was perfect. She reminded David of dear old Janis. Dorothy had the same unassuming but stolidly competent aura. Her resume had everything he was looking for and their conversation went well. Dorothy left David's office in virtual possession of the job.

"We'll get the written offer out to you tomorrow, ok?"

Dorothy smiled. "Great!"

She looked pleased and grateful as she exited. David was pleased and grateful too. He'd gotten tired of the process and felt relieved to see the end of it.

He turned to Janis, who had agreed to sit in on the interviews.

"Thank heavens for that," he said.

"I know! I was beginning to think we'd never find anyone."

The two of them chatted a while about Dorothy Duke. How she fitted the bill in every respect.

"Still have one to go, though, don't we?" David said. "The Mexican girl."

David retrieved a one-pager from the papers on his desk and peered at it over his spectacles. He checked his watch. "Merciana Melendez. Five o'clock. So that's in, what, twenty minutes."

"Guess it's too late to cancel," said Janice.

"More's the pity."

"Very young anyway, if I recall," Janice said, frowning. "We only shortlisted her because we were getting desperate.

"Too true."

"How old is she again?"

"Nineteen. Looking for her first job."

"Well it won't be this one. Vacancy filled. Poor girl. Seems unfair to waste her time."

"And ours," said David.

"Yours," corrected Janis.

David looked quizzically at her.

"I have to get going," said Janis. "Told you earlier, didn't I?"

David had forgotten but he remembered now. Janis had an appointment at the hairdressers. Wanted to look her best for her leaving do tomorrow.

"Oh yes, of course," he said.

"So you'll have to deal with Miss Melendez by yourself. That's ok, isn't it?"

"No problem at all."

"Ok, so see you tomorrow."

"Yes. Bye."

David's phone went a few minutes after Janice had left. It was reception. There was a Merciana Melendez to see him.

She was early but David decided to go and get her straightaway. He was keen to get this over with.

He rode the lift down to ground and emerged into the reception area. There was just the one person waiting there.

"Miss Melendez?" he said, approaching her. The girl looked up and smiled.

She jumped to her feet and proffered an elegantly manicured hand. Her nails were painted a striking shade of cerise. She was medium tall and dressed beautifully in dark grey skirt, white silk blouse, smart killer heels.

"I'm David Dumbar," he said, shaking hands in what he hoped was a firm and businesslike manner.

In truth he was feeling nervous about interviewing the girl. He hadn't been until he'd seen her but he was now. Reason being that she was terrific looking as well as nicely turned out. Exceedingly pretty, flawless sultry complexion, voluptuous figure, just all round gorgeous!


"Excuse me?"

"That's what people call me. Mercy."

"Ok, er, Mercy."

David was stammering slightly. Thought he might be blushing too. Pull yourself together, he admonished. He felt a little foolish. If anybody should be nervous it should be the interviewee, for christ's sake.

The girl didn't seem nervous though. She seemed friendly but at the same time cool and self possessed.

As they travelled up to David's floor, the 5th, he found himself chattering inarticulately about nothing in particular. He was behaving like a dork, but he couldn't help it.

He cursed inwardly at Janis for landing him with this. None of the others they'd interviewed had been lookers by any stretch of the imagination and he had not imagined that this final one would be. It would have been considerably easier for David if Janis had been there too. If he'd known he would have insisted on it, hair appointment or not.

But David was aware of something else too. Mixed in with the unease and the anxiety there was excitement. He was trying to quell it but not really succeeding. His blood was pumping wildly at the prospect of being alone in his office with this drop-dead young woman. Did he want to stick to his original plan of a very short conversation where he gently but firmly told Miss Merciana Melendez thanks for coming but the job was gone? David wasn't sure.

They exited the lift and walked across the open plan to David's office on the far side. Cue a ripple of appreciation from the guys out there. Some murmuring, wolfish grins, mouths falling open. David had expected this but was annoyed nonetheless. Somebody actually whistled, would you believe. Unprofessional or what. David kept his eyes fixed straight ahead and pretended to be oblivious. He hoped the lusty attention wasn't making the girl feel uncomfortable. He glanced at her to check. She was walking confidently, swinging her hips in her tight skirt, and grinning at the guy who'd just whistled. Not so uncomfortable then. Ok.

David ushered her into his office and closed the door.

"Sorry about that," he said, sheepishly.

The girl gave a sly knowing smile. "It's ok. I'm used to it."

David's mind reeled for how best to respond.

"Um, guess so," he managed, after an awkward silence.

"Why thank you," she pouted prettily. "Such a sweet thing to say."

Had he meant to kick off with a clumsy compliment on her looks? No he had not. This was going off the rails already.

The peculiar combination of embarrassment and anticipation intensified.

"So, Merciana," he started up again.

"Mercy. Call me Mercy."

"Mercy. Please er ... please take a seat."

They'd conducted all the other interviews around his desk but this time he was pointing to the L shaped couch in the corner of the room. Why was that? David didn't bother lying to himself. He didn't want his view impaired.

Mercy looked over there. "Cosy," she said, sounding amused.

David sensed that the girl had sussed him. She knew the type of thoughts he was having and she apparently didn't mind. Ok, so where's the harm then? Not as if he was going to molest her or anything. Just snatch this chance to ogle a delicious young thing who he'd never meet again, nothing too sleazy and obvious either, half an hour of chit-chat and then it's goodbye and move on and back to normal. Well almost normal. Janis gone but replaced by someone very similar. Mousy middle-aged Dorothy Duke to start next week. Maybe on Monday if they could get the paperwork done sharpish.

Except that the prospect of Dorothy Duke suddenly didn't seem quite so appealing. Even less so as he watched Mercy sashay over to the couch. Jesus, that skirt. It was above the knee and clung like a second skin. David gazed in anguished longing at her gently swaying buttocks and her smooth luscious legs.

Mercy settled herself comfortably down. She slowly and rather sexily crossed one leg over the other, snug skirt riding up her thighs. She made no attempt to pull it down.

David looked, he couldn't help it. When he dragged his eyes back to Mercy's face he found her staring right back at him. She was smirking slightly.

David tried to hold her gaze but looked away quickly. He might be the interviewer here but he didn't feel in charge.

"Would you like a coffee?" he said, fighting for some composure.

In his struggle not to stare at Mercy's fabulous legs he found himself looking intently at the floor.

"I would, David, yes," Mercy replied, cool and crisp.

"The machine is just outside. I won't be a second," he said, making for the door.

"Oh Mr Dumbar?"

"Yes?" he said, spinning around.

"Haven't you forgotten something?"

"Um, have I?"

"Don't you want to know how I like it?"


"My coffee. How I like my coffee."

"Oh god, yes. Forgive me."

"It's no big deal. Of course I forgive you."

"Great. Thanks."

"It's ok. Really."

David remained rooted. He felt trapped by Mercy's steady penetrating gaze. Felt as if he needed her permission to continue with this coffee errand.

Mercy was silent for what seemed a long time.

Then she giggled.

"So go on then. Ask me how I like my coffee."

David reddened. Was the girl flirting or was she just laughing at him?

"Ok. Right. So how do you like your coffee?" he managed to say, albeit in a tight voice.

"I like it with oodles of cream and sugar."

"Um, we don't have cream, I'm afraid."

"No cream?"

"No, I'm sorry. We only have milk."


Mercy was not looking best pleased.

"Ok," she said.

"I am sorry, Mercy."

"Full of apologies, David, aren't you? That's at least three already."



She was toying with him, David realized, but he was unable to assert himself. He also realized that perhaps he didn't really want to. Forgetting his earlier resolution of 'nothing too obvious' his eyes lingered hungrily on Mercy. He drank it all in, those lovely bare legs so gloriously crossed and flaunted in the tantalizing skirt, those firm and bountiful breasts jutting out proudly against her gossamer light blouse, the hint of cleavage artfully displayed by a couple of undone buttons, her stunning face framed by cascades of luxuriant black hair, the full generous mouth and perfectly applied lipstick, colour matching her nails, the cute little nose, the dark flashing eyes, at once confident and commanding and mischievous. And the scent she was wearing. Something sensuous and ultra feminine. David felt his power of will slipping away. It was simply too much. Mercy was enough to drive any man half crazy. For a man like David Dumbar, who could barely remember the last time he'd gotten laid, churning with need and sexual frustration, the intimate exposure to such mouth-watering female sexiness was devastating. He was lost.

Mercy sat on the couch basking in the painfully blatant adoration of this joke of a character who was meant to be interviewing her. She was smugly aware of his inner turmoil. Mercy knew when she had a man under her spell. It happened often enough after all! She was young but far from innocent. She knew how gorgeous she was and she revelled in her shattering effect on men. She loved how they became desperate drooling idiots in her presence, their frantic attempts to impress, how ridiculously easy it was to manipulate them. Especially sad sacks like David Dumbar. He was a perfect victim. In Mercy's opinion, a guy like this was simply made to be exploited.

"How about that coffee then?" she said, snapping David out of his reverie.

David nodded mutely and left the room.

During his brief absence Mercy mulled the situation. She had a wicked glint in her eye. The job was hers if she wanted it and Mercy decided that she did. Working for such a hapless jerk would be a scream. With his diminutive height, his chubby unprepossessing frame, his deeply forgettable face, the thick glasses, his halting timid manner, Mercy's first impression down in reception had been that her prospective boss probably did not see much action in the bedroom, and the way he'd just been looking at her had pretty much confirmed that. OMG, poor thing was like the starving dog salivating at the juicy bone! Mercy's imagination went into overdrive as she contemplated the devilish way she'd mess with him once she got installed here. Come to think of it, why not start right now? Mercy glanced down at her blouse and, smiling contentedly, she undid the third button.

David returned with her coffee in a paper cup. "Here we go," he said, placing it on the low table by the couch in front of her.

"Thanks, sweetie" said Mercy, like David was some faithful old retainer.

David blushed furiously. He felt demeaned being spoken to like this by a young girl he was supposed to be interviewing for a job. But rather thrilled too. Was it possible that she kind of liked him?

He mumbled something about no proper mugs, which Mercy ignored.

"You not having one?" she said.

"No, not for me."

"Why not?"

"Um, I'm ok. Had one a few minutes ago."

This was not the truth. The reason that David was foregoing coffee was that he didn't trust his hand to remain steady in the presence of the gorgeous Mercy Melendez.

The girl maintained her level stare and considered his answer carefully. Then she shook her head.

"Really? You grabbed a coffee just before you knew you were meeting with me? Seems a little strange. Why didn't you wait?"

"Um, I dunno," muttered David, wishing the damn girl would drop this.

What a remarkably assertive young lady, he thought. Her manner was unnerving him almost as much as her spectacular looks.

"Because that would have been more polite and social, don't you think?" Mercy persisted.

"Guess it would, yes," David acknowledged.

"Not that I mind drinking alone, I don't, but still."

"Yes, I see."

He didn't, not really.

Mercy was staring stonily at him. David feared that he had disappointed and displeased her, hence this impasse. He needed to find a way out of it, find the key that would allow them to continue.

The silence went on for some time. It didn't seem to bother Mercy one iota. She sat there calm and utterly still on the couch, face implacable, almost expressionless. David by contrast was becoming ever more awkward and tense.

Just as David was wondering if this actually marked the end of the interview, he realized what was required. Yes, of course, silly him.

"Mercy, I'm truly sorry," he said.

Mercy weighed up this offering. She took her sweet time about it, but then to David's great relief she came down in his favour. There was the ghost of a smile and the briefest of nods. Permission to proceed.

"Thank you," David said. Then he scurried off to his desk and came back with Mercy's resume.

David sat down on the section of couch which ran at right angles to where Mercy was positioned. It was a compact sofa, so they were quite close to each other.

After Mercy, smiling sweetly once more, had pointedly shuffled herself over towards him they were very close. Almost touching.

David began the interview. It was a charade and they both knew it. He sat there with Mercy's resume in his hand, referring to it, asking this and that, while Mercy fielded the questions with amused disdain. What was really going on was that David was treating himself to an eyeful of scenery and Mercy, in her element as the tantalizing object of desire, was more than happy to let him.

Mercy was savouring the rush she always got when she had a man utterly besotted. She languorously crossed and re-crossed her legs, showing a little more sumptuous golden thigh. She tossed her hair and pouted and licked her lips. She toyed with the fourth button on her blouse. She was being the most terrible pricktease and loving every minute of it!

Egged on by her victim's agonized reactions, Mercy went to town with the provocation. She loosened a shoe and let it dangle precariously on the tip of her sexily pedicured cerise-painted toes. She casually scratched an 'itch' high up under her skirt. She stretched her arms above and behind her shoulders so that her large firm tits pushed hard against the thin material of her blouse. Whenever she bent forward to take a sip of coffee her blouse opened up and poor deprived David was taunted by a glimpse of heaven, a pair of fabulous breasts nestling in a tiny lace bra that didn't completely obscure the nipples.

Before too long David was a wreck. He was sweating all over, his hands were trembling, his head was twitching about, his face was deeply flushed, and of course he had a stonker on the go inside his pants. The girl was driving him beserk!

For a while Mercy made like she didn't know what she was doing, but soon decided it would be more fun if she dropped the pretence.

"You ok, sweetie?" she said, interrupting David in the middle of some asshole question.

David looked up from where he'd been staring, Mercy's thighs, and made eye contact with her. She was smiling at him. The smile was affectionate but there was mockery there too.

"Um, sure," he said.

He held her gaze. It was difficult, he felt an idiot, but he managed it.

"Just that you seem a little distracted."



Mercy skewered him with a wicked gloating grin and began fingering the hem of her skirt. It was dangerously high. Her thighs were very fully exposed now.

David squirmed in his seat. This was setting him a herculean challenge. It was just daring him not to look. David wasn't up to it. Not even close. He succumbed quickly and was again lost in the worshipful contemplation of Mercy's diabolically sexy legs.

Mercy giggled. "See? Distracted."

David gave up. He grinned awkwardly. "Well, you know."

There was no point fighting this. The girl was calling the shots here. If he wanted to continue with her he would have to accept that fact. And David did want to continue. It was against his better judgement but, oh lord, yes he did. His 'better judgement' in truth had long since gone. What was ruling him was in his pants, not between his ears. David imagined this delectable honey of a girl leaving his office and him never seeing her again. To his surprise he found the thought distressing in the extreme. The prospect was, literally, unbearable.

Mercy recognized the abject surrender. OMG, she owned the guy!

Gleefully, she set about pressing home her advantage and amusing herself.

"It's ok, you don't have to be all shy about it," she teased him. "You fancy me, don't you, been checking me out, I could tell. Especially my legs. You really like my legs, sweetie, don't you?"


"There you go! This is much better, me asking the questions and you answering. Don't you think?"

"Perhaps it is," David mumbled.

"Good. So where will I be sitting when I come work for you?"

David didn't resist the implication.

"Just there," he said, pointing to Janis's desk, diagonally across from his own.

"Ah ok. So we share the room. Is that just the two of us? You know, kind of like now?"


"Gee, so that means you can really keep an eye on me. That will be nice, sweetie, won't it?"

David grinned sheepishly. He knew exactly what the girl was driving at.

"Guess so, Mercy, yes."

"So look, how about some advice, this being my first job and all?"

"On what?"

"Well, like for example, how should I dress for work?"

Mercy had moved even closer to him. Her foot was brushing against his leg. This, plus the turn of the conversation, was doing precisely nothing to calm his intense arousal.

"Er, I dunno really. Like you are today is fine."

"Really? You like this outfit?"


"Great! Cos I have lots of stuff similar to this."


"Yeah, I do. Although most of my skirts are quite a bit shorter. You won't mind that, Mr Dumbar, will you?"

"Not at all."

"You wouldn't, like, tell me off for wearing really short skirts to the office?"


"Would you prefer it even? Cos you'll get to see loads of my nice legs then, won't you?"

David was feeling ever more sordid. But he didn't give a damn. His cock was stiff as a peg. He hadn't had an erection like this since ... well he hadn't.

"They are nice!" he blurted.

This caused Mercy to have another fit of the giggles. She was finding it increasingly difficult to keep any semblance of a straight face.

She pulled herself together with an effort, intrigued to find out how far she could push this absurd risible little man.

"Ok! That's a promise! Plenty of short skirts."


"Oh, what about if I feel like going casual sometimes? That's fine too, right?"

"How do you mean?"

"You know, like, jeans."

"Well it's not the norm but..."

"But you'll make an exception for me."

"Yes, why not."

"I mean tight sexy jeans naturally. You know, the type that cling and hang real low and show off a girl's belly if she teams them with a skimpy little cropped top. Which I almost certainly will. You'll be cool with that, I imagine."


"Good. That's that then. Short skirts and blouses most of the time, tight jeans and crop-tops maybe just on Fridays. Is there anything else we should cover regarding my outfits?"

"Er, well, er..."

David stopped. He wasn't sure if he ought to mention it.

Mercy awarded him her sauciest smile. "Tell me," she said.

As further encouragement she placed her hand on David's knee, gave it a squeeze. Leaving her hand there, she leaned into him and her blouse billowed apart, presenting David with the very thing he was hesitating to talk about. It was as if the girl could read his mind!

"Ok, so it's your ... it's your blouse," he said, spitting it out.

"My blouse," said Mercy, wide-eyed, glancing down at the item in question. "What about my blouse?"

David took a deep breath and ploughed on.

"I like how it's quite a long way unbuttoned," he muttered.

"You do, huh?"

David nodded.

"I think we know why," Mercy laughed.

"Right," said David.

"Not just my legs then, by the sounds of it. You appreciate my tits too. Glad to hear it."

"I like all of you," announced David, in the solemn tones of a declaration of love. Which in a way it was.

"You're an incredibly alluring young lady."

"An alluring young lady! You are so sweet!" said Mercy, delightedly.

The delight was genuine. This was hilarious. Poor guy.

"Thanks," said David, beaming like a baby with a rattle.

"So, ok, when I wear a blouse I'll be sure to have it nicely unbuttoned. Deal."

Mercy had held position, meaning that David was able to look at her jugs at the same time as they were being discussed.

"You really do appreciate them, don't you?" Mercy goaded, doing a jiggle for him.

David just grunted.

"This bra, I know, it's almost like I'm not wearing one."

He nodded. True. It was. He could see the top of her nipples.

Mercy laughed again. "How about we lose another button?"

"Oh god, yes!"

"Planning to say please?"


"Pretty please?" she said, openly teasing.

"Pretty please!!"

"Pretty pretty please?"

"Pretty pretty pretty pretty please!!!"

"Stop, stop! ... It's ok, sweetie, I was joking."

David's face crumpled.

Mercy was in stitches. OMG what a sap! Could this get any funnier.

"No sweetie, I don't mean that. I mean you don't have to beg. Of course I can undo another button on my blouse! It's my pleasure. Fact, why don't you do the honours?"

David gulped for air. He reached down with trembling fingers.

"Just the button," ordered Mercy. "No feeling me up, not now. Maybe another time, if you're a good little boy ... good little boss, I mean."

David undid the fourth button on Mercy's blouse. It was open nearly to her navel. God, this was great, staring at her melons, but he wanted so much more! All those things to do with attractive females that David usually tried not to think about, he was now thinking about nothing else. And Mercy had just hinted that in the future those things might happen! If he was a good boss. Well he would be a good boss. He was going to be the best boss on the planet!

Mercy, giggling lasciviously, pushed her breasts up under David's nose and shook them around. She did it so vigorously that her bra slipped off and they bounded free. "Oops!" she went.

David's eyes bulged in their sockets and his tongue lolled out of his mouth.

"Accident!" exclaimed Mercy and she reached inside to rectify things. It took her quite a while.

"Do me up now, sweetheart," she instructed.

David re-did the button.

"And the next one."

He sadly complied. Back to just the hint of cleavage. Wildly intoxicating to him a while ago, less so now.

"Wave them goodbye," Mercy teased.

David wasn't sure if she was joking again.

"Go on, sweetie. Wave them goodbye."

Ok not joking. David waved goodbye to Mercy's tits.

"For now anyway," she grinned, softening the blow considerably.

Mercy checked her watch. Nearly six. Better move this along. She had a hot date tonight.

"So you're offering me the job, Mr Dumbar, right?"

There was more than a trace of derision in the 'Mr Dunbar'. Mercy knew she was home and dry.


"You'd like me to be your secretary."

"I would."

"I accept."


"How about a little smooch to celebrate? Would that be appropriate?"

David nodded eagerly.

"Thought it might be," Mercy smirked.

She got to her feet.

"Should I go lock the door?" she said.

"Er, yes, guess we better had."

He really ought to have done that before, David realized. Wasn't thinking straight, for obvious reasons. Good that one of them was on the ball. He silently offered up a heartfelt thanks that nobody had crashed in just now and seen him so intimately involved with Mercy's blouse. That would have taken some explaining.

Mercy went to David's office door and dropped the latch.

"Do not disturb, right?" she grinned, wiggling back across the room towards her prey.

David watched from the couch, arteries in overdrive, visibly discombobulated by desire for the girl, lost in the lurid anticipation of what he was about to receive.

"Take your specs off, sweetie. Wanna see that handsome face."

David removed his glasses with quaking hand, dropped them down on the table.

Mercy giggled and plopped herself into David's lap. She draped her arms around him, rested her head on his shoulder. She could hear his heart pounding. He was trembling all over.

She felt his erection underneath her buttocks. It was most definitely full on! Ok, so she'd known this already, but still it was nice to get irrefutable confirmation of just how horny she'd made the poor bastard.

Mercy was feeling quite horny too. She was getting a little moist down there. Ok, more than a little! Teasing a guy's brains out usually did that to her. She thought about hunky Simon who she was meeting later. Perhaps her favourite boyfriend of the ones she was currently running. His lucky night, she decided. She needed seeing to and soon. Needed the works.

"Hold me if you like," Mercy whispered.

David placed an arm awkwardly around Mercy and she snuggled into him.

Mercy pressed her ass into his erection, applying pressure, stimulating him through his trousers, pushing his arousal level into the red zone.

"This is nice," she purred, in a baby doll voice.

Encouraged and yet further inflamed, David's free hand shot to Mercy's thighs.

He was drowning in lust. He was conscious of nothing but the feel and smell of this thrilling goddess of a girl.

He fumbled around indelicately between her legs. "Oooo," Mercy squealed, and she opened up a little for him.

David was grunting like an animal. His clumsy hand was getting greedy. His exquisitely imprisoned cock pushed and strained for relief. Oh god!! So long it had been, so long!!

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The New Secretary

The New Secretary (inspired by Masked Scribe's The Secretary from the yahoo maskingwriter group) Eric Lindsey got up, struggling to get open his eyes. But when he saw the time-1120am, he got real quick. Oh crap, I am nearly late for my next interview this afternoon. He leapt out of bed and after taking off his sleepwear, he gathered his materials for the interview. Sure, the last job he had was fun and all, but he yearned for more excitement. There existed a thrill to becoming a female...

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The New Secretary

The New Secretary Part 1 I sat reviewing the application in front of me. "This is the last candidate; Ms Tiffany Monroe. Let's get her in and then we can think about which one we want." Denise, the HR Manager, nodded and left the room. I sat, waiting and wondering what this Tiffany Monroe was going to be like; in the end I gave up as, more often than not, the name and details on the application bore no resemblance whatever to the person who sat before you. With Tiffany it was...

1 year ago
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New Secretary

About 2 years ago, my personal secretary Sunita got married & migrated to Australia with her husband, who was working as a software engineer in Melborne, I was so used to her looking after my appointments & other office chores, that with her leaving, I was in total chaos after her exit, I needed a new secretary, so I decided to spread the word in my business & friend circles, so that I get, just the candidate I was looking for. After 4 days at about 11.00 am, my receptionist called me on the...

2 years ago
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No One Notices a Secretary

No One Notices a Secretary Belladonna [Author's note: Based on a caption made for me by Tranzmute] "Do you have any leads yet?" My secretary asked as she knocked on my door. Still clutching my head, I shook it before I replied, "Not a damn clue." "Oh," was all Theresa uttered in response. I shook my head again while I said, "I've spent over a million dollars trying to find the source of that damn leak. I've used IT, our team, and outside contractors, just to make sure...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 7 New Secretary

Dave watched from the doorway to the austere conference room that JR was using to meet with the marketing staff. EneRG was casual enough that having the CEO lurking in the doorway to eavesdrop on the meeting was no big deal. Several of the staff had waved or nodded in his direction. Everybody knew everyone on a first name basis, too. Dave noticed Nikky also sitting in the meeting. JR was in her high-energy pattern and the meeting was clipping along at a rapid pace. The reports were crisp and...

2 years ago
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I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

To our readers, I would like to introduce a new coauthor Cagivagurl. Do yourself a favor and check out her story page on FM. We were so impressed with her resume of stories we went out and actively recruited her to join our team. For our faithful readers you might be able to detect a more sensual leaning to this production. We hope you enjoy this tale. Marina and Monica Promoted from CFO to Secretary. Beth Johnson sat out on the patio relaxing with her morning...

2 years ago
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I had begun serving on the neighborhood board to be sure things were done correctly. I had a lot of money invested in my house, and even though I was single, I wanted to be sure it kept its value. The board oversaw all the maintenance and improvements to community property; collected the homeowner dues; made sure everyone obeyed the covenants; and checked that new houses were built to our code restrictions. We also promoted social events and neighborhood parties. It seemed like a lot...

3 years ago
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The Secretary

The Secretary By Morpheus Gene Howard frowned as he stared at the numbers dancing on his computer screen. He pulled his eyes away from the monitor and dug through the stack of papers on his desk, matching them and double checking them. After the third time, he knew that it hadn't just been a miscalculation on his part. There were several discrepancies in the company records. Discrepancies which could mean that up to 3 million dollars was missing. "Damn," Gene muttered, wiping his...

2 years ago
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Becoming My Husbands Secretary

My husband, James, secretary quit last year after marrying one of his clients. And he was struggling to find a suitable replacement.   He had hired a number of secretaries, but they just kept quitting sometimes not even working a full week.   James is a major distributor of swimwear and leisurewear for women, which is imported from Brazil. Most of his clients are in coastal areas of the United States and Mexico and sales are seasonal and very competitive.   We have been married for twenty years...

2 years ago
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Becoming My Husbands Secretary

My husband James’s secretary quit last year; after marrying one of his clients. He was struggling to find a suitable replacement. He had hired a number of secretaries, but they just kept quitting sometimes not even working a full week. James is a major distributor of swim wear, club wear, and leisurewear for women, which is imported from Brazil. Most of his clients are in coastal areas of the United States and Mexico and sales are seasonal and very competitive. We have been married for twenty...

3 years ago
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Becoming My Husbands Secretary

  My husband, James, secretary quit last year after marrying one of his clients. And he was struggling to find a suitable replacement.   He had hired a number of secretaries, but they just kept quitting sometimes not even working a full week.   James is a major distributor of swimwear and leisurewear for women, which is imported from Brazil. Most of his clients are in coastal areas of the United States and Mexico and sales are seasonal and very competitive.   We have been...

Wife Lovers
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My Wife Found Me A New Secretary

I’ve always had a great fondness for women.  I’ve always had a roving eye most of my adult life.  My wife and I married right out of college.  She saw a good thing and wanted to get married right away.  I wanted to wait a little while.  However, she talked me into getting married.  We’ve been married for twenty years.  We never had children, which I believe put a strain on our marriage.  My wife found out early, she couldn’t conceive.  She didn’t want to adopt.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my...

2 years ago
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Mommy Adriana Makes Greta Become a Secretary

Dear Readers, it took me a while because reality caught up with me, but now the next chapter is ready. I simply hope you don't get bored and enjoy also the 6th installment of my little story. Mommy Adriana makes Greta become a secretary By: Greta Finally I lay in bed. I heard Mommy Adriana was sound asleep while I tossed and turned. I simply couldn't sleep after today's events. I would never be the same man again....

4 years ago
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Sex With the New Secretary

Last week was a week full of celebratory events. Agatha Smith finally retired. She gave thirty years of service at Anthony Roma’s company. He made sure that she got a nice pension and his company gave her a retirement party. She was the best administrative secretary he ever had. The best part of her retirement was interviewing dumb blondes to take her place. There were many that were perfectly qualified. Mr. Roma wasn’t really looking for somebody who would be able to get her work done...

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Story Of Arpita 8211 Part III 8211 The Private Secretary

Hello readers, welcome back for the third part of the Story of Arpita. For those who had been a regular follower of Arpita, a brief recap first – Story of Arpita – Part 1 – Wife at Stake – Pritam, Arpita’s husband had lost his job at a very crucial time of his life. He had just got married to Arpita and was beginning his life, when his sacking came as a bolt from the blue. And he had no other choice but to offer his wife, Arpita, to his bosses, to save his job. Unmesh, Rahul, and Anjan, his 3...

1 year ago
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The New Secretary

Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] The New Secretary By Amy Brett Chapter 1 THE RUMORS HAD been flying for weeks and everybody was walking on eggshells around the office. I'd always done my job as a high paid clerk in the payroll and records department to the...

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MTVs Flipped My Fair Secretary

I plan on making several stories in this series, and if others want to, you are more than free to do so. Flipped By Po The 21 year-old rich and spoiled Brad, who was mysteriously bribed 100,000 dollars by MTV, agreed to appear on MTV's brand new show "Flipped". But exactly who he would be switching places with was still a mystery. But he didn't let it get to him... as long as he got paid and added more money to his illustrious bank. But... he had no idea what was about to...

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Naughty Secretary

I walked into the office again. 'Holy shit, is she just putting herself on display? She has that big crack on there, so is she just pretending that I won't notice? Is she plotting for a raise or what?' I thought as I stopped in front of her desk. "Brooke?" "Yes, Mr. Green?" she asked, failing to look at me. I clenched my fists and got closer to her. "Would you mind covering your cleavage? This is a law firm and I want our clients and potential clients to think we are serious and respectful....

Office Sex
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The Futa Experiment Part 1 The Secretary

Bianca sat in bed, absentmindedly scrolling through her social media feeds on her phone, whittling away the hours of the early morning. She didn’t have any plans for today, and tried to find some entertainment in the postings of others. One of her friends, Amy, posted a picture of herself in a skimpy swimsuit, captioned “missing the summer sun.” Her cleavage drew Bianca’s attention and she began to imagine those huge tits exposed to the warm, summer air, glistening with sweat. Her girl cock...

2 years ago
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The Bored Secretary

The Bored Secretary Belladonna Jerome Gustafsson tapped the butt of his pen against the desktop as he stared at the clock of his computer screen. Another minute clicked by while he awaited the arrival of Lily Ghosn into his home office. It was one of the few places Lily had never been in his home before. She was his wife's best friend for decades. She had been the Maid of Honor at their wedding. He cared for the girl, even though he detested her forced intrusion into his...

2 years ago
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Nelson Enterprises VP of Sales becomes a Secretary

Nelson Enterprises - VP of Sales becomes a Secretary The VP of Sales - Dan Watkins - sexually harassed one of his talented sales ladies - Kelly Weir - to the point she quit and then he used his influence to destroy her career. He will now be inheriting that body and the remains of that career and must learn to interact with his 2 ex- wives from a new perspective - as their maid. Summary to date: Bill: Bill Nelson was a famous billionaire inventor and playboy but now finds...

4 years ago
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My sexy secretary

My name is John Lampert. I've been with someone for like 4 years straight now. From one relationship to the next. You could say I'm dependent on relationships. I don't know why, but I've been that way since I was 26 and I'm 34 now. But at the time I was single. I'm 6 feet tall and have black hair and brown eyes. Since I really didn't have anyone to go home to, I worked late a lot. I worked in an office building as an executive. I have a secretary that I think might have a thing for me named...

Straight Sex
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Mistress Dyvias Secretary

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Mistress Dyvia presents: Mistress Dyvia's...

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Watching my Father fuck his young Secretary

As Deborah bends over at the filing cabinet, John glances up from his desk and admires the view. The coffee-brown, wrap-around dress she’s wearing today highlights her stunning, statuesque figure, her long shapely legs, womanly hips and well-proportioned behind. Its late and there’s no one left in the building and John’s son is not due from the train station for at least another hour… He gets up and wanders over to stand behind his voluptuous secretary. As she rises back up from the filing...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Secretary

The Perfect Secretary By Cherysse St. Claire "Cissy, would you bring in the projected revenues on the l'Audace line, please?" "In a minute, Ms. Fontaine. They're coming off the Laserjet right now." I reached over and withdrew the reports from the output stacker. The stark, white paper was a contrast to my long, slender fingers with their ultra-long, crimson nails. I patted an errant lock of my full, fluffy, golden-blonde mane back in place, checked my make-up in the desk-drawer...

3 years ago
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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 8 Creating a New Secretary

Steve Davies I shoved my teaching materials into my satchel while admiring the naked girls in my classroom. Two weeks had passed since I’d edited my classroom to have every girl strip naked. I had a lot of fun. I’d enjoyed all my female students, savoring their underage snatches quivering about my cock. My students were learning even better than before. Two weeks of fun. Two weeks of improving things. I was editing the people I knew, making their lives better. I found friends that were...

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The secretary

She had spent too long waiting for a long promised fuck but tonight was the night. Even though she was in a relationship, for her the best sex was with others – the lustful dark fucking that she would only dare to do with others. He had been teasing her for the past year and she had finally told him to fuck her or fuck off. She was going to a conference where he would be and they had arranged to accidentally have adjoining rooms. It was the best cover for both of them. The worst part was...

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The secretary

She had spent too long waiting for a long promised fuck but tonight was the night. Even though she was in a relationship, for her the best sex was with others - the lustful dark fucking that she would only dare to do with others. He had been teasing her for the past year and she had finally told him to fuck her or fuck off. She was going to a conference where he would be and they had arranged to accidentally have adjoining rooms. It was the best cover for both of them. The worst part was...

2 years ago
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Fun With Secretary

Hi friends, this is Chaitanya. This is a true story which happened in my office with me. I was looking for another secretary who can take care of my extra work in office after my earlier secretary left for Dubai after her marriage. I was searching for a good replacement for my old secretary who can handle all the work as efficiently as the earlier one. My business has also expanded more and I had to travel to many places to develop more clients. I was in need of a Secretary who does all my...

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Sexy Secretary

Sexy Secretary Intro My penname comes from a character I used to play in interactive fiction. One of the stories was based on the enigmatic M&R Corporation and I loved the idea of hapless males being transformed by a faceless corporation. I also loved the idea that the victims of M&R Corporation were forced to choose (or were allocated one by their "sponsor') from one of four feminine roles: schoolgirl, secretary, maid or sex-slave. I plan to write a...

4 years ago
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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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Lady Boss and Secretary

John T. Larmon is a business executive for a famous exporting company in UK has been working hard for the maximum business potential for his company. Recently while he was on a business trip for a few days he had what was a rather unexpected but delightful experience. John was staying in one of the new suite hotels and was traveling alone planning on spending his time at company meetings and watching TV in his room. He went down to the lobby to get a drink as the hotel offered free cocktails...

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Super Secretary

Super Secretary By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "This game is going to be awesome!" Larry told his co-workers as they were grabbing some morning coffee in the office beak room. "Damn, I know," said Kenny. "I wish it was starting now. I'm feeling good about the Giants!" "You guys have no chance," Alan piped up. "Did you forget the Patriots were undefeated this year?" "Dude, the Giants played them well in the last game," said Larry. "They've definitely got a...

3 years ago
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Denise My Hot Secretary

I've always had these wild sexual fantasies about my secretary, Denise. She is quite lovely, a sweet young girl about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, with a cute little girl look that I find so sexy!She is about five foot four inches I guess when in her stocking feet, but since she usually wears heels, she comes up to just below my own six-foot stature. She has a very nice figure too, not too skinny (I hate those skinny-as-a-rail types that look like they are afraid of food!), but not too...

Oral Sex
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Gender Role Reversal Hiring a new secretary

The alarm buzzed waking me up. Stretching I rolled over and gently kissed my husband on the neck. "Morning babe" I said waking him up "morning honey" he replied. I threw the bed sheets off me and got up and headed towards the bathroom. I took a shower and then got out and dried off. Entering the bedroom naked I noticed that my husband had gone downstairs and was probably making breakfast. Opening a drawer I pulled out pair of grey boxers and slipped them on. Next I got out some...

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Ballsy Secretary

Shemale - cum-eating – dominant – submissive – big cock – secretary – bossA few more good strokes and I'd be like a fire hydrant. My breathing was ragged; my fist pumped up and down the long neck of my cock nearly as fast as my heart beat in my chest. I love this part. That moment where your knees go weak and you finally give in. Your eyes clench shut and the pressure from your balls explodes up your shaft until your tip blasts that first strand of cum and sweet relief finally takes you over.I...

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Male Secretary

Yes that first date is correct, way back then I was day-dreaming in a junior-year business ethics class and this story came to me. I came across it recently and decided to save it by re-keying it and posting it. (It was originally composed on an Apple II+ and printed out on an Epson RX-80 dot matrix printer! High technology!) This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you are not an adult, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been...

2 years ago
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Stuarts Secretary

STUART?S SECRETARY STUART?S SECRETARY The way that model has his cock whipped reminds me of the day Uncle Pietro caught me with the Frederick?s of Hollywood catalogue that I?d stolen from the neighbor?s porch?Uncle Piet and Uncle John had condemned me for my pornographic interests..Uncle Piet using his sign language to declaim Mathew Chapter Five-?"You have heard that the law of Moses says, 'Do not commit adultery.' 28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust in his eye...

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Banging Anna My Hot Secretary

I married the girl of my dreams.  We met in college and were together for all four years.  I knew the day we met, we’d be together forever.  She was like the female version of myself.  We took our time getting to know one another.  The four years of college went fast and after graduation I proposed to Sara.  I didn’t want to lose her.I went into the family business and Sara found work in her field.  We lived together in a condo that we rented together.  After about a year, we married and...

Office Sex
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Business partner to pretty sissy secretary

It was embarrassing. As all the men stared at my now smooth pale girlish body. "My girlish body?!" How could this happen? I wanted to run away. But my male psyche couldn't control my own body anymore, I felt consumed by my female psyche. As I uncontrollably danced for what I thought was my "business partners." They fooled me slowly, asking to do small tasks that we're meant for secretary type instead of a business partner. It was small things at 1st, getting coffee or...

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Banging The Secretary

Debra West was a secretary at Bold Industries, which was a construction firm.  She was not the sharpest tool in the shed, but she had a great body, and her boss liked looking at her.  She made mistakes most days but yesterday made the biggest mistake of all.  Her boss Mr. Johnson had her doing personal tasks for him.  She was to order flowers for his wife and his girlfriend but sent the wrong flowers to his wife.It was his wedding anniversary, and the anniversary flowers went to his girlfriend,...

Office Sex
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Part 18 Sex with lactating secretary

Sajitha was a departmental secretary in our company. Upon my transfer or deputation to Mumbai as one might want to call it, she was assigned to me for some time in addition to her usual roles. While she did not belong to my department, half her time was to be with me. I was on an important mission to this office and I had clear directives as to what was expected of me. To work better I had requested for a helping hand to take care of the mundane matters like getting tea/coffee, taking meeting...

1 year ago
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Wizards Day Off The Secretary

The wizard sat on the park bench reading his paper. He was very much enjoying his day off. A man sat down next to him on the bench and forcefully dialed a number on his cell phone. He did not look happy but the wizard continued reading the paper, this was his day off after all. The wizard heard a squeaky voice on the other end answer and the man cut her off. "Britney, I am almost finished with my lunch break. Have you completed my report for corporate yet?" "What do you mean you are...

1 year ago
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Sissy Secretary

I guided them down the back staircase into the media room with its plush movie theater seats and a wall sized digital screen. My pride and joy, "And that," I said with a grand sweeping gesture and deep bow worthy of a carnival ringmaster, "is the tour of my humble abode." "Yes 'humble'," Maria Sanchez said elbowing her husband playfully in the ribs, "we should be able to afford so 'humble'. And here we thought living right off the golf course was nice." Her husband Ben defensively...

3 years ago
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Breaking in the New Secretary

M/f Teen D/s Job NC Humiliation Scott Braden didn’t go looking for victims, but nor did he spit in the face of fate when victims were provided. And the young girl sitting across from his battered desk all but screamed victim. She was young – his eyes flicked down to the paper he held in his hand and confirmed it. Yes, nineteen. How precious. His hard blue eyes went back to her. She was small, painfully thin with a malnourished look and delicate bones. A small heart-shaped face with high...

1 year ago
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application for secretary

Heather showed up at Margaret's office at nine sharp the next morning for her interview. I was in Margaret's office sipping at a cup of french vanilla cappuccino and Margaret was having a cup of coffee. Heather came in and introduced herself to us. She was wearing a very curly blonde wig that fell to the middle of her back, and she also had on a loose fitting white blouse, a knee length black skirt, white stockings and black five inch heels. Margaret directed Heather to sit in the chair by...

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Daddys Little Secretary

I recently was asked to become a partner at my law firm. Now, it’s not a very large firm maybe fifty or so attorney’s each of us have assistants and there’s about fifteen or so paralegals. We’re a pretty well knit family the majority of us have been working together for about a decade. As a matter fact my career started here before passing the bar. Before starting law school I was working as a paralegal for the firm. So, to go from a paralegal to a partner in just a decade is pretty...

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Georges secretary

My sweet girlfriend Laura looked upset during lunch time…I asked what problem she had and Laura leaned on the table, looked at me with her very nice green eyes and hissed:“George is cheating on me with that stupid bimbo secretary…”I insisted, asking her if she was sure or just she suspected the whole matter. But Laura then got even angrier and furious…“The bitch is the new girl in the office; I met her two weeks ago…”“A little slut bimbo in her early twenties; a sensual brunette, some killer...

3 years ago
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Black Politician Breeds Married White Press Secretary

Race relations in the United States have improved markedly since the 1960s, although some blacks and whites still have lingering prejudices, especially in the South. I’ll admit that even being born in Alabama in 1988, and raised in the 1990s and early 2000s, many of my family and neighbors still held resentments from the racial strife in the 1960s. I tried to rise above those influences, but it was difficult.My name is Avery, and after high school I attended a moderately-liberal college in...

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Stripper to Special Secretary

I really need a job. It has been two months since I was fired from my last job as a stripper and I am running low on money. I was let go because the place I worked at, Dancing Dames, was not doing well and they needed to let half of their workers go. I have looked at other strip clubs, but I want to try something new. Work though, has been hard to find, considering most of my experience is in taking off my clothes and giving lap dances. So over the weeks I have become more and more desperate...

Office Sex
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Banging My Horny Secretary

Hello ISS readers. This is my third story on ISS and in this story i am going to tell you about the experience about how i got to fuck my extremely hot and mature secretary. We had shifted to Singapore two years ago and after joining the office, i first met her. My boss introduced her and told that she was to be my personal secretary. She was a beautiful woman, about 38 years of age, not so fat. Her assets were beautiful. She had a nice pair of round breasts and a firm tight ass. She was...

2 years ago
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Secretary1        It was Friday near quitting time when the E-mail showed up from my boss.         Kelly,        I think this would be a good time for you to invest in some job security, come into my office and be prepared to learn all of the tricks to being an exemplary subordinate.         Mr. Blalock had been hinting since he had hired me that I should be doing him in order to keep my job.  Unfortunately, just as with the E-mail I had just received his hints were just vague enough that...

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