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Deep Cover By Zapper Synopsis: Special Agent Scott Irons is a mutant with the Special Mutant Affairs Command and is on a mission to help infiltrate a gang with criminal ties to a terrorist group in the Philippines. Things don't go according to plan and Scott quickly finds himself over his head. Bodies are swapped and identities are stolen in this tale of action and betrayal. Author note: The rules governing mutant classifications for this story might seem similar to other stories or universes, however I didn't follow anyone else's cannon. - Class A Mutant: One who's change is limited to a permanent change to the mutant's body: A mutant who has blue fur, an extra set of arms, or cat's eyes. - Class B Mutant: A mutant whose power limited to his body- Shapeshifting, strength, speed, super senses, regeneration... - Class C Mutant: A mutant who has gained a type of psi-power: Telepathy, empathy, far-sight, astral projection, precognition... - Class D Mutant: Energy manipulation - Shoot lasers from his eyes, or blasts his enemies with fire, teleportation, force shields, telekinesis, elemental control, energy absorption... *** Chapter One *** The rain was a steady annoying drizzle, just enough to obscure visibility, but not enough for Scott to turn on his windshield wipers. 'At least traffic is light this far out from the city,' Scott thought, as he turned onto the private road that led to the "Farm." The entrance was easily missed unless you knew what you were looking for due to the wildlife that had been allowed to grow along the public road. Scott's first impression had been that this was a place seldom visited. It was an impression the Agency had deliberately cultivated. The private road made a sharp turn to the right and Scott lost sight of anything except the dense underbrush and overhanging trees. Here the rain was almost unnoticeable and Scott was forced to turn on his headlights in the pervasive gloom. The agency's security team would now have him under observation and Scott knew how jumpy they could be so he maintained a slow steady speed. After a few minutes the road turned to the left and Scott slowed to a stop in front of a heavy wrought iron gate that blocked the drive. In prominent view was a sign with bright red letters that read: U.S. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY NO TRESPASSING THE USE OF LETHAL FORCE IS AUTHORIZED Scott stopped his Corvette next to a kiosk and rolled down his window. The cold damp air of the Pacific Northwest invaded the warmth of his car causing Scott to suppress a shiver. He pressed his index finger against the digital reader and typed in his PIN. A second later a metallic sounding male voice said, "Good morning, authentic please; Budweiser." Scott glanced at his watch checking the date. It was the 3rd of April. This month they were using beer on the odd days and cars on the even days. "Special Agent, Scott Irons; Sierra Alpha 33 Delta Alpha Alpha tack Delta Charlie; Corona." He replied, using his team identification code and the next type of beer in the alphabet. After a pause the voice replied, "Agent Irons, you are authenticated and cleared to proceed." With that the gate started sliding to one side with a faint clanking sound. Scott drove through the gate and after a few minutes he cleared the tree line. The road now sloped down and then leveled off before leading to the "Farm." The compound ahead of him didn't look like a farm. It consisted of a series of low brick buildings and an oddly large parking lot. The whole thing was surrounded by a chain-link fence with barbwire along the top. It was called the "Farm," Scott had been told, because it had once been a secluded farm before the agency bought the land. They'd wasted no time in knocking down the original buildings, but the name had stuck. When Scott stopped at the next gate it was manned by a pair of tough looking security guards wearing green digi-cammies. "ID card?" The guard asked, while his partner covered Scott with his M-4. Scott handed him the card and the guard placed one end of it into a handheld device. There was a pause and then the device beeped indicating that it had read the chip embedded in the card. The guard now extended the device toward Scott. Without being prompted Scott leaned forward to look into the glass plate on the top of the device. After a moment there was a second beep as the device completed the retinal scan and a light turned green. At this the guard handed Scott his card. "You're cleared, have a nice day, sir." Once through the Entry Control Point (ECP) Scott drove to the parking lot and noticed that the rain had turned into a light mist. It was mid-morning and the lot was only half full so finding a spot wasn't a problem. Even so Scott was now in a hurry. He'd spent the last month on R&R waiting for an order to report to the farm. It had finally come in yesterday in the form of a simple text. Report to work. 3 Apr; 10:00 (L) He'd needed the downtime to decompress from the cluster fuck the last mission had turned into, but after two weeks he'd been ready to return to duty. He hated D.C. in general and politics in particular. It was even worse when politicians got directly involved with an operation. Scott shook his head just because you were the Chairman of a committee with oversight of the Agency didn't make you qualified to run an Op or interfere with field work. When he'd checked in he'd been instructed to wait until contacted to return to work and that he'd been reassigned. The agency was forming a new team, SA33DAA-DC, and they'd let him know when they were ready. Most of the members of the agency wouldn't know what it stood for unless they had the clearance. Scott, however, had the clearance and knew based on the nomenclature that this was going to be an interesting assignment. The SA stood for Special Access which was nothing new for Scott. It simply meant there would be very few people who would know the full scope and nature of the missions they'd be assigned. The first 3 was a standard code for operations and the second 3 meant this was the third operations team in the special access operations section of the agency. The DAA stood for Direct Action Authorized. This was agency speak for the team was authorized to use lethal force when on mission at their own discretion. But the, "tack Delta Charlie" was new for Scott but he knew it stood for Deep Cover. Scott walked into the operations building passing quickly through a security check point and headed to the elevator. Since this was a single story building most people would have found it odd to have an elevator, but Scott was used to odd things when it came to the agency. The doors slid open and Scott pressed his hand to a glass plate above a bank of buttons. There was a ding and three of the five buttons lit up. Scott pushed the button labeled "T" and the elevator began a smooth descent into the underground labyrinth. When the door opened Scott saw on the wall across from the elevator the Great Seal of the Special Mutant Affairs Command (SMAC). SMAC was the direct action arm of the Mutant Affairs Agency (MAA). Ignoring the ostentatious symbol Scott walked down the corridor not seeing anyone he recognized. Feeling ready to get back into the thick of things he headed to the team briefing room. He had to swipe his ID card and type in his PIN before he heard a click as the door unlocked. When Scott stepped in he noticed that he wasn't the first person here, even though he was ten minutes early. "Kevin! I thought you were working out of the Atlanta Office." Scott moved forward offering his hand. "Scott, God, now I know I'm in trouble!" Scott felt his hand engulfed by the lager man's callused grip. "Hey, that was just bad luck. And you're one to talk, weren't you in Panama when that mutant terrorist group attacked the canal?" "Sure, and if you'd read the report then you'd know I was the one who stopped them!" Kevin replied, laughing and lifting his hand to make a fist. For a second his dark skin appeared normal then he spread his fingers and electricity arced between them. "Care to shake," he said, extending his hand to Scott. Before Scott could respond a woman's voice said, "Same old Taser." At this Kevin laughed and moved around Scott to greet the tall thin blonde woman wearing a white lab coat. "Dr. White, it's good to see you! I didn't know you'd be on the team." Kevin exchanged a warm handshake with the doctor and then turned back to Scott. "Scott, this is Dr. Debbie White, she was our team doc, when I was working out of the D.C. office." Dr. White stepped around the big African American agent to give Scott a slow once over. "Agent Irons, or should I say Eros? I've heard about you." For a second Scott thought about offering her a hand but changed his mind since she knew his code name. "Nice ta meet ya Doc." He touched two fingers to his temple in a mock salute. "Hi, I'm Chris Collins, I go by CC." At this Scott noticed that a young man had come in with the doctor. He couldn't have been more than five feet tall with a lean almost androgynous frame. New team dynamics always being a little awkward Scott moved over to Chris and extended his hand hoping to make him feel welcome. He was surprised at how soft Chris' hand felt. This wasn't the hand of an operations agent. "So what do you do for the agency, Chris?" "I'm a C8 mutant. However, I'm limited to just two primary psionic talents." "I see, and what are..." Scott started to ask only to have Dr. White clear her throat. "I think we should wait until the rest of the team is here before getting into that, CC." At her comment Chris seemed to wilt, "Yes, ma'am." Scott glanced back and forth between Chris and Dr. White unsure about what was going on. Sensing his friend's confusion Kevin spoke, "Debbie is more than just a doctor, she's also the team trainer. In addition to specializing in mutant physiology she is also a mutant." Before Scott could respond the door opened again and two more figures entered the room. Scott instantly recognized Director Cox the new SMAC chief. Even though he'd recently been promoted into the position he'd worked for decades in SMAC. His rise from running the training and administration arm to director had been surprising to most agents. He was a tall man with a face that looked like it had been carved from granite. His dark hair was touched with silver at the temples but he emitted a masculine vitality that was almost tangible. Out of the corner of his eye Scott saw Dr. White blush slightly and nod toward the director. She seemed flustered by his presence. "Agents, please have a seat." As Scott moved to take a seat at the table he had his first real look at the brunette who'd followed the Director into the briefing room. She had the athletic build of someone who was into CrossFit and a quiet air of competence that Scott had learned to associate with experienced field agents. She also looked very young, probably only a year or two out of the academy. She wasn't particularly pretty. Her facial features were an odd mix of too much nose, low cheek bones, and too much chin. The term, "Horse face" popped into Scott's mind. She was also missing the curves that Scott preferred in the women he dated. Once they were seated around the table the Director started talking. "This is Special Agent Rhonda Torres. She is your team leader. Rhonda, please begin." The director's words caught Scott off guard he'd been expecting to be the team leader. He quickly suppressed those thoughts and looked at Rhonda. "You've each been selected for this mission based on a review of your psychological profile and mutant abilities. Each of you is a mutant with a power rating of 4 or higher. However, it will be Chris' power that is key for this assignment, although each of you has a talent that will be needed for the mission." Scott glanced at Chris and then back at Rhonda, "What exactly is the assignment? And what do you mean each of you?" Rhonda gave Scott a level look, intended to quiet him down, and continued. "This is a special access black Op." She said, without needing to since all of the agency's operations in this directorate were considered 'black.' Rhonda paused as if to make sure she had everyone's attention. "The only people who know what I'm about to tell you are in this room. You will all be answering to me and I report to Director Smith." An op this tightly compartmentalized wasn't odd but Scott couldn't resist the urge to annoy Rhonda. There was something about her serious brass-tacks approach that rubbed him the wrong way. "So what do we do if something happens to you?" "It's your job, Agent Irons, to make sure nothing happens to Agent Torres." Director Cox said giving Scott a hard look. At this Scott nodded. Cox had only been the director for six months but he had a ruthless reputation. Scott remembered going through his training program when he'd joined... Surviving that six month course had been harder than anything Scott had ever done in the field. "We'll be going after a mutant gang known as the Fists of Anarchy located here in Seattle. They have been dealing a new drug called, "Bliss" for the last six months and have recently been recruiting expensive mutant mercenary muscle. Our job is to find out why and either pass the information on to local law enforcement or to stop them if needed." "Why does the SMAC care about a local mutant gang?" Kevin asked. "Isn't this something the FBI or the U.S. Marshals could handle?" "They came onto our radar because they've been bringing the drugs in from Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, to be exact. The money from the trade is being used to fund a mutant terrorist group in the Philippines. The agency doesn't care about the local gang, but we need to end the cash flow financing the terrorist ring." Then the Director added, "But now, with this new development, we are concerned that they might try something big here in Seattle." After he spoke the room was silent for a few seconds. Then Rhonda picked up a remote control and hit a button. At the front of the room the video wall came alive. The image on the screen was of an extremely attractive woman with fiery red hair. She was wearing tight fitting dark leather and her hair was moving in a halo around her head in defiance of gravity as she floated a few feet off the ground. But that wasn't the most disturbing thing about the picture. The woman was splattered in gore and lying on the ground around her were the dismembered bodies half a dozen soldiers. "This is Cindy Snow, aka - Carnifex. She's a high priced Merc with dozens of confirmed kills and even more unconfirmed. We don't have a full report on her powers but she's a powerful E-Class energy manipulator and might have physical powers that could be either a B or C class mutant. Don't take her lightly she could be as high as a level seven or eight." Rhonda glanced around the room before continuing. "She's extremely dangerous however, she's got a weakness. Apparently, she's really into sex and I mean really into it. She's been observed participating in orgies and from reports we've put together she tries to get laid once a day. We're not sure if it's a factor of her mutation or just a lifestyle choice, but she goes through men faster than most women change their socks." "Well, that explains why Eros is here," Kevin said, looking over at Scott with a smirk. Scott shrugged, "I can't help it if women love me, but I thought I was here to protect Agent Torres." "I disagree," Dr. White chimed in, "as a C4 Projective Empath, I'd say you can control how women feel about you. A pity your ability is limited to the opposite gender." At this Scott affected a hurt expression. "Doc, I'm not just a C4 Empath, I'm stronger and faster than a norm, low velocity bullets don't hurt me and I can regenerate from most wounds in minutes to hours depending on how serious. That makes me a hybrid, B6-D4 mutant." At this Rhonda interrupted, "We'll go over each agent's abilities later. For now I need you to focus." Once she had their attention she continued, "The mission is a Delta Charlie, or a Deep Cover mission and Carnifex is the key. According to Intel she'll be in Seattle by next week, ten days from now at the most, and will need to make contact with the Fists. Our job is to intercept her before she makes contact and replace her with one of our agents." "Ah," Scott said with a smirk and a glance at Rhonda. "That means you must be a shapeshifter." "I'm not a mutant," Rhonda replied haughtily. "Then how will we replace Carnifex?" Scott asked. "I can't shape shift and Taser there is an D7 energy manipulator and very good at zapping people. But he can't do undercover work. The doc isn't a field agent and neither is Chris." Before anyone could reply Director Cox cleared his throat. "You're correct Agent Irons but we won't be needing a shapeshifter, we've got something better." At this he nodded to Rhonda, "Please continue Agent Torres." "Eros, you'll make contact with Carnifex. You shouldn't have any trouble seducing her. Once you've got her alone and off guard we'll capture her and I'll take her place. After that I'll make contact with the Fists and bring you along as my boy-toy. The mission parameters are deep cover. The objective is to get actionable intelligence on the terrorist group operating out of Mindanao." "You've said you're not a shapeshifter, that you're not even a mutant. How will you replace Carnifex?" Kevin asked, sounding puzzled. "You look nothing like her." "That's where I come in," CC said, speaking up. When Rhonda nodded for him to continue CC looked at Kevin. "I'm a C8 telepath but I'm limited to two primary abilities. I can cause anyone within about twenty feet of me to fall into a deep coma. They'll stay in that coma until I or another telepath wakes them." "That doesn't sound like level 8 power." Scott muttered. "It's my second ability that caused the level 8 rank. Once someone is out I can drain their mind. I can pull all of their memories, personality, and sense of self into me. I can hold up to five minds at one time." There was a stunned silence as the team regarded the unassuming little man. "What I've taken I can put back or if I'm holding more than one person, I can put them into whichever body I choose." Kevin broke the silence with low whistle. "I'd call that a level 8 ability." "Let me get this right," Scott said, "you can take a person's mind and put it into another person's body?" CC nodded. "As you can see," Director Cox interrupted, "this is an ability that the Agency doesn't want the public finding out about. It gives us a huge advantage in our mission to protect the public from rogue mutants and terrorist organizations. We can have agents replace anyone and unlike a shapeshifter who can physically mimic a mutant, Agent Torres will have all of Carnifex's powers while in her body." Director Cox nodded at Rhonda, "Agent Torres has been working with both Agent Collins and Dr. White getting used to Agent Collins's power and learning how to adapt quickly to a new body. This is why she's the team lead, and why it's your job, Taser and Eros, to back her up." Scott glanced at Agent Torres noting her olive skin and the slight fold at her eyes and blurted out. "You're Philippine aren't you? I bet you speak Tagalog." Rhonda grinned showing perfectly white teeth, "Of course. If we're going to infiltrate a terrorist group in the Philippines it would be a good idea if someone spoke the language." Kevin and Scott exchanged glances thinking about the implications. Then Director Cox stood up, "I'll leave the rest of the mission brief to your Team Leader. Agent Torres, you've got one week to get ready and into position." *** Scott looked over Kevin and grinned. "It's been a couple of years, Taser, are you sure you're up for this?" "Talk's cheap Eros, let me see what you've got." The big black agent replied. Scott blurred forward driving a jab into Kevin's ribs. The big man grunted at the impact and staggered back a step. Scott danced back before Kevin could counter punch but as he did electricity shot from Taser hand. Scott tried to dodge to one side, but as inhumanly fast as he was the electricity followed him. When it struck, Scott arched his body, every muscle locking up for a second. "Damn it, I forgot how much that hurts." he growled. "When did you learn to make it follow your target like that?" "A couple of years ago, it was Dr. White how helped me figure it out." Taser said, rubbing is stomach. "Nice jab." "Next time I won't pull it. So, what's the doc's story?" "Hmmm, what do you mean?" Taser flicked a hand toward Scott and more electricity arced out. This time Scott was ready and jumped forward doing a front flip over the bolt of energy and before Taser could cause it to circle back around he swept Kevin's feet from under him. The bigger man turned the fall into a roll but lost control of the lightning bolt and it slammed into the far wall of the gym. "Torres said everyone on the team was a mutant except her. So what is Dr. White?" "I think she's classified as an B5 because she's far smarter than even a genius. I hear she's scored perfectly on every IQ test they've given her. She also has x-ray vision, like an instant MRI, so she is a D2 as well. She's exceptionally good at getting the most out of anyone she's training." "Like helping you direct your lighting?" "Yup, or this." Kevin flicked both hands toward Scott with fingers spread apart. As he did five smaller bolts darted from each hand arcing toward Scott. "Shit!" Scott cursed trying to dive over the energy again. This time Kevin was ready and caught Scott mid-air. The force of the bolts threw him back five feet and he hit the mat twitching and jerking as his muscles locked up. "Fuck! That hurts." Scott climbed to his feet shaking his head ruefully. "It's a good thing you heal fast, Eros." Rhonda said, announcing her presence and drawing a laugh from Kevin. "You said to meet down here for training. Care to go a couple of rounds?" Scott asked trying to sound innocent. Just then the door opened and Dr. White with CC in tow stepped into the Agency training room. "Ah, everyone's here," she said. "Now agent Torres has been working with CC for a couple of weeks getting used to his power. We need to acclimate you as well, Scott." Kevin glanced over at Scott and grinned. "Why would you need to acclimate Scott? I thought Rhonda was going undercover on this mission." "I am, but once we're on mission we've got to be ready for anything." Rhonda replied. "Every plan needs a back up option." "Besides," Dr. White interjected, "Agent Torres needs more practice getting used to different abilities. We've been getting her used to using telekinesis, since we assess that's the primary ability Carnifex uses, but there are some indications that Carnifex is a hybrid mutant. We know she's an D-class but we suspect she's also got physical abilities. She might even have some empathic ability based on the ease with which she attracts sexual partners." At this Scott started backing up, "Hey, hold on. Have you seen how hot she is? I mean from that picture, even covered in blood, she was smoking. A girl like that wouldn't need special abilities to get a guy in the sack." "Never the less, we need to prepare." Dr. White stated. "CC if you'd be so kind." "Hold on a sec..." Scott started to say and then slumped to the ground. "Holly crap, you didn't even move." Kevin exclaimed looking at CC. "Why would I need to move?" CC asked, "My power is psionic, as long as I'm in range I can put anyone without psi-shields to sleep. I don't even need to see them. However, to do a transfer I need skin contact." "I'm ready when you are." Rhonda announced moving to lie down next to Scott on the mat. A moment later her eyes were closed and she was unconscious. CC glanced at Dr. White who nodded. "Taser doesn't need the training but both Rhonda and Scott do. Go ahead." The little man moved forward and knelt between Scott and Rhonda. He reached down pressing a hand into each of their foreheads and closed his eyes. He remained that way for a few seconds and then sighed. He opened his eyes and stood up looking at Dr. White. "All done. Shall I wake them all at once or one at a time?" "Best do it one at a time. Let's start with Agent Torres." "That's it? Just a few seconds and you've switched them?" Kevin sounded a little awed. "You were expecting flashing lights?" CC sounded amused. Then the little man nodded toward Scott's body. A moment later there was a deep masculine groan. Scott's body stirred and sat up. Rhonda lifted a hand to rub her eyes and then paused to look at it. Then she glanced down at her chest before looking over at Dr. White. "You know, this is the first time you've put me in a man's body." Rhonda slowly, carefully, stood up and stretched. "Scott?" Kevin asked giving his old friend a questioning look. "No. I'm Rhonda." Scott's body started to move into a series of yoga stretches Kevin had never seen Scott try. "I feel bursting with energy and every sense seems supercharged." she noted moving from one pose to another. "I'm much more flexible than I was expecting. What kind of training does Eros normally do?" Kevin shrugged, "He's been into martial arts for as long as I've known him. "This is the first time I've been in the body of mutant whose abilities are primarily physical. I can't wait to see how strong I am." Then she touched her throat, "My new voice will take some getting used too." Rhonda glanced down at her still sleeping body then over at Dr. White. "He's the backup. Are you going to wake him now or did you want to wait awhile?" "Now, I think. You've been in several mutant bodies learning to how rapidly adjust. We need him to get comfortable in a woman's body in case something happens to you and he has to take your place and go undercover. I also think it will be good for him to see what it's like to be a normal human." Dr. White mused. "Wait, you've been in other mutant bodies?" Kevin asked, feeling a little slow and then added, "Scott's the backup for Rhonda? Ha! I can't wait to see his reaction when you tell him that tidbit." "Of course. How else was I supposed to train for this mission? Waking up in a new body for the first time is shocking. Also, learning to move things with just a thought took some training. Just like learning to shoot electricity from my fingers. Normally, we leave whoever is in my body asleep while I train. It avoids unnecessary questions and awkwardness." "Electricity? Wait, have you been in my body?" Rhonda snickered in a very un-Scott way, "No, Taser, I'm just messing with you. As far as you know." Taser gave Rhonda a suspicious look and shook his head, "Didn't you just say this is the first time you've been a guy?" He glanced over at CC who just grinned. "Go ahead and wake Scott up." Rhonda folded her arms across her chest and smirked down at her sleeping body. "Ugh." Rhonda's body groaned and a delicate hand reached up to rub her temple. "Did anyone get the number of the truck that hit me?" Abruptly, Scott sat up and looked around, "Wait, what?" He looked down at his chest and clutched at his new tits through the t-shirt and sports bra and gasped. "Easy on the assets, Eros." Scott glanced up and then squinted at his old body. "Fuck. What the fuck did you do to me?" Slowly, awkwardly, he climbed to his feet. "Why does my vision suck?" "That body has twenty-twenty eye sight, it's just the senses you're used to are much sharper than a normal human's senses." Dr. White replied. *** Rhonda circled Kevin slowly, her senses on hyper-alert waiting for him to make the first move. Kevin faked a jab throwing electrical energy toward her. For Rhonda time seemed to slow down. She dove under the lightning strike closing half the distance to Kevin by turning the dive into a front roll. Coming to her feet she continued the upward momentum in a jump that would be impossible for normal a human. Kevin reacted quickly stepping to one side and unleashing a second arc of electrical energy. In the air Rhonda had no opportunity to dodge the strike. She felt it hit her left shoulder and instantly her body's mutant gift dampened the affect. She grunted in pain landing in the spot Kevin had just vacated. The smell of burnt hair and t-shirt filled her nostrils as she lunged toward Kevin using a flying punch. Blue-white energy coalesced in front of Kevin intercepting Rhonda's strike and pain arced through her fist in an explosion of force and sound. Undeterred, Rhonda spun around dropping low and kicking out a leg. The spinning leg sweep was too fast for Kevin to track and easily knocked his legs out from under him. He hit the mat hard and tried to lift a hand but Rhonda was on him grabbing his chin with one hand and the back of his head with the other while dropping a knee to Kevin's chest. "Yield." Rhonda twisted slightly and Kevin slapped the mat with his free hand. "You got me, again." Rhonda stood up and then offered Kevin a hand. "You have good control and I didn't expect the energy shield you used." Kevin grinned and took Rhonda's hand. "I've been working on defenses. Everyone expects me to just shoot lightning bolts." "Powers are fine, but the real test of a fighter is what she can do with and without abilities. Learning to fight without these enhancements gives me an advantage now." "You seem to be adjusting quite well." Dr. White noted, looking up from the clipboard where she'd been taking notes. Kevin and Rhonda both turned to look at the doctor. "Yeah, normally I'm only in a new body for an hour or two. I'm finding that the longer I'm in this body the more natural it feels." The doctor nodded. "Yes, as I thought. You have been a man for just over twenty eight hours and already you are moving in a more masculine way. Even your speech patterns are changing. I'd like to have you take a few tests to see if your thought patterns are shifting." "Sure. Are you concerned about a long term swap? The plan is for me to spend anywhere from months to years as Carnifex." "We haven't done any true longitudinal testing. The longest swap, using CC's powers is one month. There were no unanticipated side effects. No loss of memory or change in base personality. There were a number of secondary personality changes but those were expected." "How is Scott doing?" Kevin asked trying to hide the smirk. He remembered the look on Scott's face when he was told they'd stay swapped for a day or two and had to hold in the laughter. "He isn't adjusting as well as Rhonda. I don't know if it's because Rhonda is more used to swapping bodies, if the female mind is more agile and better suited to changing circumstances, or if it's just his poor attitude." Rhonda grabbed a towel from the side of the mat and started drying off. "It could be any or a combination of all three. Have you done anything to motivate him?" "What would you suggest?" "I've been talking to CC. I think I know just the thing. *** Scott climbed out of the lap pool trying not to wince at the way his one piece swimming suit clung to his body and was stretched tight against his flat crotch. He never liked clothes that were tight in the crotch but now it felt like he had no choice. He was sure that part of the reason Dr. White insisted that he did an hour in the pool swimming was to force him into clothes that reminded him of his missing equipment. He was also keenly aware that Rhonda had shaved her lower regions and the suit displayed his camel toe for anyone bothering to look. "Stupid fucking girl swimming suit." His body hummed with endorphins from the workout and he had to admit that Rhonda might be horse-faced but her body was in amazing shape. Scott's metabolism plus his mutation meant that he didn't have to be a gym rat to have an incredibly fit body, but he'd always enjoyed working out. Rhonda's body on the other hand needed the exercise to stay in shape. She'd also made it clear that if he didn't stick to her workout plan while they were training she'd make his life hell. Scott squinted up at the clock. "An hour and ten minutes in the pool. She can't bitch about that." Then he shook his head feeling the long braid slide across his back. "This sucks." "What sucks? Being a woman?" Scott looked over at CC and Dr. White as they stood up from where they'd been watching him. "I didn't see you there." Scott muttered hating the whiny sound of his voice and his duller senses. In his body he'd have heard them and smelled them before spotting them. He was rarely surprised. "And no. I mean being a woman is weird. My balance is off. I've got parts that jiggle where they shouldn't and I'm missing things that ought to be there... but no. It's the loss of my powers. Everything seems dull and colorless. Smells aren't as potent, my hearing lacks depth and richness, and I'm slower and soooooo weak." Dr. White gestured at the chair she'd just been using, "Please, have a seat." Scott shrugged, even if Rhonda's tits were smaller than what he preferred in sexual partners he was hyper aware of how his boobs bounced and moved. Particularly, in a swimming suit that lacked the support of a bra. He also noticed that CC's eyes were glued to his chest. He picked up a towel dried off and then moved to the chair and wrapped the towel around his shoulders using it like a blanket to help hide his chest. "Okay. What now?" "I think I've been approaching your training incorrectly. I wanted to acclimate you to a female body since you are the backup and there is a small chance you might have to become Carnifex. I've been having you do physical activities designed to help your mind adjust to your body. This approach worked well with Rhonda. She has adapted her fighting skills to incorporate the use of your powers. The way she holds herself, her mannerisms, and even the way she moves, she is becoming more masculine." Then the doctor gestured at Scott, "Just look at you, with your legs spread in a most un-ladylike way. Women don't put their private parts on display like that." For a moment Scott thought about pressing his thighs together then obstinately refused. "I'm not much of a lady doc. I didn't agree to be Rhonda's backup. Just focus on training her and things will work out." "Perhaps, but you are a part of the team and need to be ready." Scott folded his arms beneath his breasts and glared. The doctor shrugged, "We didn't want to alarm you earlier since it is very unlikely. However, you should know that a plan never survives first contact with the enemy. If something happens to Rhonda you are going to take her place as Carnifex. We will, of course, swap you out as soon as practical but you might end up spending a few days in her body. You need to be ready." The doctor looked over at CC. "We need to do more to train Scott's mind. I think an approach similarly to the way we train telepaths would work well in this case." Scott glanced at CC, "How will you do that?" "I'll absorb your mind again. While I'm holding it I can put in a psionic blocks and compulsions. Then I'll put your mind back in Rhonda's body. Your job will be to beat down the blocks and resist the compulsions. I'll be working with you to, teaching you mental disciplines to help you." "Wait no messiiinn..." Scott slumped in his chair and CC grinned over at the Doctor. "I love doing that while they're talking. Dr. White clucked her tongue, "Don't be petty, dear." CC placed a hand on Scott's forehead and concentrated; nearly a minute passed before he dropped his hand and stepped back. "All done." A moment later Scott's eyes fluttered open. "... ing with my mind!" "How do you feel?" "Fine." Scott looked between the two, "You did something, didn't you?" "Tell me your name?" Dr. White asked. "It's Rhonda Torres." "And are you male or female?" "I'm a woman. Come on doc, what's going on?" "Wow, you've gotten better with that CC. He doesn't even realize what he said." "I've substituted Rhonda Torres for Scott Irons in his mind. He thinks he's saying Scott but he's actually saying Rhonda. I did the same for his gender." Scott got to his feet his face turning red, "What are you talking about?" Debbie White pulled out her phone and set it to record. "Tell me your name and gender, please." "I'm Rhonda Torres and I'm a woman. Now what's going on?" Debbie handed the phone to Scott and pushed play. Scott watched the video and almost dropped the phone when he heard what he'd said. "What the FUCK!" "In your mind you think you're saying one thing when you're actually saying something else. That's the mental block. You're job now is to break the block. You'll need to record yourself, but once you can say that you are Scott Irons and that you're a man, I'll consider having CC to return you to your body." "No way doc! You said a day! Besides, this is embarrassing." "Breaking down mental barriers is one of the exercises we use to train telepaths. Learning to build those mental shields and breaking others down is a great way to strengthen the mind and will." Scott wanted to argue but he shut his mouth and handed the phone back to Debbie. "Now, be a good girl, go get showered and meet Tiffany for your makeup and etiquette lessons." "Yes ma'am." Scott said, spun around on his toes, and hurried into the changing room hips moving in an exaggerated sexy gait. "Very well done, CC. He acted like having makeup and etiquette lessons are normal. Did you do something to his mannerisms?" "Yeah, blocked his normal male mannerisms and added Tiffany's. Now when he moves he will instinctively move the way Tiffany does. She's one of the most feminine women in the facility. I also added a compulsion to wear dresses and to look and talk as elegantly as possible. I think that's why he was happy about getting those new lessons." Dr. White shook her head, "The most fascinating part is that he hasn't noticed anything different. How long before he breaks down the blocks?" "The way I built them? A day or two if he works at it. Also once he has then he'll be able to gradually start noticing the other things. From there it'll be interesting to see if he wants to break down those barriers or if he'd rather keep his feminine mannerisms." *** Rhonda slid into the driver's seat of Scott's car and fired up the Corvette's big V8 enjoying the deep throated growl of raw American horse power. She was carful to take it easy since she wasn't used to the sports car. "So this is what it feels like to be a mutant special agent on Spec Ops pay." The Agency had a normal pay scale for its employees but then there was the specialty pay. Powerful mutants got more money as did Agents with higher levels of training. Scott was obviously at the top of the pay chart. Rhonda felt a flash of jealousy. "If Eros wasn't such a scatter brained dip shit he could be the Director someday." She shook her head at the wasted opportunity and the lack of ambition. Instead she focused on keeping the powerful machine within the speed limit. It took over an hour to get to the non-descript coffee shop, one in a thousand in the Seattle area. When she entered the shop a couple of the other patrons, big rough looking guys, glanced at her and then away. 'That's right bitches. I'm a bad ass guy.' She felt a surge of pride. Normally when she showed up at a place like this the glances were predatory. The men didn't care if she wasn't very pretty, they just saw tits and a pussy. Now there was a quick evaluation and then a look away. Her posture screamed confidence and the large athletic male body she wore warned the other customers that she wasn't someone to mess with. "I'll take a double espresso." "Sure. Can I get a name?" "John." The barista winked at Rhonda. "I'll have that ready in a minute. Is there anything else you... want? I'm happy to service-er-serve my customers." 'Wow, I wasn't even using Eros' powers on her. That's a little ridiculous, no wonder Scott has such a huge ego.' "Just the coffee. I'll be right back, if that's okay. I need to grab something from my locker in the Y." As she spoke Rhonda made eye contact and using Eros's empathic power pushed a sense of boredom at the teenager girl. "Sure. You can use that door. It brings you in behind the main desk." "Thanks." One of the unique features of this coffee shop was that it shared a building with a YMCA. Rhonda hurried to the lockers by the main desk. She pulled out a key and opened the locker using her large male body to block it from view. The only thing in the locker was a cell phone and a charger. She grabbed both and after locking the locker returned to the coffee shop. Once settled into a table she plugged the phone into the charger and powered it up. She noticed she had one missed text message. Unknown: It's been three days. Report. Rhonda felt her heart race. The Shadow Lords were both patient and powerful. She still couldn't believe they'd reached out to her, a normal human, right after she graduated from the academy. At first she'd thought it was a test being run by SMAC to see if she was susceptible to being turned. Then she'd assumed she was being recruited into an internal affairs arm of SMAC. It seemed obvious to Rhonda that with its vast power SMAC needed a way to police it's agents so they didn't abuse their authority. Over time she'd come to realize the organization calling itself, "The Shadow" wasn't part of SMAC. It was bigger. Her contact called himself a "Shadow Lord" and he'd been willing to show her how powerful the organization was and what it could do for her. Once she learned how much they could help her with her career in return for her loyalty she'd leapt at the opportunity. Rhonda: The plan is proceeding. I'm training. We are waiting for word that the subject has arrived. After she pushed send Rhonda sipped at her coffee and surfed through Scott's phone. 'Wow, how many women is he seeing?' Dr. White had insisted that they pretend to be each other which meant trading phones, clothes, and even cars. The last had caused Scott to throw a very feminine temper-tantrum. Evidently he was emotionally attached to his car. Rhonda shook her head. Scott was handsome, but there was no way so many women would be interested unless he was using his powers. "God, men have it so easy. Just fuck and go. No concerns about getting pregnant, being called a slut, or having periods." She mused quietly under her breath while looking through Scott's text messages. "Too bad I'm not due to start for another two weeks. I'd love to watch Scott deal with my period." The idea made her chuckle. Just then the phone buzzed. Unknown: Change of plan. While the subject is powerful, the better opportunity is within the Agency. Rhonda felt a flash of intense anger. She'd risked everything when she made the deal with the Shadow. There was no way she was going to give up on her goal. A powerful mutant body would give her what she'd always wanted. As Special Agent Rhonda Torres, there was only so much she could do or how high she could go within the Agency. Then additional messages started flowing in and she felt her first thrill of excitement. "Oh, now this is interesting." *** Chapter Two *** Scott normally didn't care much about how he looked, well excluding the week he'd spent as "Rhonda," but tonight he knew that he needed to look his best. His light brown hair was slicked back and the designer black jeans and shirt were intended to show off his athletic build. "Are you ready yet, Eros?" Kevin asked from the other room. Scott took another look in the mirror and nodded. The dance club wasn't exactly a rave but it was close enough that he needed to make sure he looked like he fit in. "Rhonda has eyes on Carnifex, we need to get moving." Scott gave his masculine image one last look, 'I can't believe I was in Rhonda's body for a week!' He thought back still wanting to either shake his head or choke someone. Being stuck as a normal human had sucked, but because this was a black op, no one else in the farm or in the agency could know so they had to pretend to be each other. To keep things simple they'd moved into quarters set up in the farm for agents to use. It had taken a full day for him to actually hear the words he was using instead of what he thought he was saying. After that he'd felt a burning need to break down the block. A day later he was able to look into a mirror and state his true name and gender. That had resulted in a fierce headache and a wave of exhaustion. Instead of seeking out CC or the Doctor he'd just gone to bed. Then on the morning of the third day he'd moved through his normal routine getting ready to go find the doctor. All at once he'd been shocked when he glanced into a mirror to check his makeup and noticed he was wearing a sundress. It showed off Rhonda's boobs and highlighted her tight athletic waist. 'Sadly,' Scott thought as he turned from side to side looking at his figure, 'I wish my boobs were bigger and I don't have much in the hips or ass department.' Then he looked in the mirror examining his face. There wasn't much to work with here but he was happy to see that his makeup was perfect and he'd done it himself without really thinking about it. Then it all hit him at once. "That son of a bitch! I've been dressing and moving like a girl, even thinking about my looks the way a girl would and I didn't even realize it." He'd stormed off to confront the Doc, not noticing that even pissed he was moving in a natural feminine way. After twenty minutes of searching he found her office locked. Scott wasted no time pounding on the door angrily. When there was no answer he put his ear to the door and heard a soft moaning. It was the sound of a woman in the throws of passion. Scott felt embarrassed to interrupt and then angry and returned to pounding on the door with his tiny fists trying to make as much noise as possible. About five minutes later the door opened up and a disheveled Debbie White poked her head out. She wasn't wearing her customary white lab coat and her loose blouse with its plunging sweetheart neck line and tasteful skirt showed off what Scott realized for the first time was a very sexy figure. He felt a flash of jealousy. 'What would it feel like to be so sexy?' Then he suppressed that thought was again angry. "What is it Rhonda?" "My name is Scott Irons and I'm a man." "You don't look like a man to me." Rhonda in Scott's body said opening the door wider and giving Scott a lascivious once over. She had a pair of jeans on but wasn't wearing a shirt, showing off Scott's muscular chest and impressive arms in the process. "In fact, I love the way you did your hair and makeup today. Did you go shopping for that dress? I don't remember it." "You like?" Scott said, running a hand over the soft fabric. "I picked it out yesterday when Tiffany took me shopping." Then he stopped... Realizing what he'd said and glared at the doctor. "I'm also aware of you're the compulsions! Really? Makeup? Fashion? Was all of that necessary?" Rhonda moved forward and tilted Scotts chin up so they could make eye contact. Scott felt his heart race and a thrill rushed through him. "I think you make a lovely woman. Even if you don't have much to work with in that body you still managed to make it look sexy, Scott." Then Rhonda leaned down and brushed her lips to his. Scott opened his mouth inviting Rhonda's tongue in while feeling his body responding, his nipples becoming hard and a soft achy feeling blossoming in his groin. He'd experimented a little in the shower and at night, enough to know what female arousal felt like and how satisfying an orgasm could be. Now, suddenly, all he wanted was to get Rhonda alone and explore her delightful male body. The empty achy feeling he'd learned to associate with feminine arousal intensified becoming a fire. "You're ability to use Scott's empathic skills is quite impressive. I think you have a more subtle touch than he ever had." Rhonda stroked Scott's cheek with the back of her thick masculine hand, "I've been doing all of the exercises you gave me." Then she looked deeply into Scott's eyes, "I really do love this male body of yours, sweetie. Let's make this swap permanent. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Did you know that your body has never had sex? You're a virgin! I'd be willing to show you how grateful I am, if you agree to a permanent trade, all night long if you want. I bet you're a screamer." Scott had been leaning into Rhonda's hand, eyes half closed, and found himself nodding at her words. The idea of a whole night alone with Rhonda sounded like heaven. Then the words sank in and he pulled away breaking physical contact with Rhonda. "Wait, what? Are you using my empathic ability on me?" "Of course not. Your seduction talent only works on women after all." It felt like the fog in his mind was lifting yet his body craved her touch. He wanted nothing more than to bend over, hike up his dress, and give Rhonda full access to his moist pussy. The image of Rhonda standing behind him, his dress flipped up and panties on the floor, as she rammed her massive tool into his hot sex made him tremble with need. "Fuck, no, I don't want to make this permanent." He stepped further away shaking his head trying to clear it. Scott glared at Rhonda. He could still feel his nipples pressing aggressively against the fabric of his bra and he could almost smell the arousal from his soaking aching pussy. He looked up and made eye contact with Rhonda and all at once he couldn't look away. Her blue eyes seemed to get deeper and brighter. "Scott, admit it. You love the way your body feels. Being a woman is as natural for you as breathing. You know you want me to take you and show you the pleasures that your body has never known. Why fight it? Give me what I want and I promise I'll have you screaming in delight. You know you were born to be female." Scott trembled trying to fight the carnal desires filling his body. An image swam into his mind, lying on his back in the bed in his room. Rhonda between his legs using her mighty cock to bring him to one screaming orgasm after another. He closed his eyes and took one calming breath after another clearing his mind with one of CCs mental techniques. The pressure on his mind faded. "You're an asshole Rhonda. Stop using my power to mess with my mind." Then he glared at the doctor, "You two were hooking up, weren't you?" "That was very impressive Rhonda. I'd say you have surpassed Scott in your ability to use his empathic gift. If I were to put you in a bedroom with him and give you half a day I'm betting you'd have not only had sex with him but turned him into your willing servant. He'd do anything to stay with you." Doctor White looked at Rhonda with a clearly satisfied expression. "You've done very well with your training." Scott stomped one foot. "I never agreed to letting my body go around having sex." "Scott you are such a good girl. You did a great job breaking down those blockers in only two days. On top of that you resisted Rhonda's empathic ability. As a normal human girl I wouldn't have thought that possible. Well done." Scott felt a surge of happiness at the doctor's words. "However, good girls don't ask impolite questions like that, you should be ashamed." At Dr. White's stern tone Scott felt his happiness evaporate and a lump form in his throat. "Now, be a good girl. You have case files to study and a ballet lesson about to start." Scott felt embarrassed and ashamed of his outburst. He was just frustrated and then he realized the doctor was right, he was behind on his homework. He'd been so focused on breaking down the mental barriers he'd skipped his case study. He needed to learn everything he could about Cindy, "Carnifex," Snow. Then he glanced at his wrist and the delicate feminine watch told him that if he didn't hurry he'd miss a ballet lesson! That would never do, he nodded and started to turn around when it hit him. He didn't need a ballet lesson. "Damn it Doc! You just did it to me. That's one of the compulsions CC built. When you tell me to be a good girl I suddenly want to do whatever you suggest! That is just wrong. I want my body back." Dr. White reached over and ran a small hand over Rhonda's sculpted abs, "Hhmm... I don't know. Rhonda makes such a good Eros. She takes power development more seriously than you. For example, in the time she's been a man she's become a better fighter than you. She's used her projective empathy to sleep with several of the unattached female staff. And, based on recent observation, she is a far better lover than any man I've ever been with." Rhonda caught Debbie's hand and moved it down to the growing bulge in her crotch. "I had no idea how good a penis feels until you switched with me. Factor in a nearly instant recovery time due to this body's regeneration ability and I can have sex dozens of times a day. My current record is five climaxes in one night. That was with Susan, you remember her? She's a low level shapeshifter. The two of you were friends with benefits back before you got tits and a pussy. Anyway she wanted to know what I've been doing to get so much better in bed." Scott made a fist with his hand and glared at Rhonda. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" "Of course. Being a man is nice but a male mutant with B-Class physical powers is fantastic. I understand why you want this body back." She turned to look at Doctor White who was still stroking Rhonda's cock. "Debbie wanted to test the limits of my recovery ability before you interrupted us. I think I could do four climaxes per hour and keep that up for six or seven hours. You could stay and help us test it, I'm not sure Debbie can take that much sex so I'll need another partner or two. But you'll have to get naked and maybe put a bag over your head." "Don't be disgusting." Debbie looked up at Scott, "I'll have CC swap you back when you make that request wearing a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and no makeup and after you've studied Carnifex's file. Now shoo, good girls like you need to work on being graceful and feminine." Scott nodded in defeat and didn't try to fight the desire to go work on being more graceful. It had taken two more days before he'd been able to put on a pair of jeans. Another day before he could go without makeup. On the seventh day he'd shown up with CC and asked to be swapped back. When Dr. White had suggested that good girls didn't want to be boys he'd told her to shut the fuck up and that he wasn't a good girl. Rhonda seemed disappointed when he and CC arrived to do the swap and for a moment he thought she might fight it. "Are you sure you don't want to see what it feels like to have sex as a woman? I know everything about that body and what it takes to please it. Give me an hour and then if you still want to change back we'll get CC." Scott made sure not to make eye contact or allow Rhonda to touch him. Even so he'd been tempted by her offer. Then he remembered his powers and once he'd had his way with a woman he could get her to agree to almost anything, at least for a week or two. His empathic influence faded over time. 'There is no way I can let her touch me.' He thought. "No I'm good. CC change us back." With that he'd fallen asleep. He woke up back in his body and leapt to his feet. "YES!" In the back of his mind he'd started to wonder if they were ever going to give him back his body. It had been three more days before they'd got word that Carnifex was in town. Fortunately for Scott the return to his body had been smooth and CC removed all the blocks. He still caught Rhonda looking at him from time to time and he couldn't tell if it was with lust for his body or desire to be him. Now he entered the rave and he could feel his senses being overwhelmed. The noise was so loud, and the lights flashing all over made him want to throw up. He took several deep breaths using techniques he'd learned to filter out the sensory overload. "She's at the bar. The end closest to the bathrooms." Rhonda's comment came to Scott through the ear piece and he moved away from the door and through the crowd. It took a few minutes but he saw a sexy red head wearing a black dress. 'Off the shoulders, plunging neckline, and it barely covers her crotch! Damn she's hot!' Scott thought. The pictures didn't do Carnifex justice. Scott reached up and got rid of the device in his ear and then moved to the bar. A tall guy had already moved up next to her, not that it mattered. Not being one to waste time he tapped the guy next to Carnifex on the shoulder. "Get lost buddy, the lady's with me." The guy turned and as soon as he did Scott saw he was a mutant. His eyes were like those of a cat and there was something slightly off with his facial bones. 'A low powered physical mutation, probably a class A.' "Why should I? I just bought the lady a drink. Why don't you beat it before I beat you?" Out of the corner of his eye he saw Carnifex smirk and lean back to watch the men compete for her attention. This obviously turned her on so Scott decided to make it good. He grabbed the guy's shoulder and started to squeeze. Just before the collar bone snapped the guy shouted, "Fuck!" and twisted away. In the same movement he slashed a hand at Scott. Time slowed down as his mutation kicked in and Scott saw the guy had one inch claws extending from the tips of each finger. He leaned back so the slash missed and then careful not to hit too hard he punched the guy in the chin. Abruptly, time seemed to resume its normal flow and the mutant spun around and collapsed to the floor. "Some mutants need to learn to respect there betters." He extended a hand, "I'm Scott." "Cindy," Carnifex said and Scott grinned at her Australian accent. As their hands touched Scott activated his empathic ability. Cindy lifted a red eyebrow. "Really? Physical mutation and empathic abilities?" Scott was impressed, "How did you know." "The way you moved just now made it easy." She tapped the bar stool next to her, "Have a seat." As Scott climbed into the stool he saw a couple of bouncers make there way over. Cindy waived at them and pointed to the guy still on the floor. Without asking questions they picked him up and carried him toward the door. "I meant the empathic part." Scott clarified. "I'm a mutant too. I have an exceptionally good shield so I felt it when you tried to use your talent on me. I'd be offended, except that I really need a good fuck and you look like you'll do nicely." Cindy slid an arm through his, "I've got a hotel room a couple blocks away. Come with me." Scott knew better than to try to spot either Rhonda or Kevin. They would be following looking for an opportunity for CC to knock Cindy out. The walk to the hotel was quiet. There was some traffic and a light mist but nothing like a real rain. Scott thought about getting an Uber to protect Cindy from the water but when he glanced at her he saw that it wasn't touching her. Instead the rain stopped just before it hit her skin and ran off like she was wearing an invisible raincoat. The cooler evening air and the mist felt refreshing to Scott after the heat, noise, and flashing lights inside the dance club. Cindy was still holding his arm and abruptly Scott felt a wave of tingling energy flow over his skin from Cindy. In a second she'd extended her shield to cover Scott. "There, no reason for either of us has to get wet." She flashed a sexy smile up at Scott, "Obviously you're a mutant. Have you been power tested?" "Naw, I don't trust the government. They're happy to test and register every mutant they can but I've heard horror stories about them keeping track of you." Cindy nodded, "Yeah, most developed countries want to keep track of those of us gifted with meta-human abilities. What can you do?" Scott shrugged, "I'm strong, fast, my senses are sharp, and I'm pretty tough. I heal quick, don't get sick, and I can project emotions. Although that skill isn't very strong and seems to only work on women." "What were you trying to do to me?" Carnifex's voice sounded amused. "Oh, I was going to push how much I'm attracted to you. It doesn't mean you'd just jump into bed with me but it does help." Then to change the subject he asked, "What about you? Obviously, that shield is handy. It stops the rain. Do you have a Psionic ability as well?" "I was power tested years ago. I think the Australian government uses a different set of standards so I don't know how it would translate here. Yeah, the shield is pretty good. I'm immune to almost everything." Then she giggled, "You were trying to emote a psi version of date rape at me." "No! Of course not. It doesn't break down inhibitions or make you do something you don't want to do. My ability just helps... with seduction." "For the record. I enjoy sex. If you're good, I may keep you around." By this time they'd reached the hotel. It wasn't particularly fancy. Each room had doors that opened directly to the parking lot and it only had two floors. Cindy led Scott to the second floor and unlocked the door with an old fashioned metal key. The room had a bed and a small table to one side. Before Scott could take it in Cindy had wrapped her arms around him and pressed her body to his. "Kiss me you fool." Scott wasted no time pressing his lips to hers. She tasted like mint and red wine, he slowly ran his hand down her bare back. His fingers tingled a little as he ran them over her skin, 'Is her shield still up?' Then he moved on down to her tight bottom. "I need you. Right now." "Your wish is my command." Scott started to undue his belt but Cindy simply grabbed him around the waist and picked him up. "What?" "Shush, don't be a baby." He could feel her shield around him as she carried him to the bed. She dropped him onto his back and then she hiked up her dress. She wasn't wearing any panties and her hairless cunt already glistened with moisture. Seeing his look she laughed. "If you were a human we'd have fucked in the bathroom. I only bring mutants back for a bed." She floated up over the bed and then Scott felt and heard his zipper moving. "You're also telekinetic?" "Nope. I can use my shield like an extension of me. Right now I've got two long invisible hands unwrapping the goods." Scott got his elbows under him in time to feel Cindy's power grab his cock and expose it. He was already semi-hard but her display was turning him on even more. "Uhm, be careful?" "Hehehe... I thought you heal? If I pull it off will a new one grow back?" "T-That's not funny." Cindy lowered herself to the bed straddling him. Then she wrapped her hand around his dick. For the first time since he met her Scott thought her shield might be down since her hand was hot on his meat. She guided it to her moist entrance and he felt even more heat as sensitive skin met sensitive skin. There was resistance and a slight popping sensation and then his dick was enveloped by her heat. "Ah, I needed this!" Slowly, Cindy sank further and further down until Scott felt her clit rubbing the base of his shaft. Eyes still closed she started rocking her hips up and down, "Mmmmm... right there." Energy grabbed his hips tilting them slightly and then working them up and down. "Feels great babe, but you're doing all the work." "You can help in a minute... I just need... ahhhhhhh" Her whole body shuddered and when her eyes flashed open they were glowing with a silver-white light. "Ahhhh... you... need... to cum!" A force seemed to rip through Scott and he felt his balls clench up and then he felt it. A powerful sensation raced through his dick, "OH, FUCK." He moaned as he shot one long pulse after another into her depths. Energy seemed to flow out of him and into Cindy along with his seed but Scott didn't care. The moment seemed to go on and on and Scott became lost in a world of carnal bliss. When his senses returned he realized they floating a foot above the bed. The energy faded and they slowly settled back onto the bed. Cindy looked down at him and grinned. "That was nice. You're more powerful than I thought because that was a huge amount of energy." "What?" Scott could feel his heart racing, like he'd just run ten miles at his top speed, and his cock was still semi-hard and buried inside of Cindy. "W-What was that?" "I'll let you in on a secret. I feed off of sexual energy. The more powerful the mutant the more energy I get. Humans can give me a small boost, but you just loaded me up." Then she giggled twisting her hips and used an inner ring of muscles to squeeze his cock. "Are we getting ready for round two? How strong is your regeneration?" Scott reached up and ran a hand along her face. He felt soft skin under his fingers for the first time and nodded. "Keep doing that and I'll be ready before you know it. It feels like your shields are down?" "I like to use my power while having sex. I like to see the fear or awe on my partners face. Keeping a shield up keeps me safe but I enjoy feeling skin on skin. Unzip me." Scott reached around her back and tugged the zipper down. Then Cindy lifted the dress up off her head. For the first time Scott saw her full, magnificent breasts, with bright pink nipples the size of silver dollars. "No bra? Not that I'm complaining." "Hehehehe... Why bother when I can use my power for support." He sat up and took one nipple into his mouth and sucked. 'I can't wait until Rhonda is in her body. I'm gonna love fucking her brains out on this Op! It'll give me a chance to show her how a real man fucks!' With his other hand he softly messaged her other boob enjoying the feeling of soft luscious flesh. "Hmmm, nice." Scott heard a soft click as the door opened but continued working Cindy's nipple. His dick now fully hardened and still deeply inside of her allowed him to start moving his hips up and down. "Ooohhhh... right there..." Abruptly, Cindy collapsed forward and to one side. Scott caught her and looked around to see CC standing in the door with Taser just behind him. "We have to move fast. Carnifex's contact in the Fists showed up right after you left. Along with Hazard." "Hazard? No way!" "Yup. Rhonda has eyes on. He's the number two on the mutant most wanted list. Rhonda called in for backup but we can't afford to lose him. She's going to stay on him and directed us to execute plan B." Scott rolled Cindy onto her back and pulled out as CC crossed the room. He tried to sit up as CC reached down but instead of touching Cindy he rested his hand on Scott's head. "What? Plan B? Wai..." Scott slumped to the bed next to Cindy, cock still standing proudly at attention. "It's too hard to do a swap while they're awake." CC muttered. Taser's back was to the room as he peered out the door into the parking lot. CC closed his eyes placing one hand on Cindy's head and the other on Scott's. Taser reached up to touch the ear piece in his right ear and then spoke into the mike attached to the lapel of his jacket. "Copy all." He glanced over his shoulder at CC and then back out at the parking lot. "Make it quick CC. Hazard left the club. Rhonda is keeping a discreet tail but this could go sideways fast. She needs help." Then he continued, "Pretty clever of Eros, letting us know her shield was down. I thought this mission was a fail when you tried to knock her out from the hallway and nothing happened." "It's not my fault, she was in range, but my power wouldn't work. We thought she was a telekinetic. We didn't know she has some kind of energy shield ability." "No worries little man. You have her mind? How long can you hold her?" "I can hold up to five minds but only for a few minutes. I can hold one or two minds for about an hour. Now let me focus." "Sure." CC closed his eyes. He had both minds now and he pushed Scott into the sexy red-head's body. Then he examined Cindy's mind copying and adding as much as he dared to Scott. This was delicate work. Add too much and it could cause a split personality too little and Scott would make a mistake and be discovered. Normally this took time but time was limited. CC blocked Scott's natural masculine mannerisms and added Cindy's. He blocked Scott's speech pattern and overlaid Cindy's giving him her sexy Australian accent. Next he copied the skills Cindy had developed in the use of her power. Finally he moved on to memories. This was the hardest part. They had to remain separate from Scott's memories but accessible when he needed them. CC stood up a little shaky and looked tired as he moved away from the bed. "It's done. Harder than I thought it would be. I had to rampage through Carnifex's mind taking what I needed. I'm not sure what I did to her but I gave Scott the best chance I could." "It'll have to be enough. Wake him up, and then we've got to take his body and get out of here." CC nodded and then focused on the sexy red head, "Eros, wake up!" "... it one damn minute." Scott froze his cute feminine lips making an "O" in shock at the sound of his voice. 'Rhonda! Bitch I bet you somehow set this up.' He slowly sat up feeling a heavy weight shift on his chest and a euphoric ache in his crotch. In fact his whole body burned with energy and carnal bliss. "What the fuck is going on?" The soft menace in his new feminine voice got the attention of the two men in the room. Without thinking about it he grabbed a bedsheet to cover his feminine assets. "Eros, the quick explanation is that just after we left the club Rhonda spotted Hazard. She's is tailing him but doesn't have any backup yet. We have to go. You know how dangerous he is. Rhonda directed us to go with plan B since you were already in bed with Carnifex rather than abort. The Agency is scrambling to put together a strike team to take down Hazard so you are going to be on your own for a few hours. You need to get back to the club. Carnifex's contact with the Fists showed up at the same time as Hazard. Luckily it looks like a coincidence and they aren't working together. Check in when you get a chance. Now we've gotta move." Scott noticed something hot and sticky running down his inner thigh and grimaced. "Of course, I understand. But I want out of this body as soon as we can make an exchange." Then his professionalism kicked in, "I assume you're holding Cindy's mind? Putting her into my body is a bad idea." "Of course." CC nodded. "I've also done my best to give you as much of Cindy as I could. Remember your training. You'll need to practice her skills and use the psionic-disciplines I showed you to access her memories." Taser crossed the room and paused looking down at Scott's male naked body and it's slowly softening cock. "Do you want to-er-cover your- uhm-body before I take you down to the van?" For a moment Scott glared at Taser then standing up he wrapped the sheet around his busty form and scooped Cindy's dress from the floor. "Get out. I'll get to the club as soon as I clean up." His every movement looked natural and feminine. Taser looked over at CC. "I'm not touching it." "Oh, for the love of god." CC moved over to Eros's unconscious body and laid a hand on his neck. Scott's eyes blinked. Then he sat up. CC was careful to maintain contact as Scott's body stood up and then moving woodenly climbed into Scott's discarded clothes. "I can control his body as long as I'm touching him. Now come on, we need to get back to the van." *** Scott looked into the mirror and slowly ran the tips of his tiny fingers over his smooth features. The sexy red-head moved to match each gesture. He didn't want to believe what his eyes told him but his every sense was assaulted with feminine stimulus. The weight of his soft breasts, much larger than the ones he'd had while in Rhonda's body, the scent of Cindy Snow's lavender and vanilla perfume mingled with the strong smell of sex, and the taste of the red wine she'd been drinking lingered on Scott's tongue. "Fuck. I'm Cindy Snow. Carnifex." For the first time Scott realized that in addition to Cindy's soft alto he'd inherited her Australian accent. "What did CC do to me?" He wondered and then felt more cum run down his leg. "Eewww..." He quickly grabbed a wash cloth and getting it wet used it to clean up his new female crotch and thighs. As he did he couldn't help noticing that his whole body felt energized. His senses were almost as sharp as they'd been in his own body and there was a knot of energy in his center. He glanced over at the dress in the corner and suddenly it floated, spun around, and then the zipper slid down. It took him a moment to realize that his shield was up and that without really thinking about it he'd extended an invisible set of hands to pick up the dress. Then it floated over to him and he lifted his arms allowing it to slip down his arms. Once settled he caused the zipper to slide up the dress that now caressed his soft skin. At the same time he knew there was a layer of energy between him and the dress. He gave his reflection a look and then an invisible brush swept through his hair. Not trusting his control Scott stepped to the counter next to the sink and spent a few minutes refreshing his makeup. He noticed that Cindy was a minimalist not needing a lot of beauty products to enhance her natural looks. Once done he returned to the bedroom and was happy to see that CC, Taser, and his body were gone. "Okay. Her powers seem to be coming to me naturally. I wonder if CC had anything to do with that?" He looked around the room spotting Carnifex's shoes. "I just need to go back and meet the Fist contact and see what it is they wanted with Cindy." *** "What took so long?" Agent Torres asked jumping into the back of the van. "I had to do the swap and then make a few adjustments. Also, did you know Carnifex can shield her mind?" Rhonda nodded at Taser before looking at CC, "Shield her mind? No, that wasn't in any of our reports." She glanced down at the comatose body of Eros. "How'd he take the change of plans?" "Not great, but he's got his game face on. He does want to be swapped out as soon as possible." Kevin noted, eyes locked forward watching the run down bar with graffiti on the walls. "Hazard is in there?" "Yeah, and the backup team is 20 minutes out." "Agent Torres, I need to do something with Cindy's mind." At Rhonda's questioning look he continued. "We did the swap thirty minutes ago. It took more out of me than it should have. Carnifex's power was fully amped and even with her shield down it was harder than it should have been to pull her out of her body. Then I had to try to help Scott. I'm just saying I don't know how much longer I can hold her. I doubt I can last twenty minutes." "We can't put her in Eros's body." Kevin noted. "If she managed to wake up it would ruin the stakeout at a minimum." "I could keep her knocked out." "We could use the additional firepower that Eros's body brings particularly if we have to fight Hazard." Rhonda looked into CC's eyes. "Put me into Eros and Carnifex into me. Then keep my body knocked out." "Are you sure? We don't know how long before we can swap you out if you do this?" "Yeah, I'm sure. I spent a week as Eros, a few days until we can swap him with me won't be a problem." "I'd rather have Rhonda here using Scott's abilities if Hazard spots us." Kevin added sounding edgy. With that Rhonda lay down next to Scott's body. Then her body went still. CC reached down and pressed a hand into each of their foreheads. He remained focused for several seconds before letting out a deep sigh. CC leaned back and rubbed his temples, "Fuck, I'm tired." "You done?" "Yeah." "Then wake up Torres. I can use Eros' help." A moment later Scott's male body groaned and sat up. "God. As often as we've practiced that it still feels weird to wake up in a different body." Then she stretched and grinned. "At least it's a body I'm familiar with." She looked over at CC, "You gonna be okay?" "Yeah. I'm going to close my eyes for a few minutes." "Sure thing pal." Rhonda moved up to the front of the van and settled into the passenger seat before looking at Taser. "Kevin, once the backup team gets here we'll need to come up with a plan to take him down. Thoughts?" *** CC looked into the room from behind a glass wall. Cindy, now in Rhonda's body was sitting at a table her legs shackled to the chair she was in and her hands chained to a heavy metal grommet set into the heavy metal table. The table was bolted to the floor. The wall directly across from Cindy looked like a mirror to her and had two uses. The first was that it allowed the team to stand in this room and observe what was going on in the interrogation room. The second was that it forced the person in the chair to look into their reflection. Cindy had been left to stare for over an hour. Watching her wake up, dazed and confused had been interesting. Then she saw her reflection and thought it was another person for a moment. She'd pulled at the handcuffs unsuccessfully trying to break free and that's when CC figured she realized she didn't have her powers. She'd struggled, screamed, cried, and begged to be released. At last she'd grown calm. "Time to talk to our guest." Rhonda chuckled and left the room. CC's head still hurt from all the use of his powers. He'd been forced to do three transfers in under an hour, hold one mind for most of that time, and try to give Eros as much help as he could in going undercover in Cindy's body. Blocks and compulsions always took a bit out of him but grafting in selected skills and copying memories was much harder. His powers were in many ways weaker than a lot of telepaths. He had to be touching his target if he were going to really use his gift. Where most telepath's could copy a memory, plant a new one, build a block or a compulsion in addition to a number of separate abilities like controlling the target without having to touch the victim. Even though he had to be touching a target for everything except his sleep skill CC's strength was in the volume of mental data he could process. Holding an entire mind inside his was almost unheard of... much less five. Being able to put a mind into a different body was also unique. However, CC lacked the skill and finesse to easily sort through and pick specific memories to copy. A few powerful telepaths could rifle through a victim mind picking out the desired information in a few minutes. He'd always envied that ability. If he were in the interrogation room and if he was touching Cindy, then as Rhonda questioned her he'd see her memories. It was useful but limited. The problem was that he was still exhausted. CC had known for this operation to work he'd have to move memories from Cindy to Rhonda. He'd been ready for that but moving them to Scott had turned out to be much harder particularly since Carnifex's talent tried to interfere. Instead of looking for specific memories he'd picked events that were important to Cindy and copied them. Then he'd grabbed all of her memories from the last two weeks and gave them to Scott. He just hoped it would be enough. The problem for Scott would be that he only had a week of practice accessing planted memories and he hadn't yet been taught nearly enough psionic tricks. CC had focused on training Rhonda. They would have to make arrangements to get Scott some training or swap Rhonda into Carnifex's body as soon as possible. Even though it had been a rush job CC was proud of how he'd set up Scott's mind. If another telepath were to take a look, assuming they could get through Carnifex's shield, Cindy's personality template would be on top along with the last two weeks' worth of memories. To get anything else they'd have to dig into Scott's mind. The whole operation had stretched CC's abilities to the limit. CC let out a sigh. This Op was barely in motion and was already getting out of hand, particularly since they'd lost Hazard. That bit of news hadn't gone over with leadership very well. Then CC grinned as he watched Rhonda start talking to Cindy. After he'd woken up from his nap he'd spent some time working on Cindy, before he pulled her out of her coma. At Rhonda's direction he'd added a blocker or two that should help keep Cindy quiet and anonymous. The tech guys had taken Rhonda's DNA, prints, picture and built a new criminal identity one that would stand up to any level of government scrutiny. It was best for everyone if no one knew who was in jail. Rhonda entered the room and moved to stand at one end of the table forcing Cindy to turn her head away from the mirror to look at Rhonda. "You!" "Cindy Snow, Carnifex, how does it feel to be a normal human?" Cindy glanced at her reflection before turning to glare at Rhonda. There had been a brief hint of panic in that peek. "YOU! What did you do to me? And why? I thought we were having fun!" "My name is Scott Irons, and it should be obvious. I went undercover in that bar for the sole purpose of arresting you. I'm an agent with a special government mutant affairs organization." Rhonda flashed Scott's badge and credentials. "You are guilty of a number of crimes, including murder, assault, and terrorism." "Not in this country." Rhonda ignored the interruption, "We're going to send you to a special facility known as the Hole. You will remain there until we need that body. You will then be given another body and returned to the hole. This will happen until you die." Rhonda said improvising and enjoying the look of shock on her former face. "No, that's not possible. Give me my body back." "That's not going to happen, ever. You're body and mutant abilities are too powerful for us to allow you to continue to abuse them." "I-I'll tell you anything you want to know. I can explain how the Fists are getting drugs into the country." "If we have the ability to put your mind into that body, don't you think we can learn everything we need to know directly from your mind?" Rhonda leaned down to look at her former body. "There is nothing you can offer us that we can't take with an Agency telepath. What we really want to know is why the Fists are hiring powerful international mutant mercenaries. What do they need so much muscle for? Sadly, you don't know. But that's okay, because the new Cindy Snow, Carnifex, will figure it out and pass that information on to us." "I'm Carnifex!" Cindy glared up at Rhonda. "Fine. You need me to do the double agent thing? Fine I'll do it. Now give me my body back." Rhonda grinned evilly down at Cindy making eye contact and pushing a sense of hopelessness and fear into her empathically. "Give a known murderer a powerful mutant body? I saw videos of what you did in Perth. I think not. Besides the current Cindy loves her body and powers. She hated that body and couldn't wait to escape it." Rhonda gestured to Cindy, "You've seen what you now look like. That body is physically fit, for a normal human, but it's butt ugly. There's not a man alive who'd fuck you now. Your nose is too big, tits are too small, and you don't have those luscious feminine curves anymore." Rhonda leaned forward putting both hands on the table keeping eye contact. "The new Cindy absolutely adores her looks and her new body. I had to pull her away from the mirror." Rhonda's former face was filled with horror and she tried to shake her head in denial. Rhonda cupped Cindy's chin, with a powerful masculine hand, making contact and forcing her to look into Rhonda's eyes. She empathically pushed a feeling of low self-esteem and inadequacy. No man would ever find her attractive in that body. "If she succeeds in her mission she will be allowed to keep Cindy Snow's sexy body for the rest of her life. So, trust me when I saw, the new Cindy is highly motivated." Cindy whole body started shaking she tried to disavow what Rhonda told her but every inch of her new body felt... Weak. Normal. Ugly. She closed her eyes breaking the eye contact Rhonda was using to push her empathically. "No, no, no, no... give me back my power... my beautiful body..." "The only reason we've been having this conversation was so that I could look you in the eye and explain what was about to happen. To make sure that even though there won't be a trial you've had your day in court. That and to say; Protocol 19-94-A." Cindy's body went stiff as the mental block and compulsions CC had planted before waking her up took effect. Abruptly, she slumped in her chair, drool dribbling from the corner of her mouth. Then she blinked, shook her head, and slowly straightened up. "Tell me your name." Cindy looked up, "I'm Jane Smith." "Are you a mutant?" "I was. Until my powers were blocked." Her voice sounded slightly unsure, but CC was confident that she was unaware of her actual answers. "Is this your normal, original, body?" "Yes." "Excellent. Enjoy prison Jane." With that Rhonda turned around and left the room. *** "Explain to me again how this happened?" Director Cox asked. "Once Eros had made contact with the target, Carnifex, I spotted Joel Banks, a.k.a. Hazard enter the bar." "You were the only one to spot Hazard?" "Yes. The team, Agent Kevin Brown and Chris Collins were trailing Agent Irons to the hotel. I was the last to leave and that's when I saw, and was able to make a positive ID on Hazard." "That's when you made the tactical decision to move to plan B and tail Hazard while calling for a backup team?" "Yes, sir." "But when the team arrived and assaulted the bar Hazard was gone?" "Yes, sir. We were in front and the bar has a back entrance." "Isn't it SOP to stakeout both entrances?" "Yes sir. However, Agent Collins was out cold from his exertions. With Hazard being a B9 mutant splitting up the team seemed like a good way to get the team terminated." "Unless Hazard could identify you, which is doubtful, you should have moved into the bar to keep him under positive surveillance." "Sir, Agent Brown is known to Hazard and I'd just been swapped into Eros. I wasn't confident that I could handle Hazard on my own." "Of course not. But you could have kept him under surveillance." "Yes, sir." Director Cox stood up from the desk where he'd been sitting and Rhonda stood up. "Damn it Torres. This is a mess. Finding and losing Hazard is bad. That he is in Seattle means he's up to something here. Whenever he shows up dead bodies follow." The director shook his head, "I'm tempted to pull back our agents and notify the Governor. We could flood the city with police and federal law enforcement augmented with government mutants." "Sir, flooding the area with agents would only tip Hazard off and the Fists would just shut down and move business elsewhere. My team can still infiltrate the Fists, particularly with CC's abilities." The director glared at Rhonda. "CC's abilities are black ops. No one can know about his abilities or that you aren't the real Scott "Eros" Irons. I've directed CC to adjust Taser's memories. He thinks the swap went off as originally planned. Then the Hazard sighting happened. He thinks you are Eros, and that the three of you responded and Hazard got away while you waited. There are only four of us who know what's going on, keep it that way." "Yes, sir. I'll make contact with Carnifex. The plan was to introduce Eros as her lover. With CC's help Scott and I can switch places." "No. CC's skills are needed in D.C.. You didn't think this was the only operation the Agency has going, did you? For the rest of this mission you'll have to be Agent Scott, Eros, Irons. I expect you to assume his identity, CC can help if you need it before he leaves for D.C.. Now, has RHONDA made contact yet?" "No, sir." Rhonda lied. "She's moved out of the hotel Carnifex was using. We assume she made contact with the Fists while we were chasing Hazard. She knows protocol. As soon as it's safe she'll make contact." "Fine. Notify me as soon as she does. Stick with the new plan. You're Carnifex's lover and boytoy. Oh, and Rhonda, no more screw ups. Now get out of my office." Rhonda turned around had marched out of the Director's office. As she did she relaxed into a roguish grin. 'It worked. Holy shit, it worked. Fools. Hazard was never there. It was all a rouse to go with plan B. This body is better than that of a wanted mercenary. Eros had a reputation as a playboy and adequate agent. That can't change over night but I'll be a much better agent than he ever was! I can't wait to see the look on Scott's cute little face the first time I stick my dick in him! *** Scott arrived at the club and looked around trying to absorb it all without being overwhelmed. Everything looked bigger and the looks he got from the men gave him the oddest feeling. He was thrilled by the obvious interest while being terrified at what their interest meant. He focused on the psionic skill he'd learned from CC and tried to access some of Cindy's recent memories. A name and face floated to the font of his mind. Armed with this information he made his way through the club, searching. "Hey, babe, wanna dance?" "No. Thanks." "Can I buy you a drink?" Scott pressed ahead. The club was crowded and he had trouble seeing over everyone else. 'I haven't been this short since junior high.' An image of floating a few feet off the ground and looking around flashed through Scott's mind. In an instant he knew he just had to will it and the shield that covered him like a second skin would lift him into the air. He suppressed the desire. He didn't want to draw more attention than he was already getting. Scott made it to the bar and climbed up onto a stool. This gave him a better view of the club. The bartender was busy so rather than demand a drink Scott used the time to search for his contact. Abruptly he spotted Frank Chen. Maybe thirty, good looking athletic body, and if Cindy's memories were correct of Filipino and Chinese heritage. He was a mutant as most of the Fists were. A low powered Class B mutant shapeshifter. He could shift his hands into blades and after studying traditional Filipino Eskrima he was quite deadly. He was sitting at the other end of the bar so Scott gave him Cindy's best lascivious wink. Frank nodded and then got up and casually made his way over to Scott sliding into an empty stool next to him. Cindy had been sure that Frank Chen was a fake name but Scott wasn't sure. The case file indicated that Solomon Chen was the leader of the Fists, this Frank person might be related. Frank had given Scott a lustful look. "I must say, Miss Carnifex, you look delicious." "Just Carnifex. I'm not a lady. I've already eaten tonight but you do look yummy. Perhaps after our business is done we can have a little fun." "In that case. I have a car waiting. Would you care to accompany me? It will be better if we talk business in private." "Lead the way." Scott felt a surge of satisfaction when they both stood up and he realized he was taller than Chen. Scott allowed Frank to guide him through the club pressing a hand ito Scott's lower back. Scott tried to hit the right amount of sexy vixen and professional mercenary so he didn't react when Chen slid his hand down to cup one of Scott's perfect lower cheeks while they waited for the car. In a few minutes they were seated in the back of a limo facing each other with Scott on the bench facing forward while Frank had his back to the driver. Scott noticed Frank couldn't seem to take his eyes off of Scott's tits. Feeling playful Scott arched his back a little straining the dress. 'I had no idea a pair of boobs had so much power.' "Where to sir?" Frank looked up into Scott's face and lifted an eyebrow. "Just drive around." Scott answered. Then added, "Now, to business?" "Very well. We are putting together a team for a job here in the States. We need mutants not connected with the Fist's. How does a hundred grand for one week of your time sound?" "Like half of what I'm worth and like I'll mostly be bored and irritated. I don't play well with others." Frank pulled out a flip phone. "Fine, two hundred. Turn this on at noon tomorrow you'll get instructions." Without thinking Scott grabbed the phone with Cindy's power causing it to float up out of Frank's hand and into his then he gave Frank a hard look. I'll send an account number to an international account. It's secure and untraceable. I want the full amount by noon tomorrow or the deals off." "Half up front and half upon completion." "No." Scott gave him a hard look and extended a shield over Frank holding him immobile. Then he cut off the flow of air. Frank wanted to struggle but he couldn't move Scott even felt him try to activate his talent but the shield was so tight over his hands all he accomplished turning them to steel. The guard in the front of the car looked into the rearview mirror and locked eyes with Scott. Then his eyes went wide when he realized something was going on. "Don't do anything or I'll kill you." Then Scott glanced at Frank sitting immobile and slowly turning red. After counting to twenty Scott relaxed the shield on Frank's mouth allowing him to talk and breathe. "Fucking bitch! I'm part of the Fists of Anarchy! You don't want to mess with us!" "I'm Carnifex. I'm wanted on three continents and I've killed hundreds of men like you. I don't barter. I state a price and you accept. If you refuse, I walk. Now this is a very simple question, do you want my services?" After a moment Frank responded angrily, "Yes." "Then by noon tomorrow the money will be in this account." With that Scott pulled a card from Carnifex's purse and dropped it on the seat next to Frank. "Goodnight." With that Scott opened the door and even though they were moving he willed his power to lift him into the dark sky flying away from the car while simultaneously releasing Frank. 'Being a chick sucks, but I could get used to these powers.' He thought enjoying the sudden freedom of the open sky. Scott returned to the hotel and using the room's phone called the number he'd memorized for making contact with the Agency. After using his PIN to authenticate instead of getting a person he was directed to leave a message. "This is Firefly," he said using the code name they'd asked Rhonda to use once she was in Carnifex's body. "I've made initial contact and need a face-to-face with my back up as soon as possible. I need a covert extraction." The he hung up. He knew the odds were low that Rhonda or Taser would get the message in the next few minutes. An agency analysist would get it. That person would have no idea who he was or what mission he was on. If he said he wanted CC to swap him out of Cindy's body it would have violated too many security protocols. He glanced around the room doing a quick mental inventory. "Carnifex travels light." He collected up the items Cindy had brought and focusing on her recent memories to his surprise he realized she had a cargo van parked a couple of blocks away. He hurried to it and one look told him he'd had the wrong impression. The bags of clothes, makeup, and piles of... stuff indicated she didn't travel light. He got onto I-5 north and headed out of Seattle. After ninety minutes Scott could feel his body growing tired. He still had a burning knot of energy deep inside, energy he assumed he'd got from having sex. He could also feel the energy shield buzzing along his skin and his body glowed with post sexual bliss. But he was physically tired and knew he'd be lucky to keep his eyes open much longer. It had been a long night and he needed rest. Scott spotted a rest area that looked particularly secluded. He searched Cindy's memories and discovered that in addition to food and water the van carried sleeping bags, pillows, toiletries, several bags of clothes, and cash. Nights in Washington in early summer aren't too bad and without wasting time he climbed into a sleeping bag and crashed. *** Chapter Three *** The rumble of a truck moving past the van woke him and for a moment Scott didn't know where he was. Then he remembered yesterday. He reached up and felt the soft flesh on his chest. Fatalistically he slid a hand between his legs and found his sensitive feminine sex. "Son of a bitch!" The female voice made him want to scream. "They better have caught Hazard or I'm going to kill Rhonda." He was warm and comfortable but there was a pressure in his bladder and as he squeezed muscles to hold it he felt himself start to leak. "God-dang girl body." Not wanting to piss himself Scott climbed out of the sleeping bag. He'd traded the dress for shorts and a t-shirt before he'd gone to sleep. Now he got out of the van and hurried toward the bathroom. He felt the bite of cold air and then it faded. At the same time he noticed the rough gravel under his sensitive feet. The discomfort faded as well. He paused, thinking. Then the realization hit him, "Oh, shit, my shield was up while I was sleeping. It just adjusted to keep me warm and protect my feet. This is amazing." Distracted by his discovery he almost went to the men's room before stopping at the last second. Then feeling embarrassed even though there wasn't anyone around he shifted over to the ladies bathroom. His bare feet would have bothered him except that he now knew there was a layer of energy protecting them. It was a nice restroom for a rest stop. A big mirror over a row of four sinks. Beyond the sink were four stalls and then he spotted what looked like a shower. "I guess lady truck driver's stop and take a quick shower." Everything was surprisingly clean and suddenly this was more important to Scott when he realized that he'd be exposing his soft parts and sitting to pee until he got switched out of this body. He pulled down shorts and underwear Scott grimaced as his underwear peeled away. There was a sticky spot that had dried overnight and then stuck to his pussy. "Now I know why women try to take a shower after sex. This is gross." He'd been in a hurry when he'd cleaned up and evidently he'd continued to leak seamen even after he fell asleep. Sitting down to piss was still new, even after a week in Rhonda's body female plumbing felt strange and it stung a little when he got started. When he went to the bathroom mirror to wash up he was shocked at the sight. Still pretty, but disheveled, Cindy's face looked back at him. His hair was wild and the little makeup he'd worn needed to be washed off. He discovered that he had to focus on pulling back the energy that covered his body until it hummed beneath his skin, to wash his hands and face. "I bet this shield is up even when I sleep. It's like the default mode. Talk about a defensive talent. I think the only reason CC was able to switch us was because she'd pulled the shield into her body so she could enjoy the sex." He slowly reached and ran tiny fingers over delicate cheekbones. The woman in the mirror copied his every movement. "The green eyes were hard to miss but I didn't realize Cindy had freckles." He reached down and cupped his soft breasts feeling their weight and resisted a shiver. "So much more sensitive than Rhonda's." A memory from last night flashed into his mind, looking up at Cindy as she rode him. Her tits had been bouncing enthusiastically and her eyes glowing with lust and power. He'd thought she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever touched and projected that lust into her. That's when she'd gone wild with power. Scott gave his reflection a wink and then caught a whiff of his musky feminine odor. In his hurry to answer the call of nature Scott had forgotten to grab the toiletries from the van. This caused an extra trip before he could brush teeth, hair, and added deodorant and a small amount of makeup. Feeling human Scott checked the time. 9 a.m., "A few hours to go until Mr. Chen calls." Scott returned to the van and noticed that besides the highway and the rest stop there was nothing around. The tree line was a thirty yards away beyond the area set up with picnic tables. Knowing he needed to test his abilities Scott locked the van, grabbed and energy bar and a bottle of water and headed for the trees. As he walked he ate the bar and drank half the water. In a few minutes the trees opened into a small clearing and Scott stopped looking around. Scott took his time scanning the tree-line it wouldn't do to be seen. It was mid-morning and he looked around. "I guess the coast is clear." He could feel energy humming along his skin just above the surface covering his body completely. The feeling gave him a sense of comfort and security. As long as the shield was active nothing could hurt him. "Let's see if that file was accurate." The week he'd spent trapped in Rhonda's body had been, according to Dr. White, to train both him and Rhonda for this mission. He hadn't fully appreciated Dr. White's methods until now. Two hours a day working psionic exercises to break down the blocks CC had put in his mind had vastly improved his mental discipline. Two hours a day working to access skills implanted by CC would come in handy now depending on how many of Cindy's memories, mannerisms, and skills CC had been able to implant. The physical aspects of his training would also be useful. Combative training in Rhonda's body had been eye opening. Scott had learned to fight in a female body and he even acknowledged that it had made him a better fighter. Lastly, for two hours a day he'd studied written reports and the limited film they had on Cindy Snow. "You need to learn everything you can about Cindy, just in case something goes wrong." Dr. White had lectured him. She went into detail on Carnifex's powers. Most of it was speculation. There were videos of her flying into a raid, suddenly appearing out of nowhere, lifting cars, and even an APC with just a gesture. "That's why the Agency thinks she's a telekinetic. But it's really this amazing energy shield." Bank security video showed her pulling open a vault door and then escaping with pallets of cash floating along in a row behind her while bullets bounced off. "She is a high level D-class Energizer perhaps as high as level seven or eight. There are reports of her seeing in the dark, hearing things beyond the normal human spectrum. We're not sure if this is a minor physical gift or related to her D-class." Doctor White had lectured. "We have government energizer mutants who can bend light making them invisible. They can use energy to enhance hearing and sight. There are two who can bridge the distance between points with their minds. We're not fully sure what Carnifex is capable of doing. Some of the best mutants in Australia and Asia have tried to catch her and failed." The reports on her abilities and speculation on how she manipulated energy by government mutants was particularly interesting. 'Is she addicted to sex or is it tied to her powers? If it's tied to her power then she must have either an A or B class mutation in addition to her D-class. Too bad Dr. White isn't around to ask.' He was already sure that the energy he'd given to Carnifex during sex had boosted her senses. He'd felt a slight drop from his normal perceptions but nothing like when he'd become Rhonda. He hadn't had a chance to test his abilities since making contact with the Fist had been the top priority. "Okay, time to do a little testing." At first he just examined the area trying to use every sense to perceive the world around him. It was less than a day since he'd filled Cindy with his male sexual energy and it felt like his senses were starting to fade. "I wonder how often Cindy had to have sex to stay at peak capacity?" He focused on the energy field flowing over his eyes. This was the first test Dr. White had recommended. He tried to will it to shift frequencies, to give him sight in a different spectrum. At first nothing happened and then everything faded to black and white. Looking around Scott giggled when he realized that objects that were warm were white and objects that were cold were black. "I can see into the IR spectrum!" Abruptly he lost control over the shield over his eyes and his vision snapped back to normal. At the same time he felt a slight headache. "I wonder if Carnifex knew she could do that?" When Scott had been reading through the packet put together from government D-Class mutants they'd offered several suggestion for testing Carnifex's powers. Dr. White had added her thoughts by writing him notes in the margins. Scott looked at the distant end of the clearing and focused on a tree. He tried to see it as clearly as possible and again willed the energy field over his eyes to help. Abruptly his vision blurred and then zoomed in. "HA! Telescopic vision." This time it felt more natural and was easier to hold. "I bet this is a skill Cindy used." Scott relaxed his focus and his vision returned to normal. "I need to start with the basics and approach this more systematically. I know I can extend my energy to cover other things and lift them. How much can I lift with my power? How many things can I move at once?" Scott focused on the tree across the clearing and without thinking about it he rose into the air. He sensed the energy as he extended it to the tree wrapped it in his power and then he ripped it from the ground. He felt the slightest strain. "Oh, shit. I'm strong." *** "Hello?" "Carnifex, this is Frank. The money has been transferred. I'm texting you an address. Be there by six tonight." "Fine. What do you need me to do?" "Basically, you're muscle. My boss will give you more details in person." Then the line went dead. Scott looked down at the phone and quickly committed the address to memory and then squeezed. The phone cracked and broke into several pieces before Scott dropped it. "Never trust a phone. At least not today with all the government techies!" It was only a few minutes after noon and Scott felt fatigued. He looked around the field where he'd been learning about his powers with a sense of satisfaction. He'd pulled up a few trees and then destroyed them as he learned different ways that Carnifex used her powers. He still felt the knot of power he'd woken up with, power he assumed Carnifex recharged by having sex, four hours of hard training had reduced it by half. "Now that I know where I'm going I should check in." Then he looked down and even though he felt tired, his body felt fine. The work had given him a strange sort of mental fatigue instead of a physical one. "I need a place to get a more traditional workout and then get cleaned up." Getting back to the van only took a few minutes although he had to be more careful now since the rest area had several cars. He wasn't worried about being recognized. Cindy was a well known criminal in Australia and Asia but she had only just arrived in the United States and as far as the Agency knew, hadn't committed any crimes here. That didn't mean if she was arrested they wouldn't figure out who she was and that she was wanted by the Australian government and extradite her. "Hey, babe, is everything okay?" Scott brushed a lock of hair out of his eyes and tucked it behind his ear before turning to look at the guy. He'd parked his jeep next to Carnifex's van and Scott's breath caught and his heart started to race. The guy was tall with broad shoulders and an easy smile. "Hi, handsome. I'm fine, although I could use a good fuck if you're willing?" The smoky sultry tone startled Scott as much as the actual words that had slipped out. "Sorry, babe. I'd love too, but my wife doesn't approve." "Your loss." Scott ran delicate hands over his new luscious curves feeling a pang at being rejected before strolling, one hip at a time, to the van. Once he got behind the driver's wheel he let out a sigh and shook his head. "What the fuck was that?" He took a few deep breaths to calm himself and center his mind before starting the van. "Fucking CC! He said he'd given me as much of Cindy as he dared. I need to find a safe place to get cleaned up and spend an hour or two meditating!" *** Rhonda looked down at the drowsing Doctor Debbie White while spooning her from behind. They were both naked and Rhonda ran her masculine fingers lightly over Debbie's creamy soft shoulder. "I think I'm ready to go again, if you want." "Hmmm," she moaned softly but didn't open her eyes. "My mutation allows me to use my eyes like an x-ray machine, Scott, not regeneration. This was a nice surprise but I need some sleep." Rhonda felt her new appendage stir and she adjusted her position so that it was between Debbie's legs gently rubbing her pussy from behind. The soft contact of intimate skin on skin was thrilling and Rhonda subtly used her empathic power through the intimate connection. Gooseflesh rippled down Dr. White's arm and Rhonda leaned down to kiss her just behind her ear. "But, babe, I just can't get enough of you." Using one hand Rhonda reached down and around Debbie's hip to start stroking her clit. "I thought you'd be mad at me after the way Rhonda and I treated you." Debbie started to move her hips pressing herself back and into Rhonda not knowing that it was Rhonda instead of Scott she was grinding. "Oh, god that feels good." Sensing that she was ready Rhonda used her hand to guide her cock into Debbie's moist snatch before returning to stroking her clit. She felt her tool stretch and fill Debbie as she slowly worked her way deeper and deeper into Debbie's pussy. 'God! I'll never get tired of this feeling.' Now in addition to pushing lust at Debbie Rhonda added a need to please. She'd discovered that unlike Scott she could push several emotions at once. She layered on a desire to be dominated and to do what she was told... to make the man fucking her from behind happy. "How could I be mad at you when you have such a sexy body? You hide it behind your lab coat, glasses, clipboard, and professional duties but you've always had the body of a goddess." Rhonda felt her manhood bottom out her entire length now sheathed in Debbie's velvety love tunnel. "Besides, watching you play with Rhonda in my body was hot. It made me want to show you how a real man fucks." Rhonda said trying to maintain the deception that she was really Scott. Rhonda started slowly thrusting while using Scott's empathic power to stroke the feeling of pleasure radiating throughout Debbie's body. "Oh... right there. Oh. Fuck." Debbie lifted up one leg changing the angle slightly and giving Rhonda more access to her snatch. Still rubbing Debbie's clit and thrusting into her, Rhonda bit her earlobe. "Did CC leave the Farm today?" "Uhm... yeah. He... had to... go to... D.C.." "On a mission?" "Uhm... yeah. The Agency has... oohhhh... been getting too... much scrutiny... from Senator Johnson's... oh fucking-yeah... committee. Aaahhh-don't-slow-down!" Using her power Rhonda kept Debbie on the edge without going over. She was amazed at how she could control a partner's pleasure. Eros had always needed to touch or make eye contact to use his empathic power. Rhonda was determined to develop her power until that limitation was gone. Grinning fiercely she realized that now that she was touching Debbie in the most intimate way possible she had exquisite control over what Debbie felt. "I'm not stopping babe. So what is CC going to do?" "He-he-he's... going to... swap the Senator into a... escort's body." "We're going to let a high class whore be a Senator?" "N-no... One of our... older... retired... less powerful... respected... agents will... be the Senator. The... whore... will die of... natural causes. AAahhhhhhh!" Rhonda pushed Debbie over the edge into a screaming orgasm and allowed herself to shoot a full load into Debbie's womb while empathically overloading Debbie with pleasure. For a timeless moment nothing except perfect carnal bliss existed. Then Rhonda blinked. "Damn that always feels awesome." Rhonda grunted as after shocks of pleasure caused her cock to twitch and pulse. Debbie was still on her side, her eyes open with a dazed look and a small amount of drool sliding from the corner of her mouth. Rhonda drew her semi-hard cock out of Debbie feeling a soft pop as she pulled free and gently rolled Debbie onto her back. For a moment Rhonda didn't hear a heartbeat or breathing, and then Debbie shuddered and took a deep breath. Her eyes closed and Rhonda heard her heart start up. "Fuck. I think I almost killed her with pleasure." Rhonda got to her feet thinking about what she'd just learned. She moved to where she'd left Scott's clothes, enjoying the way her heavy cock and balls moved with each step and the feeling of masculine vitality that hummed through her veins. She dug out her phone and scrolled through messages, 'Nothing from Scott.' There wasn't much for her to do while she waited for Scott to make contact. She'd met Senator Johnson once and thought he was an arrogant prick. The idea of the egotistical Senator, chairman of a powerful oversight committee at the age of thirty five, in the tiny body of a gorgeous escort was enough to cause her cock to stiffen. 'It's no wonder why the Agency is so powerful. If the Director can decide who gets to be whom.' Then a new thought hit her, 'I wonder, does the Shadow know about this?' Rhonda thought about Director Cox, he was new to the position. She'd heard that was a competent administrator and exceptional trainer. In fact he'd been the Commandant of the Academy when she'd gone through. He'd also been Dr. White's boss as the head of the mutant research and training directorate of the Agency. Quiet, competent, more of a scientist and less of a leader she would have sworn he didn't have an ambitious bone in his body. When the former Director retired suddenly and he'd been appointed there had been rumors running around the water cooler. Rumors that he'd changed. Rhonda glanced at the passed out body of Doctor Debbie White and felt a connection. From across the room Rhonda realized she could "feel" Debbie's happy contentment. Suddenly she was sure that she could ask Debbie for anything and the normally analytical doctor would do it for her. 'I wonder... should I test the limit of my control?' Rhonda moved to sit down next to Debbie on the edge of the bed. She gently stroked Debbie's face with the back of her hand. "Tell me about Director Cox?" "Mhmm..." Debbie murmured sleepily, "What do you want to know about her?" 'Her?!' Rhonda's heart skipped a beat and she took a moment before responding. "Who was she before she was the Director?" "She was Doctor White." Debbie let out a happy sigh and snuggled deeper into her pillow. "You used CC to trade bodies with her?" Rhonda asked stunned at what she was hearing. "Mhmm." "Why?" "We were having an affair. My wife and I have been drifting apart for years we never had kids and there wasn't anything holding us together. Debbie was always so smart and sexy and utterly unaware of how hot she was. We were both excited by CC's talents and the possibilities. One night she suggested we swap to see what sex was like from the other side. Afterward we agreed to stay swapped for a week." "But you ended up making it permanent? Rhonda continued to stroke Dr. White's forehead pushing feelings of trust, a happy contentment, and a sleepy need to please her lover into the woman she'd thought was Debbie. "I discovered I liked being a woman. I never had much ambition. I've always loved working as a scientist with mutants. Helping them develop their powers. The only reason I took the promotion to run the research directorate was my wife kept pushing and nagging at me." "What about Debbie? Was she happy about becoming a man? Loosing a decade of youth?" "Debbie resented that as a woman she'd been passed over for promotions. Even though she didn't really want to be a man, she thought of this body as a prison. She loves being in charge was happy to give up her body for a promotion. She agreed to trade lives, but only if we kept it secret. I think she's even managed to restore my failed marriage." "Okay. Go to sleep now." Rhonda pushed the former man into a dreamless blissful slumber. For a while Rhonda just sat there watching the former man sleep and wondered what she should do. Still thinking about possibilities Rhonda headed to the bathroom planning on a long soak in the shower. "Scott's got some vacation time coming. Perhaps it's time to use it." *** Scott settled into a lotus position on the floor crossing his legs and resting his hands on his knees. He felt his chest bounce and jiggle as his sports bra worked to contain his boobs and he couldn't help being aware of the way his panties and yoga pants hugged his crotch. As a man Scott preferred boxers over briefs. The way his new underwear clung to his feminine curves sent shivers down his spine. The hotel was on the seedy side but Scott wasn't worried in fact his whole body hummed with energy. 'I don't think Cindy ever did any yoga, but her body and abilities respond well to it!' A few hours ago Scott had left the rest area and headed back into the city. He'd wanted to get closer to the location where he'd be meeting the Fists. Satisfied that he was close enough he spotted the vacancy sign and got a room. When he fished through Cindy's purse looking for an ID he'd discovered she had three passports along with two Australian and one American driver's licenses. He quickly pulled out the card that held the picture of a sexy red-head with green eyes, and a figure to die for, and handed it to the clerk along with enough money for two days. "What's a cute little thing like you, from Australia, doing in Seattle?" "Visiting an ex-boyfriend." It was the first thing that popped into Scott's head. "He just got out of prison." "Mhmm, you're in room 234, ma'am." The guy handed her a key card and Scott couldn't help noticing how his eyes lingered lasciviously on Scott's tits. "If you need anything, anything at all, just dial "O"." "Sure. I'm good for now." Scott spun around and felt a tingle in his crotch and his nipples start to get hard. 'What the fuck! He's like fifty, going bald with a crappy comb-over, a beer belly, and smells like Cheetos! I can't possibly be attracted to him.' Once safely in his room Scott paused to take a few deep breaths, to center himself, and decided to examine the other IDs. Scott noticed that the passports matched the three IDs. The second ID was for a Jennifer Yung. American. Twenty-six with jet- black hair, brown eyes, clear skin a few shades darker than Cindy's. At first Scott had thought these were fake ID's that Cindy used but that seemed impossible, the face in the picture was too different. Her nose was smaller and a little wider, the chin was less pronounced and rounder and her eyes had a slight fold hinting at a possible Asian heritage. Even the height and weight measurements were different she was six inches shorter and barley weighed a hundred pounds. The third ID was for a Sofie Jensen another Australian and the same age as Cindy at twenty-eight. The picture on the ID showed a woman with white-blonde hair, striking Nordic features, blue eyes, and high cheek bones. According to the card she was six feet tall. "Why carry IDs for two different women?" Putting aside the mystery Scott got to work carrying the bags of clothes from the van to his room and sorting through them. "Why does she have so many outfits that would never even fit?" He wondered holding up a bra that was obviously too small. After a few minutes he'd separated the clothes into three piles. The middle pile looked like they'd fit him. "I bet the other two would fit the other women. Why does she have their clothes?" Not having an answer to the mystery he decided to change. He found a sports bra and yoga pants in the pile that fit Cindy and got dressed. Once changed he went to work using the training routine Dr. White had forced him to learn. The yoga had helped calm and center his mind. He'd been a little surprised that his new body wasn't as flexible as his or Rhonda's bodies. 'Cindy might own yoga pants but she obviously doesn't practice yoga.' Scott discovered that he could hold almost any pose if he used his shield to stabilize his balance and do the work for his muscles. Focusing he drew the shield into his body and under his skin absorbing it pulling it into his core. Everything got harder. Cindy might look great with her tiny waist, luscious tits, and perfectly shaped legs but she lacked muscle tone and wasn't in great condition. 'I bet she used her shield all the time without thinking about it, it's become a crutch.' He thought about Rhonda's body and even with her horse face she'd had a killer physic. Scott vowed that for as long as he was in this body he'd make sure he spent time getting it into shape. Forty-five minutes of yoga left him drenched with sweat and his body humming with endorphins and slightly sore. He'd also learned that Cindy's body, although female, was vastly different from Rhonda's. Rhonda routinely practiced yoga, ran, swam, and did cross-fit and martial arts. There was a level of muscle memory that had helped Scott move through each position. Cindy's balance was different and there was no muscle memory to help. Scott was now much more top heavy than he'd been when he'd been Rhonda and the wider hips that gave him a delightful hour-glass shape changed his center of gravity. He quickly learned that while his new tits felt great and looked amazing, they tended to get in the way and affected Scott's balance in every posture. Knowing he'd pushed his body as far as possible for now, Scott decided to meditate and work on the skills he'd been learning from CC. It took him longer than he thought it would to slip into a trance. Cindy's body felt like it was one distracting sensation after another. Everything about it screamed SEX. At last in a calm meditative state he went through the psionic exercises CC had taught him. Unlike when he'd been Rhonda, and CC had used his power to coerce Scott into learning about being female, this time it was a matter of survival. He felt the psi-blocks and an instinct told him they were suppressing his normal masculine mannerisms. His body felt both natural and unnatural. When he didn't think about how to move things felt more normal and when he tried to focus and control a gesture or even the way he walked it felt wrong. 'He must have done more than just block the way I naturally move. CC must have given me Cindy's movements and boosted my body's reliance on muscle memory. CC said he gave me as much of Cindy as he could.' For a moment he felt a flash of anxiety, 'What else did he do?' Scott remembered the way CC had caused him to use Rhonda's name without even knowing anything had changed. He took a deep centering breath, 'Whatever he did, he did it to give me the best chance at surviving.' Scott started using the mental keys CC had taught him and found that they gave him access to Carnifex's memories. CC had lectured him about using other people's memories. He couldn't just pull them into his mind. If he did that sooner or later he wouldn't be able to tell which were his and which were Cindy's. That might result in a split personality. They needed to stay separate but accessible. Scott focused trying to sort through them. *** It was her sixteenth birthday and her mum and dad surprised her with a boy-girl party. Cindy had never been so happy. The presents, games, food, the day was perfect. Most of the kids had left but she had been making eye contact with Connor throughout the party. Sofie, her best friend, had been trying to get her to flirt with him. She knew that Cindy liked him but was too shy. "Guess who?" A pair of hands covered her eyes from behind. A thrill rushed through Cindy. She could tell it was Connor and her heart raced. Keeping her eyes closed she turned around feeling his hands fall from her face and his arms naturally dropping to circle her waist. "Connor." She opened her eyes and smiled up at him. "I want a reward for being right." "Oh? What kind of reward? My mum just got here so I was going to say good-bye." Cindy gave him a fake pout. "I want a kiss." As soon as she said it she felt shocked at her boldness. Sofie would be holding her sides laughing right now if she saw Cindy. Connor reached up putting his hands to either side of her face leaned in and softly brushed his lips to hers. Cindy felt a spark and then her whole body was on fire. She felt an energy flow into her and Connor stiffened but couldn't move away. More energy seemed to flow and Cindy sensed that Connor was starting to panic. She broke the kiss and stepped back. "Are you okay?" "I-I don't know. I need to leave." Connor turned around and almost ran from the room. Cindy didn't really notice. Instead, she ambled in a daze to her bedroom. When she looked into the mirror hung against the back of her closet door everything seemed normal. Her auburn hair flowed over her shoulders, her youthful tits filled her top nicely, and her eyes glowed with energy. 'My eyes?!' She leaned toward the mirror and gasped. Then she felt it. A humming along her skin. "What's happening to me?" *** Scott let the memory fade. It had been amazingly realistic like he'd just lived through it. He could still feel the tingle of Connor's lips on his. "That must be when she mutated. The sexual energy triggered her mutation, no wonder she feeds off of sex." Scott opened his eyes and looked at the clock beside the bed. "Shit, I need to get moving. I'll have to try to sort through these memories later." Getting to his feet he groaned. "Fuck. I'm already getting stiff." When he got to the bathroom he froze looking into the mirror. The image of the sexy red-head still shocked him. He hadn't had a chance to really look at his new face so he moved closer taking in every detail clear skin, green eyes, high cheekbones, delicate chin and a perfect nose with a slight upturn. "God. I could be a model." He couldn't resist reaching up and watch the woman run her hands lustily over her chest. Then he blew a kiss at the mirror and giggled. "Still, I'd rather be screwing her than be her." Scott turned the shower on and tried to turn his mind off for the next few minutes. To just let his body go on autopilot. He stripped and tied back his long auburn hair to keep it dry. Once in the shower he was astonished to discover that his shield kept the water from touching his skin. He had to focus on pulling it back into his body. As soon as he did the hot water hit his back with a soothing caress. "I wonder am I now a natural red-head?" Scott looked down, "Damn tits, always getting in the way." He grabbed his boobs, they felt enormous in his tiny hands, and squished them into his chest while bending over. "How does she manage to shave down there? I can't see a thing with these monsters in the way." Still curious he checked out his armpits and legs and discovered there wasn't any hair. "She doesn't grow hair below her head? Was it laser hair removal or does she have some kind of shapeshifting ability?" He picked up the soap and a washcloth and tried to ignore the way his soft soapy skin felt under his hands he started to scrub. When his hands found his boobs he let out a soft moan at the sensation. Scott had always loved a nice pair of tits but had never imagined owning a perfect pair himself. "My god, these things are sensitive." Instinctively, he rubbed one thigh against the other trying to address the empty, achy, feeling between his legs without touching his pussy. Knowing he needed a distraction or he'd spend the next hour exploring every carnal sensation his feminine body was sending to his male mind he started singing. "Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall. Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-eight bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, ninety-seven bottles of beer on the wall." Scott focused on the mindless song and continued washing. He was astonished at how high his voice was and how he could add runs to the drinking song that didn't really belong there. By the time he was down to twenty-five bottles of beer he'd washed, rinsed, moisturized, and learned that he had almost perfect pitch and a five octave vocal range. Once out of the shower he allowed his shield to return to normal and to his surprise it pushed the water away from his skin creating a wet ring around him on the floor. "I'll be damned. Who needs a towel? What does an international, female, mutant, mercenary, wear to a meeting with her employer?" He'd seen pictures of Carnifex working and it looked like she preferred dark clothes and leather. Tight leather pants tucked into heavy black boots with almost no heel and steel toes were perfect. Scott found a black t-shirt with a V-neck that showed a hint of cleavage and was short enough to display his tummy. Based on recent experience he knew his shield would protect him from rain and cold but he added a black leather jacket to complete the look and it gave him a few pockets since he didn't want to carry a purse. Scott looked at the woman in the mirror and shivered. "Oh, fuck, beautiful and deadly." This was Carnifex. He could have stepped off of one of the videos of Carnifex the Agency had forced him to study. With only a few minutes left before sunset Scott picked up the phone in the room and dialed a number only members of the Agency knew. The automated answering system gave nothing away asking for him to dial his PIN. Scott did and then was asked to leave a voice message. "This is Firefly." He said using Rhonda's code name. "I've made contact. I'm meeting with the Fists. My first meeting is today at 18:00. I'll check in when I can." Satisfied that he'd done as much as he could for the moment Scott hung up and headed out. It was early enough in the spring that dusk was already falling. Scott didn't want to take any chance as he moved to stand next to the van. He looked around and satisfied no one was watching concentrated on his shield. Using it to bend light around him rather than reflect off. He felt a tingling sensation and a slight strain. He'd practiced this earlier today and was satisfied when he looked down and only saw the parking lot. 'Carnifex can't teleport, but she can hide in plain sight.' Then he directed his shield to lift him into the air. Flying was one of the first things he'd discovered, it came to Carnifex as easy as breathing. Doing it while bending light was a little harder but with practice Scott thought it would get easier. Once above the surrounding buildings Scott headed to the waterfront. Meeting at a warehouse seemed clich? but there were reasons for meeting after hours in places like this. There would be fewer eyes since it was outside of normal working hours. If the Fists were bringing in shipments of drugs they'd want to get them as soon as they were unloaded from the ship. The Agency wasn't interested in drugs, even if they wanted to stop the flow of cash to the terrorists, but Scott hated drugs. He'd seen first hand growing up how they could ruin people's lives. Sighting the warehouse Scott slowed down until he was hoovering above it. There was parking along the front and a loading dock. The back of the building had a pier and cranes designed for unloading cargo ships. 'I wonder, do the Fists own all of this? If they do then they must have a legit front company.' After spending a few minutes looking the building over Scott didn't see an easy way to get in from above. Just then a car pulled up and three guys got out. They went to a door to one side of the loading dock and disappeared inside. A few minutes later a motorcycle pulled up and a large guy climbed off. He had the biker look down and Scott could tell he was huge, probably six and a half feet tall. Scott moved around to get a better look and used the shield over his eyes to zoom in. "Shit. That's Ironmonger." The guy was a known Merc. Scott had run up against him once in Argentina. He was a powerful B-class mutant who could shift any part of his body into any metal. As he gained density he gained strength and size. Scott had watched him shift into a metal giant and then lift a tank! Later on he'd found out that Ironmonger's real name was Angus Stewart. Making a snap decision Scott dropped to the ground behind Angus and released his veil. Something told Scott that Carnifex knew Angus. "Hello, Ironmonger. It's been a while." The giant turned and grinned down at Scott. "Carnifex. Good to see you're still alive. I didn't know if you made it out of Kashmir." For a moment Scott felt his mind blur, he had a vision, flying low and fast, smashing through a Mi-17 helicopter and feeling exhausted. They had been fighting for days and the Pakistani mutant platoon had been an unpleasant surprise. Scott shook his head trying to get rid of the memory, and felt the braid that hung down his back swishing. "I didn't know you cared. I can fly, remember?" "Ha! How could I forget? And of course I care! You've got the best tits of any Merc I know." Grinning Angus gestured with his chin toward the building. "Do you know what the job is?" "Muscle." Scott shrugged feeling his chest bounce and noticed Angus eyes were drawn to his boobs like bees to honey. 'God, are all guys this easy to distract?' "Ah, well, that's to be expected. Come on." As they approached the loading dock the door next to it opened and two guys with tats and shaved heads stepped out. They glared down at Scott and Angus trying to look tough. "This is private property you two need to leave." The taller guy said. "Leave? How are we going to make a few bucks if we leave?" Scott replied trying to sound sexy and puzzled at the same time. He bent one knee turned slightly sideways and put a hand on his hip. He could feel their eyes drawn to him. "Babe, if you're hooking then I've got a fifty with your name on it. My car is right over there." "Not now Jose, you know how Frank is when we're on the clock." The shorter and more muscular of the two growled. He looked down at Scott. "I've got nothing against a working girl and you're pretty hot. Why don't you come by my place just after midnight? I'll make it worth your time." "I'm a working girl, but I don't charge for sex. I do that for fun." "Carnifex, stop playing, we have a job to do." At Angus's comment both the guys guarding the door took a step back. "You're Carnifex? I don't believe it." That was all the invitation Scott needed quick as thought he wrapped each of them in a shield that immobilized them and lifted them up and dropped them on the roof. "Enjoy the climb down." Angus was moving forward and took the steps up to the dock three at a time without trying. Scott floated after him using his power to fly a foot off the ground and putting his head on the same level as Ironmonger's. "Did you have to put them on the roof?" "Meh, I didn't break them, did I?" "True. I hope that doesn't mean you're not going soft." "Angus, I've always been soft." Scott giggled, trying to stay in character. "It's Ironmonger. We're on the clock." Angus growled glancing over to where Scott floated next to him before pulling the door open. They entered a large open area. Scott glanced around noticing that in the past it had probably held a large number of stacked pallets. Now there were about half a dozen and they were in the middle of the warehouse. Next to the pallets a metal folding table had been set up and there were enough chairs around it for six people. The warehouse was poorly lit so Scott switched over to IR vision and looked around. Above them in the catwalk he saw two armed guards. Along the far wall next to a door he guessed led to an office another pair of guards relaxed leaning against the wall. "Ironmonger, you asshole, good to see you!" Scott focused on the speaker, an African-American with a midwestern accent. He was standing next to the table and was probably an inch taller than Scott. What he lacked in height he made up for in width since he had the widest shoulders Scott had ever seen. "Fuck you, Dreadnaught. We both made it out alive so you owe me a pint." Angus crossed the room to warmly clasped hands with the mutant. Scott trailed along behind and as he got closer noticed that Dreadnaught had at least one physical mutation since his eye looked like they belonged on a tiger. Angus turned and gestured toward Scott, "This is Carnifex. I'm not familiar with your friends." Dreadnaught gave Scott a slow lustful look before grinning. "I'm pleased to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. But Iron, here didn't tell me you were so beautiful." "I blame it on his misspent youth and complete lack of social graces." Scott replied nodding to Dreadnaught. "Oh, I think I'm going to like you." Then Dreadnaught gestured to a tall thin guy who'd stood up as they approached. "This is Vulcan, he likes fire." The he nodded over to a petite girl with light brown hair who didn't seem more that eighteen or nineteen and was focused on the smartphone in her hand. "I just met Cyber." At hearing her name, she looked up, "Ironmonger, B-Class mutant with the ability to transform into living metal. Level, unknown, but U.S. Mutant Affairs estimates place him at 7." Then she looked over at Scott and there was a slight twitch at her lips before she continued in the same unemotional tone, "Carnifex, D-Class energy manipulator, level unknown, reports from India place her at level 7 or even 8. Additional notes from the American SMAC database indicate possible B class physical mutation. "I'll be damned." Dreadnaught gave Scott a look of respect. "I heard about your work in Kashmir, tough spot." "Are we doing introductions?" The ghostlike feminine voice came from Scott's right and a woman wrapped in a dark cloak with the hood up stepped out of the shadows. If Scott had been standing instead of floating he would have jumped. 'What the hell? I scanned the room with IR and didn't see her.' The woman reached up with pale hands and pushed her hood back exposing skin so pale it was almost translucent. Her face seemed like it was floating against the back drop of midnight hair. "I'm Banshee." "Banshee, D-Class energy manipulator. Level 7. Canadian law enforcement notes state that she manipulates both light and sound energy. She can create energy gates for traveling. Range is unknown." Banshee gave Cyber an amused look. "Aren't you precious?" Cyber blinked and seemed to become aware of everyone looking at her. "Uhm, sorry? When I'm connected I tend to forget about normal social interaction." "What is your gift?" Scott asked, amused at the change in both Cyber's posture and accent. It sounded distinctly American southern. "The scientists that tested me aren't exactly sure. They said I have D-class energy attributes, as well as C-class Psi gifts if connecting mentally to machines and the net is a Psi talent. They did a lot of arguing about that." Just then the door to the office opened and Scott spotted Frank and another older looking Asian man in an expensive suit. The two guards fell in beside them as the two men approached the mercenaries. "I'm glad to see you are all here and have made introductions. My name is Solomon Chen. I am the leader of the Fists of Anarchy." The man's voice had a slight Filipino accent and was filled with confident authority. Scott felt a slight surge in his nether regions that made him wonder if Cindy had a thing for older distinguished looking men. "What's the mission?" Ironmonger was now all business. The man gestured to Frank who'd moved to the table and started unrolling the schematics he'd been carrying. "It is simple, but not easy. You have each been chosen for a reason." Frank used four magnets to hold down the corners of the schematic. "We have been asked, by a powerful ally to break someone out of prison." "All this firepower for a prison break?" Dreadnaught asked. "It isn't an ordinary prison." Frank snapped and then at a look from the older man glanced down, "I apologize, Father." Without acknowledging his son the man continued, "This prison was specifically designed to hold criminal mutants. It's run by the Mutant Affairs Agency and is known as the "Hole." Mutant scientists have developed a field that prevents teleporting into the facility. Each of the prisoners wears power suppression devices. The individual cells are designed to hold mutants. Even its location is considered secret. Although we have located it in the mountains of northern New Mexico." Scott felt shock race through him. This was obviously the reason for collecting international muscle. For a moment he wondered if he could take out the Merc's and the Fists with a preemptive strike. "Cyber has already proven her worth. We now know the location and have the facility's plans. Lastly, the prison is mostly run through automation and robotics. Evidently, the government was worried that normal humans wouldn't be able to handle a mutant if he or she got loose. They didn't trust other mutants to hold our kind. There is a control room with a small cadre of normal humans. In the prison itself there are only androids and machines." Everyone clustered around the table as the head of the Fists started laying out the plan. "Banshee will bring all of you here pointing at a map of the area. It's the closest you can teleport in due to the dampening field. Carnifex will fly the team down to the facility. Expect to be spotted so move as fast as you can." He gave Scott a look so Scott nodded and blew him a kiss. "Normally I like to take my time, but for you, I'll make it quick." That got a chuckle from Dreadnaught. Ignoring Scott's flirting the old man turned back to the table. "The systems in the facility are standalone and cutoff from the rest of the grid. So getting Cyber into a building and on its system is the first priority. After that she can disconnect the control room and take over the prison." "That's it?" Ironmonger asked. "No, the Androids are not connected to the control room. They are controlled by AIs. Cyber isn't sure if she can control them or not. If she can't you'll have to smash a bunch of robots to get to our target." "Who's the target?" Scott asked. "Prisoner number 47EGD. He is in cell number seven on lower level two. That's the lowest level of the prison." Scott didn't know who was in the cell but he knew enough about the hole to know that the most dangerous mutants were in the lowest levels and the EGD designator meant Exceptionally Grave Damage, meaning the potential for carnage if the prisoner escaped. "Do you know how many prisoners are there?" Banshee asked. "Eighty two." Cyber replied. "Go in, extract prisoner 47EGD, and get out?" Ironmonger mused. "What about the other prisoners? Leave'm, rescue them?" "I don't care about the rest. Just get our guy out." The old man glanced at his watch. "You have the next few hours to plan. I want the raid to kick off at midnight." "What? Tonight?" "Yes, do you have a problem with that Carnifex?" "Yes and no. I normally like to charge up before battle." Scott said trying to think. He wanted to buy time so he could report in. The lack of response from the Agency to his first two calls had him only slightly concerned. Now that he knew what Fists had planned he needed to make contact with Taser and the team. "I gotcha covered, Carnifex, just like in Brazil." Ironmonger gave him a grin and a wink. At once Scott's heart started racing and his nipples got hard. Angus was a big guy and Scott had a feeling his cock would be nothing short of monstrous. "I'll leave you to plan and prepare. The building is yours, just don't attempt to leave until after the mission. Frank will be here to answer questions." Then he gestured at the pallets behind them. "We've brought in the best weapons we could find. Most of it is military grade. Take your pick." With that he headed toward the door the two guards trailing along behind. He paused just before reaching it to look over his shoulder. "Carnifex. Please be a good girl and get my guards off the roof." *** Scott listened as Dreadnaught and Ironmonger took over the discussion. They'd been on plenty of raids so reading the blue prints for the prison was easy. "This is where we want to enter. That maintenance office will probably be empty and should give Cyber access to the building's network." Dreadnaught pointed at a room. "Once I've got root level access I can control just about everything connected to that LAN." Ironmonger nodded and ran his finger over the print out. "If you can either turn off the cameras or put them on a loop we should be able to head down this hall. Turn off the alarms so we can open the emergency stairs. I'd rather use them than an elevator." "I can move all the elevators down to the lowest floor and hold them there. That way after you go down the only way down would be the stairs." "Can you turn off the anti-teleport field? If I can open a gate out that would be our safest escape. No reason to fight our way out if for some reason we're discovered." Scott had only been half listening instead he was trying to judge his power level. He still felt energized from the sex Cindy and he had engaged in prior to the swap. However he'd used a lot of power trying to figure out what he could do with Cindy's abilities. Flying all six of them from five miles out, as fast as he could, that might take a lot and the last thing he wanted was to run out of power half way through. 'What am I thinking? I've got to figure out a way to sabotage this mission. Maybe running out of power is the perfect excuse.' Since everyone else seemed focused on the plan Scott slipped away and then headed to the office to see if he could find a phone. He'd checked earlier and his phone wasn't getting a signal. 'They must have some kind of jammer system going.' Opening the door to the office Scott looked around. It was pretty much what he'd expected, a couple of desks probably for a secretary and the foreman. A board used for tracking shipments and a couch to one side with a coffee table and some magazines. Seeing a phone Scott hurried to the desk and sat down. Dialing the Agency's line from here was risky, but he needed to get a message out. In theory it was untraceable but with Cyber out there Scott wasn't sure what she could track. The line picked up and Scott dialed his code. The first button he selected was for his voice mail and to his surprise there was a message waiting for him. "Firefly, this is Eros. Mission is green. We have eyes on your last known location. Do not break cover. All actions, including wet work, are authorized. Report status." For an instant Scott was confused at the masculine voice and the use of his code name, and then he felt a flash of irritation. 'They must have put Rhonda into my body.' It made sense. The agency wouldn't want to put a known mutant criminal into another mutant body, particularly one like Scott's. 'We had planned to put Cindy into Rhonda's body they must have decided to stick to that part of the plan. The mission is green, so the Director was briefed and we're continuing with the operation.' Then Scott felt startled as the second part of Rhonda's message sunk in. 'I'm authorized any action, at the director level, to maintain cover, including killing. Something must have happened that I don't know about. At least the team has my hotel staked out. Too bad I can't get back to it before the raid. Rhonda and I could have swapped.' Knowing he didn't have a lot of time Scott formulated a quick message. "This is Firefly. Mission objective is jailbreak at the Hole. Team is mutant Mercs. Objective is to free prisoner 47EGD tonight or early morning tomorrow. I plan to maintain my cover if possible." Just then Scott heard someone approaching the office door. He hung up and moved to stand by the sofa pretending to study the tracking board. The door swung open and Ironmonger ducked in and gave him a grin. "I figured you'd be in here for privacy. I guess you need a charge?" Scott felt his stomach drop and his face heat up. "I-I uhm..." "Ha! I don't think I've seen you blush." Angus moved forward and rested his large hands on Scott's narrow shoulders. "I've seen you naked, there's no need to be shy." Scott's mind raced as he tried to think of a way out of this without having sex and not tipping Angus off that he wasn't really Cindy. The he felt the soft brush of lips on his and an electric jolt raced through him. He opened his mouth without thinking about it and leaned into Angus's strong masculine body feeling his soft feminine form press into Angus. For an eternity he couldn't breathe and one foot came up off the ground as his body hummed with need. Then he pushed back. Angus let him go grinning like a happy school boy on Christmas. "Angus, I-I'm in a relationship. He's a mutant but not a Mercenary or a criminal. He doesn't know anything about this..." Scott gestured around. "I can't let him know, but I don't want to betray him. I also didn't want him to worry." Scott improvised going with the cover story they'd already worked out. Angus's eyes narrowed and he looked at Scott and then at the phone. "You called him?" Scott nodded. "I assume you're not getting a signal for your cell." Angus held up a hand, "I won't volunteer this info but I won't cover for you either. This better not jeopardize the mission." "It won't." Seeing the glare Scott added, "Come on. You know me." "I used too. I've never seen you in a relationship. You've always said one man could never satisfy you." "This guy's different... he has a high level regeneration!" "Hahahaha... you mean endless rejuvenation. Now I understand. What's the record?" "Ten in one night." "Damn. When this is over I want to meet this Stallion." Scott nodded, "Thanks Ironmonger." *** The End Part One ***

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Here on Literotica and on the internet in general, there are several stories and guides posted on the subject of giving blowjobs. Many of them are great and give various techniques and opinions on how to enhance oral sex on a guy. Once again, I'm not claiming to be an expert, especially at the young age of 22, but I do have skill, experience and above all, enthusiasm. In this post, I'm focusing on the deepthroating aspect because I feel over time I have gotten pretty good at it and want to pass...

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Annies Story Chapter 2 A Rediscovery

As I hurried out the door of the physical therapy office, I pulled on my light rain coat and zipped it up.  The weather was by no means dreary or brisk, but I was glad I had grabbed it on my way out of the house this afternoon.  The coat allowed for me to conceal the physical symptoms of my arousal.  However, I had to do my best not to show the arousal in my face, or with my body language.  As I walked along, the constant movement of the tank top, as well as the coat, were doing nothing but...

4 years ago
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BrotherSister Discoverys

(Please note the characters for this story are fictional) A little background my name is Caileb, I am 25 years old & I am a Senior in College getting a bachelors degree in Meteorology with an emphasis on Tropical weather & Hurricane forecasting I am 6' 4" Blonde Hair, blue eyes 7" Cut Cock. My Sister Bryn (Ber-in) is a 19 year old Freshmen in College getting her bachelors degree in Business with a minor in Mathematics she is 5'5" & a 37B Brest . This story takes place in early April of this...

3 years ago
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Voyage of Sexcovery

The ocean is an almost unlimited source of biological miracles if you know where to look for them. A whole new scientific field in biology had developed since pandemics became way too common, shrinking the world’s population to a third of what it had been when the twenty-first century began. Although painful it had greatly helped a number of man-made issues. Populations were overgrown so that strict birth control had been adopted worldwide. Global warming had not been well countered due to the...

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Wow ThanksChapter 14 Uncoverings

Of course I stared at my suddenly naked sister. Those amazing breasts, grapefruit sized with large, dark, puffy conical areolas and rigid nipples. Coffee brown natural skin, well-toned and smooth, nearly flawless. A mostly shaved pubic area, a small trimmed triangular tuft right on the peak of the hill of Venus, pointing downward like a road sign: "this way, please." She started to close her legs, but I could almost see her thinking to herself, well, he's going to see eventually, and she...

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Lindas New SchoolChapter 4 Attacks and Coverups

And as her body automatically reacted as she had been trained, grabbing the shoulder hand, moving one foot between her assailant's legs, squatting and turning past the intended point. This had the effect of throwing the woman across her body as she refocused her attention to the here and now. She guided the fall to make the woman's ribcage impact sharply on a corner of the bench and her head hit both the corner of the divider and the floor with a bone crunching thud. And all the while...

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Reddit CumCoveredFucking, aka r/CumCoveredFucking! When a slut does a good job, she needs to be rewarded accordingly, and in this scenario, that means that she deserves to be covered with love juices. Well, if that is what you are looking for, you are more than welcome to check out what r/cumcoveredfucking/ has to offer. This is a subreddit that will feature loads of sluts who will get cum is a free site with a lot to offer, and r/cumcoveredfucking/ is one of the subreddits...

Reddit NSFW List
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Deep Cover

Deep Cover Prologue Harkness Holdings had just posted another astounding quarterly earnings statement that left Wall Street analysts breathless with excitement. The chattering financial commentators were agog. Forbes, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal were all touting the quarter-by-quarter meteoric rise of Beauregard "Beau" Chadsworth, Harkness' CEO, and his team who'd taken the moribund company and pushed it to the heights of Wall Street stardom. Harkness' share prices reflected...

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Reddit Deepthroat, aka r/Deepthroat! is once again at it, and this time around, they have a really sick subreddit that ThePornDude feels is worth my time for a review. This is a pretty big community, and there’s no way any porn enthusiast would miss it, especially if you’re a sucker for Reddit NSFW sites. As you can probably figure out, the main focus of this subreddit is on ladies that really love to have massive cocks or dildos stuffed down their throats just like the cock-starved...

Reddit NSFW List
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Tim Goes Undercover

Tim Goes Undercover By Moe 1) The Assignment I picked up the phone and answered, "Accounting, Tim Bradley." It was my sister Tracee on the line and she said rather urgently, "I need to see you in my office. Something rather important has come up and I need your help." My sister is eight years older than me at 30 and she is the president of our family company. She was working for our father who founded and ran the company when he suddenly died of a heart attack five years...

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Sandeep8217s Big Ass Aunty

Hi friends nanu e story annu kannadadalli bariyutiddene, nanna hesaru sandeep nanu irodu bengaluri nalli. Nanna vayasu 28 nodalu kattu mastagi chennagidene. Nanage 10 ne classi nindalu sex yendare thumba ishta, nanu yavagalu sex book oduvudu mathu sex films noduvudu nanna havyasa vagittu. A dinagalalli nanna mama na maduve ayitu nanna aunty nodalu thumba chennagi mathu thumba dappa iddaru, nanthara avarige 1 magu ayitu nanu mathu avaru thumba casual agirtidvi. Ondu dina magu thumba joragi...

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New Pleasure Rediscovered

New Pleasure Rediscovered By: Londebaaz Chohan Robin lived in a very nice house with Audrey. The house was the last one before the dead end making it still more attractive that not everybody drove up to there if they were not supposed to be there. Robin was with Audrey right from his freshman year but now after two years, she suddenly decided to be somewhere else, in some other part of the country and just walked out on Robin. He had noticed Kyler, his neighbor to be living there before he...

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UNDERCOVERJessica’s a five year veteran of the force.  Still young, attractive, she’s been assigned to a task force investigating the suspicious disappearances of young women from the downtown riverfront night spots.  The task force has been assigned teams, usually a couple or so undercover male officers in the background with a female officer, sometimes two, dressed as ‘Marks’ frequenting certain bars and clubs.  A couple months in without any further disappearances and the rumors are the...

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An Angie Story 4 Angie Goes Undercover

Deputy Sergeant Applegate pursed her full lips. She had to make a decision. Angie had been promoted to deputy sergeant from the outstanding work she had done while on temporary duty. She had been offered sergeant after successful completion of a voluntary undercover assignment. The job would require temporary duty with the vice squad in Los Angeles. It wasn't something she had been trained to do, but Lieutenant Frost told her that she was a natural. Angie was to report to the vice squad...

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“This shouldn’t be happening” I kept telling myself as I hesitated. If I hesitated much longer then our psycho host would get pissed and probably kill us both ... just for the fun of it. He was impotent ... and he wanted a threesome involving me, his girlfriend and mine. He’d discovered that I was hung like a horse, and his perverted mind wanted to see me in action whilst he sat and watched. I had just fucked his equally psycho blonde bimbo girlfriend to a massive cum ... and there was an...

2 years ago
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The Neighbourhood 05 20220616 Dinner and Discoveries

Introduction: A tale of lust, love, and longing, spanning a few weeks and dozens of lives. Jim meets most of the family next door: Cindy and her teen daughters. No first person sex in this one – but some interesting discoveries over dinner. Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal,...

2 years ago
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Your Wish Come True Chapter 9 Discoveries

"Your Wish Come True" by Pol Roget Chapter 9 Discoveries She makes discoveries about herself and the future becomes clearer. __________ STILL rather stunned by her new apartment, Mandy decided she needed to get two things fairly urgently: her own new mobile phone and a new computer. She locked the apartment and, taking advantage of a lull in the rain, walked up to Chesham Place where she caught a cab to Oxford Circus. She intended to visit a computer shop she had...

4 years ago
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Sorkanas Rise New Discoveries

Sorkana's Rise, New Discoveries By: Malissa Madison As Shalarra was getting to know her new Queen, her parents were making a new discovery. In an attempt to try and capture a few of the Earth similar species, LtCmdr Ta Tsong was leading a flight of three science skimmers trailed by one of the shuttles. The sudden burst of static followed by an electronic Colony Ship Identifier, was almost disregarded before Ta realized it wasn't just static bleed over from their...

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 9 Discoveries

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 9 Discoveries She makes discoveries about herself and the future becomes clearer STILL rather stunned and excited by her new apartment, Mandy decided she needed to get two things fairly urgently: her own new mobile phone and a new computer. She locked the apartment and, taking advantage of a lull in the rain, walked up to Chesham Place where she...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 114 Putting Down the Ground Cover

The more I thought about the cover story, the more I liked it. It would be a cover story that was so obviously bullshit, that it would cause the bad guys to sit up and take notice. In the mean time we could work on gathering enough information to form a second more believable cover story. Something that would get the brothers grim, to take a run at us. Since we had Mike recording everything, we just had to be careful what we said. The flip side was that we would have the brothers grim dead...

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I was asked to volunteer for an undercover assignment and I jumped at thechance. It involved an operation designed to break up a major pornoperation that was feeding stills and videos to several very successful web sites.So far, the agency had been unable to find anything i*****l about the group's operations. There was no chance of infiltrating anyone into theproduction side because it was too tightly controlled.The only way in would be to insert an agent posing as a bondage model.That's...

4 years ago
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Kirandeep Kaur Ki Chudai

Hello everyone, myself Harman Sandhu. I am from Sangrur.I am a businessman. Meri age 29 years old hai.Colour fair hai. Height 6.1 inch hai.Meri id hai This chudai story is between me and my freind. Her name is Kirandeep Kaur.She is also from Sangrur.Her age is 39 year. Wo amway ka business karti hai.She is very sexy lady. Uska uska figure size 38-34-38 tha. Who tohada moti thi.Uska 2 baby tha ik girl and ik boy tha.Hamari dosti orkut sa huyi thi.Dhera dhera hum acha dost baan gaya tha.Ik din...

2 years ago
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Mandeep With R Omantice Bajwa

Hi friends mera naam love from punjab.Good looking smart height 5.7 inch dick size 8inch se jada.Story meri or mandeep ki.Jo shadi shuda 31sall ki ladki.Hasband dubai hai jiska.Rang gora.Boobs mast 34 ke gand 36 ki mast lgti hai.Ajj se 1saal phle ki bat.Mai kaam ke karn apne sahr se dusre shehr phucha.By bus.Maine apna kam nipta kr jb bus stand ja rha tha achank ik car meri tarf ane lggi or ik dam meri legs ke pass akr rukk gayi.Mere to hoss odd gye or main gir pda zameen pr.Muje na koi choat...

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Hardeep Introduces Me To The Amazing World Of Sex

Hi friends, my name is Preeti and I am a 48yrs old woman with a very sexy figure (38-28-34) of mixed race basically my paternal family from Haryana and my maternal from kottayam. I have been a very big fan of this website because it gives me a lot of pleasure to read all the stuff posted here irrespective of whether it is reality or a piece of someone’s fantasy because I being a single woman have my own share of physical needs. Yes you read that right that I am a single woman and never married...

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Deepali The Punjabi Girl

Hello doston mera naam Pabby hai. Hmesan ki tehan is baar bhi main aap ka feedback chahta hoon aur mera email id hi and .Meri umra 36 varsh hai aur main dekhney mein kafi smart aur handsome hoon aur body sporty he aur meri height 5 ft 11 inch he. Mainey abhi tak shadi nahi ki thi is liye me pure thhat key sath rehta hoon. Mera jaipur me apna 4 bed room flat kharid liya hai aur mai poori mauj masti main rehta hoon. Main bara hi rasik mijaj ka hoon 15-16 varsh ki ayu se hi chudai ka maja ley...

2 years ago
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Deepaker Jounno Life 8211 Part II

Porer din Deepak office thekey chuti niye Sushmar shathey shokar 9 tai tader barite gelo, giye dekhey buro naak teney ghumacchey. Tara duijon aste aste hate dori niye burokey khater shathey badhey buro bhoy peye jege uthey, shey kichu bolar ageyi takey tara bedke ney. Buro-Kire khanki amakey badli ken, eda kedai char amare togo ami mairalamu. Sushma-chup kr shala hijra, eta amar batar, amar malik, amar dallal hay tor shamney amar voda chudbo aar tor muher bitre hay maal falaibo, tarpor tore...

3 years ago
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Kuldeep Fucks Pakhi Pushpa And Bimla

Kuldeep Singh (not real name) was heading his company and was posted in Himachal Pradesh. A 44-year-old male, he was full of energy and lust. He was working round the clock to fulfill his professional obligations. He was surprised when one of his cousin sisters came to him for a job for her daughter Pakhi (not her real name). Pakhi was a 24-year-old girl, very beautiful and fit to be a model or heroin of television serials. Pakhi was appointed, and it was the responsibility of Kuldeep to train...

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Deepedias Oneshot Repository

Hello, Readers This hub contains my one episodic, short stories, set-ups, or scenes. This is an outlet for me to collect and dump some of the ideas I get from time to time to see how they go over and gauge what is popular and what isn't. With enough interest from the readers, I might consider a one-episodic story to get a longer serialization/ sequel. My genre of stories most of the time will be involving mind-control, but, from time to time, I will write stories in different genres without an...

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Ah, Adult Deepfakes! We’ve all thought about this sort of content, don’t lie! You know that moment when you’re watching Game of Thrones and you see Emilia Clarke’s tits and you’re like: “Holy shit I want to see her do a porno.” or even “Dude I’d fuck this bitch stupid mad.” Yeah, we’ve all been there, buddy. We’ve all been there. Well, guess what. You can FINALLY see her in a real porno! Well, not Emilia Clarke but someone that looks exactly like her. We’re talking about deepfakes and to...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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Mr Deepfakes will help you with fake celebrity porn! Technology has come a long way in the last hundred years, helping mankind live a healthier, happier life along the way. From cars to factory machines, technology has definitely enriched society by making it easier to travel and live as well as ensuring that people are healthy and don’t have to resort to pain-staking labor jobs which many machines can easily do. Nowadays, technology has come even further, with new applications that feature...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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Deepfake Porn is a bit of a controversial subject these days, and it seems like everyone has a strong opinion about it. Celebrities and #MeToo warriors hate it, saying it violates the privacy of its alleged victims. Perverts, on the other hand, think it’s the greatest fucking thing since sliced bread. Hell, I’ll give up sandwiches for the rest of my life if it means seeing more photorealistic fakes of my favorite famous people getting is almost exactly what you think it...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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MrDeepFakes Blowjob

Have you ever heard about ‘deep fakes’? I would not be surprised if you haven’t. I mean, not everyone is familiar with all the internet crap that exists, like I am. So, let me introduce you to what that actually means. ‘Deep fakes’ are usually videos, and sometimes images, created with an advanced technique for human image synthesis…What the fuck does that mean? Well, if you ever wanted to see some of the celebrities get fucked or do whatever the fuck else, you have videos labeled as ‘deep...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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Deep Nude! calls itself “Your X-ray Vision App,” which is definitely enough to catch my eye right away. I once bought a pair of X-ray specs from an old comic book ad, but it was just a garbage pair of shades with cardboard lenses. You had to look through tiny little holes that were supposed to give everything an X-ray effect but really just made your eyes hurt and your heart sad. Technology, in general, has come a long fucking way since then, so I had high hopes as soon as I heard...

Deepfake Porn Sites

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