Rai Chapter Two free porn video

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Chapter Two With that ordeal now locked away I returned to Melbourne and once I was ensconced back in my apartment, I started to think a little more deeply about what the hell I was going to do. I got the shock of my life about a week later. Luce called me. "Tai, I just wanted to say thank you for what you did." As she talked, she broke down and started to cry. "I am sorry for the way I behaved. I want you to see the kids. I want you to be in their lives." I responded, "Luce, it's OK love, I know it wasn't easy. It's my fault as well. I should have been honest with you." She sniffled. "No Tai. I have been a bitch and I should never have used the kids as a means to get back at you. It was a terrible thing to do." The chat slipped slowly into a casual conversation. I asked how she was feeling, she asked about what I was doing and before you knew it we were talking like old times. She rang again the following day but this time she let me talk to the kids. It was too much for me and I broke down, I found myself barely able to hold back the tears as we talked. When Luce took back the phone, I promised to keep sending money and make sure they weren't left short changed. I didn't want her to have to rely on dickheads like Greg. She cried again. "Tai, I am sorry for saying those things about Greg. I should never have hooked up with him. I was just lonely and angry with you for abandoning us." The last comment bit hard and made me angry but I bit my tongue. "I am sorry for the way things have turned out as well." I hung up quickly because I didn't think I could hold back my anger. Abandon....... Fuck she threw me out. There was no abandonment. The anger brought back all the memories and the angry words and fury. I have learned to accept my mistakes, but this wasn't entirely my fault. Reliving it all just brought back all the self-doubt and insecurity. Before I had a chance to do much it was time to go back to work and the mine site was going to be home for another two weeks. * * * * * It was a long hard couple of weeks but once it was over and I was back home I relaxed and took a breath. It had been a month since I had even looked at a dress. That all changed when Alex called wanting to get together for a date. I raced around and did my laundry and general housework I was like a frantic machine. I wanted tomorrow to be free to prepare for our date. As I lay in bed that night I started to contemplate life. I hadn't really thought about Alex and where that relationship, if that's the right word for it was going. I had been shocked when she told me about her husband. I wouldn't have even called her again but if he knew and didn't care? But hey, who was I to point the finger? I woke early in the morning with a fresh outlook. I showered and shaved my whole body. I searched through my wardrobe until I found the perfect outfit. I picked a sweet little silk floral patterned dress. It was a slip style dress, with a low cut bodice. It's not that I had anything to show off but I liked the lines of it. The hem line was above the knee but not short. My favourite part, as always, was the stockings. Instead of my usual black seamed stockings, this time I went for a semi-nude look. They were new and this would be the first time I had worn them. I sat on the end of the bed as I slid them up my smooth legs. I shuddered at the electric sensation as they slid smoothly over my skin. It was sexy and erotic as I adjusted them into place. I did a little walk revelling in the feel as I wandered around. The nylon rubbing against nylon on my inner thighs was so sensuous. I pulled up my little panties. Once they were nestled over my crotch, it was like being encased in a silk purse. As I lifted my arms up and pulled my bra on over my arms, I got a chubby. My erection growing as the silk caressed my balls. This whole thing was getting me so worked up. By the time I was sitting in front of the mirror applying my makeup, I was fully erect and struggling to maintain control. It was after lunch and time was running out as I started to prepare dinner which was going to be a simple spaghetti bolognaise. I decided on a little garlic cob loaf for a starter. Alex arrived and, as I opened the door, I was blown away because she looked so amazing. OMG she was stunning. She gave me a quick once over before smiling broadly. "Hhhhmmmmm Amy darling you look delightful." I shook my head. "No Alex it is you who is the star. God you look so fucking gorgeous. You took my breath away." She slid into my arms and we kissed gently. "You are a charmer aren't you," she whispered in my ear. As I welcomed her in, I slipped my arm around her waist guiding her out onto the balcony. It worked last time so I figured let's do it again. I escorted her out with my hand cradling her cute little tushy. I got her seated and put on some nice light background music. I decided on Kelly Joe Phelps who is one of my favourite artists. As we sat at the table and sipped our wine, Alex never once took her eyes off me. By the time we had finished the bottle, I had served up the garlic loaf. Again, there was some light chatter as we played with each other's hands. The feel of her fingers sliding sensuously up and down my arms was so damn electric I almost came in my panties. Dinner was nice and she was all gooey over my cooking again. "Well?" she asked. "Do we have a dessert this time?" I laughed. "Sorry no dessert." She giggled. "Good the last one would have been hard to beat." We sat staring into each other's eyes and she asked, "Would you like a dance?" I grinned. "Hell yeah." We slipped into a tight embrace as we scooted around the balcony. Her lips locked on mine and the kiss was deep and I lost my balance as the sensations took over my body. My mind was spinning and my heart was beating like an out of control bass drum. Her boobs were pressed against my chest and her lips were eating me alive. She tried to slip out of my embrace but as she turned I pulled her back against me with my cock pressing hard up the crack of her bum. I bit her neck and my hands mauled her boobs roughly. I pushed her up against the balcony rail so she was looking out over the Melbourne evening skyline. I ripped her panties down and as she leaned over the rail I drove up into her in one deep ferocious thrust. She was hot and wet and her pussy hugged and convulsed wildly around my embedded cock. In one push my balls were crushed up against her arse. "Jesus Tai," she moaned. "Fuck you are a dirty little girl." I was so worked up I just rammed into her with every thrust lifting her feet off the ground. I pumped her faster. It was short and brutal. I was filling her full of my spunk before she could even get her breath. I collapsed against her panting like a dog in heat and as I did she moaned, "Amy baby you owe me." I uncoiled my arms from around her and my slimy cock slipped out of her dripping spunk down her leg. She turned wrapping her arms around my neck and her kiss was sizzling bursting with passion. "Tai you know you are going to have to clean that mess up now don't you?" Oh shit, I hadn't thought about that. She pushed me back inside until the back of my legs were against the bed. She kept pushing until I fell backwards. She didn't stop but kept clambering up my body until her pussy was right over my face, her knees holding my shoulders down. She smiled down at me. "Now you are going to pay for your impatience." Her pussy lowered until she was settled completely over my face. She crushed down so hard I could barely breathe as she slid her soppy swollen hole back and forth on my mouth. She was full of my hot goo and it was oozing out in copious globs... There was no escape I opened my mouth wide and licked for all I was worth, as much as it disgusted me it excited me as well. The shock of her attack eased and the initial taste dissipated and as the excitement levels grew I got into it. My tongue was like an angry chameleon as I slurped up her juices which were mixed with mine. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. In fact, once I got past the thought of what I was doing, I lapped it up. I forced three fingers up into her molten slimy hole and she focused her clit on my tongue and nose. Her body shuddered as she rode me to her own pulsing orgasm. As we lay together afterwards, she kissed me. "God that was intense you are one hot little slut." As we were lying together snuggled up tight she whispered in my ear, "Baby, would you be interested if my husband Ben comes with me next time?" I snickered. "Umm...do you think he really wants to watch this?" She giggled. "Ohhh babe. He doesn't just want to watch. Although in saying that he does love to watch.... No what he wants is to join in." I gasped hesitantly. "What....." She laughed. "Well after the last time I told him all about you and he is becoming a little infatuated. He wants to experience my little Amy as well." "No thanks Alex. I'm not gay." "Baby, I don't know what you mean? How could this be gay? You are a gorgeous sexy little bitch. We would be sharing a man that's all." I shook my head. "The answer's still no. I don't find guys attractive. Think of me as a lesbian." She hugged me tight. "Well, would you at least meet him?" "Shit! Do you think that's a good idea? I mean, I know I wouldn't like to meet my wife's lover." She kissed me. "Don't worry babe. He doesn't want to fight you. He wants to fuck you. I just thought if you meet him you might change your mind, you might like him." After thinking about it for a while I mumbled. "Yes, okay. I'll meet him but not here. I don't want him turning up here and causing trouble." She rolled me over on my back and climbed on top of me. "Now you dirty little bitch I need you to fuck me again so I can take Ben home a little creamy delight as well." We made love twice more before she snuck away. I was exhausted by the time she left. I caught up with Evie and we went shopping. When I told her about Alex she laughed. "Well you really are turning into a little slut aren't you?" We wandered around lots of shops and she held on to my arm as we went from shop to shop. She must have tried on a hundred different outfits and I was as jealous as hell. As we walked around she cooed. 'It's lovely to have a sexy man to escort me around. I like this." We stayed out and I took her for dinner. I really liked Evie, she was good fun. She teased me as if I was one of her girlfriends. As we were getting ready to go home she stopped me in my tracks. "Tai, as much as I loved today.... Next time I want to go out with Amy." She knew how I felt about going out in public. I baulked. "Yeah, maybe Evie but I wouldn't count on it. Don't hold your breath" At home that night, I got another call from Luce. We talked for ages and she let me talk to the kids who were happy as they had just received some gifts I had sent them. Talia, my daughter, couldn't believe how I had such amazing fashion sense with the outfits I chose for her. As I was talking to Luce, she informed me that school holidays were coming up. I sensed something in her voice. "Tai, I want you to get a chance to see the kids, it's all they talk about at the moment. I want you to see them as well. Could you come home for the holidays? If it's the money you can stay with us." I thought about it for a moment. "What about if the three of you come and stay with me?" The phone went dead quiet for what seemed an age. "Are you sure, Tai? It would cost a lot to fly during the holidays." I chuckled. "I don't care about the money Luce. I will come home if you prefer but I just thought it would be a great experience for you. The kids will have a ball. There are literally hundreds of parks and lots for kids to do." She got all excited. "Tai, I would love to! I really would. Have you got room?" "Luce, there is room. My apartment is two bedrooms. The kids can have one and you can have the other. She laughed. "I wasn't worried about that." I had to work a double stint at the site so that I could get the days to align. The extra days would be good financially as well. The day quickly came around. I spent many nervous hours cleaning the place and making sure that everything was perfect. I made sure all of my women's clothes and makeup were stored away. They were still in my wardrobe but they were pushed to the back. When I emailed Luce the tickets, I also deposited a couple of grand in her account so they would have money for the trip. On the day, I got to the airport early and made sure I was there in plenty of time. The moment the kids saw me they came running up to me flat out screaming with Talia screaming. "Dad!" Tane who was trying to be the man walked up and we shook hands but that quickly became a hug as I held him tight. Even Luce walked up and hugged me tight. "God you look good, Tai." I laughed. "Thanks Luce, you look pretty good yourself." I led them out to the car. The kids were pretty impressed with the car. As we climbed in Luce ran her hands over the leather seats. "Wow Tai, this is pretty flash." I smiled. "Yeah Aussie has been good to me that way." When we got to the apartment the wows were repeated. Luce wandered around the apartment running her hands over the granite benchtops. She shook her head. "Wow babe you certainly have done well over here." I nodded. "Yeah the money is good." She hugged me unexpectedly. "Thanks for putting the money in my account Tai. It was a nice thing to do. I was worried about how we would do it." The kids packed away their stuff and I showed Luce into my room. "This is going to be yours Luce." She was fidgeting nervously. "Tai, I don't want to chase you out of your room. Where are you going to sleep?" I shrugged. "Well, if you are okay with me being here, I will sleep on the sofa. If not, I will stay with friends." She shook her head. "Tai, I don't want you to go anywhere. I can sleep on the sofa." "No Luce. The bedroom is yours." As she was unpacking, the kids and I went out onto the balcony and stared out over the city. They were in awe as I pointed out all the landmarks. When Luce came out, she pushed in between the kids and I. As we stood taking in the vista she again whispered. "Wow! I can't believe we are actually here. This is amazing." "Do you want to go out for dinner or shall I cook?" I asked. The kids were pretty adamant that it was MacDonald's. In NZ we lived in a small rural mostly farming community and there was nothing like MacDonald's there, so this was going to be there treat. We walked down a couple of blocks and there were myriads of restaurants but all they wanted was MacDonald's. After eating, we wandered down by the Yarra River. The kids made sure we all held hands as we walked. There was so much for them to look at that there was no awkward silence, just loads of laughter and my god the questions.... Holy shit the questions. Back at the apartment the kids crashed pretty much straight away. I got out a bottle of wine and Luce and I went out onto the balcony." "So Tai. You really seem to have made a go of it over here. This place is pretty cool." "Its okay Luce, but I would give it all up to go home." She got up and went over to the handrail and peered out across the cityscape. "Have you got a boyfriend or anything?" It was the first hint of any animosity. "Luce, I have told you before I am not gay. So no I don't have a boyfriend." She stared back unmoved. "Girlfriend then?" I didn't want to lie. "Yes, I have a girlfriend." "Are those her clothes in your closet?" "No they are mine." I whispered apprehensively. She shook her head. "So she doesn't know?" I laughed. "Yes, she does know actually, In fact, she brought me some of those outfits." Her mouth dropped open and she gasped. "You are joking. She lets you dress up." "Luce, she encourages me. She likes it. We go out together." "Fucking hell." She muttered. We drank the rest of the bottle and we caught up on her family and work. We talked about what she had been doing. I couldn't help but ask. "Are you seeing anyone?" It was her turn to laugh. "No, I haven't not since Greg. I have struggled to trust guys lately." I could see her starting to struggle with keeping her eyes open, so I led her into the bedroom. I pulled her in and kissed her. "Thanks for coming Luce it means a lot to me." She kissed me back. "No it's me who has to say thank you. You have been kind and generous. I was such a bitch after we broke up. I am sorry for everything. I had no right to treat you like that." The next morning, I had plenty sorted for the kids to do. When they got up, I was already up and I had breakfast cooked. Everyone was pretty excited. First up, we went down to the Queen Victoria markets and, as we walked around, Luce and the kids picked out heaps of cool trinkets and clothes. Luce was really in her element and she loved it. Next up was cycling down by the Yarra River and then back home. We went to the movies after dinner. It turned out to be an amazing day. It was so incredible having the kids back in my life. We all had so many laughs it was a blast. After breakfast the next day, we were sitting around talking about what we would do when there was a knock on the door. It was Evie who walked in and gave me a big kiss. I introduced her to Luce who was very standoffish. I made her coffee and we chatted for a while. Luce kept out of the way. After we chatted, Evie said her goodbyes and left. The moment she was gone, Luce grabbed me and dragged me aside. "Couldn't you have kept your girlfriend away while the kids are here?" I was surprised by her anger. "Luce, Evie is a friend. We work together that's all. She is not my girlfriend." She looked disbelievingly at me. "Don't bullshit me! She is more than a friend. Women know these things." I laughed. "Yeah well did you pick up on the fact she is a guy?" She stuttered, "What? Bullshit I don't believe you." "I have no reason to lie to you Luce. Evie and I are only friends." She walked away unconvinced and she was a bit surly as we set off. She gradually came around as the day unfolded but there was still a little tension. We took a tram around St Kilda, did some site seeing, and then spent the rest of the day at Luna Park swimming. I decided that night we would have a barbeque. While I was getting it ready, Luce encouraged me to invite Evie. I was hesitant at first, I was worried at what lay behind her motives. I didn't know but in the end I called and invited her. Fuck it I had nothing to hide as far as that was concerned. Evie turned up and, like in the morning, she greeted me with a big kiss. Luce didn't hold back this time and jumped in to hug her. As I was entertaining the kids, Luce cornered Evie and straight away I could see her motivation, it was going to be an interrogation. Evie stared pleadingly at me for help but I just shrugged. She wasn't happy but she gave in and as they talked I saw the expressions slowly change and after a few moments they were giggling and then they hugged. Luce disappeared inside and Evie walked over. "Wow dude that was intense. I hope I haven't dropped you in it." I laughed. "Nah you're right girl. I want to be honest with her so whatever you said is cool." She looked nervous. "Sorry Tai." Luce came back with drinks and glasses. By the time the kids were ready for bed, Luce and Evie were like long lost friends. They were laughing and giggling. Luce kept on at Evie about guys and if she had boyfriends. Evie wasn't holding anything back and told her about her latest beau. They were laughing so much they choked on their drinks. After Evie had left, Luce tackled me before Evie could have even got out of the elevator. "You said you weren't gay and had never been with a guy. How come you lied to me? You have been with Evie?" I laughed at her accusation. "Yeah you got me. Yes, Evie and I got together once because, I will be honest, I wondered what it would be like... I did have reservations about what I was doing and where my life was going." I hesitated before blurting out nervously. "I can tell you we fooled around a little and yes we made out but I didn't like it. Afterwards, Evie and I spoke about it and we both agreed that we should just remain friends. We have become good friends and she is awesome. She helps me when I go shopping." She surprised me by grabbing my arm. "She is really nice. Tai. I like her and you're right she is awesome." We collapsed on the day bed on the balcony and sipped our drinks. "Ta, I'm envious. You have really established a great life here." "It's not always this much fun. I really miss you and the kids. It's why I spend so much time at work." She giggled. "So what's your girlfriend like?" I didn't really want to get into this with her but I had promised myself that there would be no lies. "She is fun, we only get together a couple of times when I am home." She asked inquisitively. "How come babe, doesn't she live close by?" I sucked in a deep breath. "No it's because she is married." She spat out her drink as she choked. She stared open mouthed. "She is cheating on her husband...... Don't you feel guilty?" I guiltily played with my drink. "I am no cheater Luce. Her husband knows all about it. What's more he doesn't care." "Bullshit," she hissed. "Surely he would care." "Actually Luce, he likes it. She has to tell him all about it when she goes home." "God almighty, what a twisted fuck." She muttered. When she saw the look on my face she hugged me reassuringly. "I am sorry babe but that is fucked up. He must be a real nutter." She kissed me. "What's he like?" I shrugged. "Don't know I have never met him." She just shook her head in disbelief but as we lay back on the bed she giggled. "Fuck Tai, you are a bloody kinky bugger." "No, not really. I am the same person I have always been. I just like to wear dresses." "What and you don't think that's kinky?" I laughed along with her. "Yeah I suppose you are right it is a bit kinky." The rest of the week was amazing. We went to all of the interesting spots around Melbourne and surrounding areas. Luce's sister and her husband and family had also moved to Australia and were living nearby in Bendigo so we packed up the car and went for a visit. It turned out to be an uncomfortable visit, well for me at least. Her sister Karen and I had always got on famously but, on this occasion, she was distant and tentative. Her husband Johnno didn't even try to hide his disdain. He had a horrible mocking sneer on his face the whole time I was there. The kids disappeared off with their kids and Luce and Karen disappeared outside onto the deck to drink coffee and talk. It was too uncomfortable for me so I made up an excuse for going to visit a friend while they were there. I told Luce to call me when she was ready to go. I found a shopping centre and just spent a couple of hours shopping. When Luce called me it was getting late. When I pulled up at their place, I tooted and Luce came out eventually by herself. When she climbed into the car, she looked upset. "Why didn't you come in?" "What and be insulted by that fuckhead?" I spat out. We sat looking uncomfortably at each other. "Where are the kids?" I asked. She whispered. "The kids are going to stay for a couple of the days if that's OK?" I wasn't happy but what could I say. On the drive home she nagged. "You made me look like an idiot. Why didn't you come in?" "Because Johnno made it obvious I wasn't welcome. He didn't say one word to me. Karen could barely bring herself to touch me. That's why I didn't go back in." "What do you expect Tai? People don't understand, nobody does. They all think you are queer." "Yeah well fuck them. I don't need that shit in my life." The rest of the trip was completed in silence with just the radio to break the sullen mood. Once we were back home, we separated. She went out to the balcony and I jumped on the computer and sent a few emails to friends. Eventually, Luce came in and stood behind me and hugged me. "I am sorry for the way they behaved. You are right it wasn't fair and most of that is my fault. After our breakup I said some pretty nasty horrible things about you." I mumbled, "It's okay Luce. I won't lie and say I understand but it's in the past, and that's where I want it to stay." She trembled as she spoke. "No, it's not okay. I was hurt and I blamed myself for it. I thought if I had just been a better wife, you would have been normal. It's my fault Tai. Don't you understand? If I had been enough for you none of this would have happened it's all my fault." Her angry barb dug deep into my aching heart but I could see the hurt on her face. I stood up and pulled her into a tight embrace. "There's nothing to be sorry for it isn't your fault. I have always felt this way. It just got to a point where I couldn't hide it anymore and I think I wanted you to find me." As we hugged I whispered, "I think I had convinced myself that you might accept it. It was wrong but I was living a lie. I love you Luce more than anything in the world. I just didn't know what to do." Suddenly we were kissing her arms around my head and mine around her waist as we sunk into a breathtaking sensuous kiss. I didn't move scared that if I did the moment would be lost and we would never get it back. I was terrified. I finally had her back in my arms and I wanted it to go on for ever. Eventually the world shifted slightly on its axis and we pulled back. Luce had tears running down her cheeks. "I love you, Tai. I do love you." She walked off to clean up and wipe away the tears. I suggested we go out for dinner and she was happy about that. I rang around and got a reservation at one of the best restaurants. As we started to get ready Luce grinned. "So if you were going out with your girlfriend what would you wear?" I got a sinking feeling and I stuttered as I do when I'm nervous. "Um I um, well I would wear a dress..." She nodded as she pulled open my closet. "So which one?" I searched through my collection and pulled out the little silver sequined dress. She took it from my hand and held it up against herself. "Well you have good taste." I replied, "Well actually, Evie picked that one out for me." She nodded. "I would love to see it on." I grinned. "It's probably a bit big for you." She shook her head. "No not on me, on you silly." I blushed and almost fainted. I felt my legs turn to jelly. "I don't think that's a good idea Luce. Remember what happened last time. We have only just got back onto stable ground." "I have grown since then, Tai. If your poxy girlfriend likes it, I want to see what you look like." "Please don't talk about her like that. Our problems aren't her fault." She looked contrite. "Sorry. It's just I want to see what she sees. Maybe it really is the real you." I shook my head. "No we don't have time; if we don't get ready quickly we will be late. She was annoyed but she accepted my snub and set about getting ready. As she was getting ready she complained that she didn't bring much makeup and asked if she could borrow mine? I showed her where I had hidden it all. She was blown away. "Shit you have more makeup here than I have ever owned in my life." I nodded. "Yeah well you don't need it do you. You are beautiful without it." She hugged me. "Thank you Tai, you are wonderful." We got ready and headed out. The dinner was nice. It was a romantic little Italian place walking distance from home. Throughout dinner, Luce talked continuously about what clothes I liked and what styles were my favourite. She ensured that our glasses were always full and by the end of dinner we were both feeling tipsy. We more staggered than walked home. We were no sooner in the door before she jumped into my arms and kissed me passionately. "Show me, Tai. I want to see what you look like. I don't want you to hide from me anymore." I had drunk enough to loosen my inhibitions. "Okay, but I can't do it with you watching. You have to go out and let me do it." "Go out?" she asked. "Well just go out on the balcony or something just give me some privacy." She shoved me. "God you are fucking soft." But she turned and walked out. "Don't take too long." I sat down and sucked in a deep breath. I went into the bathroom and shaved, a really close shave, I even shaved my legs although they weren't too bad. When I went back into the bedroom, I rummaged through my dresser and found a pair of black seemed stockings. I shivered as I rolled them up my legs. God I love that feeling. I could feel an erection building as I pulled them on. My legs felt so smooth and looked nice. I pulled out my favourite suspender belt. It was beautiful shiny black silk with a lace trim. I dug out my black body shaping corset and as I slipped it on I got a real burst of adrenaline. I felt sexy. I laced it up as tight as I could by myself. I donned a little padded bra to go with it and slipped a petticoat on over the top. I pulled out the little silver cocktail dress and slipped it up over my arms. The soft silky fabric slid on smoothly sending little electric shocks tickling as it fell into place. I pulled on a pair of four inch high patent leather black stilettos. The feel of sliding those shiny sexy black shoes on fired up my emotions. The damn question kept flashing before me. Was I doing the right thing? I wasn't sure I could stand it if she laughed at me or sneered at me. I sat down and contemplated her request. Why would she ask if she wasn't at least interested? In the end I said fuck it I was going to do it. I started to apply my makeup. As usual I started with the foundation. God it feels so sexy feeling the creamy liquid as it starts to work its magic. My skin lost its roughness and it became smooth and glossy. I used the lighter shade to highlight my feminine shape. I lightened my cheeks emphasising my cheekbones. I used blue and silver eye shadow to accent my eyes and of course my absolute favourite, lipstick. As I shaped my mouth and applied the lipstick I felt the growing bulge growing like an uncoiling snake. I could see the pouty look evolving before me as the slippery velvet covered my lips. I walked back and forth trying to build up the courage to walk out in front of her. I just couldn't do it. I peered back in the mirror. Back and forth. Back and forth I getting more and more worked up. It was Luce's voice calling out that broke the spell. I sucked in a huge gulp of air and walked out into the lounge. I saw her expression change the moment she saw me. Her mouth dropped open and she stood shell shocked glaring at me. "Oh my god Tai I can't believe it." She walked up to me and circled me taking in every square inch and from every angle. She stopped as she appeared back in front of me. "Wow I can't believe this..... Tai..... You look incredible. Honestly I would never have guessed. I don't know what to say you are stunning." I blushed at her compliment. "Thanks Luce." She lifted her head. "So when you dress like this, what do you call yourself? I mean do you have a feminine name or something?" I nodded. "Amy." She frowned. "Amy... Where did that come from?" "Alex picked it." "Alex? I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend?" I laughed. "Alex is my girlfriend." "Oh I see," she mumbled caustically. There was a silent moment as she got her wits together. As she eyed me lustily her hand slid up my arm and up my neck curling behind my head as she pulled me into a kiss. Not just a kiss but a scintillating toe curling sensuous kiss that sucked my beating heart out of my chest. I could feel her heat through the thin fabric. Her pointy boobs pressing into my flesh. My hands slithered down until they were cupping her full bouncy arse cheeks. I crushed her against my bulging erection. I pulled my lips reluctantly way from hers and I kissed my way down her exposed neck and shoulders. I didn't stop until I was sucking her nipples into my scarlet red lips. I heard her gasp as I sucked deeply. "Tai.... Baby." Her breathing was ragged and she sighed. "Tai...... Oh my god baby fuck. That kiss...." She crashed her lips back against mine and as we swayed and staggered I steered her into the bedroom. I slid her dress down over her hips and knelt before her as I slipped my fingers under her panties and pulled them down. As I stood back up I pushed her gently back onto the bed. I clambered up between her legs I dropped little red kisses up her legs until I was parting her swollen moist lips. I felt her body shudder wildly as my lips made contact with her pussy. I kissed and licked along her exposed slippery lips. I crushed my lips against her palpating hole. I dipped my tongue inside slowly with building intensity. Her legs fell wide open as I slipped a finger into her gooey sodden depths. "Fuck Tai... What are you doing to me.....? Jesus..." I ignored her pleas moving my mouth forward until I closed them around her throbbing clit. I wriggled my tongue furiously sucking and nibbling. Her body was a shaking fleshy gelatinous mass as she cried and sobbed. I built my intensity gradually until I had her clit sucked entirely into my mouth. Her hips shook as she pushed up against my face the tremble started deep inside her as her orgasm raced headlong over her body. "Fuck Tai.... Fuck..... Oh my god.....Oh fuck I am cumming... Oh fuck......" I slithered up beside her as her breathing returned to normal levels. She was giggling crazily. "I love your new girlfriend, she has taught you well." I smiled knowingly. "You don't know the half of it." She pushed me over onto my back and climbed on top of me. She stared down at me and giggled. "Tai baby, your lipstick has rubbed off. A girl should always look her best where's your lipstick?" I pointed to the nightstand. She reached for it and as she sat wriggling her hot pussy on my erection she leaned down and applied a thick bright red coat on my lips. "Now that is better, god you look so fucking sexy your lips are incredible." As she sat there she applied a thick coat to her own lips. Her hand disappeared between our bodies until she had her hand curled around my cock and she held tightly as she slid her pussy down encasing me entirely in her blisteringly hot liquefied pussy. I was balls deep and in heaven. I closed my eyes tightly and sighed as she rode me. Her gasping pulsating flesh sucked me deeper into her gasping hole. She slid back and forth riding me harder and harder. She panted and gasped it had been a long week and I was not going to be able to hold out for long. My own orgasm arrived like a runaway stampeding heard of angry bison. We lay together after enjoying the sweaty afterglow. "Tai baby you are gorgeous. I can't believe it's you. I was a fool wasn't I?" I hugged and kissed her. "Forget it Luce I don't want to talk about it... The morning sunlight filtering in through the bamboo blinds found us in the throes of passionate love making again. We showered together afterwards and it was romantic and sensual. We explored each other with a casual intimacy with no expectations or goals. It was just an expression of closeness. Afterwards as we were helping dry each other Luce muttered. "I can't believe how smooth your body is... You are smoother than me." As we had a quick bite to eat she wanted to go back out and pick up the kids. As we were driving she asked, "Tai, I need you to come in with me, please." I sucked in sharply. "No babe. I can do without his condemnation. I don't need that negativity." She pleaded, "Please! I am begging you even if it's just for the kids." I couldn't argue with that face. "Yeah okay but if he is like he was the other day I will not guarantee my reaction." She giggled. "Honey he is a monster he would eat you alive." I stared at her. "You have a short memory Luce. Just because I like to wear a dress hasn't changed who I am." Her face dropped and she stared guiltily at the road. "I'm sorry Tai. I didn't mean it to sound judgemental. I just meant he is bigger than you that's all." When we arrived the kids came running out. We cuddled and wandered inside. Johnno was there looking like lord and master of his castle. I gave him a wide berth and stayed out of his way. I helped the kids collect their stuff and pack it in the car. As I was getting back inside, I heard him making some comment about how it was good the kids spent some time with a real male role model. I snapped and stormed back to where he was standing, my face mere inches from his. "Yeah you're a real man aren't you Johnno? You forgot pretty quick who loaned you the money when you moved here didn't you!" He looked at me like I had slapped him in the face. "Yeah that's right arsehole it was me wasn't it. I loaned you the fucking money and what's more I never chased you when it wasn't repaid either did I?" Karen jumped between us. "I am sorry, Tai. I feel really bad about not repaying the money. I promise we will." I stared at her and I could see the guilt. Maybe that's why she couldn't look me in the eye? "I don't care about the money cuz. Fuck I never cared about the money. I just don't need to be judged by him." He turned and walked away. The kids all hugged and we jumped in the car. As we were driving back to Melbourne Luce mumbled. "You never told me you loaned them money?" I shrugged. "It wasn't much. They just needed a hand when they wanted to move over here." The kids were chattering away about their sleepover. On the way home, we stopped in at the zoo for lunch and a tour. The next few days sped by. Luce and I made love several times, always ensuring the kids didn't know we were sharing a bed. When they got up in the morning I was always on the sofa. A day before they were due to leave, the tension had been building between Luce and me. I couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities. Could we get back together? Could we make a go of it? Later that day, Karen turned up and collected the kids to take them shopping. Luce had obviously planned it with her because it left the two of us alone to talk. We got a glass of wine and retreated out onto the balcony. We sat enjoying the warmth for an age before Luce couldn't hold it in. "Tai, I just wanted to say thank you for the last couple of weeks. It's been amazing." I sighed. "Hey it has been amazing. I wanted to thank you for allowing the kids to come." "I wouldn't have it any other way." She reached over and picked up my hand. "Tai, we need to talk. I have loved this time together and I want you to know I still love you." "I love you as well," I mumbled. "I would love for you guys to move here and live with me. I want you back Luce." I could see a frown crease her brow. "Tai, I love you so much it hurts, but I don't know what to do. The kids love you. Karen said all they talked about was how cool you were. I don't want to destroy that." I was a bit confused. I guess I knew what she was getting at but I wasn't sure. "What do you mean? How could I destroy that?" She let go of my hand. "Babe, as much fun as it was I never want them to see you in a dress. I don't want them to lose respect for you. Look what has happened to Johnno. He used to idolise you. He looked up to you." "So what do we do Luce?" She slumped back in her seat. "I don't know love. I just don't know? If you could promise to stop dressing then I would move here in a heartbeat." I grimaced and whispered, "I don't think I can do that Luce........ I could promise to try but I don't know if I can. It's not something that I have control of." She looked at me disbelievingly. "You are saying that even with the promise we could be a family again you couldn't stop dressing up?" "Look Luce, I don't know why I do it.... It is deep inside me. I have fought this my whole life. I can't just switch it off or switch it on its there permanently." She went back inside and refreshed our drinks. "So what do we do?" "Perhaps we need to think about it a bit more. I would love for us to be a family again. I promise I would never do anything to harm the children or you." "Tai, you can't promise that... Look what happened when I found out. What if that had been the kids?" We talked for hours until Karen returned with the kids. When she walked in she went to hand me a cheque. "Tai...." I pushed her hand away. "Karen I don't want that money I never did. Johnno just made me angry putting me down in front of the kids. You guys can say what you want buy I don't expect it to be said in front of the kids. Your opinion is your opinion." I was so angry I spat out. "As if he is a role model jeeeeez." She fidgeted around. "Are you sure Tai?" I nodded. "Forget it ever happened Karen." She surprised me by climbing into a tight hug. "Thanks hon, I appreciate this." She stayed for a while and the kids ran around the place and spent ages out on the balcony showing off their new found knowledge of Melbourne. That night Luce and I sat up late talking without ever figuring out what to do. We didn't sleep together. In the morning it was a rush to get to the airport and it was chaos. At the airport it was tears, tears and more tears. I cuddled the kids and promised them they could come as often as they wanted and I would be home as much as I could. Luce and I hugged and kissed. We exchanged I love you's and it was hard to watch them walk through those gates. The moment they were gone I drove home and collapsed on the bed. I could still smell Luce on the sheets. I am not afraid to say I cried. I cried a river. It was like my life had disappeared again... I was lost and alone. Later Luce called to say they had got home and thanked me for everything.

Same as Rai Chapter two Videos

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 17

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 11

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Loraine Gives her side in a Reply

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My wife of fifteen years left me. Carolyn abandoned her family leaving me as a single parent with three kids to raise on my own. My sister-in-law Loraine, however, was a significant help and comfort. She regularly stepped in to help me with the kids and especially my daughters, with all those girly things that they needed help with and that I knew absolutely nothing about. I had stayed single after Carolyn deserted us so I could concentrate on my kids and their needs, not mine.One day, after...

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 15

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 16

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Lorraine and I

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Lorraine works at the library, my home away from home. Over time, we’ve learned each other’s names, say hi upon greeting, and sometimes chitchat when things are slow. She’s older than I am and sometimes dresses a bit frumpy, but just when I’ve forgotten about them, she’ll wear a long, clingy t-shirt under a sweater that makes clear how big her boobs are. I love that about her. That and her way with subtle innuendos that keep me guessing whether I’m mistaking something innocent or being...

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Rainfall Resurrection

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 5

I made my way back through the courtyard and into the house heading for the dining room intent on having another cup of coffee. Before I could sit down, however, Mr. Greenburg saw me. “Paul, if you have time this morning, and you’re feeling up to it, Rachael and I would like to talk with you for a little while regarding our discussions before you were hurt.” A quick glance at Anna and with her small nod of approval, I replied, “Certainly, Sir. I’m at your disposal. How about we get a coffee...

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 7

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 9

At my insistence, we pushed hard on the way back home, knocking two days off the return trip. The dull ache in my shoulder hadn’t returned at all since we left the Hacienda, so I felt comfortable pushing a little harder. As we dismounted in front of the courtyard gate, I asked the cousin who took my horse to send a message asking Nantan and Miguel to dinner this evening. Saddlebags over our shoulders and carrying our bedrolls, we entered the Hacienda looking forward to seeing our wives and...

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Madurai To Chennai Express

hi this is sandy from Chennai am doing my pg course am submitting here kindly give nice feedback am a fan of ISS for two years kindly bare my grammatical mistakes mature ladies and young girls who are willing for chatting hangouts phone sex straight performance and advice. kindly come forward and mail me I am submitting a Story, which happened a few months back when I was returning to Chennai from Madurai in Train.This time also I went to Madurai and returning to Chennai in a unreserved...

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Trainee Secretary RequiredChapter 7

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I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to flood the passage way. It only took twenty minutes in the cab but I knew that by the end of the night this was going to be the longest time I had sat down between Molly and her partner James and not spoken a word. It was always awkward in a cab with those two. Molly would have to at any given moment...

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Rainy Day Woman Chapter 2

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Good morning to all and thank you for your encouraging words,its nice to know you are as exited as myself with my wifes sexploits. Well as you know yesterday she was very heavily gang banged by 8 Japanese guys they enjoyed her so much they have actually decided to book her for two days a week possibly more ,I cant tell you how fantastic it was seeing her effectively being used in a very rough way she had a cock in every hole and was covere in Japcum she was in the shower for a hour, bit of...

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 6

I shared my dream with Anna the next morning before we got out of bed. She agreed with Dream Laura’s thoughts on both JT and ‘the Boss’, which didn’t really surprise me as I’d noticed before how alike their thought processes were. While Anna showered, dressed, and left to check on JJ, I sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed, and tried to meditate, something I’d never really been all that good at. Maybe I was trying too hard or perhaps I was just too rusty, but a half-hour later, I gave...

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 18

As I’d warned during the meeting, 1858 and 1859 proved to be busy years for everyone associated with the Estancia and the various business enterprises. The Estancia got back to work after the holidays on January 3rd, the same day our guests left for their return trip home. The normal Estancia wintertime repair work continued on, although at a reduced pace, while ten teams were assigned to Tom and Giuseppe to quarry a hole at the southern end of the Robledo Mountains. That hole, measuring 200...

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 19

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Fundraiser Fiasco

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Fundraising Auction

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Madurai 8211 Virgin Sex Girlfriend

Email me @ About me , am 25 years old , 5.7 feet tall , very fair , with well built body which many girls in my college went mad for ( may send you my pics or can have video chat if you suspect ) graduated from a top college in tamilnadu and now in decent job… Am from a reputed family from madurai so will maintain top secrecy for the sake of both ! Being expert in licking I had made girls squirting juices into face and made them moaning the fuck out of their brain ! Now coming into the story...

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Craig HillChapter 50

Anthony and David wandered back in shortly before one to find everything under control in the kitchen and that lunch would be ready in half an hour. "Good timing," said Anthony winking at Mark. "Now, what would you lovely ladies like to drink?" "What? Lunchtime drinking, Daddy?" asked Victoria in mock horror. "Hols, my dear," replied Anthony airily, "and welcoming our little lovebirds home." "Oh well then, lager please, Daddy." "Darling?" "Guess." "Mark what about...

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Craig HillChapter 51

At dinner they were asked whether they had started to think about the wedding yet. "Yes," said Victoria, "April but we haven't decided where. The church here is too small and the nearest one to Craig Hill is at Ripley. We looked at Ripon Minster the day before yesterday but it's much too grand. We'd like to go and look at the church at Thirsk tomorrow. Mark did suggest Richmond and let the regiment do the catering but I'd much rather have the reception here." "So would I," said...

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Craig HillChapter 69

Life went on much as normal. Mark and Victoria found their relationship deepening still further. Not only did they still often speak as one but also they found themselves thinking as one. Equally, in conversation with others, one might produce a complete non sequitur but the other picked it up without a pause. Mark found too that a similar empathy as his one with Serena evolved. Victoria, with her relationship with Rupert, went further and was always aware of Mark's moods, even at a...

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Craig HillChapter 72

The following year went by in a flash. The last six weeks before Anthony handed over were organised chaos. He was promoted to Lieutenant-General with a job once more in London. He was also appointed KBE, Knight of the Order of the British Empire and so became Lieutenant-General Sir Anthony Collins KBE. Frances became Lady Collins, which she giggled about observing that she would have to start behaving herself. They would move back to their flat in London. Mark sent a signal to Peter Instead...

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Every guy's got one. I call it the wank bank. A collection of images or visualisations that's the go to place when you're feeling stressed or otherwise need to knock one out. I like to let the fantasies run wild involving real girls I know in real life, usually girls I know, how I imagine they like to be fucked. Sometimes I'll set a porno running. I'll be the guy and the the girl is replaced by the lady of choice in the fantasy. Always ends with the girl getting a pussy full of hot cum, so if I...

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Rainy Day Woman Chapter 4

Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 4 Author: - Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 18.05.2016 - 6.6.2017 This is a work of fan fiction based upon John Entwhistle's novel "A Northern Tale" A story set in the 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Apologies to those following the story for the long delay, I have been rather ill and required surgery which rather took away my muse. Here's hoping I can recover it. Laura, Glynis and Julie entered the lift but it...

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Trainee Secretary RequiredChapter 6

The next morning my teen secretaries brought me coffee, in their thin tops and little miniskirts, and I couldn’t bring myself to object when they brought their coffees in too and made themselves at home on the little visitors’ sofa in my office. I sat opposite them in the easy chair, telling myself I’d do some work in a few minutes. It was great to be able to ogle them openly. Sara and even Natasha grinned as they flaunted their panties at me. “So did you tell Dani about us?” Sara asked...

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Braille Method

‘Am I going too fast for you?’ Meredith asked Billy over her shoulder as they walked briskly down the concrete walkway. ‘No,’ Billy said, but he couldn’t suppress just the slightest bit of strain from his voice. It was a beautiful day, the first real warm day of the year. As an added bonus, it hit on a Saturday. When Meredith suggested taking the reading they needed to do to the small yard of her house, Billy didn’t need much coaxing. He had been cooped up inside his stuffy dorm room for what...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 15 Joining Forces

The meetings occurred after breakfast in his conference room, adjacent to the bridge. As usual the table was replete with pastries, and there were a variety of drinks to please most tastes. The intelligence group held the floor. “The nearest troops to our target are a mile away. We can’t find an underground tunnel that communicates with the target building. I still have an uneasy feeling that there’s a subterranean connection.” Connie stated with concern evident in her voice. “We can...

1 year ago
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Craig Ch4 The home cumming

“I’m coming home Mum”“But Craig sweetheart you’ve only been back just over three weeks, what about your end of year exams?”“I’ve handed in all my work and my tutor says l’m on course for a First next year so there’s no point in staying. Besides l can’t stay away from you much longer, l’m going crazy.”“That’s very sweet baby, but you really should be seeing girls your own age.”“I’ve tried Mum, honestly l have, l’ve taken a couple out and they were both keen, brought them back to the flat, but...

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This is actually happening now.My friend Chris and his wife parted three months ago ,he was in a bad way and took a while to get himself sorted ,we have been calling into make sure he is Ok and he must be as his sense of humour has returned.Chris has always made it plain that he would love to fuck my wife Lorraine, at first I thought he was just fooling around but since he has been on his own he has became more forward, ringing her on her mobile and attempting to meet her,without me, he sent...

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HELLO ALL ,I didn't get the chance too finish this mornings action , the sight of my sexy blond wife Lorraine sucking off my neigbour who is in his 70s was too much ,I could not resist slipping my rock hard cock into her, she felt very firm and moaned gently as I began to slowly fuck her Lorraine uses a ultra slippy gel which ads to her pleasure so my cock now coated in slippy ,slid even more easily up her ass which if I must say is also very firm,and grippy soon I felt that most fantastic...

3 years ago
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Craig Gets Cucked Part 3

Penny just stood there as Craig waved the DVD at her."What is this?""Looks like a DVD to me.""I mean, who is Kris?""She's my girlfriend.""Girlfriend?""Yes, what part of girlfriend don't you understand?""How long has this been going on?""Six or seven months, give or take.""But why?""Why not? You don't seem all that interested in sex anymore. I could just bring men home instead and make you watch some live action instead of your stupid porn flicks. Maybe that would get you...

Wife Lovers
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Migraines and DyingChapter 2

Rehab and other stuff I’ve spoken to a few other cardiac arrest people, none who I have met claim to have seen the mythical tunnel with a light at the end, or St Peter. I deduce that some who claim such may have a deep religious conviction, their beliefs, I’ve no cause to doubt their recall. Logically, if the heart stops (that moment before I died), then the flow of blood to the brain ceases, If the brain stops, then there cannot be a memory. For the next few weeks, I was shit scared to do...

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Migraines and DyingChapter 3

Migraine For many years, my wife suffered for migraine headaches, any one who suffers from this malady knows how debilitating it is, it takes over your life. Recently Matilda had a run of extra bad attacks, after number five I called for an ambulance. The paramedics checked her out and decided to take her to ER. After a lot of tests and a brain scan, they had no answer, the drugs they gave her had no effect. In the end they gave her a sedative and sent her home. The following day she was...

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 3

“I’m sure glad this is all over,” I said to Anna, four days later, as we were leaving our bedroom to get JJ and go downstairs to breakfast. For three of those days, Anna and I babysat the Greenburgs until lunch when we were replaced by Tom and Yolanda. That left my afternoons free to visit the various parts of the Estancia, usually with the older kids, as well as get in some shooting practice. The other day was spent in the Estancia meeting, where we reviewed the progress we’d made against...

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Craig learns all of Mumrsquos secrets

This is the third episode in the chronicle of Craig’s Easter break at home. All comments are welcome, including any constructive criticism. There are more stories to follow, enjoy.Carol lay with her head on Craig’s heaving chest, listening to the solid beat of his heart. She could see his flaccid cock lying flat on his tummy, glistening with the residue of his cum and her juices. She moved her head down towards it, first caressing the head with her tongue, then sliding her lips over it,...

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Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...

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Appraisal Show

"Welcome to the pre show interview. If you would close the door behind you we'll get started. Thank you. Your name is... ?" "Natalie." "Well Natalie what did you bring us to be appraised today?" "Well I brought these to be appraised." "... uh, Natalie, I don't see anything." "Oh. I'm sorry. My tits. I thought you were looking at them when I walked in. I mean they're really big. Weren't you looking at my tits?" "Well, uh, yes I did notice them, er, I mean you, when you...

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Murai Pen Sinthuvai Oothen

Indru en sontha murai pennai eppadi thanimaiyil kanavanaaga vaazhnthen enbathai ungalidam intha tamil kama kathaiyil pagirugiren. Thinamum niraiya kama kathaigalai padithu vitu ippozhuthu enathu kama kathaiyai pagirnthu kolvathu santhoshamaaga irukirathu. En peyar muthu vayathu 26 aagugirathu, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Naan oru engineer ippozhuthu Bangaloreil velai seithu varugiren, mathathirku 4 naal thodarchiyaaga leave ketu vitu varuven. Appozhuthu thaan en sontha mama penudan thodarbu...

4 years ago
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Murai Mama Ennai Thiruvizhavil Mudithaar

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en gramathil thiruvizhavin pozhuthu en mama ennai eppadi kaamam seithaar enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar indhu vayathu 22 aagugirathu, naan maduraiyil vasithu varugiren. Engal paati ooril varudathirku oru murai thiruvizha nadathuvaargal, apozhuthu naan en mamavai paarka engal sontha ooruku sendru irunthom. Naan siru vayathil irunthu en mamavai kathal seithu varugiren, enaku en mama endraal migavum pidikum. En manam eppozhuthu mamavaiye...

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