In Safe Hands free porn video

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Here we go again with another (late) Halloween. As with most (probably all) of my stories, this one contains dark TG themes. Be warned though, it also contains details and description which is too graphic for some. For those who insist on continuing, I hope you will like it. In Safe Hands It was an ordeal no young woman should have been put through. After being sexually assaulted by her prom date exactly a year ago, Charlotte had been subjected to therapy after therapy. I was so relieved to see her smile again, but her fear towards a relationship with men remained. As her father, I was fine with that. After all, she was still young. At 19, I vowed to let her live her life at her own pace. Most importantly, I wanted to be around her whenever she needed me - to be there for her and to make sure that she felt safe. Her mother, my wife, passed away when Charlotte was twelve. It had not been easy for the both of us, but we had managed to put that behind us. I was fortunate to have my sister and her family around to give me a hand. Their company made certain that Charlotte wouldn't grow up feeling left behind, especially with her mom's passing. I was even more thankful to have my sister and her teenage daughter around during Charlotte's recent unfortunate event. The son-of-a-bitch had been convicted and would serve his time, but the damage had already been done. No father would want to see his daughter hurt like this. But my sweet Charlotte had managed to pull through. "She's a strong one, this girl. And you, Howard, has always been there for her," my sister, Helen, had said. "I don't know what I'll do without you guys. Thank you," I said before giving my sister and her husband Tom each a hug. It was about time for me to leave my daughter for my deployment to the middle east. Serving in the military for the country was an honor, but this would be the hardest part for me and Charlotte. Even though, this would be a short mission - two months tops - we would be apart for the first time after the incident. "Hey sweetie," I said to my daughter before pulling her into my embrace. "Hey dad... Don't worry about me. You just go do your thing. But promise me to stay safe," Charlotte said before receiving a kiss on her forehead. "You too." "There's no place safer for me than with Aunt Helen and Uncle Tom," the 19-year-old said. In every way, she was the mirror image of my late wife. If cancer hadn't taken her away from us, they could have looked more like sisters than mother and daughter. Curly long blonde hair framing her cute round face decorated by a pair of big blue eyes, adorable button nose and the sweetest smile which always warm my heart. Her growth spurt had probably slowed but she was still a good 5-foot-3 with the ideal cheerleading figure. I was glad that the therapy sessions had helped her regained her confidence as she seemed to have regained her bubbly persona recently. "We'll take good care of her, Uncle Pete," my niece who had only turned eighteen last week, said. Rachel had always been looking up to my daughter as her role model. The way Charlotte had recovered from her recent setback only added to Rachel's adoration for her. They had become more and more like siblings which I thought would be good for the both of them. The emotional support was never lacking, and I couldn't be more grateful. I could gradually see my sister in Rachel as she mature into a young woman. Long auburn tresses regularly kept in an innocent ponytail, the girl even had my little sister's eye, the family's pert nose as well as the dimples which she had also inherited from Helen. I bid my farewell, reassured that Charlotte would be in safe hands. ** Halloween was something Charlotte had outgrown of, as she generously filled the bowl of the little goblins and witches gathered in front of Aunt Helen's house with candies. With their masks and elaborate costumes, it was hard to tell whose kids or from which house they came from. "That's the whole idea of tricking and treating isn't it," Aunt Helen said, as if she was reading her niece's mind. The 38-year-old homemaker was truly into the spirit of Halloween in her Poison Ivy getup. Her long and naturally wavy red mane fit the part perfectly while her slender figure filled the green dress like a glove. "How do I look?" "You made me wanna run to Batman for help," Charlotte said. "What about me, Carly?" Rachel asked. She had always been the cutest girl in school, but her Little Red Riding Hood outfit somehow made her even more adorable. The mid-thigh dress underneath her red hood emphasized her white-stocking-cladded legs which in turn complimented immaculately by a pair of 3-inch black boots. It reminded Charlotte how her younger cousin was quickly catching up to herself in terms of feminine physicality. Holding on to a proper fruit basket, her impersonation as the popular character was complete. "Perfect," I said before reminding her that she would have to answer the next 'treating' duty. "Okay, okay... Harley Quinn," Rachel said. Charlotte had reluctantly donned the outfit of the Gotham's crazy girl thanks to her aunt's persuasion. With Uncle Tom away on one of his regular business trips, Aunt Helen decided to lighten things up a bit this year - especially as Charlotte was trying to digest the news of Dave Conrad's demise in a prison fire last week. Organizing a mini Halloween party would hopefully cheer Charlotte up and keep her mind away from what had happened during her prom. At least, that was Aunt Helen's intention. The door bell kind of shaken the 19-year-old out of her thoughts. True to her word, Rachel took on the duty of answering the door as she replaced her basket with the bag of candies and chocolate - fully prepared to send some children home happy. Instead of more goblins and monsters, Rachel was greeted by the presence of their party guests for the night. "Hi, Mrs. Green. You look great! Wow Lara, you're Princess Aurora? Cool!" "Carmen! Lara! Please come in," Aunt Helen gave both the mother and daughter a hug before welcoming them in. "Oh, Helen. Thanks for inviting us," Carmen said as she sauntered in with her 19-year-old daughter in tow. Charlotte immediately felt a sense of menace at the sight of Aunt Helen's guests. She wasn't sure if it was just her convincing Angelina Jolie inspired Maleficent costume, but she could feel the same sort of twisted aura coming from her daughter as well - despite her pleasant appearance as Princess Aurora. Unlike her mom, she chose not to go full-length with her sky-blue gown as its hem came down to just above her knees - allowing her to show off some legs and her brown pointy boots. Their presence gave Charlotte a sense of d?j? vu as she was brought back to the room where Dave and a couple of his friends had rape her after lacing her drink with the infamous date-rape powder. It was a memory she had tried to bury, and her therapist had succeeded in helping her move on. But now, her heart was racing again as if she was in a fight or flight mode, and she had no idea why. "Are you alright, sweetie?" Aunt Helen sounded concerned as she noticed her niece's unease. "Oh, this must be the lovely young woman you've told me about... Charlotte, right?" Carmen's melodious tone managed to calm Charlotte's nerve somewhat. Maybe, it was just the fact that she had yet to prepare herself to meet new people. She would have to talk to her therapist about it during their next session. "This is Carmen. Her husband, Mr. Green and Uncle Tom were partners. In fact, both our husbands are going to the same business conference as we speak. So, I asked her to come over for our little Halloween get- together," Aunt Helen explained before pointing to the equally attractive young woman occupied in conversion with Rachel, "And that's Carmen's daughter, Lara. I believe she's your age." "Nice to meet you." Maleficent sounded unusually friendly as she extended her hand. Charlotte shook it, her anxiety subsided significantly. However, there was still something out of place with the otherwise elegant woman - and her daughter. "Hi..." Princess Aurora waved briefly before complimenting Charlotte's Harley Quinn guise. The 19-year-old blonde was so busy trying to untangle herself from her imaginative sixth sense that she had not notice their aluminum foil covered plate of Enchilada Meatballs. "Hmmm... Smells good!" Aunt Helen said before receiving the dish from her guest and urging the small crowd to the dining table. As the host who happened to enjoy cooking, she had prepared quite a feast. To Charlotte, it felt more like Thanksgiving than Halloween - especially with the roast turkey sitting in the middle. The only tell that this was indeed a Halloween celebration was the spectacle of having Poison Ivy, Maleficent, Little Red Riding Hood, Princess Aurora and Harley Quinn sitting down together on the same table. Charlotte almost giggled to that amusing observation. She wondered whether they could even finish all the food on the table. To her surprise, they did not let any of the food go to waste. An hour later, they were all just enjoying each other's company with a glass of wine for Aunt Helen, Carmen and Lara while Charlotte decided to share the bottle of sparkling juice with Rachel. In between their conversations of their husbands' business ventures and their daughter's education, Charlotte caught both Carmen and Lara stealing glances at her. In fact, the guest mother-and-daughter had been checking her out during the course of their dinner. This had made her nervous all over again. Another thing which caught Charlotte's attention was the Greens' habit of looking at their watch - as if they were anticipating someone. Finally having enough for the evening, Charlotte decided to call it a night and excuse herself to her room. She would have bailed much earlier had it not been her desire not to upset her aunt. "Honey, are you sure you're alright?" Charlotte's aunt asked, her concern seemed to return as the niece did not appear like her usual self this evening. "I'm okay... Just a little worn out, I guess," Charlotte said. As she was making her way upstairs, the door bell rang. It must be the neighborhood kids seeking candies, Charlotte thought. Though, she realized now that they had not been disturbed for the last couple of hours during their dinner. That was a little odd, unless someone had hung the 'out of treats' sign on the door. "Oh, that has gotta be Dave!" Aunt Helen's concerned expression had shifted dramatically to that of excitement. Charlotte turned pale at the mentioning of that name. This had got to be a different Dave - not that Dave. Because Dave Conrad - her former prom date and one of the three who had gang-raped her - had perished in the prison fire barely a week ago. Furthermore, 'Dave' was such a common name that it was no big deal her aunt happened to have a family friend with the same first name. "Dave Conrad! It's been a while, man!" Aunt Helen greeted in the most uncharacteristic manner at the sight of the man who had defiled her niece. Charlotte thought she had seen a ghost. She couldn't move as her feet were bolted to the ground. How could her aunt fist-pump and high-five the man who had turn her life into a living hell? In a blink of an eye, the middle-aged woman had transitioned from being a motherly character into a 'bro' of a convicted rapist. "He... he should be dead... Aunt Helen, what is going on?" Charlotte's voice was shaking. "Oh honey, I've arranged a little surprise reunion for the two of you. God taught us to forgive. I think you should give this sweet young man another chance... to know you better," the aunt returned to her motherly persona as she invited Dave in before locking the door behind him. "More like, to know you inside out... Hey, buddy!" Rachel said before giving Dave the same greet as her mom. "I just can't get used to seeing you guys like this, man!" Dave said as he continued to ignore the girl whom he had assaulted a year ago. "What do you mean, man? We've just screwed our brains out last week, remember? Unless, you're talking about our Halloween costumes," Rachel said in the most unladylike manner. Charlotte now recalled that her cousin wasn't feeling well and skipped school the day after the news of the prison fire got out. Was she, along with Aunt Helen, waiting to welcome Dave that day? What the fuck is going on? Wait, had he just left Charlotte alone for a whole week and only showing himself to her today? Why? Charlotte had no time to overwhelmed herself with all the questions. She had to make a run for it. Then, she realized her earlier inability to move her legs when she saw Dave wasn't merely just a psychological effect - for some reason, she was actually paralyzed. She couldn't even turn her head away from that monster. "Whyish canz aish... moosh? Wass wrongsh wish..." her speech slurred in the beginning, then the words just wouldn't come out. "The drug must've just kicked in," Carmen, who had only been a spectator with her daughter up to this point, concluded. From the corner of her eyes, Charlotte saw Maleficent and Princess Aurora put down their glasses of wine before getting up. Charlotte's vision swung upwards as she felt gravity pulling her listless body to the ground. Right before impact, she felt a strong pair of arms catching her. It was Dave. With him so close, she could detect the same sinister aura emitting from him which she had felt from Carmen and her daughter earlier when they had just arrived. "Wow... this certainly brings back memories, doesn't it? Chaz?" Dave called her by her nickname which she had hated so much. As much as she wanted to look away from his detestable face, she just couldn't. In fact, she couldn't even shut her eyelids. Tears started gathering on the edges of her eyes as she thought about the betrayal of her aunt and Rachel. Why would they do this to her? Dave leaned in to lick at her cheek, not bothering about ruining her Harley Quinn makeup. The repulsion built up within Charlotte, but her paralyzed form prevented her escape - just like that horrible night. "This time, we're gonna be doing things a little differently," Conrad said before adding, "I'm gonna let you get aroused with our little show. Then, I'm gonna get inside of you. Just be patient, alright?" Without waiting for an answer, he backed away. Once he was cleared of Charlotte's vision, she could now see what he had meant. And he couldn't bring herself to believe what she was seeing. Rachel was leaning back on the couch with her legs spread wide open while Aunt Helen was bobbing her head at her... cock? Or something which looked exactly like someone's penis as it jutted out from between her labia- folds. If that was a strap-on, it was certainly a heck of a convincing one at that - complete with a pair of life-like sacs. Why would Aunt Helen be doing that with her daughter in the first place? Not only nothing seemed to be making sense ever since the arrival of Conrad, but they all beginning to get more shocking by the minute. Charlotte wished she could shut her eyes and pretended that this was all a bad dream. But all she could do now was move her eyeball - and even that was getting more and more sluggish. When Dave stood over Rachel before whipping his cock out for her to suck, Charlotte quickly turned her eyes away from the trio only to land her field of vision on an equally bizarre activity. Carmen, in her impressive Maleficent impersonation, was sucking on her daughter's exposed nipple while her free hand was groping at her other breast. Somewhere along the way, while Charlotte was occupied with Conrad and his ramblings, Carmen and Lara must had already joined in with Aunt Helen's incestuous movement. Princess Aurora's elegant dress had a rather low neckline and made it convenient for her mother to pull downwards in order to spill her exposed breasts. Carmen, who was still fully attired, gradually shifted her hand from Princess Aurora's pert mammary to move downwards until she was stroking her white-stockinged thigh. The hand slowly moved up, pushing up the skirt of the princess's dress before coming to the dampness between her quivering legs. "Ooh... mother, you sure know how to make me feel pleasant!" Lara said as Charlotte wasn't sure if she was trying to imitate the character of her Halloween costume. After Carmen released her suction on her princess's nipple with a resounding 'pop', the mother went back to press her lips into her daughter's as she continued to rub her through her silk underwear. That was when Charlotte decided to shift her gaze once more. It was just too hard for her to watch. Even moving her eyeballs was becoming a chore now as the muscles which controlled the movements of her eyes appeared to be affected by whatever drug she was given. It must be the sparkling grape juice she was drinking with Rachel earlier. Talking about the 18-year-old, she seemed to be in cloud nine plowing her mom from behind as the Poison Ivy - on her hands and knees on the carpeted floor - was sucking off Dave Conrad. "What... do you... think of my... new boyfriend, ma?" Little Red Riding Hood asked in between her thrusts. She was still fully dressed - except for her hiked-up skirt. The front of her pink panties were tucked aside to allow her incongruous appendage passage into mommy's nest. "Oh, Red Hood girl. I think you're a lil' late. The wolf had gotten your ma. In fact, he has had her for dinner and now has taken her place," Conrad said before ended his sentence with an eerie snicker. It reminded Charlotte about the famous European fairytale where the wolf had gobbled up a little girl's grandmother before pretending to be the old lady so that he could trick the little girl too. Charlotte wondered how much of the story came true in her current predicament considering how everyone except for her former rapist seemed to be acting unlike themselves. "FUCK! Mommy! I'm gonna cum!" Rachel yelped as the motion of her hips became erratic. "Wait, sweetie! Shove it up my ass instead! Cum in my ass! I love it when you do that!" Aunt Helen took a break from Dave's cock just to tell her daughter. "Damn, Eddie! I've always knew you're a weirdo back when you're still Eddie. Now I know why," Dave said. Rachel did her best to pull out, but before she could push her cock back into Aunt Helen's pucker, she had erupted. Ropes of fresh hot cum shot right out of her meat and landed as far as her mom's slightly disheveled hair. Some even splattered across Conrad's shirt. "What the fuck, Zack!" the escaped convict yelled. "Sorry, mister. How can I make it up to you?" Rachel pleaded with the most innocent visage Charlotte had seen plenty of times whenever she had needed her help. The incapacitated young lady wanted to shift her gaze away from what was about to happen next, but she lost the ability to even turn her eyeball. As a result, she was forced to witness Rachel pushed her 'rod' back into her womanhood as it prepared to receive Dave Conrad's well-lubricated cock. Out on the corner of her vision, she thought she saw Aunt Helen probed herself with all five of her fingers before pulling out her own 'rod'. As Poison Ivy was about to imbue her daughter with her special concoction, Carmen wrapped her arms around the fellow mother from behind. With the amount of sex happening thus far, it was a wonder that the participants were mostly still dressed. The living hall was occupied with ladies in Hollywood-worthy get-up except for their hiked-up skirts. Half of them lifted the hem to expose their drenched labial folds while the other half had masculinity jutting out from between their puffy lips so that they could experience the best of both worlds. Carmen whispered something to Charlotte's aunt, and it made her giggled. Instead of moving towards her intended target, the 38-year-old turned her focus towards Princess Aurora. In fact, she was already lying in wait for her on the dining table - in a near-lithotomy position. "Where's your panties, sweetheart?" Aunt Helen enquired as she approached. Lara replied by sling-shooting her yellow underwear at her prospective lover with her fingers. Poison Ivy caught it before putting it to her nose to get a good sniff. "Hmmm, no plant or poison can ever be as intoxicating as the smell of an attractive lady's lingerie," the fake villain cooed at the same time as she lined her cock up before Lara's pussy. It certainly didn't take long before she was full on pounding the lovely princess. Lara could not resist playing with her tits through the layers of Aurora's elegant dress as she felt her body rocked on the surface they had used to dine not too long ago. Over on the other corner of Charlotte's spectacle, Maleficent was fucking young Rachel on the couch as if the mothers were playing an erotic game of 'Daughter Swap'. Though, things got even weirder when she saw Carmen drew back and revealed not one, but two fully-grown penises popping out of Rachel's inexperienced pussy. "You've gotta teach me how to do that, ma'am," Rachel said before going delirious as her mom's friend push the twin-cock back in. "This is not something you can teach, young lady," Carmen grunted as she kept a steady rhythm. "You guys seems to be having lots of fun wearing them. I felt kind of left out." Conrad said. He came pretty quickly inside of Rachel earlier before passing the teenager to Carmen. The voice was too near for Charlotte's comfort though as she now realized he was missing from the thick of the action. Out of the field of her vision, the paralyzed victim could guess that her former assailant was sitting next to where she was rested. The touch of his big palm on her hair confirmed her suspicion as she tried in vain to slither away from him. In the end, she had to accept that there was absolutely nothing she could do as he caressed her face before whispering into her ear. "Don't worry my love, I'm gonna make both of us feel real good." Charlotte was literally screaming inside, and yet she was silent as he began to touch her. She could only watch the tangling of four lovely bodies over at the couch - Aunt Helen had the strength to carry Lara over from the dining table to the couch - while she felt her breasts groped through the materials of her Harley Quinn shirt and bra underneath. Then, she saw Carmen elicited the expression of orgasm. Trying to take her mind off the fact that she was in the midst of being molested, she wondered Maleficent's double-dick meant she would unleash double the amount of cum within Rachel. When Mrs. Green pulled out of the youngest member in their current foursome, there certainly was plenty of white goo leaking out from Rachel's supposedly virgin box. The 18-year-old appeared to be worn out and in bliss at the same time - something which usually happened after any normal sex. The yelp of Aunt Helen had Charlotte shifting her attention back to the other couple. "Fuck! I'm gonna cum in your ass. Watch and learn, Zack!" the aunt said while looking at Rachel. Dave had also called Rachel by that name earlier. Was that her secret nickname? Nevertheless, with Lara on her hands and knees in her hiked-up princess gown, Poison Ivy pulled her cock out of the 19-year-old's cunt before forcing it back into the neighboring hole. It was physically impossible to squeeze in and out of Lara's tight anus more than a few times without eventually erupting into her rectum. "Best form of birth control!" Aunt Helen exclaimed before she withdrew her equipment from her lover's ass. Her motherly persona had vanished completely. By then, Charlotte had already been stripped off her shorts and panties. She was left with only her shirt and thigh-highs white stocking as her legs was being parted. The cool air washed over her exposed sex as she prepared for the worst. "I've told you we don't allow that," Carmen said as she stripped off the rest of her attire - including the twin horn head-piece. "Oh, come on! It's not like it makes any difference! I bet Zack and Eddie does it too," Charlotte heard Dave complained like a spoilt brat. "Actually... we didn't do a thing to these girls before we wear them," Aunt Helen said as she too was taking off her green costume. "At least, you get to grope. We didn't even get to touch them," Rachel or Zack said. "That's the deal. My magic won't work once the victim has been... soiled, within a full moon," Lara said as she released her perfect C-size breasts from her push-up brassiere - the last piece of clothing left on her slender figure. "What about her and the one Eddie's wearing? They're married and their husbands were always around. Do you expect me to believe that they weren't screwing around when you skinned them?" Dave said. "As they say... Marriage is as pure as a relationship can get. Having sex with their husbands doesn't interfere with the power of either mine..." Carmen explained before looking at her daughter's direction, "... nor Hanz's power." "Bummer," Dave said dejectedly. Charlotte had no idea what her captors were rambling on about. Why would they keep bringing up the name Eddie? Was this the same Eddie who had been part of the gang that had rape her? Wait, now the name Zack finally ring a bell. He was the quiet guy who had also took part in her assault. But who the fuck was Hanz? And, what is this talk about powers and magic? Have they all gone insane? "You can do us if you want to," Rachel said before returning to passionately tonguing her mom's mouth. If Charlotte could strain her eyes to see more clearly, the teenager was actually a third of a three-person French-kissing session involving her mom as well as Carmen. Tongues sliding in and out of each others mouth as they slithered against one another like a trio of slippery snakes in proximity. Hands were free to go where ever they like as some landed on the other tits while others were either pawing on wet pudenda or cocks. Rachel was nice enough to give both her mom and Mrs. Green pleasant hand- jobs as the group of ladies moaned and squealed in ecstasy. That was the last of what Charlotte saw before she felt Lara's palm on her head. There was heat radiating from the point of contact and then there was nothing. ** Dave Conrad was a little disgusted by the sight of blisters slowly developing on Charlotte's pretty face. "Don't worry. She's asleep now. There's no pain," Lara said as her fingers continued to travel from her cheeks to her hair and down to her neck. The blisters appeared to pop up wherever her dainty fingers had made contact. They grew bigger and caused the skin to slide off the flesh without any bleeding. "It's kinda hard to tell with her eyes wide open like that. But..." Dave stammered. "But they are now lacking fear and dread from earlier. You can say that it's lifeless... soulless," Lara said before ordering Dave to help stripping Charlotte of her remaining attire. Once the 19-year-old blonde was fully naked, Lara resumed her touches on the paralyzed form. Blisters and bullous spread to the touched places until the subject's skin continued to peel off on its own. Dave wasn't sure if he would want to wear it later, but he was glad to be distracted by Carmen. The mature redhead hugged him from behind - allowing him to feel her erect nipples and bountiful mounds pressed against his back. "We need to get you ready, sweetheart," she whispered into his ear before planting kisses onto his neck and gripping his cock with her delicate hand. The convicted sex offender turned around to probe his tongue into Carmen's mouth as they made out for a brief moment - all his worries forgotten as swiftly as they arose. His hands were squeezing at the 42-year-old's juicy derriere before sliding to the front to find that the twin-dick had disappeared into Carmen's wet vagina. It was probably for the best, because he would not be too sure if he could bring himself to stroke it if the her 'unusual plumbing' was still there. When he was about to rub his own cock against the lovely woman's pussy, Dave found out the hard way that he couldn't. "What the fuck?!" Dave withdrew from Carmen's mouth to examine his genitals. His penis and sacs, while still there, had been flattened into the space between his thighs. No matter how hard he tries to bring it out, he just couldn't without causing tremendous amounts of pain. "That was my part of the magic. I mold things into whatever shape I desire," Carmen explained. "They can be brought back, right?" sounding concerned. "Only when I touch them. Now go get yourself comfortable while I get you ready to wear her," the former Villand 'Shifter' Hanz said. Conrad knew this was part of the deal when these two legendary figures agreed to help him. There was no way he would survive his prison term. Even if he somehow served his time, his parents, especially his father would disown him. He would ultimately be cast aside with the tag of being a rapist for the rest of his life. His prospect certainly looked bleak at best. Then his best friend Eddie convinced him to their current scheme. Turning into someone as lovely as Charlotte Olson somehow turned him on more than he had expected. It was probably due to the twisted nature of taking over the life of his victim. He had never really thought about it much as long as they would get him out of the prison hell-hole. ** In truth, he did not have much time to ponder when the fire broke out. Turns out, he wasn't the only one the dynamic duo was helping, as a few others were also receiving the same treatment as Zack, Eddie and himself. Zack and Eddie were one of the earliest to embrace the skin-suiting 'program'. That was the reason why they did not serve time like Dave - because the cops were unable to catch them. They had just... vanished. The day after his break out, Dave paid 'Helen' and her 'daughter' a visit. While Charlotte was in school and Mr. Robinson was at work, the trio had the threesome of their life - and further assure him of his decision to become Chaz. "Why does it have to be women? Why can't we just turn into good looking or wealthy men?" Dave remembered asking. "Because, their gifts only work on women. I've asked him the same question, and he told me the last man he tried to work his magic on, melted into nothing but goo," the former Eddie Vegas said with Aunt Helen's sultry tone as he pulled on her panties snugly into place. "By the way," Dave looked at both Zack and Eddie in their new body, "...don't you guys feel weird doing it with me?" He remembered the mother and daughter looking at each other before both answering in unison, "Nope." Dave's 'appointment' was a week later as 'Skinner' and 'Shifter' were busy getting other agreeable escapees into their new identities. During that week, he had to lay low - until this day, when he would finally be abled to start anew. ** "Ahem..." Carmen cleared her throat just to get Dave's attention. They were no longer in the living hall. He was now laying comfortably on Charlotte's bed. His bare skin was feeling the soft sheet of the young woman's bed he was about to transform into. "This would feel a little uncomfortable," the woman in only her bra and thong warned. Dave just gave her a nod. His nerves had only started to kick in. With the touch of a woman, Villand 'Shifter' Hanz's hand felt soft and gentle. But that was only just the beginning as bones soon started to pop and his muscles began to feel pressed-in. The pain was almost unbearable as he was having second thoughts on what he had got himself into. His chest, however, was the only part of him which expand rather than being shrunken. Despite being in the form of a petite woman, Hanz demonstrated immense strength as he shape his subject as if he was just playing with clay. Using Charlotte's skinned but somehow bloodless body as a reference, the shapeshifter had changed Dave's body into a near-identical mold. "The skin has been rinsed," Lara exited the attached bathroom while holding up Charlotte's flawless skin. It was a stark contrast to its deplorable state during the shedding process. Upon seeing Chaz's empty husk, Dave got aroused. And this was not the first time he was taken aback by his own reaction. At the same instant, he realized his pain from Hanz/ Carmen's torture had pretty much evaporated. As soon as he sat up on the bed, he got lightheaded due to his body trying to calibrate to his smaller frame. The standing mirror by the dresser inadvertently showed a reflection of a woman who did not look like anyone at all, because it was merely a female form of himself. That observation wasn't exactly precise either as his sex was still there - only tucked into flatness under him. "So, I just stepped into it?" Dave asked as he took the freshly peeled-off skin from the former Dominic 'Skinner' Gaston. The answer was obvious. He was eyeing the sizeable opening on the back from its neck down to the tail end. His hand slid into the 'sleeve' as easily as wearing a jumpsuit. Once his molded fingers settled into Charlotte's dainty ones, the skin swiftly stuck onto him like some strong adhesive. The process was repeated for the rest of his body as he continued to pull on the organic disguise. He had time to marvel at the way everything assimilated perfectly before finally tugging Charlotte's head - with her curly blonde hair still attached - onto his. As soon as all the fissures were aligned, he lifted his new eyelids. That was when he felt her cornea and lens absorbed onto his - giving him her lovely blue eyes. He couldn't resist checking his new appearance on the standing mirror as he was in awe with what was reflected. Charlotte was staring back at him. Not only that, she was copying his every movement. Despite how he was now literally her identical twin, there was still quite a few imperfections. The most glaring one was the opening slit on his back - it was still gaping. That was fixed easily when 'Skinner' came and had them approximated. Almost instantly, the hole vanished without even a scar. The other obvious hitch was his voice. Dave still sounded like - Dave. And then, there were his mannerisms as well as his memory and only HIS memory. "There's nothing a delicious supper can't fix," Lara said as if reading into what he was thinking. "Wait... Where's the body?" the Dave-sounding Charlotte asked. The fellow 'college freshman' only flashed him a sinister grin before leading him downstairs. Aunt Helen and Rachel had already washed up and changed into their jammies when they sat next to each other around the dining table. They were waiting for him with gleeful expression on their faces. Their Halloween make-up had been removed as they greeted the new Charlotte with pleasantries. Once the former Dave was seated, Mrs. Green served him a plate covered with a silver cloche. In her black Maleficent dress, the 42-year-old was akin to a female Dracula serving her guest some kind of bizarre cuisine. And it was exactly that, as she lifted the cover. "Allow me to present to you: Charlotte in a plate!" Carmen announced before adding that these 'ingredients' were necessary early consumption to gain his new identity's memory, mannerisms and voice. "It ain't that bad once you get past the first bite," Rachel said, obviously telling from her own experience. "There's more in the fridge if you find it irresistible to your taste. Remember, the more of her you consume, the more your body will change to be like hers on the inside," Carmen explained. "I've only tasted the womb while leaving out the ovaries as I don't think I'd want to get pregnant in this body," Aunt Helen said rather too casually while Rachel admitted that she had eaten the ovaries without knowing what it was. "Now, I have to worry about contraception like any other teenagers," whined the 18-year-old. ** It was 15-minute past one in the morning. Their lovely guests had left them to enjoy their first night together. The three despicable men properly reunited, though in a highly unusual circumstance. In the form of comely women, they basked in the lust of lesbian consummation most men - and a fair number of women - would have fantasized about. Helen Robinson was resting against the stacked-up pillows on the bed she had shared with her husband for years as her daughter and niece were suckling on each of her tits like a set of twin babies. The mind-melting sensation zapped through her body, adding to the already intense stimulus she was receiving from being finger-fucked by both girls. "Ohhh shit... FUCK! I'm cumming!!" Aunt Helen said for the sixth time that morning. And that was before her strap-on was being introduced. She had both the girls propped their asses up in line before taking turn slamming her 8- inch dildo into their well-lubricated cunts. After she was done with their womanhood, she moved to their other holes where the hammering resumed. "Ehhh... Harder, mommy..." "Ooh, Aunt Helen... you're so BIG! Please, use me as much as you like... I won't tell daddy." All three of them cummed simultaneously before collapsing on top of each other. As they were catching their breaths, Charlotte had a question she felt needed to get off her chest. "Wouldn't it be nice if we'd have a way to bring out our dicks without Shifter's help," Charlotte said. Her aunt and Rachel shared a 'about-time-to-tell-him' look before the older of the two sauntered over to her walk-in closet to bring out a tiny bundle of hair tied with a red thread. Then she used it to brush against her clit before inserting her fingers into them just as she did when Shifter was around. The familiar sight of Eddie's penis squeezing out from between Mrs. Robinson's folds flooded Charlotte's mind with tones of possibilities. "Shut. Up." the former Dave Conrad said. "This is a bundle of Villand Hanz's real hair. He gave them to us as a souvenir in case we miss our good old..." Aunt Helen said pointing to her semi-rigid cock and a pair of balls hanging out through her vaginal lips, "...junk." "Mommy, could you please bring my boy clitty out too. I've waited a good two weeks to finally be abled to use it on my dear cousin," Rachel said. ** I saw Charlotte waving at me as soon as I exited the receiving gate of the military airfield. She was wearing one of her favorite hand-knitted wool dress with knee-high boots and black pantyhose underneath. Her curly blonde hair was allowed to run all the way past her shoulders. She was standing next to Helen and her husband, Tom while Rachel was bouncing excitedly on the other side of my daughter. Helen, my caring baby sister, presented herself elegantly in a beige long sleeve turtle neck top and a black pencil skirt with an oversized belt in between. She too was sporting sheer black hose but preferred a shorter pair of ankle-level heel boots. Her auburn hair was pulled up into a tidy bun. Rachel was her teenager self in a black long sleeve dress with white polka-dot. Her winter attire was complimented rather well with white hosiery as her legs ended into a pair of mid-shin heel boots. The matching polka-dot black hat with a cute ribbon rounded up her cute look immaculately. I felt so relieved to see them all appearing so healthy - especially my Charlotte. During our regular video calls while I was abroad, she seemed flustered and breathless most of the times. I had told her to go visit a doctor, but she kept saying that she was fine. Then, I decided to check with Helen to ask if my daughter was really okay. That was when I found out she was similarly flushed and sweaty during our video call - as if she had just finished working out. My sister shrugged off my anxiety and said that I worried too much. In the video, Rachel who was laying on the bed behind her too appeared out of breath with bed covers up to her neck as I began to worry if the whole family was down with the flu. At the end of the day, I was glad that Helen was right. I worried too much. "Welcome home!" "Happy Thanksgiving, dad!" Hugs and kisses were exchanged before all of us made our way out of the airfield and into Tom's SUV. I couldn't help feeling delighted to see how happy Charlotte had been. The death of Dave Conrad seemed to have finally put that unpleasant chapter of her life past her for good as the girls discussed about their plans for the holiday season. I couldn't thank my sister and her family enough for how they had positively transformed Charlotte. This was the most cheerful I've seen her in a long while. With my military deployments getting more frequent, at the very least I had the assurance that Charlotte would be looked after while I was away. In Helen's motherly figure and Rachel's sisterly love, my daughter would certainly be in safe hands. The End.

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I am strong Egyptian man handsome

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Home Helping Hands

“Hey Andy, what about this one!” John threw the paper to Andy who was slumped on the sofa watching daytime TV. “What am I looking at?” “The wanted ads – somebody wants a home help” Andy sighed. “Oh great – basically a cleaner. That’s not gonna go far to getting a deposit for my own place, is it?” “No – look at the ad. It says the job is 7 days a week, so there is live-in accommodation. You get a job, money and a roof over your head. Perfect!” “I don’t know. Sounds kind of weird. I mean, who...

3 years ago
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The Great Shift Healing Hands

The Great Shift: Healing Hands By Johnny Girl ([email protected]) I stared down at my hands. My hands. I still had trouble believing they were really mine. They were long and slender and delicate and feminine, wearing rings and bracelets, the fingers tipped with sparkly purple fingernail polish. These weren't the hands I was familiar with. They weren't the rough and strong and calloused hands I'd been so dependent on; they were weak and soft and smooth and small and useless...

4 years ago
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Mary Lost the Use of Her Hands

"How is my favourite Daughter today?""A bit better than yesterday."I always call her my favourite even though she is my only c***d. Normally it makes her smile, but not today. I guess she is in too much pain."Have the Doctors said anymore about your hands?""Only that they are not as badly burnt as they first thought, and that given time they will heal OK.""That's great news, I was really worried.""Me too, but this pain is a bitch, though it is easing off. They have given me stronger...

3 years ago
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Mehendi On Vidya8217s Hands

Hello Friends, this is Shravan from Mangalore, Karnataka and presently working in Bangalore. The following new story of mine is Completely a FICTION and is not inspired from real life. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedbacks to Enjoy my Latest Fiction Story……. The incident i am going to narrate to you all happened during my cousin’s wedding function in my village. The function was attended by all my family members. I had put leave from my work for 10 days and attended the...

1 year ago
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Big Hands

It was an accident! Really! I was a late bloomer. Walking out of high school at the end of my sophomore year, I was as flat as a board. Okay, I did have a couple of minor mounds on my chest but at age sixteen, I was definitely considered to be as flat as a board. I always kept a low profile at school wearing baggy clothing. Unlike Billie Eilish, I had nothing to hide. All that changed during the summer.By the end of June, my minor mounds were definite hillocks. They ached and when I touched or...

4 years ago
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It was all about the hands

We were laying contentedly in each others arms, emotionally and sexually exhausted, when she dropped her unwelcome bombshell. “I don’t know how to say this Rob, I’ve being trying to for a while, but we are going to have to stop all this- and I mean a clean break from today.”“What…why?” I exclaimed, automatically hugging her beautiful warm body even closer to mine. My mind was racing, wondering what had prompted this devastating revelation. Had I done something wrong? Was she bored or fed up...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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His Hands

(my first time out here. Please be patient. Was watching a lot of vampire movies.. LOL) I dream of his hands holding mine, but mostly I dream of his hands on my body, stroking and caressing my throat. That sharp, metal, nail, dragging, ever, so, slowly, across my jugular vein, and down my neck, towards the valley of my collar bone. I can almost feel it now, as it slips diagonally past my tattoo, and traces an invisible line across my chest, mounting the hills of my breasts with slow...

3 years ago
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Tall dark and handsome

I was bored. I can’t believe I was spending my summer vacation like this. Working at this store called Vanity, who hardly anyone came into during the summer. All the girls were out on vacation to beautiful California or somewhere else gorgeous. I was jealous, but I needed the money if I was ever going to go to California next summer. It sucked, during school time a lot of girls came in with their boyfriends and while the girls tried on clothes, the boys secretly hit on me. Since the girls were...

4 years ago
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No Hands

No Hands!They play a game where he is in charge, but there are not losers.The rules are simple. No hands. You sit quietly in the chair and cannot touch my cock or balls with your hands. I will do all the work. You can touch yourself all you want, but not my cock or balls. You can touch my ass or my legs or my chest or my nipples, just not my cock or balls. Oh yeah, and no talking. OK? Good! Let's get started. I like the office chair because the height is adjustable. We can lower it all the way...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The artists hands

I don’t normally take the bus, I used to think public transport was purely for the great unwashed, and perhaps I still think that.But beggars can’t be choosers, so I get the bus, among the great unwashed. The rain is pelting against the windows, and even though its early afternoon, the sky is ominous.The seats are cheap plastic, look-a-like leather, and my skirt has risen and now my arse is stuck to the filthy surface beneath me.I would move, but there is a young guy with a do-rag (it looks to...

1 year ago
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Noras Tale 7 I Take Levi in My Hands

I could feel it moving in my grasp. Levi’s hand lay on top of mine, and underneath the stack, I felt it twitching against my palm. Even through his jeans, I could feel how hot and hard it was. I squeezed it a little tighter, watching Levi’s face for his reaction. His breath hitched, and he closed his eyes in a drawn-out blink. This made me smile so wide my cheeks hurt. “A little impatient, aren’t we?” he said in a breathless voice. “I’ve been waiting nearly a week to get my hands on you,” I...

2 years ago
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Helping Hands

Next month I shall be sixty-seven years old. Before then there will be the fifth anniversary of the day my darling Dorothy was taken from me. A merciful release, said people who had known of her illness, and so it was. I still think of her, of course, and that is why I cannot help feeling just a little guilty about the turn my life has taken in the intervening years.Sex was never that important to Dorothy. At any rate, not once our early ardour had dwindled. And somehow I suppose I just adopted...

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