Brutality free porn video

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The following story is entirely fictional. I am a young female writer who has some quite sick and extreme fantasies, so a warning: This story is not for those looking for some light spanking and love making – oh no, it is so very far from those things. The title says it all. If you like this story, I have written two others: My Kidnapped Hell and Neighbours From Hell. Both can be found on the bdsmlibrary website. Any feedback is genuinely appreciated ~ Liz.

‘Has my alarm gone off yet?’ My eyes are still closed. Something feels?. Something hurts?. I can’t move? I must be dreaming still, it’s ok, it’s a dream, and it’s a dream. A few more seconds pass as I come to my senses more. I start to turn over, to snuggle up?. ‘What the??.!!!’ My eyes snap open, I feel the ropes around my wrists, wrapped around so tightly and I instinctively pull against them, realising my ankles are in the same predicament. My head, oh god, my head hurts so fucking much! A moan leaves my mouth – I’m extremely confused. I am spread eagle and on my back, I am not in my bedroom – my whole body hurts. This cannot be real. No, it can’t! I have to get up and go to work? this has to be a dream?! Oh fuck, oh shit?. I can barely even struggle I have been stretched out so tight. The ropes travelling from my wrists to each corner of the bed don’t have an ounce of slack. My breathing quickens, this feels real now, I want to scream – I can feel one coming up into my mouth as I breath – you wouldn’t believe the intense panic washing over me right now?.. I hear a scream. Is it me? Is that my scream? I feel sick. Please let me wakeup now? Suddenly an explosion of white hot pain between my legs, my whole body goes completely tense and rigid? I’m too stunned to scream. The intense pain stops, my body relaxes back – I see movement, a man? Something touching my neck.... a click??????..

‘Mmmmm’ I slowly regain consciousness again. My head is absolutely killing me. It’s so bad that my vision is blurred. There is something inside my mouth, and I can feel a single strip of tape over my mouth which is throbbing painfully too? the first movement I start to make causes the most unreal pain – it’s so extreme that it’s hard for me to pinpoint where it’s actually coming from. I know I am desperate for the toilet as I begin to come round more, the pain all over grows and grows, until my moans are now long wailing sounds. It’s too much, I need help, I’m crying but I barely notice – I can feel nothing but the agony throbbing through me at such a rate – I can’t even think how I came to be here, I can’t think about anything, it’s so overwhelming – I feel sick, I’m making retching noises now, every wretch causing the worst pain I’ve ever felt to become even more extreme. A hand comes into view and rips the tape from my mouth just in time – my vomit spills out as I turn my head to the side, pushing the material out with it and covering it in yellow watery bile. ‘W..w?wha?what’s?.. Happen? happening?’ I manage, in a sort of whisper in between vomiting. It was hard to concentrate on receiving a reply. Every breath feels like knives stabbing me all over – all of this is so hard to comprehend. ‘Please? p..p?please?.’ a huge hulk of a man steps into my tear blurred view ‘m..m?make it st?st?stop!’ and my terror and panic over comes me as I realise that I am actually here right now, and the pain I am in is obscene. I am also quite painfully desperate for a wee right now? what do I do?! Am I just supposed to piss myself here? I don’t dare to say anything about it through embarrassment. I am writing around, breathing fast and getting louder and louder – begging this strange man to let me go and help me. ‘I thought we talked about this Eve’ I cry out ‘W.. wh..what are you o.. on about?’ and then he approaches me and I am filled with terror – I don’t want this man anywhere near me under any circumstances. He starts stroking my face, and I want to move my head away as far as it will go, but if I did that, I would be putting my face into the vomit that had left me minutes before, so I move it as far as it will go without laying in it. I try to lift it from the bare mattress underneath me, but my hair feels stuck to something, so I can’t even see my own body. No choice now but to let his hand stroke my face. I can hear myself still begging him. I have no control over what I am saying, I am in too much pain to have control over anything, and I just will do anything for it to stop. ‘Having a little memory problem are we?’ He says. ‘How did I get here? Please?. Please let me go?.!’ I can’t take it anymore. I have to piss. ‘Please er, I really need to go to the toilet?.’

‘Shhhh then’, and I see his hand reach across me and pick up the vomit covered rag that was in my mouth before I threw up all over it?. I expect that he will just be moving it away from me, so when he suddenly grips my nose shut and forces my mouth open I am completely unexpecting it – I really do scream as he forces the sodden material back inside my mouth? the vile taste? the smell? I am still struggling to believe this is actually happening to me. The man then manoeuvres himself so that he is kneeling on the bare mattress, with my head in-between his rock hard thighs – my head is inescapably clamped as he forces the last bits of material in my mouth. I feel the liquid from the rag dripping down my throat and I’m coughing and spluttering, trying to ignore the fact I can feel this man’s huge erection pulsating through his trousers and pushing into the top of my head. If I ignore it, then I don’t have to deal with it just yet. I am also starting to realise that the majority of the pain I can feel is all around my pelvic area and between my legs. It’s so intense though, burning hot and shooting down my legs, up my back – my tits feel like they are on fire?. The man manipulates my vomit coated lips shut and tells me to keep them shut? of course as soon as he lets go, I instinctively open them and start trying to push the material from my mouth with my tongue – instantly I receive a hard blow from his fist. It connects just above my eye, and I see white for a split second?. I’m gasping now, struggling to get a grip and breathing so fast I feel dizzy?. I can see my own eyebrow now as it swells up. The mattress beneath my head is completely soaked with tears. Get a grip Eve? Just take it, do what he wants and I might survive this?.Come on.

‘After everything I taught you last night.’ I screw up my face trying to take in what he is saying to me and what It means. He presses a strip of tape over my mouth to keep the material in and looks me in my eyes as I breathe shakily through my nose. The look in his eyes causes me to breathe harder and I can’t bear the need to piss anymore. My bladder is bursting, I relax myself to piss? and nothing. I’ve never felt anything like it, like something is stopping me from going and confusion flashes through me as I try again. Nothing. I don’t understand? There is a twinkle in his eyes, excitement? hunger even, and I am so so scared. When the tears start for fall again, I immediately feel his erection grow even harder. The tape over my mouth moves on its own, my mouth is too wet from the vomit that’s still dripping slowly down my throat, forcing me to swallow it back down or choke on it. The man seems to be thinking a minute, and then I feel instant relief as he moves away and lets my head free – everything is suddenly so unbearably loud, mostly it’s my terror fuelled breathing noises but I hear the man leave the room. ‘Mmmmph, mmmmmph’ I’m shaking my head trying to get the tape off my mouth and get this awful rag out of my mouth, anything to make it stop? The door opens again and the man returns. He had left for only a few seconds, and was now positioning himself back where he was before with my head trapped tightly between his thighs. He rips the tape from my mouth and replaces it with a new strip, and then without warning, I see a staplegun in his hand, and he is bringing it towards my face?. ‘Mmnnoooo!! MMmnooooo!!!!’ I’m screaming, every ounce of energy now going into struggling against the ropes around me. I need to get out of here! I’m going to die here?. ‘Click’ I feel the first staple puncture into my lip, hitting a tooth on the other side – I’m really screaming now, I am terrified, my throat hurts so much – it feels like I’ve been screaming for days actually, but it only seems to make the man more determined. He presses it to my mouth again, and pushes down the handle as another one is punched in, then another, then another? there wasn’t any special order in which he put them, he was just firing them into me wherever the gun landed so long as it was on the tape. Every movement my body makes struggling is causing an excruciating amount of pain – a lot of it where the ropes are wrapped around my wrists and ankles.  After the first few, I just give in fighting against it so much He is going to do this anyway. Bang, bang, bang, one after another. Many are hitting my teeth as they go all the way through – the staplegun is an industrial one for stapling things to wood or plaster etc, so the staples are strong. When the first one hit gum as it went through, my whole body tenses up – Every time I scream I get such an excruciating pain between my legs, I just can’t imagine what he’s done to me down there. How many more staples is he putting into me? I feel the staples hit each other now as they are punched into me – there can’t be much more room on the tape now, surely! He just carries on though, as if it’s mesmerized by it – I can no longer feel my lips at all. I can taste blood though along with the sick. He’s stopped. Finally. Oh god what’s he going to do now?

He gets up again, my head falls to one side – exhausted now and softly whimpering. I’m trying not to think about how much of a mess that will have made of my lips and mouth. It’s all strangely numb though except for a throbbing/burning. Please no more I think to myself as my eyes shut. I try to keep them open but find that very difficult. He is watching me now. He pulls a phone out of his pocket, and aims the camera on it at my face, a flash goes off in my eyes and the camera shutter sound. The man giggles as the picture, and then shows me?. It wakes me up?. It doesn’t look like me at all. It’s a close up of my face, and I recoil in shock – this whole situation? this is actually happening. Both my eyes are black and swollen. I have a gash on my head, dried blood everywhere, especially around my nose... I knew then that I haven’t just been here a few hours, and I jump as I have a quick sudden flash of being cramped up in pitch-black, unable to move at all and unable to scream? just as soon as the flash came, it went again and I tried desperately to recall more than that. Nothing though. My eyes travel to my taped and stapled mouth. I can barely see any tape, and the bits that are showing are covered in blood, which is all dripping down the sides of my mouth and chin – all over my neck?. He takes the phone away and looks at me for a second. I try to reason with him using my eyes and sounds that any normal person would give sympathy over – not this guy. He shakes his head from side to side and leaves the room.

Is he gone? When will he come back? Will he come back? Fuck. Fuck! How the hell has this happened?. My mind races. I’m trying to think how I ended up here, the last thing I remember is going to bed like normal. It was a normal Friday night. I had finished work as usual and didn’t have any plans other than to chill out at home, surf the net for a bit, watch a film. When it started to get late and I felt tired, I went to bed – and woke up here, like this! I can’t get my head around it at all. Someone has to find me. The thinking I’m doing in distracting me away from all the pain I am in. Everything seems so much worse when I need to go to the toilet this bad but I try to ignore it. This only happens in films, not to me, in real life! But it is happening. I try to lift my head again to see my body, but my tied down hair still won’t allow it. In a way, I am scared to look – scared to know. For all I knew he could have been torturing my body for days. I have this awful feeling too that there is a huge gap in my memory. How did I come to be so badly hurt. Did he do all this to me while I was unconscious?  The door bursts open suddenly making me jump out of my skin, my heart absolutely racing now as I anticipate something awful is about to happen to me. To the left of me, is an old TV with a slot for video tapes. Reminds me of those we used to use at school. As he pushes in a tape and turns everything on, I know that this tape will be nothing like the ones I watched at school. He turns the volume right up, there is only white noise on the screen at the moment. I’m afraid to breathe too loud in case I miss something. I know this won’t be good.

I see me on the screen. It’s me, last week, leaving a shop in the town centre. Oh god. The shaky film follows me around shops, every so often you can hear a man’s heavy breathing in the background. I get in my car, and drive away. The white noise returns. I turn my head the opposite way to where the man is standing. ‘Mmmm  mmm?’ I try to speak. My eyes filling up. He doesn’t speak back to me, he gestures back to the TV, and I turn my head to see me again, pulling up outside my house and completely unaware I am being filmed. I’m shaking so hard now I understand that all this has been planned. I try to push away thoughts of what will happen to me and concentrate on watching. My heart races as I watch myself leave the house for work the next morning, and then skip to returning from work. The next day, I watch myself leave the house for work again, only this time the camera doesn’t go to white noise, the man filming opens his car door as soon as he watched me leave, and then walks up to my house. The next ten minutes of the film is my house, bricks, doors, windows? If only someone had seen this. Clearly they hadn’t. I saw why though, when he’s finished filming every part of my house (garden included) the camera aims down as he walks to his van. I catch a glimpse of this and recognise it as one I had seen on my street for a while now, a builders van.

The next day, he zooms in on my face in the morning, his breathing quite loud this time. I feel nervous? It feels like I shouldn’t be watching this. Again he waits for me to leave, and then he walks up to my house again. This time he knocks on the door. He had to have known by then that I live alone. I then watched in amazement as he fumbled around with the lock on my door, and let himself into my house quickly and easily. Shutting the door behind him. I start feeling sick again. The horrid taste in my mouth isn’t helping. I’m going to die here. Men who do this do not plan to let you go unless they ask for ransom. With no rich family, I doubt that he would be putting all this effort into getting me here for money. I’m squirming and snivelling as I see every corner of every room in my house. God I wish I was there right now. Will I ever see it again? He goes through draws, bags, everything, so carefully. I watch as he enters my bedroom and puts the camera down on the dresser, aimed at the bed. I know this won’t be good, and I want to shut my eyes but I have to see this. The man comes into view for the first time, he has a cap on which puts a shadow over most of his face, but I can see it still – I feel a sinking feeling. He sits down on my bed then, and then reaches into his trousers, pulling out his ample sized penis – already rock hard. I don’t want to watch, I feel embarrassed for this guy?. I look away as he starts to make grunting noises, and as I do so, the man stands up, pushes my head in the direction of the TV and barks at me ‘WATCH IT!’ I start to really cry now, as I am forced to watch him aggressively tugging on himself over and over – I squeeze my eyes shut and he slaps my face with real force while holding my hair and jerking my head towards the TV: ‘Fucking watch it you stupid bitch!’ He didn’t take long, and as he was coming to an end, he reaches behind him and picks up my pillow, spraying all his cum into one side of it and then rubbing it all over the pillow. Why. Why me. He replaces the pillow, spunk side down, but wipes the last drips on the other side of it – like a final insult. I feel my face burn, knowing I slept on this very pillow that night and the next. I stopped crying at this, because now I felt anger instead. How dare he do that! He starts to laugh, and lets go of my hair. I want to scream so much abuse at him right now. I know if I try though that I will have to move my lips and the numbness is starting to wear off.  My anger soon turns back to tears. I’m tied down naked to a bed with a psycho in the room. Someone has to help me! I hope this video ends soon.

I watch another few clips of me leaving the house for work and returning later in the afternoon, and then I see myself wearing what I wore on Friday, and pay more attention. When I leave for work, the man once again, breaks into my house. He goes directly up to one of my spare bedrooms – one which is half full of stuff that needs throwing out, old clothes, towels, suitcases, all sorts. He puts a black bag on the floor, and starts picking old towels and clothes up to hide himself with. The bastard must have been there the whole time. The screen skips to the night. It’s dark in the house, but I always leave my hallway light on. He pushes the spare room door open, flooding the room with light, and starts to move down the hallway. It’s like watching a horror movie. I’m terrified. I want to shout to me: Wake up! Run! I can’t take my eyes off the screen now as I see his huge hand push open my bedroom door. You can hear his excitement in his breathing, and as he creeps closer to my sleeping body, you can hear my own breathing. Deep, long, relaxed. I look so comfortable. I gasp as I see him lift up the lower part of my quilt, exposing my ass. It had been a warm night, so I only had knickers on. Laid on my front, the man let the camera hover on me like this for a few minutes. The camera then starts to shake and then his latex gloved hand appeared on screen with a hypodermic needle full of a clear liquid. He slowly takes it closer to my backside. I’m still willing myself to wake up, knock it out of his hand, get away. I feel so helpless, there’s nothing I can do to help myself. The needle breaks through my skin, and I start to stir then – I watch wide eyed. He presses the plunger down, injecting all the fluid into me, and pulls the needle out of me. It looks as if I will wake up for a second, but I turn myself to face the other way and fall back to sleep. If only I had felt there was something wrong. How could I have been so fooled? I’m sobbing now. But I can’t pull myself away from watching the rest of this now. I have to know.


‘I’ve done it. I’ve done it again. I can’t believe I’ve done it again’ I must be a fucking genius to think up this. She had no fucking clue, the stupid cunt. I gave the cunt ten minutes for the drugs to kick in before I did anything. I went to prepare while I waited. I knew it’d be worth the wait. She’s such a stunner. A stunner who didn’t look twice at me. Thought she was too good for me didn’t she? Thought she could fucking talk down to me in her high and mighty bank job. Well we’ll fucking see won’t we. She’ll be no good to anyone when I’ve finished with her. My mind flashed to the last girl. I did feel a little sorry for her with where she ended up – but she deserved what she got. And at least she’s still alive – hmmm, maybe not now. Not sure how long anyone could survive that long in her situation. But anyway, Eve. Oh she’s a stunner alright. My cock twitches at the thought of touching her toned slim body. Not sure exactly how old she is, but I’d guess mid to late 20’s. She definitely needs bringing down a peg or ten. Make that eleven. I’ll show the cunt. Can’t stand cunts like her. Gorgeous women who think they’re above everyone because of how they look. Well you’re in fucking trouble now aren’t you girl? Oh fuck this is going to be good. I’ve spent all week imagining her body, tied down, writhing around in pure agony?. Those eyes begging for release?. I’m smiling at the thought.

I put the camera on the dresser so the bed is in full view. She’s going to enjoy watching all this at some point. I go to get the large suitcase from the spare room. Handy this. Saved me having to bring one in. I won’t have a problem fitting her into this, she’s quite a tall girl, but very slim – almost delicately so? perfect for breaking. I drag it into her bedroom and set it down on the carpet, opening it ready for her. Poking Eve provokes no response whatsoever. I flick her face a few times quite hard – nothing. She’s out alright. I pull the quilt from over her and let it slip off the end of the bed. If it wasn’t for her shallow quiet breaths, she would look almost dead. I’m not sure I enjoy the fact that that thought turns me on – but fuck it. I’ll definitely be fucking it.

She’s almost naked except for a pair of knickers. I consider taking them off but I know I should get her out of here first. I can’t resist a quick feel though. My fingers rub up against the soft cotton between her legs. I can feel her pussy lips and I can’t stop my fingers wondering more. Pulling her knickers to one side reveals all. Though I have limited light in here, I can still see it glistening, inviting me into it?. Two fingers straight inside her. It’s tight. It won’t be like that for much longer. I spit directly onto it, and squeeze in another finger – roughly finger fucking her neat and tidy pussy. I can’t wait to make a real fucking mess of this thing. I can picture it, obscenely swollen and bruised? covered in dried blood mixed with new blood and my spunk?. Got a raging hard on now. When I pull my fingers out of her it’s coated in her juices. I hold the dripping fingers up to my camera: ‘Enjoying yourself are we?’ I laugh, my moistened fingers find her ass and burrow themselves in deep. I need to fuck this girl up so bad?. Fuck. I can’t wait to fuck that ass. I bet she likes that too. My mouth is literally watering for it – I hope it’s so fucking tight or even better – untouched before. I won’t get my hopes up though – a woman this gorgeous has definitely taken it up the ass. Definitely.  I can see myself between her legs, using my fingers to pull that hole apart until it tears and my fingers are coated in her blood. I need to get her out of here before I cum in my boxers. Don’t want that. Best make sure she’s really out so I punch the cunt right between her legs. She didn’t even flinch. Good girl. I’ll just give her a harder one to make sure?. The suitcase – right.

I lay it flat on the floor next to her bed and open it up. It’ll be a squeeze but she’ll fit, skinny bitch. I roll her over onto her back and see her tits for the first time. Fucking hell what the fuck are those supposed to be! She might as well not bother having any for what those things are. Fuck. I should have took the blonde. Shit. Try not to worry, try not to worry, it’ll be ok, I’ll make it ok! Fuck though, stupid bitch! I grab one of the pathetic things and it only just fills my hand! Bitch! I spit into her face and watch my saliva slide into her eye socket and drip off her nose. I grab her other tit with my other hand, gripping onto both now, and use them to drag her off the side of her bed. I fucking hate push up bra’s. She lands heavily on top of the suitcase. Before I manoeuvre her into it, I zip-tie her wrists together behind her using all my strength to really pull it tight – I’m not expecting the bitch to wake up but just in case. Ankles are ziptied now and she’s pretty easy to curl up inside it. I can’t resist another quick feel of her wet cunt – if only to take my mind of her tits. I mean she has got some, I’m going to guess a B – but I’m not fucking about and hiding my disappointment. That cunts tits are going to get everything they deserve for not being big enough for me.

Now let me have a look in her wardrobe and drawers. I quickly grab some of her tops, a few pairs of hot pants? she can wear this bikini for me as well at some point. They get stuffed in the case with her. I find her underwear draw and now I’m totally spoilt for choice. Stockings and suspenders? yes fucking please, they’re coming. There are some really nice panties in there too?. And crotchless! What a whore. They’re coming. I’ll take some normal basics too for effect. They’ll be on the fire later along with the tops and shorts. Clothes will soon be a distant memory for this cunt. The way she is laid at the moment – her mouth slightly open, gives me an idea. I stuff a pair of stocking into her mouth – it’s a tight fit, and it puffs her cheeks out like a fucking hamster but I like it. Her mouth is pretty open when I wrap tape around her mouth and the back of her head. It’s so tight it distorts her eyes. What a picture. I want to do so much more to her. My dick’s so hard it feels like it’s going to rip a hole in my boxers. I t makes me angry that I can’t fuck her up right now?. Bang! I couldn’t help myself? her nose is bleeding now and it’s all over the silver tape on her lips. Beautiful. My knuckles throb from the force of the connection and I feel slightly better. Like I can get on with it now. 

I grab the camera for a close-up of her face. She’ll love seeing this, she looks ugly as fuck with her hamster cheeks. ‘See you soon cunt? Next time you see any light, I’m gonna love watching you realise how much trouble you’re in.’ I zip it up quick. Need to get her back to mine A-sap. This is the dangerous part. It's 3am on a Friday night and if I’m seen?. Chances are slim. I pick up my camera and hang it around my neck still recording. I drag the suitcase with the cunt inside it down the hall bump it heavily down her stairs. She’ll have some bruises from that. I parked my van right outside her front door – the cunt doesn’t have a drive or a garden, the front door opens onto the pavement. Ideal. I brought my unmarked transit instead of the builder disguise van to stop association, I consider myself to be fucking good at this.

I leave the case next to the front door and spend five minutes at the window looking up and down the street. I’ll be so glad to not see this street ever again. Sick of the sight of it is a fucking understatement. Everything is quiet outside. No lights are on in the houses. It’s time to go for it. I grab my bag, open the front door and unlock the van from here. It’s flashing indicators light up the street and I check around again before picking the case up? as soon as I pick it up I hear a soft moan from Eve. Fuck. I continue anyway. My bag on my shoulder, my hood up. I move quickly, open the van doors and swing the case from behind me, launching inside as hard as I could so it slides near the back. There’s quite a bit of room in the back of it – I might not be able to wait until I get home. I hear the cunt again and see the top of the case move as I shut the doors. I’ve done it. It’s done. I’ve fucking got her?. My mouth is watering, my mind is racing. So many things I want to do to her – what to do to her first?.

I hope she is waking up. That drug never lasts long. I can imagine how scared the stupid bitch will be waking up all cramped up inside the case. I hope I’ve done the zipties so tight they are making her wrists bleed as she struggles. It’s a two hour drive to my house. I can’t last that long without tormenting the cunt. The more I think about pulling over somewhere. Fifteen minutes. I’ll just have fifteen minutes tormenting her. She’ll be happy to come out of the case, so I’m doing her a fucking favour really. She’d better fucking thank me.

Perfect. Middle of nowhere, hidden from the road. Time for a bit of fun. As soon as I turn the engine off I hear her. I’m instantly hard. Balaclava on for effect. I don’t really care if she sees my face, but it’ll give her some false hope that I might let her go?. I open the back doors. She’s screaming and crying, I can hear the panic. It’s pitch black so I click the battery powered light on before shutting the doors. She hears them shut and instantly quietens. I can hear whimpering question-like noises now. No time to waste. I switch the camera back on and press record. Unzipping the case reveals her. I put the camera down so that it can record the whole thing. She’s shaking, terrified! Her eyes are streaming tears and her hair is all stuck to her with sweat from struggling. She seems too terrified to scream so I drag her out and kick her hard in the stomach. I have to let her know from the beginning that I’m the fucking boss, and she’s the cunt. She curls up silently and unable to breath, her eyes so wide with fear, she probably thinks she’s going to die. ‘A kick to the stomach won’t kill you, cunt.’ I tell her as she starts to get her breathing back. I lunge at her and she screams into the gag, grab her by the hair and neck, pick her up and slam her into the side of the van. The noise it makes is like music, along with her grunt. I pin her there by her neck, her hands still tied behind her back, ankles together but she still struggles so I tighten my grip around her neck. Her face fills with blood and her eyes glaze over as I look right into them. She stops struggling after a few seconds and then goes completely limp so I drop her. She goes like a fucking ton of bricks. I don’t know whether to fuck her now or wait till later. She’s unconscious now, on her back. I backhand her face to bring her round but it doesn’t work. Maybe a punch in the nose will. It does. There's a lot of blood coming from it now and I wonder if I should break that pretty nose now or later. She starts to moan and come round, I can see her realising all over again what's happening to her, and then wince in pain as she feels the pain in her nose. It’s a beautiful sight. She’s completely fucked and she knows it. Writhing around on the dirty floor, naked except for a tiny pair of knickers. I love it when blood mixes with tears. I kneel down next to her and the stupid cunt tries to wriggle away from me, turning herself over on to her front. I laugh at her. ‘Where are you going to go?’ She’s crying pretty hard. She’ll make herself sick if she carries on like that.

I straddle her back, crushing her into the hard wooden flooring. She can’t breathe at all and I enjoy that for a bit before letting her gasp and cry again. I’m throbbing in my boxers now and it's pressed up against her back. I grab her hair and yank her head backwards to speak into her ear using my most menacing voice. ‘Cry, you fucking cunt whore. It only makes me want to hurt you more.’ I see her nose dripping blood. It’s making a mess so I mop it up with her face, yank her head back again and then slam it back into the floor. She goes quiet and still after that, so I climb off her and pulley the chain down from the middle of the roof. I installed this especially for Eve. While she’s still out cold, I pull her elbows together and wrap some rough rope around them to keep them like that. I reinforce the cable tie around her wrists with some rope too as these can snap when struggling gets violent. I wrap it around her wrists as tight as my strength allows me to and then through the middle so it can’t slip off. ‘Come on, up you come whore’ She starts to stir. I pick her up off the floor by her hair so she’s standing, her legs buckle at first but a couple of backhanders persuade her to stay upright so I can tie her wrists to the dangling chain. Now attached, I walk over to the pulley and hoist her arms up so far that she has to bend over double.

There’s all snot mixed with blood and tears dripping off her face so I grab the camera for a close up of this. She’s struggling to balance like this, her ankles are so tightly together and if it wasn’t for the chain she would fall right over. She looks so fucking uncomfortable! I can hear her trying to beg me. I don’t really know what words she’s using but I know the tone of begging when I hear it. Her eyes say a lot as they search me for some form of sympathy. ‘I’m just not capable of sympathy love. You are completely fucked!’ She shakes her head, crying hard again. Those deep wrenching sobs that make me want to fuck her ass so hard it bleeds. I look at my watch. Twenty minutes, fuck. I need to get her back to mine before I explode. I take a step closer to her and she flinches right away – just what I like to see. As my hand reaches for her face, she turns it away from me so I smash it really hard with my fist saying ‘LOOK AT ME CUNT!’ through gritted teeth. She’s dazed and whimpering, but she shakily turns it to me and I use my finger to collect the blood/tear/snot mixture. I don’t break eye contact while I taste it and it tastes fucking good. I can make out now that she’s saying ‘please’ into her stuffed up mouth. I fucking hate that word. ‘Manners? MANNERS?! You think manners are going to help you?! NOTHING can help you Eve! NOTHING!’ I see confusion flash over her face as she realises I know her name. It won’t be her name for long. Eve is too nice a name for what she is and she definitely doesn’t deserve a nice name. I’ll give that some thought for the way home. One last blow to the side of her face before I click off the light and leave her to it. She’s going to wish she was back in that case as soon as I set off?.

Those two hours dragged like hell. I heard her screaming a couple of times while going round sharp corners, so that kept me focussed on getting her to her new home. I wonder if her arms are broken. It would be a big shame if they were – and I wasn’t in the back to see it. Now I’m going to damage her? no ‘it’ and rape it until I pass out myself. I park the van in my garage. My house is isolated and gated so I could have taken her out on my driveway. It's just easier this way. I feel a rush of excitement as my hand goes for the back door handle. Oh fuck yeah. She looks absolutely exhausted, she can barely stand at all. She’s not making much noise either? I take a knife out of my pocket and cut the rope tying her wrists to the chain. She falls heavily onto the floor with a dull thud. Her eyes are shut. Bit rude. I bring her to my fucking house and this is what I get. ‘Oi!’ I shout at her and she jumps awake, startled. Worthless cunt. Her eyes drift closed again so I decide she needs to be woken up properly. I pick her feet up by the ziptie, and drag her out of the van. Her naked body scrapes alone the hard floor, hits the step on exit and then thuds onto the concrete garage floor. She’s whimpering like mad so I kick her a few times and tell her to shut the fuck up. I drag her out of the garage and into the hallway of my house. I leave her on the marble floor. She’s on her side, she looks fucking filthy. Her pathetic excuses of tits are jutting out from her elbow tie position, I can’t stop myself from kicking them. ‘And what the fuck are these? Honestly? This is all you’ve got?’ I kick them repeatedly and then spit on them. I can feel the anger returning. ‘I go to all this fucking trouble to bring you here, and all you can give me are those things you call tits. You’re gonna pay for that, stupid cunt.’ She’s crying again, saying things to me ‘WHY are you talking to me. You have a gag in your mouth and I can’t fucking understand what you’re saying, are you fucking stupid?’ She must be because she carries on. I press my boot onto her neck and increase the pressure. I hold her like that for quite a while, just looking at her scared face. She looks fucking filthy. I don’t know where it’s been really do I. I drag her again by the feet to my downstairs shower room. The room itself is a shower with gradient flooring to drain water. It’s had a few occupants so it’s all set up for purpose. Plenty of anchor points for restraining cunts like this. She puts up a bit of a fight while I try and get her into the position I want her in, making me furious – I hold back from taking it out on her just yet though. I’m getting bored of kicking and punching now.  I manage to tie a length of rope around her neck, I leave a long length of it dangling down and thread it through an anchor point on the floor – when I give it a yank, she’s pulled violently forwards towards the point on the floor and her face smacks hard on the tiled floor. I secure it there. Next I unsnip her feet and free them. I tie them wide apart to the bottom of the wall either side. She can move her legs at the minute, because the length between her ankles and the walls is slack, so she wriggles around on the cold tiled floor as I get the hose. I set it to cold so she can wake up a little, and I hose down every part of her. I can’t really hear her screaming with the sound of the water, but she’s sure putting up a good fight! I dump a load of shower gel all over her, making sure I rubbed plenty into her pretty eyes and up her nose as well. I use a brush to rub all the soap in. It's one that comes with a dust-pan and brush set, so not the softest kind but it gets the dirt out of the filthiest places. I shut the water off while I scrub her as hard as I fucking can.

When I rip her knickers off her, she acts like I’ve removed a whole outfit. I tell her to calm down, I’ve seen it all before, and I'm sure this isn’t the first time she’s been naked in front of a man. I start to rub the soap around her ass cheeks then but she’s really wriggling now. She knows I’m going to touch her there, she knows she can’t avoid it. I go and fetch a long ratchet strap, and wrap it around her hips. It crosses the front of her shaved cunt, and I tighten it as tight as I dare without crushing her pelvis. From her body language right now, it looks like I wasn’t far off that effect. From the middle of the ceiling, another pulley system. Attaching that to the ratchet straps sees her backside get hoisted up so far that there is now absolutely no slack at all in the ropes from ankles to wall. Her legs stretched to their very limits and her neck in much the same predicament. She’s still breathing but I can hear that amazing rasping sound when something goes too tight against their neck. Her body is now far from the floor, head down, ass up, perfect. I pull her arms upwards again and was startled at the extreme reaction to this before remembering they were probably pretty sore after that long journey here. Her reaction only makes me pull them up further than I might have, and tie them off to an anchor point on the wall nearest her head. She’s not very happy like this, I can tell.

‘Comfortable?’ I ask her. She shakes her head side to side and makes crying noises that make me hard. Her eyes are squeezed shut, all that soap still in them must be stinging a fair bit. ‘Good.’  I notice the tape around her mouth is starting to loosen and I know it won’t last much longer. My house is in the middle of nowhere, so her screams for help will go completely unheard? it's just I like to gag them because begging and pleading make me want to fucking kill them and tare them to pieces, so she’ll last a lot longer gagged. I’ll replace it with an inflatable one when it falls off, and later I’ll do something more elaborate to shut the bitch up.

Her position now is perfect. I continue rubbing more gel soap on her tensed up ass cheeks. Then I move my hands to the insides of her thighs, getting higher and higher, until oops, two fingers just slipped inside her cunt. I rub it all over, feeling every part of it before I completely destroy it. Moving on to her ass, my fingers rubbing around her little hole but not exploring inside – not yet. I go to the cupboard and take out a long glass enema syringe around the width of a normal size dildo. She has no idea because I've blinded her with this harsh soap. I have a big tub of the soap on the floor, and I dip the syringe into it and suck it up till it's full. Inserting the nozzle into her cunt and pushing it as far as I could before pushing the plunger down. She tenses up and wriggles her ass around in the air a bit and makes angry noises. I ignore it and inject the soap deep inside it. I watch as it overflows and drips out of her like spunk might. Now her ass. I refill it and rest the nozzle just at her opening. I grin to myself, knowing she’ll not like this bit – and then ram it inside her as hard and as fast as I could?. She really didn’t like that! ‘Settle down whore, that’s really nothing.’ She’s going fucking mental hah! Oh shit now she’s throwing up everywhere. There goes the tape. I push the plunger down and empty all of the soap deep inside its ass. I need it clean in there. When I pull it out it's covered in blood. Must have ripped her on its way in, oops. She’s wailing now. Not sleepy now are you? Cunt. She’s fully panicking right now. She’s like a suspended animal, squirming about and realising she’s trapped – knowing I’m going to fuck her senseless and she can’t do a thing about it. ‘Please why?!’ she wails. I go to the cupboard to get the inflatable gag. I hope she has a big mouth. She’s still begging so I back hand her a couple of times and tell her to calm the fuck down before I shove the thing in her mouth and pump it up to horrific proportions.

Her ass is just level with my chest, and I crouch down so I can soap her disgusting tits and the front of her. Testing how her nipples feel between my fingers – they need to be bigger too. I wonder to myself what it would be like if I left her to dry like this, covered in soap – maybe string her out on the roof and bake her in the sun?. I know I can’t do this right now, but it's a formulated idea that will now have to materialise. I grab the hose again and switch it on. The water is really cold because I’m not wasting my gas on the cunt. I turn it up to full power so it hurts when it hits her bare skin. Using the rough brush to scrub her at the same time, I pay particular attention to scrubbing her neat cunt as hard as I can before scrubbing her ass too. I stick the hose inside her cunt to wash out the soap, the force of the water blast back out of her as fast as it goes in. She’s flailing about like a wet fucking fish – I probably should turn the flow down a bit. I turn it down a little before sticking it up her ass and then feed it in until most of the hose had gone up there. The hose I have adapted especially for this – I like girls to be clean before I put anything of mine inside it. After about half a meter of hose, there is an inflatable bulb, which slips into her. I rapidly pump the thing up – which sends her into some sort of frenzy – as if that will stop me. I carry on. I don’t care if it splits her ass in half, I’ll stop inflating it when I want to stop.  I stop. I watch her stomach rapidly expanding. I always like this. She looks 6 months pregnant after a minute and has stopped moving around so much. Her whole body is tensed and shaking violently. I wonder how big her tiny stomach would get before it explodes? I shut the water off before I find out. I don’t want blood and guts all over my shower room. I feel her stomach all hard and round, pushing it to hear the sloshing sound it makes. She’s in agony by the looks of it. I’m stood between her stretched open legs and can’t stop myself from feeling her insides. I yank on the hose protruding from her ass to see how tight the seal is. It doesn’t budge so I give it a harder yank. She’s screaming so I carry on. I then start to slowly pull it out of her without deflating it first. It starts to come out slightly, but suddenly I have a better idea, so push it back in. The noises she’s making now are making me want to fuck her like this – and as soon as the thought happens, I’m unbuttoning my jeans and taking myself out. I’m rock hard. I lower her body a little so she’s just the right level for me. And force myself into her tight cunt. It’s even tighter with the bulb pumped up in her ass. I pull all the way out of her and then slam myself back in – hard. This cunt will never have been fucked like this before. I repeat the slamming action, but faster. I hold on to the tops of her legs to pull her onto me as I ram myself deep into her over and over – as hard as all my strength allows – it even hurts me a little as my groin hits her, but I fucking like it like this. She’s moaning like a whore – probably enjoying herself too. Soon sort that. I grab the pump attached to the bulb in her ass and rapidly pump it up more as I continue to fuck her wet cunt hole. I can feel it getting bigger and pushing down on me – it may as well get used to being stretched because I plan on fisting it later. I try to hold myself off from spunking deep inside her, but I can’t, all this is too fucking perfect for me and my thrusts grow more and more violent as I come to an end with it – I explode inside her and feel all my cum leaving me, dumping it inside her. God I needed that. I pull out of her slowly, carefully. She looks even more pathetic, just hanging there like that. She’s still shaking a lot but not struggling anymore. I’m ready for a break, maybe a bit of sleep too. I don’t want to be around to see what comes out of her ass anyway. I crouch down near her head and speak. ‘Make fucking sure you get all that water out of you before I get back. If there’s anything left inside you when I get back, I’ll fill you with boiling water.’ I wasn’t lying either.

From the side of her this time, I get a good hold of the hose – then an almighty yank and it's out, fully sized – about the size of a tennis ball. Good going for her really when you think she’s probably only had small dicks inside it. It’s covered in blood anyway, which backs up that theory. I hook the hose above her ass and switch on the cold again before leaving the room and shutting the door. Time for a drink.

I have to be dreaming. This cannot be happening to me! It can’t. This doesn’t happen in real life. I can barely think straight and the cold water is so fucking cold I think I would rather die than have to endure another minute of this. I desperately hope I got all the water out of me. He sounded like he meant it with the boiling water and judging by what he’s done so far, I think he’s pretty capable. There is so much terror inside me, I don’t know how to handle it and what to do. I don’t know what to do. Fuck! He raped me. The fucker raped me. He’s going to rape me more. He’s going to fucking kill me! I try to struggle but moving just makes everything more painful. The cold water heightens it all. I’m crying again. I’m so fucked. Every time I shut my eyes I pray I’m dreaming. Wake up Eve. Wake the fuck up! All my tears pour from my nose and cheeks. I want to be let down from this position, anything to be warm and dry - but at the same time that would mean him coming back? I can’t believe I can’t just leave and go home. What’s happening right now is just too big for me to comprehend. My tongue is so crushed into the bottom of my mouth with this horrible rubber thing he put in my mouth and inflated. I squirm around – now I do want him to come back. I can’t take any more! I try to moan as loud as I can but the sound of the water and the gag completely drowns me out and I just end up crying more. I can’t feel my hands at all. They are completely numb. I have to wiggle my ass around in the air because the cold water feels like it has glass in it. This is really happening. I have to get out of here. There must be a fucking way! Oh god someone needs to help me! I violently thrash about - adrenaline.

The door bursts open mid struggle and I instantly stop the thrashing. I can feel the terror now as he comes towards me. He’s smiling at me. All I can think about is having him shut the water off and letting me down. The strap around my hip is severely cutting into me and the struggling only made it worse. I don’t need to see my wrists to know they are a mess. The relief I feel when he lets my arms back down to my back is immense. Suddenly I am thumping heavily onto the cold tiled floor – I’ve never felt so exposed in my entire life.  Totally naked and captured. All I can do really is moan and whimper as he undoes my neck – the first thing I do is try to wriggle my body away from the water that’s still running onto my back from the hose – I wasn’t trying to escape but I barely hear him when I feel such a huge explosion of pain between my legs – he was saying something about me trying to get away but what he said does not matter when you are kicked as hard as that in that place. I can barely make a noise now – I don’t dare to move at all in case he hurts me again. ‘Please make him stop, please make him stop’ I repeat over and over in my head as he undoes my ankles. I instinctively clamp my legs together in case he kicks me again. ‘Come on cunt, get off the fucking floor!’ I start squirming around on the floor to try and get up, desperate not to annoy him at all – I have never been so terrified of another person in my life. Before I get close to even sitting, he grabs my hair and drags me across the floor and back into the hallway. Not stopping this time, all you can hear is my desperate grunts and my body squeaking across the marble floor as I leave a wet trail behind me. ‘Fuck, what’s he going to do to me, fuck?’ I can’t even think straight I’m so scared. I’m kicking my legs as he drags me unsympathetically behind him, it feels like my scalp will rip off any second and I’m momentarily relieved when he stops to open a door. This place looks huge. Like a hotel or a mansion or something. Who is this guy.

Suddenly I don’t want to go through this door. Where is he taking me, what's going to happen to me? I can’t stand it and I start freaking out again, screaming and kicking in a frenzy doesn’t faze the guy at all and I stop – defeated. Once through the door I feel like I’m going to my death. I don’t understand why this is happening to me? ‘It really would be a good idea for you to shut up Eve.’ And then I am overcome with sobs. Those wracking retching ones that make you throw up. He stops dragging me and stands towering over me. ‘You didn’t hear me?’ I sniffle and back up against the wall as I look at him wide eyed?. ‘Ummmppphhh!!! Ummph Ummmph arrrrhhh’ He kicks me repeatedly all over my body, even my head, which bounces against the wall as he does it each time. Instead of stopping though he seems to kick me harder until eventually he kicks me too hard in the side of my head and I slip into a welcome unconsciousness.

‘Wakeup girly girl’ Before I even open my eyes, the realness of this cuts through me like a knife. I groan out loud as my head bangs, and quickly realise I have no gag in my mouth. I am still on the floor and my hair is still wet so I can’t have been out too long. My arms have been tied this way now for what seems like hours. I just don’t have the energy to scream and struggle now. I want to sleep so bad. I’m laid half on my back and half on my side and my eyes want to close as he drags me more. Through another doorway now, and the marble floor changes into rough filthy concrete which instantly starts shaving my skin off my body as I am pulled across the room – I have to scramble around to try and get on my feet but he’s pulling me too fast. He suddenly lets go and I am able to see the room I am in while sat on the freezing floor. It's huge. Dimly lit, but there’s enough light to understand that this room houses some extreme looking torture devices. I don’t say anything, but there are tears falling from my cheeks as I try to cry as quietly as possible. I don’t want to look around anymore, so I shut my eyes, squeezing out more tears as I try to get my head round this. He suddenly slaps me around the face and my tear filled eyes snap open as his hands come around my neck. He cuts my air off completely and I panic and struggle – the man is so strong, how can I ever survive here? I assume he would let go of my neck because surely he won’t kill me yet, but when he doesn’t let go, I suddenly feel pure terror – I’m going to die. My chest feels like it will explode as it isn’t allowed to breath I stop fighting, I feel so heavy and far away?..

When I wake up I just have no idea what is happening. Nothing feels real, until reality slowly creeps back in. I’m not where I was a few seconds ago – I must have been unconscious.  ‘Didn’t I tell you to wake up? I did tell you. I think you had better start to listen because I will put you to sleep when I say you can sleep. Do you fucking understand?’ I nod my head not daring to speak. I’m breathing so hard and fast I'm going dizzy. Shaking so badly, I think I’m having a panic attack?. The man starts undoing the rope around my elbows and wrists and oh my god – in that moment I actually liked him. I want to laugh I am so relieved – my shoulders finally allowed to move causes pain, so I try to move them slowly forwards when he yanks my hands together in front of me and starts wrapping thin rope around them both while I watch – almost hypnotised by it. I’m too scared to struggle but at the same time I feel the strongest urge to fight him. If I don’t fight I have no chance?. I can’t bring myself to move. I’m completely frozen to the spot as he yanks on the rope to tighten it as much as he can. And then as if it's not tight enough he reinforces it by wrapping in-between my wrists now. He looks at my face and I can imagine it looks a mess. Some of my long hair has fallen into my face and is all stuck to it with sweat and tears. I’m shaking all over, partly because I am cold, but mostly because I’m so full of fear it's hard to actually process it. He gently moves my hair out of my eyes – ‘p-please?’ it comes out as a whisper and I immediately regret speaking so I cower away from him expecting something to hurt. ‘I will teach you to be quiet. Lesson number one.’

He stands up and he grabs my hair again, yanking me up onto my feet. He pulls my hands above my head and attaches them to a chain high above me. He walks over to a wall and pushes a button which immediately pulls my arms upwards. I gasp as I am forced onto my toes and he stops the pulley. Anymore and I’d be off the floor, but the stress in on my wrists is already enormous. I teeter around the small spot underneath me that I have, and start to cry again. I’m in the middle of a room, with no clothes on and completely strung up for this guy to do whatever he wants with me. As I snivel loudly, he walks over to me, and stamps on the toes of my right foot, not removing his heavily booted foot from my bare one as he crushes it into the bare concrete. I scream and plead with him uncontrollably. He smiles, removing his foot to reveal my damaged one, blood seeping into the filthy concrete. I’m crying out loud. I don’t understand why! He walks behind me and I turn to watch where he’s going. I struggle to see him with all the tears in my eyes but as he drags a table closer I can see what's on it. A car battery and jump leads. ‘No, no! No please?! Fucking don’t, what have I done?! ‘ He picks up one of the leads and opens its jaws, I turn my body away from him in full panic, screaming now and he’s laughing. I'm yanking my wrists on the chain above me so hard and he grabs my hair and yanks my head so far back my neck feels like it will snap and I can barely breathe. He puts so much force into it, that my wrists feel like they will snap – and while I’m held this way, he snaps the huge jaws of a jump lead directly over one of my nipples. I don’t feel the pain at first as it's just too great. It’s clamped on behind my nipple due to its size, and the strength of it instantly punctures the skin causing blood to drip down my body. I open my mouth to scream but no sounds come out, and before I even start to adjust he clamps on the other. His big hand presses down on my mouth while I cry loudly into it. ‘Shhhh shh shh shh – More noise, more noise?.’ I’m not really listening as my ‘MMmmmphs’ direct into his sweaty fingers. I calm down enough to feel his breath on my face. I can smell alcohol on him now.  He pulls one of the huge clips dangling off my bleeding tit and twists it around. I squeeze my eyes shut thinking ‘please god make him stop!’ He drops it again and takes his hand away from my mouth letting me wail. ‘Every time you make a noise, I’m going to attach the ends of these leads to the battery.’ I instantly shut up and shut my mouth?.. ‘Aaaghhhh!!!’ His boot stomps down on my foot again, the same one. My loud scream fills the room and then ‘No, no, no don’t?. Please..’ He picks up the leads, and then agony. Pain explodes into my tits. Pure agony, I’m on fire, my whole body feels like it will explode and every bone feels as if it will snap. My legs buckle and I’m screaming through gritted teeth. Finally he unclips the leads from the battery and I struggle violently against my wrists, doing everything I can not to make a sound but it's impossible. I would do anything for him not to do that again! I shake my head manically from side to side while begging him with my eyes and my lips pursed closed as tightly as I can. He punches me so hard in the stomach I feel instantly like I will be sick, but no sound this time as I fight to breath now. Unfortunately being winded so badly, I involuntarily make noises as I try to force air in and out of my lungs again, and before I am fully able to breathe again, the evil man puts another load of volts directly into my tits. He leaves the shock on longer and even though I know I am pissing myself, I barely give it a thought until he stops the electricity and I’m stood in a puddle of my piss. I can feel my face burn as he looks at the puddle I’m stood in. ‘Do you know what, I really fucking hate mess that isn’t blood. That’s going to have to be cleaned up.’ I dangle pathetically in front of him. My legs feel so weak right now. They are struggling to hold me up, my feet strain on my weight and my injured foot throbs. The man wipes the drool from my chin, and I shift my head trying to avoid him touching me more. He counteracts this and presses himself up against me, breathing right into my face, his hand grabs the folds between my legs and squeezes hard. I manage not to make a sound as he grips on harder, pulls and twists. When he yanks on one of the cables running from the battery clamp, I am unable to keep quiet as I feel my the skin around the clip tear even more. ‘Uh-oh, the cunt makes a noise, what could the punishment be?’ I’m literally jumping up and down in anticipation. I can feel how raw my wrists are now but it doesn’t stop me yanking them even more. When the connection touches, my wrists are the least of my worries. The harsh electricity flows into me yet again, it's so excruciating that screams are just not possible with this level or torture. He lets it go on for longer this time, and as more urine escapes me, I feel myself blacking out. I welcome it gladly.

She hangs there limply. Completely unconscious. Piss dripping on my fucking floor. Slag. She’ll fucking pay for that. After I’ve taught her what happens when she makes such a racket, I’ll teach her what happens when she pisses all over the floor.  I grab a handful of her hair and lift her head up off her chest. Her eyes just roll backwards and she’s drooling all over her nasty tits. I still have to decide how I'm going to make them bigger. I rub her cunt and it's soaking. She doesn’t know how much she’s enjoying this. I’m rock hard, the feeling I get every time I cause her pain is not something I can describe. The power and control I have?. She’s such a worthless cunt. I’ve got two fingers inside her now, and I slip an extra one in to test elasticity. It’s tight, but they always are before they are broken. She’ll have a baseball bat in it later, so I’d better get stretching it out. I take my fingers out for now and feel around her little ass hole. I slip a finger inside it, spreading her cunt juice around for lube so I can put in a second. I can’t wait to make this hole swell up. In fact no, I really can’t wait. Let me give her something to wake up to here. My finger slips out with a pop as I go and get my suction set. I choose a nice 2 inch diameter one but realise I will have to reposition her to get this where I want it. I lower her unconscious body onto the floor, she shows no sign of waking up and if she does, a bit more car battery will sort it until I want her awake. She plops down. Her hair soaks up some of her piss and I’m pleased I installed cameras in here for this one so I can wank over it whenever I like.  The stuck up bitch will enjoy watching it later too. I decide it's time I show her just how bad her situation is right now.

I lay her out on her back and lift her tied hands above her head to attach to an anchor point on the floor. I have many of these. Once secured, I pull her body downwards to pull her arms tight. I don’t want her moving around for this so I wrap a leather strap around her waist and fasten it so tightly that I can hear her laboured breathing already. It makes her waist so thin she looks like a barbie doll. It distorts her whole shape and looks like it's cutting into her but she deserves it. I watched her for weeks, thinking she was gods gift to men. She’s gods gift to me alright. I fasten some rope to the back of it and trail it between her legs towards another anchor point. I loop it through the D ring on the floor and pull it as tight as my strength allows. Tying it off, her body looks stretched to its limit like that and I smile. I tie rope around each of her legs, just above the knee, and pull them outwards and back towards her head so it lifts her ass above the floor and exposes everything to me. I secure them like that, and finish with tying her ankles down. She will barely be able to move at all and I’d know, I’ve used this position before. I use the rest of the time she’s unconscious to prepare some stuff. I don’t plan on taking off the jump leads any time soon either, they’ll come in handy when her noises start pissing me off. I’ll gag her actually, because the next few hours aren’t going to be fun for her. I go to get a rag, and before I pack it into her mouth, seems like the perfect opportunity to mop up her mess with it first. She’s going to have to get used to the taste of her own piss because she won’t get much else to drink unless I feel generous. Luckily there’s still enough of a puddle to soak the rag in it, and I ram the whole lot into her mouth. Can’t wait to see her waking up to that. Pinch her lips together over it and aim my staple gun in the middle. The clunking sound it makes is like music, and she groans a little now. Won’t be long now. I add a dozen more staples until I'm happy the cunt won’t be able to open her mouth. I love seeing a girl with her mouth like that. I’m planning on sewing it shut at some point, although staples for now since they don’t take long to take out in case I feel the urge to fuck her face.

Tonight has gone fucking perfectly. I can’t imagine it going any better. I can’t stop myself reaching into my trousers. I’m so hard it hurts, and I need relief?. No, not yet, be patient. I know I won’t have as much need to hurt her after I’ve got myself off. She’s waking up anyway. Her eyes flutter and her fingers twitch. I grab my camera and record it. Her face screws up into a frown as she tastes her filthy piss, and then attempts to open her mouth. Her eyes spring open and her breathing speeds up considerably as she tries to move but cant. Her moans go from surprised, to terror and she starts to freak out. I love this bit so much, I’m pulling myself off without even really thinking about it. Her cries and fresh tears – fuck this is perfect. She just doesn’t stand a chance and she knows it. Her eyes are darting from side to side as she cries into the piss soaked rag. I can see the holes that the staples made stretching as she tries to pull her lips apart. ‘Don’t you like the taste of your piss?’ I laugh as the she realises, and then shakes her head as if she doesn’t believe me. I nod my head right back at her. ‘You’re going to learn early on that I don’t joke. You’ll get used to the taste. You’ll probably even like it, if you last long enough.’ She quietens a little and stops struggling. Completely defeated, just how I like them. ‘Yeah, you’re really fucked Eve. I don’t know what else to tell you.’ She just lays there breathing hard and fast through her nose. I feel around her cunt and decide it's time to open it up. I spit directly onto it and shove three fingers deep inside her to get it wet inside. I finger fuck it really hard but can’t fit a fourth finger up there yet. So I surprise her by ramming one of my inflatable dildos up her as hard as I can. Her whole body gasps in shock but the cunt doesn’t know it’s going to grow. It’s a toughened type, thick hard rubber. I can see her confusion as I get on the pump. Women go through childbirth and their cunts stretch almost instantly. This cunts cunt is about to go through something just as painful. I don’t do it slowly, I pump it rapidly, and her confusion quickly turns into something else. Her screams are long and drawn out. ‘A bit noisy for my liking!’ I grin, picking up the jump leads and jiggling her little tits up and down. She’s barely listening in her world of pain, so I think a little electricity will help. The contacts touch. I watch her in her hell. I love her pleading eyes. I know I should feel some sort of sympathy for her, but the more I hurt her, the more enjoyment I get. I know I’m not wired up right, and I don’t honestly care. All I care about right now is feeding this need to hurt the girl. I unclip the leads before she passes out, and I don’t waste any time getting back on the pump. I know she’s stretched past her limit because it becomes harder and harder to pump, but I still continue on.

I’ve always wanted to burst one of these inside someone. When she starts making weird noises, I stop. I put the pump down and look at her. Except for her tits, she’s completely unmarked. I will never see her perfect body like this again because I know I will ruin it and completely scar it for the rest of its life – if she survives me. I don’t actually plan on killing her, but she doesn’t know that. I didn’t mean to kill the first girl I took, that was just an accident. As far as I know, the second girl is still alive although she will wish she wasn’t in her sorry predicament. Even I felt a slight jolt of sympathy for the girl when I received the video and pictures they sent me – short-lived sympathy of course, I wanked over them minutes later. Eve is my third. Third time lucky.  I’m looking forward to seeing the look on her face when I show her the video of Sarah. It’s highly likely that Eve will end up the same, so she may as well prepare herself for the inevitable. She’s panting at the moment. I’ve seen women in labour do that. I look at Eve and wonder what it would be like to make her pregnant. Pregnant women always think they are above everyone else because they created a life and are carrying it around for all to see. It just makes me hate women even more. I give the pump a few extra squeezes but she’s not responding as much now. She seems a bit out of it after that last shock, so I test how easy it will be to pull the dildo out of her while still inflated. Not easy. It's stuck fast. I try and yank on it but it really is in there! She’s screaming again now, so I do it more. It can’t be far off the size of a baby now? I think I’ll just keep inflating it and see what happens. So I stare at her while I do it, until her eyes roll back into her head and she stops moving. That’s probably enough now.

I let her wake up to the pain inside her before letting some of the air out. After about a quarter of the air is out, I have some play to pull on, so a few good yanks and it's out, along with more of her fucking piss?. Right. I stand up, kick her right in the cunt and go to get some stuff I can sort this out with. I’ve only ever catheterised once, but it seemed to work before and wasn’t too hard. Eve didn’t enjoy it being inserted much, and since she’s pissed herself a few times now, I figure she won’t need to go for at least the rest of the night – so I leave the catheter unattached to anything, stopping it up so she couldn’t piss if she tried. I know I can have some fun with this. Before that though, I decide it's time I fist her stretched cunt senseless.

I get four fingers in easily after the inflatable. My thumb just about goes in as I put my weight behind pushing my whole hand up her. She’s going absolutely fucking crazy about it as I pull her skin outwards between her legs to try to accommodate my massive hand. I know how much stronger my hand is compared to her pathetic cunt though, so I'm always going to win aren’t I.  After much effort from me, it just breaks through, and as soon as it's in, I pull it all the way out again. My favourite bit. It's gaping enough now to just ram my hand back inside all the way, her blood and juices seem to make my hand sparkle when I withdraw it again. I clench my fist and go for it again. This time it's another push but it goes again. The way her body is so stretched out, I can even see my fist inside her when I watch her stomach. She’s still fighting though, which I like. I take my hand out of her and show her all the blood dripping from it. I use her face to wipe it off, slapping her stapled mouth a few times for good measure. I show her the size of the inflatable dildo too, still inflated at the size it was when I yanked it out. She looks on in disbelief as I let all the air out and spit on her ass. The terror in her face is a picture. Give me more of that. In it goes, all the way to the hilt. I only give it five or six pumps and she’s already losing it. ‘Come on Evie, you can do so much better!’ She shakes her head desperately, and since I am feeling tired myself, decide to stretch her ass tomorrow instead. I wouldn’t mind making it all swollen before I fuck it though, so I pick up the suction 2 inch diameter suction cylinder and place it dead on her ass. She has no idea what it is, or what it does, but when I attach? the vacuum pump and give it one, she doesn’t look pleased about it. I pump it more, sucking more of her hole inside the cylinder – the effect is hot. She’s wailing her head off so much I have to point at the car battery to remind her. A few more pumps and her little hole is now standing about 2 inches from her body! It looks like a nasty ugly rose, and I will fucking make it even uglier. She’s holding her breath trying not to scream and cry – I think a bit of car battery would finish her nicely though right now, so I shock her anyway, for no reason other than that I wanted to.

I grab the camera for a close up of her distended ass hole. I wonder if I can get more of it up, so I reattach the pump and give it some more causing quite a reaction as it sucks her ass inside out. I’ll just grab my phone to take a picture so she can see herself. When she sees the picture she squirms as she studies it, feeling her inside out ass trapped in its tubular hell as well as seeing it. She looks back and forward from me to the photo until she drops her head back on the floor and cries loudly in sheer frustration, tensing her arms. It’ll be all nice and swollen when I fuck it. And I’m going to fuck it before I completely ruin it. She sees me reach for the pump again and starts freaking out. She knows more of her ass can get up there. I saw this in a porn film online a few weeks ago. This girl ended up with a massive prolapse and I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not. I know what I do like though. I like the idea of giving Eve one of those prolapse things. That bitch’s face when she sees what I’ve done? I have the power to turn this girl’s ass completely inside out and there’s not a fucking thing she can do about it! I’ll need a wider cylinder than this one but I think I need to do that at some point. I put a couple of extra pumps on the one she has on for size, and I can’t stop staring at her ass like that. It’s so fucking freaky! ‘You have one fucked up ass hole there Eve! You want to see it now? Jesus that looks really weird!’ I’m laughing, this is funny. ‘The way it looks right now, I can’t see it ever going back to normal now.’ I tell her seriously while jiggling it around. She’s crying pretty hard in despair so I lick the tears off her face, holding her head with her hair so she can’t turn away. ‘Poor girl. This really is nothing.’ When she starts to scream I press my hand over her stapled mouth, pushing them all into her gums while I hold my finger from my other hand to my mouth, and then the car battery. She quietens.

Another picture of her ass like this for the album, and then I go in my bag to find the rocks I had lovingly selected for her last weekend. She lifts her head to watch what I'm doing so I show her a couple of them. I don’t think she had guessed I would put them all in her cunt until I spit directly onto it, rubbing my spit all around and inside it while she wriggles around. I can hear her saying ‘No, no no’ over and over, so I attach the jump leads again, she will fucking learn. I unclip them just before she goes out, and then waste no time shoving the first one in as far as I can. I’ll worry about how to get them out later. It's not a smooth rock, so it will tear her as it goes in, at least I hope it will! I get the camera and position it somewhere it can record her and her rock swallowing cunt. The rocks are about two inches by two inches, and now its rock number twos’ turn. She doesn’t like it much but what the fuck’s she going to do about it. Nothing.  Not one fucking thing! When I push it in, I feel it hit the first one and I carry on pushing hard, they are quite hard to get in. When I take my fingers out of her this time, there is blood - which I show her. She just looks blankly at them. I carry on with the third, this time more effort is needed to push the other two in further to accommodate and she’s thrashing around so much I’m not sure I’ll get the fourth one in - but I’m going to try. It gets half way, and then it won’t budge, so I manoeuvre myself around so I am sat on my ass on the floor, and then start stamping it in with the heel of my booted foot. It takes about four hard stamps till it's in, but the end is still sticking out, so I get up, and kick it really hard with my boot toe?.. Oh dear she’s passed out. The rocks are well and truly buried in there now, I’ll have to wipe all this blood off my boots while I wait for her to wake up. She looks like such a picture like this. So helpless. No one can save her from me. How could I ever give this up. Eve won’t be the last girl I fuck up. I wonder how long she’ll last with me. She’s not taking it too well so far. I’ll probably sell her to the end of the line guys if I don’t kill her myself. I love what they do to them there. I plan on telling the stupid cow all about it at some point?

There is a reason for her. I’m not sure she remembers, but I met her once – as a customer at the bank she worked at. On paper, she still works there, but she won’t be going back there. She acted so fucking up herself. Her and this guy sat at a table, telling me that they will re-possess my old house in 28 days. I didn’t give her the satisfaction of begging for more time – but she acted as if I would, and tried to belittle me. Tried. ‘This is what happens when you do not keep up the repayments sir?’ and ‘I’m afraid we can do nothing more for you so I suggest you make arrangements.’ I remember thinking – ‘you’re not afraid now, but you fucking will be when I have you strung up and bullwhipped until your skin hangs off.’ I didn’t care about the house at all. My father was cancer ridden and it wouldn’t be long until he popped it - leaving me a nice inheritance to see me through more than comfortably for the rest of my life. We didn’t have a close relationship, I only kept up appearances to make sure I got the money. I would have fucked him off years ago if it wasn’t for that – boring bastard. I was only homeless for a couple of weeks so I went to nurse Dad into his grave. I kept myself ticking over with fetish type sites and would try and get some kicks by meeting the submissive sluts who thought they could handle me. It was never enough. They always had safewords and fucking limits. Oh shit how hard it was to stick to those limits they set. It was my need to break these girls’ limits that finally pushed me to do this properly. I had the money to make all my dreams come true, and that’s what I have fucking done.

The cunt starts to cough herself awake, and screws her face up. I rush between her legs to hold the rocks inside her for now. I feel myself harden as I think about what she must be feeling as she awakes. Her mouth all stapled together like that keeping the piss soaked rag in her mouth. The jump lead clamps have really sunk their teeth behind her nipples. Her filthy cunt filled with rocks and her ass completely inside out?. Fuck. I need to cover this bitch in my stuff. Soon. Very soon. Pinching her cunt lips together, I pick up the staplegun and send the first one home, pinning them both together. She jumps as it drives into each side into each lip. I move the gun a few millimetres, and add another. And then another. More crying. Oh yeah. ‘Cry cunt. It only makes me want to put more of these into you.’ She doesn’t stay quiet though. Every cry she makes is probably forcing the rocks out against the staples. It’s mesmerising adding them in. Shooting each of the sharp points into her flesh, followed by a little blood blob afterwards. She’s hysterical now. In agony. Her cunt is now completely sealed with the catheter tube just poking out inbetween staples. It looks beautiful. ‘Suck those rocks back up bitch or else it’s only going to get worse ok?’ Ignorant bitch doesn’t even acknowledge my fucking advice! ‘Oi!!!’ I roar at her and she jumps so bad those rocks just have to be forcing her stapled cunt open. I can see the bulge as they push outwards and I laugh, torn between leaving them bulging or pushing the bulge back in. I can’t resist. Sorry sweetheart. Back in they go. ‘Shhh don’t be upset Eve, are you listening to me this time?’ She nods her head slowly. She’s trying to say ‘please stop’ but obviously can’t say it properly with her mouth all stapled. I love that staple gun so much. Eve will become good friends with it as it is now a part of her life. She flinches as I reach towards her face. I can see that even the slightest movement she makes now is causing pain and smile to myself that he now has to be very still. Once the thought is planted, I know I have to make her move a lot. I stroke my fingers over her stapled lips, feeling the harsh metal against soft skin and the dried blood? I can feel the intense fear she feels of me. She’s trying not to breathe loudly and trembling quietly, pleading me with those beautiful tear filled cat eyes she has.

When I slam my whole hand down over her mouth, she goes so rigid and screams a low scream of absolute agony. I shut my eyes listening to that music, feeling the staples in her lips push into her teeth and gums. When I let my hand off, she absolutely wails in agony while fresh blood surrounds her mouth. A couple of photos for the album before I do what I need to do. The cunt doesn’t let up making noises while I take a good variety of pictures with my phone. My other hand snakes down my pants, I can no longer hold off and I’m going to sleep really fucking well tonight. I take myself out and tug it frantically as I look down on her helpless bleeding shell of a female. The bulge of the rocks pushing against her stapled lips are really trying to get out of her now. She looks away from me as I pull myself off, knelt beside her. It won’t take me long with this view. I lean forwards and rub my rock hard dick all over her face, getting her blood all over it and I’m coming, I’m fucking coming?. Fuck what a whore you are?? I groan as I feel it and then watch myself spray the load of it all over her face, into her eyes, up her nose – everywhere. I kneel there panting, my legs feel like jelly as I watch her move her head side to side trying to wipe the spunk off her face. Her arms are stretched so tight above her that her head is slightly lifted from the ground and she can’t reach he filthy face. ‘It will just have to stay there Eve. Until I decide to remove it.’ I pause, thinking for a second. ‘I’m going to bed.’ I tell her. I stand up now over her, taking myself out of my pants again. Soft this time, it's time to show this whore what she means to me. She doesn’t make a sound as my piss hits her body, her tits, moving the stream downwards until I’m directing it straight at her stapled cunt. Back up her body again – she’s covered in it – filthy cunt she is.  When I’ve finished, I start to undo her legs from the wide open position they’ve been in for the last hour. She screams out hysterically at her sudden ability to move. It allows all the rocks to move inside her and dislodge more – her ass – well? I’ve never seen anything like that before but I bet it's fucking killing her. I tap it to check the reaction, and it causes a good one. As her ass now comes down, she bends her knees to the side to avoid pressing her protruded ass hole into the floor. I undo her stomach then, and unattach her tied hands from the floor, not untying her hands. There’s all dried blood and skin around the edges of the rope surrounding her wrists, always a good sign that I’m doing enough. I drag her across the floor, the jump leads scrape along behind her, pulling her tits in the opposite direction. She’s not making much noise now, until I clip the chain around the middle of her roped wrists. The chain she hung from earlier in the middle of the room. She starts to beg me not to, but what did she expect. This isn’t a hotel, this is my fucking house! ‘Sorry girl, but you have to go where I want you to go. And I want you to go?. Just here.’ I move away from her and go to the wall where the button will pull her onto her feet. She cries as it drags her and she lets it pull her up without trying to use her legs. When she’s right on her feet she starts making lots of noise. I guess she doesn’t want to go higher. Poor girl. I stop the lift, making her believe I won’t put her any higher. I even take my hand away from the button and start to move away from it but stop suddenly. ‘Oh wait a minute?.’ I quickly move back to the button and press it again, her heels come all the way off the floor and I stop. She tries to hold herself up on her feet but keeps letting herself dangle on her swollen wrists, alternating between one and the other. Her eyes are shut and her head is hung limply and resting on her chest. I bet she wants to sleep. I tell her to sleep tight, and she doesn’t make a sound as I leave her like that, bolting the door behind me. Bed time.

I think of Eve straight away when I wake up. I stroke myself through my boxers thinking of her hanging like that. I wonder if she got any sleep like that. I doubt it. It’s been nine hours since I left her to sleep. I get up and get dressed. I want my morning fuck and I know which hole it's going to be in.

There she is. Like I left her. She jumps as I walk in. I’m full of energy now as I walk over to the button on the wall to let her down. She curls up in a heap on the floor and turns to look up at me. She’s trying to tell me something, begging me, but I just shrug, not understanding at all. I use my foot to wiggle her inside out ass tube. She moans as I do it and continues to make begging noises – has she fucking forgotten the battery already?!  I get a good grip on the tube with one hand, and push my finger under the base of it to break the seal. Her ass had swollen up so much in there that it's a real fucking struggle to get the thing off! It really is stuck fast on there! Pulling on it just pulls her body towards me, so I have to resort to holding her still with one foot while I yank her ass even further from its original position. It moves very slowly, and very gradually upwards off her hole. It looks a bit like a dick, with a hole right down the middle?. Weird! As it finally pops off, the end of her ass hole just sort of opens up like petals on a flower. Fuck that’s so swollen. I prod it a little and it doesn’t budge. I take a picture of it and show Eve what her ass looks like. She’s wailing like a baby and then shuts her eyes, squeezing out a tear as she does and tries feebly to move away from me. I grab her shoulders and turn her on her back. Her inside out ass scrapes on the floor and I lift her legs up to bring it off, holding them up with one hand to the side and running a finger down her stapled cunt and feeling the rocks bulging out. I give the catheter a bit of a pull and Eve screams so loudly at it – she probably really needs to piss right now. Oh well, not yet. There’s  dried blood all over her cunt, and I don’t mess with it anymore because I need to fuck that ass. I aim my dick right at it, and the swollen thing just invites me to completely destroy it. So I do. While I ram myself into her rose I can’t help but smash my fist into her stapled mouth, and then her stomach, and then her face again while I violently pound myself deep in her ass to turn it the right way round again. I get carried away and start blindly hitting her all over, a really hard one to the side of her head knocks her out cold and it's enough to make me shoot all my load deep inside her ass.

Afterwards, I drag her limp body onto her new bed and decide how to tie her down. Spread eagle will do. I make sure her legs are spread wide to put the strain on the staples in her cunt. Her swollen ass is all distorted and strange looking. It still protrudes but not as much. I stick an inflatable butt plug up there and make it pretty fucking massive – it’ll be a nice surprise for her when she wakes up. I plan on playing with those little titties today, so I remove the jump leads from them and put them to one side for later. I also decide to take out the staples from her mouth and put a strip of tape there. Her lips will be extremely sore and I’m going to have A LOT of fun re-stapling them when she wakes up. I have some errands to run this morning, so I leave her like that – she can sleep it off for a few hours before I wake her up. I think I’ll give her a nice mix of uppers via syringe to bring her round nicely?. Yeah, that’s definitely what I’ll do.

So that’s how I came to be here. I just watched him violently rape my ass while beating the shit out of me with his fists before the tape goes off. The horrific memories of the night before cut right through me being made to watch myself being mindlessly tortured and raped. I don’t want to remember but being shown them on screen doesn’t give me a choice. The blow to the head that knocked me out while he fucked my ass this morning must have temporarily blocked out the horrible things the bastard did to me. Being made to watch all of it was terrifying, but it’s made me so fucking angry too. I want him dead. I want him to die so much?. Or just to stop?. Stop this and let me go? someone has to find me. I’m crying again in disbelief. How can this be happening? How?! I cough a little as more vomit trickles down my throat from the rag. The dozens of staples stapling the tape down to my mouth are keeping my whimpering noises down – I don’t want to anger this man whatsoever. I think my bladder will explode soon. He’s sat on the side of the bed I am tied to, doing something on his phone. ‘Remember I told you about the last girl?’ My memory fails me for now, I don’t remember him telling me about another girl at all so I don’t dare answer him – afraid that either answer would be wrong. ‘Answer me right now cunt.’ I shake my head deciding to be honest. ‘Did I really hit your stupid head that fucking hard?! So everything I did to you was all for nothing? Can you remember any of it?’ I nod my head indicating yes, and cry a little harder to reiterate that. ‘Ok, ok, well – I did tell you about the girl I had before you. And I told you that I would show you what happened to this girl after she left me. Well she was pretty fucking unfortunate really!’ He giggles and I know that I really don’t want to know what happened to this girl. He shifts closer to my head, and holds his phone up to my face. It’s a video, so he presses play. The camera shows a close up of this girls face. Her lips have been sewn tightly shut, it really does look awful and I feel for this girl straight away. At least I am not alone. You could tell she used to be pretty but she’s been messed up pretty bad. Half her face is black and swollen – how can people do this to women. Fucking monsters! She’s not conscious, but is starting to wake up while the camera stays close up to her face. Her eyes flicker open and I can almost feel what she’s going through. This could be me. How anything worse than what's happening to me right now can happen I really don’t know. She starts to make noise now and her eyes blink woozily, rolling around, it's obvious she’s drugged up to the eyeballs. It looks like she could be laid on something, and she lifts her head up, almost hitting the camera as she does. My own heart races because I know I'm going to see something terrible happening to her. She comes round even more as the camera very slowly pans out, revealing her bare shoulders now, and then she looks downwards at her body. I can hear her soft moans replace quickly with raw panic and fear, and then absolutely blood curdling screams of terror? the camera continues panning out until her bare blackened breasts are showing. I gasp as I see the mess they are in, with huge piercings too – but then the screen shows me more?.. Oh fucking god no. Fuck no, no they can’t. My own panic rises as her screams fill my ears – both her arms have been cut off just below the shoulder. ‘This is the moment they woke her up after her little operation.’ He tells me. My eyes stream tears for that poor girl, and then for me – they can’t do that to me. That won’t happen to me?  I hope the man turns the video off now, but he continues to hold it in front of my face as the camera pans out more. I don’t want to watch but I do. Her outer labia lips have been nailed to the table she’s laid on and stretched obscenely outwards making them horrifically stretched. The girl is writhing around so much I am afraid they will tear. And then I see the bandaged stumps where her legs once were. No. No. My stomach churns and I will myself not to be sick. I cry so hard that I don’t care how much it hurts. They are going to do that to me. I am going to lose my arms and legs?. I’m panicking, breathing so hard but I still can’t get a full breath since I can only use my nose and suddenly I am panicking so much that I feel myself blacking out from a fully blown panic attack. Before I pass out, the attack settles somewhat, the video now shows her full body shot. She’s on a table, held there with just the nails in her labia. I watch as she realises she’s had her arms and legs cut off. There is no real words to describe how I feel now. I will never forget the images I have just seen. ‘Now you listen. I remember when the cunt you replaced was laid exactly where you are laid now. I showed her what would happen to her, just as I have shown you now – and yet look what happened. So what's going to happen now is, that you will be a good fucking cunt. You will do exactly everything I tell you. You will not want anything. The word ‘want’ is not in your vocabulary now. You better fucking behave, because I cannot save you once you are there. What I give you here, will be luxury compared to the treatment you’ll get at that place – not to mention the fact that I will let you keep your limbs, I think.’ He starts stroking my outstretched arm as he ends his sentence – I can’t even imagine that happening to me. I didn’t think anyone could be so purely sadistic that they would cut off someone’s limbs. I was scared before, but I am on a whole new level of scared now. ‘So be fucking good, Eve. The longer you stay here, the longer you get to keep these.’

He stares at me for a long time and finally says. ‘With this in mind Eve, do you need a drink?’ but he says it smiling as if there is a catch, and then he pulls on the blocked catheter tube. I desperately want release. But my heart sinks when he indicates I have to drink it. ‘If you don’t need a drink now, then you won’t have the option for at least another four hours. Can you bladder last that long? Does it hurt cunt?’ and he presses down on it hard, which also shifts the rocks in me at the same time. I feel faint but I know I can’t go any longer. I nod my head, completely defeated.

That’s a good girl. ‘See? You’re learning aren’t you?’ I love the look on her face right now. She knows she has no choice but to drink her own piss. She hasn’t been allowed to piss for the past 16 hours. She’s probably desperate for a drink too. Problem solved. I tell her that this may sting a little as I get a good grip on one of the corners of the tape over hear mouth. She holds her breath because she knows exactly what's coming. All the staples in her mouth will be yanked out when I rip the tape off, and I tease her with anticipation. When I yank on it, I only get about a quarter way across, and it takes three more yanks to get it all off. She spits out the rag and just snivels to herself. I’m trying to think about how I can keep her head facing straight upwards and the idea comes to me. God I’m good. I should win fucking awards for being this good. ‘Wait there cunt’ I tell her, patting her arm as I get up. I select two fishing hooks with lengths of thread already attached to them. I dangle them in front of her face and then kneel at the top of the bed with her head clamped between my knees again. She resists like mad and yells at me not to, her lips purse together tight, but I am stronger than her mouth muscles. I hook a finger inside one of her cheeks, I don’t need her mouth open for this. The fishhook goes through it easily, so I quickly attach the other fishhook to the other side of her face. ‘Face the ceiling little cunt or else the car battery comes back to play.’ She does as she’s told, her mouth is slightly open anyway and she’s whimpering which I like. I pull the thread on one side so that there’s no slack, and tie the end of it to a safety pin placed into the mattress on the far right of her. I’m a little cruel when it comes to the left side, and I pull it tighter than needed so her mouth is now pulled apart, but it's had the desired effect and she can’t speak because moving her lips is probably going to cause some extreme discomfort! At least I hope it does. The fact that she’s not trying to speak means I’m right. Like always. I get the funnel gag and feed it into her mouth. The exit pipe goes straight to the back of her tongue, so she can control the flow without choking too much – I knew I had a nice side to me. I tape it in place and then fix the extension tube to her catheter, directing the other end into the funnel, and she’s ready. ‘Now Eve, I’m only going to let out a bit at a time. As soon as you drink it all, I’ll let out some more, and so on.’ She frowns and looks upset – what the fuck did she think was going to happen?

I turn the tap and her piss fills the tube instantly, pouring out into the funnel. The cunt starts to cry when I shut the tap off, she’s not drank any yet and I’m thinking I need to speed this up. ‘If you’ve not drank every last drop of it in the last ten minutes, I won’t let you piss for the next two days. I hear her let her tongue off the funnel. She’s gulping, spluttering, gagging – all of it. It comes out of her nose, her eyes stream as she gags on the rancid taste?. Oh this is heaven. When most of it has gone, I let out the next lot. I appreciate it's a lot for her to drink in one, but I do so enjoy degrading cunts like her this way. She knows I’ve won. She knows she has no chance but to drink all of it because if she doesn’t, everything I do to her over the next few days will be even worse with a bursting full bladder. After the third time I release, she starts being sick inside her mouth and choking on it, so I let her off. I suppose I can’t expect too much of the worthless bitch. I empty the rest of her bladder into a bucket and remove the funnel from her mouth. She’s looking at the ceiling and crying. I love a crying girl. A crying cunt with nothing to live for except the thought that at the end of all this, when I’ve fucked up every single part of her, she’s going to lose her arms and legs.

I get up to fetch the branding iron and blow torch. Also a studded belt and a baseball bat. Eve’s day has only just begun?        

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Cafe Society 1 A Tale of FemDom

"Excuse me, may I sit here please?"I looked up. Of course she could, she was lovely! The cafe was crowded and I was occupying a table for four without realising the place had filled up. I stammered my agreement and rose to my feet as she sat."It's just so busy in here," she smiled at me."Yes, sorry, I'd not realised it. I'll feel less guity now.""No need to feel guilty unless you are," she glanced at me curiously, "are you? Guilty of anything that is.""No, I guess. No more than any man might be...

1 year ago
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No Strings Attached Chapter 8

It’s the evening before I have to leave to fly back to London. We have agreed that we will allow one another a gift of 60 minutes during which we can each do anything we want. We are about to receive our gifts. It promises to be a wild night. You are to receive your gift first. You have already specified that you would like it to involve a threesome and we have arranged for a second man to join us. Angel is a barman at the hotel. He is Colombian, tall and well-muscled. He has seen us together...

1 year ago
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Drunk momgets sons surprise

Note : This story is completely fictional! Last Saturday night,I went out drinking with my buddies,hoping to get laid. As the night wore on,nothing was happening,so I went home to pleasure myself,seeing as I was so horny,and I hadn't had sex for about a month. Now I'm 23,single,good looking,about 6'2",200pounds,and I have a nice 7"inch cock,that I masturbate whenever I can. I live at home with my mom,who's 41years old,5'5",115pounds,brown hair,big,35c titties(I know!),and a great,curvy ass. She...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 82

" ... But now, we've got a problem that we need to iron out between the three of us," Jeff said looking hard at both men. "That's sounds serious, Jeff," Dave said. "Hell, it is. We've got a young man in there visiting with Alesha who blew his truck engine as he was coming to save Joyce. The problem is that he's too damn proud to let me buy him another truck. Heck, I would set both Jesse and Alesha up for life if I could get away with it. It's frustrating to have the money and not...

2 years ago
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Oleander DreamsChapter 9

The passenger door opens, cutting off my laughter. I hiss, crouching on the seat like an animal preparing to defend itself. A browned hand partially covered with a black leather glove reaches for me. “This is not a good place for you to be, cher.” L. Martinus helps me out, steadying me when I wobble on bare feet. I ache all over, both from D. Webster’s abuse and the crash. I’ve lost the flip-flops somewhere, but I don’t have any interest in retrieving them. I wonder if I should be sad about...

2 years ago
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Connies Girl

When Connie Mackenzie entered the offices of Good Neighbor Realty her eyes went straight to the sales board. Connie was  shamelessly materialistic -everything she owned was - well, opulent. Yet nothing gave her more pleasure than that stained, battered Formica board. It was a scorecard, of sorts, showing who at Good Neighbor was producing. Every month for twenty-five years Connie's name was at the top. But now the board loomed over her like an accusation. She wanted to snatch it down and...

3 years ago
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Futa Feeds her Girlfriend

Amber: Kate, why do you wear shorts to the swimming pool? You know you can wear a bikini. Kate: I just don’t want anyone to see too much, you know? Amber: Well, I guess. What, afraid the boys will go wild? Kate: Actually, the girls. I’m packing. Amber: Wait, what do you mean? Kate: Well, this is what I mean. Kate stands up and lets her swim shorts stick to her body, revealing the outline of her giant futa dick. Amber: Oh my god, are you for real? Kate: Yeah. Amber: Does anyone else...

4 years ago
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Cape Cod winter

Cape Cod Winter {Loosely based on a true story}I was invited to spend New Years week to my pals house down in a summer resort. His wife invited some of her friends. The first few nights was nice. I had my own bedroom but New Year weekend, the house had lots of folks. I was only single guy We went up to the local party town for NYE {New Years Eve} festivities. We had tickets to a buffet/dance party at this famous nightclub. Anything goes at this club. I rode with R. an d his wife J. and we met...

4 years ago
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What was Angus Thinking

Angus Reese was abit drunk and really high but that didn’t explain the sudden curiosity about how boys have sex. Sure, he’d seen a few pornos and, as any good liberal should, attended his fair share of gay pride parades, usually with lesbian friends. He liked pussy and a fair set of tits bouncing from just above the opening of a silk blouse rocked his johnny something fierce. But as some distant intellectual exercise, Angus wondered just exactly how blokes, well, did it. The whole “similar body...

Gay Male
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My Brothers Porn Addiction A Double Hail Mary

"Okay, once is a fluke; twice might be an issue, but four times in ten days now? I don't get it, Mom. I thought I was enough for him, I mean, every time we have sex... I'm sorry, you don't want to hear that.""No, it's okay, babe, I don't mind," she told me, cooking dinner. "Just be too loud, okay?""Okay, every time we have, he enjoys himself. Whether I just give him head, or he fingers me, or he screws me from behind. He loves it, but yet, he still goes back to his porn. Why? I just don't get...

2 years ago
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putting on a show

just a quick little funny story about a little exposure. I was 23 living alone in my Apt home from a night out with the girls about 3am. God i was kinda horny that night so i was in my living room watching a softcore erotic on a cable network known for them. I was getting pretty turned on and teasing myself softly and slowly over my panties. Yep i knew i wanted a good orgasm, so i went to my room got my lovely pink rabbitt and a few pillows from the bed and polpped them on the floor in front of...

3 years ago
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Meghans Idea

Intoduction to “Tales From Silks” Meghan sat nervously outside of the office waiting for her interview. Less than a year ago she had waited just as nervously for an interview for a job working the bar at Silks nightclub. This time she had asked for the appointment with her bosses but she was still just as nervous, this probably meant more to her than getting the job here, this could be her future. Eventually Sally came to the door and asked her to come into the office. Meghan went in and sat...

2 years ago
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Night on the WardsChapter 13

Less than a week after my breast enlargement operation had been successfully carried out in Florida, I was back on the private jet and starting on my return journey to Mr Foster's private island. Even though the procedure had gone well, Doctor Ramaz wanted me to stay in the area of the clinic longer so that he could monitor my recovery further, especially in the light of the experimental drugs that had been used upon me however, I had to return home if for no reason other than that my...

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"Shit!" I snapped. But the tape measure never lies, my hips still were a plump thirty eight inches even though I'd lost five pounds. It's a good job, Dave, he's my boyfriend likes me like this. Well, at least I lost an inch off my waist so now that's down to twenty five inches. My tits are still the generous 'D' cup and I pray to god that they will always be so. Dave would drop me in an instant if I lost my big tits. "So how's it going then?" Dave asked as he sees the tape measure...

3 years ago
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--So how are you feeling? -- +Nervous. I can hardly sleep at night+ --Have you got a dress yet? -- +Funny you should mention that. Picked it up this morning+ --Tell us! Tell us! What's it like? -- +Well it's white... + --Most wedding dresses are, silly. Go on what else -- +It's a bit more daring than your average dress and I've still to choose a veil and shoes+ --Have you tried it on yet? -- +Apart from the original trying on and fitting, no+ --I've got to...

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