Valkyrie 2 free porn video

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VALKYRIE 2 - Jotun Attack Seventeen year old Kristen Ivarsdottir sat at her vanity applying her makeup, which she did quite carefully, since she had a date that evening. This would have been nothing abnormal for a seventeen year old girl, except for two important facts. First, she had many of the powers of the ancient Gods of her people (Scandinavia), both physical and magical. She could use many weapons, especially the sword, quite effectively. And she was both strong and physically tough. She hat received these powers after an encounter with the Goddess Freyja, who had given her an anchanted necklace and proclaimed her the champion of Midgard, tasked with stopping the minions of Loki in his quest for temporal power. So far she had succeeded, with several encounters over the past year. Second, and most importantly, she had been born male, Bjorn Ivarrson, and had remained so up until her fateful encounter with the Goddess. She had been given a choice to decline, and lost all memory of the event, or accept, in which case he (at the time) would receive the powers and Become female. Bjorn wasn't transgender, he/she was an actual XX woman. For the past year, she had experienced everything any normal female does, which was still something she wasn't used to. Though she didn't really have a choice. Or actually, she did, but there weren't very many good options. One of those that was good, was her escort for the evening. Karl Swenson was tall, blond (of course) and an accomplished athlete. Football, Basketball and Baseball, he was a varsity letterman in all three. Karl wasn't the first boy she had dated since her transformation (at first mostly as a smokescreen in order to fit in with her peers, since she was an extraordinarily beautiful young lady), but he was the one she liked the most. And at her age, it was likely she would enter a sexual relationship with him, most girls in her school of her age already had. That and the fact that he was an athlete, and like at most schools, many of them felt entitled to such attention, though it was mostly from the cheerleaders, which Kristen wasn't. She was certainly pretty enough, athletic enough and popular enough, but she had declined the invitations to tryout from some of the other girls. She had no wish to compete with them, and she had enough to do with dealing with her mission and becoming comfortable with her new gender and its physical and social expectations and limitations. Limitations didn't really apply, she was much stronger than any professional football player, she just didn't spread that fact around. Unless she had to transform to Valkyrie in order to deal with some otherworldly menace. Which had occurred more often than she liked to think. She was hoping tonight wouldn't be one of those nights. She heard Karl's car door close, so she finished applying her lipstick (she had become enamored with a MAC shade, the famous Ruby Woo, a bright red) and popped it into her purse, which she picked up and went down the stairs. The date was casual, just a movie and out for a pizza afterwards, so she was also dressed casually. Just tight jeans, a low cut top and sneakers. She could have worn heels, but she had been called to action too many times, and they were hard to fight in. So comfortable and sensible it was. Especially since she thought that tonight might be THE night. Something she wouldn't have ever considered possible eighteen months ago. Kristens date with Karl started ordinarily enough. The two went to a showing of a new super-heroes movie, which Kristen happened to love, since even though she was totally female, she still had a lot of her old likes and dislikes. She also found it somewhat ironic, being a sort of super- hero herself, and especially since one member of the team happened to be one of the Scandinavian Gods himself, one she had actually encountered in real life. She found it incredibly romantic, though, when one hero who had been separated from his love due to being frozen during the 1940s had stayed back in time to be with her, and showed up at the end incredibly aged. It actually made her cry. Karl held her close, and she snuggled against him, and the two shared a lot of kisses and even some groping (they were in the corner of the back row). A lot was planned for later. When the film ended, they left and went to Giovanni's to share a pizza. When they left the pizza parlor, they went somewhere that not a lot of guys knew about, though a lot of girls and the top flight athletes knew quite well. It was basically a love nest, for the jocks to take their dates to avoid having to hook up in the car and risk being caught. Karl had sort of reserved it for the night, figuring (correctly) that this was the night he was going to get lucky. He hoped Kristen was prepared, though if she wasn't, he had a condom in his wallet. Actually, Kristen had two, a sly gift from her mother who told her she hoped they wouldn't be needed, but if they were, she wanted her new daughter to be safe and not conceive until she was safely married, if she ever was. As Kristen had been assured by Freya she could conceive, and she had had the proof of it every few weeks for the last eighteen months, she had every intention of following her mother's advice and not allow Karl to 'ride bareback'. Luckily, Karl the same way (if he hadn't there was no way the night would continue, and he really couldn't force her if it came down to it) and was fully prepared to use the available protection. The consummation of their relationship was quite satisfactory for both partners, and for her first time, they did keep it simple. Kristen simply wasn't ready for some of the more erotic and exotic things men enjoyed having their ladies do for them. Karl didn't force anything, and there really wasn't any pain, given her superior physical abilities. When they finished, it was still well within Kristen's usual expected time home, so she fixed hereself up, repaired her makeup to some extent (her parents knew she would engage in marathon kissing sessions at least, so freshly repaired lipstick was naturally expected). Actually, her relationship with Karl wasn't going to last much longer in any event-they were both seniors and both had their college acceptances firmly in hand, with scholarships in both cases. At least, that was the plan. Karl was going to school on a football scholarship to Rutgers, over in New Jersey on the east coast. Kristen had numerous academic awards plus one from the 'Daughters of Scandinavia', a womens cultural group. It seem ironic to her that she, who was blessed by their gods should be the one to receive that. The fact that she was going to be a language major, with a specialization in Scandinavian Dialects certainly didn't hurt. Nor did the fact that she was going to stay right there in Minnesota, where her culture and ancestry was strongest in the entire United States. She checked, and found there was an Asatru group, quite large, chartered at the school. She figured that most students wouln't be serious, just a rebellion thing while they were in school, to shock their parents and get away from the various Lutheran denominations they had been baptized into. Though the ELCA, Missouri Synod and Wisconsin Synod were well represented on the campus also, as well as various national branches of that large church body. Kristen was still nominally an ELCA Lutheran, though given her blessing and knowledge, she hadn't been there since her changeover. Karl took her home, kissed her and 'copped a feel' before walking her to the door, actually a few minutes early. They kissed again and he turned and left. Kristen could only wonder if news of her little escapade would make it's way around the locker room, or if every boy in school would ask her out in order to get a 'piece of the action'. If that happened, Kristen was certain to make Karl pay, most likely physical. The concept of 'holmgang', loosely translated as vengeance was strong among those of her ancestry. A magical staff of scorn set up in his direction, or even a bindrune to curse him wasn't out of the question either. If he betrayed her trust, she could very easily ruin his life in many ways. She hoped she didn't have to. The next morning was Saturday, so she decided to spend it practicing her skills, which she still hadn't perfected. She began with two hours of weapons practice, with both the Viking sword and the double ax (one in each hand). She had over a dozen of them, so she spent some time on the throwing aspect of that weapon. She was quite good at it. After weapons practice, she decided to visit her spirit animal and a few others in order to gain some knowledge of her next encounter. She might even contact one of the Gods-Sif (Thor's wife and Hlin who was Odin's wife) were known to frequent the realm of the spirits. Though both were warrior goddesses and not particularly interested in magic, they did go there in order to meet with those few particularly blessed humans, of which Kristen was one. She wasn't disappointed. While she was discussing her situation with her wolf-patron, the lady Sif appeared. She had expected to meet Kristen there, and had some troubling news. A new enemy had appeared on Midgard (Earth), a Fire Giant, a direct servant of Surtur. A powerful one, who had only woe in his mind for the planet. What was also troubling was that he was a close friend of the minions of Thrym, the lord of the Frost Giants, and could call upon them for aid if he was in distress. And Kristen Ivarsdottir was the only one on Earth who could stop them. Though both at one time would be a problem. There were NO rune charms that could defeat a giant, even Odin's secret one, the eighteenth. Against witches, dark elves, dark dwarves or even the dead, she was effective. But against two Jotuns? She was in trouble. There was really only one thing she could do, though it was something she hadn't really dared to do up till now. Lady Sif's husband, the Thunder God Thor was the greatest enemy of the Jotuns, and he never missed a chance to oppose them. While the Gods were currently unable to appear on Midgard themselves, they could imbue a mortal with a spark of their power, just as Freya had done for Kristen, formerly Bjorn. Her only hope was to find a mortal willing to take on the challenge of channeling Thor's power, either male of female. She thought of her boyfriend Karl. Karl was also of nearly pure blood, Swedish in his case, and was a much a Christian (spelled Krisjian to them) as she had been. In other words, nominal if at all. She had the power to ask for aid, and if granted, Thor could channel some of his power into him. she decided to ask. She did it in the form of a 'Blot'(pronounced bloat), a ritual loosely translated as 'a gift for a gift'. She appropriated a bottle of mead from her parents, who kept it for her, knowing the reason she sometimes needed it. She hallowed the space she was using with a small replica of Mjollnir, Thor's Hammer, and sacrificed the mead into the living ground, saving a small amount to drink as a means of sharing it with the God. She then made her request, that Karl would be granted the power to stand with her in the coming battle. She didn't think to ask him first, he was of the blood and would understand the need. And would stand with her if he was able to. She was in luck-the Thunderer granted his request. Magically, Karl appeared before her, his short hair grown long and flowing, dressed in blue battle armor. He also bore a weapon-a less powerful replica of Mjollnir. In addition, he wore gauntlets that granted him enhanced strength, though of course not as much as Thor himself. Kristen quickly informed him of the situation, and how his powers should work (while she had Brisingamen, he wore a gold Mjollnir pendant at his throat that acted the same way). He hadn't had to give up his manhood in order to gain his powers, as Thor was already a very masculine deity. While he was a pure warrior, it turned out that he had absolutely no affinity for either type of Northern Magic, either Seith (understandable) or any sort of Rune magic. But he would turn out to be matchless in physical combat. He took the identity of 'Thundere'r to honor the God who had given him his power. Kristen also filled him in on who she actually was and what had happened to her-formerly him. To say Karl was surprised was an understatement. But he got over it (kind of-he had known Bjorn slightly, and the idea of having sex with the former male creeped him out a little. But given how beautiful Kristen was, he got over it). The two then prepared for battle. Though when or where it would come, they didn't know. They soon found out. The capital of their nation was almost 1500 miles away, but that's where the fire giant chose to strike-or where he was directed to strike by his thoroughly evil master. The United States was the most powerful nation on earth, and by default, the President was nominally the most powerful person on earth . Even though some had been weak, corrupt individuals who had misused their authority, the nation was still held in high esteem by most of the world. Taking out the president would go a long way towards cementing Loki's power in Midgard (the planet Earth), due to the confusion that would follow. Taking out the vice president and speaker of the house would ensure that succession would be confused and chaotic, and Loki would rule supreme over the nation, as a stepping stone to ruling the entire world. He didn't count on two heroic teens. The giant appeared, flinging fireballs at everything in sight, including the Smithsonian and the FBI building in his way towards 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House, though he did have a large two handed sword hanging over his back. Naturally, every news outlet in the nation screamed the news of the unknown fire creature threating the city, and of course, Kristen heard the call. She dropped around a corner, grabbed her necklace and changed into Valkyrie. Karl also heard it and grabbed his pendant, changing into Thunderer, and the two climbed onto Kristen's winged horse and sped toward the danger. Kristen had the use of the Pegasus, but only for extremely rare instances of great need. A Jotun or two counted. They arrived within fifteen minutes, as the mount was quite magical and could actually teleport short distances. The two spied the monster and jumped off of the winged steed. They both knew that this would be a physical altercation, as Karl had no magic, and Kristen had none that would affect this type of creature. Karl had his Warhammer, and Kristen drew her pair of hand axes, though her sword was girded at her waist. They approached the giant, who instinctively knew what they were (champions of the Gods), and called for aid from Jotunheim (the home of the giants). A large Frost Giant appeared, garbed in furs and wielding a giant two handed ax. Both of them were well over ten feet tall, and this would be a fight that neither of the two heroes were sure they would win. The alternative was abandoning the world to their nemesis, and of course, death for the both of them. They had an incentive to not to lose. In addition, during conversation, the two had decided that due to their shared experience, heritage and general attraction for each other, it was a pretty good bet that they would stay together. The sticking point in their lives was children- Kristen had been born male, and even though she had accepted and adjusted to her female body, she wasn't sure that pregnancy and childbirth was something she wanted to go through. Karl felt otherwise, he wanted a family, as was traditional in their culture. That was something they had to work out. In the meantime, they something more important and immediate to worry about. Karl charged the fire giant, while Kristen faced off against the frost giant. Karl wasn't indestructible, but he was highly fire resistant, and managed to get close enough to the superheated form to trade blows with him, though a firm blow from the sword could harm him severely, as it was from the same divine realms as his powers were. As it was, he suffered several glancing blows, and even a few cuts, before he finally managed to land a solid strike from his Warhammer on the giant's skull, putting him down. Due to his heat, he was still a danger to the humans in the area, and he would have to be removed to a safer area. Like the ocean, preferably the Arctic. While Karl was fighting the fire giant, Kristen was having a problem with her foe. His giant Danish-style axe had a much larger range than her hand axes, and she came close to being cloven in two several times. A quick glance told her that her partner was still occupied, and couldn't give her any help. She dropped her hand axes, called upon her shield and drew her sword. She then got back into the fray. As the frost giant swung wildly at her, she expertly managed to block the blow with her shield, and closed in for either a jab or a slash. Each one weakened the giant, who was not possessed of the greatest intellect, frost giants were more like berserkers-they fought without thought until they were dead. Which was Kristen's goal. After a drawn out battle, she finally struck the fatal blow to the giant's head, putting him down permanently. The two had also made enemies of all of Jotunheim for their audacity in facing and killing two of their champions. It was likely that they would face such creatures, and others of their kind many times in the future. It was also likely that they would eventually lose a fight, and be themselves taken to Valhalla, the home of fallen heroes, to await Ragnarok, the twilight of the Gods and the end of the current age. Kristen wondered how that would affect her, being more or less a Valkyrie herself. She had no wish to be a serving maid to male warriors for however long the age lasted, until the final battle. Being a woman was one thing, but she was a powerful warrior. Being a waitress when she should be on the training field and the feasting hall herself was something else. She'd have to wait and see how it worked when her time came. Though it was also likely that Freya would take her to HER hall, as she actually received half of the slain warriors. But for now, there was something quite important to the two of them in their teenaged human identities-their High School Prom. Kristen had never figured that she'd be looking for a prom dress and other accessories, escorted into a formal ball on the arm of a handsome athlete, and being in the running for either queen or court. As Bjorn, that was a scenario he had never considered in his wildest dreams, as at the time he was a one hundred percent straight male. Of course, it was a foregone conclusion she would be going with Karl, to the dismay of many other girls in their school, who had hoped to snag him for a date. Which unknown to all of them, was never going to happen. He and Kristen were together forever. Loki's minions were quiet for the next few weeks, happily for Kristen. She and a few girlfriends went to the mall looking for prom gowns, shoes, purses and high-end makeup. All things Bjorn was totally unfamiliar with, but Kristen was expected to be excited about. As Freya had informed her, by accepting Brisingamen, she would receive the powers, but would be female forever, just as though she had been born one. At the mall, she and her friends began searching through the various department stores and boutiques, plus the one bridal shop conained actually in the building, though there were a few others scattered around town. Not surprisingly, she found a deep blue (her favorite color) princess style gown and a pair of four inch sandals, a height she had now become quite adept at walking and even dancing in. Her year and a half as a girl had taught her much. The girls browsed the department store makeup counters, and even Sephora and Ulta searching for the perfect look. She had also brcome an expert at applying her own makeup and even doing her own nails. She decided to go bold, in order to best show off her long blonde hair, so she chose a glossy red lipstick with a matching nail color from Sephora. She knew enough to not play up both her lips and eyes, as that was considered to be somewhat slutty, which she wasn't, though she had given up her virginity to her now permanent partner Karl, AKA Thunderer. But no one else. After the girls had all made their choices, they left and went to the premier salon in town for hair appointments on the day of the prom or the day before. They pored over teen magazine prom issues for just the perfect hair look, which of course they found. Kristen decided to wear hers long and loose, the best to show it off, with a few diamond ornaments strategically placed. She of course would wear Brisingamen (she never took it off!) disguised as a human styled diamond pendant. Should she need to, she could always grasp it and change to Valkyrie. She hoped not. While she was perfectly content and willing to assume the role of Midgard's primary protector (Karl might argue that!) she was still a teen girl, and had developed teenaged desires and thoughts. She was carefully treading the ground between both worlds-the world of High School, and the world where she spoke to the dead, fought giants, and entered the spirit world. It would be tough for anyone, let alone someone who had made the sacrifice Bjorn had. While she enjoyed certain parts of her new life (both parts of it) there were certain parts about being a girl she really didn't like so much, though she had gotten used to them. Shee hoped one in particular didn't occur during prom, as she had plans for the afterprom with Karl on that occasion. The night of her prom arrived, and Kristen took several hours getting ready, as just about every girl attending was. Even though she was wearing her hair long and loose, she still spent a long time on it, ensuring that the diamond ornaments were placed just right. She also spent an inordinate time on her makeup, in order to present a 'natural look' to her boyfriend/partner/lover. It worked-Karl was totally blown away by his lovely date's appearance, and sincerely hoped that things would develop after the prom was over. He escorted her to the limo, and the two sat in the back. They didn't consume any alcohol, as underage drinking was frowned upon, and should they appear to have been consuming any, they would have been denied entrance. Kristen sincerely hoped there wouldn't be any episodes similar to the prom scenes in either 'Carrie' or worse, the original 'Buffy' movie. Tonight she just wanted to be a normal girl (did she really think that?) and enjoy herself. And of course, the young couple did. For a few hours, they sort of forgot their roles as the repesentives of Asgard on Earth, sworn to protect the world against the evil that threatened it. Loki and his minions actually laid low for the moment, and allowed them to relax, not from altruism, but from a sense of dread, and the need to plan further depredations. They shared a sumptuous meal, danced their feet off (literally in Kristen's case, she was wearing heels) and retired after the dance to the love nest. For some reason, whenever Karl wanted it, it was available. Well, Freya was the Goddess of Love and Fertility, though Kristen had no intention of taking part in the second realm the deity ruled over. Pregnancy was definitely not in the cards for her just yet. But someday? But she was still extremely conservative in her intimate activities, and probably would be forever. Even though she was completely female physically and mostly emotionally, there was a little bit of male memory, and certain activities just didn't appeal to her. And probably never would. In the meantime, the two had a lot on their plates. The minions of Loki were still coming, all sorts-witches, the undead, more Jotuns, evil spirits, even evil warriors in his service. The last wouldn't be too much of a problem, they were really nothing more than human criminals, so the police could handle them. His children were still confined, and would be until Ragnarok-Jormangandr the serpent encircling the world in the sea, Fenris the wolf bound with a magical chain, and Hela locked in Helheim, the land of the dead, though as its ruler. They at least were out of play, for a long time anyway. Given the current zombie craze, the two figured that would be the evil one's next attack. A true to life walking dead invasion. Lucky guess or prophetic ability? Kristen didn't think she was a Voluspa. Time would tell.

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SHOWTIME Part 1 The train raced south though a late spring morning. Clickerty-clack, clickerty-clack, wheels making music of their ride over hard steel rails. Jennifer Hancock wedged herself tight into the corner of her seat by the window to gaze with growing boredom at the green fields and tops of houses that had been the scenery for most of the time since her journey from York had begun. On the surface there seemed little chance for sexual intrigue on such a trip. The passenger...

3 years ago
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The Geman Sheperds

I was at my uncle's house waiting for the girlfriend to get home so we can fuck. My uncle was at work and I was at home alone and I was playing video games butt ass naked. I was all alone with the dogs in my uncle's house waiting for the girlfriend to get home so I could fuck her. Instead I get a doggy dick in my ass and a doggy ass to fuck it really sucked that day until the girlfriend got there. We start out with me playing madden at my uncle's house naked. Then I heard the dogs Bosco...

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A Night With Love

My name is Greg, I’m 25 years old, and work as a bartender in L.A. while waiting for my acting break. Yeah, I know, just like a million other guys. Anyway, it’s my uncle’s club, and it caters to a lot of the young actors and actresses who seem to get the most publicity nowadays. Our usual crowd is the cool type. Even the not so famous don’t get starry eyed when a well know celeb comes in. Sometimes, one will slip under the radar and try to bother a star for an autograph or a picture, and we as...

4 years ago
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Number Off A Bathroom Wall

Back in highschool I got a job working at the local mall at the Sears store. I was a stockboy and all around general gopher. I would always wear sexy outfits under my work clothes. On my second day I was asked to clean the bathrooms and I did. I started in the womens room,kind of hoping I would stumble onto a pair of panties or something,but no luck. I then work my way over to the mens room and as I clean and make my way to the stalls I open the first door and see writing on the wall,the...

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Raped by my own dog then left with an Itch

was younger. His dog was a 1 year old boxer that he was given as a 6 month old puppy. Jimmy named him Frosty because they gave him to him at Xmas. Jimmy was always playing with his dog. He was playing fetch with him in his room one day when the ball rolled under the bed. The dog was trying to get it but couldn't get under the bed to retrieve it. Jimmy went to the edge of the bed and bent down to look for it. As he was bent over he felt his dog jump up on him. He started tugging at his...

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Bathroom Break

“I’m going to take a bath for an hour so see you soon,” she giggled over the phone.That voice of hers and her sweet gentle laughter just makes me stop and think what I wouldn’t do to her, absolutely nothing.. “Well ok but you shouldn’t tell me these things, good grief” I said back to her as she ended the conversation. I stared at the phone in my hands, trying to stop visions, images forming; taking shape that would infuriate me for the rest of the morning.Looking around the office,I went back...

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Sharing Amber

My employee Jimmy came to me and said. “Unless you do something about Amber I am going to leave”. “What is wrong Jimmy” I asked? “She is a bitch; I will not take her attitude any more”. Jimmy is a 6ft tall black man who has been working for me for about six years. And while Jimmy is important to me and my company, He was not worth more then Amber. “Jimmy I will talk to her and ask her to adjust her attitude” I said. I was going to have to discipline her hard this time. “Please allow me...

2 years ago
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Keeping someone on the edge is an art. There needs to be a lot of chemistry. There was a guy I gave a massage to once... Craigslist, he was looking for a massage. It always seemed like craigslist was more trouble than it was worth but it was my only source. I responded to his add and he got right back to me. I am usually nervous and slow about hooking up but that night I just had it in me. It was cold and rainy. I was driving to his place within 5 minutes of my writing to him. this wasn't like...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 3 Futa the Latina Daughter

Chapter Three: Futa & the Latina Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland shuddered as she injected herself with the solution she and her mother had been working on. Pheromones. Lesbian pheromones. To Jolene, those were the greatest type of pheromones. A heady aroma that would arouse and entice other females. Awaken them to all sorts of possibilities that existed. All sorts of heady delights that Jolene could share with...

3 years ago
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Night of the Voyeur Returns

Hey, it's Sammi again. Last week I had an amazing encounter with a crush of mine, Alex, who had decided that rather than confronting me about how much he wanted me, he was going to be shy and watch me clean my house naked from my window. But what he didn't know was that I knew he was there watching me, and instead of freaking out and calling the cops, I thought it might be more fun to let him watch. I even put on a little show for him. But this isn't that story; this week I was at my friend,...

Group Sex
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The Ark Part 1Chapter 16 Grabbed at a Seminar

While resolving the difficulty we had in the Middle East with a terrorist group, Bob, Sharna, Clara, and I made the threat of the meteoroids known to the Middle East’s governments. We suggested that they keep this information a secret for now, but knew that would never happen. We heard a few reports that discussed what we had told the governments’ representatives, but the newspaper reports labeled us crackpots. We knew that the crackpot label would not last. We decided to inform the rest of...

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The Case Chapter Two

Chapter Two - Proof of Life "Honey... that's great coffee." Jake smiled at Sharon and pointed to the cup he was holding. She got the Joke. Harrison Ford had made the same joke in a scene from his newly released move 'Witness'. It was a parody on the old sixties ads for Folgers coffee but she felt uncomfortable with Jake referring to her as 'honey'. "You get the joke right?" Jake said, suddenly apologetic. "I get it." Sharon smiled wanly. They were sitting on the couch in...

2 years ago
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Thanksgiving Dinner

I sat there and looked around the room as the turkey was being carved and shook my head in disbelief at the way things had turned out. I grew up next door to Matilda and Michael. Matty was sweet on me and Michael, who was two years older than me was a bully. So, Matty and I played and Michael and I fought. Sometimes he would win and sometimes I would and we ended up having a rough and tumble kind of friendship. Matty and I did the usual childhood things that curious boys and girls do; we...

4 years ago
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The Naked Runner

The Naked Runner I’m Jack, single, 31, just 6 feet and built like a rower; which I am. After leaving the Navy I find the freedom of the outside world stimulating. Not that it’s surprising after being in the enclosed environment that is the Operations Room (CIC or AIC depending on your navy) for 7 years. My fetish if you like, is to exercise naked. Britain isn’t known for the best weather in the world but once you get going, naked or in skinny running gear, it makes very little difference. The...

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Amy 12 Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High

Amy 12: Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Miss Popularity "Komori!" "Hey." "Whassup, Amy?" "Um... Going to class?" "Outstanding!" One accidental result of joining the J-V cheerleading squad was I'd practically become an overnight...

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Happy New Year

A chill in the air, dazzling sunlight, and a young woman's voice is what woke me up that morning. The itching, sticking twigs and leaves, and the kind hand of the stranger are what forced me to stand up and brush the dirt off myself. "Have a good night?" the woman asked with a smile. The harsh light of the sun combined with the intense hangover was causing me to squint far too much. From what I could make of her as my eyes began to adjust was a foggy silhouette of a slim-framed lady with a...

2 years ago
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Mrs Franklin Teaches something new

“Kyle, you’ve failed all the tests do you want this class again?” “Not really, I just don’t get the stuff” “Then stay after for help, but that is little help to you now” “Is there any way I can make it up” asking in that pleading voice used so often in hopes of evoking sympathy. “Well there is one thing but I doubt you’ll want to do it” “I’ll do anything to pass this class” “Well then, I have had a sexual fantasy that I’ve wanted to do for a while” “Wait one sec, you want me to have sex...

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Hydro Massage Therapy

Brock always loved to see new members walk through the door of the gym. This new member was no exception. She was extremely nervous though. Oh, he was sure she did not think it was showing, but it was. The tightness in her muscles as she worked her upper quadrant gave her nervousness away. She was also self-conscious about her body. It told in her face as other members came close to her. Her eyes followed the ones that passed her and he could see her thinking. Stacie Lee wondered what all of...

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Fantasy Fulfilled

Another fact-based story. Some of the circumstances are different but the betrayal is maybe too real.In response to some folks whom don't believe it is possible to penetrate a woman's cervix: You don't know what you think you know. If you have never experienced the extreme pleasure of a 'deep fuck', then I hope you do one day.*********Neither my wife Stacey nor I were virgins when we married. Hell, we weren't even virgins when we first met! First hooking up in the late 1980's, we dated...

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My night with Meghan A dream I had

The story could be better, and there could be more dialogue. Let me know what you think. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Will. I'm a fairly average looking bisexual hispanic guy. though the girls probably don't agree. I'm 25 years old, 5' 7", and i have an olive complexion. Now that you know about me, let me tell you about my friend Meghan I'm not sure where to begin? She's maybe 5' 6-7", with a...

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TommyChapter 7

Tommy’s turn: It’s comforting, knowing Mimi. All of a sudden there’s a friend in my life who’s not threatening, who doesn’t seem bent on putting me in spaces where I don’t want to be. I mean, I’ve dated girls. At least a few. I know guys who’ve seriously dated more than I have. I know guys who’ve, in contemporary parlance (don’t you LOVE a good English education?), ‘hooked up’ with uncountable numbers. I can’t do that. I tried, with some modicum of success, at least by whatever measures one...

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Mother Introduces Daughter to Dogging

I am a woman of 46 years old, way past my prime as far as a woman goes on the scale of fertility, and it is this very infertility that had allowed me to be more open about sex and my sexual needs, becoming pregnant is no longer an option, but fucking strangers has and as far back as when I was a girl, that one fetish has burned as strong within me then, as it does now, the only difference is I go looking for sex in the form of 'Dogging', a craze some twenty years in the making, a craze that...

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40 saal ki pyasi choot

Hi dosto , ek baar muje mere boss ne apne ghar bulwaya, jab main uske ghar per phauncha to wo bola, ki main abhi kise zaroore kaam se ja raha ho, tu mera yahi wait karna, mere boss 50 saal ka tha. Main drawing room me bat kar uska wait karne laga. Tabhi uski wife, jho kii 40 saal ki hoge, waha aagye, our boli. Kuch chaiye? Main kaha, aap muje toilet ka rasta bataye. Wo muje toilet legye. Maine toilet main ja kar ander se darwaja band kar deya. Muje bhaut jor se mut laye the. Mut karne ke bad...

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Full Scat Movies

Let’s be real: Full Scat Movies ain’t exactly for everybody. Hell, it’s such a deep niche fetish that most of the big free porn tubes out there won’t even allow the stuff on their platforms. You can watch a teenage girl getting jizzed on by a couple of dozen old perverts, but God forbid you want to see a girl poop on another girl’s face and smear it around with her titties. Honestly, shit ain’t my shit either, but your ol’ friend ThePornDude certainly ain’t here to kinky shame. Nah, you know I...

Scat Porn Sites
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Magical Night With My Bhabhi

Hey everyone I’m raj from Vijayawada. I’m a handsome guy with good body everyone looks for. I’m doing my B.Tech in a reputed college. I’m a regular reader of iss. Now time had come to share my experience. You can keep in touch with me. This is my first story so please kindly excuse for any mistakes. This incident was happened one year back. I had completed my 12th standard and enjoying my holidays. Firstly I would like to say about me I’m a decent guy and I respect ladies a lot. But I’m also a...

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Irenes Missionary Adventure

This story follows on immediately from “Humiliating Oscar”. I didn't sleep well that night. Well, the day had been so… different. So different from every other day, and my mind and heart were both racing. Aside from anything else, there had been so much sex! The night before, I’d had my first orgasm, then, well Rodrigo and Oscar. Dear sweet little Oscar. He was so forgiving. My life was upside down and I really felt off balance; everything had been running around my head and I just hadn't been...

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Last Frontier IEpilogue

Now that the rewrite of "Wilderness Ordeal" is done, and "Last Frontier" (the really messed up version, in my opinion) has been re-edited to the R-Rated "Last Frontier I", Which meshes with the newer "A Wilderness Ordeal" is finished, I will complete "Last Frontier II" the sequel to "LF I", and remove the original. If anyone was reading the first "LF" at this stage, it was not that good, contrary to the vindictive ratings some of the readers are giving my re-written versions for...

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Meri Bahan 18 Saal Ki

Baat un dino ki hai jab main 19 saal ka hua karta tha aur meri bahan 18 saal ki aur us age me bhi main kaafi hosiyaar tha choot aur land ke baare me kai ladkiyaan mere land…Tale gujar chuki thi ek din subaah subaah main collage jaane ko taiyaar ho raha tha aur main jaise hi main apni choti bahan ke room me tai lene gaya tab dekha ki wo top pahan rahi thi aur neeche pink colour ki chaddi jo jaalidaar thi bahut pyaari lag rahi thi itna achha nazaara dekh kar main wahin darwaaze ki aad me ruk gaya...

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What Have I Done

This is the story of a young adult named Rick. Now, Rick is not your average 24 year old as you might expect. He goes to College just like his friends and most people his age. 3 months ago Rick got his own apartment, which was a big deal because for the last 5 years he's been living in student housing. Sharing a bathroom and toilet with 10 people. Not the ideal situation for your closet cross-dressing sissy. This story is based on my life. I remember waking up this morning...

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Cow Game With Cousin Erotic

Hi, guys, girls, and sweet aunties. I am balaji from chennai working in a software company in omr road as a software engineer finished my engineering degree and now studying mba in correspondence in madras university. This is my first story in iss and I am a regular ready in iss. I expanded the story a little because we need 1000 word to post the story in iss. Please forgive if u saw any mistakes as it is my first time. And my age is 22 years now with handsome face and fit body 6-inch cock 5.10...

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Pretty Pipers Private PerilChapter 6 The Perfect Daddy

Piper spent the rest of the day in a fugue state. She tried to do homework in class but couldn’t concentrate. She tried to take notes, but couldn’t keep up. Finals were next week, but studying for them seemed unimportant. She was quiet even as she went for a run with a few of the other JV cheerleaders after school. Finally at home and after a shower, she went down and smiled to see her father sitting on the couch reading through contracts in front of the dormant television. Dressed in pajamas...

4 years ago
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Our First Swinging House Party Ch 03

Continued from Chapter 2: Even though Yvonne acted as if she was a reluctant virgin, before she had sex with me and before we had sex with others, she was no virgin. Based on the pillow talk we had about the sex she had with other men, blowing my mind with some of the sexual things she did, I knew she was a slut. Something I didn’t know and something I could never be, with me only being 5’5′ tall, she had a sexual attraction for taller men, men 6′ and taller. Nonetheless her secret preference...

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Alipore Aunty Made My Day

I’ve been regular on indian sex stories dot net for some time now and it feels great to be around like-minded people. I have a fetish for a mature woman and never got an opportunity. I live in Kolkata. I am unmarried and I stay with my parents. My mom has a kitty and its name is Convergence. On a weekday I was not feeling well so I didn’t go to office. That day it was moms kitty. So she planned to call her friends over for lunch and continue the kitty in the den area., We stay in a G+3...

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Shellis First Date

That Special Date - Part 1 Hi, my name is Shelli. I am a 27 year old T girl now living full time as a woman. I began living full time about 3 years ago and have never looked back. I had always had an interest in woman s clothing and fashion as far back as I can remember. I had started to dress in my sister's clothes when I was in high school and never forgot the feeling. I would sometimes fake an illness so I could stay home and dress while everyone else was out - I could spend...

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Set after Splinter Of The Minds Eye, but before The Empire Strikes Back. Leia looked up in surprise as a large, bound and gagged, bundle of brown fur was thrown roughly into the cell. She sighed wearily and stood up. It had been bad enough to have been captured so easily, but then, she mused, being naked, even in front of completely non-human aliens, always put one at a disadvantage. She had been bathing on the edge of the lake, afraid to go particularly deep because she could not swim very...

4 years ago
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A long time ago

My first date with a boy would up being something I have never forgotten . He took me to a drive in porn- movie. That's when I found out how wild porn makes me. Before we left the show he had taken my panties and thrown them out in the parking lot. He kept turning a flashlight on my face so all could see who I was. He then took my bra as a trophy he said it would be. He then took my purse and went through the contents , taking my lipstick and applying it heavily to my lips, He said" I...

1 year ago
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A Slut8217s Revenge Fuck With Neighbour8217s Husband

Hi everybody. It’s Sonal, the slut again. If you haven’t read my previous stories, So, this happened a month ago. I moved out of my old apartment recently. Right opposite my block was another block and we can look into each other’s apartments if the curtain was not drawn. The women there were scared of me seducing their husbands because I was a slut. One of them talked bad about me for no reason, I did nothing to her or her husband. She called me a bitch, whore, etc. So, I decided to take...

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Her dad found her pics

“You fucker.”That was the message preview in the notification of a text from my father-in-law, Dave. The notification also indicated there was a picture, which I unlocked my phone to view.“Oh, shit” I said under my breath. My father in law had stumbled across a dressed/undressed collage of his daughter than I had posted online.While I was staring at my phone in shock, another message came in:And another:And another:Oh, fuck. He didn't just find one picture of her; he found an entire gallery of...

4 years ago
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jessicas unnoticed gangbang

Ok so im new to this whole story thing so send me feedback thanx. Ok so it was dec. 16 2011. I had just moved in to my new house so it was empty besides my bed in my room nd a table n the kitchen nd sum chairs. So as it being my new house i decided to have a little kickback (mini party). It was me and my girlfriend Jessica and my three good friends Tom, Pat, and Jas. So all five of us were in the kitchen playing kings cup. We wer on our 3rd game and Jessica was pretty wasted by then and...

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Love At Gym Ends Up In The Bed

Hey guys! This is my first experience. I’m Rahul, 20 years old from Sarjapur, Bangalore. Anyone who has suggestions or feedback or just want to have a new experience with me can contact me at So this is how it started off.. I’m 6 feet tall, built with 6 pack abs. I was a regular gym goer and one day I saw this lady in her mid 30’s working out and I just couldn’t take my eyes of her. She had really nice breasts, perfect ass. Her height was around 5’6. So I kept staring at her but she never...

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Paying It Forward

It’s been a while since we’ve had something good to write about. Once the pandemic hit, well, that pretty much killed a lot of fun to be had. Finally, here we are many months later and things are starting to change a little. Some folks are beginning to travel again, national businesses are looking to grow their customer bases, blah blah. This one came out of left field, but damn, it’s a good one. Even my wife gets hot thinking about it. As always, names are changed to protect the people who...

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Junior Sex Club 7

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey, sport," I looked down at Sandy, "I've got a hot and wet hole, too." "Sorry...I'm kind of new here...and the scenery is pretty spectacular," I answered, kneeling between the girl's thighs and reaching out to finger her cunt...probing inward for her hidden vagina. "Well, sure do seem to have a hole for me to play with," I bantered,...

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