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VALKYRIE Bjorn Ivarsson was a pretty normal boy. Normal, that is for a kid who lived in Raven Falls, Minnesota. Raven Falls, and the surrounding areas, plus much of the rest of the state, was rich in Scandinavian heritage, as the place had been settled by immigrants from that area. While of course, everyone spoke English as a matter of course, many people, especially in rural areas also spoke Danish, Swedish or Norwegian, with Icelandic (based on Old Norse) and a few other dialects well represented. Bjorn could speak fluent Danish, and was conversant in Swedish and Norwegian. He could also read all three languages and he could also read and write in Runic, both the elder and younger Futharks (dialects of the symbols). Bjorn was also well versed in the ancient lore of his ancestors, and was enthralled by tales of the Vikings, especially such figures as Ragnar Ladbrok, the legendary chieftain. Bjorn had been baptized Lutheran as a child (of which there were several denominations well represented in Minnesota) as most people in the state were, but he was likewise fascinated by the tales of the ancient Gods of Asgard, including Thor, Odin and the beautiful Freyja. Thor the Thunderer represented pure strength, Odin the Ruler of Asgard was the Lord of rune magic, and Freyja the queen of the Valkyries was the lady of Seith Magic, or shamanism. Together these three represented all the power his people possessed in ancient times, and was passed on through their blood to today. Bjorn was actually a rather slight boy, not much of an athlete. He was studious, and did enjoy exploting, especially in one of the many caves that scattered the area he lived in. While all of them were pretty well known, even used for school and scout field trips, he did enjoy walking in them and trying to find any unknown passages, though no one had found any for at least fifty years. One Saturday afternoon, he informed his parents he was going to explore Peterssons Cave, one that he had been in many times. Even though it was supposedly geologically safe, and very difficult to get lost in, it just made sense to let people know where he was going on the off chance that something did happen. He got to the entrance, switched on his headlamp and walked in. It didn't take long for him to traverse the known passages, looking at stalactites, stalagmites, columns and gleaming crystals and other natural features of the cave. After walking about three hundred yards into the main passageway, he saw something he had never seen before-a crack in the cave wall. It looked as though it had been carved out into a chamber, and then artificially covered up with a false front. Bjorn went over to it and reached out. The wall crumbled at his feet, and it opened up into a new passageway. He set up a trailfinder so anyone who followed if he got lost could find him, and entered the passage. It was short, maybe a hundred feet, and ended in a dead end, with a wooden door set into it. The door was locked simply with a wooden beam across it in brackets, and marked with a 'bindrune', a Scandinavian magical symbol, created for a specific purpose in each case. He pulled off the beam and opened the door. What surprised him was that the room was already gleaming with a bright light, with no discernable source. Bjorn walked in. What he saw stunned him into immobility for a second. Standing there was a statue of a beautiful woman with long golden hair, wearing a blue robe with an armor breastplate over the bodice. She had a winged helmet atop her tresses, and was holding a spear. What really surprised him was the diamond necklace around her throat, gleaming with its own light. "Freyja!" he exclaimed. "The goddess of love and beauty, the ruler of the Valkyries and the mistress of Seith magic". As he spoke her name and titles, even though he used English, his entire world changed. The statue opened it's eyes, smiled at him, and stepped down from it's pedestal. She spoke to him in Old Norse, which was close enough to the languages he spoke for him to understand and reply. "Bjorn Ivarrson, son of the Northlands, descended through many fathers and mothers from Lagetha, consort of Ragnar Ladbrok, King of Kattegut. In you the blood runs nearly true, and you have freed me from my long imprisonment. Have the people of the north returned to the old ways and honor us as their distant relatives and ancestors, or are they still enthralled by the priests of the WitteKrist?". (Literally 'White Christ', a term given by the Vikings to the New God from the south) "Well, goddess, here in America-the new world, we aren't so much enthralled by the clergy as voluntarily attend services. The old lands were invaded by a religious group we call Catholic, and they're still around, but here in this part of the land, most everyone is a member of a church that was started in the land called Germany, and that worship is still pretty widespread through Scandinavia. The two talked for over an hour, with him explaining what had occurred in the five centuries since she had been imprisoned, and her explaining how she had been magically imprisoned by Loki, the deceiver and enemy of Asgard, and attacker of the gods at the day of Ragnarok. He explained that there were small groups of what were called Asatruar, people mostly of the old blood who followed the Aesir and Vanir, though they were few and far between. "Even though you have been baptized as a follower of the WitteKrist, I will reward you since this was done to you as an infant, and not by choice. I give you my necklace, which will grant you great power, though there is a price. You must become our champion, and seek to eliminate the forces of Loki present in your world. And there is one more-one which I do not know if you will accept. Part of your power will be the ability to employ Seith magic, the ability to call upon aid from the spirit world. But-to do this effectively, you must be female." "Me? Become a girl? Permanently? "Yes, Bjorn, permanently. You can decline, and you will have no memory of this encounter. Or you can accept, don Brisingamen (the necklace) and become your world's champion. You will have great strength and toughness, the ability to travel through the sky, and the ability to enter the spirit world for aid. You will live a long healthy life, and be what is considered 'beautiful' here on your world. You will be a true daughter of the north. How say you?". "I say yes. I don't have much going for me as a male, and girls aren't particularly interested in me. Give up being a male for that power? No doubt about it. I assume I'll be a girl in every way, physically?" "Of course' You will be known as Kristen Ivarsdottir, and you will be fully a woman in every way. You will experience a woman's moon times, andn you will be able to bear children should you choose to. If you are decided in this, then take and don Brisingamen. The change will be immediate and permanent. Your parents will recognize you, and they will help you with a tale to explain your presence." Bjorn took the sparkling piece of jewelry, and clasped it around his neck. Immediately a change took place. He shrank slightly, his blonde hair grew long and draped his back, and breasts appeared in the proper place, and he instinctively knew his manhood had been transformed into female genitalia. His clothing also changed-Kristen (how she thought of herself now) was wearing a helmet with wings on the side (small) and a blue robe, also adorned with a breastplate. A sword hung at her waist. She also had knowledge she had not heretofore possessed-the first 17 of the 18 spells from 'The Sayings of Har', also known as the Havamal. None but Odin himself knew the 18th, but she now possessed the ability to heal, break bonds, dispel witches, speak with the dead, calm a mob and more. While spears and arrows would bounce off of her, she wasn't too sure if the ancient magic extended to bullets. She'd have to find out. The room misted over, and she found herself in the corridor, outside of the room. The corridor wall was now solid stone, the only thing that was changed was Bjorn-now Kristen-herself. The gender change had really occurred, and she was now possessed of great power, which she would have to learn to use before she actually became Earth's great hero (heroine?). She took off her helmet and breastplate, and removed the swordbelt from her waist, since appearing in the garb of a Valkyrie in 21st century America would be noticble, and carrying a sword was probably illegal anyway. The robe looked close enough to a long dress for Kristen to pass a casual inspection on the street. She made her way to Bjorn's home, hoping to find her parents there, and that what Freyja had told her was true-that her parents would recognize her and help in her integration into the town. The lady had been correct-Mr. and Mrs. Ivarsson recognized her immediately. The three had a long talk, with several topics being discussed. Kristen would be Bjorns cousin from back east, come to live in Minnesota due to her father being transferred to Saudi Arabia by the oil company he worked for. While his wife would accompany him, they had no wish to subject their daughter to the restrictions of that culture. Bjorn, meanwhile had received a scholarship to a top prep school in California, pone that boarded all of its students, even those from in-state. So the reasons for the switch were set, and hopefully the community would accept them. Next was Kristen's new role in life. It was a foregone conclusion that Kristen would need a new wardrobe, as none of Bjorns clothes would fit her or even be appropriate. While girls in the area wore all types of clothing, most of them wore skirts to school as a matter of choice. In order to fit in, Kristen would have to learn to navigate in short skirts and two inch heels, the usual wardrobe for most of the girls. She would also need a crash course in makeup, hair care and other grooming topics. She and her mother also retired out of earshop of Mr. Ivarsson for a conversation on intimate female topics, something she would have learned at about age ten had she been born a girl, but now was a necessity since she would be experiencing her first period within a few weeks. Another topic was the use of her powers, and training in how to use them. They broke down into two parts-physical and magical. She was strong, stronger than a circus strongman, though not what would be called 'super' in various movies, she could fly to some extent with great speed, approximately that of a military fighter jet. And she was tough, but not invulnerable. She could be hurt by a large enough projectily, though probably not most bullets, and she could feel intense heat, cold and electricity. And she did need to breathe. It was just a matter of learning her limits. She also had some measure of ability with her sword, though that wasn't of much use in modern day America. In tenth century Norway, she could have used It. That left her magical abilities. That broke down into three areas-Seith or shamanism, rune magic (which she would have difficult with, runes were more masculine oriented) and the seventeen spells described in the Havamal. The great saga didn't give instructions about how to employ the spells, it only described them. She would have to discover the techniques for herself. Runes she could wait on, and Seith could be attempted at any time. The first thing she needed to do was discover her Spirit Animal by entering the spirit world through a self induced trance. She decided to do that at once, as soon as she got to bed for the night. In the meantime, there was a more pressing need-her wardrobe. Her mom took her shopping at a nearby mall, though not the closest one. It didn't matter, most malls were pretty similar, and teen girls clothing shops were ubiquitous. Both the big chains and small independants, plus department stores. They would find everything a teen girl needed there-one stop shopping. Kristen's mom made a quick trip out to purchase some underthings, a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a pair of sneakers. She gave Kristen an old purse of hers, applied a little makeup to her face, and off the two women went. It was a typical shopping spree. Dillards, Macys, Boskov were all represented at the mall they chose, and Kristen wound up with several dresses, half a dozen skirts, slacks, jeans, shoes in flats, heels and sneakers and of course a few purses of her own. A trip to Victoria's Secret provided a supply on lingerie, and the Ulta store provided makeup and a lesson on how to effectively use it. The excuse was that Kristen had been a total tomboy, and had just decided that she was a girl and was going to change her image. A final stop was Claire's hfor an ear piercing and several other items normal to a sixteen year old girl, and home they went, with major damage done to the Ivarsson's Visa and American Express cards. But it was worth it-Kristen needed to be prepared to assume her role as the world's protectoress. The next morning Mrs. Ivarrson took Kristen to the school board office to get her registered for school. To add to the web of false statements, it was decided that Kristen would have been homeschooled by her mother, which would explain the lack of documentation. Through some fast talking and affirmation by both of them, the appropriate administrator decided to allow her to register at grade level for her age, and take the exact same courses Bjorn had been in, with the exception of gym class. In their town, while boys and girls were together in gym, they had separate health classes, which did require a minor schedule change. But it was managed. It was arranged for her to begin school on the following day, Tuesday. That was agreeable to all. Kristen spent the rest of the day practicing the Odinic charms, which she had a rudimentary knowledge of, but not expertise. She repeated them several times to herself, though not channeling magic into them of course. But with her dad at work, and her mom doing some grocery shopping, she decided to make her first sttemptat seith, and enter the spirit world. Perhaps she could discover her spirit animal. She sat down on her bed and cleared her mind. After a time, she began concentrating on what she wanted to do, visualizing a great door. In her mind, she went to it and easily opened it, stepping through the entrance. She found herself in a large field,. populated by animals of all sorts. She looked, with her minds eye all through the group, and saw one glowing in the distance-it was a wolf, one of the more powerful symbols of her people, and the totem of Odin, the Lord of Asgard. The wolf looked at her and the two walked towards each other. She put her arms around the wolf, and they bonded, with him telling her she could call upon him for knowledge and strength at any time. She promised to blot in the wolfs honor and to give him thanks, and the two separated, with her walking back to the door. She stepped through into her bedroom, reentered her body and woke up. She was surprised to discover that she had been in the spirit world almost three hours, it had seemed only seconds. But the rest of the day went normally for her, dinner, choosing her outfit for her first day of school as a girl, nighttime moisturizing routine, and then sleep. The next morning Kristen awoke and jumped out of bed. She wasn't frightened, there really wasn't much she WAS afraid of with her new powers. She WAS nervous, as she was hoping no one would recognize her as having been Bjorn. She had spent enough years as a male to know that every guy in school would give his eyeteeth to get close to her, and more than that if possible. She got dressed, choosing a denim mini, a blue top and her white sneakers. A matching blue band went in her hair, and a pair of sapphire blue earrings. Makeup was easy, she limited herself to foundation, blush, mascara and a dark pink lipstick, with a matching nail color already applied. She grabbed her purse and backpack and began the trek to high school. She noticed that while she was wearing Brisingamen, it seemed to change form to an ordinary pendant with a Tyr rune embossed, one commonly worn in her community. When she got there, she wasn't surprised, every eye was on her. The guys were practically drooling, and most of the girls were looking at her with curiosity and a little jealousy. Obviously she was going to be a threat, and they swore to keep their boyfriends away from her. Kristen thought to herself that they didn't have a thing to worry about, she was too newly female to worry about dating, guys in general and the high school drama that went with all that. She knew she'd have to get into the social scene sooner or later, but she had too much to do first. She had to remind herself to ask for help in finding her classes, it wouldn't do to seem to familiar with the building. As a junior, she was taking a pretty standard list of courses. First period was Pre-Calculus with Mrs. Jorgensen. Her old self had been making straight A grades in all of his math and science courses, and there was no reason that shouldn't continue. The only thing that she was worried about was period 2-girls physical education, with locker room, showers and everything any normal girl would go through. She had her Gym suit, her lingerie was cute and appropriate, so she shouldn't have any trouble. But she knew who the A list girls, the ones who supposedly ruled the school were, and she knew she's have to deal with at least one of them. And of course, the toughest, wealthiest one of the mean girls was in her gym class, and expected the other girls to give her the respect she felt she deserved. Kristen had no intention of kowtowing to a stuck up snob like that, and if she started in, Arda Fredericksson was going to wind up flat on her butt. Bjorn had never liked her anyway, and Kristen had no reason to change her mind. Kristen made her way to the girls locker room, paused, took a deep breath and opened the door into that previously forbidden sanctuary. No one was changing yet, as it was still passing time, but several girls were already there, and others were streaming in after her. She found her locker, tried the combination, and began stripping off her top and skirt. While changing into the shorts and t-shirt, she was accosted by Arda, who had a lot to say. "Hey new girl, jut swho the hell do you think you are? I'm the top of the heap in this school, everyone knows it. You have no business coming in here and acting like you're the hot little princess and getting all the boys bothered. You better learn your place, or you're gonna get yours". Arda had three other girls with her backing her up-her posse. "First of all, Arda is it? This is how I dress normally, and if it makes me look good, fine. I dress for me, not to impress the guys or make any other girls jealous. You can back off because I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I'm really not afraid of you at all". This only served to enrage the bully further, and she reached forward to grab Kristen. Quicker than any teen girl had a right to be, she shot out her hand and grabbed Arda's by the middle and pointer fingers. She bent back and was gratified to see the larger girl on her knees. Kristen could have kept it up and actually broken the digits, but she chose not to-the pain was enough. "Arda, I could have broken them, and you know it. I grabbed two fingers so they wouldn't slip in my grip. I told you I knew how to protect myself and I do. If you ever try anything like this again-or your friends-I won't stop. I'll break something. Now leave me alone. Arda and her friends scurried away to change. Happily, Kristen was in a different squad from Arda and her friends, so they didn't have to interact with each other. The class was working on volleyball, which Kristen actually enjoyed. She toned down her strength and agility so as to make it fair, and started to talk to some of the other girls, and start to make sort of friends. Once they found out she wasn't after their boyfriends anyway. Gym class, and all the other classes ended, and the day went on. She was invited to sit at a lunch table with a group of girls she had met during gym, and was introduced to some of the others, She did have an experience with one of the boys, who came up to her with one of the most clumsy and obnoxious pickup lines she had ever heard of. Rather than lose her temper and totally humiliate him, theeby making at least one enemy, she simply said that she was new, needed to get herself acclimated to the school, and wasn't interested in dating just yet. She thanked him for asking. As she walked home she had to pass the cemetary, so she decided to test out one of the spells she had learned, the one that allowed her to speak with the dead. She walked over to her grandmother's grave and spoke the charm in Old Norse, a language she now seemed to be fluent in, in addition to the others she knew. She chose her grandmother so that in case anyone saw and questioned her, she could say she was just visiting and paying her respects, since she was her grandmother as well as her cousin's. The woman's shade rose from the grave, though invisible to anyone but Kristen. She greeted her granddaughter warmly, and gave her a warning. "Granddaughter, one of the minions of Loki is a student at your school. She has been given minor magical powers by Loki and his daughter Hela, and she will soon strike out. Your fellow students will be powerless before her, even with her limited power-you could say she is a witch. Study up on the tenth charm in the words of Odin, you will need it. You can come to me whenever you wish, we are now in the spirit world, and you have the ancient power. Goodbye for now, Kristen Ivarsdottir". Kristen went home, changed out of her school clothes and into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She decided that practice with her physical abilities would serve her best just now. She couldn't chant a spell the next time Arda or one of the other girls picked on her, she would have to pretend that she was accomplished in the martial arts of some system or another. Perhaps a ranger father who taught her self defense. But she needed something to hide her true self from the rest of the student body. She went into her basement and drew her sword, deciding that weapons practice would help just now. She also decided to purchase a kicking bag or BOB in order to strengthen her strikes and kicks. She spent two hours practicing various techniques, both one and two handed. She didn't know if any of Loki's servants were accomplished in weapons, or if they just employed magic. But she had to be ready for either. And if they used weapons, she didn't know which ones they would use. Her ancestors had employed swords, hand axes, the great Danish axe, spears and knives. She had her sword, and had to develop defenses against all of those, especially if she didn't have the use of a shield, though it was likely she normally would. In a pinch, one of the charms she knew would toughen the skin to a great extent. School the next day was similar to the first, and so were most of the days after that. Whoever the servant of Loki was, she (Kristen knew that much about he adversary) so far had chosen to hide hereself well. She thought about asking for the wolf's aid, but she decided against it. Help when she needed it was one thing, but she knew she couldn't go to that well very often , or her spirit animal might grow annoyed. She'd solve her own problems whenever she could. The enemy finally revealed herself at a Friday night football game. Kristen had to appear at least at some school events, or people might grow suspicious of her. As it was, a girl as pretty as she was, not dating had already set up some red flags. Arda and her crowd had begun a rumor the Kristen was a lesbian, which she wasn't. she figured she'd be with a guy someday, but now wasn't the time. But she did have to stop the rumors, because that particular bit of high school drama was something she didn't need. So she resolved to bite the bullet and be seen in the company of a male classmate on a sort of date. That was the plan at least. Out of the corner of her eye she observed Jenna Carlson, normally a shy, mousy girl begin to glow-at least to Kristens eyes. A spirit double of the girl rose from the bleacher seat and flew onto the field, where she pointed at their school's quarterback and released a red beam of light. For no apparent reason (to the rest of the spectators anyway) the boy collapsed on the field, apparently from a heart attack or at least a concussion. Kristen wasn't slow-she sprung into action. She grasped Brisingamen, turning it into the diamond necklace, and changed into her alter-ego, the Valkyrie. Of course, no one saw this, either, as she had slipped into the spirit world herself, the better to engage the nighthag-witch in English. She drew her sword and flew towards the other girl, who drew a pair of handaxes herself. "So its to be hand to hand. Fine, I can do this". The two spirit entities clashed, weapons gleaming with magical light. Bearing two weapons, Jenna managed to strike Kristen several times, drawing a small amount of blood. Luckily, Kristen had repeated the charm that toughened her skin. She also managed to wound Jenna's spirit form. Kristen was, however getting the worse of the encounter. She did what she had been advised by her spirit grandmother to do-employ the tenth charm of the Havamal. As she fought, she chanted the charm in the old language. She actually had to do it several times before it became effective. Jenna Carlson's witch form dispelled, dissipating on the wind before Kristen could question her as to why she had performed such a meaningless bit of harm. Kristen returned to her physical body, and turned to see Jenna slumped over unconscious in her seat, with several people gathered around her, one a paramedic. She was placed in an ambulance and taken to the hospital, where she was thoroughly examined. When she awoke, she had no memory of the fight with Kristen or possessing magical powers. Kristen had removed the possession-or whatever it was from the girl's body and soul. She was glad about that. When the game was over, she went with her 'date' out for pizza with several other couples, friends of his. She knew the girls from lunch and classes already, and was acquinted with most of the boys. She even kissed her date when he dropped her off at her home after the snack, though she was NOT going to have a parking session with him-just yet. In addition to not being ready, she wasn't going to get a reputation for being a slut, a label quite easy to earn in the dog eat dog world of high school. For now she was happy, she was fitting in, acclimating to being a girl (not looking forward to her first period however) and getting used to being a champion of Asgard on Earth. She was on her way.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010 The receptionist for Gaylord Bishop, attorney-at-law, asked Jake’s party to take a seat in the waiting room. Jake sat next to Jan, gave her hand a squeeze, and sent her a surge of affection. She squeezed his hand back. After finishing with Shannon’s treatment, Jan and Jake had focused on each other, enjoying their first chance at physical intimacy since he and Ellen had gone to France. Jan had taken control of Jake’s arousal, letting him approach climax but not...

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Singles apartment complex has benefits

I got a raise at work, I was two years out of college and it was time to upgrade my can and apartment. I moved into one of the fanciest singles themed complexes in the city. It has the usual facilities; an indoor and outdoor pool, a fitness center, whirlpool, a clubhouse with bar and tennis. The big draw in the summer is the outdoor pool where the beautiful people show off.I moved in early January and began using the fitness center and indoor pool each evening. One evening as I was entering...

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Bicurious no more

I am a 40 year old man, I have a good body and have been bicurious for some time. I frequently fantasise about being with another man when I masturbate.This summer I took myself off to a Greek Island for a short break and a bit of Sun.The first evening at my hotel I felt quite tired so sat in the bar with a beer and just absorbed my environment.  The evening’s entertainment was a karaoke.  Some of my fellow guests at the hotel were good singers and they sang a few songs I quite like.One of the...

Gay Male
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Meri Chaheri Badi Bahen Ne Rat Ko Sex Kiya

Hi friends Mera naam Neeraj hai. .mai ald. Se hu ,girls ko b meri pichli story achi lagi aur wo pagal ho rahi thi ,kafi log apni jhunthi story share karke logo ko cheat karte hai but mai apko apni jindagi ko kuch haseen rato k bare me batana chahta hu. . Ye 100% true hai, mai 24 years ka hu, maine apni engineering ki padhai khatam karke Civil ki taiyari kar raha tha, aur ald. Me mere chacha ki ladki b room leke apni ek frnd k sath padhti thi, mere ghar walo ne mujhe dedi se bat karke unke pas...

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A Genius in King Arthurs Court Ch 4

Ch. 4 – The Power Within Dave awoke to the gorgeous sight of Madeleine sleeping peacefully, her head on his chest. Her red hair was a tousled mess, but his heart fluttered at the vision in his arms nonetheless. Not wanting to disturb her, he saw his open backpack in the corner and used the levitation spell to float his copy of The Once and Future King over to him. He read for a bit in the dim morning light before feeling Madeleine stir against him. “Good morning,” he whispered, kissing...

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The Pool GirlChapter 17

The airport served its functions admirably, ensuring that even the prospect of a fun trip could be crushed into tedium and misery. After making our way through all the mechanics of sorting and checking we finally found ourselves in the terminal with an hour to kill before our flight. I refused to eat anything, wanting to save my appetite for Miami. There were more restaurants to eat at than I had time for and apparently some establishments the girls were interested in were called beaches and...

2 years ago
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A Holiday in Paradise Chapter 2

Inevitably her actions raised some suspicion, although her parents were willing to cut their daughter a little slack as she was bubbly & communicative when she was with the family. However, Jim Junior was desperate to know where his sister was going and began to make his own plans as to how he could find out. Amy guessed she had found a friend, maybe even a boy, but as her daughter was so content she did not pry further, relying on Lindsay’s innate common sense to keep her out of...

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The Chains jangled

This story is a work of adult fiction, suitable for those over 18 only. No slight is intended to any current or past Scottish office holder. Some of the devices described probably exist only in the author’s imagination. The story features BDSM so may not be to all tastes. It is a sequel to an earlier story on this site called “ Tempting Faith” *** Chapter 1. Business or pleasure? Some parts of the Edinburgh Economy had dipped and there were consequences of this evident in the flow of shipping...

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Baysitter Hubby Part 1

My name is Nikky&hellip,I was molested from the age of 7 to high school. There were various situations and people at different times. I think these instances continued due to priors that made it seem to be OK for the next one to take place, but all the while knowing it was wrong. I am an African-American female & black people dont talk about being molested&hellip,hell, we dont talk about sex! Everything is on the hush or swept under the rug. This caused me emotional issues in my adolescent &...

3 years ago
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SemiNormal High School

Hi, my name is Hugh Grant Kingston III. I'm 18. My life sucks . . . sucked and it wasn't only because of my name. I was ridiculed by students at my all-football school. If you didn't play football, you were a loser. I was obsessed with BMX Biking. I was awesome at the sport. And one day at a competition, my life changed. I was tearing up the half-pipe with superman seatgrabs and 720 inverts. I finally finished my run with an average score of 98.8. Which is very good. I was approached by Mat...

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BangBus Catalina Ossa She8217ll Do Anything For Money

Catalina Ossa is visiting South Florida from her hometown but unfortunately is having a bad day. She was staying with some friends out here and they kicked her broke ass out of there for having money issues. Tragic story but luckily, the Bang Bus is always here to help. When we pulled up on her, she wasn’t in the best mood, but flashing some hundred dollar bills at her really lifted her spirits. We paid her some money to show us her tits, since she was having money issues, it wasn’t...

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Samanthas Strip PokerChapter 8 Playing for Keeps

This time it was my turn to thank her. She sat cross-legged on the floor, doing nothing to conceal her cunt from my rapt gaze. I didn't even bother to look at my cards before I agreed to see her blind. She flopped the 4-6 of clubs, and the seven of hearts. I checked and she went all in. I finally looked at my cards, and I had the three of clubs and the six of hearts. Instead of going back to rubbing my shaft through my undershorts, I pulled my tool out and started yanking on it openly in...

2 years ago
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So Night Follows DayChapter 19

“We’re buying CDs and we’re buying lingerie. We’ll put it on a charge account we’re never gonna pay. Department store, camera store, tobacco store, appliance store. You buy everything you want, and then you want more.” -Warren Zevon, “Down in the Mall“ Hi, Susan here. Mander drove Julie and I to the SeaTac Mall, where we switched cars with one of the Ultimados. Then, he drove us to the airport parking garage, where we switched cars with another before going downtown to meet...

1 year ago
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How I came to be in a luxury hotel room with no clothes, no shaving kit, and no money or I.D. as checkout time approached is a story of sexual fantasy come true with a few negative side effects. My wife had taken a flight on Friday morning to visit her sisters which guaranteed several days of non-stop talking on her part and no time to bother calling home. So, I got in our roadster with the top down and drove to a nearby city about four hours away. First, I got a suite high atop one the city’s...

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The Kings Servant

THE KING'S SERVANT By Geneva A young man, a companion of an imprisoned Scottish king, tries to use an ancient magic book to free him. The scheme is unsuccessful, but he finds other uses for the book's power. This story is set in Scotland and England in the early 1400's and follows my earlier tales of the Budrose family, "The Templar Book" and "The Green Pebble." START "Wonderful to see you again, Will!" I watched as my grandfather Andrew Budrose embraced my father. We had...

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She needed the money Chapter 8

Saying their goodbyes, and promising to return, Victor, Rhonda and Ann drove back home. The air in the car was electric. Rhonda remained quiet but Ann was buzzing. “Victor that was so unreal” she gushed “how did you ever find that place?” Victor looked in the rear vision mirror to see Ann wide eyed and obviously still turned on. “Frank advertised in an underground newspaper one of my employees had” he said “did you have fun?” An obvious question but the answer was already evident. “Oh God yes”...

3 years ago
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Showering With SisterChapter 11

Everything I related to you about that conversation between Jenn and our mother I learned in bed with Jennifer that night. My cot lay abandoned while I pressed my naked body against her smooth, nude form and let my hand wander around feeling that silky skin, which was so different from Kaylee’s. I tweaked nipples and slid a finger between slippery pussy lips. We kissed a few dozen times while she told me about it and then I mounted her to slide deep inside her. What was amazing about this,...

2 years ago
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The Ski Trip A Wedding to Plan

Reader - this story follows my first series 'A Tale of Submission for Linda' and its sequel, "The Evolution of Sub Linda." It is the fourth book in my writings about the development of a part-time crossdresser (Linda) into a full-time yet not transitioned presenting woman who is the partner and slave of her wife. This story continues some common themes from all my books (hint - the music) and has elements that were suggested by my good friend and sometimes submissive, Marci. I thank...

1 year ago
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A mother and son in love

Note : This story is completely fictional! Middle of the night and I come back from the bathroom. The bright moon light filters through the curtain, casting a soft glow on her sleeping on her back. The roar of the surf can be heard through the open window. The sheet has been tossed towards the bottom of the bed leaving just one foot covered, the toes of the other revealed. I stand beside the bed, one hand resting on the headboard and marvel at how beautiful she is. Even at 58, her beauty rivals...

4 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 56

“Am I a genius or what?” Liz asked as we cuddled up together on the cool sheets in the hotel room. “I was worried that it would be a disaster,” I admitted. “You have to admit that you’re happy to know that Skye has a tattoo,” Liz giggled. Indeed, Skye Bennett had an image of Smurfette (her childhood nickname) tattooed just beside her pubic hair. “And you got to flash your boobies to the world again,” I said. “It’s Dom and Brian,” Liz said. “I knew you wouldn’t be mad. I could have shown...

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Deputy PorterChapter 43

When I woke up, it was with a terrible thirst. There was a terribly annoying beeping sound, that wouldn't go away. I knew I was in a hospital room because of all the tubes and handing bags. What I didn't know was what day it was. There was nothing to give me a clue. I could have been in there one day, or a month. My head was covered in bandages, so I could even tell from the amount of hair on my head. Finally someone came about the beeping sound. "So you are awake, how do you feel?" the...

2 years ago
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Leon What Just Happened part 3

I was quickly aroused to wanting him in my mouth and reached to his zipper to let him know, I got the fly open and found his member with my hand – it was plenty big enough, so it was easy to find. if you know what I mean. It filled my hand and its width and heft were so exciting, I was getting hard myself. It was warm, filled my hand and had a wonderful weight. I grasped it gently, then petted it softly, as I would a little kitten or puppy. I badly wanted to be seductive for him, so I...

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Racial SwapNight 4

Chapter 7 Nina Marsdale received Eddie and Alyce Frampton at the door of their magnificent home with grace and tact, not revealing for an instant her wild adultery with Eddie. Her restraint was remarkable. She knew that she would get him into bed again before the night was over. She knew also that her husband, Clay would have Alyce. Where it would go from there was anyone’s ballgame. They moved easily into the crowded game room and were served drinks by the bartender that Alyce had seen...

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Fun at The Sex Cub

Occasionally Liz, who lives in London, likes to go to go to a members only, live sex club across town but she needs a ‘partner’ and tonight Tom is it. As required, she has booked in advance and they a due to arrive around 9pm, which is usually the busiest time. On arrival at the club they show their ID as required and go to the changing room. It is the same room for both sexes, a way of starting the ‘familiarisation’ process! Every visitor is provided with a locker, a ‘paper’ onesie and a...

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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 16

“You know,” Ric panted as he followed along behind Tony as they searched for the twins, “there’s lots o’ critters out here, an’ all we got is that crummy bow of yours.” “Don’t worry,” Tony said, talking back over his shoulder, “these arrows will slice through just about anything!” “Yeah,” Ric replied, a wry tone to his voice. “That’s why we’re not fucking Tanya right now! Did ja think maybe you should’ve used arrows appropriate to her size and weight class?” Tony stopped and turned back...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 10

The army scout opened his eyes and looked around. He couldn't see much from his prone position. His heart was pounding, forcing blood through his veins so hard he could hear the slush ... slush ... slush ... sound throbbing through his head and neck. As he tried to move, he realized that he was lying on a slant, his head halfway down into the entrance of the underground way station. Desperate for air, he gasped heavily, the hot, acrid atmosphere burning his throat and lungs as he inhaled....

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County Fair

I'm a high school senior in a small town on the east coast. My father is the vice-principal of our school and extremely strict. Because of this I wasn't the most popular girl in the class. At home my father was just as strict with me. My clothes were always out of date. My skirts long with loose fitting blouses and sweaters. The friends I did have were always trying to get me to try on make-up and wear clothes more in style. Mini-skirts were the rage but my father would expel any girl wearing...

4 years ago
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Nighty Neighbour Part 3

Having a wild rather passionate sixteen year old wanting to fuck and suck most of the time created problems. At times she seemed set on getting us caught out by either her family, my wife or c***dren she often baby sat for. I found out later from wife Sarah that she didn,t mind Tina taking a lot of pressure off her as she felt guilty that she so often was just too tired or not well enough physically to give me sex more often. And she also regretted not getting involved in a three some with us....

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FrieNdS hOt MoM

It was in spring, the end of May. I woke up feeling bad with my stomach bothering me. After my mom left for work I decided to stay home. I soon realized that Stevie (freshman, his parents and mine are good friends) was probably wondering where I was because I usually pick him up on the way school. I called up Stevie and told him about my problem and he said it was all right and his mom would take him to school. So, I was home alone. I went into the living room couch and laid down for awhile....

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 71 What Do You See

As Jessie Harper, Kate Terrence and Bjorn Erikson followed the naked Jamahl Sable around to the back of the Redsands First Congregational Church building complex Bjorn turned to Jessie and asked, “So, who is this guy and why is he worrying about this church’s problems when he doesn’t even go to the church?” Jessie Harper moved in closer to her boyfriend and replied in a sort of a whisper, “He’s just an old friend and part of the gang that meets down at the Mall every Saturday afternoon....

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Poolside Pursuit

A friend of mine was out of town enjoying some exotic adventure leaving behind an enormous, beautiful house with a huge pool and hot tub in the back yard.  Some time ago this friend had given me a key to their place for this exact circumstance.  I could use their place while they were gone.  All the normal rules applied, no wild parties, pick up after myself, and so on.  And I had no intention of using their place as a party pad anyway, I simply wanted to use the pool, and get some sun. You...

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Marwadi Milf In The Supermarket 8211 Part 2

Next day, I was sleeping late. Last night I was tired fucking Sapna hard. At morning 9, I got up with Sapna’s call. Sapna: Jaan how are you? What about today’s plan? Can we enjoy the whole day? Rocky: Yes, my dear but what about your kid? Sapna: He is going to school at 10. You come at 10.15. Rocky: Ok today I will show you heaven. Last night I couldn’t fuck you properly because for your kid. Today I will fuck you as you have never experienced such pleasure. Sapna: Let’s see. After last...

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Becoming a man Part 3

After I ,yet again take matters in my on hands, I get dressed and go out into the yard to help my dad. While working in the yard,I can't stop thinking about what happened between me and Jessica. It's now the afternoon, we have been working nonstop, cutting grass, trimming hedges and tree limbs. Jessica comes walking out, bringing my dad and I glasses of ice cold water. We take a break from working and are standing together drinking the water. She looks at my dad and tells him that it's getting...

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Altered Fates Lord Peters Problem

Lord's Peter's Problem By Pyrite modified by Eric Part 1 "Drastic means call for drastic measures," thought Peter DeVries. It was 'Lord' Peter DeVries actually, an Englishman living in LA. He had to admit the climate Waa better. But then almost any climate was better than England's. Peter smiled wryly, The French to this day swear the reason England cologized and conquered most of the wotrld was that Englishmen couldn't wait to get away from England and Frenchmen hated to leave...

4 years ago
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The First Extra Solar GenerationChapter 8 Commissioning the Typhon

Welcome to The good ship Typhon. A wholly owned subsidiary of the Miranda corporation. Merry and I were over eighty and looked to be somewhere around eighteen. Biologically we were eighteen. After the Typhon succeeded in her commissioning tests Merry and I signed on as the heads of engineering and medical, respectively. Our captain was George O'Neill, a detail-oriented, no-nonsense captain from his soles to his hair. He was astounded that I had so many patents on field generators. When he...

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Oil massage

I open my door and greet you immediately with a long passionate kiss, my hands in your hair pulling you down to me..As I break it off, you smile and say to me, "Well I missed you too.."I laugh and take your hand, pulling you into the bedroom.  I know we have all night but I can’t wait to feel your body against mine..  As we walk into the room, the lights are soft and there is candle light everywhere..  The bed has a sheet on top of it.  You put your arms around me as run my hands up your chest...

3 years ago
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Shhhh Eeessy

Pcpchhh…tptpchh… pupchhhh….’ sucking sounds brought me half-awake … “…it is the sound of female nipples popping out of male lips…” I recognized… from experience… ‘…are they mine…if yes, who is the sucker…’ I tried to open my eyes and check…as they refused to cooperate, I checked with my fingers … my breasts were unoccupied… ‘…then who’s …’I tried to guess… ‘Pcpchhh…tptpchh… sounds are coming from my left…’…I realized a moment later….Shhhh….eeesy… they may wakeup darling…’ hush-hush pleads of a...

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Judys story

My "name" is Judy Edwards. I'm a 72-year-old, used-to-be cross dresser. I consider myself to be a straight male; but when I cross dress, I think of myself mostly as a lesbian, although I also have had some pleasant times with other men. I prefer women. This is my story, from the very first time I ever put on any women's clothing to now, the time I have decided to purge for the last time - finality. This is my true story. The first time was an event for which I have no explanation...

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Pregnant Patty

Patty and I have lived next door to each other since we were born. She was an only child while I had a younger brother Timmy. She was quite a tomboy so when we were preadolescents we three did everything together. That included playing “doctor” in the treehouse my dad built for us quite a way back in our big yard. We examined each other’s parts and she thought our little stiffies were cute. We were all fascinated by the way the other kind peed and played a few games with that as part of our...

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Bad News Becomes Good NewsChapter 2

"Rance, let the fact I'm a little more experienced than you work in your favor. I'm not picking on you, really." She said as she attached her mouth to mine and I had the sexiest kiss I ever had. Her body was so warm on mine as she squirmed on top of me. I felt my cock rest in the crack of her as a few times and her wonderful breasts squishing and expanding over my chest. They were so big when she laid this way and when she pressed herself top me they spread out like a marshmallow pressed...

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The Djinn and I Chapter 11 Day 7 and Day 8

Chapter 11 Day 7 Rain, Rain Go Away and Day 8 - Saturday, Saturday, Saturday! Friday The string of nice days had played itself out and a day of rain was forecasted and it was going to be an all-day soaker. Dylan and Delta spent most of the day training, meditating and practicing. Everything went a bit smoother, once Delta explained to Dylan who his sister was in the magical world as a council member for the Council of the Arcane Arts which the Djinns thought were a pretty useless as...

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Having Sex with my Boyfriends friend

I use to tease my boyfriend and his friends. I didn’t know I would end up fucking one of them.. My boyfriend Nick would bring a friend over and they would play video games. So I thought it would be fun to put on a nightgown that was about 3 inches above my knees and walk around the apartment. I wanted to see if I could get there attention. I know Nick’s friend Don would stare at me while I walk around, because Don kept losing at some games. Nick would had other friends over, but Don was about...

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EroticaX Marica Hase Abella Danger Pure Desire

Marica is into women. Loves how they feel, their sensuality, their wonderful curses, and softness. She loves their breasts, their soft, wet, warm pussies. But she likes good, hard cock too. Loves how it can pound into her, and gets her off in a way a woman can’t. But all that creates quite a dilemma. Plus, she’s just started seeing a new guy, whom she loves and adores, but doesn’t want her girlfriend, Abella to be left out. So she sets up a meeting, to see if they’re...

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Parker luck0

Not only did the girls agree to it, but while Parker set up some space in their apartment for shooting, Ashley and Sarah went out to pick up some extra special lingerie for the occasion, promising it was going to be amazing. He prepared himself as best he could, setting up lighting and taking a few test shots to make sure he had everything right where he wanted it, already planning out scenes and shots in his mind but knowing his devious friends were both likely to have their own ideas and...

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